Install R and RStudio Desktop in macOS

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We ever discussed How To Install R and RStudio Desktop in Ubuntu Linux 20.04. In this post, we introduce how to install R and RSTudio Desktop on macOS. Install R environment Install R environment as follows using Homebrew. $ brew install R Then verify that the R environment is installed and ready, by running in
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Installing R and RStudio Server in Ubuntu Linux

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R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics, providing a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques. The R environment is open source software under GPL. R has rich software packages and is widely used for statistical analysis. RStudio Server is an R integrated development environment (IDE) that provides many useful features
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How to find out all files with replication factor 1 in HDFS?

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How to find out all files with replication factor 1 in HDFS? The hdfs dfsadmin -report shows there are blocks with replication factor 1: Missing blocks (with replication factor 1): 7 How to find them out? You can run hdfs fsck to list all files with their replication counts and grep those with replication factor
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How to get the running process’ parent process’ ID in Python?

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How to get the running process’ parent process’ ID in Python? In Python, you can get the parent process’ pid by calling os.getppid(): import os ppid = os.getppid() One example: The shell’s pid: $ echo $$ 21779 Start a python REPL and get its parent pid (the shell’s): $ python Python 2.7.5 (default, Nov 6
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How to get the epoch timestamp in Java?

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In Java, how to get the epoch timestamp, the number of seconds passed since the epoch? In Java, you can get the current time in milliseconds and then calculate the epoch time: long ts = System.currentTimeMillis()/1000; Example: $ wget –quiet -O /tmp/javarepo-428.jar && java -jar /tmp/javarepo-428.jar Welcome to JavaREPL version 428 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit
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Any good Java REPL tool/implementation?

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Any good suggestions on a Java REPL implementation like ‘scala’ and ‘python’ or ‘php -a’? The java-repl tool works nicely for most situations for me. It is released as a .jar. Hence, it is easy to download and run: $ wget –quiet -O /tmp/javarepo-428.jar && java -jar /tmp/javarepo-428.jar One usage example is as
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Any good Go REPL implementation / tool?

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Go lang is fast to compile and can be used as a script by go run prog.go. However, a REPL is more convenient for testing/trying some small pieces of code. Any good Go REPL implementation / tool? Try gore Get gore $ go get -u An example $ gore gore version 0.2.6 :help
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How to find the DataNodes that actually store a file in HDFS?

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A file may be splitted to many chunks and replications stored on many datanodes in HDFS. Now, the question is how to find the DataNodes that actually store a file in HDFS? You may use the dfsadmin -fsck tool from the Hadoop hdfs util. Here is an example: $ hadoop fsck /user/aaa/ -files -locations -blocks
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Consistency models for distributed systems

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Which are the consistency models used for distributed systems? Papers that survey the consistency models Robert C. Steinke and Gary J. Nutt. 2004. A unified theory of shared memory consistency. J. ACM 51, 5 (September 2004), 800-849. DOI=10.1145/1017460.1017464 David Mosberger. 1993. Memory consistency models. SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev. 27, 1 (January 1993), 18-26. DOI=10.1145/160551.160553
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