Understanding Cloud Storage Consistency Models

Posted on In Systems, Systems 101, Tutorial

Cloud storage systems utilize various consistency models to balance performance, availability, and data accuracy. This article explores these models, their trade-offs, and examples of systems using them. We’ll also discuss the CAP theorem and its implications.

Consistency Models

Strong Consistency

  • Definition: Guarantees that any read operation returns the most recent write for a given piece of data.
  • Use Case: Ideal for applications requiring strict data accuracy, such as financial transactions.
  • Example: Google Cloud Spanner provides strong consistency by synchronizing data across distributed nodes using a global clock.
  • Trade-offs: Higher latency and reduced availability due to the need for coordination between distributed nodes.

Causal Consistency

  • Definition: Guarantees that causally related operations are seen by all nodes in the same order.
  • Use Case: Useful for collaborative applications where the order of operations matters, such as version control systems.
  • Example: COPS (Cluster of Order-Preserving Servers) ensures causal consistency across distributed nodes.
  • Trade-offs: Requires tracking causal relationships, increasing complexity and overhead.

Read-Your-Writes Consistency

  • Definition: Ensures that once a write is performed, all subsequent reads will reflect that write.
  • Use Case: Ideal for interactive applications where users expect immediate reflection of their actions.
  • Example: MongoDB provides read-your-writes consistency within a session, ensuring users see their updates immediately.
  • Trade-offs: May require session tracking to ensure consistency at the user level.

Monotonic Read Consistency

  • Definition: Guarantees that if a process reads a value, it will never see an older value in subsequent reads.
  • Use Case: Suitable for applications that can tolerate delays but not regressions, like caching systems.
  • Example: Azure Cosmos DB can be configured for monotonic read consistency, maintaining the order of reads.
  • Trade-offs: Can increase complexity in distributed settings to ensure the order of reads.

Monotonic Write Consistency

  • Definition: Ensures that write operations by a single process are observed in the order they were issued.
  • Use Case: Important in systems where the order of operations is crucial, like logging systems.
  • Example: Riak can be configured to provide monotonic write consistency through careful conflict resolution.
  • Trade-offs: Requires synchronization mechanisms to maintain the order across distributed nodes.

Eventual Consistency

  • Definition: Ensures that, in the absence of new updates, all accesses will eventually return the last updated value.
  • Use Case: Suitable for applications where immediate consistency is not critical, like social media feeds.
  • Example: Amazon DynamoDB uses eventual consistency, allowing for low-latency operations by accepting temporary inconsistencies.
  • Trade-offs: Lower latency and higher availability, but temporary inconsistencies can occur.

CAP Theorem

The CAP theorem, formulated by Eric Brewer, states that a distributed data store can only provide two out of the following three guarantees simultaneously:

  • Consistency: Every read receives the most recent write or an error.
  • Availability: Every request receives a response, without guarantee that it contains the most recent write.
  • Partition Tolerance: The system continues to operate despite an arbitrary number of messages being dropped or delayed by the network between nodes.


  • Strong Consistency: Often sacrifices availability, especially during network partitions.
  • Eventual Consistency: Prioritizes availability and partition tolerance, allowing temporary inconsistencies.
  • Design Choices: Systems must decide which guarantees to prioritize based on application needs.

Differences and Considerations

Latency vs. Consistency

  • Strong Consistency: Higher latency due to coordination and locking.
  • Eventual Consistency: Lower latency by allowing temporary inconsistencies.


  • Strong Consistency: Might sacrifice availability during partitions.
  • Eventual Consistency: Provides higher availability even during network issues.


  • Causal & Monotonic Consistency: Introduce overhead for tracking dependencies and maintaining order.
  • Eventual Consistency: Easier to implement but may require application-level conflict resolution.

Use Cases

  • Strong Consistency: Favored by financial and critical systems for correctness.
  • Eventual/Causal Consistency: Preferred by social media, caching, and collaborative platforms for performance.

Understanding these models and the CAP theorem helps in choosing the right consistency approach based on application needs, balancing data accuracy, performance, and system complexity.

Eric Ma

Eric is a systems guy. Eric is interested in building high-performance and scalable distributed systems and related technologies. The views or opinions expressed here are solely Eric's own and do not necessarily represent those of any third parties.

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