What are the Google Chrome keyboard and mouse shortcuts for Linux and Windows? Keyboard shortcuts of Chrome can make it easier to control the browser and save our time. Here are a list of commonly used shortcuts: Ctrl+T Opens a new tab. Press Ctrl and click a link. Or click a link with your middle
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Tag: keyboard
Where Does Evolution Save Its Data and Configuration Files on Linux?
Posted onEvolution is a great personal information management tool that provides Email, address book and calendar tools. Evolution provides many enterprise friendly feature such as native support to Microsoft Exchange connectivity for Emails, address books and calendars. Evolution uses various ways including plain files and dconf configuration systems. This post will give an introduction to the
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Reference: Special HTML Characters
Posted onHTML supports many characters/symbols such as mathematical symbols, and currency symbols. They are not present on a normal keyboard. And some of these characters may have special meanings for formatting text. To add such characters / symbols to an HTML text, you can use an HTML entity name or an entity number in decimal or
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How to Disable and Enable Laptop Keyboard for X.org Server in Linux
Posted onAttaching a USB keyboard to a laptop is common when using a laptop because a normal keyboard may provide a more convenient typing experience. The laptop keyboard is not used in these situations. However, the laptop keyboard may still be touched by accident. In this post, we will discuss how to disable and enable the
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How to Turn GNOME terminal to a Pop-up Terminal
Posted onA pop-up terminal is great and handy on Linux and similar OS. On KDE, Yakuake is great. On Gnome or GTK, I ever tried Guake. It is quite good. However, it has not been as mature, stable and figure-rich as gnome-terminal. One day, I got this idea: why not using a script/program to manage the
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Keyboard Key Mapping for Emacs: Evil Mode and Rearranging Alt, Ctrl and Win Keys
Posted onCtrl keys are important and possibly most frequently used in Emacs. However, it is painful on today’s common PC keyboards since Ctrl keys are usually in the corner of the keyboard main area. Why the key mappings in Emacs are designed like this? After it was designed, Emacs was commonly on the Lisp Machine keyboards
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Auto Keyboard Pressing Using xvkbd in Linux
Posted onAutomatic keyboard pressers are useful tools. However, it seems that there is no simple and easy to use automatic keyboard presser for Linux if you search for “automatic keyboard presser linux”. After some digging, I find using the xvkbd with some options is a good method for automatic keyboard pressing though it is not designed
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HTML Document Character Set and Encoding
Posted onHTML authors need to look up HTML character encodings frequently as some characters can not (or hard to) be typed out directly from the keyboard. If you would like not do the math and search, you may find the HTML symbols you want to use and its HTML code in Reference: Special HTML Characters. Calculating
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Emacs Tips and Howtos
Posted onWith Emacs, I feel happy. I love the rich functions of Emacs, such as compiling, quickly jumping to the lines with compilation error and debugging with gdb, and more. I ever wrote small tips posts about Emacs before. But it is a good idea to put them together and keep adding new ones. Here comes
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How to Use MPlayer to Play DVD Directories / ISO Files / Disks
Posted onMPlayer is a universal (nearly) movie/music player on Linux and many more systems. It’s also my favourite player and MPlayer plays movie or music files in any format that I drop to it. Now, let’s take a look at how to use MPlayer play DVD. MPlayer plays “DVD” in many formats: DVD disks, ISO files,
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Vim as Thunderbird’s External Editor in Linux
Posted onVim is an excellent editor which I use every day. Thunderbird is a nice email application. However, Thunderbird’s integrated editor is not efficient enough to a Vim user. Why not use Vim as Thunderbird’s editor? In this tutorial, we will introduce how to integrate Vim with Thunderbird together in Linux. Install the “External Editor” Thunderbird
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Setting up Stable Xen Dom0 with Fedora: Xen 3.4.3 with Xenified Linux Kernel in Fedora 12
Posted onThis is the latest stable and recommended stable Xen Dom0 solution on Fedora 12. No serious bug found till now and we will fix the bugs by ourselves if some appears. It also works on Fedora 14 as well. It should not be hard to use this solution on other versions of Fedora or other
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NVIDIA Driver in Linux not Displaying Logo During Booting
Posted onThe NVIDIA video card driver in Linux will display the NVIDIA logo by default during booting the X server after we successfully installed the driver. If we don’t like to see the logo every time we start X server, we can disable it. We need to edit the Xorg configuration file /etc/X11/xorg.conf with root permission.
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Mostly Used MPlayer Keyboard Control Shortcuts
Posted onMPlayer has a fully configurable, command-driven control layer which allows you to control MPlayer using keyboard. But which are these shortcuts are not immediately know to users of MPlayer. Below is a list of mostly used MPlayer keyboard control shortcuts. They come from the [[man:1|mplayer|mplayer manual]] where you can find a full list of all
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Vim Removing “^M” Returns from Files
Posted onWhen editing some files fro Windows in vim, there are some ugly “^M” returns. Here is a method to remove and replace these “^M”s (please note that you should not copy/past to use the follows): :1,$s/{Ctrl+V}{Ctrl+M}//{Enter} {Ctrl+V} means keyboard operation that is push ‘ctrl’ and ‘v’ together. {Enter} is push ‘enter’. : means that it
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