ixpdimm-cli (8) - Linux Manuals
ixpdimm-cli: CLI to manage Intel(R) DIMMs
ixpdimm-cli - CLI to manage Intel(R) DIMMsSYNOPSIS
ixpdimm-cli <verb> [<options>] [<targets>] [<properties>]
A command has a single verb which represents the action to be taken.
Verb choices are
- <verb> -help
- Following the verb are zero or more options which modify the action of the verb; overriding the default behavior with explicitly requested behavior.
Generally one or more targets are required to indicate the object of the action.
- <verb> -help <target>
- Finally, zero or more properties defined as a key/value pair can be used to modify the target.
Command line access to DIMM Management functionality is available through the ixpdimm-cli component. The NVMCLI exposes all available management features of the underlying DIMM. The Command Line Interface is an end-user, manufacturing and validation utility.
Show Device Firmware:
- show [-all|-a] [-display|-d (Attributes)] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -firmware -dimm [(DimmIDs)]
Update Firmware:
- load -source (path) [-force|-f] [-examine|-x] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -dimm [(DimmIDs)]
Show Device Performance:
- show [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -dimm [(DimmIDs)] -performance [(BytesRead|BytesWritten|HostReads|HostWrites|BlockWrites|BlockReads)]
Run Diagnostic:
- start [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -diagnostic [(Quick|Config|PM|Security|FW)] [-dimm (DimmIDs)]
Create Support Snapshot:
- create [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -support [Name = (string)]
Dump Support Data:
- dump -destination (path) [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -support
Delete Support Data:
- delete [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -support
Toggle Software Logging:
- set [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -system LogLevel = (0|1)
- version [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)]
Acknowledge event:
- set [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -event (EventID) ActionRequired = (false|0)
Show Events:
- show [-starttime (MM:dd:yyyy:hh:mm:ss)] [-endtime (MM:dd:yyyy:hh:mm:ss)] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -event [(EventID)] [-dimm (DimmID)] [-namespace (NamespaceID)] [Severity = (Info|Warn|Critical|Fatal)] [Category = (Diag|FW|PlatformConfig|PM|Quick|Security|Health|Mgmt)] [ActionRequired = (1|0)]
Show Preferences:
- show [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -preferences
Change Preferences:
- set [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -preferences [CLI_DEFAULT_DIMM_ID = (HANDLE|UID)] [CLI_DEFAULT_SIZE = (Auto|B|MiB|GiB)] [PERFORMANCE_MONITOR_ENABLED = (0|1)] [PERFORMANCE_MONITOR_INTERVAL_MINUTES = (minutes)] [EVENT_MONITOR_ENABLED = (0|1)] [EVENT_MONITOR_INTERVAL_MINUTES = (minutes)] [EVENT_LOG_MAX = (count)] [LOG_MAX = (count)] [SUPPORT_SNAPSHOT_MAX = (count)]
- help [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] [Name = (command)] [verb = (verb)]
Show Namespace:
- show [-all|-a] [-display|-d (Attributes)] [-units [(GB|GiB)]] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -namespace [(NamespaceIDs)] [-pool (PoolIDs)] [Type = (Unknown|AppDirect|Storage)] [HealthState = (Unknown|Healthy|Warning|Critical|BrokenMirror)]
Create Namespace:
- create [-force|-f] [-units [(GB|GiB)]] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -namespace [-pool [(PoolIDs)]] Type = (AppDirect|Storage) [BlockSize = (size)] [BlockCount = (count)] [Name = (string)] [Optimize = (CopyOnWrite|None)] [Enabled = (0|1|False|True)] [Encryption = (0|1|False|True)] [EraseCapable = (0|1|False|True)] [AppDirectSetting = (value)] [Capacity = (capacity)] [MemoryPageAllocation = (None|DRAM|AppDirect)]
Modify Namespace:
- set [-force|-f] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -namespace [(NamespaceIDs)] [Name = (string)] [BlockCount = (count)] [Enabled = (0|1)] [Capacity = (capacity)]
Delete Namespace:
- delete [-force|-f] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -namespace [(NamespaceIDs)]
Show Memory Allocation Goal:
- show [-all|-a] [-display|-d (Attributes)] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] [-dimm (DimmIDs)] -goal [-socket (SocketIDs)]
Delete Memory Allocation Goal:
- delete [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] [-dimm (DimmIDs)] -goal [-socket (SocketIDs)]
Create Memory Allocation Goal:
- create [-force|-f] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] [-dimm (DimmIDs)] [-socket (SocketIDs)] -goal [MemorySize = (GiB)] [AppDirectSize = (GiB)] [AppDirectSetting = (value)] [AppDirect1Size = (GiB)] [AppDirect1Setting = (value)] [AppDirect2Size = (GiB)] [AppDirect2Setting = (value)] [ReserveDimm = (0|1)] [StorageCapacity = (Remaining)]
Show Persistent Memory:
- show [-display|-d (Attributes)] [-all|-a] [-units [(GB|GiB)]] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -pool [(PoolIDs)] [-socket (SocketIDs)]
Dump Memory Allocation Settings:
