How to get the mtime of a file on Linux from the file’s path? You can use stat to get the file status including the mtime: %y time of last modification, human-readable %Y time of last modification, seconds since Epoch As an example, $ stat -c %y ./file 2017-06-26 13:33:06.764042064 +0800 $ stat -c %Y
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Tag: epoch
How to convert epoch timestamp to human readable date format in Bash?
Posted onIn Bash, how to convert an epoch timestamp to a human readable date format? In Bash, you can use the date command’s -d option: date -d @<your epoch> Here @ specifies the epoch timestamp. One example: $ date -d @1490157520.05 Wed Mar 22 12:38:40 HKT 2017
Getting Epoch Timestamp in C
Posted onIn C, how to get the epoch timestamp, the number of seconds passed since the epoch? In C, from man 7 time: UNIX systems represent time in seconds since the Epoch, 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC). A program can determine the calendar time using gettimeofday(2), which returns time (in seconds and microseconds) that have elapsed since
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How to convert epoch timestamp to human readable date format in Python?
Posted onHow to convert an epoch timestamp to a human readable date format? In Python: import time time.strftime(“%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z”, time.localtime(epoch)) One example: $ python Python 2.7.5 (default, Nov 6 2016, 00:28:07) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11)] on linux2 Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information. >>> import time >>>
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How to get the epoch timestamp in Java?
Posted onIn Java, how to get the epoch timestamp, the number of seconds passed since the epoch? In Java, you can get the current time in milliseconds and then calculate the epoch time: long ts = System.currentTimeMillis()/1000; Example: $ wget –quiet -O /tmp/javarepo-428.jar && java -jar /tmp/javarepo-428.jar Welcome to JavaREPL version 428 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit
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How to get the epoch timestamp in Go lang?
Posted onIn Go lang, how to get the epoch timestamp, the number of seconds passed since the epoch? In Go, you can use the time.Now() func to get current time and its Unix() func to convert it into an epoch timestamp: import(“time”) func getEpochTime() int64 { return time.Now().Unix() } If you would convert a time string
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How to get the epoch timestamp in PHP?
Posted onIn PHP, how to get the epoch timestamp, the number of seconds passed since the epoch? In PHP, you can use the time() function. ts = time(); To get the microsecond together too as a float number, use the microtime(true) function. ts2 = microtime(true); Example: $ php -a Interactive shell php > echo time() .
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How to get the epoch timestamp in Perl?
Posted onIn Perl, how to get the epoch timestamp, the number of seconds passed since the epoch? In Perl, to get the epoch time, call the time function: my $ts = time Example: $ perl -e ‘print time . “n”‘ 1491473202
How to get the epoch timestamp in Python?
Posted onIn Python, how to get the epoch time (the number of seconds since epoch)? In Python, you can get the epoch time by calling time.time() which return a floating number: import time print time.time() If you would like to get only the number of seconds, you may convert it to an integer. One example is
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How to get the epoch timestamp in Bash?
Posted onIn Bash, how to get the epoch timestamp, the number of seconds passed since the epoch? In Bash, you can call the date command with format option “+%s”: date +%s Here, “%s” means: %s seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How to get the time at millisecond level on Linux with command line?
Posted onI know that gettimeofday() is a nice API. But how to get the number of seconds with milliseconds since the epoch time? You can get the time at nano-seconds level (although it is not guaranteed that the last digits are accurate) by: date +%s.%N
How to convert seconds since the epoch to a date in Linux?
Posted onHow to convert seconds since the epoch (1970-01-01 UTC) to a date in Linux? For example, Convert the time stamp 1349361711.169942 to Thu Oct 4 22:41:51 HKT 2012 You can use the date command on Linux to convert the time formats. For converting the time stamp 1349361711.169942 to the normal data format: $ date -d
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