Understanding the Paxos Consensus Algorithm

Posted on In Computing systems, Systems, Systems 101, Tutorial

The Paxos consensus algorithm is a fundamental concept in distributed computing that ensures a group of distributed systems can agree on a single value, even in the presence of failures. Developed by Leslie Lamport, Paxos is widely used in systems where consistency and fault tolerance are critical, such as databases and distributed ledgers.

Consensus Problem

The goal of the consensus problem is to agree on a single value among distributed processes (or nodes), despite the possibility of some nodes failing. This is crucial for maintaining consistency in distributed systems.

Roles in Paxos

Paxos involves three main roles:

  • Proposers: Nodes that propose values to be agreed upon.
  • Acceptors: Nodes that receive proposals and participate in the voting process.
  • Learners: Nodes that learn the chosen value once consensus is reached.

Phases of Paxos

Paxos operates in two main phases:

Phase 1: Prepare and Promise

  • Prepare Request: A proposer selects a proposal number n and sends a prepare request to a majority of acceptors.
  • Promise Response: Each acceptor responds with a promise not to accept any proposal with a number less than n. If the acceptor has already accepted a proposal, it includes the highest-numbered proposal it has accepted.

Phase 2: Propose and Accept

  • Propose Request: If the proposer receives a promise from a majority of acceptors, it sends an accept request to those acceptors with the value it wants to propose.
  • Accept Response: Acceptors can accept the proposal if they haven’t promised a higher-numbered proposal. Once a majority of acceptors accept, the proposal is chosen.

Safety and Liveness Guarantees

  • Safety: Paxos guarantees that only one value is chosen. This is ensured by the requirement that a majority of acceptors must agree on a proposal, preventing conflicting values from being chosen.
  • Liveness: Paxos can make progress as long as a majority of nodes are operational and can communicate with each other.

Challenges in Paxos

  • Complexity: The basic Paxos algorithm can be difficult to understand and implement due to its intricate message-passing and state management requirements.
  • Performance: Paxos can be inefficient in terms of latency and throughput, especially in large-scale systems, because it requires multiple rounds of communication.
  • Leader Election: In practice, many implementations use a leader-based approach to streamline operations, such as Multi-Paxos, which reduces the overhead of repeated consensus rounds.

Variants of Paxos

  • Multi-Paxos: Multi-Paxos optimizes the Paxos algorithm for scenarios where multiple values need to be agreed upon over time. It elects a stable leader to handle multiple consensus decisions, reducing the overhead of repeated leader elections.
  • Fast Paxos: Fast Paxos reduces the number of communication steps required to reach consensus but at the cost of additional complexity and potential increase in conflicting proposals.
  • EPaxos: EPaxos (Egalitarian Paxos) aims to improve the performance of Paxos by allowing any node to act as a leader and optimizes for scenarios with high contention.

Practical Applications

Paxos is used in systems where consistency and fault tolerance are critical:

  • Distributed Databases: Google Spanner and Amazon DynamoDB use variants of Paxos for data consistency.
  • Distributed Filesystems: Systems like Chubby use Paxos for lock service coordination.
  • Blockchain: Some blockchain protocols incorporate concepts from Paxos for achieving consensus.


The Paxos consensus algorithm is a cornerstone of distributed systems, providing a robust method for achieving agreement across unreliable nodes. Its design ensures safety and liveness, though it requires careful handling of complexity and performance. Understanding Paxos is essential for building reliable distributed systems that require strong consistency guarantees.

Eric Ma

Eric is a systems guy. Eric is interested in building high-performance and scalable distributed systems and related technologies. The views or opinions expressed here are solely Eric's own and do not necessarily represent those of any third parties.

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