- dump -destination (path) [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -system -config
Load Memory Allocation Goal:
- load [-force|-f] -source (path) [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -goal [-dimm (DimmIDs)] [-socket (SocketIDs)]
Show Sensor:
- show [-display|-d (Attributes)] [-all|-a] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -sensor [(MediaTemperature|ControllerTemperature|SpareCapacity|WearLevel|UnsafeShutdowns|PowerOnTime|UpTime|PowerCycles|FWErrorCount|PowerLimited|MediaErrorsUncorrectable|MediaErrorsCorrected|MediaErrorsErasureCoded|WriteCountMax|)] [-dimm (DimmIDs)]
Change Sensor Settings:
- set [-force|-f] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -sensor (MediaTemperature|ControllerTemperature|SpareCapacity) [-dimm (DimmIDs)] [NonCriticalThreshold = (value)] [EnabledState = (0|1)]
Load Simulator:
- load [-source (path)] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -system [unload = (0|1)]
Show Host Server:
- show [-all|-a] [-display|-d (Attributes)] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -system
Show Device:
- show [-display|-d (Attributes)] [-all|-a] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -dimm [(DimmIDs)] [-socket (SocketIDs)]
Modify Device:
- set [-force|-f] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -dimm [(DimmIDs)] [FirstFastRefresh = (0|1)] [ViralPolicy = (0|1)]
Set Firmware Logging:
- set [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -dimm [(DimmIDs)] FwLogLevel = (Disabled|Error|Warning|Info|Debug)
Change Device Passphrase:
- set [-source (path)] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -dimm [(DimmIDs)] Passphrase = [(string)] NewPassphrase = [(string)] ConfirmPassphrase = [(string)]
Enable Device Security:
- set [-source (path)] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -dimm [(DimmIDs)] NewPassphrase = [(string)] ConfirmPassphrase = [(string)]
Change Device Security:
- set [-source (path)] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -dimm [(DimmIDs)] LockState = (Unlocked|Disabled) Passphrase = [(string)]
Erase Device Data:
- delete [-source (path)] [-force|-f] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -dimm [(DimmIDs)] Passphrase = [(string)]
Show Memory Resources:
- show [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -memoryresources
Show System Capabilities:
- show [-display|-d (Attributes)] [-all|-a] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -system -capabilities
Show Topology:
- show [-display|-d (Attributes)] [-all|-a] [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -topology [-dimm (DimmIDs)] [-socket (SocketIDs)]
Inject Error:
- set [-help|-h] [-output|-o (text|nvmxml)] -dimm [(DimmIDs)] [Clear = 1 [Temperature = (degrees)] [Poison = (address)] [DieSparing = 1 [SpareAlarm = 1 [FatalMediaError = 1
-all|-a- Show all attributes. Note: The all and display options are exclusive and may not be used together.
- Filter the returned attributes by explicitly specifying a comma separated list of any of the attributes defined in the Return Data section. Note: The all and display options are exclusive and may not be used together.
- Display help for the command.
-output|-o text|nvmxml
- Change the output format. One of: "text" (default) or "nvmxml".
- 0
- The operation succeeded.
- 1
- A general error occurred when executing the operation.
- 2
- There was not enough memory to complete the requested operation.
- 3
The command is not supported in the current context.
ixpdimm-cli show -dimm- Show default information about all DIMMs
ixpdimm-cli show -a -dimm 1234
- Show all information about DIMM 1234.
ixpdimm-cli show -d HealthState,LockState -dimm
- Show HealthState and LockState information for all DIMMs.
ixpdimm-cli set -source mypassphrase.file -dimm 1234
NewPassphrase= ConfirmPassphrase=
Set a passphrase on DIMM 1234 by supplying the passphrase in the file mypassphrase.file. The format of the file would be:
ixpdimm-cli create -goal VolatileSize=32 PersistentSize=Remaining PersistentSettings=4KB_4KB
- Configure the capacity on each DIMM with 32 GiB of volatile memory, and the remaining persistent memory with specific QoS attributes.
nvncli set -sensor MediaTemperature -dimm 1234 CriticalThreshold=51 EnabledState=1
- Change the media temperature threshold to 51 on the specified DIMM and enable the alarm.
ixpdimm-cli show -dimm -performance BytesRead
- Show the number of bytes read for all DIMMs in the server.
nvncli set -sensor MediaTemperature -dimm 1234 CriticalThreshold=51 EnabledState=1
- Change the media temperature threshold to 51 on the specified DIMM and enable the alarm.
ixpdimm-cli show -a -namspace 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012
- Show all attributes for the specified namespace
ixpdimm-cli create -namespace -pool 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012
Type=Storage BlockSize=512 BlockCount=2097152
- Create a 1 GB Storage namespace on pool 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012 with a block size of 512
Created by Intel Corporation.