Get error message on usb2 stick – READ ONLY FILE SYSTEM. What should i do? Posted on Mar 24, 2018 by Eric Ma In QA Cant read or write to files on usb stick or move or copy them. Could you provide the dmesg output? It will help to understand your question. If it is formated on Windows, you may need to install the ntfs-3g package to write to the usb disk. Read more: mkfs refuses to make filesystem with message “is apparently in use by the system; will not make a filesystem here!” Why I got message “invalid syntax, continuing…” when I execute “sysctl”? How to read the whole file content into a string in Go? How to create a file if not exist and open it in read and write modes in C++? How to export and import message filters of Thunderbird Changing a git commit message after I have pushed it to the server? How to change the commit message of a commit in the history (not HEAD)? How to get a FILE pointer from a file descriptor and how to get a file descriptor from a FILE pointer in C on Linux?