Linux Kernel: fs: handle SEEK_HOLE/SEEK_DATA properly in all fs’s that define their own llseek

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This change “fs: handle SEEK_HOLE/SEEK_DATA properly in all fs’s that define their own llseek” (commit 06222e4) in Linux kernel is authored by Josef Bacik <josef [at]> on Mon Jul 18 13:21:38 2011 -0400. Description of “fs: handle SEEK_HOLE/SEEK_DATA properly in all fs’s that define their own llseek” The change “fs: handle SEEK_HOLE/SEEK_DATA properly in
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Compress PNG Images on Linux

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PNG images already use DEFLATE data compression algorithm involving a combination of LZ77 and Huffman coding. But the PNG images can be further compressed by removing non-important metadata or using lossy compression to save storage space and/or data transfer bandwidth. In this post, we introduce 2 compression ways with tools available on Linux. Lossless compression
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Dynamics 365 Developer Extension is Now Working in Visual Studio 2017

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I don’t know why Jason Lattimer’s D365DeveloperExensions no more working after VS 2017 release? It seems D365DeveloperExtensions anymore supported for newer Visual Studio version. I am pretty much sure, some of you may be still struggling with installing Dynamics 355 Developer extension for your Visual Studio 2017 community or professional edition. Not sure why this tool has been
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Installing Zlib from Source Code in Ubuntu Linux

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Zlib is a popular open-source compression library used by many software applications to compress and decompress data. While it can be installed in Ubuntu using the apt package manager, you may need to install it from the source code if the version available in the Ubuntu repositories is outdated or if you need to customize
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How to upgrade vim to version 8 on CentOS 7?

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vim on CentOS 7 is version 7.4 with patches 1-160: $ vim –version VIM – Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Dec 21 2016 17:00:20) Included patches: 1-160 How to upgrade it to version 8 which is the latest major version? Update on Oct 23 2018: the repository introduced in the original method is
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How to use encfs in Android?

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Is encfs available in an Android phone? You may try Encdroid a piece of free software released under the GNU General Public License. It is an Android application. It can access EncFS volumes on cloud storage or internal/USB storage devices. Google Play Store Link: Source code:

Where is the source code for the free command on Linux?

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Where can I find the source code for the free command on Linux? The source code for the free commands (and many more, like kill, ps, top, sysctl) can be found in procps-ng: procps is a set of command line and full-screen utilities that provide information out of the pseudo-filesystem most commonly located at
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How to download a rtmp stream on Linux?

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How to download a rtmp video stream on Linux? You can use mplayer to dump the rtmp stream like: mplayer -dumpstream rtmp:// It will generate ./stream.dump and you can rename it to the file with the extension you need like stream.mp4. The rtmp link usually can be found from the HTML or JavaScript source code
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How to detect memory leaks of C programs in Linux?

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How to detect memory leaks of C programs in Linux? I also have access to the source code of the program. There are many posts related to this: Easy and quick tools on Linux (while not very accurate): Valgrind: manual and a tutorial. gperftools has the Google Heap Profiler which can checks for memory
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How to convert A4 paper format to read on Kindle 5

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Kindle is good for reading. However, the A4-size technical/academic paper is pain to read on Kindle 5—the fonts are too small. The “email to Kindl” converting tool provided by Amazon usually loses the formats in the technical paper. How to convert A4 paper format to read on Kindle 5? I use k2pdfopt tool (hey, source
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Question2answer: show excerpt in the RSS feed

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There is a “Include full text in feeds:” option in the “RSS feeds” configuration panel but no options/method to only show excerpt instead of the “full text” or nothing for RSS feeds. This need to hack the question2answer source code. Details are in the answer. The changes based on Question2asnwer 1.5.4: diff –git a/qa-include/qa-index.php b/qa-include/qa-index.php
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How to use OCaml as a script language?

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How to use OCaml as a script language like bash and python? It will be good that I can write a script in OCaml and directly invoke it. For example, I write a script named “” and then I can invoke it directly by $ ./ Thanks! Three helloworld scripts: #! /usr/bin/env ocaml print_string
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How to install .deb packages on Fedora?

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I come across some closed source software that only provides .deb packages. Fedora manages packages with rpm/yum. How to install the .deb packages on Fedora? Alien is a tool to convert .deb package to .rpm package: In latest Fedora, the tool alien is in Fedora’s repository. You can use dnf to install the package.
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SQL layers on NoSQL databases

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What are the SQL layer solution over NoSQL databases such as key/value stores? Phoenix: A SQL layer on HBase: They also show some performance results: F1 – The Fault-Tolerant Distributed RDBMS Supporting Google’s Ad Business: With F1, we have built a novel hybrid system that combines the scalability, fault tolerance, transparent sharding,
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Installing Latex and Compiling a Latex Docuent in Linux

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Latex is a popular document preparation system that is widely used for creating scientific and technical documents. Compiling Latex documents on Linux is a straightforward process that requires only a few Latex packages and a set of commands. By following the steps outlined in this post, you can easily compile Latex documents on your Linux
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How to Implement Hibernate Envers in an Application

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Technology Hibernate Envers is the frameworks for auditing entities. As the name suggests Hibernate Envers is developed on top of Hibernate, it will on Hibernate and Hibernate implemented JPA. Hibernate Envers provides easy auditing, versioning solution for entity classes. Advantages of Hibernate Envers: Auditing of all mappings defined by JPA specification. Auditing Hibernate specific mappings
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Building and Installing Linux Kernel from the Source Code in an Existing Linux OS

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Building Linux kernel may sound a complex and geek-only thing. However, as Linux kernel itself has much less depended tools/packages compared to other software packages, it is quite easy to compile, build and install a Linux kernel from the source code in an existing Linux OS. Building Linux kernel is needed if you need to
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Spring Shell Technology For Java development

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This post is about the Spring Shell technology and its use in java. Experts of java development India have shared their best knowledge in this post for Spring Shell with the community people. If you have anything to ask, do it at the end. Technology: It is command line tool for Java applications to interact
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