How to replace tabs with spaces in Emacs? You can first select the regions of text for converting/replacing, then run M-x untabify to replace all tabs with appropriate number of spaces. There is also a M-x tabify for replacing sequences of spaces to tabs. There are also commands to convert tabs to spaces or vice
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Tag: convert
How to sort a file by hexadecimal numbers on Linux using sort command?
Posted onThe sort command has a -n option to sort a file by numbers. However, it does not work with hexadecimal numbers. For example, this file: 400000000 __crt0 400000039 __newr0 400001B14 get_my_task_id 400001C14 get_new_task_id 400001582 input_char 40000166E input_q 400001A5D input_q_exit 400002002 main 4000000DB output_char 400001134 output_char_str 40000100C output_id 40000018F output_q 400000614 output_q_digits 400000B7E output_q_hex 400000D3E output_q_hex_j1
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How to convert a latex document with figures to a HTML file?
Posted onHow to convert a latex document with figures to a HTML file? htlatex (On Fedora, it is in the package texlive-tex4ht) can generate the html from a latex doc better than latex2html. From my experience, it can produce a better html file.
How to print a plain text file to printers from a terminal in Linux
Posted onHow to quickly print a plain text file to printers from a terminal in Linux? You can also use enscript: enscript – convert text files to PostScript, HTML, RTF, ANSI, and overstrikes enscript text-file The lp command can print a plain text file to a printer. My favorite command: cat text-file | lp -o
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How to convert A4 paper format to read on Kindle 5
Posted onKindle is good for reading. However, the A4-size technical/academic paper is pain to read on Kindle 5—the fonts are too small. The “email to Kindl” converting tool provided by Amazon usually loses the formats in the technical paper. How to convert A4 paper format to read on Kindle 5? I use k2pdfopt tool (hey, source
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How to make eps files using gnuplot
Posted onHow to make gnuplot generate eps files instead of plot the figures on screen? First, save a Gnuplot plot as a PostScript file by this commands: # gnuplot> load ‘saveplot’ # gnuplot> !mv The saveplot file’s content: set size 1.0, 0.6 set terminal postscript portrait enhanced mono dashed lw 1 “Helvetica” 14 set
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How to convert a .docx .doc MS Word file to pdf in command line on Linux
Posted onHow to convert a MS Word document file such as .docx and .doc to pdf on Linux using command line tools? Use LibreOffice: libreoffice –headless –convert-to pdf –outdir /path/to/out/dir/ /path/to/doc/docx/file While this LibreOffice answer works, the –headless option still needs as display, even though it does not use it. In otherwords, this option won’t work
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utop key bindings / key shortcuts
Posted onutop is an improved toplevel for OCaml supporting line edition, history, real-time and context sensitive completion, colors and etc. utop is convenient to use. However, the key bindings are a little bit different from the ones with GNU readline. What are all the key bindings? The #utop_bindings command will print all the key bindings. Here
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Import Evolution mail directory to Thunderbird/imap account
Posted onI have some old emails left in the Evolution local directory (unfortunately not in the mail server’s imap directory). So how to import the Evolution directory which contains some files for the emails to Thunderbird so that I can copy them to the imap directory if needed? You can do this in two steps: First,
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How to padding a integer with 0s in bash?
Posted onHow to convert an integer into a string of many characters padded with 0s in bash. To do this in C: sprintf(buffer, “%08d”, n); which convert integer n to a 8-character string padded with leading 0s. How to padding a integer with 0s in bash? In bash, you can also use printf For the previous
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How to convert a latex file to a single page html
Posted onHow to convert a latex file to a single page html? htlatex is a good choice. On Fedora, install it by yum install texlive-tex4ht. To generate the HTML page from a latex file doc.tex: htlatex doc You can use the latex2html (can be installed on Fedora by yum install latex2html). $ latex2html -split +0 -info
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How to convert HTML file to text on Linux
Posted onHow to convert HTML file to a text on Linux? You can use html2text (can be installed on Fedora by yum install html2text): $ html2text ${html_file} ${html_file} is the html file to be converted. The converted text will be printed to the STDOUT. You can redirect it to a file if it is needed. Adding
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How to convert seconds since the epoch to a date in Linux?
Posted onHow to convert seconds since the epoch (1970-01-01 UTC) to a date in Linux? For example, Convert the time stamp 1349361711.169942 to Thu Oct 4 22:41:51 HKT 2012 You can use the date command on Linux to convert the time formats. For converting the time stamp 1349361711.169942 to the normal data format: $ date -d
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How to print the text in a web page?
Posted onHow to efficiently print a webpage? E.g. I want to only print the text for some pages but with figures for some other pages. I tried to copy the webpage to a document, but the format turns to be just terrible. One good tool that I use is PrinterFriendly which can convert a webpage to
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How to install .deb packages on Fedora?
Posted onI come across some closed source software that only provides .deb packages. Fedora manages packages with rpm/yum. How to install the .deb packages on Fedora? Alien is a tool to convert .deb package to .rpm package: In latest Fedora, the tool alien is in Fedora’s repository. You can use dnf to install the package.
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How to turn my iPhone to a mouse?
Posted oniPhone has the touch screen. Is is possible to turn my iPhone to a wireless mouse on Linux? Use the WiFi Mouse app/server: First, install the WiFi Mouse app on you iPhone: Second, install the WiFi Mouse server downloaded from If you are using Fedora Linux, you need to convert the .deb
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Printing Integers in Hexadecimal Format in Python
Posted onPrinting integers in hexadecimal format in Python is a simple task that can be accomplished using the built-in hex() function. By following the steps outlined in this post, you can easily print integers in hexadecimal format in Python. Additionally, by using string formatting, you can control the format of the hexadecimal output to suit your
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Converting String to long Integer in C
Posted onConverting a string to a long in C is a common operation that can be useful in various programming tasks. In this post, we will explore how to use the strtol and strtoul C library functions to convert a string to a long in C. Using strtol and strtoul The strtol and strtoul functions are
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Installing Latex and Compiling a Latex Docuent in Linux
Posted onLatex is a popular document preparation system that is widely used for creating scientific and technical documents. Compiling Latex documents on Linux is a straightforward process that requires only a few Latex packages and a set of commands. By following the steps outlined in this post, you can easily compile Latex documents on your Linux
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How to convert a ps file to a pdf file
Posted onHow to convert a ps file to a pdf file that is available for publish (embedded fonts, etc)? Convert the ps file to file.pdf: $ ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer file.pdf</pre> Embedding Fonts in PDFs with pdflatex by Jeffrey P. Bigham: