Installing Latex and Compiling a Latex Docuent in Linux

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Latex is a popular document preparation system that is widely used for creating scientific and technical documents. Compiling Latex documents on Linux is a straightforward process that requires only a few Latex packages and a set of commands. By following the steps outlined in this post, you can easily compile Latex documents on your Linux
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How to Add Custom Content on a Receipt

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This blog will explain about how to add a custom content in a Receipt which will be generated from MPOS in Microsoft Dynamics. Microsoft provides us with certain fields which can be put into the receipt. There are certain fields which a client will ask to show in the receipt. If the desired field is
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Deploying ASP.NET Core 2.0 MVC application to Azure Web apps using Visual Studio 2017

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Introduction In this tutorial, we will be learning as how to deploy .NET Core 2.0 MVC web application on Microsoft Public Cloud i.e. Microsoft Azure, using Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 v15.3 For novice Cloud developers, aspiring .NET / Cloud architects, and all other IT professionals associated with the .NET Core framework & Cloud computing, especially
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A Beginners’ Guide to x86-64 Instruction Encoding

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The encoding of x86 and x86-64 instructions is well documented in Intel or AMD’s manuals. However, they are not quite easy for beginners to start with to learn encoding of the x86-64 instructions. In this post, I will give a list of useful manuals for understanding and studying the x86-64 instruction encoding, a brief introduction
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How to force a metadata checkpointing in HDFS

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The metadata checkpointing in HDFS is done by the Secondary NameNode to merge the fsimage and the edits log files periodically and keep edits log size within a limit. For various reasons, the checkpointing by the Secondary NameNode may fail. For one example, HDFS SecondaraNameNode log shows errors in its log as follows. 2017-08-06 10:54:14,488
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How To Debug Linux Kernel With Less Efforts

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Introduction In general, if we want to debug Linux Kernel, there are lots of tools such as Linux Perf, Kprobe, BCC, Ktap, etc, and we can also write kernel modules, proc subsystems or system calls for some specific debugging aims. However, if we have to instrument kernel to achieve our goals, usually we would not
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How does linux kernel collect task stats data

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Motivation Recently, I find it is hard to know the percentage of time that one process uses to wait for synchronous I/O (eg, read, etc). One way is to use the taskstats API provided by Linux Kernel [1]. However, for this way, the precision may be one problem. With this problem, I dig into Linux
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x-data-plane feature in QEMU/KVM

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Abstract In systems, sometimes, we use one global lock to keep synchronization among different threads. This principle also happens in QEMU/KVM ( system. However, this may cause lock contention problem. The performance/scalability of whole system will be decreased. In order to solve this problem in QEMU/KVM, x-data-plane feature is designed/implemented, which the high-level idea is
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The length of timeslices for processes under CFS process scheduling algorithm in Linux Kernel

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Abstract As is known, CFS (Completely Fair Scheduling) is a famous process scheduling algorithm in Linux Kernel but there is no convenient way for developers to get the timeslices of processes if CFS is chosen. In this article, I will introduce one way to hack the timeslices of process easily for CFS in Linux Kernel.
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How sched_min_granularity_ns, sched_latency_ns and sched_wakeup_granularity_ns in CFS affect the timeslice of processes

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Abstract Currently, the most famous process scheduling algorithm in Linux Kernel is Completely Fair Scheduling (CFS) algorithm. The core idea of CFS is to let each process share the same proportional CPU resources to run so that it is fair to each process. In this article, I will introduce how sched_min_granularity_ns and sched_latency_ns work internal
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How sched_setaffinity works inside of Linux Kernel

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Abstract Sometimes, we may want to migrate one process/thread to one specific CPU for some specific purpose. In the Unix/Linux systems, you may choose sched_setaffinity to finish this job. This article will help you to understand how sched_setaffinity (or other APIs like pthread_setaffinity_np in user-space) works internal Linux kernel. Details SYSCALL_DEFINE3(sched_setaffinity, pid_t, pid, unsigned int,
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How to Install Wine 32-bit on CentOS 7

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Since version 7, RHEL has only x86-64 versions. The same thing happens to CentOS 7. In CentOS 7/EPEL, there is only package for Wine x86-64. However, many Windows .exe files are 32-bit. Even there are 64-bit versions for some software, their installation file is 32-bit. And for some certain software such as Office 2007, 32-bit
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Forcing Linux to Unmount a Filesystem Reporting “device is busy”

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Linux may report “device is busy” when we try to umount a filesystem. This behavior is reasonable as it can help us avoid data loss by disallowing unmouting a filesystem when it is being used. But for situations when we are sure there is something wrong happened or we care not data lost such as
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Profiling Vim to Find Out Which Plugin Makes Vim Slow

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Vim is pretty fast and powerful. However, the core of Vim is (yet) single-threaded (some discussions and tries on porting Vim to be multi-threading, but not yet there). This means some functions that are slow will block Vim there and you have to wait for it. While Vim is fast, some plugins are not. When
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Making GPT Partition Table and Creating Partitions Using parted in Linux

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My best favorite disk partition table manipulation tools are cfdisk/fdisk on Linux. However, for large disks, cfdisk/fdisk (of the versions by this post is written) will just give up with a message suggesting GPT partition table format and using GNU parted like WARNING: The size of this disk is 6.0 TB (6001042391040 bytes). DOS partition
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Creating a Child Process using posix_spawn in C in Linux

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The posix_spawn() and posix_spawnp() functions create a new child process from the specified process image constructed from a regular executable file. It can be used to replace the relative complex “fork-exec-wait” methods with fork() and exec(). However, compared to fork() and exec(), posix_spawn() is less introduced if you search on the Web. The posix_spawn() manual
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Hadoop Installation Tutorial (Hadoop 2.x)

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Hadoop 2 or YARN is the new version of Hadoop. It adds the yarn resource manager in addition to the HDFS and MapReduce components. Hadoop MapReduce is a programming model and software framework for writing applications, which is an open-source variant of MapReduce designed and implemented by Google initially for processing and generating large data
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How to Set Up A Gitolite Git Server – A Ten-Minute Tutorial

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I ever introduced seting up git server using SSH or gitosis. However, gitolite is the way to go for managing git servers if you want an lightweight authentication layer. gitolite provides many very usefull features which can control each user’s right on each branch. I set up one gitolite git server and am very happy
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RAII-like Error Handling and Resource Management in C

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Error handling and resource management are pervasive in programs. RAII originated in C++ is great. With RAII, it is much easier to write easy-to-read code that allocats/deallocats resources in the constructor/destructors. By representing a resource with a local object, we are sure that local object’s destructor will release the resource and will not forget to
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