dd is a handy tool on Linux. But is it possible to run it on Windows? I find the dd in cygwin works very well for me. It provides as almost (if not the same) functions as the dd on Linux. The disks are specified in /dev/ as on Linux. This solution means: you need
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Tag: Command line
How to make Emacs run in command line by default?
Posted onHow to make Emacs run in command line by default? I do not want to open the X window. You have at least 2 choices. First choice: use emacs-nox and make it the default: # yum install emacs-nox # alternatives –config emacs and choose emacs-nox. Second choice: use emacs but with -nw to disable the
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How to quickly find out which rpm package provides a command on Fedora Linux?
Posted onHow to quickly find out which rpm package provides a command on Fedora Linux? As an example, we want to find out which package provides the ping command. You can quickly find it out by rpm: $ rpm -qf `which ping` It will give iputils-20121221-2.fc19.x86_64 Alternatively, you can use yum: $ yum provides `which ping`
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How to set Internet Explorer’s Proxy in command line on Windows 7?
Posted onHow to set Internet Explorer’s Proxy in command line on Windows 7? You can use this tool: SetProxy. On Windows 7, it works still to set IE’s proxy. Note that the proxy setting is for IE only. If you need to configure the proxy for other services like Windows Update or other programs that use
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What is the meaning of ‘@’ in Makefile?
Posted onHarry asked: What is the meaning of ‘@’ in Makefile? An example is as follows. $ cat Makefile all: @echo “For correctness test of basic get and put, run: make test;” Without ‘@’, it works well. Without @: $ make echo “For correctness test of basic get and put, run: make test;” For correctness test
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Multi-connection multi-part file downloading tools on Linux
Posted onIs there any good multi-connection multi-part file downloading tools on Linux? wget is great but can only make 1 connection for 1 file. Sometimes, it is too slow on some networks. I use aria2 which supportsmMulti-connection download. aria2 can download a file from multiple sources/protocols and tries to utilize your maximum download bandwidth. Really speeds
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How to print out text with line numbers in Linux
Posted onHow to print out a plain text file with line numbers in Linux? Use the nl command: nl text-file Find options in the nl manual.
How to print a plain text file to printers from a terminal in Linux
Posted onHow to quickly print a plain text file to printers from a terminal in Linux? You can also use enscript: enscript – convert text files to PostScript, HTML, RTF, ANSI, and overstrikes https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/1-enscript/ enscript text-file The lp command can print a plain text file to a printer. My favorite command: cat text-file | lp -o
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Ghostscript reports “Unrecoverable error: stackunderflow in .setdistillerparams”
Posted onWith the command -dPDFSETTINGS=/print for ps2pdf, I got: GPL Ghostscript 9.10: Set UseCIEColor for UseDeviceIndependentColor to work properly. Unrecoverable error: stackunderflow in .setdistillerparams make: *** [pdf-print] Error 255 How to fix it? I use this workaround: ps2pdf -dColorConversionStrategy=/LeaveColorUnchanged -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer psfile.ps from this. An alternative is to use -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress.
How to export and import message filters of Thunderbird
Posted onI have several installation of Thunderbird under Linux to check/send emails using IMAP email servers. I use filters extensively to manage my emails. How to export and import message filters of Thunderbird so that I can synchronize the rules on several installations? About message filters in Thunderbird (More at http://kb.mozillazine.org/Filters_(Thunderbird)): Filters are account specific, there
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How to concatenate multiple video file together on Linux
Posted onI have multiple video files, say video1.avi, video2.avi and video3.avi. How to concatenate these multiple video file to a single file together on Linux? You can use mencoder to concatenate multiple video files to one file. For installing mencoder on Fedora, please check: http://www.systutorials.com/1493/mplayer-on-fedora/ For the question, the command is: mencoder -oac copy -ovc copy
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How to find broken soft links in a directory?
Posted onHow to find broken symbolic links in a directory which have many symbolic links? Use this command to find broken soft links: find -xtype l /path/to/dir/to/find/in/ You can also specify the action by -exec. For example, delete the soft links that are broken in the current directory: find -xtype l -exec rm -f {} ;
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How to change my Linux password
Posted onHow to change my password on a Linux box? The original password is generated by the administrator for me. User the passwd command. The easiest way: Log in the Linux box with your account Run passwd and it will ask your old and new passwords.
How to convert A4 paper format to read on Kindle 5
Posted onKindle is good for reading. However, the A4-size technical/academic paper is pain to read on Kindle 5—the fonts are too small. The “email to Kindl” converting tool provided by Amazon usually loses the formats in the technical paper. How to convert A4 paper format to read on Kindle 5? I use k2pdfopt tool (hey, source
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How to convert a .docx .doc MS Word file to pdf in command line on Linux
Posted onHow to convert a MS Word document file such as .docx and .doc to pdf on Linux using command line tools? Use LibreOffice: libreoffice –headless –convert-to pdf –outdir /path/to/out/dir/ /path/to/doc/docx/file While this LibreOffice answer works, the –headless option still needs as display, even though it does not use it. In otherwords, this option won’t work
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utop key bindings / key shortcuts
Posted onutop is an improved toplevel for OCaml supporting line edition, history, real-time and context sensitive completion, colors and etc. utop is convenient to use. However, the key bindings are a little bit different from the ones with GNU readline. What are all the key bindings? The #utop_bindings command will print all the key bindings. Here
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How to find the disk space left for a file on Linux
Posted onHow to find the disk space left for a file on Linux? For example, a program may append data to a file: /mnt/logs/app-log.log How to find which partition the app-log.log is on and how much disk space left on that partition? Use this command: $ df -B1 /mnt/logs/app-log.log | tail -1 | cut -d’ ‘
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How to get the output of a system command in C
Posted onHow to get the output of a system command in C? The system function is handy. But how to get the output? popen is a useful function for this purpose: https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/3p-popen/ You can use normal file operation functions like fgets to read file content from the file opened by popen.
How to convert seconds since the epoch to a date in Linux?
Posted onHow to convert seconds since the epoch (1970-01-01 UTC) to a date in Linux? For example, Convert the time stamp 1349361711.169942 to Thu Oct 4 22:41:51 HKT 2012 You can use the date command on Linux to convert the time formats. For converting the time stamp 1349361711.169942 to the normal data format: $ date -d
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How to set an environment variable in bash?
Posted onHow to set an environment variable in bash? The syntax in bash for setting an environment variable is as follows. export VARIABLE=value Note that there is no space among the variable, the equals sign (“=”) and the value. If the value has spaces, the value should be put in quotes. To check it: echo $VARIABLE
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