salt (7) - Linux Manuals
salt: Salt Documentation
salt - Salt DocumentationINTRODUCTION TO SALT
We’re not just talking about NaCl..SS The 30 second summarySalt is:
- •
- a configuration management system, capable of maintaining remote nodes in defined states (for example, ensuring that specific packages are installed and specific services are running)
- •
a distributed remote execution system used to execute commands and
query data on remote nodes, either individually or by arbitrary
selection criteria
It was developed in order to bring the best solutions found in the world of remote execution together and make them better, faster, and more malleable. Salt accomplishes this through its ability to handle large loads of information, and not just dozens but hundreds and even thousands of individual servers quickly through a simple and manageable interface.
Providing versatility between massive scale deployments and smaller systems may seem daunting, but Salt is very simple to set up and maintain, regardless of the size of the project. The architecture of Salt is designed to work with any number of servers, from a handful of local network systems to international deployments across different data centers. The topology is a simple server/client model with the needed functionality built into a single set of daemons. While the default configuration will work with little to no modification, Salt can be fine tuned to meet specific needs.
Parallel execution
The core functions of Salt:
- •
- enable commands to remote systems to be called in parallel rather than serially
- •
- use a secure and encrypted protocol
- •
- use the smallest and fastest network payloads possible
- •
provide a simple programming interface
Salt also introduces more granular controls to the realm of remote execution, allowing systems to be targeted not just by hostname, but also by system properties.
Building on proven technology
Salt takes advantage of a number of technologies and techniques. The networking layer is built with the excellent ZeroMQ networking library, so the Salt daemon includes a viable and transparent AMQ broker. Salt uses public keys for authentication with the master daemon, then uses faster AES encryption for payload communication; authentication and encryption are integral to Salt. Salt takes advantage of communication via msgpack, enabling fast and light network traffic.
Python client interface
In order to allow for simple expansion, Salt execution routines can be written as plain Python modules. The data collected from Salt executions can be sent back to the master server, or to any arbitrary program. Salt can be called from a simple Python API, or from the command line, so that Salt can be used to execute one-off commands as well as operate as an integral part of a larger application.
Fast, flexible, scalable
The result is a system that can execute commands at high speed on target server groups ranging from one to very many servers. Salt is very fast, easy to set up, amazingly malleable and provides a single remote execution architecture that can manage the diverse requirements of any number of servers. The Salt infrastructure brings together the best of the remote execution world, amplifies its capabilities and expands its range, resulting in a system that is as versatile as it is practical, suitable for any network.
Salt is developed under the Apache 2.0 license, and can be used for open and proprietary projects. Please submit your expansions back to the Salt project so that we can all benefit together as Salt grows. Please feel free to sprinkle Salt around your systems and let the deliciousness come forth.
Salt Community
Join the Salt!
There are many ways to participate in and communicate with the Salt community.
Salt has an active IRC channel and a mailing list.
Mailing List
Join the salt-users mailing list. It is the best place to ask questions about Salt and see whats going on with Salt development! The Salt mailing list is hosted by Google Groups. It is open to new members.!forum/salt-users
There is also a low-traffic list used to announce new releases called salt-announce!forum/salt-announce
The #salt IRC channel is hosted on the popular Freenode network. You can use the Freenode webchat client right from your browser.
Logs of the IRC channel activity are being collected courtesy of Moritz Lenz.
If you wish to discuss the development of Salt itself join us in #salt-devel.
Follow on Github
The Salt code is developed via Github. Follow Salt for constant updates on what is happening in Salt development:
SaltStack Inc. keeps a blog with recent news and advancements:
Thomas Hatch also shares news and thoughts on Salt and related projects in his personal blog The Red45:
Example Salt States
The official salt-states repository is:
A few examples of salt states from the community:
- •
- •
- •
- •
- •
- •
- •
- •
Follow on ohloh
Other community links
- •
- Salt Stack Inc.
- •
- Subreddit
- •
- Google+
- •
- YouTube
- •
- •
- •
- Wikipedia page
Hack the Source
If you want to get involved with the development of source code or the documentation efforts, please review the hacking section!
SEE ALSO: Installing Salt for development and contributing to the project.
Quick Install
On most distributions, you can set up a Salt Minion with the Salt Bootstrap.
Platform-specific Installation Instructions
These guides go into detail how to install Salt on a given platform.
Arch Linux
Salt (stable) is currently available via the Arch Linux Official repositories. There are currently -git packages available in the Arch User repositories (AUR) as well.
Stable Release
Install Salt stable releases from the Arch Linux Official repositories as follows:
pacman -S salt-zmq
To install Salt stable releases using the RAET protocol, use the following:
pacman -S salt-raet
Tracking develop
To install the bleeding edge version of Salt (may include bugs!), use the -git package. Installing the -git package as follows:
wget tar xf salt-git.tar.gz cd salt-git/ makepkg -is
NOTE: yaourt
If a tool such as Yaourt is used, the dependencies will be gathered and built automatically.
The command to install salt using the yaourt tool is:
yaourt salt-git
Post-installation tasks
Activate the Salt Master and/or Minion via systemctl as follows:
systemctl enable salt-master.service systemctl enable salt-minion.service
Start the Master
Once you've completed all of these steps you're ready to start your Salt Master. You should be able to start your Salt Master now using the command seen here:
systemctl start salt-master
Now go to the Configuring Salt page.
Debian Installation
Currently the latest packages for Debian Old Stable, Stable, and Unstable (Squeeze, Wheezy, and Sid) are published in our ( Debian repository.
Configure Apt
Squeeze (Old Stable)
For squeeze, you will need to enable the Debian backports repository as well as the repository. To do so, add the following to /etc/apt/sources.list or a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d:
deb squeeze-saltstack main deb squeeze-backports main contrib non-free
Wheezy (Stable)
For wheezy, the following line is needed in either /etc/apt/sources.list or a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d:
deb wheezy-saltstack main
Jessie (Testing)
For jessie, the following line is needed in either /etc/apt/sources.list or a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d:
deb jessie-saltstack main
Sid (Unstable)
For sid, the following line is needed in either /etc/apt/sources.list or a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d:
deb unstable main
Import the repository key.
You will need to import the key used for signing.
wget -q -O- "" | apt-key add -
NOTE: You can optionally verify the key integrity with sha512sum using the public key signature shown here. E.g:
echo "b702969447140d5553e31e9701be13ca11cc0a7ed5fe2b30acb8491567560ee62f834772b5095d735dfcecb2384a5c1a20045f52861c417f50b68dd5ff4660e6 debian-salt-team-joehealy.gpg.key" | sha512sum -c
Update the package database
apt-get update
Install packages
Install the Salt master, minion, or syndic from the repository with the apt-get command. These examples each install one daemon, but more than one package name may be given at a time:
apt-get install salt-master
apt-get install salt-minion
apt-get install salt-syndic
Post-installation tasks
Now, go to the Configuring Salt page.
1. These packages will be backported from the packages intended to be uploaded into Debian unstable. This means that the packages will be built for unstable first and then backported over the next day or so.
2. These packages will be tracking the released versions of salt rather than maintaining a stable fixed feature set. If a fixed version is what you desire, then either pinning or manual installation may be more appropriate for you.
3. The version numbering and backporting process should provide clean upgrade paths between Debian versions.
If you have any questions regarding these, please email the mailing list or look for joehh on IRC.
Beginning with version 0.9.4, Salt has been available in the primary Fedora repositories and EPEL. It is installable using yum. Fedora will have more up to date versions of Salt than other members of the Red Hat family, which makes it a great place to help improve Salt!
WARNING: Fedora 19 comes with systemd 204. Systemd has known bugs fixed in later revisions that prevent the salt-master from starting reliably or opening the network connections that it needs to. It's not likely that a salt-master will start or run reliably on any distribution that uses systemd version 204 or earlier. Running salt-minions should be OK.
Salt can be installed using yum and is available in the standard Fedora repositories.
Stable Release
Salt is packaged separately for the minion and the master. It is necessary only to install the appropriate package for the role the machine will play. Typically, there will be one master and multiple minions.
yum install salt-master yum install salt-minion
Installing from updates-testing
When a new Salt release is packaged, it is first admitted into the updates-testing repository, before being moved to the stable repo.
To install from updates-testing, use the enablerepo argument for yum:
yum --enablerepo=updates-testing install salt-master yum --enablerepo=updates-testing install salt-minion
Installation Using pip
Since Salt is on PyPI, it can be installed using pip, though most users prefer to install using a package manager.
Installing from pip has a few additional requirements:
- •
- Install the group 'Development Tools', dnf groupinstall 'Development Tools'
- •
Install the 'zeromq-devel' package if it fails on linking against that
afterwards as well.
A pip install does not make the init scripts or the /etc/salt directory, and you will need to provide your own systemd service unit.
Installation from pip:
pip install salt
WARNING: If installing from pip (or from source using install), be advised that the yum-utils package is needed for Salt to manage packages. Also, if the Python dependencies are not already installed, then you will need additional libraries/tools installed to build some of them. More information on this can be found here.
Post-installation tasks
To have the Master start automatically at boot time:
systemctl enable salt-master.service
To start the Master:
systemctl start salt-master.service
To have the Minion start automatically at boot time:
systemctl enable salt-minion.service
To start the Minion:
systemctl start salt-minion.service
Now go to the Configuring Salt page.
Salt was added to the FreeBSD ports tree Dec 26th, 2011 by Christer Edwards <christer.edwards [at]>. It has been tested on FreeBSD 7.4, 8.2, 9.0, and 9.1 releases.
Salt is dependent on the following additional ports. These will be installed as dependencies of the sysutils/py-salt port:
/devel/py-yaml /devel/py-pyzmq /devel/py-Jinja2 /devel/py-msgpack /security/py-pycrypto /security/py-m2crypto
On FreeBSD 10 and later, to install Salt from the FreeBSD pkgng repo, use the command:
pkg install py27-salt
On older versions of FreeBSD, to install Salt from the FreeBSD ports tree, use the command:
make -C /usr/ports/sysutils/py-salt install clean
Post-installation tasks
Copy the sample configuration file:
cp /usr/local/etc/salt/master.sample /usr/local/etc/salt/master
Activate the Salt Master in /etc/rc.conf or /etc/rc.conf.local and add:
+ salt_master_enable="YES"
Start the Master
Start the Salt Master as follows:
service salt_master start
Copy the sample configuration file:
cp /usr/local/etc/salt/minion.sample /usr/local/etc/salt/minion
Activate the Salt Minion in /etc/rc.conf or /etc/rc.conf.local and add:
+ salt_minion_enable="YES" + salt_minion_paths="/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin"
Start the Minion
Start the Salt Minion as follows:
service salt_minion start
Now go to the Configuring Salt page.
Salt can be easily installed on Gentoo via Portage:
emerge app-admin/salt
Post-installation tasks
Now go to the Configuring Salt page.
Salt was added to the OpenBSD ports tree on Aug 10th 2013. It has been tested on OpenBSD 5.5 onwards.
Salt is dependent on the following additional ports. These will be installed as dependencies of the sysutils/salt port:
devel/py-futures devel/py-progressbar net/py-msgpack net/py-zmq security/py-crypto security/py-M2Crypto textproc/py-MarkupSafe textproc/py-yaml www/py-jinja2 www/py-requests www/py-tornado
To install Salt from the OpenBSD pkg repo, use the command:
pkg_add salt
Post-installation tasks
To have the Master start automatically at boot time:
rcctl enable salt_master
To start the Master:
rcctl start salt_master
To have the Minion start automatically at boot time:
rcctl enable salt_minion
To start the Minion:
rcctl start salt_minion
Now go to the Configuring Salt page.
Dependency Installation
It should be noted that Homebrew explicitly discourages the use of sudo: Homebrew is designed to work without using sudo. You can decide to use it but we strongly recommend not to do so. If you have used sudo and run into a bug then it is likely to be the cause. Please don’t file a bug report unless you can reproduce it after reinstalling Homebrew from scratch without using sudo
So when using Homebrew, if you want support from the Homebrew community, install this way:
brew install saltstack
When using MacPorts, install this way:
sudo port install salt
When only using the OS X system's pip, install this way:
sudo pip install salt
Salt-Master Customizations
To run salt-master on OS X, the root user maxfiles limit must be increased:
sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 4096 8192
And sudo add this configuration option to the /etc/salt/master file:
max_open_files: 8192
Now the salt-master should run without errors:
sudo salt-master --log-level=all
Post-installation tasks
Now go to the Configuring Salt page.
RHEL / CentOS / Scientific Linux / Amazon Linux / Oracle Linux
Installation from Repository
Due to the removal of some of Salt's dependencies from EPEL5, we have created a repository on Fedora COPR. Moving forward, this will be the official means of installing Salt on RHEL5-based systems. Information on how to enable this repository can be found here.
RHEL/CentOS 6 and 7, Scientific Linux, etc.
Beginning with version 0.9.4, Salt has been available in EPEL. It is installable using yum. Salt should work properly with all mainstream derivatives of RHEL, including CentOS, Scientific Linux, Oracle Linux and Amazon Linux. Report any bugs or issues on the issue tracker.
On RHEL6, the proper Jinja package 'python-jinja2' was moved from EPEL to the "RHEL Server Optional Channel". Verify this repository is enabled before installing salt on RHEL6.
Enabling EPEL
If the EPEL repository is not installed on your system, you can download the RPM from here for RHEL/CentOS 6 (or here for RHEL/CentOS 7) and install it using the following command:
rpm -Uvh epel-release-X-Y.rpm
Replace epel-release-X-Y.rpm with the appropriate filename.
Installing Stable Release
Salt is packaged separately for the minion and the master. It is necessary only to install the appropriate package for the role the machine will play. Typically, there will be one master and multiple minions.
On the salt-master, run this:
yum install salt-master
On each salt-minion, run this:
yum install salt-minion
Installing from epel-testing
When a new Salt release is packaged, it is first admitted into the epel-testing repository, before being moved to the stable repo.
To install from epel-testing, use the enablerepo argument for yum:
yum --enablerepo=epel-testing install salt-minion
Installation Using pip
Since Salt is on PyPI, it can be installed using pip, though most users prefer to install using RPMs (which can be installed from EPEL).
Installing from pip has a few additional requirements:
- •
- Install the group 'Development Tools', yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
- •
Install the 'zeromq-devel' package if it fails on linking against that
afterwards as well.
A pip install does not make the init scripts or the /etc/salt directory, and you will need to provide your own systemd service unit.
Installation from pip:
pip install salt
WARNING: If installing from pip (or from source using install), be advised that the yum-utils package is needed for Salt to manage packages. Also, if the Python dependencies are not already installed, then you will need additional libraries/tools installed to build some of them. More information on this can be found here.
ZeroMQ 4
We recommend using ZeroMQ 4 where available. SaltStack provides ZeroMQ 4.0.4 and pyzmq 14.3.1 in a COPR repository. Instructions for adding this repository (as well as for upgrading ZeroMQ and pyzmq on existing minions) can be found here.
If this repo is added before Salt is installed, then installing either salt-master or salt-minion will automatically pull in ZeroMQ 4.0.4, and additional states to upgrade ZeroMQ and pyzmq are unnecessary.
WARNING: RHEL/CentOS 5 Users Using COPR repos on RHEL/CentOS 5 requires that the python-hashlib package be installed. Not having it present will result in checksum errors because YUM will not be able to process the SHA256 checksums used by COPR.
NOTE: For RHEL/CentOS 5 installations, if using the new repository to install Salt (as detailed above), then it is not necessary to enable the zeromq4 COPR, as the new EL5 repository includes ZeroMQ 4.
Package Management
Salt's interface to yum makes heavy use of the repoquery utility, from the yum-utils package. This package will be installed as a dependency if salt is installed via EPEL. However, if salt has been installed using pip, or a host is being managed using salt-ssh, then as of version 2014.7.0 yum-utils will be installed automatically to satisfy this dependency.
Post-installation tasks
To have the Master start automatically at boot time:
chkconfig salt-master on
To start the Master:
service salt-master start
To have the Minion start automatically at boot time:
chkconfig salt-minion on
To start the Minion:
service salt-minion start
Now go to the Configuring Salt page.
Salt was added to the OpenCSW package repository in September of 2012 by Romeo Theriault <romeot [at]> at version 0.10.2 of Salt. It has mainly been tested on Solaris 10 (sparc), though it is built for and has been tested minimally on Solaris 10 (x86), Solaris 9 (sparc/x86) and 11 (sparc/x86). (Please let me know if you're using it on these platforms!) Most of the testing has also just focused on the minion, though it has verified that the master starts up successfully on Solaris 10.
Comments and patches for better support on these platforms is very welcome.
As of version 0.10.4, Solaris is well supported under salt, with all of the following working well:
- 1.
- remote execution
- 2.
- grain detection
- 3.
- service control with SMF
- 4.
- 'pkg' states with 'pkgadd' and 'pkgutil' modules
- 5.
- cron modules/states
- 6.
- user and group modules/states
- 7.
shadow password management modules/states
Salt is dependent on the following additional packages. These will automatically be installed as dependencies of the py_salt package:
- •
- py_yaml
- •
- py_pyzmq
- •
- py_jinja2
- •
- py_msgpack_python
- •
- py_m2crypto
- •
- py_crypto
- •
- python
To install Salt from the OpenCSW package repository you first need to install pkgutil assuming you don't already have it installed:
On Solaris 10:
pkgadd -d
On Solaris 9:
wget pkgadd -d pkgutil.pkg all
Once pkgutil is installed you'll need to edit it's config file /etc/opt/csw/pkgutil.conf to point it at the unstable catalog:
- #mirror= + mirror=
OK, time to install salt.
# Update the catalog root> /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -U # Install salt root> /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -i -y py_salt
Minion Configuration
Now that salt is installed you can find it's configuration files in /etc/opt/csw/salt/.
You'll want to edit the minion config file to set the name of your salt master server:
- #master: salt + master: your-salt-server
If you would like to use pkgutil as the default package provider for your Solaris minions, you can do so using the providers option in the minion config file.
You can now start the salt minion like so:
On Solaris 10:
svcadm enable salt-minion
On Solaris 9:
/etc/init.d/salt-minion start
You should now be able to log onto the salt master and check to see if the salt-minion key is awaiting acceptance:
salt-key -l un
Accept the key:
salt-key -a <your-salt-minion>
Run a simple test against the minion:
salt '<your-salt-minion>'
Ubuntu Installation
Add repository
The latest packages for Ubuntu are published in the saltstack PPA. If you have the add-apt-repository utility, you can add the repository and import the key in one step:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:saltstack/salt
- add-apt-repository: command not found?
The add-apt-repository command is not always present on Ubuntu systems. This can be fixed by installing python-software-properties:
sudo apt-get install python-software-properties
The following may be required as well:
sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
Note that since Ubuntu 12.10 (Raring Ringtail), add-apt-repository is found in the software-properties-common package, and is part of the base install. Thus, add-apt-repository should be able to be used out-of-the-box to add the PPA.
Alternately, manually add the repository and import the PPA key with these commands:
echo deb `lsb_release -sc` main | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/saltstack.list wget -q -O- "" | sudo apt-key add -
After adding the repository, update the package management database:
sudo apt-get update
Install packages
Install the Salt master, minion, or syndic from the repository with the apt-get command. These examples each install one daemon, but more than one package name may be given at a time:
sudo apt-get install salt-master
sudo apt-get install salt-minion
sudo apt-get install salt-syndic
ZeroMQ 4
ZeroMQ 4 is available by default for Ubuntu 14.04 and newer. However, for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, starting with Salt version 2014.7.5, ZeroMQ 4 is included with the Salt installation package and nothing additional needs to be done.
Post-installation tasks
Now go to the Configuring Salt page.
Salt has full support for running the Salt Minion on Windows.
There are no plans for the foreseeable future to develop a Salt Master on Windows. For now you must run your Salt Master on a supported operating system to control your Salt Minions on Windows.
Many of the standard Salt modules have been ported to work on Windows and many of the Salt States currently work on Windows, as well.
Windows Installer
Salt Minion Windows installers can be found here. The output of md5sum <salt minion exe> should match the contents of the corresponding md5 file.
Latest stable build from the selected branch:
Earlier builds from supported branches
Archived builds from unsupported branches
NOTE: The installation executable installs dependencies that the Salt minion requires.
The 64bit installer has been tested on Windows 7 64bit and Windows Server 2008R2 64bit. The 32bit installer has been tested on Windows 2003 Server 32bit. Please file a bug report on our GitHub repo if issues for other platforms are found.
The installer asks for 2 bits of information; the master hostname and the minion name. The installer will update the minion config with these options and then start the minion.
The salt-minion service will appear in the Windows Service Manager and can be started and stopped there or with the command line program sc like any other Windows service.
If the minion won't start, try installing the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 x64 SP1 redistributable. Allow all Windows updates to run salt-minion smoothly.
Silent Installer options
The installer can be run silently by providing the /S option at the command line. The installer also accepts the following options for configuring the Salt Minion silently:
- •
- /master= A string value to set the IP address or host name of the master. Default value is 'salt'
- •
- /minion-name= A string value to set the minion name. Default is 'hostname'
- •
/start-service= Either a 1 or 0. '1' will start the service, '0' will not. Default is to start the service after installation.
Here's an example of using the silent installer:
Salt-Minion-2015.5.6-Setup-amd64.exe /S /master=yoursaltmaster /minion-name=yourminionname /start-service=0
Running the Salt Minion on Windows as an Unprivileged User
Notes: - These instructions were tested with Windows Server 2008 R2 - They are generalizable to any version of Windows that supports a salt-minion
A. Create the Unprivileged User that the Salt Minion will Run As
- 1.
- Click "Start", "Control Panel", "User Accounts"
- 2.
- Click "Add or remove user accounts"
- 3.
- Click "Create new account"
- 4.
- Enter "salt-user" (or a name of your preference) in the "New account name" field
- 5.
- Select the "Standard user" radio button
- 6.
- Click the "Create Account" button
- 7.
- Click on the newly created user account
- 8.
- Click the "Create a password" link
- 9.
- In the "New password" and "Confirm new password" fields, provide a password (e.g "SuperSecretMinionPassword4Me!")
- 10.
- In the "Type a password hint" field, provide appropriate text (e.g. "My Salt Password")
- 11.
- Click the "Create password" button
- 12.
- Close the "Change an Account" window
B. Add the New User to the Access Control List for the Salt Folder
- 1.
- In a File Explorer window, browse to the path where Salt is installed (the default path is C:Salt)
- 2.
- Right-click on the "Salt" folder and select "Properties"
- 3.
- Click on the "Security" tab
- 4.
- Click the "Edit" button
- 5.
- Click the "Add" button
- 6.
- Type the name of your designated Salt user and click the "OK" button
- 7.
- Check the box to "Allow" the "Modify" permission
- 8.
- Click the "OK" button
- 9.
- Click the "OK" button to close the "Salt Properties" window
C. Update the Windows Service User for the salt-minion Service
- 1.
- Click "Start", "Administrative Tools", "Services"
- 2.
- In the list of Services, Right-Click on "salt-minion" and select "Properties"
- 3.
- Click the "Log On" tab
- 4.
- Click the "This account" radio button
- 5.
- Provide the account credentials created in section A
- 6.
- Click the "OK" button
- 7.
- Click the "OK" button to the prompt confirming that the user "has been granted the Log On As A Service right"
- 8.
- Click the "OK" button to the prompt confirming that "The new logon name will not take effect until you stop and restart the service"
- 9.
- Right-Click on "salt-minion" and select "Stop"
- 10.
- Right-Click on "salt-minion" and select "Start"
Setting up a Windows build environment
This document will explain how to set up a development environment for salt on Windows. The development environment allows you to work with the source code to customize or fix bugs. It will also allow you to build your own installation.
The Easy Way
Prerequisite Software
To do this the easy way you only need to install Git for Windows.
Create the Build Environment
- 1.
Clone the Salt-Windows-Dev
repo from github.
Open a command line and type:
git clone
- 2.
Build the Python Environment
Go into the salt-windows-dev directory. Right-click the file named dev_env.ps1 and select Run with PowerShell
If you get an error, you may need to change the execution policy.
Open a powershell window and type the following:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
This will download and install Python with all the dependencies needed to develop and build salt.
- 3.
Build the Salt Environment
Right-click on the file named dev_env_salt.ps1 and select Run with Powershell
This will clone salt into C:\Salt-Dev\salt and set it to the 2015.5 branch. You could optionally run the command from a powershell window with a -Version switch to pull a different version. For example:
dev_env_salt.ps1 -Version '2014.7'
To view a list of available branches and tags, open a command prompt in your C:Salt-Devsalt directory and type:
git branch -a git tag -n
The Hard Way
Prerequisite Software
Install the following software:
- 1.
- Git for Windows
- 2.
Nullsoft Installer
Download the Prerequisite zip file for your CPU architecture from the SaltStack download site:
- •
- •
These files contain all sofware required to build and develop salt. Unzip the contents of the file to C:\Salt-Dev\temp.
Create the Build Environment
- 1.
- Build the Python Environment
- •
Install Python:
Browse to the C:\Salt-Dev\temp directory and find the Python installation file for your CPU Architecture under the corresponding subfolder. Double-click the file to install python.
Make sure the following are in your PATH environment variable:
C:\Python27 C:\Python27\Scripts
- •
Install Pip
Open a command prompt and navigate to C:\Salt-Dev\temp Run the following command:
- •
Easy Install compiled binaries.
M2Crypto, PyCrypto, and PyWin32 need to be installed using Easy Install. Open a command prompt and navigate to C:\Salt-Dev\temp\<cpuarch>. Run the following commands:
easy_install -Z <M2Crypto file name> easy_install -Z <PyCrypto file name> easy_install -Z <PyWin32 file name>
NOTE: You can type the first part of the file name and then press the tab key to auto-complete the name of the file.
- •
Pip Install Additional Prerequisites
All remaining prerequisites need to be pip installed. These prerequisites are as follow:
- •
- MarkupSafe
- •
- Jinja
- •
- MsgPack
- •
- PSUtil
- •
- •
- •
- •
- Requests
- •
Open a command prompt and navigate to C:\Salt-Dev\temp. Run the following commands:
pip install <cpuarch>\<MarkupSafe file name> pip install <Jinja file name> pip install <cpuarch>\<MsgPack file name> pip install <cpuarch>\<psutil file name> pip install <cpuarch>\<PyYAML file name> pip install <cpuarch>\<pyzmq file name> pip install <WMI file name> pip install <requests file name> pip install <certifi file name>
- 2.
- Build the Salt Environment
- •
Clone Salt
Open a command prompt and navigate to C:\Salt-Dev. Run the following command to clone salt:
git clone
- •
Checkout Branch
Checkout the branch or tag of salt you want to work on or build. Open a command prompt and navigate to C:\Salt-Dev\salt. Get a list of available tags and branches by running the following commands:
git fetch --all To view a list of available branches: git branch -a To view a list of availabel tags: git tag -n
Checkout the branch or tag by typing the following command:
git checkout <branch/tag name>
- •
Clean the Environment
When switching between branches residual files can be left behind that will interfere with the functionality of salt. Therefore, after you check out the branch you want to work on, type the following commands to clean the salt environment:
Developing with Salt
There are two ways to develop with salt. You can run salt's each time you make a change to source code or you can use the setup tools develop mode.
Configure the Minion
Both methods require that the minion configuration be in the C:\salt directory. Copy the conf and var directories from C:\Salt-Dev\salt\pkg\ windows\buildenv to C:\salt. Now go into the C:\salt\conf directory and edit the file name minion (no extension). You need to configure the master and id parameters in this file. Edit the following lines:
master: <ip or name of your master> id: <name of your minion> Method
Go into the C:\Salt-Dev\salt directory from a cmd prompt and type:
python install --force
This will install python into your python installation at C:\Python27. Everytime you make an edit to your source code, you'll have to stop the minion, run the setup, and start the minion.
To start the salt-minion go into C:\Python27\Scripts from a cmd prompt and type:
For debug mode type:
salt-minion -l debug
To stop the minion press Ctrl+C.
Setup Tools Develop Mode (Preferred Method)
To use the Setup Tools Develop Mode go into C:\Salt-Dev\salt from a cmd prompt and type:
pip install -e .
This will install pointers to your source code that resides at C:\Salt-Dev\salt. When you edit your source code you only have to restart the minion.
Build the windows installer
This is the method of building the installer as of version 2014.7.4.
Clean the Environment
Make sure you don't have any leftover salt files from previous versions of salt in your Python directory.
- 1.
- Remove all files that start with salt in the C:\Python27\Scripts directory
- 2.
- Remove all files and directorys that start with salt in the C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages directory
Install Salt
Install salt using salt's From the C:\Salt-Dev\salt directory type the following command:
python install --force
Build the Installer
From cmd prompt go into the C:\Salt-Dev\salt\pkg\windows directory. Type the following command for the branch or tag of salt you're building:
BuildSalt.bat <branch or tag>
This will copy python with salt installed to the buildenv\bin directory, make it portable, and then create the windows installer . The .exe for the windows installer will be placed in the installer directory.
Testing the Salt minion
- 1.
- Create the directory C:\salt (if it doesn't exist already)
- 2.
- Copy the example conf and var directories from pkg/windows/buildenv/ into C:\salt
- 3.
Edit C:\salt\conf\minion
master: ipaddress or hostname of your salt-master
- 4.
Start the salt-minion
cd C:\Python27\Scripts python salt-minion
- 5.
On the salt-master accept the new minion's key
sudo salt-key -A
This accepts all unaccepted keys. If you're concerned about security just accept the key for this specific minion.
- 6.
Test that your minion is responding
On the salt-master run:
sudo salt '*'
You should get the following response: {'your minion hostname': True}
Single command bootstrap script
On a 64 bit Windows host the following script makes an unattended install of salt, including all dependencies:
- Not up to date.
This script is not up to date. Please use the installer found above
# (All in one line.) "PowerShell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','C:\bootstrap.bat');(New-Object -com Shell.Application).ShellExecute('C:\bootstrap.bat');"
You can execute the above command remotely from a Linux host using winexe:
winexe -U "administrator" //fqdn "PowerShell (New-Object ......);"
For more info check
Packages management under Windows 2003
On windows Server 2003, you need to install optional component "wmi windows installer provider" to have full list of installed packages. If you don't have this, salt-minion can't report some installed softwares.
SUSE Installation
With openSUSE 13.2, Salt 2014.1.11 is available in the primary repositories. The devel:language:python repo will have more up to date versions of salt, all package development will be done there.
Salt can be installed using zypper and is available in the standard openSUSE repositories.
Stable Release
Salt is packaged separately for the minion and the master. It is necessary only to install the appropriate package for the role the machine will play. Typically, there will be one master and multiple minions.
zypper install salt-master zypper install salt-minion
Post-installation tasks openSUSE
To have the Master start automatically at boot time:
systemctl enable salt-master.service
To start the Master:
systemctl start salt-master.service
To have the Minion start automatically at boot time:
systemctl enable salt-minion.service
To start the Minion:
systemctl start salt-minion.service
Post-installation tasks SLES
To have the Master start automatically at boot time:
chkconfig salt-master on
To start the Master:
rcsalt-master start
To have the Minion start automatically at boot time:
chkconfig salt-minion on
To start the Minion:
rcsalt-minion start
Unstable Release
For openSUSE Factory run the following as root:
zypper addrepo zypper refresh zypper install salt salt-minion salt-master
For openSUSE 13.2 run the following as root:
zypper addrepo zypper refresh zypper install salt salt-minion salt-master
For openSUSE 13.1 run the following as root:
zypper addrepo zypper refresh zypper install salt salt-minion salt-master
For bleeding edge python Factory run the following as root:
zypper addrepo zypper refresh zypper install salt salt-minion salt-master
Suse Linux Enterprise
For SLE 12 run the following as root:
zypper addrepo zypper refresh zypper install salt salt-minion salt-master
For SLE 11 SP3 run the following as root:
zypper addrepo zypper refresh zypper install salt salt-minion salt-master
For SLE 11 SP2 run the following as root:
zypper addrepo zypper refresh zypper install salt salt-minion salt-master
Now go to the Configuring Salt page.
Salt should run on any Unix-like platform so long as the dependencies are met.
- •
- Python 2.6 >= 2.6 <3.0
- •
- msgpack-python - High-performance message interchange format
- •
- YAML - Python YAML bindings
- •
- Jinja2 - parsing Salt States (configurable in the master settings)
- •
- MarkupSafe - Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
- •
- apache-libcloud - Python lib for interacting with many of the popular cloud service providers using a unified API
- •
Requests - HTTP library
Depending on the chosen Salt transport, ZeroMQ or RAET, dependencies vary:
- •
- ZeroMQ:
- •
- ZeroMQ >= 3.2.0
- •
- pyzmq >= 2.2.0 - ZeroMQ Python bindings
- •
- PyCrypto - The Python cryptography toolkit
- •
- M2Crypto - "Me Too Crypto" - Python OpenSSL wrapper
- •
- •
- libnacl - Python bindings to libsodium
- •
- ioflo - The flo programming interface raet and salt-raet is built on
- •
RAET - The worlds most awesome UDP protocol
Salt defaults to the ZeroMQ transport, and the choice can be made at install time, for example:
python install --salt-transport=raet
This way, only the required dependencies are pulled by the setup script if need be.
If installing using pip, the --salt-transport install option can be provided like:
pip install --install-option="--salt-transport=raet" salt
Optional Dependencies
- •
- mako - an optional parser for Salt States (configurable in the master settings)
- •
- gcc - dynamic Cython module compiling
Upgrading Salt
When upgrading Salt, the master(s) should always be upgraded first. Backward compatibility for minions running newer versions of salt than their masters is not guaranteed.
Whenever possible, backward compatibility between new masters and old minions will be preserved. Generally, the only exception to this policy is in case of a security vulnerability.
Salt Masterless Quickstart
Running a masterless salt-minion lets you use Salt's configuration management for a single machine without calling out to a Salt master on another machine.
Since the Salt minion contains such extensive functionality it can be useful to run it standalone. A standalone minion can be used to do a number of things:
- •
- Stand up a master server via States (Salting a Salt Master)
- •
- Use salt-call commands on a system without connectivity to a master
- •
Masterless States, run states entirely from files local to the minion
It is also useful for testing out state trees before deploying to a production setup.
Bootstrap Salt Minion
The salt-bootstrap script makes bootstrapping a server with Salt simple for any OS with a Bourne shell:
wget -O - | sudo sh
See the salt-bootstrap documentation for other one liners. When using Vagrant to test out salt, the Vagrant salt provisioner will provision the VM for you.
Telling Salt to Run Masterless
To instruct the minion to not look for a master, the file_client configuration option needs to be set in the minion configuration file. By default the file_client is set to remote so that the minion gathers file server and pillar data from the salt master. When setting the file_client option to local the minion is configured to not gather this data from the master.
file_client: local
Now the salt minion will not look for a master and will assume that the local system has all of the file and pillar resources.
NOTE: When running Salt in masterless mode, do not run the salt-minion daemon. Otherwise, it will attempt to connect to a master and fail. The salt-call command stands on its own and does not need the salt-minion daemon.
Create State Tree
Following the successful installation of a salt-minion, the next step is to create a state tree, which is where the SLS files that comprise the possible states of the minion are stored.
The following example walks through the steps necessary to create a state tree that ensures that the server has the Apache webserver installed.
NOTE: For a complete explanation on Salt States, see the tutorial.
- 1.
Create the top.sls file:
base: '*': - webserver
- 2.
Create the webserver state tree:
apache: # ID declaration pkg: # state declaration - installed # function declaration
NOTE: The apache package has different names on different platforms, for instance on Debian/Ubuntu it is apache2, on Fedora/RHEL it is httpd and on Arch it is apache
The only thing left is to provision our minion using salt-call and the highstate command.
The salt-call command is used to run module functions locally on a minion instead of executing them from the master. Normally the salt-call command checks into the master to retrieve file server and pillar data, but when running standalone salt-call needs to be instructed to not check the master for this data:
salt-call --local state.highstate
The --local flag tells the salt-minion to look for the state tree in the local file system and not to contact a Salt Master for instructions.
To provide verbose output, use -l debug:
salt-call --local state.highstate -l debug
The minion first examines the top.sls file and determines that it is a part of the group matched by * glob and that the webserver SLS should be applied.
It then examines the webserver.sls file and finds the apache state, which installs the Apache package.
The minion should now have Apache installed, and the next step is to begin learning how to write more complex states.
Standalone Minion
Since the Salt minion contains such extensive functionality it can be useful to run it standalone. A standalone minion can be used to do a number of things:
- •
- Use salt-call commands on a system without connectivity to a master
- •
Masterless States, run states entirely from files local to the minion
NOTE: When running Salt in masterless mode, do not run the salt-minion daemon. Otherwise, it will attempt to connect to a master and fail. The salt-call command stands on its own and does not need the salt-minion daemon.
Telling Salt Call to Run Masterless
The salt-call command is used to run module functions locally on a minion instead of executing them from the master. Normally the salt-call command checks into the master to retrieve file server and pillar data, but when running standalone salt-call needs to be instructed to not check the master for this data. To instruct the minion to not look for a master when running salt-call the file_client configuration option needs to be set. By default the file_client is set to remote so that the minion knows that file server and pillar data are to be gathered from the master. When setting the file_client option to local the minion is configured to not gather this data from the master.
file_client: local
Now the salt-call command will not look for a master and will assume that the local system has all of the file and pillar resources.
Running States Masterless
The state system can be easily run without a Salt master, with all needed files local to the minion. To do this the minion configuration file needs to be set up to know how to return file_roots information like the master. The file_roots setting defaults to /srv/salt for the base environment just like on the master:
file_roots: base: - /srv/salt
Now set up the Salt State Tree, top file, and SLS modules in the same way that they would be set up on a master. Now, with the file_client option set to local and an available state tree then calls to functions in the state module will use the information in the file_roots on the minion instead of checking in with the master.
Remember that when creating a state tree on a minion there are no syntax or path changes needed, SLS modules written to be used from a master do not need to be modified in any way to work with a minion.
This makes it easy to "script" deployments with Salt states without having to set up a master, and allows for these SLS modules to be easily moved into a Salt master as the deployment grows.
The declared state can now be executed with:
salt-call state.highstate
Or the salt-call command can be executed with the --local flag, this makes it unnecessary to change the configuration file:
salt-call state.highstate --local
External Pillars
External pillars are supported when running in masterless mode.
Opening the Firewall up for Salt
The Salt master communicates with the minions using an AES-encrypted ZeroMQ connection. These communications are done over TCP ports 4505 and 4506, which need to be accessible on the master only. This document outlines suggested firewall rules for allowing these incoming connections to the master.
NOTE: No firewall configuration needs to be done on Salt minions. These changes refer to the master only.
Fedora 18 and beyond / RHEL 7 / CentOS 7
Starting with Fedora 18 FirewallD is the tool that is used to dynamically manage the firewall rules on a host. It has support for IPv4/6 settings and the separation of runtime and permanent configurations. To interact with FirewallD use the command line client firewall-cmd.
firewall-cmd example:
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=<zone> --add-port=4505-4506/tcp
Please choose the desired zone according to your setup. Don't forget to reload after you made your changes.
firewall-cmd --reload
RHEL 6 / CentOS 6
The lokkit command packaged with some Linux distributions makes opening iptables firewall ports very simple via the command line. Just be careful to not lock out access to the server by neglecting to open the ssh port.
lokkit example:
lokkit -p 22:tcp -p 4505:tcp -p 4506:tcp
The system-config-firewall-tui command provides a text-based interface to modifying the firewall.
Salt installs firewall rules in /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2.d/services/salt. Enable with:
SuSEfirewall2 open SuSEfirewall2 start
If you have an older package of Salt where the above configuration file is not included, the SuSEfirewall2 command makes opening iptables firewall ports very simple via the command line.
SuSEfirewall example:
SuSEfirewall2 open EXT TCP 4505 SuSEfirewall2 open EXT TCP 4506
The firewall module in YaST2 provides a text-based interface to modifying the firewall.
yast2 firewall
Different Linux distributions store their iptables (also known as netfilter) rules in different places, which makes it difficult to standardize firewall documentation. Included are some of the more common locations, but your mileage may vary.
Fedora / RHEL / CentOS:
Arch Linux:
Follow these instructions:
Once you've found your firewall rules, you'll need to add the two lines below to allow traffic on tcp/4505 and tcp/4506:
-A INPUT -m state --state new -m tcp -p tcp --dport 4505 -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -m state --state new -m tcp -p tcp --dport 4506 -j ACCEPT
Salt installs firewall rules in /etc/ufw/applications.d/salt.ufw. Enable with:
ufw allow salt
The BSD-family of operating systems uses packet filter (pf). The following example describes the additions to pf.conf needed to access the Salt master.
pass in on $int_if proto tcp from any to $int_if port 4505 pass in on $int_if proto tcp from any to $int_if port 4506
Once these additions have been made to the pf.conf the rules will need to be reloaded. This can be done using the pfctl command.
pfctl -vf /etc/pf.conf
Whitelist communication to Master
There are situations where you want to selectively allow Minion traffic from specific hosts or networks into your Salt Master. The first scenario which comes to mind is to prevent unwanted traffic to your Master out of security concerns, but another scenario is to handle Minion upgrades when there are backwards incompatible changes between the installed Salt versions in your environment.
Here is an example Linux iptables ruleset to be set on the Master:
# Allow Minions from these networks -I INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 4505,4506 -j ACCEPT -I INPUT -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 4505,4506 -j ACCEPT # Allow Salt to communicate with Master on the loopback interface -A INPUT -i lo -p tcp -m multiport --dports 4505,4506 -j ACCEPT # Reject everything else -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 4505,4506 -j REJECT
NOTE: The important thing to note here is that the salt command needs to communicate with the listening network socket of salt-master on the loopback interface. Without this you will see no outgoing Salt traffic from the master, even for a simple salt '*', because the salt client never reached the salt-master to tell it to carry out the execution.
Using cron with Salt
The Salt Minion can initiate its own highstate using the salt-call command.
$ salt-call state.highstate
This will cause the minion to check in with the master and ensure it is in the correct 'state'.
Use cron to initiate a highstate
If you would like the Salt Minion to regularly check in with the master you can use the venerable cron to run the salt-call command.
# PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin 00 00 * * * salt-call state.highstate
The above cron entry will run a highstate every day at midnight.
NOTE: Be aware that you may need to ensure the PATH for cron includes any scripts or commands that need to be executed.
Remote execution tutorial
Before continuing make sure you have a working Salt installation by following the installation and the configuration instructions.
- Stuck?
There are many ways to get help from the Salt community including our mailing list and our IRC channel #salt.
Order your minions around
Now that you have a master and at least one minion communicating with each other you can perform commands on the minion via the salt command. Salt calls are comprised of three main components:
salt '<target>' <function> [arguments]
The target component allows you to filter which minions should run the following function. The default filter is a glob on the minion id. For example:
salt '*' salt '*'
Targets can be based on minion system information using the Grains system:
salt -G 'os:Ubuntu'
SEE ALSO: Grains system
Targets can be filtered by regular expression:
salt -E 'virtmach[0-9]'
Targets can be explicitly specified in a list:
salt -L 'foo,bar,baz,quo'
Or Multiple target types can be combined in one command:
salt -C 'G@os:Ubuntu and webser* or E@database.*'
A function is some functionality provided by a module. Salt ships with a large collection of available functions. List all available functions on your minions:
salt '*' sys.doc
Here are some examples:
Show all currently available minions:
salt '*'
Run an arbitrary shell command:
salt '*' 'uname -a'
SEE ALSO: the full list of modules
Space-delimited arguments to the function:
salt '*' cmd.exec_code python 'import sys; print sys.version'
Optional, keyword arguments are also supported:
salt '*' pip.install salt timeout=5 upgrade=True
They are always in the form of kwarg=argument.
Pillar Walkthrough
NOTE: This walkthrough assumes that the reader has already completed the initial Salt walkthrough.
Pillars are tree-like structures of data defined on the Salt Master and passed through to minions. They allow confidential, targeted data to be securely sent only to the relevant minion.
NOTE: Grains and Pillar are sometimes confused, just remember that Grains are data about a minion which is stored or generated from the minion. This is why information like the OS and CPU type are found in Grains. Pillar is information about a minion or many minions stored or generated on the Salt Master.
Pillar data is useful for:
- Highly Sensitive Data:
- Information transferred via pillar is guaranteed to only be presented to the minions that are targeted, making Pillar suitable for managing security information, such as cryptographic keys and passwords.
- Minion Configuration:
- Minion modules such as the execution modules, states, and returners can often be configured via data stored in pillar.
- Variables:
- Variables which need to be assigned to specific minions or groups of minions can be defined in pillar and then accessed inside sls formulas and template files.
- Arbitrary Data:
Pillar can contain any basic data structure in dictionary format,
so a key/value store can be defined making it easy to iterate over a group
of values in sls formulas.
Pillar is therefore one of the most important systems when using Salt. This walkthrough is designed to get a simple Pillar up and running in a few minutes and then to dive into the capabilities of Pillar and where the data is available.
Setting Up Pillar
The pillar is already running in Salt by default. To see the minion's pillar data:
salt '*' pillar.items
NOTE: Prior to version 0.16.2, this function is named This function name is still supported for backwards compatibility.
By default the contents of the master configuration file are loaded into pillar for all minions. This enables the master configuration file to be used for global configuration of minions.
Similar to the state tree, the pillar is comprised of sls files and has a top file. The default location for the pillar is in /srv/pillar.
NOTE: The pillar location can be configured via the pillar_roots option inside the master configuration file. It must not be in a subdirectory of the state tree or file_roots. If the pillar is under file_roots, any pillar targeting can be bypassed by minions.
To start setting up the pillar, the /srv/pillar directory needs to be present:
mkdir /srv/pillar
Now create a simple top file, following the same format as the top file used for states:
base: '*': - data
This top file associates the data.sls file to all minions. Now the /srv/pillar/data.sls file needs to be populated:
info: some data
To ensure that the minions have the new pillar data, issue a command to them asking that they fetch their pillars from the master:
salt '*' saltutil.refresh_pillar
Now that the minions have the new pillar, it can be retrieved:
salt '*' pillar.items
The key info should now appear in the returned pillar data.
More Complex Data
Unlike states, pillar files do not need to define formulas. This example sets up user data with a UID:
users: thatch: 1000 shouse: 1001 utahdave: 1002 redbeard: 1003
NOTE: The same directory lookups that exist in states exist in pillar, so the file users/init.sls can be referenced with users in the top file.
The top file will need to be updated to include this sls file:
base: '*': - data - users
Now the data will be available to the minions. To use the pillar data in a state, you can use Jinja:
{% for user, uid in pillar.get('users', {}).items() %} {{user}}: user.present: - uid: {{uid}} {% endfor %}
This approach allows for users to be safely defined in a pillar and then the user data is applied in an sls file.
Parameterizing States With Pillar
Pillar data can be accessed in state files to customise behavior for each minion. All pillar (and grain) data applicable to each minion is substituted into the state files through templating before being run. Typical uses include setting directories appropriate for the minion and skipping states that don't apply.
A simple example is to set up a mapping of package names in pillar for separate Linux distributions:
pkgs: {% if grains['os_family'] == 'RedHat' %} apache: httpd vim: vim-enhanced {% elif grains['os_family'] == 'Debian' %} apache: apache2 vim: vim {% elif grains['os'] == 'Arch' %} apache: apache vim: vim {% endif %}
The new pkg sls needs to be added to the top file:
base: '*': - data - users - pkg
Now the minions will auto map values based on respective operating systems inside of the pillar, so sls files can be safely parameterized:
apache: pkg.installed: - name: {{ pillar['pkgs']['apache'] }}
Or, if no pillar is available a default can be set as well:
NOTE: The function pillar.get used in this example was added to Salt in version 0.14.0
apache: pkg.installed: - name: {{ salt['pillar.get']('pkgs:apache', 'httpd') }}
In the above example, if the pillar value pillar['pkgs']['apache'] is not set in the minion's pillar, then the default of httpd will be used.
NOTE: Under the hood, pillar is just a Python dict, so Python dict methods such as get and items can be used.
Pillar Makes Simple States Grow Easily
One of the design goals of pillar is to make simple sls formulas easily grow into more flexible formulas without refactoring or complicating the states.
A simple formula:
vim: pkg.installed: [] /etc/vimrc: file.managed: - source: salt://edit/vimrc - mode: 644 - user: root - group: root - require: - pkg: vim
Can be easily transformed into a powerful, parameterized formula:
vim: pkg.installed: - name: {{ pillar['pkgs']['vim'] }} /etc/vimrc: file.managed: - source: {{ pillar['vimrc'] }} - mode: 644 - user: root - group: root - require: - pkg: vim
Where the vimrc source location can now be changed via pillar:
{% if grains['id'].startswith('dev') %} vimrc: salt://edit/dev_vimrc {% elif grains['id'].startswith('qa') %} vimrc: salt://edit/qa_vimrc {% else %} vimrc: salt://edit/vimrc {% endif %}
Ensuring that the right vimrc is sent out to the correct minions.
Setting Pillar Data on the Command Line
Pillar data can be set on the command line like so:
salt '*' state.highstate pillar='{"foo": "bar"}'
The state.sls command can also be used to set pillar values via the command line:
salt '*' state.sls my_sls_file pillar='{"hello": "world"}'
NOTE: If a key is passed on the command line that already exists on the minion, the key that is passed in will overwrite the entire value of that key, rather than merging only the specified value set via the command line.
The example below will swap the value for vim with telnet in the previously specified list, notice the nested pillar dict:
salt '*' state.sls edit.vim pillar='{"pkgs": {"vim": "telnet"}}'
NOTE: This will attempt to install telnet on your minions, feel free to uninstall the package or replace telnet value with anything else.
More On Pillar
Pillar data is generated on the Salt master and securely distributed to minions. Salt is not restricted to the pillar sls files when defining the pillar but can retrieve data from external sources. This can be useful when information about an infrastructure is stored in a separate location.
Reference information on pillar and the external pillar interface can be found in the Salt documentation:
How Do I Use Salt States?
Simplicity, Simplicity, Simplicity
Many of the most powerful and useful engineering solutions are founded on simple principles. Salt States strive to do just that: K.I.S.S. (Keep It Stupidly Simple)
The core of the Salt State system is the SLS, or SaLt State file. The SLS is a representation of the state in which a system should be in, and is set up to contain this data in a simple format. This is often called configuration management.
NOTE: This is just the beginning of using states, make sure to read up on pillar Pillar next.
It is All Just Data
Before delving into the particulars, it will help to understand that the SLS file is just a data structure under the hood. While understanding that the SLS is just a data structure isn't critical for understanding and making use of Salt States, it should help bolster knowledge of where the real power is.
SLS files are therefore, in reality, just dictionaries, lists, strings, and numbers. By using this approach Salt can be much more flexible. As one writes more state files, it becomes clearer exactly what is being written. The result is a system that is easy to understand, yet grows with the needs of the admin or developer.
The Top File
The example SLS files in the below sections can be assigned to hosts using a file called top.sls. This file is described in-depth here.
Default Data - YAML
By default Salt represents the SLS data in what is one of the simplest serialization formats available - YAML.
A typical SLS file will often look like this in YAML:
NOTE: These demos use some generic service and package names, different distributions often use different names for packages and services. For instance apache should be replaced with httpd on a Red Hat system. Salt uses the name of the init script, systemd name, upstart name etc. based on what the underlying service management for the platform. To get a list of the available service names on a platform execute the service.get_all salt function.
Information on how to make states work with multiple distributions is later in the tutorial.
apache: pkg.installed: [] service.running: - require: - pkg: apache
This SLS data will ensure that the package named apache is installed, and that the apache service is running. The components can be explained in a simple way.
The first line is the ID for a set of data, and it is called the ID Declaration. This ID sets the name of the thing that needs to be manipulated.
The second and third lines contain the state module function to be run, in the format <state_module>.<function>. The pkg.installed state module function ensures that a software package is installed via the system's native package manager. The service.running state module function ensures that a given system daemon is running.
Finally, on line five, is the word require. This is called a Requisite Statement, and it makes sure that the Apache service is only started after a successful installation of the apache package.
Adding Configs and Users
When setting up a service like an Apache web server, many more components may need to be added. The Apache configuration file will most likely be managed, and a user and group may need to be set up.
apache: pkg.installed: [] service.running: - watch: - pkg: apache - file: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf - user: apache user.present: - uid: 87 - gid: 87 - home: /var/www/html - shell: /bin/nologin - require: - group: apache group.present: - gid: 87 - require: - pkg: apache /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: file.managed: - source: salt://apache/httpd.conf - user: root - group: root - mode: 644
This SLS data greatly extends the first example, and includes a config file, a user, a group and new requisite statement: watch.
Adding more states is easy, since the new user and group states are under the Apache ID, the user and group will be the Apache user and group. The require statements will make sure that the user will only be made after the group, and that the group will be made only after the Apache package is installed.
Next, the require statement under service was changed to watch, and is now watching 3 states instead of just one. The watch statement does the same thing as require, making sure that the other states run before running the state with a watch, but it adds an extra component. The watch statement will run the state's watcher function for any changes to the watched states. So if the package was updated, the config file changed, or the user uid modified, then the service state's watcher will be run. The service state's watcher just restarts the service, so in this case, a change in the config file will also trigger a restart of the respective service.
Moving Beyond a Single SLS
When setting up Salt States in a scalable manner, more than one SLS will need to be used. The above examples were in a single SLS file, but two or more SLS files can be combined to build out a State Tree. The above example also references a file with a strange source - salt://apache/httpd.conf. That file will need to be available as well.
The SLS files are laid out in a directory structure on the Salt master; an SLS is just a file and files to download are just files.
The Apache example would be laid out in the root of the Salt file server like this:
apache/init.sls apache/httpd.conf
So the httpd.conf is just a file in the apache directory, and is referenced directly.
But when using more than one single SLS file, more components can be added to the toolkit. Consider this SSH example:
openssh-client: pkg.installed /etc/ssh/ssh_config: file.managed: - user: root - group: root - mode: 644 - source: salt://ssh/ssh_config - require: - pkg: openssh-client
include: - ssh openssh-server: pkg.installed sshd: service.running: - require: - pkg: openssh-client - pkg: openssh-server - file: /etc/ssh/banner - file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config: file.managed: - user: root - group: root - mode: 644 - source: salt://ssh/sshd_config - require: - pkg: openssh-server /etc/ssh/banner: file: - managed - user: root - group: root - mode: 644 - source: salt://ssh/banner - require: - pkg: openssh-server
NOTE: Notice that we use two similar ways of denoting that a file is managed by Salt. In the /etc/ssh/sshd_config state section above, we use the file.managed state declaration whereas with the /etc/ssh/banner state section, we use the file state declaration and add a managed attribute to that state declaration. Both ways produce an identical result; the first way -- using file.managed -- is merely a shortcut.
Now our State Tree looks like this:
apache/init.sls apache/httpd.conf ssh/init.sls ssh/server.sls ssh/banner ssh/ssh_config ssh/sshd_config
This example now introduces the include statement. The include statement includes another SLS file so that components found in it can be required, watched or as will soon be demonstrated - extended.
The include statement allows for states to be cross linked. When an SLS has an include statement it is literally extended to include the contents of the included SLS files.
Note that some of the SLS files are called init.sls, while others are not. More info on what this means can be found in the States Tutorial.
Extending Included SLS Data
Sometimes SLS data needs to be extended. Perhaps the apache service needs to watch additional resources, or under certain circumstances a different file needs to be placed.
In these examples, the first will add a custom banner to ssh and the second will add more watchers to apache to include mod_python.
include: - ssh.server extend: /etc/ssh/banner: file: - source: salt://ssh/custom-banner
include: - apache extend: apache: service: - watch: - pkg: mod_python mod_python: pkg.installed
The custom-server.sls file uses the extend statement to overwrite where the banner is being downloaded from, and therefore changing what file is being used to configure the banner.
In the new mod_python SLS the mod_python package is added, but more importantly the apache service was extended to also watch the mod_python package.
- Using extend with require or watch
The extend statement works differently for require or watch. It appends to, rather than replacing the requisite component.
Understanding the Render System
Since SLS data is simply that (data), it does not need to be represented with YAML. Salt defaults to YAML because it is very straightforward and easy to learn and use. But the SLS files can be rendered from almost any imaginable medium, so long as a renderer module is provided.
The default rendering system is the yaml_jinja renderer. The yaml_jinja renderer will first pass the template through the Jinja2 templating system, and then through the YAML parser. The benefit here is that full programming constructs are available when creating SLS files.
Other renderers available are yaml_mako and yaml_wempy which each use the Mako or Wempy templating system respectively rather than the jinja templating system, and more notably, the pure Python or py, pydsl & pyobjects renderers. The py renderer allows for SLS files to be written in pure Python, allowing for the utmost level of flexibility and power when preparing SLS data; while the pydsl renderer provides a flexible, domain-specific language for authoring SLS data in Python; and the pyobjects renderer gives you a "Pythonic" interface to building state data.
NOTE: The templating engines described above aren't just available in SLS files. They can also be used in file.managed states, making file management much more dynamic and flexible. Some examples for using templates in managed files can be found in the documentation for the file states, as well as the MooseFS example below.
Getting to Know the Default - yaml_jinja
The default renderer - yaml_jinja, allows for use of the jinja templating system. A guide to the Jinja templating system can be found here:
When working with renderers a few very useful bits of data are passed in. In the case of templating engine based renderers, three critical components are available, salt, grains, and pillar. The salt object allows for any Salt function to be called from within the template, and grains allows for the Grains to be accessed from within the template. A few examples:
apache: pkg.installed: {% if grains['os'] == 'RedHat'%} - name: httpd {% endif %} service.running: {% if grains['os'] == 'RedHat'%} - name: httpd {% endif %} - watch: - pkg: apache - file: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf - user: apache user.present: - uid: 87 - gid: 87 - home: /var/www/html - shell: /bin/nologin - require: - group: apache group.present: - gid: 87 - require: - pkg: apache /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: file.managed: - source: salt://apache/httpd.conf - user: root - group: root - mode: 644
This example is simple. If the os grain states that the operating system is Red Hat, then the name of the Apache package and service needs to be httpd.
A more aggressive way to use Jinja can be found here, in a module to set up a MooseFS distributed filesystem chunkserver:
include: - moosefs {% for mnt in salt['']('ls /dev/data/moose*').split() %} /mnt/moose{{ mnt[-1] }}: mount.mounted: - device: {{ mnt }} - fstype: xfs - mkmnt: True - user: mfs - group: mfs - require: - user: mfs - group: mfs {% endfor %} /etc/mfshdd.cfg: file.managed: - source: salt://moosefs/mfshdd.cfg - user: root - group: root - mode: 644 - template: jinja - require: - pkg: mfs-chunkserver /etc/mfschunkserver.cfg: file.managed: - source: salt://moosefs/mfschunkserver.cfg - user: root - group: root - mode: 644 - template: jinja - require: - pkg: mfs-chunkserver mfs-chunkserver: pkg.installed: [] mfschunkserver: service.running: - require: {% for mnt in salt['']('ls /dev/data/moose*') %} - mount: /mnt/moose{{ mnt[-1] }} - file: /mnt/moose{{ mnt[-1] }} {% endfor %} - file: /etc/mfschunkserver.cfg - file: /etc/mfshdd.cfg - file: /var/lib/mfs
This example shows much more of the available power of Jinja. Multiple for loops are used to dynamically detect available hard drives and set them up to be mounted, and the salt object is used multiple times to call shell commands to gather data.
Introducing the Python, PyDSL, and the Pyobjects Renderers
Sometimes the chosen default renderer might not have enough logical power to accomplish the needed task. When this happens, the Python renderer can be used. Normally a YAML renderer should be used for the majority of SLS files, but an SLS file set to use another renderer can be easily added to the tree.
This example shows a very basic Python SLS file:
#!py def run(): ''' Install the django package ''' return {'include': ['python'], 'django': {'pkg': ['installed']}}
This is a very simple example; the first line has an SLS shebang that tells Salt to not use the default renderer, but to use the py renderer. Then the run function is defined, the return value from the run function must be a Salt friendly data structure, or better known as a Salt HighState data structure.
Alternatively, using the pydsl renderer, the above example can be written more succinctly as:
#!pydsl include('python', delayed=True) state('django').pkg.installed()
The pyobjects renderer provides an "Pythonic" object based approach for building the state data. The above example could be written as:
#!pyobjects include('python') Pkg.installed("django")
This Python examples would look like this if they were written in YAML:
include: - python django: pkg.installed
This example clearly illustrates that; one, using the YAML renderer by default is a wise decision and two, unbridled power can be obtained where needed by using a pure Python SLS.
Running and debugging salt states.
Once the rules in an SLS are ready, they should be tested to ensure they work properly. To invoke these rules, simply execute salt '*' state.highstate on the command line. If you get back only hostnames with a : after, but no return, chances are there is a problem with one or more of the sls files. On the minion, use the salt-call command: salt-call state.highstate -l debug to examine the output for errors. This should help troubleshoot the issue. The minions can also be started in the foreground in debug mode: salt-minion -l debug.
Next Reading
With an understanding of states, the next recommendation is to become familiar with Salt's pillar interface: Pillar Walkthrough
States tutorial, part 1 - Basic Usage
The purpose of this tutorial is to demonstrate how quickly you can configure a system to be managed by Salt States. For detailed information about the state system please refer to the full states reference.
This tutorial will walk you through using Salt to configure a minion to run the Apache HTTP server and to ensure the server is running.
Before continuing make sure you have a working Salt installation by following the installation and the configuration instructions.
- Stuck?
There are many ways to get help from the Salt community including our mailing list and our IRC channel #salt.
Setting up the Salt State Tree
States are stored in text files on the master and transferred to the minions on demand via the master's File Server. The collection of state files make up the State Tree.
To start using a central state system in Salt, the Salt File Server must first be set up. Edit the master config file (file_roots) and uncomment the following lines:
file_roots: base: - /srv/salt
NOTE: If you are deploying on FreeBSD via ports, the file_roots path defaults to /usr/local/etc/salt/states.
Restart the Salt master in order to pick up this change:
pkill salt-master salt-master -d
Preparing the Top File
On the master, in the directory uncommented in the previous step, (/srv/salt by default), create a new file called top.sls and add the following:
base: '*': - webserver
The top file is separated into environments (discussed later). The default environment is base. Under the base environment a collection of minion matches is defined; for now simply specify all hosts (*).
- Targeting minions
The expressions can use any of the targeting mechanisms used by Salt — minions can be matched by glob, PCRE regular expression, or by grains. For example:
base: 'os:Fedora': - match: grain - webserver
Create an sls file
In the same directory as the top file, create a file named webserver.sls, containing the following:
apache: # ID declaration pkg: # state declaration - installed # function declaration
The first line, called the id-declaration, is an arbitrary identifier. In this case it defines the name of the package to be installed.
NOTE: The package name for the Apache httpd web server may differ depending on OS or distro — for example, on Fedora it is httpd but on Debian/Ubuntu it is apache2.
The second line, called the state-declaration, defines which of the Salt States we are using. In this example, we are using the pkg state to ensure that a given package is installed.
The third line, called the function-declaration, defines which function in the pkg state module to call.
- Renderers
States sls files can be written in many formats. Salt requires only a simple data structure and is not concerned with how that data structure is built. Templating languages and DSLs are a dime-a-dozen and everyone has a favorite.
Building the expected data structure is the job of Salt renderers and they are dead-simple to write.
In this tutorial we will be using YAML in Jinja2 templates, which is the default format. The default can be changed by editing renderer in the master configuration file.
Install the package
Next, let's run the state we created. Open a terminal on the master and run:
% salt '*' state.highstate
Our master is instructing all targeted minions to run state.highstate. When a minion executes a highstate call it will download the top file and attempt to match the expressions. When it does match an expression the modules listed for it will be downloaded, compiled, and executed.
Once completed, the minion will report back with a summary of all actions taken and all changes made.
WARNING: If you have created custom grain modules, they will not be available in the top file until after the first highstate. To make custom grains available on a minion's first highstate, it is recommended to use this example to ensure that the custom grains are synced when the minion starts.
- SLS File Namespace
Note that in the example above, the SLS file webserver.sls was referred to simply as webserver. The namespace for SLS files follows a few simple rules:
- 1.
- The .sls is discarded (i.e. webserver.sls becomes webserver).
- 2.
- Subdirectories can be used for better organization.
- a.
- Each subdirectory is represented by a dot.
- b.
- webserver/dev.sls is referred to as
- 3.
- A file called init.sls in a subdirectory is referred to by the path of the directory. So, webserver/init.sls is referred to as webserver.
- 4.
- If both webserver.sls and webserver/init.sls happen to exist, webserver/init.sls will be ignored and webserver.sls will be the file referred to as webserver.
- Troubleshooting Salt
If the expected output isn't seen, the following tips can help to narrow down the problem.
- Turn up logging
Salt can be quite chatty when you change the logging setting to
salt-minion -l debug
- Run the minion in the foreground
By not starting the minion in daemon mode (-d)
one can view any output from the minion as it works:
salt-minion &
Increase the default timeout value when running salt. For example, to change the default timeout to 60 seconds:
salt -t 60
For best results, combine all three:
salt-minion -l debug & # On the minion salt '*' state.highstate -t 60 # On the master
Next steps
This tutorial focused on getting a simple Salt States configuration working. Part 2 will build on this example to cover more advanced sls syntax and will explore more of the states that ship with Salt.
States tutorial, part 2 - More Complex States, Requisites
NOTE: This tutorial builds on topics covered in part 1. It is recommended that you begin there.
In the last part of the Salt States tutorial we covered the basics of installing a package. We will now modify our webserver.sls file to have requirements, and use even more Salt States.
Call multiple States
You can specify multiple state-declaration under an id-declaration. For example, a quick modification to our webserver.sls to also start Apache if it is not running:
apache: pkg.installed: [] service.running: - require: - pkg: apache
Try stopping Apache before running state.highstate once again and observe the output.
NOTE: For those running RedhatOS derivatives (Centos, AWS), you will want to specify the service name to be httpd. More on state service here, service state. With the example above, just add "- name: httpd" above the require line and with the same spacing.
Require other states
We now have a working installation of Apache so let's add an HTML file to customize our website. It isn't exactly useful to have a website without a webserver so we don't want Salt to install our HTML file until Apache is installed and running. Include the following at the bottom of your webserver/init.sls file:
apache: pkg.installed: [] service.running: - require: - pkg: apache /var/www/index.html: # ID declaration file: # state declaration - managed # function - source: salt://webserver/index.html # function arg - require: # requisite declaration - pkg: apache # requisite reference
line 9 is the id-declaration. In this example it is the location we want to install our custom HTML file. (Note: the default location that Apache serves may differ from the above on your OS or distro. /srv/www could also be a likely place to look.)
Line 10 the state-declaration. This example uses the Salt file state.
Line 11 is the function-declaration. The managed function will download a file from the master and install it in the location specified.
Line 12 is a function-arg-declaration which, in this example, passes the source argument to the managed function.
Line 13 is a requisite-declaration.
Line 14 is a requisite-reference which refers to a state and an ID. In this example, it is referring to the ID declaration from our example in part 1. This declaration tells Salt not to install the HTML file until Apache is installed.
Next, create the index.html file and save it in the webserver directory:
<html> <head><title>Salt rocks</title></head> <body> <h1>This file brought to you by Salt</h1> </body> </html>
Last, call state.highstate again and the minion will fetch and execute the highstate as well as our HTML file from the master using Salt's File Server:
salt '*' state.highstate
Verify that Apache is now serving your custom HTML.
- require vs. watch
There are two requisite-declaration, “require”, and “watch”. Not every state supports “watch”. The service state does support “watch” and will restart a service based on the watch condition.
For example, if you use Salt to install an Apache virtual host configuration file and want to restart Apache whenever that file is changed you could modify our Apache example from earlier as follows:
/etc/httpd/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf: file.managed: - source: salt://webserver/httpd-vhosts.conf apache: pkg.installed: [] service.running: - watch: - file: /etc/httpd/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf - require: - pkg: apache
If the pkg and service names differ on your OS or distro of choice you can specify each one separately using a name-declaration which explained in Part 3.
Next steps
In part 3 we will discuss how to use includes, extends, and templating to make a more complete State Tree configuration.
States tutorial, part 3 - Templating, Includes, Extends
NOTE: This tutorial builds on topics covered in part 1 and part 2. It is recommended that you begin there.
This part of the tutorial will cover more advanced templating and configuration techniques for sls files.
Templating SLS modules
SLS modules may require programming logic or inline execution. This is accomplished with module templating. The default module templating system used is Jinja2 and may be configured by changing the renderer value in the master config.
All states are passed through a templating system when they are initially read. To make use of the templating system, simply add some templating markup. An example of an sls module with templating markup may look like this:
{% for usr in ['moe','larry','curly'] %} {{ usr }}: user.present {% endfor %}
This templated sls file once generated will look like this:
moe: user.present larry: user.present curly: user.present
Here's a more complex example:
# Comments in yaml start with a hash symbol. # Since jinja rendering occurs before yaml parsing, if you want to include jinja # in the comments you may need to escape them using 'jinja' comments to prevent # jinja from trying to render something which is not well-defined jinja. # e.g. # {# iterate over the Three Stooges using a {% for %}..{% endfor %} loop # with the iterator variable {{ usr }} becoming the state ID. #} {% for usr in 'moe','larry','curly' %} {{ usr }}: group: - present user: - present - gid_from_name: True - require: - group: {{ usr }} {% endfor %}
Using Grains in SLS modules
Often times a state will need to behave differently on different systems. Salt grains objects are made available in the template context. The grains can be used from within sls modules:
apache: pkg.installed: {% if grains['os'] == 'RedHat' %} - name: httpd {% elif grains['os'] == 'Ubuntu' %} - name: apache2 {% endif %}
Using Environment Variables in SLS modules
You can use salt['environ.get']('VARNAME') to use an environment variable in a Salt state.
MYENVVAR="world" salt-call state.template test.sls
Create a file with contents from an environment variable: file.managed: - name: /tmp/hello - contents: {{ salt['environ.get']('MYENVVAR') }}
Error checking:
{% set myenvvar = salt['environ.get']('MYENVVAR') %} {% if myenvvar %} Create a file with contents from an environment variable: file.managed: - name: /tmp/hello - contents: {{ salt['environ.get']('MYENVVAR') }} {% else %} Fail - no environment passed in: test: A. fail_without_changes {% endif %}
Calling Salt modules from templates
All of the Salt modules loaded by the minion are available within the templating system. This allows data to be gathered in real time on the target system. It also allows for shell commands to be run easily from within the sls modules.
The Salt module functions are also made available in the template context as salt:
moe: user.present: - gid: {{ salt['file.group_to_gid']('some_group_that_exists') }}
Note that for the above example to work, some_group_that_exists must exist before the state file is processed by the templating engine.
Below is an example that uses the network.hw_addr function to retrieve the MAC address for eth0:
Advanced SLS module syntax
Lastly, we will cover some incredibly useful techniques for more complex State trees.
Include declaration
A previous example showed how to spread a Salt tree across several files. Similarly, requisites span multiple files by using an include-declaration. For example:
python-dateutil: pkg.installed
include: - python.python-libs django: pkg.installed: - require: - pkg: python-dateutil
Extend declaration
You can modify previous declarations by using an extend-declaration. For example the following modifies the Apache tree to also restart Apache when the vhosts file is changed:
apache: pkg.installed
include: - apache.apache extend: apache: service: - running - watch: - file: /etc/httpd/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf /etc/httpd/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf: file.managed: - source: salt://apache/httpd-vhosts.conf
- Using extend with require or watch
The extend statement works differently for require or watch. It appends to, rather than replacing the requisite component.
Name declaration
You can override the id-declaration by using a name-declaration. For example, the previous example is a bit more maintainable if rewritten as follows:
include: - apache.apache extend: apache: service: - running - watch: - file: mywebsite mywebsite: file.managed: - name: /etc/httpd/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf - source: salt://apache/httpd-vhosts.conf
Names declaration
Even more powerful is using a names-declaration to override the id-declaration for multiple states at once. This often can remove the need for looping in a template. For example, the first example in this tutorial can be rewritten without the loop:
stooges: user.present: - names: - moe - larry - curly
Next steps
In part 4 we will discuss how to use salt's file_roots to set up a workflow in which states can be "promoted" from dev, to QA, to production.
States tutorial, part 4
NOTE: This tutorial builds on topics covered in part 1, part 2 and part 3. It is recommended that you begin there.
This part of the tutorial will show how to use salt's file_roots to set up a workflow in which states can be "promoted" from dev, to QA, to production.
Salt fileserver path inheritance
Salt's fileserver allows for more than one root directory per environment, like in the below example, which uses both a local directory and a secondary location shared to the salt master via NFS:
# In the master config file (/etc/salt/master) file_roots: base: - /srv/salt - /mnt/salt-nfs/base
Salt's fileserver collapses the list of root directories into a single virtual environment containing all files from each root. If the same file exists at the same relative path in more than one root, then the top-most match "wins". For example, if /srv/salt/foo.txt and /mnt/salt-nfs/base/foo.txt both exist, then salt://foo.txt will point to /srv/salt/foo.txt.
NOTE: When using multiple fileserver backends, the order in which they are listed in the fileserver_backend parameter also matters. If both roots and git backends contain a file with the same relative path, and roots appears before git in the fileserver_backend list, then the file in roots will "win", and the file in gitfs will be ignored.
A more thorough explanation of how Salt's modular fileserver works can be found here. We recommend reading this.
Environment configuration
Configure a multiple-environment setup like so:
file_roots: base: - /srv/salt/prod qa: - /srv/salt/qa - /srv/salt/prod dev: - /srv/salt/dev - /srv/salt/qa - /srv/salt/prod
Given the path inheritance described above, files within /srv/salt/prod would be available in all environments. Files within /srv/salt/qa would be available in both qa, and dev. Finally, the files within /srv/salt/dev would only be available within the dev environment.
Based on the order in which the roots are defined, new files/states can be placed within /srv/salt/dev, and pushed out to the dev hosts for testing.
Those files/states can then be moved to the same relative path within /srv/salt/qa, and they are now available only in the dev and qa environments, allowing them to be pushed to QA hosts and tested.
Finally, if moved to the same relative path within /srv/salt/prod, the files are now available in all three environments.
Practical Example
As an example, consider a simple website, installed to /var/www/foobarcom. Below is a top.sls that can be used to deploy the website:
base: 'web*prod*': - webserver.foobarcom qa: 'web*qa*': - webserver.foobarcom dev: 'web*dev*': - webserver.foobarcom
Using pillar, roles can be assigned to the hosts:
base: 'web*prod*': - 'web*qa*': - 'web*dev*': -
webserver_role: prod
webserver_role: qa
webserver_role: dev
And finally, the SLS to deploy the website:
{% if pillar.get('webserver_role', '') %} /var/www/foobarcom: file.recurse: - source: salt://webserver/src/foobarcom - env: {{ pillar['webserver_role'] }} - user: www - group: www - dir_mode: 755 - file_mode: 644 {% endif %}
Given the above SLS, the source for the website should initially be placed in /srv/salt/dev/webserver/src/foobarcom.
First, let's deploy to dev. Given the configuration in the top file, this can be done using state.highstate:
salt --pillar 'webserver_role:dev' state.highstate
However, in the event that it is not desirable to apply all states configured in the top file (which could be likely in more complex setups), it is possible to apply just the states for the foobarcom website, using state.sls:
salt --pillar 'webserver_role:dev' state.sls webserver.foobarcom
Once the site has been tested in dev, then the files can be moved from /srv/salt/dev/webserver/src/foobarcom to /srv/salt/qa/webserver/src/foobarcom, and deployed using the following:
salt --pillar 'webserver_role:qa' state.sls webserver.foobarcom
Finally, once the site has been tested in qa, then the files can be moved from /srv/salt/qa/webserver/src/foobarcom to /srv/salt/prod/webserver/src/foobarcom, and deployed using the following:
salt --pillar 'webserver_role:prod' state.sls webserver.foobarcom
Thanks to Salt's fileserver inheritance, even though the files have been moved to within /srv/salt/prod, they are still available from the same salt:// URI in both the qa and dev environments.
Continue Learning
The best way to continue learning about Salt States is to read through the reference documentation and to look through examples of existing state trees. Many pre-configured state trees can be found on Github in the saltstack-formulas collection of repositories.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to chat with other people who are using Salt, we have a very active community and we'd love to hear from you.
In addition, by continuing to part 5, you can learn about the powerful orchestration of which Salt is capable.
States Tutorial, Part 5 - Orchestration with Salt
NOTE: This tutorial builds on some of the topics covered in the earlier States Walkthrough pages. It is recommended to start with Part 1 if you are not familiar with how to use states.
Orchestration is accomplished in salt primarily through the Orchestrate Runner. Added in version 0.17.0, this Salt Runner can use the full suite of requisites available in states, and can also execute states/functions using salt-ssh. This runner replaces the OverState.
The Orchestrate Runner
New in version 0.17.0.
NOTE: Orchestrate Deprecates OverState
The Orchestrate Runner (originally called the state.sls runner) offers all the functionality of the OverState, but with some advantages:
- •
- All requisites available in states can be used.
- •
The states/functions will also work on salt-ssh minions.
The Orchestrate Runner was added with the intent to eventually deprecate the OverState system, however the OverState will still be maintained until Salt Boron.
The orchestrate runner generalizes the Salt state system to a Salt master context. Whereas the state.sls, state.highstate, et al functions are concurrently and independently executed on each Salt minion, the state.orchestrate runner is executed on the master, giving it a master-level view and control over requisites, such as state ordering and conditionals. This allows for inter minion requisites, like ordering the application of states on different minions that must not happen simultaneously, or for halting the state run on all minions if a minion fails one of its states.
If you want to setup a load balancer in front of a cluster of web servers, for example, you can ensure the load balancer is setup before the web servers or stop the state run altogether if one of the minions does not set up correctly.
The state.sls, state.highstate, et al functions allow you to statefully manage each minion and the state.orchestrate runner allows you to statefully manage your entire infrastructure.
Executing the Orchestrate Runner
The Orchestrate Runner command format is the same as for the state.sls function, except that since it is a runner, it is executed with salt-run rather than salt. Assuming you have a state.sls file called /srv/salt/orch/webserver.sls the following command run on the master will apply the states defined in that file.
salt-run state.orchestrate orch.webserver
NOTE: state.orch is a synonym for state.orchestrate
Changed in version 2014.1.1: The runner function was renamed to state.orchestrate to avoid confusion with the state.sls execution function. In versions 0.17.0 through 2014.1.0, state.sls must be used.
To execute a function, use salt.function:
# /srv/salt/orch/cleanfoo.sls salt.function: - tgt: '*' - arg: - rm -rf /tmp/foo
salt-run state.orchestrate orch.cleanfoo
To execute a state, use salt.state.
# /srv/salt/orch/webserver.sls install_nginx: salt.state: - tgt: 'web*' - sls: - nginx
salt-run state.orchestrate orch.webserver
To run a highstate, set highstate: True in your state config:
# /srv/salt/orch/web_setup.sls webserver_setup: salt.state: - tgt: 'web*' - highstate: True
salt-run state.orchestrate orch.web_setup
More Complex Orchestration
Many states/functions can be configured in a single file, which when combined with the full suite of requisites, can be used to easily configure complex orchestration tasks. Additionally, the states/functions will be executed in the order in which they are defined, unless prevented from doing so by any requisites, as is the default in SLS files since 0.17.0. salt.function: - tgt: - tgt_type: ipcidr - arg: - bootstrap storage_setup: salt.state: - tgt: 'role:storage' - tgt_type: grain - sls: ceph - require: - salt: webserver_setup webserver_setup: salt.state: - tgt: 'web*' - highstate: True
Given the above setup, the orchestration will be carried out as follows:
- 1.
- The shell command bootstrap will be executed on all minions in the subnet.
- 2.
- A Highstate will be run on all minions whose ID starts with "web", since the storage_setup state requires it.
- 3.
- Finally, the ceph SLS target will be executed on all minions which have a grain called role with a value of storage.
The OverState System
WARNING: The OverState runner is deprecated, and will be removed in the feature release of Salt codenamed Boron. (Three feature releases after 2014.7.0, which is codenamed Helium)
Often, servers need to be set up and configured in a specific order, and systems should only be set up if systems earlier in the sequence have been set up without any issues.
The OverState system can be used to orchestrate deployment in a smooth and reliable way across multiple systems in small to large environments.
The OverState SLS
The OverState system is managed by an SLS file named overstate.sls, located in the root of a Salt fileserver environment.
The overstate.sls configures an unordered list of stages, each stage defines the minions on which to execute the state, and can define what sls files to run, execute a state.highstate, or execute a function. Here's a sample overstate.sls:
mysql: match: 'db*' sls: - mysql.server - drbd webservers: match: 'web*' require: - mysql all: match: '*' require: - mysql - webservers
NOTE: The match argument uses compound matching
Given the above setup, the OverState will be carried out as follows:
- 1.
- The mysql stage will be executed first because it is required by the webservers and all stages. It will execute state.sls once for each of the two listed SLS targets (mysql.server and drbd). These states will be executed on all minions whose minion ID starts with "db".
- 2.
- The webservers stage will then be executed, but only if the mysql stage executes without any failures. The webservers stage will execute a state.highstate on all minions whose minion IDs start with "web".
- 3.
Finally, the all stage will execute, running state.highstate on all systems, if, and only if the mysql
and webservers stages completed without any failures.
Any failure in the above steps would cause the requires to fail, preventing the dependent stages from executing.
Using Functions with OverState
In the above example, you'll notice that the stages lacking an sls entry run a state.highstate. As mentioned earlier, it is also possible to execute other functions in a stage. This functionality was added in version 0.15.0.
Running a function is easy:
http: function: pkg.install: - httpd
The list of function arguments are defined after the declared function. So, the above stage would run pkg.install http. Requisites only function properly if the given function supports returning a custom return code.
Executing an OverState
Since the OverState is a Runner, it is executed using the salt-run command. The runner function for the OverState is state.over.
salt-run state.over
The function will by default look in the root of the base environment (as defined in file_roots) for a file called overstate.sls, and then execute the stages defined within that file.
Different environments and paths can be used as well, by adding them as positional arguments:
salt-run state.over dev /root/other-overstate.sls
The above would run an OverState using the dev fileserver environment, with the stages defined in /root/other-overstate.sls.
WARNING: Since these are positional arguments, when defining the path to the overstate file the environment must also be specified, even if it is the base environment.
NOTE: Remember, salt-run is always executed on the master.
Syslog-ng usage
Syslog_ng state module is for generating syslog-ng configurations. You can do the following things:
- •
- generate syslog-ng configuration from YAML,
- •
- use non-YAML configuration,
- •
start, stop or reload syslog-ng.
There is also an execution module, which can check the syntax of the configuration, get the version and other information about syslog-ng.
Users can create syslog-ng configuration statements with the syslog_ng.config function. It requires a name and a config parameter. The name parameter determines the name of the generated statement and the config parameter holds a parsed YAML structure.
A statement can be declared in the following forms (both are equivalent):
source.s_localhost: syslog_ng.config: - config: - tcp: - ip: "" - port: 1233
s_localhost: syslog_ng.config: - config: source: - tcp: - ip: "" - port: 1233
The first one is called short form, because it needs less typing. Users can use lists and dictionaries to specify their configuration. The format is quite self describing and there are more examples [at the end](#examples) of this document.
- The quotation can be tricky sometimes but here are some rules to follow:
- •
- when a string meant to be "string" in the generated configuration, it should be like '"string"' in the YAML document
- •
- similarly, users should write "'string'" to get 'string' in the generated configuration
Full example
The following configuration is an example, how a complete syslog-ng configuration looks like:
# Set the location of the configuration file set_location: - name: syslog_ng.set_config_file - m_name: "/home/tibi/install/syslog-ng/etc/syslog-ng.conf" # The syslog-ng and syslog-ng-ctl binaries are here. You needn't use # this method if these binaries can be found in a directory in your PATH. set_bin_path: - name: syslog_ng.set_binary_path - m_name: "/home/tibi/install/syslog-ng/sbin" # Writes the first lines into the config file, also erases its previous # content write_version: - name: syslog_ng.write_version - m_name: "3.6" # There is a shorter form to set the above variables set_variables: - name: syslog_ng.set_parameters - version: "3.6" - binary_path: "/home/tibi/install/syslog-ng/sbin" - config_file: "/home/tibi/install/syslog-ng/etc/syslog-ng.conf" # Some global options options.global_options: syslog_ng.config: - config: - time_reap: 30 - mark_freq: 10 - keep_hostname: "yes" source.s_localhost: syslog_ng.config: - config: - tcp: - ip: "" - port: 1233 destination.d_log_server: syslog_ng.config: - config: - tcp: - "" - port: 1234 log.l_log_to_central_server: syslog_ng.config: - config: - source: s_localhost - destination: d_log_server some_comment: - name: syslog_ng.write_config - config: | # Multi line # comment # An other mode to use comments or existing configuration snippets config.other_comment_form: syslog_ng.config: - config: | # Multi line # comment
The syslog_ng.reloaded function can generate syslog-ng configuration from YAML. If the statement (source, destination, parser, etc.) has a name, this function uses the id as the name, otherwise (log statement) it's purpose is like a mandatory comment.
After execution this example the syslog_ng state will generate this file:
#Generated by Salt on 2014-08-18 00:11:11 @version: 3.6 options { time_reap( 30 ); mark_freq( 10 ); keep_hostname( yes ); }; source s_localhost { tcp( ip( ), port( 1233 ) ); }; destination d_log_server { tcp(, port( 1234 ) ); }; log { source( s_localhost ); destination( d_log_server ); }; # Multi line # comment # Multi line # comment
Users can include arbitrary texts in the generated configuration with using the config statement (see the example above).
Syslog_ng module functions
You can use syslog_ng.set_binary_path to set the directory which contains the syslog-ng and syslog-ng-ctl binaries. If this directory is in your PATH, you don't need to use this function. There is also a syslog_ng.set_config_file function to set the location of the configuration file.
Simple source
source s_tail { file( "/var/log/apache/access.log", follow_freq(1), flags(no-parse, validate-utf8) ); };
s_tail: # Salt will call the source function of syslog_ng module syslog_ng.config: - config: source: - file: - file: ''"/var/log/apache/access.log"'' - follow_freq : 1 - flags: - no-parse - validate-utf8
s_tail: syslog_ng.config: - config: source: - file: - ''"/var/log/apache/access.log"'' - follow_freq : 1 - flags: - no-parse - validate-utf8
source.s_tail: syslog_ng.config: - config: - file: - ''"/var/log/apache/access.log"'' - follow_freq : 1 - flags: - no-parse - validate-utf8
Complex source
source s_gsoc2014 { tcp( ip(""), port(1234), flags(no-parse) ); };
s_gsoc2014: syslog_ng.config: - config: source: - tcp: - ip: - port: 1234 - flags: no-parse
filter f_json { match( "@json:" ); };
f_json: syslog_ng.config: - config: filter: - match: - ''"@json:"''
template t_demo_filetemplate { template( "$ISODATE $HOST $MSG " ); template_escape( no ); };
t_demo_filetemplate: syslog_ng.config: -config: template: - template: - '"$ISODATE $HOST $MSG\n"' - template_escape: - "no"
rewrite r_set_message_to_MESSAGE { set( "${.json.message}", value("$MESSAGE") ); };
r_set_message_to_MESSAGE: syslog_ng.config: - config: rewrite: - set: - '"${.json.message}"' - value : '"$MESSAGE"'
Global options
options { time_reap(30); mark_freq(10); keep_hostname(yes); };
global_options: syslog_ng.config: - config: options: - time_reap: 30 - mark_freq: 10 - keep_hostname: "yes"
log { source(s_gsoc2014); junction { channel { filter(f_json); parser(p_json); rewrite(r_set_json_tag); rewrite(r_set_message_to_MESSAGE); destination { file( "/tmp/json-input.log", template(t_gsoc2014) ); }; flags(final); }; channel { filter(f_not_json); parser { syslog-parser( ); }; rewrite(r_set_syslog_tag); flags(final); }; }; destination { file( "/tmp/all.log", template(t_gsoc2014) ); }; };
l_gsoc2014: syslog_ng.config: - config: log: - source: s_gsoc2014 - junction: - channel: - filter: f_json - parser: p_json - rewrite: r_set_json_tag - rewrite: r_set_message_to_MESSAGE - destination: - file: - '"/tmp/json-input.log"' - template: t_gsoc2014 - flags: final - channel: - filter: f_not_json - parser: - syslog-parser: [] - rewrite: r_set_syslog_tag - flags: final - destination: - file: - "/tmp/all.log" - template: t_gsoc2014
Advanced Topics
SaltStack Walk-through
NOTE: Welcome to SaltStack! I am excited that you are interested in Salt and starting down the path to better infrastructure management. I developed (and am continuing to develop) Salt with the goal of making the best software available to manage computers of almost any kind. I hope you enjoy working with Salt and that the software can solve your real world needs!
- •
- Thomas S Hatch
- •
- Salt creator and Chief Developer
- •
- CTO of SaltStack, Inc.
Getting Started
What is Salt?
Salt is a different approach to infrastructure management, founded on the idea that high-speed communication with large numbers of systems can open up new capabilities. This approach makes Salt a powerful multitasking system that can solve many specific problems in an infrastructure.
The backbone of Salt is the remote execution engine, which creates a high-speed, secure and bi-directional communication net for groups of systems. On top of this communication system, Salt provides an extremely fast, flexible, and easy-to-use configuration management system called Salt States.
Installing Salt
SaltStack has been made to be very easy to install and get started. The installation documents contain instructions for all supported platforms.
Starting Salt
Salt functions on a master/minion topology. A master server acts as a central control bus for the clients, which are called minions. The minions connect back to the master.
Setting Up the Salt Master
Turning on the Salt Master is easy -- just turn it on! The default configuration is suitable for the vast majority of installations. The Salt Master can be controlled by the local Linux/Unix service manager:
On Systemd based platforms (OpenSuse, Fedora):
systemctl start salt-master
On Upstart based systems (Ubuntu, older Fedora/RHEL):
service salt-master start
On SysV Init systems (Debian, Gentoo etc.):
/etc/init.d/salt-master start
Alternatively, the Master can be started directly on the command-line:
salt-master -d
The Salt Master can also be started in the foreground in debug mode, thus greatly increasing the command output:
salt-master -l debug
The Salt Master needs to bind to two TCP network ports on the system. These ports are 4505 and 4506. For more in depth information on firewalling these ports, the firewall tutorial is available here.
Setting up a Salt Minion
NOTE: The Salt Minion can operate with or without a Salt Master. This walk-through assumes that the minion will be connected to the master, for information on how to run a master-less minion please see the master-less quick-start guide:
Masterless Minion Quickstart
The Salt Minion only needs to be aware of one piece of information to run, the network location of the master.
By default the minion will look for the DNS name salt for the master, making the easiest approach to set internal DNS to resolve the name salt back to the Salt Master IP.
Otherwise, the minion configuration file will need to be edited so that the configuration option master points to the DNS name or the IP of the Salt Master:
NOTE: The default location of the configuration files is /etc/salt. Most platforms adhere to this convention, but platforms such as FreeBSD and Microsoft Windows place this file in different locations.
Now that the master can be found, start the minion in the same way as the master; with the platform init system or via the command line directly:
As a daemon:
salt-minion -d
In the foreground in debug mode:
salt-minion -l debug
When the minion is started, it will generate an id value, unless it has been generated on a previous run and cached in the configuration directory, which is /etc/salt by default. This is the name by which the minion will attempt to authenticate to the master. The following steps are attempted, in order to try to find a value that is not localhost:
- 1.
- The Python function socket.getfqdn() is run
- 2.
- /etc/hostname is checked (non-Windows only)
- 3.
/etc/hosts (%WINDIR%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts on Windows hosts) is
checked for hostnames that map to anything within
If none of the above are able to produce an id which is not localhost, then a sorted list of IP addresses on the minion (excluding any within is inspected. The first publicly-routable IP address is used, if there is one. Otherwise, the first privately-routable IP address is used.
If all else fails, then localhost is used as a fallback.
NOTE: Overriding the id
The minion id can be manually specified using the id parameter in the minion config file. If this configuration value is specified, it will override all other sources for the id.
Now that the minion is started, it will generate cryptographic keys and attempt to connect to the master. The next step is to venture back to the master server and accept the new minion's public key.
Using salt-key
Salt authenticates minions using public-key encryption and authentication. For a minion to start accepting commands from the master, the minion keys need to be accepted by the master.
The salt-key command is used to manage all of the keys on the master. To list the keys that are on the master:
salt-key -L
The keys that have been rejected, accepted, and pending acceptance are listed. The easiest way to accept the minion key is to accept all pending keys:
salt-key -A
NOTE: Keys should be verified! Print the master key fingerprint by running salt-key -F master on the Salt master. Copy the fingerprint from the Local Keys section, and then set this value as the master_finger in the minion configuration file. Restart the Salt minion.
On the master, run salt-key -f minion-id to print the fingerprint of the minion's public key that was received by the master. On the minion, run salt-call key.finger --local to print the fingerprint of the minion key.
On the master:
# salt-key -f Unaccepted Keys: 39:f9:e4:8a:aa:74:8d:52:1a:ec:92:03:82:09:c8:f9
On the minion:
# salt-call key.finger --local local: 39:f9:e4:8a:aa:74:8d:52:1a:ec:92:03:82:09:c8:f9
If they match, approve the key with salt-key -a
Sending the First Commands
Now that the minion is connected to the master and authenticated, the master can start to command the minion.
Salt commands allow for a vast set of functions to be executed and for specific minions and groups of minions to be targeted for execution.
The salt command is comprised of command options, target specification, the function to execute, and arguments to the function.
A simple command to start with looks like this:
salt '*'
The * is the target, which specifies all minions. tells the minion to run the function.
In the case of, test refers to a execution module. ping refers to the ping function contained in the aforementioned test module.
NOTE: Execution modules are the workhorses of Salt. They do the work on the system to perform various tasks, such as manipulating files and restarting services.
The result of running this command will be the master instructing all of the minions to execute in parallel and return the result.
This is not an actual ICMP ping, but rather a simple function which returns True. Using is a good way of confirming that a minion is connected.
NOTE: Each minion registers itself with a unique minion ID. This ID defaults to the minion's hostname, but can be explicitly defined in the minion config as well by using the id parameter.
Of course, there are hundreds of other modules that can be called just as can. For example, the following would return disk usage on all targeted minions:
salt '*' disk.usage
Getting to Know the Functions
Salt comes with a vast library of functions available for execution, and Salt functions are self-documenting. To see what functions are available on the minions execute the sys.doc function:
salt '*' sys.doc
This will display a very large list of available functions and documentation on them.
NOTE: Module documentation is also available on the web.
These functions cover everything from shelling out to package management to manipulating database servers. They comprise a powerful system management API which is the backbone to Salt configuration management and many other aspects of Salt.
NOTE: Salt comes with many plugin systems. The functions that are available via the salt command are called Execution Modules.
Helpful Functions to Know
The cmd module contains functions to shell out on minions, such as and cmd.run_all:
salt '*' 'ls -l /etc'
The pkg functions automatically map local system package managers to the same salt functions. This means that pkg.install will install packages via yum on Red Hat based systems, apt on Debian systems, etc.:
salt '*' pkg.install vim
NOTE: Some custom Linux spins and derivatives of other distributions are not properly detected by Salt. If the above command returns an error message saying that pkg.install is not available, then you may need to override the pkg provider. This process is explained here.
The network.interfaces function will list all interfaces on a minion, along with their IP addresses, netmasks, MAC addresses, etc:
salt '*' network.interfaces
Changing the Output Format
The default output format used for most Salt commands is called the nested outputter, but there are several other outputters that can be used to change the way the output is displayed. For instance, the pprint outputter can be used to display the return data using Python's pprint module:
root [at] saltmaster:~# salt myminion grains.item pythonpath --out=pprint {'myminion': {'pythonpath': ['/usr/lib64/python2.7', '/usr/lib/python2.7/plat-linux2', '/usr/lib64/python2.7/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.7/lib-tk', '/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages', '/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gst-0.10', '/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gtk-2.0']}}
The full list of Salt outputters, as well as example output, can be found here.
The examples so far have described running commands from the Master using the salt command, but when troubleshooting it can be more beneficial to login to the minion directly and use salt-call.
Doing so allows you to see the minion log messages specific to the command you are running (which are not part of the return data you see when running the command from the Master using salt), making it unnecessary to tail the minion log. More information on salt-call and how to use it can be found here.
Salt uses a system called Grains to build up static data about minions. This data includes information about the operating system that is running, CPU architecture and much more. The grains system is used throughout Salt to deliver platform data to many components and to users.
Grains can also be statically set, this makes it easy to assign values to minions for grouping and managing.
A common practice is to assign grains to minions to specify what the role or roles a minion might be. These static grains can be set in the minion configuration file or via the grains.setval function.
Salt allows for minions to be targeted based on a wide range of criteria. The default targeting system uses globular expressions to match minions, hence if there are minions named larry1, larry2, curly1, and curly2, a glob of larry* will match larry1 and larry2, and a glob of *1 will match larry1 and curly1.
Many other targeting systems can be used other than globs, these systems include:
- Regular Expressions
- Target using PCRE-compliant regular expressions
- Grains
- Target based on grains data: Targeting with Grains
- Pillar
- Target based on pillar data: Targeting with Pillar
- IP
- Target based on IP address/subnet/range
- Compound
- Create logic to target based on multiple targets: Targeting with Compound
- Nodegroup
Target with nodegroups:
Targeting with Nodegroup
The concepts of targets are used on the command line with Salt, but also function in many other areas as well, including the state system and the systems used for ACLs and user permissions.
Passing in Arguments
Many of the functions available accept arguments which can be passed in on the command line:
salt '*' pkg.install vim
This example passes the argument vim to the pkg.install function. Since many functions can accept more complex input then just a string, the arguments are parsed through YAML, allowing for more complex data to be sent on the command line:
salt '*' test.echo 'foo: bar'
In this case Salt translates the string 'foo: bar' into the dictionary "{'foo': 'bar'}"
NOTE: Any line that contains a newline will not be parsed by YAML.
Salt States
Now that the basics are covered the time has come to evaluate States. Salt States, or the State System is the component of Salt made for configuration management.
The state system is already available with a basic Salt setup, no additional configuration is required. States can be set up immediately.
NOTE: Before diving into the state system, a brief overview of how states are constructed will make many of the concepts clearer. Salt states are based on data modeling and build on a low level data structure that is used to execute each state function. Then more logical layers are built on top of each other.
The high layers of the state system which this tutorial will cover consists of everything that needs to be known to use states, the two high layers covered here are the sls layer and the highest layer highstate.
Understanding the layers of data management in the State System will help with understanding states, but they never need to be used. Just as understanding how a compiler functions assists when learning a programming language, understanding what is going on under the hood of a configuration management system will also prove to be a valuable asset.
The First SLS Formula
The state system is built on SLS formulas. These formulas are built out in files on Salt's file server. To make a very basic SLS formula open up a file under /srv/salt named vim.sls. The following state ensures that vim is installed on a system to which that state has been applied.
vim: pkg.installed
Now install vim on the minions by calling the SLS directly:
salt '*' state.sls vim
This command will invoke the state system and run the vim SLS.
Now, to beef up the vim SLS formula, a vimrc can be added:
vim: pkg.installed: [] /etc/vimrc: file.managed: - source: salt://vimrc - mode: 644 - user: root - group: root
Now the desired vimrc needs to be copied into the Salt file server to /srv/salt/vimrc. In Salt, everything is a file, so no path redirection needs to be accounted for. The vimrc file is placed right next to the vim.sls file. The same command as above can be executed to all the vim SLS formulas and now include managing the file.
NOTE: Salt does not need to be restarted/reloaded or have the master manipulated in any way when changing SLS formulas. They are instantly available.
Adding Some Depth
Obviously maintaining SLS formulas right in a single directory at the root of the file server will not scale out to reasonably sized deployments. This is why more depth is required. Start by making an nginx formula a better way, make an nginx subdirectory and add an init.sls file:
nginx: pkg.installed: [] service.running: - require: - pkg: nginx
A few concepts are introduced in this SLS formula.
First is the service statement which ensures that the nginx service is running.
Of course, the nginx service can't be started unless the package is installed -- hence the require statement which sets up a dependency between the two.
The require statement makes sure that the required component is executed before and that it results in success.
NOTE: The require option belongs to a family of options called requisites. Requisites are a powerful component of Salt States, for more information on how requisites work and what is available see: Requisites
Also evaluation ordering is available in Salt as well: Ordering States
This new sls formula has a special name -- init.sls. When an SLS formula is named init.sls it inherits the name of the directory path that contains it. This formula can be referenced via the following command:
salt '*' state.sls nginx
NOTE: Reminder!
Just as one could call the or disk.usage execution modules, state.sls is simply another execution module. It simply takes the name of an SLS file as an argument.
Now that subdirectories can be used, the vim.sls formula can be cleaned up. To make things more flexible, move the vim.sls and vimrc into a new subdirectory called edit and change the vim.sls file to reflect the change:
vim: pkg.installed /etc/vimrc: file.managed: - source: salt://edit/vimrc - mode: 644 - user: root - group: root
Only the source path to the vimrc file has changed. Now the formula is referenced as edit.vim because it resides in the edit subdirectory. Now the edit subdirectory can contain formulas for emacs, nano, joe or any other editor that may need to be deployed.
Next Reading
Two walk-throughs are specifically recommended at this point. First, a deeper run through States, followed by an explanation of Pillar.
- 1.
- Starting States
- 2.
Pillar Walkthrough
An understanding of Pillar is extremely helpful in using States.
Getting Deeper Into States
Two more in-depth States tutorials exist, which delve much more deeply into States functionality.
- 1.
- How Do I Use Salt States?, covers much more to get off the ground with States.
- 2.
The States Tutorial also provides a
fantastic introduction.
These tutorials include much more in-depth information including templating SLS formulas etc.
So Much More!
This concludes the initial Salt walk-through, but there are many more things still to learn! These documents will cover important core aspects of Salt:
- •
- Pillar
- •
Job Management
A few more tutorials are also available:
- •
- Remote Execution Tutorial
- •
Standalone Minion
This still is only scratching the surface, many components such as the reactor and event systems, extending Salt, modular components and more are not covered here. For an overview of all Salt features and documentation, look at the Table of Contents.
MinionFS Backend Walkthrough
Propagating Files
New in version 2014.1.0.
Sometimes, one might need to propagate files that are generated on a minion. Salt already has a feature to send files from a minion to the master.
Enabling File Propagation
To enable propagation, the file_recv option needs to be set to True.
file_recv: True
These changes require a restart of the master, then new requests for the salt://minion-id/ protocol will send files that are pushed by cp.push from minion-id to the master.
salt 'minion-id' cp.push /path/to/the/file
This command will store the file, including its full path, under cachedir /master/minions/minion-id/files. With the default cachedir the example file above would be stored as /var/cache/salt/master/minions/minion-id/files/path/to/the/file.
NOTE: This walkthrough assumes basic knowledge of Salt and cp.push. To get up to speed, check out the walkthrough.
MinionFS Backend
Since it is not a good idea to expose the whole cachedir, MinionFS should be used to send these files to other minions.
Simple Configuration
To use the minionfs backend only two configuration changes are required on the master. The fileserver_backend option needs to contain a value of minion and file_recv needs to be set to true:
fileserver_backend: - roots - minion file_recv: True
These changes require a restart of the master, then new requests for the salt://minion-id/ protocol will send files that are pushed by cp.push from minion-id to the master.
NOTE: All of the files that are pushed to the master are going to be available to all of the minions. If this is not what you want, please remove minion from fileserver_backend in the master config file.
NOTE: Having directories with the same name as your minions in the root that can be accessed like salt://minion-id/ might cause confusion.
Commandline Example
Lets assume that we are going to generate SSH keys on a minion called minion-source and put the public part in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of root user of a minion called minion-destination.
First, lets make sure that /root/.ssh exists and has the right permissions:
[root [at] salt-master file]# salt '*' file.mkdir dir_path=/root/.ssh user=root group=root mode=700 minion-source: None minion-destination: None
We create an RSA key pair without a passphrase [*]:
[root [at] salt-master file]# salt 'minion-source' 'ssh-keygen -N "" -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa' minion-source: Generating public/private rsa key pair. Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: 9b:cd:1c:b9:c2:93:8e:ad:a3:52:a0:8b:0a:cc:d4:9b root [at] minion-source The key's randomart image is: +--[ RSA 2048]----+ | | | | | | | o . | | o o S o | |= + . B o | |o+ E B = | |+ . .+ o | |o | +-----------------+
and we send the public part to the master to be available to all minions:
[root [at] salt-master file]# salt 'minion-source' cp.push /root/.ssh/ minion-source: True
now it can be seen by everyone:
[root [at] salt-master file]# salt 'minion-destination' cp.list_master_dirs minion-destination: - . - etc - minion-source/root - minion-source/root/.ssh
Lets copy that as the only authorized key to minion-destination:
[root [at] salt-master file]# salt 'minion-destination' cp.get_file salt://minion-source/root/.ssh/ /root/.ssh/authorized_keys minion-destination: /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
Or we can use a more elegant and salty way to add an SSH key:
[root [at] salt-master file]# salt 'minion-destination' ssh.set_auth_key_from_file user=root source=salt://minion-source/root/.ssh/ minion-destination: new
- [*]
- Yes, that was the actual key on my server, but the server is already destroyed.
Automatic Updates / Frozen Deployments
New in version 0.10.3.d.
Salt has support for the Esky application freezing and update tool. This tool allows one to build a complete zipfile out of the salt scripts and all their dependencies - including shared objects / DLLs.
Getting Started
To build frozen applications, suitable build environment will be needed for each platform. You should probably set up a virtualenv in order to limit the scope of Q/A.
This process does work on Windows. Directions are available at for details on installing Salt in Windows. Only the 32-bit Python and dependencies have been tested, but they have been tested on 64-bit Windows.
Install bbfreeze, and then esky from PyPI in order to enable the bdist_esky command in Salt itself must also be installed, in addition to its dependencies.
Building and Freezing
Once you have your tools installed and the environment configured, use to prepare the distribution files.
python sdist python bdist
Once the distribution files are in place, Esky can be used traverse the module tree and pack all the scripts up into a redistributable.
python bdist_esky
There will be an appropriately versioned in dist/ if everything went smoothly.
C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\zmq will need to be added to the PATH variable. This helps bbfreeze find the zmq DLL so it can pack it up.
Using the Frozen Build
Unpack the zip file in the desired install location. Scripts like salt-minion and salt-call will be in the root of the zip file. The associated libraries and bootstrapping will be in the directories at the same level. (Check the Esky documentation for more information)
To support updating your minions in the wild, put the builds on a web server that the minions can reach. salt.modules.saltutil.update() will trigger an update and (optionally) a restart of the minion service under the new version.
A Windows minion isn't responding
The process dispatch on Windows is slower than it is on *nix. It may be necessary to add '-t 15' to salt commands to give minions plenty of time to return.
Windows and the Visual Studio Redist
The Visual C++ 2008 32-bit redistributable will need to be installed on all Windows minions. Esky has an option to pack the library into the zipfile, but OpenSSL does not seem to acknowledge the new location. If a no OPENSSL_Applink error appears on the console when trying to start a frozen minion, the redistributable is not installed.
Mixed Linux environments and Yum
The Yum Python module doesn't appear to be available on any of the standard Python package mirrors. If RHEL/CentOS systems need to be supported, the frozen build should created on that platform to support all the Linux nodes. Remember to build the virtualenv with --system-site-packages so that the yum module is included.
Automatic (Python) module discovery
Automatic (Python) module discovery does not work with the late-loaded scheme that Salt uses for (Salt) modules. Any misbehaving modules will need to be explicitly added to the freezer_includes in Salt's Always check the zipped application to make sure that the necessary modules were included.
Multi Master Tutorial
As of Salt 0.16.0, the ability to connect minions to multiple masters has been made available. The multi-master system allows for redundancy of Salt masters and facilitates multiple points of communication out to minions. When using a multi-master setup, all masters are running hot, and any active master can be used to send commands out to the minions.
