What’s the difference between memory coherence and consistency?

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In memory hierarchical, it needs to be coherence and consistency. However, they are different things. What are the differences? Memory coherence: a memory system is coherent if any read of a data item returns the most recently written value of that data item (what values can be returned by a read). Memory consistency: A memory
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encfs on CentOS 6 can’t mount as normal user

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On CentOS 7, using a normal user, encfs works just well. On CentOS 6, using the root user, encfs works. However, the problem is, on CentOS 6, using a normal user account, encfs does not work as on CentOS 7. $ encfs -s ~/t/.enc ~/t/enc EncFS Password: fuse: failed to exec fusermount: Permission denied fuse
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How to remove the bottom panel in gnome 3 classic?

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The gnome 3 classic’s bottom panel looks not useful to me. I do not use it. How to remove the bottom panel in gnome 3 classic? That bottom panel is from the “Window List” plugin. The gnome 3 classic package depends on that plugin package on CentOS 7 as far as I checked. And Gnome
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Ubuntu’s GUI response is very slow

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For Dell PowerEdge T630 server, if you install latest Ubuntu desktop version (16.04) or (14.04), you will get a very slow GUI (X-window). $ inxi -G Graphics: Card: Matrox Systems G200eR2 X.org: 1.15.1 driver: vesa tty size: 205×58 Advanced Data: N/A out of X For Ubuntu 14.04.1, this problem can be solved by following steps.
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In Bash script, how to join multiple lines from a file?

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In Bash script, how to join multiple lines from a file? For example, to join the lines a good boy to a good boy You can use tr command, something like: tr -s ‘n’ ‘ ‘ < file.txt It just goes through its input and makes changes according to what you specify in two sets
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How to redirect non-www domain to www domain in .htaccess?

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I have a website. But I would like use the www.example.com instead of example.com. How to redirect non-www domain to www domain on my server? I am using apache2 (httpd). You can add a piece of code into the top .htaccess in your site: Specific method: redirect example.com domain to www.example.com domain RewriteEngine On RewriteBase
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How to make tee catch the stderr only in Linux?

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I would like to make tee catch the stderr and log it into a file. A brute force method by let tee listen on both stderr and stdout is okay like cmd 2>&1 | tee -a log But how to make tee catch the stderr only? You can make use of “process substitution” (>(…)) to
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How to set up HP printer and scaner on CentOS 7?

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How to set up the driver for an HP all-in-one printer/scanner on CentOS 7 Linux? First, install these packages and it may ask you to download and install other plugins. Without these packages, my printer does work. # yum install hplip hplip-gui hpijs Second, install plugins for the HP printer. # hp-plugin Then you can
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How to detect whether a file is readable and writable in Python?

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Before reading or writing a file, access should be checked first. How to detect whether a file is readable and writable in Python? You can use the os.access(path, mode) library function https://docs.python.org/release/2.6.6/library/os.html#os.access like the Linux access library function for C. It returns True if access is allowed, False if not. For readable and writable, you
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How to handle spaces in paths with rsync on Linux?

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The common rsync commands seems not handle spaces well. For example, rsync -avxP file “user@server:/data/my dir” It reports: rsync: link_stat “/home/zma/file” failed: No such file or directory (2) How to make rsync handle spaces well? You can use the –protect-args option of rsync. $ rsync –protect-args -avxP file “user@server:/data/my dir” What does –protect-args do: -s,
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How to install sshfs on CentOS 7?

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sshfs is a nice tool. But it seems there is no support to it in a newly installed CentOS 7 Linux system: Not installed by default: # sshfs -bash: sshfs: command not found Seems not available from the repositories # yum install sshfs -y Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Repodata is over 2 weeks old. Install yum-cron?
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