How to Enable root on Ubuntu

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For UNIX users/developers, having the power of the user 0 (root’s UID) on our hands is essential. It also allows us to have complete control over the system. And one more thing we all have in common is that we hate Windows. Thus, we set out in search of an operating system for our own
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Search Engine Friendly URL for MediaWiki

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MediaWiki is the wiki-engine that runs Wikipedia. In this tutorial, we introduce how to configure search engine friendly URLs in MediaWiki. ==Search Engine Friendly URLs== Default MediaWiki URLs look like which is a little ugly. To make it more search engine friendly, we will change it to SEO-friendly URLs like ==Enabling Search Engine
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How to install no-ip client on Linux

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noip2 is a dynamic update client for No-IP to keep your current IP address synchronized with your No-IP domain, no matter whether the IP is dynamically requested via DHCP or static assigned. Furthermore, with the domain name, we can host site using a “static” domain whose CNAME points to the No-IP domain. noip2 is a
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HP Compaq BIOS Crisis Recovery from a Failed BIOS Flashing Using a USB Flash Disk

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I tried to flash my HP Compaq CQ35-240TX’s BIOS to F.15 but unfortunately failed. The computer turned to white screen. When I restarted (powered off then boot again), this is no response any more: the hard disk and caps lock’s LED keep blinding. I thought “Oh my God! I must send it to HP to
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CloudFlare with DreamHost

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CloudFlare is a very nice service that provides CDN / optimizer / security protection and more. Good news is that DreamHost turns to be a partner with CloudFlare. The free account on CloudFlare is enough for sites such as I enabled CloudFlare yesterday and it works smoothly and boosts the site’s performance. Overall, I
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Speeding Up the Site With Apache GZIP Compression

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We can speed up the site with compression while save bandwidth at the same time. As most of the modern browsers support gzip encoding, we can set it up to let the users enjoy faster speed. The Apache mod_deflate is easy to set up and standard. It compress the content on the fly. We can
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How to Redirect WordPress Feed to Feedburner Using .htaccess

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.htaccess is a powerful tool. Let’s look at how to using .htaccess to redirect WordPress feeds to feedburner. Let’s use my blog as the example. The WordPress’s feed url of my blog is Now I want to redirect it to feedburner with url . The idea is quite straightforward: For every request to
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Using noindex Meta Tag in WordPress to Prevent Search Engines Indexing Categories, Tags and Archives

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WordPress may show “duplicate” content which may potentially confuse search engines. Duplicate content won’t hurt much, unless it is spam or keyword stuffing, as said by Matt Cutts, and Google may just ignore the duplicate content. However, instead of letting the search engines decide which pages of the duplicate ones are important, we may only
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How to Redirect Old Domain to New Domain Using htaccess Redirect

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I want to move the sub domain to permanently. I can manage all the pages I want to post using WordPress. Changing domain in a bad way is dangerous. Put a page the tell the reader that the site is moved to a new domain is very unfriendly to the user and also
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Installing Fedora 17 PV Domain-U on Xen with PXE Booting

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An introduction to the general method of installing Domain-U on Xen is introduced here: Setting Up Stable Xen DomU with Fedora: Unmodified Fedora 12 on top of Xenified Fedora 12 Dom0 with Xen (this is a general introduction, some details are changed, such as ‘xl’ replacing ‘xm’, LVM backing the disk for higher performance. But
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How to Disable IPv6 on Linux

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IPv6 is enabled by default on most Linux distros. However, IPv6 is not used for some situations for most of time and it may cause troubles and requires effort to protect the network and ensure the security. This post introduces how to disable IPv6 support on Linux (newer modern Kernel versions). First, add these lines
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How to Format (Erase) DVD+RW / DVD-RW Disks in Linux

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This post introduces how to erase / blank / format a DVM+RW media on Linux in the command line. First, you need to find out the device of the DVD/CD+RW drive on your Linux box. For example, on my box with Linux 3.3.4 kernel, my DVD/CD+RW drive is /dev/sr0. You can also see what the
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How to Use MPlayer to Play DVD Directories / ISO Files / Disks

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MPlayer is a universal (nearly) movie/music player on Linux and many more systems. It’s also my favourite player and MPlayer plays movie or music files in any format that I drop to it. Now, let’s take a look at how to use MPlayer play DVD. MPlayer plays “DVD” in many formats: DVD disks, ISO files,
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How to Upgrade Fedora to Newer Version with Yum

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The latest tools for upgrading Fedora is FedUp, please check How to upgrade Fedora 19 to Fedora 20 through the network. Please consider PreUpgrade for upgrading Fedora. This is the recommended method. This post makes a list of actions should be done to upgrade Fedora using yum. Please note that this is for experienced users
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Setting Up Ubuntu DomU on Xen: Ubuntu 10.10 on Fedora Xen Dom0

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Setting up Ubuntu 10.10 DomU on top of Fedora Xen Dom0 is introduced in this post. The process of setting up Ubuntu 10.10 DomU is the same as Setting Up Stable Xen DomU with Fedora: Unmodified Fedora 12 on top of Xenified Fedora 12 Dom0 with Xen 4.0 This post only show the difference which
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pkill and pgrep: Process Management Commands

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This is a introduction to *nix’s process management tools: pkill and pgrep. As this site’s domain name was, a introduction to pkill should exist here. NAME pgrep, pkill – look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes SYNOPSIS pgrep [-flvx] [-d delimiter] [-n|-o] [-P ppid,…] [-g pgrp,…] [-s sid,…] [-u euid,…]
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Duplicating and Backing Up LVM Backed Xen DomU from a Remote Server

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LVM’s snapshot feature enables us to duplicate an LVM backed Xen DomU in seconds inside of the same volume group. When we want to duplicate LVM backed Xen DomU from a remote server, we need to make use of LVM’s snapshot function and tools like scp and dd. Backing up the DomU is only part
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Setting up Stable Xen Dom0 with Fedora: Xen 3.4.3 with Xenified Linux Kernel in Fedora 12

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This is the latest stable and recommended stable Xen Dom0 solution on Fedora 12. No serious bug found till now and we will fix the bugs by ourselves if some appears. It also works on Fedora 14 as well. It should not be hard to use this solution on other versions of Fedora or other
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How to Create Fedora Live USB Media

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How to create a Fedora live USB media is introduced in this post. We can boot to Fedora operating system environment through a live USB system in the USB flash media on a USB-bootable computer without writing the computer’s hard disk. We can also install Fedora operating system from the live system environment. Remember to
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