PowerPoint uses 96 dots per inch (dpi) by default when you export a slide. The DPI of the images like .tif ones exported from PowerPoint are always 96. In the options of PowerPoint, there is a setting for choosing DPIs. However, it have no effect. For some needs like images for printing posters, larger DPIs
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Tag: Microsoft
What Is the Name of the Linux-based OS: A Survey
Posted onYou may already well know “Linux” and may also use the “operating system based on the Linux kernel” directly or indirectly (you are indirectly using it now as this site is hosted on Linux). But how should we name the OS based on Linux? You may know there is GNU/Linux naming controversy. Different people have
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How to Measure Time Accurately in Programs
Posted onIt is quite common to measure the time in programs using APIs like clock() and gettimeofday(). We may also want to measure the time “accurately” for certain purposes, such as measuring a small piece of code’s execution time for performance analysis, or measuring the time in time-sensitive game software. It is hard to measure the
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How to Activate Windows 7 using MAK Activation
Posted onThe Windows 7 Multiple Activation Key (MAK) can be used to activate Windows 7 Enterprise installed with the Windows 7 Volume Licence DVD provided by Microsoft to enterprise/university customers. How to activating Windows 7 with MAK: Make sure your system is connecting to the Internet. During Windows 7 activation, Windows will connect to Microsoft.com for
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Posted onVC6默认编译出来的程序在XP下Luma风格下运行也是Windows的经典界面, 有损界面的美观与统一. VC2008默认设置下如果不是使用的unicode也是如此. 本文给出使VC6和VC2008可以编译出使用系统界面风格的解决方案. 1. 使VC6编译出使用系统风格的程序 步骤如下: 1) 创建一个.manifest文件的资源. 在res/文件夹下创建一个跟以程序名加.manifest的文件, 如果程序为test.exe, 则创建test.exe.manifest 文件可由此下载: https://www.systutorials.com/t/g/programming/resultcollector.manifest/ 注意要使用utf-8编码保存。 2) 将新定义的资源加入到.rc2文件中, 类型设为24. 打开res/文件夹下的.rc2文件, 在其中加入如下定义: 1 24 MOVEABLE PURE “res/test.exe.manifest” 其中的文件地址按1)步中修改的设置即可. 之后编译即可, 为了使程序界面可能充分利用系统的界面特性, 可以将界面字体设置为TrueType类型的, 利用Windows XP等系统的屏幕字体平滑特性. 2. 使VC2008编译出使用系统风格的程序 在VC2008下就比较简单了, 如果程序字符集使用unicode则默认就是使用系统界面风格的, 如果选择其它的类型, 则编辑下stdafx.h即可. 最后面部分找到这么一段: #ifdef _UNICODE #if defined _M_IX86 #pragma comment(linker,”/manifestdependency:”type=’win32′ name=’Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls’ version=’′ processorArchitecture=’x86′ publicKeyToken=’6595b64144ccf1df’ language=’*'””) #elif defined _M_IA64 #pragma comment(linker,”/manifestdependency:”type=’win32′
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Java Calling Native Functions in .DLL on Windows
Posted onHow to call a function in .dll from Java on Windows is introduced in this post with an example. Platforms used: OS: Microsoft Windows XP [5.1.2600] C to .dll compiler: MS Visual Studio 2008 JDK: java -version java version “1.6.0_05” Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_05-b13) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 10.0-b19, mixed mode, sharing)
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How to Install MS Office 2007 on Linux using Wine
Posted onAs a Linux user, I must keep a copy of Windows. One reason is that I should edit MS Office files, such as .doc, .ppt, .xls and .xml (office 2003 xml format) required by, created by or for other using Windows. Wine worked for me with Office 2003 ever but has this or that problem.
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Microsofts Cosmos Service
Posted onCosmos is “Microsoft’s internal data storage/query system for analyzing enormous amounts (as in petabytes) of data”. There is no paper/technical report about Cosmos published yet. I compiled a list of information about Cosmos on the Web as follows. What is Microsoft’s Cosmos service? by Yaron Y. Goland. Microsoft Cosmos: Petabytes perfectly processed perfunctorily by Seth
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