denyhosts (8) - Linux Manuals

denyhosts: version: 2.8


DenyHosts - version: 2.8


DenyHosts is a python program that automatically blocks ssh attacks by adding entries to /etc/hosts.deny. DenyHosts will also inform system administrators about offending hosts, attacked users and suspicious logins.

Usage: /usr/sbin/denyhosts [-f logfile | --file=logfile] [ -c configfile | --config=configfile] [-i | --ignore] [-n | --noemail] [--purge] [--migrate] [--daemon] [--sync] [--version]

The name of log file to parse
--config: The configuration file to use, typically /etc/denyhosts.conf
--ignore: Ignore last processed offset (start processing from beginning)
--noemail: Do not send an email report
--unlock: if lockfile exists, remove it and run as normal
--migrate: migrate your HOSTS_DENY file so that it is suitable for --purge
--purge: expire entries older than your PURGE_DENY setting
--purge-all: expire all entries immediately
--purgeip: remove specified IP address from blocked list
--daemon: run DenyHosts in daemon mode
--foreground: run DenyHosts in foreground mode
--sync: run DenyHosts synchronization mode
--version: Prints the version of DenyHosts and exits

Note: multiple --file args can be processed. If multiple files are provided, --ignore is implied

Note: in a Debian system, the default running mode is daemon mode and the configuration file is /etc/denyhosts.conf

When run in --daemon mode the following flags are ignored:

--file, --purge, --migrate, --sync, --verbose


DenyHosts was written by Phil Schwartz <phil_schwartz [at]>

This manual page was written by Marco Bertorello <marco [at]> for the Debian project (but may be used by others).


Please refer to for full documentation.