NOTE: If you need failover capabilities with multiple masters, there is also a MultiMaster-PKI setup available, that uses a different topology MultiMaster-PKI with Failover Tutorial
In 0.16.0, the masters do not share any information, keys need to be accepted on both masters, and shared files need to be shared manually or use tools like the git fileserver backend to ensure that the file_roots are kept consistent.
Summary of Steps
- 1.
- Create a redundant master server
- 2.
- Copy primary master key to redundant master
- 3.
- Start redundant master
- 4.
- Configure minions to connect to redundant master
- 5.
- Restart minions
- 6.
- Accept keys on redundant master
Prepping a Redundant Master
The first task is to prepare the redundant master. If the redundant master is already running, stop it. There is only one requirement when preparing a redundant master, which is that masters share the same private key. When the first master was created, the master's identifying key pair was generated and placed in the master's pki_dir. The default location of the master's key pair is /etc/salt/pki/master/. Take the private key, master.pem, and copy it to the same location on the redundant master. Do the same for the master's public key, Assuming that no minions have yet been connected to the new redundant master, it is safe to delete any existing key in this location and replace it.
NOTE: There is no logical limit to the number of redundant masters that can be used.
Once the new key is in place, the redundant master can be safely started.
Configure Minions
Since minions need to be master-aware, the new master needs to be added to the minion configurations. Simply update the minion configurations to list all connected masters:
master: - -
Now the minion can be safely restarted.
Now the minions will check into the original master and also check into the new redundant master. Both masters are first-class and have rights to the minions.
NOTE: Minions can automatically detect failed masters and attempt to reconnect to reconnect to them quickly. To enable this functionality, set master_alive_interval in the minion config and specify a number of seconds to poll the masters for connection status.
If this option is not set, minions will still reconnect to failed masters but the first command sent after a master comes back up may be lost while the minion authenticates.
Sharing Files Between Masters
Salt does not automatically share files between multiple masters. A number of files should be shared or sharing of these files should be strongly considered.
Minion Keys
Minion keys can be accepted the normal way using salt-key on both masters. Keys accepted, deleted, or rejected on one master will NOT be automatically managed on redundant masters; this needs to be taken care of by running salt-key on both masters or sharing the /etc/salt/pki/master/{minions,minions_pre,minions_rejected} directories between masters.
NOTE: While sharing the /etc/salt/pki/master directory will work, it is strongly discouraged, since allowing access to the master.pem key outside of Salt creates a SERIOUS security risk.
The file_roots contents should be kept consistent between masters. Otherwise state runs will not always be consistent on minions since instructions managed by one master will not agree with other masters.
The recommended way to sync these is to use a fileserver backend like gitfs or to keep these files on shared storage.
Pillar roots should be given the same considerations as file_roots.
Master Configurations
While reasons may exist to maintain separate master configurations, it is wise to remember that each master maintains independent control over minions. Therefore, access controls should be in sync between masters unless a valid reason otherwise exists to keep them inconsistent.
These access control options include but are not limited to:
- •
- external_auth
- •
- client_acl
- •
- peer
- •
- peer_run
Multi-Master-PKI Tutorial With Failover
This tutorial will explain, how to run a salt-environment where a single minion can have multiple masters and fail-over between them if its current master fails.
The individual steps are
- •
- setup the master(s) to sign its auth-replies
- •
- setup minion(s) to verify master-public-keys
- •
- enable multiple masters on minion(s)
- •
- enable master-check on minion(s) Please note, that it is advised to have good knowledge of the salt- authentication and communication-process to understand this tutorial. All of the settings described here, go on top of the default authentication/communication process.
The default behaviour of a salt-minion is to connect to a master and accept the masters public key. With each publication, the master sends his public-key for the minion to check and if this public-key ever changes, the minion complains and exits. Practically this means, that there can only be a single master at any given time.
Would it not be much nicer, if the minion could have any number of masters (1:n) and jump to the next master if its current master died because of a network or hardware failure?
NOTE: There is also a MultiMaster-Tutorial with a different approach and topology than this one, that might also suite your needs or might even be better suited Multi-Master Tutorial
It is also desirable, to add some sort of authenticity-check to the very first public key a minion receives from a master. Currently a minions takes the first masters public key for granted.
The Goal
Setup the master to sign the public key it sends to the minions and enable the minions to verify this signature for authenticity.
Prepping the master to sign its public key
For signing to work, both master and minion must have the signing and/or verification settings enabled. If the master signs the public key but the minion does not verify it, the minion will complain and exit. The same happens, when the master does not sign but the minion tries to verify.
The easiest way to have the master sign its public key is to set
master_sign_pubkey: True
After restarting the salt-master service, the master will automatically generate a new key-pair
A custom name can be set for the signing key-pair by setting
master_sign_key_name: <name_without_suffix>
The master will then generate that key-pair upon restart and use it for creating the public keys signature attached to the auth-reply.
The computation is done for every auth-request of a minion. If many minions auth very often, it is advised to use conf_master:master_pubkey_signature and conf_master:master_use_pubkey_signature settings described below.
If multiple masters are in use and should sign their auth-replies, the signing key-pair master_sign.* has to be copied to each master. Otherwise a minion will fail to verify the masters public when connecting to a different master than it did initially. That is because the public keys signature was created with a different signing key-pair.
Prepping the minion to verify received public keys
The minion must have the public key (and only that one!) available to be able to verify a signature it receives. That public key (defaults to must be copied from the master to the minions pki-directory.
/etc/salt/pki/minion/ DO NOT COPY THE master_sign.pem FILE. IT MUST STAY ON THE MASTER AND ONLY THERE!
When that is done, enable the signature checking in the minions configuration
verify_master_pubkey_sign: True
and restart the minion. For the first try, the minion should be run in manual debug mode.
$ salt-minion -l debug
Upon connecting to the master, the following lines should appear on the output:
[DEBUG ] Attempting to authenticate with the Salt Master at [DEBUG ] Loaded minion key: /etc/salt/pki/minion/minion.pem [DEBUG ] salt.crypt.verify_signature: Loading public key [DEBUG ] salt.crypt.verify_signature: Verifying signature [DEBUG ] Successfully verified signature of master public key with verification public key [INFO ] Received signed and verified master pubkey from master [DEBUG ] Decrypting the current master AES key
If the signature verification fails, something went wrong and it will look like this
[DEBUG ] Attempting to authenticate with the Salt Master at [DEBUG ] Loaded minion key: /etc/salt/pki/minion/minion.pem [DEBUG ] salt.crypt.verify_signature: Loading public key [DEBUG ] salt.crypt.verify_signature: Verifying signature [DEBUG ] Failed to verify signature of public key [CRITICAL] The Salt Master server's public key did not authenticate!
In a case like this, it should be checked, that the verification pubkey ( on the minion is the same as the one on the master.
Once the verification is successful, the minion can be started in daemon mode again.
For the paranoid among us, its also possible to verify the public whenever it is received from the master. That is, for every single auth-attempt which can be quite frequent. For example just the start of the minion will force the signature to be checked 6 times for various things like auth, mine, highstate, etc.
If that is desired, enable the setting
always_verify_signature: True
Multiple Masters For A Minion
Configuring multiple masters on a minion is done by specifying two settings:
- •
- a list of masters addresses
- •
what type of master is defined
master: - - -
master_type: failover
This tells the minion that all the master above are available for it to connect to. When started with this configuration, it will try the master in the order they are defined. To randomize that order, set
master_shuffle: True
The master-list will then be shuffled before the first connection attempt.
The first master that accepts the minion, is used by the minion. If the master does not yet know the minion, that counts as accepted and the minion stays on that master.
For the minion to be able to detect if its still connected to its current master enable the check for it
master_alive_interval: <seconds>
If the loss of the connection is detected, the minion will temporarily remove the failed master from the list and try one of the other masters defined (again shuffled if that is enabled).
Testing the setup
At least two running masters are needed to test the failover setup.
Both masters should be running and the minion should be running on the command line in debug mode
$ salt-minion -l debug
The minion will connect to the first master from its master list
[DEBUG ] Attempting to authenticate with the Salt Master at [DEBUG ] Loaded minion key: /etc/salt/pki/minion/minion.pem [DEBUG ] salt.crypt.verify_signature: Loading public key [DEBUG ] salt.crypt.verify_signature: Verifying signature [DEBUG ] Successfully verified signature of master public key with verification public key [INFO ] Received signed and verified master pubkey from master [DEBUG ] Decrypting the current master AES key
A on the master the minion is currently connected to should be run to test connectivity.
If successful, that master should be turned off. A firewall-rule denying the minions packets will also do the trick.
Depending on the configured conf_minion:master_alive_interval, the minion will notice the loss of the connection and log it to its logfile.
[INFO ] Connection to master lost [INFO ] Trying to tune in to next master from master-list
The minion will then remove the current master from the list and try connecting to the next master
[INFO ] Removing possibly failed master from list of masters [WARNING ] Master ip address changed from to [DEBUG ] Attempting to authenticate with the Salt Master at
If everything is configured correctly, the new masters public key will be verified successfully
[DEBUG ] Loaded minion key: /etc/salt/pki/minion/minion.pem [DEBUG ] salt.crypt.verify_signature: Loading public key [DEBUG ] salt.crypt.verify_signature: Verifying signature [DEBUG ] Successfully verified signature of master public key with verification public key
the authentication with the new master is successful
[INFO ] Received signed and verified master pubkey from master [DEBUG ] Decrypting the current master AES key [DEBUG ] Loaded minion key: /etc/salt/pki/minion/minion.pem [INFO ] Authentication with master successful!
and the minion can be pinged again from its new master.
Performance Tuning
With the setup described above, the master computes a signature for every auth-request of a minion. With many minions and many auth-requests, that can chew up quite a bit of CPU-Power.
To avoid that, the master can use a pre-created signature of its public-key. The signature is saved as a base64 encoded string which the master reads once when starting and attaches only that string to auth-replies.
Enabling this also gives paranoid users the possibility, to have the signing key-pair on a different system than the actual salt-master and create the public keys signature there. Probably on a system with more restrictive firewall rules, without internet access, less users, etc.
That signature can be created with
$ salt-key --gen-signature
This will create a default signature file in the master pki-directory
It is a simple text-file with the binary-signature converted to base64.
If no signing-pair is present yet, this will auto-create the signing pair and the signature file in one call
$ salt-key --gen-signature --auto-create
Telling the master to use the pre-created signature is done with
master_use_pubkey_signature: True
That requires the file 'master_pubkey_signature' to be present in the masters pki-directory with the correct signature.
If the signature file is named differently, its name can be set with
master_pubkey_signature: <filename>
With many masters and many public-keys (default and signing), it is advised to use the salt-masters hostname for the signature-files name. Signatures can be easily confused because they do not provide any information about the key the signature was created from.
Verifying that everything works is done the same way as above.
How the signing and verification works
The default key-pair of the salt-master is
/etc/salt/pki/master/master.pem /etc/salt/pki/master/
To be able to create a signature of a message (in this case a public-key), another key-pair has to be added to the setup. Its default name is:
The combination of the master.* and master_sign.* key-pairs give the possibility of generating signatures. The signature of a given message is unique and can be verified, if the public-key of the signing-key-pair is available to the recipient (the minion).
The signature of the masters public-key in is computed with
master_sign.pem M2Crypto.EVP.sign_update()
This results in a binary signature which is converted to base64 and attached to the auth-reply send to the minion.
With the signing-pairs public-key available to the minion, the attached signature can be verified with M2Cryptos EVP.verify_update().
When running multiple masters, either the signing key-pair has to be present on all of them, or the master_pubkey_signature has to be pre-computed for each master individually (because they all have different public-keys). DO NOT PUT THE SAME ON ALL MASTERS FOR EASE OF USE.
Preseed Minion with Accepted Key
In some situations, it is not convenient to wait for a minion to start before accepting its key on the master. For instance, you may want the minion to bootstrap itself as soon as it comes online. You may also want to to let your developers provision new development machines on the fly.
SEE ALSO: Many ways to preseed minion keys
Salt has other ways to generate and pre-accept minion keys in addition to the manual steps outlined below.
salt-cloud performs these same steps automatically when new cloud VMs are created (unless instructed not to).
salt-api exposes an HTTP call to Salt's REST API to generate and download the new minion keys as a tarball.
There is a general four step process to do this:
- 1.
Generate the keys on the master:
root [at] saltmaster# salt-key --gen-keys=[key_name]
Pick a name for the key, such as the minion's id.
- 2.
Add the public key to the accepted minion folder:
root [at] saltmaster# cp /etc/salt/pki/master/minions/[minion_id]
It is necessary that the public key file has the same name as your minion id. This is how Salt matches minions with their keys. Also note that the pki folder could be in a different location, depending on your OS or if specified in the master config file.
- 3.
Distribute the minion keys.
There is no single method to get the keypair to your minion. The difficulty is finding a distribution method which is secure. For Amazon EC2 only, an AWS best practice is to use IAM Roles to pass credentials. (See blog post, )
- Security Warning
Since the minion key is already accepted on the master, distributing the private key poses a potential security risk. A malicious party will have access to your entire state tree and other sensitive data if they gain access to a preseeded minion key.
- 4.
Preseed the Minion with the keys
You will want to place the minion keys before starting the salt-minion daemon:
/etc/salt/pki/minion/minion.pem /etc/salt/pki/minion/
Once in place, you should be able to start salt-minion and run salt-call state.highstate or any other salt commands that require master authentication.
Salt Bootstrap
The Salt Bootstrap script allows for a user to install the Salt Minion or Master on a variety of system distributions and versions. This shell script known as runs through a series of checks to determine the operating system type and version. It then installs the Salt binaries using the appropriate methods. The Salt Bootstrap script installs the minimum number of packages required to run Salt. This means that in the event you run the bootstrap to install via package, Git will not be installed. Installing the minimum number of packages helps ensure the script stays as lightweight as possible, assuming the user will install any other required packages after the Salt binaries are present on the system. The script source is available on GitHub:
Supported Operating Systems
- •
- Amazon Linux 2012.09
- •
- Arch
- •
- CentOS 5/6
- •
- Debian 6.x/7.x/8(git installations only)
- •
- Fedora 17/18
- •
- FreeBSD 9.1/9.2/10
- •
- Gentoo
- •
- Linaro
- •
- Linux Mint 13/14
- •
- OpenSUSE 12.x
- •
- Oracle Linux 5/5
- •
- Red Hat 5/6
- •
- Red Hat Enterprise 5/6
- •
- Scientific Linux 5/6
- •
- SmartOS
- •
- SuSE 11 SP1/11 SP2
- •
- Ubuntu 10.x/11.x/12.x/13.04/13.10
- •
Elementary OS 0.2
NOTE: In the event you do not see your distribution or version available please review the develop branch on Github as it main contain updates that are not present in the stable release:
Example Usage
If you're looking for the one-liner to install salt, please scroll to the bottom and use the instructions for Installing via an Insecure One-Liner
NOTE: In every two-step example, you would be well-served to examine the downloaded file and examine it to ensure that it does what you expect.
Using curl to install latest git:
curl -L -o sudo sh git develop
Using wget to install your distribution's stable packages:
wget -O sudo sh
Install a specific version from git using wget:
wget -O sudo sh -P git v0.16.4
If you already have python installed, python 2.6, then it's as easy as:
python -m urllib "" > sudo sh git develop
All python versions should support the following one liner:
python -c 'import urllib; print urllib.urlopen("").read()' > sudo sh git develop
On a FreeBSD base system you usually don't have either of the above binaries available. You do have fetch available though:
fetch -o sudo sh
If all you want is to install a salt-master using latest git:
curl -o -L sudo sh -M -N git develop
If you want to install a specific release version (based on the git tags):
curl -o -L sudo sh git v0.16.4
To install a specific branch from a git fork:
curl -o -L sudo sh -g git mybranch
Installing via an Insecure One-Liner
The following examples illustrate how to install Salt via a one-liner.
NOTE: Warning! These methods do not involve a verification step and assume that the delivered file is trustworthy.
Installing the latest develop branch of Salt:
curl -L | sudo sh -s -- git develop
Any of the example above which use two-lines can be made to run in a single-line configuration with minor modifications.
Example Usage
The Salt Bootstrap script has a wide variety of options that can be passed as well as several ways of obtaining the bootstrap script itself.
For example, using curl to install your distribution's stable packages:
curl -L | sudo sh
Using wget to install your distribution's stable packages:
wget -O - | sudo sh
Installing the latest version available from git with curl:
curl -L | sudo sh -s -- git develop
Install a specific version from git using wget:
wget -O - | sh -s -- -P git v0.16.4
If you already have python installed, python 2.6, then it's as easy as:
python -m urllib "" | sudo sh -s -- git develop
All python versions should support the following one liner:
python -c 'import urllib; print urllib.urlopen("").read()' | \ sudo sh -s -- git develop
On a FreeBSD base system you usually don't have either of the above binaries available. You do have fetch available though:
fetch -o - | sudo sh
If all you want is to install a salt-master using latest git:
curl -L | sudo sh -s -- -M -N git develop
If you want to install a specific release version (based on the git tags):
curl -L | sudo sh -s -- git v0.16.4
Downloading the develop branch (from here standard command line options may be passed):
Command Line Options
Here's a summary of the command line options:
$ sh -h Usage : [options] <install-type> <install-type-args> Installation types: - stable (default) - daily (ubuntu specific) - git Examples: $ $ stable $ daily $ git $ git develop $ git v0.17.0 $ git 8c3fadf15ec183e5ce8c63739850d543617e4357 Options: -h Display this message -v Display script version -n No colours. -D Show debug output. -c Temporary configuration directory -g Salt repository URL. (default: git:// -k Temporary directory holding the minion keys which will pre-seed the master. -M Also install salt-master -S Also install salt-syndic -N Do not install salt-minion -X Do not start daemons after installation -C Only run the configuration function. This option automatically bypasses any installation. -P Allow pip based installations. On some distributions the required salt packages or its dependencies are not available as a package for that distribution. Using this flag allows the script to use pip as a last resort method. NOTE: This only works for functions which actually implement pip based installations. -F Allow copied files to overwrite existing(config, init.d, etc) -U If set, fully upgrade the system prior to bootstrapping salt -K If set, keep the temporary files in the temporary directories specified with -c and -k. -I If set, allow insecure connections while downloading any files. For example, pass '--no-check-certificate' to 'wget' or '--insecure' to 'curl' -A Pass the salt-master DNS name or IP. This will be stored under ${BS_SALT_ETC_DIR}/minion.d/99-master-address.conf -i Pass the salt-minion id. This will be stored under ${BS_SALT_ETC_DIR}/minion_id -L Install the Apache Libcloud package if possible(required for salt-cloud) -p Extra-package to install while installing salt dependencies. One package per -p flag. You're responsible for providing the proper package name.
Git Fileserver Backend Walkthrough
NOTE: This walkthrough assumes basic knowledge of Salt. To get up to speed, check out the Salt Walkthrough.
The gitfs backend allows Salt to serve files from git repositories. It can be enabled by adding git to the fileserver_backend list, and configuring one or more repositories in gitfs_remotes.
Branches and tags become Salt fileserver environments.
Installing Dependencies
Beginning with version 2014.7.0, both pygit2 and Dulwich are supported as alternatives to GitPython. The desired provider can be configured using the gitfs_provider parameter in the master config file.
If gitfs_provider is not configured, then Salt will prefer pygit2 if a suitable version is available, followed by GitPython and Dulwich.
NOTE: It is recommended to always run the most recent version of any the below dependencies. Certain features of gitfs may not be available without the most recent version of the chosen library.
The minimum supported version of pygit2 is 0.20.3. Availability for this version of pygit2 is still limited, though the SaltStack team is working to get compatible versions available for as many platforms as possible.
For the Fedora/EPEL versions which have a new enough version packaged, the following command would be used to install pygit2:
# yum install python-pygit2
Provided a valid version is packaged for Debian/Ubuntu (which is not currently the case), the package name would be the same, and the following command would be used to install it:
# apt-get install python-pygit2
If pygit2 is not packaged for the platform on which the Master is running, the pygit2 website has installation instructions here. Keep in mind however that following these instructions will install libgit2 and pygit2 without system packages. Additionally, keep in mind that SSH authentication in pygit2 requires libssh2 (not libssh) development libraries to be present before libgit2 is built.
GitPython 0.3.0 or newer is required to use GitPython for gitfs. For RHEL-based Linux distros, a compatible version is available in EPEL, and can be easily installed on the master using yum:
# yum install GitPython
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Debian Wheezy (7.x) also have a compatible version packaged:
# apt-get install python-git
If your master is running an older version (such as Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or Debian Squeeze), then you will need to install GitPython using either pip or easy_install (it is recommended to use pip). Version 0.3.2.RC1 is now marked as the stable release in PyPI, so it should be a simple matter of running pip install GitPython (or easy_install GitPython) as root.
WARNING: Keep in mind that if GitPython has been previously installed on the master using pip (even if it was subsequently uninstalled), then it may still exist in the build cache (typically /tmp/pip-build-root/GitPython) if the cache is not cleared after installation. The package in the build cache will override any requirement specifiers, so if you try upgrading to version 0.3.2.RC1 by running pip install 'GitPython==0.3.2.RC1' then it will ignore this and simply install the version from the cache directory. Therefore, it may be necessary to delete the GitPython directory from the build cache in order to ensure that the specified version is installed.
Dulwich 0.9.4 or newer is required to use Dulwich as backend for gitfs.
Dulwich is available in EPEL, and can be easily installed on the master using yum:
# yum install python-dulwich
For APT-based distros such as Ubuntu and Debian:
# apt-get install python-dulwich
IMPORTANT: If switching to Dulwich from GitPython/pygit2, or switching from GitPython/pygit2 to Dulwich, it is necessary to clear the gitfs cache to avoid unpredictable behavior. This is probably a good idea whenever switching to a new gitfs_provider, but it is less important when switching between GitPython and pygit2.
Beginning in version 2015.5.0, the gitfs cache can be easily cleared using the fileserver.clear_cache runner.
salt-run fileserver.clear_cache backend=git
If the Master is running an earlier version, then the cache can be cleared by removing the gitfs and file_lists/gitfs directories (both paths relative to the master cache directory, usually /var/cache/salt/master).
rm -rf /var/cache/salt/master{,/file_lists}/gitfs
Simple Configuration
To use the gitfs backend, only two configuration changes are required on the master:
- 1.
Include git in the fileserver_backend list in the master
config file:
fileserver_backend: - git
- 2.
Specify one or more git://, https://, file://, or ssh://
URLs in gitfs_remotes to configure which repositories to
cache and search for requested files:
gitfs_remotes: -
SSH remotes can also be configured using scp-like syntax:
gitfs_remotes: - git [at] - ssh://user@domain.tld/path/to/repo.git
Information on how to authenticate to SSH remotes can be found here.
NOTE: Dulwich does not recognize ssh:// URLs, git+ssh:// must be used instead. Salt version 2015.5.0 and later will automatically add the git+ to the beginning of these URLs before fetching, but earlier Salt versions will fail to fetch unless the URL is specified using git+ssh://.
- 3.
Restart the master to load the new configuration.
NOTE: In a master/minion setup, files from a gitfs remote are cached once by the master, so minions do not need direct access to the git repository.
Multiple Remotes
The gitfs_remotes option accepts an ordered list of git remotes to cache and search, in listed order, for requested files.
A simple scenario illustrates this cascading lookup behavior:
If the gitfs_remotes option specifies three remotes:
gitfs_remotes: - git:// - - file:///root/third
And each repository contains some files:
first.git: top.sls edit/vim.sls edit/vimrc nginx/init.sls second.git: edit/dev_vimrc haproxy/init.sls third: haproxy/haproxy.conf edit/dev_vimrc
Salt will attempt to lookup the requested file from each gitfs remote repository in the order in which they are defined in the configuration. The git:// remote will be searched first. If the requested file is found, then it is served and no further searching is executed. For example:
- •
- A request for the file salt://haproxy/init.sls will be served from the git repo.
- •
A request for the file salt://haproxy/haproxy.conf will be served from the
file:///root/third repo.
NOTE: This example is purposefully contrived to illustrate the behavior of the gitfs backend. This example should not be read as a recommended way to lay out files and git repos.
The file:// prefix denotes a git repository in a local directory. However, it will still use the given file:// URL as a remote, rather than copying the git repo to the salt cache. This means that any refs you want accessible must exist as local refs in the specified repo.
WARNING: Salt versions prior to 2014.1.0 are not tolerant of changing the order of remotes or modifying the URI of existing remotes. In those versions, when modifying remotes it is a good idea to remove the gitfs cache directory (/var/cache/salt/master/gitfs) before restarting the salt-master service.
Per-remote Configuration Parameters
New in version 2014.7.0.
The following master config parameters are global (that is, they apply to all configured gitfs remotes):
- •
- gitfs_base
- •
- gitfs_root
- •
- gitfs_mountpoint (new in 2014.7.0)
- •
- gitfs_user (pygit2 only, new in 2014.7.0)
- •
- gitfs_password (pygit2 only, new in 2014.7.0)
- •
- gitfs_insecure_auth (pygit2 only, new in 2014.7.0)
- •
- gitfs_pubkey (pygit2 only, new in 2014.7.0)
- •
- gitfs_privkey (pygit2 only, new in 2014.7.0)
- •
gitfs_passphrase (pygit2 only, new in 2014.7.0)
These parameters can now be overridden on a per-remote basis. This allows for a tremendous amount of customization. Here's some example usage:
gitfs_provider: pygit2 gitfs_base: develop gitfs_remotes: - - - root: salt - mountpoint: salt://foo/bar/baz - base: salt-base - - root: salt/states - user: joe - password: mysupersecretpassword - insecure_auth: True
IMPORTANT: There are two important distinctions which should be noted for per-remote configuration:
- 1.
- The URL of a remote which has per-remote configuration must be suffixed with a colon.
- 2.
Per-remote configuration parameters are named like the global versions,
with the gitfs_ removed from the beginning.
In the example configuration above, the following is true:
- 1.
- The first and third gitfs remotes will use the develop branch/tag as the base environment, while the second one will use the salt-base branch/tag as the base environment.
- 2.
- The first remote will serve all files in the repository. The second remote will only serve files from the salt directory (and its subdirectories), while the third remote will only serve files from the salt/states directory (and its subdirectories).
- 3.
- The files from the second remote will be located under salt://foo/bar/baz, while the files from the first and third remotes will be located under the root of the Salt fileserver namespace (salt://).
- 4.
- The third remote overrides the default behavior of not authenticating to insecure (non-HTTPS) remotes.
Serving from a Subdirectory
The gitfs_root parameter allows files to be served from a subdirectory within the repository. This allows for only part of a repository to be exposed to the Salt fileserver.
Assume the below layout:
.gitignore README.txt foo/ foo/bar/ foo/bar/one.txt foo/bar/two.txt foo/bar/three.txt foo/baz/ foo/baz/top.sls foo/baz/edit/vim.sls foo/baz/edit/vimrc foo/baz/nginx/init.sls
The below configuration would serve only the files under foo/baz, ignoring the other files in the repository:
gitfs_remotes: - git:// gitfs_root: foo/baz
The root can also be configured on a per-remote basis.
New in version 2014.7.0.
The gitfs_mountpoint parameter will prepend the specified path to the files served from gitfs. This allows an existing repository to be used, rather than needing to reorganize a repository or design it around the layout of the Salt fileserver.
Before the addition of this feature, if a file being served up via gitfs was deeply nested within the root directory (for example, salt://webapps/foo/files/foo.conf, it would be necessary to ensure that the file was properly located in the remote repository, and that all of the the parent directories were present (for example, the directories webapps/foo/files/ would need to exist at the root of the repository).
The below example would allow for a file foo.conf at the root of the repository to be served up from the Salt fileserver path salt://webapps/foo/files/foo.conf.
gitfs_remotes: - gitfs_mountpoint: salt://webapps/foo/files
Mountpoints can also be configured on a per-remote basis.
Using gitfs Alongside Other Backends
Sometimes it may make sense to use multiple backends; for instance, if sls files are stored in git but larger files are stored directly on the master.
The cascading lookup logic used for multiple remotes is also used with multiple backends. If the fileserver_backend option contains multiple backends:
fileserver_backend: - roots - git
Then the roots backend (the default backend of files in /srv/salt) will be searched first for the requested file; then, if it is not found on the master, each configured git remote will be searched.
Branches, Environments, and Top Files
When using the gitfs backend, branches, and tags will be mapped to environments using the branch/tag name as an identifier.
There is one exception to this rule: the master branch is implicitly mapped to the base environment.
So, for a typical base, qa, dev setup, the following branches could be used:
master qa dev
top.sls files from different branches will be merged into one at runtime. Since this can lead to overly complex configurations, the recommended setup is to have the top.sls file only in the master branch and use environment-specific branches for state definitions.
To map a branch other than master as the base environment, use the gitfs_base parameter.
gitfs_base: salt-base
The base can also be configured on a per-remote basis.
Environment Whitelist/Blacklist
New in version 2014.7.0.
The gitfs_env_whitelist and gitfs_env_blacklist parameters allow for greater control over which branches/tags are exposed as fileserver environments. Exact matches, globs, and regular expressions are supported, and are evaluated in that order. If using a regular expression, ^ and $ must be omitted, and the expression must match the entire branch/tag.
gitfs_env_whitelist: - base - v1.* - 'mybranch\d+'
NOTE: v1.*, in this example, will match as both a glob and a regular expression (though it will have been matched as a glob, since globs are evaluated before regular expressions).
The behavior of the blacklist/whitelist will differ depending on which combination of the two options is used:
- •
- If only gitfs_env_whitelist is used, then only branches/tags which match the whitelist will be available as environments
- •
- If only gitfs_env_blacklist is used, then the branches/tags which match the blacklist will not be available as environments
- •
- If both are used, then the branches/tags which match the whitelist, but do not match the blacklist, will be available as environments.
New in version 2014.7.0.
Both HTTPS and SSH authentication are supported as of version 0.20.3, which is the earliest version of pygit2 supported by Salt for gitfs.
NOTE: The examples below make use of per-remote configuration parameters, a feature new to Salt 2014.7.0. More information on these can be found here.
For HTTPS repositories which require authentication, the username and password can be provided like so:
gitfs_remotes: - https://domain.tld/myrepo.git: - user: git - password: mypassword
If the repository is served over HTTP instead of HTTPS, then Salt will by default refuse to authenticate to it. This behavior can be overridden by adding an insecure_auth parameter:
gitfs_remotes: - http://domain.tld/insecure_repo.git: - user: git - password: mypassword - insecure_auth: True
SSH repositories can be configured using the ssh:// protocol designation, or using scp-like syntax. So, the following two configurations are equivalent:
- •
- ssh://
- •
git [at]
Both gitfs_pubkey and gitfs_privkey (or their per-remote counterparts) must be configured in order to authenticate to SSH-based repos. If the private key is protected with a passphrase, it can be configured using gitfs_passphrase (or simply passphrase if being configured per-remote). For example:
gitfs_remotes: - git [at] - pubkey: /root/.ssh/ - privkey: /root/.ssh/id_rsa - passphrase: myawesomepassphrase
Finally, the SSH host key must be added to the known_hosts file.
With GitPython, only passphrase-less SSH public key authentication is supported. The auth parameters (pubkey, privkey, etc.) shown in the pygit2 authentication examples above do not work with GitPython.
gitfs_remotes: - ssh://
Since GitPython wraps the git CLI, the private key must be located in ~/.ssh/id_rsa for the user under which the Master is running, and should have permissions of 0600. Also, in the absence of a user in the repo URL, GitPython will (just as SSH does) attempt to login as the current user (in other words, the user under which the Master is running, usually root).
If a key needs to be used, then ~/.ssh/config can be configured to use the desired key. Information on how to do this can be found by viewing the manpage for ssh_config. Here's an example entry which can be added to the ~/.ssh/config to use an alternate key for gitfs:
Host IdentityFile /root/.ssh/id_rsa_gitfs
The Host parameter should be a hostname (or hostname glob) that matches the domain name of the git repository.
It is also necessary to add the SSH host key to the known_hosts file. The exception to this would be if strict host key checking is disabled, which can be done by adding StrictHostKeyChecking no to the entry in ~/.ssh/config
Host IdentityFile /root/.ssh/id_rsa_gitfs StrictHostKeyChecking no
However, this is generally regarded as insecure, and is not recommended.
Adding the SSH Host Key to the known_hosts File
To use SSH authentication, it is necessary to have the remote repository's SSH host key in the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file. If the master is also a minion, this can be done using the ssh.set_known_host function:
# salt mymaster ssh.set_known_host user=root mymaster: ---------- new: ---------- enc: ssh-rsa fingerprint: 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48 hostname: |1|OiefWWqOD4kwO3BhoIGa0loR5AA=|BIXVtmcTbPER+68HvXmceodDcfI= key: AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAq2A7hRGmdnm9tUDbO9IDSwBK6TbQa+PXYPCPy6rbTrTtw7PHkccKrpp0yVhp5HdEIcKr6pLlVDBfOLX9QUsyCOV0wzfjIJNlGEYsdlLJizHhbn2mUjvSAHQqZETYP81eFzLQNnPHt4EVVUh7VfDESU84KezmD5QlWpXLmvU31/yMf+Se8xhHTvKSCZIFImWwoG6mbUoWf9nzpIoaSjB+weqqUUmpaaasXVal72J+UX2B+2RPW3RcT0eOzQgqlJL3RKrTJvdsjE3JEAvGq3lGHSZXy28G3skua2SmVi/w4yCE6gbODqnTWlg7+wC604ydGXA8VJiS5ap43JXiUFFAaQ== old: None status: updated
If not, then the easiest way to add the key is to su to the user (usually root) under which the salt-master runs and attempt to login to the server via SSH:
$ su Password: # ssh The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. Permission denied (publickey).
It doesn't matter if the login was successful, as answering yes will write the fingerprint to the known_hosts file.
Verifying the Fingerprint
To verify that the correct fingerprint was added, it is a good idea to look it up. One way to do this is to use nmap:
$ nmap --script ssh-hostkey Starting Nmap 5.51 ( ) at 2014-08-18 17:47 CDT Nmap scan report for ( Host is up (0.17s latency). Not shown: 996 filtered ports PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh | ssh-hostkey: 1024 ad:1c:08:a4:40:e3:6f:9c:f5:66:26:5d:4b:33:5d:8c (DSA) |_2048 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48 (RSA) 80/tcp open http 443/tcp open https 9418/tcp open git Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 28.78 seconds
Another way is to check one's own known_hosts file, using this one-liner:
$ ssh-keygen -l -f /dev/stdin <<<`ssh-keyscan -t rsa 2>/dev/null` | awk '{print $2}' 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48
Refreshing gitfs Upon Push
By default, Salt updates the remote fileserver backends every 60 seconds. However, if it is desirable to refresh quicker than that, the Reactor System can be used to signal the master to update the fileserver on each push, provided that the git server is also a Salt minion. There are three steps to this process:
- 1.
On the master, create a file /srv/reactor/update_fileserver.sls, with
the following contents:
update_fileserver: runner.fileserver.update
- 2.
Add the following reactor configuration to the master config file:
reactor: - 'salt/fileserver/gitfs/update': - /srv/reactor/update_fileserver.sls
- 3.
On the git server, add a post-receive hook with the following contents:
#!/usr/bin/env sh salt-call event.fire_master update salt/fileserver/gitfs/update
The update argument right after event.fire_master in this example can really be anything, as it represents the data being passed in the event, and the passed data is ignored by this reactor.
Similarly, the tag name salt/fileserver/gitfs/update can be replaced by anything, so long as the usage is consistent.
Using Git as an External Pillar Source
Git repositories can also be used to provide Pillar data, using the External Pillar system. Note that this is different from gitfs, and is not yet at feature parity with it.
To define a git external pillar, add a section like the following to the salt master config file:
ext_pillar: - git: <branch> <repo> [root=<gitroot>]
Changed in version 2014.7.0: The optional root parameter was added
The <branch> param is the branch containing the pillar SLS tree. The <repo> param is the URI for the repository. To add the master branch of the specified repo as an external pillar source:
ext_pillar: - git: master
Use the root parameter to use pillars from a subdirectory of a git repository:
ext_pillar: - git: master root=subdirectory
More information on the git external pillar can be found in the salt.pillar.git_pillar docs.
Why aren't my custom modules/states/etc. syncing to my Minions?
In versions 0.16.3 and older, when using the git fileserver backend, certain versions of GitPython may generate errors when fetching, which Salt fails to catch. While not fatal to the fetch process, these interrupt the fileserver update that takes place before custom types are synced, and thus interrupt the sync itself. Try disabling the git fileserver backend in the master config, restarting the master, and attempting the sync again.
This issue is worked around in Salt 0.16.4 and newer.
The MacOS X (Maverick) Developer Step By Step Guide To Salt Installation
This document provides a step-by-step guide to installing a Salt cluster consisting of one master, and one minion running on a local VM hosted on Mac OS X.
NOTE: This guide is aimed at developers who wish to run Salt in a virtual machine. The official (Linux) walkthrough can be found here.
The 5 Cent Salt Intro
Since you're here you've probably already heard about Salt, so you already know Salt lets you configure and run commands on hordes of servers easily. Here's a brief overview of a Salt cluster:
- •
- Salt works by having a "master" server sending commands to one or multiple "minion" servers [1]. The master server is the "command center". It is going to be the place where you store your configuration files, aka: "which server is the db, which is the web server, and what libraries and software they should have installed". The minions receive orders from the master. Minions are the servers actually performing work for your business.
- •
Salt has two types of configuration files:
1. the "salt communication channels" or "meta" or "config" configuration files (not official names): one for the master (usually is /etc/salt/master , on the master server), and one for minions (default is /etc/salt/minion or /etc/salt/minion.conf, on the minion servers). Those files are used to determine things like the Salt Master IP, port, Salt folder locations, etc.. If these are configured incorrectly, your minions will probably be unable to receive orders from the master, or the master will not know which software a given minion should install.
2. the "business" or "service" configuration files (once again, not an official name): these are configuration files, ending with ".sls" extension, that describe which software should run on which server, along with particular configuration properties for the software that is being installed. These files should be created in the /srv/salt folder by default, but their location can be changed using ... /etc/salt/master configuration file!
NOTE: This tutorial contains a third important configuration file, not to be confused with the previous two: the virtual machine provisioning configuration file. This in itself is not specifically tied to Salt, but it also contains some Salt configuration. More on that in step 3. Also note that all configuration files are YAML files. So indentation matters.
- [1]
- Salt also works with "masterless" configuration where a minion is autonomous (in which case salt can be seen as a local configuration tool), or in "multiple master" configuration. See the documentation for more on that.
Before Digging In, The Architecture Of The Salt Cluster
Salt Master
The "Salt master" server is going to be the Mac OS machine, directly. Commands will be run from a terminal app, so Salt will need to be installed on the Mac. This is going to be more convenient for toying around with configuration files.
Salt Minion
We'll only have one "Salt minion" server. It is going to be running on a Virtual Machine running on the Mac, using VirtualBox. It will run an Ubuntu distribution.
Step 1 - Configuring The Salt Master On Your Mac
official documentation
Because Salt has a lot of dependencies that are not built in Mac OS X, we will use Homebrew to install Salt. Homebrew is a package manager for Mac, it's great, use it (for this tutorial at least!). Some people spend a lot of time installing libs by hand to better understand dependencies, and then realize how useful a package manager is once they're configuring a brand new machine and have to do it all over again. It also lets you uninstall things easily.
NOTE: Brew is a Ruby program (Ruby is installed by default with your Mac). Brew downloads, compiles, and links software. The linking phase is when compiled software is deployed on your machine. It may conflict with manually installed software, especially in the /usr/local directory. It's ok, remove the manually installed version then refresh the link by typing brew link 'packageName'. Brew has a brew doctor command that can help you troubleshoot. It's a great command, use it often. Brew requires xcode command line tools. When you run brew the first time it asks you to install them if they're not already on your system. Brew installs software in /usr/local/bin (system bins are in /usr/bin). In order to use those bins you need your $PATH to search there first. Brew tells you if your $PATH needs to be fixed.
TIP: Use the keyboard shortcut cmd + shift + period in the "open" Mac OS X dialog box to display hidden files and folders, such as .profile.
Install Homebrew
Install Homebrew here Or just type
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Now type the following commands in your terminal (you may want to type brew doctor after each to make sure everything's fine):
brew install python brew install swig brew install zmq
NOTE: zmq is ZeroMQ. It's a fantastic library used for server to server network communication and is at the core of Salt efficiency.
Install Salt
You should now have everything ready to launch this command:
pip install salt
NOTE: There should be no need for sudo pip install salt. Brew installed Python for your user, so you should have all the access. In case you would like to check, type which python to ensure that it's /usr/local/bin/python, and which pip which should be /usr/local/bin/pip.
Now type python in a terminal then, import salt. There should be no errors. Now exit the Python terminal using exit().
Create The Master Configuration
If the default /etc/salt/master configuration file was not created, copy-paste it from here:
NOTE: /etc/salt/master is a file, not a folder.
Salt Master configuration changes. The Salt master needs a few customization to be able to run on Mac OS X:
sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 4096 8192
In the /etc/salt/master file, change max_open_files to 8192 (or just add the line: max_open_files: 8192 (no quote) if it doesn't already exists).
You should now be able to launch the Salt master:
sudo salt-master --log-level=all
There should be no errors when running the above command.
NOTE: This command is supposed to be a daemon, but for toying around, we'll keep it running on a terminal to monitor the activity.
Now that the master is set, let's configure a minion on a VM.
Step 2 - Configuring The Minion VM
The Salt minion is going to run on a Virtual Machine. There are a lot of software options that let you run virtual machines on a mac, But for this tutorial we're going to use VirtualBox. In addition to virtualBox, we will use Vagrant, which allows you to create the base VM configuration.
Vagrant lets you build ready to use VM images, starting from an OS image and customizing it using "provisioners". In our case, we'll use it to:
- •
- Download the base Ubuntu image
- •
- Install salt on that Ubuntu image (Salt is going to be the "provisioner" for the VM).
- •
- Launch the VM
- •
- SSH into the VM to debug
- •
- Stop the VM once you're done.
Install VirtualBox
Go get it here: (click on VirtualBox for OS X hosts => x86/amd64)
Install Vagrant
Go get it here: and choose the latest version (1.3.5 at time of writing), then the .dmg file. Double-click to install it. Make sure the vagrant command is found when run in the terminal. Type vagrant. It should display a list of commands.
Create The Minion VM Folder
Create a folder in which you will store your minion's VM. In this tutorial, it's going to be a minion folder in the $home directory.
cd $home mkdir minion
Initialize Vagrant
From the minion folder, type
vagrant init
This command creates a default Vagrantfile configuration file. This configuration file will be used to pass configuration parameters to the Salt provisioner in Step 3.
Import Precise64 Ubuntu Box
vagrant box add precise64
NOTE: This box is added at the global Vagrant level. You only need to do it once as each VM will use this same file.
Modify the Vagrantfile
Modify ./minion/Vagrantfile to use th precise64 box. Change the line to: = "precise64"
Uncomment the line creating a host-only IP. This is the ip of your minion (you can change it to something else if that IP is already in use): :private_network, ip: ""
At this point you should have a VM that can run, although there won't be much in it. Let's check that.
Checking The VM
From the $home/minion folder type:
vagrant up
A log showing the VM booting should be present. Once it's done you'll be back to the terminal:
The VM should respond to your ping request.
Now log into the VM in ssh using Vagrant again:
vagrant ssh
You should see the shell prompt change to something similar to vagrant [at] precise64:~$ meaning you're inside the VM. From there, enter the following:
NOTE: That ip is the ip of your VM host (the Mac OS X OS). The number is a VirtualBox default and is displayed in the log after the Vagrant ssh command. We'll use that IP to tell the minion where the Salt master is. Once you're done, end the ssh session by typing exit.
It's now time to connect the VM to the salt master
Step 3 - Connecting Master and Minion
Creating The Minion Configuration File
Create the /etc/salt/minion file. In that file, put the following lines, giving the ID for this minion, and the IP of the master:
master: id: 'minion1' file_client: remote
Minions authenticate with the master using keys. Keys are generated automatically if you don't provide one and can accept them later on. However, this requires accepting the minion key every time the minion is destroyed or created (which could be quite often). A better way is to create those keys in advance, feed them to the minion, and authorize them once.
Preseed minion keys
From the minion folder on your Mac run:
sudo salt-key --gen-keys=minion1
This should create two files: minion1.pem, and Since those files have been created using sudo, but will be used by vagrant, you need to change ownership:
sudo chown youruser:yourgroup minion1.pem sudo chown youruser:yourgroup
Then copy the .pub file into the list of accepted minions:
sudo cp /etc/salt/pki/master/minions/minion1
Modify Vagrantfile to Use Salt Provisioner
Let's now modify the Vagrantfile used to provision the Salt VM. Add the following section in the Vagrantfile (note: it should be at the same indentation level as the other properties):
# salt-vagrant config config.vm.provision :salt do |salt| salt.run_highstate = true salt.minion_config = "/etc/salt/minion" salt.minion_key = "./minion1.pem" salt.minion_pub = "./" end
Now destroy the vm and recreate it from the /minion folder:
vagrant destroy vagrant up
If everything is fine you should see the following message:
"Bootstrapping Salt... (this may take a while) Salt successfully configured and installed!"
Checking Master-Minion Communication
To make sure the master and minion are talking to each other, enter the following:
sudo salt '*'
You should see your minion answering the ping. It's now time to do some configuration.
Step 4 - Configure Services to Install On the Minion
In this step we'll use the Salt master to instruct our minion to install Nginx.
Checking the system's original state
First, make sure that an HTTP server is not installed on our minion. When opening a browser directed at You should get an error saying the site cannot be reached.
Initialize the top.sls file
System configuration is done in the /srv/salt/top.sls file (and subfiles/folders), and then applied by running the state.highstate command to have the Salt master give orders so minions will update their instructions and run the associated commands.
First Create an empty file on your Salt master (Mac OS X machine):
touch /srv/salt/top.sls
When the file is empty, or if no configuration is found for our minion an error is reported:
sudo salt 'minion1' state.highstate
Should return an error stating: "No Top file or external nodes data matches found".
Create The Nginx Configuration
Now is finally the time to enter the real meat of our server's configuration. For this tutorial our minion will be treated as a web server that needs to have Nginx installed.
Insert the following lines into the /srv/salt/top.sls file (which should current be empty).
base: 'minion1': - bin.nginx
Now create a /srv/salt/bin/nginx.sls file containing the following:
nginx: pkg.installed: - name: nginx service.running: - enable: True - reload: True
Check Minion State
Finally run the state.highstate command again:
sudo salt 'minion1' state.highstate
You should see a log showing that the Nginx package has been installed and the service configured. To prove it, open your browser and navigate to, you should see the standard Nginx welcome page.
Where To Go From Here
A full description of configuration management within Salt (sls files among other things) is available here:
Writing Salt Tests
Salt comes with a powerful integration and unit test suite. The test suite allows for the fully automated run of integration and/or unit tests from a single interface. The integration tests are surprisingly easy to write and can be written to be either destructive or non-destructive.
Getting Set Up For Tests
To walk through adding an integration test, start by getting the latest development code and the test system from GitHub:
NOTE: The develop branch often has failing tests and should always be considered a staging area. For a checkout that tests should be running perfectly on, please check out a specific release tag (such as v2014.1.4).
git clone git [at] pip install git+
Now that a fresh checkout is available run the test suite
Destructive vs Non-destructive
Since Salt is used to change the settings and behavior of systems, often, the best approach to run tests is to make actual changes to an underlying system. This is where the concept of destructive integration tests comes into play. Tests can be written to alter the system they are running on. This capability is what fills in the gap needed to properly test aspects of system management like package installation.
To write a destructive test import and use the destructiveTest decorator for the test method:
import integration from salttesting.helpers import destructiveTest class PkgTest(integration.ModuleCase): @destructiveTest def test_pkg_install(self): ret = self.run_function('pkg.install', name='finch') self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret) ret = self.run_function('pkg.purge', name='finch') self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
Automated Test Runs
SaltStack maintains a Jenkins server which can be viewed at The tests executed from this Jenkins server create fresh virtual machines for each test run, then execute the destructive tests on the new clean virtual machine. This allows for the execution of tests across supported platforms.
HTTP Modules
This tutorial demonstrates using the various HTTP modules available in Salt. These modules wrap the Python urllib2 and requests libraries, extending them in a manner that is more consistent with Salt workflows.
The salt.utils.http Library
This library forms the core of the HTTP modules. Since it is designed to be used from the minion as an execution module, in addition to the master as a runner, it was abstracted into this multi-use library. This library can also be imported by 3rd-party programs wishing to take advantage of its extended functionality.
Core functionality of the execution, state, and runner modules is derived from this library, so common usages between them are described here. Documentation specific to each module is described below.
This library can be imported with:
import salt.utils.http
Configuring Libraries
This library can make use of either urllib2, which ships with Python, or requests, which can be installed separately. By default, urllib2 will be used. In order to switch to requests, set the following variable:
requests_lib: True
This can be set in the master or minion configuration file, or passed as an option directly to any http.query() functions.
This function forms a basic query, but with some add-ons not present in the urllib2 and requests libraries. Not all functionality currently available in these libraries has been added, but can be in future iterations.
A basic query can be performed by calling this function with no more than a single URL:
By default the query will be performed with a GET method. The method can be overridden with the method argument:
salt.utils.http.query('', 'DELETE')
When using the POST method (and others, such as PUT), extra data is usually sent as well. This data can be sent directly, in whatever format is required by the remote server (XML, JSON, plain text, etc).
salt.utils.http.query( '', method='POST', data=json.loads(mydict) )
Bear in mind that this data must be sent pre-formatted; this function will not format it for you. However, a templated file stored on the local system may be passed through, along with variables to populate it with. To pass through only the file (untemplated):
salt.utils.http.query( '', method='POST', data_file='/srv/salt/somefile.xml' )
To pass through a file that contains jinja + yaml templating (the default):
salt.utils.http.query( '', method='POST', data_file='/srv/salt/somefile.jinja', data_render=True, template_data={'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'} )
To pass through a file that contains mako templating:
salt.utils.http.query( '', method='POST', data_file='/srv/salt/somefile.mako', data_render=True, data_renderer='mako', template_data={'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'} )
Because this function uses Salt's own rendering system, any Salt renderer can be used. Because Salt's renderer requires __opts__ to be set, an opts dictionary should be passed in. If it is not, then the default __opts__ values for the node type (master or minion) will be used. Because this library is intended primarily for use by minions, the default node type is minion. However, this can be changed to master if necessary.
salt.utils.http.query( '', method='POST', data_file='/srv/salt/somefile.jinja', data_render=True, template_data={'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}, opts=__opts__ ) salt.utils.http.query( '', method='POST', data_file='/srv/salt/somefile.jinja', data_render=True, template_data={'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}, node='master' )
Headers may also be passed through, either as a header_list, a header_dict, or as a header_file. As with the data_file, the header_file may also be templated. Take note that because HTTP headers are normally syntactically-correct YAML, they will automatically be imported as an a Python dict.
salt.utils.http.query( '', method='POST', header_file='/srv/salt/headers.jinja', header_render=True, header_renderer='jinja', template_data={'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'} )
Because much of the data that would be templated between headers and data may be the same, the template_data is the same for both. Correcting possible variable name collisions is up to the user.
The query() function supports basic HTTP authentication. A username and password may be passed in as username and password, respectively.
salt.utils.http.query( '', username='larry', password=`5700g3543v4r`, )
Cookies are also supported, using Python's built-in cookielib. However, they are turned off by default. To turn cookies on, set cookies to True.
salt.utils.http.query( '', cookies=True )
By default cookies are stored in Salt's cache directory, normally /var/cache/salt, as a file called cookies.txt. However, this location may be changed with the cookie_jar argument:
salt.utils.http.query( '', cookies=True, cookie_jar='/path/to/cookie_jar.txt' )
By default, the format of the cookie jar is LWP (aka, lib-www-perl). This default was chosen because it is a human-readable text file. If desired, the format of the cookie jar can be set to Mozilla:
salt.utils.http.query( '', cookies=True, cookie_jar='/path/to/cookie_jar.txt', cookie_format='mozilla' )
Because Salt commands are normally one-off commands that are piped together, this library cannot normally behave as a normal browser, with session cookies that persist across multiple HTTP requests. However, the session can be persisted in a separate cookie jar. The default filename for this file, inside Salt's cache directory, is cookies.session.p. This can also be changed.
salt.utils.http.query( '', persist_session=True, session_cookie_jar='/path/to/jar.p' )
The format of this file is msgpack, which is consistent with much of the rest of Salt's internal structure. Historically, the extension for this file is .p. There are no current plans to make this configurable.
Return Data
By default, query() will attempt to decode the return data. Because it was designed to be used with REST interfaces, it will attempt to decode the data received from the remote server. First it will check the Content-type header to try and find references to XML. If it does not find any, it will look for references to JSON. If it does not find any, it will fall back to plain text, which will not be decoded.
JSON data is translated into a dict using Python's built-in json library. XML is translated using salt.utils.xml_util, which will use Python's built-in XML libraries to attempt to convert the XML into a dict. In order to force either JSON or XML decoding, the decode_type may be set:
salt.utils.http.query( '', decode_type='xml' )
Once translated, the return dict from query() will include a dict called dict.
If the data is not to be translated using one of these methods, decoding may be turned off.
salt.utils.http.query( '', decode=False )
If decoding is turned on, and references to JSON or XML cannot be found, then this module will default to plain text, and return the undecoded data as text (even if text is set to False; see below).
The query() function can return the HTTP status code, headers, and/or text as required. However, each must individually be turned on.
salt.utils.http.query( '', status=True, headers=True, text=True )
The return from these will be found in the return dict as status, headers and text, respectively.
Writing Return Data to Files
It is possible to write either the return data or headers to files, as soon as the response is received from the server, but specifying file locations via the text_out or headers_out arguments. text and headers do not need to be returned to the user in order to do this.
salt.utils.http.query( '', text=False, headers=False, text_out='/path/to/url_download.txt', headers_out='/path/to/headers_download.txt', )
SSL Verification
By default, this function will verify SSL certificates. However, for testing or debugging purposes, SSL verification can be turned off.
salt.utils.http.query( '', verify_ssl=False, )
CA Bundles
The requests library has its own method of detecting which CA (certficate authority) bundle file to use. Usually this is implemented by the packager for the specific operating system distribution that you are using. However, urllib2 requires a little more work under the hood. By default, Salt will try to auto-detect the location of this file. However, if it is not in an expected location, or a different path needs to be specified, it may be done so using the ca_bundle variable.
salt.utils.http.query( '', ca_bundle='/path/to/ca_bundle.pem', )
Updating CA Bundles
The update_ca_bundle() function can be used to update the bundle file at a specified location. If the target location is not specified, then it will attempt to auto-detect the location of the bundle file. If the URL to download the bundle from does not exist, a bundle will be downloaded from the cURL website.
CAUTION: The target and the source should always be specified! Failure to specify the target may result in the file being written to the wrong location on the local system. Failure to specify the source may cause the upstream URL to receive excess unnecessary traffic, and may cause a file to be download which is hazardous or does not meet the needs of the user.
salt.utils.http.update_ca_bundle( target='/path/to/ca-bundle.crt', source='', opts=__opts__, )
The opts parameter should also always be specified. If it is, then the target and the source may be specified in the relevant configuration file (master or minion) as ca_bundle and ca_bundle_url, respectively.
ca_bundle: /path/to/ca-bundle.crt ca_bundle_url:
If Salt is unable to auto-detect the location of the CA bundle, it will raise an error.
The update_ca_bundle() function can also be passed a string or a list of strings which represent files on the local system, which should be appended (in the specified order) to the end of the CA bundle file. This is useful in environments where private certs need to be made available, and are not otherwise reasonable to add to the bundle file.
salt.utils.http.update_ca_bundle( opts=__opts__, merge_files=[ '/etc/ssl/private_cert_1.pem', '/etc/ssl/private_cert_2.pem', '/etc/ssl/private_cert_3.pem', ] )
Test Mode
This function may be run in test mode. This mode will perform all work up until the actual HTTP request. By default, instead of performing the request, an empty dict will be returned. Using this function with TRACE logging turned on will reveal the contents of the headers and POST data to be sent.
Rather than returning an empty dict, an alternate test_url may be passed in. If this is detected, then test mode will replace the url with the test_url, set test to True in the return data, and perform the rest of the requested operations as usual. This allows a custom, non-destructive URL to be used for testing when necessary.
Execution Module
The http execution module is a very thin wrapper around the salt.utils.http library. The opts can be passed through as well, but if they are not specified, the minion defaults will be used as necessary.
Because passing complete data structures from the command line can be tricky at best and dangerous (in terms of execution injection attacks) at worse, the data_file, and header_file are likely to see more use here.
All methods for the library are available in the execution module, as kwargs.
salt myminion http.query method=POST \ username='larry' password='5700g3543v4r' headers=True text=True \ status=True decode_type=xml data_render=True \ header_file=/tmp/headers.txt data_file=/tmp/data.txt \ header_render=True cookies=True persist_session=True
Runner Module
Like the execution module, the http runner module is a very thin wrapper around the salt.utils.http library. The only significant difference is that because runners execute on the master instead of a minion, a target is not required, and default opts will be derived from the master config, rather than the minion config.
All methods for the library are available in the runner module, as kwargs.
salt-run http.query method=POST \ username='larry' password='5700g3543v4r' headers=True text=True \ status=True decode_type=xml data_render=True \ header_file=/tmp/headers.txt data_file=/tmp/data.txt \ header_render=True cookies=True persist_session=True
State Module
The state module is a wrapper around the runner module, which applies stateful logic to a query. All kwargs as listed above are specified as usual in state files, but two more kwargs are available to apply stateful logic. A required parameter is match, which specifies a pattern to look for in the return text. By default, this will perform a string comparison of looking for the value of match in the return text. In Python terms this looks like:
if match in html_text: return True
If more complex pattern matching is required, a regular expression can be used by specifying a match_type. By default this is set to string, but it can be manually set to pcre instead. Please note that despite the name, this will use Python's rather than re.match().
Therefore, the following states are valid: http.query: - match: 'SUCCESS' - username: 'larry' - password: '5700g3543v4r' - data_render: True - header_file: /tmp/headers.txt - data_file: /tmp/data.txt - header_render: True - cookies: True - persist_session: True http.query: - match_type: pcre - match: '(?i)succe[ss|ed]' - username: 'larry' - password: '5700g3543v4r' - data_render: True - header_file: /tmp/headers.txt - data_file: /tmp/data.txt - header_render: True - cookies: True - persist_session: True
In addition to, or instead of a match pattern, the status code for a URL can be checked. This is done using the status argument: http.query: - status: '200'
If both are specified, both will be checked, but if only one is True and the other is False, then False will be returned. In this case, the comments in the return data will contain information for troubleshooting.
Because this is a monitoring state, it will return extra data to code that expects it. This data will always include text and status. Optionally, headers and dict may also be requested by setting the headers and decode arguments to True, respectively.
LXC Management with Salt
NOTE: This walkthrough assumes basic knowledge of Salt. To get up to speed, check out the Salt Walkthrough.
Manipulation of LXC containers in Salt requires the minion to have an LXC version of at least 1.0 (an alpha or beta release of LXC 1.0 is acceptable). The following distributions are known to have new enough versions of LXC packaged:
- •
- RHEL/CentOS 6 and later (via EPEL)
- •
- Fedora (All non-EOL releases)
- •
- Debian 8.0 (Jessie)
- •
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and later (LXC templates are packaged separately as lxc-templates, it is recommended to also install this package)
- •
- openSUSE 13.2 and later
Profiles allow for a sort of shorthand for commonly-used configurations to be defined in the minion config file, grains, pillar, or the master config file. The profile is retrieved by Salt using the config.get function, which looks in those locations, in that order. This allows for profiles to be defined centrally in the master config file, with several options for overriding them (if necessary) on groups of minions or individual minions.
There are two types of profiles:
- •
- One for defining the parameters used in container creation/clone.
- •
- One for defining the container's network interface(s) settings.
Container Profiles
LXC container profiles are defined defined underneath the lxc.container_profile config option:
lxc.container_profile: centos: template: centos backing: lvm vgname: vg1 lvname: lxclv size: 10G centos_big: template: centos backing: lvm vgname: vg1 lvname: lxclv size: 20G
Profiles are retrieved using the config.get function, with the recurse merge strategy. This means that a profile can be defined at a lower level (for example, the master config file) and then parts of it can be overridden at a higher level (for example, in pillar data). Consider the following container profile data:
In the Master config file:
lxc.container_profile: centos: template: centos backing: lvm vgname: vg1 lvname: lxclv size: 10G
In the Pillar data
lxc.container_profile: centos: size: 20G
Any minion with the above Pillar data would have the size parameter in the centos profile overridden to 20G, while those minions without the above Pillar data would have the 10G size value. This is another way of achieving the same result as the centos_big profile above, without having to define another whole profile that differs in just one value.
NOTE: In the 2014.7.x release cycle and earlier, container profiles are defined under lxc.profile. This parameter will still work in version 2015.5.0, but is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please note however that the profile merging feature described above will only work with profiles defined under lxc.container_profile, and only in versions 2015.5.0 and later.
Additionally, in version 2015.5.0 container profiles have been expanded to support passing template-specific CLI options to lxc.create. Below is a table describing the parameters which can be configured in container profiles:
Parameter | 2015.5.0 and Newer |
2014.7.x and Earlier
template1 | Yes |
options1 | Yes |
image1 | Yes |
backing | Yes |
snapshot2 | Yes |
lvname1 | Yes |
fstype1 | Yes |
size | Yes |
- 1.
- Parameter is only supported for container creation, and will be ignored if the profile is used when cloning a container.
- 2.
- Parameter is only supported for container cloning, and will be ignored if the profile is used when not cloning a container.
Network Profiles
LXC network profiles are defined defined underneath the lxc.network_profile config option. By default, the module uses a DHCP based configuration and try to guess a bridge to get connectivity.
WARNING: on pre 2015.5.2, you need to specify explicitly the network bridge
lxc.network_profile: centos: eth0: link: br0 type: veth flags: up ubuntu: eth0: link: lxcbr0 type: veth flags: up
As with container profiles, network profiles are retrieved using the config.get function, with the recurse merge strategy. Consider the following network profile data:
In the Master config file:
lxc.network_profile: centos: eth0: link: br0 type: veth flags: up
In the Pillar data
lxc.network_profile: centos: eth0: link: lxcbr0
Any minion with the above Pillar data would use the lxcbr0 interface as the bridge interface for any container configured using the centos network profile, while those minions without the above Pillar data would use the br0 interface for the same.
NOTE: In the 2014.7.x release cycle and earlier, network profiles are defined under lxc.nic. This parameter will still work in version 2015.5.0, but is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please note however that the profile merging feature described above will only work with profiles defined under lxc.network_profile, and only in versions 2015.5.0 and later.
The following are parameters which can be configured in network profiles. These will directly correspond to a parameter in an LXC configuration file (see man 5 lxc.container.conf).
- •
- type - Corresponds to
- •
- link - Corresponds to
- •
flags - Corresponds to
Interface-specific options (MAC address, IPv4/IPv6, etc.) must be passed on a container-by-container basis, for instance using the nic_opts argument to lxc.create:
salt myminion lxc.create container1 profile=centos network_profile=centos nic_opts='{eth0: {ipv4:, gateway:}}'
WARNING: The ipv4, ipv6, gateway, and link (bridge) settings in network profiles / nic_opts will only work if the container doesnt redefine the network configuration (for example in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<interface_name> on RHEL/CentOS, or /etc/network/interfaces on Debian/Ubuntu/etc.). Use these with caution. The container images installed using the download template, for instance, typically are configured for eth0 to use DHCP, which will conflict with static IP addresses set at the container level.
Old lxc support (<1.0.7)
With saltstack 2015.5.2 and above, normally the setting is autoselected, but before, you'll need to teach your network profile to set to auto when using a classic ipv4 configuration.
Thus you'll need etho: link: lxcbr0 ipv4.gateway: auto
Tricky network setups Examples
This example covers how to make a container with both an internal ip and a public routable ip, wired on two veth pairs.
The another interface which receives directly a public routable ip can't be on the first interface that we reserve for private inter LXC networking. eth0: {gateway: null, bridge: lxcbr0} eth1: # replace that by your main interface 'link': 'br0' 'mac': '00:16:5b:01:24:e1' 'gateway': '' 'ipv4': ''
Creating a Container on the CLI
From a Template
LXC is commonly distributed with several template scripts in /usr/share/lxc/templates. Some distros may package these separately in an lxc-templates package, so make sure to check if this is the case.
There are LXC template scripts for several different operating systems, but some of them are designed to use tools specific to a given distribution. For instance, the ubuntu template uses deb_bootstrap, the centos template uses yum, etc., making these templates impractical when a container from a different OS is desired.
The lxc.create function is used to create containers using a template script. To create a CentOS container named container1 on a CentOS minion named mycentosminion, using the centos LXC template, one can simply run the following command:
salt mycentosminion lxc.create container1 template=centos
For these instances, there is a download template which retrieves minimal container images for several different operating systems. To use this template, it is necessary to provide an options parameter when creating the container, with three values:
- 1.
- dist - the Linux distribution (i.e. ubuntu or centos)
- 2.
- release - the release name/version (i.e. trusty or 6)
- 3.
arch - CPU architecture (i.e. amd64 or i386)
The lxc.images function (new in version 2015.5.0) can be used to list the available images. Alternatively, the releases can be viewed on The images are organized in such a way that the dist, release, and arch can be determined using the following URL format: For example, would correspond to a dist of centos, a release of 6, and an arch of amd64.
Therefore, to use the download template to create a new 64-bit CentOS 6 container, the following command can be used:
salt myminion lxc.create container1 template=download options='{dist: centos, release: 6, arch: amd64}'
NOTE: These command-line options can be placed into a container profile, like so:
lxc.container_profile.cent6: template: download options: dist: centos release: 6 arch: amd64
The options parameter is not supported in profiles for the 2014.7.x release cycle and earlier, so it would still need to be provided on the command-line.
Cloning an Existing Container
To clone a container, use the lxc.clone function:
salt myminion lxc.clone container2 orig=container1
Using a Container Image
While cloning is a good way to create new containers from a common base container, the source container that is being cloned needs to already exist on the minion. This makes deploying a common container across minions difficult. For this reason, Salt's lxc.create is capable of installing a container from a tar archive of another container's rootfs. To create an image of a container named cent6, run the following command as root:
tar czf cent6.tar.gz -C /var/lib/lxc/cent6 rootfs
NOTE: Before doing this, it is recommended that the container is stopped.
The resulting tarball can then be placed alongside the files in the salt fileserver and referenced using a salt:// URL. To create a container using an image, use the image parameter with lxc.create:
salt myminion lxc.create new-cent6 image=salt://path/to/cent6.tar.gz
NOTE: Making images of containers with LVM backing
For containers with LVM backing, the rootfs is not mounted, so it is necessary to mount it first before creating the tar archive. When a container is created using LVM backing, an empty rootfs dir is handily created within /var/lib/lxc/container_name, so this can be used as the mountpoint. The location of the logical volume for the container will be /dev/vgname/lvname, where vgname is the name of the volume group, and lvname is the name of the logical volume. Therefore, assuming a volume group of vg1, a logical volume of lxc-cent6, and a container name of cent6, the following commands can be used to create a tar archive of the rootfs:
mount /dev/vg1/lxc-cent6 /var/lib/lxc/cent6/rootfs tar czf cent6.tar.gz -C /var/lib/lxc/cent6 rootfs umount /var/lib/lxc/cent6/rootfs
WARNING: One caveat of using this method of container creation is that /etc/hosts is left unmodified. This could cause confusion for some distros if salt-minion is later installed on the container, as the functions that determine the hostname take /etc/hosts into account.
Additionally, when creating an rootfs image, be sure to remove /etc/salt/minion_id and make sure that id is not defined in /etc/salt/minion, as this will cause similar issues.
Initializing a New Container as a Salt Minion
The above examples illustrate a few ways to create containers on the CLI, but often it is desirable to also have the new container run as a Minion. To do this, the lxc.init function can be used. This function will do the following:
- 1.
- Create a new container
- 2.
- Optionally set password and/or DNS
- 3.
Bootstrap the minion (using either salt-bootstrap or a custom command)
By default, the new container will be pointed at the same Salt Master as the host machine on which the container was created. It will then request to authenticate with the Master like any other bootstrapped Minion, at which point it can be accepted.
salt myminion lxc.init test1 profile=centos salt-key -a test1
For even greater convenience, the LXC runner contains a runner function of the same name (lxc.init), which creates a keypair, seeds the new minion with it, and pre-accepts the key, allowing for the new Minion to be created and authorized in a single step:
salt-run lxc.init test1 host=myminion profile=centos
Running Commands Within a Container
For containers which are not running their own Minion, commands can be run within the container in a manner similar to using ( < The means of doing this have been changed significantly in version 2015.5.0 (though the deprecated behavior will still be supported for a few releases). Both the old and new usage are documented below.
2015.5.0 and Newer
New functions have been added to mimic the behavior of the functions in the cmd module. Below is a table with the cmd functions and their lxc module equivalents:
Description | cmd module |
lxc module
Run a command and get all output | |
Run a command and get just stdout | cmd.run_stdout |
Run a command and get just stderr | cmd.run_stderr |
Run a command and get just the retcode | cmd.retcode |
Run a command and get all information | cmd.run_all |
2014.7.x and Earlier
Earlier Salt releases use a single function (lxc.run_cmd) to run commands within containers. Whether stdout, stderr, etc. are returned depends on how the function is invoked.
To run a command and return the stdout:
salt myminion lxc.run_cmd web1 'tail /var/log/messages'
To run a command and return the stderr:
salt myminion lxc.run_cmd web1 'tail /var/log/messages' stdout=False stderr=True
To run a command and return the retcode:
salt myminion lxc.run_cmd web1 'tail /var/log/messages' stdout=False stderr=False
To run a command and return all information:
salt myminion lxc.run_cmd web1 'tail /var/log/messages' stdout=True stderr=True
Container Management Using salt-cloud
Salt cloud uses under the hood the salt runner and module to manage containers, Please look at this chapter
Container Management Using States
Several states are being renamed or otherwise modified in version 2015.5.0. The information in this tutorial refers to the new states. For 2014.7.x and earlier, please refer to the documentation for the LXC states.
Ensuring a Container Is Present
To ensure the existence of a named container, use the lxc.present state. Here are some examples:
# Using a template web1: lxc.present: - template: download - options: dist: centos release: 6 arch: amd64 # Cloning web2: lxc.present: - clone_from: web-base # Using a rootfs image web3: lxc.present: - image: salt://path/to/cent6.tar.gz # Using profiles web4: lxc.present: - profile: centos_web - network_profile: centos
WARNING: The lxc.present state will not modify an existing container (in other words, it will not re-create the container). If an lxc.present state is run on an existing container, there will be no change and the state will return a True result.
The lxc.present state also includes an optional running parameter which can be used to ensure that a container is running/stopped. Note that there are standalone lxc.running and lxc.stopped states which can be used for this purpose.
Ensuring a Container Does Not Exist
To ensure that a named container is not present, use the lxc.absent state. For example:
web1: lxc.absent
Ensuring a Container is Running/Stopped/Frozen
Containers can be in one of three states:
- •
- running - Container is running and active
- •
- frozen - Container is running, but all process are blocked and the container is essentially non-active until the container is "unfrozen"
- •
stopped - Container is not running
Salt has three states (lxc.running, lxc.frozen, and lxc.stopped) which can be used to ensure a container is in one of these states:
web1: lxc.running # Restart the container if it was already running web2: lxc.running: - restart: True web3: lxc.stopped # Explicitly kill all tasks in container instead of gracefully stopping web4: lxc.stopped: - kill: True web5: lxc.frozen # If container is stopped, do not start it (in which case the state will fail) web6: lxc.frozen: - start: False
Salt Virt
Salt as a Cloud Controller
In Salt 0.14.0, an advanced cloud control system were introduced, allow private cloud vms to be managed directly with Salt. This system is generally referred to as Salt Virt.
The Salt Virt system already exists and is installed within Salt itself, this means that beside setting up Salt, no additional salt code needs to be deployed.
The main goal of Salt Virt is to facilitate a very fast and simple cloud. The cloud that can scale and fully featured. Salt Virt comes with the ability to set up and manage complex virtual machine networking, powerful image, and disk management, as well as virtual machine migration with and without shared storage.
This means that Salt Virt can be used to create a cloud from a blade center and a SAN, but can also create a cloud out of a swarm of Linux Desktops without a single shared storage system. Salt Virt can make clouds from truly commodity hardware, but can also stand up the power of specialized hardware as well.
Setting up Hypervisors
The first step to set up the hypervisors involves getting the correct software installed and setting up the hypervisor network interfaces.
Installing Hypervisor Software
Salt Virt is made to be hypervisor agnostic but currently the only fully implemented hypervisor is KVM via libvirt.
The required software for a hypervisor is libvirt and kvm. For advanced features install libguestfs or qemu-nbd.
NOTE: Libguestfs and qemu-nbd allow for virtual machine images to be mounted before startup and get pre-seeded with configurations and a salt minion
This sls will set up the needed software for a hypervisor, and run the routines to set up the libvirt pki keys.
NOTE: Package names and setup used is Red Hat specific, different package names will be required for different platforms
libvirt: pkg.installed: [] file.managed: - name: /etc/sysconfig/libvirtd - contents: 'LIBVIRTD_ARGS="--listen"' - require: - pkg: libvirt libvirt.keys: - require: - pkg: libvirt service.running: - name: libvirtd - require: - pkg: libvirt - network: br0 - libvirt: libvirt - watch: - file: libvirt libvirt-python: pkg.installed: [] libguestfs: pkg.installed: - pkgs: - libguestfs - libguestfs-tools
Hypervisor Network Setup
The hypervisors will need to be running a network bridge to serve up network devices for virtual machines, this formula will set up a standard bridge on a hypervisor connecting the bridge to eth0:
eth0: network.managed: - enabled: True - type: eth - bridge: br0 br0: network.managed: - enabled: True - type: bridge - proto: dhcp - require: - network: eth0
Virtual Machine Network Setup
Salt Virt comes with a system to model the network interfaces used by the deployed virtual machines; by default a single interface is created for the deployed virtual machine and is bridged to br0. To get going with the default networking setup, ensure that the bridge interface named br0 exists on the hypervisor and is bridged to an active network device.
NOTE: To use more advanced networking in Salt Virt, read the Salt Virt Networking document:
Libvirt State
One of the challenges of deploying a libvirt based cloud is the distribution of libvirt certificates. These certificates allow for virtual machine migration. Salt comes with a system used to auto deploy these certificates. Salt manages the signing authority key and generates keys for libvirt clients on the master, signs them with the certificate authority and uses pillar to distribute them. This is managed via the libvirt state. Simply execute this formula on the minion to ensure that the certificate is in place and up to date:
NOTE: The above formula includes the calls needed to set up libvirt keys.
libvirt_keys: libvirt.keys
Getting Virtual Machine Images Ready
Salt Virt, requires that virtual machine images be provided as these are not generated on the fly. Generating these virtual machine images differs greatly based on the underlying platform.
Virtual machine images can be manually created using KVM and running through the installer, but this process is not recommended since it is very manual and prone to errors.
Virtual Machine generation applications are available for many platforms:
- vm-builder:
SEE ALSO: vmbuilder-formula
Once virtual machine images are available, the easiest way to make them available to Salt Virt is to place them in the Salt file server. Just copy an image into /srv/salt and it can now be used by Salt Virt.
For purposes of this demo, the file name centos.img will be used.
Existing Virtual Machine Images
Many existing Linux distributions distribute virtual machine images which can be used with Salt Virt. Please be advised that NONE OF THESE IMAGES ARE SUPPORTED BY SALTSTACK.
These images have been prepared for OpenNebula but should work without issue with Salt Virt, only the raw qcow image file is needed:
Fedora Linux
Images for Fedora Linux can be found here:
Ubuntu Linux
Images for Ubuntu Linux can be found here:
Using Salt Virt
With hypervisors set up and virtual machine images ready, Salt can start issuing cloud commands.
Start by running a Salt Virt hypervisor info command:
salt-run virt.hyper_info
This will query what the running hypervisor stats are and display information for all configured hypervisors. This command will also validate that the hypervisors are properly configured.
Now that hypervisors are available a virtual machine can be provisioned. The virt.init routine will create a new virtual machine:
salt-run virt.init centos1 2 512 salt://centos.img
This command assumes that the CentOS virtual machine image is sitting in the root of the Salt fileserver. Salt Virt will now select a hypervisor to deploy the new virtual machine on and copy the virtual machine image down to the hypervisor.
Once the VM image has been copied down the new virtual machine will be seeded. Seeding the VMs involves setting pre-authenticated Salt keys on the new VM and if needed, will install the Salt Minion on the new VM before it is started.
NOTE: The biggest bottleneck in starting VMs is when the Salt Minion needs to be installed. Making sure that the source VM images already have Salt installed will GREATLY speed up virtual machine deployment.
Now that the new VM has been prepared, it can be seen via the virt.query command:
salt-run virt.query
This command will return data about all of the hypervisors and respective virtual machines.
Now that the new VM is booted it should have contacted the Salt Master, a will reveal if the new VM is running.
Migrating Virtual Machines
Salt Virt comes with full support for virtual machine migration, and using the libvirt state in the above formula makes migration possible.
A few things need to be available to support migration. Many operating systems turn on firewalls when originally set up, the firewall needs to be opened up to allow for libvirt and kvm to cross communicate and execution migration routines. On Red Hat based hypervisors in particular port 16514 needs to be opened on hypervisors:
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 16514 -j ACCEPT
NOTE: More in-depth information regarding distribution specific firewall settings can read in:
Opening the Firewall up for Salt
Salt also needs an additional flag to be turned on as well. The virt.tunnel option needs to be turned on. This flag tells Salt to run migrations securely via the libvirt TLS tunnel and to use port 16514. Without virt.tunnel libvirt tries to bind to random ports when running migrations. To turn on virt.tunnel simple apply it to the master config file:
virt.tunnel: True
Once the master config has been updated, restart the master and send out a call to the minions to refresh the pillar to pick up on the change:
salt \* saltutil.refresh_modules
Now, migration routines can be run! To migrate a VM, simply run the Salt Virt migrate routine:
salt-run virt.migrate centos <new hypervisor>
VNC Consoles
Salt Virt also sets up VNC consoles by default, allowing for remote visual consoles to be oped up. The information from a virt.query routine will display the vnc console port for the specific vms:
centos CPU: 2 Memory: 524288 State: running Graphics: vnc - hyper6:5900 Disk - vda: Size: 2.0G File: /srv/salt-images/ubuntu2/system.qcow2 File Format: qcow2 Nic - ac:de:48:98:08:77: Source: br0 Type: bridge
The line Graphics: vnc - hyper6:5900 holds the key. First the port named, in this case 5900, will need to be available in the hypervisor's firewall. Once the port is open, then the console can be easily opened via vncviewer:
vncviewer hyper6:5900
By default there is no VNC security set up on these ports, which suggests that keeping them firewalled and mandating that SSH tunnels be used to access these VNC interfaces. Keep in mind that activity on a VNC interface that is accessed can be viewed by any other user that accesses that same VNC interface, and any other user logging in can also operate with the logged in user on the virtual machine.
Now with Salt Virt running, new hypervisors can be seamlessly added just by running the above states on new bare metal machines, and these machines will be instantly available to Salt Virt.
Installing and Configuring Halite
In this tutorial, we'll walk through installing and setting up Halite. The current version of Halite is considered pre-alpha and is supported only in Salt v2014.1.0 or greater. Additional information is available on GitHub:
Before beginning this tutorial, ensure that the salt-master is installed. To install the salt-master, please review the installation documentation:
NOTE: Halite only works with Salt versions greater than 2014.1.0.
Installing Halite Via Package
On CentOS, RHEL, or Fedora:
$ yum install python-halite
NOTE: By default python-halite only installs CherryPy. If you would like to use a different webserver please review the instructions below to install pip and your server of choice. The package does not modify the master configuration with /etc/salt/master.
Installing Halite Using pip
To begin the installation of Halite from PyPI, you'll need to install pip. The Salt package, as well as the bootstrap, do not install pip by default.
On CentOS, RHEL, or Fedora:
$ yum install python-pip
On Debian:
$ apt-get install python-pip
Once you have pip installed, use it to install halite:
$ pip install -U halite
Depending on the webserver you want to run halite through, you'll need to install that piece as well. On RHEL based distros, use one of the following:
$ pip install cherrypy
$ pip install paste
$ yum install python-devel $ yum install gcc $ pip install gevent $ pip install pyopenssl
On Debian based distributions:
$ pip install CherryPy
$ pip install paste
$ apt-get install gcc $ apt-get install python-dev $ apt-get install libevent-dev $ pip install gevent $ pip install pyopenssl
Configuring Halite Permissions
Configuring Halite access permissions is easy. By default, you only need to ensure that the @runner group is configured. In the /etc/salt/master file, uncomment and modify the following lines:
external_auth: pam: testuser: - .* - '@runner'
NOTE: You cannot use the root user for pam login; it will fail to authenticate.
Halite uses the runner manage.present to get the status of minions, so runner permissions are required. For example:
external_auth: pam: mytestuser: - .* - '@runner' - '@wheel'
Currently Halite allows, but does not require, any wheel modules.
Configuring Halite Settings
Once you've configured the permissions for Halite, you'll need to set up the Halite settings in the /etc/salt/master file. Halite supports CherryPy, Paste, and Gevent out of the box.
To configure cherrypy, add the following to the bottom of your /etc/salt/master file:
halite: level: 'debug' server: 'cherrypy' host: '' port: '8080' cors: False tls: True certpath: '/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt' keypath: '/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.key' pempath: '/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.pem'
If you wish to use paste:
halite: level: 'debug' server: 'paste' host: '' port: '8080' cors: False tls: True certpath: '/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt' keypath: '/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.key' pempath: '/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.pem'
To use gevent:
halite: level: 'debug' server: 'gevent' host: '' port: '8080' cors: False tls: True certpath: '/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt' keypath: '/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.key' pempath: '/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.pem'
The "cherrypy" and "gevent" servers require the certpath and keypath files to run tls/ssl. The .crt file holds the public cert and the .key file holds the private key. Whereas the "paste" server requires a single .pem file that contains both the cert and key. This can be created simply by concatenating the .crt and .key files.
If you want to use a self-signed cert, you can create one using the Salt.tls module:
NOTE: The following command needs to be run on your salt master.
salt-call tls.create_self_signed_cert tls
Note that certs generated by the above command can be found under the /etc/pki/tls/certs/ directory. When using self-signed certs, browsers will need approval before accepting the cert. If the web application page has been cached with a non-HTTPS version of the app, then the browser cache will have to be cleared before it will recognize and prompt to accept the self-signed certificate.
Starting Halite
Once you've configured the halite section of your /etc/salt/master, you can restart the salt-master service, and your halite instance will be available. Depending on your configuration, the instance will be available either at https://localhost:8080/app, https://domain:8080/app, or https://123.456.789.012:8080/app .
NOTE: halite requires an HTML 5 compliant browser.
All logs relating to halite are logged to the default /var/log/salt/master file.
Using Salt at scale
Using Salt at scale
The focus of this tutorial will be building a Salt infrastructure for handling large numbers of minions. This will include tuning, topology, and best practices.
For how to install the Salt Master please go here: Installing saltstack
NOTE: This tutorial is intended for large installations, although these same settings won't hurt, it may not be worth the complexity to smaller installations.
When used with minions, the term 'many' refers to at least a thousand and 'a few' always means 500.
For simplicity reasons, this tutorial will default to the standard ports used by Salt.
The Master
The most common problems on the Salt Master are:
- 1.
- too many minions authing at once
- 2.
- too many minions re-authing at once
- 3.
- too many minions re-connecting at once
- 4.
- too many minions returning at once
- 5.
too few resources (CPU/HDD)
The first three are all "thundering herd" problems. To mitigate these issues we must configure the minions to back-off appropriately when the Master is under heavy load.
The fourth is caused by masters with little hardware resources in combination with a possible bug in ZeroMQ. At least thats what it looks like till today (Issue 118651, Issue 5948, Mail thread)
To fully understand each problem, it is important to understand, how Salt works.
Very briefly, the Salt Master offers two services to the minions.
- •
- a job publisher on port 4505
- •
an open port 4506 to receive the minions returns
All minions are always connected to the publisher on port 4505 and only connect to the open return port 4506 if necessary. On an idle Master, there will only be connections on port 4505.
Too many minions authing
When the Minion service is first started up, it will connect to its Master's publisher on port 4505. If too many minions are started at once, this can cause a "thundering herd". This can be avoided by not starting too many minions at once.
The connection itself usually isn't the culprit, the more likely cause of master-side issues is the authentication that the Minion must do with the Master. If the Master is too heavily loaded to handle the auth request it will time it out. The Minion will then wait acceptance_wait_time to retry. If acceptance_wait_time_max is set then the Minion will increase its wait time by the acceptance_wait_time each subsequent retry until reaching acceptance_wait_time_max.
Too many minions re-authing
This is most likely to happen in the testing phase of a Salt deployment, when all Minion keys have already been accepted, but the framework is being tested and parameters are frequently changed in the Salt Master's configuration file(s).
The Salt Master generates a new AES key to encrypt its publications at certain events such as a Master restart or the removal of a Minion key. If you are encountering this problem of too many minions re-authing against the Master, you will need to recalibrate your setup to reduce the rate of events like a Master restart or Minion key removal (salt-key -d).
When the Master generates a new AES key, the minions aren't notified of this but will discover it on the next pub job they receive. When the Minion receives such a job it will then re-auth with the Master. Since Salt does minion-side filtering this means that all the minions will re-auth on the next command published on the master-- causing another "thundering herd". This can be avoided by setting the
random_reauth_delay: 60
in the minions configuration file to a higher value and stagger the amount of re-auth attempts. Increasing this value will of course increase the time it takes until all minions are reachable via Salt commands.
Too many minions re-connecting
By default the zmq socket will re-connect every 100ms which for some larger installations may be too quick. This will control how quickly the TCP session is re-established, but has no bearing on the auth load.
To tune the minions sockets reconnect attempts, there are a few values in the sample configuration file (default values)
recon_default: 100ms recon_max: 5000 recon_randomize: True
- •
- recon_default: the default value the socket should use, i.e. 100ms
- •
- recon_max: the max value that the socket should use as a delay before trying to reconnect
- •
recon_randomize: enables randomization between recon_default and recon_max
To tune this values to an existing environment, a few decision have to be made.
- 1.
- How long can one wait, before the minions should be online and reachable via Salt?
- 2.
How many reconnects can the Master handle without a syn flood?
These questions can not be answered generally. Their answers depend on the hardware and the administrators requirements.
Here is an example scenario with the goal, to have all minions reconnect within a 60 second time-frame on a Salt Master service restart.
recon_default: 1000 recon_max: 59000 recon_randomize: True
Each Minion will have a randomized reconnect value between 'recon_default' and 'recon_default + recon_max', which in this example means between 1000ms and 60000ms (or between 1 and 60 seconds). The generated random-value will be doubled after each attempt to reconnect (ZeroMQ default behavior).
Lets say the generated random value is 11 seconds (or 11000ms).
reconnect 1: wait 11 seconds reconnect 2: wait 22 seconds reconnect 3: wait 33 seconds reconnect 4: wait 44 seconds reconnect 5: wait 55 seconds reconnect 6: wait time is bigger than 60 seconds (recon_default + recon_max) reconnect 7: wait 11 seconds reconnect 8: wait 22 seconds reconnect 9: wait 33 seconds reconnect x: etc.
With a thousand minions this will mean
1000/60 = ~16
round about 16 connection attempts a second. These values should be altered to values that match your environment. Keep in mind though, that it may grow over time and that more minions might raise the problem again.
Too many minions returning at once
This can also happen during the testing phase, if all minions are addressed at once with
$ salt *
it may cause thousands of minions trying to return their data to the Salt Master open port 4506. Also causing a flood of syn-flood if the Master can't handle that many returns at once.
This can be easily avoided with Salt's batch mode:
$ salt * -b 50
This will only address 50 minions at once while looping through all addressed minions.
Too few resources
The masters resources always have to match the environment. There is no way to give good advise without knowing the environment the Master is supposed to run in. But here are some general tuning tips for different situations:
The Master is CPU bound
Salt uses RSA-Key-Pairs on the masters and minions end. Both generate 4096 bit key-pairs on first start. While the key-size for the Master is currently not configurable, the minions keysize can be configured with different key-sizes. For example with a 2048 bit key:
keysize: 2048
With thousands of decryptions, the amount of time that can be saved on the masters end should not be neglected. See here for reference: Pull Request 9235 how much influence the key-size can have.
Downsizing the Salt Master's key is not that important, because the minions do not encrypt as many messages as the Master does.
The Master is disk IO bound
By default, the Master saves every Minion's return for every job in its job-cache. The cache can then be used later, to lookup results for previous jobs. The default directory for this is:
cachedir: /var/cache/salt
and then in the /proc directory.
Each job return for every Minion is saved in a single file. Over time this directory can grow quite large, depending on the number of published jobs. The amount of files and directories will scale with the number of jobs published and the retention time defined by
keep_jobs: 24
250 jobs/day * 2000 minions returns = 500.000 files a day
If no job history is needed, the job cache can be disabled:
job_cache: False
If the job cache is necessary there are (currently) 2 options:
- •
- ext_job_cache: this will have the minions store their return data directly into a returner (not sent through the Master)
- •
- master_job_cache (New in 2014.7.0): this will make the Master store the job data using a returner (instead of the local job cache on disk).
Targeting minions is specifying which minions should run a command or execute a state by matching against hostnames, or system information, or defined groups, or even combinations thereof.
For example the command salt web1 apache.signal restart to restart the Apache httpd server specifies the machine web1 as the target and the command will only be run on that one minion.
Similarly when using States, the following top file specifies that only the web1 minion should execute the contents of webserver.sls:
base: 'web1': - webserver
There are many ways to target individual minions or groups of minions in Salt:
Matching the minion id
Each minion needs a unique identifier. By default when a minion starts for the first time it chooses its FQDN as that identifier. The minion id can be overridden via the minion's id configuration setting.
TIP: minion id and minion keys
The minion id is used to generate the minion's public/private keys and if it ever changes the master must then accept the new key as though the minion was a new host.
The default matching that Salt utilizes is shell-style globbing around the minion id. This also works for states in the top file.
NOTE: You must wrap salt calls that use globbing in single-quotes to prevent the shell from expanding the globs before Salt is invoked.
Match all minions:
salt '*'
Match all minions in the domain or any of the example domains:
salt '*' salt '*.example.*'
Match all the webN minions in the domain (, …
salt 'web?'
Match the web1 through web5 minions:
salt 'web[1-5]'
Match the web1 and web3 minions:
salt 'web[1,3]'
Match the web-x, web-y, and web-z minions:
salt 'web-[x-z]'
NOTE: For additional targeting methods please review the compound matchers documentation.
Regular Expressions
Minions can be matched using Perl-compatible regular expressions (which is globbing on steroids and a ton of caffeine).
Match both web1-prod and web1-devel minions:
salt -E 'web1-(prod|devel)'
When using regular expressions in a State's top file, you must specify the matcher as the first option. The following example executes the contents of webserver.sls on the above-mentioned minions.
base: 'web1-(prod|devel)': - match: pcre - webserver
At the most basic level, you can specify a flat list of minion IDs:
salt -L 'web1,web2,web3'
Salt comes with an interface to derive information about the underlying system. This is called the grains interface, because it presents salt with grains of information. Grains are collected for the operating system, domain name, IP address, kernel, OS type, memory, and many other system properties.
The grains interface is made available to Salt modules and components so that the right salt minion commands are automatically available on the right systems.
Grain data is relatively static, though if system information changes (for example, if network settings are changed), or if a new value is assigned to a custom grain, grain data is refreshed.
NOTE: Grains resolve to lowercase letters. For example, FOO, and foo target the same grain.
IMPORTANT: See Is Targeting using Grain Data Secure? for important security information.
Match all CentOS minions:
salt -G 'os:CentOS'
Match all minions with 64-bit CPUs, and return number of CPU cores for each matching minion:
salt -G 'cpuarch:x86_64' grains.item num_cpus
Additionally, globs can be used in grain matches, and grains that are nested in a dictionary can be matched by adding a colon for each level that is traversed. For example, the following will match hosts that have a grain called ec2_tags, which itself is a dict with a key named environment, which has a value that contains the word production:
salt -G 'ec2_tags:environment:*production*'
Listing Grains
Available grains can be listed by using the '' module:
salt '*'
Grains data can be listed by using the 'grains.items' module:
salt '*' grains.items
Grains in the Minion Config
Grains can also be statically assigned within the minion configuration file. Just add the option grains and pass options to it:
grains: roles: - webserver - memcache deployment: datacenter4 cabinet: 13 cab_u: 14-15
Then status data specific to your servers can be retrieved via Salt, or used inside of the State system for matching. It also makes targeting, in the case of the example above, simply based on specific data about your deployment.
Grains in /etc/salt/grains
If you do not want to place your custom static grains in the minion config file, you can also put them in /etc/salt/grains on the minion. They are configured in the same way as in the above example, only without a top-level grains: key:
roles: - webserver - memcache deployment: datacenter4 cabinet: 13 cab_u: 14-15
Matching Grains in the Top File
With correctly configured grains on the Minion, the top file used in Pillar or during Highstate can be made very efficient. For example, consider the following configuration:
'node_type:web': - match: grain - webserver 'node_type:postgres': - match: grain - database 'node_type:redis': - match: grain - redis 'node_type:lb': - match: grain - lb
For this example to work, you would need to have defined the grain node_type for the minions you wish to match. This simple example is nice, but too much of the code is similar. To go one step further, Jinja templating can be used to simplify the top file.
{% set node_type = salt['grains.get']('node_type', '') %} {% if node_type %} 'node_type:{{ self }}': - match: grain - {{ self }} {% endif %}
Using Jinja templating, only one match entry needs to be defined.
NOTE: The example above uses the grains.get function to account for minions which do not have the node_type grain set.
Writing Grains
The grains interface is derived by executing all of the "public" functions found in the modules located in the grains package or the custom grains directory. The functions in the modules of the grains must return a Python dict, where the keys in the dict are the names of the grains and the values are the values.
Custom grains should be placed in a _grains directory located under the file_roots specified by the master config file. The default path would be /srv/salt/_grains. Custom grains will be distributed to the minions when state.highstate is run, or by executing the saltutil.sync_grains or saltutil.sync_all functions.
Grains are easy to write, and only need to return a dictionary. A common approach would be code something similar to the following:
#!/usr/bin/env python def yourfunction(): # initialize a grains dictionary grains = {} # Some code for logic that sets grains like grains['yourcustomgrain']=True grains['anothergrain']='somevalue' return grains
Before adding a grain to Salt, consider what the grain is and remember that grains need to be static data. If the data is something that is likely to change, consider using Pillar instead.
WARNING: Custom grains will not be available in the top file until after the first highstate. To make custom grains available on a minion's first highstate, it is recommended to use this example to ensure that the custom grains are synced when the minion starts.
Core grains can be overridden by custom grains. As there are several ways of defining custom grains, there is an order of precedence which should be kept in mind when defining them. The order of evaluation is as follows:
- 1.
- Core grains.
- 2.
- Custom grains in /etc/salt/grains.
- 3.
- Custom grains in /etc/salt/minion.
- 4.
Custom grain modules in _grains directory, synced to minions.
Each successive evaluation overrides the previous ones, so any grains defined by custom grains modules synced to minions that have the same name as a core grain will override that core grain. Similarly, grains from /etc/salt/minion override both core grains and custom grain modules, and grains in _grains will override any grains of the same name.
Examples of Grains
The core module in the grains package is where the main grains are loaded by the Salt minion and provides the principal example of how to write grains:
Syncing Grains
Syncing grains can be done a number of ways, they are automatically synced when state.highstate is called, or (as noted above) the grains can be manually synced and reloaded by calling the saltutil.sync_grains or saltutil.sync_all functions.
Targeting with Pillar
Pillar data can be used when targeting minions. This allows for ultimate control and flexibility when targeting minions.
salt -I 'somekey:specialvalue'
Like with Grains, it is possible to use globbing as well as match nested values in Pillar, by adding colons for each level that is being traversed. The below example would match minions with a pillar named foo, which is a dict containing a key bar, with a value beginning with baz:
salt -I 'foo:bar:baz*'
Subnet/IP Address Matching
Minions can easily be matched based on IP address, or by subnet (using CIDR notation).
salt -S salt -S
NOTE: Only IPv4 matching is supported at this time.
Compound matchers
Compound matchers allow very granular minion targeting using any of Salt's matchers. The default matcher is a glob match, just as with CLI and top file matching. To match using anything other than a glob, prefix the match string with the appropriate letter from the table below, followed by an @ sign.
Letter | Match Type |
G | Grains glob |
E | PCRE Minion ID |
P | Grains PCRE |
L | List of minions |, or bl*
I | Pillar glob |
S | Subnet/IP address |
S@ or S@
R | Range cluster |
Matchers can be joined using boolean and, or, and not operators.
For example, the following string matches all Debian minions with a hostname that begins with webserv, as well as any minions that have a hostname which matches the regular expression web-dc1-srv.*:
salt -C 'webserv* and G@os:Debian or E@web-dc1-srv.*'
That same example expressed in a top file looks like the following:
base: 'webserv* and G@os:Debian or E@web-dc1-srv.*': - match: compound - webserver
Note that a leading not is not supported in compound matches. Instead, something like the following must be done:
salt -C '* and not G@kernel:Darwin'
Excluding a minion based on its ID is also possible:
salt -C '* and not web-dc1-srv'
Precedence Matching
Matches can be grouped together with parentheses to explicitly declare precedence amongst groups.
salt -C '( ms-1 or G@id:ms-3 ) and G@id:ms-3'
NOTE: Be certain to note that spaces are required between the parentheses and targets. Failing to obey this rule may result in incorrect targeting!
Node groups
Nodegroups are declared using a compound target specification. The compound target documentation can be found here.
The nodegroups master config file parameter is used to define nodegroups. Here's an example nodegroup configuration within /etc/salt/master:
nodegroups: group1: ',, or bl*' group2: 'G@os:Debian and' group3: 'G@os:Debian and N@group1'
NOTE: The L within group1 is matching a list of minions, while the G in group2 is matching specific grains. See the compound matchers documentation for more details.
NOTE: Nodgroups can reference other nodegroups as seen in group3. Ensure that you do not have circular references. Circular references will be detected and cause partial expansion with a logged error message.
To match a nodegroup on the CLI, use the -N command-line option:
salt -N group1
To match a nodegroup in your top file, make sure to put - match: nodegroup on the line directly following the nodegroup name.
base: group1: - match: nodegroup - webserver
NOTE: When adding or modifying nodegroups to a master configuration file, the master must be restarted for those changes to be fully recognized.
A limited amount of functionality, such as targeting with -N from the command-line may be available without a restart.
Batch Size
The -b (or --batch-size) option allows commands to be executed on only a specified number of minions at a time. Both percentages and finite numbers are supported.
salt '*' -b 10 salt -G 'os:RedHat' --batch-size 25% apache.signal restart
This will only run on 10 of the targeted minions at a time and then restart apache on 25% of the minions matching os:RedHat at a time and work through them all until the task is complete. This makes jobs like rolling web server restarts behind a load balancer or doing maintenance on BSD firewalls using carp much easier with salt.
The batch system maintains a window of running minions, so, if there are a total of 150 minions targeted and the batch size is 10, then the command is sent to 10 minions, when one minion returns then the command is sent to one additional minion, so that the job is constantly running on 10 minions.
SECO Range
SECO range is a cluster-based metadata store developed and maintained by Yahoo!
The Range project is hosted here:
Learn more about range here:
To utilize range support in Salt, a range server is required. Setting up a range server is outside the scope of this document. Apache modules are included in the range distribution.
With a working range server, cluster files must be defined. These files are written in YAML and define hosts contained inside a cluster. Full documentation on writing YAML range files is here:
Additionally, the Python seco range libraries must be installed on the salt master. One can verify that they have been installed correctly via the following command:
python -c 'import seco.range'
If no errors are returned, range is installed successfully on the salt master.
Preparing Salt
Range support must be enabled on the salt master by setting the hostname and port of the range server inside the master configuration file:
Following this, the master must be restarted for the change to have an effect.
Targeting with Range
Once a cluster has been defined, it can be targeted with a salt command by using the -R or --range flags.
For example, given the following range YAML file being served from a range server:
$ cat /etc/range/test.yaml CLUSTER: APPS: - frontend - backend - mysql
One might target host1 through host100 in the domain with Salt as follows:
salt --range %test:CLUSTER
The following salt command would target three hosts: frontend, backend, and mysql:
salt --range %test:APPS
Pillar is an interface for Salt designed to offer global values that can be distributed to all minions. Pillar data is managed in a similar way as the Salt State Tree.
Pillar was added to Salt in version 0.9.8
NOTE: Storing sensitive data
Unlike state tree, pillar data is only available for the targeted minion specified by the matcher type. This makes it useful for storing sensitive data specific to a particular minion.
Declaring the Master Pillar
The Salt Master server maintains a pillar_roots setup that matches the structure of the file_roots used in the Salt file server. Like the Salt file server the pillar_roots option in the master config is based on environments mapping to directories. The pillar data is then mapped to minions based on matchers in a top file which is laid out in the same way as the state top file. Salt pillars can use the same matcher types as the standard top file.
The configuration for the pillar_roots in the master config file is identical in behavior and function as file_roots:
pillar_roots: base: - /srv/pillar
This example configuration declares that the base environment will be located in the /srv/pillar directory. It must not be in a subdirectory of the state tree.
The top file used matches the name of the top file used for States, and has the same structure:
base: '*': - packages
In the above top file, it is declared that in the base environment, the glob matching all minions will have the pillar data found in the packages pillar available to it. Assuming the pillar_roots value of /srv/pillar taken from above, the packages pillar would be located at /srv/pillar/packages.sls.
Another example shows how to use other standard top matching types to deliver specific salt pillar data to minions with different properties.
Here is an example using the grains matcher to target pillars to minions by their os grain:
dev: 'os:Debian': - match: grain - servers
{% if grains['os'] == 'RedHat' %} apache: httpd git: git {% elif grains['os'] == 'Debian' %} apache: apache2 git: git-core {% endif %} company: Foo Industries
IMPORTANT: See Is Targeting using Grain Data Secure? for important security information.
The above pillar sets two key/value pairs. If a minion is running RedHat, then the apache key is set to httpd and the git key is set to the value of git. If the minion is running Debian, those values are changed to apache2 and git-core respctively. All minions that have this pillar targeting to them via a top file will have the key of company with a value of Foo Industries.
Consequently this data can be used from within modules, renderers, State SLS files, and more via the shared pillar dict:
apache: pkg.installed: - name: {{ pillar['apache'] }}
git: pkg.installed: - name: {{ pillar['git'] }}
Finally, the above states can utilize the values provided to them via Pillar. All pillar values targeted to a minion are available via the 'pillar' dictionary. As seen in the above example, Jinja substitution can then be utilized to access the keys and values in the Pillar dictionary.
Note that you cannot just list key/value-information in top.sls. Instead, target a minion to a pillar file and then list the keys and values in the pillar. Here is an example top file that illustrates this point:
base: '*': - common_pillar
And the actual pillar file at '/srv/pillar/common_pillar.sls':
foo: bar boo: baz
Pillar namespace flattened
The separate pillar files all share the same namespace. Given a top.sls of:
base: '*': - packages - services
a packages.sls file of:
bind: bind9
and a services.sls file of:
bind: named
Then a request for the bind pillar will only return named; the bind9 value is not available. It is better to structure your pillar files with more hierarchy. For example your package.sls file could look like:
packages: bind: bind9
Pillar Namespace Merges
With some care, the pillar namespace can merge content from multiple pillar files under a single key, so long as conflicts are avoided as described above.
For example, if the above example were modified as follows, the values are merged below a single key:
base: '*': - packages - services
And a packages.sls file like:
bind: package-name: bind9 version: 9.9.5
And a services.sls file like:
bind: port: 53 listen-on: any
The resulting pillar will be as follows:
$ salt-call pillar.get bind local: ---------- listen-on: any package-name: bind9 port: 53 version: 9.9.5
NOTE: Remember: conflicting keys will be overwritten in a non-deterministic manner!
Including Other Pillars
New in version 0.16.0.
Pillar SLS files may include other pillar files, similar to State files. Two syntaxes are available for this purpose. The simple form simply includes the additional pillar as if it were part of the same file:
include: - users
The full include form allows two additional options -- passing default values to the templating engine for the included pillar file as well as an optional key under which to nest the results of the included pillar:
include: - users: defaults: sudo: ['bob', 'paul'] key: users
With this form, the included file (users.sls) will be nested within the 'users' key of the compiled pillar. Additionally, the 'sudo' value will be available as a template variable to users.sls.
Viewing Minion Pillar
Once the pillar is set up the data can be viewed on the minion via the pillar module, the pillar module comes with functions, pillar.items and pillar.raw. pillar.items will return a freshly reloaded pillar and pillar.raw will return the current pillar without a refresh:
salt '*' pillar.items
NOTE: Prior to version 0.16.2, this function is named This function name is still supported for backwards compatibility.
Pillar get Function
New in version 0.14.0.
The pillar.get function works much in the same way as the get method in a python dict, but with an enhancement: nested dict components can be extracted using a : delimiter.
If a structure like this is in pillar:
foo: bar: baz: qux
Extracting it from the raw pillar in an sls formula or file template is done this way:
{{ pillar['foo']['bar']['baz'] }}
Now, with the new pillar.get function the data can be safely gathered and a default can be set, allowing the template to fall back if the value is not available:
{{ salt['pillar.get']('foo:bar:baz', 'qux') }}
This makes handling nested structures much easier.
NOTE: pillar.get() vs salt['pillar.get']()
It should be noted that within templating, the pillar variable is just a dictionary. This means that calling pillar.get() inside of a template will just use the default dictionary .get() function which does not include the extra : delimiter functionality. It must be called using the above syntax (salt['pillar.get']('foo:bar:baz', 'qux')) to get the salt function, instead of the default dictionary behavior.
Refreshing Pillar Data
When pillar data is changed on the master the minions need to refresh the data locally. This is done with the saltutil.refresh_pillar function.
salt '*' saltutil.refresh_pillar
This function triggers the minion to asynchronously refresh the pillar and will always return None.
Set Pillar Data at the Command Line
Pillar data can be set at the command line like the following example:
salt '*' state.highstate pillar='{"cheese": "spam"}'
This will create a dict with a key of 'cheese' and a value of 'spam'. A list can be created like this:
salt '*' state.highstate pillar='["cheese", "milk", "bread"]'
Master Config In Pillar
For convenience the data stored in the master configuration file can be made available in all minion's pillars. This makes global configuration of services and systems very easy but may not be desired if sensitive data is stored in the master configuration. This option is disabled by default.
To enable the master config from being added to the pillar set pillar_opts to True:
pillar_opts: True
Master Provided Pillar Error
By default if there is an error rendering a pillar, the detailed error is hidden and replaced with:
Rendering SLS 'my.sls' failed. Please see master log for details.
The error is protected because it's possible to contain templating data which would give that minion information it shouldn't know, like a password!
To have the master provide the detailed error that could potentially carry protected data set pillar_safe_render_error to False:
pillar_safe_render_error: True
Salt version 0.11.0 introduced the reactor system. The premise behind the reactor system is that with Salt's events and the ability to execute commands, a logic engine could be put in place to allow events to trigger actions, or more accurately, reactions.
This system binds sls files to event tags on the master. These sls files then define reactions. This means that the reactor system has two parts. First, the reactor option needs to be set in the master configuration file. The reactor option allows for event tags to be associated with sls reaction files. Second, these reaction files use highdata (like the state system) to define reactions to be executed.
