How to install alien on CentOS 7 to convert .deb to .rpm?

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How to install the alien command on CentOS 7 to convert .deb to .rpm? alien is already in EPEL and it makes it quite easy to install it in CentOS 7. First, enable EPEL following this tutorials. Then, install alien by # yum install alien Then alien should be ready: # yum info alien Installed
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How to force a fsck during next rebooting of Linux?

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How to force a fsck of a file system, say the root, during the next rebooting of Linux? 2 possible ways: /forcefsck way for / # touch /forcefsck and reboot. Next time the / will be fsck’ed . systemd way Add these 2 kernel boot parameters: fsck.mode=force What these 2 kernel parameters do: KERNEL
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How to check interrupts lively in your systems?

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I need to see what kind of interrupts are handled by which CPU. Please run command: # cat /proc/interrupts or you can execute $ watch -n1 “cat /proc/interrupts” to watch interrupts every 1 second. See [1] [2] for more details. References: [1] [2]

For QEMU/KVM, how to share data between host and guest

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General question for developers to access data between VM and VMM. As I know, paravirtualization solution is a good way to share data for VM and VMM since it has better performance. Please use Virtio 9p solution for QEMU/KVM. Note that you need to load 9p related modules for guest kernel. Add following in your
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How to find out all files with replication factor 1 in HDFS?

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How to find out all files with replication factor 1 in HDFS? The hdfs dfsadmin -report shows there are blocks with replication factor 1: Missing blocks (with replication factor 1): 7 How to find them out? You can run hdfs fsck to list all files with their replication counts and grep those with replication factor
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How to detect whether a file is being written by any other process in Linux?

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How to detect whether a file is being written by any other process in Linux? Before a program open a file to processes it, it wants to ensure no other processes are writing to it. Here, we are sure after the files are written and closed, they will not be written any more. Hence, one-time
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How to get the highest temperature from all sensors in a server on Linux?

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It is useful to monitor a server node’s temporary. Among all the sensors’ temperatures, the higher one may be a very important one. How to get the highest temperature from all sensors in a server on Linux? You can use this command to get the the highest temperature from all sensors in a server on
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How to find the disk where root / is on in Bash on Linux?

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Question: how to find the disk where the Linux’s root(/) is on in Bash? The root may be on a LVM volume or on a raw disk. 2 cases: One example: # df -hT | grep /$ /dev/sda4 ext4 48G 32G 14G 71% / For another example: # df -hT | grep /$ /dev/mapper/fedora-root ext4
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Getting Hostname in Bash in Linux in 3 Ways

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Getting the hostname of the node running a program can be useful in various scenarios, such as creating logs with the hostname, identifying which node a script is running on, or configuring a distributed system with different nodes. In Bash, there are several ways to retrieve the hostname of the machine, as mentioned in the
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How to get hostname in Python on Linux?

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In Python, how to get hostname as the command hostname does on Linux? In Python, you can get the hostname by the socket.gethostname() library function in the socket module: import socket hostname = socket.gethostname() Reference:

How to put files with spaces in names into HDFS?

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I got this error when I tried to save a file with a space in its name into HDFS: $ hdfs dfs -put -f “/home/u1/testa/test a” “/u1/testa/test a” put: unexpected URISyntaxException while the HDFS seems allow spaces in its file names: . How to achieve the effect of saving the files with spaces in
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