ksplice-undo (8) - Linux Manuals

ksplice-undo: Undo a Ksplice update that has been applied to the running kernel


ksplice-undo - Undo a Ksplice update that has been applied to the running kernel


ksplice-undo [OPTIONS] KSPLICE_ID


ksplice-undo takes as input a Ksplice identification tag, as reported by ksplice-view(8), and it reverses that update within the running binary kernel.


Reverses the update with debugging output enabled. Recommended only for debugging.
Sets the location where debugging output should be saved. Implies --debug.
Print only raw error information designed to be machine-readable on standard error (standard output is still intended to be human-readable). If ksplice-undo fails due to an error from the Ksplice kernel modules, the first line on standard error will be a Ksplice abort code (see the Ksplice source code for documentation on these codes). Further lines will vary depending on the abort code. If ksplice-undo fails for any other reason, it will output the line "OTHER\n", followed by a human-readable failure message, to standard error.


Please report bugs to <devel [at] ksplice.com>.


Jeff Arnold, Anders Kaseorg, and Tim Abbott


Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Ksplice, Inc.

This is free software and documentation. You can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.