Event System
A basic understanding of the event system is required to understand reactors. The event system is a local ZeroMQ PUB interface which fires salt events. This event bus is an open system used for sending information notifying Salt and other systems about operations.
The event system fires events with a very specific criteria. Every event has a tag. Event tags allow for fast top level filtering of events. In addition to the tag, each event has a data structure. This data structure is a dict, which contains information about the event.
Mapping Events to Reactor SLS Files
Reactor SLS files and event tags are associated in the master config file. By default this is /etc/salt/master, or /etc/salt/master.d/reactor.conf.
New in version 2014.7.0: Added Reactor support for salt:// file paths.
In the master config section 'reactor:' is a list of event tags to be matched and each event tag has a list of reactor SLS files to be run.
reactor: # Master config section "reactor" - 'salt/minion/*/start': # Match tag "salt/minion/*/start" - /srv/reactor/start.sls # Things to do when a minion starts - /srv/reactor/monitor.sls # Other things to do - 'salt/cloud/*/destroyed': # Globs can be used to matching tags - /srv/reactor/destroy/*.sls # Globs can be used to match file names - 'myco/custom/event/tag': # React to custom event tags - salt://reactor/mycustom.sls # Put reactor files under file_roots
Reactor sls files are similar to state and pillar sls files. They are by default yaml + Jinja templates and are passed familiar context variables.
They differ because of the addition of the tag and data variables.
- •
- The tag variable is just the tag in the fired event.
- •
The data variable is the event's data dict.
Here is a simple reactor sls:
{% if data['id'] == 'mysql1' %} highstate_run: local.state.highstate: - tgt: mysql1 {% endif %}
This simple reactor file uses Jinja to further refine the reaction to be made. If the id in the event data is mysql1 (in other words, if the name of the minion is mysql1) then the following reaction is defined. The same data structure and compiler used for the state system is used for the reactor system. The only difference is that the data is matched up to the salt command API and the runner system. In this example, a command is published to the mysql1 minion with a function of state.highstate. Similarly, a runner can be called:
{% if data['data']['overstate'] == 'refresh' %} overstate_run: runner.state.over {% endif %}
This example will execute the state.overstate runner and initiate an overstate execution.
Fire an event
To fire an event from a minion call event.send
salt-call event.send 'foo' '{overstate: refresh}'
After this is called, any reactor sls files matching event tag foo will execute with {{ data['data']['overstate'] }} equal to 'refresh'.
See salt.modules.event for more information.
Knowing what event is being fired
The best way to see exactly what events are fired and what data is available in each event is to use the state.event runner.
SEE ALSO: Common Salt Events
Example usage:
salt-run state.event pretty=True
Example output:
salt/job/20150213001905721678/new { "_stamp": "2015-02-13T00:19:05.724583", "arg": [], "fun": "", "jid": "20150213001905721678", "minions": [ "jerry" ], "tgt": "*", "tgt_type": "glob", "user": "root" } salt/job/20150213001910749506/ret/jerry { "_stamp": "2015-02-13T00:19:11.136730", "cmd": "_return", "fun": "saltutil.find_job", "fun_args": [ "20150213001905721678" ], "id": "jerry", "jid": "20150213001910749506", "retcode": 0, "return": {}, "success": true }
Debugging the Reactor
The best window into the Reactor is to run the master in the foreground with debug logging enabled. The output will include when the master sees the event, what the master does in response to that event, and it will also include the rendered SLS file (or any errors generated while rendering the SLS file).
- 1.
- Stop the master.
- 2.
Start the master manually:
salt-master -l debug
- 3.
Look for log entries in the form:
[DEBUG ] Gathering reactors for tag foo/bar [DEBUG ] Compiling reactions for tag foo/bar [DEBUG ] Rendered data from file: /path/to/the/reactor_file.sls: <... Rendered output appears here. ...>
The rendered output is the result of the Jinja parsing and is a good way to view the result of referencing Jinja variables. If the result is empty then Jinja produced an empty result and the Reactor will ignore it.
Understanding the Structure of Reactor Formulas
I.e., when to use `arg` and `kwarg` and when to specify the function arguments directly.
While the reactor system uses the same basic data structure as the state system, the functions that will be called using that data structure are different functions than are called via Salt's state system. The Reactor can call Runner modules using the runner prefix, Wheel modules using the wheel prefix, and can also cause minions to run Execution modules using the local prefix.
Changed in version 2014.7.0: The cmd prefix was renamed to local for consistency with other parts of Salt. A backward-compatible alias was added for cmd.
The Reactor runs on the master and calls functions that exist on the master. In the case of Runner and Wheel functions the Reactor can just call those functions directly since they exist on the master and are run on the master.
In the case of functions that exist on minions and are run on minions, the Reactor still needs to call a function on the master in order to send the necessary data to the minion so the minion can execute that function.
The Reactor calls functions exposed in Salt's Python API documentation. and thus the structure of Reactor files very transparently reflects the function signatures of those functions.
Calling Execution modules on Minions
The Reactor sends commands down to minions in the exact same way Salt's CLI interface does. It calls a function locally on the master that sends the name of the function as well as a list of any arguments and a dictionary of any keyword arguments that the minion should use to execute that function.
Specifically, the Reactor calls the async version of this function. You can see that function has 'arg' and 'kwarg' parameters which are both values that are sent down to the minion.
Executing remote commands maps to the LocalClient interface which is used by the salt command. This interface more specifically maps to the cmd_async method inside of the LocalClient class. This means that the arguments passed are being passed to the cmd_async method, not the remote method. A field starts with local to use the LocalClient subsystem. The result is, to execute a remote command, a reactor formula would look like this:
clean_tmp: - tgt: '*' - arg: - rm -rf /tmp/*
The arg option takes a list of arguments as they would be presented on the command line, so the above declaration is the same as running this salt command:
salt '*' 'rm -rf /tmp/*'
Use the expr_form argument to specify a matcher:
clean_tmp: - tgt: 'os:Ubuntu' - expr_form: grain - arg: - rm -rf /tmp/* clean_tmp: - tgt: 'G@roles:hbase_master' - expr_form: compound - arg: - rm -rf /tmp/*
Any other parameters in the LocalClient().cmd() method can be specified as well.
Calling Runner modules and Wheel modules
Calling Runner modules and Wheel modules from the Reactor uses a more direct syntax since the function is being executed locally instead of sending a command to a remote system to be executed there. There are no 'arg' or 'kwarg' parameters (unless the Runner function or Wheel function accepts a parameter with either of those names.)
For example:
clear_the_grains_cache_for_all_minions: runner.cache.clear_grains
If the runner takes arguments then they can be specified as well:
spin_up_more_web_machines: - prof: centos_6 - instances: - web11 # These VM names would be generated via Jinja in a - web12 # real-world example.
Passing event data to Minions or Orchestrate as Pillar
An interesting trick to pass data from the Reactor script to state.highstate or state.sls is to pass it as inline Pillar data since both functions take a keyword argument named pillar.
The following example uses Salt's Reactor to listen for the event that is fired when the key for a new minion is accepted on the master using salt-key.
reactor: - 'salt/key': - /srv/salt/haproxy/react_new_minion.sls
The Reactor then fires a state.sls command targeted to the HAProxy servers and passes the ID of the new minion from the event to the state file via inline Pillar.
{% if data['act'] == 'accept' and data['id'].startswith('web') %} add_new_minion_to_pool: local.state.sls: - tgt: 'haproxy*' - arg: - haproxy.refresh_pool - kwarg: pillar: new_minion: {{ data['id'] }} {% endif %}
The above command is equivalent to the following command at the CLI:
salt 'haproxy*' state.sls haproxy.refresh_pool 'pillar={new_minion: minionid}'
This works with Orchestrate files as well:
call_some_orchestrate_file: runner.state.orchestrate: - mods: some_orchestrate_file - pillar: stuff: things
Which is equivalent to the following command at the CLI:
salt-run state.orchestrate some_orchestrate_file pillar='{stuff: things}'
Finally, that data is available in the state file using the normal Pillar lookup syntax. The following example is grabbing web server names and IP addresses from Salt Mine. If this state is invoked from the Reactor then the custom Pillar value from above will be available and the new minion will be added to the pool but with the disabled flag so that HAProxy won't yet direct traffic to it.
{% set new_minion = salt['pillar.get']('new_minion') %} listen web *:80 balance source {% for server,ip in salt['mine.get']('web*', 'network.interfaces', ['eth0']).items() %} {% if server == new_minion %} server {{ server }} {{ ip }}:80 disabled {% else %} server {{ server }} {{ ip }}:80 check {% endif %} {% endfor %}
A Complete Example
In this example, we're going to assume that we have a group of servers that will come online at random and need to have keys automatically accepted. We'll also add that we don't want all servers being automatically accepted. For this example, we'll assume that all hosts that have an id that starts with 'ink' will be automatically accepted and have state.highstate executed. On top of this, we're going to add that a host coming up that was replaced (meaning a new key) will also be accepted.
Our master configuration will be rather simple. All minions that attempte to authenticate will match the tag of salt/auth. When it comes to the minion key being accepted, we get a more refined tag that includes the minion id, which we can use for matching.
reactor: - 'salt/auth': - /srv/reactor/auth-pending.sls - 'salt/minion/ink*/start': - /srv/reactor/auth-complete.sls
In this sls file, we say that if the key was rejected we will delete the key on the master and then also tell the master to ssh in to the minion and tell it to restart the minion, since a minion process will die if the key is rejected.
We also say that if the key is pending and the id starts with ink we will accept the key. A minion that is waiting on a pending key will retry authentication every ten seconds by default.
{# Ink server faild to authenticate -- remove accepted key #} {% if not data['result'] and data['id'].startswith('ink') %} minion_remove: wheel.key.delete: - match: {{ data['id'] }} minion_rejoin: - tgt: salt-master.domain.tld - arg: - ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "{{ data['id'] }}" 'sleep 10 && /etc/init.d/salt-minion restart' {% endif %} {# Ink server is sending new key -- accept this key #} {% if 'act' in data and data['act'] == 'pend' and data['id'].startswith('ink') %} minion_add: wheel.key.accept: - match: {{ data['id'] }} {% endif %}
No if statements are needed here because we already limited this action to just Ink servers in the master configuration.
{# When an Ink server connects, run state.highstate. #} highstate_run: local.state.highstate: - tgt: {{ data['id'] }} - ret: smtp
The above will also return the highstate result data using the smtp_return returner (use virtualname like when using from the command line with --return). The returner needs to be configured on the minion for this to work. See salt.returners.smtp_return documentation for that.
Syncing Custom Types on Minion Start
Salt will sync all custom types (by running a saltutil.sync_all) on every highstate. However, there is a chicken-and-egg issue where, on the initial highstate, a minion will not yet have these custom types synced when the top file is first compiled. This can be worked around with a simple reactor which watches for minion_start events, which each minion fires when it first starts up and connects to the master.
On the master, create /srv/reactor/sync_grains.sls with the following contents:
sync_grains: local.saltutil.sync_grains: - tgt: {{ data['id'] }}
And in the master config file, add the following reactor configuration:
reactor: - 'minion_start': - /srv/reactor/sync_grains.sls
This will cause the master to instruct each minion to sync its custom grains when it starts, making these grains available when the initial highstate is executed.
Other types can be synced by replacing local.saltutil.sync_grains with local.saltutil.sync_modules, local.saltutil.sync_all, or whatever else suits the intended use case.
The Salt Mine is used to collect arbitrary data from Minions and store it on the Master. This data is then made available to all Minions via the salt.modules.mine module.
Mine data is gathered on the Minion and sent back to the Master where only the most recent data is maintained (if long term data is required use returners or the external job cache).
Mine vs Grains
Mine data is designed to be much more up-to-date than grain data. Grains are refreshed on a very limited basis and are largely static data. Mines are designed to replace slow peer publishing calls when Minions need data from other Minions. Rather than having a Minion reach out to all the other Minions for a piece of data, the Salt Mine, running on the Master, can collect it from all the Minions every mine-interval, resulting in almost fresh data at any given time, with much less overhead.
Mine Functions
To enable the Salt Mine the mine_functions option needs to be applied to a Minion. This option can be applied via the Minion's configuration file, or the Minion's Pillar. The mine_functions option dictates what functions are being executed and allows for arguments to be passed in. If no arguments are passed, an empty list must be added:
mine_functions: [] network.ip_addrs: interface: eth0 cidr: ''
Mine Functions Aliases
Function aliases can be used to provide usage intentions or to allow multiple calls of the same function with different arguments.
New in version 2014.7.0.
mine_functions: network.ip_addrs: [eth0] networkplus.internal_ip_addrs: [] internal_ip_addrs: mine_function: network.ip_addrs cidr: loopback_ip_addrs: mine_function: network.ip_addrs lo: True
Mine Interval
The Salt Mine functions are executed when the Minion starts and at a given interval by the scheduler. The default interval is every 60 minutes and can be adjusted for the Minion via the mine_interval option:
mine_interval: 60
Mine in Salt-SSH
As of the 2015.5.0 release of salt, salt-ssh supports mine.get.
Because the Minions cannot provide their own mine_functions configuration, we retrieve the args for specified mine functions in one of three places, searched in the following order:
- 1.
- Roster data
- 2.
- Pillar
- 3.
Master config
The mine_functions are formatted exactly the same as in normal salt, just stored in a different location. Here is an example of a flat roster containing mine_functions:
test: host: user: root mine_functions: ['echo "hello!"'] network.ip_addrs: interface: eth0
NOTE: Because of the differences in the architecture of salt-ssh, mine.get calls are somewhat inefficient. Salt must make a new salt-ssh call to each of the Minions in question to retrieve the requested data, much like a publish call. However, unlike publish, it must run the requested function as a wrapper function, so we can retrieve the function args from the pillar of the Minion in question. This results in a non-trivial delay in retrieving the requested data.
One way to use data from Salt Mine is in a State. The values can be retrieved via Jinja and used in the SLS file. The following example is a partial HAProxy configuration file and pulls IP addresses from all Minions with the "web" grain to add them to the pool of load balanced servers.
base: 'G@roles:web': - web
mine_functions: network.ip_addrs: [eth0]
mine_interval: 5
haproxy_config: file.managed: - name: /etc/haproxy/config - source: salt://haproxy_config - template: jinja
<...file contents snipped...> {% for server, addrs in salt['mine.get']('roles:web', 'network.ip_addrs', expr_form='pillar').items() %} server {{ server }} {{ addrs[0] }}:80 check {% endfor %} <...file contents snipped...>
Salt's External Authentication System (eAuth) allows for Salt to pass through command authorization to any external authentication system, such as PAM or LDAP.
Access Control System
The external authentication system allows for specific users to be granted access to execute specific functions on specific minions. Access is configured in the master configuration file and uses the access control system:
external_auth: pam: thatch: - 'web*': - test.* - network.* steve: - .*
The above configuration allows the user thatch to execute functions in the test and network modules on the minions that match the web* target. User steve is given unrestricted access to minion commands.
Salt respects the current PAM configuration in place, and uses the 'login' service to authenticate.
NOTE: The PAM module does not allow authenticating as root.
To allow access to wheel modules or runner modules the following @ syntax must be used:
external_auth: pam: thatch: - '@wheel' # to allow access to all wheel modules - '@runner' # to allow access to all runner modules - '@jobs' # to allow access to the jobs runner and/or wheel module
NOTE: The runner/wheel markup is different, since there are no minions to scope the acl to.
NOTE: Globs will not match wheel or runners! They must be explicitly allowed with @wheel or @runner.
The external authentication system can then be used from the command-line by any user on the same system as the master with the -a option:
$ salt -a pam web\*
The system will ask the user for the credentials required by the authentication system and then publish the command.
To apply permissions to a group of users in an external authentication system, append a % to the ID:
external_auth: pam: admins%: - '*': - 'pkg.*'
WARNING: All users that have external authentication privileges are allowed to run saltutil.findjob. Be aware that this could inadvertently expose some data such as minion IDs.
With external authentication alone, the authentication credentials will be required with every call to Salt. This can be alleviated with Salt tokens.
Tokens are short term authorizations and can be easily created by just adding a -T option when authenticating:
$ salt -T -a pam web\*
Now a token will be created that has a expiration of 12 hours (by default). This token is stored in a file named .salt_token in the active user's home directory.
Once the token is created, it is sent with all subsequent communications. User authentication does not need to be entered again until the token expires.
Token expiration time can be set in the Salt master config file.
LDAP and Active Directory
Salt supports both user and group authentication for LDAP (and Active Directory accessed via its LDAP interface)
OpenLDAP and similar systems
LDAP configuration happens in the Salt master configuration file.
Server configuration values and their defaults:
# Server to auth against auth.ldap.server: localhost # Port to connect via auth.ldap.port: 389 # Use TLS when connecting auth.ldap.tls: False # LDAP scope level, almost always 2 auth.ldap.scope: 2 # Server specified in URI format auth.ldap.uri: '' # Overrides .ldap.server, .ldap.port, .ldap.tls above # Verify server's TLS certificate auth.ldap.no_verify: False # Bind to LDAP anonymously to determine group membership # Active Directory does not allow anonymous binds without special configuration auth.ldap.anonymous: False # FOR TESTING ONLY, this is a VERY insecure setting. # If this is True, the LDAP bind password will be ignored and # access will be determined by group membership alone with # the group memberships being retrieved via anonymous bind auth.ldap.auth_by_group_membership_only: False # Require authenticating user to be part of this Organizational Unit # This can be blank if your LDAP schema does not use this kind of OU auth.ldap.groupou: 'Groups' # Object Class for groups. An LDAP search will be done to find all groups of this # class to which the authenticating user belongs. auth.ldap.groupclass: 'posixGroup' # Unique ID attribute name for the user auth.ldap.accountattributename: 'memberUid' # These are only for Active Directory auth.ldap.activedirectory: False auth.ldap.persontype: 'person'
There are two phases to LDAP authentication. First, Salt authenticates to search for a users's Distinguished Name and group membership. The user it authenticates as in this phase is often a special LDAP system user with read-only access to the LDAP directory. After Salt searches the directory to determine the actual user's DN and groups, it re-authenticates as the user running the Salt commands.
If you are already aware of the structure of your DNs and permissions in your LDAP store are set such that users can look up their own group memberships, then the first and second users can be the same. To tell Salt this is the case, omit the auth.ldap.bindpw parameter. You can template the binddn like this:
auth.ldap.basedn: dc=saltstack,dc=com auth.ldap.binddn: uid={{ username }},cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=saltstack,dc=com
Salt will use the password entered on the salt command line in place of the bindpw.
To use two separate users, specify the LDAP lookup user in the binddn directive, and include a bindpw like so
auth.ldap.binddn: uid=ldaplookup,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,dc=saltstack,dc=com auth.ldap.bindpw: mypassword
As mentioned before, Salt uses a filter to find the DN associated with a user. Salt substitutes the {{ username }} value for the username when querying LDAP
auth.ldap.filter: uid={{ username }}
For OpenLDAP, to determine group membership, one can specify an OU that contains group data. This is prepended to the basedn to create a search path. Then the results are filtered against auth.ldap.groupclass, default posixGroup, and the account's 'name' attribute, memberUid by default.
auth.ldap.groupou: Groups
Active Directory
Active Directory handles group membership differently, and does not utilize the groupou configuration variable. AD needs the following options in the master config:
auth.ldap.activedirectory: True auth.ldap.filter: sAMAccountName={{username}} auth.ldap.accountattributename: sAMAccountName auth.ldap.groupclass: group auth.ldap.persontype: person
To determine group membership in AD, the username and password that is entered when LDAP is requested as the eAuth mechanism on the command line is used to bind to AD's LDAP interface. If this fails, then it doesn't matter what groups the user belongs to, he or she is denied access. Next, the distinguishedName of the user is looked up with the following LDAP search:
(&(<value of auth.ldap.accountattributename>={{username}}) (objectClass=<value of auth.ldap.persontype>) )
This should return a distinguishedName that we can use to filter for group membership. Then the following LDAP query is executed:
(&(member=<distinguishedName from search above>) (objectClass=<value of auth.ldap.groupclass>) )
external_auth: ldap: test_ldap_user: - '*': -
To configure an LDAP group, append a % to the ID:
external_auth: ldap: test_ldap_group%: - '*': - test.echo
New in version 0.10.4.
Salt maintains a standard system used to open granular control to non administrative users to execute Salt commands. The access control system has been applied to all systems used to configure access to non administrative control interfaces in Salt.These interfaces include, the peer system, the external auth system and the client acl system.
The access control system mandated a standard configuration syntax used in all of the three aforementioned systems. While this adds functionality to the configuration in 0.10.4, it does not negate the old configuration.
Now specific functions can be opened up to specific minions from specific users in the case of external auth and client ACLs, and for specific minions in the case of the peer system.
The access controls are manifested using matchers in these configurations:
client_acl: fred: - web\*: - pkg.list_pkgs - test.* - apache.*
In the above example, fred is able to send commands only to minions which match the specified glob target. This can be expanded to include other functions for other minions based on standard targets.
external_auth: pam: dave: - - mongo\*: - network.* - log\*: - network.* - pkg.* - 'G@os:RedHat': - kmod.* steve: - .*
The above allows for all minions to be hit by by dave, and adds a few functions that dave can execute on other minions. It also allows steve unrestricted access to salt commands.
New in version 0.9.7.
Since Salt executes jobs running on many systems, Salt needs to be able to manage jobs running on many systems.
The Minion proc System
Salt Minions maintain a proc directory in the Salt cachedir. The proc directory maintains files named after the executed job ID. These files contain the information about the current running jobs on the minion and allow for jobs to be looked up. This is located in the proc directory under the cachedir, with a default configuration it is under /var/cache/salt/proc.
Functions in the saltutil Module
Salt 0.9.7 introduced a few new functions to the saltutil module for managing jobs. These functions are:
- 1.
- running Returns the data of all running jobs that are found in the proc directory.
- 2.
- find_job Returns specific data about a certain job based on job id.
- 3.
- signal_job Allows for a given jid to be sent a signal.
- 4.
- term_job Sends a termination signal (SIGTERM, 15) to the process controlling the specified job.
- 5.
Sends a kill signal (SIGKILL, 9) to the process controlling the
specified job.
These functions make up the core of the back end used to manage jobs at the minion level.
The jobs Runner
A convenience runner front end and reporting system has been added as well. The jobs runner contains functions to make viewing data easier and cleaner.
The jobs runner contains a number of functions...
The active function runs saltutil.running on all minions and formats the return data about all running jobs in a much more usable and compact format. The active function will also compare jobs that have returned and jobs that are still running, making it easier to see what systems have completed a job and what systems are still being waited on.
# salt-run
When jobs are executed the return data is sent back to the master and cached. By default it is cached for 24 hours, but this can be configured via the keep_jobs option in the master configuration. Using the lookup_jid runner will display the same return data that the initial job invocation with the salt command would display.
# salt-run jobs.lookup_jid <job id number>
Before finding a historic job, it may be required to find the job id. list_jobs will parse the cached execution data and display all of the job data for jobs that have already, or partially returned.
# salt-run jobs.list_jobs
Scheduling Jobs
In Salt versions greater than 0.12.0, the scheduling system allows incremental executions on minions or the master. The schedule system exposes the execution of any execution function on minions or any runner on the master.
Scheduling is enabled via the schedule option on either the master or minion config files, or via a minion's pillar data. Schedules that are impletemented via pillar data, only need to refresh the minion's pillar data, for example by using saltutil.refresh_pillar. Schedules implemented in the master or minion config have to restart the application in order for the schedule to be implemented.
NOTE: The scheduler executes different functions on the master and minions. When running on the master the functions reference runner functions, when running on the minion the functions specify execution functions.
A scheduled run has no output on the minion unless the config is set to info level or higher. Refer to minion logging settings.
Specify maxrunning to ensure that there are no more than N copies of a particular routine running. Use this for jobs that may be long-running and could step on each other or otherwise double execute. The default for maxrunning is 1.
States are executed on the minion, as all states are. You can pass positional arguments and provide a yaml dict of named arguments.
schedule: job1: function: state.sls seconds: 3600 args: - httpd kwargs: test: True
This will schedule the command: state.sls httpd test=True every 3600 seconds (every hour)
schedule: job1: function: state.sls seconds: 3600 args: - httpd kwargs: test: True splay: 15
This will schedule the command: state.sls httpd test=True every 3600 seconds (every hour) splaying the time between 0 and 15 seconds
schedule: job1: function: state.sls seconds: 3600 args: - httpd kwargs: test: True splay: start: 10 end: 15
This will schedule the command: state.sls httpd test=True every 3600 seconds (every hour) splaying the time between 10 and 15 seconds
New in version 2014.7.0.
Frequency of jobs can also be specified using date strings supported by the python dateutil library. This requires python-dateutil to be installed on the minion.
schedule: job1: function: state.sls args: - httpd kwargs: test: True when: 5:00pm
This will schedule the command: state.sls httpd test=True at 5:00pm minion localtime.
schedule: job1: function: state.sls args: - httpd kwargs: test: True when: - Monday 5:00pm - Tuesday 3:00pm - Wednesday 5:00pm - Thursday 3:00pm - Friday 5:00pm
This will schedule the command: state.sls httpd test=True at 5pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and 3pm on Tuesday and Thursday.
schedule: job1: function: state.sls seconds: 3600 args: - httpd kwargs: test: True range: start: 8:00am end: 5:00pm
This will schedule the command: state.sls httpd test=True every 3600 seconds (every hour) between the hours of 8am and 5pm. The range parameter must be a dictionary with the date strings using the dateutil format. This requires python-dateutil to be installed on the minion.
New in version 2014.7.0.
The scheduler also supports ensuring that there are no more than N copies of a particular routine running. Use this for jobs that may be long-running and could step on each other or pile up in case of infrastructure outage.
The default for maxrunning is 1.
schedule: long_running_job: function: big_file_transfer jid_include: True
schedule: log-loadavg: function: seconds: 3660 args: - 'logger -t salt < /proc/loadavg' kwargs: stateful: False shell: \bin\sh
To set up a highstate to run on a minion every 60 minutes set this in the minion config or pillar:
schedule: highstate: function: state.highstate minutes: 60
Time intervals can be specified as seconds, minutes, hours, or days.
Runner executions can also be specified on the master within the master configuration file:
schedule: run_my_orch: function: state.orchestrate hours: 6 splay: 600 args: - orchestration.my_orch
The above configuration is analogous to running salt-run state.orch orchestration.my_orch every 6 hours.
Scheduler With Returner
The scheduler is also useful for tasks like gathering monitoring data about a minion, this schedule option will gather status data and send it to a MySQL returner database:
schedule: uptime: function: status.uptime seconds: 60 returner: mysql meminfo: function: status.meminfo minutes: 5 returner: mysql
Since specifying the returner repeatedly can be tiresome, the schedule_returner option is available to specify one or a list of global returners to be used by the minions when scheduling. In Salt versions greater than 0.12.0, the scheduling system allows incremental executions on minions or the master. The schedule system exposes the execution of any execution function on minions or any runner on the master.
Scheduling is enabled via the schedule option on either the master or minion config files, or via a minion's pillar data. Schedules that are impletemented via pillar data, only need to refresh the minion's pillar data, for example by using saltutil.refresh_pillar. Schedules implemented in the master or minion config have to restart the application in order for the schedule to be implemented.
NOTE: The scheduler executes different functions on the master and minions. When running on the master the functions reference runner functions, when running on the minion the functions specify execution functions.
A scheduled run has no output on the minion unless the config is set to info level or higher. Refer to minion logging settings.
Specify maxrunning to ensure that there are no more than N copies of a particular routine running. Use this for jobs that may be long-running and could step on each other or otherwise double execute. The default for maxrunning is 1.
States are executed on the minion, as all states are. You can pass positional arguments and provide a yaml dict of named arguments.
schedule: job1: function: state.sls seconds: 3600 args: - httpd kwargs: test: True
This will schedule the command: state.sls httpd test=True every 3600 seconds (every hour)
schedule: job1: function: state.sls seconds: 3600 args: - httpd kwargs: test: True splay: 15
This will schedule the command: state.sls httpd test=True every 3600 seconds (every hour) splaying the time between 0 and 15 seconds
schedule: job1: function: state.sls seconds: 3600 args: - httpd kwargs: test: True splay: start: 10 end: 15
This will schedule the command: state.sls httpd test=True every 3600 seconds (every hour) splaying the time between 10 and 15 seconds
New in version 2014.7.0.
Frequency of jobs can also be specified using date strings supported by the python dateutil library. This requires python-dateutil to be installed on the minion.
schedule: job1: function: state.sls args: - httpd kwargs: test: True when: 5:00pm
This will schedule the command: state.sls httpd test=True at 5:00pm minion localtime.
schedule: job1: function: state.sls args: - httpd kwargs: test: True when: - Monday 5:00pm - Tuesday 3:00pm - Wednesday 5:00pm - Thursday 3:00pm - Friday 5:00pm
This will schedule the command: state.sls httpd test=True at 5pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and 3pm on Tuesday and Thursday.
schedule: job1: function: state.sls seconds: 3600 args: - httpd kwargs: test: True range: start: 8:00am end: 5:00pm
This will schedule the command: state.sls httpd test=True every 3600 seconds (every hour) between the hours of 8am and 5pm. The range parameter must be a dictionary with the date strings using the dateutil format. This requires python-dateutil to be installed on the minion.
New in version 2014.7.0.
The scheduler also supports ensuring that there are no more than N copies of a particular routine running. Use this for jobs that may be long-running and could step on each other or pile up in case of infrastructure outage.
The default for maxrunning is 1.
schedule: long_running_job: function: big_file_transfer jid_include: True
schedule: log-loadavg: function: seconds: 3660 args: - 'logger -t salt < /proc/loadavg' kwargs: stateful: False shell: \bin\sh
To set up a highstate to run on a minion every 60 minutes set this in the minion config or pillar:
schedule: highstate: function: state.highstate minutes: 60
Time intervals can be specified as seconds, minutes, hours, or days.
Runner executions can also be specified on the master within the master configuration file:
schedule: run_my_orch: function: state.orchestrate hours: 6 splay: 600 args: - orchestration.my_orch
The above configuration is analogous to running salt-run state.orch orchestration.my_orch every 6 hours.
Scheduler With Returner
The scheduler is also useful for tasks like gathering monitoring data about a minion, this schedule option will gather status data and send it to a MySQL returner database:
schedule: uptime: function: status.uptime seconds: 60 returner: mysql meminfo: function: status.meminfo minutes: 5 returner: mysql
Since specifying the returner repeatedly can be tiresome, the schedule_returner option is available to specify one or a list of global returners to be used by the minions when scheduling.
The Salt Master maintains a job cache of all job executions which can be queried via the jobs runner. This job cache is called the Default Job Cache.
Default Job Cache
A number of options are available when configuring the job cache. The default caching system uses local storage on the Salt Master and can be found in the job cache directory (on Linux systems this is typically /var/cache/salt/master/jobs). The default caching system is suitable for most deployments as it does not typically require any further configuration or management.
The default job cache is a temporary cache and jobs will be stored for 24 hours. If the default cache needs to store jobs for a different period the time can be easily adjusted by changing the keep_jobs parameter in the Salt Master configuration file. The value passed in is measured via hours:
keep_jobs: 24
Additional Job Cache Options
Many deployments may wish to use an external database to maintain a long term register of executed jobs. Salt comes with two main mechanisms to do this, the master job cache and the external job cache.
See Storing Job Results in an External System.
After a job executes, job results are returned to the Salt Master by each Salt Minion. These results are stored in the Default Job Cache.
In addition to the Default Job Cache, Salt provides two additional mechanisms to send job results to other systems (databases, local syslog, and others):
- •
- External Job Cache
- •
Master Job Cache
The major difference between these two mechanism is from where results are returned (from the Salt Master or Salt Minion).
External Job Cache - Minion-Side Returner
When an External Job Cache is configured, data is returned to the Default Job Cache on the Salt Master like usual, and then results are also sent to an External Job Cache using a Salt returner module running on the Salt Minion. [image]
- •
- Advantages: Data is stored without placing additional load on the Salt Master.
- •
- Disadvantages: Each Salt Minion connects to the external job cache, which can result in a large number of connections. Also requires additional configuration to get returner module settings on all Salt Minions.
Master Job Cache - Master-Side Returner
New in version 2014.7.0.
Instead of configuring an External Job Cache on each Salt Minion, you can configure the Master Job Cache to send job results from the Salt Master instead. In this configuration, Salt Minions send data to the Default Job Cache as usual, and then the Salt Master sends the data to the external system using a Salt returner module running on the Salt Master. [image]
- •
- Advantages: A single connection is required to the external system. This is preferred for databases and similar systems.
- •
- Disadvantages: Places additional load on your Salt Master.
Configure an External or Master Job Cache
Step 1: Understand Salt Returners
Before you configure a job cache, it is essential to understand Salt returner modules ("returners"). Returners are pluggable Salt Modules that take the data returned by jobs, and then perform any necessary steps to send the data to an external system. For example, a returner might establish a connection, authenticate, and then format and transfer data.
The Salt Returner system provides the core functionality used by the External and Master Job Cache systems, and the same returners are used by both systems.
Salt currently provides many different returners that let you connect to a wide variety of systems. A complete list is available at all Salt returners. Each returner is configured differently, so make sure you read and follow the instructions linked from that page.
For example, the MySQL returner requires:
- •
- A database created using provided schema (structure is available at MySQL returner)
- •
- A user created with with privileges to the database
- •
Optional SSL configuration
A simpler returner, such as Slack or HipChat, requires:
- •
- An API key/version
- •
- The target channel/room
- •
- The username that should be used to send the message
Step 2: Configure the Returner
After you understand the configuration and have the external system ready, add the returner configuration settings to the Salt Minion configuration file for the External Job Cache, or to the Salt Master configuration file for the Master Job Cache.
For example, MySQL requires: 'salt' mysql.user: 'salt' mysql.pass: 'salt' mysql.db: 'salt' mysql.port: 3306
Slack requires: 'channel' slack.api_key: 'key' slack.from_name: 'name'
After you have configured the returner and added settings to the configuration file, you can enable the External or Master Job Cache.
Step 3: Enable the External or Master Job Cache
Configuration is a single line that specifies an already-configured returner to use to send all job data to an external system.
External Job Cache
To enable a returner as the External Job Cache (Minion-side), add the following line to the Salt Master configuration file:
ext_job_cache: <returner>
For example:
ext_job_cache: mysql
NOTE: When configuring an External Job Cache (Minion-side), the returner settings are added to the Minion configuration file, but the External Job Cache setting is configured in the Master configuration file.
Master Job Cache
To enable a returner as a Master Job Cache (Master-side), add the following line to the Salt Master configuration file:
master_job_cache: <returner>
For example:
master_job_cache: mysql
Verify that the returner configuration settings are in the Master configuration file, and be sure to restart the salt-master service after you make configuration changes. (service salt-master restart).
The SDB interface is designed to store and retrieve data that, unlike pillars and grains, is not necessarily minion-specific. The initial design goal was to allow passwords to be stored in a secure database, such as one managed by the keyring package, rather than as plain-text files. However, as a generic database interface, it could conceptually be used for a number of other purposes.
SDB was added to Salt in version 2014.7.0. SDB is currently experimental, and should probably not be used in production.
SDB Configuration
In order to use the SDB interface, a configuration profile must be set up in either the master or minion configuration file. The configuration stanza includes the name/ID that the profile will be referred to as, a driver setting, and any other arguments that are necessary for the SDB module that will be used. For instance, a profile called mykeyring, which uses the system service in the keyring module would look like:
mykeyring: driver: keyring service: system
It is recommended to keep the name of the profile simple, as it is used in the SDB URI as well.
SDB is designed to make small database queries (hence the name, SDB) using a compact URL. This allows users to reference a database value quickly inside a number of Salt configuration areas, without a lot of overhead. The basic format of an SDB URI is:
The profile refers to the configuration profile defined in either the master or the minion configuration file. The args are specific to the module referred to in the profile, but will typically only need to refer to the key of a key/value pair inside the database. This is because the profile itself should define as many other parameters as possible.
For example, a profile might be set up to reference credentials for a specific OpenStack account. The profile might look like:
kevinopenstack: driver: keyring service:
And the URI used to reference the password might look like:
Writing SDB Modules
There is currently one function that MUST exist in any SDB module (get()) and one that MAY exist (set_()). If using a (set_()) function, a __func_alias__ dictionary MUST be declared in the module as well:
__func_alias__ = { 'set_': 'set', }
This is because set is a Python built-in, and therefore functions should not be created which are called set(). The __func_alias__ functionality is provided via Salt's loader interfaces, and allows legally-named functions to be referred to using names that would otherwise be unwise to use.
The get() function is required, as it will be called via functions in other areas of the code which make use of the sdb:// URI. For example, the config.get function in the config execution module uses this function.
The set_() function may be provided, but is not required, as some sources may be read-only, or may be otherwise unwise to access via a URI (for instance, because of SQL injection attacks).
A simple example of an SDB module is salt/sdb/, as it provides basic examples of most, if not all, of the types of functionality that are available not only for SDB modules, but for Salt modules in general.
The Salt Event System is used to fire off events enabling third party applications or external processes to react to behavior within Salt.
The event system is comprised of a two primary components:
- •
- The event sockets which publishes events.
- •
- The event library which can listen to events and send events into the salt system.
Event types
Salt Master Events
These events are fired on the Salt Master event bus. This list is not comprehensive.
Authentication events
- salt/auth
- Fired when a minion performs an authentication check with the master.
- Variables
- •
- id -- The minion ID.
- •
- act -- The current status of the minion key: accept, pend, reject.
- •
pub -- The minion public key.
NOTE: Minions fire auth events on fairly regular basis for a number of reasons. Writing reactors to respond to events through the auth cycle can lead to infinite reactor event loops (minion tries to auth, reactor responds by doing something that generates another auth event, minion sends auth event, etc.). Consider reacting to salt/key or salt/minion/<MID>/start or firing a custom event tag instead.
Start events
- salt/minion/<MID>/start
- Fired every time a minion connects to the Salt master.
- Variables
- id -- The minion ID.
Key events
- salt/key
- Fired when accepting and rejecting minions keys on the Salt master.
- Variables
- •
- id -- The minion ID.
- •
act -- The new status of the minion key: accept, pend,
WARNING: If a master is in auto_accept mode, salt/key events will not be fired when the keys are accepted. In addition, pre-seeding keys (like happens through Salt-Cloud) will not cause firing of these events.
Job events
- salt/job/<JID>/new
- Fired as a new job is sent out to minions.
- Variables
- •
- jid -- The job ID.
- •
- tgt -- The target of the job: *, a minion ID, G@os_family:RedHat, etc.
- •
- tgt_type -- The type of targeting used: glob, grain, compound, etc.
- •
- fun -- The function to run on minions:, network.interfaces, etc.
- •
- arg -- A list of arguments to pass to the function that will be called.
- •
- minions -- A list of minion IDs that Salt expects will return data for this job.
- •
- user -- The name of the user that ran the command as defined in Salt's Client ACL or external auth.
- salt/job/<JID>/ret/<MID>
- Fired each time a minion returns data for a job.
- Variables
- •
- id -- The minion ID.
- •
- jid -- The job ID.
- •
- retcode -- The return code for the job.
- •
- fun -- The function the minion ran. E.g.,
- •
- return -- The data returned from the execution module.
- salt/job/<JID>/prog/<MID>/<RUN NUM>
- Fired each time a each function in a state run completes execution. Must be enabled using the state_events option.
- Variables
- •
- data -- The data returned from the state module function.
- •
- id -- The minion ID.
- •
- jid -- The job ID.
Presence events
- salt/presence/present
- Events fired on a regular interval about currently connected, newly connected, or recently disconnected minions. Requires the presence_events setting to be enabled.
- Variables
- present -- A list of minions that are currently connected to the Salt master.
- salt/presence/change
- Fired when the Presence system detects new minions connect or disconnect.
- Variables
- •
- new -- A list of minions that have connected since the last presence event.
- •
- lost -- A list of minions that have disconnected since the last presence event.
Cloud Events
Unlike other Master events, salt-cloud events are not fired on behalf of a Salt Minion. Instead, salt-cloud events are fired on behalf of a VM. This is because the minion-to-be may not yet exist to fire events to or also may have been destroyed.
This behavior is reflected by the name variable in the event data for salt-cloud events as compared to the id variable for Salt Minion-triggered events.
- salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/creating
- Fired when salt-cloud starts the VM creation process.
- Variables
- •
- name -- the name of the VM being created.
- •
- event -- description of the event.
- •
- provider -- the cloud provider of the VM being created.
- •
- profile -- the cloud profile for the VM being created.
- salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/deploying
- Fired when the VM is available and salt-cloud begins deploying Salt to the new VM.
- Variables
- •
- name -- the name of the VM being created.
- •
- event -- description of the event.
- •
- kwargs -- options available as the deploy script is invoked: conf_file, deploy_command, display_ssh_output, host, keep_tmp, key_filename, make_minion, minion_conf, name, parallel, preseed_minion_keys, script, script_args, script_env, sock_dir, start_action, sudo, tmp_dir, tty, username
- salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/requesting
- Fired when salt-cloud sends the request to create a new VM.
- Variables
- •
- event -- description of the event.
- •
- location -- the location of the VM being requested.
- •
- kwargs -- options available as the VM is being requested: Action, ImageId, InstanceType, KeyName, MaxCount, MinCount, SecurityGroup.1
- salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/querying
- Fired when salt-cloud queries data for a new instance.
- Variables
- •
- event -- description of the event.
- •
- instance_id -- the ID of the new VM.
- salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/tagging
- Fired when salt-cloud tags a new instance.
- Variables
- •
- event -- description of the event.
- •
- tags -- tags being set on the new instance.
- salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/waiting_for_ssh
- Fired while the salt-cloud deploy process is waiting for ssh to become available on the new instance.
- Variables
- •
- event -- description of the event.
- •
- ip_address -- IP address of the new instance.
- salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/deploy_script
- Fired once the deploy script is finished.
- Variables
- event -- description of the event.
- salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/created
- Fired once the new instance has been fully created.
- Variables
- •
- name -- the name of the VM being created.
- •
- event -- description of the event.
- •
- instance_id -- the ID of the new instance.
- •
- provider -- the cloud provider of the VM being created.
- •
- profile -- the cloud profile for the VM being created.
- salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/destroying
- Fired when salt-cloud requests the destruction of an instance.
- Variables
- •
- name -- the name of the VM being created.
- •
- event -- description of the event.
- •
- instance_id -- the ID of the new instance.
- salt/cloud/<VM NAME>/destroyed
- Fired when an instance has been destroyed.
- Variables
- •
- name -- the name of the VM being created.
- •
- event -- description of the event.
- •
- instance_id -- the ID of the new instance.
Listening for Events
Salt's Event Bus is used heavily within Salt and it is also written to integrate heavily with existing tooling and scripts. There is a variety of ways to consume it.
From the CLI
The quickest way to watch the event bus is by calling the state.event runner:
salt-run state.event pretty=True
That runner is designed to interact with the event bus from external tools and shell scripts. See the documentation for more examples.
Remotely via the REST API
Salt's event bus can be consumed as an HTTP stream from external tools or services.
curl -SsNk
From Python
Python scripts can access the event bus only as the same system user that Salt is running as.
The event system is accessed via the event library and can only be accessed by the same system user that Salt is running as. To listen to events a SaltEvent object needs to be created and then the get_event function needs to be run. The SaltEvent object needs to know the location that the Salt Unix sockets are kept. In the configuration this is the sock_dir option. The sock_dir option defaults to "/var/run/salt/master" on most systems.
The following code will check for a single event:
import salt.config import salt.utils.event opts = salt.config.client_config('/etc/salt/master') event = salt.utils.event.get_event( 'master', sock_dir=opts['sock_dir'], transport=opts['transport'], opts=opts) data = event.get_event()
Events will also use a "tag". Tags allow for events to be filtered by prefix. By default all events will be returned. If only authentication events are desired, then pass the tag "salt/auth".
The get_event method has a default poll time assigned of 5 seconds. To change this time set the "wait" option.
The following example will only listen for auth events and will wait for 10 seconds instead of the default 5.
data = event.get_event(wait=10, tag='salt/auth')
To retrieve the tag as well as the event data, pass full=True:
evdata = event.get_event(wait=10, tag='salt/job', full=True) tag, data = evdata['tag'], evdata['data']
Instead of looking for a single event, the iter_events method can be used to make a generator which will continually yield salt events.
The iter_events method also accepts a tag but not a wait time:
for data in event.iter_events(tag='salt/auth'): print(data)
And finally event tags can be globbed, such as they can be in the Reactor, using the fnmatch library.
import fnmatch import salt.config import salt.utils.event opts = salt.config.client_config('/etc/salt/master') sevent = salt.utils.event.get_event( 'master', sock_dir=opts['sock_dir'], transport=opts['transport'], opts=opts) while True: ret = sevent.get_event(full=True) if ret is None: continue if fnmatch.fnmatch(ret['tag'], 'salt/job/*/ret/*'): do_something_with_job_return(ret['data'])
Firing Events
It is possible to fire events on either the minion's local bus or to fire events intended for the master.
To fire a local event from the minion on the command line call the execution function:
salt-call '{"data": "message to be sent in the event"}' 'tag'
To fire an event to be sent up to the master from the minion call the event.send execution function. Remember YAML can be used at the CLI in function arguments:
salt-call event.send 'myco/mytag/success' '{success: True, message: "It works!"}'
If a process is listening on the minion, it may be useful for a user on the master to fire an event to it:
# Job on minion import salt.utils.event event = salt.utils.event.MinionEvent(**__opts__) for evdata in event.iter_events(tag='customtag/'): return evdata # do your processing here...
salt minionname '{"data": "message for the minion"}' 'customtag/african/unladen'
Firing Events from Python
From Salt execution modules
Events can be very useful when writing execution modules, in order to inform various processes on the master when a certain task has taken place. This is easily done using the normal cross-calling syntax:
# /srv/salt/_modules/ def do_something(): ''' Do something and fire an event to the master when finished CLI Example:: salt '*' my_custom_module:do_something ''' # do something! __salt__['event.send']('myco/my_custom_module/finished', { 'finished': True, 'message': "The something is finished!", })
From Custom Python Scripts
Firing events from custom Python code is quite simple and mirrors how it is done at the CLI:
import salt.client caller = salt.client.Caller() caller.sminion.functions['event.send']( 'myco/myevent/success', { 'success': True, 'message': "It works!", } )
The beacon system allows the minion to hook into a variety of system processes and continually monitor these processes. When monitored activity occurs in a system process, an event is sent on the Salt event bus that can be used to trigger a reactor.
Salt beacons can currently monitor and send Salt events for many system activities, including:
- •
- file system changes
- •
- system load
- •
- service status
- •
- shell activity, such as user login
- •
network and disk usage
See beacon modules for a current list.
NOTE: Salt beacons are an event generation mechanism. Beacons leverage the Salt reactor system to make changes when beacon events occur.
Configuring Beacons
Salt beacons do not require any changes to the system process that is being monitored, everything is configured using Salt.
Beacons are typically enabled by placing a beacons: top level block in the minion configuration file:
beacons: inotify: /etc/httpd/conf.d: {} /opt: {}
The beacon system, like many others in Salt, can also be configured via the minion pillar, grains, or local config file.
Beacon Monitoring Interval
Beacons monitor on a 1-second interval by default. To set a different interval, provide an interval argument to a beacon. The following beacons run on 5- and 10-second intervals:
beacons: inotify: /etc/httpd/conf.d: {} /opt: {} interval: 5 load: - 1m: - 0.0 - 2.0 - 5m: - 0.0 - 1.5 - 15m: - 0.1 - 1.0 - interval: 10
Beacon Example
This example demonstrates configuring the inotify beacon to monitor a file for changes, and then create a backup each time a change is detected.
NOTE: The inotify beacon requires Pyinotify on the minion, install it using salt myminion pkg.install python-inotify.
First, on the Salt minion, add the following beacon configuration to /ect/salt/minion:
beacons: inotify: home/user/importantfile: mask: - modify
Replace user in the previous example with the name of your user account, and then save the configuration file and restart the minion service.
Next, create a file in your home directory named importantfile and add some simple content. The beacon is now set up to monitor this file for modifications.
View Events on the Master
On your Salt master, start the event runner using the following command:
salt-run state.event pretty=true
This runner displays events as they are received on the Salt event bus. To test the beacon you set up in the previous section, make and save a modification to the importantfile you created. You'll see an event similar to the following on the event bus:
salt/beacon/minion1/inotify/home/user/importantfile { "_stamp": "2015-09-09T15:59:37.972753", "data": { "change": "IN_IGNORED", "id": "minion1", "path": "/home/user/importantfile" }, "tag": "salt/beacon/minion1/inotify/home/user/importantfile" }
This indicates that the event is being captured and sent correctly. Now you can create a reactor to take action when this event occurs.
Create a Reactor
On your Salt master, create a file named srv/reactor/backup.sls. If the reactor directory doesn't exist, create it. Add the following to backup.sls:
backup file: cmd.file.copy: - tgt: {{ data['data']['id'] }} - arg: - {{ data['data']['path'] }} - {{ data['data']['path'] }}.bak
Next, add the code to trigger the reactor to ect/salt/master:
reactor: - salt/beacon/*/inotify/*/importantfile: - /srv/reactor/backup.sls
This reactor creates a backup each time a file named importantfile is modified on a minion that has the inotify beacon configured as previously shown.
NOTE: You can have only one top level reactor section, so if one already exists, add this code to the existing section. See Understanding the Structure of Reactor Formulas to learn more about reactor SLS syntax.
Start the Salt Master in Debug Mode
To help with troubleshooting, start the Salt master in debug mode:
service salt-master stop salt-master -l debug
When debug logging is enabled, event and reactor data are displayed so you can discover syntax and other issues.
Trigger the Reactor
On your minion, make and save another change to importantfile. On the Salt master, you'll see debug messages that indicate the event was received and the file.copy job was sent. When you list the directory on the minion, you'll now see importantfile.bak.
All beacons are configured using a similar process of enabling the beacon, writing a reactor SLS, and mapping a beacon event to the reactor SLS.
Writing Beacon Plugins
Beacon plugins use the standard Salt loader system, meaning that many of the constructs from other plugin systems holds true, such as the __virtual__ function.
The important function in the Beacon Plugin is the beacon function. When the beacon is configured to run, this function will be executed repeatedly by the minion. The beacon function therefore cannot block and should be as lightweight as possible. The beacon also must return a list of dicts, each dict in the list will be translated into an event on the master.
Please see the inotify beacon as an example.
In addition to the processes that the Salt Master automatically spawns, it is possible to configure it to start additional custom processes.
This is useful if a dedicated process is needed that should run throughout the life of the Salt Master. For periodic independent tasks, a scheduled runner may be more appropriate.
Processes started in this way will be restarted if they die and will be killed when the Salt Master is shut down.
Example Configuration
Processes are declared in the master config file with the ext_processes option. Processes will be started in the order they are declared.
ext_processes: - mymodule.TestProcess - mymodule.AnotherProcess
Example Process Class
# Import python libs import time import logging from multiprocessing import Process # Import Salt libs from salt.utils.event import SaltEvent log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TestProcess(Process): def __init__(self, opts): Process.__init__(self) self.opts = opts def run(self): self.event = SaltEvent('master', self.opts['sock_dir']) i = 0 while True: self.event.fire_event({'iteration': i}, 'ext_processes/test{0}') time.sleep(60)
Salt supports several features for high availability and fault tolerance. Brief documentation for these features is listed alongside their configuration parameters in Configuration file examples.
Salt minions can connect to multiple masters at one time by configuring the master configuration paramter as a YAML list of all the available masters. By default, all masters are "hot", meaning that any master can direct commands to the Salt infrastructure.
In a multimaster configuration, each master must have the same cryptographic keys, and minion keys must be accepted on all masters separately. The contents of file_roots and pillar_roots need to be kept in sync with processes external to Salt as well
A tutorial on setting up multimaster with "hot" masters is here:
Multimaster with Failover
Changing the master_type parameter from str to failover will cause minions to connect to the first responding master in the list of masters. Every master_alive_check seconds the minions will check to make sure the current master is still responding. If the master does not respond, the minion will attempt to connect to the next master in the list. If the minion runs out of masters, the list will be recycled in case dead masters have been restored. Note that master_alive_check must be present in the minion configuration, or else the recurring job to check master status will not get scheduled.
Failover can be combined with PKI-style encrypted keys, but PKI is NOT REQUIRED to use failover.
Multimaster with PKI and Failover is discussed in this tutorial
master_type: failover can be combined with master_shuffle: True to spread minion connections across all masters (one master per minion, not each minion connecting to all masters). Adding Salt Syndics into the mix makes it possible to create a load-balanced Salt infrastructure. If a master fails, minions will notice and select another master from the available list.
Salt's Syndic feature is a way to create differing infrastructure topologies. It is not strictly an HA feature, but can be treated as such.
With the syndic, a Salt infrastructure can be partitioned in such a way that certain masters control certain segments of the infrastructure, and "Master of Masters" nodes can control multiple segments underneath them.
Syndics are covered in depth in Salt Syndic.
Syndic with Multimaster
New in version 2015.5.0.
Syndic with Multimaster lets you connect a syndic to multiple masters to provide an additional layer of redundancy in a syndic configuration.
Syndics are covered in depth in Salt Syndic.
The most basic or typical Salt topology consists of a single Master node controlling a group of Minion nodes. An intermediate node type, called Syndic, when used offers greater structural flexibility and scalability in the construction of Salt topologies than topologies constructed only out of Master and Minion node types.
A Syndic node can be thought of as a special passthrough Minion node. A Syndic node consists of a salt-syndic daemon and a salt-master daemon running on the same system. The salt-master daemon running on the Syndic node controls a group of lower level Minion nodes and the salt-syndic daemon connects higher level Master node, sometimes called a Master of Masters.
The salt-syndic daemon relays publications and events between the Master node and the local salt-master daemon. This gives the Master node control over the Minion nodes attached to the salt-master daemon running on the Syndic node.
Configuring the Syndic
To setup a Salt Syndic you need to tell the Syndic node and its Master node about each other. If your Master node is located at, then your configurations would be:
On the Syndic node:
# /etc/salt/master syndic_master: # may be either an IP address or a hostname
# /etc/salt/minion # id is shared by the salt-syndic daemon and a possible salt-minion daemon # on the Syndic node id: my_syndic
On the Master node:
# /etc/salt/master order_masters: True
The syndic_master option tells the Syndic node where to find the Master node in the same way that the master option tells a Minion node where to find a Master node.
The id option is used by the salt-syndic daemon to identify with the Master node and if unset will default to the hostname or IP address of the Syndic just as with a Minion.
The order_masters option configures the Master node to send extra information with its publications that is needed by Syndic nodes connected directly to it.
NOTE: Each Syndic must provide its own file_roots directory. Files will not be automatically transferred from the Master node.
Configuring the Syndic with Multimaster
New in version 2015.5.0.
Syndic with Multimaster lets you connect a syndic to multiple masters to provide an additional layer of redundancy in a syndic configuration.
Higher level masters should first be configured in a multimaster configuration. See Multimaster Tutorial.
On the syndic, the syndic_master option is populated with a list of the higher level masters.
Since each syndic is connected to each master, jobs sent from any master are forwarded to minions that are connected to each syndic. If the master_id value is set in the master config on the higher level masters, job results are returned to the master that originated the request in a best effort fashion. Events/jobs without a master_id are returned to any available master.
Running the Syndic
The salt-syndic daemon is a separate process that needs to be started in addition to the salt-master daemon running on the Syndic node. Starting the salt-syndic daemon is the same as starting the other Salt daemons.
The Master node in many ways sees the Syndic as an ordinary Minion node. In particular, the Master will need to accept the Syndic's Minion key as it would for any other Minion.
On the Syndic node:
# salt-syndic or # service salt-syndic start
On the Master node:
# salt-key -a my_syndic
The Master node will now be able to control the Minion nodes connected to the Syndic. Only the Syndic key will be listed in the Master node's key registry but this also means that key activity between the Syndic's Minions and the Syndic does not encumber the Master node. In this way, the Syndic's key on the Master node can be thought of as a placeholder for the keys of all the Minion and Syndic nodes beneath it, giving the Master node a clear, high level structural view on the Salt cluster.
On the Master node:
# salt-key -L Accepted Keys: my_syndic Denied Keys: Unaccepted Keys: Rejected Keys: # salt '*' minion_1: True minion_2: True minion_4: True minion_3: True
A Master node (a node which is itself not a Syndic to another higher level Master node) must run a salt-master daemon and optionally a salt-minion daemon.
A Syndic node must run salt-syndic and salt-master daemons and optionally a salt-minion daemon.
A Minion node must run a salt-minion daemon.
When a salt-master daemon issues a command, it will be received by the Syndic and Minion nodes directly connected to it. A Minion node will process the command in the way it ordinarily would. On a Syndic node, the salt-syndic daemon will relay the command to the salt-master daemon running on the Syndic node, which then propagates the command to to the Minions and Syndics connected to it.
When events and job return data are generated by salt-minion daemons, they are aggregated by the salt-master daemon they are connected to, which salt-master daemon then relays the data back through its salt-syndic daemon until the data reaches the Master or Syndic node that issued the command.
Syndic wait
NOTE: To reduce the amount of time the CLI waits for Minions to respond, install a Minion on the Syndic or tune the value of the syndic_wait configuration.
While it is possible to run a Syndic without a Minion installed on the same system, it is recommended, for a faster CLI response time, to do so. Without a Minion installed on the Syndic node, the timeout value of syndic_wait increases significantly - about three-fold. With a Minion installed on the Syndic, the CLI timeout resides at the value defined in syndic_wait.
NOTE: If you have a very large infrastructure or many layers of Syndics, you may find that the CLI doesn't wait long enough for the Syndics to return their events. If you think this is the case, you can set the syndic_wait value in the Master configs on the Master or Syndic nodes from which commands are executed. The default value is 5, and should work for the majority of deployments.
In order for a Master or Syndic node to return information from Minions that are below their Syndics, the CLI requires a short wait time in order to allow the Syndics to gather responses from their Minions. This value is defined in the syndic_wait config option and has a default of five seconds.
Syndic config options
These are the options that can be used to configure a Syndic node. Note that other than id, Syndic config options are placed in the Master config on the Syndic node.
- •
- id: Syndic id (shared by the salt-syndic daemon with a potential salt-minion daemon on the same system)
- •
- syndic_master: Master node IP address or hostname
- •
- syndic_master_port: Master node ret_port
- •
- syndic_log_file: path to the logfile (absolute or not)
- •
- syndic_pidfile: path to the pidfile (absolute or not)
- •
- syndic_wait: time in seconds to wait on returns from this syndic
Proxy minions are a developing Salt feature that enables controlling devices that, for whatever reason, cannot run a standard salt-minion. Examples include network gear that has an API but runs a proprietary OS, devices with limited CPU or memory, or devices that could run a minion, but for security reasons, will not.
Proxy minions are not an "out of the box" feature. Because there are an infinite number of controllable devices, you will most likely have to write the interface yourself. Fortunately, this is only as difficult as the actual interface to the proxied device. Devices that have an existing Python module (PyUSB for example) would be relatively simple to interface. Code to control a device that has an HTML REST-based interface should be easy. Code to control your typical housecat would be excellent source material for a PhD thesis.
Salt proxy-minions provide the 'plumbing' that allows device enumeration and discovery, control, status, remote execution, and state management.
Getting Started
The following diagram may be helpful in understanding the structure of a Salt installation that includes proxy-minions: [image]
The key thing to remember is the left-most section of the diagram. Salt's nature is to have a minion connect to a master, then the master may control the minion. However, for proxy minions, the target device cannot run a minion, and thus must rely on a separate minion to fire up the proxy-minion and make the initial and persistent connection.
After the proxy minion is started and initiates its connection to the 'dumb' device, it connects back to the salt-master and ceases to be affiliated in any way with the minion that started it.
To create support for a proxied device one needs to create four things:
- 1.
- The proxy_connection_module (located in salt/proxy).
- 2.
- The grains support code (located in salt/grains).
- 3.
- Salt modules specific to the controlled device.
- 4.
- Salt states specific to the controlled device.
Configuration parameters on the master
Proxy minions require no configuration parameters in /etc/salt/master.
Salt's Pillar system is ideally suited for configuring proxy-minions. Proxies can either be designated via a pillar file in pillar_roots, or through an external pillar. External pillars afford the opportunity for interfacing with a configuration management system, database, or other knowledgeable system that that may already contain all the details of proxy targets. To use static files in pillar_roots, pattern your files after the following examples, which are based on the diagram above:
base: minioncontroller1: - networkswitches minioncontroller2: - reallydumbdevices minioncontroller3: - smsgateway
proxy: dumbdevice1: proxytype: networkswitch host: username: root passwd: letmein dumbdevice2: proxytype: networkswitch host: username: root passwd: letmein dumbdevice3: proxytype: networkswitch host: username: root passwd: letmein
proxy: dumbdevice4: proxytype: i2c_lightshow i2c_address: 1 dumbdevice5: proxytype: i2c_lightshow i2c_address: 2 dumbdevice6: proxytype: 433mhz_wireless
proxy: minioncontroller3: dumbdevice7: proxytype: sms_serial deventry: /dev/tty04
Note the contents of each minioncontroller key may differ widely based on the type of device that the proxy-minion is managing.
In the above example
- •
- dumbdevices 1, 2, and 3 are network switches that have a management interface available at a particular IP address.
- •
- dumbdevices 4 and 5 are very low-level devices controlled over an i2c bus. In this case the devices are physically connected to machine 'minioncontroller2', and are addressable on the i2c bus at their respective i2c addresses.
- •
- dumbdevice6 is a 433 MHz wireless transmitter, also physically connected to minioncontroller2
- •
dumbdevice7 is an SMS gateway connected to machine minioncontroller3 via a
serial port.
Because of the way pillar works, each of the salt-minions that fork off the proxy minions will only see the keys specific to the proxies it will be handling. In other words, from the above example, only minioncontroller1 will see the connection information for dumbdevices 1, 2, and 3. Minioncontroller2 will see configuration data for dumbdevices 4, 5, and 6, and minioncontroller3 will be privy to dumbdevice7.
Also, in general, proxy-minions are lightweight, so the machines that run them could conceivably control a large number of devices. The example above is just to illustrate that it is possible for the proxy services to be spread across many machines if necessary, or intentionally run on machines that need to control devices because of some physical interface (e.g. i2c and serial above). Another reason to divide proxy services might be security. In more secure environments only certain machines may have a network path to certain devices.
Now our salt-minions know if they are supposed to spawn a proxy-minion process to control a particular device. That proxy-minion process will initiate a connection back to the master to enable control.
A proxy module encapsulates all the code necessary to interface with a device. Proxymodules are located inside the salt.proxy module. At a minimum a proxymodule object must implement the following functions:
__virtual__(): This function performs the same duty that it does for other types of Salt modules. Logic goes here to determine if the module can be loaded, checking for the presence of Python modules on which the proxy deepends. Returning False will prevent the module from loading.
init(opts): Perform any initialization that the device needs. This is a good place to bring up a persistent connection to a device, or authenticate to create a persistent authorization token.
id(opts): Returns a unique, unchanging id for the controlled device. This is the "name" of the device, and is used by the salt-master for targeting and key authentication.
shutdown(): Code to cleanly shut down or close a connection to a controlled device goes here. This function must exist, but can contain only the keyword pass if there is no shutdown logic required.
ping(): While not required, it is highly recommended that this function also be defined in the proxymodule. The code for ping should contact the controlled device and make sure it is really available.
Here is an example proxymodule used to interface to a very simple REST server. Code for the server is in the salt-contrib GitHub repository
This proxymodule enables "service" enumration, starting, stopping, restarting, and status; "package" installation, and a ping.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' This is a simple proxy-minion designed to connect to and communicate with the bottle-based web service contained in ''' from __future__ import absolute_import # Import python libs import logging import salt.utils.http HAS_REST_EXAMPLE = True # This must be present or the Salt loader won't load this module __proxyenabled__ = ['rest_sample'] # Variables are scoped to this module so we can have persistent data # across calls to fns in here. GRAINS_CACHE = {} DETAILS = {} # Want logging! log = logging.getLogger(__file__) # This does nothing, it's here just as an example and to provide a log # entry when the module is loaded. def __virtual__(): ''' Only return if all the modules are available ''' log.debug('rest_sample proxy __virtual__() called...') return True # Every proxy module needs an 'init', though you can # just put a 'pass' here if it doesn't need to do anything. def init(opts): log.debug('rest_sample proxy init() called...') # Save the REST URL DETAILS['url'] = opts['proxy']['url'] # Make sure the REST URL ends with a '/' if not DETAILS['url'].endswith('/'): DETAILS['url'] += '/' def id(opts): ''' Return a unique ID for this proxy minion. This ID MUST NOT CHANGE. If it changes while the proxy is running the salt-master will get really confused and may stop talking to this minion ''' r = salt.utils.http.query(opts['proxy']['url']+'id', decode_type='json', decode=True) return r['dict']['id'].encode('ascii', 'ignore') def grains(): ''' Get the grains from the proxied device ''' if not GRAINS_CACHE: r = salt.utils.http.query(DETAILS['url']+'info', decode_type='json', decode=True) GRAINS_CACHE = r['dict'] return GRAINS_CACHE def grains_refresh(): ''' Refresh the grains from the proxied device ''' GRAINS_CACHE = {} return grains() def service_start(name): ''' Start a "service" on the REST server ''' r = salt.utils.http.query(DETAILS['url']+'service/start/'+name, decode_type='json', decode=True) return r['dict'] def service_stop(name): ''' Stop a "service" on the REST server ''' r = salt.utils.http.query(DETAILS['url']+'service/stop/'+name, decode_type='json', decode=True) return r['dict'] def service_restart(name): ''' Restart a "service" on the REST server ''' r = salt.utils.http.query(DETAILS['url']+'service/restart/'+name, decode_type='json', decode=True) return r['dict'] def service_list(): ''' List "services" on the REST server ''' r = salt.utils.http.query(DETAILS['url']+'service/list', decode_type='json', decode=True) return r['dict'] def service_status(name): ''' Check if a service is running on the REST server ''' r = salt.utils.http.query(DETAILS['url']+'service/status/'+name, decode_type='json', decode=True) return r['dict'] def package_list(): ''' List "packages" installed on the REST server ''' r = salt.utils.http.query(DETAILS['url']+'package/list', decode_type='json', decode=True) return r['dict'] def package_install(name, **kwargs): ''' Install a "package" on the REST server ''' cmd = DETAILS['url']+'package/install/'+name if 'version' in kwargs: cmd += '/'+kwargs['version'] else: cmd += '/1.0' r = salt.utils.http.query(cmd, decode_type='json', decode=True) def package_remove(name): ''' Remove a "package" on the REST server ''' r = salt.utils.http.query(DETAILS['url']+'package/remove/'+name, decode_type='json', decode=True) return r['dict'] def package_status(name): ''' Check the installation status of a package on the REST server ''' r = salt.utils.http.query(DETAILS['url']+'package/status/'+name, decode_type='json', decode=True) return r['dict'] def ping(): ''' Is the REST server up? ''' r = salt.utils.http.query(DETAILS['url']+'ping', decode_type='json', decode=True) try: return r['dict'].get('ret', False) except Exception: return False def shutdown(opts): ''' For this proxy shutdown is a no-op ''' log.debug('rest_sample proxy shutdown() called...') pass
Grains are data about minions. Most proxied devices will have a paltry amount of data as compared to a typical Linux server. By default, a proxy minion will have no grains set at all. Salt core code requires values for kernel, os, and os_family. To add them (and others) to your proxy minion for a particular device, create a file in salt/grains named [proxytype].py and place inside it the different functions that need to be run to collect the data you are interested in. Here's an example:
The __proxyenabled__ directive
Salt execution moduless, by, and large, cannot "automatically" work with proxied devices. Execution modules like pkg or sqlite3 have no meaning on a network switch or a housecat. For an execution module to be available to a proxy-minion, the __proxyenabled__ variable must be defined in the module as an array containing the names of all the proxytypes that this module can support. The array can contain the special value * to indicate that the module supports all proxies.
If no __proxyenabled__ variable is defined, then by default, the execution module is unavailable to any proxy.
Here is an excerpt from a module that was modified to support proxy-minions:
__proxyenabled__ = ['*'] [...] def ping(): if 'proxymodule' in __opts__: if 'ping' in __opts__['proxyobject'].__attr__(): return __opts['proxyobject'].ping() else: return False else: return True
And then in we find
def ping(): ''' Is the REST server up? ''' r = salt.utils.http.query(DETAILS['url']+'ping', decode_type='json', decode=True) try: return r['dict'].get('ret', False) except Exception: return False
NOTE: The RAET transport is in very early development, it is functional but no promises are yet made as to its reliability or security. As for reliability and security, the encryption used has been audited and our tests show that raet is reliable. With this said we are still conducting more security audits and pushing the reliability. This document outlines the encryption used in RAET
New in version 2014.7.0.
The Reliable Asynchronous Event Transport, or RAET, is an alternative transport medium developed specifically with Salt in mind. It has been developed to allow queuing to happen up on the application layer and comes with socket layer encryption. It also abstracts a great deal of control over the socket layer and makes it easy to bubble up errors and exceptions.
RAET also offers very powerful message routing capabilities, allowing for messages to be routed between processes on a single machine all the way up to processes on multiple machines. Messages can also be restricted, allowing processes to be sent messages of specific types from specific sources allowing for trust to be established.
Using RAET in Salt
Using RAET in Salt is easy, the main difference is that the core dependencies change, instead of needing pycrypto, M2Crypto, ZeroMQ, and PYZMQ, the packages libsodium, libnacl, ioflo, and raet are required. Encryption is handled very cleanly by libnacl, while the queueing and flow control is handled by ioflo. Distribution packages are forthcoming, but libsodium can be easily installed from source, or many distributions do ship packages for it. The libnacl and ioflo packages can be easily installed from pypi, distribution packages are in the works.
Once the new deps are installed the 2014.7 release or higher of Salt needs to be installed.
Once installed, modify the configuration files for the minion and master to set the transport to raet:
transport: raet
transport: raet
Now start salt as it would normally be started, the minion will connect to the master and share long term keys, which can then in turn be managed via salt-key. Remote execution and salt states will function in the same way as with Salt over ZeroMQ.
The 2014.7 release of RAET is not complete! The Syndic and Multi Master have not been completed yet and these are slated for completion in the 2015.5.0 release.
Also, Salt-Raet allows for more control over the client but these hooks have not been implemented yet, thereforre the client still uses the same system as the ZeroMQ client. This means that the extra reliability that RAET exposes has not yet been implemented in the CLI client.
Customer and User Request
Why make an alternative transport for Salt? There are many reasons, but the primary motivation came from customer requests, many large companies came with requests to run Salt over an alternative transport, the reasoning was varied, from performance and scaling improvements to licensing concerns. These customers have partnered with SaltStack to make RAET a reality.
More Capabilities
RAET has been designed to allow salt to have greater communication capabilities. It has been designed to allow for development into features which out ZeroMQ topologies can't match.
Many of the proposed features are still under development and will be announced as they enter proof of concept phases, but these features include salt-fuse - a filesystem over salt, salt-vt - a parallel api driven shell over the salt transport and many others.
RAET Reliability
RAET is reliable, hence the name (Reliable Asynchronous Event Transport).
The concern posed by some over RAET reliability is based on the fact that RAET uses UDP instead of TCP and UDP does not have built in reliability.
RAET itself implements the needed reliability layers that are not natively present in UDP, this allows RAET to dynamically optimize packet delivery in a way that keeps it both reliable and asynchronous.
RAET and ZeroMQ
When using RAET, ZeroMQ is not required. RAET is a complete networking replacement. It is noteworthy that RAET is not a ZeroMQ replacement in a general sense, the ZeroMQ constructs are not reproduced in RAET, but they are instead implemented in such a way that is specific to Salt's needs.
RAET is primarily an async communication layer over truly async connections, defaulting to UDP. ZeroMQ is over TCP and abstracts async constructs within the socket layer.
Salt is not dropping ZeroMQ support and has no immediate plans to do so.
RAET uses Dan Bernstein's NACL encryption libraries and CurveCP handshake. The libnacl python binding binds to both libsodium and tweetnacl to execute the underlying cryptography. This allows us to completely rely on an externally developed cryptography system.
For more information on libsodium and CurveCP please see:
Programming Intro
The Salt Windows Software Repository provides a package manager and software repository similar to what is provided by yum and apt on Linux.
It permits the installation of software using the installers on remote windows machines. In many senses, the operation is similar to that of the other package managers salt is aware of:
- •
- the pkg.installed and similar states work on Windows.
- •
- the pkg.install and similar module functions work on Windows.
- •
each windows machine needs to have pkg.refresh_db executed
against it to pick up the latest version of the package database.
High level differences to yum and apt are:
- •
- The repository metadata (sls files) is hosted through either salt or git.
- •
- Packages can be downloaded from within the salt repository, a git repository or from http(s) or ftp urls.
- •
- No dependencies are managed. Dependencies between packages needs to be managed manually.
The install state/module function of the windows package manager works roughly as follows:
- 1.
- Execute pkg.list_pkgs and store the result
- 2.
- Check if any action needs to be taken. (i.e. compare required package and version against pkg.list_pkgs results)
- 3.
- If so, run the installer command.
- 4.
- Execute pkg.list_pkgs and compare to the result stored from before installation.
- 5.
Success/Failure/Changes will be reported based on the differences
between the original and final pkg.list_pkgs results.
If there are any problems in using the package manager it is likely to be due to the data in your sls files not matching the difference between the pre and post pkg.list_pkgs results.
By default, the Windows software repository is found at /srv/salt/win/repo This can be changed in the master config file (default location is /etc/salt/master) by modifying the win_repo variable. Each piece of software should have its own directory which contains the installers and a package definition file. This package definition file is a YAML file named init.sls.
The package definition file should look similar to this example for Firefox: /srv/salt/win/repo/firefox/init.sls
Firefox: '17.0.1': installer: 'salt://win/repo/firefox/English/Firefox Setup 17.0.1.exe' full_name: Mozilla Firefox 17.0.1 (x86 en-US) locale: en_US reboot: False install_flags: '-ms' uninstaller: '%ProgramFiles(x86)%/Mozilla Firefox/uninstall/helper.exe' uninstall_flags: '/S' '16.0.2': installer: 'salt://win/repo/firefox/English/Firefox Setup 16.0.2.exe' full_name: Mozilla Firefox 16.0.2 (x86 en-US) locale: en_US reboot: False install_flags: '-ms' uninstaller: '%ProgramFiles(x86)%/Mozilla Firefox/uninstall/helper.exe' uninstall_flags: '/S' '15.0.1': installer: 'salt://win/repo/firefox/English/Firefox Setup 15.0.1.exe' full_name: Mozilla Firefox 15.0.1 (x86 en-US) locale: en_US reboot: False install_flags: '-ms' uninstaller: '%ProgramFiles(x86)%/Mozilla Firefox/uninstall/helper.exe' uninstall_flags: '/S'
More examples can be found here:
The version number and full_name need to match the output from pkg.list_pkgs so that the status can be verified when running highstate. Note: It is still possible to successfully install packages using pkg.install even if they don't match which can make this hard to troubleshoot.
salt 'test-2008' pkg.list_pkgs test-2008 ---------- 7-Zip 9.20 (x64 edition): Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile: 4.0.30319,4.0.30319 Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended: 4.0.30319,4.0.30319 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.21022: 9.0.21022 Mozilla Firefox 17.0.1 (x86 en-US): 17.0.1 Mozilla Maintenance Service: 17.0.1 NSClient++ (x64): Notepad++: 6.4.2 Salt Minion 0.16.0: 0.16.0
If any of these preinstalled packages already exist in winrepo the full_name will be automatically renamed to their package name during the next update (running highstate or installing another package).
test-2008: ---------- 7zip: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile: 4.0.30319,4.0.30319 Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended: 4.0.30319,4.0.30319 Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.21022: 9.0.21022 Mozilla Maintenance Service: 17.0.1 Notepad++: 6.4.2 Salt Minion 0.16.0: 0.16.0 firefox: 17.0.1 nsclient:
Add msiexec: True if using an MSI installer requiring the use of msiexec /i to install and msiexec /x to uninstall.
The install_flags and uninstall_flags are flags passed to the software installer to cause it to perform a silent install. These can often be found by adding /? or /h when running the installer from the command line. A great resource for finding these silent install flags can be found on the WPKG project's wiki:
7zip: installer: salt://win/repo/7zip/7z920-x64.msi full_name: 7-Zip 9.20 (x64 edition) reboot: False install_flags: '/qn /norestart' msiexec: True uninstaller: '{23170F69-40C1-2702-0920-000001000000}' uninstall_flags: '/qn /norestart'
Alternatively the uninstaller can also simply repeat the URL of the msi file.
7zip: installer: salt://win/repo/7zip/7z920-x64.msi full_name: 7-Zip 9.20 (x64 edition) reboot: False install_flags: '/qn /norestart' msiexec: True uninstaller: salt://win/repo/7zip/7z920-x64.msi uninstall_flags: '/qn /norestart'
Generate Repo Cache File
Once the sls file has been created, generate the repository cache file with the winrepo runner:
salt-run winrepo.genrepo
Then update the repository cache file on your minions, exactly how it's done for the Linux package managers:
salt '*' pkg.refresh_db
Install Windows Software
Now you can query the available version of Firefox using the Salt pkg module.
salt '*' pkg.available_version Firefox {'Firefox': {'15.0.1': 'Mozilla Firefox 15.0.1 (x86 en-US)', '16.0.2': 'Mozilla Firefox 16.0.2 (x86 en-US)', '17.0.1': 'Mozilla Firefox 17.0.1 (x86 en-US)'}}
As you can see, there are three versions of Firefox available for installation. You can refer a software package by its name or its full_name surround by single quotes.
salt '*' pkg.install 'Firefox'
The above line will install the latest version of Firefox.
salt '*' pkg.install 'Firefox' version=16.0.2
The above line will install version 16.0.2 of Firefox.
If a different version of the package is already installed it will be replaced with the version in winrepo (only if the package itself supports live updating).
You can also specify the full name:
salt '*' pkg.install 'Mozilla Firefox 17.0.1 (x86 en-US)'
Uninstall Windows Software
Uninstall software using the pkg module:
salt '*' pkg.remove 'Firefox' salt '*' pkg.purge 'Firefox'
pkg.purge just executes pkg.remove on Windows. At some point in the future pkg.purge may direct the installer to remove all configs and settings for software packages that support that option.
Standalone Minion Salt Windows Repo Module
In order to facilitate managing a Salt Windows software repo with Salt on a Standalone Minion on Windows, a new module named winrepo has been added to Salt. winrepo matches what is available in the salt runner and allows you to manage the Windows software repo contents. Example: salt '*' winrepo.genrepo
Git Hosted Repo
Windows software package definitions can also be hosted in one or more git repositories. The default repo is one hosted on by SaltStack,Inc., which includes package definitions for open source software. This repo points to the HTTP or ftp locations of the installer files. Anyone is welcome to send a pull request to this repo to add new package definitions. Browse the repo here: .
Configure which git repos the master can search for package definitions by modifying or extending the win_gitrepos configuration option list in the master config.
Checkout each git repo in win_gitrepos, compile your package repository cache and then refresh each minion's package cache:
salt-run winrepo.update_git_repos salt-run winrepo.genrepo salt '*' pkg.refresh_db
Incorrect name/version
If the package seems to install properly, but salt reports a failure then it is likely you have a version or full_name mismatch.
Check the exact full_name and version used by the package. Use pkg.list_pkgs to check that the names and version exactly match what is installed.
Changes to sls files not being picked up
Ensure you have (re)generated the repository cache file and then updated the repository cache on the relevant minions:
salt-run winrepo.genrepo salt 'MINION' pkg.refresh_db
Packages management under Windows 2003
On windows server 2003, you need to install optional windows component "wmi windows installer provider" to have full list of installed packages. If you don't have this, salt-minion can't report some installed software.
Salt is capable of managing Windows systems, however due to various differences between the operating systems, there are some things you need to keep in mind.
This document will contain any quirks that apply across Salt or generally across multiple module functions. Any Windows-specific behavior for particular module functions will be documented in the module function documentation. Therefore this document should be read in conjunction with the module function documentation.
Group parameter for files
Salt was originally written for managing Unix-based systems, and therefore the file module functions were designed around that security model. Rather than trying to shoehorn that model on to Windows, Salt ignores these parameters and makes non-applicable module functions unavailable instead.
One of the commonly ignored parameters is the group parameter for managing files. Under Windows, while files do have a 'primary group' property, this is rarely used. It generally has no bearing on permissions unless intentionally configured and is most commonly used to provide Unix compatibility (e.g. Services For Unix, NFS services).
Because of this, any file module functions that typically require a group, do not under Windows. Attempts to directly use file module functions that operate on the group (e.g. file.chgrp) will return a pseudo-value and cause a log message to appear. No group parameters will be acted on.
If you do want to access and change the 'primary group' property and understand the implications, use the file.get_pgid or file.get_pgroup functions or the pgroup parameter on the file.chown module function.
Dealing with case-insensitive but case-preserving names
Windows is case-insensitive, but however preserves the case of names and it is this preserved form that is returned from system functions. This causes some issues with Salt because it assumes case-sensitive names. These issues generally occur in the state functions and can cause bizarre looking errors.
To avoid such issues, always pretend Windows is case-sensitive and use the right case for names, e.g. specify user=Administrator instead of user=administrator.
Follow issue 11801 for any changes to this behavior.
Dealing with various username forms
Salt does not understand the various forms that Windows usernames can come in, e.g. username, mydomain\username, username [at] mydomain.tld can all refer to the same user. In fact, Salt generally only considers the raw username value, i.e. the username without the domain or host information.
Using these alternative forms will likely confuse Salt and cause odd errors to happen. Use only the raw username value in the correct case to avoid problems.
Follow issue 11801 for any changes to this behavior.
Specifying the None group
Each Windows system has built-in _None_ group. This is the default 'primary group' for files for users not on a domain environment.
Unfortunately, the word _None_ has special meaning in Python - it is a special value indicating 'nothing', similar to null or nil in other languages.
To specify the None group, it must be specified in quotes, e.g. ./salt '*' file.chpgrp C:\path\to\file "'None'".
Symbolic link loops
Under Windows, if any symbolic link loops are detected or if there are too many levels of symlinks (defaults to 64), an error is always raised.
For some functions, this behavior is different to the behavior on Unix platforms. In general, avoid symlink loops on either platform.
Modifying security properties (ACLs) on files
There is no support in Salt for modifying ACLs, and therefore no support for changing file permissions, besides modifying the owner/user.
Getting Started
Salt Cloud is built-in to Salt and is configured on and executed from your Salt Master.
Define a Profile
The first step is to add the credentials for your cloud provider. Credentials and provider settings are stored in provider configuration files. Provider configurations contain the details needed to connect, and any global options that you want set on your cloud minions (such as the location of your Salt Master).
On your Salt Master, browse to /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ and create a file called <provider>.provider.conf, replacing <provider> with ec2, softlayer, and so on. The name helps you identify the contents, and is not important as long as the file ends in .conf.
Next, browse to the Provider specifics and add any required settings for your provider to this file. Here is an example for Amazon EC2:
my-ec2: provider: ec2 # Set the EC2 access credentials (see below) # id: 'HJGRYCILJLKJYG' key: 'kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn' # Make sure this key is owned by root with permissions 0400. # private_key: /etc/salt/my_test_key.pem keyname: my_test_key securitygroup: default # Optional: Set up the location of the Salt Master # minion: master:
The required configuration varies between providers so make sure you read the provider specifics.
List Cloud Provider Options
You can now query the cloud provider you configured for available locations, images, and sizes. This information is used when you set up VM profiles.
salt-cloud --list-locations <provider_name> # my-ec2 in the previous example salt-cloud --list-images <provider_name> salt-cloud --list-sizes <provider_name>
Replace <provider_name> with the name of the provider configuration you defined.
Create VM Profiles
On your Salt Master, browse to /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/ and create a file called <provider>.profiles.conf, replacing <provider> with ec2, softlayer, and so on. The file must end in .conf.
You can now add any custom profiles you'd like to define to this file. Here are a few examples:
micro_ec2: provider: my-ec2 image: ami-d514f291 size: t1.micro medium_ec2: provider: my-ec2 image: ami-d514f291 size: m3.medium large_ec2: provider: my-ec2 image: ami-d514f291 size: m3.large
Notice that the provider in our profile matches the provider name that we defined? That is how Salt Cloud knows how to connect to create a VM with these attributes.
Create VMs
VMs are created by calling salt-cloud with the following options:
salt-cloud -p <profile> <name1> <name2> ...
For example:
salt-cloud -p micro_ec2 minion1 minion2
Destroy VMs
Add a -d and the minion name you provided to destroy:
salt-cloud -d minion1 minion2
Query VMs
You can view details about the VMs you've created using --query:
salt-cloud --query
Using Salt Cloud
Provision virtual machines in the cloud with Salt
salt-cloud -m /etc/salt/ salt-cloud -m /etc/salt/ NAME salt-cloud -m /etc/salt/ NAME1 NAME2 salt-cloud -p PROFILE NAME salt-cloud -p PROFILE NAME1 NAME2 NAME3 NAME4 NAME5 NAME6
Salt Cloud is the system used to provision virtual machines on various public clouds via a cleanly controlled profile and mapping system.
- --version
- Print the version of Salt that is running.
- --versions-report
- Show program's dependencies and version number, and then exit
- -h, --help
- Show the help message and exit
- -c CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir=CONFIG_dir
- The location of the Salt configuration directory. This directory contains the configuration files for Salt master and minions. The default location on most systems is /etc/salt.
Execution Options
- -L LOCATION, --location=LOCATION
- Specify which region to connect to.
- -a ACTION, --action=ACTION
- Perform an action that may be specific to this cloud provider. This argument requires one or more instance names to be specified.
- Perform an function that may be specific to this cloud provider, that does not apply to an instance. This argument requires a provider to be specified (i.e.: nova).
- -p PROFILE, --profile=PROFILE
- Select a single profile to build the named cloud VMs from. The profile must be defined in the specified profiles file.
- -m MAP, --map=MAP
- Specify a map file to use. If used without any other options, this option will ensure that all of the mapped VMs are created. If the named VM already exists then it will be skipped.
- -H, --hard
- When specifying a map file, the default behavior is to ensure that all of the VMs specified in the map file are created. If the --hard option is set, then any VMs that exist on configured cloud providers that are not specified in the map file will be destroyed. Be advised that this can be a destructive operation and should be used with care.
- -d, --destroy
- Pass in the name(s) of VMs to destroy, salt-cloud will search the configured cloud providers for the specified names and destroy the VMs. Be advised that this is a destructive operation and should be used with care. Can be used in conjunction with the -m option to specify a map of VMs to be deleted.
- -P, --parallel
Normally when building many cloud VMs they are executed serially. The -P
option will run each cloud vm build in a separate process allowing for
large groups of VMs to be build at once.
Be advised that some cloud provider's systems don't seem to be well suited for this influx of vm creation. When creating large groups of VMs watch the cloud provider carefully.
- -u, --update-bootstrap
- Update salt-bootstrap to the latest develop version on GitHub.
- -y, --assume-yes
- Default yes in answer to all confirmation questions.
- -k, --keep-tmp
- Do not remove files from /tmp/ after finishes.
- --show-deploy-args
- Include the options used to deploy the minion in the data returned.
- --script-args=SCRIPT_ARGS
- Script arguments to be fed to the bootstrap script when deploying the VM.
Query Options
- -Q, --query
- Execute a query and return some information about the nodes running on configured cloud providers
- -F, --full-query
- Execute a query and print out all available information about all cloud VMs. Can be used in conjunction with -m to display only information about the specified map.
- -S, --select-query
- Execute a query and print out selected information about all cloud VMs. Can be used in conjunction with -m to display only information about the specified map.
- --list-providers
- Display a list of configured providers.
- --list-profiles
New in version 2014.7.0.
Display a list of configured profiles. Pass in a cloud provider to view the provider's associated profiles, such as digital_ocean, or pass in all to list all the configured profiles.
Cloud Providers Listings
- --list-locations=LIST_LOCATIONS
- Display a list of locations available in configured cloud providers. Pass the cloud provider that available locations are desired on, aka "linode", or pass "all" to list locations for all configured cloud providers
- --list-images=LIST_IMAGES
- Display a list of images available in configured cloud providers. Pass the cloud provider that available images are desired on, aka "linode", or pass "all" to list images for all configured cloud providers
- --list-sizes=LIST_SIZES
- Display a list of sizes available in configured cloud providers. Pass the cloud provider that available sizes are desired on, aka "AWS", or pass "all" to list sizes for all configured cloud providers
Cloud Credentials
- --set-password=<USERNAME> <PROVIDER>
- Configure password for a cloud provider and save it to the keyring. PROVIDER can be specified with or without a driver, for example: "--set-password bob rackspace" or more specific "--set-password bob rackspace:openstack" DEPRECATED!
Output Options
- --out
Pass in an alternative outputter to display the return of data. This
outputter can be any of the available outputters:
grains, highstate, json, key, overstatestage, pprint, raw, txt, yaml
Some outputters are formatted only for data returned from specific functions; for instance, the grains outputter will not work for non-grains data.
If an outputter is used that does not support the data passed into it, then Salt will fall back on the pprint outputter and display the return data using the Python pprint standard library module.
NOTE: If using --out=json, you will probably want --static as well. Without the static option, you will get a separate JSON string per minion which makes JSON output invalid as a whole. This is due to using an iterative outputter. So if you want to feed it to a JSON parser, use --static as well.
- --out-indent OUTPUT_INDENT, --output-indent OUTPUT_INDENT
- Print the output indented by the provided value in spaces. Negative values disable indentation. Only applicable in outputters that support indentation.
- --out-file=OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file=OUTPUT_FILE
- Write the output to the specified file.
- --no-color
- Disable all colored output
- --force-color
Force colored output
NOTE: When using colored output the color codes are as follows:
green denotes success, red denotes failure, blue denotes changes and success and yellow denotes a expected future change in configuration.
To create 4 VMs named web1, web2, db1, and db2 from specified profiles:
salt-cloud -p fedora_rackspace web1 web2 db1 db2
To read in a map file and create all VMs specified therein:
salt-cloud -m /path/to/
To read in a map file and create all VMs specified therein in parallel:
salt-cloud -m /path/to/ -P
To delete any VMs specified in the map file:
salt-cloud -m /path/to/ -d
To delete any VMs NOT specified in the map file:
salt-cloud -m /path/to/ -H
To display the status of all VMs specified in the map file:
salt-cloud -m /path/to/ -Q
See also
salt-cloud(7) salt(7) salt-master(1) salt-minion(1)
Salt Cloud basic usage
Salt Cloud needs, at least, one configured Provider and Profile to be functional.
Creating a VM
To create a VM with salt cloud, use command:
salt-cloud -p <profile> name_of_vm
Assuming there is a profile configured as following:
fedora_rackspace: provider: rackspace image: Fedora 17 size: 256 server script: bootstrap-salt
Then, the command to create new VM named fedora_http_01 is:
salt-cloud -p fedora_rackspace fedora_http_01
Destroying a VM
To destroy a created-by-salt-cloud VM, use command:
salt-cloud -d name_of_vm
For example, to delete the VM created on above example, use:
salt-cloud -d fedora_http_01
VM Profiles
Salt cloud designates virtual machines inside the profile configuration file. The profile configuration file defaults to /etc/salt/cloud.profiles and is a yaml configuration. The syntax for declaring profiles is simple:
fedora_rackspace: provider: rackspace image: Fedora 17 size: 256 server script: bootstrap-salt
It should be noted that the script option defaults to bootstrap-salt, and does not normally need to be specified. Further examples in this document will not show the script option.
A few key pieces of information need to be declared and can change based on the public cloud provider. A number of additional parameters can also be inserted:
centos_rackspace: provider: rackspace image: CentOS 6.2 size: 1024 server minion: master: append_domain: grains: role: webserver
The image must be selected from available images. Similarly, sizes must be selected from the list of sizes. To get a list of available images and sizes use the following command:
salt-cloud --list-images openstack salt-cloud --list-sizes openstack
Some parameters can be specified in the main Salt cloud configuration file and then are applied to all cloud profiles. For instance if only a single cloud provider is being used then the provider option can be declared in the Salt cloud configuration file.
Multiple Configuration Files
In addition to /etc/salt/cloud.profiles, profiles can also be specified in any file matching cloud.profiles.d/*conf which is a sub-directory relative to the profiles configuration file(with the above configuration file as an example, /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/*.conf). This allows for more extensible configuration, and plays nicely with various configuration management tools as well as version control systems.
Larger Example
rhel_ec2: provider: ec2 image: ami-e565ba8c size: t1.micro minion: cheese: edam ubuntu_ec2: provider: ec2 image: ami-7e2da54e size: t1.micro minion: cheese: edam ubuntu_rackspace: provider: rackspace image: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS size: 256 server minion: cheese: edam fedora_rackspace: provider: rackspace image: Fedora 17 size: 256 server minion: cheese: edam cent_linode: provider: linode image: CentOS 6.2 64bit size: Linode 512 cent_gogrid: provider: gogrid image: 12834 size: 512MB cent_joyent: provider: joyent image: centos-6 size: Small 1GB
Cloud Map File
A number of options exist when creating virtual machines. They can be managed directly from profiles and the command line execution, or a more complex map file can be created. The map file allows for a number of virtual machines to be created and associated with specific profiles.
Map files have a simple format, specify a profile and then a list of virtual machines to make from said profile:
fedora_small: - web1 - web2 - web3 fedora_high: - redis1 - redis2 - redis3 cent_high: - riak1 - riak2 - riak3
This map file can then be called to roll out all of these virtual machines. Map files are called from the salt-cloud command with the -m option:
$ salt-cloud -m /path/to/mapfile
Remember, that as with direct profile provisioning the -P option can be passed to create the virtual machines in parallel:
$ salt-cloud -m /path/to/mapfile -P
NOTE: Due to limitations in the GoGrid API, instances cannot be provisioned in parallel with the GoGrid driver. Map files will work with GoGrid, but the -P argument should not be used on maps referencing GoGrid instances.
A map file can also be enforced to represent the total state of a cloud deployment by using the --hard option. When using the hard option any vms that exist but are not specified in the map file will be destroyed:
$ salt-cloud -m /path/to/mapfile -P -H
Be careful with this argument, it is very dangerous! In fact, it is so dangerous that in order to use it, you must explicitly enable it in the main configuration file.
enable_hard_maps: True
A map file can include grains and minion configuration options:
fedora_small: - web1: minion: log_level: debug grains: cheese: tasty omelet: du fromage - web2: minion: log_level: warn grains: cheese: more tasty omelet: with peppers
A map file may also be used with the various query options:
$ salt-cloud -m /path/to/mapfile -Q {'ec2': {'web1': {'id': 'i-e6aqfegb', 'image': None, 'private_ips': [], 'public_ips': [], 'size': None, 'state': 0}}, 'web2': {'Absent'}}
...or with the delete option:
$ salt-cloud -m /path/to/mapfile -d The following virtual machines are set to be destroyed: web1 web2 Proceed? [N/y]
WARNING: Specifying Nodes with Maps on the Command Line Specifying the name of a node or nodes with the maps options on the command line is not supported. This is especially important to remember when using --destroy with maps; salt-cloud will ignore any arguments passed in which are not directly relevant to the map file. When using ``--destroy`` with a map, every node in the map file will be deleted! Maps don't provide any useful information for destroying individual nodes, and should not be used to destroy a subset of a map.
Setting up New Salt Masters
Bootstrapping a new master in the map is as simple as:
fedora_small: - web1: make_master: True - web2 - web3
Notice that ALL bootstrapped minions from the map will answer to the newly created salt-master.
To make any of the bootstrapped minions answer to the bootstrapping salt-master as opposed to the newly created salt-master, as an example:
fedora_small: - web1: make_master: True minion: master: <the local master ip address> local_master: True - web2 - web3
The above says the minion running on the newly created salt-master responds to the local master, ie, the master used to bootstrap these VMs.
Another example:
fedora_small: - web1: make_master: True - web2 - web3: minion: master: <the local master ip address> local_master: True
The above example makes the web3 minion answer to the local master, not the newly created master.
Cloud Actions
Once a VM has been created, there are a number of actions that can be performed on it. The "reboot" action can be used across all providers, but all other actions are specific to the cloud provider. In order to perform an action, you may specify it from the command line, including the name(s) of the VM to perform the action on:
$ salt-cloud -a reboot vm_name $ salt-cloud -a reboot vm1 vm2 vm2
Or you may specify a map which includes all VMs to perform the action on:
$ salt-cloud -a reboot -m /path/to/mapfile
The following is a list of actions currently supported by salt-cloud:
all providers: - reboot ec2: - start - stop joyent: - stop
Another useful reference for viewing more salt-cloud actions is the :ref:Salt Cloud Feature Matrix <salt-cloud-feature-matrix>
Cloud Functions
Cloud functions work much the same way as cloud actions, except that they don't perform an operation on a specific instance, and so do not need a machine name to be specified. However, since they perform an operation on a specific cloud provider, that provider must be specified.
$ salt-cloud -f show_image ec2 image=ami-fd20ad94
There are three universal salt-cloud functions that are extremely useful for gathering information about instances on a provider basis:
- •
- list_nodes: Returns some general information about the instances for the given provider.
- •
- list_nodes_full: Returns all information about the instances for the given provider.
- •
list_nodes_select: Returns select information about the instances for the given provider.
$ salt-cloud -f list_nodes linode $ salt-cloud -f list_nodes_full linode $ salt-cloud -f list_nodes_select linode
Another useful reference for viewing salt-cloud functions is the :ref:Salt Cloud Feature Matrix <salt-cloud-feature-matrix>
Core Configuration
Install Salt Cloud
Salt Cloud is now part of Salt proper. It was merged in as of Salt version 2014.1.0.
On Ubuntu, install Salt Cloud by using following command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:saltstack/salt sudo apt-get install salt-cloud
If using Salt Cloud on OS X, curl-ca-bundle must be installed. Presently, this package is not available via brew, but it is available using MacPorts:
sudo port install curl-ca-bundle
Salt Cloud depends on apache-libcloud. Libcloud can be installed via pip with pip install apache-libcloud.
Installing Salt Cloud for development
Installing Salt for development enables Salt Cloud development as well, just make sure apache-libcloud is installed as per above paragraph.
See these instructions: Installing Salt for development.
Core Configuration
A number of core configuration options and some options that are global to the VM profiles can be set in the cloud configuration file. By default this file is located at /etc/salt/cloud.
Thread Pool Size
When salt cloud is operating in parallel mode via the -P argument, you can control the thread pool size by specifying the pool_size parameter with a positive integer value.
By default, the thread pool size will be set to the number of VMs that salt cloud is operating on.
pool_size: 10
Minion Configuration
The default minion configuration is set up in this file. Minions created by salt-cloud derive their configuration from this file. Almost all parameters found in Configuring the Salt Minion can be used here.
minion: master:
In particular, this is the location to specify the location of the salt master and its listening port, if the port is not set to the default.
Cloud Configuration Syntax
The data specific to interacting with public clouds is set up here.
Cloud provider configuration syntax can live in several places. The first is in /etc/salt/cloud:
# /etc/salt/cloud providers: my-aws-migrated-config: id: HJGRYCILJLKJYG key: 'kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn' keyname: test securitygroup: quick-start private_key: /root/test.pem provider: aws
Cloud provider configuration data can also be housed in /etc/salt/cloud.providers or any file matching /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/*.conf. All files in any of these locations will be parsed for cloud provider data.
Using the example configuration above:
# /etc/salt/cloud.providers # or could be /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/*.conf my-aws-config: id: HJGRYCILJLKJYG key: 'kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn' keyname: test securitygroup: quick-start private_key: /root/test.pem provider: aws
NOTE: Salt Cloud provider configurations within /etc/cloud.provider.d/ should not specify the ``providers starting key.
It is also possible to have multiple cloud configuration blocks within the same alias block. For example:
production-config: - id: HJGRYCILJLKJYG key: 'kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn' keyname: test securitygroup: quick-start private_key: /root/test.pem provider: aws - user: example_user apikey: 123984bjjas87034 provider: rackspace
However, using this configuration method requires a change with profile configuration blocks. The provider alias needs to have the provider key value appended as in the following example:
rhel_aws_dev: provider: production-config:aws image: ami-e565ba8c size: t1.micro rhel_aws_prod: provider: production-config:aws image: ami-e565ba8c size: High-CPU Extra Large Instance database_prod: provider: production-config:rackspace image: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS size: 256 server
Notice that because of the multiple entries, one has to be explicit about the provider alias and name, from the above example, production-config: aws.
This data interactions with the salt-cloud binary regarding its --list-location, --list-images, and --list-sizes which needs a cloud provider as an argument. The argument used should be the configured cloud provider alias. If the provider alias has multiple entries, <provider-alias>: <provider-name> should be used.
To allow for a more extensible configuration, --providers-config, which defaults to /etc/salt/cloud.providers, was added to the cli parser. It allows for the providers' configuration to be added on a per-file basis.
Pillar Configuration
It is possible to configure cloud providers using pillars. This is only used when inside the cloud module. You can setup a variable called cloud that contains your profile and provider to pass that information to the cloud servers instead of having to copy the full configuration to every minion. In your pillar file, you would use something like this:
cloud: ssh_key_name: saltstack ssh_key_file: /root/.ssh/id_rsa update_cachedir: True diff_cache_events: True change_password: True providers: my-nova: identity_url: compute_region: IAD user: myuser api_key: apikey tenant: 123456 provider: nova my-openstack: identity_url: user: user2 apikey: apikey2 tenant: 654321 compute_region: DFW provider: openstack compute_name: cloudServersOpenStack profiles: ubuntu-nova: provider: my-nova size: performance1-8 image: bb02b1a3-bc77-4d17-ab5b-421d89850fca script_args: git develop ubuntu-openstack: provider: my-openstack size: performance1-8 image: bb02b1a3-bc77-4d17-ab5b-421d89850fca script_args: git develop
Cloud Configurations
Rackspace cloud requires two configuration options; a user and an apikey:
my-rackspace-config: user: example_user apikey: 123984bjjas87034 provider: rackspace-config
NOTE: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the provider required field would be provider: my-rackspace-config.
Amazon AWS
A number of configuration options are required for Amazon AWS including id, key, keyname, securitygroup, and private_key:
my-aws-quick-start: id: HJGRYCILJLKJYG key: 'kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn' keyname: test securitygroup: quick-start private_key: /root/test.pem provider: aws my-aws-default: id: HJGRYCILJLKJYG key: 'kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn' keyname: test securitygroup: default private_key: /root/test.pem provider: aws
NOTE: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the provider required field would be either provider: my-aws-quick-start or provider: my-aws-default.
Linode requires a single API key, but the default root password also needs to be set:
my-linode-config: apikey: asldkgfakl;sdfjsjaslfjaklsdjf;askldjfaaklsjdfhasldsadfghdkf password: F00barbaz ssh_pubkey: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKHEOLLbeXgaqRQT9NBAopVz366SdYc0KKX33vAnq+2R user [at] host ssh_key_file: ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 provider: linode
The password needs to be 8 characters and contain lowercase, uppercase, and numbers.
NOTE: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the provider required field would be provider: my-linode-config
Joyent Cloud
The Joyent cloud requires three configuration parameters: The username and password that are used to log into the Joyent system, as well as the location of the private SSH key associated with the Joyent account. The SSH key is needed to send the provisioning commands up to the freshly created virtual machine.
my-joyent-config: user: fred password: saltybacon private_key: /root/joyent.pem provider: joyent
NOTE: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the provider required field would be provider: my-joyent-config
To use Salt Cloud with GoGrid, log into the GoGrid web interface and create an API key. Do this by clicking on "My Account" and then going to the API Keys tab.
The apikey and the sharedsecret configuration parameters need to be set in the configuration file to enable interfacing with GoGrid:
my-gogrid-config: apikey: asdff7896asdh789 sharedsecret: saltybacon provider: gogrid
NOTE: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the provider required field would be provider: my-gogrid-config.
OpenStack configuration differs between providers, and at the moment several options need to be specified. This module has been officially tested against the HP and the Rackspace implementations, and some examples are provided for both.
# For HP my-openstack-hp-config: identity_url: '' compute_name: Compute compute_region: 'az-1.region-a.geo-1' tenant: myuser-tenant1 user: myuser ssh_key_name: mykey ssh_key_file: '/etc/salt/hpcloud/mykey.pem' password: mypass provider: openstack # For Rackspace my-openstack-rackspace-config: identity_url: '' compute_name: cloudServersOpenStack protocol: ipv4 compute_region: DFW protocol: ipv4 user: myuser tenant: 5555555 password: mypass provider: openstack
If you have an API key for your provider, it may be specified instead of a password:
my-openstack-hp-config: apikey: 901d3f579h23c8v73q9 my-openstack-rackspace-config: apikey: 901d3f579h23c8v73q9
NOTE: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the provider required field would be either provider: my-openstack-hp-config or provider: my-openstack-rackspace-config.
You will certainly need to configure the user, tenant, and either password or apikey.
If your OpenStack instances only have private IP addresses and a CIDR range of private addresses are not reachable from the salt-master, you may set your preference to have Salt ignore it:
my-openstack-config: ignore_cidr:
For in-house OpenStack Essex installation, libcloud needs the service_type :
my-openstack-config: identity_url: '' compute_name : Compute Service service_type : compute
Using Salt for DigitalOcean requires a client_key and an api_key. These can be found in the DigitalOcean web interface, in the "My Settings" section, under the API Access tab.
my-digitalocean-config: provider: digital_ocean personal_access_token: xxx location: New York 1
NOTE: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the provider required field would be provider: my-digital-ocean-config.
Using Salt with Parallels requires a user, password and URL. These can be obtained from your cloud provider.
my-parallels-config: user: myuser password: xyzzy url: provider: parallels
NOTE: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the provider required field would be provider: my-parallels-config.
Using Salt with Proxmox requires a user, password, and URL. These can be obtained from your cloud provider. Both PAM and PVE users can be used.
my-proxmox-config: provider: proxmox user: saltcloud@pve password: xyzzy url:
NOTE: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the provider required field would be provider: my-proxmox-config.
The lxc driver uses saltify to install salt and attach the lxc container as a new lxc minion. As soon as we can, we manage baremetal operation over SSH. You can also destroy those containers via this driver.
devhost10-lxc: target: devhost10 provider: lxc
And in the map file:
devhost10-lxc: provider: devhost10-lxc from_container: ubuntu backing: lvm sudo: True size: 3g ip: minion: master: master_port: 4506 lxc_conf: - lxc.utsname: superlxc
NOTE: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the provider required field would be provider: devhost10-lxc.
The Saltify driver is a new, experimental driver designed to install Salt on a remote machine, virtual or bare metal, using SSH. This driver is useful for provisioning machines which are already installed, but not Salted. For more information about using this driver and for configuration examples, please see the Gettting Started with Saltify documentation.
Extending Profiles and Cloud Providers Configuration
As of 0.8.7, the option to extend both the profiles and cloud providers configuration and avoid duplication was added. The extends feature works on the current profiles configuration, but, regarding the cloud providers configuration, only works in the new syntax and respective configuration files, i.e. /etc/salt/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/*.conf.
NOTE: Extending cloud profiles and providers is not recursive. For example, a profile that is extended by a second profile is possible, but the second profile cannot be extended by a third profile.
Also, if a profile (or provider) is extending another profile and each contains a list of values, the lists from the extending profile will override the list from the original profile. The lists are not merged together.
