How to monitor temperatures of laptop on Linux? This works on Linux Mint: sudo aptitude install lm-sensors hddtemp For lm-sensors, first detect the sensors by: sudo sensors-detect To detect the temperature in the system: sudo sensors To detect the HDD (e.g. sda) temperature: sudo hddtemp /dev/sda An example of the output: [zma@mini:~]$ sudo sensors acpitz-virtual-0
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Tag: C
How to install no-ip update client on Linux Mint?
Posted onHow to install update client noip2 on Linux Mint 17? First, install the noip2 client: sudo su – cd /usr/local/src wget tar xzf noip-duc-linux.tar.gz cd no-ip-2.1.9-1 make make install Then, generate the configuration file noip2 -C Last, make noip2 daemon run at reboot crontab -e Add this line to crontab: @reboot /usr/local/bin/noip2 I’ve
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How to adjust the system partition (C:) size of Windows?
Posted onThe disk management tools of Windows can adjust it to some level. But there are more space available as far as I can tell. How to further adjust the system partition (C:) size of Windows? You may check these tools: EASEUS Partition Master (free) Includes Partition Manager, Disk & Partition Copy Wizard and Partition Recovery
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Replacing with a string with newline in Emacs?
Posted onHow to replacing a string with another string with newline in Emacs? For example, to replace: good editor with good editor: Emacs What you need is actually to input a newline in Emacs: C-q C-j C-q is for quoted-insert, and C-j is a newline (0xa).
fclose Q2A theme
Posted onCan I get the fclose Q2A theme used here? I’d like to share it but I also want to keep my site a little bit unique. What about this: you can get the css and qa-theme.php files, but need to find or design your own icons for the site (I believe some icons from other
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How to get the time at millisecond level on Linux with command line?
Posted onI know that gettimeofday() is a nice API. But how to get the number of seconds with milliseconds since the epoch time? You can get the time at nano-seconds level (although it is not guaranteed that the last digits are accurate) by: date +%s.%N
How to get the file length in C on Linux
Posted onHow to get the file length in C on Linux given the address of the file (e.g. “/tmp/a.txt”)? This function returns the length of the file: #include <sys/stat.h> long file_length(char *f) { struct stat st; stat(f, &st); return st.st_size; }
How to catch the kill signals sent by kill in C on Linux?
Posted onHow to catch the kill signals sent by the kill command in C programs on Linux? For example, I have a daemon progd running, and will kill it by: pkill progd The question is how to catch the signal sent by the kill command and response to it in the progd program implemented in C
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How to convert between dos and unix file coding in Emacs?
Posted onHow to convert between dos and unix file coding for files in Emacs? From Dos to Unix coding: M-x set-buffer-file-coding-system RET undecided-unix or C-x RET f undecided-unix Then save the file (C-x C-s). From Unix to Dos M-x set-buffer-file-coding-system RET undecided-dos or C-x RET f undecided-dos Then save the file (C-x C-s).
Bash comparison operators
Posted onWhat are all the bash supported comparison operators? The man 1 test contains all the operators supported in bash. An omitted EXPRESSION defaults to false. Otherwise, EXPRESSION is true or false and sets exit status. It is one of: ( EXPRESSION ) EXPRESSION is true ! EXPRESSION EXPRESSION is false EXPRESSION1 -a EXPRESSION2 both EXPRESSION1
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How to detect memory leaks of C programs in Linux?
Posted onHow to detect memory leaks of C programs in Linux? I also have access to the source code of the program. There are many posts related to this: Easy and quick tools on Linux (while not very accurate): Valgrind: manual and a tutorial. gperftools has the Google Heap Profiler which can checks for memory
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How to change default OS for windows dual boot manager in Windows 7?
Posted onHow to change default OS for windows dual boot manager in Windows 7? The c:/boot/ in older Windows does not exist anymore. Open the Control Panel and click on the System icon. In the left pane, click on the Advanced system settings link. Under the Advanced tab, click on the Settings button under Startup and
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How to debug/check network-related driver information on Linux?
Posted onHow to debug/check network-related driver information on Linux? Several commands/tools that you may find usefull: Messages: dmesg grep NetworkManager /var/log/messages lshw: list hardware lshw -c network lsusb: list USB devices lsusb rfkill: enabling and disabling wireless devices rfkill unblock all rfkill event iwconfig: configure a wireless network interface iwconfig ifconfig: configure a network interface ifconfig
How to get the directory path and file name from a absolute path in C on Linux
Posted onHow to get the directory path and file name from a absolute path in C on Linux? For example, with “/foo/bar/baz.txt”, it will produce: “/foo/bar/” and “baz.txt”. You can use the APIs basename and dirname to parse the file name and directory name. A piece of C code: #include <libgen.h> #include <string.h> char* local_file =
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utop key bindings / key shortcuts
Posted onutop is an improved toplevel for OCaml supporting line edition, history, real-time and context sensitive completion, colors and etc. utop is convenient to use. However, the key bindings are a little bit different from the ones with GNU readline. What are all the key bindings? The #utop_bindings command will print all the key bindings. Here
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How to padding a integer with 0s in bash?
Posted onHow to convert an integer into a string of many characters padded with 0s in bash. To do this in C: sprintf(buffer, “%08d”, n); which convert integer n to a 8-character string padded with leading 0s. How to padding a integer with 0s in bash? In bash, you can also use printf For the previous
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How to get the output of a system command in C
Posted onHow to get the output of a system command in C? The system function is handy. But how to get the output? popen is a useful function for this purpose: You can use normal file operation functions like fgets to read file content from the file opened by popen.
How to make a static library (.a) on Linux
Posted onHow to make a static library (.a) on Linux? How to generate a library from C programs in files lib1.c and lib2.c: $ gcc -c lib1.c lib2.c Create a library “libmy.a” using ar: $ ar -cvq libmy.a lib1.o lib2.o You can also list the files in a library with ar: $ ar -t libmy.a You
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How to delete multiple items from Kindle Library
Posted onThe Kindle Library Web interface only provide interface to delete items one by one. How to delete multiple items from my Kindle Library? This works on Chrome. First, browse deki.js to find the javascript for the “DeKi: Delete Kindle Items” plugin. Press “Ctrl + A” then “Ctrl + C” to copy all the javascript code.
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How to set and get an environment variable in C on Linux?
Posted onHow to set and get an environment variable in C on Linux? You can use the setenv and getenv POSIX APIs to set and get environment variables. To add or change environment variable: #include <stdlib.h> int setenv(const char *envname, const char *envval, int overwrite); To get value of an environment variable: #include <stdlib.h> char *getenv(const
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