ALSA Problem of Fedora 11 on Compaq Presario CQ35-240TX

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When I get my new Compaq Presario CQ35-240TX, of course, the first thing is to install Fedora ;) But unfortunately, after installation there is no sound! It seems there is something wrong with the driver configuration. Here is a solution to this: Add these two line at the end of /etc/modprobe.d/dist.conf options snd-hda-intel model=hp-m4 enable=1
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How to Speed Up Firefox DNS Lookup in Linux

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How to speed Up Firefox DNS Lookup in Linux: 1. Close IPV6 support # echo “alias net-pf-10 off” >> /etc/modprobe.conf # echo “alias ipv6 off” >> /etc/modprobe.conf Type “about:config” into the address line and enter. Set “network.dns.disableIPv6” to “true” 2. Some other tweaks Type “about:config” into the address line and enter. Set “network.http.pipelining” to “true”
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Configure sMobileNet of HKUST on Linux

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How to configure NetworkManager to connect to sMobileNet in HKUST is introduced in this post. The wireless network connection configuration for sMobileNet in NetworkManager The SSID is “sMobileNet” Wireless security is “WPA & WPA2 Enterprise” Authentication is “Protected EAP (PEAP)” Anonymous identity is “” (empty) CA certificate is “(None)” (there will be a warning appear,
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Create and Manage Virtual Machines on Xen

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In this post, these content are introduced: Create and manage file-backed virtual block device (VBD) for virtual machines on xen. Install Fedora 11 via internet as DomU on top of xen. Manage virtual machines using xm. Create file-backed VBD: The actual space of VBD will be the amount of disk the virtual machine used. And
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Chinese Charactor Configuration on Fedora 11

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最新的更新版本请看: Fedora 中文字体设置. 使用Linux时我个人倾向使用英文环境系统,而Fedora11在英文环境下中文字体有时会不太好看,经常遇到需要字体优化美化的问题。 以下是我的配置方案,经测试效果还算不错,解决了Fedora 11 中文字体难看的问题: 方案1:使用uming和ukai字体,即AR PL UMing CN等。 关键是使用的字体包如下: 首先要安装这两个字体: cjkuni-ukai-fonts cjkuni-uming-fonts 然后配置一下~/.fonts.conf文件. 使sans-serif serif monospace字体中文使用uming/ukai即可. 我的.fonts.conf文件可以从这里下载(两种选择, 我喜欢前者): 使用Liberation和uming/ukai字体: .fonts.cofn.liberation 使用dejavu和uming/ukai字体: .fonts.conf.dejavu 下载后放到自己的$HOME下改名为.fonts.conf就可以了。 使用uming字体效果如下(请放大后看效果): 方案2:安装文泉驿字体,这个非常简单,安装相应包即可了。 如果喜欢其它的字体选择性的安装上就可以了,只要注意只安装自己需要的就行了。有人使用微软雅黑字体,首先这是侵权的,其次开源的字体做得其实已经很不错了。 最后将字体平滑选项打开, KDE和gnome都有相关设置方法。 以上内容只是针对使用xft字体系统的设置。对于使用核心字体系统的X程序来说字体依然会出现很丑的情况。 下面是针对emacs的设置方法: 首先需要安装这个字体包: xorg-x11-fonts-misc 注意到在中文系统下emacs的中文显示非常好,而在英文环境中去非常差,我们可以利用这一点,在运行emacs前首先将系统环境设为中文即可。 在~/bin/下建立一文件ema 内容如下: #!/bin/bash rm -f ~/.emacs ln -s ~/.emacs.x ~/.emacs LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 emacs –fullheight -r $* 然后加入执行权限即可: chmod +x
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Creating and Running Virtual Machine Using VMware Player and qemu-img

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基于VMware Player, qemu-img创建和运行虚拟机 Linux系统上的免费个人虚拟机方案. 1. 创建虚拟硬盘映象文件: qemu-img create -f vmdk WindowsXPPro.vmdk 10G 2. 创建.vmx虚拟机配置文件: 这是一文本文件. WindowsXPPro.vmx内容: config.version = “8” virtualHW.version = “3” ide0:0.present = “TRUE” ide0:0.filename = “WindowsXPPro.vmdk” memsize = “256” MemAllowAutoScaleDown = “FALSE” ide1:0.present = “TRUE” ide1:0.fileName = “auto detect” ide1:0.deviceType = “cdrom-raw” ide1:0.autodetect = “TRUE” floppy0.present = “FALSE” ethernet0.present = “TRUE” usb.present =
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How to Create, Mount, and Burn ISO Images on Linux

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Linux has many tools for mounting, creating and burning iso image files. In this posts, I will introduce how to use the iso files on Linux. The tools we used in this post are mount, genisoimage and wodim. 1. Mount an iso image file Mounting an iso on Linux is straightforward. We mount the iso
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How to Run a cron Job Every Two Weeks / Months / Days

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We may want to run some jobs for every two weeks/months/days… under some situation such as backing up for every other week. In addition, we may add more complex rules for running jobs, e.g. run a command when the load of the server is higher than a certain level. With the help of the shell
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How to Compress/Uncompress Files in Linux Using gzip, bzip2, 7z, rar and zip

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Compress/uncompress files are frequent operations. The normal tools for compressing/uncompressing in Linux is gzip, bzip2, 7z, rar and zip. This post introduces how to compress and uncompress file in Linux using these tools. We use best compressing rate with all these tools and mark the options for “best rate” in bold fonts. We can delete
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Hadoop Installation Tutorial (Hadoop 1.x)

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Update: If you are new to Hadoop and trying to install one. Please check the newer version: Hadoop Installation Tutorial (Hadoop 2.x). Hadoop mainly consists of two parts: Hadoop MapReduce and HDFS. Hadoop MapReduce is a programming model and software framework for writing applications, which is an open-source variant of MapReduce that is initially designed
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Setting Up a Git Server Using Gitosis

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Update: Since gitosis is not maintained and supported, please check out gitolite for setting up a new git server. (see the comment from Sitaram Chamarty, the gitolite author, the author of gitolite.) Gitosis is a piece of software writen by Tommi Virtanen for hosting git repositories. It manages multiple repositories under the same user account.
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Hadoop Default Ports

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Hadoop’s namenode and datanodes expose a bunch of TCP ports used by Hadoop’s daemons to communicate to each other or listen directly to users’ requests. These ports information are needed by both the Hadoop users and cluster administrators to write programs or configure firewalls/gateways accordingly. A post written by Philip Zeyliger from Cloudera’s blog summarizes the
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A Simple Sort Benchmark on Hadoop

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After [[hadoop-installation-tutorial|installing Hadoop]], we usually run some benchmark programs to test whether the system works well. In the post of the Hadoop install tutorial, we show a very simple to grep strings from a simple sets of files. In this post, we introduce the Sort for testing and benchmarking Hadoop. The Sort program is also
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mrcc – A Distributed C Compiler System on MapReduce

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The mrcc project’s homepage is here: mrcc project. Abstract mrcc is an open source compilation system that uses MapReduce to distribute C code compilation across the servers of the cloud computing platform. mrcc is built to use Hadoop by default, but it is easy to port it to other could computing platforms, such as MRlite,
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