Extending Profiles
Some example usage on how to use extends with profiles. Consider /etc/salt/salt/cloud.profiles containing:
development-instances: provider: my-ec2-config size: t1.micro ssh_username: ec2_user securitygroup: - default deploy: False Amazon-Linux-AMI-2012.09-64bit: image: ami-54cf5c3d extends: development-instances Fedora-17: image: ami-08d97e61 extends: development-instances CentOS-5: provider: my-aws-config image: ami-09b61d60 extends: development-instances
The above configuration, once parsed would generate the following profiles data:
[{'deploy': False, 'image': 'ami-08d97e61', 'profile': 'Fedora-17', 'provider': 'my-ec2-config', 'securitygroup': ['default'], 'size': 't1.micro', 'ssh_username': 'ec2_user'}, {'deploy': False, 'image': 'ami-09b61d60', 'profile': 'CentOS-5', 'provider': 'my-aws-config', 'securitygroup': ['default'], 'size': 't1.micro', 'ssh_username': 'ec2_user'}, {'deploy': False, 'image': 'ami-54cf5c3d', 'profile': 'Amazon-Linux-AMI-2012.09-64bit', 'provider': 'my-ec2-config', 'securitygroup': ['default'], 'size': 't1.micro', 'ssh_username': 'ec2_user'}, {'deploy': False, 'profile': 'development-instances', 'provider': 'my-ec2-config', 'securitygroup': ['default'], 'size': 't1.micro', 'ssh_username': 'ec2_user'}]
Extending Providers
Some example usage on how to use extends within the cloud providers configuration. Consider /etc/salt/salt/cloud.providers containing:
my-develop-envs: - id: HJGRYCILJLKJYG key: 'kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn' keyname: test securitygroup: quick-start private_key: /root/test.pem location: ap-southeast-1 availability_zone: ap-southeast-1b provider: aws - user: myuser [at] password: mypass ssh_key_name: mykey ssh_key_file: '/etc/salt/ibm/mykey.pem' location: Raleigh provider: ibmsce my-productions-envs: - extends: my-develop-envs:ibmsce user: my-production-user [at] location: us-east-1 availability_zone: us-east-1
The above configuration, once parsed would generate the following providers data:
'providers': { 'my-develop-envs': [ {'availability_zone': 'ap-southeast-1b', 'id': 'HJGRYCILJLKJYG', 'key': 'kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn', 'keyname': 'test', 'location': 'ap-southeast-1', 'private_key': '/root/test.pem', 'provider': 'aws', 'securitygroup': 'quick-start' }, {'location': 'Raleigh', 'password': 'mypass', 'provider': 'ibmsce', 'ssh_key_file': '/etc/salt/ibm/mykey.pem', 'ssh_key_name': 'mykey', 'user': 'myuser [at]' } ], 'my-productions-envs': [ {'availability_zone': 'us-east-1', 'location': 'us-east-1', 'password': 'mypass', 'provider': 'ibmsce', 'ssh_key_file': '/etc/salt/ibm/mykey.pem', 'ssh_key_name': 'mykey', 'user': 'my-production-user [at]' } ] }
Windows Configuration
Spinning up Windows Minions
It is possible to use Salt Cloud to spin up Windows instances, and then install Salt on them. This functionality is available on all cloud providers that are supported by Salt Cloud. However, it may not necessarily be available on all Windows images.
Salt Cloud makes use of impacket and winexe to set up the Windows Salt Minion installer.
impacket is usually available as either the impacket or the python-impacket package, depending on the distribution. More information on impacket can be found at the project home:
- •
impacket project home
winexe is less commonly available in distribution-specific repositories. However, it is currently being built for various distributions in 3rd party channels:
- •
- RPMs at
- •
OpenSuse Build Service
Additionally, a copy of the Salt Minion Windows installer must be present on the system on which Salt Cloud is running. This installer may be downloaded from
- •
- SaltStack Download Area
Firewall Settings
Because Salt Cloud makes use of smbclient and winexe, port 445 must be open on the target image. This port is not generally open by default on a standard Windows distribution, and care must be taken to use an image in which this port is open, or the Windows firewall is disabled.
If supported by the cloud provider, a PowerShell script may be used to open up this port automatically, using the cloud provider's userdata. The following script would open up port 445, and apply the changes:
<powershell> New-NetFirewallRule -Name "SMB445" -DisplayName "SMB445" -Protocol TCP -LocalPort 445 Set-Item (dir wsman:\localhost\Listener\*\Port -Recurse).pspath 445 -Force Restart-Service winrm </powershell>
For EC2, this script may be saved as a file, and specified in the provider or profile configuration as userdata_file. For instance:
userdata_file: /etc/salt/windows-firewall.ps1
Configuration is set as usual, with some extra configuration settings. The location of the Windows installer on the machine that Salt Cloud is running on must be specified. This may be done in any of the regular configuration files (main, providers, profiles, maps). For example:
Setting the installer in /etc/salt/cloud.providers:
my-softlayer: provider: softlayer user: MYUSER1138 apikey: 'e3b68aa711e6deadc62d5b76355674beef7cc3116062ddbacafe5f7e465bfdc9' minion: master: win_installer: /root/Salt-Minion-2014.7.0-AMD64-Setup.exe win_username: Administrator win_password: letmein
The default Windows user is Administrator, and the default Windows password is blank.
Auto-Generated Passwords on EC2
On EC2, when the win_password is set to auto, Salt Cloud will query EC2 for an auto-generated password. This password is expected to take at least 4 minutes to generate, adding additional time to the deploy process.
When the EC2 API is queried for the auto-generated password, it will be returned in a message encrypted with the specified keyname. This requires that the appropriate private_key file is also specified. Such a profile configuration might look like:
windows-server-2012: provider: my-ec2-config image: ami-c49c0dac size: m1.small securitygroup: windows keyname: mykey private_key: /root/mykey.pem userdata_file: /etc/salt/windows-firewall.ps1 win_installer: /root/Salt-Minion-2014.7.0-AMD64-Setup.exe win_username: Administrator win_password: auto
Cloud Provider Specifics
Getting Started With Aliyun ECS
The Aliyun ECS (Elastic Computer Service) is one of the most popular public cloud providers in China. This cloud provider can be used to manage aliyun instance using salt-cloud.
This driver requires the Python requests library to be installed.
Using Salt for Aliyun ECS requires aliyun access key id and key secret. These can be found in the aliyun web interface, in the "User Center" section, under "My Service" tab.
# Note: This example is for /etc/salt/cloud.providers or any file in the # /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ directory. my-aliyun-config: # aliyun Access Key ID id: wDGEwGregedg3435gDgxd # aliyun Access Key Secret key: GDd45t43RDBTrkkkg43934t34qT43t4dgegerGEgg location: cn-qingdao provider: aliyun
Cloud Profiles
Set up an initial profile at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles or in the /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/ directory:
aliyun_centos: provider: my-aliyun-config size: ecs.t1.small location: cn-qingdao securitygroup: G1989096784427999 image: centos6u3_64_20G_aliaegis_20130816.vhd
Sizes can be obtained using the --list-sizes option for the salt-cloud command:
# salt-cloud --list-sizes my-aliyun-config my-aliyun-config: ---------- aliyun: ---------- ecs.c1.large: ---------- CpuCoreCount: 8 InstanceTypeId: ecs.c1.large MemorySize: 16.0 ...SNIP...
Images can be obtained using the --list-images option for the salt-cloud command:
# salt-cloud --list-images my-aliyun-config my-aliyun-config: ---------- aliyun: ---------- centos5u8_64_20G_aliaegis_20131231.vhd: ---------- Architecture: x86_64 Description: ImageId: centos5u8_64_20G_aliaegis_20131231.vhd ImageName: CentOS 5.8 64位 ImageOwnerAlias: system ImageVersion: 1.0 OSName: CentOS 5.8 64位 Platform: CENTOS5 Size: 20 Visibility: public ...SNIP...
Locations can be obtained using the --list-locations option for the salt-cloud command:
my-aliyun-config: ---------- aliyun: ---------- cn-beijing: ---------- LocalName: 北京 RegionId: cn-beijing cn-hangzhou: ---------- LocalName: 杭州 RegionId: cn-hangzhou cn-hongkong: ---------- LocalName: 香港 RegionId: cn-hongkong cn-qingdao: ---------- LocalName: 青岛 RegionId: cn-qingdao
Security Group can be obtained using the -f list_securitygroup option for the salt-cloud command:
# salt-cloud --location=cn-qingdao -f list_securitygroup my-aliyun-config my-aliyun-config: ---------- aliyun: ---------- G1989096784427999: ---------- Description: G1989096784427999 SecurityGroupId: G1989096784427999
NOTE: Aliyun ECS REST API documentation is available from Aliyun ECS API.
Getting Started With Azure
New in version 2014.1.0.
Azure is a cloud service by Microsoft providing virtual machines, SQL services, media services, and more. This document describes how to use Salt Cloud to create a virtual machine on Azure, with Salt installed.
More information about Azure is located at
- •
- The Azure Python SDK.
- •
- A Microsoft Azure account
- •
- OpenSSL (to generate the certificates)
- •
- Salt
Set up the provider config at /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/azure.conf:
# Note: This example is for /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/azure.conf my-azure-config: provider: azure subscription_id: 3287abc8-f98a-c678-3bde-326766fd3617 certificate_path: /etc/salt/azure.pem # Set up the location of the salt master # minion: master: # Optional management_host:
The certificate used must be generated by the user. OpenSSL can be used to create the management certificates. Two certificates are needed: a .cer file, which is uploaded to Azure, and a .pem file, which is stored locally.
To create the .pem file, execute the following command:
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout /etc/salt/azure.pem -out /etc/salt/azure.pem
To create the .cer file, execute the following command:
openssl x509 -inform pem -in /etc/salt/azure.pem -outform der -out /etc/salt/azure.cer
After creating these files, the .cer file will need to be uploaded to Azure via the "Upload a Management Certificate" action of the "Management Certificates" tab within the "Settings" section of the management portal.
Optionally, a management_host may be configured, if necessary for the region.
Cloud Profiles
Set up an initial profile at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles:
azure-ubuntu: provider: my-azure-config image: 'b39f27a8b8c64d52b05eac6a62ebad85__Ubuntu-12_04_3-LTS-amd64-server-20131003-en-us-30GB' size: Small location: 'East US' ssh_username: azureuser ssh_password: verybadpass slot: production media_link: ''
These options are described in more detail below. Once configured, the profile can be realized with a salt command:
salt-cloud -p azure-ubuntu newinstance
This will create an salt minion instance named newinstance in Azure. If the command was executed on the salt-master, its Salt key will automatically be signed on the master.
Once the instance has been created with salt-minion installed, connectivity to it can be verified with Salt:
salt newinstance
Profile Options
The following options are currently available for Azure.
The name of the provider as configured in /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/azure.conf.
The name of the image to use to create a VM. Available images can be viewed using the following command:
salt-cloud --list-images my-azure-config
The name of the size to use to create a VM. Available sizes can be viewed using the following command:
salt-cloud --list-sizes my-azure-config
The name of the location to create a VM in. Available locations can be viewed using the following command:
salt-cloud --list-locations my-azure-config
The user to use to log into the newly-created VM to install Salt.
The password to use to log into the newly-created VM to install Salt.
The environment to which the hosted service is deployed. Valid values are staging or production. When set to production, the resulting URL of the new VM will be <vm_name> When set to staging, the resulting URL will contain a generated hash instead.
This is the URL of the container that will store the disk that this VM uses. Currently, this container must already exist. If a VM has previously been created in the associated account, a container should already exist. In the web interface, go into the Storage area and click one of the available storage selections. Click the Containers link, and then copy the URL from the container that will be used. It generally looks like:
Show Instance
This action is a thin wrapper around --full-query, which displays details on a single instance only. In an environment with several machines, this will save a user from having to sort through all instance data, just to examine a single instance.
salt-cloud -a show_instance myinstance
Getting Started With DigitalOcean
DigitalOcean is a public cloud provider that specializes in Linux instances.
Starting in Salt 2015.5.0, a new DigitalOcean driver was added to Salt Cloud to support DigitalOcean's new API, APIv2. The original driver, referred to digital_ocean will be supported throughout the 2015.5.x releases of Salt, but will then be removed in Salt Beryllium in favor of the APIv2 driver, digital_ocean_v2. The following documentation is relevant to the new driver, digital_ocean_v2. To see documentation related to the original digital_ocean driver, please see the DigitalOcean Salt Cloud Driver
NOTE: When Salt Beryllium is released, the original digital_ocean driver will no longer be supported and the digital_ocean_v2 driver will become the digital_ocean driver.
Using Salt for DigitalOcean requires a personal_access_token, an ssh_key_file, and at least one SSH key name in ssh_key_names. More can be added by separating each key with a comma. The personal_access_token can be found in the DigitalOcean web interface in the "Apps & API" section. The SSH key name can be found under the "SSH Keys" section.
# Note: This example is for /etc/salt/cloud.providers or any file in the # /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ directory. my-digitalocean-config: provider: digital_ocean personal_access_token: xxx ssh_key_file: /path/to/ssh/key/file ssh_key_names: my-key-name,my-key-name-2 location: New York 1
Cloud Profiles
Set up an initial profile at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles or in the /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/ directory:
digitalocean-ubuntu: provider: my-digitalocean-config image: Ubuntu 14.04 x32 size: 512MB location: New York 1 private_networking: True backups_enabled: True ipv6: True
Locations can be obtained using the --list-locations option for the salt-cloud command:
# salt-cloud --list-locations my-digitalocean-config my-digitalocean-config: ---------- digital_ocean: ---------- Amsterdam 1: ---------- available: False features: [u'backups'] name: Amsterdam 1 sizes: [] slug: ams1 ...SNIP...
Sizes can be obtained using the --list-sizes option for the salt-cloud command:
# salt-cloud --list-sizes my-digitalocean-config my-digitalocean-config: ---------- digital_ocean: ---------- 512MB: ---------- cost_per_hour: 0.00744 cost_per_month: 5.0 cpu: 1 disk: 20 id: 66 memory: 512 name: 512MB slug: None ...SNIP...
Images can be obtained using the --list-images option for the salt-cloud command:
# salt-cloud --list-images my-digitalocean-config my-digitalocean-config: ---------- digital_ocean: ---------- Arch Linux 2013.05 x64: ---------- distribution: Arch Linux id: 350424 name: Arch Linux 2013.05 x64 public: True slug: None ...SNIP...
NOTE: DigitalOcean's concept of Applications is nothing more than a pre-configured instance (same as a normal Droplet). You will find examples such Docker 0.7 Ubuntu 13.04 x64 and Wordpress on Ubuntu 12.10 when using the --list-images option. These names can be used just like the rest of the standard instances when specifying an image in the cloud profile configuration.
NOTE: If your domain's DNS is managed with DigitalOcean, you can automatically create A-records for newly created droplets. Use create_dns_record: True in your config to enable this. Add delete_dns_record: True to also delete records when a droplet is destroyed.
NOTE: Additional documentation is available from DigitalOcean.
Getting Started With AWS EC2
Amazon EC2 is a very widely used public cloud platform and one of the core platforms Salt Cloud has been built to support.
Previously, the suggested provider for AWS EC2 was the aws provider. This has been deprecated in favor of the ec2 provider. Configuration using the old aws provider will still function, but that driver is no longer in active development.
This driver requires the Python requests library to be installed.
The following example illustrates some of the options that can be set. These parameters are discussed in more detail below.
# Note: This example is for /etc/salt/cloud.providers or any file in the # /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ directory. my-ec2-southeast-public-ips: # Set up the location of the salt master # minion: master: # Set up grains information, which will be common for all nodes # using this provider grains: node_type: broker release: 1.0.1 # Specify whether to use public or private IP for deploy script. # # Valid options are: # private_ips - The salt-cloud command is run inside the EC2 # public_ips - The salt-cloud command is run outside of EC2 # ssh_interface: public_ips # Optionally configure the Windows credential validation number of # retries and delay between retries. This defaults to 10 retries # with a one second delay betwee retries win_deploy_auth_retries: 10 win_deploy_auth_retry_delay: 1 # Set the EC2 access credentials (see below) # id: HJGRYCILJLKJYG key: 'kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn' # Make sure this key is owned by root with permissions 0400. # private_key: /etc/salt/my_test_key.pem keyname: my_test_key securitygroup: default # Optionally configure default region # Use salt-cloud --list-locations <provider> to obtain valid regions # location: ap-southeast-1 availability_zone: ap-southeast-1b # Configure which user to use to run the deploy script. This setting is # dependent upon the AMI that is used to deploy. It is usually safer to # configure this individually in a profile, than globally. Typical users # are: # # Amazon Linux -> ec2-user # RHEL -> ec2-user # CentOS -> ec2-user # Ubuntu -> ubuntu # ssh_username: ec2-user # Optionally add an IAM profile iam_profile: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:instance-profile/ExampleInstanceProfile' provider: ec2 my-ec2-southeast-private-ips: # Set up the location of the salt master # minion: master: # Specify whether to use public or private IP for deploy script. # # Valid options are: # private_ips - The salt-master is also hosted with EC2 # public_ips - The salt-master is hosted outside of EC2 # ssh_interface: private_ips # Optionally configure the Windows credential validation number of # retries and delay between retries. This defaults to 10 retries # with a one second delay betwee retries win_deploy_auth_retries: 10 win_deploy_auth_retry_delay: 1 # Set the EC2 access credentials (see below) # id: HJGRYCILJLKJYG key: 'kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn' # Make sure this key is owned by root with permissions 0400. # private_key: /etc/salt/my_test_key.pem keyname: my_test_key securitygroup: default # Optionally configure default region # location: ap-southeast-1 availability_zone: ap-southeast-1b # Configure which user to use to run the deploy script. This setting is # dependent upon the AMI that is used to deploy. It is usually safer to # configure this individually in a profile, than globally. Typical users # are: # # Amazon Linux -> ec2-user # RHEL -> ec2-user # CentOS -> ec2-user # Ubuntu -> ubuntu # ssh_username: ec2-user # Optionally add an IAM profile iam_profile: 'my other profile name' provider: ec2
Access Credentials
The id and key settings may be found in the Security Credentials area of the AWS Account page:
Both are located in the Access Credentials area of the page, under the Access Keys tab. The id setting is labeled Access Key ID, and the key setting is labeled Secret Access Key.
Windows Deploy Timeouts
For Windows instances, it may take longer than normal for the instance to be ready. In these circumstances, the provider configuration can be configured with a win_deploy_auth_retries and/or a win_deploy_auth_retry_delay setting, which default to 10 retries and a one second delay between retries. These retries and timeouts relate to validating the Administrator password once AWS provides the credentials via the AWS API.
Key Pairs
In order to create an instance with Salt installed and configured, a key pair will need to be created. This can be done in the EC2 Management Console, in the Key Pairs area. These key pairs are unique to a specific region. Keys in the us-east-1 region can be configured at:
Keys in the us-west-1 region can be configured at
...and so on. When creating a key pair, the browser will prompt to download a pem file. This file must be placed in a directory accessible by Salt Cloud, with permissions set to either 0400 or 0600.
Security Groups
An instance on EC2 needs to belong to a security group. Like key pairs, these are unique to a specific region. These are also configured in the EC2 Management Console. Security groups for the us-east-1 region can be configured at:
...and so on.
A security group defines firewall rules which an instance will adhere to. If the salt-master is configured outside of EC2, the security group must open the SSH port (usually port 22) in order for Salt Cloud to install Salt.
IAM Profile
Amazon EC2 instances support the concept of an instance profile, which is a logical container for the IAM role. At the time that you launch an EC2 instance, you can associate the instance with an instance profile, which in turn corresponds to the IAM role. Any software that runs on the EC2 instance is able to access AWS using the permissions associated with the IAM role.
Scaffolding the profile is a 2-step configuration process:
- 1.
- Configure an IAM Role from the IAM Management Console.
- 2.
Attach this role to a new profile. It can be done with the AWS CLI:
> aws iam create-instance-profile --instance-profile-name PROFILE_NAME > aws iam add-role-to-instance-profile --instance-profile-name PROFILE_NAME --role-name ROLE_NAME
Once the profile is created, you can use the PROFILE_NAME to configure your cloud profiles.
Cloud Profiles
Set up an initial profile at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles:
base_ec2_private: provider: my-ec2-southeast-private-ips image: ami-e565ba8c size: t2.micro ssh_username: ec2-user base_ec2_public: provider: my-ec2-southeast-public-ips image: ami-e565ba8c size: t2.micro ssh_username: ec2-user base_ec2_db: provider: my-ec2-southeast-public-ips image: ami-e565ba8c size: m1.xlarge ssh_username: ec2-user volumes: - { size: 10, device: /dev/sdf } - { size: 10, device: /dev/sdg, type: io1, iops: 1000 } - { size: 10, device: /dev/sdh, type: io1, iops: 1000 } # optionally add tags to profile: tag: {'Environment': 'production', 'Role': 'database'} # force grains to sync after install sync_after_install: grains base_ec2_vpc: provider: my-ec2-southeast-public-ips image: ami-a73264ce size: m1.xlarge ssh_username: ec2-user script: /etc/salt/cloud.deploy.d/ network_interfaces: - DeviceIndex: 0 PrivateIpAddresses: - Primary: True #auto assign public ip (not EIP) AssociatePublicIpAddress: True SubnetId: subnet-813d4bbf SecurityGroupId: - sg-750af413 del_root_vol_on_destroy: True del_all_vol_on_destroy: True volumes: - { size: 10, device: /dev/sdf } - { size: 10, device: /dev/sdg, type: io1, iops: 1000 } - { size: 10, device: /dev/sdh, type: io1, iops: 1000 } tag: {'Environment': 'production', 'Role': 'database'} sync_after_install: grains
The profile can now be realized with a salt command:
# salt-cloud -p base_ec2 # salt-cloud -p base_ec2_public # salt-cloud -p base_ec2_private
This will create an instance named in EC2. The minion that is installed on this instance will have an id of If the command was executed on the salt-master, its Salt key will automatically be signed on the master.
Once the instance has been created with salt-minion installed, connectivity to it can be verified with Salt:
# salt ''
Required Settings
The following settings are always required for EC2:
# Set the EC2 login data my-ec2-config: id: HJGRYCILJLKJYG key: 'kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn' keyname: test securitygroup: quick-start private_key: /root/test.pem provider: ec2
Optional Settings
EC2 allows a userdata file to be passed to the instance to be created. This functionality was added to Salt in the 2015.5.0 release.
my-ec2-config: # Pass userdata to the instance to be created userdata_file: /etc/salt/my-userdata-file
EC2 allows a location to be set for servers to be deployed in. Availability zones exist inside regions, and may be added to increase specificity.
my-ec2-config: # Optionally configure default region location: ap-southeast-1 availability_zone: ap-southeast-1b
EC2 instances can have a public or private IP, or both. When an instance is deployed, Salt Cloud needs to log into it via SSH to run the deploy script. By default, the public IP will be used for this. If the salt-cloud command is run from another EC2 instance, the private IP should be used.
my-ec2-config: # Specify whether to use public or private IP for deploy script # private_ips or public_ips ssh_interface: public_ips
Many EC2 instances do not allow remote access to the root user by default. Instead, another user must be used to run the deploy script using sudo. Some common usernames include ec2-user (for Amazon Linux), ubuntu (for Ubuntu instances), admin (official Debian) and bitnami (for images provided by Bitnami).
my-ec2-config: # Configure which user to use to run the deploy script ssh_username: ec2-user
Multiple usernames can be provided, in which case Salt Cloud will attempt to guess the correct username. This is mostly useful in the main configuration file:
my-ec2-config: ssh_username: - ec2-user - ubuntu - admin - bitnami
Multiple security groups can also be specified in the same fashion:
my-ec2-config: securitygroup: - default - extra
Your instances may optionally make use of EC2 Spot Instances. The following example will request that spot instances be used and your maximum bid will be $0.10. Keep in mind that different spot prices may be needed based on the current value of the various EC2 instance sizes. You can check current and past spot instance pricing via the EC2 API or AWS Console.
my-ec2-config: spot_config: spot_price: 0.10
By default, the spot instance type is set to 'one-time', meaning it will be launched and, if it's ever terminated for whatever reason, it will not be recreated. If you would like your spot instances to be relaunched after a termination (by your or AWS), set the type to 'persistent'.
NOTE: Spot instances are a great way to save a bit of money, but you do run the risk of losing your spot instances if the current price for the instance size goes above your maximum bid.
The following parameters may be set in the cloud configuration file to control various aspects of the spot instance launching:
- •
- wait_for_spot_timeout: seconds to wait before giving up on spot instance launch (default=600)
- •
- wait_for_spot_interval: seconds to wait in between polling requests to determine if a spot instance is available (default=30)
- •
- wait_for_spot_interval_multiplier: a multiplier to add to the interval in between requests, which is useful if AWS is throttling your requests (default=1)
- •
wait_for_spot_max_failures: maximum number of failures before giving up
on launching your spot instance (default=10)
If you find that you're being throttled by AWS while polling for spot instances, you can set the following in your core cloud configuration file that will double the polling interval after each request to AWS.
wait_for_spot_interval: 1 wait_for_spot_interval_multiplier: 2
See the AWS Spot Instances documentation for more information.
Block device mappings enable you to specify additional EBS volumes or instance store volumes when the instance is launched. This setting is also available on each cloud profile. Note that the number of instance stores varies by instance type. If more mappings are provided than are supported by the instance type, mappings will be created in the order provided and additional mappings will be ignored. Consult the AWS documentation for a listing of the available instance stores, and device names.
my-ec2-config: block_device_mappings: - DeviceName: /dev/sdb VirtualName: ephemeral0 - DeviceName: /dev/sdc VirtualName: ephemeral1
You can also use block device mappings to change the size of the root device at the provisioning time. For example, assuming the root device is '/dev/sda', you can set its size to 100G by using the following configuration.
my-ec2-config: block_device_mappings: - DeviceName: /dev/sda Ebs.VolumeSize: 100 Ebs.VolumeType: gp2 Ebs.SnapshotId: dummy0
Existing EBS volumes may also be attached (not created) to your instances or you can create new EBS volumes based on EBS snapshots. To simply attach an existing volume use the volume_id parameter.
device: /dev/xvdj volume_id: vol-12345abcd
Or, to create a volume from an EBS snapshot, use the snapshot parameter.
device: /dev/xvdj snapshot: snap-abcd12345
Note that volume_id will take precedence over the snapshot parameter.
Tags can be set once an instance has been launched.
my-ec2-config: tag: tag0: value tag1: value
Modify EC2 Tags
One of the features of EC2 is the ability to tag resources. In fact, under the hood, the names given to EC2 instances by salt-cloud are actually just stored as a tag called Name. Salt Cloud has the ability to manage these tags:
salt-cloud -a get_tags mymachine salt-cloud -a set_tags mymachine tag1=somestuff tag2='Other stuff' salt-cloud -a del_tags mymachine tag1,tag2,tag3
It is possible to manage tags on any resource in EC2 with a Resource ID, not just instances:
salt-cloud -f get_tags my_ec2 resource_id=af5467ba salt-cloud -f set_tags my_ec2 resource_id=af5467ba tag1=somestuff salt-cloud -f del_tags my_ec2 resource_id=af5467ba tag1,tag2,tag3
Rename EC2 Instances
As mentioned above, EC2 instances are named via a tag. However, renaming an instance by renaming its tag will cause the salt keys to mismatch. A rename function exists which renames both the instance, and the salt keys.
salt-cloud -a rename mymachine newname=yourmachine
EC2 Termination Protection
EC2 allows the user to enable and disable termination protection on a specific instance. An instance with this protection enabled cannot be destroyed.
salt-cloud -a enable_term_protect mymachine salt-cloud -a disable_term_protect mymachine
Rename on Destroy
When instances on EC2 are destroyed, there will be a lag between the time that the action is sent, and the time that Amazon cleans up the instance. During this time, the instance still retails a Name tag, which will cause a collision if the creation of an instance with the same name is attempted before the cleanup occurs. In order to avoid such collisions, Salt Cloud can be configured to rename instances when they are destroyed. The new name will look something like:
In order to enable this, add rename_on_destroy line to the main configuration file:
my-ec2-config: rename_on_destroy: True
Listing Images
Normally, images can be queried on a cloud provider by passing the --list-images argument to Salt Cloud. This still holds true for EC2:
salt-cloud --list-images my-ec2-config
However, the full list of images on EC2 is extremely large, and querying all of the available images may cause Salt Cloud to behave as if frozen. Therefore, the default behavior of this option may be modified, by adding an owner argument to the provider configuration:
owner: aws-marketplace
The possible values for this setting are amazon, aws-marketplace, self, <AWS account ID> or all. The default setting is amazon. Take note that all and aws-marketplace may cause Salt Cloud to appear as if it is freezing, as it tries to handle the large amount of data.
It is also possible to perform this query using different settings without modifying the configuration files. To do this, call the avail_images function directly:
salt-cloud -f avail_images my-ec2-config owner=aws-marketplace
EC2 Images
The following are lists of available AMI images, generally sorted by OS. These lists are on 3rd-party websites, are not managed by Salt Stack in any way. They are provided here as a reference for those who are interested, and contain no warranty (express or implied) from anyone affiliated with Salt Stack. Most of them have never been used, much less tested, by the Salt Stack team.
- •
- Arch Linux
- •
- FreeBSD
- •
- Fedora
- •
- CentOS
- •
- Ubuntu
- •
- Debian
- •
- OmniOS
- •
- All Images on Amazon
This is a function that describes an AMI on EC2. This will give insight as to the defaults that will be applied to an instance using a particular AMI.
$ salt-cloud -f show_image ec2 image=ami-fd20ad94
This action is a thin wrapper around --full-query, which displays details on a single instance only. In an environment with several machines, this will save a user from having to sort through all instance data, just to examine a single instance.
$ salt-cloud -a show_instance myinstance
This argument enables switching of the EbsOptimized setting which default to 'false'. Indicates whether the instance is optimized for EBS I/O. This optimization provides dedicated throughput to Amazon EBS and an optimized configuration stack to provide optimal Amazon EBS I/O performance. This optimization isn't available with all instance types. Additional usage charges apply when using an EBS-optimized instance.
This setting can be added to the profile or map file for an instance.
If set to True, this setting will enable an instance to be EbsOptimized
ebs_optimized: True
This can also be set as a cloud provider setting in the EC2 cloud configuration:
my-ec2-config: ebs_optimized: True
This argument overrides the default DeleteOnTermination setting in the AMI for the EBS root volumes for an instance. Many AMIs contain 'false' as a default, resulting in orphaned volumes in the EC2 account, which may unknowingly be charged to the account. This setting can be added to the profile or map file for an instance.
If set, this setting will apply to the root EBS volume
del_root_vol_on_destroy: True
This can also be set as a cloud provider setting in the EC2 cloud configuration:
my-ec2-config: del_root_vol_on_destroy: True
This argument overrides the default DeleteOnTermination setting in the AMI for the not-root EBS volumes for an instance. Many AMIs contain 'false' as a default, resulting in orphaned volumes in the EC2 account, which may unknowingly be charged to the account. This setting can be added to the profile or map file for an instance.
If set, this setting will apply to any (non-root) volumes that were created by salt-cloud using the 'volumes' setting.
The volumes will not be deleted under the following conditions * If a volume is detached before terminating the instance * If a volume is created without this setting and attached to the instance
del_all_vols_on_destroy: True
This can also be set as a cloud provider setting in the EC2 cloud configuration:
my-ec2-config: del_all_vols_on_destroy: True
The setting for this may be changed on all volumes of an existing instance using one of the following commands:
salt-cloud -a delvol_on_destroy myinstance salt-cloud -a keepvol_on_destroy myinstance salt-cloud -a show_delvol_on_destroy myinstance
The setting for this may be changed on a volume on an existing instance using one of the following commands:
salt-cloud -a delvol_on_destroy myinstance device=/dev/sda1 salt-cloud -a delvol_on_destroy myinstance volume_id=vol-1a2b3c4d salt-cloud -a keepvol_on_destroy myinstance device=/dev/sda1 salt-cloud -a keepvol_on_destroy myinstance volume_id=vol-1a2b3c4d salt-cloud -a show_delvol_on_destroy myinstance device=/dev/sda1 salt-cloud -a show_delvol_on_destroy myinstance volume_id=vol-1a2b3c4d
EC2 Termination Protection
EC2 allows the user to enable and disable termination protection on a specific instance. An instance with this protection enabled cannot be destroyed. The EC2 driver adds a show_term_protect action to the regular EC2 functionality.
salt-cloud -a show_term_protect mymachine salt-cloud -a enable_term_protect mymachine salt-cloud -a disable_term_protect mymachine
Alternate Endpoint
Normally, EC2 endpoints are build using the region and the service_url. The resulting endpoint would follow this pattern:
This results in an endpoint that looks like:
There are other projects that support an EC2 compatibility layer, which this scheme does not account for. This can be overridden by specifying the endpoint directly in the main cloud configuration file:
my-ec2-config: endpoint:
Volume Management
The EC2 driver has several functions and actions for management of EBS volumes.
Creating Volumes
A volume may be created, independent of an instance. A zone must be specified. A size or a snapshot may be specified (in GiB). If neither is given, a default size of 10 GiB will be used. If a snapshot is given, the size of the snapshot will be used.
salt-cloud -f create_volume ec2 zone=us-east-1b salt-cloud -f create_volume ec2 zone=us-east-1b size=10 salt-cloud -f create_volume ec2 zone=us-east-1b snapshot=snap12345678 salt-cloud -f create_volume ec2 size=10 type=standard salt-cloud -f create_volume ec2 size=10 type=io1 iops=1000
Attaching Volumes
Unattached volumes may be attached to an instance. The following values are required; name or instance_id, volume_id, and device.
salt-cloud -a attach_volume myinstance volume_id=vol-12345 device=/dev/sdb1
Show a Volume
The details about an existing volume may be retrieved.
salt-cloud -a show_volume myinstance volume_id=vol-12345 salt-cloud -f show_volume ec2 volume_id=vol-12345
Detaching Volumes
An existing volume may be detached from an instance.
salt-cloud -a detach_volume myinstance volume_id=vol-12345
Deleting Volumes
A volume that is not attached to an instance may be deleted.
salt-cloud -f delete_volume ec2 volume_id=vol-12345
Managing Key Pairs
The EC2 driver has the ability to manage key pairs.
Creating a Key Pair
A key pair is required in order to create an instance. When creating a key pair with this function, the return data will contain a copy of the private key. This private key is not stored by Amazon, will not be obtainable past this point, and should be stored immediately.
salt-cloud -f create_keypair ec2 keyname=mykeypair
Show a Key Pair
This function will show the details related to a key pair, not including the private key itself (which is not stored by Amazon).
salt-cloud -f show_keypair ec2 keyname=mykeypair
Delete a Key Pair
This function removes the key pair from Amazon.
salt-cloud -f delete_keypair ec2 keyname=mykeypair
Launching instances into a VPC
Simple launching into a VPC
In the amazon web interface, identify the id of the subnet into which your image should be created. Then, edit your cloud.profiles file like so:-
profile-id: provider: provider-name subnetid: subnet-XXXXXXXX image: ami-XXXXXXXX size: m1.medium ssh_username: ubuntu securitygroupid: - sg-XXXXXXXX
Specifying interface properties
New in version 2014.7.0.
Launching into a VPC allows you to specify more complex configurations for the network interfaces of your virtual machines, for example:-
profile-id: provider: provider-name image: ami-XXXXXXXX size: m1.medium ssh_username: ubuntu # Do not include either 'subnetid' or 'securitygroupid' here if you are # going to manually specify interface configuration # network_interfaces: - DeviceIndex: 0 SubnetId: subnet-XXXXXXXX SecurityGroupId: - sg-XXXXXXXX # Uncomment this to associate an existing Elastic IP Address with # this network interface: # # associate_eip: eni-XXXXXXXX # You can allocate more than one IP address to an interface. Use the # 'ip addr list' command to see them. # # SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount: 2 # Uncomment this to allocate a new Elastic IP Address to this # interface (will be associated with the primary private ip address # of the interface # # allocate_new_eip: True # Uncomment this instead to allocate a new Elastic IP Address to # both the primary private ip address and each of the secondary ones # allocate_new_eips: True
Note that it is an error to assign a 'subnetid' or 'securitygroupid' to a
profile where the interfaces are manually configured like this. These are both
really properties of each network interface, not of the machine itself.
Getting Started With GoGrid
GoGrid is a public cloud provider supporting Linux and Windows.
- •
- Libcloud >= 0.13.2
To use Salt Cloud with GoGrid log into the GoGrid web interface and create an API key. Do this by clicking on "My Account" and then going to the API Keys tab.
The apikey and the sharedsecret configuration parameters need to be set in the configuration file to enable interfacing with GoGrid:
# Note: This example is for /etc/salt/cloud.providers or any file in the # /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ directory. my-gogrid-config: provider: gogrid apikey: asdff7896asdh789 sharedsecret: saltybacon
NOTE: A Note about using Map files with GoGrid:
Due to limitations in the GoGrid API, instances cannot be provisioned in parallel
with the GoGrid driver. Map files will work with GoGrid, but the -P
argument should not be used on maps referencing GoGrid instances.
Cloud Profiles
Set up an initial profile at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles or in the /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/ directory:
gogrid_512: provider: my-gogrid-config size: 512MB image: CentOS 6.2 (64-bit) w/ None
Sizes can be obtained using the --list-sizes option for the salt-cloud command:
# salt-cloud --list-sizes my-gogrid-config my-gogrid-config: ---------- gogrid: ---------- 512MB: ---------- bandwidth: None disk: 30 driver: get_uuid: id: 512MB name: 512MB price: 0.095 ram: 512 uuid: bde1e4d7c3a643536e42a35142c7caac34b060e9 ...SNIP...
Images can be obtained using the --list-images option for the salt-cloud command:
# salt-cloud --list-images my-gogrid-config my-gogrid-config: ---------- gogrid: ---------- CentOS 6.4 (64-bit) w/ None: ---------- driver: extra: ---------- get_uuid: id: 18094 name: CentOS 6.4 (64-bit) w/ None uuid: bfd4055389919e01aa6261828a96cf54c8dcc2c4 ...SNIP...
Getting Started With Google Compute Engine
Google Compute Engine (GCE) is Google-infrastructure as a service that lets you run your large-scale computing workloads on virtual machines. This document covers how to use Salt Cloud to provision and manage your virtual machines hosted within Google's infrastructure.
You can find out more about GCE and other Google Cloud Platform services
- •
- Libcloud >= 0.14.0-beta3
- •
- PyCrypto >= 2.1.
- •
- A Google Cloud Platform account with Compute Engine enabled
- •
- A registered Service Account for authorization
- •
- Oh, and obviously you'll need salt
Google Compute Engine Setup
- 1.
Sign up for Google Cloud Platform
Go to and use your Google account to sign up for Google Cloud Platform and complete the guided instructions.
- 2.
Create a Project
Next, go to the console at and create a new Project. Make sure to select your new Project if you are not automatically directed to the Project.
Projects are a way of grouping together related users, services, and billing. You may opt to create multiple Projects and the remaining instructions will need to be completed for each Project if you wish to use GCE and Salt Cloud to manage your virtual machines.
- 3.
Enable the Google Compute Engine service
In your Project, either just click Compute Engine to the left, or go to the APIs & auth section and APIs link and enable the Google Compute Engine service.
- 4.
Create a Service Account
To set up authorization, navigate to APIs & auth section and then the Credentials link and click the CREATE NEW CLIENT ID button. Select Service Account and click the Create Client ID button. This will automatically download a .json file which can be ignored.
Look for a new Service Account section in the page and record the generated email address for the matching key/fingerprint. The email address will be used in the service_account_email_address of the /etc/salt/cloud file.
- 5.
Key Format
If you are using ``libcloud >= 0.17.0`` it is recommended that you use the ``JSON format`` file you downloaded above and skip to the "Configuration" section below, using the JSON file **_in place of 'NEW.pem'_* in the documentation.
If you are using an older version of libcloud or are unsure of the version you have, please follow the instructions below to generate and format a new P12 key.*
In the new Service Account section, click Generate new P12 key, which will automatically download a .p12 private key file. The .p12 private key needs to be converted to a format compatible with libcloud. This new Google-generated private key was encrypted using notasecret as a passphrase. Use the following command and record the location of the converted private key and record the location for use in the service_account_private_key of the /etc/salt/cloud file:
openssl pkcs12 -in ORIG.p12 -passin pass:notasecret \ -nodes -nocerts | openssl rsa -out NEW.pem
Provider Configuration
Set up the provider cloud config at /etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/*.conf:
gce-config: # Set up the Project name and Service Account authorization project: "your-project-id" service_account_email_address: "123-a5gt [at]" service_account_private_key: "/path/to/your/NEW.pem" # Set up the location of the salt master minion: master: # Set up grains information, which will be common for all nodes # using this provider grains: node_type: broker release: 1.0.1 provider: gce
The value provided for project must not contain underscores or spaces and
is labeled as "Project ID" on the Google Developers Console.
Profile Configuration
Set up an initial profile at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles or /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/*.conf:
my-gce-profile: image: centos-6 size: n1-standard-1 location: europe-west1-b network: default tags: '["one", "two", "three"]' metadata: '{"one": "1", "2": "two"}' use_persistent_disk: True delete_boot_pd: False deploy: True make_master: False provider: gce-config
The profile can be realized now with a salt command:
salt-cloud -p my-gce-profile gce-instance
This will create an salt minion instance named gce-instance in GCE. If the command was executed on the salt-master, its Salt key will automatically be signed on the master.
Once the instance has been created with a salt-minion installed, connectivity to it can be verified with Salt:
salt gce-instance
GCE Specific Settings
Consult the sample profile below for more information about GCE specific
settings. Some of them are mandatory and are properly labeled below but
typically also include a hard-coded default.
Initial Profile
Set up an initial profile at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles or /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/gce.conf:
my-gce-profile: image: centos-6 size: n1-standard-1 location: europe-west1-b network: default tags: '["one", "two", "three"]' metadata: '{"one": "1", "2": "two"}' use_persistent_disk: True delete_boot_pd: False ssh_interface: public_ips external_ip: "ephemeral"
Image is used to define what Operating System image should be used
to for the instance. Examples are Debian 7 (wheezy) and CentOS 6. Required.
A 'size', in GCE terms, refers to the instance's 'machine type'. See
the on-line documentation for a complete list of GCE machine types. Required.
A 'location', in GCE terms, refers to the instance's 'zone'. GCE
has the notion of both Regions (e.g. us-central1, europe-west1, etc)
and Zones (e.g. us-central1-a, us-central1-b, etc). Required.
Use this setting to define the network resource for the instance.
All GCE projects contain a network named 'default' but it's possible
to use this setting to create instances belonging to a different
network resource.
GCE supports instance/network tags and this setting allows you to
set custom tags. It should be a list of strings and must be
parse-able by the python ast.literal_eval() function to convert it
to a python list.
GCE supports instance metadata and this setting allows you to
set custom metadata. It should be a hash of key/value strings and
parse-able by the python ast.literal_eval() function to convert it
to a python dictionary.
Use this setting to ensure that when new instances are created,
they will use a persistent disk to preserve data between instance
terminations and re-creations.
In the event that you wish the boot persistent disk to be permanently
deleted when you destroy an instance, set delete_boot_pd to True.
New in version 2015.5.0.
Specify whether to use public or private IP for deploy script.
Valid options are:
- •
- private_ips: The salt-master is also hosted with GCE
- •
- public_ips: The salt-master is hosted outside of GCE
Per instance setting: Used a named fixed IP address to this host.
Valid options are:
- •
- ephemeral: The host will use a GCE ephemeral IP
- •
None: No external IP will be configured on this host.
Optionally, pass the name of a GCE address to use a fixed IP address. If the address does not already exist, it will be created.
GCE supports two different disk types, pd-standard and pd-ssd. The default disk type setting is pd-standard. To specify using an SSD disk, set pd-ssd as the value.
New in version 2014.7.0.
SSH Remote Access
GCE instances do not allow remote access to the root user by default. Instead, another user must be used to run the deploy script using sudo. Append something like this to /etc/salt/cloud.profiles or /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/*.conf:
my-gce-profile: ... # SSH to GCE instances as gceuser ssh_username: gceuser # Use the local private SSH key file located here ssh_keyfile: /etc/cloud/google_compute_engine
If you have not already used this SSH key to login to instances in this GCE project you will also need to add the public key to your projects metadata at You could also add it via the metadata setting too:
my-gce-profile: ... metadata: '{"one": "1", "2": "two", "sshKeys": "gceuser:ssh-rsa <Your SSH Public Key> gceuser [at] host"}'
Single instance details
This action is a thin wrapper around --full-query, which displays details on a single instance only. In an environment with several machines, this will save a user from having to sort through all instance data, just to examine a single instance.
salt-cloud -a show_instance myinstance
Destroy, persistent disks, and metadata
As noted in the provider configuration, it's possible to force the boot persistent disk to be deleted when you destroy the instance. The way that this has been implemented is to use the instance metadata to record the cloud profile used when creating the instance. When destroy is called, if the instance contains a salt-cloud-profile key, it's value is used to reference the matching profile to determine if delete_boot_pd is set to True.
Be aware that any GCE instances created with salt cloud will contain this
custom salt-cloud-profile metadata entry.
List various resources
It's also possible to list several GCE resources similar to what can be done with other providers. The following commands can be used to list GCE zones (locations), machine types (sizes), and images.
salt-cloud --list-locations gce salt-cloud --list-sizes gce salt-cloud --list-images gce
Persistent Disk
The Compute Engine provider provides functions via salt-cloud to manage your
Persistent Disks. You can create and destroy disks as well as attach and
detach them from running instances.
When creating a disk, you can create an empty disk and specify its size (in GB), or specify either an 'image' or 'snapshot'.
salt-cloud -f create_disk gce disk_name=pd location=us-central1-b size=200
Deleting a disk only requires the name of the disk to delete
salt-cloud -f delete_disk gce disk_name=old-backup
Attaching a disk to an existing instance is really an 'action' and requires both an instance name and disk name. It's possible to use this ation to create bootable persistent disks if necessary. Compute Engine also supports attaching a persistent disk in READ_ONLY mode to multiple instances at the same time (but then cannot be attached in READ_WRITE to any instance).
salt-cloud -a attach_disk myinstance disk_name=pd mode=READ_WRITE boot=yes
Detaching a disk is also an action against an instance and only requires the name of the disk. Note that this does not safely sync and umount the disk from the instance. To ensure no data loss, you must first make sure the disk is unmounted from the instance.
salt-cloud -a detach_disk myinstance disk_name=pd
Show disk
It's also possible to look up the details for an existing disk with either a function or an action.
salt-cloud -a show_disk myinstance disk_name=pd salt-cloud -f show_disk gce disk_name=pd
Create snapshot
You can take a snapshot of an existing disk's content. The snapshot can then in turn be used to create other persistent disks. Note that to prevent data corruption, it is strongly suggested that you unmount the disk prior to taking a snapshot. You must name the snapshot and provide the name of the disk.
salt-cloud -f create_snapshot gce name=backup-20140226 disk_name=pd
Delete snapshot
You can delete a snapshot when it's no longer needed by specifying the name of the snapshot.
salt-cloud -f delete_snapshot gce name=backup-20140226
Show snapshot
Use this function to look up information about the snapshot.
salt-cloud -f show_snapshot gce name=backup-20140226
Compute Engine supports multiple private networks per project. Instances within a private network can easily communicate with each other by an internal DNS service that resolves instance names. Instances within a private network can also communicate with either directly without needing special routing or firewall rules even if they span different regions/zones.
Networks also support custom firewall rules. By default, traffic between
instances on the same private network is open to all ports and protocols.
Inbound SSH traffic (port 22) is also allowed but all other inbound traffic
is blocked.
Create network
New networks require a name and CIDR range. New instances can be created and added to this network by setting the network name during create. It is not possible to add/remove existing instances to a network.
salt-cloud -f create_network gce name=mynet cidr=
Destroy network
Destroy a network by specifying the name. Make sure that there are no instances associated with the network prior to deleting it or you'll have a bad day.
salt-cloud -f delete_network gce name=mynet
Show network
Specify the network name to view information about the network.
salt-cloud -f show_network gce name=mynet
Create address
Create a new named static IP address in a region.
salt-cloud -f create_address gce name=my-fixed-ip region=us-central1
Delete address
Delete an existing named fixed IP address.
salt-cloud -f delete_address gce name=my-fixed-ip region=us-central1
Show address
View details on a named address.
salt-cloud -f show_address gce name=my-fixed-ip region=us-central1
Create firewall
You'll need to create custom firewall rules if you want to allow other traffic than what is described above. For instance, if you run a web service on your instances, you'll need to explicitly allow HTTP and/or SSL traffic. The firewall rule must have a name and it will use the 'default' network unless otherwise specified with a 'network' attribute. Firewalls also support instance tags for source/destination
salt-cloud -f create_fwrule gce name=web allow=tcp:80,tcp:443,icmp
Delete firewall
Deleting a firewall rule will prevent any previously allowed traffic for the named firewall rule.
salt-cloud -f delete_fwrule gce name=web
Show firewall
Use this function to review an existing firewall rule's information.
salt-cloud -f show_fwrule gce name=web
Load Balancer
Compute Engine possess a load-balancer feature for splitting traffic across multiple instances. Please reference the documentation for a more complete discription.
The load-balancer functionality is slightly different than that described
in Google's documentation. The concept of TargetPool and ForwardingRule
are consolidated in salt-cloud/libcloud. HTTP Health Checks are optional.
HTTP Health Check
HTTP Health Checks can be used as a means to toggle load-balancing across instance members, or to detect if an HTTP site is functioning. A common use-case is to set up a health check URL and if you want to toggle traffic on/off to an instance, you can temporarily have it return a non-200 response. A non-200 response to the load-balancer's health check will keep the LB from sending any new traffic to the "down" instance. Once the instance's health check URL beings returning 200-responses, the LB will again start to send traffic to it. Review Compute Engine's documentation for allowable parameters. You can use the following salt-cloud functions to manage your HTTP health checks.
salt-cloud -f create_hc gce name=myhc path=/ port=80 salt-cloud -f delete_hc gce name=myhc salt-cloud -f show_hc gce name=myhc
When creating a new load-balancer, it requires a name, region, port range, and list of members. There are other optional parameters for protocol, and list of health checks. Deleting or showing details about the LB only requires the name.
salt-cloud -f create_lb gce name=lb region=... ports=80 members=w1,w2,w3 salt-cloud -f delete_lb gce name=lb salt-cloud -f show_lb gce name=lb
You can also create a load balancer using a named fixed IP addressby specifying the name of the address. If the address does not exist yet it will be created.
salt-cloud -f create_lb gce name=my-lb region=us-central1 ports=234 members=s1,s2,s3 address=my-lb-ip
Attach and Detach LB
It is possible to attach or detach an instance from an existing load-balancer. Both the instance and load-balancer must exist before using these functions.
salt-cloud -f attach_lb gce name=lb member=w4 salt-cloud -f detach_lb gce name=lb member=oops
Getting Started With HP Cloud
HP Cloud is a major public cloud platform and uses the libcloud
openstack driver. The current version of OpenStack that HP Cloud
uses is Havana. When an instance is booted, it must have a
floating IP added to it in order to connect to it and further below
you will see an example that adds context to this statement.
Set up a cloud provider configuration file
To use the openstack driver for HP Cloud, set up the cloud provider configuration file as in the example shown below:
hpcloud-config: # Set the location of the salt-master # minion: master: # Configure HP Cloud using the OpenStack plugin # identity_url: compute_name: Compute protocol: ipv4 # Set the compute region: # compute_region: region-b.geo-1 # Configure HP Cloud authentication credentials # user: myname tenant: myname-project1 password: xxxxxxxxx # keys to allow connection to the instance launched # ssh_key_name: yourkey ssh_key_file: /path/to/key/yourkey.priv provider: openstack
The subsequent example that follows is using the openstack driver.
Compute Region
Originally, HP Cloud, in its OpenStack Essex version (1.0), had 3 availability zones in one region, US West (region-a.geo-1), which each behaved each as a region.
This has since changed, and the current OpenStack Havana version of HP Cloud (1.1) now has simplified this and now has two regions to choose from:
region-a.geo-1 -> US West region-b.geo-1 -> US East
The user is the same user as is used to log into the HP Cloud management
UI. The tenant can be found in the upper left under "Project/Region/Scope".
It is often named the same as user albeit with a -project1 appended.
The password is of course what you created your account with. The management
UI also has other information such as being able to select US East or US West.
Set up a cloud profile config file
The profile shown below is a know working profile for an Ubuntu instance. The profile configuration file is stored in the following location:
hp_ae1_ubuntu: provider: hp_ae1 image: 9302692b-b787-4b52-a3a6-daebb79cb498 ignore_cidr: networks: - floating: Ext-Net size: standard.small ssh_key_file: /root/keys/test.key ssh_key_name: test ssh_username: ubuntu
Some important things about the example above:
- •
The image parameter can use either the image name or image ID which you can obtain by running in the example below (this case US East):
# salt-cloud --list-images hp_ae1
- •
- The parameter ignore_cidr specifies a range of addresses to ignore when trying to connect to the instance. In this case, it's the range of IP addresses used for an private IP of the instance.
- •
- The parameter networks is very important to include. In previous versions of Salt Cloud, this is what made it possible for salt-cloud to be able to attach a floating IP to the instance in order to connect to the instance and set up the minion. The current version of salt-cloud doesn't require it, though having it is of no harm either. Newer versions of salt-cloud will use this, and without it, will attempt to find a list of floating IP addresses to use regardless.
- •
- The ssh_key_file and ssh_key_name are the keys that will make it possible to connect to the instance to set up the minion
- •
- The ssh_username parameter, in this case, being that the image used will be ubuntu, will make it possible to not only log in but install the minion
Launch an instance
To instantiate a machine based on this profile (example):
# salt-cloud -p hp_ae1_ubuntu ubuntu_instance_1
After several minutes, this will create an instance named ubuntu_instance_1
running in HP Cloud in the US East region and will set up the minion and then
return information about the instance once completed.
Manage the instance
Once the instance has been created with salt-minion installed, connectivity to it can be verified with Salt:
# salt ubuntu_instance_1 ping
SSH to the instance
Additionally, the instance can be accessed via SSH using the floating IP assigned to it
# ssh ubuntu@<floating ip>
Using a private IP
Alternatively, in the cloud profile, using the private IP to log into the instance to set up the minion is another option, particularly if salt-cloud is running within the cloud on an instance that is on the same network with all the other instances (minions)
The example below is a modified version of the previous example. Note the use of ssh_interface:
hp_ae1_ubuntu: provider: hp_ae1 image: 9302692b-b787-4b52-a3a6-daebb79cb498 size: standard.small ssh_key_file: /root/keys/test.key ssh_key_name: test ssh_username: ubuntu ssh_interface: private_ips
With this setup, salt-cloud will use the private IP address to ssh into the instance and set up the salt-minion
Getting Started With Joyent
Joyent is a public cloud provider supporting SmartOS, Linux, FreeBSD, and
This driver requires the Python requests library to be installed.
The Joyent cloud requires three configuration parameters. The user name and password that are used to log into the Joyent system, and the location of the private ssh key associated with the Joyent account. The ssh key is needed to send the provisioning commands up to the freshly created virtual machine.
# Note: This example is for /etc/salt/cloud.providers or any file in the # /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ directory. my-joyent-config: provider: joyent user: fred password: saltybacon private_key: /root/mykey.pem keyname: mykey
Cloud Profiles
Set up an initial profile at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles or in the /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/ directory:
joyent_512 provider: my-joyent-config size: Extra Small 512 MB image: Arch Linux 2013.06
Sizes can be obtained using the --list-sizes option for the salt-cloud command:
# salt-cloud --list-sizes my-joyent-config my-joyent-config: ---------- joyent: ---------- Extra Small 512 MB: ---------- default: false disk: 15360 id: Extra Small 512 MB memory: 512 name: Extra Small 512 MB swap: 1024 vcpus: 1 ...SNIP...
Images can be obtained using the --list-images option for the salt-cloud command:
# salt-cloud --list-images my-joyent-config my-joyent-config: ---------- joyent: ---------- base: ---------- description: A 32-bit SmartOS image with just essential packages installed. Ideal for users who are comfortable with setting up their own environment and tools. disabled: False files: ---------- - compression: bzip2 - sha1: 40cdc6457c237cf6306103c74b5f45f5bf2d9bbe - size: 82492182 name: base os: smartos owner: 352971aa-31ba-496c-9ade-a379feaecd52 public: True ...SNIP...
This driver can also be used with the Joyent SmartDataCenter project. More details can be found at:
Using SDC requires that an api_host_suffix is set. The default value for this is All characters, including the leading ., should be included:
Miscellaneous Configuration
The following configuration items can be set in either provider or
profile confuration files.
When set to True (the default), attach https:// to any URL that does not
already have http:// or https:// included at the beginning. The best
practice is to leave the protocol out of the URL, and use this setting to manage
When set to True (the default), the underlying web library will verify the
SSL certificate. This should only be set to False for debugging.`
Getting Started With LXC
The LXC module is designed to install Salt in an LXC container on a controlled and possibly remote minion.
In other words, Salt will connect to a minion, then from that minion:
- •
- Provision and configure a container for networking access
- •
- Use those modules to deploy salt and re-attach to master.
- •
- lxc runner
- •
- lxc module
- •
- seed
- •
- You can only act on one minion and one provider at a time.
- •
Listing images must be targeted to a particular LXC provider (nothing will be
outputted with all)
WARNING: On pre 2015.5.2, you need to specify explitly the network bridge
Salt's LXC support does use lxc.init via the lxc.cloud_init_interface and seeds the minion via seed.mkconfig.
You can provide to those lxc VMs a profile and a network profile like if you were directly using the minion module.
Order of operation:
- •
- Create the LXC container on the desired minion (clone or template)
- •
- Change LXC config options (if any need to be changed)
- •
- Start container
- •
- Change base passwords if any
- •
- Change base DNS configuration if necessary
- •
- Wait for LXC container to be up and ready for ssh
- •
- Test SSH connection and bailout in error
- •
- Upload deploy script and seeds, then re-attach the minion.
Provider configuration
Here is a simple provider configuration:
# Note: This example goes in /etc/salt/cloud.providers or any file in the # /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ directory. devhost10-lxc: target: devhost10 provider: lxc
Profile configuration
Please read tutorial-lxc before anything else. And specially tutorial-lxc-profiles.
Here are the options to configure your containers:
- target
- Host minion id to install the lxc Container into
- lxc_profile
- Name of the profile or inline options for the LXC vm creation/cloning, please see tutorial-lxc-profiles-container.
- network_profile
- Name of the profile or inline options for the LXC vm network settings, please see tutorial-lxc-profiles-network.
- nic_opts
Totally optionnal.
Per interface new-style configuration options mappings which will
override any profile default option:
eth0: {'mac': '00:16:3e:01:29:40', 'gateway': None, (default) 'link': 'br0', (default) 'gateway': None, (default) 'netmask': '', (default) 'ip': ''}}
- password
- password for root and sysadmin users
- dnsservers
- List of DNS servers to use. This is optional.
- minion
- minion configuration (see Minion Configuration in Salt Cloud)
- bootstrap_shell
- shell for bootstraping script (default: /bin/sh)
- script
- defaults to salt-boostrap
- script_args
arguments which are given to the bootstrap script.
the {0} placeholder will be replaced by the path which contains the
minion config and key files, eg:
script_args="-c {0}"
Using profiles:
# Note: This example would go in /etc/salt/cloud.profiles or any file in the # /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/ directory. devhost10-lxc: provider: devhost10-lxc lxc_profile: foo network_profile: bar minion: master: master_port: 4506
Using inline profiles (eg to override the network bridge):
devhost11-lxc: provider: devhost10-lxc lxc_profile: clone_from: foo network_profile: etho: link: lxcbr0 minion: master: master_port: 4506
Template instead of a clone:
devhost11-lxc: provider: devhost10-lxc lxc_profile: template: ubuntu network_profile: etho: link: lxcbr0 minion: master: master_port: 4506
Static ip:
# Note: This example would go in /etc/salt/cloud.profiles or any file in the # /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/ directory. devhost10-lxc: provider: devhost10-lxc nic_opts: eth0: ipv4: minion: master: master_port: 4506
# Note: This example would go in /etc/salt/cloud.profiles or any file in the # /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/ directory. devhost10-lxc: provider: devhost10-lxc minion: master: master_port: 4506
Driver Support
- •
- Container creation
- •
- Image listing (LXC templates)
- •
- Running container information (IP addresses, etc.)
Getting Started With Linode
Linode is a public cloud provider with a focus on Linux instances.
- •
linode-python >= 1.1.1
- •
Libcloud >= 0.13.2
This driver supports accessing Linode via linode-python or Apache Libcloud. Linode-python is recommended, it is more full-featured than Libcloud. In particular using linode-python enables stopping, starting, and cloning machines.
Driver selection is automatic. If linode-python is present it will be used. If it is absent, salt-cloud will fall back to Libcloud. If neither are present salt-cloud will abort.
NOTE: linode-python 1.1.1 or later is recommended. Earlier versions of linode-python should work but leak sensitive information into the debug logs.
Linode-python can be downloaded from or installed via pip.
Linode requires a single API key, but the default root password for new instances also needs to be set:
# Note: This example is for /etc/salt/cloud.providers or any file in the # /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ directory. my-linode-config: apikey: asldkgfakl;sdfjsjaslfjaklsdjf;askldjfaaklsjdfhasldsadfghdkf password: F00barbaz ssh_pubkey: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKHEOLLbeXgaqRQT9NBAopVz366SdYc0KKX33vAnq+2R user [at] host ssh_key_file: ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 provider: linode
The password needs to be 8 characters and contain lowercase, uppercase, and
Cloud Profiles
Set up an initial profile at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles or in the /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/ directory:
linode_1024: provider: my-linode-config size: Linode 1024 image: Arch Linux 2013.06 location: london
Sizes can be obtained using the --list-sizes option for the salt-cloud command:
# salt-cloud --list-sizes my-linode-config my-linode-config: ---------- linode: ---------- Linode 1024: ---------- bandwidth: 2000 disk: 49152 driver: get_uuid: id: 1 name: Linode 1024 price: 20.0 ram: 1024 uuid: 03e18728ce4629e2ac07c9cbb48afffb8cb499c4 ...SNIP...
Images can be obtained using the --list-images option for the salt-cloud command:
# salt-cloud --list-images my-linode-config my-linode-config: ---------- linode: ---------- Arch Linux 2013.06: ---------- driver: extra: ---------- 64bit: 1 pvops: 1 get_uuid: id: 112 name: Arch Linux 2013.06 uuid: 8457f92eaffc92b7666b6734a96ad7abe1a8a6dd ...SNIP...
Locations can be obtained using the --list-locations option for the salt-cloud command:
# salt-cloud --list-locations my-linode-config my-linode-config: ---------- linode: ---------- Atlanta, GA, USA: ---------- abbreviation: atlanta id: 4 Dallas, TX, USA: ---------- abbreviation: dallas id: 2 ...SNIP...
When salt-cloud accesses Linode via linode-python it can clone machines.
It is safest to clone a stopped machine. To stop a machine run
salt-cloud -a stop machine_to_clone
To create a new machine based on another machine, add an entry to your linode cloud profile that looks like this:
li-clone: provider: linode clonefrom: machine_to_clone script_args: -C
Then run salt-cloud as normal, specifying -p li-clone. The profile name can be anything--it doesn't have to be li-clone.
Clonefrom: is the name of an existing machine in Linode from which to clone.
Script_args: -C is necessary to avoid re-deploying Salt via salt-bootstrap.
-C will just re-deploy keys so the new minion will not have a duplicate key
or minion_id on the master.
Getting Started With OpenStack
OpenStack is one the most popular cloud projects. It's an open source project
to build public and/or private clouds. You can use Salt Cloud to launch
OpenStack instances.
- •
- Libcloud >= 0.13.2
- •
Using the new format, set up the cloud configuration at
/etc/salt/cloud.providers or
my-openstack-config: # Set the location of the salt-master # minion: master: # Configure the OpenStack driver # identity_url: compute_name: nova protocol: ipv4 compute_region: RegionOne # Configure Openstack authentication credentials # user: myname password: 123456 # tenant is the project name tenant: myproject provider: openstack # skip SSL certificate validation (default false) insecure: false
Using nova client to get information from OpenStack
One of the best ways to get information about OpenStack is using the novaclient python package (available in pypi as python-novaclient). The client configuration is a set of environment variables that you can get from the Dashboard. Log in and then go to Project -> Access & security -> API Access and download the "OpenStack RC file". Then:
source /path/to/your/rcfile nova credentials nova endpoints
In the nova endpoints output you can see the information about
compute_region and compute_name.
Compute Region
It depends on the OpenStack cluster that you are using. Please, have a look at
the previous sections.
The user and password is the same user as is used to log into the
OpenStack Dashboard.
Here is an example of a profile:
openstack_512: provider: my-openstack-config size: m1.tiny image: cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec ssh_key_file: /tmp/test.pem ssh_key_name: test ssh_interface: private_ips
The following list explains some of the important properties.
- size
- can be one of the options listed in the output of nova flavor-list.
- image
- can be one of the options listed in the output of nova image-list.
- ssh_key_file
- The SSH private key that the salt-cloud uses to SSH into the VM after its first booted in order to execute a command or script. This private key's public key must be the openstack public key inserted into the authorized_key's file of the VM's root user account.
- ssh_key_name
- The name of the openstack SSH public key that is inserted into the authorized_keys file of the VM's root user account. Prior to using this public key, you must use openstack commands or the horizon web UI to load that key into the tenant's account. Note that this openstack tenant must be the one you defined in the cloud provider.
- ssh_interface
This option allows you to create a VM without a public IP. If this option
is omitted and the VM does not have a public IP, then the salt-cloud waits
for a certain period of time and then destroys the VM.
For more information concerning cloud profiles, see here.
If no ssh_key_file is provided, and the server already exists, change_password will use the api to change the root password of the server so that it can be bootstrapped.
change_password: True
Use userdata_file to specify the userdata file to upload for use with cloud-init if available.
userdata_file: /etc/salt/cloud-init/packages.yml
Getting Started With Parallels
Parallels Cloud Server is a product by Parallels that delivers a cloud hosting solution. The PARALLELS module for Salt Cloud enables you to manage instances hosted by a provider using PCS. Further information can be found at:
- •
Using the old format, set up the cloud configuration at /etc/salt/cloud:
# Set up the location of the salt master # minion: master: # Set the PARALLELS access credentials (see below) # PARALLELS.user: myuser PARALLELS.password: badpass # Set the access URL for your PARALLELS provider # PARALLELS.url:
- •
Using the new format, set up the cloud configuration at
/etc/salt/cloud.providers or
my-parallels-config: # Set up the location of the salt master # minion: master: # Set the PARALLELS access credentials (see below) # user: myuser password: badpass # Set the access URL for your PARALLELS provider # url: provider: parallels
Access Credentials
The user, password, and url will be provided to you by your cloud
provider. These are all required in order for the PARALLELS driver to work.
Cloud Profiles
Set up an initial profile at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles or /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/parallels.conf:
- •
Using the old cloud configuration format:
parallels-ubuntu: provider: parallels image: ubuntu-12.04-x86_64
- •
Using the new cloud configuration format and the cloud configuration example
from above:
parallels-ubuntu: provider: my-parallels-config image: ubuntu-12.04-x86_64
The profile can be realized now with a salt command:
# salt-cloud -p parallels-ubuntu myubuntu
This will create an instance named myubuntu on the cloud provider. The minion that is installed on this instance will have an id of myubuntu. If the command was executed on the salt-master, its Salt key will automatically be signed on the master.
Once the instance has been created with salt-minion installed, connectivity to it can be verified with Salt:
# salt myubuntu
Required Settings
The following settings are always required for PARALLELS:
- •
Using the old cloud configuration format:
PARALLELS.user: myuser PARALLELS.password: badpass PARALLELS.url:
- •
Using the new cloud configuration format:
my-parallels-config: user: myuser password: badpass url: provider: parallels
Optional Settings
Unlike other cloud providers in Salt Cloud, Parallels does not utilize a size setting. This is because Parallels allows the end-user to specify a more detailed configuration for their instances, than is allowed by many other cloud providers. The following options are available to be used in a profile, with their default settings listed.
# Description of the instance. Defaults to the instance name. desc: <instance_name> # How many CPU cores, and how fast they are (in MHz) cpu_number: 1 cpu_power: 1000 # How many megabytes of RAM ram: 256 # Bandwidth available, in kbps bandwidth: 100 # How many public IPs will be assigned to this instance ip_num: 1 # Size of the instance disk (in GiB) disk_size: 10 # Username and password ssh_username: root password: <value from PARALLELS.password> # The name of the image, from ``salt-cloud --list-images parallels`` image: ubuntu-12.04-x86_64
Getting Started With Proxmox
Proxmox Virtual Environment is a complete server virtualization management solution, based on KVM virtualization and OpenVZ containers. Further information can be found at:
- •
- IPy >= 0.81
- •
requests >= 2.2.1
Please note: This module allows you to create both OpenVZ and KVM but installing Salt on it will only be done when the VM is an OpenVZ container rather than a KVM virtual machine.
- •
Set up the cloud configuration at
/etc/salt/cloud.providers or
my-proxmox-config: # Set up the location of the salt master # minion: master: # Set the PROXMOX access credentials (see below) # user: myuser@pve password: badpass # Set the access URL for your PROXMOX provider # url: provider: proxmox
Access Credentials
The user, password, and url will be provided to you by your cloud
provider. These are all required in order for the PROXMOX driver to work.
Cloud Profiles
Set up an initial profile at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles or /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/proxmox.conf:
- •
Configure a profile to be used:
proxmox-ubuntu: provider: proxmox image: local:vztmpl/ubuntu-12.04-standard_12.04-1_amd64.tar.gz technology: openvz host: myvmhost ip_address: password: topsecret
The profile can be realized now with a salt command:
# salt-cloud -p proxmox-ubuntu myubuntu
This will create an instance named myubuntu on the cloud provider. The minion that is installed on this instance will have a hostname of myubuntu. If the command was executed on the salt-master, its Salt key will automatically be signed on the master.
Once the instance has been created with salt-minion installed, connectivity to it can be verified with Salt:
# salt myubuntu
Required Settings
The following settings are always required for PROXMOX:
- •
Using the new cloud configuration format:
my-proxmox-config: provider: proxmox user: saltcloud@pve password: xyzzy url:
Optional Settings
Unlike other cloud providers in Salt Cloud, Proxmox does not utilize a size setting. This is because Proxmox allows the end-user to specify a more detailed configuration for their instances, than is allowed by many other cloud providers. The following options are available to be used in a profile, with their default settings listed.
# Description of the instance. desc: <instance_name> # How many CPU cores, and how fast they are (in MHz) cpus: 1 cpuunits: 1000 # How many megabytes of RAM memory: 256 # How much swap space in MB swap: 256 # Whether to auto boot the vm after the host reboots onboot: 1 # Size of the instance disk (in GiB) disk: 10 # Host to create this vm on host: myvmhost # Nameservers. Defaults to host nameserver: # Username and password ssh_username: root password: <value from PROXMOX.password> # The name of the image, from ``salt-cloud --list-images proxmox`` image: local:vztmpl/ubuntu-12.04-standard_12.04-1_amd64.tar.gz
Getting Started With Rackspace
Rackspace is a major public cloud platform which may be configured using either the rackspace or the openstack driver, depending on your needs.
Please note that the rackspace driver is only intended for 1st gen instances,
aka, "the old cloud" at Rackspace. It is required for 1st gen instances, but
will not work with OpenStack-based instances. Unless you explicitly have a
reason to use it, it is highly recommended that you use the openstack driver
- •
- Libcloud >= 0.13.2
- To use the openstack driver (recommended), set up the cloud configuration at
/etc/salt/cloud.providers or
my-rackspace-config: # Set the location of the salt-master # minion: master: # Configure Rackspace using the OpenStack plugin # identity_url: '' compute_name: cloudServersOpenStack protocol: ipv4 # Set the compute region: # compute_region: DFW # Configure Rackspace authentication credentials # user: myname tenant: 123456 apikey: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx provider: openstack
- To use the rackspace driver, set up the cloud configuration at
/etc/salt/cloud.providers or
my-rackspace-config: provider: rackspace # The Rackspace login user user: fred # The Rackspace user's apikey apikey: 901d3f579h23c8v73q9
The settings that follow are for using Rackspace with the openstack driver, and will not work with the rackspace driver.
Compute Region
Rackspace currently has six compute regions which may be used:
DFW -> Dallas/Forth Worth ORD -> Chicago SYD -> Sydney LON -> London IAD -> Northern Virginia HKG -> Hong Kong
Note: Currently the LON region is only available with a UK account, and UK accounts cannot access other regions
The user is the same user as is used to log into the Rackspace Control Panel. The tenant and apikey can be found in the API Keys area of the Control Panel. The apikey will be labeled as API Key (and may need to be generated), and tenant will be labeled as Cloud Account Number.
An initial profile can be configured in /etc/salt/cloud.profiles or /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/rackspace.conf:
openstack_512: provider: my-rackspace-config size: 512 MB Standard image: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin)
To instantiate a machine based on this profile:
# salt-cloud -p openstack_512 myinstance
This will create a virtual machine at Rackspace with the name myinstance. This operation may take several minutes to complete, depending on the current load at the Rackspace data center.
Once the instance has been created with salt-minion installed, connectivity to it can be verified with Salt:
# salt myinstance
RackConnect Environments
Rackspace offers a hybrid hosting configuration option called RackConnect that allows you to use a physical firewall appliance with your cloud servers. When this service is in use the public_ip assigned by nova will be replaced by a NAT ip on the firewall. For salt-cloud to work properly it must use the newly assigned "access ip" instead of the Nova assigned public ip. You can enable that capability by adding this to your profiles:
openstack_512: provider: my-openstack-config size: 512 MB Standard image: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) rackconnect: True
Managed Cloud Environments
Rackspace offers a managed service level of hosting. As part of the managed service level you have the ability to choose from base of lamp installations on cloud server images. The post build process for both the base and the lamp installations used Chef to install things such as the cloud monitoring agent and the cloud backup agent. It also takes care of installing the lamp stack if selected. In order to prevent the post installation process from stomping over the bootstrapping you can add the below to your profiles.
openstack_512: provider: my-rackspace-config size: 512 MB Standard image: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) managedcloud: True
First and Next Generation Images
Rackspace provides two sets of virtual machine images, first, and next generation. As of 0.8.9 salt-cloud will default to using the next generation images. To force the use of first generation images, on the profile configuration please add:
FreeBSD-9.0-512: provider: my-rackspace-config size: 512 MB Standard image: FreeBSD 9.0 force_first_gen: True
Private Subnets
By default salt-cloud will not add Rackspace private networks to new servers. To enable a private network to a server instantiated by salt cloud, add the following section to the provider file (typically /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/rackspace.conf)
networks: - fixed: # This is the private network - private-network-id # This is Rackspace's "PublicNet" - 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # This is Rackspace's "ServiceNet" - 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
To get the Rackspace private network ID, go to Networking, Networks and hover over the private network name.
The order of the networks in the above code block does not map to the order of the ethernet devices on newly created servers. Public IP will always be first ( eth0 ) followed by servicenet ( eth1 ) and then private networks.
Enabling the private network per above gives the option of using the private subnet for
all master-minion communication, including the bootstrap install of salt-minion. To
enable the minion to use the private subnet, update the master: line in the minion:
section of the providers file. To configure the master to only listen on the private
subnet IP, update the interface: line in the /etc/salt/master file to be the private
subnet IP of the salt master.
Getting Started With Saltify
The Saltify driver is a new, experimental driver for installing Salt on existing
machines (virtual or bare metal).
The Saltify driver has no external dependencies.
Because the Saltify driver does not use an actual cloud provider host, it has a simple provider configuration. The only thing that is required to be set is the driver name, and any other potentially useful information, like the location of the salt-master:
# Note: This example is for /etc/salt/cloud.providers file or any file in # the /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ directory. my-saltify-config: minion: master: 111.222.333.444 provider: saltify
Saltify requires a profile to be configured for each machine that needs Salt installed. The initial profile can be set up at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles or in the /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/ directory. Each profile requires both an ssh_host and an ssh_username key parameter as well as either an key_filename or a password.
Profile configuration example:
# /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/saltify.conf salt-this-machine: ssh_host: ssh_username: root key_filename: '/etc/salt/mysshkey.pem' provider: my-saltify-config
The machine can now be "Salted" with the following command:
salt-cloud -p salt-this-machine my-machine
This will install salt on the machine specified by the cloud profile, salt-this-machine, and will give the machine the minion id of my-machine. If the command was executed on the salt-master, its Salt key will automatically be signed on the master.
Once a salt-minion has been successfully installed on the instance, connectivity to it can be verified with Salt:
salt my-machine
Using Map Files
The settings explained in the section above may also be set in a map file. An example of how to use the Saltify driver with a map file follows:
# /etc/salt/saltify-map make_salty: - my-instance-0: ssh_host: ssh_username: root password: very-bad-password - my-instance-1: ssh_host: ssh_username: root password: another-bad-pass
Note: When using a cloud map with the Saltify driver, the name of the profile to use, in this case make_salty, must be defined in a profile config. For example:
# /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/saltify.conf make_salty: provider: my-saltify-config
The machines listed in the map file can now be "Salted" by applying the following salt map command:
salt-cloud -m /etc/salt/saltify-map
This command will install salt on the machines specified in the map and will give each machine their minion id of my-instance-0 and my-instance-1, respectively. If the command was executed on the salt-master, its Salt key will automatically be signed on the master.
Connectivity to the new "Salted" instances can now be verified with Salt:
salt 'my-instance-*'
Getting Started With SoftLayer
SoftLayer is a public cloud provider, and baremetal hardware hosting provider.
The SoftLayer driver for Salt Cloud requires the softlayer package, which is available at PyPI:
This package can be installed using pip or easy_install:
# pip install softlayer # easy_install softlayer
Set up the cloud config at /etc/salt/cloud.providers:
# Note: These examples are for /etc/salt/cloud.providers my-softlayer: # Set up the location of the salt master minion: master: # Set the SoftLayer access credentials (see below) user: MYUSER1138 apikey: 'e3b68aa711e6deadc62d5b76355674beef7cc3116062ddbacafe5f7e465bfdc9' provider: softlayer my-softlayer-hw: # Set up the location of the salt master minion: master: # Set the SoftLayer access credentials (see below) user: MYUSER1138 apikey: 'e3b68aa711e6deadc62d5b76355674beef7cc3116062ddbacafe5f7e465bfdc9' provider: softlayer_hw
Access Credentials
The user setting is the same user as is used to log into the SoftLayer Administration area. The apikey setting is found inside the Admin area after logging in:
- •
- Hover over the Account menu item.
- •
- Click the Users link.
- •
- Find the API Key column and click View.
Cloud Profiles
Set up an initial profile at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles:
base_softlayer_ubuntu: provider: my-softlayer image: UBUNTU_LATEST cpu_number: 1 ram: 1024 disk_size: 100 local_disk: True hourly_billing: True domain: location: sjc01 # Optional max_net_speed: 1000 private_vlan: 396 private_network: True private_ssh: True # May be used _instead_of_ image global_identifier: 320d8be5-46c0-dead-cafe-13e3c51
Most of the above items are required; optional items are specified below.
Images to build an instance can be found using the --list-images option:
# salt-cloud --list-images my-softlayer
The setting used will be labeled as template.
This is the number of CPU cores that will be used for this instance. This number may be dependent upon the image that is used. For instance:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - Minimal Install (64 bit) (1 - 4 Core): ---------- name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - Minimal Install (64 bit) (1 - 4 Core) template: REDHAT_6_64 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - Minimal Install (64 bit) (5 - 100 Core): ---------- name: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 - Minimal Install (64 bit) (5 - 100 Core) template: REDHAT_6_64
Note that the template (meaning, the image option) for both of these is the
same, but the names suggests how many CPU cores are supported.
This is the amount of memory, in megabytes, that will be allocated to this
The amount of disk space that will be allocated to this image, in megabytes.
When true the disks for the computing instance will be provisioned on the host
which it runs, otherwise SAN disks will be provisioned.
When true the computing instance will be billed on hourly usage, otherwise it
will be billed on a monthly basis.
The domain name that will be used in the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) for
this instance. The domain setting will be used in conjunction with the
instance name to form the FQDN.
Images to build an instance can be found using the --list-locations option:
# salt-cloud --list-location my-softlayer
Specifies the connection speed for the instance's network components. This
setting is optional. By default, this is set to 10.
If it is necessary for an instance to be created within a specific frontend VLAN, the ID for that VLAN can be specified in either the provider or profile configuration.
This ID can be queried using the list_vlans function, as described below. This
setting is optional.
If it is necessary for an instance to be created within a specific backend VLAN, the ID for that VLAN can be specified in either the provider or profile configuration.
This ID can be queried using the list_vlans function, as described below. This
setting is optional.
If a server is to only be used internally, meaning it does not have a public
VLAN associated with it, this value would be set to True. This setting is
optional. The default is False.
Whether to run the deploy script on the server using the public IP address
or the private IP address. If set to True, Salt Cloud will attempt to SSH into
the new server using the private IP address. The default is False. This
settiong is optional.
When creating an instance using a custom template, this option is set to the corresponding value obtained using the list_custom_images function. This option will not be used if an image is set, and if an image is not set, it is required.
The profile can be realized now with a salt command:
# salt-cloud -p base_softlayer_ubuntu myserver
Using the above configuration, this will create
Once the instance has been created with salt-minion installed, connectivity to it can be verified with Salt:
# salt ''
Cloud Profiles
Set up an initial profile at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles:
base_softlayer_hw_centos: provider: my-softlayer-hw # CentOS 6.0 - Minimal Install (64 bit) image: 13963 # 2 x 2.0 GHz Core Bare Metal Instance - 2 GB Ram size: 1921 # 500GB SATA II hdd: 1267 # San Jose 01 location: 168642 domain: # Optional vlan: 396 port_speed: 273 banwidth: 248
Most of the above items are required; optional items are specified below.
Images to build an instance can be found using the --list-images option:
# salt-cloud --list-images my-softlayer-hw
A list of id`s and names will be provided. The `name will describe the
operating system and architecture. The id will be the setting to be used in
the profile.
Sizes to build an instance can be found using the --list-sizes option:
# salt-cloud --list-sizes my-softlayer-hw
A list of id`s and names will be provided. The `name will describe the speed
and quantity of CPU cores, and the amount of memory that the hardware will
contain. The id will be the setting to be used in the profile.
There is currently only one size of hard disk drive (HDD) that is available for hardware instances on SoftLayer:
1267: 500GB SATA II
The hdd setting in the profile should be 1267. Other sizes may be
added in the future.
Locations to build an instance can be found using the --list-images option:
# salt-cloud --list-locations my-softlayer-hw
A list of IDs and names will be provided. The location will describe the
location in human terms. The id will be the setting to be used in the profile.
The domain name that will be used in the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) for
this instance. The domain setting will be used in conjunction with the
instance name to form the FQDN.
If it is necessary for an instance to be created within a specific VLAN, the ID for that VLAN can be specified in either the provider or profile configuration.
This ID can be queried using the list_vlans function, as described below.
Specifies the speed for the instance's network port. This setting refers to an ID within the SoftLayer API, which sets the port speed. This setting is optional. The default is 273, or, 100 Mbps Public & Private Networks. The following settings are available:
- •
- 273: 100 Mbps Public & Private Networks
- •
- 274: 1 Gbps Public & Private Networks
- •
- 21509: 10 Mbps Dual Public & Private Networks (up to 20 Mbps)
- •
- 21513: 100 Mbps Dual Public & Private Networks (up to 200 Mbps)
- •
- 2314: 1 Gbps Dual Public & Private Networks (up to 2 Gbps)
- •
- 272: 10 Mbps Public & Private Networks
Specifies the network bandwidth available for the instance. This setting refers to an ID within the SoftLayer API, which sets the bandwidth. This setting is optional. The default is 248, or, 5000 GB Bandwidth. The following settings are available:
- •
- 248: 5000 GB Bandwidth
- •
- 129: 6000 GB Bandwidth
- •
- 130: 8000 GB Bandwidth
- •
- 131: 10000 GB Bandwidth
- •
- 36: Unlimited Bandwidth (10 Mbps Uplink)
- •
- 125: Unlimited Bandwidth (100 Mbps Uplink)
The following actions are currently supported by the SoftLayer Salt Cloud
This action is a thin wrapper around --full-query, which displays details on a single instance only. In an environment with several machines, this will save a user from having to sort through all instance data, just to examine a single instance.
$ salt-cloud -a show_instance myinstance
The following functions are currently supported by the SoftLayer Salt Cloud
This function lists all VLANs associated with the account, and all known data from the SoftLayer API concerning those VLANs.
$ salt-cloud -f list_vlans my-softlayer $ salt-cloud -f list_vlans my-softlayer-hw
The id returned in this list is necessary for the vlan option when creating
an instance.
This function lists any custom templates associated with the account, that can be used to create a new instance.
$ salt-cloud -f list_custom_images my-softlayer
The globalIdentifier returned in this list is necessary for the global_identifier option when creating an image using a custom template.
Optional Products for SoftLayer HW
The softlayer_hw provider supports the ability to add optional products, which are supported by SoftLayer's API. These products each have an ID associated with them, that can be passed into Salt Cloud with the optional_products option:
softlayer_hw_test: provider: my-softlayer-hw # CentOS 6.0 - Minimal Install (64 bit) image: 13963 # 2 x 2.0 GHz Core Bare Metal Instance - 2 GB Ram size: 1921 # 500GB SATA II hdd: 1267 # San Jose 01 location: 168642 domain: optional_products: # MySQL for Linux - id: 28 # Business Continuance Insurance - id: 104
These values can be manually obtained by looking at the source of an order page on the SoftLayer web interface. For convenience, many of these values are listed here:
Public Secondary IP Addresses
- •
- 22: 4 Public IP Addresses
- •
- 23: 8 Public IP Addresses
Primary IPv6 Addresses
- •
- 17129: 1 IPv6 Address
Public Static IPv6 Addresses
- •
- 1481: /64 Block Static Public IPv6 Addresses
OS-Specific Addon
- •
- 17139: XenServer Advanced for XenServer 6.x
- •
- 17141: XenServer Enterprise for XenServer 6.x
- •
- 2334: XenServer Advanced for XenServer 5.6
- •
- 2335: XenServer Enterprise for XenServer 5.6
- •
- 13915: Microsoft WebMatrix
- •
- 21276: VMware vCenter 5.1 Standard
Control Panel Software
- •
- 121: cPanel/WHM with Fantastico and RVskin
- •
- 20778: Parallels Plesk Panel 11 (Linux) 100 Domain w/ Power Pack
- •
- 20786: Parallels Plesk Panel 11 (Windows) 100 Domain w/ Power Pack
- •
- 20787: Parallels Plesk Panel 11 (Linux) Unlimited Domain w/ Power Pack
- •
- 20792: Parallels Plesk Panel 11 (Windows) Unlimited Domain w/ Power Pack
- •
- 2340: Parallels Plesk Panel 10 (Linux) 100 Domain w/ Power Pack
- •
- 2339: Parallels Plesk Panel 10 (Linux) Unlimited Domain w/ Power Pack
- •
- 13704: Parallels Plesk Panel 10 (Windows) Unlimited Domain w/ Power Pack
Database Software
- •
- 29: MySQL 5.0 for Windows
- •
- 28: MySQL for Linux
- •
- 21501: Riak 1.x
- •
- 20893: MongoDB
- •
- 30: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express
- •
- 92: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Workgroup
- •
- 90: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Standard
- •
- 94: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise
- •
- 1330: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express
- •
- 1340: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Web
- •
- 1337: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Workgroup
- •
- 1334: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Standard
- •
- 1331: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Enterprise
- •
- 2179: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express R2
- •
- 2173: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Web R2
- •
- 2183: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Workgroup R2
- •
- 2180: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Standard R2
- •
- 2176: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Enterprise R2
Anti-Virus & Spyware Protection
- •
- 594: McAfee VirusScan Anti-Virus - Windows
- •
- 414: McAfee Total Protection - Windows
- •
- 104: Business Continuance Insurance
- •
- 55: Host Ping
- •
- 56: Host Ping and TCP Service Monitoring
- •
- 57: Email and Ticket
Advanced Monitoring
- •
- 2302: Monitoring Package - Basic
- •
- 2303: Monitoring Package - Advanced
- •
- 2304: Monitoring Package - Premium Application
- •
- 58: Automated Notification
- •
- 59: Automated Reboot from Monitoring
- •
- 60: 24x7x365 NOC Monitoring, Notification, and Response
Intrusion Detection & Protection
- •
- 413: McAfee Host Intrusion Protection w/Reporting
Hardware & Software Firewalls
- •
- 411: APF Software Firewall for Linux
- •
- 894: Microsoft Windows Firewall
- •
- 410: 10Mbps Hardware Firewall
- •
- 409: 100Mbps Hardware Firewall
- •
- 408: 1000Mbps Hardware Firewall
Getting Started with VEXXHOST
VEXXHOST is an cloud computing provider which provides Canadian cloud computing services which are based in Monteral and uses the libcloud OpenStack driver. VEXXHOST currently runs the Havana release of OpenStack. When provisioning new instances, they automatically get a public IP and private IP address. Therefore, you do not need to assign a floating IP to access your instance once it's booted.
Cloud Provider Configuration
To use the openstack driver for the VEXXHOST public cloud, you will need to set up the cloud provider configuration file as in the example below:
/etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/vexxhost.conf: In order to use the VEXXHOST public cloud, you will need to setup a cloud provider configuration file as in the example below which uses the OpenStack driver.
vexxhost: # Set the location of the salt-master # minion: master: # Configure VEXXHOST using the OpenStack plugin # identity_url: compute_name: nova # Set the compute region: # compute_region: na-yul-nhs1 # Configure VEXXHOST authentication credentials # user: your-tenant-id password: your-api-key tenant: your-tenant-name # keys to allow connection to the instance launched # ssh_key_name: yourkey ssh_key_file: /path/to/key/yourkey.priv provider: openstack
All of the authentication fields that you need can be found by logging into your VEXXHOST customer center. Once you've logged in, you will need to click on "CloudConsole" and then click on "API Credentials".
Cloud Profile Configuration
In order to get the correct image UUID and the instance type to use in the cloud profile, you can run the following command respectively:
# salt-cloud --list-images=vexxhost-config # salt-cloud --list-sizes=vexxhost-config
Once you have that, you can go ahead and create a new cloud profile. This profile will build an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS nb.2G instance.
vh_ubuntu1204_2G: provider: vexxhost image: 4051139f-750d-4d72-8ef0-074f2ccc7e5a size: nb.2G
Provision an instance
To create an instance based on the sample profile that we created above, you can run the following salt-cloud command.
# salt-cloud -p vh_ubuntu1204_2G vh_instance1
Typically, instances are provisioned in under 30 seconds on the VEXXHOST public cloud. After the instance provisions, it will be set up a minion and then return all the instance information once it's complete.
Once the instance has been setup, you can test connectivity to it by running the following command:
# salt vh_instance1
You can now continue to provision new instances and they will all automatically be set up as minions of the master you've defined in the configuration file.
Getting Started With vSphere
NOTE: Deprecated since version Carbon: The vsphere cloud driver has been deprecated in favor of the vmware cloud driver and will be removed in Salt Carbon. Please refer to Getting started with VMware instead to get started with the configuration.
VMware vSphere is a management platform for virtual infrastructure and cloud computing.
The vSphere module for Salt Cloud requires the PySphere package, which is available at PyPI:
This package can be installed using pip or easy_install:
# pip install pysphere # easy_install pysphere
Set up the cloud config at /etc/salt/cloud.providers or in the /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ directory:
my-vsphere-config: provider: vsphere # Set the vSphere access credentials user: marco password: polo # Set the URL of your vSphere server url: ''
Cloud Profiles
vSphere uses a Managed Object Reference to identify objects located in vCenter. The MOR ID's are used when configuring a vSphere cloud profile. Use the following reference when locating the MOR's for the cloud profile.
Set up an initial profile at /etc/salt/cloud.profiles or in the /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d directory:
vsphere-centos: provider: my-vsphere-config image: centos # Optional datastore: datastore-15 resourcepool: resgroup-8 folder: salt-cloud host: host-9 template: False
Enter the name that was specified when the cloud provider profile was created.
Images available to build an instance can be found using the --list-images option:
# salt-cloud --list-images my-vsphere-config
The MOR of the datastore where the virtual machine should be located. If not specified, the current datastore is used.
The MOR of the resourcepool to be used for the new vm. If not set, it will use the same resourcepool as the original vm.
Name of the folder that will contain the new VM. If not set, the VM will be added to the folder the original VM belongs to.
The MOR of the host where the vm should be registered.
- If not specified:
- •
- if resourcepool is not specified, the current host is used.
- •
- if resourcepool is specified, and the target pool represents a stand-alone host, the host is used.
- •
- if resourcepool is specified, and the target pool represents a DRS-enabled cluster, a host selected by DRS is used.
- •
- if resourcepool is specified, and the target pool represents a cluster without DRS enabled, an InvalidArgument exception will be thrown.
Specifies whether or not the new virtual machine should be marked as a template. Default is False.
Miscellaneous Options
Miscellaneous Salt Cloud Options
This page describes various miscellaneous options available in Salt Cloud
Deploy Script Arguments
Custom deploy scripts are unlikely to need custom arguments to be passed to them, but salt-bootstrap has been extended quite a bit, and this may be necessary. script_args can be specified in either the profile or the map file, to pass arguments to the deploy script:
ec2-amazon: provider: ec2 image: ami-1624987f size: t1.micro ssh_username: ec2-user script: bootstrap-salt script_args: -c /tmp/
This has also been tested to work with pipes, if needed:
script_args: | head
Selecting the File Transport
By default, Salt Cloud uses SFTP to transfer files to Linux hosts. However, if SFTP is not available, or specific SCP functionality is needed, Salt Cloud can be configured to use SCP instead.
file_transport: sftp file_transport: scp
Sync After Install
Salt allows users to create custom modules, grains, and states which can be synchronised to minions to extend Salt with further functionality.
This option will inform Salt Cloud to synchronise your custom modules, grains, states or all these to the minion just after it has been created. For this to happen, the following line needs to be added to the main cloud configuration file:
sync_after_install: all
The available options for this setting are:
modules grains states all
Setting up New Salt Masters
It has become increasingly common for users to set up multi-hierarchal infrastructures using Salt Cloud. This sometimes involves setting up an instance to be a master in addition to a minion. With that in mind, you can now lay down master configuration on a machine by specifying master options in the profile or map file.
make_master: True
This will cause Salt Cloud to generate master keys for the instance, and tell salt-bootstrap to install the salt-master package, in addition to the salt-minion package.
The default master configuration is usually appropriate for most users, and will not be changed unless specific master configuration has been added to the profile or map:
master: user: root interface:
Delete SSH Keys
When Salt Cloud deploys an instance, the SSH pub key for the instance is added to the known_hosts file for the user that ran the salt-cloud command. When an instance is deployed, a cloud provider generally recycles the IP address for the instance. When Salt Cloud attempts to deploy an instance using a recycled IP address that has previously been accessed from the same machine, the old key in the known_hosts file will cause a conflict.
In order to mitigate this issue, Salt Cloud can be configured to remove old keys from the known_hosts file when destroying the node. In order to do this, the following line needs to be added to the main cloud configuration file:
delete_sshkeys: True
Keeping /tmp/ Files
When Salt Cloud deploys an instance, it uploads temporary files to /tmp/ for salt-bootstrap to put in place. After the script has run, they are deleted. To keep these files around (mostly for debugging purposes), the --keep-tmp option can be added:
salt-cloud -p myprofile mymachine --keep-tmp
For those wondering why /tmp/ was used instead of /root/, this had to be done for images which require the use of sudo, and therefore do not allow remote root logins, even for file transfers (which makes /root/ unavailable).
Hide Output From Minion Install
By default Salt Cloud will stream the output from the minion deploy script directly to STDOUT. Although this can been very useful, in certain cases you may wish to switch this off. The following config option is there to enable or disable this output:
display_ssh_output: False
Connection Timeout
There are several stages when deploying Salt where Salt Cloud needs to wait for something to happen. The VM getting it's IP address, the VM's SSH port is available, etc.
If you find that the Salt Cloud defaults are not enough and your deployment fails because Salt Cloud did not wait log enough, there are some settings you can tweak.
- Note
All settings should be provided in lowercase All values should be provided in seconds
You can tweak these settings globally, per cloud provider, or event per profile definition.
The amount of time Salt Cloud should wait for a VM to start and get an IP back from the cloud provider. Default: 5 minutes.
The amount of time Salt Cloud should sleep while querying for the VM's IP. Default: 5 seconds.
The amount of time Salt Cloud should wait for a successful SSH connection to the VM. Default: 5 minutes.
The amount of time until an ssh connection can be established via password or ssh key. Default 15 seconds.
The number of attempts to connect to the VM until we abandon. Default 15 attempts
Some cloud drivers check for an available IP or a successful SSH connection using a function, namely, SoftLayer, and SoftLayer-HW. So, the amount of time Salt Cloud should retry such functions before failing. Default: 5 minutes.
The amount of time Salt Cloud should wait before an EC2 Spot instance is available. This setting is only available for the EC2 cloud driver.
Salt Cloud Cache
Salt Cloud can maintain a cache of node data, for supported providers. The following options manage this functionality.
On supported cloud providers, whether or not to maintain a cache of nodes returned from a --full-query. The data will be stored in msgpack format under <SALT_CACHEDIR>/cloud/active/<DRIVER>/<PROVIDER>/<NODE_NAME>.p. This setting can be True or False.
When the cloud cachedir is being managed, if differences are encountered between the data that is returned live from the cloud provider and the data in the cache, fire events which describe the changes. This setting can be True or False.
Some of these events will contain data which describe a node. Because some of the fields returned may contain sensitive data, the cache_event_strip_fields configuration option exists to strip those fields from the event return.
cache_event_strip_fields: - password - priv_key
The following are events that can be fired based on this data.
A new node was found on the cloud provider which was not listed in the cloud cachedir. A dict describing the new node will be contained in the event.
A node that was previously listed in the cloud cachedir is no longer available on the cloud provider.
One or more pieces of data in the cloud cachedir has changed on the cloud provider. A dict containing both the old and the new data will be contained in the event.
SSH Known Hosts
Normally when bootstrapping a VM, salt-cloud will ignore the SSH host key. This is because it does not know what the host key is before starting (because it doesn't exist yet). If strict host key checking is turned on without the key in the known_hosts file, then the host will never be available, and cannot be bootstrapped.
If a provider is able to determine the host key before trying to bootstrap it, that provider's driver can add it to the known_hosts file, and then turn on strict host key checking. This can be set up in the main cloud configuration file (normally /etc/salt/cloud) or in the provider-specific configuration file:
known_hosts_file: /path/to/.ssh/known_hosts
If this is not set, it will default to /dev/null, and strict host key checking will be turned off.
It is highly recommended that this option is not set, unless the user has verified that the provider supports this functionality, and that the image being used is capable of providing the necessary information. At this time, only the EC2 driver supports this functionality.
SSH Agent
New in version 2015.5.0.
If the ssh key is not stored on the server salt-cloud is being run on, set ssh_agent, and salt-cloud will use the forwarded ssh-agent to authenticate.
ssh_agent: True
File Map Upload
New in version 2014.7.0.
The file_map option allows an arbitrary group of files to be uploaded to the target system before running the deploy script. This functionality requires a provider uses, which is currently limited to the ec2, gce, openstack and nova drivers.
The file_map can be configured globally in /etc/salt/cloud, or in any cloud provider or profile file. For example, to upload an extra package or a custom deploy script, a cloud profile using file_map might look like:
ubuntu14: provider: ec2-config image: ami-98aa1cf0 size: t1.micro ssh_username: root securitygroup: default file_map: /local/path/to/custom/script: /remote/path/to/use/custom/script /local/path/to/package: /remote/path/to/store/package
Troubleshooting Steps
Troubleshooting Salt Cloud
This page describes various steps for troubleshooting problems that may arise while using Salt Cloud.
Virtual Machines Are Created, But Do Not Respond
Are TCP ports 4505 and 4506 open on the master? This is easy to overlook on new masters. Information on how to open firewall ports on various platforms can be found here.
Generic Troubleshooting Steps
This section describes a set of instructions that are useful to a large number of situations, and are likely to solve most issues that arise.
- Version Compatibility
One of the most common issues that Salt Cloud users run into is import errors. These are often caused by version compatibility issues with Salt.
Salt 0.16.x works with Salt Cloud 0.8.9 or greater.
Salt 0.17.x requires Salt Cloud 0.8.11.
Releases after 0.17.x (0.18 or greater) should not encounter issues as Salt Cloud has been merged into Salt itself.
Debug Mode
Frequently, running Salt Cloud in debug mode will reveal information about a deployment which would otherwise not be obvious:
salt-cloud -p myprofile myinstance -l debug
Keep in mind that a number of messages will appear that look at first like errors, but are in fact intended to give developers factual information to assist in debugging. A number of messages that appear will be for cloud providers that you do not have configured; in these cases, the message usually is intended to confirm that they are not configured.
Salt Bootstrap
By default, Salt Cloud uses the Salt Bootstrap script to provision instances:
This script is packaged with Salt Cloud, but may be updated without updating the Salt package:
salt-cloud -u
The Bootstrap Log
If the default deploy script was used, there should be a file in the /tmp/ directory called bootstrap-salt.log. This file contains the full output from the deployment, including any errors that may have occurred.
Keeping Temp Files
Salt Cloud uploads minion-specific files to instances once they are available via SSH, and then executes a deploy script to put them into the correct place and install Salt. The --keep-tmp option will instruct Salt Cloud not to remove those files when finished with them, so that the user may inspect them for problems:
salt-cloud -p myprofile myinstance --keep-tmp
By default, Salt Cloud will create a directory on the target instance called /tmp/.saltcloud/. This directory should be owned by the user that is to execute the deploy script, and should have permissions of 0700.
Most cloud providers are configured to use root as the default initial user for deployment, and as such, this directory and all files in it should be owned by the root user.
The /tmp/.saltcloud/ directory should the following files:
- •
- A script. This script should have permissions of 0755.
- •
- A .pem and .pub key named after the minion. The .pem file should have permissions of 0600. Ensure that the .pem and .pub files have been properly copied to the /etc/salt/pki/minion/ directory.
- •
- A file called minion. This file should have been copied to the /etc/salt/ directory.
- •
- Optionally, a file called grains. This file, if present, should have been copied to the /etc/salt/ directory.
Unprivileged Primary Users
Some providers, most notably EC2, are configured with a different primary user. Some common examples are ec2-user, ubuntu, fedora, and bitnami. In these cases, the /tmp/.saltcloud/ directory and all files in it should be owned by this user.
Some providers, such as EC2, are configured to not require these users to provide a password when using the sudo command. Because it is more secure to require sudo users to provide a password, other providers are configured that way.
If this instance is required to provide a password, it needs to be configured in Salt Cloud. A password for sudo to use may be added to either the provider configuration or the profile configuration:
sudo_password: mypassword
/tmp/ is Mounted as noexec
It is more secure to mount the /tmp/ directory with a noexec option. This is uncommon on most cloud providers, but very common in private environments. To see if the /tmp/ directory is mounted this way, run the following command:
mount | grep tmp
The if the output of this command includes a line that looks like this, then the /tmp/ directory is mounted as noexec:
tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw,noexec)
If this is the case, then the deploy_command will need to be changed in order to run the deploy script through the sh command, rather than trying to execute it directly. This may be specified in either the provider or the profile config:
deploy_command: sh /tmp/.saltcloud/
Please note that by default, Salt Cloud will place its files in a directory called /tmp/.saltcloud/. This may be also be changed in the provider or profile configuration:
tmp_dir: /tmp/.saltcloud/
If this directory is changed, then the deploy_command need to be changed in order to reflect the tmp_dir configuration.
Executing the Deploy Script Manually
If all of the files needed for deployment were successfully uploaded to the correct locations, and contain the correct permissions and ownerships, the deploy script may be executed manually in order to check for other issues:
cd /tmp/.saltcloud/ ./
Extending Salt Cloud
Writing Cloud Provider Modules
Salt Cloud runs on a module system similar to the main Salt project. The modules inside saltcloud exist in the salt/cloud/clouds directory of the salt source.
There are two basic types of cloud modules. If a cloud provider is supported by libcloud, then using it is the fastest route to getting a module written. The Apache Libcloud project is located at:
Not every cloud provider is supported by libcloud. Additionally, not every feature in a supported cloud provider is necessary supported by libcloud. In either of these cases, a module can be created which does not rely on libcloud.
All Modules
The following functions are required by all modules, whether or not they are based on libcloud.
The __virtual__() Function
This function determines whether or not to make this cloud module available upon execution. Most often, it uses get_configured_provider() to determine if the necessary configuration has been set up. It may also check for necessary imports, to decide whether to load the module. In most cases, it will return a True or False value. If the name of the driver used does not match the filename, then that name should be returned instead of True. An example of this may be seen in the Azure module:
The get_configured_provider() Function
This function uses config.is_provider_configured() to determine wither all required information for this driver has been configured. The last value in the list of required settings should be followed by a comma.
Libcloud Based Modules
Writing a cloud module based on libcloud has two major advantages. First of all, much of the work has already been done by the libcloud project. Second, most of the functions necessary to Salt have already been added to the Salt Cloud project.
The create() Function
The most important function that does need to be manually written is the create() function. This is what is used to request a virtual machine to be created by the cloud provider, wait for it to become available, and then (optionally) log in and install Salt on it.
A good example to follow for writing a cloud provider module based on libcloud is the module provided for Linode:
The basic flow of a create() function is as follows:
- •
- Send a request to the cloud provider to create a virtual machine.
- •
- Wait for the virtual machine to become available.
- •
- Generate kwargs to be used to deploy Salt.
- •
- Log into the virtual machine and deploy Salt.
- •
Return a data structure that describes the newly-created virtual machine.
At various points throughout this function, events may be fired on the Salt event bus. Four of these events, which are described below, are required. Other events may be added by the user, where appropriate.
When the create() function is called, it is passed a data structure called vm_. This dict contains a composite of information describing the virtual machine to be created. A dict called __opts__ is also provided by Salt, which contains the options used to run Salt Cloud, as well as a set of configuration and environment variables.
The first thing the create() function must do is fire an event stating that it has started the create process. This event is tagged salt/cloud/<vm name>/creating. The payload contains the names of the VM, profile and provider.
A set of kwargs is then usually created, to describe the parameters required by the cloud provider to request the virtual machine.
An event is then fired to state that a virtual machine is about to be requested. It is tagged as salt/cloud/<vm name>/requesting. The payload contains most or all of the parameters that will be sent to the cloud provider. Any private information (such as passwords) should not be sent in the event.
After a request is made, a set of deploy kwargs will be generated. These will be used to install Salt on the target machine. Windows options are supported at this point, and should be generated, even if the cloud provider does not currently support Windows. This will save time in the future if the provider does eventually decide to support Windows.
An event is then fired to state that the deploy process is about to begin. This event is tagged salt/cloud/<vm name>/deploying. The payload for the event will contain a set of deploy kwargs, useful for debugging purposed. Any private data, including passwords and keys (including public keys) should be stripped from the deploy kwargs before the event is fired.
If any Windows options have been passed in, the function will be called. Otherwise, it will be assumed that the target is a Linux or Unix machine, and the will be called.
Both of these functions will wait for the target machine to become available, then the necessary port to log in, then a successful login that can be used to install Salt. Minion configuration and keys will then be uploaded to a temporary directory on the target by the appropriate function. On a Windows target, the Windows Minion Installer will be run in silent mode. On a Linux/Unix target, a deploy script (, by default) will be run, which will auto-detect the operating system, and install Salt using its native package manager. These do not need to be handled by the developer in the cloud module.
The function has been extended to take the number of retries and retry_delay parameters in case a specific cloud provider has a delay between providing the Windows credentials and the credentials being available for use. In their create() function, or as a a sub-function called during the creation process, developers should use the win_deploy_auth_retries and win_deploy_auth_retry_delay parameters from the provider configuration to allow the end-user the ability to customize the number of tries and delay between tries for their particular provider.
After the appropriate deploy function completes, a final event is fired which describes the virtual machine that has just been created. This event is tagged salt/cloud/<vm name>/created. The payload contains the names of the VM, profile, and provider.
