After the recent iOS upgrading to version 13, many older iPhones such as iPhone 8 turn to be running slower, although there are many new features. New features and functions use more CPU/GPU/memory and the iOS may run slower. But are there any methods to make it run faster? After quite some research and testing,
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What Are the Secrets Behind Google’s Success Story?
Posted onGoogle has created an image that tells us its core values are centered around innovation. There are very few companies that can boast a similar level of influence as Google. Nevertheless, we should not only focus on Google’s achievements today but also learn from their journey to the top. We can break down Google’s core
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The cultural impact of cloud technology
Posted onCloud technology is one of the latest forms of technology. A cloud is a place where exactly the data is stored. Also, the cloud is the place where the data is managed and processed. Cloud ensures that the data managed on a cluster or the network of servers. All of these servers are available remotely
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What is the Future of Big Data Analytics and Hadoop?
Posted onBig Data has taken a lead in the IT industry and has played a significant role in the Business growth and decision-making processes that gives you an edge over the competitors. This is equally applicable to the organizations as well as professionals existing in the analytics domain. Big Data Analytics bring an ocean of opportunities
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How to generate a pair of SSH private key and public key pairs?
Posted onHow to generate a pair of SSH private key and public key pairs? On Linux, you can generate one first by $ ssh-keygen -t rsa By default on Linux, the key pair is stored in `~/.ssh` named `id_rsa` and `` for the private and public key.
How to cat a text file out from a tar archive without having to extracting it?
Posted onHow to cat a text file out from a compressed tar archive package without having to extracting the whole package? For example, I have a pkg.tar.gz which contains a text file pkg/readme.txt in it. How to cat the pkg/readme.txt file content out? You may use this command to cat out the file content: tar -O
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How to Change Windows User Name on Windows 10 Using Computer Management
Posted onThe Windows user name can be changed according to the user’s needs and requirement. The Windows 10 Windows Settings tool interface keeps changing after updates. It is a little hard to find out the tool to do the user name changing. One way to change Windows user name is to do it through the Computer
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How to mirror a website using wget on Linux?
Posted onHow to mirror a website using wget on Linux? If the command can filter only specific file extensions, such as pdf and docx, it will be much better too. To download all PDF files from as an example, you may use this command: wget –mirror \ –convert-links –no-parent –quiet \ –adjust-extension -A pdf \
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How to Statically Link OCaml Programs
Posted onStatic linking is preferred for some cases although it has its own various problems. Static building/linking is not always possible for some languages on some platform. For OCaml, the answer to this question is yes. In this post, we will introduce 2 methods to statically linking OCaml: static linking with runtime glibc required and static
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5 necessary PC hardware that a programmer needs to upgrade
Posted onThe world of technology has evolved drastically over the last few decades. Almost every aspect of our lives is dominated by technology. At the heart of technology lies computer programming. Computer programming is what dictates the success of the technology. I mean think about it, your smartphone, PC, ETC they all rely on programming. This
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New Linux Kernel 5.0: Features and Improvements
Posted onLinux is the most used and well-known open-source operating system for computers, mobile devices, servers, and mainframes, etc. Linux has so many awesome features to serve its users like Live CD/USB. And it is fast, easy and free to use by computers around the world. The kernel is referred to as the essential component of
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How to write to remote side with sudo in rsync?
Posted onHere is the case, the user can not write directly to the remote side’s directory, while the user can sudo on the remote side and write the directory with sudo. How to write to remote side with sudo in rsync? On the source machine, run the rsync command with –rsync-path="sudo rsync" added. For example, rsync
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How to write file content with sudo in Vim?
Posted onVim opens file even if the user does bot have write permission to the file. But after revision, how to write file content with sudo in Vim if Vim reports no permission to write the file. Use this command inside of vim to write to the file with sudo: :w !sudo tee % Here, !
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How to limit shared AWS EC2 accounts’ access to view and start all VMs yet stop only certain VMs
Posted onIf a team with many accounts share and manages the virtual machines under that same AWS accounts, it is a common practice to limit AWS EC2 accounts’ access to view or start all VMs yet stop only certain VMs. For example, one account has 50 VMs tagged “prod” while 25 VMs tagged “dev”. The developers
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What can we expect in Java update 2019?
Posted onJava is the most regularly used programming language for the creation of web applications. This high-level programming language develops by the Sun Micro-system. This language was designed for use in the world of internet and known for fastest, secure, and most reliable language of the computing platform. One interesting fact is that Java programmers are
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How to do screen recording on Wayland in Linux?
Posted onHow to do screen recording on Wayland in Linux? Many screen recorders do not work on the new Wayland. Using Green Recorder You may try Green Recorder which supports Wayland. Note: Green Recorder is no longer under development by the original author (Please check the project README for more details). It still works well for
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How to enlarge root partition and filesystem size of cloud Linux VM at runtime without rebooting Linux
Posted onIt is common that the root disk space is not enough when running a Virtual Machine in the cloud such as Amazon Web Service (AWS). The cloud storage usually provides tools or facilities to enlarge a virtual disk size. However, to make the Linux recognize and and use the enlarged disks without rebooting the OS,
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Do big data stream processing in the stream way
Posted onReading: Years in Big Data. Months with Apache Flink. 5 Early Observations With Stream Processing: The article suggest adopting the right solution, Flink, for big data processing. Flink is interesting and built for stream processing. The broader view and take away may be to solve problems using the right solution. We saw many painful
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How to synchronize Google Drive and Google Docs files in Ubuntu/Debian/Mint Linux using Insync
Posted onGoogle Drive is a nice cloud storage service. It provides a suite of nice online document spreadsheet and slide editors Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides. The collaborative editing and full history tracking features of Google Docs are excellent. Google Drive gives 16GB free storage which is pretty much larger compared to other free
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How to rename a branch name in the remote git server?
Posted onHow to rename a branch name in the remote git server? For example, I made a mistake to push a branch named ood-name to the git server while I intended to name it old-name. How to rename the branch name ood-name on the remote git server? You may change the remote git server’s branch name
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