What is BTC SegWit and Its Impact on Transaction Fees

Posted on In Blockchain, Systems, Systems 101, Tutorial

Segregated Witness (SegWit) is a protocol upgrade for Bitcoin that enhances its scalability and transaction efficiency. Introduced in 2017, SegWit addresses several limitations of the original Bitcoin protocol, including transaction malleability and block size constraints.

Understanding SegWit

What is SegWit?

SegWit stands for “Segregated Witness,” referring to the separation of signature data from transaction data. This modification allows for more efficient use of block space and improves the Bitcoin network’s overall functionality.

Key Features

  1. Transaction Malleability Fix: By moving signatures (witness data) outside the main transaction structure, SegWit prevents changes to the transaction ID (TXID) after signing, enhancing security and reliability.
  2. Increased Block Capacity: SegWit transactions are smaller in size, allowing more transactions to fit within a block, effectively increasing the block size limit.
  3. Backward Compatibility: SegWit is implemented as a soft fork, meaning it is backward compatible with legacy systems.

SegWit Transaction Structure

SegWit vs. Legacy Transactions

Legacy Transaction Structure

  • Includes Signature Data: Signature data is part of the main transaction.
  • Larger Size: Since all data is included, transactions are generally larger.

SegWit Transaction Structure

  • Separate Witness Data: Signatures are stored separately, reducing the size of the main transaction data.
  • Efficient Use of Block Space: Smaller effective size, allowing more transactions per block.

Example Comparison

Legacy Transaction

Version: 02000000
Input Count: 01
  TXID: e3c0e1b8...
  Vout: 00000000
  ScriptSig Length: 6b
  ScriptSig: 4830450221...
  Sequence: ffffffff
Output Count: 01
  Value: 00e1f50500000000
  ScriptPubKey Length: 19
  ScriptPubKey: 76a91489abc...
Locktime: 00000000

SegWit Transaction

Version: 02000000
Flag: 0001
Input Count: 01
  TXID: e3c0e1b8...
  Vout: 00000000
  Sequence: ffffffff
Output Count: 01
  Value: 00e1f50500000000
  ScriptPubKey Length: 19
  ScriptPubKey: 76a91489abc...
  Witness Count: 02
  Witness Data: 0247304402...
Locktime: 00000000

Impact on Transaction Fees

How SegWit Reduces Fees

  1. Reduced Transaction Size:

    • SegWit transactions utilize a new measurement unit called “weight units.”
    • A block can contain up to 4 million weight units, allowing for more efficient packing of transactions.
  2. Fee Calculation:
    • Fees are based on the size of the transaction in bytes.
    • SegWit transactions, being smaller, incur lower fees compared to equivalent legacy transactions.

Example of Fee Savings

Consider a transaction with several inputs and outputs:

  • Legacy Transaction: Larger byte size leads to higher fees.
  • SegWit Transaction: Smaller byte size results in reduced fees, as the witness data is discounted in terms of weight.

Incentives for SegWit Adoption

  • Lower Fees: Users are incentivized to adopt SegWit to benefit from lower fees during network congestion.
  • Network Efficiency: More SegWit transactions improve overall network efficiency, stabilizing fees.


SegWit is a crucial upgrade for Bitcoin, addressing transaction malleability and enhancing scalability. By reducing transaction size and lowering fees, SegWit offers significant benefits over legacy transactions. As more users adopt SegWit, the Bitcoin network becomes more efficient and robust, paving the way for future innovations.

Eric Ma

Eric is a systems guy. Eric is interested in building high-performance and scalable distributed systems and related technologies. The views or opinions expressed here are solely Eric's own and do not necessarily represent those of any third parties.

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