Finally, a dict (queried from the provider) which describes the new virtual machine is returned to the user. Because this data is not fired on the event bus it can, and should, return any passwords that were returned by the cloud provider. In some cases (for example, Rackspace), this is the only time that the password can be queried by the user; post-creation queries may not contain password information (depending upon the provider).
The libcloudfuncs Functions
A number of other functions are required for all cloud providers. However, with libcloud-based modules, these are all provided for free by the libcloudfuncs library. The following two lines set up the imports:
from import * # pylint: disable=W0614,W0401 from salt.utils import namespaced_function
And then a series of declarations will make the necessary functions available within the cloud module.
get_size = namespaced_function(get_size, globals()) get_image = namespaced_function(get_image, globals()) avail_locations = namespaced_function(avail_locations, globals()) avail_images = namespaced_function(avail_images, globals()) avail_sizes = namespaced_function(avail_sizes, globals()) script = namespaced_function(script, globals()) destroy = namespaced_function(destroy, globals()) list_nodes = namespaced_function(list_nodes, globals()) list_nodes_full = namespaced_function(list_nodes_full, globals()) list_nodes_select = namespaced_function(list_nodes_select, globals()) show_instance = namespaced_function(show_instance, globals())
If necessary, these functions may be replaced by removing the appropriate declaration line, and then adding the function as normal.
These functions are required for all cloud modules, and are described in detail in the next section.
Non-Libcloud Based Modules
In some cases, using libcloud is not an option. This may be because libcloud has not yet included the necessary driver itself, or it may be that the driver that is included with libcloud does not contain all of the necessary features required by the developer. When this is the case, some or all of the functions in libcloudfuncs may be replaced. If they are all replaced, the libcloud imports should be absent from the Salt Cloud module.
A good example of a non-libcloud provider is the DigitalOcean module:
The create() Function
The create() function must be created as described in the libcloud-based module documentation.
The get_size() Function
This function is only necessary for libcloud-based modules, and does not need to exist otherwise.
The get_image() Function
This function is only necessary for libcloud-based modules, and does not need to exist otherwise.
The avail_locations() Function
This function returns a list of locations available, if the cloud provider uses multiple data centers. It is not necessary if the cloud provider only uses one data center. It is normally called using the --list-locations option.
salt-cloud --list-locations my-cloud-provider
The avail_images() Function
This function returns a list of images available for this cloud provider. There are not currently any known cloud providers that do not provide this functionality, though they may refer to images by a different name (for example, "templates"). It is normally called using the --list-images option.
salt-cloud --list-images my-cloud-provider
The avail_sizes() Function
This function returns a list of sizes available for this cloud provider. Generally, this refers to a combination of RAM, CPU, and/or disk space. This functionality may not be present on some cloud providers. For example, the Parallels module breaks down RAM, CPU, and disk space into separate options, whereas in other providers, these options are baked into the image. It is normally called using the --list-sizes option.
salt-cloud --list-sizes my-cloud-provider
The script() Function
This function builds the deploy script to be used on the remote machine. It is likely to be moved into the library in the near future, as it is very generic and can usually be copied wholesale from another module. An excellent example is in the Azure driver.
The destroy() Function
This function irreversibly destroys a virtual machine on the cloud provider. Before doing so, it should fire an event on the Salt event bus. The tag for this event is salt/cloud/<vm name>/destroying. Once the virtual machine has been destroyed, another event is fired. The tag for that event is salt/cloud/<vm name>/destroyed.
This function is normally called with the -d options:
salt-cloud -d myinstance
The list_nodes() Function
This function returns a list of nodes available on this cloud provider, using the following fields:
- •
- id (str)
- •
- image (str)
- •
- size (str)
- •
- state (str)
- •
- private_ips (list)
- •
public_ips (list)
No other fields should be returned in this function, and all of these fields should be returned, even if empty. The private_ips and public_ips fields should always be of a list type, even if empty, and the other fields should always be of a str type. This function is normally called with the -Q option:
salt-cloud -Q
The list_nodes_full() Function
All information available about all nodes should be returned in this function. The fields in the list_nodes() function should also be returned, even if they would not normally be provided by the cloud provider. This is because some functions both within Salt and 3rd party will break if an expected field is not present. This function is normally called with the -F option:
salt-cloud -F
The list_nodes_select() Function
This function returns only the fields specified in the query.selection option in /etc/salt/cloud. Because this function is so generic, all of the heavy lifting has been moved into the library.
A function to call list_nodes_select() still needs to be present. In general, the following code can be used as-is:
def list_nodes_select(call=None): ''' Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields ''' return list_nodes_full('function'), __opts__['query.selection'], call, )
However, depending on the cloud provider, additional variables may be required. For instance, some modules use a conn object, or may need to pass other options into list_nodes_full(). In this case, be sure to update the function appropriately:
def list_nodes_select(conn=None, call=None): ''' Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields ''' if not conn: conn = get_conn() # pylint: disable=E0602 return list_nodes_full(conn, 'function'), __opts__['query.selection'], call, )
This function is normally called with the -S option:
salt-cloud -S
The show_instance() Function
This function is used to display all of the information about a single node that is available from the cloud provider. The simplest way to provide this is usually to call list_nodes_full(), and return just the data for the requested node. It is normally called as an action:
salt-cloud -a show_instance myinstance
Actions and Functions
Extra functionality may be added to a cloud provider in the form of an --action or a --function. Actions are performed against a cloud instance/virtual machine, and functions are performed against a cloud provider.
Actions are calls that are performed against a specific instance or virtual machine. The show_instance action should be available in all cloud modules. Actions are normally called with the -a option:
salt-cloud -a show_instance myinstance
Actions must accept a name as a first argument, may optionally support any number of kwargs as appropriate, and must accept an argument of call, with a default of None.
Before performing any other work, an action should normally verify that it has been called correctly. It may then perform the desired feature, and return useful information to the user. A basic action looks like:
def show_instance(name, call=None): ''' Show the details from EC2 concerning an AMI ''' if call != 'action': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The show_instance action must be called with -a or --action.' ) return _get_node(name)
Please note that generic kwargs, if used, are passed through to actions as kwargs and not **kwargs. An example of this is seen in the Functions section.
Functions are called that are performed against a specific cloud provider. An optional function that is often useful is show_image, which describes an image in detail. Functions are normally called with the -f option:
salt-cloud -f show_image my-cloud-provider image='Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit'
A function may accept any number of kwargs as appropriate, and must accept an argument of call with a default of None.
Before performing any other work, a function should normally verify that it has been called correctly. It may then perform the desired feature, and return useful information to the user. A basic function looks like:
def show_image(kwargs, call=None): ''' Show the details from EC2 concerning an AMI ''' if call != 'function': raise SaltCloudSystemExit( 'The show_image action must be called with -f or --function.' ) params = {'ImageId.1': kwargs['image'], 'Action': 'DescribeImages'} result = query(params) return result
Take note that generic kwargs are passed through to functions as kwargs and not **kwargs.
OS Support for Cloud VMs
Salt Cloud works primarily by executing a script on the virtual machines as soon as they become available. The script that is executed is referenced in the cloud profile as the script. In older versions, this was the os argument. This was changed in 0.8.2.
A number of legacy scripts exist in the deploy directory in the saltcloud source tree. The preferred method is currently to use the salt-bootstrap script. A stable version is included with each release tarball starting with 0.8.4. The most updated version can be found at:
If you do not specify a script argument, this script will be used at the default.
If the Salt Bootstrap script does not meet your needs, you may write your own. The script should be written in bash and is a Jinja template. Deploy scripts need to execute a number of functions to do a complete salt setup. These functions include:
- 1.
- Install the salt minion. If this can be done via system packages this method is HIGHLY preferred.
- 2.
- Add the salt minion keys before the minion is started for the first time. The minion keys are available as strings that can be copied into place in the Jinja template under the dict named "vm".
- 3.
- Start the salt-minion daemon and enable it at startup time.
- 4.
Set up the minion configuration file from the "minion" data available in
the Jinja template.
A good, well commented, example of this process is the Fedora deployment script:
A number of legacy deploy scripts are included with the release tarball. None of them are as functional or complete as Salt Bootstrap, and are still included for academic purposes.
Other Generic Deploy Scripts
If you want to be assured of always using the latest Salt Bootstrap script, there are a few generic templates available in the deploy directory of your saltcloud source tree:
curl-bootstrap curl-bootstrap-git python-bootstrap wget-bootstrap wget-bootstrap-git
These are example scripts which were designed to be customized, adapted, and refit to meet your needs. One important use of them is to pass options to the salt-bootstrap script, such as updating to specific git tags.
Post-Deploy Commands
Once a minion has been deployed, it has the option to run a salt command. Normally, this would be the state.highstate command, which would finish provisioning the VM. Another common option is state.sls, or for just testing, This is configured in the main cloud config file:
start_action: state.highstate
This is currently considered to be experimental functionality, and may not work well with all providers. If you experience problems with Salt Cloud hanging after Salt is deployed, consider using Startup States instead:
Skipping the Deploy Script
For whatever reason, you may want to skip the deploy script altogether. This results in a VM being spun up much faster, with absolutely no configuration. This can be set from the command line:
salt-cloud --no-deploy -p micro_aws my_instance
Or it can be set from the main cloud config file:
deploy: False
Or it can be set from the provider's configuration:
RACKSPACE.user: example_user RACKSPACE.apikey: 123984bjjas87034 RACKSPACE.deploy: False
Or even on the VM's profile settings:
ubuntu_aws: provider: aws image: ami-7e2da54e size: t1.micro deploy: False
The default for deploy is True.
In the profile, you may also set the script option to None:
script: None
This is the slowest option, since it still uploads the None deploy script and executes it.
Updating Salt Bootstrap
Salt Bootstrap can be updated automatically with salt-cloud:
salt-cloud -u salt-cloud --update-bootstrap
Bear in mind that this updates to the latest (unstable) version, so use with caution.
Keeping /tmp/ Files
When Salt Cloud deploys an instance, it uploads temporary files to /tmp/ for salt-bootstrap to put in place. After the script has run, they are deleted. To keep these files around (mostly for debugging purposes), the --keep-tmp option can be added:
salt-cloud -p myprofile mymachine --keep-tmp
For those wondering why /tmp/ was used instead of /root/, this had to be done for images which require the use of sudo, and therefore do not allow remote root logins, even for file transfers (which makes /root/ unavailable).
Deploy Script Arguments
Custom deploy scripts are unlikely to need custom arguments to be passed to them, but salt-bootstrap has been extended quite a bit, and this may be necessary. script_args can be specified in either the profile or the map file, to pass arguments to the deploy script:
aws-amazon: provider: aws image: ami-1624987f size: t1.micro ssh_username: ec2-user script: bootstrap-salt script_args: -c /tmp/
This has also been tested to work with pipes, if needed:
script_args: | head
Using Salt Cloud from Salt
Using the Salt Modules for Cloud
In addition to the salt-cloud command, Salt Cloud can be called from Salt, in a variety of different ways. Most users will be interested in either the execution module or the state module, but it is also possible to call Salt Cloud as a runner.
Because the actual work will be performed on a remote minion, the normal Salt Cloud configuration must exist on any target minion that needs to execute a Salt Cloud command. Because Salt Cloud now supports breaking out configuration into individual files, the configuration is easily managed using Salt's own file.managed state function. For example, the following directories allow this configuration to be managed easily:
/etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ /etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/
Minion Keys
Keep in mind that when creating minions, Salt Cloud will create public and private minion keys, upload them to the minion, and place the public key on the machine that created the minion. It will not attempt to place any public minion keys on the master, unless the minion which was used to create the instance is also the Salt Master. This is because granting arbitrary minions access to modify keys on the master is a serious security risk, and must be avoided.
Execution Module
The cloud module is available to use from the command line. At the moment, almost every standard Salt Cloud feature is available to use. The following commands are available:
This command is designed to show images that are available to be used to create an instance using Salt Cloud. In general they are used in the creation of profiles, but may also be used to create an instance directly (see below). Listing images requires a provider to be configured, and specified:
salt myminion cloud.list_images my-cloud-provider
This command is designed to show sizes that are available to be used to create an instance using Salt Cloud. In general they are used in the creation of profiles, but may also be used to create an instance directly (see below). This command is not available for all cloud providers; see the provider-specific documentation for details. Listing sizes requires a provider to be configured, and specified:
salt myminion cloud.list_sizes my-cloud-provider
This command is designed to show locations that are available to be used to create an instance using Salt Cloud. In general they are used in the creation of profiles, but may also be used to create an instance directly (see below). This command is not available for all cloud providers; see the provider-specific documentation for details. Listing locations requires a provider to be configured, and specified:
salt myminion cloud.list_locations my-cloud-provider
This command is used to query all configured cloud providers, and display all instances associated with those accounts. By default, it will run a standard query, returning the following fields:
- id
- The name or ID of the instance, as used by the cloud provider.
- image
- The disk image that was used to create this instance.
- private_ips
- Any public IP addresses currently assigned to this instance.
- public_ips
- Any private IP addresses currently assigned to this instance.
- size
- The size of the instance; can refer to RAM, CPU(s), disk space, etc., depending on the cloud provider.
- state
The running state of the instance; for example, running, stopped,
pending, etc. This state is dependent upon the provider.
This command may also be used to perform a full query or a select query, as described below. The following usages are available:
salt myminion cloud.query salt myminion cloud.query list_nodes salt myminion cloud.query list_nodes_full
This command behaves like the query command, but lists all information concerning each instance as provided by the cloud provider, in addition to the fields returned by the query command.
salt myminion cloud.full_query
This command behaves like the query command, but only returned select fields as defined in the /etc/salt/cloud configuration file. A sample configuration for this section of the file might look like:
query.selection: - id - key_name
This configuration would only return the id and key_name fields, for those cloud providers that support those two fields. This would be called using the following command:
salt myminion cloud.select_query
This command is used to create an instance using a profile that is configured on the target minion. Please note that the profile must be configured before this command can be used with it.
salt myminion cloud.profile ec2-centos64-x64 my-new-instance
Please note that the execution module does not run in parallel mode. Using multiple minions to create instances can effectively perform parallel instance creation.
This command is similar to the profile command, in that it is used to create a new instance. However, it does not require a profile to be pre-configured. Instead, all of the options that are normally configured in a profile are passed directly to Salt Cloud to create the instance:
salt myminion cloud.create my-ec2-config my-new-instance \ image=ami-1624987f size='t1.micro' ssh_username=ec2-user \ securitygroup=default delvol_on_destroy=True
Please note that the execution module does not run in parallel mode. Using multiple minions to create instances can effectively perform parallel instance creation.
This command is used to destroy an instance or instances. This command will search all configured providers and remove any instance(s) which matches the name(s) passed in here. The results of this command are non-reversable and should be used with caution.
salt myminion cloud.destroy myinstance salt myminion cloud.destroy myinstance1,myinstance2
This command implements both the action and the function commands used in the standard salt-cloud command. If one of the standard action commands is used, an instance name must be provided. If one of the standard function commands is used, a provider configuration must be named.
salt myminion cloud.action start instance=myinstance salt myminion cloud.action show_image provider=my-ec2-config \ image=ami-1624987f
The actions available are largely dependent upon the module for the specific cloud provider. The following actions are available for all cloud providers:
- list_nodes
- This is a direct call to the query function as described above, but is only performed against a single cloud provider. A provider configuration must be included.
- list_nodes_select
- This is a direct call to the full_query function as described above, but is only performed against a single cloud provider. A provider configuration must be included.
- list_nodes_select
- This is a direct call to the select_query function as described above, but is only performed against a single cloud provider. A provider configuration must be included.
- show_instance
- This is a thin wrapper around list_nodes, which returns the full information about a single instance. An instance name must be provided.
State Module
A subset of the execution module is available through the cloud state module. Not all functions are currently included, because there is currently insufficient code for them to perform statefully. For example, a command to create an instance may be issued with a series of options, but those options cannot currently be statefully managed. Additional states to manage these options will be released at a later time.
This state will ensure that an instance is present inside a particular cloud provider. Any option that is normally specified in the cloud.create execution module and function may be declared here, but only the actual presence of the instance will be managed statefully.
my-instance-name: cloud.present: - provider: my-ec2-config - image: ami-1624987f - size: 't1.micro' - ssh_username: ec2-user - securitygroup: default - delvol_on_destroy: True
This state will ensure that an instance is present inside a particular cloud provider. This function calls the cloud.profile execution module and function, but as with cloud.present, only the actual presence of the instance will be managed statefully.
my-instance-name: cloud.profile: - profile: ec2-centos64-x64
This state will ensure that an instance (identified by name) does not exist in any of the cloud providers configured on the target minion. Please note that this state is non-reversable and may be considered especially destructive when issued as a cloud state.
my-instance-name: cloud.absent
Runner Module
The cloud runner module is executed on the master, and performs actions using the configuration and Salt modules on the master itself. This means that any public minion keys will also be properly accepted by the master.
Using the functions in the runner module is no different than using those in the execution module, outside of the behavior described in the above paragraph. The following functions are available inside the runner:
- •
- list_images
- •
- list_sizes
- •
- list_locations
- •
- query
- •
- full_query
- •
- select_query
- •
- profile
- •
- destroy
- •
Outside of the standard usage of salt-run itself, commands are executed as usual:
salt-run cloud.profile ec2-centos64-x86_64 my-instance-name
The execution, state, and runner modules ultimately all use the CloudClient library that ships with Salt. To use the CloudClient library locally (either on the master or a minion), create a client object and issue a command against it:
import import pprint client ='/etc/salt/cloud') nodes = client.query() pprint.pprint(nodes)
Feature Comparison
Feature Matrix
A number of features are available in most cloud providers, but not all are available everywhere. This may be because the feature isn't supported by the cloud provider itself, or it may only be that the feature has not yet been added to Salt Cloud. In a handful of cases, it is because the feature does not make sense for a particular cloud provider (Saltify, for instance).
This matrix shows which features are available in which cloud providers, as far as Salt Cloud is concerned. This is not a comprehensive list of all features available in all cloud providers, and should not be used to make business decisions concerning choosing a cloud provider. In most cases, adding support for a feature to Salt Cloud requires only a little effort.
Legacy Drivers
Both AWS and Rackspace are listed as "Legacy". This is because those drivers have been replaced by other drivers, which are generally the preferred method for working with those providers.
The EC2 driver should be used instead of the AWS driver, when possible. The OpenStack driver should be used instead of the Rackspace driver, unless the user is dealing with instances in "the old cloud" in Rackspace.
Note for Developers
When adding new features to a particular cloud provider, please make sure to add the feature to this table. Additionally, if you notice a feature that is not properly listed here, pull requests to fix them is appreciated.
Standard Features
These are features that are available for almost every provider.
AWS (Legacy) | CloudStack | Digital Ocean | EC2 | GoGrid | JoyEnt | Linode | OpenStack | Parallels | Rackspace (Legacy) | Saltify | Softlayer | Softlayer Hardware |
| |
Query | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| |
Full Query | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| |
Selective Query | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| |
List Sizes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| |
List Images | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| |
List Locations | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| |
create | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
destroy | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| |
These are features that are performed on a specific instance, and require an instance name to be passed in. For example:
# salt-cloud -a attach_volume
Actions | AWS (Legacy) | CloudStack | Digital Ocean | EC2 | GoGrid | JoyEnt | Linode | OpenStack | Parallels | Rackspace (Legacy) | Saltify | Softlayer | Softlayer Hardware |
attach_volume | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
create_attach_volumes | Yes | Yes |
| |||||||||||
del_tags | Yes | Yes |
| |||||||||||
delvol_on_destroy | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
detach_volume | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
disable_term_protect | Yes | Yes |
| |||||||||||
enable_term_protect | Yes | Yes |
| |||||||||||
get_tags | Yes | Yes |
| |||||||||||
keepvol_on_destroy | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
list_keypairs | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
rename | Yes | Yes |
| |||||||||||
set_tags | Yes | Yes |
| |||||||||||
show_delvol_on_destroy | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
show_instance | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| ||||||||
show_term_protect | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
start | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| |||||||||
stop | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| |||||||||
take_action | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
These are features that are performed against a specific cloud provider, and require the name of the provider to be passed in. For example:
# salt-cloud -f list_images my_digitalocean
Functions | AWS (Legacy) | CloudStack | Digital Ocean | EC2 | GoGrid | JoyEnt | Linode | OpenStack | Parallels | Rackspace (Legacy) | Saltify | Softlayer | Softlayer Hardware |
block_device_mappings | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
create_keypair | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
create_volume | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
delete_key | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
delete_keypair | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
delete_volume | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
get_image | Yes | Yes | Yes |
| ||||||||||
get_ip | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
get_key | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
get_keyid | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
get_keypair | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
get_networkid | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
get_node | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
get_password | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
get_size | Yes | Yes |
| |||||||||||
get_spot_config | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
get_subnetid | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
iam_profile | Yes | Yes |
| |||||||||||
import_key | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
key_list | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
keyname | Yes | Yes |
| |||||||||||
list_availability_zones | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
list_custom_images | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
list_keys | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
list_nodes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
list_nodes_full | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
list_nodes_select | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
list_vlans | Yes | Yes |
| |||||||||||
rackconnect | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
reboot | Yes | Yes |
| |||||||||||
reformat_node | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
securitygroup | Yes | Yes |
| |||||||||||
securitygroupid | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
show_image | Yes | Yes |
| |||||||||||
show_key | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
show_keypair | Yes | Yes |
| |||||||||||
show_volume | Yes |
| ||||||||||||
Using Salt Cloud with the Event Reactor
One of the most powerful features of the Salt framework is the Event Reactor. As the Reactor was in development, Salt Cloud was regularly updated to take advantage of the Reactor upon completion. As such, various aspects of both the creation and destruction of instances with Salt Cloud fire events to the Salt Master, which can be used by the Event Reactor.
Event Structure
As of this writing, all events in Salt Cloud have a tag, which includes the ID of the instance being managed, and a payload which describes the task that is currently being handled. A Salt Cloud tag looks like:
For instance, the first event fired when creating an instance named web1 would look like:
Assuming this instance is using the ec2-centos profile, which is in turn using the ec2-config provider, the payload for this tag would look like:
{'name': 'web1', 'profile': 'ec2-centos', 'provider': 'ec2-config'}
Available Events
When an instance is created in Salt Cloud, whether by map, profile, or directly through an API, a minimum of five events are normally fired. More may be available, depending upon the cloud provider being used. Some of the common events are described below.
This event states simply that the process to create an instance has begun. At this point in time, no actual work has begun. The payload for this event includes:
Salt Cloud is about to make a request to the cloud provider to create an instance. At this point, all of the variables required to make the request have been gathered, and the payload of the event will reflect those variables which do not normally pose a security risk. What is returned here is dependent upon the cloud provider. Some common variables are:
The instance has been successfully requested, but the necessary information to log into the instance (such as IP address) is not yet available. This event marks the beginning of the process to wait for this information.
The payload for this event normally only includes the instance_id.
The information required to log into the instance has been retrieved, but the instance is not necessarily ready to be accessed. Following this event, Salt Cloud will wait for the IP address to respond to a ping, then wait for the specified port (usually 22) to respond to a connection, and on Linux systems, for SSH to become available. Salt Cloud will attempt to issue the date command on the remote system, as a means to check for availability. If no ssh_username has been specified, a list of usernames (starting with root) will be attempted. If one or more usernames was configured for ssh_username, they will be added to the beginning of the list, in order.
The payload for this event normally only includes the ip_address.
The necessary port has been detected as available, and now Salt Cloud can log into the instance, upload any files used for deployment, and run the deploy script. Once the script has completed, Salt Cloud will log back into the instance and remove any remaining files.
A number of variables are used to deploy instances, and the majority of these will be available in the payload. Any keys, passwords or other sensitive data will be scraped from the payload. Most of the variables returned will be related to the profile or provider config, and any default values that could have been changed in the profile or provider, but weren't.
The deploy sequence has completed, and the instance is now available, Salted, and ready for use. This event is the final task for Salt Cloud, before returning instance information to the user and exiting.
The payload for this event contains little more than the initial creating event. This event is required in all cloud providers.
Configuring the Event Reactor
The Event Reactor is built into the Salt Master process, and as such is configured via the master configuration file. Normally this will will be a YAML file located at /etc/salt/master. Additionally, master configuration items can be stored, in YAML format, inside the /etc/salt/master.d/ directory.
These configuration items may be stored in either location; however, they may only be stored in one location. For organizational and security purposes, it may be best to create a single configuration file, which contains only Event Reactor configuration, at /etc/salt/master.d/reactor.
The Event Reactor uses a top-level configuration item called reactor. This block contains a list of tags to be watched for, each of which also includes a list of sls files. For instance:
reactor: - 'salt/minion/*/start': - '/srv/reactor/custom-reactor.sls' - 'salt/cloud/*/created': - '/srv/reactor/cloud-alert.sls' - 'salt/cloud/*/destroyed': - '/srv/reactor/cloud-destroy-alert.sls'
The above configuration configures reactors for three different tags: one which is fired when a minion process has started and is available to receive commands, one which is fired when a cloud instance has been created, and one which is fired when a cloud instance is destroyed.
Note that each tag contains a wildcard (*) in it. For each of these tags, this will normally refer to a minion_id. This is not required of event tags, but is very common.
Reactor SLS Files
Reactor sls files should be placed in the /srv/reactor/ directory for consistency between environments, but this is not currently enforced by Salt.
Reactor sls files follow a similar format to other sls files in Salt. By default they are written in YAML and can be templated using Jinja, but since they are processed through Salt's rendering system, any available renderer (JSON, Mako, Cheetah, etc.) can be used.
As with other sls files, each stanza will start with a declaration ID, followed by the function to run, and then any arguments for that function. For example:
# /srv/reactor/cloud-alert.sls new_instance_alert: cmd.pagerduty.create_event: - tgt: alertserver - kwarg: description: "New instance: {{ data['name'] }}" details: "New cloud instance created on {{ data['provider'] }}" service_key: 1626dead5ecafe46231e968eb1be29c4 profile: my-pagerduty-account
When the Event Reactor receives an event notifying it that a new instance has been created, this sls will create a new incident in PagerDuty, using the configured PagerDuty account.
The declaration ID in this example is new_instance_alert. The function called is cmd.pagerduty.create_event. The cmd portion of this function specifies that an execution module and function will be called, in this case, the pagerduty.create_event function.
Because an execution module is specified, a target (tgt) must be specified on which to call the function. In this case, a minion called alertserver has been used. Any arguments passed through to the function are declared in the kwarg block.
Example: Reactor-Based Highstate
When Salt Cloud creates an instance, by default it will install the Salt Minion onto the instance, along with any specified minion configuration, and automatically accept that minion's keys on the master. One of the configuration options that can be specified is startup_states, which is commonly set to highstate. This will tell the minion to immediately apply a highstate, as soon as it is able to do so.
This can present a problem with some system images on some cloud providers. For instance, Salt Cloud can be configured to log in as either the root user, or a user with sudo access. While some providers commonly use images that lock out remote root access and require a user with sudo privileges to log in (notably EC2, with their ec2-user login), most cloud providers fall back to root as the default login on all images, including for operating systems (such as Ubuntu) which normally disallow remote root login.
For users of these operating systems, it is understandable that a highstate would include configuration to block remote root logins again. However, Salt Cloud may not have finished cleaning up its deployment files by the time the minion process has started, and kicked off a highstate run. Users have reported errors from Salt Cloud getting locked out while trying to clean up after itself.
The goal of a startup state may be achieved using the Event Reactor. Because a minion fires an event when it is able to receive commands, this event can effectively be used inside the reactor system instead. The following will point the reactor system to the right sls file:
reactor: - 'salt/cloud/*/created': - '/srv/reactor/startup_highstate.sls'
And the following sls file will start a highstate run on the target minion:
# /srv/reactor/startup_highstate.sls reactor_highstate: cmd.state.highstate: - tgt: {{ data['name'] }}
Because this event will not be fired until Salt Cloud has cleaned up after itself, the highstate run will not step on Salt Cloud's toes. And because every file on the minion is configurable, including /etc/salt/minion, the startup_states can still be configured for future minion restarts, if desired.
Writing netapi modules
netapi modules, put simply, bind a port and start a service. They are purposefully open-ended and can be used to present a variety of external interfaces to Salt, and even present multiple interfaces at once.
SEE ALSO: The full list of netapi modules
All netapi configuration is done in the Salt master config and takes a form similar to the following:
rest_cherrypy: port: 8000 debug: True ssl_crt: /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt ssl_key: /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.key
The __virtual__ function
Like all module types in Salt, netapi modules go through Salt's loader interface to determine if they should be loaded into memory and then executed.
The __virtual__ function in the module makes this determination and should return False or a string that will serve as the name of the module. If the module raises an ImportError or any other errors, it will not be loaded.
The start function
The start() function will be called for each netapi module that is loaded. This function should contain the server loop that actually starts the service. This is started in a multiprocess.
Inline documentation
As with the rest of Salt, it is a best-practice to include liberal inline documentation in the form of a module docstring and docstrings on any classes, methods, and functions in your netapi module.
Loader “magic” methods
The loader makes the __opts__ data structure available to any function in a netapi module.
Introduction to netapi modules
netapi modules provide API-centric access to Salt. Usually externally-facing services such as REST or WebSockets, XMPP, XMLRPC, etc.
In general netapi modules bind to a port and start a service. They are purposefully open-ended. A single module can be configured to run as well as multiple modules simultaneously.
netapi modules are enabled by adding configuration to your Salt Master config file and then starting the salt-api daemon. Check the docs for each module to see external requirements and configuration settings.
Communication with Salt and Salt satellite projects is done using Salt's own Python API. A list of available client interfaces is below.
- salt-api
Prior to Salt's 2014.7.0 release, netapi modules lived in the separate sister projected salt-api. That project has been merged into the main Salt project.
SEE ALSO: The full list of netapi modules
Client interfaces
Salt's client interfaces expose executing functions by crafting a dictionary of values that are mapped to function arguments. This allows calling functions simply by creating a data structure. (And this is exactly how much of Salt's own internals work!)
- class salt.netapi.NetapiClient(opts)
Provide a uniform method of accessing the various client interfaces in Salt
in the form of low-data data structures. For example:
>>> client = NetapiClient(__opts__) >>> lowstate = {'client': 'local', 'tgt': '*', 'fun': '', 'arg': ''} >>>
- local(*args, **kwargs)
Run execution modules synchronously
See salt.client.LocalClient.cmd() for all available parameters.
Sends a command from the master to the targeted minions. This is the same interface that Salt's own CLI uses. Note the arg and kwarg parameters are sent down to the minion(s) and the given function, fun, is called with those parameters.
- Returns
- Returns the result from the execution module
- local_async(*args, **kwargs)
Run execution modules asynchronously
Wraps salt.client.LocalClient.run_job().
- Returns
- job ID
- local_batch(*args, **kwargs)
Run execution modules against batches of minions
New in version 0.8.4.
Wraps salt.client.LocalClient.cmd_batch()
- Returns
- Returns the result from the exeuction module for each batch of returns
- runner(fun, timeout=None, **kwargs)
Run runner modules <all-salt.runners> synchronously
Wraps salt.runner.RunnerClient.cmd_sync().
Note that runner functions must be called using keyword arguments. Positional arguments are not supported.
- Returns
- Returns the result from the runner module
- wheel(fun, **kwargs)
Run wheel modules synchronously
Wraps salt.wheel.WheelClient.master_call().
Note that wheel functions must be called using keyword arguments. Positional arguments are not supported.
- Returns
- Returns the result from the wheel module
The Salt Virt cloud controller capability was initially added to Salt in version 0.14.0 as an alpha technology.
The initial Salt Virt system supports core cloud operations:
- •
- Virtual machine deployment
- •
- Inspection of deployed VMs
- •
- Virtual machine migration
- •
- Network profiling
- •
- Automatic VM integration with all aspects of Salt
- •
Image Pre-seeding
Many features are currently under development to enhance the capabilities of the Salt Virt systems.
NOTE: It is noteworthy that Salt was originally developed with the intent of using the Salt communication system as the backbone to a cloud controller. This means that the Salt Virt system is not an afterthought, simply a system that took the back seat to other development. The original attempt to develop the cloud control aspects of Salt was a project called butter. This project never took off, but was functional and proves the early viability of Salt to be a cloud controller.
Salt Virt Tutorial
A tutorial about how to get Salt Virt up and running has been added to the tutorial section:
The Salt Virt Runner
The point of interaction with the cloud controller is the virt runner. The virt runner comes with routines to execute specific virtual machine routines.
Reference documentation for the virt runner is available with the runner module documentation:
Based on Live State Data
The Salt Virt system is based on using Salt to query live data about hypervisors and then using the data gathered to make decisions about cloud operations. This means that no external resources are required to run Salt Virt, and that the information gathered about the cloud is live and accurate.
Deploy from Network or Disk
Virtual Machine Disk Profiles
Salt Virt allows for the disks created for deployed virtual machines to be finely configured. The configuration is a simple data structure which is read from the config.option function, meaning that the configuration can be stored in the minion config file, the master config file, or the minion's pillar.
This configuration option is called virt.disk. The default virt.disk data structure looks like this:
virt.disk: default: - system: size: 8192 format: qcow2 model: virtio
NOTE: The format and model does not need to be defined, Salt will default to the optimal format used by the underlying hypervisor, in the case of kvm this it is qcow2 and virtio.
This configuration sets up a disk profile called default. The default profile creates a single system disk on the virtual machine.
Define More Profiles
Many environments will require more complex disk profiles and may require more than one profile, this can be easily accomplished:
virt.disk: default: - system: size: 8192 database: - system: size: 8192 - data: size: 30720 web: - system: size: 1024 - logs: size: 5120
This configuration allows for one of three profiles to be selected, allowing virtual machines to be created with different storage needs of the deployed vm.
Virtual Machine Network Profiles
Salt Virt allows for the network devices created for deployed virtual machines to be finely configured. The configuration is a simple data structure which is read from the config.option function, meaning that the configuration can be stored in the minion config file, the master config file, or the minion's pillar.
This configuration option is called virt.nic. By default the virt.nic option is empty but defaults to a data structure which looks like this:
virt.nic: default: eth0: bridge: br0 model: virtio
NOTE: The model does not need to be defined, Salt will default to the optimal model used by the underlying hypervisor, in the case of kvm this model is virtio
This configuration sets up a network profile called default. The default profile creates a single Ethernet device on the virtual machine that is bridged to the hypervisor's br0 interface. This default setup does not require setting up the virt.nic configuration, and is the reason why a default install only requires setting up the br0 bridge device on the hypervisor.
Define More Profiles
Many environments will require more complex network profiles and may require more than one profile, this can be easily accomplished:
virt.nic: dual: eth0: bridge: service_br eth1: bridge: storage_br single: eth0: bridge: service_br triple: eth0: bridge: service_br eth1: bridge: storage_br eth2: bridge: dmz_br all: eth0: bridge: service_br eth1: bridge: storage_br eth2: bridge: dmz_br eth3: bridge: database_br dmz: eth0: bridge: service_br eth1: bridge: dmz_br database: eth0: bridge: service_br eth1: bridge: database_br
This configuration allows for one of six profiles to be selected, allowing virtual machines to be created which attach to different network depending on the needs of the deployed vm.
The default renderer for SLS files is the YAML renderer. YAML is a markup language with many powerful features. However, Salt uses a small subset of YAML that maps over very commonly used data structures, like lists and dictionaries. It is the job of the YAML renderer to take the YAML data structure and compile it into a Python data structure for use by Salt.
Though YAML syntax may seem daunting and terse at first, there are only three very simple rules to remember when writing YAML for SLS files.
Rule One: Indentation
YAML uses a fixed indentation scheme to represent relationships between data layers. Salt requires that the indentation for each level consists of exactly two spaces. Do not use tabs.
Rule Two: Colons
Python dictionaries are, of course, simply key-value pairs. Users from other languages may recognize this data type as hashes or associative arrays.
Dictionary keys are represented in YAML as strings terminated by a trailing colon. Values are represented by either a string following the colon, separated by a space:
my_key: my_value
In Python, the above maps to:
{'my_key': 'my_value'}
Alternatively, a value can be associated with a key through indentation.
my_key: my_value
NOTE: The above syntax is valid YAML but is uncommon in SLS files because most often, the value for a key is not singular but instead is a list of values.
In Python, the above maps to:
{'my_key': 'my_value'}
Dictionaries can be nested:
first_level_dict_key: second_level_dict_key: value_in_second_level_dict
And in Python:
{ 'first_level_dict_key': { 'second_level_dict_key': 'value_in_second_level_dict' } }
Rule Three: Dashes
To represent lists of items, a single dash followed by a space is used. Multiple items are a part of the same list as a function of their having the same level of indentation.
- list_value_one - list_value_two - list_value_three
Lists can be the value of a key-value pair. This is quite common in Salt:
my_dictionary: - list_value_one - list_value_two - list_value_three
In Python, the above maps to:
{'my_dictionary': ['list_value_one', 'list_value_two', 'list_value_three']}
Learning More
One easy way to learn more about how YAML gets rendered into Python data structures is to use an online YAML parser to see the Python output.
One excellent choice for experimenting with YAML parsing is:
In 0.10.4 the external_nodes system was upgraded to allow for modular subsystems to be used to generate the top file data for a highstate run on the master.
The old external_nodes option has been removed. The master tops system contains a number of subsystems that are loaded via the Salt loader interfaces like modules, states, returners, runners, etc.
Using the new master_tops option is simple:
master_tops: ext_nodes: cobbler-external-nodes
for Cobbler or:
master_tops: reclass: inventory_base_uri: /etc/reclass classes_uri: roles
for Reclass.
It's also possible to create custom master_tops modules. These modules must go in a subdirectory called tops in the extension_modules directory. The extension_modules directory is not defined by default (the default /srv/salt/_modules will NOT work as of this release)
Custom tops modules are written like any other execution module, see the source for the two modules above for examples of fully functional ones. Below is a degenerate example:
extension_modules: /srv/salt/modules master_tops: customtop: True
import logging import sys # Define the module's virtual name __virtualname__ = 'customtop' log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __virtual__(): return __virtualname__ def top(**kwargs): log.debug('Calling top in customtop') return {'base': ['test']}
salt minion state.show_top should then display something like:
$ salt minion state.show_top minion ---------- base: - test
Getting Started
Salt SSH is very easy to use, simply set up a basic roster file of the systems to connect to and run salt-ssh commands in a similar way as standard salt commands.
- •
- Salt ssh is considered production ready in version 2014.7.0
- •
- Python is required on the remote system (unless using the -r option to send raw ssh commands)
- •
- On many systems, the salt-ssh executable will be in its own package, usually named salt-ssh
- •
- The Salt SSH system does not supercede the standard Salt communication systems, it simply offers an SSH-based alternative that does not require ZeroMQ and a remote agent. Be aware that since all communication with Salt SSH is executed via SSH it is substantially slower than standard Salt with ZeroMQ.
- •
- At the moment fileserver operations must be wrapped to ensure that the relevant files are delivered with the salt-ssh commands. The state module is an exception, which compiles the state run on the master, and in the process finds all the references to salt:// paths and copies those files down in the same tarball as the state run. However, needed fileserver wrappers are still under development.
Salt SSH Roster
The roster system in Salt allows for remote minions to be easily defined.
NOTE: See the Roster documentation for more details.
Simply create the roster file, the default location is /etc/salt/roster:
This is a very basic roster file where a Salt ID is being assigned to an IP address. A more elaborate roster can be created:
web1: host: # The IP addr or DNS hostname user: fred # Remote executions will be executed as user fred passwd: foobarbaz # The password to use for login, if omitted, keys are used sudo: True # Whether to sudo to root, not enabled by default web2: host:
NOTE: sudo works only if NOPASSWD is set for user in /etc/sudoers: fred ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
Deploy ssh key for salt-ssh
By default, salt-ssh will generate key pairs for ssh, the default path will be /etc/salt/pki/master/ssh/salt-ssh.rsa
You can use ssh-copy-id, (the OpenSSH key deployment tool) to deploy keys to your servers.
ssh-copy-id -i /etc/salt/pki/master/ssh/ user [at]
One could also create a simple shell script, named as follows:
#!/bin/bash if [ -z $1 ]; then echo $0 user [at] exit 0 fi ssh-copy-id -i /etc/salt/pki/master/ssh/ $1
NOTE: Be certain to chmod +x
./ user [at] ./ user [at]
Once keys are successfully deployed, salt-ssh can be used to control them.
Calling Salt SSH
The salt-ssh command can be easily executed in the same way as a salt command:
salt-ssh '*'
Commands with salt-ssh follow the same syntax as the salt command.
The standard salt functions are available! The output is the same as salt and many of the same flags are available. Please see for all of the available options.
Raw Shell Calls
By default salt-ssh runs Salt execution modules on the remote system, but salt-ssh can also execute raw shell commands:
salt-ssh '*' -r 'ifconfig'
States Via Salt SSH
The Salt State system can also be used with salt-ssh. The state system abstracts the same interface to the user in salt-ssh as it does when using standard salt. The intent is that Salt Formulas defined for standard salt will work seamlessly with salt-ssh and vice-versa.
The standard Salt States walkthroughs function by simply replacing salt commands with salt-ssh.
Targeting with Salt SSH
Due to the fact that the targeting approach differs in salt-ssh, only glob and regex targets are supported as of this writing, the remaining target systems still need to be implemented.
Configuring Salt SSH
Salt SSH takes its configuration from a master configuration file. Normally, this file is in /etc/salt/master. If one wishes to use a customized configuration file, the -c option to Salt SSH facilitates passing in a directory to look inside for a configuration file named master.
Minion Config
New in version 2015.5.1.
Minion config options can be defined globally using the master configuration option ssh_minion_opts. It can also be defined on a per-minion basis with the minion_opts entry in the roster.
Running Salt SSH as non-root user
By default, Salt read all the configuration from /etc/salt/. If you are running Salt SSH with a regular user you have to modify some paths or you will get "Permission denied" messages. You have to modify two parameters: pki_dir and cachedir. Those should point to a full path writable for the user.
It's recommed not to modify /etc/salt for this purpose. Create a private copy of /etc/salt for the user and run the command with -c /new/config/path.
Define CLI Options with Saltfile
If you are commonly passing in CLI options to salt-ssh, you can create a Saltfile to automatically use these options. This is common if you're managing several different salt projects on the same server.
So if you cd into a directory with a Saltfile with the following YAML contents:
salt-ssh: config_dir: path/to/config/dir max_prox: 30 wipe_ssh: true
Instead of having to call salt-ssh --config-dir=path/to/config/dir --max-procs=30 --wipe \* you can call salt-ssh \*
Boolean-style options should be specified in their YAML representation.
NOTE: The option keys specified must match the destination attributes for the options specified in the parser salt.utils.parsers.SaltSSHOptionParser. For example, in the case of the --wipe command line option, its dest is configured to be wipe_ssh and thus this is what should be configured in the Saltfile. Using the names of flags for this option, being wipe: true or w: true, will not work.
Debugging salt-ssh
One common approach for debugging salt-ssh is to simply use the tarball that salt ships to the remote machine and call salt-call directly.
To determine the location of salt-call, simply run salt-ssh with the -ldebug flag and look for a line containing the string, SALT_ARGV. This contains the salt-call command that salt-ssh attempted to execute.
It is recommended that one modify this command a bit by removing the -l quiet, --metadata and --output json to get a better idea of what's going on on the target system.
Salt rosters are pluggable systems added in Salt 0.17.0 to facilitate the salt-ssh system. The roster system was created because salt-ssh needs a means to identify which systems need to be targeted for execution.
SEE ALSO: all-salt.roster
NOTE: The Roster System is not needed or used in standard Salt because the master does not need to be initially aware of target systems, since the Salt Minion checks itself into the master.
Since the roster system is pluggable, it can be easily augmented to attach to any existing systems to gather information about what servers are presently available and should be attached to by salt-ssh. By default the roster file is located at /etc/salt/roster.
How Rosters Work
The roster system compiles a data structure internally referred to as targets. The targets is a list of target systems and attributes about how to connect to said systems. The only requirement for a roster module in Salt is to return the targets data structure.
Targets Data
The information which can be stored in a roster target is the following:
<Salt ID>: # The id to reference the target system with host: # The IP address or DNS name of the remote host user: # The user to log in as passwd: # The password to log in with # Optional parameters port: # The target system's ssh port number sudo: # Boolean to run command via sudo priv: # File path to ssh private key, defaults to salt-ssh.rsa timeout: # Number of seconds to wait for response when establishing # an SSH connection timeout: # Number of seconds to wait for response minion_opts: # Dictionary of minion opts
Full list of builtin auth modules
auto |
An "Always Approved" eauth interface to test against, not intended for
django |
Provide authentication using Django Web Framework
keystone |
Provide authentication using OpenStack Keystone
ldap |
Provide authentication using simple LDAP binds
mysql |
Provide authentication using MySQL.
pam |
Authenticate against PAM
pki |
Authenticate via a PKI certificate.
stormpath_mod |
Salt Stormpath Authentication
yubico |
Provide authentication using YubiKey.
An "Always Approved" eauth interface to test against, not intended for production use
-, password)
- Authenticate!
Provide authentication using Django Web Framework
- depends
- •
Django Web Framework
Django authentication depends on the presence of the django framework in the PYTHONPATH, the Django project's file being in the PYTHONPATH and accessible via the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable.
Django auth can be defined like any other eauth module:
external_auth: django: fred: - .* - '@runner'
This will authenticate Fred via Django and allow him to run any execution module and all runners.
The authorization details can optionally be located inside the Django database. The relevant entry in the file would look like this:
class SaltExternalAuthModel(models.Model): user_fk = models.ForeignKey(auth.User) minion_matcher = models.CharField() minion_fn = models.CharField()
The external_auth clause in the master config would then look like this:
external_auth: django: ^model: <fully-qualified reference to model class>
When a user attempts to authenticate via Django, Salt will import the package indicated via the keyword ^model. That model must have the fields indicated above, though the model DOES NOT have to be named 'SaltExternalAuthModel'.
- salt.auth.django.auth(username, password)
- Simple Django auth
- salt.auth.django.django_auth_setup()
- salt.auth.django.retrieve_auth_entries(u=None)
- Parameters
- •
- django_auth_class -- Reference to the django model class for auth
- •
- u -- Username to filter for
- Returns
Dictionary that can be slotted into the __opts__ structure for
eauth that designates the user associated ACL
Database records such as:
username minion_or_fn_matcher minion_fn fred fred server1 network.interfaces fred server1 raid.list fred server2 .* guru .* smartadmin server1 .* Should result in an eauth config such as:
fred: - - server1: - network.interfaces - raid.list - server2: - .* guru: - .* smartadmin: - server1: - .*
Provide authentication using OpenStack Keystone
- depends
- •
- keystoneclient Python module
- salt.auth.keystone.auth(username, password)
- Try and authenticate
- salt.auth.keystone.get_auth_url()
- Try and get the URL from the config, else return localhost
Provide authentication using simple LDAP binds
- depends
- •
- ldap Python module
- salt.auth.ldap.auth(username, password)
- Simple LDAP auth
- salt.auth.ldap.groups(username, **kwargs)
Authenticate against an LDAP group
Behavior is highly dependent on if Active Directory is in use.
AD handles group membership very differently than OpenLDAP. See the External Authentication documentation for a thorough discussion of available parameters for customizing the search.
OpenLDAP allows you to search for all groups in the directory and returns members of those groups. Then we check against the username entered.
Provide authentication using MySQL.
When using MySQL as an authentication backend, you will need to create or use an existing table that has a username and a password column.
To get started, create a simple table that holds just a username and a password. The password field will hold a SHA256 checksum.
CREATE TABLE `users` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `username` varchar(25) DEFAULT NULL, `password` varchar(70) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;
To create a user within MySQL, execute the following statement.
INSERT INTO users VALUES (NULL, 'diana', SHA2('secret', 256))
mysql_auth: hostname: localhost database: SaltStack username: root password: letmein auth_sql: 'SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = "{0}" AND password = SHA2("{1}", 256)'
The auth_sql contains the SQL that will validate a user to ensure they are correctly authenticated. This is where you can specify other SQL queries to authenticate users.
Enable MySQL authentication.
external_auth: mysql: damian: - test.*
- depends
- •
- MySQL-python Python module
- salt.auth.mysql.auth(username, password)
- Authenticate using a MySQL user table
Authenticate against PAM
Provides an authenticate function that will allow the caller to authenticate a user against the Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) on the system.
Implemented using ctypes, so no compilation is necessary.
NOTE: PAM authentication will not work for the root user.
The Python interface to PAM does not support authenticating as root.
- class salt.auth.pam.PamConv
- Wrapper class for pam_conv structure
- appdata_ptr
- Structure/Union member
- conv
- Structure/Union member
- class salt.auth.pam.PamHandle
- Wrapper class for pam_handle_t
- handle
- Structure/Union member
- class salt.auth.pam.PamMessage
- Wrapper class for pam_message structure
- msg
- Structure/Union member
- msg_style
- Structure/Union member
- class salt.auth.pam.PamResponse
- Wrapper class for pam_response structure
- resp
- Structure/Union member
- resp_retcode
- Structure/Union member
- salt.auth.pam.auth(username, password, **kwargs)
- Authenticate via pam
- salt.auth.pam.authenticate(username, password, service='login')
Returns True if the given username and password authenticate for the
given service. Returns False otherwise
username: the username to authenticate
password: the password in plain text
- service: the PAM service to authenticate against.
- Defaults to 'login'
- salt.auth.pam.groups(username, *args, **kwargs)
Retrieve groups for a given user for this auth provider
Uses system groups
Authenticate via a PKI certificate.
NOTE: This module is Experimental and should be used with caution
Provides an authenticate function that will allow the caller to authenticate a user via their public cert against a pre-defined Certificate Authority.
TODO: Add a 'ca_dir' option to configure a directory of CA files, a la Apache.
- depends
- •
- pyOpenSSL module
- salt.auth.pki.auth(pem, **kwargs)
Returns True if the given user cert was issued by the CA.
Returns False otherwise.
pem: a pem-encoded user public key (certificate)
Configure the CA cert in the master config file:
external_auth: pki: ca_file: /etc/pki/tls/ca_certs/trusted-ca.crt
Salt Stormpath Authentication
Module to provide authentication using Stormpath as the backend.
- depends
- •
- stormpath-sdk Python module
- configuration
This module requires the development branch of the
stormpath-sdk which can be found here:
The following config items are required in the master config:
stormpath.api_key_file: <path/to/> stormpath.app_url: <Rest url of your Stormpath application>
Ensure that your is readable by the user the Salt Master is running as, but not readable by other system users.
- salt.auth.stormpath_mod.auth(username, password)
- Try and authenticate
Provide authentication using YubiKey.
New in version 2015.5.0.
- depends
yubico-client Python module
To get your YubiKey API key you will need to visit the website below.
The resulting page will show the generated Client ID (aka AuthID or API ID) and the generated API key (Secret Key). Make a note of both and use these two values in your /etc/salt/master configuration. /etc/salt/master
yubico_users: damian: id: 12345 key: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
external_auth: yubico: damian: - test.*
Please wait five to ten minutes after generating the key before testing so that the API key will be updated on all the YubiCloud servers.
- salt.auth.yubico.auth(username, password)
- Authentcate against yubico server
Command Line Reference
Salt can be controlled by a command line client by the root user on the Salt master. The Salt command line client uses the Salt client API to communicate with the Salt master server. The Salt client is straightforward and simple to use.
Using the Salt client commands can be easily sent to the minions.
Each of these commands accepts an explicit --config option to point to either the master or minion configuration file. If this option is not provided and the default configuration file does not exist then Salt falls back to use the environment variables SALT_MASTER_CONFIG and SALT_MINION_CONFIG.
Using the Salt Command
The Salt command needs a few components to send information to the Salt minions. The target minions need to be defined, the function to call and any arguments the function requires.
Defining the Target Minions
The first argument passed to salt, defines the target minions, the target minions are accessed via their hostname. The default target type is a bash glob:
salt '*' sys.doc
Salt can also define the target minions with regular expressions:
salt -E '.*' 'ls -l | grep foo'
Or to explicitly list hosts, salt can take a list:
salt -L,quo.qux 'ps aux | grep foo'
More Powerful Targets
The simple target specifications, glob, regex, and list will cover many use cases, and for some will cover all use cases, but more powerful options exist.
Targeting with Grains
The Grains interface was built into Salt to allow minions to be targeted by system properties. So minions running on a particular operating system can be called to execute a function, or a specific kernel.
Calling via a grain is done by passing the -G option to salt, specifying a grain and a glob expression to match the value of the grain. The syntax for the target is the grain key followed by a globexpression: "os:Arch*".
salt -G 'os:Fedora'
Will return True from all of the minions running Fedora.
To discover what grains are available and what the values are, execute the grains.item salt function:
salt '*' grains.items
more info on using targeting with grains can be found here.
Targeting with Executions
As of 0.8.8 targeting with executions is still under heavy development and this documentation is written to reference the behavior of execution matching in the future.
Execution matching allows for a primary function to be executed, and then based on the return of the primary function the main function is executed.
Execution matching allows for matching minions based on any arbitrary running data on the minions.
Compound Targeting
New in version 0.9.5.
Multiple target interfaces can be used in conjunction to determine the command targets. These targets can then be combined using and or or statements. This is well defined with an example:
salt -C 'G@os:Debian and webser* or E@db.*'
In this example any minion who's id starts with webser and is running Debian, or any minion who's id starts with db will be matched.
The type of matcher defaults to glob, but can be specified with the corresponding letter followed by the @ symbol. In the above example a grain is used with G@ as well as a regular expression with E@. The webser* target does not need to be prefaced with a target type specifier because it is a glob.
more info on using compound targeting can be found here.
Node Group Targeting
New in version 0.9.5.
For certain cases, it can be convenient to have a predefined group of minions on which to execute commands. This can be accomplished using what are called nodegroups. Nodegroups allow for predefined compound targets to be declared in the master configuration file, as a sort of shorthand for having to type out complicated compound expressions.
nodegroups:group1: ',, and bl*' group2: 'G@os:Debian and' group3: 'G@os:Debian and N@group1'
Calling the Function
The function to call on the specified target is placed after the target specification.
New in version 0.9.8.
Functions may also accept arguments, space-delimited:
salt '*' cmd.exec_code python 'import sys; print sys.version'
Optional, keyword arguments are also supported:
salt '*' pip.install salt timeout=5 upgrade=True
They are always in the form of kwarg=argument.
Arguments are formatted as YAML:
salt '*' 'echo "Hello: $FIRST_NAME"' env='{FIRST_NAME: "Joe"}'
Note: dictionaries must have curly braces around them (like the env keyword argument above). This was changed in 0.15.1: in the above example, the first argument used to be parsed as the dictionary {'echo "Hello': '$FIRST_NAME"'}. This was generally not the expected behavior.
If you want to test what parameters are actually passed to a module, use the test.arg_repr command:
salt '*' test.arg_repr 'echo "Hello: $FIRST_NAME"' env='{FIRST_NAME: "Joe"}'
Finding available minion functions
The Salt functions are self documenting, all of the function documentation can be retried from the minions via the sys.doc() function:
salt '*' sys.doc
Compound Command Execution
If a series of commands needs to be sent to a single target specification then the commands can be sent in a single publish. This can make gathering groups of information faster, and lowers the stress on the network for repeated commands.
Compound command execution works by sending a list of functions and arguments instead of sending a single function and argument. The functions are executed on the minion in the order they are defined on the command line, and then the data from all of the commands are returned in a dictionary. This means that the set of commands are called in a predictable way, and the returned data can be easily interpreted.
Executing compound commands if done by passing a comma delimited list of functions, followed by a comma delimited list of arguments:
salt '*',,test.echo 'cat /proc/cpuinfo',,foo
The trick to look out for here, is that if a function is being passed no arguments, then there needs to be a placeholder for the absent arguments. This is why in the above example, there are two commas right next to each other. takes no arguments, so we need to add another comma, otherwise Salt would attempt to pass "foo" to
If you need to pass arguments that include commas, then make sure you add spaces around the commas that separate arguments. For example:
salt '*',,test.echo 'echo "1,2,3"' , , foo
You may change the arguments separator using the --args-separator option:
salt --args-separator=:: '*',test.echo params with , comma :: foo
CLI Completion
Shell completion scripts for the Salt CLI are available in the pkg Salt source directory.
salt-call [options]
The salt-call command is used to run module functions locally on a minion instead of executing them from the master. Salt-call is used to run a Standalone Minion, and was originally created for troubleshooting.
The Salt Master is contacted to retrieve state files and other resources during execution unless the --local option is specified.
NOTE: salt-call commands execute from the current user's shell context, while salt commands execute from the system's default context.
- --version
- Print the version of Salt that is running.
- --versions-report
- Show program's dependencies and version number, and then exit
- -h, --help
- Show the help message and exit
- -c CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir=CONFIG_dir
- The location of the Salt configuration directory. This directory contains the configuration files for Salt master and minions. The default location on most systems is /etc/salt.
- --hard-crash
- Raise any original exception rather than exiting gracefully Default: False
- -g, --grains
- Return the information generated by the Salt grains
- -m MODULE_DIRS, --module-dirs=MODULE_DIRS
- Specify an additional directory to pull modules from. Multiple directories can be provided by passing -m /--module-dirs multiple times.
- -d, --doc, --documentation
- Return the documentation for the specified module or for all modules if none are specified
- --master=MASTER
- Specify the master to use. The minion must be authenticated with the master. If this option is omitted, the master options from the minion config will be used. If multi masters are set up the first listed master that responds will be used.
- --return RETURNER
- Set salt-call to pass the return data to one or many returner interfaces. To use many returner interfaces specify a comma delimited list of returners.
- --local
- Run salt-call locally, as if there was no master running.
- --file-root=FILE_ROOT
- Set this directory as the base file root.
- --pillar-root=PILLAR_ROOT
- Set this directory as the base pillar root.
- --retcode-passthrough
- Exit with the salt call retcode and not the salt binary retcode
- --metadata
- Print out the execution metadata as well as the return. This will print out the outputter data, the return code, etc.
- --id=ID
- Specify the minion id to use. If this option is omitted, the id option from the minion config will be used.
- --skip-grains
- Do not load grains.
- --refresh-grains-cache
- Force a refresh of the grains cache
Logging Options
Logging options which override any settings defined on the configuration files.
- -l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level=LOG_LEVEL
- Console logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: info.
- --log-file=LOG_FILE
- Log file path. Default: /var/log/salt/minion.
- --log-file-level=LOG_LEVEL_LOGFILE
- Logfile logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: info.
Output Options
- --out
Pass in an alternative outputter to display the return of data. This
outputter can be any of the available outputters:
grains, highstate, json, key, overstatestage, pprint, raw, txt, yaml
Some outputters are formatted only for data returned from specific functions; for instance, the grains outputter will not work for non-grains data.
If an outputter is used that does not support the data passed into it, then Salt will fall back on the pprint outputter and display the return data using the Python pprint standard library module.
NOTE: If using --out=json, you will probably want --static as well. Without the static option, you will get a separate JSON string per minion which makes JSON output invalid as a whole. This is due to using an iterative outputter. So if you want to feed it to a JSON parser, use --static as well.
- --out-indent OUTPUT_INDENT, --output-indent OUTPUT_INDENT
- Print the output indented by the provided value in spaces. Negative values disable indentation. Only applicable in outputters that support indentation.
- --out-file=OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file=OUTPUT_FILE
- Write the output to the specified file.
- --no-color
- Disable all colored output
- --force-color
Force colored output
NOTE: When using colored output the color codes are as follows:
green denotes success, red denotes failure, blue denotes changes and success and yellow denotes a expected future change in configuration.
See also
salt(1) salt-master(1) salt-minion(1)
salt '*' [ options ] sys.docsalt -E '.*' [ options ] sys.doc cmd
salt -G 'os:Arch.*' [ options ]
salt -C 'G@os:Arch.* and webserv* or G@kernel:FreeBSD' [ options ]
Salt allows for commands to be executed across a swath of remote systems in parallel. This means that remote systems can be both controlled and queried with ease.
- --version
- Print the version of Salt that is running.
- --versions-report
- Show program's dependencies and version number, and then exit
- -h, --help
- Show the help message and exit
- -c CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir=CONFIG_dir
- The location of the Salt configuration directory. This directory contains the configuration files for Salt master and minions. The default location on most systems is /etc/salt.
- -t TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT
- The timeout in seconds to wait for replies from the Salt minions. The timeout number specifies how long the command line client will wait to query the minions and check on running jobs. Default: 5
- -s, --static
- By default as of version 0.9.8 the salt command returns data to the console as it is received from minions, but previous releases would return data only after all data was received. Use the static option to only return the data with a hard timeout and after all minions have returned. Without the static option, you will get a separate JSON string per minion which makes JSON output invalid as a whole.
- --async
- Instead of waiting for the job to run on minions only print the job id of the started execution and complete.
- --state-output=STATE_OUTPUT
New in version 0.17.
Override the configured state_output value for minion output. One of full, terse, mixed, changes or filter. Default: full.
- --subset=SUBSET
- Execute the routine on a random subset of the targeted minions. The minions will be verified that they have the named function before executing.
- -v VERBOSE, --verbose
- Turn on verbosity for the salt call, this will cause the salt command to print out extra data like the job id.
- --hide-timeout
- Instead of showing the return data for all minions. This option prints only the online minions which could be reached.
- -b BATCH, --batch-size=BATCH
- Instead of executing on all targeted minions at once, execute on a progressive set of minions. This option takes an argument in the form of an explicit number of minions to execute at once, or a percentage of minions to execute on.
- -a EAUTH, --auth=EAUTH
- Pass in an external authentication medium to validate against. The credentials will be prompted for. The options are auto, keystone, ldap, pam, and stormpath. Can be used with the -T option.
- -T, --make-token
- Used in conjunction with the -a option. This creates a token that allows for the authenticated user to send commands without needing to re-authenticate.
- --return=RETURNER
- Choose an alternative returner to call on the minion, if an alternative returner is used then the return will not come back to the command line but will be sent to the specified return system. The options are carbon, cassandra, couchbase, couchdb, elasticsearch, etcd, hipchat, local, local_cache, memcache, mongo, mysql, odbc, postgres, redis, sentry, slack, sms, smtp, sqlite3, syslog, and xmpp.
- -d, --doc, --documentation
- Return the documentation for the module functions available on the minions
- --args-separator=ARGS_SEPARATOR
- Set the special argument used as a delimiter between command arguments of compound commands. This is useful when one wants to pass commas as arguments to some of the commands in a compound command.
Logging Options
Logging options which override any settings defined on the configuration files.
- -l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level=LOG_LEVEL
- Console logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
- --log-file=LOG_FILE
- Log file path. Default: /var/log/salt/master.
- --log-file-level=LOG_LEVEL_LOGFILE
- Logfile logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
Target Selection
- -E, --pcre
- The target expression will be interpreted as a PCRE regular expression rather than a shell glob.
- -L, --list
- The target expression will be interpreted as a comma-delimited list; example:,,example7.quo.qux
- -G, --grain
The target expression matches values returned by the Salt grains system on
the minions. The target expression is in the format of '<grain value>:<glob
expression>'; example: 'os:Arch*'
This was changed in version 0.9.8 to accept glob expressions instead of regular expression. To use regular expression matching with grains, use the --grain-pcre option.
- --grain-pcre
- The target expression matches values returned by the Salt grains system on the minions. The target expression is in the format of '<grain value>:< regular expression>'; example: 'os:Arch.*'
- -N, --nodegroup
- Use a predefined compound target defined in the Salt master configuration file.
- -R, --range
Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target, use a range expression
to identify targets. Range expressions look like %cluster.
Using the Range option requires that a range server is set up and the location of the range server is referenced in the master configuration file.
- -C, --compound
- Utilize many target definitions to make the call very granular. This option takes a group of targets separated by and or or. The default matcher is a glob as usual. If something other than a glob is used, preface it with the letter denoting the type; example: 'webserv* and G@os:Debian or E@db*' Make sure that the compound target is encapsulated in quotes.
- -I, --pillar
- Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target, use a pillar value to identify targets. The syntax for the target is the pillar key followed by a glob expression: "role:production*"
- -S, --ipcidr
- Match based on Subnet (CIDR notation) or IPv4 address.
Output Options
- --out
Pass in an alternative outputter to display the return of data. This
outputter can be any of the available outputters:
grains, highstate, json, key, overstatestage, pprint, raw, txt, yaml
Some outputters are formatted only for data returned from specific functions; for instance, the grains outputter will not work for non-grains data.
If an outputter is used that does not support the data passed into it, then Salt will fall back on the pprint outputter and display the return data using the Python pprint standard library module.
NOTE: If using --out=json, you will probably want --static as well. Without the static option, you will get a separate JSON string per minion which makes JSON output invalid as a whole. This is due to using an iterative outputter. So if you want to feed it to a JSON parser, use --static as well.
- --out-indent OUTPUT_INDENT, --output-indent OUTPUT_INDENT
- Print the output indented by the provided value in spaces. Negative values disable indentation. Only applicable in outputters that support indentation.
- --out-file=OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file=OUTPUT_FILE
- Write the output to the specified file.
- --no-color
- Disable all colored output
- --force-color
Force colored output
NOTE: When using colored output the color codes are as follows:
green denotes success, red denotes failure, blue denotes changes and success and yellow denotes a expected future change in configuration.
See also
salt(7) salt-master(1) salt-minion(1)
Copy a file to a set of systems
salt-cp '*' [ options ] SOURCE DEST salt-cp -E '.*' [ options ] SOURCE DEST salt-cp -G 'os:Arch.*' [ options ] SOURCE DEST
Salt copy copies a local file out to all of the Salt minions matched by the given target.
- --version
- Print the version of Salt that is running.
- --versions-report
- Show program's dependencies and version number, and then exit
- -h, --help
- Show the help message and exit
- -c CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir=CONFIG_dir
- The location of the Salt configuration directory. This directory contains the configuration files for Salt master and minions. The default location on most systems is /etc/salt.
- -t TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT
- The timeout in seconds to wait for replies from the Salt minions. The timeout number specifies how long the command line client will wait to query the minions and check on running jobs. Default: 5
Logging Options
Logging options which override any settings defined on the configuration files.
- -l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level=LOG_LEVEL
- Console logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
- --log-file=LOG_FILE
- Log file path. Default: /var/log/salt/master.
- --log-file-level=LOG_LEVEL_LOGFILE
- Logfile logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
Target Selection
- -E, --pcre
- The target expression will be interpreted as a PCRE regular expression rather than a shell glob.
- -L, --list
- The target expression will be interpreted as a comma-delimited list; example:,,example7.quo.qux
- -G, --grain
The target expression matches values returned by the Salt grains system on
the minions. The target expression is in the format of '<grain value>:<glob
expression>'; example: 'os:Arch*'
This was changed in version 0.9.8 to accept glob expressions instead of regular expression. To use regular expression matching with grains, use the --grain-pcre option.
- --grain-pcre
- The target expression matches values returned by the Salt grains system on the minions. The target expression is in the format of '<grain value>:< regular expression>'; example: 'os:Arch.*'
- -N, --nodegroup
- Use a predefined compound target defined in the Salt master configuration file.
- -R, --range
Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target, use a range expression
to identify targets. Range expressions look like %cluster.
Using the Range option requires that a range server is set up and the location of the range server is referenced in the master configuration file.
See also
salt(1) salt-master(1) salt-minion(1)
salt-key [ options ]
Salt-key executes simple management of Salt server public keys used for authentication.
On initial connection, a Salt minion sends its public key to the Salt master. This key must be accepted using the salt-key command on the Salt master.
Salt minion keys can be in one of the following states:
- •
- unaccepted: key is waiting to be accepted.
- •
- accepted: key was accepted and the minion can communicate with the Salt master.
- •
- rejected: key was rejected using the salt-key command. In this state the minion does not receive any communication from the Salt master.
- •
denied: key was rejected automatically by the Salt master.
This occurs when a minion has a duplicate ID, or when a minion was rebuilt or
had new keys generated and the previous key was not deleted from the Salt
master. In this state the minion does not receive any communication from the
Salt master.
To change the state of a minion key, use -d to delete the key and then accept or reject the key.
- --version
- Print the version of Salt that is running.
- --versions-report
- Show program's dependencies and version number, and then exit
- -h, --help
- Show the help message and exit
- -c CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir=CONFIG_dir
- The location of the Salt configuration directory. This directory contains the configuration files for Salt master and minions. The default location on most systems is /etc/salt.
- -u USER, --user=USER
- Specify user to run salt-key
- --hard-crash
- Raise any original exception rather than exiting gracefully. Default is False.
- -q, --quiet
- Suppress output
- -y, --yes
- Answer 'Yes' to all questions presented, defaults to False
- --rotate-aes-key=ROTATE_AES_KEY
- Setting this to False prevents the master from refreshing the key session when keys are deleted or rejected, this lowers the security of the key deletion/rejection operation. Default is True.
Logging Options
Logging options which override any settings defined on the configuration files.
- --log-file=LOG_FILE
- Log file path. Default: /var/log/salt/minion.
- --log-file-level=LOG_LEVEL_LOGFILE
- Logfile logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
Output Options
- --out
Pass in an alternative outputter to display the return of data. This
outputter can be any of the available outputters:
grains, highstate, json, key, overstatestage, pprint, raw, txt, yaml
Some outputters are formatted only for data returned from specific functions; for instance, the grains outputter will not work for non-grains data.
If an outputter is used that does not support the data passed into it, then Salt will fall back on the pprint outputter and display the return data using the Python pprint standard library module.
NOTE: If using --out=json, you will probably want --static as well. Without the static option, you will get a separate JSON string per minion which makes JSON output invalid as a whole. This is due to using an iterative outputter. So if you want to feed it to a JSON parser, use --static as well.
- --out-indent OUTPUT_INDENT, --output-indent OUTPUT_INDENT
- Print the output indented by the provided value in spaces. Negative values disable indentation. Only applicable in outputters that support indentation.
- --out-file=OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file=OUTPUT_FILE
- Write the output to the specified file.
- --no-color
- Disable all colored output
- --force-color
Force colored output
NOTE: When using colored output the color codes are as follows:
green denotes success, red denotes failure, blue denotes changes and success and yellow denotes a expected future change in configuration.
- -l ARG, --list=ARG
- List the public keys. The args pre, un, and unaccepted will list unaccepted/unsigned keys. acc or accepted will list accepted/signed keys. rej or rejected will list rejected keys. Finally, all will list all keys.
- -L, --list-all
- List all public keys. (Deprecated: use --list all)
- -a ACCEPT, --accept=ACCEPT
- Accept the specified public key (use --include-all to match rejected keys in addition to pending keys). Globs are supported.
- -A, --accept-all
- Accepts all pending keys.
- -r REJECT, --reject=REJECT
- Reject the specified public key (use --include-all to match accepted keys in addition to pending keys). Globs are supported.
- -R, --reject-all
- Rejects all pending keys.
- --include-all
- Include non-pending keys when accepting/rejecting.
- -p PRINT, --print=PRINT
- Print the specified public key.
- -P, --print-all
- Print all public keys
- -d DELETE, --delete=DELETE
- Delete the specified key. Globs are supported.
- -D, --delete-all
- Delete all keys.
- -f FINGER, --finger=FINGER
- Print the specified key's fingerprint.
- -F, --finger-all
- Print all keys' fingerprints.
Key Generation Options
- --gen-keys=GEN_KEYS
- Set a name to generate a keypair for use with salt
- --gen-keys-dir=GEN_KEYS_DIR
- Set the directory to save the generated keypair. Only works with 'gen_keys_dir' option; default is the current directory.
- --keysize=KEYSIZE
- Set the keysize for the generated key, only works with the '--gen-keys' option, the key size must be 2048 or higher, otherwise it will be rounded up to 2048. The default is 2048.
- --gen-signature
- Create a signature file of the masters public-key named master_pubkey_signature. The signature can be send to a minion in the masters auth-reply and enables the minion to verify the masters public-key cryptographically. This requires a new signing-key- pair which can be auto-created with the --auto-create parameter.
- --priv=PRIV
- The private-key file to create a signature with
- --signature-path=SIGNATURE_PATH
- The path where the signature file should be written
- --pub=PUB
- The public-key file to create a signature for
- --auto-create
- Auto-create a signing key-pair if it does not yet exist
See also
salt(7) salt-master(1) salt-minion(1)
The Salt master daemon, used to control the Salt minions
salt-master [ options ]
The master daemon controls the Salt minions
- --version
- Print the version of Salt that is running.
- --versions-report
- Show program's dependencies and version number, and then exit
- -h, --help
- Show the help message and exit
- -c CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir=CONFIG_dir
- The location of the Salt configuration directory. This directory contains the configuration files for Salt master and minions. The default location on most systems is /etc/salt.
- -u USER, --user=USER
- Specify user to run salt-master
- -d, --daemon
- Run salt-master as a daemon
- --pid-file PIDFILE
- Specify the location of the pidfile. Default: /var/run/
Logging Options
Logging options which override any settings defined on the configuration files.
- -l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level=LOG_LEVEL
- Console logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
- --log-file=LOG_FILE
- Log file path. Default: /var/log/salt/master.
- --log-file-level=LOG_LEVEL_LOGFILE
- Logfile logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
See also
salt(1) salt(7) salt-minion(1)
The Salt minion daemon, receives commands from a remote Salt master.
salt-minion [ options ]
The Salt minion receives commands from the central Salt master and replies with the results of said commands.
- --version
- Print the version of Salt that is running.
- --versions-report
- Show program's dependencies and version number, and then exit
- -h, --help
- Show the help message and exit
- -c CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir=CONFIG_dir
- The location of the Salt configuration directory. This directory contains the configuration files for Salt master and minions. The default location on most systems is /etc/salt.
- -u USER, --user=USER
- Specify user to run salt-minion
- -d, --daemon
- Run salt-minion as a daemon
- --pid-file PIDFILE
- Specify the location of the pidfile. Default: /var/run/
Logging Options
Logging options which override any settings defined on the configuration files.
- -l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level=LOG_LEVEL
- Console logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
- --log-file=LOG_FILE
- Log file path. Default: /var/log/salt/minion.
- --log-file-level=LOG_LEVEL_LOGFILE
- Logfile logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
See also
salt(1) salt(7) salt-master(1)
salt-run RUNNER
salt-run is the frontend command for executing Salt Runners. Salt runners are simple modules used to execute convenience functions on the master
- --version
- Print the version of Salt that is running.
- --versions-report
- Show program's dependencies and version number, and then exit
- -h, --help
- Show the help message and exit
- -c CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir=CONFIG_dir
- The location of the Salt configuration directory. This directory contains the configuration files for Salt master and minions. The default location on most systems is /etc/salt.
- -t TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT
- The timeout in seconds to wait for replies from the Salt minions. The timeout number specifies how long the command line client will wait to query the minions and check on running jobs. Default: 1
- --hard-crash
- Raise any original exception rather than exiting gracefully. Default is False.
- -d, --doc, --documentation
- Display documentation for runners, pass a module or a runner to see documentation on only that module/runner.
Logging Options
Logging options which override any settings defined on the configuration files.
- -l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level=LOG_LEVEL
- Console logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
- --log-file=LOG_FILE
- Log file path. Default: /var/log/salt/master.
- --log-file-level=LOG_LEVEL_LOGFILE
- Logfile logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
See also
salt(1) salt-master(1) salt-minion(1)
salt-ssh '*' [ options ] sys.doc salt-ssh -E '.*' [ options ] sys.doc cmd
Salt SSH allows for salt routines to be executed using only SSH for transport
- -r, --raw, --raw-shell
- Execute a raw shell command.
- --priv
- Specify the SSH private key file to be used for authentication.
- --roster
- Define which roster system to use, this defines if a database backend, scanner, or custom roster system is used. Default is the flat file roster.
- --roster-file
Define an alternative location for the default roster file location. The
default roster file is called roster and is found in the same directory
as the master config file.
New in version 2014.1.0.
- --refresh, --refresh-cache
- Force a refresh of the master side data cache of the target's data. This is needed if a target's grains have been changed and the auto refresh timeframe has not been reached.
- --max-procs
- Set the number of concurrent minions to communicate with. This value defines how many processes are opened up at a time to manage connections, the more running process the faster communication should be, default is 25.
- -i, --ignore-host-keys
- Ignore the ssh host keys which by default are honored and connections would ask for approval.
- --passwd
- Set the default password to attempt to use when authenticating.
- --key-deploy
- Set this flag to attempt to deploy the authorized ssh key with all minions. This combined with --passwd can make initial deployment of keys very fast and easy.
- --version
- Print the version of Salt that is running.
- --versions-report
- Show program's dependencies and version number, and then exit
- -h, --help
- Show the help message and exit
- -c CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir=CONFIG_dir
- The location of the Salt configuration directory. This directory contains the configuration files for Salt master and minions. The default location on most systems is /etc/salt.
Target Selection
- -E, --pcre
- The target expression will be interpreted as a PCRE regular expression rather than a shell glob.
- -L, --list
- The target expression will be interpreted as a comma-delimited list; example:,,example7.quo.qux
- -G, --grain
The target expression matches values returned by the Salt grains system on
the minions. The target expression is in the format of '<grain value>:<glob
expression>'; example: 'os:Arch*'
This was changed in version 0.9.8 to accept glob expressions instead of regular expression. To use regular expression matching with grains, use the --grain-pcre option.
- --grain-pcre
- The target expression matches values returned by the Salt grains system on the minions. The target expression is in the format of '<grain value>:< regular expression>'; example: 'os:Arch.*'
- -N, --nodegroup
- Use a predefined compound target defined in the Salt master configuration file.
- -R, --range
Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target, use a range expression
to identify targets. Range expressions look like %cluster.
Using the Range option requires that a range server is set up and the location of the range server is referenced in the master configuration file.
Logging Options
Logging options which override any settings defined on the configuration files.
- -l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level=LOG_LEVEL
- Console logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
- --log-file=LOG_FILE
- Log file path. Default: /var/log/salt/ssh.
- --log-file-level=LOG_LEVEL_LOGFILE
- Logfile logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
Output Options
- --out
Pass in an alternative outputter to display the return of data. This
outputter can be any of the available outputters:
grains, highstate, json, key, overstatestage, pprint, raw, txt, yaml
Some outputters are formatted only for data returned from specific functions; for instance, the grains outputter will not work for non-grains data.
If an outputter is used that does not support the data passed into it, then Salt will fall back on the pprint outputter and display the return data using the Python pprint standard library module.
NOTE: If using --out=json, you will probably want --static as well. Without the static option, you will get a separate JSON string per minion which makes JSON output invalid as a whole. This is due to using an iterative outputter. So if you want to feed it to a JSON parser, use --static as well.
- --out-indent OUTPUT_INDENT, --output-indent OUTPUT_INDENT
- Print the output indented by the provided value in spaces. Negative values disable indentation. Only applicable in outputters that support indentation.
- --out-file=OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file=OUTPUT_FILE
- Write the output to the specified file.
- --no-color
- Disable all colored output
- --force-color
Force colored output
NOTE: When using colored output the color codes are as follows:
green denotes success, red denotes failure, blue denotes changes and success and yellow denotes a expected future change in configuration.
See also
salt(7) salt-master(1) salt-minion(1)
The Salt syndic daemon, a special minion that passes through commands from a higher master
salt-syndic [ options ]
The Salt syndic daemon, a special minion that passes through commands from a higher master.
- --version
- Print the version of Salt that is running.
- --versions-report
- Show program's dependencies and version number, and then exit
- -h, --help
- Show the help message and exit
- -c CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir=CONFIG_dir
- The location of the Salt configuration directory. This directory contains the configuration files for Salt master and minions. The default location on most systems is /etc/salt.
- -u USER, --user=USER
- Specify user to run salt-syndic
- -d, --daemon
- Run salt-syndic as a daemon
- --pid-file PIDFILE
- Specify the location of the pidfile. Default: /var/run/
Logging Options
Logging options which override any settings defined on the configuration files.
- -l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level=LOG_LEVEL
- Console logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
- --log-file=LOG_FILE
- Log file path. Default: /var/log/salt/master.
- --log-file-level=LOG_LEVEL_LOGFILE
- Logfile logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
See also
salt(1) salt-master(1) salt-minion(1)
Start interfaces used to remotely connect to the salt master
The Salt API system manages network api connectors for the Salt Master
- --version
- Print the version of Salt that is running.
- --versions-report
- Show program's dependencies and version number, and then exit
- -h, --help
- Show the help message and exit
- -c CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir=CONFIG_dir
- The location of the Salt configuration directory. This directory contains the configuration files for Salt master and minions. The default location on most systems is /etc/salt.
- -d, --daemon
- Run the salt-api as a daemon
- --pid-file=PIDFILE
- Specify the location of the pidfile. Default: /var/run/
Logging Options
Logging options which override any settings defined on the configuration files.
- -l LOG_LEVEL, --log-level=LOG_LEVEL
- Console logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
- --log-file=LOG_FILE
- Log file path. Default: /var/log/salt/api.
- --log-file-level=LOG_LEVEL_LOGFILE
- Logfile logging log level. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, quiet. Default: warning.
See also
salt-api(7) salt(7) salt-master(1)
Client ACL system
The salt client ACL system is a means to allow system users other than root to have access to execute select salt commands on minions from the master.
The client ACL system is configured in the master configuration file via the client_acl configuration option. Under the client_acl configuration option the users open to send commands are specified and then a list of regular expressions which specify the minion functions which will be made available to specified user. This configuration is much like the peer configuration:
client_acl: # Allow thatch to execute anything. thatch: - .* # Allow fred to use test and pkg, but only on "web*" minions. fred: - web*: - test.* - pkg.*
Permission Issues
Directories required for client_acl must be modified to be readable by the users specified:
chmod 755 /var/cache/salt /var/cache/salt/master /var/cache/salt/master/jobs /var/run/salt /var/run/salt/master
NOTE: In addition to the changes above you will also need to modify the permissions of /var/log/salt and the existing log file to be writable by the user(s) which will be running the commands. If you do not wish to do this then you must disable logging or Salt will generate errors as it cannot write to the logs as the system users.
If you are upgrading from earlier versions of salt you must also remove any existing user keys and re-start the Salt master:
rm /var/cache/salt/.*key service salt-master restart
Python client API
Salt provides several entry points for interfacing with Python applications. These entry points are often referred to as *Client() APIs. Each client accesses different parts of Salt, either from the master or from a minion. Each client is detailed below.
SEE ALSO: There are many ways to access Salt programmatically.
Salt can be used from CLI scripts as well as via a REST interface.
See Salt's outputter system to retrieve structured data from Salt as JSON, or as shell-friendly text, or many other formats.
See the state.event runner to utilize Salt's event bus from shell scripts.
Salt's netapi module provides access to Salt externally via a REST interface. Review the netapi module documentation for more information.
Salt's opts dictionary
Some clients require access to Salt's opts dictionary. (The dictionary representation of the master or minion config files.)
A common pattern for fetching the opts dictionary is to defer to environment variables if they exist or otherwise fetch the config from the default location.
- salt.config.client_config(path, env_var='SALT_CLIENT_CONFIG', defaults=None)
Load Master configuration data
import salt.config master_opts = salt.config.client_config('/etc/salt/master')
Returns a dictionary of the Salt Master configuration file with necessary options needed to communicate with a locally-running Salt Master daemon. This function searches for client specific configurations and adds them to the data from the master configuration.
This is useful for master-side operations like LocalClient.
- salt.config.minion_config(path, env_var='SALT_MINION_CONFIG', defaults=None, cache_minion_id=False)
Reads in the minion configuration file and sets up special options
This is useful for Minion-side operations, such as the Caller class, and manually running the loader interface.
import salt.client minion_opts = salt.config.minion_config('/etc/salt/minion')
Salt's Loader Interface
Modules in the Salt ecosystem are loaded into memory using a custom loader system. This allows modules to have conditional requirements (OS, OS version, installed libraries, etc) and allows Salt to inject special variables (__salt__, __opts__, etc).
Most modules can be manually loaded. This is often useful in third-party Python apps or when writing tests. However some modules require and expect a full, running Salt system underneath. Notably modules that facilitate master-to-minion communication such as the mine, publish, and peer execution modules. The error KeyError: 'master_uri' is a likely indicator for this situation. In those instances use the Caller class to execute those modules instead.
Each module type has a corresponding loader function.
- salt.loader.minion_mods(opts, context=None, whitelist=None, include_errors=False, initial_load=False, loaded_base_name=None)
Load execution modules
Returns a dictionary of execution modules appropriate for the current system by evaluating the __virtual__() function in each module.
import salt.config import salt.loader __opts__ = salt.config.minion_config('/etc/salt/minion') __grains__ = salt.loader.grains(__opts__) __opts__['grains'] = __grains__ __salt__ = salt.loader.minion_mods(__opts__) __salt__['']()
- salt.loader.raw_mod(opts, name, functions, mod='modules')
Returns a single module loaded raw and bypassing the __virtual__ function
import salt.config import salt.loader __opts__ = salt.config.minion_config('/etc/salt/minion') testmod = salt.loader.raw_mod(__opts__, 'test', None) testmod['']()
- salt.loader.states(opts, functions, whitelist=None)
Returns the state modules
import salt.config import salt.loader __opts__ = salt.config.minion_config('/etc/salt/minion') statemods = salt.loader.states(__opts__, None)
- salt.loader.grains(opts, force_refresh=False)
Return the functions for the dynamic grains and the values for the static
import salt.config import salt.loader __opts__ = salt.config.minion_config('/etc/salt/minion') __grains__ = salt.loader.grains(__opts__) print __grains__['id']
Salt's Client Interfaces
- class salt.client.LocalClient(c_path='/etc/salt/master', mopts=None, skip_perm_errors=False)
The interface used by the salt CLI tool on the Salt Master
LocalClient is used to send a command to Salt minions to execute execution modules and return the results to the Salt Master.
Importing and using LocalClient must be done on the same machine as the Salt Master and it must be done using the same user that the Salt Master is running as. (Unless external_auth is configured and authentication credentials are included in the execution).
import salt.client local = salt.client.LocalClient() local.cmd('*', 'test.fib', [10])
- cmd(tgt, fun, arg=(), timeout=None, expr_form='glob', ret='', jid='', kwarg=None, **kwargs)
Synchronously execute a command on targeted minions
The cmd method will execute and wait for the timeout period for all minions to reply, then it will return all minion data at once.
>>> import salt.client >>> local = salt.client.LocalClient() >>> local.cmd('*', '', ['whoami']) {'jerry': 'root'}
With extra keyword arguments for the command function to be run:
local.cmd('*', 'test.arg', ['arg1', 'arg2'], kwarg={'foo': 'bar'})
Compound commands can be used for multiple executions in a single publish. Function names and function arguments are provided in separate lists but the index values must correlate and an empty list must be used if no arguments are required.
>>> local.cmd('*', [ 'grains.items', 'sys.doc', '', ], [ [], [], ['uptime'], ])
- Parameters
- •
- tgt (string or list) -- Which minions to target for the execution. Default is shell glob. Modified by the expr_form option.
- •
fun (string or list of strings) --
The module and function to call on the specified minions of the form module.function. For example or grains.items.
- Compound commands
Multiple functions may be called in a single publish by
passing a list of commands. This can dramatically lower
overhead and speed up the application communicating with Salt.
This requires that the arg param is a list of lists. The fun list and the arg list must correlate by index meaning a function that does not take arguments must still have a corresponding empty list at the expected index.
- •
- arg (list or list-of-lists) -- A list of arguments to pass to the remote function. If the function takes no arguments arg may be omitted except when executing a compound command.
- •
- timeout -- Seconds to wait after the last minion returns but before all minions return.
- •
expr_form --
The type of tgt. Allowed values:
- •
- glob - Bash glob completion - Default
- •
- pcre - Perl style regular expression
- •
- list - Python list of hosts
- •
- grain - Match based on a grain comparison
- •
- grain_pcre - Grain comparison with a regex
- •
- pillar - Pillar data comparison
- •
- pillar_pcre - Pillar data comparison with a regex
- •
- nodegroup - Match on nodegroup
- •
- range - Use a Range server for matching
- •
compound - Pass a compound match string
- •
- ret -- The returner to use. The value passed can be single returner, or a comma delimited list of returners to call in order on the minions
- •
- kwarg -- A dictionary with keyword arguments for the function.
- •
kwargs --
Optional keyword arguments. Authentication credentials may be passed when using external_auth.
For example: local.cmd('*', '', username='saltdev', password='saltdev', eauth='pam'). Or: local.cmd('*', '', token='5871821ea51754fdcea8153c1c745433')
- Returns
- A dictionary with the result of the execution, keyed by minion ID. A compound command will return a sub-dictionary keyed by function name.
- cmd_async(tgt, fun, arg=(), expr_form='glob', ret='', jid='', kwarg=None, **kwargs)
Asynchronously send a command to connected minions
The function signature is the same as cmd() with the following exceptions.
- Returns
A job ID or 0 on failure.
>>> local.cmd_async('*', 'test.sleep', [300]) '20131219215921857715'
- cmd_batch(tgt, fun, arg=(), expr_form='glob', ret='', kwarg=None, batch='10%', **kwargs)
Iteratively execute a command on subsets of minions at a time
The function signature is the same as cmd() with the following exceptions.
- Parameters
- batch -- The batch identifier of systems to execute on
- Returns
A generator of minion returns
>>> returns = local.cmd_batch('*', 'state.highstate', bat='10%') >>> for ret in returns: ... print(ret) {'jerry': {...}} {'dave': {...}} {'stewart': {...}}
- cmd_iter(tgt, fun, arg=(), timeout=None, expr_form='glob', ret='', kwarg=None, **kwargs)
Yields the individual minion returns as they come in
The function signature is the same as cmd() with the following exceptions.
- Returns
A generator yielding the individual minion returns
>>> ret = local.cmd_iter('*', '') >>> for i in ret: ... print(i) {'jerry': {'ret': True}} {'dave': {'ret': True}} {'stewart': {'ret': True}}
- cmd_iter_no_block(tgt, fun, arg=(), timeout=None, expr_form='glob', ret='', kwarg=None, **kwargs)
- Yields the individual minion returns as they come in, or None
when no returns are available.
The function signature is the same as cmd() with the following exceptions.
- Returns
A generator yielding the individual minion returns, or None
when no returns are available. This allows for actions to be
injected in between minion returns.
>>> ret = local.cmd_iter_no_block('*', '') >>> for i in ret: ... print(i) None {'jerry': {'ret': True}} {'dave': {'ret': True}} None {'stewart': {'ret': True}}
- cmd_subset(tgt, fun, arg=(), expr_form='glob', ret='', kwarg=None, sub=3, cli=False, progress=False, **kwargs)
Execute a command on a random subset of the targeted systems
The function signature is the same as cmd() with the following exceptions.
- Parameters
sub -- The number of systems to execute on
>>> SLC.cmd_subset('*', '', sub=1) {'jerry': True}
- get_cli_returns(jid, minions, timeout=None, tgt='*', tgt_type='glob', verbose=False, show_jid=False, **kwargs)
- Starts a watcher looking at the return data for a specified JID
- Returns
- all of the information for the JID
- get_event_iter_returns(jid, minions, timeout=None)
- Gather the return data from the event system, break hard when timeout is reached.
- run_job(tgt, fun, arg=(), expr_form='glob', ret='', timeout=None, jid='', kwarg=None, **kwargs)
Asynchronously send a command to connected minions
Prep the job directory and publish a command to any targeted minions.
- Returns
A dictionary of (validated) pub_data or an empty
dictionary on failure. The pub_data contains the job ID and a
list of all minions that are expected to return data.
>>> local.run_job('*', 'test.sleep', [300]) {'jid': '20131219215650131543', 'minions': ['jerry']}
Salt Caller
- class salt.client.Caller(c_path='/etc/salt/minion', mopts=None)
Caller is the same interface used by the salt-call
command-line tool on the Salt Minion.
Importing and using Caller must be done on the same machine as a Salt Minion and it must be done using the same user that the Salt Minion is running as.
import salt.client caller = salt.client.Caller() caller.function('') # Or call objects directly caller.sminion.functions['']('ls -l')
Note, a running master or minion daemon is not required to use this class. Running salt-call --local simply sets file_client to 'local'. The same can be achieved at the Python level by including that setting in a minion config file.
Instantiate a new Caller() instance using a file system path to the minion config file:
caller = salt.client.Caller('/path/to/custom/minion_config') caller.sminion.functions['grains.items']()
Instantiate a new Caller() instance using a dictionary of the minion config:
New in version 2014.7.0: Pass the minion config as a dictionary.
import salt.client import salt.config opts = salt.config.minion_config('/etc/salt/minion') opts['file_client'] = 'local' caller = salt.client.Caller(mopts=opts) caller.sminion.functions['grains.items']()
- function(fun, *args, **kwargs)
- Call a single salt function
- class salt.runner.RunnerClient(opts)
The interface used by the salt-run CLI tool on the Salt Master
It executes runner modules which run on the Salt Master.
Importing and using RunnerClient must be done on the same machine as the Salt Master and it must be done using the same user that the Salt Master is running as.
Salt's external_auth can be used to authenticate calls. The eauth user must be authorized to execute runner modules: (@runner). Only the master_call() below supports eauth.
- async(fun, low, user='UNKNOWN')
- Execute the function in a multiprocess and return the event tag to use to watch for the return
- cmd(fun, arg=None, pub_data=None, kwarg=None)
Execute a function
>>> opts = salt.config.master_config('/etc/salt/master') >>> runner = salt.runner.RunnerClient(opts) >>> runner.cmd('jobs.list_jobs', []) { '20131219215650131543': { 'Arguments': [300], 'Function': 'test.sleep', 'StartTime': '2013, Dec 19 21:56:50.131543', 'Target': '*', 'Target-type': 'glob', 'User': 'saltdev' }, '20131219215921857715': { 'Arguments': [300], 'Function': 'test.sleep', 'StartTime': '2013, Dec 19 21:59:21.857715', 'Target': '*', 'Target-type': 'glob', 'User': 'saltdev' }, }
- cmd_async(low)
Execute a runner function asynchronously; eauth is respected
This function requires that external_auth is configured and the user is authorized to execute runner functions: (@runner).
runner.eauth_async({ 'fun': 'jobs.list_jobs', 'username': 'saltdev', 'password': 'saltdev', 'eauth': 'pam', })
- cmd_sync(low, timeout=None)
Execute a runner function synchronously; eauth is respected
This function requires that external_auth is configured and the user is authorized to execute runner functions: (@runner).
runner.eauth_sync({ 'fun': 'jobs.list_jobs', 'username': 'saltdev', 'password': 'saltdev', 'eauth': 'pam', })
- class salt.wheel.WheelClient(opts=None)
An interface to Salt's wheel modules
Wheel modules interact with various parts of the Salt Master.
Importing and using WheelClient must be done on the same machine as the Salt Master and it must be done using the same user that the Salt Master is running as. Unless external_auth is configured and the user is authorized to execute wheel functions: (@wheel).
import salt.config import salt.wheel opts = salt.config.master_config('/etc/salt/master') wheel = salt.wheel.WheelClient(opts)
- async(fun, low, user='UNKNOWN')
- Execute the function in a multiprocess and return the event tag to use to watch for the return
- cmd(fun, arg=None, pub_data=None, kwarg=None)
Execute a function
>>> wheel.cmd('key.finger', ['jerry']) {'minions': {'jerry': '5d:f6:79:43:5e:d4:42:3f:57:b8:45:a8:7e:a4:6e:ca'}}
- cmd_async(low)
Execute a function asynchronously; eauth is respected
This function requires that external_auth is configured and the user is authorized
>>> wheel.cmd_async({ 'fun': 'key.finger', 'match': 'jerry', 'eauth': 'auto', 'username': 'saltdev', 'password': 'saltdev', }) {'jid': '20131219224744416681', 'tag': 'salt/wheel/20131219224744416681'}
- cmd_sync(low, timeout=None)
Execute a wheel function synchronously; eauth is respected
This function requires that external_auth is configured and the user is authorized to execute runner functions: (@wheel).
>>> wheel.cmd_sync({ 'fun': 'key.finger', 'match': 'jerry', 'eauth': 'auto', 'username': 'saltdev', 'password': 'saltdev', }) {'minions': {'jerry': '5d:f6:79:43:5e:d4:42:3f:57:b8:45:a8:7e:a4:6e:ca'}}
- class, opts=None, config_dir=None, pillars=None)
- The client class to wrap cloud interactions
- action(fun=None, cloudmap=None, names=None, provider=None, instance=None, kwargs=None)
Execute a single action via the cloud plugin backend
client.action(fun='show_instance', names=['myinstance']) client.action(fun='show_image', provider='my-ec2-config', kwargs={'image': 'ami-10314d79'} )
- create(provider, names, **kwargs)
Create the named VMs, without using a profile
client.create(names=['myinstance'], provider='my-ec2-config', kwargs={'image': 'ami-1624987f', 'size': 't1.micro', 'ssh_username': 'ec2-user', 'securitygroup': 'default', 'delvol_on_destroy': True})
- destroy(names)
- Destroy the named VMs
- extra_action(names, provider, action, **kwargs)
Perform actions with block storage devices
client.extra_action(names=['myblock'], action='volume_create', provider='my-nova', kwargs={'voltype': 'SSD', 'size': 1000} ) client.extra_action(names=['salt-net'], action='network_create', provider='my-nova', kwargs={'cidr': ''} )
- full_query(query_type='list_nodes_full')
- Query all instance information
- list_images(provider=None)
- List all available images in configured cloud systems
- list_locations(provider=None)
- List all available locations in configured cloud systems
- list_sizes(provider=None)
- List all available sizes in configured cloud systems
- low(fun, low)
- Pass the cloud function and low data structure to run
- map_run(path, **kwargs)
- Pass in a location for a map to execute
- min_query(query_type='list_nodes_min')
- Query select instance information
- profile(profile, names, vm_overrides=None, **kwargs)
Pass in a profile to create, names is a list of vm names to allocate
vm_overrides is a special dict that will be per node options
>>> client='/etc/salt/cloud') >>> client.profile('do_512_git', names=['minion01',]) {'minion01': {u'backups_active': 'False', u'created_at': '2014-09-04T18:10:15Z', u'droplet': {u'event_id': 31000502, u'id': 2530006, u'image_id': 5140006, u'name': u'minion01', u'size_id': 66}, u'id': '2530006', u'image_id': '5140006', u'ip_address': '107.XXX.XXX.XXX', u'locked': 'True', u'name': 'minion01', u'private_ip_address': None, u'region_id': '4', u'size_id': '66', u'status': 'new'}}
- query(query_type='list_nodes')
- Query basic instance information
- select_query(query_type='list_nodes_select')
- Query select instance information
- class salt.client.ssh.client.SSHClient(c_path='/etc/salt/master', mopts=None)
Create a client object for executing routines via the salt-ssh backend
New in version 2015.5.0.
- cmd(tgt, fun, arg=(), timeout=None, expr_form='glob', kwarg=None, **kwargs)
Execute a single command via the salt-ssh subsystem and return all
routines at once
New in version 2015.5.0.
- cmd_iter(tgt, fun, arg=(), timeout=None, expr_form='glob', ret='', kwarg=None, **kwargs)
Execute a single command via the salt-ssh subsystem and return a
New in version 2015.5.0.
Full list of Salt Cloud modules
aliyun |
AliYun ECS Cloud Module
botocore_aws |
The AWS Cloud Module
cloudstack |
CloudStack Cloud Module
digital_ocean |
DigitalOcean Cloud Module
digital_ocean_v2 |
DigitalOcean Cloud Module v2
ec2 |
The EC2 Cloud Module
gce |
Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
gogrid |
GoGrid Cloud Module
joyent |
Joyent Cloud Module
libcloud_aws |
The AWS Cloud Module
linode |
Linode Cloud Module using Apache Libcloud OR linode-python bindings
lxc |
Install Salt on an LXC Container
msazure |
Azure Cloud Module
nova |
OpenStack Nova Cloud Module
opennebula |
OpenNebula Cloud Module
openstack |
OpenStack Cloud Module
parallels |
Parallels Cloud Module
proxmox |
Proxmox Cloud Module
pyrax |
Pyrax Cloud Module
rackspace |
Rackspace Cloud Module
saltify |
Saltify Module ============== The Saltify module is designed to install Salt on a remote machine, virtual or bare metal, using SSH.
softlayer |
SoftLayer Cloud Module
softlayer_hw |
SoftLayer HW Cloud Module
vsphere |
vSphere Cloud Module
AliYun ECS Cloud Module
New in version 2014.7.0.
The Aliyun cloud module is used to control access to the aliyun ECS.
Use of this module requires the id and key parameter to be set. Set up the cloud configuration at /etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/aliyun.conf:
my-aliyun-config: # aliyun Access Key ID id: wFGEwgregeqw3435gDger # aliyun Access Key Secret key: GDE43t43REGTrkilg43934t34qT43t4dgegerGEgg location: cn-qingdao provider: aliyun
- depends
- requests
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the images that are on the provider
- Return a dict of all available VM locations on the cloud provider with relevant data
- Return a list of the image sizes that are on the provider
- Create a single VM from a data dict
- Convenience function to make the rest api call for node creation.
-, call=None)
Destroy a node.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a destroy myinstance salt-cloud -d myinstance
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return the image object to use
- Return the aliyun region to use, in this order:
- •
- CLI parameter
- •
- VM parameter
- •
- Cloud profile setting
- Return the security group
- Return the VM's size. Used by create_node().
- List all availability zones in the current region
-, call=None)
Get monitor data of the instance. If instance name is
missing, will show all the instance monitor data on the region.
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -f list_monitor_data aliyun salt-cloud -f list_monitor_data aliyun name=AY14051311071990225bd
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider. Only a list of VM names, and their state, is returned. This is the minimum amount of information needed to check for existing VMs.
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
- Return a list of security group
- Make a web call to aliyun ECS REST API
-, call=None)
Reboot a node
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -a reboot myinstance
- Return the script deployment object
-, call=None)
Show the disk details of the instance
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -a show_disk aliyun myinstance
-, call=None)
- Show the details from aliyun image
-, call=None)
- Show the details from aliyun instance
-, call=None)
Start a node
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -a start myinstance
-, force=False, call=None)
Stop a node
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -a stop myinstance salt-cloud -a stop myinstance force=True
The AWS Cloud Module
The AWS cloud module is used to interact with the Amazon Web Services system.
This module has been replaced by the EC2 cloud module, and is no longer supported. The documentation shown here is for reference only; it is highly recommended to change all usages of this driver over to the EC2 driver.
- If this driver is still needed, set up the cloud configuration at
/etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/aws.conf:
my-aws-botocore-config: # The AWS API authentication id id: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H # The AWS API authentication key key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs # The ssh keyname to use keyname: default # The amazon security group securitygroup: ssh_open # The location of the private key which corresponds to the keyname private_key: /root/default.pem provider: aws
-, call=None)
Disable termination protection on a node
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a disable_term_protect mymachine
-, call=None)
Enable termination protection on a node
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a enable_term_protect mymachine
- Return the first configured instance.
CloudStack Cloud Module
The CloudStack cloud module is used to control access to a CloudStack based Public Cloud.
- depends
Use of this module requires the apikey, secretkey, host and path parameters.
my-cloudstack-cloud-config: apikey: <your api key > secretkey: <your secret key > host: localhost path: /client/api provider: cloudstack
-, call=None)
- Return a dict of all available VM images on the cloud provider with relevant data
-, call=None)
- Return a dict of all available VM locations on the cloud provider with relevant data
-, call=None)
- Return a dict of all available VM images on the cloud provider with relevant data
Return the block device mapping:
[{'DeviceName': '/dev/sdb', 'VirtualName': 'ephemeral0'}, {'DeviceName': '/dev/sdc', 'VirtualName': 'ephemeral1'}]
- Create a single VM from a data dict
-, conn=None, call=None)
- Delete a single VM, and all of its volumes
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return a conn object for the passed VM data
-, vm_)
- Return the image object to use
- Return the IP address of the VM If the VM has public IP as defined by libcloud module then use it Otherwise try to extract the private IP and use that one.
- Returns the ssh private key for VM access
- Return the keypair to use
-, vm_)
- Return the node location to use
- Return the networkid to use, only valid for Advanced Zone
-, name)
- Return a libcloud node for the named VM
- Return the password to use
-, vm_)
- Return the project to use.
-, vm_)
- Return the VM's size object
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with all fields
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
- Return the script deployment object
-, call=None)
- Show the details from the provider concerning an instance
DigitalOcean Cloud Module
The DigitalOcean cloud module is used to control access to the DigitalOcean VPS system.
NOTE: Due to Digital Ocean deprecating its original API, this salt-cloud driver for Digital Ocean will be deprecated in Salt Beryllium. The digital_ocean_v2 driver that is currently available on all 2015.5.x releases will be used instead. Starting in Beryllium, the driver will be renamed to and this driver will be removed. Please convert any original digital_ocean provider configs to use the new digital_ocean_v2 provider configs.
Use of this module only requires the api_key parameter to be set. Set up the cloud configuration at /etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/digital_ocean.conf:
my-digital-ocean-config: # DigitalOcean account keys client_key: wFGEwgregeqw3435gDger api_key: GDE43t43REGTrkilg43934t34qT43t4dgegerGEgg provider: digital_ocean
- depends
- requests
- Return a list of the images that are on the provider
- Return a dict of all available VM locations on the cloud provider with relevant data
- Return a list of the image sizes that are on the provider
- Create a single VM from a data dict
- Create a node
-, call=None)
Destroy a node. Will check termination protection and warn if enabled.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud --destroy mymachine
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return the image object to use
- Return the ID of the keyname
- Return the VM's location
- Return the VM's size. Used by create_node().
- Return a dict of all available VM locations on the cloud provider with relevant data
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
-'droplets', droplet_id=None, command=None, args=None)
- Make a web call to DigitalOcean
- Return the script deployment object
-, call=None)
- Show the details from DigitalOcean concerning a droplet
-, call=None)
- Show the details of an SSH keypair
DigitalOcean Cloud Module v2
The DigitalOcean cloud module is used to control access to the DigitalOcean VPS system.
Use of this module only requires the personal_access_token parameter to be set. Set up the cloud configuration at /etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/digital_ocean.conf:
my-digital-ocean-config: personal_access_token: xxx provider: digital_ocean
- depends
- requests
- Return a list of the images that are on the provider
- Return a dict of all available VM locations on the cloud provider with relevant data
- Return a list of the image sizes that are on the provider
- Create a single VM from a data dict
-, ip_address)
- Creates a DNS record for the given hostname if the domain is managed with DO.
- Create a node
- Deletes a DNS for the given hostname if the domain is managed with DO.
-, call=None)
Destroy a node. Will check termination protection and warn if enabled.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud --destroy mymachine
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return the image object to use
- Return the ID of the keyname
- Return the VM's location
- Return the VM's size. Used by create_node().
- Return a dict of all available VM locations on the cloud provider with relevant data
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
-, forOutput=True)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
-'droplets', droplet_id=None, command=None, args=None, http_method='get')
- Make a web call to DigitalOcean
- Return the script deployment object
-, call=None)
- Show the details from DigitalOcean concerning a droplet
-, call=None)
- Show the details of an SSH keypair
The EC2 Cloud Module
The EC2 cloud module is used to interact with the Amazon Elastic Cloud Computing.
- To use the EC2 cloud module, set up the cloud configuration at
/etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ec2.conf:
my-ec2-config: # The EC2 API authentication id, set this and/or key to # 'use-instance-role-credentials' to use the instance role credentials # from the meta-data if running on an AWS instance id: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H # The EC2 API authentication key, set this and/or id to # 'use-instance-role-credentials' to use the instance role credentials # from the meta-data if running on an AWS instance key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs # The ssh keyname to use keyname: default # The amazon security group securitygroup: ssh_open # The location of the private key which corresponds to the keyname private_key: /root/default.pem # Be default, service_url is set to If you are using this # driver for something other than Amazon EC2, change it here: service_url: # The endpoint that is ultimately used is usually formed using the region # and the service_url. If you would like to override that entirely, you # can explicitly define the endpoint: endpoint: # SSH Gateways can be used with this provider. Gateways can be used # when a salt-master is not on the same private network as the instance # that is being deployed. # Defaults to None # Required ssh_gateway: # Defaults to port 22 # Optional ssh_gateway_port: 22 # Defaults to root # Optional ssh_gateway_username: root # One authentication method is required. If both # are specified, Private key wins. # Private key defaults to None ssh_gateway_private_key: /path/to/key.pem # Password defaults to None ssh_gateway_password: ExamplePasswordHere # Pass userdata to the instance to be created userdata_file: /etc/salt/my-userdata-file provider: ec2
- depends
- requests
-, kwargs=None, instance_id=None, call=None)
- Attach a volume to an instance
-, call=None)
- Return a dict of all available VM images on the cloud provider.
