This post summarizes new features, bugfixes and changes in Linux kernel release 4.19.70. Linux 4.19.70 Release contains 95 changes, patches or new features. In total, there are 101,521 lines of Linux source code changed/added in Linux 4.19.70 release compared to Linux 4.19 release. To view the source code of Linux 4.19.70 kernel release online, please
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Tag: systems
How to Make iPhone with iOS 13 Faster
Posted onAfter the recent iOS upgrading to version 13, many older iPhones such as iPhone 8 turn to be running slower, although there are many new features. New features and functions use more CPU/GPU/memory and the iOS may run slower. But are there any methods to make it run faster? After quite some research and testing,
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What can we expect in Java update 2019?
Posted onJava is the most regularly used programming language for the creation of web applications. This high-level programming language develops by the Sun Micro-system. This language was designed for use in the world of internet and known for fastest, secure, and most reliable language of the computing platform. One interesting fact is that Java programmers are
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Do big data stream processing in the stream way
Posted onReading: Years in Big Data. Months with Apache Flink. 5 Early Observations With Stream Processing: The article suggest adopting the right solution, Flink, for big data processing. Flink is interesting and built for stream processing. The broader view and take away may be to solve problems using the right solution. We saw many painful
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How to synchronize Google Drive and Google Docs files in Ubuntu/Debian/Mint Linux using Insync
Posted onGoogle Drive is a nice cloud storage service. It provides a suite of nice online document spreadsheet and slide editors Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides. The collaborative editing and full history tracking features of Google Docs are excellent. Google Drive gives 16GB free storage which is pretty much larger compared to other free
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File system Inode flags: difference between FS_IOC_GETFLAGS and FS_IOC_FSGETXATT
Posted onWhat is the difference between FS_IOC_GETFLAGS and FS_IOC_FSGETXATTR ioctl commands? What flags do both return? The comment in fs.h is clear enough to explain itself. In short, FS_IOC_GETFLAGS was for ext2/ext3 only, and FS_IOC_FSGETXATTR is a generic FS level interface. Full comment as follows for your reference (source): /* * Inode flags (FS_IOC_GETFLAGS / FS_IOC_SETFLAGS)
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What are the differences between BIOS and UEFI?
Posted onBIOS: Basic Input Output Systems UEFI: Unified Extensible Firmware Interface UEFI is the advanced BIOS, which solves some limitations in BIOS such as 1, 16-bit processor mode; 2, 1 MB addressable space and PC AT hardware. References:
how to list and delete shared memory in linux?
Posted onhow to list and delete shared memory in linux? List all shared memories in your Linux Systems > $ ipcs -m Delete specific one > $ ipcrm -M 0x0001869c
What are the differences between NUMA architecture and SMP architecture?
Posted onNUMA Architecture: Non-Uniform Memory Access architecture. SMP: Symmetric Multiprocessing architecture. In a Symmetric Multiprocessor, the architectural “distance” to any memory location is the same for all processors, i.e. “symmetric”. In a NonUniform Memory Access machine, each processor is “closer” to some memory locations than others; i.e. memory is partitioned among them Asymmetrically. From my understanding,
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Why do I need to run latex/bibtex three times to make everything look good?
Posted onWhy does latex need to be executed 3 times like following? pdflatex main.tex bibtex main pdflatex main.tex pdflatex main.tex Copied from The reason is as follows: 1, At the first latex run, all cite{…} arguments are written in the file document.aux. 2, At the bibtex run, this information is taken by bibtex and the
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What is the difference between work conserving I/O scheduler and non-work conserving I/O scheduler?
Posted onWhat is the difference between work conserving I/O scheduler and non-work conserving I/O scheduler? In a work-conserving mode, the scheduler must choose one of the pending requests, if any, to dispatch, even if the pending requests are far away from the current disk head position. The rationale for non-work-conserving schedulers, such as the anticipatory scheduler
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How to check interrupts lively in your systems?
Posted onI need to see what kind of interrupts are handled by which CPU. Please run command: # cat /proc/interrupts or you can execute $ watch -n1 “cat /proc/interrupts” to watch interrupts every 1 second. See [1] [2] for more details. References: [1] [2]
How to flush STDOUT buffer in Python?
Posted onHow to flush the STDOUT buffer in Python so that the content wrote to STDOUT is shown immediately? Call the flush library function on sys.stdout which is the STDOUT: import sys sys.stdout.flush() From python doc: flush() Flush the write buffers of the stream if applicable. This does nothing for read-only and non-blocking streams. If you
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How to tune systems to achieve high performance in virtualization circumstances?
Posted onMost time, we need to tune system parameters to achieve better performance but what the general parameters to be tuned in Linux systems. I think you may want to add following parameters to Kernel boot (/etc/default/grub) parameters intel_idle.max_cstate=0 processor.max_cstate=0 idle=poll intel_pstate=disable At the same time, you may also want to shutdown/open Pause Loop Exiting (PLE).
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How to limit a user’s CPU resources in Linux Systems
Posted onWhen you use a server with other users, you might want to limit other users’ CPU resources for some specific aims. Cgroup has lots of parameters we can use to control computer resources. For CPU resources, you can tune cpu.shares parameter to limit users’ CPU resources. To be more precise, change directory to /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/user and
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How to make iptables/ip6tables configurations permanent across reboot on CentOS 7 Linux?
Posted onHow to make iptables/ip6tables configurations permanent across reboot on CentOS 7 Linux? CentOS 7 uses FirewallD by default. If you would like to manage iptables/ip6tables rules directly without using FirewallD, you may use the old good iptables-services service which will load the iptables/ip6tables rules saved in /etc/sysconfig/iptables and /etc/sysconfig/ip6tables when it is started during boot
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Getting Epoch Timestamp in C
Posted onIn C, how to get the epoch timestamp, the number of seconds passed since the epoch? In C, from man 7 time: UNIX systems represent time in seconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC). A program can determine the calendar time using gettimeofday(2), which returns time (in seconds and microseconds) that have elapsed since
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How to do a good research in system field?
Posted onWe may need to check some materials about how to do good research in system field if you a Ph.D. focusing on system research. Some references: 1, How to write a good systems paper 2, How to be a good graduate student 3, Doing a System Ph.D. 4, Giving an Academic Talk Welcome to add
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encfs on CentOS 6 can’t mount as normal user
Posted onOn CentOS 7, using a normal user, encfs works just well. On CentOS 6, using the root user, encfs works. However, the problem is, on CentOS 6, using a normal user account, encfs does not work as on CentOS 7. $ encfs -s ~/t/.enc ~/t/enc EncFS Password: fuse: failed to exec fusermount: Permission denied fuse
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Ubuntu’s GUI response is very slow
Posted onFor Dell PowerEdge T630 server, if you install latest Ubuntu desktop version (16.04) or (14.04), you will get a very slow GUI (X-window). $ inxi -G Graphics: Card: Matrox Systems G200eR2 1.15.1 driver: vesa tty size: 205×58 Advanced Data: N/A out of X For Ubuntu 14.04.1, this problem can be solved by following steps.
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