`readlink -m` equivalent function in Python to get canonical file name

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readlink -m can get canonical file name by resolving every symlinks in every component of the given path recursively. In Python, the os.readlink() function does not do so. Any equivalent function in Python to the readlink -m command line? Specifically, it does: canonicalize by following every symlink in every component of the given name recursively,
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How to list start and end sectors of a partition by parted in Linux?

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How to list start and end of a partition by the sectors in parted on Linux? The default behavior seems be listing the start and end by bytes in parted. # parted /dev/sdc print Model: Innostor IS888 ext. HDD (scsi) Disk /dev/sdc: 2000GB Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B Partition Table: gpt Disk Flags: Number Start End
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Why I cannot login remote server with its root

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# ssh root@ root@’s password: Permission denied, please try again. Do according to [1]. NOTE: on Ubuntu, remember to restart ssh service like this “sudo restart ssh”. [1] https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/6/html/v2v_guide/preparation_before_the_p2v_migration-enable_root_login_over_ssh

How to iterate all dirs and files in a dir in C++?

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How to iterate all dirs and files in a dir in C++? To open a dir, we can use opendir() to open a directory stream. DIR *opendir(const char *name); Then we can use readdir() to iterate the directory stream. struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dirp); Here is an example C++ program using these 2 library functions. #include
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How to remove newline characters from a string in C++?

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How to remove newline characters from a string in C++? For example, a string like line 1 line 3 line 4 should be converted to line 1line 3line 4 Method 1: use `erase()` and `remove()` In short, use this code snippet: input.erase(std::remove(input.begin(), input.end(), ‘\n’), input.end()); std::remove() shifts all elements that are equal to the value
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How to get a path’s mtime in C++ on Linux?

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How to get a path’s mtime in C++ on Linux? The path can be a file or a dir. You may call the standard library function lstat() for the file or dir under the path. int lstat(const char *pathname, struct stat *statbuf); From the returned stat struct, there is a field st_mtim which is the
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How to test whether a given path is a directory or a file in C++?

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How to test whether a given path is a directory or a file in C++? For example, pathtype(“/”) –> “a dir” pathtype(“/tmp/file.txt”) –> “a file” # if there is a file file.txt pathtype(“/tmp/dir.txt”) –> “a dir” # if there is a dir named dir.txt The type of a file/dir can be found out using lstat()
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How to get a server’s serial number remotely?

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How to get a server’s serial number remotely? Tested on Linux Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty > sudo apt-get install dmidecode > sudo dmidecode -s system-serial-number I tried this on several Linux boxes with CentOS 7 and it seems A physical node returns a string like System Serial Number. A KVM VM returns a string like 3fd12bba-12d4-48c7-875a-7a5f57ed8a9a.
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How to judge whether its STDERR is redirected to a file in a Bash script on Linux?

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Within a Bash script, how to judge whether its STDERR is redirected to a file in Bash on Linux? For example, ./script.sh /tmp/log 2>&1 Can script.sh detect that its STDERR is redirected? Knowing the destination file is better. To test whether a script’s STDERR (or STDOUT) is redirected to a file, check by [[ -f
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How can I login without password and run command in server at a local machine remotely?

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Login without PWD is fast and efficient. Running commands in server from local machine also have these benefits. login without PWD: add PC A’s public key to PC B’s authorized keys. > a@A:~> cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh b@B ‘cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys’ > b@B’s password: Run command remotely ssh root@MachineB “ls” NOTE: running commands remotely is
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What is the difference between work conserving I/O scheduler and non-work conserving I/O scheduler?

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What is the difference between work conserving I/O scheduler and non-work conserving I/O scheduler? In a work-conserving mode, the scheduler must choose one of the pending requests, if any, to dispatch, even if the pending requests are far away from the current disk head position. The rationale for non-work-conserving schedulers, such as the anticipatory scheduler
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In Python, `os.makedirs()` with 0777 mode does not give others write permission

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In Python, os.makedirs() with 0777 mode can not give others write permission The code is as follows $ python Python 2.7.5 (default, Aug 4 2017, 00:39:18) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)] on linux2 Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information. >>> import os >>> os.makedirs(“/tmp/test1/test2”, 0777) >>> The created dirs are not
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How to install alien on CentOS 7 to convert .deb to .rpm?

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How to install the alien command on CentOS 7 to convert .deb to .rpm? alien is already in EPEL and it makes it quite easy to install it in CentOS 7. First, enable EPEL following this tutorials. Then, install alien by # yum install alien Then alien should be ready: # yum info alien Installed
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