I have a local svn repository. I work in the repository, e.g. compiling latex documents and building software packages, and there are many useless temporary files there. How can I clean it up by automatically clean these temporary files like the git clean -f in git? svn seems has no built-in function for this. But
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Subversion: How to revert my changes in my local copy of the repository?
Posted onI made some changes in my local copy of the svn repository. I have not committed and updated the server yet. Now I want to discard my updates. How to revert my changes in my local copy of the repository? To discard current updates, run this in the root directory of the repository: svn revert
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How to install the caption latex package on Fedora?
Posted onI got a message: Package subcaption Error: `caption’ package not loaded I guess that I should install the cpaton package. How to install the caption latex package on Fedora? Fedora 19 is already shipped with the latex Tex Live 2013. You can directly install it by yum. # yum install texlive-caption For older Fedora releases,
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.htaccess: How to disable directory listing?
Posted onHow to disable directory listing using .htaccess? The webserver (Apache) should allow downloading files in a directory and child directories of it but forbid listing of the directory and child directories. In the directory that you want to disable directory listing, create the .htaccess file that contains: Options -Indexes You can also done by Options
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Set the image size in markdown syntax
Posted onWhen I add an image in editor using the markdown syntax, I want to control the size of the image to display instead of its original size. How should I do this? As far as I know, the syntax of markdown currently does not support setting the size of image. If you want to set
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How to install and configure a MySQL cluster on CentOS/RHEL 6.3?
Posted onAny good tutorial on how to install and configure a MySQL cluster on CentOS/RHEL 6.3? Check these posts: Installing MySQL Cluster on CentOS 6.3Configuring the MySQL Cluster General tutorials: MySQL Cluster Installation and CentOS 6: Install MySQL Cluster – The Simple Way.
WordPress: how to list a page’s child pages
Posted onHow to list a page’s child pages in WordPress? wp_list_pages can list the sub pages of a page. Check this code (also include the HTML that wraps it as an example): <h3>Pages under <?php the_title(); ?></h3> <div class=”entry”> <ul> <?php global $id; wp_list_pages(“title_li=&child_of=$id&show_date=modified &date_format=$date_format”); ?> </ul> </div>
Setting Swap Priority in Linux
Posted onHow to set swap priority in Linux? Can I use 2 swap partition at the same time? You can set the priority of swap in Linux by swapon. For example, to set /dev/sdc1‘s priority to 0: # swapoff /dev/sdc1; swapon -p 0 /dev/sdc1 You can also put one entry into the /etc/fstab to make it
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How to make a swap partition
Posted onHow to make a swap partition on Linux? First, make a new partition (or reuse an existing one if you like). I suggest using cfdisk to create it: https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/8-cfdisk/ Then, turn the new partition (say, /dev/sdc1) to a swap # mkswap /dev/sdc1 Lastly, turn it on # swapon /dev/sdc1 You can check whether its status
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Git: setting a local branch’s upstream tracking branch
Posted onHow to set a local branch’s upstream tracking branch in git? For example, I want to track remote repository ‘origin’ ‘s branch ‘demo’ with the local ‘demo’ branch. You can set tracking information for the current branch (say cur_branch) of upstream branch (say also cur_branch) in remote repository origin with: git branch –set-upstream cur_branch origin/cur_branch
iPhone: capture a photo with the remote adapter on earphone
Posted onHow to capture a photo with the remote adapter? You can take a shot by taping the volume-up button of the remote adapter on the earphone. In this way, you can achieve supersteady shots using the earphones as a shutter release.
How to make the video play in background in iPhone?
Posted onEach time I play a video and lock the iPhone by pushing the power button, the video is automatically stopped. If I want to play a MTV and just listen to the music when I walking, I’d like the video play in the background. Is there a method to make this happen? I can do
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How to write a autostart script for gnome
Posted onI want to automatically run a program when I log in gnome. How to write a autorun script for it? Here is one example: $ cat ~/.config/autostart/dropbox.py.desktop [Desktop Entry] Comment[en_US]= Comment= Exec=/home/zma/bin/dropbox.py start GenericName[en_US]= GenericName= Icon=system-run MimeType= Name[en_US]= Name= Path= StartupNotify=true Terminal=false TerminalOptions= Type=Application X-DBUS-ServiceName= X-DBUS-StartupType= X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false X-KDE-Username= To set up a new one, you
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How to change the gnome keyring password?
Posted onI want to change the gnome keyring password. How to change it? You can change the keyring password in these steps (on gnome 3): Start seahorse $ seahorse Select “By keyring” in the “View” menu On the left side, right click the “Login keyring” item. You will find the “Change Password” option there. It will
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What does the /b/ mean in the URL of Fclose.com – SysTutorials QA
Posted onThere is a ‘/b/’ in the posts’ URLs on fclose.com . What does it mean? It originally means “blog” when the blogs are first set up. This site changes to not only a blog (one good example is this forum) over time. However, the URLs are kept unchanged and the ‘/b/’ has no special meanings
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Designing posters – SysTutorials QA
Posted onSome tutorials or materials for designing posters? Designing conference posters by Colin Purrington: http://colinpurrington.com/tips/academic/posterdesign Scribus – an open source desktop publishing tool: http://www.scribus.net/canvas/Scribus Inkscape is a good tool for editing vector figures. GIMP is a great tool for editing images.
Free server images – SysTutorials QA
Posted onAny free server images? 24 Free Data Center Photos from fatcow.com 24 Free Data Center Photos: http://www.fatcow.com/data-center-photos From Wikimedia commons: Multiple servers: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Server-multiple.svg Server: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Server.svg Yellow server: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Server-yellow.svg Green server: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Server-green.svg More from clker.com: Web Virtualization Server clip art: http://www.clker.com/clipart-1826.html Small Case Web Mail Server clip art: http://www.clker.com/clipart-1902.html Inside our data centers from Google —
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Squeezing Space in LaTeX – SysTutorials QA
Posted onHow to squeeze space in Latex? A good tutorial about “squeezing space in LaTex” in here from the Cambridge University’s website: http://www.eng.cam.ac.uk/help/tpl/textprocessing/squeeze.html These settings work great for me: setlength{textfloatsep}{1pt} setlength{abovecaptionskip}{1pt} setlength{belowcaptionskip}{1pt} A more aggressive configuration to squeeze space in a LaTex doc: % save space usepackage{enumitem} setlist{nolistsep} % no space between refs usepackage{bibspacing} setlength{bibspacing}{baselineskip} usepackage[small,compact]{titlesec}
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Why is this site called Fclose? – SysTutorials QA
Posted onWhy is this site called Fclose? Actually, no special meaning at all. “fclose” is just a familiar function for ones that are familiar with computers.
Why setting up Fclose Questions?
Posted onReaders may ask “there are lots Q&A sites. Why do you set up ask.fclose.com?”. There are mainly two reasons: I have some tips to share which are short and fit into the Q&A model very well. These tips sometimes do not fit into a relative long blog post. Hence, I post them as Q&As. Some
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