- List all available locations
Return a dict of all available VM sizes on the cloud provider with
relevant data. Latest version can be found at:
Return the block device mapping:
[{'DeviceName': '/dev/sdb', 'VirtualName': 'ephemeral0'}, {'DeviceName': '/dev/sdc', 'VirtualName': 'ephemeral1'}]
-, call=None)
- Copy a snapshot
-, call=None)
- Create a single VM from a data dict
-, kwargs, call=None, wait_to_finish=True)
- Create and attach volumes to created node
-, call=None)
- Create an SSH keypair
-, call=None, wait_to_finish=False)
- Create a snapshot.
- volume_id
- The ID of the Volume from which to create a snapshot.
- description
The optional description of the snapshot.
CLI Exampe:
salt-cloud -f create_snapshot my-ec2-config volume_id=vol-351d8826 salt-cloud -f create_snapshot my-ec2-config volume_id=vol-351d8826 \ description="My Snapshot Description"
-, call=None, wait_to_finish=False)
Create a volume
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -f create_volume my-ec2-config zone=us-east-1b salt-cloud -f create_volume my-ec2-config zone=us-east-1b tags='{"tag1": "val1", "tag2", "val2"}'
-, kwargs=None, call=None, instance_id=None, resource_id=None)
Delete tags for a resource. Normally a VM name or instance_id is passed in,
but a resource_id may be passed instead. If both are passed in, the
instance_id will be used.
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -a del_tags mymachine tags=mytag, salt-cloud -a del_tags mymachine tags=tag1,tag2,tag3 salt-cloud -a del_tags resource_id=vol-3267ab32 tags=tag1,tag2,tag3
-, call=None)
- Delete an SSH keypair
-, call=None)
- Delete a snapshot
-, kwargs=None, instance_id=None, call=None)
- Delete a volume
-, kwargs=None, call=None)
Delete all/specified EBS volumes upon instance termination
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a delvol_on_destroy mymachine
-, call=None)
- Describe a snapshot (or snapshots)
- snapshot_id
- One or more snapshot IDs. Multiple IDs must be separated by ",".
- owner
- Return the snapshots owned by the specified owner. Valid values include: self, amazon, <AWS Account ID>. Multiple values must be separated by ",".
- restorable_by
One or more AWS accounts IDs that can create volumes from the snapshot.
Multiple aws account IDs must be separated by ",".
TODO: Add all of the filters.
-, call=None)
- Describe a volume (or volumes)
- volume_id
One or more volume IDs. Multiple IDs must be separated by ",".
TODO: Add all of the filters.
-, call=None)
Destroy a node. Will check termination protection and warn if enabled.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud --destroy mymachine
-, kwargs=None, instance_id=None, call=None)
- Detach a volume from an instance
-, call=None)
Disable termination protection on a node
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a disable_term_protect mymachine
-, call=None)
Enable termination protection on a node
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a enable_term_protect mymachine
- Return the availability zone to use
- Return the first configured instance.
-, instance_id=None, call=None, kwargs=None)
Show the console output from the instance.
By default, returns decoded data, not the Base64-encoded data that is actually returned from the EC2 API.
- Return the EC2 region to use, in this order:
- •
- CLI parameter
- •
- VM parameter
- •
- Cloud profile setting
-, kwargs=None, instance_id=None, call=None)
Return password data for a Windows instance.
By default only the encrypted password data will be returned. However, if a key_file is passed in, then a decrypted password will also be returned.
Note that the key_file references the private key that was used to generate the keypair associated with this instance. This private key will _not_ be transmitted to Amazon; it is only used internally inside of Salt Cloud to decrypt data _after_ it has been received from Amazon.
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -a get_password_data mymachine salt-cloud -a get_password_data mymachine key_file=/root/ec2key.pem
Note: PKCS1_v1_5 was added in PyCrypto 2.5
- Returns the PlacementGroup to use
- Extract the provider name from vm
- Return the salt_interface type to connect to. Either 'public_ips' (default) or 'private_ips'.
- Returns the spot instance configuration for the provided vm
- Return the ssh_gateway configuration.
- Returns the SubnetId to use
-, instance_id=None, call=None, location=None, kwargs=None, resource_id=None)
Retrieve tags for a resource. Normally a VM name or instance_id is passed
in, but a resource_id may be passed instead. If both are passed in, the
instance_id will be used.
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -a get_tags mymachine salt-cloud -a get_tags resource_id=vol-3267ab32
Returns the Tenancy to use.
Can be "dedicated" or "default". Cannot be present for spot instances.
Return the IAM profile.
The IAM instance profile to associate with the instances. This is either the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile or the name of the role.
Type: String
Default: None
Required: No
Example: arn:aws:iam::111111111111:instance-profile/s3access
Example: s3access
-, kwargs=None, call=None)
Do not delete all/specified EBS volumes upon instance termination
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a keepvol_on_destroy mymachine
- Return the keyname
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider. Only a list of VM names, and their state, is returned. This is the minimum amount of information needed to check for existing VMs.
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
Return an optimized list of providers.
We want to reduce the duplication of querying the same region.
If a provider is using the same credentials for the same region the same data will be returned for each provider, thus causing un-wanted duplicate data and API calls to EC2.
-, setname=None, requesturl=None, location=None, return_url=False, return_root=False)
-, call=None)
- Query an instance upon creation from the EC2 API
Queue a set of instances to be provisioned later. Expects a list.
Currently this only queries node data, and then places it in the cloud cache (if configured). If the salt-cloud-reactor is being used, these instances will be automatically provisioned using that.
For more information about the salt-cloud-reactor, see:
-, call=None)
Reboot a node.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a reboot mymachine
-, kwargs, call=None)
Properly rename a node. Pass in the new name as "new name".
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a rename mymachine newname=yourmachine
-, call=None)
Put together all of the information necessary to request an instance on EC2,
and then fire off the request the instance.
Returns data about the instance
- Return the script deployment object
- Return the security group
- Returns the SecurityGroupId
-, tags=None, call=None, location=None, instance_id=None, resource_id=None, kwargs=None)
Set tags for a resource. Normally a VM name or instance_id is passed in,
but a resource_id may be passed instead. If both are passed in, the
instance_id will be used.
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -a set_tags mymachine tag1=somestuff tag2='Other stuff' salt-cloud -a set_tags resource_id=vol-3267ab32 tag=somestuff
-, kwargs=None, call=None)
Do not delete all/specified EBS volumes upon instance termination
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a show_delvol_on_destroy mymachine
-, call=None)
- Show the details from EC2 concerning an AMI
-, instance_id=None, call=None, kwargs=None)
Show the details from EC2 concerning an AMI.
Can be called as an action (which requires a name):
salt-cloud -a show_instance myinstance
...or as a function (which requires either a name or instance_id):
salt-cloud -f show_instance my-ec2 name=myinstance salt-cloud -f show_instance my-ec2 instance_id=i-d34db33f
-, call=None)
- Show the details of an SSH keypair
-, instance_id=None, call=None, quiet=False)
- Show the details from EC2 concerning an AMI
-, call=None)
- Wrapper around describe_volumes. Here just to keep functionality. Might be depreciated later.
-, msg)
- Return the ssh_interface type to connect to. Either 'public_ips' (default) or 'private_ips'.
-, call=None)
- Start a node
-, call=None)
- Stop a node
-, data=None, ip_address=None, display_ssh_output=True, call=None)
- Wait for an instance upon creation from the EC2 API, to become available
Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Google Compute Engine Module
The Google Compute Engine module. This module interfaces with Google Compute Engine. To authenticate to GCE, you will need to create a Service Account.
- Setting up Service Account Authentication:
- •
- Go to the Cloud Console at:
- •
- Create or navigate to your desired Project.
- •
- Make sure Google Compute Engine service is enabled under the Services section.
- •
- Go to "APIs and auth" section, and then the "Credentials" link.
- •
- Click the "CREATE NEW CLIENT ID" button.
- •
- Select "Service Account" and click "Create Client ID" button.
- •
- This will automatically download a .json file; ignore it.
- •
- Look for a new "Service Account" section in the page, click on the "Generate New P12 key" button
- •
- Copy the Email Address for inclusion in your /etc/salt/cloud file in the 'service_account_email_address' setting.
- •
- Download the Private Key
- •
- The key that you download is a PKCS12 key. It needs to be converted to the PEM format.
- •
- Convert the key using OpenSSL (the default password is 'notasecret'): C{openssl pkcs12 -in PRIVKEY.p12 -passin pass:notasecret -nodes -nocerts | openssl rsa -out ~/PRIVKEY.pem}
- •
- Add the full path name of the converted private key to your /etc/salt/cloud file as 'service_account_private_key' setting.
- •
Consider using a more secure location for your private key.
my-gce-config: # The Google Cloud Platform Project ID project: "my-project-id" # The Service ACcount client ID service_account_email_address: 1234567890 [at] # The location of the private key (PEM format) service_account_private_key: /home/erjohnso/PRIVKEY.pem provider: gce # Specify whether to use public or private IP for deploy script. # Valid options are: # private_ips - The salt-master is also hosted with GCE # public_ips - The salt-master is hosted outside of GCE ssh_interface: public_ips
- maintainer
- Eric Johnson <erjohnso [at]>
- maturity
- new
- depends
- libcloud >= 0.14.1
- depends
- pycrypto >= 2.1
-, kwargs=None, call=None)
Attach an existing disk to an existing instance.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a attach_disk myinstance disk_name=mydisk mode=READ_WRITE
-, call=None)
Add an existing node/member to an existing load-balancer configuration.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f attach_lb gce name=lb member=myinstance
Return a dict of all available VM images on the cloud provider with
relevant data
Note that for GCE, there are custom images within the project, but the generic images are in other projects. This returns a dict of images in the project plus images in 'debian-cloud' and 'centos-cloud' (If there is overlap in names, the one in the current project is used.)
-, call=None)
- Return a dict of all available VM locations on the cloud provider with relevant data
- Return a dict of available instances sizes (a.k.a machine types) and convert them to something more serializable.
-, call=None)
- Create a single GCE instance from a data dict.
-, call=None)
Create a static address in a region.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f create_address gce name=my-ip region=us-central1 address=IP
-, call=None)
Create a new persistent disk. Must specify disk_name and location.
Can also specify an image or snapshot but if neither of those are
specified, a size (in GB) is required.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f create_disk gce disk_name=pd size=300 location=us-central1-b
-, call=None)
Create a GCE firewall rule. The 'default' network is used if not specified.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f create_fwrule gce name=allow-http allow=tcp:80
-, call=None)
Create an HTTP health check configuration.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f create_hc gce name=hc path=/healthy port=80
-, call=None)
Create a load-balancer configuration.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f create_lb gce name=lb region=us-central1 ports=80
-, call=None)
Create a GCE network.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f create_network gce name=mynet cidr=
-, call=None)
Create a new disk snapshot. Must specify name and disk_name.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f create_snapshot gce name=snap1 disk_name=pd
-, call=None)
Permanently delete a static address.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f delete_address gce name=my-ip
-, call=None)
Permanently delete a persistent disk.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f delete_disk gce disk_name=pd
-, call=None)
Permanently delete a firewall rule.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f delete_fwrule gce name=allow-http
-, call=None)
Permanently delete a health check.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f delete_hc gce name=hc
-, call=None)
Permanently delete a load-balancer.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f delete_lb gce name=lb
-, call=None)
Permanently delete a network.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f delete_network gce name=mynet
-, call=None)
Permanently delete a disk snapshot.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f delete_snapshot gce name=disk-snap-1
-, call=None)
Call 'destroy' on the instance. Can be called with "-a destroy" or -d
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a destroy myinstance1 myinstance2 ... salt-cloud -d myinstance1 myinstance2 ...
-, kwargs=None, call=None)
Detach a disk from an instance.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a detach_disk myinstance disk_name=mydisk
-, call=None)
Remove an existing node/member from an existing load-balancer configuration.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f detach_lb gce name=lb member=myinstance
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return a conn object for the passed VM data
- Return a load-balancer conn object
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with all fields
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
-, call=None)
Call GCE 'reset' on the instance.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a reboot myinstance
- Return the script deployment object
-, call=None)
Show the details of an existing static address.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f show_address gce name=mysnapshot region=us-central1
-, kwargs=None, call=None)
Show the details of an existing disk.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a show_disk myinstance disk_name=mydisk salt-cloud -f show_disk gce disk_name=mydisk
-, call=None)
Show the details of an existing firewall rule.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f show_fwrule gce name=allow-http
-, call=None)
Show the details of an existing health check.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f show_hc gce name=hc
-, call=None)
- Show the details of the existing instance.
-, call=None)
Show the details of an existing load-balancer.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f show_lb gce name=lb
-, call=None)
Show the details of an existing network.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f show_network gce name=mynet
-, call=None)
Show the details of an existing snapshot.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f show_snapshot gce name=mysnapshot
GoGrid Cloud Module
The GoGrid cloud module. This module interfaces with the gogrid public cloud service. To use Salt Cloud with GoGrid log into the GoGrid web interface and create an api key. Do this by clicking on "My Account" and then going to the API Keys tab.
- depends
libcloud >= 0.13.2
Set up the cloud configuration at /etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/gogrid.conf:
my-gogrid-config: # The generated api key to use apikey: asdff7896asdh789 # The apikey's shared secret sharedsecret: saltybacon provider: gogrid
NOTE: A Note about using Map files with GoGrid:
Due to limitations in the GoGrid API, instances cannot be provisioned in parallel with the GoGrid driver. Map files will work with GoGrid, but the -P argument should not be used on maps referencing GoGrid instances.
-, call=None)
- Return a dict of all available VM images on the cloud provider with relevant data
-, call=None)
- Return a dict of all available VM locations on the cloud provider with relevant data
-, call=None)
- Return a dict of all available VM images on the cloud provider with relevant data
- Create a single VM from a data dict
-, conn=None, call=None)
- Delete a single VM
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return a conn object for the passed VM data
-, vm_)
- Return the image object to use
-, name)
- Return a libcloud node for the named VM
- Return the salt_interface type to connect to. Either 'public_ips' (default) or 'private_ips'.
-, vm_)
- Return the VM's size object
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with all fields
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
-, conn=None)
- Reboot a single VM
- Return the script deployment object
-, call=None)
- Show the details from the provider concerning an instance
Joyent Cloud Module
The Joyent Cloud module is used to interact with the Joyent cloud system.
Set up the cloud configuration at /etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/joyent.conf:
my-joyent-config: provider: joyent # The Joyent login user user: fred # The Joyent user's password password: saltybacon # The location of the ssh private key that can log into the new VM private_key: /root/mykey.pem # The name of the private key private_key: mykey
When creating your profiles for the joyent cloud, add the location attribute to the profile, this will automatically get picked up when performing tasks associated with that vm. An example profile might look like:
joyent_512: provider: my-joyent-config size: Extra Small 512 MB image: centos-6 location: us-east-1
This driver can also be used with the Joyent SmartDataCenter project. More details can be found at:
Using SDC requires that an api_host_suffix is set. The default value for this is All characters, including the leading ., should be included:
- depends
- PyCrypto
Get list of available images
CLI Example:
salt-cloud --list-images
Can use a custom URL for images. Default is:
- List all available locations
get list of available packages
CLI Example:
salt-cloud --list-sizes
Create a single VM from a data dict
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -p profile_name vm_name
- convenience function to make the rest api call for node creation.
-, call=None)
List the keys available
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f delete_key joyent keyname=mykey
-, call=None)
- destroy a machine by name
- Parameters
- •
- name -- name given to the machine
- •
- call -- call value in this case is 'action'
- Returns
array of booleans , true if successfully stopped and true if
successfully removed
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -d vm_name
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return the image object to use
- Return the joyent data center to use, in this order:
- •
- CLI parameter
- •
- VM parameter
- •
- Cloud profile setting
-'us-east-1', api_host_suffix='')
- create url from location variable :param location: joyent data center location :return: url
- gets the node from the full node list by name :param name: name of the vm :return: node object
- Return the salt_interface type to connect to. Either 'public_ips' (default) or 'private_ips'.
- Return the VM's size object
-, method_name)
- Find if the provided object has a specific method
-, call=None)
List the keys available
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f import_key joyent keyname=mykey keyfile=/tmp/
- Convert joyent returned state to state common to other data center return values for consistency
- Parameters
- id -- joyent state value
- Returns
- libcloudfuncs state value
- convert list to dictionary using the key as the identifier :param items: array to iterate over :return: dictionary
-, call=None)
- List the keys available
-, call=None)
list of nodes, keeping only a brief listing
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -Q
list of nodes, maintaining all content provided from joyent listings
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -F
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
-, command=None, args=None, method='GET', location=None, data=None)
- Make a web call to Joyent
-, call=None)
- Query an instance upon creation from the Joyent API
-, call=None)
reboot a machine by name
:param name: name given to the machine
:param call: call value in this case is 'action'
:return: true if successful
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a reboot vm_name
-, full=False)
- Reformat the returned data from joyent, determine public/private IPs and strip out fields if necessary to provide either full or brief content.
- Parameters
- •
- item -- node dictionary
- •
- full -- full or brief output
- Returns
- dict
-, call=None)
get details about a machine
:param name: name given to the machine
:param call: call value in this case is 'action'
:return: machine information
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a show_instance vm_name
-, call=None)
- List the keys available
- Return the ssh_interface type to connect to. Either 'public_ips' (default) or 'private_ips'.
-, call=None)
start a machine by name
:param name: name given to the machine
:param call: call value in this case is 'action'
:return: true if successful
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a start vm_name
-, call=None)
stop a machine by name
:param name: name given to the machine
:param call: call value in this case is 'action'
:return: true if successful
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a stop vm_name
-, call=None, command=None, data=None, method='GET', location='us-east-1')
- take action call used by start,stop, reboot :param name: name given to the machine :param call: call value in this case is 'action' :command: api path :data: any data to be passed to the api, must be in json format :method: GET,POST,or DELETE :location: data center to execute the command on :return: true if successful
The AWS Cloud Module
The AWS cloud module is used to interact with the Amazon Web Services system.
This module has been replaced by the EC2 cloud module, and is no longer supported. The documentation shown here is for reference only; it is highly recommended to change all usages of this driver over to the EC2 driver.
- If this driver is still needed, set up the cloud configuration at
/etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/aws.conf:
my-aws-config: # The AWS API authentication id id: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H # The AWS API authentication key key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs # The ssh keyname to use keyname: default # The amazon security group securitygroup: ssh_open # The location of the private key which corresponds to the keyname private_key: /root/default.pem provider: aws
Return the block device mapping:
[{'DeviceName': '/dev/sdb', 'VirtualName': 'ephemeral0'}, {'DeviceName': '/dev/sdc', 'VirtualName': 'ephemeral1'}]
- Create a single VM from a data dict
-, location, data)
- Create and attach volumes to created node
-, kwargs, call=None)
Delete tags for a node
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a del_tags mymachine tag1,tag2,tag3
- Wrap core libcloudfuncs destroy method, adding check for termination protection
-, vm_)
- Return the availability zone to use
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return a conn object for the passed VM data
- Return the AWS region to use, in this order:
- •
- CLI parameter
- •
- Cloud profile setting
- •
- Global salt-cloud config
- Return the salt_interface type to connect to. Either 'public_ips' (default) or 'private_ips'.
-, call=None)
- Retrieve tags for a node
- Return the IAM role
- Return the keyname
-, kwargs, call=None)
Properly rename a node. Pass in the new name as "new name".
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a rename mymachine newname=yourmachine
- Return the security group
-, tags, call=None)
Set tags for a node
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a set_tags mymachine tag1=somestuff tag2='Other stuff'
- Return the ssh_interface type to connect to. Either 'public_ips' (default) or 'private_ips'.
- Return the ssh_username. Defaults to 'ec2-user'.
-, call=None)
- Start a node
-, call=None)
- Stop a node
Linode Cloud Module using Apache Libcloud OR linode-python bindings
The Linode cloud module is used to control access to the Linode VPS system
Use of this module only requires the apikey parameter.
- depends
linode-python >= 1.1.1
- depends
apache-libcloud >= 0.13.2
NOTE: The linode-python driver will work with earlier versions of linode-python, but it is highly recommended to use a minimum version of 1.1.1. Earlier versions leak sensitive information into the debug logs.
Set up the cloud configuration at /etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/linode.conf:
- my-linode-config:
# Linode account api key
apikey: JVkbSJDGHSDKUKSDJfhsdklfjgsjdkflhjlsdfffhgdgjkenrtuinv
provider: linode
When used with linode-python, this provider supports cloning existing Linodes. To clone, add a profile with a clonefrom key, and a script_args: -C.
Clonefrom should be the name of the that is the source for the clone. script_args: -C passes a -C to the bootstrap script, which only configures the minion and doesn't try to install a new copy of salt-minion. This way the minion gets new keys and the keys get pre-seeded on the master, and the /etc/salt/minion file has the right 'id:' declaration.
Cloning requires a post 2015-02-01 salt-bootstrap.
-, call=None)
- Return a dict of all available VM images on the cloud provider with relevant data
-, call=None)
- Return a dict of all available VM locations on the cloud provider with relevant data
-, call=None)
- Return a dict of all available VM images on the cloud provider with relevant data
-, configid=None)
- Execute a boot sequence on a linode
- Create a single VM from a data dict
-, LinodeID=None, root_disk_id=None, swap_disk_id=None)
- Create a Linode Config
-, LinodeID=None, swapsize=None)
- Create the disk for the linode
-, LinodeID=None, swapsize=None)
- Create the disk for the linode
-, conn=None, call=None)
- Delete a single VM
- Return either NodeAuthSSHKey or NodeAuthPassword, preferring NodeAuthSSHKey if both are provided.
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return a conn object for the passed VM data
-, size, swap)
- Return the size of of the root disk in MB
-, vm_)
- Return the image object to use
- Get Linode's list of kernels available
-, vm_)
- Return the node location to use
-, name)
- Return a libcloud node for the named VM
-, name=None)
- Return data on one kernel name=None returns latest kernel
- Return the password to use
- Return True if a private ip address is requested
- Return the SSH pubkey to use
-, vm_)
- Return the VM's size object
- Return path to filename if get_auth() returns a NodeAuthSSHKey.
- Return the amount of swap space to use in MB
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with all fields
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
- Linode-python is now returning some complex types that are not serializable by msgpack. Kill those.
- Return the script deployment object
-, call=None)
- Show the details from the provider concerning an instance
-, LinodeID=None, JobID=None, timeout=300, quiet=True)
-, LinodeID=None, status=None, timeout=300, quiet=True)
- Wait for a certain status
Install Salt on an LXC Container
New in version 2014.7.0.
Please read core config documentation.
-, call=None)
Create an lxc Container.
This function is idempotent and will try to either provision
or finish the provision of an lxc container.
NOTE: Most of the initialization code has been moved and merged with the lxc runner and lxc.init functions
-, call=None)
- Destroy a lxc container
- Return the contextual provider of None if no configured one can be found.
-, call=None)
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
-, call=None)
- Show the details from the provider concerning an instance
Azure Cloud Module
The Azure cloud module is used to control access to Microsoft Azure
- depends
- •
- Microsoft Azure SDK for Python
- configuration
- Required provider parameters:
- •
- apikey
- •
- certificate_path
- •
A Management Certificate (.pem and .crt files) must be created and the .pem file placed on the same machine that salt-cloud is run from. Information on creating the pem file to use, and uploading the associated cer file can be found at:
Example /etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/azure.conf configuration:
my-azure-config: provider: azure subscription_id: 3287abc8-f98a-c678-3bde-326766fd3617 certificate_path: /etc/salt/azure.pem management_host:
-, call=None)
- List available images for Azure
-, call=None)
- List available locations for Azure
- Because sizes are built into images with Azure, there will be no sizes to return here
- Create a single VM from a data dict
-, kwargs, call=None, wait_to_finish=True)
- Create and attach volumes to created node
-, conn=None, call=None, kwargs=None)
Destroy a VM
CLI Examples:
salt-cloud -d myminion salt-cloud -a destroy myminion service_name=myservice
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return a conn object for the passed VM data
-, call=None)
- Destroy a VM
-, call=None)
- List VMs on this Azure account, with full information
-, call=None)
- List VMs on this Azure account
-, call=None)
- List VMs on this Azure account, with full information
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
-, call=None)
- List VMs on this Azure account, with full information
- Return the script deployment object
-, call=None)
- Show the details from the provider concerning an instance
-, conn=None, call=None)
- Show the details from the provider concerning an instance
OpenStack Nova Cloud Module
PLEASE NOTE: This module is currently in early development, and considered to be experimental and unstable. It is not recommended for production use. Unless you are actively developing code in this module, you should use the OpenStack module instead.
OpenStack is an open source project that is in use by a number a cloud providers, each of which have their own ways of using it.
The OpenStack Nova module for Salt Cloud was bootstrapped from the OpenStack module for Salt Cloud, which uses a libcloud-based connection. The Nova module is designed to use the nova and glance modules already built into Salt.
These modules use the Python novaclient and glanceclient libraries, respectively. In order to use this module, the proper salt configuration must also be in place. This can be specified in the master config, the minion config, a set of grains or a set of pillars.
my_openstack_profile: keystone.user: admin keystone.password: verybadpass keystone.tenant: admin keystone.auth_url: ''
Note that there is currently a dependency upon netaddr. This can be installed on Debian-based systems by means of the python-netaddr package.
This module currently requires the latest develop branch of Salt to be installed.
This module has been tested to work with HP Cloud and Rackspace. See the documentation for specific options for either of these providers. These examples could be set up in the cloud configuration at /etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/openstack.conf:
my-openstack-config: # The ID of the minion that will execute the salt nova functions auth_minion: myminion # The name of the configuration profile to use on said minion config_profile: my_openstack_profile ssh_key_name: mykey provider: nova userdata_file: /tmp/userdata.txt
For local installations that only use private IP address ranges, the following option may be useful. Using the old syntax:
Note: For api use, you will need an auth plugin. The base novaclient does not support apikeys, but some providers such as rackspace have extended keystone to accept them
my-openstack-config: # Ignore IP addresses on this network for bootstrap ignore_cidr: my-nova: identity_url: '' compute_region: IAD user: myusername password: mypassword tenant: <userid> provider: nova my-api: identity_url: '' compute_region: IAD user: myusername api_key: <api_key> os_auth_plugin: rackspace tenant: <userid> provider: nova networks: - net-id: 47a38ff2-fe21-4800-8604-42bd1848e743 - net-id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 - net-id: 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
Note: You must include the default net-ids when setting networks or the server will be created without the rest of the interfaces
Note: For rackconnect v3, rackconnectv3 needs to be specified with the rackconnect v3 cloud network as it's variable
-, server_name, device='/dev/xvdb', **kwargs)
- Attach block volume
- Return a dict of all available VM images on the cloud provider.
-, call=None)
- Return a list of locations
- Return a dict of all available VM sizes on the cloud provider.
- Create a single VM from a data dict
-, call=None, **kwargs)
- Create and attach volumes to created node
-, size=100, snapshot=None, voltype=None, **kwargs)
- Create block storage device
-, conn=None, call=None)
- Delete a single VM
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return a conn object for the passed VM data
-, vm_)
- Return the image object to use
- Return the salt_interface type to connect to. Either 'public_ips' (default) or 'private_ips'.
-, vm_)
- Return the VM's size object
-, ip)
- Return True if we are to ignore the specified IP. Compatible with IPv4.
-, **kwargs)
- Return a list of the VMs that in this location
-, **kwargs)
- Return a list of the VMs that in this location
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
- Determine if we should wait for the managed cloud automation before running. Either 'False' (default) or 'True'.
-, **kwargs)
- Create private networks
-, **kwargs)
- List private networks
-, ips)
- Return the preferred Internet protocol. Either 'ipv4' (default) or 'ipv6'.
- Determine if we should wait for rackconnect automation before running. Either 'False' (default) or 'True'.
-, conn=None)
- Reboot a single VM
-, call=None)
Put together all of the information necessary to request an instance
through Novaclient and then fire off the request the instance.
Returns data about the instance
- Return the script deployment object
-, call=None)
- Show the details from the provider concerning an instance
- Return the ssh_interface type to connect to. Either 'public_ips' (default) or 'private_ips'.
-, net_name, **kwargs)
- Create private networks
-, **kwargs)
- Create private networks
-, server_name, device='/dev/xvdb', **kwargs)
- Attach block volume
-, size=100, snapshot=None, voltype=None, **kwargs)
- Create block storage device
-, call=None, **kwargs)
- Create and attach volumes to created node
-, **kwargs)
- Delete block storage device
-, **kwargs)
- Detach block volume
- List block devices
OpenNebula Cloud Module
The OpenNebula cloud module is used to control access to an OpenNebula cloud.
- depends
Use of this module requires the xml_rpc, user and password parameter to be set. Set up the cloud configuration at /etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/opennebula.conf:
my-opennebula-config: xml_rpc: http://localhost:2633/RPC2 user: oneadmin password: JHGhgsayu32jsa provider: opennebula
- Return a list of the templates that are on the provider
- Return a dict of all available VM locations on the cloud provider with relevant data
- Because sizes are built into templates with OpenNebula, there will be no sizes to return here
- Create a single VM from a data dict
-, call=None)
Destroy a node. Will check termination protection and warn if enabled.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud --destroy mymachine
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return the image object to use
- Return the VM's location
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
- Return the script deployment object
-, call=None)
- Show the details from OpenNebula concerning a VM
OpenStack Cloud Module
OpenStack is an open source project that is in use by a number a cloud providers, each of which have their own ways of using it.
- depends
libcloud >= 0.13.2
OpenStack provides a number of ways to authenticate. This module uses password- based authentication, using auth v2.0. It is likely to start supporting other methods of authentication provided by OpenStack in the future.
Note that there is currently a dependency upon netaddr. This can be installed on Debian-based systems by means of the python-netaddr package.
This module has been tested to work with HP Cloud and Rackspace. See the documentation for specific options for either of these providers. Some examples, using the old cloud configuration syntax, are provided below:
Set up in the cloud configuration at /etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/openstack.conf:
my-openstack-config: # The OpenStack identity service url identity_url: # The OpenStack compute region compute_region: region-b.geo-1 # The OpenStack compute service name compute_name: Compute # The OpenStack tenant name (not tenant ID) tenant: myuser-tenant1 # The OpenStack user name user: myuser # The OpenStack keypair name ssh_key_name: mykey # Skip SSL certificate validation insecure: false # The ssh key file ssh_key_file: /path/to/keyfile/test.pem # The OpenStack network UUIDs networks: - fixed: - 4402cd51-37ee-435e-a966-8245956dc0e6 - floating: - Ext-Net files: /path/to/dest.txt: /local/path/to/src.txt # Skips the service catalog API endpoint, and uses the following base_url: provider: openstack userdata_file: /tmp/userdata.txt # config_drive is required for userdata at rackspace config_drive: True
For in-house Openstack Essex installation, libcloud needs the service_type :
my-openstack-config: identity_url: '' compute_name : Compute Service service_type : compute
Either a password or an API key must also be specified:
my-openstack-password-or-api-config: # The OpenStack password password: letmein # The OpenStack API key apikey: 901d3f579h23c8v73q9
Optionally, if you don't want to save plain-text password in your configuration file, you can use keyring:
my-openstack-keyring-config: # The OpenStack password is stored in keyring # don't forget to set the password by running something like: # salt-cloud --set-password=myuser my-openstack-keyring-config password: USE_KEYRING
For local installations that only use private IP address ranges, the following option may be useful. Using the old syntax:
my-openstack-config: # Ignore IP addresses on this network for bootstrap ignore_cidr:
It is possible to upload a small set of files (no more than 5, and nothing too large) to the remote server. Generally this should not be needed, as salt itself can upload to the server after it is spun up, with nowhere near the same restrictions.
my-openstack-config: files: /path/to/dest.txt: /local/path/to/src.txt
Alternatively, one could use the private IP to connect by specifying:
my-openstack-config: ssh_interface: private_ips
-, call=None)
- Return a dict of all available VM images on the cloud provider with relevant data
-, call=None)
- Return a dict of all available VM locations on the cloud provider with relevant data
-, call=None)
- Return a dict of all available VM images on the cloud provider with relevant data
- Create a single VM from a data dict
-, conn=None, call=None)
- Delete a single VM
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return a conn object for the passed VM data
-, vm_)
- Return the image object to use
-, name)
- Return a libcloud node for the named VM
- Return the salt_interface type to connect to. Either 'public_ips' (default) or 'private_ips'.
-, vm_)
- Return the VM's size object
-, ip)
- Return True if we are to ignore the specified IP. Compatible with IPv4.
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with all fields
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
- Determine if we should wait for the managed cloud automation before running. Either 'False' (default) or 'True'.
-, kwargs=None)
-, ips)
- Return the preferred Internet protocol. Either 'ipv4' (default) or 'ipv6'.
- Determine if we should wait for rackconnect automation before running. Either 'False' (default) or 'True'.
-, conn=None)
- Reboot a single VM
-, call=None)
Put together all of the information necessary to request an instance on Openstack
and then fire off the request the instance.
Returns data about the instance
- Return the script deployment object
-, call=None)
- Show the details from the provider concerning an instance
- Return the ssh_interface type to connect to. Either 'public_ips' (default) or 'private_ips'.
Parallels Cloud Module
The Parallels cloud module is used to control access to cloud providers using the Parallels VPS system.
- Set up the cloud configuration at /etc/salt/cloud.providers or
my-parallels-config: # Parallels account information user: myuser password: mypassword url: provider: parallels
- Return a list of the images that are on the provider
- Create a single VM from a data dict
- Build and submit the XML to create a node
-, call=None)
Destroy a node.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud --destroy mymachine
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return the image object to use
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
-, command=None, args=None, method='GET', data=None)
- Make a web call to a Parallels provider
- Return the script deployment object
-, call=None)
- Show the details from Parallels concerning an image
-, call=None)
- Show the details from Parallels concerning an instance
-, call=None)
Start a node.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a start mymachine
-, call=None)
Stop a node.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a stop mymachine
-, state, timeout=300)
- Wait until a specific state has been reached on a node
Proxmox Cloud Module
New in version 2014.7.0.
The Proxmox cloud module is used to control access to cloud providers using the Proxmox system (KVM / OpenVZ).
- Set up the cloud configuration at /etc/salt/cloud.providers or
my-proxmox-config: # Proxmox account information user: myuser@pam or myuser@pve password: mypassword url: hypervisor.domain.tld provider: proxmox verify_ssl: True
- maintainer
- Frank Klaassen <frank [at]>
- maturity
- new
- depends
- requests >= 2.2.1
- depends
- IPy >= 0.81
-, location='local')
Return a list of the images that are on the provider
CLI Example:
salt-cloud --list-images my-proxmox-config
Return a list of the hypervisors (nodes) which this Proxmox PVE machine manages
CLI Example:
salt-cloud --list-locations my-proxmox-config
Create a single VM from a data dict
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -p proxmox-ubuntu vmhostname
- Build and submit the requestdata to create a new node
-, call=None)
Destroy a node.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud --destroy mymachine
- Return the first configured instance.
-, resFilter=None)
Retrieve all hypervisors (nodes) available on this environment
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f get_resources_nodes my-proxmox-config
-, resFilter=None, includeConfig=True)
Retrieve all VMs available on this environment
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -f get_resources_vms my-proxmox-config
-, name=None)
- Get the status for a VM, either via the ID or the hostname
-, node=None, node_type='openvz')
- Get VM configuration
Return a list of the VMs that are managed by the provider
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -Q my-proxmox-config
Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -F my-proxmox-config
Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -S my-proxmox-config
-, option, post_data=None)
- Execute the HTTP request to the API
- Return the script deployment object
-, name=None, vmid=None)
- Convenience function for setting VM status
-, call=None)
- Show the details from Proxmox concerning an instance
-, vmid=None, call=None)
Shutdown a node via ACPI.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a shutdown mymachine
-, vmid=None, call=None)
Start a node.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a start mymachine
-, vmid=None, call=None)
Stop a node ("pulling the plug").
CLI Example:
salt-cloud -a stop mymachine
-, timeout=300)
- Wait until a the vm has been created successfully
-, state, timeout=300)
- Wait until a specific state has been reached on a node
Pyrax Cloud Module
PLEASE NOTE: This module is currently in early development, and considered to be experimental and unstable. It is not recommended for production use. Unless you are actively developing code in this module, you should use the OpenStack module instead.
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return a conn object for the passed VM data
-, kwargs)
-, kwargs)
-, kwargs)
-, kwargs)
Rackspace Cloud Module
The Rackspace cloud module. This module uses the preferred means to set up a libcloud based cloud module and should be used as the general template for setting up additional libcloud based modules.
- depends
libcloud >= 0.13.2
Please note that the rackspace driver is only intended for 1st gen instances, aka, "the old cloud" at Rackspace. It is required for 1st gen instances, but will not work with OpenStack-based instances. Unless you explicitly have a reason to use it, it is highly recommended that you use the openstack driver instead.
The rackspace cloud module interfaces with the Rackspace public cloud service and requires that two configuration parameters be set for use, user and apikey.
Set up the cloud configuration at /etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/rackspace.conf:
my-rackspace-config: provider: rackspace # The Rackspace login user user: fred # The Rackspace user's apikey apikey: 901d3f579h23c8v73q9
-, call=None)
- Return a dict of all available VM images on the cloud provider with relevant data
-, call=None)
- Return a dict of all available VM locations on the cloud provider with relevant data
-, call=None)
- Return a dict of all available VM images on the cloud provider with relevant data
- Create a single VM from a data dict
-, conn=None, call=None)
- Delete a single VM
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return a conn object for the passed VM data
-, vm_)
- Return the image object to use
- Return the salt_interface type to connect to. Either 'public_ips' (default) or 'private_ips'.
-, vm_)
- Return the VM's size object
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with all fields
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
-, ips)
- Return the preferred Internet protocol. Either 'ipv4' (default) or 'ipv6'.
- Return the script deployment object
-, call=None)
- Show the details from the provider concerning an instance
- Return the ssh_interface type to connect to. Either 'public_ips' (default) or 'private_ips'.
Saltify Module
The Saltify module is designed to install Salt on a remote machine, virtual or bare metal, using SSH. This module is useful for provisioning machines which are already installed, but not Salted.
Use of this module requires some configuration in cloud profile and provider files as described in the Gettting Started with Saltify documentation.
- Provision a single machine
- Return the first configured instance.
- Because this module is not specific to any cloud providers, there will be no nodes to list.
- Because this module is not specific to any cloud providers, there will be no nodes to list.
- Because this module is not specific to any cloud providers, there will be no nodes to list.
SoftLayer Cloud Module
The SoftLayer cloud module is used to control access to the SoftLayer VPS system.
Use of this module only requires the apikey parameter. Set up the cloud configuration at:
/etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/softlayer.conf:
my-softlayer-config: # SoftLayer account api key user: MYLOGIN apikey: JVkbSJDGHSDKUKSDJfhsdklfjgsjdkflhjlsdfffhgdgjkenrtuinv provider: softlayer
The SoftLayer Python Library needs to be installed in order to use the SoftLayer modules. See:
- depends
- softlayer
- Return a dict of all available VM images on the cloud provider.
- List all available locations
- Return a dict of all available VM sizes on the cloud provider with relevant data. This data is provided in three dicts.
- Create a single VM from a data dict
-, call=None)
Destroy a node.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud --destroy mymachine
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return a conn object for the passed VM data
- Return the location to use, in this order:
- •
- CLI parameter
- •
- VM parameter
- •
- Cloud profile setting
- Return a dict of all custom VM images on the cloud provider.
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
-'mask[id]', call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
- List all VLANs associated with the account
- Return the script deployment object
-, call=None)
- Show the details from SoftLayer concerning a guest
SoftLayer HW Cloud Module
The SoftLayer HW cloud module is used to control access to the SoftLayer hardware cloud system
Use of this module only requires the apikey parameter. Set up the cloud configuration at:
/etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/softlayer.conf:
my-softlayer-config: # SoftLayer account api key user: MYLOGIN apikey: JVkbSJDGHSDKUKSDJfhsdklfjgsjdkflhjlsdfffhgdgjkenrtuinv provider: softlayer_hw
The SoftLayer Python Library needs to be installed in order to use the SoftLayer modules. See:
- depends
- softlayer
- Return a dict of all available VM images on the cloud provider.
- List all available locations
- Return a dict of all available VM sizes on the cloud provider with relevant data. This data is provided in three dicts.
- Create a single VM from a data dict
-, call=None)
Destroy a node.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud --destroy mymachine
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return a conn object for the passed VM data
- Return the location to use, in this order:
- •
- CLI parameter
- •
- VM parameter
- •
- Cloud profile setting
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
-'mask[id, hostname, primaryIpAddress, primaryBackendIpAddress, processorPhysicalCoreAmount, memoryCount]', call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
- List all VLANs associated with the account
- Return the script deployment object
-, call=None)
- Show the details from SoftLayer concerning a guest
vSphere Cloud Module
NOTE: Deprecated since version Carbon: The vsphere cloud driver has been deprecated in favor of the vmware cloud driver and will be removed in Salt Carbon. Please refer to Getting started with VMware to get started and convert your vsphere provider configurations to use the vmware driver.
The vSphere cloud module is used to control access to VMWare vSphere.
- depends
- •
PySphere Python module >= 0.1.8
Note: Ensure python pysphere module is installed by running following one-liner check. The output should be 0.
python -c "import pysphere" ; echo $? # if this fails install using pip install
Use of this module only requires a URL, username and password. Set up the cloud configuration at:
/etc/salt/cloud.providers or /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/vsphere.conf:
my-vsphere-config: provider: vsphere user: myuser password: verybadpass template_user: root template_password: mybadVMpassword url: ''
Note: Your URL may or may not look like any of the following, depending on how your VMWare installation is configured:
- folder
- Name of the folder that will contain the new VM. If not set, the VM will be added to the folder the original VM belongs to.
- resourcepool
- MOR of the resourcepool to be used for the new vm. If not set, it uses the same resourcepool than the original vm.
- datastore
- MOR of the datastore where the virtual machine should be located. If not specified, the current datastore is used.
- host
- MOR of the host where the virtual machine should be registered.
- Id not specified:
- •
- if resourcepool is not specified, current host is used.
- •
- if resourcepool is specified, and the target pool represents a stand-alone host, the host is used.
- •
- if resourcepool is specified, and the target pool represents a DRS-enabled cluster, a host selected by DRS is used.
- •
- if resourcepool is specified and the target pool represents a cluster without DRS enabled, an InvalidArgument exception will be thrown.
- template
- Specifies whether or not the new virtual machine should be marked as a template. Default is False.
- template_user
- Specifies the user to access the VM. Should be
- template_password
- The password with which to access the VM.
- sudo
The user to access the VM with sudo privileges.
New in version 2015.5.2.
- sudo_password
The password corresponding to the sudo user to access the VM with sudo privileges.
New in version 2015.5.2.
- Return a dict of all available VM images on the cloud provider.
- Return a dict of all available VM locations on the cloud provider with relevant data
- Create a single VM from a data dict
-, call=None)
Destroy a node.
CLI Example:
salt-cloud --destroy mymachine
- Return the first configured instance.
- Return a conn object for the passed VM data
-, call=None)
- List the clusters for this VMware environment
-, call=None)
- List the data centers for this VMware environment
-, call=None)
- List the datastores for this VMware environment
-, call=None)
- List the folders for this VMWare environment
-, call=None)
- List the hosts for this VMware environment
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with basic fields
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider with full details
-, call=None)
- Return a list of the nodes in the provider, with no details
- Return a list of the VMs that are on the provider, with select fields
-, call=None)
- List the hosts for this VMware environment
- Return the script deployment object
-, call=None)
- Show the details from vSphere concerning a guest
Configuration file examples
- •
- Example master configuration file
- •
- Example minion configuration file
Example master configuration file
##### Primary configuration settings ##### ########################################## # This configuration file is used to manage the behavior of the Salt Master. # Values that are commented out but have an empty line after the comment are # defaults that do not need to be set in the config. If there is no blank line # after the comment then the value is presented as an example and is not the # default. # Per default, the master will automatically include all config files # from master.d/*.conf (master.d is a directory in the same directory # as the main master config file). #default_include: master.d/*.conf # The address of the interface to bind to: #interface: # Whether the master should listen for IPv6 connections. If this is set to True, # the interface option must be adjusted, too. (For example: "interface: '::'") #ipv6: False # The tcp port used by the publisher: #publish_port: 4505 # The user under which the salt master will run. Salt will update all # permissions to allow the specified user to run the master. The exception is # the job cache, which must be deleted if this user is changed. If the # modified files cause conflicts, set verify_env to False. #user: root # Max open files # # Each minion connecting to the master uses AT LEAST one file descriptor, the # master subscription connection. If enough minions connect you might start # seeing on the console (and then salt-master crashes): # Too many open files (tcp_listener.cpp:335) # Aborted (core dumped) # # By default this value will be the one of `ulimit -Hn`, ie, the hard limit for # max open files. # # If you wish to set a different value than the default one, uncomment and # configure this setting. Remember that this value CANNOT be higher than the # hard limit. Raising the hard limit depends on your OS and/or distribution, # a good way to find the limit is to search the internet. For example: # raise max open files hard limit debian # #max_open_files: 100000 # The number of worker threads to start. These threads are used to manage # return calls made from minions to the master. If the master seems to be # running slowly, increase the number of threads. This setting can not be # set lower than 3. #worker_threads: 5 # The port used by the communication interface. The ret (return) port is the # interface used for the file server, authentication, job returns, etc. #ret_port: 4506 # Specify the location of the daemon process ID file: #pidfile: /var/run/ # The root directory prepended to these options: pki_dir, cachedir, # sock_dir, log_file, autosign_file, autoreject_file, extension_modules, # key_logfile, pidfile: #root_dir: / # Directory used to store public key data: #pki_dir: /etc/salt/pki/master # Directory to store job and cache data: #cachedir: /var/cache/salt/master # Directory for custom modules. This directory can contain subdirectories for # each of Salt's module types such as "runners", "output", "wheel", "modules", # "states", "returners", etc. #extension_modules: <no default> # Directory for custom modules. This directory can contain subdirectories for # each of Salt's module types such as "runners", "output", "wheel", "modules", # "states", "returners", etc. # Like 'extension_modules' but can take an array of paths #module_dirs: <no default> # - /var/cache/salt/minion/extmods # Verify and set permissions on configuration directories at startup: #verify_env: True # Set the number of hours to keep old job information in the job cache: #keep_jobs: 24 # Set the default timeout for the salt command and api. The default is 5 # seconds. #timeout: 5 # The loop_interval option controls the seconds for the master's maintenance # process check cycle. This process updates file server backends, cleans the # job cache and executes the scheduler. #loop_interval: 60 # Set the default outputter used by the salt command. The default is "nested". #output: nested # Return minions that timeout when running commands like #show_timeout: True # By default, output is colored. To disable colored output, set the color value # to False. #color: True # Do not strip off the colored output from nested results and state outputs # (true by default). # strip_colors: False # Set the directory used to hold unix sockets: #sock_dir: /var/run/salt/master # The master can take a while to start up when lspci and/or dmidecode is used # to populate the grains for the master. Enable if you want to see GPU hardware # data for your master. # enable_gpu_grains: False # The master maintains a job cache. While this is a great addition, it can be # a burden on the master for larger deployments (over 5000 minions). # Disabling the job cache will make previously executed jobs unavailable to # the jobs system and is not generally recommended. #job_cache: True # Cache minion grains and pillar data in the cachedir. #minion_data_cache: True # Store all returns in the given returner. # Setting this option requires that any returner-specific configuration also # be set. See various returners in salt/returners for details on required # configuration values. (See also, event_return_queue below.) # #event_return: mysql # On busy systems, enabling event_returns can cause a considerable load on # the storage system for returners. Events can be queued on the master and # stored in a batched fashion using a single transaction for multiple events. # By default, events are not queued. #event_return_queue: 0 # Only events returns matching tags in a whitelist # event_return_whitelist: # - salt/master/a_tag # - salt/master/another_tag # Store all event returns _except_ the tags in a blacklist # event_return_blacklist: # - salt/master/not_this_tag # - salt/master/or_this_one # Passing very large events can cause the minion to consume large amounts of # memory. This value tunes the maximum size of a message allowed onto the # master event bus. The value is expressed in bytes. #max_event_size: 1048576 # By default, the master AES key rotates every 24 hours. The next command # following a key rotation will trigger a key refresh from the minion which may # result in minions which do not respond to the first command after a key refresh. # # To tell the master to ping all minions immediately after an AES key refresh, set # ping_on_rotate to True. This should mitigate the issue where a minion does not # appear to initially respond after a key is rotated. # # Note that ping_on_rotate may cause high load on the master immediately after # the key rotation event as minions reconnect. Consider this carefully if this # salt master is managing a large number of minions. # # If disabled, it is recommended to handle this event by listening for the # 'aes_key_rotate' event with the 'key' tag and acting appropriately. # ping_on_rotate: False # By default, the master deletes its cache of minion data when the key for that # minion is removed. To preserve the cache after key deletion, set # 'preserve_minion_cache' to True. # # WARNING: This may have security implications if compromised minions auth with # a previous deleted minion ID. #preserve_minion_cache: False # If max_minions is used in large installations, the master might experience # high-load situations because of having to check the number of connected # minions for every authentication. This cache provides the minion-ids of # all connected minions to all MWorker-processes and greatly improves the # performance of max_minions. # con_cache: False # The master can include configuration from other files. To enable this, # pass a list of paths to this option. The paths can be either relative or # absolute; if relative, they are considered to be relative to the directory # the main master configuration file lives in (this file). Paths can make use # of shell-style globbing. If no files are matched by a path passed to this # option, then the master will log a warning message. # # Include a config file from some other path: # include: /etc/salt/extra_config # # Include config from several files and directories: # include: # - /etc/salt/extra_config ##### Security settings ##### ########################################## # Enable "open mode", this mode still maintains encryption, but turns off # authentication, this is only intended for highly secure environments or for # the situation where your keys end up in a bad state. If you run in open mode # you do so at your own risk! #open_mode: False # Enable auto_accept, this setting will automatically accept all incoming # public keys from the minions. Note that this is insecure. #auto_accept: False # Time in minutes that a incoming public key with a matching name found in # pki_dir/minion_autosign/keyid is automatically accepted. Expired autosign keys # are removed when the master checks the minion_autosign directory. # 0 equals no timeout # autosign_timeout: 120 # If the autosign_file is specified, incoming keys specified in the # autosign_file will be automatically accepted. This is insecure. Regular # expressions as well as globing lines are supported. #autosign_file: /etc/salt/autosign.conf # Works like autosign_file, but instead allows you to specify minion IDs for # which keys will automatically be rejected. Will override both membership in # the autosign_file and the auto_accept setting. #autoreject_file: /etc/salt/autoreject.conf # Enable permissive access to the salt keys. This allows you to run the # master or minion as root, but have a non-root group be given access to # your pki_dir. To make the access explicit, root must belong to the group # you've given access to. This is potentially quite insecure. If an autosign_file # is specified, enabling permissive_pki_access will allow group access to that # specific file. #permissive_pki_access: False # Allow users on the master access to execute specific commands on minions. # This setting should be treated with care since it opens up execution # capabilities to non root users. By default this capability is completely # disabled. #client_acl: # larry: # - # - network.* # # Blacklist any of the following users or modules # # This example would blacklist all non sudo users, including root from # running any commands. It would also blacklist any use of the "cmd" # module. This is completely disabled by default. # #client_acl_blacklist: # users: # - root # - '^(?!sudo_).*$' # all non sudo users # modules: # - cmd # Enforce client_acl & client_acl_blacklist when users have sudo # access to the salt command. # #sudo_acl: False # The external auth system uses the Salt auth modules to authenticate and # validate users to access areas of the Salt system. #external_auth: # pam: # fred: # - test.* # # Time (in seconds) for a newly generated token to live. Default: 12 hours #token_expire: 43200 # Allow minions to push files to the master. This is disabled by default, for # security purposes. #file_recv: False # Set a hard-limit on the size of the files that can be pushed to the master. # It will be interpreted as megabytes. Default: 100 #file_recv_max_size: 100 # Signature verification on messages published from the master. # This causes the master to cryptographically sign all messages published to its event # bus, and minions then verify that signature before acting on the message. # # This is False by default. # # Note that to facilitate interoperability with masters and minions that are different # versions, if sign_pub_messages is True but a message is received by a minion with # no signature, it will still be accepted, and a warning message will be logged. # Conversely, if sign_pub_messages is False, but a minion receives a signed # message it will be accepted, the signature will not be checked, and a warning message # will be logged. This behavior went away in Salt 2014.1.0 and these two situations # will cause minion to throw an exception and drop the message. # sign_pub_messages: False ##### Salt-SSH Configuration ##### ########################################## # Pass in an alternative location for the salt-ssh roster file #roster_file: /etc/salt/roster # Pass in minion option overrides that will be inserted into the SHIM for # salt-ssh calls. The local minion config is not used for salt-ssh. Can be # overridden on a per-minion basis in the roster (`minion_opts`) #ssh_minion_opts: # gpg_keydir: /root/gpg ##### Master Module Management ##### ########################################## # Manage how master side modules are loaded. # Add any additional locations to look for master runners: #runner_dirs: [] # Enable Cython for master side modules: #cython_enable: False ##### State System settings ##### ########################################## # The state system uses a "top" file to tell the minions what environment to # use and what modules to use. The state_top file is defined relative to the # root of the base environment as defined in "File Server settings" below. #state_top: top.sls # The master_tops option replaces the external_nodes option by creating # a plugable system for the generation of external top data. The external_nodes # option is deprecated by the master_tops option. # # To gain the capabilities of the classic external_nodes system, use the # following configuration: # master_tops: # ext_nodes: <Shell command which returns yaml> # #master_tops: {} # The external_nodes option allows Salt to gather data that would normally be # placed in a top file. The external_nodes option is the executable that will # return the ENC data. Remember that Salt will look for external nodes AND top # files and combine the results if both are enabled! #external_nodes: None # The renderer to use on the minions to render the state data #renderer: yaml_jinja # The Jinja renderer can strip extra carriage returns and whitespace # See # # If this is set to True the first newline after a Jinja block is removed # (block, not variable tag!). Defaults to False, corresponds to the Jinja # environment init variable "trim_blocks". #jinja_trim_blocks: False # # If this is set to True leading spaces and tabs are stripped from the start # of a line to a block. Defaults to False, corresponds to the Jinja # environment init variable "lstrip_blocks". #jinja_lstrip_blocks: False # The failhard option tells the minions to stop immediately after the first # failure detected in the state execution, defaults to False #failhard: False # The state_verbose and state_output settings can be used to change the way # state system data is printed to the display. By default all data is printed. # The state_verbose setting can be set to True or False, when set to False # all data that has a result of True and no changes will be suppressed. #state_verbose: True # The state_output setting changes if the output is the full multi line # output for each changed state if set to 'full', but if set to 'terse' # the output will be shortened to a single line. If set to 'mixed', the output # will be terse unless a state failed, in which case that output will be full. # If set to 'changes', the output will be full unless the state didn't change. #state_output: full # Automatically aggregate all states that have support for mod_aggregate by # setting to 'True'. Or pass a list of state module names to automatically # aggregate just those types. # # state_aggregate: # - pkg # #state_aggregate: False # Send progress events as each function in a state run completes execution # by setting to 'True'. Progress events are in the format # 'salt/job/<JID>/prog/<MID>/<RUN NUM>'. #state_events: False ##### File Server settings ##### ########################################## # Salt runs a lightweight file server written in zeromq to deliver files to # minions. This file server is built into the master daemon and does not # require a dedicated port. # The file server works on environments passed to the master, each environment # can have multiple root directories, the subdirectories in the multiple file # roots cannot match, otherwise the downloaded files will not be able to be # reliably ensured. A base environment is required to house the top file. # Example: # file_roots: # base: # - /srv/salt/ # dev: # - /srv/salt/dev/services # - /srv/salt/dev/states # prod: # - /srv/salt/prod/services # - /srv/salt/prod/states # #file_roots: # base: # - /srv/salt # The hash_type is the hash to use when discovering the hash of a file on # the master server. The default is md5, but sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384 # and sha512 are also supported. # # Prior to changing this value, the master should be stopped and all Salt # caches should be cleared. #hash_type: md5 # The buffer size in the file server can be adjusted here: #file_buffer_size: 1048576 # A regular expression (or a list of expressions) that will be matched # against the file path before syncing the modules and states to the minions. # This includes files affected by the file.recurse state. # For example, if you manage your custom modules and states in subversion # and don't want all the '.svn' folders and content synced to your minions, # you could set this to '/\.svn($|/)'. By default nothing is ignored. #file_ignore_regex: # - '/\.svn($|/)' # - '/\.git($|/)' # A file glob (or list of file globs) that will be matched against the file # path before syncing the modules and states to the minions. This is similar # to file_ignore_regex above, but works on globs instead of regex. By default # nothing is ignored. # file_ignore_glob: # - '*.pyc' # - '*/somefolder/*.bak' # - '*.swp' # File Server Backend # # Salt supports a modular fileserver backend system, this system allows # the salt master to link directly to third party systems to gather and # manage the files available to minions. Multiple backends can be # configured and will be searched for the requested file in the order in which # they are defined here. The default setting only enables the standard backend # "roots" which uses the "file_roots" option. #fileserver_backend: # - roots # # To use multiple backends list them in the order they are searched: #fileserver_backend: # - git # - roots # # Uncomment the line below if you do not want the file_server to follow # symlinks when walking the filesystem tree. This is set to True # by default. Currently this only applies to the default roots # fileserver_backend. #fileserver_followsymlinks: False # # Uncomment the line below if you do not want symlinks to be # treated as the files they are pointing to. By default this is set to # False. By uncommenting the line below, any detected symlink while listing # files on the Master will not be returned to the Minion. #fileserver_ignoresymlinks: True # # By default, the Salt fileserver recurses fully into all defined environments # to attempt to find files. To limit this behavior so that the fileserver only # traverses directories with SLS files and special Salt directories like _modules, # enable the option below. This might be useful for installations where a file root # has a very large number of files and performance is impacted. Default is False. # fileserver_limit_traversal: False # # The fileserver can fire events off every time the fileserver is updated, # these are disabled by default, but can be easily turned on by setting this # flag to True #fileserver_events: False # Git File Server Backend Configuration # # Gitfs can be provided by one of two python modules: GitPython or pygit2. If # using pygit2, both libgit2 and git must also be installed. #gitfs_provider: gitpython # # When using the git fileserver backend at least one git remote needs to be # defined. The user running the salt master will need read access to the repo. # # The repos will be searched in order to find the file requested by a client # and the first repo to have the file will return it. # When using the git backend branches and tags are translated into salt # environments. # Note: file:// repos will be treated as a remote, so refs you want used must # exist in that repo as *local* refs. #gitfs_remotes: # - git:// # - file:///var/git/saltmaster # # The gitfs_ssl_verify option specifies whether to ignore ssl certificate # errors when contacting the gitfs backend. You might want to set this to # false if you're using a git backend that uses a self-signed certificate but # keep in mind that setting this flag to anything other than the default of True # is a security concern, you may want to try using the ssh transport. #gitfs_ssl_verify: True # # The gitfs_root option gives the ability to serve files from a subdirectory # within the repository. The path is defined relative to the root of the # repository and defaults to the repository root. #gitfs_root: somefolder/otherfolder # # ##### Pillar settings ##### ########################################## # Salt Pillars allow for the building of global data that can be made selectively # available to different minions based on minion grain filtering. The Salt # Pillar is laid out in the same fashion as the file server, with environments, # a top file and sls files. However, pillar data does not need to be in the # highstate format, and is generally just key/value pairs. #pillar_roots: # base: # - /srv/pillar # #ext_pillar: # - hiera: /etc/hiera.yaml # - cmd_yaml: cat /etc/salt/yaml # The ext_pillar_first option allows for external pillar sources to populate # before file system pillar. This allows for targeting file system pillar from # ext_pillar. #ext_pillar_first: False # The pillar_gitfs_ssl_verify option specifies whether to ignore ssl certificate # errors when contacting the pillar gitfs backend. You might want to set this to # false if you're using a git backend that uses a self-signed certificate but # keep in mind that setting this flag to anything other than the default of True # is a security concern, you may want to try using the ssh transport. #pillar_gitfs_ssl_verify: True # The pillar_opts option adds the master configuration file data to a dict in # the pillar called "master". This is used to set simple configurations in the # master config file that can then be used on minions. #pillar_opts: False # The pillar_safe_render_error option prevents the master from passing pillar # render errors to the minion. This is set on by default because the error could # contain templating data which would give that minion information it shouldn't # have, like a password! When set true the error message will only show: # Rendering SLS 'my.sls' failed. Please see master log for details. #pillar_safe_render_error: True # The pillar_source_merging_strategy option allows you to configure merging strategy # between different sources. It accepts four values: recurse, aggregate, overwrite, # or smart. Recurse will merge recursively mapping of data. Aggregate instructs # aggregation of elements between sources that use the #!yamlex renderer. Overwrite # will verwrite elements according the order in which they are processed. This is # behavior of the 2014.1 branch and earlier. Smart guesses the best strategy based # on the "renderer" setting and is the default value. #pillar_source_merging_strategy: smart ##### Syndic settings ##### ########################################## # The Salt syndic is used to pass commands through a master from a higher # master. Using the syndic is simple, if this is a master that will have # syndic servers(s) below it set the "order_masters" setting to True, if this # is a master that will be running a syndic daemon for passthrough the # "syndic_master" setting needs to be set to the location of the master server # to receive commands from. # Set the order_masters setting to True if this master will command lower # masters' syndic interfaces. #order_masters: False # If this master will be running a salt syndic daemon, syndic_master tells # this master where to receive commands from. #syndic_master: masterofmaster # This is the 'ret_port' of the MasterOfMaster: #syndic_master_port: 4506 # PID file of the syndic daemon: #syndic_pidfile: /var/run/ # LOG file of the syndic daemon: #syndic_log_file: syndic.log ##### Peer Publish settings ##### ########################################## # Salt minions can send commands to other minions, but only if the minion is # allowed to. By default "Peer Publication" is disabled, and when enabled it # is enabled for specific minions and specific commands. This allows secure # compartmentalization of commands based on individual minions. # The configuration uses regular expressions to match minions and then a list # of regular expressions to match functions. The following will allow the # minion authenticated as to execute functions from the test # and pkg modules. #peer: # # - test.* # - pkg.* # # This will allow all minions to execute all commands: #peer: # .*: # - .* # # This is not recommended, since it would allow anyone who gets root on any # single minion to instantly have root on all of the minions! # Minions can also be allowed to execute runners from the salt master. # Since executing a runner from the minion could be considered a security risk, # it needs to be enabled. This setting functions just like the peer setting # except that it opens up runners instead of module functions. # # All peer runner support is turned off by default and must be enabled before # using. This will enable all peer runners for all minions: #peer_run: # .*: # - .* # # To enable just the manage.up runner for the minion #peer_run: # # - manage.up # # ##### Mine settings ##### ########################################## # Restrict mine.get access from minions. By default any minion has a full access # to get all mine data from master cache. In acl definion below, only pcre matches # are allowed. # mine_get: # .*: # - .* # # The example below enables minion to get 'network.interfaces' mine # data only, minions web* to get all network.* and disk.* mine data and all other # minions won't get any mine data. # mine_get: # # - network.interfaces # web.*: # - network.* # - disk.* ##### Logging settings ##### ########################################## # The location of the master log file # The master log can be sent to a regular file, local path name, or network # location. Remote logging works best when configured to use rsyslogd(8) (e.g.: # ``file:///dev/log``), with rsyslogd(8) configured for network logging. The URI # format is: <file|udp|tcp>://<host|socketpath>:<port-if-required>/<log-facility> #log_file: /var/log/salt/master #log_file: file:///dev/log #log_file: udp://loghost:10514 #log_file: /var/log/salt/master #key_logfile: /var/log/salt/key # The level of messages to send to the console. # One of 'garbage', 'trace', 'debug', info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'. # # The following log levels are considered INSECURE and may log sensitive data: # ['garbage', 'trace', 'debug'] # #log_level: warning # The level of messages to send to the log file. # One of 'garbage', 'trace', 'debug', info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'. # If using 'log_granular_levels' this must be set to the highest desired level. #log_level_logfile: warning # The date and time format used in log messages. Allowed date/time formating # can be seen here: #log_datefmt: '%H:%M:%S' #log_datefmt_logfile: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' # The format of the console logging messages. Allowed formatting options can # be seen here: #log_fmt_console: '[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s' #log_fmt_logfile: '%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03.0f [%(name)-17s][%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s' # This can be used to control logging levels more specificically. This # example sets the main salt library at the 'warning' level, but sets # 'salt.modules' to log at the 'debug' level: # log_granular_levels: # 'salt': 'warning' # 'salt.modules': 'debug' # #log_granular_levels: {} ##### Node Groups ##### ########################################## # Node groups allow for logical groupings of minion nodes. A group consists of a group # name and a compound target. #nodegroups: # group1: ',, and bl*' # group2: 'G@os:Debian and' ##### Range Cluster settings ##### ########################################## # The range server (and optional port) that serves your cluster information # # #range_server: range:80 ##### Windows Software Repo settings ##### ############################################## # Location of the repo on the master: #win_repo: '/srv/salt/win/repo' # # Location of the master's repo cache file: #win_repo_mastercachefile: '/srv/salt/win/repo/winrepo.p' # # List of git repositories to include with the local repo: #win_gitrepos: # - '' ##### Returner settings ###### ############################################ # Which returner(s) will be used for minion's result: #return: mysql
Example minion configuration file
##### Primary configuration settings ##### ########################################## # This configuration file is used to manage the behavior of the Salt Minion. # With the exception of the location of the Salt Master Server, values that are # commented out but have an empty line after the comment are defaults that need # not be set in the config. If there is no blank line after the comment, the # value is presented as an example and is not the default. # Per default the minion will automatically include all config files # from minion.d/*.conf (minion.d is a directory in the same directory # as the main minion config file). #default_include: minion.d/*.conf # Set the location of the salt master server. If the master server cannot be # resolved, then the minion will fail to start. #master: salt # If multiple masters are specified in the 'master' setting, the default behavior # is to always try to connect to them in the order they are listed. If random_master is # set to True, the order will be randomized instead. This can be helpful in distributing # the load of many minions executing salt-call requests, for example, from a cron job. # If only one master is listed, this setting is ignored and a warning will be logged. # NOTE: If master_type is set to failover, use master_shuffle instead. #random_master: False # Use if master_type is set to failover. #master_shuffle: False # Minions can connect to multiple masters simultaneously (all masters # are "hot"), or can be configured to failover if a master becomes # unavailable. Multiple hot masters are configured by setting this # value to "str". Failover masters can be requested by setting # to "failover". MAKE SURE TO SET master_alive_interval if you are # using failover. # master_type: str # Poll interval in seconds for checking if the master is still there. Only # respected if master_type above is "failover". To disable the interval entirely, # set the value to -1. (This may be necessary on machines which have high numbers # of TCP connections, such as load balancers.) # master_alive_interval: 30 # Set whether the minion should connect to the master via IPv6: #ipv6: False # Set the number of seconds to wait before attempting to resolve # the master hostname if name resolution fails. Defaults to 30 seconds. # Set to zero if the minion should shutdown and not retry. # retry_dns: 30 # Set the port used by the master reply and authentication server. #master_port: 4506 # The user to run salt. #user: root # Setting sudo_user will cause salt to run all execution modules under an sudo # to the user given in sudo_user. The user under which the salt minion process # itself runs will still be that provided in the user config above, but all # execution modules run by the minion will be rerouted through sudo. #sudo_user: saltdev # Specify the location of the daemon process ID file. #pidfile: /var/run/ # The root directory prepended to these options: pki_dir, cachedir, log_file, # sock_dir, pidfile. #root_dir: / # The directory to store the pki information in #pki_dir: /etc/salt/pki/minion # Explicitly declare the id for this minion to use, if left commented the id # will be the hostname as returned by the python call: socket.getfqdn() # Since salt uses detached ids it is possible to run multiple minions on the # same machine but with different ids, this can be useful for salt compute # clusters. #id: # Append a domain to a hostname in the event that it does not exist. This is # useful for systems where socket.getfqdn() does not actually result in a # FQDN (for instance, Solaris). #append_domain: # Custom static grains for this minion can be specified here and used in SLS # files just like all other grains. This example sets 4 custom grains, with # the 'roles' grain having two values that can be matched against. #grains: # roles: # - webserver # - memcache # deployment: datacenter4 # cabinet: 13 # cab_u: 14-15 # # Where cache data goes. #cachedir: /var/cache/salt/minion # Verify and set permissions on configuration directories at startup. #verify_env: True # The minion can locally cache the return data from jobs sent to it, this # can be a good way to keep track of jobs the minion has executed # (on the minion side). By default this feature is disabled, to enable, set # cache_jobs to True. #cache_jobs: False # Set the directory used to hold unix sockets. #sock_dir: /var/run/salt/minion # Set the default outputter used by the salt-call command. The default is # "nested". #output: nested # # By default output is colored. To disable colored output, set the color value # to False. #color: True # Do not strip off the colored output from nested results and state outputs # (true by default). # strip_colors: False # Backup files that are replaced by file.managed and file.recurse under # 'cachedir'/file_backups relative to their original location and appended # with a timestamp. The only valid setting is "minion". Disabled by default. # # Alternatively this can be specified for each file in state files: # /etc/ssh/sshd_config: # file.managed: # - source: salt://ssh/sshd_config # - backup: minion # #backup_mode: minion # When waiting for a master to accept the minion's public key, salt will # continuously attempt to reconnect until successful. This is the time, in # seconds, between those reconnection attempts. #acceptance_wait_time: 10 # If this is nonzero, the time between reconnection attempts will increase by # acceptance_wait_time seconds per iteration, up to this maximum. If this is # set to zero, the time between reconnection attempts will stay constant. #acceptance_wait_time_max: 0 # If the master rejects the minion's public key, retry instead of exiting. # Rejected keys will be handled the same as waiting on acceptance. #rejected_retry: False # When the master key changes, the minion will try to re-auth itself to receive # the new master key. In larger environments this can cause a SYN flood on the # master because all minions try to re-auth immediately. To prevent this and # have a minion wait for a random amount of time, use this optional parameter. # The wait-time will be a random number of seconds between 0 and the defined value. #random_reauth_delay: 60 # When waiting for a master to accept the minion's public key, salt will # continuously attempt to reconnect until successful. This is the timeout value, # in seconds, for each individual attempt. After this timeout expires, the minion # will wait for acceptance_wait_time seconds before trying again. Unless your master # is under unusually heavy load, this should be left at the default. #auth_timeout: 60 # Number of consecutive SaltReqTimeoutError that are acceptable when trying to # authenticate. #auth_tries: 7 # If authentication fails due to SaltReqTimeoutError during a ping_interval, # cause sub minion process to restart. #auth_safemode: False # Ping Master to ensure connection is alive (minutes). #ping_interval: 0 # To auto recover minions if master changes IP address (DDNS) # auth_tries: 10 # auth_safemode: False # ping_interval: 90 # # Minions won't know master is missing until a ping fails. After the ping fail, # the minion will attempt authentication and likely fails out and cause a restart. # When the minion restarts it will resolve the masters IP and attempt to reconnect. # If you don't have any problems with syn-floods, don't bother with the # three recon_* settings described below, just leave the defaults! # # The ZeroMQ pull-socket that binds to the masters publishing interface tries # to reconnect immediately, if the socket is disconnected (for example if # the master processes are restarted). In large setups this will have all # minions reconnect immediately which might flood the master (the ZeroMQ-default # is usually a 100ms delay). To prevent this, these three recon_* settings # can be used. # recon_default: the interval in milliseconds that the socket should wait before # trying to reconnect to the master (1000ms = 1 second) # # recon_max: the maximum time a socket should wait. each interval the time to wait # is calculated by doubling the previous time. if recon_max is reached, # it starts again at recon_default. Short example: # # reconnect 1: the socket will wait 'recon_default' milliseconds # reconnect 2: 'recon_default' * 2 # reconnect 3: ('recon_default' * 2) * 2 # reconnect 4: value from previous interval * 2 # reconnect 5: value from previous interval * 2 # reconnect x: if value >= recon_max, it starts again with recon_default # # recon_randomize: generate a random wait time on minion start. The wait time will # be a random value between recon_default and recon_default + # recon_max. Having all minions reconnect with the same recon_default # and recon_max value kind of defeats the purpose of being able to # change these settings. If all minions have the same values and your # setup is quite large (several thousand minions), they will still # flood the master. The desired behavior is to have timeframe within # all minions try to reconnect. # # Example on how to use these settings. The goal: have all minions reconnect within a # 60 second timeframe on a disconnect. # recon_default: 1000 # recon_max: 59000 # recon_randomize: True # # Each minion will have a randomized reconnect value between 'recon_default' # and 'recon_default + recon_max', which in this example means between 1000ms # 60000ms (or between 1 and 60 seconds). The generated random-value will be # doubled after each attempt to reconnect. Lets say the generated random # value is 11 seconds (or 11000ms). # reconnect 1: wait 11 seconds # reconnect 2: wait 22 seconds # reconnect 3: wait 33 seconds # reconnect 4: wait 44 seconds # reconnect 5: wait 55 seconds # reconnect 6: wait time is bigger than 60 seconds (recon_default + recon_max) # reconnect 7: wait 11 seconds # reconnect 8: wait 22 seconds # reconnect 9: wait 33 seconds # reconnect x: etc. # # In a setup with ~6000 thousand hosts these settings would average the reconnects # to about 100 per second and all hosts would be reconnected within 60 seconds. # recon_default: 100 # recon_max: 5000 # recon_randomize: False # # # The loop_interval sets how long in seconds the minion will wait between # evaluating the scheduler and running cleanup tasks. This defaults to a # sane 60 seconds, but if the minion scheduler needs to be evaluated more # often lower this value #loop_interval: 60 # The grains_refresh_every setting allows for a minion to periodically check # its grains to see if they have changed and, if so, to inform the master # of the new grains. This operation is moderately expensive, therefore # care should be taken not to set this value too low. # # Note: This value is expressed in __minutes__! # # A value of 10 minutes is a reasonable default. # # If the value is set to zero, this check is disabled. #grains_refresh_every: 1 # Cache grains on the minion. Default is False. #grains_cache: False # Grains cache expiration, in seconds. If the cache file is older than this # number of seconds then the grains cache will be dumped and fully re-populated # with fresh data. Defaults to 5 minutes. Will have no effect if 'grains_cache' # is not enabled. # grains_cache_expiration: 300 # Windows platforms lack posix IPC and must rely on slower TCP based inter- # process communications. Set ipc_mode to 'tcp' on such systems #ipc_mode: ipc # Overwrite the default tcp ports used by the minion when in tcp mode #tcp_pub_port: 4510 #tcp_pull_port: 4511 # Passing very large events can cause the minion to consume large amounts of # memory. This value tunes the maximum size of a message allowed onto the # minion event bus. The value is expressed in bytes. #max_event_size: 1048576 # To detect failed master(s) and fire events on connect/disconnect, set # master_alive_interval to the number of seconds to poll the masters for # connection events. # #master_alive_interval: 30 # The minion can include configuration from other files. To enable this, # pass a list of paths to this option. The paths can be either relative or # absolute; if relative, they are considered to be relative to the directory # the main minion configuration file lives in (this file). Paths can make use # of shell-style globbing. If no files are matched by a path passed to this # option then the minion will log a warning message. # # Include a config file from some other path: # include: /etc/salt/extra_config # # Include config from several files and directories: #include: # - /etc/salt/extra_config # - /etc/roles/webserver # # # ##### Minion module management ##### ########################################## # Disable specific modules. This allows the admin to limit the level of # access the master has to the minion. #disable_modules: [cmd,test] #disable_returners: [] # # Modules can be loaded from arbitrary paths. This enables the easy deployment # of third party modules. Modules for returners and minions can be loaded. # Specify a list of extra directories to search for minion modules and # returners. These paths must be fully qualified! #module_dirs: [] #returner_dirs: [] #states_dirs: [] #render_dirs: [] #utils_dirs: [] # # A module provider can be statically overwritten or extended for the minion # via the providers option, in this case the default module will be # overwritten by the specified module. In this example the pkg module will # be provided by the yumpkg5 module instead of the system default. #providers: # pkg: yumpkg5 # # Enable Cython modules searching and loading. (Default: False) #cython_enable: False # # Specify a max size (in bytes) for modules on import. This feature is currently # only supported on *nix operating systems and requires psutil. # modules_max_memory: -1 ##### State Management Settings ##### ########################################### # The state management system executes all of the state templates on the minion # to enable more granular control of system state management. The type of # template and serialization used for state management needs to be configured # on the minion, the default renderer is yaml_jinja. This is a yaml file # rendered from a jinja template, the available options are: # yaml_jinja # yaml_mako # yaml_wempy # json_jinja # json_mako # json_wempy # #renderer: yaml_jinja # # The failhard option tells the minions to stop immediately after the first # failure detected in the state execution. Defaults to False. #failhard: False # # autoload_dynamic_modules turns on automatic loading of modules found in the # environments on the master. This is turned on by default. To turn of # autoloading modules when states run, set this value to False. #autoload_dynamic_modules: True # # clean_dynamic_modules keeps the dynamic modules on the minion in sync with # the dynamic modules on the master, this means that if a dynamic module is # not on the master it will be deleted from the minion. By default, this is # enabled and can be disabled by changing this value to False. #clean_dynamic_modules: True # # Normally, the minion is not isolated to any single environment on the master # when running states, but the environment can be isolated on the minion side # by statically setting it. Remember that the recommended way to manage # environments is to isolate via the top file. #environment: None # # If using the local file directory, then the state top file name needs to be # defined, by default this is top.sls. #state_top: top.sls # # Run states when the minion daemon starts. To enable, set startup_states to: # 'highstate' -- Execute state.highstate # 'sls' -- Read in the sls_list option and execute the named sls files # 'top' -- Read top_file option and execute based on that file on the Master #startup_states: '' # # List of states to run when the minion starts up if startup_states is 'sls': #sls_list: # - edit.vim # - hyper # # Top file to execute if startup_states is 'top': #top_file: '' # Automatically aggregate all states that have support for mod_aggregate by # setting to True. Or pass a list of state module names to automatically # aggregate just those types. # # state_aggregate: # - pkg # #state_aggregate: False ##### File Directory Settings ##### ########################################## # The Salt Minion can redirect all file server operations to a local directory, # this allows for the same state tree that is on the master to be used if # copied completely onto the minion. This is a literal copy of the settings on # the master but used to reference a local directory on the minion. # Set the file client. The client defaults to looking on the master server for # files, but can be directed to look at the local file directory setting # defined below by setting it to "local". Setting a local file_client runs the # minion in masterless mode. #file_client: remote # The file directory works on environments passed to the minion, each environment # can have multiple root directories, the subdirectories in the multiple file # roots cannot match, otherwise the downloaded files will not be able to be # reliably ensured. A base environment is required to house the top file. # Example: # file_roots: # base: # - /srv/salt/ # dev: # - /srv/salt/dev/services # - /srv/salt/dev/states # prod: # - /srv/salt/prod/services # - /srv/salt/prod/states # #file_roots: # base: # - /srv/salt # By default, the Salt fileserver recurses fully into all defined environments # to attempt to find files. To limit this behavior so that the fileserver only # traverses directories with SLS files and special Salt directories like _modules, # enable the option below. This might be useful for installations where a file root # has a very large number of files and performance is negatively impacted. Default # is False. #fileserver_limit_traversal: False # The hash_type is the hash to use when discovering the hash of a file in # the local fileserver. The default is md5, but sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384 # and sha512 are also supported. # # Warning: Prior to changing this value, the minion should be stopped and all # Salt caches should be cleared. #hash_type: md5 # The Salt pillar is searched for locally if file_client is set to local. If # this is the case, and pillar data is defined, then the pillar_roots need to # also be configured on the minion: #pillar_roots: # base: # - /srv/pillar # # ###### Security settings ##### ########################################### # Enable "open mode", this mode still maintains encryption, but turns off # authentication, this is only intended for highly secure environments or for # the situation where your keys end up in a bad state. If you run in open mode # you do so at your own risk! #open_mode: False # Enable permissive access to the salt keys. This allows you to run the # master or minion as root, but have a non-root group be given access to # your pki_dir. To make the access explicit, root must belong to the group # you've given access to. This is potentially quite insecure. #permissive_pki_access: False # The state_verbose and state_output settings can be used to change the way # state system data is printed to the display. By default all data is printed. # The state_verbose setting can be set to True or False, when set to False # all data that has a result of True and no changes will be suppressed. #state_verbose: True # The state_output setting changes if the output is the full multi line # output for each changed state if set to 'full', but if set to 'terse' # the output will be shortened to a single line. #state_output: full # The state_output_diff setting changes whether or not the output from # successful states is returned. Useful when even the terse output of these # states is cluttering the logs. Set it to True to ignore them. #state_output_diff: False # The state_output_profile setting changes whether profile information # will be shown for each state run. #state_output_profile: True # Fingerprint of the master public key to validate the identity of your Salt master # before the initial key exchange. The master fingerprint can be found by running # "salt-key -F master" on the Salt master. #master_finger: '' ###### Thread settings ##### ########################################### # Disable multiprocessing support, by default when a minion receives a # publication a new process is spawned and the command is executed therein. #multiprocessing: True ##### Logging settings ##### ########################################## # The location of the minion log file # The minion log can be sent to a regular file, local path name, or network # location. Remote logging works best when configured to use rsyslogd(8) (e.g.: # ``file:///dev/log``), with rsyslogd(8) configured for network logging. The URI # format is: <file|udp|tcp>://<host|socketpath>:<port-if-required>/<log-facility> #log_file: /var/log/salt/minion #log_file: file:///dev/log #log_file: udp://loghost:10514 # #log_file: /var/log/salt/minion #key_logfile: /var/log/salt/key # The level of messages to send to the console. # One of 'garbage', 'trace', 'debug', info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'. # # The following log levels are considered INSECURE and may log sensitive data: # ['garbage', 'trace', 'debug'] # # Default: 'warning' #log_level: warning # The level of messages to send to the log file. # One of 'garbage', 'trace', 'debug', info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'. # If using 'log_granular_levels' this must be set to the highest desired level. # Default: 'warning' #log_level_logfile: # The date and time format used in log messages. Allowed date/time formating # can be seen here: #log_datefmt: '%H:%M:%S' #log_datefmt_logfile: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' # The format of the console logging messages. Allowed formatting options can # be seen here: #log_fmt_console: '[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s' #log_fmt_logfile: '%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03.0f [%(name)-17s][%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s' # This can be used to control logging levels more specificically. This # example sets the main salt library at the 'warning' level, but sets # 'salt.modules' to log at the 'debug' level: # log_granular_levels: # 'salt': 'warning' # 'salt.modules': 'debug' # #log_granular_levels: {} # To diagnose issues with minions disconnecting or missing returns, ZeroMQ # supports the use of monitor sockets # to log connection events. This # feature requires ZeroMQ 4.0 or higher. # # To enable ZeroMQ monitor sockets, set 'zmq_monitor' to 'True' and log at a # debug level or higher. # # A sample log event is as follows: # # [DEBUG ] ZeroMQ event: {'endpoint': 'tcp://', 'event': 512, # 'value': 27, 'description': 'EVENT_DISCONNECTED'} # # All events logged will include the string 'ZeroMQ event'. A connection event # should be logged on the as the minion starts up and initially connects to the # master. If not, check for debug log level and that the necessary version of # ZeroMQ is installed. # #zmq_monitor: False ###### Module configuration ##### ########################################### # Salt allows for modules to be passed arbitrary configuration data, any data # passed here in valid yaml format will be passed on to the salt minion modules # for use. It is STRONGLY recommended that a naming convention be used in which # the module name is followed by a . and then the value. Also, all top level # data must be applied via the yaml dict construct, some examples: # # You can specify that all modules should run in test mode: #test: True # # A simple value for the test module: foo # # A list for the test module: [baz,quo] # # A dict for the test module: #test.baz: {spam: sausage, cheese: bread} # # ###### Update settings ###### ########################################### # Using the features in Esky, a salt minion can both run as a frozen app and # be updated on the fly. These options control how the update process # (saltutil.update()) behaves. # # The url for finding and downloading updates. Disabled by default. #update_url: False # # The list of services to restart after a successful update. Empty by default. #update_restart_services: [] ###### Keepalive settings ###### ############################################ # ZeroMQ now includes support for configuring SO_KEEPALIVE if supported by # the OS. If connections between the minion and the master pass through # a state tracking device such as a firewall or VPN gateway, there is # the risk that it could tear down the connection the master and minion # without informing either party that their connection has been taken away. # Enabling TCP Keepalives prevents this from happening. # Overall state of TCP Keepalives, enable (1 or True), disable (0 or False) # or leave to the OS defaults (-1), on Linux, typically disabled. Default True, enabled. #tcp_keepalive: True # How long before the first keepalive should be sent in seconds. Default 300 # to send the first keepalive after 5 minutes, OS default (-1) is typically 7200 seconds # on Linux see /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time. #tcp_keepalive_idle: 300 # How many lost probes are needed to consider the connection lost. Default -1 # to use OS defaults, typically 9 on Linux, see /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_probes. #tcp_keepalive_cnt: -1 # How often, in seconds, to send keepalives after the first one. Default -1 to # use OS defaults, typically 75 seconds on Linux, see # /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_intvl. #tcp_keepalive_intvl: -1 ###### Windows Software settings ###### ############################################ # Location of the repository cache file on the master: #win_repo_cachefile: 'salt://win/repo/winrepo.p' ###### Returner settings ###### ############################################ # Which returner(s) will be used for minion's result: #return: mysql
Configuring Salt
Salt configuration is very simple. The default configuration for the master will work for most installations and the only requirement for setting up a minion is to set the location of the master in the minion configuration file.
The configuration files will be installed to /etc/salt and are named after the respective components, /etc/salt/master, and /etc/salt/minion.
Master Configuration
By default the Salt master listens on ports 4505 and 4506 on all interfaces ( To bind Salt to a specific IP, redefine the "interface" directive in the master configuration file, typically /etc/salt/master, as follows:
- #interface: + interface:
After updating the configuration file, restart the Salt master. See the master configuration reference for more details about other configurable options.
Minion Configuration
Although there are many Salt Minion configuration options, configuring a Salt Minion is very simple. By default a Salt Minion will try to connect to the DNS name "salt"; if the Minion is able to resolve that name correctly, no configuration is needed.
If the DNS name "salt" does not resolve to point to the correct location of the Master, redefine the "master" directive in the minion configuration file, typically /etc/salt/minion, as follows:
- #master: salt + master:
After updating the configuration file, restart the Salt minion. See the minion configuration reference for more details about other configurable options.
Running Salt
- 1.
Start the master in the foreground (to daemonize the process, pass the
-d flag):
- 2.
Start the minion in the foreground (to daemonize the process, pass the
-d flag):
- Having trouble?
The simplest way to troubleshoot Salt is to run the master and minion in the foreground with log level set to debug:
salt-master --log-level=debug
For information on salt's logging system please see the logging document.
- Run as an unprivileged (non-root) user
To run Salt as another user, set the user parameter in the master config file.
Additionally, ownership, and permissions need to be set such that the desired user can read from and write to the following directories (and their subdirectories, where applicable):
- •
- /etc/salt
- •
- /var/cache/salt
- •
- /var/log/salt
- •
More information about running salt as a non-privileged user can be found here.
There is also a full troubleshooting guide available.
Key Identity
Salt provides commands to validate the identity of your Salt master and Salt minions before the initial key exchange. Validating key identity helps avoid inadvertently connecting to the wrong Salt master, and helps prevent a potential MiTM attack when establishing the initial connection.
Master Key Fingerprint
Print the master key fingerprint by running the following command on the Salt master:
salt-key -F master
Copy the fingerprint from the Local Keys section, and then set this value as the master_finger in the minion configuration file. Save the configuration file and then restart the Salt minion.
Minion Key Fingerprint
Run the following command on each Salt minion to view the minion key fingerprint:
salt-call --local key.finger
Compare this value to the value that is displayed when you run the salt-key --finger <MINION_ID> command on the Salt master.
Key Management
Salt uses AES encryption for all communication between the Master and the Minion. This ensures that the commands sent to the Minions cannot be tampered with, and that communication between Master and Minion is authenticated through trusted, accepted keys.
Before commands can be sent to a Minion, its key must be accepted on the Master. Run the salt-key command to list the keys known to the Salt Master:
[root [at] master ~]# salt-key -L Unaccepted Keys: alpha bravo charlie delta Accepted Keys:
This example shows that the Salt Master is aware of four Minions, but none of the keys has been accepted. To accept the keys and allow the Minions to be controlled by the Master, again use the salt-key command:
[root [at] master ~]# salt-key -A [root [at] master ~]# salt-key -L Unaccepted Keys: Accepted Keys: alpha bravo charlie delta
The salt-key command allows for signing keys individually or in bulk. The example above, using -A bulk-accepts all pending keys. To accept keys individually use the lowercase of the same option, -a keyname.
Sending Commands
Communication between the Master and a Minion may be verified by running the command:
[root [at] master ~]# salt alpha alpha: True
Communication between the Master and all Minions may be tested in a similar way:
[root [at] master ~]# salt '*' alpha: True bravo: True charlie: True delta: True
Each of the Minions should send a True response as shown above.
What's Next?
Understanding targeting is important. From there, depending on the way you wish to use Salt, you should also proceed to learn about States and Execution Modules.
Configuring the Salt Master
The Salt system is amazingly simple and easy to configure, the two components of the Salt system each have a respective configuration file. The salt-master is configured via the master configuration file, and the salt-minion is configured via the minion configuration file.
SEE ALSO: example master configuration file
The configuration file for the salt-master is located at /etc/salt/master by default. A notable exception is FreeBSD, where the configuration file is located at /usr/local/etc/salt. The available options are as follows:
Primary Master Configuration
Default: (all interfaces)
The local interface to bind to.
Default: False
Whether the master should listen for IPv6 connections. If this is set to True, the interface option must be adjusted too (for example: "interface: '::'")
ipv6: True
Default: 4505
The network port to set up the publication interface.
publish_port: 4505
Default: None
The id to be passed in the publish job to minions. This is used for MultiSyndics to return the job to the requesting master.
NOTE: This must be the same string as the syndic is configured with.
master_id: MasterOfMaster
Default: root
The user to run the Salt processes
user: root
Default: 100000
Each minion connecting to the master uses AT LEAST one file descriptor, the master subscription connection. If enough minions connect you might start seeing on the console(and then salt-master crashes):
Too many open files (tcp_listener.cpp:335) Aborted (core dumped)
max_open_files: 100000
By default this value will be the one of ulimit -Hn, i.e., the hard limit for max open files.
To set a different value than the default one, uncomment, and configure this setting. Remember that this value CANNOT be higher than the hard limit. Raising the hard limit depends on the OS and/or distribution, a good way to find the limit is to search the internet for something like this:
raise max open files hard limit debian
Default: 5
The number of threads to start for receiving commands and replies from minions. If minions are stalling on replies because you have many minions, raise the worker_threads value.
Worker threads should not be put below 3 when using the peer system, but can drop down to 1 worker otherwise.
NOTE: When the master daemon starts, it is expected behaviour to see multiple salt-master processes, even if 'worker_threads' is set to '1'. At a minimum, a controlling process will start along with a Publisher, an EventPublisher, and a number of MWorker processes will be started. The number of MWorker processes is tuneable by the 'worker_threads' configuration value while the others are not.
worker_threads: 5
Default: 4506
The port used by the return server, this is the server used by Salt to receive execution returns and command executions.
ret_port: 4506
Default: /var/run/
Specify the location of the master pidfile.
pidfile: /var/run/
Default: /
The system root directory to operate from, change this to make Salt run from an alternative root.
root_dir: /
NOTE: This directory is prepended to the following options: pki_dir, cachedir, sock_dir, log_file, autosign_file, autoreject_file, pidfile.
Default: /etc/salt/pki
The directory to store the pki authentication keys.
pki_dir: /etc/salt/pki
Directory for custom modules. This directory can contain subdirectories for each of Salt's module types such as "runners", "output", "wheel", "modules", "states", "returners", etc. This path is appended to root_dir.
extension_modules: srv/modules
Default: []
Like extension_modules, but a list of extra directories to search for Salt modules.
module_dirs: - /var/cache/salt/minion/extmods
Default: /var/cache/salt
The location used to store cache information, particularly the job information for executed salt commands.
cachedir: /var/cache/salt
Default: True
Verify and set permissions on configuration directories at startup.
verify_env: True
Default: 24
Set the number of hours to keep old job information.
Default: 5
Set the default timeout for the salt command and api.
Default: 60
The loop_interval option controls the seconds for the master's maintenance process check cycle. This process updates file server backends, cleans the job cache and executes the scheduler.
Default: nested
Set the default outputter used by the salt command.
Default: True
By default output is colored, to disable colored output set the color value to False.
color: False
Default: /var/run/salt/master
Set the location to use for creating Unix sockets for master process communication.
sock_dir: /var/run/salt/master
Default: True
Enable GPU hardware data for your master. Be aware that the master can take a while to start up when lspci and/or dmidecode is used to populate the grains for the master.
Default: True
The master maintains a job cache, while this is a great addition it can be a burden on the master for larger deployments (over 5000 minions). Disabling the job cache will make previously executed jobs unavailable to the jobs system and is not generally recommended. Normally it is wise to make sure the master has access to a faster IO system or a tmpfs is mounted to the jobs dir.
Default: True
The minion data cache is a cache of information about the minions stored on the master, this information is primarily the pillar and grains data. The data is cached in the Master cachedir under the name of the minion and used to predetermine what minions are expected to reply from executions.
minion_data_cache: True
Default: ''
Used to specify a default returner for all minions, when this option is set the specified returner needs to be properly configured and the minions will always default to sending returns to this returner. This will also disable the local job cache on the master.
ext_job_cache: redis
New in version 2015.5.0.
Default: ''
Specify the returner to use to log events. A returner may have installation and configuration requirements. Read the returner's documentation.
NOTE: Not all returners support event returns. Verify that a returner has an event_return() function before configuring this option with a returner.
event_return: cassandra_cql
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: 'local_cache'
Specify the returner to use for the job cache. The job cache will only be interacted with from the salt master and therefore does not need to be accessible from the minions.
master_job_cache: redis
Default: False
By-default when disabling the minion_data_cache mine will stop working since it is based on cached data, by enabling this option we explicitly enabling only the cache for the mine system.
enforce_mine_cache: False
Default: 0
The number of minions the master should allow to connect. Use this to accommodate the number of minions per master if you have different types of hardware serving your minions. The default of 0 means unlimited connections. Please note, that this can slow down the authentication process a bit in large setups.
max_minions: 100
Default: False
If max_minions is used in large installations, the master might experience high-load situations because of having to check the number of connected minions for every authentication. This cache provides the minion-ids of all connected minions to all MWorker-processes and greatly improves the performance of max_minions.
con_cache: True
Default: False
Causes the master to periodically look for actively connected minions. Presence events are fired on the event bus on a regular interval with a list of connected minions, as well as events with lists of newly connected or disconnected minions. This is a master-only operation that does not send executions to minions. Note, this does not detect minions that connect to a master via localhost.
presence_events: False
Salt-SSH Configuration
Default: '/etc/salt/roster'
Pass in an alternative location for the salt-ssh roster file.
roster_file: /root/roster
Default: None
Pass in minion option overrides that will be inserted into the SHIM for salt-ssh calls. The local minion config is not used for salt-ssh. Can be overridden on a per-minion basis in the roster (minion_opts)
minion_opts: gpg_keydir: /root/gpg
Master Security Settings
Default: False
Open mode is a dangerous security feature. One problem encountered with pki authentication systems is that keys can become "mixed up" and authentication begins to fail. Open mode turns off authentication and tells the master to accept all authentication. This will clean up the pki keys received from the minions. Open mode should not be turned on for general use. Open mode should only be used for a short period of time to clean up pki keys. To turn on open mode set this value to True.
open_mode: False
Default: False
Enable auto_accept. This setting will automatically accept all incoming public keys from minions.
auto_accept: False
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: 120
Time in minutes that a incoming public key with a matching name found in pki_dir/minion_autosign/keyid is automatically accepted. Expired autosign keys are removed when the master checks the minion_autosign directory. This method to auto accept minions can be safer than an autosign_file because the keyid record can expire and is limited to being an exact name match. This should still be considered a less than secure option, due to the fact that trust is based on just the requesting minion id.
Default: not defined
If the autosign_file is specified incoming keys specified in the autosign_file will be automatically accepted. Matches will be searched for first by string comparison, then by globbing, then by full-string regex matching. This should still be considered a less than secure option, due to the fact that trust is based on just the requesting minion id.
New in version 2014.1.0.
Default: not defined
Works like autosign_file, but instead allows you to specify minion IDs for which keys will automatically be rejected. Will override both membership in the autosign_file and the auto_accept setting.
Default: {}
Enable user accounts on the master to execute specific modules. These modules can be expressed as regular expressions.
client_acl: fred: - - pkg.*
Default: {}
Blacklist users or modules
This example would blacklist all non sudo users, including root from running any commands. It would also blacklist any use of the "cmd" module.
This is completely disabled by default.
client_acl_blacklist: users: - root - '^(?!sudo_).*$' # all non sudo users modules: - cmd
Default: {}
The external auth system uses the Salt auth modules to authenticate and validate users to access areas of the Salt system.
external_auth: pam: fred: - test.*
Default: 43200
Time (in seconds) for a newly generated token to live.
Default: 12 hours
token_expire: 43200
Default: False
Allow minions to push files to the master. This is disabled by default, for security purposes.
file_recv: False
Default: False
Sign the master auth-replies with a cryptographic signature of the masters public key. Please see the tutorial how to use these settings in the Multimaster-PKI with Failover Tutorial
master_sign_pubkey: True
Default: master_sign
The customizable name of the signing-key-pair without suffix.
master_sign_key_name: <filename_without_suffix>
Default: master_pubkey_signature
The name of the file in the masters pki-directory that holds the pre-calculated signature of the masters public-key.
master_pubkey_signature: <filename>
Default: False
Instead of computing the signature for each auth-reply, use a pre-calculated signature. The master_pubkey_signature must also be set for this.
master_use_pubkey_signature: True
Default: True
Rotate the salt-masters AES-key when a minion-public is deleted with salt-key. This is a very important security-setting. Disabling it will enable deleted minions to still listen in on the messages published by the salt-master. Do not disable this unless it is absolutely clear what this does.
rotate_aes_key: True
Master Module Management
Default: []
Set additional directories to search for runner modules.
Default: False
Set to true to enable Cython modules (.pyx files) to be compiled on the fly on the Salt master.
cython_enable: False
Master State System Settings
Default: top.sls
The state system uses a "top" file to tell the minions what environment to use and what modules to use. The state_top file is defined relative to the root of the base environment.
state_top: top.sls
Default: {}
The master_tops option replaces the external_nodes option by creating a pluggable system for the generation of external top data. The external_nodes option is deprecated by the master_tops option. To gain the capabilities of the classic external_nodes system, use the following configuration:
master_tops: ext_nodes: <Shell command which returns yaml>
Default: None
The external_nodes option allows Salt to gather data that would normally be placed in a top file from and external node controller. The external_nodes option is the executable that will return the ENC data. Remember that Salt will look for external nodes AND top files and combine the results if both are enabled and available!
external_nodes: cobbler-ext-nodes
Default: yaml_jinja
The renderer to use on the minions to render the state data.
renderer: yaml_jinja
Default: False
Set the global failhard flag, this informs all states to stop running states at the moment a single state fails.
failhard: False
Default: True
Controls the verbosity of state runs. By default, the results of all states are returned, but setting this value to False will cause salt to only display output for states which either failed, or succeeded without making any changes to the minion.
state_verbose: False
Default: full
The state_output setting changes if the output is the full multi line output for each changed state if set to 'full', but if set to 'terse' the output will be shortened to a single line. If set to 'mixed', the output will be terse unless a state failed, in which case that output will be full. If set to 'changes', the output will be full unless the state didn't change.
state_output: full
Default: False
Automatically aggregate all states that have support for mod_aggregate by setting to True. Or pass a list of state module names to automatically aggregate just those types.
state_aggregate: - pkg
state_aggregate: True
Default: False
Send progress events as each function in a state run completes execution by setting to True. Progress events are in the format salt/job/<JID>/prog/<MID>/<RUN NUM>.
state_events: True
Default: False
Enable extra routines for YAML renderer used states containing UTF characters.
yaml_utf8: False
Default: False
Set all state calls to only test if they are going to actually make changes or just post what changes are going to be made.
test: False
Master File Server Settings
Default: ['roots']
Salt supports a modular fileserver backend system, this system allows the salt master to link directly to third party systems to gather and manage the files available to minions. Multiple backends can be configured and will be searched for the requested file in the order in which they are defined here. The default setting only enables the standard backend roots, which is configured using the file_roots option.
fileserver_backend: - roots - git
Default: md5
The hash_type is the hash to use when discovering the hash of a file on the master server. The default is md5, but sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, and sha512 are also supported.
hash_type: md5
Default: 1048576
The buffer size in the file server in bytes.
file_buffer_size: 1048576
Default: ''
A regular expression (or a list of expressions) that will be matched against the file path before syncing the modules and states to the minions. This includes files affected by the file.recurse state. For example, if you manage your custom modules and states in subversion and don't want all the '.svn' folders and content synced to your minions, you could set this to '/.svn($|/)'. By default nothing is ignored.
file_ignore_regex: - '/\.svn($|/)' - '/\.git($|/)'
Default ''
A file glob (or list of file globs) that will be matched against the file path before syncing the modules and states to the minions. This is similar to file_ignore_regex above, but works on globs instead of regex. By default nothing is ignored.
file_ignore_glob: - '\*.pyc' - '\*/somefolder/\*.bak' - '\*.swp'
roots: Master's Local File Server
base: - /srv/salt
Salt runs a lightweight file server written in ZeroMQ to deliver files to minions. This file server is built into the master daemon and does not require a dedicated port.
The file server works on environments passed to the master. Each environment can have multiple root directories. The subdirectories in the multiple file roots cannot match, otherwise the downloaded files will not be able to be reliably ensured. A base environment is required to house the top file.
file_roots: base: - /srv/salt dev: - /srv/salt/dev/services - /srv/salt/dev/states prod: - /srv/salt/prod/services - /srv/salt/prod/states
git: Git Remote File Server Backend
Default: []
When using the git fileserver backend at least one git remote needs to be defined. The user running the salt master will need read access to the repo.
The repos will be searched in order to find the file requested by a client and the first repo to have the file will return it. Branches and tags are translated into salt environments.
gitfs_remotes: - git:// - file:///var/git/saltmaster
NOTE: file:// repos will be treated as a remote and copied into the master's gitfs cache, so only the local refs for those repos will be exposed as fileserver environments.
As of 2014.7.0, it is possible to have per-repo versions of several of the gitfs configuration parameters. For more information, see the GitFS Walkthrough.
New in version 2014.7.0.
Specify the provider to be used for gitfs. More information can be found in the GitFS Walkthrough.
Specify one value among valid values: gitpython, pygit2, dulwich
gitfs_provider: dulwich
Default: True
The gitfs_ssl_verify option specifies whether to ignore SSL certificate errors when contacting the gitfs backend. You might want to set this to false if you're using a git backend that uses a self-signed certificate but keep in mind that setting this flag to anything other than the default of True is a security concern, you may want to try using the ssh transport.
gitfs_ssl_verify: True
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: ''
Specifies a path on the salt fileserver from which gitfs remotes are served. Can be used in conjunction with gitfs_root. Can also be configured on a per-remote basis, see here for more info.
gitfs_mountpoint: salt://foo/bar
NOTE: The salt:// protocol designation can be left off (in other words, foo/bar and salt://foo/bar are equivalent).
Default: ''
Serve files from a subdirectory within the repository, instead of the root. This is useful when there are files in the repository that should not be available to the Salt fileserver. Can be used in conjunction with gitfs_mountpoint.
gitfs_root: somefolder/otherfolder
Changed in version 2014.7.0: Ability to specify gitfs roots on a per-remote basis was added. See here for more info.
Default: master
Defines which branch/tag should be used as the base environment.
gitfs_base: salt
Changed in version 2014.7.0: Ability to specify the base on a per-remote basis was added. See here for more info.
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: []
Used to restrict which environments are made available. Can speed up state runs if the repos in gitfs_remotes contain many branches/tags. More information can be found in the GitFS Walkthrough.
gitfs_env_whitelist: - base - v1.* - 'mybranch\d+'
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: []
Used to restrict which environments are made available. Can speed up state runs if the repos in gitfs_remotes contain many branches/tags. More information can be found in the GitFS Walkthrough.
gitfs_env_blacklist: - base - v1.* - 'mybranch\d+'
GitFS Authentication Options
These parameters only currently apply to the pygit2 gitfs provider. Examples of how to use these can be found in the GitFS Walkthrough.
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: ''
Along with gitfs_password, is used to authenticate to HTTPS remotes.
gitfs_user: git
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: ''
Along with gitfs_user, is used to authenticate to HTTPS remotes. This parameter is not required if the repository does not use authentication.
gitfs_password: mypassword
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: False
By default, Salt will not authenticate to an HTTP (non-HTTPS) remote. This parameter enables authentication over HTTP. Enable this at your own risk.
gitfs_insecure_auth: True
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: ''
Along with gitfs_privkey (and optionally gitfs_passphrase), is used to authenticate to SSH remotes. This parameter (or its per-remote counterpart) is required for SSH remotes.
gitfs_pubkey: /path/to/
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: ''
Along with gitfs_pubkey (and optionally gitfs_passphrase), is used to authenticate to SSH remotes. This parameter (or its per-remote counterpart) is required for SSH remotes.
gitfs_privkey: /path/to/key
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: ''
This parameter is optional, required only when the SSH key being used to authenticate is protected by a passphrase.
gitfs_passphrase: mypassphrase
hg: Mercurial Remote File Server Backend
New in version 0.17.0.
Default: []
When using the hg fileserver backend at least one mercurial remote needs to be defined. The user running the salt master will need read access to the repo.
The repos will be searched in order to find the file requested by a client and the first repo to have the file will return it. Branches and/or bookmarks are translated into salt environments, as defined by the hgfs_branch_method parameter.
hgfs_remotes: -
NOTE: As of 2014.7.0, it is possible to have per-repo versions of the hgfs_root, hgfs_mountpoint, hgfs_base, and hgfs_branch_method parameters. For example:
hgfs_remotes: - - base: saltstates - - root: salt - mountpoint: salt://foo/bar/baz - - root: salt/states - branch_method: mixed
New in version 0.17.0.
Default: branches
Defines the objects that will be used as fileserver environments.
- •
- branches - Only branches and tags will be used
- •
- bookmarks - Only bookmarks and tags will be used
- •
mixed - Branches, bookmarks, and tags will be used
hgfs_branch_method: mixed
NOTE: Starting in version 2014.1.0, the value of the hgfs_base parameter defines which branch is used as the base environment, allowing for a base environment to be used with an hgfs_branch_method of bookmarks.
Prior to this release, the default branch will be used as the base environment.
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: ''
Specifies a path on the salt fileserver from which hgfs remotes are served. Can be used in conjunction with hgfs_root. Can also be configured on a per-remote basis, see here for more info.
hgfs_mountpoint: salt://foo/bar
NOTE: The salt:// protocol designation can be left off (in other words, foo/bar and salt://foo/bar are equivalent).
