How to list all commits in a git repository
Posted on In Linux, Software, Tutorial`git log` only list all the commits in the current working branch. For some cases, we may want to list all the commits in a git repository. The `git log` command does not do this. But there are other supports in `git` that can do so.
The command to list all commits is
git rev-list --remotes
`git rev-list` list commit objects in reverse chronological order. The key option is `–remotes`. When the option is specified and left empty, it pretends as if all the refs in `refs/remotes` are listed on the command line.
So “all the refs in `refs/remotes`” plays the trick here!
You may also use `–pretty` to make the output look better with more information and commits messages.
git rev-list --all --remotes --pretty