How to install PARSEC correctly.

Posted on In QA

PARSEC is the most important CPU-bound benchmark for systems. It is huge and hard to install because it needs lots of 3-part libs.

PARSEC download link for 3.0 version:

I remembered I added the answer yesterday night but I could not see the answer currently. Anyway, let me add the answer again after I go back home tonight. I was thinking you need to review my answer and it will appear once you pass it…

You might see a cached version of the page. Or there are bugs in the caching module of this site. If you logged in, the cache module is ensured disabled for you.

Your comments make sense to me. Thank you.

This is bad “Please provide more information – at least 60 characters” because I cannot add comments less than 60 characters.

Good point. It seems a bug in the QA program that use the answer length limit (60) as the comment length limit (20). Fixed it. 20 character comments should be good now.

Thank you, Zhiqiang ;-)

1, Read here[1]. You can also choose the way to remove ‘install_docs’ from SSL for problem 2 in [1].
2, You need also install pkg-config and gettext. (sudo apt-get install pkg-config gettext).

Other suggestions:
When you find following error after run command “parsecmgmt -a build -c gcc-pthreads”.

[PARSEC] Error: Cannot find local build configurationgcc-pthreads.bldconf’ for package parsec.freqmine.

You need to try command “parsecmgmt -a build -p freqmine -c gcc
” for package freqmin because it is implemented by openMP instead of gcc-pthreads.


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