New in version 0.17.0.
Default: ''
Serve files from a subdirectory within the repository, instead of the root. This is useful when there are files in the repository that should not be available to the Salt fileserver. Can be used in conjunction with hgfs_mountpoint.
hgfs_root: somefolder/otherfolder
Changed in version 2014.7.0: Ability to specify hgfs roots on a per-remote basis was added. See here for more info.
New in version 2014.1.0.
Default: default
Defines which branch should be used as the base environment. Change this if hgfs_branch_method is set to bookmarks to specify which bookmark should be used as the base environment.
hgfs_base: salt
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: []
Used to restrict which environments are made available. Can speed up state runs if your hgfs remotes contain many branches/bookmarks/tags. Full names, globs, and regular expressions are supported. If using a regular expression, the expression must match the entire minion ID.
If used, only branches/bookmarks/tags which match one of the specified expressions will be exposed as fileserver environments.
If used in conjunction with hgfs_env_blacklist, then the subset of branches/bookmarks/tags which match the whitelist but do not match the blacklist will be exposed as fileserver environments.
hgfs_env_whitelist: - base - v1.* - 'mybranch\d+'
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: []
Used to restrict which environments are made available. Can speed up state runs if your hgfs remotes contain many branches/bookmarks/tags. Full names, globs, and regular expressions are supported. If using a regular expression, the expression must match the entire minion ID.
If used, branches/bookmarks/tags which match one of the specified expressions will not be exposed as fileserver environments.
If used in conjunction with hgfs_env_whitelist, then the subset of branches/bookmarks/tags which match the whitelist but do not match the blacklist will be exposed as fileserver environments.
hgfs_env_blacklist: - base - v1.* - 'mybranch\d+'
svn: Subversion Remote File Server Backend
New in version 0.17.0.
Default: []
When using the svn fileserver backend at least one subversion remote needs to be defined. The user running the salt master will need read access to the repo.
The repos will be searched in order to find the file requested by a client and the first repo to have the file will return it. The trunk, branches, and tags become environments, with the trunk being the base environment.
svnfs_remotes: - svn://
NOTE: As of 2014.7.0, it is possible to have per-repo versions of the following configuration parameters:
- •
- svnfs_root
- •
- svnfs_mountpoint
- •
- svnfs_trunk
- •
- svnfs_branches
- •
For example:
svnfs_remotes: - svn:// - svn:// - root: salt - mountpoint: salt://foo/bar/baz - svn// - root: salt/states - branches: branch - tags: tag
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: ''
Specifies a path on the salt fileserver from which svnfs remotes are served. Can be used in conjunction with svnfs_root. Can also be configured on a per-remote basis, see here for more info.
svnfs_mountpoint: salt://foo/bar
NOTE: The salt:// protocol designation can be left off (in other words, foo/bar and salt://foo/bar are equivalent).
New in version 0.17.0.
Default: ''
Serve files from a subdirectory within the repository, instead of the root. This is useful when there are files in the repository that should not be available to the Salt fileserver. Can be used in conjunction with svnfs_mountpoint.
svnfs_root: somefolder/otherfolder
Changed in version 2014.7.0: Ability to specify svnfs roots on a per-remote basis was added. See here for more info.
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: trunk
Path relative to the root of the repository where the trunk is located. Can also be configured on a per-remote basis, see here for more info.
svnfs_trunk: trunk
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: branches
Path relative to the root of the repository where the branches are located. Can also be configured on a per-remote basis, see here for more info.
svnfs_branches: branches
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: tags
Path relative to the root of the repository where the tags are located. Can also be configured on a per-remote basis, see here for more info.
svnfs_tags: tags
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: []
Used to restrict which environments are made available. Can speed up state runs if your svnfs remotes contain many branches/tags. Full names, globs, and regular expressions are supported. If using a regular expression, the expression must match the entire minion ID.
If used, only branches/tags which match one of the specified expressions will be exposed as fileserver environments.
If used in conjunction with svnfs_env_blacklist, then the subset of branches/tags which match the whitelist but do not match the blacklist will be exposed as fileserver environments.
svnfs_env_whitelist: - base - v1.* - 'mybranch\d+'
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: []
Used to restrict which environments are made available. Can speed up state runs if your svnfs remotes contain many branches/tags. Full names, globs, and regular expressions are supported. If using a regular expression, the expression must match the entire minion ID.
If used, branches/tags which match one of the specified expressions will not be exposed as fileserver environments.
If used in conjunction with svnfs_env_whitelist, then the subset of branches/tags which match the whitelist but do not match the blacklist will be exposed as fileserver environments.
svnfs_env_blacklist: - base - v1.* - 'mybranch\d+'
minion: MinionFS Remote File Server Backend
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: base
Environment from which MinionFS files are made available.
minionfs_env: minionfs
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: ''
Specifies a path on the salt fileserver from which minionfs files are served.
minionfs_mountpoint: salt://foo/bar
NOTE: The salt:// protocol designation can be left off (in other words, foo/bar and salt://foo/bar are equivalent).
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: []
Used to restrict which minions' pushed files are exposed via minionfs. If using a regular expression, the expression must match the entire minion ID.
If used, only the pushed files from minions which match one of the specified expressions will be exposed.
If used in conjunction with minionfs_blacklist, then the subset of hosts which match the whitelist but do not match the blacklist will be exposed.
minionfs_whitelist: - base - v1.* - 'mybranch\d+'
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: []
Used to restrict which minions' pushed files are exposed via minionfs. If using a regular expression, the expression must match the entire minion ID.
If used, only the pushed files from minions which match one of the specified expressions will not be exposed.
If used in conjunction with minionfs_whitelist, then the subset of hosts which match the whitelist but do not match the blacklist will be exposed.
minionfs_blacklist: - base - v1.* - 'mybranch\d+'
Pillar Configuration
base: - /srv/pillar
Set the environments and directories used to hold pillar sls data. This configuration is the same as file_roots:
pillar_roots: base: - /srv/pillar dev: - /srv/pillar/dev prod: - /srv/pillar/prod
The ext_pillar option allows for any number of external pillar interfaces to be called when populating pillar data. The configuration is based on ext_pillar functions. The available ext_pillar functions can be found herein:
By default, the ext_pillar interface is not configured to run.
Default: None
ext_pillar: - hiera: /etc/hiera.yaml - cmd_yaml: cat /etc/salt/yaml - reclass: inventory_base_uri: /etc/reclass
There are additional details at salt-pillars
New in version 2015.5.0.
The ext_pillar_first option allows for external pillar sources to populate before file system pillar. This allows for targeting file system pillar from ext_pillar.
Default: False
ext_pillar_first: False
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: smart
The pillar_source_merging_strategy option allows you to configure merging strategy between different sources. It accepts 4 values:
- •
it will merge recursively mapping of data. For example, theses 2 sources:
foo: 42 bar: element1: True
bar: element2: True baz: quux
will be merged as:
foo: 42 bar: element1: True element2: True baz: quux
- •
instructs aggregation of elements between sources that use the #!yamlex renderer.
For example, these two documents:
#!yamlex foo: 42 bar: !aggregate { element1: True } baz: !aggregate quux
#!yamlex bar: !aggregate { element2: True } baz: !aggregate quux2
will be merged as:
foo: 42 bar: element1: True element2: True baz: - quux - quux2
- •
Will use the behaviour of the 2014.1 branch and earlier.
Overwrites elements according the order in which they are processed.
First pillar processed:
A: first_key: blah second_key: blah
Second pillar processed:
A: third_key: blah fourth_key: blah
will be merged as:
A: third_key: blah fourth_key: blah
- •
smart (default):
Guesses the best strategy based on the "renderer" setting.
Syndic Server Settings
A Salt syndic is a Salt master used to pass commands from a higher Salt master to minions below the syndic. Using the syndic is simple. If this is a master that will have syndic servers(s) below it, set the "order_masters" setting to True.
If this is a master that will be running a syndic daemon for passthrough the "syndic_master" setting needs to be set to the location of the master server.
Do not not forget that, in other words, it means that it shares with the local minion its ID and PKI_DIR.
Default: False
Extra data needs to be sent with publications if the master is controlling a lower level master via a syndic minion. If this is the case the order_masters value must be set to True
order_masters: False
Default: None
If this master will be running a salt-syndic to connect to a higher level master, specify the higher level master with this configuration value.
syndic_master: masterofmasters
You can optionally connect a syndic to multiple higher level masters by setting the 'syndic_master' value to a list:
syndic_master: - masterofmasters1 - masterofmasters2
Each higher level master must be set up in a multimaster configuration.
Default: 4506
If this master will be running a salt-syndic to connect to a higher level master, specify the higher level master port with this configuration value.
syndic_master_port: 4506
If this master will be running a salt-syndic to connect to a higher level master, specify the pidfile of the syndic daemon.
Default: syndic.log
If this master will be running a salt-syndic to connect to a higher level master, specify the log_file of the syndic daemon.
syndic_log_file: salt-syndic.log
Peer Publish Settings
Salt minions can send commands to other minions, but only if the minion is allowed to. By default "Peer Publication" is disabled, and when enabled it is enabled for specific minions and specific commands. This allows secure compartmentalization of commands based on individual minions.
Default: {}
The configuration uses regular expressions to match minions and then a list of regular expressions to match functions. The following will allow the minion authenticated as to execute functions from the test and pkg modules.
peer: - test.* - pkg.*
This will allow all minions to execute all commands:
peer: .*: - .*
This is not recommended, since it would allow anyone who gets root on any single minion to instantly have root on all of the minions!
By adding an additional layer you can limit the target hosts in addition to the accessible commands:
peer: 'db*': - test.* - pkg.*
Default: {}
The peer_run option is used to open up runners on the master to access from the minions. The peer_run configuration matches the format of the peer configuration.
The following example would allow to execute the manage.up runner:
peer_run: - manage.up
Master Logging Settings
Default: /var/log/salt/master
The master log can be sent to a regular file, local path name, or network location. See also log_file.
log_file: /var/log/salt/master
log_file: file:///dev/log
log_file: udp://loghost:10514
Default: warning
The level of messages to send to the console. See also log_level.
log_level: warning
Default: warning
The level of messages to send to the log file. See also log_level_logfile.
log_level_logfile: warning
Default: %H:%M:%S
The date and time format used in console log messages. See also log_datefmt.
log_datefmt: '%H:%M:%S'
Default: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
The date and time format used in log file messages. See also log_datefmt_logfile.
log_datefmt_logfile: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
Default: [%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s
The format of the console logging messages. See also log_fmt_console.
log_fmt_console: '[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s'
Default: %(asctime)s,%(msecs)03.0f [%(name)-17s][%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s
The format of the log file logging messages. See also log_fmt_logfile.
log_fmt_logfile: '%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03.0f [%(name)-17s][%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s'
Default: {}
This can be used to control logging levels more specifically. See also log_granular_levels.
Node Groups
Default: {}
Node groups allow for logical groupings of minion nodes. A group consists of a group name and a compound target.
nodegroups: group1: ',, or bl*' group2: 'G@os:Debian and' group3: 'G@os:Debian and N@group1'
More information on using nodegroups can be found here.
Range Cluster Settings
Default: ''
The range server (and optional port) that serves your cluster information
range_server: range:80
Include Configuration
Default: master.d/*.conf
The master can include configuration from other files. Per default the master will automatically include all config files from master.d/*.conf where master.d is relative to the directory of the master configuration file.
Default: not defined
The master can include configuration from other files. To enable this, pass a list of paths to this option. The paths can be either relative or absolute; if relative, they are considered to be relative to the directory the main minion configuration file lives in. Paths can make use of shell-style globbing. If no files are matched by a path passed to this option then the master will log a warning message.
# Include files from a master.d directory in the same # directory as the master config file include: master.d/* # Include a single extra file into the configuration include: /etc/roles/webserver # Include several files and the master.d directory include: - extra_config - master.d/* - /etc/roles/webserver
Windows Software Repo Settings
Default: /srv/salt/win/repo
Location of the repo on the master
win_repo: '/srv/salt/win/repo'
Default: /srv/salt/win/repo/winrepo.p
win_repo_mastercachefile: '/srv/salt/win/repo/winrepo.p'
Default: ''
List of git repositories to include with the local repo.
win_gitrepos: - ''
To specify a specific revision of the repository, preface the repository location with a commit ID:
win_gitrepos: - '<commit_id>'
Replacing <commit_id> with the ID from GitHub. Specifying a commit ID is useful if you need to revert to a previous version if an error is introduced in the latest version.
Configuring the Salt Minion
The Salt system is amazingly simple and easy to configure. The two components of the Salt system each have a respective configuration file. The salt-master is configured via the master configuration file, and the salt-minion is configured via the minion configuration file.
SEE ALSO: example minion configuration file
The Salt Minion configuration is very simple. Typically, the only value that needs to be set is the master value so the minion knows where to locate its master.
By default, the salt-minion configuration will be in /etc/salt/minion. A notable exception is FreeBSD, where the configuration will be in /usr/local/etc/salt/minion.
Minion Primary Configuration
Default: salt
The hostname or ipv4 of the master.
Default: salt
master: salt
The option can can also be set to a list of masters, enabling multi-master mode.
master: - address1 - address2
Changed in version 2014.7.0: The master can be dynamically configured. The master value can be set to an module function which will be executed and will assume that the returning value is the ip or hostname of the desired master. If a function is being specified, then the master_type option must be set to func, to tell the minion that the value is a function to be run and not a fully-qualified domain name.
master: module.function master_type: func
In addition, instead of using multi-master mode, the minion can be configured to use the list of master addresses as a failover list, trying the first address, then the second, etc. until the minion successfully connects. To enable this behavior, set master_type to failover:
master: - address1 - address2 master_type: failover
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: str
The type of the master variable. Can be str, failover or func.
master_type: failover
If this option is set to failover, master must be a list of master addresses. The minion will then try each master in the order specified in the list until it successfully connects. master_alive_interval must also be set, this determines how often the minion will verify the presence of the master.
master_type: func
If the master needs to be dynamically assigned by executing a function instead of reading in the static master value, set this to func. This can be used to manage the minion's master setting from an execution module. By simply changing the algorithm in the module to return a new master ip/fqdn, restart the minion and it will connect to the new master.
master_alive_interval: 30
Configures how often, in seconds, the minion will verify that the current master is alive and responding. The minion will try to establish a connection to the next master in the list if it finds the existing one is dead.
New in version 2014.7.0.
Default: False
If master is a list of addresses and :conf_minion`master_type` is failover, shuffle them before trying to connect to distribute the minions over all available masters. This uses Python's random.shuffle method.
master_shuffle: True
Default: False
If master is a list of addresses, shuffle them before trying to connect to distribute the minions over all available masters. This uses Python's random.randint method.
random_master: True
Default: 30
Set the number of seconds to wait before attempting to resolve the master hostname if name resolution fails. Defaults to 30 seconds. Set to zero if the minion should shutdown and not retry.
retry_dns: 30
Default: 4506
The port of the master ret server, this needs to coincide with the ret_port option on the Salt master.
master_port: 4506
Default: root
The user to run the Salt processes
user: root
Default: ''
Setting sudo_user will cause salt to run all execution modules under an sudo to the user given in sudo_user. The user under which the salt minion process itself runs will still be that provided in user above, but all execution modules run by the minion will be rerouted through sudo.
sudo_user: saltadm
Default: /var/run/
The location of the daemon's process ID file
pidfile: /var/run/
Default: /
This directory is prepended to the following options: pki_dir, cachedir, log_file, sock_dir, and pidfile.
root_dir: /
Default: /etc/salt/pki
The directory used to store the minion's public and private keys.
pki_dir: /etc/salt/pki
Default: the system's hostname
SEE ALSO: Salt Walkthrough
The Setting up a Salt Minion section contains detailed information on how the hostname is determined.
Explicitly declare the id for this minion to use. Since Salt uses detached ids it is possible to run multiple minions on the same machine but with different ids.
Default: None
Append a domain to a hostname in the event that it does not exist. This is useful for systems where socket.getfqdn() does not actually result in a FQDN (for instance, Solaris).
Default: /var/cache/salt
The location for minion cache data.
cachedir: /var/cache/salt
Default: True
Verify and set permissions on configuration directories at startup.
verify_env: True
NOTE: When marked as True the verify_env option requires WRITE access to the configuration directory (/etc/salt/). In certain situations such as mounting /etc/salt/ as read-only for templating this will create a stack trace when state.highstate is called.
Default: False
The minion can locally cache the return data from jobs sent to it, this can be a good way to keep track of the minion side of the jobs the minion has executed. By default this feature is disabled, to enable set cache_jobs to True.
cache_jobs: False
Default: False
The minion can locally cache grain data instead of refreshing the data each time the grain is referenced. By default this feature is disabled, to enable set grains_cache to True.
grains_cache: False
Default: /var/run/salt/minion
The directory where Unix sockets will be kept.
sock_dir: /var/run/salt/minion
Default: []
Backup files replaced by file.managed and file.recurse under cachedir.
backup_mode: minion
Default: 10
The number of seconds to wait until attempting to re-authenticate with the master.
acceptance_wait_time: 10
When the master key changes, the minion will try to re-auth itself to receive the new master key. In larger environments this can cause a syn-flood on the master because all minions try to re-auth immediately. To prevent this and have a minion wait for a random amount of time, use this optional parameter. The wait-time will be a random number of seconds between 0 and the defined value.
random_reauth_delay: 60
Default: None
The maximum number of seconds to wait until attempting to re-authenticate with the master. If set, the wait will increase by acceptance_wait_time seconds each iteration.
acceptance_wait_time_max: None
Default: 1000
The interval in milliseconds that the socket should wait before trying to reconnect to the master (1000ms = 1 second).
recon_default: 1000
Default: 10000
The maximum time a socket should wait. Each interval the time to wait is calculated by doubling the previous time. If recon_max is reached, it starts again at the recon_default.
- Short example:
- •
- reconnect 1: the socket will wait 'recon_default' milliseconds
- •
- reconnect 2: 'recon_default' * 2
- •
- reconnect 3: ('recon_default' * 2) * 2
- •
- reconnect 4: value from previous interval * 2
- •
- reconnect 5: value from previous interval * 2
- •
reconnect x: if value >= recon_max, it starts again with recon_default
recon_max: 10000
Default: True
Generate a random wait time on minion start. The wait time will be a random value between recon_default and recon_default and recon_max. Having all minions reconnect with the same recon_default and recon_max value kind of defeats the purpose of being able to change these settings. If all minions have the same values and the setup is quite large (several thousand minions), they will still flood the master. The desired behavior is to have time-frame within all minions try to reconnect.
recon_randomize: True
Default: 5
The default timeout for a minion return attempt.
return_retry_timer: 5
Default: 10
The maximum timeout for a minion return attempt. If non-zero the minion return retry timeout will be a random int beween return_retry_timer and return_retry_timer_max
return_retry_timer_max: 10
Default: True
The connection to the master ret_port is kept open. When set to False, the minion creates a new connection for every return to the master. environment, set this value to False.
cache_sreqs: True
Default: ipc
Windows platforms lack POSIX IPC and must rely on slower TCP based inter- process communications. Set ipc_mode to tcp on such systems.
ipc_mode: ipc
Default: 4510
Publish port used when ipc_mode is set to tcp.
tcp_pub_port: 4510
Default: 4511
Pull port used when ipc_mode is set to tcp.
tcp_pull_port: 4511
Minion Module Management
Default: [] (all modules are enabled by default)
The event may occur in which the administrator desires that a minion should not be able to execute a certain module. The sys module is built into the minion and cannot be disabled.
This setting can also tune the minion, as all modules are loaded into ram disabling modules will lower the minion's ram footprint.
disable_modules: - test - solr
Default: [] (all returners are enabled by default)
If certain returners should be disabled, this is the place
disable_returners: - mongo_return
Default: []
A list of extra directories to search for Salt modules
module_dirs: - /var/lib/salt/modules
Default: []
A list of extra directories to search for Salt returners
returners_dirs: - /var/lib/salt/returners
Default: []
A list of extra directories to search for Salt states
states_dirs: - /var/lib/salt/states
Default: []
A list of extra directories to search for Salt grains
grains_dirs: - /var/lib/salt/grains
Default: []
A list of extra directories to search for Salt renderers
render_dirs: - /var/lib/salt/renderers
Default: False
Set this value to true to enable auto-loading and compiling of .pyx modules, This setting requires that gcc and cython are installed on the minion
cython_enable: False
Default: (empty)
A module provider can be statically overwritten or extended for the minion via the providers option. This can be done on an individual basis in an SLS file, or globally here in the minion config, like below.
providers: service: systemd
State Management Settings
Default: yaml_jinja
The default renderer used for local state executions
renderer: yaml_jinja
Default: False
state_verbose allows for the data returned from the minion to be more verbose. Normally only states that fail or states that have changes are returned, but setting state_verbose to True will return all states that were checked
state_verbose: True
Default: full
The state_output setting changes if the output is the full multi line output for each changed state if set to 'full', but if set to 'terse' the output will be shortened to a single line.
state_output: full
Default: True
autoload_dynamic_modules Turns on automatic loading of modules found in the environments on the master. This is turned on by default, to turn of auto-loading modules when states run set this value to False
autoload_dynamic_modules: True
Default: True
clean_dynamic_modules keeps the dynamic modules on the minion in sync with the dynamic modules on the master, this means that if a dynamic module is not on the master it will be deleted from the minion. By default this is enabled and can be disabled by changing this value to False
clean_dynamic_modules: True
Default: None
Normally the minion is not isolated to any single environment on the master when running states, but the environment can be isolated on the minion side by statically setting it. Remember that the recommended way to manage environments is to isolate via the top file.
environment: None
File Directory Settings
Default: remote
The client defaults to looking on the master server for files, but can be directed to look on the minion by setting this parameter to local.
file_client: remote
Default: False
When using a local file_client, this parameter is used to allow the client to connect to a master for remote execution.
use_master_when_local: False
base: - /srv/salt
When using a local file_client, this parameter is used to setup the fileserver's environments. This parameter operates identically to the master config parameter of the same name.
file_roots: base: - /srv/salt dev: - /srv/salt/dev/services - /srv/salt/dev/states prod: - /srv/salt/prod/services - /srv/salt/prod/states
Default: md5
The hash_type is the hash to use when discovering the hash of a file on the local fileserver. The default is md5, but sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, and sha512 are also supported.
hash_type: md5
base: - /srv/pillar
When using a local file_client, this parameter is used to setup the pillar environments.
pillar_roots: base: - /srv/pillar dev: - /srv/pillar/dev prod: - /srv/pillar/prod
Security Settings
Default: False
Open mode can be used to clean out the PKI key received from the Salt master, turn on open mode, restart the minion, then turn off open mode and restart the minion to clean the keys.
open_mode: False
Default: ''
Fingerprint of the master public key to validate the identity of your Salt master before the initial key exchange. The master fingerprint can be found by running "salt-key -F master" on the Salt master.
master_finger: 'ba:30:65:2a:d6:9e:20:4f:d8:b2:f3:a7:d4:65:11:13'
Default: False
Enables verification of the master-public-signature returned by the master in auth-replies. Please see the tutorial on how to configure this properly Multimaster-PKI with Failover Tutorial
New in version 2014.7.0.
verify_master_pubkey_sign: True
If this is set to True, master_sign_pubkey must be also set to True in the master configuration file.
Default: master_sign
The filename without the .pub suffix of the public key that should be used for verifying the signature from the master. The file must be located in the minion's pki directory.
New in version 2014.7.0.
master_sign_key_name: <filename_without_suffix>
Default: False
If verify_master_pubkey_sign is enabled, the signature is only verified, if the public-key of the master changes. If the signature should always be verified, this can be set to True.
New in version 2014.7.0.
always_verify_signature: True
Thread Settings
Default: True
Disable multiprocessing support by default when a minion receives a publication a new process is spawned and the command is executed therein.
multiprocessing: True
Minion Logging Settings
Default: /var/log/salt/minion
The minion log can be sent to a regular file, local path name, or network location. See also log_file.
log_file: /var/log/salt/minion
log_file: file:///dev/log
log_file: udp://loghost:10514
Default: warning
The level of messages to send to the console. See also log_level.
log_level: warning
Default: warning
The level of messages to send to the log file. See also log_level_logfile.
log_level_logfile: warning
Default: %H:%M:%S
The date and time format used in console log messages. See also log_datefmt.
log_datefmt: '%H:%M:%S'
Default: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
The date and time format used in log file messages. See also log_datefmt_logfile.
log_datefmt_logfile: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
Default: [%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s
The format of the console logging messages. See also log_fmt_console.
log_fmt_console: '[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s'
Default: %(asctime)s,%(msecs)03.0f [%(name)-17s][%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s
The format of the log file logging messages. See also log_fmt_logfile.
log_fmt_logfile: '%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03.0f [%(name)-17s][%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s'
Default: {}
This can be used to control logging levels more specifically. See also log_granular_levels.
Default: False
Set the global failhard flag, this informs all states to stop running states at the moment a single state fails
failhard: False
Include Configuration
Default: minion.d/*.conf
The minion can include configuration from other files. Per default the minion will automatically include all config files from minion.d/*.conf where minion.d is relative to the directory of the minion configuration file.
Default: not defined
The minion can include configuration from other files. To enable this, pass a list of paths to this option. The paths can be either relative or absolute; if relative, they are considered to be relative to the directory the main minion configuration file lives in. Paths can make use of shell-style globbing. If no files are matched by a path passed to this option then the minion will log a warning message.
# Include files from a minion.d directory in the same # directory as the minion config file include: minion.d/*.conf # Include a single extra file into the configuration include: /etc/roles/webserver # Include several files and the minion.d directory include: - extra_config - minion.d/* - /etc/roles/webserver
Frozen Build Update Settings
These options control how salt.modules.saltutil.update() works with esky frozen apps. For more information look at
Default: False (Update feature is disabled)
The url to use when looking for application updates. Esky depends on directory listings to search for new versions. A webserver running on your Master is a good starting point for most setups.
update_url: ''
Default: [] (service restarting on update is disabled)
A list of services to restart when the minion software is updated. This would typically just be a list containing the minion's service name, but you may have other services that need to go with it.
update_restart_services: ['salt-minion']
Running the Salt Master/Minion as an Unprivileged User
While the default setup runs the master and minion as the root user, some may consider it an extra measure of security to run the master as a non-root user. Keep in mind that doing so does not change the master's capability to access minions as the user they are running as. Due to this many feel that running the master as a non-root user does not grant any real security advantage which is why the master has remained as root by default.
NOTE: Some of Salt's operations cannot execute correctly when the master is not running as root, specifically the pam external auth system, as this system needs root access to check authentication.
As of Salt 0.9.10 it is possible to run Salt as a non-root user. This can be done by setting the user parameter in the master configuration file. and restarting the salt-master service.
The minion has it's own user parameter as well, but running the minion as an unprivileged user will keep it from making changes to things like users, installed packages, etc. unless access controls (sudo, etc.) are setup on the minion to permit the non-root user to make the needed changes.
In order to allow Salt to successfully run as a non-root user, ownership, and permissions need to be set such that the desired user can read from and write to the following directories (and their subdirectories, where applicable):
- •
- /etc/salt
- •
- /var/cache/salt
- •
- /var/log/salt
- •
Ownership can be easily changed with chown, like so:
# chown -R user /etc/salt /var/cache/salt /var/log/salt /var/run/salt
WARNING: Running either the master or minion with the root_dir parameter specified will affect these paths, as will setting options like pki_dir, cachedir, log_file, and other options that normally live in the above directories.
The salt project tries to get the logging to work for you and help us solve any issues you might find along the way.
If you want to get some more information on the nitty-gritty of salt's logging system, please head over to the logging development document, if all you're after is salt's logging configurations, please continue reading.
Available Configuration Settings
The log records can be sent to a regular file, local path name, or network location. Remote logging works best when configured to use rsyslogd(8) (e.g.: file:///dev/log), with rsyslogd(8) configured for network logging. The format for remote addresses is: <file|udp|tcp>://<host|socketpath>:<port-if-required>/<log-facility>.
Default: Dependent of the binary being executed, for example, for salt-master, /var/log/salt/master.
log_file: /var/log/salt/master
log_file: /var/log/salt/minion
log_file: file:///dev/log
log_file: udp://loghost:10514
Default: warning
The level of log record messages to send to the console. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, critical, quiet.
log_level: warning
Default: warning
The level of messages to send to the log file. One of all, garbage, trace, debug, info, warning, error, critical, quiet.
log_level_logfile: warning
Default: %H:%M:%S
The date and time format used in console log messages. Allowed date/time formatting can be seen on time.strftime.
log_datefmt: '%H:%M:%S'
Default: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
The date and time format used in log file messages. Allowed date/time formatting can be seen on time.strftime.
log_datefmt_logfile: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
Default: [%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s
The format of the console logging messages. Allowed formatting options can be seen on the LogRecord attributes.
log_fmt_console: '[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s'
Default: %(asctime)s,%(msecs)03.0f [%(name)-17s][%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s
The format of the log file logging messages. Allowed formatting options can be seen on the LogRecord attributes.
log_fmt_logfile: '%(asctime)s,%(msecs)03.0f [%(name)-17s][%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s'
Default: {}
This can be used to control logging levels more specifically. The example sets the main salt library at the 'warning' level, but sets salt.modules to log at the debug level:
log_granular_levels: 'salt': 'warning' 'salt.modules': 'debug'
External Logging Handlers
Besides the internal logging handlers used by salt, there are some external which can be used, see the external logging handlers document.
External Logging Handlers
logstash_mod |
Logstash Logging Handler
sentry_mod |
Sentry Logging Handler
Logstash Logging Handler
New in version 0.17.0.
This module provides some Logstash logging handlers.
UDP Logging Handler
For versions of Logstash before 1.2.0:
In the salt configuration file:
logstash_udp_handler: host: port: 9999 version: 0
In the Logstash configuration file:
input { udp { type => "udp-type" format => "json_event" } }
For version 1.2.0 of Logstash and newer:
In the salt configuration file:
logstash_udp_handler: host: port: 9999 version: 1
In the Logstash configuration file:
input { udp { port => 9999 codec => json } }
Please read the UDP input configuration page for additional information.
ZeroMQ Logging Handler
For versions of Logstash before 1.2.0:
In the salt configuration file:
logstash_zmq_handler: address: tcp:// version: 0
In the Logstash configuration file:
input { zeromq { type => "zeromq-type" mode => "server" topology => "pubsub" address => "tcp://" charset => "UTF-8" format => "json_event" } }
For version 1.2.0 of Logstash and newer:
In the salt configuration file:
logstash_zmq_handler: address: tcp:// version: 1
In the Logstash configuration file:
input { zeromq { topology => "pubsub" address => "tcp://" codec => json } }
Please read the ZeroMQ input configuration page for additional information.
- Important Logstash Setting
One of the most important settings that you should not forget on your Logstash configuration file regarding these logging handlers is format. Both the UDP and ZeroMQ inputs need to have format as json_event which is what we send over the wire.
Log Level
Both the logstash_udp_handler and the logstash_zmq_handler configuration sections accept an additional setting log_level. If not set, the logging level used will be the one defined for log_level in the global configuration file section.
The high water mark for the ZMQ socket setting. Only applicable for the logstash_zmq_handler.
- Inspiration
This work was inspired in pylogstash, python-logstash, canary and the PyZMQ logging handler.
Sentry Logging Handler
New in version 0.17.0.
This module provides a Sentry logging handler.
- Note
The Raven library needs to be installed on the system for this logging handler to be available.
Configuring the python Sentry client, Raven, should be done under the sentry_handler configuration key. At the bare minimum, you need to define the DSN. As an example:
sentry_handler: dsn:
More complex configurations can be achieved, for example:
sentry_handler: servers: - - project: app-id public_key: deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef secret_key: beefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdead
All the client configuration keys are supported, please see the Raven client documentation.
The default logging level for the sentry handler is ERROR. If you wish to define a different one, define log_level under the sentry_handler configuration key:
sentry_handler: dsn: log_level: warning
The available log levels are those also available for the salt cli tools and configuration; salt --help should give you the required information.
Threaded Transports
Raven's documents rightly suggest using its threaded transport for critical applications. However, don't forget that if you start having troubles with Salt after enabling the threaded transport, please try switching to a non-threaded transport to see if that fixes your problem.
Salt File Server
Salt comes with a simple file server suitable for distributing files to the Salt minions. The file server is a stateless ZeroMQ server that is built into the Salt master.
The main intent of the Salt file server is to present files for use in the Salt state system. With this said, the Salt file server can be used for any general file transfer from the master to the minions.
File Server Backends
In Salt 0.12.0, the modular fileserver was introduced. This feature added the ability for the Salt Master to integrate different file server backends. File server backends allow the Salt file server to act as a transparent bridge to external resources. A good example of this is the git backend, which allows Salt to serve files sourced from one or more git repositories, but there are several others as well. Click here for a full list of Salt's fileserver backends.
Enabling a Fileserver Backend
Fileserver backends can be enabled with the fileserver_backend option.
fileserver_backend: - git
See the documentation for each backend to find the correct value to add to fileserver_backend in order to enable them.
Using Multiple Backends
If fileserver_backend is not defined in the Master config file, Salt will use the roots backend, but the fileserver_backend option supports multiple backends. When more than one backend is in use, the files from the enabled backends are merged into a single virtual filesystem. When a file is requested, the backends will be searched in order for that file, and the first backend to match will be the one which returns the file.
fileserver_backend: - roots - git
With this configuration, the environments and files defined in the file_roots parameter will be searched first, and if the file is not found then the git repositories defined in gitfs_remotes will be searched.
Just as the order of the values in fileserver_backend matters, so too does the order in which different sources are defined within a fileserver environment. For example, given the below file_roots configuration, if both /srv/salt/dev/foo.txt and /srv/salt/prod/foo.txt exist on the Master, then salt://foo.txt would point to /srv/salt/dev/foo.txt in the dev environment, but it would point to /srv/salt/prod/foo.txt in the base environment.
file_roots: base: - /srv/salt/prod qa: - /srv/salt/qa - /srv/salt/prod dev: - /srv/salt/dev - /srv/salt/qa - /srv/salt/prod
Similarly, when using the git backend, if both repositories defined below have a hotfix23 branch/tag, and both of them also contain the file bar.txt in the root of the repository at that branch/tag, then salt://bar.txt in the hotfix23 environment would be served from the first repository.
gitfs_remotes: - https://mydomain.tld/repos/first.git - https://mydomain.tld/repos/second.git
NOTE: Environments map differently based on the fileserver backend. For instance, the mappings are explicitly defined in roots backend, while in the VCS backends (git, hg, svn) the environments are created from branches/tags/bookmarks/etc. For the minion backend, the files are all in a single environment, which is specified by the minionfs_env option.
See the documentation for each backend for a more detailed explanation of how environments are mapped.
Dynamic Module Distribution
New in version 0.9.5.
Custom Salt execution, state, and other modules can be distributed to Salt minions using the Salt file server.
Under the root of any environment defined via the file_roots option on the master server directories corresponding to the type of module can be used.
The directories are prepended with an underscore:
- •
- _beacons
- •
- _modules
- •
- _grains
- •
- _renderers
- •
- _returners
- •
- _states
- •
- _output
- •
The contents of these directories need to be synced over to the minions after Python modules have been created in them. There are a number of ways to sync the modules.
Sync Via States
The minion configuration contains an option autoload_dynamic_modules which defaults to True. This option makes the state system refresh all dynamic modules when states are run. To disable this behavior set autoload_dynamic_modules to False in the minion config.
When dynamic modules are autoloaded via states, modules only pertinent to the environments matched in the master's top file are downloaded.
This is important to remember, because modules can be manually loaded from any specific environment that environment specific modules will be loaded when a state run is executed.
Sync Via the saltutil Module
The saltutil module has a number of functions that can be used to sync all or specific dynamic modules. The saltutil module function saltutil.sync_all will sync all module types over to a minion. For more information see: salt.modules.saltutil
File Server Configuration
The Salt file server is a high performance file server written in ZeroMQ. It manages large files quickly and with little overhead, and has been optimized to handle small files in an extremely efficient manner.
The Salt file server is an environment aware file server. This means that files can be allocated within many root directories and accessed by specifying both the file path and the environment to search. The individual environments can span across multiple directory roots to create overlays and to allow for files to be organized in many flexible ways.
The Salt file server defaults to the mandatory base environment. This environment MUST be defined and is used to download files when no environment is specified.
Environments allow for files and sls data to be logically separated, but environments are not isolated from each other. This allows for logical isolation of environments by the engineer using Salt, but also allows for information to be used in multiple environments.
Directory Overlay
The environment setting is a list of directories to publish files from. These directories are searched in order to find the specified file and the first file found is returned.
This means that directory data is prioritized based on the order in which they are listed. In the case of this file_roots configuration:
file_roots: base: - /srv/salt/base - /srv/salt/failover
If a file's URI is salt://httpd/httpd.conf, it will first search for the file at /srv/salt/base/httpd/httpd.conf. If the file is found there it will be returned. If the file is not found there, then /srv/salt/failover/httpd/httpd.conf will be used for the source.
This allows for directories to be overlaid and prioritized based on the order they are defined in the configuration.
It is also possible to have file_roots which supports multiple environments:
file_roots: base: - /srv/salt/base dev: - /srv/salt/dev - /srv/salt/base prod: - /srv/salt/prod - /srv/salt/base
This example ensures that each environment will check the associated environment directory for files first. If a file is not found in the appropriate directory, the system will default to using the base directory.
Local File Server
New in version 0.9.8.
The file server can be rerouted to run from the minion. This is primarily to enable running Salt states without a Salt master. To use the local file server interface, copy the file server data to the minion and set the file_roots option on the minion to point to the directories copied from the master. Once the minion file_roots option has been set, change the file_client option to local to make sure that the local file server interface is used.
The cp Module
The cp module is the home of minion side file server operations. The cp module is used by the Salt state system, salt-cp, and can be used to distribute files presented by the Salt file server.
Escaping Special Characters
The salt:// url format can potentially contain a query string, for example salt://dir/file.txt?saltenv=base. You can prevent the fileclient/fileserver from interpreting ? as the initial token of a query string by referencing the file with salt://| rather than salt://.
/etc/marathon/conf/?checkpoint: file.managed: - source: salt://|hw/config/?checkpoint - makedirs: True
Since the file server is made to work with the Salt state system, it supports environments. The environments are defined in the master config file and when referencing an environment the file specified will be based on the root directory of the environment.
The cp.get_file function can be used on the minion to download a file from the master, the syntax looks like this:
# salt '*' cp.get_file salt://vimrc /etc/vimrc
This will instruct all Salt minions to download the vimrc file and copy it to /etc/vimrc
Template rendering can be enabled on both the source and destination file names like so:
# salt '*' cp.get_file "salt://{{grains.os}}/vimrc" /etc/vimrc template=jinja
This example would instruct all Salt minions to download the vimrc from a directory with the same name as their OS grain and copy it to /etc/vimrc
For larger files, the cp.get_file module also supports gzip compression. Because gzip is CPU-intensive, this should only be used in scenarios where the compression ratio is very high (e.g. pretty-printed JSON or YAML files).
To use compression, use the gzip named argument. Valid values are integers from 1 to 9, where 1 is the lightest compression and 9 the heaviest. In other words, 1 uses the least CPU on the master (and minion), while 9 uses the most.
# salt '*' cp.get_file salt://vimrc /etc/vimrc gzip=5
Finally, note that by default cp.get_file does not create new destination directories if they do not exist. To change this, use the makedirs argument:
# salt '*' cp.get_file salt://vimrc /etc/vim/vimrc makedirs=True
In this example, /etc/vim/ would be created if it didn't already exist.
The cp.get_dir function can be used on the minion to download an entire directory from the master. The syntax is very similar to get_file:
# salt '*' cp.get_dir salt://etc/apache2 /etc
cp.get_dir supports template rendering and gzip compression arguments just like get_file:
# salt '*' cp.get_dir salt://etc/{{pillar.webserver}} /etc gzip=5 template=jinja
File Server Client API
A client API is available which allows for modules and applications to be written which make use of the Salt file server.
The file server uses the same authentication and encryption used by the rest of the Salt system for network communication.
FileClient Class
The FileClient class is used to set up the communication from the minion to the master. When creating a FileClient object the minion configuration needs to be passed in. When using the FileClient from within a minion module the built in __opts__ data can be passed:
import salt.minion def get_file(path, dest, env='base'): ''' Used to get a single file from the Salt master CLI Example: salt '*' cp.get_file salt://vimrc /etc/vimrc ''' # Create the FileClient object client = salt.minion.FileClient(__opts__) # Call get_file return client.get_file(path, dest, False, env)
Using the FileClient class outside of a minion module where the __opts__ data is not available, it needs to be generated:
import salt.minion import salt.config def get_file(path, dest, env='base'): ''' Used to get a single file from the Salt master ''' # Get the configuration data opts = salt.config.minion_config('/etc/salt/minion') # Create the FileClient object client = salt.minion.FileClient(opts) # Call get_file return client.get_file(path, dest, False, env)
Full list of builtin fileserver modules
gitfs |
Git Fileserver Backend
hgfs |
Mercurial Fileserver Backend
minionfs |
Fileserver backend which serves files pushed to the Master
roots |
The default file server backend
s3fs |
Amazon S3 Fileserver Backend
svnfs |
Subversion Fileserver Backend
Git Fileserver Backend
With this backend, branches and tags in a remote git repository are exposed to salt as different environments.
To enable, add git to the fileserver_backend option in the Master config file.
fileserver_backend: - git
As of Salt 2014.7.0, the Git fileserver backend supports GitPython, pygit2, and dulwich to provide the Python interface to git. If more than one of these are present, the order of preference for which one will be chosen is the same as the order in which they were listed: pygit2, GitPython, dulwich (keep in mind, this order is subject to change).
An optional master config parameter (gitfs_provider) can be used to specify which provider should be used.
More detailed information on how to use gitfs can be found in the Gitfs Walkthrough.
NOTE: Minimum requirements
To use GitPython for gitfs requires a minimum GitPython version of 0.3.0, as well as the git CLI utility. Instructions for installing GitPython can be found here.
To use pygit2 for gitfs requires a minimum pygit2 version of 0.20.3. pygit2 0.20.3 requires libgit2 0.20.0. pygit2 and libgit2 are developed alongside one another, so it is recommended to keep them both at the same major release to avoid unexpected behavior. For example, pygit2 0.21.x requires libgit2 0.21.x, pygit2 0.22.x will require libgit2 0.22.x, etc.
To find stale refs, pygit2 additionally requires the git CLI utility to be installed.
- salt.fileserver.gitfs.clear_cache()
- Completely clear gitfs cache
- salt.fileserver.gitfs.clear_lock(remote=None)
remote can either be a dictionary containing repo configuration information, or a pattern. If the latter, then remotes for which the URL matches the pattern will be locked.
- salt.fileserver.gitfs.dir_list(load)
- Return a list of all directories on the master
- salt.fileserver.gitfs.envs(ignore_cache=False, skip_clean=False)
- Return a list of refs that can be used as environments
- salt.fileserver.gitfs.file_hash(load, fnd)
- Return a file hash, the hash type is set in the master config file
- salt.fileserver.gitfs.file_list(load)
- Return a list of all files on the file server in a specified environment
- salt.fileserver.gitfs.file_list_emptydirs(load)
- Return a list of all empty directories on the master
- salt.fileserver.gitfs.find_file(path, tgt_env='base', **kwargs)
- Find the first file to match the path and ref, read the file out of git and send the path to the newly cached file
- salt.fileserver.gitfs.init()
- Return the git repo object for this session
- salt.fileserver.gitfs.lock(remote=None)
Place an
remote can either be a dictionary containing repo configuration information, or a pattern. If the latter, then remotes for which the URL matches the pattern will be locked.
- salt.fileserver.gitfs.serve_file(load, fnd)
- Return a chunk from a file based on the data received
- salt.fileserver.gitfs.symlink_list(load)
- Return a dict of all symlinks based on a given path in the repo
- salt.fileserver.gitfs.update()
- Execute a git fetch on all of the repos
Mercurial Fileserver Backend
To enable, add hg to the fileserver_backend option in the Master config file.
fileserver_backend: - hg
After enabling this backend, branches, bookmarks, and tags in a remote mercurial repository are exposed to salt as different environments. This feature is managed by the fileserver_backend option in the salt master config file.
This fileserver has an additional option hgfs_branch_method that will set the desired branch method. Possible values are: branches, bookmarks, or mixed. If using branches or mixed, the default branch will be mapped to base.
Changed in version 2014.1.0: The hgfs_base master config parameter was added, allowing for a branch other than default to be used for the base environment, and allowing for a base environment to be specified when using an hgfs_branch_method of bookmarks.
- depends
- •
- mercurial
- •
- python bindings for mercurial (python-hglib)
- salt.fileserver.hgfs.clear_cache()
- Completely clear hgfs cache
- salt.fileserver.hgfs.clear_lock(remote=None)
remote can either be a dictionary containing repo configuration information, or a pattern. If the latter, then remotes for which the URL matches the pattern will be locked.
- salt.fileserver.hgfs.dir_list(load)
- Return a list of all directories on the master
- salt.fileserver.hgfs.envs(ignore_cache=False)
- Return a list of refs that can be used as environments
- salt.fileserver.hgfs.file_hash(load, fnd)
- Return a file hash, the hash type is set in the master config file
- salt.fileserver.hgfs.file_list(load)
- Return a list of all files on the file server in a specified environment
- salt.fileserver.hgfs.file_list_emptydirs(load)
- Return a list of all empty directories on the master
- salt.fileserver.hgfs.find_file(path, tgt_env='base', **kwargs)
- Find the first file to match the path and ref, read the file out of hg and send the path to the newly cached file
- salt.fileserver.hgfs.init()
- Return a list of hglib objects for the various hgfs remotes
- salt.fileserver.hgfs.lock(remote=None)
Place an
remote can either be a dictionary containing repo configuration information, or a pattern. If the latter, then remotes for which the URL matches the pattern will be locked.
- salt.fileserver.hgfs.serve_file(load, fnd)
- Return a chunk from a file based on the data received
- salt.fileserver.hgfs.update()
- Execute an hg pull on all of the repos
Fileserver backend which serves files pushed to the Master
The cp.push function allows Minions to push files up to the Master. Using this backend, these pushed files are exposed to other Minions via the Salt fileserver.
To enable minionfs, file_recv needs to be set to True in the master config file (otherwise cp.push will not be allowed to push files to the Master), and minion must be added to the fileserver_backends list.
fileserver_backend: - minion
Other minionfs settings include: minionfs_whitelist, minionfs_blacklist, minionfs_mountpoint, and minionfs_env.
SEE ALSO: tutorial-minionfs
- salt.fileserver.minionfs.dir_list(load)
Return a list of all directories on the master
CLI Example:
$ salt 'source-minion' cp.push /absolute/path/file # Push the file to the master $ salt 'destination-minion' cp.list_master_dirs destination-minion: - source-minion/absolute - source-minion/absolute/path
- salt.fileserver.minionfs.envs()
- Returns the one environment specified for minionfs in the master configuration.
- salt.fileserver.minionfs.file_hash(load, fnd)
- Return a file hash, the hash type is set in the master config file
- salt.fileserver.minionfs.file_list(load)
- Return a list of all files on the file server in a specified environment
- salt.fileserver.minionfs.find_file(path, tgt_env='base', **kwargs)
- Search the environment for the relative path
- salt.fileserver.minionfs.serve_file(load, fnd)
Return a chunk from a file based on the data received
CLI Example:
# Push the file to the master $ salt 'source-minion' cp.push /path/to/the/file $ salt 'destination-minion' cp.get_file salt://source-minion/path/to/the/file /destination/file
- salt.fileserver.minionfs.update()
- When we are asked to update (regular interval) lets reap the cache
The default file server backend
This fileserver backend serves files from the Master's local filesystem. If fileserver_backend is not defined in the Master config file, then this backend is enabled by default. If it is defined then roots must be in the fileserver_backend list to enable this backend.
fileserver_backend: - roots
Fileserver environments are defined using the file_roots configuration option.
- salt.fileserver.roots.dir_list(load)
- Return a list of all directories on the master
- salt.fileserver.roots.envs()
- Return the file server environments
- salt.fileserver.roots.file_hash(load, fnd)
- Return a file hash, the hash type is set in the master config file
- salt.fileserver.roots.file_list(load)
- Return a list of all files on the file server in a specified environment
- salt.fileserver.roots.file_list_emptydirs(load)
- Return a list of all empty directories on the master
- salt.fileserver.roots.find_file(path, saltenv='base', env=None, **kwargs)
- Search the environment for the relative path
- salt.fileserver.roots.serve_file(load, fnd)
- Return a chunk from a file based on the data received
- salt.fileserver.roots.symlink_list(load)
- Return a dict of all symlinks based on a given path on the Master
- salt.fileserver.roots.update()
- When we are asked to update (regular interval) lets reap the cache
Amazon S3 Fileserver Backend
This backend exposes directories in S3 buckets as Salt environments. To enable this backend, add s3fs to the fileserver_backend option in the Master config file.
fileserver_backend: - s3fs
S3 credentials must also be set in the master config file:
s3.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H s3.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
Alternatively, if on EC2 these credentials can be automatically loaded from instance metadata.
This fileserver supports two modes of operation for the buckets:
- 1.
A single bucket per environment
s3.buckets: production: - bucket1 - bucket2 staging: - bucket3 - bucket4
- 2.
Multiple environments per bucket
s3.buckets: - bucket1 - bucket2 - bucket3 - bucket4
Note that bucket names must be all lowercase both in the AWS console and in Salt, otherwise you may encounter SignatureDoesNotMatch errors.
A multiple-environment bucket must adhere to the following root directory structure:
s3://<bucket name>/<environment>/<files>
NOTE: This fileserver back-end requires the use of the MD5 hashing algorithm. MD5 may not be compliant with all security policies.
- salt.fileserver.s3fs.dir_list(load)
- Return a list of all directories on the master
- salt.fileserver.s3fs.envs()
- Return a list of directories within the bucket that can be used as environments.
- salt.fileserver.s3fs.file_hash(load, fnd)
- Return an MD5 file hash
- salt.fileserver.s3fs.file_list(load)
- Return a list of all files on the file server in a specified environment
- salt.fileserver.s3fs.file_list_emptydirs(load)
- Return a list of all empty directories on the master
- salt.fileserver.s3fs.find_file(path, saltenv='base', env=None, **kwargs)
- Look through the buckets cache file for a match. If the field is found, it is retrieved from S3 only if its cached version is missing, or if the MD5 does not match.
- salt.fileserver.s3fs.serve_file(load, fnd)
- Return a chunk from a file based on the data received
- salt.fileserver.s3fs.update()
- Update the cache file for the bucket.
Subversion Fileserver Backend
After enabling this backend, branches, and tags in a remote subversion repository are exposed to salt as different environments. To enable this backend, add svn to the fileserver_backend option in the Master config file.
fileserver_backend: - svn
This backend assumes a standard svn layout with directories for branches, tags, and trunk, at the repository root.
- depends
- •
- subversion
- •
Changed in version 2014.7.0: The paths to the trunk, branches, and tags have been made configurable, via the config options svnfs_trunk, svnfs_branches, and svnfs_tags. svnfs_mountpoint was also added. Finally, support for per-remote configuration parameters was added. See the documentation for more information.
- salt.fileserver.svnfs.clear_cache()
- Completely clear svnfs cache
- salt.fileserver.svnfs.clear_lock(remote=None)
remote can either be a dictionary containing repo configuration information, or a pattern. If the latter, then remotes for which the URL matches the pattern will be locked.
- salt.fileserver.svnfs.dir_list(load)
- Return a list of all directories on the master
- salt.fileserver.svnfs.envs(ignore_cache=False)
- Return a list of refs that can be used as environments
- salt.fileserver.svnfs.file_hash(load, fnd)
- Return a file hash, the hash type is set in the master config file
- salt.fileserver.svnfs.file_list(load)
- Return a list of all files on the file server in a specified environment
- salt.fileserver.svnfs.file_list_emptydirs(load)
- Return a list of all empty directories on the master
- salt.fileserver.svnfs.find_file(path, tgt_env='base', **kwargs)
- Find the first file to match the path and ref. This operates similarly to the roots file sever but with assumptions of the directory structure based on svn standard practices.
- salt.fileserver.svnfs.init()
- Return the list of svn remotes and their configuration information
- salt.fileserver.svnfs.lock(remote=None)
Place an
remote can either be a dictionary containing repo configuration information, or a pattern. If the latter, then remotes for which the URL matches the pattern will be locked.
- salt.fileserver.svnfs.serve_file(load, fnd)
- Return a chunk from a file based on the data received
- salt.fileserver.svnfs.update()
- Execute an svn update on all of the repos
Salt code and internals
Reference documentation on Salt's internal code.
This library makes it possible to introspect dataset and aggregate nodes when it is instructed.
NOTE: The following examples with be expressed in YAML for convenience's sake:
- •
- !aggr-scalar will refer to Scalar python function
- •
- !aggr-map will refer to Map python object
- •
- !aggr-seq will refer for Sequence python object
How to instructs merging
This yaml document has duplicate keys:
foo: !aggr-scalar first foo: !aggr-scalar second bar: !aggr-map {first: foo} bar: !aggr-map {second: bar} baz: !aggr-scalar 42
but tagged values instruct Salt that overlapping values they can be merged together:
foo: !aggr-seq [first, second] bar: !aggr-map {first: foo, second: bar} baz: !aggr-seq [42]
Default merge strategy is keep untouched
For example, this yaml document still has duplicate keys, but does not instruct aggregation:
foo: first foo: second bar: {first: foo} bar: {second: bar} baz: 42
So the late found values prevail:
foo: second bar: {second: bar} baz: 42
Aggregation is permitted between tagged objects that share the same type. If not, the default merge strategy prevails.
For example, these examples:
foo: {first: value} foo: !aggr-map {second: value} bar: !aggr-map {first: value} bar: 42 baz: !aggr-seq [42] baz: [fail] qux: 42 qux: !aggr-scalar fail
are interpreted like this:
foo: !aggr-map{second: value} bar: 42 baz: [fail] qux: !aggr-seq [fail]
TODO: write this part
- salt.utils.aggregation.aggregate(obj_a, obj_b, level=False, map_class=<class 'salt.utils.aggregation.Map'>, sequence_class=<class 'salt.utils.aggregation.Sequence'>)
Merge obj_b into obj_a.
>>> aggregate('first', 'second', True) == ['first', 'second'] True
- class salt.utils.aggregation.Aggregate
- Aggregation base.
- class salt.utils.aggregation.Map(*args, **kwds)
- Map aggregation.
- salt.utils.aggregation.Scalar(obj)
Shortcut for Sequence creation
>>> Scalar('foo') == Sequence(['foo']) True
- class salt.utils.aggregation.Sequence
- Sequence aggregation.
Salt-specific exceptions should be thrown as often as possible so the various interfaces to Salt (CLI, API, etc) can handle those errors appropriately and display error messages appropriately.
salt.exceptions |
This module is a central location for all salt exceptions
This module is a central location for all salt exceptions
- exception salt.exceptions.AuthenticationError(message='')
- If sha256 signature fails during decryption
- exception salt.exceptions.AuthorizationError(message='')
- Thrown when runner or wheel execution fails due to permissions
- exception salt.exceptions.CommandExecutionError(message='')
- Used when a module runs a command which returns an error and wants to show the user the output gracefully instead of dying
- exception salt.exceptions.CommandNotFoundError(message='')
- Used in modules or grains when a required binary is not available
- exception salt.exceptions.EauthAuthenticationError(message='')
- Thrown when eauth authentication fails
- exception salt.exceptions.FileserverConfigError(message='')
- Used when invalid fileserver settings are detected
- exception salt.exceptions.LoaderError(message='')
- Problems loading the right renderer
- exception salt.exceptions.MasterExit
- Rise when the master exits
- exception salt.exceptions.MinionError(message='')
- Minion problems reading uris such as salt:// or http://
- exception salt.exceptions.PkgParseError(message='')
- Used when of the pkg modules cannot correctly parse the output from the CLI tool (pacman, yum, apt, aptitude, etc)
- exception salt.exceptions.PublishError(message='')
- Problems encountered when trying to publish a command
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltCacheError(message='')
- Thrown when a problem was encountered trying to read or write from the salt cache
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltClientError(message='')
- Problem reading the master root key
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltClientTimeout(msg, jid=None, *args, **kwargs)
Thrown when a job sent through one of the Client interfaces times out
Takes the jid as a parameter
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltCloudConfigError(message='')
- Raised when a configuration setting is not found and should exist.
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltCloudException(message='')
- Generic Salt Cloud Exception
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltCloudExecutionFailure(message='')
- Raised when too much failures have occurred while querying/waiting for data.
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltCloudExecutionTimeout(message='')
- Raised when too much time has passed while querying/waiting for data.
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltCloudNotFound(message='')
- Raised when some cloud provider function cannot find what's being searched.
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltCloudPasswordError(message='')
- Raise when virtual terminal password input failed
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltCloudSystemExit(message, exit_code=1)
- This exception is raised when the execution should be stopped.
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltDaemonNotRunning(message='')
- Throw when a running master/minion/syndic is not running but is needed to perform the requested operation (e.g., eauth).
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltException(message='')
- Base exception class; all Salt-specific exceptions should subclass this
- pack()
- Pack this exception into a serializable dictionary that is safe for transport via msgpack
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltInvocationError(message='')
- Used when the wrong number of arguments are sent to modules or invalid arguments are specified on the command line
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltMasterError(message='')
- Problem reading the master root key
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltRenderError(message, line_num=None, buf='', marker=' <======================', trace=None)
- Used when a renderer needs to raise an explicit error. If a line number and buffer string are passed, get_context will be invoked to get the location of the error.
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltReqTimeoutError(message='')
- Thrown when a salt master request call fails to return within the timeout
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltRunnerError(message='')
- Problem in runner
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltSyndicMasterError(message='')
- Problem while proxying a request in the syndication master
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltSystemExit(code=0, msg=None)
- This exception is raised when an unsolvable problem is found. There's nothing else to do, salt should just exit.
- exception salt.exceptions.SaltWheelError(message='')
- Problem in wheel
- exception salt.exceptions.TimedProcTimeoutError(message='')
- Thrown when a timed subprocess does not terminate within the timeout, or if the specified timeout is not an int or a float
- exception salt.exceptions.TokenAuthenticationError(message='')
- Thrown when token authentication fails
This module implements all the serializers needed by salt. Each serializer offers the same functions and attributes:
- deserialize
- function for deserializing string or stream
- serialize
- function for serializing a Python object
- available
- flag that tells if the serializer is available (all dependencies are met etc.)
Implements JSON serializer.
It's just a wrapper around json (or simplejson if available).
- salt.utils.serializers.json.deserialize(stream_or_string, **options)
- Deserialize any string of stream like object into a Python data structure.
- Parameters
- •
- stream_or_string -- stream or string to deserialize.
- •
- options -- options given to lower json/simplejson module.
- salt.utils.serializers.json.serialize(obj, **options)
- Serialize Python data to JSON.
- Parameters
- •
- obj -- the data structure to serialize
- •
- options -- options given to lower json/simplejson module.
Implements YAML serializer.
Underneath, it is based on pyyaml and use the safe dumper and loader. It also use C bindings if they are available.
- salt.utils.serializers.yaml.deserialize(stream_or_string, **options)
- Deserialize any string of stream like object into a Python data structure.
- Parameters
- •
- stream_or_string -- stream or string to deserialize.
- •
- options -- options given to lower yaml module.
- salt.utils.serializers.yaml.serialize(obj, **options)
- Serialize Python data to YAML.
- Parameters
- •
- obj -- the data structure to serialize
- •
- options -- options given to lower yaml module.
Implements MsgPack serializer.
- salt.utils.serializers.msgpack.deserialize(stream_or_string, **options)
- Deserialize any string of stream like object into a Python data structure.
- Parameters
- •
- stream_or_string -- stream or string to deserialize.
- •
- options -- options given to lower msgpack module.
- salt.utils.serializers.msgpack.serialize(obj, **options)
- Serialize Python data to MsgPack.
- Parameters
- •
- obj -- the data structure to serialize
- •
- options -- options given to lower msgpack module.
Full list of builtin execution modules
- Virtual modules
pkg is a virtual module that is fulfilled by one of the following modules:
- •
- salt.modules.aptpkg
- •
- salt.modules.brew
- •
- salt.modules.ebuild
- •
- salt.modules.freebsdpkg
- •
- salt.modules.openbsdpkg
- •
- salt.modules.pacman
- •
- salt.modules.pkgin
- •
- salt.modules.pkgng
- •
- salt.modules.pkgutil
- •
- salt.modules.solarispkg
- •
- salt.modules.win_pkg
- •
- salt.modules.yumpkg
- •
aliases Manage the information in the aliases file alternatives Support for Alternatives system apache Support for Apache aptpkg Support for APT (Advanced Packaging Tool) archive A module to wrap (non-Windows) archive calls artifactory Module for fetching artifacts from Artifactory at Wrapper module for at(1) augeas_cfg Manages configuration files via augeas aws_sqs Support for the Amazon Simple Queue Service. blockdev Module for managing block devices bluez Support for Bluetooth (using BlueZ in Linux). boto_asg Connection module for Amazon Autoscale Groups boto_cfn Connection module for Amazon Cloud Formation boto_cloudwatch Connection module for Amazon CloudWatch boto_dynamodb Connection module for Amazon DynamoDB boto_elasticache Connection module for Amazon Elasticache boto_elb Connection module for Amazon ELB boto_iam Connection module for Amazon IAM boto_route53 Connection module for Amazon Route53 boto_secgroup Connection module for Amazon Security Groups boto_sns Connection module for Amazon SNS boto_sqs Connection module for Amazon SQS boto_vpc Connection module for Amazon VPC brew Homebrew for Mac OS X bridge Module for gathering and managing bridging information bsd_shadow Manage the password database on BSD systems btrfs Module for managing BTRFS file systems. cassandra Cassandra NoSQL Database Module cassandra_cql Cassandra Database Module chef Execute chef in server or solo mode chocolatey A dead simple module wrapping calls to the Chocolatey package manager cloud Salt-specific interface for calling Salt Cloud directly cmdmod A module for shelling out. composer Use composer to install PHP dependencies for a directory config Return config information container_resource Common resources for LXC and systemd-nspawn containers cp Minion side functions for salt-cp cpan Manage Perl modules using CPAN cron Work with cron cyg Manage cygwin packages. cytest daemontools daemontools service module. This module will create daemontools type darwin_sysctl Module for viewing and modifying sysctl parameters data Manage a local persistent data structure that can hold any arbitrary data ddns Support for RFC 2136 dynamic DNS updates. deb_apache Support for Apache debconfmod Support for Debconf debian_ip The networking module for Debian based distros debian_service Service support for Debian systems (uses update-rc.d and /sbin/service) defaults devmap Device-Mapper module dig Compendium of generic DNS utilities. disk Module for gathering disk information djangomod Manage Django sites dnsmasq Module for managing dnsmasq dnsutil Compendium of generic DNS utilities dockerio Management of Docker Containers dpkg Support for DEB packages drac Manage Dell DRAC drbd DRBD administration module ebuild Support for Portage eix Support for Eix elasticsearch Connection module for Elasticsearch environ Support for getting and setting the environment variables of the current salt process. eselect Support for eselect, Gentoo's configuration and management tool. etcd_mod Execution module to work with etcd event Use the Salt Event System to fire events from the master to the minion and vice-versa. extfs Module for managing ext2/3/4 file systems file Manage information about regular files, directories, firewalld Support for firewalld freebsd_sysctl Module for viewing and modifying sysctl parameters freebsdjail The jail module for FreeBSD freebsdkmod Module to manage FreeBSD kernel modules freebsdpkg Remote package support using pkg_add(1) freebsdports Install software from the FreeBSD ports(7) system freebsdservice The service module for FreeBSD fsutils Run-time utilities gem Manage ruby gems. genesis Module for managing container and VM images gentoo_service Top level package command wrapper, used to translate the os detected by grains gentoolkitmod Support for Gentoolkit git Support for the Git SCM glance Module for handling openstack glance calls. glusterfs Manage a glusterfs pool gnomedesktop GNOME implementations gpg Manage a GPG keychains, add keys, create keys, retrieve keys from keyservers. grains Return/control aspects of the grains data groupadd Manage groups on Linux, OpenBSD and NetBSD grub_legacy Support for GRUB Legacy guestfs Interact with virtual machine images via libguestfs hadoop Support for hadoop haproxyconn Support for haproxy hashutil A collection of hashing and encoding functions hg Support for the Mercurial SCM hipchat Module for sending messages to hipchat. hosts Manage the information in the hosts file htpasswd Support for htpasswd command http Module for making various web calls. ilo Manage HP ILO img Virtual machine image management tools incron Work with incron influx InfluxDB - A distributed time series database ini_manage Edit ini files introspect Functions to perform introspection on a minion, and return data in a format ipmi Support IPMI commands over LAN. ipset Support for ipset iptables Support for iptables jboss7 Module for managing JBoss AS 7 through the CLI interface. jboss7_cli Module for low-level interaction with JbossAS7 through CLI. junos Module for interfacing to Junos devices key Functions to view the minion's public key information keyboard Module for managing keyboards on supported POSIX-like systems using systemd, or such as Redhat, Debian and Gentoo. keystone Module for handling openstack keystone calls. kmod Module to manage Linux kernel modules launchctl Module for the management of MacOS systems that use launchd/launchctl layman Support for Layman ldapmod Salt interface to LDAP commands linux_acl Support for Linux File Access Control Lists linux_lvm Support for Linux LVM2 linux_sysctl Module for viewing and modifying sysctl parameters localemod Module for managing locales on POSIX-like systems. locate Module for using the locate utilities logadm Module for managing Solaris logadm based log rotations. logrotate Module for managing logrotate. lvs Support for LVS (Linux Virtual Server) lxc Control Linux Containers via Salt mac_group Manage groups on Mac OS 10.7+ mac_user Manage users on Mac OS 10.7+ macports Support for MacPorts under Mac OSX. makeconf Support for modifying make.conf under Gentoo match The match module allows for match routines to be run and determine target specs mdadm Salt module to manage RAID arrays with mdadm memcached Module for Management of Memcached Keys mine The function cache system allows for data to be stored on the master so it can be easily read by other minions mod_random New in version 2014.7.0. modjk Control Modjk via the Apache Tomcat "Status" worker mongodb Module to provide MongoDB functionality to Salt monit Monit service module. moosefs Module for gathering and managing information about MooseFS mount Salt module to manage unix mounts and the fstab file munin Run munin plugins/checks from salt and format the output as data. mysql Module to provide MySQL compatibility to salt. nacl This module helps include encrypted passwords in pillars, grains and salt state files. nagios Run nagios plugins/checks from salt and get the return as data. netbsd_sysctl Module for viewing and modifying sysctl parameters netbsdservice The service module for NetBSD netscaler Module to provide Citrix Netscaler compatibility to Salt (compatible with netscaler 9.2+) network Module for gathering and managing network information neutron Module for handling OpenStack Neutron calls nfs3 Module for managing NFS version 3. nftables Support for nftables nginx Support for nginx nova Module for handling OpenStack Nova calls npm Manage and query NPM packages. omapi This module interacts with an ISC DHCP Server via OMAPI. openbsd_sysctl Module for viewing and modifying OpenBSD sysctl parameters openbsdpkg Package support for OpenBSD openbsdrcctl The rcctl service module for OpenBSD openbsdservice The service module for OpenBSD openstack_config Modify, retrieve, or delete values from OpenStack configuration files. oracle Oracle DataBase connection module osxdesktop Mac OS X implementations of various commands in the "desktop" interface pacman A module to wrap pacman calls, since Arch is the best pagerduty Module for Firing Events via PagerDuty pam Support for pam parted Module for managing partitions on POSIX-like systems. pecl Manage PHP pecl extensions. pillar Extract the pillar data for this minion pip Install Python packages with pip to either the system or a virtualenv pkg_resource Resources needed by pkg providers pkgin Package support for pkgin based systems, inspired from freebsdpkg module pkgng Support for pkgng, the new package manager for FreeBSD pkgutil Pkgutil support for Solaris portage_config Configure portage(5) postfix Support for Postfix postgres Module to provide Postgres compatibility to salt. poudriere Support for poudriere powerpath powerpath support. ps publish Publish a command from a minion to a target puppet Execute puppet routines pw_group Manage groups on FreeBSD pw_user Manage users with the useradd command pyenv Manage python installations with pyenv. qemu_img Qemu-img Command Wrapper qemu_nbd Qemu Command Wrapper quota Module for managing quotas on POSIX-like systems. rabbitmq Module to provide RabbitMQ compatibility to Salt. raet_publish Publish a command from a minion to a target random_org Module for retrieving random information from rbenv Manage ruby installations with rbenv. rdp Manage RDP Service on Windows servers redismod Module to provide redis functionality to Salt reg rest_package Service support for the REST example rest_sample Module for interfacing to the REST example rest_service Service support for the REST example ret Module to integrate with the returner system and retrieve data sent to a salt returner rh_ip The networking module for RHEL/Fedora based distros rh_service Service support for RHEL-based systems, including support for both upstart and sysvinit riak Riak Salt Module rpm Support for rpm rsync Wrapper for rsync runit runit service module rvm Manage ruby installations and gemsets with RVM, the Ruby Version Manager. s3 Connection module for Amazon S3 saltcloudmod Control a salt cloud system saltutil The Saltutil module is used to manage the state of the salt minion itself. schedule Module for managing the Salt schedule on a minion scsi SCSI administration module sdb Module for Manipulating Data via the Salt DB API seed Virtual machine image management tools selinux Execute calls on selinux sensors Read lm-sensors serverdensity_device Wrapper around Server Density API service The default service module, if not otherwise specified salt will fall back shadow Manage the shadow file slack_notify Module for sending messages to Slack smartos_imgadm Module for running imgadm command on SmartOS smartos_vmadm Module for managing VMs on SmartOS smf Service support for Solaris 10 and 11, should work with other systems that use SMF also. smtp Module for Sending Messages via SMTP softwareupdate Support for the softwareupdate command on MacOS. solaris_group Manage groups on Solaris solaris_shadow Manage the password database on Solaris systems solaris_user Manage users with the useradd command solarisips IPS pkg support for Solaris solarispkg Package support for Solaris solr Apache Solr Salt Module splunk_search Module for interop with the Splunk API sqlite3 Support for SQLite3 ssh Manage client ssh components state Control the state system on the minion. status Module for returning various status data about a minion. sudo Allow for the calling of execution modules via sudo. supervisord Provide the service module for system supervisord or supervisord in a svn Subversion SCM swift Module for handling OpenStack Swift calls sysbench The 'sysbench' module is used to analyze the performance of the minions, right from the master! It measures various system parameters such as CPU, Memory, File I/O, Threads and Mutex. syslog_ng Module for getting information about syslog-ng sysmod The sys module provides information about the available functions on the minion sysrc sysrc module for FreeBSD system Support for reboot, shutdown, etc system_profiler System Profiler Module systemd Provide the service module for systemd test Module for running arbitrary tests test_virtual Module for running arbitrary tests with a __virtual__ function timezone Module for managing timezone on POSIX-like systems. tls A salt module for SSL/TLS. tomcat Support for Tomcat twilio_notify Module for notifications via Twilio upstart Module for the management of upstart systems. useradd Manage users with the useradd command uwsgi uWSGI stats server varnish Support for Varnish vbox_guest VirtualBox Guest Additions installer virt Work with virtual machines managed by libvirt virtualenv_mod Create virtualenv environments. win_autoruns Module for listing programs that automatically run on startup win_disk Module for gathering disk information on Windows win_dns_client Module for configuring DNS Client on Windows systems win_file Manage information about files on the minion, set/read user, group win_firewall Module for configuring Windows Firewall win_groupadd Manage groups on Windows win_ip The networking module for Windows based systems win_network Module for gathering and managing network information win_ntp Management of NTP servers on Windows win_path Manage the Windows System PATH win_pkg A module to manage software on Windows win_repo Module to manage Windows software repo on a Standalone Minion win_servermanager Manage Windows features via the ServerManager powershell module win_service Windows Service module. win_shadow Manage the shadow file win_status Module for returning various status data about a minion. win_system Module for managing windows systems. win_timezone Module for managing timezone on Windows systems. win_update Module for running windows updates. win_useradd Module for managing Windows Users xapi This module (mostly) uses the XenAPI to manage Xen virtual machines. xfs Module for managing XFS file systems. xmpp Module for Sending Messages via XMPP (a.k.a. yumpkg Support for YUM zcbuildout Management of zc.buildout zfs Salt interface to ZFS commands zk_concurrency Concurrency controls in zookeeper znc znc - An advanced IRC bouncer zpool Module for running ZFS zpool command zypper Package support for openSUSE via the zypper package manager
Manage the information in the aliases file
- salt.modules.aliases.get_target(alias)
Return the target associated with an alias
CLI Example:
salt '*' aliases.get_target alias
- salt.modules.aliases.has_target(alias, target)
Return true if the alias/target is set
CLI Example:
salt '*' aliases.has_target alias target
- salt.modules.aliases.list_aliases()
Return the aliases found in the aliases file in this format:
{'alias': 'target'}
CLI Example:
salt '*' aliases.list_aliases
- salt.modules.aliases.rm_alias(alias)
Remove an entry from the aliases file
CLI Example:
salt '*' aliases.rm_alias alias
- salt.modules.aliases.set_target(alias, target)
Set the entry in the aliases file for the given alias, this will overwrite
any previous entry for the given alias or create a new one if it does not
CLI Example:
salt '*' aliases.set_target alias target
Support for Alternatives system
- codeauthor
- Radek Rada <radek.rada [at]>
Trigger alternatives to set the path for <name> as
specified by priority.
CLI Example:
salt '*' name
- salt.modules.alternatives.check_installed(name, path)
Check if the current highest-priority match for a given alternatives link
is set to the desired path
CLI Example:
salt '*' alternatives.check_installed name path
- salt.modules.alternatives.display(name)
Display alternatives settings for defined command name
CLI Example:
salt '*' alternatives.display editor
- salt.modules.alternatives.install(name, link, path, priority)
Install symbolic links determining default commands
CLI Example:
salt '*' alternatives.install editor /usr/bin/editor /usr/bin/emacs23 50
- salt.modules.alternatives.remove(name, path)
Remove symbolic links determining the default commands.
CLI Example:
salt '*' alternatives.remove name path
- salt.modules.alternatives.set_(name, path)
Manually set the alternative <path> for <name>.
CLI Example:
salt '*' alternatives.set name path
- salt.modules.alternatives.show_current(name)
Display the current highest-priority alternative for a given alternatives
CLI Example:
salt '*' alternatives.show_current editor
Support for Apache
NOTE: The functions in here are generic functions designed to work with all implementations of Apache. Debian-specific functions have been moved into, but will still load under the apache namespace when a Debian-based system is detected.
- salt.modules.apache.config(name, config, edit=True)
- Create VirtualHost configuration files
- name
- File for the virtual host
- config
VirtualHost configurations
NOTE: This function is not meant to be used from the command line. Config is meant to be an ordered dict of all of the apache configs.
CLI Example:
salt '*' apache.config /etc/httpd/conf.d/ports.conf config="[{'Listen': '22'}]"
- salt.modules.apache.directives()
Return list of directives together with expected arguments
and places where the directive is valid (apachectl -L)
CLI Example:
salt '*' apache.directives
- salt.modules.apache.fullversion()
Return server version (apachectl -V)
CLI Example:
salt '*' apache.fullversion
- salt.modules.apache.modules()
Return list of static and shared modules (apachectl -M)
CLI Example:
salt '*' apache.modules
- salt.modules.apache.server_status(profile='default')
Get Information from the Apache server-status handler
NOTE: The server-status handler is disabled by default. In order for this function to work it needs to be enabled. See
The following configuration needs to exists in pillar/grains. Each entry nested in apache.server-status is a profile of a vhost/server. This would give support for multiple apache servers/vhosts.
apache.server-status: default: url: http://localhost/server-status user: someuser pass: password realm: 'authentication realm for digest passwords' timeout: 5
CLI Examples:
salt '*' apache.server_status salt '*' apache.server_status other-profile
- salt.modules.apache.servermods()
Return list of modules compiled into the server (apachectl -l)
CLI Example:
salt '*' apache.servermods
- salt.modules.apache.signal(signal=None)
Signals httpd to start, restart, or stop.
CLI Example:
salt '*' apache.signal restart
- salt.modules.apache.useradd(pwfile, user, password, opts='')
Add HTTP user using the htpasswd command. If the htpasswd file does not
exist, it will be created. Valid options that can be passed are:
n Don't update file; display results on stdout. m Force MD5 hashing of the password (default). d Force CRYPT(3) hashing of the password. p Do not hash the password (plaintext). s Force SHA1 hashing of the password.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' apache.useradd /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry badpassword salt '*' apache.useradd /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry badpass opts=ns
- salt.modules.apache.userdel(pwfile, user)
Delete HTTP user from the specified htpasswd file.
CLI Example:
salt '*' apache.userdel /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry
- salt.modules.apache.version()
Return server version (apachectl -v)
CLI Example:
salt '*' apache.version
- salt.modules.apache.vhosts()
Show the settings as parsed from the config file (currently
only shows the virtualhost settings) (apachectl -S).
Because each additional virtual host adds to the execution
time, this command may require a long timeout be specified
by using -t 10.
CLI Example:
salt -t 10 '*' apache.vhosts
Support for APT (Advanced Packaging Tool)
NOTE: For virtual package support, either the python-apt or dctrl-tools package must be installed.
For repository management, the python-apt package must be installed.
- salt.modules.aptpkg.autoremove(list_only=False)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Remove packages not required by another package using apt-get autoremove.
- list_only
Only retrieve the list of packages to be auto-removed, do not actually
perform the auto-removal.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.autoremove salt '*' pkg.autoremove list_only=True
- salt.modules.aptpkg.del_repo(repo, **kwargs)
Delete a repo from the sources.list / sources.list.d
If the .list file is in the sources.list.d directory and the file that the repo exists in does not contain any other repo configuration, the file itself will be deleted.
The repo passed in must be a fully formed repository definition string.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.del_repo "myrepo definition"
- salt.modules.aptpkg.expand_repo_def(repokwargs)
Take a repository definition and expand it to the full pkg repository dict
that can be used for comparison. This is a helper function to make
the Debian/Ubuntu apt sources sane for comparison in the pkgrepo states.
There is no use to calling this function via the CLI.
- salt.modules.aptpkg.file_dict(*packages)
List the files that belong to a package, grouped by package. Not
specifying any packages will return a list of _every_ file on the system's
package database (not generally recommended).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd postfix salt '*' pkg.file_list
- salt.modules.aptpkg.file_list(*packages)
List the files that belong to a package. Not specifying any packages will
return a list of _every_ file on the system's package database (not
generally recommended).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd postfix salt '*' pkg.file_list
- salt.modules.aptpkg.get_repo(repo, **kwargs)
Display a repo from the sources.list / sources.list.d
The repo passed in needs to be a complete repo entry.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.get_repo "myrepo definition"
- salt.modules.aptpkg.get_selections(pattern=None, state=None)
View package state from the dpkg database.
Returns a dict of dicts containing the state, and package names:
{'<host>': {'<state>': ['pkg1', ... ] }, ... }
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.get_selections salt '*' pkg.get_selections 'python-*' salt '*' pkg.get_selections state=hold salt '*' pkg.get_selections 'openssh*' state=hold
- salt.modules.aptpkg.hold(name=None, pkgs=None, sources=None, **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Set package in 'hold' state, meaning it will not be upgraded.
- name
The name of the package, e.g., 'tmux'
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.hold <package name>
- pkgs
A list of packages to hold. Must be passed as a python list.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.hold pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.aptpkg.install(name=None, refresh=False, fromrepo=None, skip_verify=False, debconf=None, pkgs=None, sources=None, **kwargs)
- Install the passed package, add refresh=True to update the dpkg database.
- name
The name of the package to be installed. Note that this parameter is
ignored if either "pkgs" or "sources" is passed. Additionally, please
note that this option can only be used to install packages from a
software repository. To install a package file manually, use the
"sources" option.
32-bit packages can be installed on 64-bit systems by appending the architecture designation (:i386, etc.) to the end of the package name.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name>
- refresh
- Whether or not to refresh the package database before installing.
- fromrepo
- Specify a package repository to install from (e.g., apt-get -t unstable install somepackage)
- skip_verify
- Skip the GPG verification check (e.g., --allow-unauthenticated, or --force-bad-verify for install from package file).
- debconf
- Provide the path to a debconf answers file, processed before installation.
- version
Install a specific version of the package, e.g. 1.2.3~0ubuntu0. Ignored
if "pkgs" or "sources" is passed.
Multiple Package Installation Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to install from a software repository. Must be
passed as a python list.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", "bar"]' salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", {"bar": "1.2.3-0ubuntu0"}]'
- sources
A list of DEB packages to install. Must be passed as a list of dicts,
with the keys being package names, and the values being the source URI
or local path to the package. Dependencies are automatically resolved
and marked as auto-installed.
32-bit packages can be installed on 64-bit systems by appending the architecture designation (:i386, etc.) to the end of the package name.
Changed in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"foo": "salt://foo.deb"},{"bar": "salt://bar.deb"}]'
- force_yes
Passes --force-yes to the apt-get command. Don't use this unless
you know what you're doing.
New in version 0.17.4.
- install_recommends
Whether to install the packages marked as recommended. Default is True.
New in version 2015.5.0.
- only_upgrade
Only upgrade the packages, if they are already installed. Default is False.
New in version 2015.5.0.
Returns a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
- salt.modules.aptpkg.latest_version(*names, **kwargs)
Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or
installation. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty string will be returned for that package.
A specific repo can be requested using the fromrepo keyword argument.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> fromrepo=unstable salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
- salt.modules.aptpkg.list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, removed=False, purge_desired=False, **kwargs)
List the packages currently installed in a dict:
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
- removed
- If True, then only packages which have been removed (but not purged) will be returned.
- purge_desired
If True, then only packages which have been marked to be purged,
but can't be purged due to their status as dependencies for other
installed packages, will be returned. Note that these packages will
appear in installed
Changed in version 2014.1.1: Packages in this state now correctly show up in the output of this function.
NOTE: External dependencies
Virtual package resolution requires the dctrl-tools package to be installed. Virtual packages will show a version of 1.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs versions_as_list=True
- salt.modules.aptpkg.list_repos()
Lists all repos in the sources.list (and sources.lists.d) files
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_repos salt '*' pkg.list_repos disabled=True
- salt.modules.aptpkg.list_upgrades(refresh=True)
List all available package upgrades.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades
- salt.modules.aptpkg.mod_repo(repo, saltenv='base', **kwargs)
Modify one or more values for a repo. If the repo does not exist, it will
be created, so long as the definition is well formed. For Ubuntu the
"ppa:<project>/repo" format is acceptable. "ppa:" format can only be
used to create a new repository.
The following options are available to modify a repo definition:
comps (a comma separated list of components for the repo, e.g. "main") file (a file name to be used) keyserver (keyserver to get gpg key from) keyid (key id to load with the keyserver argument) key_url (URL to a gpg key to add to the apt gpg keyring) consolidate (if true, will attempt to de-dup and consolidate sources) * Note: Due to the way keys are stored for apt, there is a known issue where the key wont be updated unless another change is made at the same time. Keys should be properly added on initial configuration.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.mod_repo 'myrepo definition' uri=http://new/uri salt '*' pkg.mod_repo 'myrepo definition' comps=main,universe
- salt.modules.aptpkg.owner(*paths)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Return the name of the package that owns the file. Multiple file paths can be passed. Like pkg.version, if a single path is passed, a string will be returned, and if multiple paths are passed, a dictionary of file/package name pairs will be returned.
If the file is not owned by a package, or is not present on the minion, then an empty string will be returned for that path.
CLI Example: salt '*' pkg.owner /usr/bin/apachectl salt '*' pkg.owner /usr/bin/apachectl /usr/bin/basename
- salt.modules.aptpkg.purge(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Remove packages via apt-get purge along with all configuration files.
- name
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.purge <package name> salt '*' pkg.purge <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.purge pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.aptpkg.refresh_db()
Updates the APT database to latest packages based upon repositories
Returns a dict, with the keys being package databases and the values being the result of the update attempt. Values can be one of the following:
- •
- True: Database updated successfully
- •
- False: Problem updating database
- •
None: Database already up-to-date
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.refresh_db
- salt.modules.aptpkg.remove(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Remove packages using apt-get remove.
- name
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> salt '*' pkg.remove <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.aptpkg.set_selections(path=None, selection=None, clear=False, saltenv='base')
Change package state in the dpkg database.
The state can be any one of, documented in dpkg(1):
- •
- install
- •
- hold
- •
- deinstall
- •
This command is commonly used to mark specific packages to be held from being upgraded, that is, to be kept at a certain version. When a state is changed to anything but being held, then it is typically followed by apt-get -u dselect-upgrade.
Note: Be careful with the clear argument, since it will start with setting all packages to deinstall state.
Returns a dict of dicts containing the package names, and the new and old versions:
{'<host>': {'<package>': {'new': '<new-state>', 'old': '<old-state>'} }, ... }
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.set_selections selection='{"install": ["netcat"]}' salt '*' pkg.set_selections selection='{"hold": ["openssh-server", "openssh-client"]}' salt '*' pkg.set_selections salt://path/to/file salt '*' pkg.set_selections salt://path/to/file clear=True
- salt.modules.aptpkg.unhold(name=None, pkgs=None, sources=None, **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Set package current in 'hold' state to install state, meaning it will be upgraded.
- name
The name of the package, e.g., 'tmux'
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.unhold <package name>
- pkgs
A list of packages to hold. Must be passed as a python list.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.unhold pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.aptpkg.upgrade(refresh=True, dist_upgrade=False)
Upgrades all packages via apt-get dist-upgrade
Returns a dict containing the changes.
- {'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>',
- 'new': '<new-version>'}}
- dist_upgrade
Whether to perform the upgrade using dist-upgrade vs upgrade. Default
is to use upgrade.
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade
- salt.modules.aptpkg.upgrade_available(name)
Check whether or not an upgrade is available for a given package
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade_available <package name>
- salt.modules.aptpkg.version(*names, **kwargs)
Returns a string representing the package version or an empty string if not
installed. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version <package name> salt '*' pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
- salt.modules.aptpkg.version_cmp(pkg1, pkg2)
Do a cmp-style comparison on two packages. Return -1 if pkg1 < pkg2, 0 if
pkg1 == pkg2, and 1 if pkg1 > pkg2. Return None if there was a problem
making the comparison.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version_cmp '0.2.4-0ubuntu1' ''
A module to wrap (non-Windows) archive calls
New in version 2014.1.0.
- salt.modules.archive.cmd_unzip(zip_file, dest, excludes=None, template=None, options=None, runas=None)
New in version 2015.5.0: In versions 2014.7.x and earlier, this function was known as
Uses the unzip command to unpack zip files. This command is part of the Info-ZIP suite of tools, and is typically packaged as simply unzip.
- zip_file
- Path of zip file to be unpacked
- dest
- The destination directory into which the file should be unpacked
- excludes
- None Comma-separated list of files not to unpack. Can also be passed in a Python list.
- template
Can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render
the command arguments before execution:
salt '*' archive.cmd_unzip template=jinja /tmp/ /tmp/{{}}/ excludes=file_1,file_2
- options
- None Additional command-line options to pass to the unzip binary.
- runas
Unpack the zip file as the specified user. Defaults to the user under
which the minion is running.
New in version 2015.5.0.
- options
Additional command-line options to pass to the unzip binary.
CLI Example:
salt '*' archive.cmd_unzip /tmp/ /home/strongbad/ excludes=file_1,file_2
- salt.modules.archive.cmd_zip(zip_file, sources, template=None, cwd=None, runas=None)
New in version 2015.5.0: In versions 2014.7.x and earlier, this function was known as
Uses the zip command to create zip files. This command is part of the Info-ZIP suite of tools, and is typically packaged as simply zip.
- zip_file
- Path of zip file to be created
- sources
- Comma-separated list of sources to include in the zip file. Sources can also be passed in a Python list.
- template
Can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render
the command arguments before execution:
salt '*' archive.cmd_zip template=jinja /tmp/ /tmp/sourcefile1,/tmp/{{}}.txt
- cwd
Use this argument along with relative paths in sources to create
zip files which do not contain the leading directories. If not
specified, the zip file will be created as if the cwd was /, and
creating a zip file of /foo/bar/baz.txt will contain the parent
directories foo and bar. To create a zip file containing just
baz.txt, the following command would be used:
salt '*' archive.cmd_zip /tmp/ baz.txt cwd=/foo/bar
New in version 2014.7.1.
- runas
Create the zip file as the specified user. Defaults to the user under
which the minion is running.
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' archive.cmd_zip /tmp/ /tmp/sourcefile1,/tmp/sourcefile2
- salt.modules.archive.gunzip(gzipfile, template=None, runas=None)
- Uses the gunzip command to unpack gzip files
- template
Can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render
the command arguments before execution:
salt '*' archive.gunzip template=jinja /tmp/{{}}.txt.gz
CLI Example:
# Create /tmp/sourcefile.txt salt '*' archive.gunzip /tmp/sourcefile.txt.gz
- salt.modules.archive.gzip(sourcefile, template=None, runas=None)
- Uses the gzip command to create gzip files
- template
Can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render
the command arguments before execution:
salt '*' archive.gzip template=jinja /tmp/{{}}.txt
CLI Example:
# Create /tmp/sourcefile.txt.gz salt '*' archive.gzip /tmp/sourcefile.txt
- salt.modules.archive.rar(rarfile, sources, template=None, cwd=None, runas=None)
- Uses rar for Linux to create rar files
- rarfile
- Path of rar file to be created
- sources
- Comma-separated list of sources to include in the rar file. Sources can also be passed in a Python list.
- cwd
Run the rar command from the specified directory. Use this argument
along with relative file paths to create rar files which do not
contain the leading directories. If not specified, this will default
to the home directory of the user under which the salt minion process
is running.
New in version 2014.7.1.
- template
Can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render
the command arguments before execution:
salt '*' archive.rar template=jinja /tmp/rarfile.rar '/tmp/sourcefile1,/tmp/{{}}.txt'
CLI Example:
salt '*' archive.rar /tmp/rarfile.rar /tmp/sourcefile1,/tmp/sourcefile2
- salt.modules.archive.tar(options, tarfile, sources=None, dest=None, cwd=None, template=None, runas=None)
NOTE: This function has changed for version 0.17.0. In prior versions, the cwd and template arguments must be specified, with the source directories/files coming as a space-separated list at the end of the command. Beginning with 0.17.0, sources must be a comma-separated list, and the cwd and template arguments are optional.
Uses the tar command to pack, unpack, etc. tar files
- options
- Options to pass to the tar command
- tarfile
- The filename of the tar archive to pack/unpack
- sources
- Comma delimited list of files to pack into the tarfile. Can also be passed as a Python list.
- dest
- The destination directory into which to unpack the tarfile
- cwd
- None The directory in which the tar command should be executed. If not specified, will default to the home directory of the user under which the salt minion process is running.
- template
Can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render
the command arguments before execution:
salt '*' archive.tar cjvf /tmp/salt.tar.bz2 {{grains.saltpath}} template=jinja
CLI Examples:
# Create a tarfile salt '*' archive.tar cjvf /tmp/tarfile.tar.bz2 /tmp/file_1,/tmp/file_2 # Unpack a tarfile salt '*' archive.tar xf foo.tar dest=/target/directory
- salt.modules.archive.unrar(rarfile, dest, excludes=None, template=None, runas=None)
- Uses rar for Linux to unpack rar files
- rarfile
- Name of rar file to be unpacked
- dest
- The destination directory into which to unpack the rar file
- template
Can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render
the command arguments before execution:
salt '*' archive.unrar template=jinja /tmp/rarfile.rar /tmp/{{}}/ excludes=file_1,file_2
CLI Example:
salt '*' archive.unrar /tmp/rarfile.rar /home/strongbad/ excludes=file_1,file_2
- salt.modules.archive.unzip(zip_file, dest, excludes=None, template=None, runas=None)
Uses the zipfile Python module to unpack zip files
Changed in version 2015.5.0: This function was rewritten to use Python's native zip file support. The old functionality has been preserved in the new function archive.cmd_unzip. For versions 2014.7.x and earlier, see the archive.cmd_zip documentation.
- zip_file
- Path of zip file to be unpacked
- dest
- The destination directory into which the file should be unpacked
- excludes
- None Comma-separated list of files not to unpack. Can also be passed in a Python list.
- template
Can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render
the command arguments before execution:
salt '*' archive.unzip template=jinja /tmp/ /tmp/{{}}/ excludes=file_1,file_2
- runas
Unpack the zip file as the specified user. Defaults to the user under
which the minion is running.
CLI Example:
salt '*' archive.unzip /tmp/ /home/strongbad/ excludes=file_1,file_2
- salt.modules.archive.zip_(zip_file, sources, template=None, cwd=None, runas=None)
Uses the zipfile Python module to create zip files
Changed in version 2015.5.0: This function was rewritten to use Python's native zip file support. The old functionality has been preserved in the new function archive.cmd_zip. For versions 2014.7.x and earlier, see the archive.cmd_zip documentation.
- zip_file
- Path of zip file to be created
- sources
- Comma-separated list of sources to include in the zip file. Sources can also be passed in a Python list.
- template
Can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render
the command arguments before execution:
salt '*' template=jinja /tmp/ /tmp/sourcefile1,/tmp/{{}}.txt
- cwd
Use this argument along with relative paths in sources to create
zip files which do not contain the leading directories. If not
specified, the zip file will be created as if the cwd was /, and
creating a zip file of /foo/bar/baz.txt will contain the parent
directories foo and bar. To create a zip file containing just
baz.txt, the following command would be used:
salt '*' /tmp/ baz.txt cwd=/foo/bar
- runas
Create the zip file as the specified user. Defaults to the user under
which the minion is running.
CLI Example:
salt '*' /tmp/ /tmp/sourcefile1,/tmp/sourcefile2
Module for fetching artifacts from Artifactory
- exception salt.modules.artifactory.ArtifactoryError(value)
- salt.modules.artifactory.get_latest_snapshot(artifactory_url, repository, group_id, artifact_id, packaging, target_dir='/tmp', target_file=None)
- Gets latest snapshot of the given artifact
- artifactory_url
- URL of artifactory instance
- repository
- Snapshot repository in artifactory to retrieve artifact from, for example: libs-snapshots
- group_id
- Group Id of the artifact
- artifact_id
- Artifact Id of the artifact
- packaging
- Packaging type (jar,war,ear,etc)
- target_dir
- Target directory to download artifact to (default: /tmp)
- target_file
- Target file to download artifact to (by default it is target_dir/artifact_id-snapshot_version.packaging)
- salt.modules.artifactory.get_release(artifactory_url, repository, group_id, artifact_id, packaging, version, target_dir='/tmp', target_file=None)
- Gets the specified release of the artifact
- artifactory_url
- URL of artifactory instance
- repository
- Release repository in artifactory to retrieve artifact from, for example: libs-releases
- group_id
- Group Id of the artifact
- artifact_id
- Artifact Id of the artifact
- packaging
- Packaging type (jar,war,ear,etc)
- version
- Version of the artifact
- target_dir
- Target directory to download artifact to (default: /tmp)
- target_file
- Target file to download artifact to (by default it is target_dir/artifact_id-version.packaging)
- salt.modules.artifactory.get_snapshot(artifactory_url, repository, group_id, artifact_id, packaging, version, snapshot_version=None, target_dir='/tmp', target_file=None)
- Gets snapshot of the desired version of the artifact
- artifactory_url
- URL of artifactory instance
- repository
- Snapshot repository in artifactory to retrieve artifact from, for example: libs-snapshots
- group_id
- Group Id of the artifact
- artifact_id
- Artifact Id of the artifact
- packaging
- Packaging type (jar,war,ear,etc)
- version
- Version of the artifact
- target_dir
- Target directory to download artifact to (default: /tmp)
- target_file
- Target file to download artifact to (by default it is target_dir/artifact_id-snapshot_version.packaging)
Wrapper module for at(1)
Also, a 'tag' feature has been added to more easily tag jobs.
-*args, **kwargs)
Add a job to the queue.
The 'timespec' follows the format documented in the at(1) manpage.
CLI Example:
salt '*' <timespec> <cmd> [tag=<tag>] [runas=<user>] salt '*' 12:05am '/sbin/reboot' tag=reboot salt '*' '3:05am +3 days' 'bin/myscript' tag=nightly runas=jim
Print the at(1) script that will run for the passed job
id. This is mostly for debugging so the output will
just be text.
CLI Example:
salt '*' at.atc <jobid>
List all queued and running jobs or only those with
an optional 'tag'.
CLI Example:
salt '*' at.atq salt '*' at.atq [tag] salt '*' at.atq [job number]
Remove jobs from the queue.
CLI Example:
salt '*' at.atrm <jobid> <jobid> .. <jobid> salt '*' at.atrm all salt '*' at.atrm all [tag]
Check the job from queue.
The kwargs dict include 'hour minute day month year tag runas'
Other parameters will be ignored.
CLI Example:
salt '*' at.jobcheck runas=jam day=13 salt '*' at.jobcheck day=13 month=12 year=13 tag=rose
Manages configuration files via augeas
This module requires the augeas Python module.
WARNING: Minimal installations of Debian and Ubuntu have been seen to have packaging bugs with python-augeas, causing the augeas module to fail to import. If the minion has the augeas module installed, but the functions in this execution module fail to run due to being unavailable, first restart the salt-minion service. If the problem persists past that, the following command can be run from the master to determine what is causing the import to fail:
salt minion-id 'python -c "from augeas import Augeas"'
For affected Debian/Ubuntu hosts, installing libpython2.7 has been known to resolve the issue.
- salt.modules.augeas_cfg.execute(context=None, lens=None, commands=())
Execute Augeas commands
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' augeas.execute /files/etc/redis/redis.conf commands='["set bind", "set maxmemory 1G"]'
- salt.modules.augeas_cfg.get(path, value='')
Get a value for a specific augeas path
CLI Example:
salt '*' augeas.get /files/etc/hosts/1/ ipaddr
List the direct children of a node
CLI Example:
salt '*' /files/etc/passwd
- salt.modules.augeas_cfg.match(path, value='')
Get matches for path expression
CLI Example:
salt '*' augeas.match /files/etc/services/service-name ssh
- salt.modules.augeas_cfg.remove(path)
Get matches for path expression
CLI Example:
salt '*' augeas.remove /files/etc/sysctl.conf/net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians
- salt.modules.augeas_cfg.setvalue(*args)
Set a value for a specific augeas path
CLI Example:
salt '*' augeas.setvalue /files/etc/hosts/1/canonical localhost
This will set the first entry in /etc/hosts to localhost
CLI Example:
salt '*' augeas.setvalue /files/etc/hosts/01/ipaddr \ /files/etc/hosts/01/canonical test
Adds a new host to /etc/hosts the ip address and hostname test
CLI Example:
salt '*' augeas.setvalue prefix=/files/etc/sudoers/ \ "spec[user = '%wheel']/user" "%wheel" \ "spec[user = '%wheel']/host_group/host" 'ALL' \ "spec[user = '%wheel']/host_group/command[1]" 'ALL' \ "spec[user = '%wheel']/host_group/command[1]/tag" 'PASSWD' \ "spec[user = '%wheel']/host_group/command[2]" '/usr/bin/apt-get' \ "spec[user = '%wheel']/host_group/command[2]/tag" NOPASSWD
Ensures that the following line is present in /etc/sudoers:
%wheel ALL = PASSWD : ALL , NOPASSWD : /usr/bin/apt-get , /usr/bin/aptitude
- salt.modules.augeas_cfg.tree(path)
Returns recursively the complete tree of a node
CLI Example:
salt '*' augeas.tree /files/etc/
Support for the Amazon Simple Queue Service.
- salt.modules.aws_sqs.create_queue(name, region, opts=None, user=None)
- Creates a queue with the correct name.
- name
- Name of the SQS queue to create
- region
- Region to create the SQS queue in
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
- None Run hg as a user other than what the minion runs as
- salt.modules.aws_sqs.delete_message(queue, region, receipthandle, opts=None, user=None)
- Delete one or more messages from a queue in a region
- queue
- The name of the queue to delete messages from
- region
- Region where SQS queues exists
- receipthandle
- The ReceiptHandle of the message to delete. The ReceiptHandle is obtained in the return from receive_message
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
Run as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' aws_sqs.delete_message <sqs queue> <region> receipthandle='<sqs ReceiptHandle>'
New in version 2014.7.0.
- salt.modules.aws_sqs.delete_queue(name, region, opts=None, user=None)
- Deletes a queue in the region.
- name
- Name of the SQS queue to deletes
- region
- Name of the region to delete the queue from
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
- None Run hg as a user other than what the minion runs as
- salt.modules.aws_sqs.list_queues(region, opts=None, user=None)
- List the queues in the selected region.
- region
- Region to list SQS queues for
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
- None Run hg as a user other than what the minion runs as
- salt.modules.aws_sqs.queue_exists(name, region, opts=None, user=None)
- Returns True or False on whether the queue exists in the region
- name
- Name of the SQS queue to search for
- region
- Name of the region to search for the queue in
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
- None Run hg as a user other than what the minion runs as
- salt.modules.aws_sqs.receive_message(queue, region, num=1, opts=None, user=None)
- Receive one or more messages from a queue in a region
- queue
- The name of the queue to receive messages from
- region
- Region where SQS queues exists
- num
- 1 The max number of messages to receive
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
Run as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' aws_sqs.receive_message <sqs queue> <region> salt '*' aws_sqs.receive_message <sqs queue> <region> num=10
New in version 2014.7.0.
Module for managing block devices
New in version 2014.7.0.
- salt.modules.blockdev.dump(device, args=None)
Return all contents of dumpe2fs for a specified device
CLI Example: salt '*' extfs.dump /dev/sda1
- salt.modules.blockdev.resize2fs(device)
Resizes the filesystem.
CLI Example: salt '*' blockdev.resize2fs /dev/sda1
- salt.modules.blockdev.tune(device, **kwargs)
Set attributes for the specified device
CLI Example:
salt '*' blockdev.tune /dev/sda1 read-ahead=1024 read-write=True
Valid options are: read-ahead, filesystem-read-ahead, read-only, read-write.
See the blockdev(8) manpage for a more complete description of these options.
- salt.modules.blockdev.wipe(device)
Remove the filesystem information
CLI Example:
salt '*' blockdev.wipe /dev/sda1
Support for Bluetooth (using BlueZ in Linux).
The following packages are required packages for this module: bluez >= 5.7 bluez-libs >= 5.7 bluez-utils >= 5.7 pybluez >= 0.18
- salt.modules.bluez.address_()
Get the many addresses of the Bluetooth adapter
CLI Example:
salt '*' bluetooth.address
- salt.modules.bluez.block(bdaddr)
Block a specific bluetooth device by BD Address
CLI Example:
salt '*' bluetooth.block DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE
- salt.modules.bluez.discoverable(dev)
Enable this bluetooth device to be discoverable.
CLI Example:
salt '*' bluetooth.discoverable hci0
- salt.modules.bluez.noscan(dev)
Turn off scanning modes on this device.
CLI Example:
salt '*' bluetooth.noscan hci0
- salt.modules.bluez.pair(address, key)
Pair the bluetooth adapter with a device
CLI Example:
salt '*' bluetooth.pair DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE 1234
Where DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE is the address of the device to pair with, and 1234 is the passphrase.
TODO: This function is currently broken, as the bluez-simple-agent program no longer ships with BlueZ >= 5.0. It needs to be refactored.
- salt.modules.bluez.power(dev, mode)
Power a bluetooth device on or off
CLI Examples:
salt '*' bluetooth.power hci0 on salt '*' bluetooth.power hci0 off
- salt.modules.bluez.scan()
Scan for bluetooth devices in the area
CLI Example:
salt '*' bluetooth.scan
- salt.modules.bluez.start()
Start the bluetooth service.
CLI Example:
salt '*' bluetooth.start
- salt.modules.bluez.stop()
Stop the bluetooth service.
CLI Example:
salt '*' bluetooth.stop
- salt.modules.bluez.unblock(bdaddr)
Unblock a specific bluetooth device by BD Address
CLI Example:
salt '*' bluetooth.unblock DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE
- salt.modules.bluez.unpair(address)
Unpair the bluetooth adapter from a device
CLI Example:
salt '*' bluetooth.unpair DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE
Where DE:AD:BE:EF:CA:FE is the address of the device to unpair.
TODO: This function is currently broken, as the bluez-simple-agent program no longer ships with BlueZ >= 5.0. It needs to be refactored.
- salt.modules.bluez.version()
Return Bluez version from bluetoothd -v
CLI Example:
salt '*' bluetoothd.version
Connection module for Amazon Autoscale Groups
New in version 2014.7.0.
- configuration
This module accepts explicit autoscale credentials but can also
utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance trough Instance Profiles.
Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no
further configuration is necessary. More Information available at:
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar or in the minion's config file:
asg.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H asg.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
A region may also be specified in the configuration:
asg.region: us-east-1
If a region is not specified, the default is us-east-1.
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either as a passed in dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
- myprofile:
- keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
- depends
- boto
- salt.modules.boto_asg.create(name, launch_config_name, availability_zones, min_size, max_size, desired_capacity=None, load_balancers=None, default_cooldown=None, health_check_type=None, health_check_period=None, placement_group=None, vpc_zone_identifier=None, tags=None, termination_policies=None, suspended_processes=None, scaling_policies=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Create an autoscale group.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_asg.create myasg mylc '["us-east-1a", "us-east-1e"]' 1 10 load_balancers='["myelb", "myelb2"]' tags='[{"key": "Name", value="myasg", "propagate_at_launch": True}]'
- salt.modules.boto_asg.create_launch_configuration(name, image_id, key_name=None, security_groups=None, user_data=None, instance_type='m1.small', kernel_id=None, ramdisk_id=None, block_device_mappings=None, instance_monitoring=False, spot_price=None, instance_profile_name=None, ebs_optimized=False, associate_public_ip_address=None, volume_type=None, delete_on_termination=True, iops=None, use_block_device_types=False, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Create a launch configuration.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_asg.create_launch_configuration mylc image_id=ami-0b9c9f62 key_name='mykey' security_groups='["mygroup"]' instance_type='c3.2xlarge'
- salt.modules.boto_asg.delete(name, force=False, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Delete an autoscale group.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_asg.delete myasg region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_asg.delete_launch_configuration(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Delete a launch configuration.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_asg.delete_launch_configuration mylc
- salt.modules.boto_asg.exists(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Check to see if an autoscale group exists.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_asg.exists myasg region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_asg.get_cloud_init_mime(cloud_init)
Get a mime multipart encoded string from a cloud-init dict. Currently
supports scripts and cloud-config.
CLI Example:
salt myminion boto.get_cloud_init_mime <cloud init>
- salt.modules.boto_asg.get_config(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Get the configuration for an autoscale group.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_asg.get_config myasg region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_asg.get_instances(name, lifecycle_state='InService', health_status='Healthy', attribute='private_ip_address', region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
return attribute of all instances in the named autoscale group.
CLI example:
salt-call boto_asg.get_instances my_autoscale_group_name
- salt.modules.boto_asg.get_scaling_policy_arn(as_group, scaling_policy_name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Return the arn for a scaling policy in a specific autoscale group or None
if not found. Mainly used as a helper method for boto_cloudwatch_alarm, for
linking alarms to scaling policies.
