How to Statically Link OCaml Programs

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Static linking is preferred for some cases although it has its own various problems. Static building/linking is not always possible for some languages on some platform. For OCaml, the answer to this question is yes. In this post, we will introduce 2 methods to statically linking OCaml: static linking with runtime glibc required and static
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Good tools to manage OCaml packages

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Which tools to mange OCaml packages in my system (Linux)? I use OPAM to manage OCaml packages: To install it: $ wget $ sh ./ /usr/local/bin More options are available here. To make opam settings take effect, append this to ~/.bashrc: eval `opam config env` Some frequent usages: opam list # List all
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Auto Indenting for OCaml Code in Vim with ocp-indent

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The built-in indenting in Vim for OCaml seems not very good. How to set up auto indenting for OCaml code in Vim? ocp-indent works very well for me. This posts introduces how to configure Vim to use ocp-indent to automatically indent/format OCaml code. First, install ocp-indent after installing opam: $ opam install ocp-indent Second, configure
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How To Mount Google Drive on Linux

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Google Drive is nice cloud storage which provide document editing features. However, it does not yet provide a Linux client. I find a good third party tool that works with Google Drive on Linux very well: google-drive-ocamlfuse. The website of google-drive-ocamlfuse provides easy to follow instructions to install it. In this tutorial, we show a
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