How to Make DNF and YUM Save Downloaded RPM Packages

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DNF/YUM can automatically download the RPM packages and install them. Under some situations, we may prefer to make a copy of the RPM files for offline usage so that no need to have network connections to install the software packages. For such purposes, we need to make a copy of the RPM packages. It is
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Linux User Group Management and Operations

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Linux allows more than one users to log into the system to run processes/programs at the same time. In order to make this multi-user system work properly, Linux provides ways to isolate and protect users from each other and manage the permissions efficiently. One of the mechanism is user groups. Linux users may be grouped
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How to Install Wine 32-bit on CentOS 8

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Since version 7, RHEL and CentOS only have 64 bit versions. For some reasons, it’s better to run many Windows applications under 32 bit wine. Like How to Install Wine 32-bit on CentOS 7, this post introduce how to install 32-bit Wine on CentOS 8. Most of the mechanisms are similar yet there are differences.
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How to get a server’s serial number remotely?

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How to get a server’s serial number remotely? Tested on Linux Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty > sudo apt-get install dmidecode > sudo dmidecode -s system-serial-number I tried this on several Linux boxes with CentOS 7 and it seems A physical node returns a string like System Serial Number. A KVM VM returns a string like 3fd12bba-12d4-48c7-875a-7a5f57ed8a9a.
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How to install alien on CentOS 7 to convert .deb to .rpm?

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How to install the alien command on CentOS 7 to convert .deb to .rpm? alien is already in EPEL and it makes it quite easy to install it in CentOS 7. First, enable EPEL following this tutorials. Then, install alien by # yum install alien Then alien should be ready: # yum info alien Installed
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How to install gfortran on CentOS 7?

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How to install the gfortran fortran compiler on CentOS 7 Linux? gfortran on CentOS 7 is provided in the gcc-gfortran package. You may install it to install gfortran. # yum install gcc-gfortran Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, langpacks Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: * epel: * extras: * nux-dextop: *
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Why “ValueError: zero length field name in format” error in Python on CentOS 6?

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The same Python program runs without any problem while it report ValueError: zero length field name in format error in Python on CentOS 6 The piece of code in Python is: print ‘== {} SPF’.format(d) Why “ValueError: zero length field name in format” error in Python on CentOS 6? This feature of {} without the
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How to disable the fastestmirror yum plugin in CentOS 7 Linux?

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How to disable the fastmirror yum plugin in CentOS 7 Linux? The fastestmirror function of yum is provided by the package `yum-plugin-fastestmirror`. However, because `yum` depends on it, the `yum-plugin-fastestmirror` package can not be removed. If you try to remove it, `yum` will report failures like. # yum remove yum-plugin-fastestmirror Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Resolving Dependencies
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How to add PHP DOMDocument extension to httpd in CentOS 7?

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Just migrated a PHP site to a new server. However, in /var/log/httpd/error_log, there are errors like [:error] [pid 2810] [client] PHP Fatal error: Class ‘DOMDocument’ not found in /var/www/…/some.php on line 16 How to add PHP DOMDocument extension to httpd in CentOS 7? You need to install the package php-xml to have DOMCoument support
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Where is MySQL / MariaDB storage location by default on CentOS 7?

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Where is MySQL / MariaDB storage location by default on CentOS 7? No special configuration to the MariaDB from official repository of CentOS. On CentOS 7 Linux it is usually by default /var/lib/mysql But here I give you another “hacky” way to find it out. The method is to find out the mysql daemon mysqld’
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How to make iptables/ip6tables configurations permanent across reboot on CentOS 7 Linux?

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How to make iptables/ip6tables configurations permanent across reboot on CentOS 7 Linux? CentOS 7 uses FirewallD by default. If you would like to manage iptables/ip6tables rules directly without using FirewallD, you may use the old good iptables-services service which will load the iptables/ip6tables rules saved in /etc/sysconfig/iptables and /etc/sysconfig/ip6tables when it is started during boot
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How to upgrade vim to version 8 on CentOS 7?

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vim on CentOS 7 is version 7.4 with patches 1-160: $ vim –version VIM – Vi IMproved 7.4 (2013 Aug 10, compiled Dec 21 2016 17:00:20) Included patches: 1-160 How to upgrade it to version 8 which is the latest major version? Update on Oct 23 2018: the repository introduced in the original method is
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How to make CentOS Linux to load a module automatically at boot time?

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How to make CentOS Linux to load a module, say ixgbe, automatically at boot time? I am using CentOS 7. You can create a text file <some name>.conf in the /etc/modules-load.d/ and list the modules to be loaded there, one per line. The systemd-modules-load.service daemon will read these files and load the modules. Check more
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WPS’ wpp program reports “ cannot open shared object file” on CentOS 7

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WPS’ wpp program reports “ cannot open shared object file” on CentOS 7 as follows: $ wpp /opt/kingsoft/wps-office/office6/wpp: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory The reason: wpp will tries to dynamically link ‘’ $ ldd /opt/kingsoft/wps-office/office6/wpp | grep libbz2 => not found =>
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How to install encfs on CentOS 6?

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I noticed your answer on configuring encfs on CentOS 6. I had difficulties installing encfs on CentOS 6. How did you install it? Thanks. For CentOS 6, I used a slightly old version (version 1.7.4) using an RPM built for by PUIAS: For x86-64 version: # yum install For i686 version: # yum install
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encfs on CentOS 6 can’t mount as normal user

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On CentOS 7, using a normal user, encfs works just well. On CentOS 6, using the root user, encfs works. However, the problem is, on CentOS 6, using a normal user account, encfs does not work as on CentOS 7. $ encfs -s ~/t/.enc ~/t/enc EncFS Password: fuse: failed to exec fusermount: Permission denied fuse
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