Vim + cgdb
Posted on In Linux, ProgrammingI begin to use vim for programming. I like the tools that focus on one function. I used to use emacs. But I think I like vim more.
For debugging, I use gdb. But I use the front end cgdb. I can see the codes with the cursor when debugging. I can use F8 for next instead of n + enter. And F10 for step instead of s + enter. i is the key for enter gdb command mode. And ESC can change the user to command mode. But ESC is too far away from my finger, so I prefer “Ctrl + [” to ESC ;)
My configuration files can be found here if they are useful for someone:
In the config file of cgdb:
“set winsplit=top_big: is for letting the code window bigger than the gdb command windows, which is convenient for debugging.
A list of useful cgdb shortcuts:
Send a run command to GDB.
Send a continue command to GDB.
Send a finish command to GDB.
Send a next command to GDB.
Send a step command to GDB.
Sets a breakpoint at the current line number.
Sets a temporary breakpoint at the current line number.
Puts the user into "GDB mode".
Puts the user into "TTY mode".
These short cuts is available in cgdb 0.6.5.
Updated on Apr. 2 2010. Short cuts are added.