How to print a line to STDERR and STDOUT in Go?

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In Go, how to print a string as a line to STDOUT? That is, the string and the newline character, nicely? And similarly, how to print the line to STDERR? In Go, you can use the ‘Println()’ func from the ‘fmt’ package to print a line to STDOUT: import(“fmt”) fmt.Println(“my msg here”) In Go, os.Stderr
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How to get the running process’ parent process’ ID in Python?

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How to get the running process’ parent process’ ID in Python? In Python, you can get the parent process’ pid by calling os.getppid(): import os ppid = os.getppid() One example: The shell’s pid: $ echo $$ 21779 Start a python REPL and get its parent pid (the shell’s): $ python Python 2.7.5 (default, Nov 6
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Getting the running process’ own pid in Python

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How to get the running process’ pid in Python? In Python, you can get the pid of the current process by import os os.getpid() From the official doc: os.getpid() Return the current process id. One example os using os.getpid() to get process own ID: $ python3 Python 3.8.10 (default, Jun 22 2022, 20:18:18) [GCC 9.4.0]
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How to get the epoch timestamp in Go lang?

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In Go lang, how to get the epoch timestamp, the number of seconds passed since the epoch? In Go, you can use the time.Now() func to get current time and its Unix() func to convert it into an epoch timestamp: import(“time”) func getEpochTime() int64 { return time.Now().Unix() } If you would convert a time string
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How to get an environment variable in Python?

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In Python, how to get the value (string) of an environment variable? In Python, all environment variables can be accessed directly through os.environ import os print os.environ[‘HOME’] If the environment variable is not present, it will raise a KeyError. You can use get to return None if the environment variable is not present: print os.environ.get(‘ENV_MIGHT_EXIST’)
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How to get an environment variable in Python?

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In Python, how to get an environment variable? In Python, you may use this piece of code to get an environment variable: os.environ.get(‘ENV_MIGHT_EXIST’) or this piece of code: os.getenv(‘ENV_MIGHT_EXIST’) It will return None if the environment variable is not present. Reference and for more ways, please check .

How to install encfs on CentOS 6?

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I noticed your answer on configuring encfs on CentOS 6. I had difficulties installing encfs on CentOS 6. How did you install it? Thanks. For CentOS 6, I used a slightly old version (version 1.7.4) using an RPM built for by PUIAS: For x86-64 version: # yum install For i686 version: # yum install
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How to detect whether a file is readable and writable in Python?

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Before reading or writing a file, access should be checked first. How to detect whether a file is readable and writable in Python? You can use the os.access(path, mode) library function like the Linux access library function for C. It returns True if access is allowed, False if not. For readable and writable, you
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How to process a file line by line in Go?

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In the Go programming language, How to process a file line by line? An equivalent piece of Bash code could be while read line ; do echo $line done < ./input.txt You can make use of the bufio package’s Scan(). // open the file filepath f := os.Open(filepath) // create a scanner fs := bufio.NewScanner(f)
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how to use pc internet of window8 on iphone 4s via usb

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how to use pc internet on iPhone 4s wia usb cable, pc is of window 8 and in network setting its not showing of connection of I phones network I ever wrote a tutorial at . But please be aware that it worked only on specific OS combinations. So, I am not sure whether
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How to test a file or directory exists in Python?

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In Bash, the [ -f ] and [ -d ] tests can test whether a file or a directory exist. What are the corresponding python method for these tests? For -f: **os.path.isfile(path)** Return True if path is an existing regular file. This follows symbolic links. For -d: **os.path.isdir(path)** Return True if path is an existing
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