sla_wwaddw (l) - Linux Manuals
sla_wwaddw: SLA_WWADDW add a vector W into a doubled-single vector (X, Y)
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SLA_WWADDW - SLA_WWADDW add a vector W into a doubled-single vector (X, Y)
N, X, Y, W )
X( * ), Y( * ), W( * )
SLA_WWADDW adds a vector W into a doubled-single vector
(X, Y).
This works for all extant IBMaqs hex and binary floating point
arithmetics, but not for decimal.
- N (input) INTEGER
The length of vectors X, Y, and W.
X, Y (input/output) REAL array, length N
The doubled-single accumulation vector.
- W (input) REAL array, length N
The vector to be added.
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