How to Migrate RSS Feed Readling List from Feedly to

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Having a reading list from RSS feeds is a convenient way to organize and aggregate various information source from the Web. After Google Reader was retired, many different readers services are available. Feedly and are two good choices among those RSS feed readers. Different readers have different features. provides features like keyword filtering
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Redirect Feed Links to using .htaccess

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Feedburner used to a powerful tool for RSS feeds publishing and subscriber management. However, feedburner will unlikely leave its maintenance mode because there has been no new features yet less features for quite some years. But RSS feed is still an important part of the Web supported by many software such as WordPress. is
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How to automatically post blog RSS feed to Google plus pages?

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I have a blog with RSS feeds. Feeding to twitter and facebook is supported by many tools. But for the Google plus page, it seems not straightforward. How to automatically post blog RSS feed to Google plus pages? You can use Hootsuite to post blogs through RSS feeds to your Google plus pages. First, register
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Filter away non-printable ASCII characters on Linux?

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Sometimes the commands’ output have some non-printable ASCII characters. How to filter away these non-printable ASCII characters on Linux? You can consider the problem as “how to leave only printable ascii characters?”. The printable characters in ASCII table are: Octal 011: Tab Octal 012: Line Feed Octal 015: Carriage Return Octal 040 to 176: printable
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Question2answer: show excerpt in the RSS feed

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There is a “Include full text in feeds:” option in the “RSS feeds” configuration panel but no options/method to only show excerpt instead of the “full text” or nothing for RSS feeds. This need to hack the question2answer source code. Details are in the answer. The changes based on Question2asnwer 1.5.4: diff –git a/qa-include/qa-index.php b/qa-include/qa-index.php
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Set Chrome RSS Subscription Extension to Subscribe to RSS feed using Feedly

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How to set Chrome RSS Subscription Extension so that I can subscribe to RSS feed using Feedly? Both tools are great and it will be better to combine them together. The link in feedly to subscribe a RSS feed (e.g. ) is: We can replace the RSS feed URL with a %s in
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Reference: Special HTML Characters

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HTML supports many characters/symbols such as mathematical symbols, and currency symbols. They are not present on a normal keyboard. And some of these characters may have special meanings for formatting text. To add such characters / symbols to an HTML text, you can use an HTML entity name or an entity number in decimal or
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Tutorial Video for “PHP Function for Fetching RSS Feed and Outputting Feed Items as HTML”

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After the post Fetching RSS Feed and Outputing Feed Items as HTML in PHP was originally published, there are some updates such as adding a simple RSS feed caching mechanism and supporting scanning content parts of the feed items for images. Recently, Webucator makes a great tutorial video on introducing the RSS to HTML PHP
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Fetching RSS Feed and Outputing Feed Items as HTML in PHP

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It is useful to show the feed items directly on the webpage as HTML content. In this ost, we will show one single PHP function that fetches an RSS feed and outputs the feed items as HTML elements in the web page. One example to fetch an RSS feed and output the itmes as HTML
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ASCII Table and ASCII Code

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This post gives the ASCII table and ASCII code with ASCII control characters and ASCII printable characters and a tool to convert ASCII codes to ASCII characters. Introduction to ASCII table and ASCII code ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. An ASCII code is the numerical representation of a character since computers
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RGBlite WordPress Theme

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About RGBlite Theme RGBlite Theme is a simple and light-weight theme for WordPress. RGBlite Theme provides a green-red-blue mixed style, bright view and fast rendering experience to the users. RGBlite Theme passes W3C XHTML 1.0 and W3C CSS level 3 validation. This theme works well on WordPress 2.9.x and WordPress 3.0. RGBlite theme is among
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How to Redirect WordPress Feed to Feedburner Using .htaccess

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.htaccess is a powerful tool. Let’s look at how to using .htaccess to redirect WordPress feeds to feedburner. Let’s use my blog as the example. The WordPress’s feed url of my blog is Now I want to redirect it to feedburner with url . The idea is quite straightforward: For every request to
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