How to Generate and Apply Patches using diff and patch on Linux

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`diff` and `patch` are tools to create patches and apply patches to source code, which is widely used in the open-source world, such as Linux kernel and application. patch: applying patches To apply a patch to a single file: $ patch < foo.patch If the foo.patch does not identify the file the patch should be
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Installing ns-2 and ns-3 on Fedora Linux

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ns is a discrete-event network simulator targeted primarily for research and educational use. There are two version of ns, ns-2 and ns-3, which are quite different with each other in the implementation and method to use them. In this post, we introduce how to install ns-2 and ns-3 on Fedora Linux 15. Install ns-2.34 on
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Setting Up Ubuntu DomU on Xen: Ubuntu 10.10 on Fedora Xen Dom0

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Setting up Ubuntu 10.10 DomU on top of Fedora Xen Dom0 is introduced in this post. The process of setting up Ubuntu 10.10 DomU is the same as Setting Up Stable Xen DomU with Fedora: Unmodified Fedora 12 on top of Xenified Fedora 12 Dom0 with Xen 4.0 This post only show the difference which
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Installing the Flash Plugin for 64-bit Firefox in Linux x86-64

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This post introduces how to install flash plugin to 64-bit firefox on a x86-64 Linux (Fedora as the example). Both 64-bit and 32-bit plugin are available. 64-bit flash plugin for Firefox on Linux First, download Flash Player Release for 64-bit Linux from Adobe Labs. Then, unpack the package: $ tar xf flashplayer.tar.gz Check whether all
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Duplicating LVM Backed Xen DomU

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LVM’s snapshot feature enables us to duplicate an LVM backed Xen DomU in seconds rather than minutes. We no longer need to copy the entire file system image like backing up file backed Xen DomU. We just need to make a snapshot of the current Xen DomU in seconds. When there are changes to the
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Introduction to Xen Source Code Structure

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The Xen hypervisor is a powerful virtualization solution that provides virtualization capabilities for x86, x86-64, and ARM architectures. The source code structure of Xen is organized into several directories, each of which contains a specific set of files. The backend and frontend drivers are an important part of the Xen hypervisor, and they provide a
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Duplicating and Backing Up LVM Backed Xen DomU from a Remote Server

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LVM’s snapshot feature enables us to duplicate an LVM backed Xen DomU in seconds inside of the same volume group. When we want to duplicate LVM backed Xen DomU from a remote server, we need to make use of LVM’s snapshot function and tools like scp and dd. Backing up the DomU is only part
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Setting up Stable Xen Dom0 with Fedora: Xen 3.4.3 with Xenified Linux Kernel in Fedora 12

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This is the latest stable and recommended stable Xen Dom0 solution on Fedora 12. No serious bug found till now and we will fix the bugs by ourselves if some appears. It also works on Fedora 14 as well. It should not be hard to use this solution on other versions of Fedora or other
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Setting Up Xen DomU on Fedora Linux (Fedora 12)

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Creating file-backed virtual block device (VBD) for Xen virtual machines and installing Fedora 12 in Xen DomU via internet will be introduced. Note that this tutorial is based on a pretty old OS (Fedora 12). But the method here is still valid while some minor details may need to be changed for latest Xen and
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Setting Up Xen Dom0 on Fedora : Xen 3.4.1 with Linux Kernel 2.6.29 on Fedora 12

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Please refer to for the latest stable Xen Dom0 solution. In this post, the detailed tutorial for setting up Xen 3.4.1 dom0 on top of Fedora 12 with kernel 2.6.29 will be introduced. Hardware: Dom0 hardware platform: Motherboard: INTEL S5500BC S5500 Quad Core Xeon Server Board CPU: 2 x Intel Quad Core Xeon E5520 2.26G
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How to Set Up Socks Proxy Using SSH Tunnel

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We can set up a socks proxy on top of a SSH tunnel. Besides the common proxy functions, such as web browsing, the proxy on top of SSH tunnel also ensures the security between the browser and the proxy server (the SSH server). In this post, we introduce and explain how to set up a
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Mostly Used MPlayer Keyboard Control Shortcuts

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MPlayer has a fully configurable, command-driven control layer which allows you to control MPlayer using keyboard. But which are these shortcuts are not immediately know to users of MPlayer. Below is a list of mostly used MPlayer keyboard control shortcuts. They come from the [[man:1|mplayer|mplayer manual]] where you can find a full list of all
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A Simple CPU and Memory Performance Test of Xen Dom0 and DomU

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Please refer to Setting Up Xen Dom0 on Fedora : Xen 3.4.1 with Linux Kernel 2.6.29 on Fedora 12 for the platform of this test (this test runs on Fedora 11, however). I have done some simple performance test on DomU and Dom0 and compare with the performance on physical machines. These test are simple,
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Several Vim Tips (in Chinese)

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窗口模式操作 CTRL-W CTRL-S 将当前窗口分割为两窗口 CTRL-W CTRL-W 切换窗口 CTRL-W j 切换到下一窗口 CTRL-W k 切换到上一窗口 CTRL-W CTRL-R 将窗口的位置轮换 CTRL-W CTRL-_ 将当前窗口最小化 CTRL-W CTRL-= 将所有窗口变为等大 搜索和替换 /word 搜索word 搜索之后按回车高亮显示,n 下一个 p 上一个 :%s/模式/替换成的内容/gc % 全局选项,如果没有开启则只在当前行进行替换 g 表示 全局替换,如果没有g选项则只替换每行出现的第一个单词 c 表示需要确认 Esc替换按键 ESC键在键盘的左上角,按起来很不方便,而在VIM中ESC经常用到,其实有一个同样作用的组合按键:CTRL-[,这两个按起来手基本不用做大的动作,方便多了。 块操作 使用visual可视模式 v 进入可视模式,移动光标可进行选择 CTRL-Q 或 CTRL-V 进入列式模式,可进行块操作,选定的是一个矩形块。如果使用behave mswin CTRL-V可能映射成为past

How to Compress/Uncompress Files in Linux Using gzip, bzip2, 7z, rar and zip

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Compress/uncompress files are frequent operations. The normal tools for compressing/uncompressing in Linux is gzip, bzip2, 7z, rar and zip. This post introduces how to compress and uncompress file in Linux using these tools. We use best compressing rate with all these tools and mark the options for “best rate” in bold fonts. We can delete
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Reading List for Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing

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Understanding the literature is usually the first step to do research, which is the same for systems research on cloud computing. A reading list may help a lot to those that just start in cloud computing research. Prof. Lin Gu, my PhD supervisor, compiled a reading list for system research on cloud computing. The reading
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Setting Up a Git Server Using Gitosis

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Update: Since gitosis is not maintained and supported, please check out gitolite for setting up a new git server. (see the comment from Sitaram Chamarty, the gitolite author, the author of gitolite.) Gitosis is a piece of software writen by Tommi Virtanen for hosting git repositories. It manages multiple repositories under the same user account.
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mrcc – A Distributed C Compiler System on MapReduce

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The mrcc project’s homepage is here: mrcc project. Abstract mrcc is an open source compilation system that uses MapReduce to distribute C code compilation across the servers of the cloud computing platform. mrcc is built to use Hadoop by default, but it is easy to port it to other could computing platforms, such as MRlite,
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