CLI Example:
salt '*' boto_asg.get_scaling_policy_arn mygroup mypolicy
- salt.modules.boto_asg.launch_configuration_exists(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Check for a launch configuration's existence.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_asg.launch_configuration_exists mylc
- salt.modules.boto_asg.update(name, launch_config_name, availability_zones, min_size, max_size, desired_capacity=None, load_balancers=None, default_cooldown=None, health_check_type=None, health_check_period=None, placement_group=None, vpc_zone_identifier=None, tags=None, termination_policies=None, suspended_processes=None, scaling_policies=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Update an autoscale group.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_asg.update myasg mylc '["us-east-1a", "us-east-1e"]' 1 10 load_balancers='["myelb", "myelb2"]' tags='[{"key": "Name", value="myasg", "propagate_at_launch": True}]'
Connection module for Amazon Cloud Formation
- configuration
This module accepts explicit AWS credentials but can also utilize
IAM roles assigned to the instance trough Instance Profiles. Dynamic
credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further
configuration is necessary. More Information available at:
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar or in the minion's config file:
cfn.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H cfn.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
A region may also be specified in the configuration:
cfn.region: us-east-1
If a region is not specified, the default is us-east-1.
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either as a passed in dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
- myprofile:
- keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
- depends
- boto
- salt.modules.boto_cfn.create(name, template_url=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Create a CFN stack.
CLI example to create a stack:
salt myminion boto_cfn.create mystack template_url='' region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_cfn.delete(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Delete a CFN stack.
CLI example to delete a stack:
salt myminion boto_cfn.delete mystack region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_cfn.exists(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Check to see if a stack exists.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_cfn.exists mystack region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_cfn.get_template(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Check to see if attributes are set on a CFN stack.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_cfn.get_template mystack
Connection module for Amazon CloudWatch
New in version 2014.7.0.
- configuration
This module accepts explicit credentials but can also utilize
IAM roles assigned to the instance trough Instance Profiles. Dynamic
credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further
configuration is necessary. More Information available at:
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar or in the minion's config file:
cloudwatch.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H cloudwatch.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
A region may also be specified in the configuration:
cloudwatch.region: us-east-1
If a region is not specified, the default is us-east-1.
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either as a passed in dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
- myprofile:
- keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
- depends
- boto
- salt.modules.boto_cloudwatch.convert_to_arn(arns, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Convert a list of strings into actual arns. Converts convenience names such
as 'scaling_policy:...'
CLI Example:
salt '*' convert_to_arn 'scaling_policy:'
- salt.modules.boto_cloudwatch.create_or_update_alarm(connection=None, name=None, metric=None, namespace=None, statistic=None, comparison=None, threshold=None, period=None, evaluation_periods=None, unit=None, description='', dimensions=None, alarm_actions=None, insufficient_data_actions=None, ok_actions=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Create or update a cloudwatch alarm.
- Params are the same as:
Dimensions must be a dict. If the value of Dimensions is a string, it will be json decoded to produce a dict. alarm_actions, insufficient_data_actions, and ok_actions must be lists of string. If the passed-in value is a string, it will be split on "," to produce a list. The strings themselves for alarm_actions, insufficient_data_actions, and ok_actions must be Amazon resource names (ARN's); however, this method also supports an arn lookup notation, as follows: arn:aws:.... ARN as per scaling_policy:<as_name>:<scaling_policy_name> The named autoscale group scaling policy, for the named group (e.g. scaling_policy:my-asg:ScaleDown)
This is convenient for setting up autoscaling as follows. First specify a boto_asg.present state for an ASG with scaling_policies, and then set up boto_cloudwatch_alarm.present states which have alarm_actions that reference the scaling_policy.
CLI example: salt myminion boto_cloudwatch.create_alarm name=myalarm ... region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_cloudwatch.delete_alarm(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Delete a cloudwatch alarm
CLI example to delete a queue:
salt myminion boto_cloudwatch.delete_alarm myalarm region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_cloudwatch.get_alarm(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Get alarm details. Also can be used to check to see if an alarm exists.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_cloudwatch.get_alarm myalarm region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_cloudwatch.get_all_alarms(region=None, prefix=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Get all alarm details. Produces results that can be used to create an sls
If prefix parameter is given, alarm names in the output will be prepended with the prefix; alarms that have the prefix will be skipped. This can be used to convert existing alarms to be managed by salt, as follows:
- 1.
- Make a backup of all existing alarms
- $ salt-call boto_cloudwatch.get_all_alarms --out=txt | sed "s/local: //" > legacy_alarms.sls
- 2.
- Get all alarms with new prefixed names
- $ salt-call boto_cloudwatch.get_all_alarms "prefix=**MANAGED BY SALT** " --out=txt | sed "s/local: //" > managed_alarms.sls
- 3.
- Insert the managed alarms into cloudwatch
- $ salt-call state.template managed_alarms.sls
- 4.
- Manually verify that the new alarms look right
- 5.
- Delete the original alarms $ sed s/present/absent/ legacy_alarms.sls > remove_legacy_alarms.sls $ salt-call state.template remove_legacy_alarms.sls
- 6.
Get all alarms again, verify no changes
$ salt-call boto_cloudwatch.get_all_alarms --out=txt | sed "s/local: //" > final_alarms.sls
$ diff final_alarms.sls managed_alarms.sls
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_cloudwatch.get_all_alarms region=us-east-1 --out=txt
Connection module for Amazon DynamoDB
New in version 2015.5.0.
- configuration
This module accepts explicit DynamoDB credentials but can also
utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance trough Instance Profiles.
Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no
further configuration is necessary. More Information available at:
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar or in the minion's config file:
keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
A region may also be specified in the configuration:
region: us-east-1
If a region is not specified, the default is us-east-1.
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either as a passed in dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
myprofile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
- depends
- boto
- salt.modules.boto_dynamodb.create_table(table_name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, read_capacity_units=None, write_capacity_units=None, hash_key=None, hash_key_data_type=None, range_key=None, range_key_data_type=None, local_indexes=None, global_indexes=None)
Creates a DynamoDB table.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_dynamodb.create_table table_name / region=us-east-1 / hash_key=id / hash_key_data_type=N / range_key=created_at / range_key_data_type=N / read_capacity_units=1 / write_capacity_units=1
- salt.modules.boto_dynamodb.delete(table_name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Delete a DynamoDB table.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_dynamodb.delete table_name region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_dynamodb.exists(table_name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Check to see if a table exists.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_dynamodb.exists table_name region=us-east-1
Connection module for Amazon Elasticache
New in version 2014.7.0.
- configuration
This module accepts explicit elasticache credentials but can
also utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance trough Instance Profiles.
Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no
further configuration is necessary. More Information available at:
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar or in the minion's config file:
elasticache.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H elasticache.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
A region may also be specified in the configuration:
elasticache.region: us-east-1
If a region is not specified, the default is us-east-1.
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either as a passed in dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
- myprofile:
- keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
- depends
- boto
- salt.modules.boto_elasticache.authorize_cache_security_group_ingress(name, ec2_security_group_name, ec2_security_group_owner_id, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Authorize network ingress from an ec2 security group to a cache security
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elasticache.authorize_cache_security_group_ingress myelasticachesg myec2sg 879879
- salt.modules.boto_elasticache.create(name, num_cache_nodes, engine, cache_node_type, replication_group_id=None, engine_version=None, cache_parameter_group_name=None, cache_subnet_group_name=None, cache_security_group_names=None, security_group_ids=None, snapshot_arns=None, preferred_availability_zone=None, preferred_maintenance_window=None, port=None, notification_topic_arn=None, auto_minor_version_upgrade=True, wait=False, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Create a cache cluster.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elasticache.create myelasticache 1 redis cache.t1.micro cache_security_group_names='["myelasticachesg"]'
- salt.modules.boto_elasticache.create_cache_security_group(name, description, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Create a cache security group.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elasticache.create_cache_security_group myelasticachesg 'My Cache Security Group'
- salt.modules.boto_elasticache.delete(name, wait=False, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Delete a cache cluster.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elasticache.delete myelasticache
- salt.modules.boto_elasticache.delete_cache_security_group(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Delete a cache security group.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elasticache.delete_cache_security_group myelasticachesg 'My Cache Security Group'
- salt.modules.boto_elasticache.exists(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Check to see if a cache cluster exists.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elasticache.exists myelasticache
- salt.modules.boto_elasticache.get_cache_subnet_group(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Get information about a cache subnet group.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elasticache.get_cache_subnet_group mycache_subnet_group
- salt.modules.boto_elasticache.get_config(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Get the configuration for a cache cluster.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elasticache.get_config myelasticache
- salt.modules.boto_elasticache.revoke_cache_security_group_ingress(name, ec2_security_group_name, ec2_security_group_owner_id, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Revoke network ingress from an ec2 security group to a cache security
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elasticache.revoke_cache_security_group_ingress myelasticachesg myec2sg 879879
Connection module for Amazon ELB
New in version 2014.7.0.
- configuration
This module accepts explicit elb credentials but can also utilize
IAM roles assigned to the instance trough Instance Profiles. Dynamic
credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further
configuration is necessary. More Information available at:
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar or in the minion's config file:
elb.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H elb.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
A region may also be specified in the configuration:
elb.region: us-east-1
If a region is not specified, the default is us-east-1.
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either as a passed in dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
- myprofile:
- keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
- depends
- boto
- salt.modules.boto_elb.attach_subnets(name, subnets, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Attach ELB to subnets.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elb.attach_subnets myelb '["mysubnet"]'
- salt.modules.boto_elb.create(name, availability_zones, listeners=None, subnets=None, security_groups=None, scheme='internet-facing', region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Create an ELB
CLI example to create an ELB:
salt myminion boto_elb.create myelb '["us-east-1a", "us-east-1e"]' listeners='[["HTTPS", "HTTP", 443, 80, "arn:aws:iam::1111111:server-certificate/mycert"]]' region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_elb.create_listeners(name, listeners=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Create listeners on an ELB.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elb.create_listeners myelb listeners='[["HTTPS", "HTTP", 443, 80, "arn:aws:iam::11 11111:server-certificate/mycert"]]'
- salt.modules.boto_elb.delete(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Delete an ELB.
CLI example to delete an ELB:
salt myminion boto_elb.delete myelb region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_elb.delete_listeners(name, ports, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Delete listeners on an ELB.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elb.delete_listeners myelb '[80,443]'
- salt.modules.boto_elb.deregister_instances(name, instances, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Deregister instances with an ELB. Instances is either a string
instance id or a list of string instance id's.
- •
- True: instance(s) deregistered successfully
- •
- False: instance(s) failed to be deregistered
- •
None: instance(s) not valid or not registered, no action taken
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elb.deregister_instances myelb instance_id salt myminion boto_elb.deregister_instances myelb "[instance_id, instance_id]"
- salt.modules.boto_elb.detach_subnets(name, subnets, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Detach ELB from subnets.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elb.detach_subnets myelb '["mysubnet"]'
- salt.modules.boto_elb.disable_availability_zones(name, availability_zones, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Disable availability zones for ELB.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elb.disable_availability_zones myelb '["us-east-1a"]'
- salt.modules.boto_elb.enable_availability_zones(name, availability_zones, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Enable availability zones for ELB.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elb.enable_availability_zones myelb '["us-east-1a"]'
- salt.modules.boto_elb.exists(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Check to see if an ELB exists.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elb.exists myelb region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_elb.get_attributes(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Check to see if attributes are set on an ELB.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elb.get_attributes myelb
- salt.modules.boto_elb.get_elb_config(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Check to see if an ELB exists.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elb.exists myelb region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_elb.get_health_check(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Get the health check configured for this ELB.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elb.get_health_check myelb
- salt.modules.boto_elb.get_instance_health(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, instances=None)
Get a list of instances and their health state
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elb.get_instance_health myelb salt myminion boto_elb.get_instance_health myelb region=us-east-1 instances="[instance_id,instance_id]"
- salt.modules.boto_elb.register_instances(name, instances, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Register instances with an ELB. Instances is either a string
instance id or a list of string instance id's.
- •
- True: instance(s) registered successfully
- •
False: instance(s) failed to be registered
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_elb.register_instances myelb instance_id salt myminion boto_elb.register_instances myelb "[instance_id,instance_id]"
- salt.modules.boto_elb.set_attributes(name, attributes, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Set attributes on an ELB.
CLI example to set attributes on an ELB:
salt myminion boto_elb.set_attributes myelb '{"access_log": {"enabled": "true", "s3_bucket_name": "mybucket", "s3_bucket_prefix": "mylogs/", "emit_interval": "5"}}' region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_elb.set_health_check(name, health_check, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Set attributes on an ELB.
CLI example to set attributes on an ELB:
salt myminion boto_elb.set_health_check myelb '{"target": "HTTP:80/"}'
Connection module for Amazon IAM
New in version 2014.7.0.
- configuration
This module accepts explicit iam credentials but can also utilize
IAM roles assigned to the instance trough Instance Profiles. Dynamic
credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further
configuration is necessary. More Information available at:
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar or in the minion's config file:
iam.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H iam.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs iam.region: us-east-1
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either as a passed in dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
- myprofile:
- keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
- depends
- boto
- salt.modules.boto_iam.associate_profile_to_role(profile_name, role_name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Associate an instance profile with an IAM role.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_iam.associate_profile_to_role myirole myiprofile
- salt.modules.boto_iam.create_instance_profile(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Create an instance profile.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_iam.create_instance_profile myiprofile
- salt.modules.boto_iam.create_role(name, policy_document=None, path=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Create an instance role.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_iam.create_role myrole
- salt.modules.boto_iam.create_role_policy(role_name, policy_name, policy, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Create or modify a role policy.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_iam.create_role_policy myirole mypolicy '{"MyPolicy": "Statement": [{"Action": ["sqs:*"], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": ["arn:aws:sqs:*:*:*"], "Sid": "MyPolicySqs1"}]}'
- salt.modules.boto_iam.delete_instance_profile(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Delete an instance profile.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_iam.delete_instance_profile myiprofile
- salt.modules.boto_iam.delete_role(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Delete an IAM role.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_iam.delete_role myirole
- salt.modules.boto_iam.delete_role_policy(role_name, policy_name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Delete a role policy.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_iam.delete_role_policy myirole mypolicy
- salt.modules.boto_iam.disassociate_profile_from_role(profile_name, role_name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Disassociate an instance profile from an IAM role.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_iam.disassociate_profile_from_role myirole myiprofile
- salt.modules.boto_iam.get_account_id(region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Get a the AWS account id associated with the used credentials.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_iam.get_account_id
- salt.modules.boto_iam.get_role_policy(role_name, policy_name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Get a role policy.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_iam.get_role_policy myirole mypolicy
- salt.modules.boto_iam.instance_profile_exists(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Check to see if an instance profile exists.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_iam.instance_profile_exists myiprofile
- salt.modules.boto_iam.list_role_policies(role_name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Get a list of policy names from a role.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_iam.list_role_policies myirole
- salt.modules.boto_iam.profile_associated(role_name, profile_name, region, key, keyid, profile)
Check to see if an instance profile is associated with an IAM role.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_iam.profile_associated myirole myiprofile
- salt.modules.boto_iam.role_exists(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Check to see if an IAM role exists.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_iam.role_exists myirole
Connection module for Amazon Route53
New in version 2014.7.0.
- configuration
This module accepts explicit route53 credentials but can also
utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance trough Instance Profiles.
Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no
further configuration is necessary. More Information available at:
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar or in the minion's config file:
route53.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H route53.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
A region may also be specified in the configuration:
route53.region: us-east-1
If a region is not specified, the default is us-east-1.
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either as a passed in dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
- myprofile:
- keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
- depends
- boto
- salt.modules.boto_route53.add_record(name, value, zone, record_type, identifier=None, ttl=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, sync_wait=False)
Add a record to a zone.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_route53.add_record A
- salt.modules.boto_route53.delete_record(name, zone, record_type, identifier=None, all_records=False, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, sync_wait=False)
Modify a record in a zone.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_route53.delete_record A
- salt.modules.boto_route53.get_record(name, zone, record_type, fetch_all=False, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Get a record from a zone.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_route53.get_record A
- salt.modules.boto_route53.update_record(name, value, zone, record_type, identifier=None, ttl=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, sync_wait=False)
Modify a record in a zone.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_route53.modify_record A
Connection module for Amazon Security Groups
New in version 2014.7.0.
- configuration
This module accepts explicit ec2 credentials but can
also utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance trough Instance Profiles.
Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no
further configuration is necessary. More Information available at:
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar or in the minion's config file:
secgroup.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H secgroup.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
A region may also be specified in the configuration:
secgroup.region: us-east-1
If a region is not specified, the default is us-east-1.
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either as a passed in dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
- myprofile:
- keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
- depends
- boto
- salt.modules.boto_secgroup.authorize(name=None, source_group_name=None, source_group_owner_id=None, ip_protocol=None, from_port=None, to_port=None, cidr_ip=None, group_id=None, source_group_group_id=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, vpc_id=None)
Add a new rule to an existing security group.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_secgroup.authorize mysecgroup ip_protocol=tcp from_port=80 to_port=80 cidr_ip='['', '']'
- salt.modules.boto_secgroup.convert_to_group_ids(groups, vpc_id, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given a list of security groups and a vpc_id, convert_to_group_ids will
convert all list items in the given list to security group ids.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_secgroup.convert_to_group_ids mysecgroup vpc-89yhh7h
- salt.modules.boto_secgroup.create(name, description, vpc_id=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Create an autoscale group.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_secgroup.create mysecgroup 'My Security Group'
- salt.modules.boto_secgroup.delete(name=None, group_id=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, vpc_id=None)
Delete an autoscale group.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_secgroup.delete mysecgroup
- salt.modules.boto_secgroup.exists(name=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, vpc_id=None, group_id=None)
Check to see if an security group exists.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_secgroup.exists mysecgroup
- salt.modules.boto_secgroup.get_config(name=None, group_id=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, vpc_id=None)
Get the configuration for a security group.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_secgroup.get_config mysecgroup
- salt.modules.boto_secgroup.get_group_id(name, vpc_id=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Get a Group ID given a Group Name or Group Name and VPC ID
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_secgroup.get_group_id mysecgroup
- salt.modules.boto_secgroup.revoke(name=None, source_group_name=None, source_group_owner_id=None, ip_protocol=None, from_port=None, to_port=None, cidr_ip=None, group_id=None, source_group_group_id=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, vpc_id=None)
Remove a rule from an existing security group.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_secgroup.revoke mysecgroup ip_protocol=tcp from_port=80 to_port=80 cidr_ip=''
Connection module for Amazon SNS
- configuration
This module accepts explicit sns credentials but can also
utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance trough Instance Profiles. Dynamic
credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further
configuration is necessary. More Information available at:
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar or in the minion's config file:
sns.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H sns.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
A region may also be specified in the configuration:
sns.region: us-east-1
If a region is not specified, the default is us-east-1.
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either as a passed in dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
- myprofile:
- keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
- depends
- boto
- salt.modules.boto_sns.create(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Create an SNS topic.
CLI example to create a topic:
salt myminion boto_sns.create mytopic region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_sns.delete(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Delete an SNS topic.
CLI example to delete a topic:
salt myminion boto_sns.delete mytopic region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_sns.exists(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Check to see if an SNS topic exists.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_sns.exists mytopic region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_sns.get_all_topics(region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Returns a list of the all topics..
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_sns.get_all_topics
- salt.modules.boto_sns.get_arn(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Returns the full ARN for a given topic name.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_sns.get_arn mytopic
Connection module for Amazon SQS
New in version 2014.7.0.
- configuration
This module accepts explicit sqs credentials but can also utilize
IAM roles assigned to the instance trough Instance Profiles. Dynamic
credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further
configuration is necessary. More Information available at:
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar or in the minion's config file:
sqs.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H sqs.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
A region may also be specified in the configuration:
sqs.region: us-east-1
If a region is not specified, the default is us-east-1.
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either as a passed in dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
- myprofile:
- keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
- depends
- boto
- salt.modules.boto_sqs.create(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Create an SQS queue.
CLI example to create a queue:
salt myminion boto_sqs.create myqueue region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_sqs.delete(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Delete an SQS queue.
CLI example to delete a queue:
salt myminion boto_sqs.delete myqueue region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_sqs.exists(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Check to see if a queue exists.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_sqs.exists myqueue region=us-east-1
- salt.modules.boto_sqs.get_attributes(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Check to see if attributes are set on an SQS queue.
CLI example:
salt myminion boto_sqs.get_attributes myqueue
- salt.modules.boto_sqs.set_attributes(name, attributes, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Set attributes on an SQS queue.
CLI example to set attributes on a queue:
salt myminion boto_sqs.set_attributes myqueue '{ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds: 20}' region=us-east-1
Connection module for Amazon VPC
New in version 2014.7.0.
- configuration
This module accepts explicit VPC credentials but can also
utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance trough Instance Profiles.
Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no
further configuration is necessary. More Information available at:
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar or in the minion's config file:
vpc.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H vpc.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
A region may also be specified in the configuration:
vpc.region: us-east-1
If a region is not specified, the default is us-east-1.
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either as a passed in dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
- myprofile:
- keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
- depends
- boto
- salt.modules.boto_vpc.associate_dhcp_options_to_vpc(dhcp_options_id, vpc_id, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given valid DHCP options id and a valid VPC id, associate the DHCP options record with the VPC.
Returns True if the DHCP options record were associated and returns False if the DHCP options record was not associated.
CLI example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.associate_dhcp_options_to_vpc 'dhcp-a0bl34pp' 'vpc-6b1fe402' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.associate_network_acl_to_subnet(network_acl_id, subnet_id, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given a network acl ID and a subnet ID, associates a network acl to a subnet.
Returns the association ID if successful, otherwise returns False.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.associate_network_acl_to_subnet 'acl-5fb85d36' 'subnet-6a1fe403' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.associate_new_dhcp_options_to_vpc(vpc_id, domain_name=None, domain_name_servers=None, ntp_servers=None, netbios_name_servers=None, netbios_node_type=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given valid DHCP options and a valid VPC id, create and associate the DHCP options record with the VPC.
Returns True if the DHCP options record were created and associated and returns False if the DHCP options record was not created and associated.
CLI example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.associate_new_dhcp_options_to_vpc 'vpc-6b1fe402' domain_name='' domain_name_servers='[]' ntp_servers='[]' netbios_name_servers='[]' netbios_node_type=1 - salt.modules.boto_vpc.associate_new_network_acl_to_subnet(vpc_id, subnet_id, network_acl_name=None, tags=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given a vpc ID and a subnet ID, associates a new network act to a subnet.
Returns a dictionary containing the network acl id and the new association id if successful. If unsuccessful, returns False.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.associate_new_network_acl_to_subnet 'vpc-6b1fe402' 'subnet-6a1fe403' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.associate_route_table(route_table_id, subnet_id, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given a route table ID and a subnet ID, associates the route table with the subnet.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.associate_route_table 'rtb-1f382e7d' 'subnet-6a1fe403' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.create(cidr_block, instance_tenancy=None, vpc_name=None, tags=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given a valid CIDR block, create a VPC.
An optional instance_tenancy argument can be provided. If provided, the valid values are 'default' or 'dedicated' An optional vpc_name argument can be provided.
Returns True if the VPC was created and returns False if the VPC was not created.
CLI example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.create '' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.create_customer_gateway(vpn_connection_type, ip_address, bgp_asn, customer_gateway_name=None, tags=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given a valid VPN connection type, a static IP address and a customer gateway’s Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Autonomous System Number, create a customer gateway.
Returns True if the customer gateway was created and returns False if the customer gateway was not created.
CLI example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.create_customer_gateway 'ipsec.1', '', 65534 - salt.modules.boto_vpc.create_dhcp_options(domain_name=None, domain_name_servers=None, ntp_servers=None, netbios_name_servers=None, netbios_node_type=None, dhcp_options_name=None, tags=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given valid DHCP options, create a DHCP options record.
Returns True if the DHCP options record was created and returns False if the DHCP options record was not deleted.
CLI example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.create_dhcp_options domain_name='' domain_name_servers='[]' ntp_servers='[]' netbios_name_servers='[]' netbios_node_type=1 - salt.modules.boto_vpc.create_network_acl(vpc_id, network_acl_name=None, tags=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given a vpc_id, creates a network acl.
Returns the network acl id if successful, otherwise returns False.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.create_network_acl 'vpc-6b1fe402' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.create_network_acl_entry(network_acl_id, rule_number, protocol, rule_action, cidr_block, egress=None, icmp_code=None, icmp_type=None, port_range_from=None, port_range_to=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Creates a network acl entry.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.create_network_acl_entry 'acl-5fb85d36' '32767' '-1' 'deny' '' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.create_route(route_table_id, destination_cidr_block, gateway_id=None, instance_id=None, interface_id=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Creates a route.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.create_route 'rtb-1f382e7d' '' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.create_route_table(vpc_id, route_table_name=None, tags=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Creates a route table.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.create_route_table 'vpc-6b1fe402' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.create_subnet(vpc_id, cidr_block, availability_zone=None, subnet_name=None, tags=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given a valid VPC ID and a CIDR block, create a subnet for the VPC.
An optional availability zone argument can be provided.
Returns True if the VPC subnet was created and returns False if the VPC subnet was not created.
CLI example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.create_subnet 'vpc-6b1fe402' '' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.customer_gateway_exists(customer_gateway_id, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given a customer gateway ID, check if the customer gateway ID exists.
Returns True if the customer gateway ID exists; Returns False otherwise.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.customer_gateway_exists 'cgw-b6a247df' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.delete(vpc_id, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given a VPC ID, delete the VPC.
Returns True if the VPC was deleted and returns False if the VPC was not deleted.
CLI example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.delete 'vpc-6b1fe402' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.delete_customer_gateway(customer_gateway_id, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given a customer gateway ID, delete the customer gateway.
Returns True if the customer gateway was deleted and returns False if the customer gateway was not deleted.
CLI example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.delete_customer_gateway 'cgw-b6a247df' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.delete_network_acl(network_acl_id, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Deletes a network acl based on the network_acl_id provided.
Returns True if the network acl was deleted successfully, otherwise returns False.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.delete_network_acl 'acl-5fb85d36' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.delete_network_acl_entry(network_acl_id, rule_number, egress=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Deletes a network acl entry.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.delete_network_acl_entry 'acl-5fb85d36' '32767' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.delete_route(route_table_id, destination_cidr_block, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Deletes a route.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.delete_route 'rtb-1f382e7d' '' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.delete_route_table(route_table_id, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Deletes a route table.
CLI Example:
.. code-example:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.delete_route_table 'rtb-1f382e7d' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.delete_subnet(subnet_id, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given a subnet ID, delete the subnet.
Returns True if the subnet was deleted and returns False if the subnet was not deleted.
CLI example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.delete_subnet 'subnet-6a1fe403' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.describe(vpc_id=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given a VPC ID describe it's properties.
Returns a dictionary of interesting properties. CLI example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.describe vpc_id=vpc-123456 - salt.modules.boto_vpc.dhcp_options_exists(dhcp_options_id=None, name=None, tags=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Check if a dhcp option exists.
Returns True if the dhcp option exists; Returns False otherwise.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.dhcp_options_exists dhcp_options_id='dhcp-a0bl34pp' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.disassociate_network_acl(subnet_id, vpc_id=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given a subnet ID, disassociates a network acl.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.disassociate_network_acl 'subnet-6a1fe403' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.disassociate_route_table(association_id, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Dissassociates a route table.
- association_id
The Route Table Association ID to disassociate
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.disassociate_route_table 'rtbassoc-d8ccddba' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.exists(vpc_id=None, name=None, cidr=None, tags=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given a VPC ID, check to see if the given VPC ID exists.
Returns True if the given VPC ID exists and returns False if the given VPC ID does not exist.
CLI example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.exists myvpc - salt.modules.boto_vpc.get_id(name=None, cidr=None, tags=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given a VPC properties, return VPC ID if exist.
CLI example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.get_id myvpc - salt.modules.boto_vpc.get_subnet_association(subnets, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Given a subnet (aka: a vpc zone identifier) or list of subnets, returns
vpc association.
Returns a VPC ID if the given subnets are associated with the same VPC ID. Returns False on an error or if the given subnets are associated with different VPC IDs.
CLI Examples:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.get_subnet_association subnet-61b47516salt myminion boto_vpc.get_subnet_association ['subnet-61b47516','subnet-2cb9785b']
- salt.modules.boto_vpc.network_acl_exists(network_acl_id=None, name=None, tags=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Checks if a network acl exists.
Returns True if the network acl exists or returns False if it doesn't exist.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.network_acl_exists network_acl_id='acl-5fb85d36' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.replace_network_acl_entry(network_acl_id, rule_number, protocol, rule_action, cidr_block, egress=None, icmp_code=None, icmp_type=None, port_range_from=None, port_range_to=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Replaces a network acl entry.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.replace_network_acl_entry 'acl-5fb85d36' '32767' '-1' 'deny' '' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.replace_route(route_table_id, destination_cidr_block, gateway_id=None, instance_id=None, interface_id=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Replaces a route.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.replace_route 'rtb-1f382e7d' '' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.replace_route_table_association(association_id, route_table_id, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Replaces a route table association.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.replace_route_table_association 'rtbassoc-d8ccddba' 'rtb-1f382e7d' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.route_table_exists(route_table_id=None, name=None, tags=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Checks if a route table exists.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.route_table_exists route_table_id='rtb-1f382e7d' - salt.modules.boto_vpc.subnet_exists(subnet_id=None, name=None, tags=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
Check if a subnet exists.
Returns True if the subnet exists, otherwise returns False.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt myminion boto_vpc.subnet_exists subnet_id='subnet-6a1fe403'
Homebrew for Mac OS X
- salt.modules.brew.install(name=None, pkgs=None, taps=None, options=None, **kwargs)
- Install the passed package(s) with brew install
- name
The name of the formula to be installed. Note that this parameter is
ignored if "pkgs" is passed.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name>
- taps
Unofficial Github repos to use when updating and installing formulas.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name> tap='<tap>' salt '*' pkg.install zlib taps='homebrew/dupes' salt '*' pkg.install php54 taps='["josegonzalez/php", "homebrew/dupes"]'
- options
Options to pass to brew. Only applies to initial install. Due to how brew
works, modifying chosen options requires a full uninstall followed by a
fresh install. Note that if "pkgs" is used, all options will be passed
to all packages. Unrecognized options for a package will be silently
ignored by brew.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name> tap='<tap>' salt '*' pkg.install php54 taps='["josegonzalez/php", "homebrew/dupes"]' options='["--with-fpm"]'
Multiple Package Installation Options:
- pkgs
A list of formulas to install. Must be passed as a python list.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo","bar"]'
Returns a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install 'package package package'
- salt.modules.brew.latest_version(*names, **kwargs)
Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or
Note that this currently not fully implemented but needs to return something to avoid a traceback when calling pkg.latest.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3>
- salt.modules.brew.list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs)
List the packages currently installed in a dict:
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs
- salt.modules.brew.list_upgrades(refresh=True)
Check whether or not an upgrade is available for all packages
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades
- salt.modules.brew.refresh_db()
Update the homebrew package repository.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.refresh_db
- salt.modules.brew.remove(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Removes packages with brew uninstall.
- name
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> salt '*' pkg.remove <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.brew.upgrade(refresh=True)
- Upgrade outdated, unpinned brews.
- refresh
Fetch the newest version of Homebrew and all formulae from GitHub before installing.
Return a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade
- salt.modules.brew.upgrade_available(pkg)
Check whether or not an upgrade is available for a given package
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade_available <package name>
- salt.modules.brew.version(*names, **kwargs)
Returns a string representing the package version or an empty string if not
installed. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version <package name> salt '*' pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3>
Module for gathering and managing bridging information
- salt.modules.bridge.add(br=None)
Creates a bridge
CLI Example:
salt '*' bridge.add br0
- salt.modules.bridge.addif(br=None, iface=None)
Adds an interface to a bridge
CLI Example:
salt '*' bridge.addif br0 eth0
- salt.modules.bridge.delete(br=None)
Deletes a bridge
CLI Example:
salt '*' bridge.delete br0
- salt.modules.bridge.delif(br=None, iface=None)
Removes an interface from a bridge
CLI Example:
salt '*' bridge.delif br0 eth0
- salt.modules.bridge.find_interfaces(*args)
Returns the bridge to which the interfaces are bond to
CLI Example:
salt '*' bridge.find_interfaces eth0 [eth1...]
- salt.modules.bridge.interfaces(br=None)
Returns interfaces attached to a bridge
CLI Example:
salt '*' bridge.interfaces br0
- salt.modules.bridge.list_()
Returns the machine's bridges list
CLI Example:
salt '*' bridge.list
Returns bridges interfaces along with enslaved physical interfaces. If
no interface is given, all bridges are shown, else only the specified
bridge values are returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' salt '*' br0
- salt.modules.bridge.stp(br=None, state='disable', iface=None)
Sets Spanning Tree Protocol state for a bridge
CLI Example:
salt '*' bridge.stp br0 enable salt '*' bridge.stp br0 disable
For BSD-like operating systems, it is required to add the interface on which to enable the STP.
CLI Example:
salt '*' bridge.stp bridge0 enable fxp0 salt '*' bridge.stp bridge0 disable fxp0
Manage the password database on BSD systems
- salt.modules.bsd_shadow.default_hash()
Returns the default hash used for unset passwords
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.default_hash
Return information for the specified user
CLI Example:
salt '*' someuser
- salt.modules.bsd_shadow.set_change(name, change)
Sets the time at which the password expires (in seconds since the EPOCH).
See man usermod on NetBSD and OpenBSD or man pw on FreeBSD.
"0" means the password never expires.
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.set_change username 1419980400
- salt.modules.bsd_shadow.set_expire(name, expire)
Sets the time at which the account expires (in seconds since the EPOCH).
See man usermod on NetBSD and OpenBSD or man pw on FreeBSD.
"0" means the account never expires.
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.set_expire username 1419980400
- salt.modules.bsd_shadow.set_password(name, password)
Set the password for a named user. The password must be a properly defined
hash. The password hash can be generated with this command:
python -c "import crypt; print crypt.crypt('password', ciphersalt)"
NOTE: When constructing the ciphersalt string, you must escape any dollar signs, to avoid them being interpolated by the shell.
'password' is, of course, the password for which you want to generate a hash.
ciphersalt is a combination of a cipher identifier, an optional number of rounds, and the cryptographic salt. The arrangement and format of these fields depends on the cipher and which flavor of BSD you are using. For more information on this, see the manpage for crpyt(3). On NetBSD, additional information is available in passwd.conf(5).
It is important to make sure that a supported cipher is used.
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.set_password someuser '$1$UYCIxa628.9qXjpQCjM4a..'
Module for managing BTRFS file systems.
- salt.modules.btrfs.add(mountpoint, *devices, **kwargs)
Add a devices to a BTRFS filesystem.
General options:
- •
- nodiscard: Do not perform whole device TRIM
- •
force: Force overwrite existing filesystem on the disk
CLI Example:
salt '*' btrfs.add /mountpoint /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2
- salt.modules.btrfs.convert(device, permanent=False, keeplf=False)
Convert ext2/3/4 to BTRFS. Device should be mounted.
Filesystem can be converted temporarily so the further processing and rollback is possible, or permanently, where previous extended filesystem image gets deleted. Please note, permanent conversion takes a while as BTRFS filesystem needs to be properly rebalanced afterwards.
General options:
- •
- permanent: Specify if the migration should be permanent (false by default)
- •
- keeplf: Keep lost+found of the partition (removed by default,
but still in the image, if not permanent migration)
CLI Example:
salt '*' btrfs.convert /dev/sda1 salt '*' btrfs.convert /dev/sda1 permanent=True
- salt.modules.btrfs.defragment(path)
Defragment mounted BTRFS filesystem.
In order to defragment a filesystem, device should be properly mounted and writable.
If passed a device name, then defragmented whole filesystem, mounted on in. If passed a moun tpoint of the filesystem, then only this mount point is defragmented.
CLI Example:
salt '*' btrfs.defragment /dev/sda1 salt '*' btrfs.defragment /path/on/filesystem
- salt.modules.btrfs.delete(mountpoint, *devices, **kwargs)
Remove devices from a BTRFS filesystem.
CLI Example:
salt '*' btrfs.delete /mountpoint /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2
- salt.modules.btrfs.devices()
Get known BTRFS formatted devices on the system.
CLI Example:
salt '*' btrfs.devices
- salt.modules.btrfs.features()
List currently available BTRFS features.
CLI Example:
salt '*' btrfs.mkfs_features
Get BTRFS filesystem information.
CLI Example:
salt '*' /dev/sda1
- salt.modules.btrfs.mkfs(*devices, **kwargs)
Create a file system on the specified device. By default wipes out with force.
General options:
- •
- allocsize: Specify the BTRFS offset from the start of the device.
- •
- bytecount: Specify the size of the resultant filesystem.
- •
- nodesize: Node size.
- •
- leafsize: Specify the nodesize, the tree block size in which btrfs stores data.
- •
- noforce: Prevent force overwrite when an existing filesystem is detected on the device.
- •
- sectorsize: Specify the sectorsize, the minimum data block allocation unit.
- •
- nodiscard: Do not perform whole device TRIM operation by default.
- •
uuid: Pass UUID or pass True to generate one.
- •
- dto: (raid0|raid1|raid5|raid6|raid10|single|dup)
- Specify how the data must be spanned across the devices specified.
- •
- mto: (raid0|raid1|raid5|raid6|raid10|single|dup)
- Specify how metadata must be spanned across the devices specified.
- •
fts: Features (call salt <host> btrfs.features for full list of available features)
See the mkfs.btrfs(8) manpage for a more complete description of corresponding options description.
CLI Example:
salt '*' btrfs.mkfs /dev/sda1 salt '*' btrfs.mkfs /dev/sda1 noforce=True
-, type=None, set=None)
List properties for given btrfs object. The object can be path of BTRFS device,
mount point, or any directories/files inside the BTRFS filesystem.
General options:
- •
- type: Possible types are s[ubvol], f[ilesystem], i[node] and d[evice].
- •
- force: Force overwrite existing filesystem on the disk
- •
set: <key=value,key1=value1...> Options for a filesystem properties.
CLI Example:
salt '*' /mountpoint salt '*' /dev/sda1 type=subvol set='ro=false,label="My Storage"'
- salt.modules.btrfs.resize(mountpoint, size)
Resize filesystem.
General options:
- •
- mountpoint: Specify the BTRFS mountpoint to resize.
- •
size: ([+/-]<newsize>[kKmMgGtTpPeE]|max) Specify the new size of the target.
CLI Example:
salt '*' btrfs.resize /mountpoint size=+1g salt '*' btrfs.resize /dev/sda1 size=max
- salt.modules.btrfs.usage(path)
Show in which disk the chunks are allocated.
CLI Example:
salt '*' btrfs.usage /your/mountpoint
- salt.modules.btrfs.version()
Return BTRFS version.
CLI Example:
salt '*' btrfs.version
Cassandra NoSQL Database Module
- depends
- •
- pycassa Cassandra Python adapter
- configuration
The location of the 'nodetool' command, host, and thrift port needs to be
specified via pillar:
cassandra.nodetool: /usr/local/bin/nodetool localhost cassandra.thrift_port: 9160
- salt.modules.cassandra.column_families(keyspace=None)
Return existing column families for all keyspaces
or just the provided one.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cassandra.column_families salt '*' cassandra.column_families <keyspace>
- salt.modules.cassandra.column_family_definition(keyspace=None, column_family=None)
Return a dictionary of column family definitions for the given
CLI Example:
salt '*' cassandra.column_family_definition <keyspace> <column_family>
- salt.modules.cassandra.compactionstats()
Return compactionstats info
CLI Example:
salt '*' cassandra.compactionstats
Return cassandra node info
CLI Example:
salt '*'
- salt.modules.cassandra.keyspaces()
Return existing keyspaces
CLI Example:
salt '*' cassandra.keyspaces
- salt.modules.cassandra.netstats()
Return netstats info
CLI Example:
salt '*' cassandra.netstats
- salt.modules.cassandra.ring()
Return cassandra ring info
CLI Example:
salt '*' cassandra.ring
- salt.modules.cassandra.tpstats()
Return tpstats info
CLI Example:
salt '*' cassandra.tpstats
- salt.modules.cassandra.version()
Return the cassandra version
CLI Example:
salt '*' cassandra.version
Cassandra Database Module
New in version 2015.5.0.
- depends
- DataStax Python Driver for Apache Cassandra pip install cassandra-driver
- referenced by
- Salt's cassandra_cql returner
- configuration
The Cassandra cluster members and connection port can either be specified
in the master or minion config, the minion's pillar or be passed to the module.
Example configuration in the config for a single node:
cassandra: cluster: port: 9000
Example configuration in the config for a cluster:
cassandra: cluster: - - - port: 9000 username: cas_admin
- salt.modules.cassandra_cql.cql_query(query, contact_points=None, port=None, cql_user=None, cql_pass=None)
- Run a query on a Cassandra cluster and return a dictionary.
- Parameters
- •
- query (str) -- The query to execute.
- •
- contact_points (str | list[str]) -- The Cassandra cluster addresses, can either be a string or a list of IPs.
- •
- cql_user (str) -- The Cassandra user if authentication is turned on.
- •
- cql_pass (str) -- The Cassandra user password if authentication is turned on.
- •
- port (int) -- The Cassandra cluster port, defaults to None.
- •
- params (str) -- The parameters for the query, optional.
- Returns
- A dictionary from the return values of the query
- Return type
- list[dict]
- salt.modules.cassandra_cql.create_keyspace(keyspace, replication_strategy='SimpleStrategy', replication_factor=1, replication_datacenters=None, contact_points=None, port=None, cql_user=None, cql_pass=None)
- Create a new keyspace in Cassandra.
- Parameters
- •
- keyspace (str) -- The keyspace name
- •
- replication_strategy (str) -- either SimpleStrategy or NetworkTopologyStrategy
- •
- replication_factor (int) -- number of replicas of data on multiple nodes. not used if using NetworkTopologyStrategy
- •
- replication_datacenters (str | dict[str, int]) -- string or dict of datacenter names to replication factors, required if using NetworkTopologyStrategy (will be a dict if coming from state file).
- •
- contact_points (str | list[str]) -- The Cassandra cluster addresses, can either be a string or a list of IPs.
- •
- cql_user (str) -- The Cassandra user if authentication is turned on.
- •
- cql_pass (str) -- The Cassandra user password if authentication is turned on.
- •
- port (int) -- The Cassandra cluster port, defaults to None.
- Returns
- The info for the keyspace or False if it does not exist.
- Return type
salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.create_keyspace keyspace=newkeyspace salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.create_keyspace keyspace=newkeyspace replication_strategy=NetworkTopologyStrategy replication_datacenters='{"datacenter_1": 3, "datacenter_2": 2}'
- salt.modules.cassandra_cql.create_user(username, password, superuser=False, contact_points=None, port=None, cql_user=None, cql_pass=None)
- Create a new cassandra user with credentials and superuser status.
- Parameters
- •
- username (str) -- The name of the new user.
- •
- password (str) -- The password of the new user.
- •
- superuser (bool) -- Is the new user going to be a superuser? default: False
- •
- contact_points (str | list[str]) -- The Cassandra cluster addresses, can either be a string or a list of IPs.
- •
- cql_user (str) -- The Cassandra user if authentication is turned on.
- •
- cql_pass (str) -- The Cassandra user password if authentication is turned on.
- •
- port (int) -- The Cassandra cluster port, defaults to None.
- Returns
- Return type
salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.create_user username=joe password=secret salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.create_user username=joe password=secret superuser=True salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.create_user username=joe password=secret superuser=True contact_points=minion1
- salt.modules.cassandra_cql.drop_keyspace(keyspace, contact_points=None, port=None, cql_user=None, cql_pass=None)
- Drop a keyspace if it exists in a Cassandra cluster.
- Parameters
- •
- keyspace (str) -- The keyspace to drop.
- •
- contact_points (str | list[str]) -- The Cassandra cluster addresses, can either be a string or a list of IPs.
- •
- cql_user (str) -- The Cassandra user if authentication is turned on.
- •
- cql_pass (str) -- The Cassandra user password if authentication is turned on.
- •
- port (int) -- The Cassandra cluster port, defaults to None.
- Returns
- The info for the keyspace or False if it does not exist.
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.drop_keyspace keyspace=test salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.drop_keyspace keyspace=test contact_points=minion1
- salt.modules.cassandra_cql.grant_permission(username, resource=None, resource_type='keyspace', permission=None, contact_points=None, port=None, cql_user=None, cql_pass=None)
- Grant permissions to a user.
- Parameters
- •
- username (str) -- The name of the user to grant permissions to.
- •
- resource (str) -- The resource (keyspace or table), if None, permissions for all resources are granted.
- •
- resource_type (str) -- The resource_type (keyspace or table), defaults to 'keyspace'.
- •
- permission (str) -- A permission name (e.g. select), if None, all permissions are granted.
- •
- contact_points (str | list[str]) -- The Cassandra cluster addresses, can either be a string or a list of IPs.
- •
- cql_user (str) -- The Cassandra user if authentication is turned on.
- •
- cql_pass (str) -- The Cassandra user password if authentication is turned on.
- •
- port (int) -- The Cassandra cluster port, defaults to None.
- Returns
- Return type
salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.grant_permission salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.grant_permission username=joe resource=test_keyspace permission=select salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.grant_permission username=joe resource=test_table resource_type=table permission=select contact_points=minion1
-, port=None, cql_user=None, cql_pass=None)
- Show the Cassandra information for this cluster.
- Parameters
- •
- contact_points (str | list[str]) -- The Cassandra cluster addresses, can either be a string or a list of IPs.
- •
- cql_user (str) -- The Cassandra user if authentication is turned on.
- •
- cql_pass (str) -- The Cassandra user password if authentication is turned on.
- •
- port (int) -- The Cassandra cluster port, defaults to None.
- Returns
- The information for this Cassandra cluster.
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt 'minion1' salt 'minion1' contact_points=minion1
- salt.modules.cassandra_cql.keyspace_exists(keyspace, contact_points=None, port=None, cql_user=None, cql_pass=None)
Check if a keyspace exists in a Cassandra cluster.
:param keyspace The keyspace name to check for. :type keyspace: str :param contact_points: The Cassandra cluster addresses, can either be a string or a list of IPs. :type contact_points: str | list[str] :param cql_user: The Cassandra user if authentication is turned on. :type cql_user: str :param cql_pass: The Cassandra user password if authentication is turned on. :type cql_pass: str :param port: The Cassandra cluster port, defaults to None. :type port: int :return: The info for the keyspace or False if it does not exist. :rtype: dict
CLI Example:
salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.keyspace_exists keyspace=system salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.list_keyspaces keyspace=system contact_points=minion1
- salt.modules.cassandra_cql.list_column_families(keyspace=None, contact_points=None, port=None, cql_user=None, cql_pass=None)
- List column families in a Cassandra cluster for all keyspaces or just the provided one.
- Parameters
- •
- keyspace (str) -- The keyspace to provide the column families for, optional.
- •
- contact_points (str | list[str]) -- The Cassandra cluster addresses, can either be a string or a list of IPs.
- •
- cql_user (str) -- The Cassandra user if authentication is turned on.
- •
- cql_pass (str) -- The Cassandra user password if authentication is turned on.
- •
- port (int) -- The Cassandra cluster port, defaults to None.
- Returns
- The column families in this Cassandra cluster.
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.list_column_families salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.list_column_families contact_points=minion1 salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.list_column_families keyspace=system
- salt.modules.cassandra_cql.list_keyspaces(contact_points=None, port=None, cql_user=None, cql_pass=None)
- List keyspaces in a Cassandra cluster.
- Parameters
- •
- contact_points (str | list[str]) -- The Cassandra cluster addresses, can either be a string or a list of IPs.
- •
- cql_user (str) -- The Cassandra user if authentication is turned on.
- •
- cql_pass (str) -- The Cassandra user password if authentication is turned on.
- •
- port (int) -- The Cassandra cluster port, defaults to None.
- Returns
- The keyspaces in this Cassandra cluster.
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.list_keyspaces salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.list_keyspaces contact_points=minion1 port=9000
- salt.modules.cassandra_cql.list_permissions(username=None, resource=None, resource_type='keyspace', permission=None, contact_points=None, port=None, cql_user=None, cql_pass=None)
- List permissions.
- Parameters
- •
- username (str) -- The name of the user to list permissions for.
- •
- resource (str) -- The resource (keyspace or table), if None, permissions for all resources are listed.
- •
- resource_type (str) -- The resource_type (keyspace or table), defaults to 'keyspace'.
- •
- permission (str) -- A permission name (e.g. select), if None, all permissions are listed.
- •
- contact_points (str | list[str]) -- The Cassandra cluster addresses, can either be a string or a list of IPs.
- •
- cql_user (str) -- The Cassandra user if authentication is turned on.
- •
- cql_pass (str) -- The Cassandra user password if authentication is turned on.
- •
- port (int) -- The Cassandra cluster port, defaults to None.
- Returns
- Dictionary of permissions.
- Return type
salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.list_permissions salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.list_permissions username=joe resource=test_keyspace permission=select salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.list_permissions username=joe resource=test_table resource_type=table permission=select contact_points=minion1
- salt.modules.cassandra_cql.list_users(contact_points=None, port=None, cql_user=None, cql_pass=None)
- List existing users in this Cassandra cluster.
- Parameters
- •
- contact_points (str | list[str]) -- The Cassandra cluster addresses, can either be a string or a list of IPs.
- •
- port (int) -- The Cassandra cluster port, defaults to None.
- •
- cql_user (str) -- The Cassandra user if authentication is turned on.
- •
- cql_pass (str) -- The Cassandra user password if authentication is turned on.
- Returns
- The list of existing users.
- Return type
salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.list_users salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.list_users contact_points=minion1
- salt.modules.cassandra_cql.version(contact_points=None, port=None, cql_user=None, cql_pass=None)
- Show the Cassandra version.
- Parameters
- •
- contact_points (str | list[str]) -- The Cassandra cluster addresses, can either be a string or a list of IPs.
- •
- cql_user (str) -- The Cassandra user if authentication is turned on.
- •
- cql_pass (str) -- The Cassandra user password if authentication is turned on.
- •
- port (int) -- The Cassandra cluster port, defaults to None.
- Returns
- The version for this Cassandra cluster.
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.version salt 'minion1' cassandra_cql.version contact_points=minion1
Execute chef in server or solo mode
- salt.modules.chef.client(whyrun=False, localmode=False, logfile=None, **kwargs)
Execute a chef client run and return a dict with the stderr, stdout,
return code, and pid.
CLI Example:
salt '*' chef.client server=https://localhost
- server
- The chef server URL
- client_key
- Set the client key file location
- config
- The configuration file to use
- config-file-jail
- Directory under which config files are allowed to be loaded (no client.rb or knife.rb outside this path will be loaded).
- environment
- Set the Chef Environment on the node
- group
- Group to set privilege to
- json-attributes
- Load attributes from a JSON file or URL
- localmode
- Point chef-client at local repository if True
- log_level
- Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)
- logfile
- Set the log file location
- node-name
- The node name for this client
- override-runlist
- Replace current run list with specified items for a single run
- pid
- Set the PID file location, defaults to /tmp/
- run-lock-timeout
- Set maximum duration to wait for another client run to finish, default is indefinitely.
- runlist
- Permanently replace current run list with specified items
- user
- User to set privilege to
- validation_key
- Set the validation key file location, used for registering new clients
- whyrun
- Enable whyrun mode when set to True
- salt.modules.chef.solo(whyrun=False, logfile=None, **kwargs)
Execute a chef solo run and return a dict with the stderr, stdout,
return code, and pid.
CLI Example:
salt '*' chef.solo override-runlist=test
- config
- The configuration file to use
- environment
- Set the Chef Environment on the node
- group
- Group to set privilege to
- json-attributes
- Load attributes from a JSON file or URL
- log_level
- Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)
- logfile
- Set the log file location
- node-name
- The node name for this client
- override-runlist
- Replace current run list with specified items for a single run
- recipe-url
- Pull down a remote gzipped tarball of recipes and untar it to the cookbook cache
- run-lock-timeout
- Set maximum duration to wait for another client run to finish, default is indefinitely.
- user
- User to set privilege to
- whyrun
- Enable whyrun mode when set to True
A dead simple module wrapping calls to the Chocolatey package manager (
New in version 2014.1.0.
- salt.modules.chocolatey.bootstrap(force=False)
Download and install the latest version of the Chocolatey package manager
via the official bootstrap.
Chocolatey requires Windows PowerShell and the .NET v4.0 runtime. Depending on the host's version of Windows, chocolatey.bootstrap will attempt to ensure these prerequisites are met by downloading and executing the appropriate installers from Microsoft.
Note that if PowerShell is installed, you may have to restart the host machine for Chocolatey to work.
- force
Run the bootstrap process even if Chocolatey is found in the path.
CLI Example:
salt '*' chocolatey.bootstrap salt '*' chocolatey.bootstrap force=True
- salt.modules.chocolatey.chocolatey_version()
New in version 2014.7.0.
Returns the version of Chocolatey installed on the minion.
CLI Example:
salt '*' chocolatey.chocolatey_version
- salt.modules.chocolatey.install(name, version=None, source=None, force=False)
- Instructs Chocolatey to install a package.
- name
- The name of the package to be installed. Only accepts a single argument.
- version
- Install a specific version of the package. Defaults to latest version.
- source
- Chocolatey repository (directory, share or remote URL feed) the package comes from. Defaults to the official Chocolatey feed.
- force
Reinstall the current version of an existing package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' chocolatey.install <package name> salt '*' chocolatey.install <package name> version=<package version>
- salt.modules.chocolatey.install_cygwin(name)
- Instructs Chocolatey to install a package via Cygwin.
- name
The name of the package to be installed. Only accepts a single argument.
CLI Example:
salt '*' chocolatey.install_cygwin <package name>
- salt.modules.chocolatey.install_gem(name, version=None)
- Instructs Chocolatey to install a package via Ruby's Gems.
- name
- The name of the package to be installed. Only accepts a single argument.
- version
Install a specific version of the package. Defaults to latest version
CLI Example:
salt '*' chocolatey.install_gem <package name> salt '*' chocolatey.install_gem <package name> version=<package version>
- salt.modules.chocolatey.install_missing(name, version=None, source=None)
Instructs Chocolatey to install a package if it doesn't already exist.
Changed in version 2014.7.0: If the minion has Chocolatey >= installed, this function calls chocolatey.install instead, as installmissing is deprecated as of that version and will be removed in Chocolatey 1.0.
- name
- The name of the package to be installed. Only accepts a single argument.
- version
- Install a specific version of the package. Defaults to latest version available.
- source
Chocolatey repository (directory, share or remote URL feed) the package
comes from. Defaults to the official Chocolatey feed.
CLI Example:
salt '*' chocolatey.install_missing <package name> salt '*' chocolatey.install_missing <package name> version=<package version>
- salt.modules.chocolatey.install_python(name, version=None)
- Instructs Chocolatey to install a package via Python's easy_install.
- name
- The name of the package to be installed. Only accepts a single argument.
- version
Install a specific version of the package. Defaults to latest version
CLI Example:
salt '*' chocolatey.install_python <package name> salt '*' chocolatey.install_python <package name> version=<package version>
- salt.modules.chocolatey.install_webpi(name)
- Instructs Chocolatey to install a package via the Microsoft Web PI service.
- name
The name of the package to be installed. Only accepts a single argument.
CLI Example:
salt '*' chocolatey.install_webpi <package name>
- salt.modules.chocolatey.install_windowsfeatures(name)
- Instructs Chocolatey to install a Windows Feature via the Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool.
- name
The name of the feature to be installed. Only accepts a single argument.
CLI Example:
salt '*' chocolatey.install_windowsfeatures <package name>
- salt.modules.chocolatey.list_(narrow, all_versions=False, pre_versions=False, source=None)
- Instructs Chocolatey to pull a vague package list from the repository.
- narrow
- Term used to narrow down results. Searches against name/description/tag.
- all_versions
- Display all available package versions in results. Defaults to False.
- pre_versions
- Display pre-release packages in results. Defaults to False.
- source
Chocolatey repository (directory, share or remote URL feed) the package
comes from. Defaults to the official Chocolatey feed.
CLI Example:
salt '*' chocolatey.list <narrow> salt '*' chocolatey.list <narrow> all_versions=True
- salt.modules.chocolatey.list_webpi()
Instructs Chocolatey to pull a full package list from the Microsoft Web PI
CLI Example:
salt '*' chocolatey.list_webpi
- salt.modules.chocolatey.list_windowsfeatures()
Instructs Chocolatey to pull a full package list from the Windows Features
list, via the Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool.
CLI Example:
salt '*' chocolatey.list_windowsfeatures
- salt.modules.chocolatey.uninstall(name, version=None)
- Instructs Chocolatey to uninstall a package.
- name
- The name of the package to be uninstalled. Only accepts a single argument.
- version
Uninstalls a specific version of the package. Defaults to latest version
CLI Example:
salt '*' chocolatey.uninstall <package name> salt '*' chocolatey.uninstall <package name> version=<package version>
- salt.modules.chocolatey.update(name, source=None, pre_versions=False)
- Instructs Chocolatey to update packages on the system.
- name
- The name of the package to update, or "all" to update everything installed on the system.
- source
- Chocolatey repository (directory, share or remote URL feed) the package comes from. Defaults to the official Chocolatey feed.
- pre_versions
Include pre-release packages in comparison. Defaults to False.
CLI Example:
salt "*" chocolatey.update all salt "*" chocolatey.update <package name> pre_versions=True
- salt.modules.chocolatey.version(name, check_remote=False, source=None, pre_versions=False)
- Instructs Chocolatey to check an installed package version, and optionally compare it to one available from a remote feed.
- name
- The name of the package to check.
- check_remote
- Get the version number of the latest package from the remote feed. Defaults to False.
- source
- Chocolatey repository (directory, share or remote URL feed) the package comes from. Defaults to the official Chocolatey feed.
- pre_versions
Include pre-release packages in comparison. Defaults to False.
CLI Example:
salt "*" chocolatey.version <package name> salt "*" chocolatey.version <package name> check_remote=True
Salt-specific interface for calling Salt Cloud directly
-, cloudmap=None, names=None, provider=None, instance=None, **kwargs)
Execute a single action on the given provider/instance
CLI Example:
salt '*' cloud.action start instance=myinstance salt '*' cloud.action stop instance=myinstance salt '*' cloud.action show_image provider=my-ec2-config image=ami-1624987f
-, names, **kwargs)
Create an instance using Salt Cloud
CLI Example:
salt minionname cloud.create my-ec2-config myinstance image=ami-1624987f size='t1.micro' ssh_username=ec2-user securitygroup=default delvol_on_destroy=True
Destroy the named VM(s)
CLI Example:
salt '*' cloud.destroy myinstance
List all available cloud provider data
CLI Example:
salt '*' cloud.full_query
-, provider=None)
Return details on an instance.
Similar to the cloud action show_instance but returns only the instance details.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cloud.get_instance myinstance
SLS Example:
{{ salt['cloud.get_instance']('myinstance')['mac_address'] }}
-, provider=None)
Return true if the instance is found on a provider
CLI Example:
salt '*' cloud.has_instance myinstance
List cloud provider images for the given providers
CLI Example:
salt '*' cloud.list_images my-gce-config
List cloud provider locations for the given providers
CLI Example:
salt '*' cloud.list_locations my-gce-config
List cloud provider sizes for the given providers
CLI Example:
salt '*' cloud.list_sizes my-gce-config
-, names, **kwargs)
Create private network
CLI Example:
salt minionname cloud.network_create my-nova names=['salt'] cidr=''
List private networks
CLI Example:
salt minionname cloud.network_list my-nova
-, names, vm_overrides=None, **kwargs)
Spin up an instance using Salt Cloud
CLI Example:
salt '*' cloud.profile my-gce-config myinstance
List cloud provider data for all providers
CLI Examples:
salt '*' cloud.query salt '*' cloud.query list_nodes_full salt '*' cloud.query list_nodes_select
List selected nodes
CLI Example:
salt '*' cloud.select_query
-, names, **kwargs)
Attach private interfaces to a server
CLI Example:
salt minionname cloud.virtual_interface_create my-nova names=['salt-master'] net_name='salt'
-, names, **kwargs)
List virtual interfaces on a server
CLI Example:
salt minionname cloud.virtual_interface_list my-nova names=['salt-master']
-, names, **kwargs)
Attach volume to a server
CLI Example:
salt minionname cloud.volume_attach my-nova myblock server_name=myserver device='/dev/xvdf'
-, names, **kwargs)
Create volume
CLI Example:
salt minionname cloud.volume_create my-nova myblock size=100 voltype=SSD
-, names, **kwargs)
Delete volume
CLI Example:
salt minionname cloud.volume_delete my-nova myblock
-, names, **kwargs)
Detach volume from a server
CLI Example:
salt minionname cloud.volume_detach my-nova myblock server_name=myserver
List block storage volumes
CLI Example:
salt minionname cloud.volume_list my-nova
A module for shelling out.
Keep in mind that this module is insecure, in that it can give whomever has access to the master root execution access to all salt minions.
- salt.modules.cmdmod.exec_code(lang, code, cwd=None)
Pass in two strings, the first naming the executable language, aka -
python2, python3, ruby, perl, lua, etc. the second string containing
the code you wish to execute. The stdout will be returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cmd.exec_code ruby 'puts "cheese"'
- salt.modules.cmdmod.exec_code_all(lang, code, cwd=None)
Pass in two strings, the first naming the executable language, aka -
python2, python3, ruby, perl, lua, etc. the second string containing
the code you wish to execute. All cmd artifacts (stdout, stderr, retcode, pid)
will be returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cmd.exec_code_all ruby 'puts "cheese"'
- salt.modules.cmdmod.has_exec(cmd)
Returns true if the executable is available on the minion, false otherwise
CLI Example:
salt '*' cmd.has_exec cat
- salt.modules.cmdmod.retcode(cmd, cwd=None, stdin=None, runas=None, shell='/bin/bash', python_shell=None, env=None, clean_env=False, template=None, umask=None, output_loglevel='debug', log_callback=None, timeout=None, reset_system_locale=True, ignore_retcode=False, saltenv='base', use_vt=False, **kwargs)
Execute a shell command and return the command's return code.
Note that env represents the environment variables for the command, and should be formatted as a dict, or a YAML string which resolves to a dict.
- Return type
- int
- Return type
- None
- Returns
Return Code as an int or None if there was an exception.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cmd.retcode "file /bin/bash"
The template arg can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render the command arguments before execution. For example:
salt '*' cmd.retcode template=jinja "file {{grains.pythonpath[0]}}/python"
A string of standard input can be specified for the command to be run using the stdin parameter. This can be useful in cases where sensitive information must be read from standard input.:
salt '*' cmd.retcode "grep f" stdin='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n'
-, cwd=None, stdin=None, runas=None, shell='/bin/bash', python_shell=None, env=None, clean_env=False, template=None, rstrip=True, umask=None, output_loglevel='debug', log_callback=None, timeout=None, reset_system_locale=True, ignore_retcode=False, saltenv='base', use_vt=False, **kwargs)
Execute the passed command and return the output as a string
Note that env represents the environment variables for the command, and should be formatted as a dict, or a YAML string which resolves to a dict.
WARNING: This function does not process commands through a shell unless the python_shell flag is set to True. This means that any shell-specific functionality such as 'echo' or the use of pipes, redirection or &&, should either be migrated to or have the python_shell=True flag set here.
The use of python_shell=True means that the shell will accept _any_ input including potentially malicious commands such as 'good_command;rm -rf /'. Be absolutely certain that you have sanitized your input prior to using python_shell=True
CLI Example:
salt '*' "ls -l | awk '/foo/{print \$2}'"
The template arg can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render the command arguments before execution. For example:
salt '*' template=jinja "ls -l /tmp/{{}} | awk '/foo/{print \$2}'"
Specify an alternate shell with the shell parameter:
salt '*' "Get-ChildItem C:\ " shell='powershell'
A string of standard input can be specified for the command to be run using the stdin parameter. This can be useful in cases where sensitive information must be read from standard input.:
salt '*' "grep f" stdin='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n'
If an equal sign (=) appears in an argument to a Salt command it is interpreted as a keyword argument in the format key=val. That processing can be bypassed in order to pass an equal sign through to the remote shell command by manually specifying the kwarg:
salt '*' cmd='sed -e s/=/:/g'
- salt.modules.cmdmod.run_all(cmd, cwd=None, stdin=None, runas=None, shell='/bin/bash', python_shell=None, env=None, clean_env=False, template=None, rstrip=True, umask=None, output_loglevel='debug', log_callback=None, timeout=None, reset_system_locale=True, ignore_retcode=False, saltenv='base', use_vt=False, **kwargs)
Execute the passed command and return a dict of return data
Note that env represents the environment variables for the command, and should be formatted as a dict, or a YAML string which resolves to a dict.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cmd.run_all "ls -l | awk '/foo/{print \$2}'"
The template arg can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render the command arguments before execution. For example:
salt '*' cmd.run_all template=jinja "ls -l /tmp/{{}} | awk '/foo/{print \$2}'"
A string of standard input can be specified for the command to be run using the stdin parameter. This can be useful in cases where sensitive information must be read from standard input.:
salt '*' cmd.run_all "grep f" stdin='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n'
- salt.modules.cmdmod.run_chroot(root, cmd, cwd=None, stdin=None, runas=None, shell='/bin/bash', python_shell=True, env=None, clean_env=False, template=None, rstrip=True, umask=None, output_loglevel='quiet', log_callback=None, quiet=False, timeout=None, reset_system_locale=True, ignore_retcode=False, saltenv='base', use_vt=False, **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
This function runs cmd.run_all wrapped within a chroot, with dev and proc mounted in the chroot
- stdin
Standard input to be used for the command
New in version 2014.7.1.
- output_loglevel
Level at which to log the output from the command. Set to quiet to
suppress logging.
New in version 2014.7.1.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cmd.run_chroot /var/lib/lxc/container_name/rootfs 'sh /tmp/'
- salt.modules.cmdmod.run_stderr(cmd, cwd=None, stdin=None, runas=None, shell='/bin/bash', python_shell=None, env=None, clean_env=False, template=None, rstrip=True, umask=None, output_loglevel='debug', log_callback=None, timeout=None, reset_system_locale=True, ignore_retcode=False, saltenv='base', use_vt=False, **kwargs)
Execute a command and only return the standard error
Note that env represents the environment variables for the command, and should be formatted as a dict, or a YAML string which resolves to a dict.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cmd.run_stderr "ls -l | awk '/foo/{print \$2}'"
The template arg can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render the command arguments before execution. For example:
salt '*' cmd.run_stderr template=jinja "ls -l /tmp/{{}} | awk '/foo/{print \$2}'"
A string of standard input can be specified for the command to be run using the stdin parameter. This can be useful in cases where sensitive information must be read from standard input.:
salt '*' cmd.run_stderr "grep f" stdin='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n'
- salt.modules.cmdmod.run_stdout(cmd, cwd=None, stdin=None, runas=None, shell='/bin/bash', python_shell=None, env=None, clean_env=False, template=None, rstrip=True, umask=None, output_loglevel='debug', log_callback=None, timeout=None, reset_system_locale=True, ignore_retcode=False, saltenv='base', use_vt=False, **kwargs)
Execute a command, and only return the standard out
Note that env represents the environment variables for the command, and should be formatted as a dict, or a YAML string which resolves to a dict.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cmd.run_stdout "ls -l | awk '/foo/{print \$2}'"
The template arg can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render the command arguments before execution. For example:
salt '*' cmd.run_stdout template=jinja "ls -l /tmp/{{}} | awk '/foo/{print \$2}'"
A string of standard input can be specified for the command to be run using the stdin parameter. This can be useful in cases where sensitive information must be read from standard input.:
salt '*' cmd.run_stdout "grep f" stdin='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n'
- salt.modules.cmdmod.script(source, args=None, cwd=None, stdin=None, runas=None, shell='/bin/bash', python_shell=None, env=None, template=None, umask=None, output_loglevel='debug', log_callback=None, quiet=False, timeout=None, reset_system_locale=True, __env__=None, saltenv='base', use_vt=False, **kwargs)
Download a script from a remote location and execute the script locally.
The script can be located on the salt master file server or on an HTTP/FTP
The script will be executed directly, so it can be written in any available programming language.
The script can also be formatted as a template, the default is jinja. Arguments for the script can be specified as well.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cmd.script salt://scripts/ salt '*' cmd.script salt://scripts/ 'arg1 arg2 "arg 3"' salt '*' cmd.script salt://scripts/windows_task.ps1 args=' -Input c:\tmp\infile.txt' shell='powershell'
A string of standard input can be specified for the command to be run using the stdin parameter. This can be useful in cases where sensitive information must be read from standard input.:
salt '*' cmd.script salt://scripts/ stdin='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n'
- salt.modules.cmdmod.script_retcode(source, args=None, cwd=None, stdin=None, runas=None, shell='/bin/bash', python_shell=None, env=None, template='jinja', umask=None, timeout=None, reset_system_locale=True, __env__=None, saltenv='base', output_loglevel='debug', log_callback=None, use_vt=False, **kwargs)
Download a script from a remote location and execute the script locally.
The script can be located on the salt master file server or on an HTTP/FTP
The script will be executed directly, so it can be written in any available programming language.
The script can also be formatted as a template, the default is jinja.
Only evaluate the script return code and do not block for terminal output
CLI Example:
salt '*' cmd.script_retcode salt://scripts/ salt '*' cmd.script_retcode salt://scripts/ 'arg1 arg2 "arg 3"' salt '*' cmd.script_retcode salt://scripts/windows_task.ps1 args=' -Input c:\tmp\infile.txt' shell='powershell'
A string of standard input can be specified for the command to be run using the stdin parameter. This can be useful in cases where sensitive information must be read from standard input.:
salt '*' cmd.script_retcode salt://scripts/ stdin='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n'
-, cwd=None, stdin=None, runas=None, shell='/bin/bash', env=None, clean_env=False, template=None, rstrip=True, umask=None, output_loglevel='debug', log_callback=None, quiet=False, timeout=None, reset_system_locale=True, ignore_retcode=False, saltenv='base', use_vt=False, **kwargs)
Execute the passed command and return the output as a string.
New in version 2015.5.0.
WARNING: This passes the cmd argument directly to the shell without any further processing! Be absolutely sure that you have properly santized the command passed to this function and do not use untrusted inputs.
Note that env represents the environment variables for the command, and should be formatted as a dict, or a YAML string which resolves to a dict.
CLI Example:
salt '*' "ls -l | awk '/foo/{print \$2}'"
The template arg can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render the command arguments before execution. For example:
salt '*' template=jinja "ls -l /tmp/{{}} | awk '/foo/{print \$2}'"
Specify an alternate shell with the shell parameter:
salt '*' "Get-ChildItem C:\ " shell='powershell'
A string of standard input can be specified for the command to be run using the stdin parameter. This can be useful in cases where sensitive information must be read from standard input.:
salt '*' "grep f" stdin='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n'
If an equal sign (=) appears in an argument to a Salt command it is interpreted as a keyword argument in the format key=val. That processing can be bypassed in order to pass an equal sign through to the remote shell command by manually specifying the kwarg:
salt '*' cmd='sed -e s/=/:/g'
- salt.modules.cmdmod.shells()
Lists the valid shells on this system via the /etc/shells file
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cmd.shells
- salt.modules.cmdmod.tty(device, echo=None)
Echo a string to a specific tty
CLI Example:
salt '*' cmd.tty tty0 'This is a test' salt '*' cmd.tty pts3 'This is a test'
- salt.modules.cmdmod.which(cmd)
Returns the path of an executable available on the minion, None otherwise
CLI Example:
salt '*' cmd.which cat
- salt.modules.cmdmod.which_bin(cmds)
Returns the first command found in a list of commands
CLI Example:
salt '*' cmd.which_bin '[pip2, pip, pip-python]'
Use composer to install PHP dependencies for a directory
- salt.modules.composer.did_composer_install(dir)
- Test to see if the vendor directory exists in this directory
- dir
Directory location of the composer.json file
CLI Example:
salt '*' composer.did_composer_install /var/www/application
- salt.modules.composer.install(dir, composer=None, php=None, runas=None, prefer_source=None, prefer_dist=None, no_scripts=None, no_plugins=None, optimize=None, no_dev=None, quiet=False, composer_home='/root')
Install composer dependencies for a directory.
If composer has not been installed globally making it available in the system PATH & making it executable, the composer and php parameters will need to be set to the location of the executables.
- dir
- Directory location of the composer.json file.
- composer
- Location of the composer.phar file. If not set composer will just execute "composer" as if it is installed globally. (i.e. /path/to/composer.phar)
- php
- Location of the php executable to use with composer. (i.e. /usr/bin/php)
- runas
- Which system user to run composer as.
- prefer_source
- --prefer-source option of composer.
- prefer_dist
- --prefer-dist option of composer.
- no_scripts
- --no-scripts option of composer.
- no_plugins
- --no-plugins option of composer.
- optimize
- --optimize-autoloader option of composer. Recommended for production.
- no_dev
- --no-dev option for composer. Recommended for production.
- quiet
- --quiet option for composer. Whether or not to return output from composer.
- composer_home
$COMPOSER_HOME environment variable
CLI Example:
salt '*' composer.install /var/www/application salt '*' composer.install /var/www/application no_dev=True optimize=True
- salt.modules.composer.selfupdate(composer=None, php=None, runas=None, quiet=False, composer_home='/root')
Update composer itself.
If composer has not been installed globally making it available in the system PATH & making it executable, the composer and php parameters will need to be set to the location of the executables.
- composer
- Location of the composer.phar file. If not set composer will just execute "composer" as if it is installed globally. (i.e. /path/to/composer.phar)
- php
- Location of the php executable to use with composer. (i.e. /usr/bin/php)
- runas
- Which system user to run composer as.
- quiet
- --quiet option for composer. Whether or not to return output from composer.
- composer_home
$COMPOSER_HOME environment variable
CLI Example:
salt '*' composer.selfupdate
- salt.modules.composer.update(dir, composer=None, php=None, runas=None, prefer_source=None, prefer_dist=None, no_scripts=None, no_plugins=None, optimize=None, no_dev=None, quiet=False, composer_home='/root')
Update composer dependencies for a directory.
If composer install has not yet been run, this runs composer install instead.
If composer has not been installed globally making it available in the system PATH & making it executable, the composer and php parameters will need to be set to the location of the executables.
- dir
- Directory location of the composer.json file.
- composer
- Location of the composer.phar file. If not set composer will just execute "composer" as if it is installed globally. (i.e. /path/to/composer.phar)
- php
- Location of the php executable to use with composer. (i.e. /usr/bin/php)
- runas
- Which system user to run composer as.
- prefer_source
- --prefer-source option of composer.
- prefer_dist
- --prefer-dist option of composer.
- no_scripts
- --no-scripts option of composer.
- no_plugins
- --no-plugins option of composer.
- optimize
- --optimize-autoloader option of composer. Recommended for production.
- no_dev
- --no-dev option for composer. Recommended for production.
- quiet
- --quiet option for composer. Whether or not to return output from composer.
- composer_home
$COMPOSER_HOME environment variable
CLI Example:
salt '*' composer.update /var/www/application salt '*' composer.update /var/www/application no_dev=True optimize=True
Return config information
- salt.modules.config.backup_mode(backup='')
Return the backup mode
CLI Example:
salt '*' config.backup_mode
- salt.modules.config.dot_vals(value)
Pass in a configuration value that should be preceded by the module name
and a dot, this will return a list of all read key/value pairs
CLI Example:
salt '*' config.dot_vals host
- salt.modules.config.gather_bootstrap_script(bootstrap=None)
- Download the salt-bootstrap script, and return its location
- bootstrap
URL of alternate bootstrap script
CLI Example:
salt '*' config.gather_bootstrap_script
- salt.modules.config.get(key, default='', delimiter=':', merge=None)
Attempt to retrieve the named value from the minion config file, pillar,
grains or the master config. If the named value is not available, return the
value specified by default. If not specified, the default is an empty
Values can also be retrieved from nested dictionaries. Assume the below data structure:
{'pkg': {'apache': 'httpd'}}
To retrieve the value associated with the apache key, in the sub-dictionary corresponding to the pkg key, the following command can be used:
salt myminion config.get pkg:apache
The : (colon) is used to represent a nested dictionary level.
Changed in version 2015.5.0: The delimiter argument was added, to allow delimiters other than : to be used.
This function traverses these data stores in this order:
- •
- Minion config file
- •
- Minion's grains
- •
- Minion's pillar data
- •
- Master config file
- delimiter
New in version 2015.5.0.
Override the delimiter used to separate nested levels of a data structure.
- merge
New in version 2015.5.0.
If passed, this parameter will change the behavior of the function so that, instead of traversing each data store above in order and returning the first match, the data stores are first merged together and then searched. The pillar data is merged into the master config data, then the grains are merged, followed by the Minion config data. The resulting data structure is then searched for a match. This allows for configurations to be more flexible.
NOTE: The merging described above does not mean that grain data will end up in the Minion's pillar data, or pillar data will end up in the master config data, etc. The data is just combined for the purposes of searching an amalgam of the different data stores.
The supported merge strategies are as follows:
- •
recurse - If a key exists in both dictionaries, and the new value
is not a dictionary, it is replaced. Otherwise, the sub-dictionaries
are merged together into a single dictionary, recursively on down,
following the same criteria. For example:
>>> dict1 = {'foo': {'bar': 1, 'qux': True}, 'hosts': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'only_x': None} >>> dict2 = {'foo': {'baz': 2, 'qux': False}, 'hosts': ['d', 'e', 'f'], 'only_y': None} >>> merged {'foo': {'bar': 1, 'baz': 2, 'qux': False}, 'hosts': ['d', 'e', 'f'], 'only_dict1': None, 'only_dict2': None}
- •
overwrite - If a key exists in the top level of both
dictionaries, the new value completely overwrites the old. For
>>> dict1 = {'foo': {'bar': 1, 'qux': True}, 'hosts': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'only_x': None} >>> dict2 = {'foo': {'baz': 2, 'qux': False}, 'hosts': ['d', 'e', 'f'], 'only_y': None} >>> merged {'foo': {'baz': 2, 'qux': False}, 'hosts': ['d', 'e', 'f'], 'only_dict1': None, 'only_dict2': None}
CLI Example:
salt '*' config.get pkg:apache salt '*' config.get lxc.container_profile:centos merge=recurse
- salt.modules.config.manage_mode(mode)
Return a mode value, normalized to a string
CLI Example:
salt '*' config.manage_mode
- salt.modules.config.merge(value, default='', omit_opts=False, omit_master=False, omit_pillar=False)
Retrieves an option based on key, merging all matches.
Same as option() except that it merges all matches, rather than taking the first match.
CLI Example:
salt '*' config.merge schedule
- salt.modules.config.option(value, default='', omit_opts=False, omit_master=False, omit_pillar=False)
Pass in a generic option and receive the value that will be assigned
CLI Example:
salt '*' config.option
- salt.modules.config.valid_fileproto(uri)
Returns a boolean value based on whether or not the URI passed has a valid
remote file protocol designation
CLI Example:
salt '*' config.valid_fileproto salt://path/to/file
Common resources for LXC and systemd-nspawn containers
These functions are not designed to be called directly, but instead from the lxc and the (future) nspawn execution modules.
-, cmd, output=None, no_start=False, stdin=None, python_shell=True, output_loglevel='debug', ignore_retcode=False, use_vt=False)
Common logic for running shell commands in containers
Requires the full command to be passed to
Minion side functions for salt-cp
- salt.modules.cp.cache_dir(path, saltenv='base', include_empty=False, include_pat=None, exclude_pat=None, env=None)
- Download and cache everything under a directory from the master
- include_pat
Glob or regex to narrow down the files cached from the given path. If
matching with a regex, the regex must be prefixed with E@,
otherwise the expression will be interpreted as a glob.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- exclude_pat
Glob or regex to exclude certain files from being cached from the given
path. If matching with a regex, the regex must be prefixed with E@,
otherwise the expression will be interpreted as a glob.
NOTE: If used with include_pat, files matching this pattern will be excluded from the subset of files defined by include_pat.
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' cp.cache_dir salt://path/to/dir salt '*' cp.cache_dir salt://path/to/dir include_pat='E@*.py$'
- salt.modules.cp.cache_file(path, saltenv='base', env=None)
Used to cache a single file on the salt-minion
Returns the location of the new cached file on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' cp.cache_file salt://path/to/file
- salt.modules.cp.cache_files(paths, saltenv='base', env=None)
Used to gather many files from the master, the gathered files will be
saved in the minion cachedir reflective to the paths retrieved from the
CLI Example:
salt '*' cp.cache_files salt://pathto/file1,salt://pathto/file1
- salt.modules.cp.cache_local_file(path)
Cache a local file on the minion in the localfiles cache
CLI Example:
salt '*' cp.cache_local_file /etc/hosts
- salt.modules.cp.cache_master(saltenv='base', env=None)
Retrieve all of the files on the master and cache them locally
CLI Example:
salt '*' cp.cache_master
- salt.modules.cp.get_dir(path, dest, saltenv='base', template=None, gzip=None, env=None, **kwargs)
Used to recursively copy a directory from the salt master
CLI Example:
salt '*' cp.get_dir salt://path/to/dir/ /minion/dest
get_dir supports the same template and gzip arguments as get_file.
- salt.modules.cp.get_file(path, dest, saltenv='base', makedirs=False, template=None, gzip=None, env=None, **kwargs)
Used to get a single file from the salt master
CLI Example:
salt '*' cp.get_file salt://path/to/file /minion/dest
Template rendering can be enabled on both the source and destination file names like so:
salt '*' cp.get_file "salt://{{grains.os}}/vimrc" /etc/vimrc template=jinja
This example would instruct all Salt minions to download the vimrc from a directory with the same name as their os grain and copy it to /etc/vimrc
For larger files, the cp.get_file module also supports gzip compression. Because gzip is CPU-intensive, this should only be used in scenarios where the compression ratio is very high (e.g. pretty-printed JSON or YAML files).
Use the gzip named argument to enable it. Valid values are 1..9, where 1 is the lightest compression and 9 the heaviest. 1 uses the least CPU on the master (and minion), 9 uses the most.
- salt.modules.cp.get_file_str(path, saltenv='base', env=None)
Return the contents of a file from a URL
CLI Example:
salt '*' cp.get_file_str salt://my/file
- salt.modules.cp.get_template(path, dest, template='jinja', saltenv='base', env=None, makedirs=False, **kwargs)
Render a file as a template before setting it down.
Warning, order is not the same as in fileclient.cp for
non breaking old API.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cp.get_template salt://path/to/template /minion/dest
- salt.modules.cp.get_url(path, dest, saltenv='base', env=None)
Used to get a single file from a URL.
The default behaviuor is to write the fetched file to the given destination path. To simply return the text contents instead, set destination to None.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cp.get_url salt://my/file /tmp/mine salt '*' cp.get_url /tmp/index.html
- salt.modules.cp.hash_file(path, saltenv='base', env=None)
Return the hash of a file, to get the hash of a file on the
salt master file server prepend the path with salt://<file on server>
otherwise, prepend the file with / for a local file.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cp.hash_file salt://path/to/file
- salt.modules.cp.is_cached(path, saltenv='base', env=None)
Return a boolean if the given path on the master has been cached on the
CLI Example:
salt '*' cp.is_cached salt://path/to/file
- salt.modules.cp.list_master(saltenv='base', prefix='', env=None)
List all of the files stored on the master
CLI Example:
salt '*' cp.list_master
- salt.modules.cp.list_master_dirs(saltenv='base', prefix='', env=None)
List all of the directories stored on the master
CLI Example:
salt '*' cp.list_master_dirs
- salt.modules.cp.list_master_symlinks(saltenv='base', prefix='', env=None)
List all of the symlinks stored on the master
CLI Example:
salt '*' cp.list_master_symlinks
- salt.modules.cp.list_minion(saltenv='base', env=None)
List all of the files cached on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' cp.list_minion
- salt.modules.cp.list_states(saltenv='base', env=None)
List all of the available state modules in an environment
CLI Example:
salt '*' cp.list_states
- salt.modules.cp.push(path, keep_symlinks=False)
Push a file from the minion up to the master, the file will be saved to
the salt master in the master's minion files cachedir
(defaults to /var/cache/salt/master/minions/minion-id/files)
Since this feature allows a minion to push a file up to the master server it is disabled by default for security purposes. To enable, set file_recv to True in the master configuration file, and restart the master.
- keep_symlinks
Keep the path value without resolving its canonical form
CLI Example:
salt '*' cp.push /etc/fstab salt '*' cp.push /etc/system-release keep_symlinks=True
- salt.modules.cp.push_dir(path, glob=None)
Push a directory from the minion up to the master, the files will be saved
to the salt master in the master's minion files cachedir (defaults to
/var/cache/salt/master/minions/minion-id/files). It also has a glob
for matching specific files using globbing.
New in version 2014.7.0.
Since this feature allows a minion to push files up to the master server it is disabled by default for security purposes. To enable, set file_recv to True in the master configuration file, and restart the master.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cp.push /usr/lib/mysql salt '*' cp.push_dir /etc/modprobe.d/ glob='*.conf'
- salt.modules.cp.recv(files, dest)
Used with salt-cp, pass the files dict, and the destination.
This function receives small fast copy files from the master via salt-cp. It does not work via the CLI.
Manage Perl modules using CPAN
New in version 2015.5.0.
- salt.modules.cpan.install(module)
Install a Perl module from CPAN
CLI Example:
salt '*' cpan.install Template::Alloy
- salt.modules.cpan.list_()
List installed Perl modules, and the version installed
CLI Example:
salt '*' cpan.list
- salt.modules.cpan.remove(module, details=False)
Attempt to remove a Perl module that was installed from CPAN. Because the
cpan command doesn't actually support "uninstall"-like functionality,
this function will attempt to do what it can, with what it has from CPAN.
Until this function is declared stable, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!
CLI Example:
salt '*' cpan.remove Old::Package
Show information about a specific Perl module
CLI Example:
salt '*' Template::Alloy
- salt.modules.cpan.show_config()
Return a dict of CPAN configuration values
CLI Example:
salt '*' cpan.show_config
Work with cron
- salt.modules.cron.list_tab(user)
Return the contents of the specified user's crontab
CLI Example:
salt '*' cron.list_tab root
Return the contents of the specified user's crontab
CLI Example:
salt '*' cron.list_tab root
- salt.modules.cron.raw_cron(user)
Return the contents of the user's crontab
CLI Example:
salt '*' cron.raw_cron root
- salt.modules.cron.rm(user, cmd, minute=None, hour=None, daymonth=None, month=None, dayweek=None, identifier=None)
Remove a cron job for a specified user. If any of the day/time params are
specified, the job will only be removed if the specified params match.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cron.rm_job root /usr/local/weekly salt '*' cron.rm_job root /usr/bin/foo dayweek=1
- salt.modules.cron.rm_env(user, name)
Remove cron environment variable for a specified user.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cron.rm_env root MAILTO
- salt.modules.cron.rm_job(user, cmd, minute=None, hour=None, daymonth=None, month=None, dayweek=None, identifier=None)
Remove a cron job for a specified user. If any of the day/time params are
specified, the job will only be removed if the specified params match.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cron.rm_job root /usr/local/weekly salt '*' cron.rm_job root /usr/bin/foo dayweek=1
- salt.modules.cron.set_env(user, name, value=None)
Set up an environment variable in the crontab.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cron.set_env root MAILTO user [at]
- salt.modules.cron.set_job(user, minute, hour, daymonth, month, dayweek, cmd, comment=None, identifier=None)
Sets a cron job up for a specified user.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cron.set_job root '*' '*' '*' '*' 1 /usr/local/weekly
- salt.modules.cron.set_special(user, special, cmd)
Set up a special command in the crontab.
CLI Example:
salt '*' cron.set_special root @hourly 'echo foobar'
- salt.modules.cron.write_cron_file(user, path)
Writes the contents of a file to a user's crontab
CLI Example:
salt '*' cron.write_cron_file root /tmp/new_cron
- salt.modules.cron.write_cron_file_verbose(user, path)
Writes the contents of a file to a user's crontab and return error message on error
CLI Example:
salt '*' cron.write_cron_file_verbose root /tmp/new_cron
Manage cygwin packages.
Module file to accompany the cyg state.
- salt.modules.cyg.check_valid_package(package, cyg_arch='x86_64', mirrors=None)
- Check if the package is valid on the given mirrors.
- salt.modules.cyg.install(packages=None, cyg_arch='x86_64', mirrors=None)
- Install one or several packages.
- packages
- None The packages to install
- cyg_arch
Specify the architecture to install the package under
Current options are x86 and x86_64
CLI Example:
salt '*' cyg.install dos2unix salt '*' cyg.install dos2unix mirrors=[{'http://mirror': 'http://url/to/public/key}]
- salt.modules.cyg.list_(package='', cyg_arch='x86_64')
- List locally installed packages.
- package
- '' package name to check. else all
- cyg_arch :
Cygwin architecture to use
Options are x86 and x86_64
CLI Example:
salt '*' cyg.list
- salt.modules.cyg.uninstall(packages, cyg_arch='x86_64', mirrors=None)
- Uninstall one or several packages.
- packages
- The packages to uninstall.
- cyg_arch
Specify the architecture to remove the package from
Current options are x86 and x86_64
CLI Example:
salt '*' cyg.uninstall dos2unix salt '*' cyg.uninstall dos2unix mirrors=[{'http://mirror': 'http://url/to/public/key}]
- salt.modules.cyg.update(cyg_arch='x86_64', mirrors=None)
- Update all packages.
- cyg_arch
Specify the cygwin architecture update
Current options are x86 and x86_64
CLI Example:
salt '*' cyg.update salt '*' cyg.update dos2unix mirrors=[{'http://mirror': 'http://url/to/public/key}]
daemontools service module. This module will create daemontools type service watcher.
This module is compatible with the service states, so it can be used to maintain services using the provider argument:
myservice: service.running: - provider: daemontools
- salt.modules.daemontools.available(name)
Returns True if the specified service is available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' daemontools.available foo
- salt.modules.daemontools.disabled(name)
Return True if the named service is enabled, false otherwise
New in version 2015.5.6.
CLI Example:
salt '*' daemontools.disabled <service name>
- salt.modules.daemontools.enabled(name, **kwargs)
Return True if the named service is enabled, false otherwise
A service is considered enabled if in your service directory:
- an executable ./run file exist
- a file named "down" does not exist
New in version 2015.5.7.
- name
Service name
CLI Example:
salt '*' daemontools.enabled <service name>
- salt.modules.daemontools.full_restart(name)
Calls daemontools.restart() function
CLI Example:
salt '*' daemontools.full_restart <service name>
- salt.modules.daemontools.get_all()
Return a list of all available services
CLI Example:
salt '*' daemontools.get_all
- salt.modules.daemontools.missing(name)
The inverse of daemontools.available.
Returns True if the specified service is not available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' daemontools.missing foo
- salt.modules.daemontools.reload_(name)
Wrapper for term()
CLI Example:
salt '*' daemontools.reload <service name>
- salt.modules.daemontools.restart(name)
Restart service via daemontools. This will stop/start service
CLI Example:
salt '*' daemontools.restart <service name>
- salt.modules.daemontools.start(name)
Starts service via daemontools
CLI Example:
salt '*' daemontools.start <service name>
- salt.modules.daemontools.status(name, sig=None)
Return the status for a service via daemontools, return pid if running
CLI Example:
salt '*' daemontools.status <service name>
- salt.modules.daemontools.stop(name)
Stops service via daemontools
CLI Example:
salt '*' daemontools.stop <service name>
- salt.modules.daemontools.term(name)
Send a TERM to service via daemontools
CLI Example:
salt '*' daemontools.term <service name>
Module for viewing and modifying sysctl parameters
- salt.modules.darwin_sysctl.assign(name, value)
- Assign a single sysctl parameter for this minion
- name
- The name of the sysctl value to edit.
- value
The sysctl value to apply.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysctl.assign net.inet.icmp.icmplim 50
- salt.modules.darwin_sysctl.get(name)
- Return a single sysctl parameter for this minion
- name
The name of the sysctl value to display.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysctl.get hw.physmem
- salt.modules.darwin_sysctl.persist(name, value, config='/etc/sysctl.conf', apply_change=False)
- Assign and persist a simple sysctl parameter for this minion
- name
- The name of the sysctl value to edit.
- value
- The sysctl value to apply.
- config
- The location of the sysctl configuration file.
- apply_change
Default is False; Default behavior only creates or edits
the sysctl.conf file. If apply is set to True, the changes are
applied to the system.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysctl.persist net.inet.icmp.icmplim 50 salt '*' sysctl.persist coretemp_load NO config=/etc/sysctl.conf
Return a list of sysctl parameters for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*'
Manage a local persistent data structure that can hold any arbitrary data specific to the minion
-, value, old_value)
Check and set a value in the minion datastore
CLI Example:
salt '*' data.cas <key> <value> <old_value>
Clear out all of the data in the minion datastore, this function is
CLI Example:
salt '*' data.clear
Replace the entire datastore with a passed data structure
CLI Example:
salt '*' data.dump '{'eggs': 'spam'}'
Get a value from the minion datastore
CLI Example:
salt '*' data.getval <key>
Get values from the minion datastore
CLI Example:
salt '*' data.getvals <key> [<key> ...]
Return all of the data in the minion datastore
CLI Example:
salt '*' data.load
-, default=None)
Pop (return & delete) a value from the minion datastore
New in version 2015.5.2.
CLI Example:
salt '*' data.pop <key> "there was no val"
-, value)
Update a key with a value in the minion datastore
CLI Example:
salt '*' data.update <key> <value>
Support for RFC 2136 dynamic DNS updates.
- depends
- •
- dnspython Python module
- configuration
If you want to use TSIG authentication for the server, there
are a couple of optional configuration parameters made available to
support this (the keyname is only needed if the keyring contains more
than one key):
keyring: keyring file (default=None) keyname: key name in file (default=None)
The keyring file needs to be in json format and the key name needs to end with an extra period in the file, similar to this:
{"keyname.": "keycontent"}
- salt.modules.ddns.add_host(zone, name, ttl, ip, nameserver='', replace=True, **kwargs)
Add, replace, or update the A and PTR (reverse) records for a host.
CLI Example:
salt ns1 ddns.add_host host1 60
- salt.modules.ddns.delete(zone, name, rdtype=None, data=None, nameserver='', **kwargs)
Delete a DNS record.
CLI Example:
salt ns1 ddns.delete host1 A
- salt.modules.ddns.delete_host(zone, name, nameserver='', **kwargs)
Delete the forward and reverse records for a host.
Returns true if any records are deleted.
CLI Example:
salt ns1 ddns.delete_host host1
- salt.modules.ddns.update(zone, name, ttl, rdtype, data, nameserver='', replace=False, **kwargs)
Add, replace, or update a DNS record.
nameserver must be an IP address and the minion running this module
must have update privileges on that server.
If replace is true, first deletes all records for this name and type.
CLI Example:
salt ns1 ddns.update host1 60 A
Support for Apache
Please note: The functions in here are Debian-specific. Placing them in this separate file will allow them to load only on Debian-based systems, while still loading under the apache namespace.
- salt.modules.deb_apache.a2dismod(mod)
Runs a2dismod for the given mod.
This will only be functional on Debian-based operating systems (Ubuntu, Mint, etc).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' apache.a2dismod vhost_alias
- salt.modules.deb_apache.a2dissite(site)
Runs a2dissite for the given site.
This will only be functional on Debian-based operating systems (Ubuntu, Mint, etc).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' apache.a2dissite
- salt.modules.deb_apache.a2enmod(mod)
Runs a2enmod for the given mod.
This will only be functional on Debian-based operating systems (Ubuntu, Mint, etc).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' apache.a2enmod vhost_alias
- salt.modules.deb_apache.a2ensite(site)
Runs a2ensite for the given site.
This will only be functional on Debian-based operating systems (Ubuntu, Mint, etc).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' apache.a2ensite
- salt.modules.deb_apache.check_mod_enabled(mod)
Checks to see if the specific mod symlink is in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled.
This will only be functional on Debian-based operating systems (Ubuntu, Mint, etc).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' apache.check_mod_enabled status.conf salt '*' apache.check_mod_enabled status.load
- salt.modules.deb_apache.check_site_enabled(site)
Checks to see if the specific Site symlink is in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled.
This will only be functional on Debian-based operating systems (Ubuntu, Mint, etc).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' apache.check_site_enabled
Support for Debconf
- salt.modules.debconfmod.get_selections(fetchempty=True)
Answers to debconf questions for all packages in the following format:
{'package': [['question', 'type', 'value'], ...]}
CLI Example:
salt '*' debconf.get_selections
- salt.modules.debconfmod.set_(package, question, type, value, *extra)
Set answers to debconf questions for a package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' debconf.set <package> <question> <type> <value> [<value> ...]
- salt.modules.debconfmod.set_file(path, saltenv='base', **kwargs)
Set answers to debconf questions from a file.
CLI Example:
salt '*' debconf.set_file salt://pathto/pkg.selections
- salt.modules.debconfmod.set_template(path, template, context, defaults, saltenv='base', **kwargs)
- Set answers to debconf questions from a template.
- path
- location of the file containing the package selections
- template
- template format
- context
- variables to add to the template environment
- default
default values for the template environment
CLI Example:
salt '*' debconf.set_template salt://pathto/pkg.selections.jinja jinja None None
Answers to debconf questions for a package in the following format:
[['question', 'type', 'value'], ...]
If debconf doesn't know about a package, we return None.
CLI Example:
salt '*' <package name>
The networking module for Debian based distros
- •
- salt.modules.debian_ip.apply_network_settings(**settings)
Apply global network configuration.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.apply_network_settings
- salt.modules.debian_ip.build_bond(iface, **settings)
Create a bond script in /etc/modprobe.d with the passed settings
and load the bonding kernel module.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.build_bond bond0 mode=balance-alb
- salt.modules.debian_ip.build_interface(iface, iface_type, enabled, **settings)
Build an interface script for a network interface.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.build_interface eth0 eth <settings>
- salt.modules.debian_ip.build_network_settings(**settings)
Build the global network script.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.build_network_settings <settings>
- salt.modules.debian_ip.build_routes(iface, **settings)
Add route scripts for a network interface using up commands.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.build_routes eth0 <settings>
- salt.modules.debian_ip.down(iface, iface_type)
Shutdown a network interface
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.down eth0
- salt.modules.debian_ip.get_bond(iface)
Return the content of a bond script
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.get_bond bond0
- salt.modules.debian_ip.get_interface(iface)
Return the contents of an interface script
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.get_interface eth0
- salt.modules.debian_ip.get_network_settings()
Return the contents of the global network script.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.get_network_settings
- salt.modules.debian_ip.get_routes(iface)
Return the routes for the interface
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.get_routes eth0
- salt.modules.debian_ip.up(iface, iface_type)
Start up a network interface
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.up eth0
Service support for Debian systems (uses update-rc.d and /sbin/service)
- salt.modules.debian_service.available(name)
Returns True if the specified service is available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.available sshd
- salt.modules.debian_service.disable(name, **kwargs)
Disable the named service to start at boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disable <service name>
- salt.modules.debian_service.disabled(name)
Return True if the named service is enabled, false otherwise
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disabled <service name>
- salt.modules.debian_service.enable(name, **kwargs)
Enable the named service to start at boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enable <service name>
- salt.modules.debian_service.enabled(name, **kwargs)
Return True if the named service is enabled, false otherwise
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enabled <service name>
- salt.modules.debian_service.force_reload(name)
Force-reload the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.force_reload <service name>
- salt.modules.debian_service.get_all()
Return all available boot services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_all
- salt.modules.debian_service.get_disabled()
Return a set of services that are installed but disabled
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_disabled
- salt.modules.debian_service.get_enabled()
Return a list of service that are enabled on boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_enabled
- salt.modules.debian_service.missing(name)
The inverse of service.available.
Returns True if the specified service is not available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.missing sshd
- salt.modules.debian_service.reload_(name)
Reload the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.reload <service name>
- salt.modules.debian_service.restart(name)
Restart the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.restart <service name>
- salt.modules.debian_service.start(name)
Start the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.start <service name>
- salt.modules.debian_service.status(name, sig=None)
Return the status for a service, pass a signature to use to find
the service via ps
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.status <service name>
- salt.modules.debian_service.stop(name)
Stop the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.stop <service name>
- salt.modules.defaults.get(key, default='')
defaults.get is used much like pillar.get except that it will read
a default value for a pillar from defaults.json or defaults.yaml
files that are stored in the root of a salt formula.
CLI Example:
salt '*' defaults.get core:users:root
The defaults is computed from pillar key. The first entry is considered as the formula namespace.
For example, querying core:users:root will try to load salt://core/defaults.yaml and salt://core/defaults.json.
Device-Mapper module
- salt.modules.devmap.multipath_flush(device)
Device-Mapper Multipath flush
CLI Example:
salt '*' devmap.multipath_flush mpath1
- salt.modules.devmap.multipath_list()
Device-Mapper Multipath list
CLI Example:
salt '*' devmap.multipath_list
Compendium of generic DNS utilities. The 'dig' command line tool must be installed in order to use this module.
- salt.modules.dig.A(host, nameserver=None)
Return the A record for host.
Always returns a list.
CLI Example:
salt ns1 dig.A
- salt.modules.dig.AAAA(host, nameserver=None)
Return the AAAA record for host.
Always returns a list.
CLI Example:
salt ns1 dig.AAAA
- salt.modules.dig.MX(domain, resolve=False, nameserver=None)
Return a list of lists for the MX of domain.
If the resolve argument is True, resolve IPs for the servers.
It's limited to one IP, because although in practice it's very rarely a round robin, it is an acceptable configuration and pulling just one IP lets the data be similar to the non-resolved version. If you think an MX has multiple IPs, don't use the resolver here, resolve them in a separate step.
CLI Example:
salt ns1 dig.MX
- salt.modules.dig.NS(domain, resolve=True, nameserver=None)
Return a list of IPs of the nameservers for domain
If resolve is False, don't resolve names.
CLI Example:
salt ns1 dig.NS
- salt.modules.dig.SPF(domain, record='SPF', nameserver=None)
Return the allowed IPv4 ranges in the SPF record for domain.
If record is SPF and the SPF record is empty, the TXT record will be searched automatically. If you know the domain uses TXT and not SPF, specifying that will save a lookup.
CLI Example:
salt ns1 dig.SPF
- salt.modules.dig.TXT(host, nameserver=None)
Return the TXT record for host.
Always returns a list.
CLI Example:
salt ns1 dig.TXT
- salt.modules.dig.check_ip(addr)
Check if address is a valid IP. returns True if valid, otherwise False.
CLI Example:
salt ns1 dig.check_ip salt ns1 dig.check_ip 1111:2222:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888
Module for gathering disk information
- salt.modules.disk.blkid(device=None)
Return block device attributes: UUID, LABEL, etc. This function only works
on systems where blkid is available.
CLI Example:
salt '*' disk.blkid salt '*' disk.blkid /dev/sda
- salt.modules.disk.inodeusage(args=None)
Return inode usage information for volumes mounted on this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' disk.inodeusage
- salt.modules.disk.percent(args=None)
Return partition information for volumes mounted on this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' disk.percent /var
- salt.modules.disk.usage(args=None)
Return usage information for volumes mounted on this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' disk.usage
Manage Django sites
- salt.modules.djangomod.collectstatic(settings_module, bin_env=None, no_post_process=False, ignore=None, dry_run=False, clear=False, link=False, no_default_ignore=False, pythonpath=None, env=None)
Collect static files from each of your applications into a single location
that can easily be served in production.
CLI Example:
salt '*' django.collectstatic <settings_module>
- salt.modules.djangomod.command(settings_module, command, bin_env=None, pythonpath=None, env=None, *args, **kwargs)
Run arbitrary django management command
CLI Example:
salt '*' django.command <settings_module> <command>
- salt.modules.djangomod.createsuperuser(settings_module, username, email, bin_env=None, database=None, pythonpath=None, env=None)
Create a super user for the database.
This function defaults to use the --noinput flag which prevents the
creation of a password for the superuser.
CLI Example:
salt '*' django.createsuperuser <settings_module> user user [at]
- salt.modules.djangomod.loaddata(settings_module, fixtures, bin_env=None, database=None, pythonpath=None, env=None)
- Load fixture data
- Fixtures:
comma separated list of fixtures to load
CLI Example:
salt '*' django.loaddata <settings_module> <comma delimited list of fixtures>
- salt.modules.djangomod.syncdb(settings_module, bin_env=None, migrate=False, database=None, pythonpath=None, env=None, noinput=True)
Run syncdb
Execute the Django-Admin syncdb command, if South is available on the minion the migrate option can be passed as True calling the migrations to run after the syncdb completes
CLI Example:
salt '*' django.syncdb <settings_module>
Module for managing dnsmasq
- salt.modules.dnsmasq.fullversion()
Shows installed version of dnsmasq and compile options.
CLI Example:
salt '*' dnsmasq.version
- salt.modules.dnsmasq.get_config(config_file='/etc/dnsmasq.conf')
Dumps all options from the config file.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' dnsmasq.get_config salt '*' dnsmasq.get_config file=/etc/dnsmasq.conf
- salt.modules.dnsmasq.set_config(config_file='/etc/dnsmasq.conf', follow=True, **kwargs)
Sets a value or a set of values in the specified file. By default, if
conf-dir is configured in this file, salt will attempt to set the option
in any file inside the conf-dir where it has already been enabled. If it
does not find it inside any files, it will append it to the main config
file. Setting follow to False will turn off this behavior.
If a config option currently appears multiple times (such as dhcp-host, which is specified at least once per host), the new option will be added to the end of the main config file (and not to any includes). If you need an option added to a specific include file, specify it as the config_file.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' dnsmasq.set_config salt '*' dnsmasq.set_config follow=False salt '*' dnsmasq.set_config file=/etc/dnsmasq.conf
- salt.modules.dnsmasq.version()
Shows installed version of dnsmasq.
CLI Example:
salt '*' dnsmasq.version
Compendium of generic DNS utilities
- salt.modules.dnsutil.A(host, nameserver=None)
Return the A record(s) for host.
Always returns a list.
CLI Example:
salt ns1 dnsutil.A
- salt.modules.dnsutil.AAAA(host, nameserver=None)
Return the AAAA record(s) for host.
Always returns a list.
New in version 2014.7.5.
CLI Example:
salt ns1 dnsutil.AAAA
- salt.modules.dnsutil.MX(domain, resolve=False, nameserver=None)
Return a list of lists for the MX of domain.
If the 'resolve' argument is True, resolve IPs for the servers.
It's limited to one IP, because although in practice it's very rarely a round robin, it is an acceptable configuration and pulling just one IP lets the data be similar to the non-resolved version. If you think an MX has multiple IPs, don't use the resolver here, resolve them in a separate step.
CLI Example:
salt ns1 dig.MX
- salt.modules.dnsutil.NS(domain, resolve=True, nameserver=None)
Return a list of IPs of the nameservers for domain
If 'resolve' is False, don't resolve names.
CLI Example:
salt ns1 dig.NS
- salt.modules.dnsutil.SPF(domain, record='SPF', nameserver=None)
Return the allowed IPv4 ranges in the SPF record for domain.
If record is SPF and the SPF record is empty, the TXT record will be searched automatically. If you know the domain uses TXT and not SPF, specifying that will save a lookup.
CLI Example:
salt ns1 dig.SPF
- salt.modules.dnsutil.check_ip(ip_addr)
Check that string ip_addr is a valid IP
CLI Example:
salt ns1 dig.check_ip
- salt.modules.dnsutil.hosts_append(hostsfile='/etc/hosts', ip_addr=None, entries=None)
Append a single line to the /etc/hosts file.
CLI Example:
salt '*' dnsutil.hosts_append /etc/hosts,
- salt.modules.dnsutil.hosts_remove(hostsfile='/etc/hosts', entries=None)
Remove a host from the /etc/hosts file. If doing so will leave a line
containing only an IP address, then the line will be deleted. This function
will leave comments and blank lines intact.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' dnsutil.hosts_remove /etc/hosts salt '*' dnsutil.hosts_remove /etc/hosts,
- salt.modules.dnsutil.parse_hosts(hostsfile='/etc/hosts', hosts=None)
Parse /etc/hosts file.
CLI Example:
salt '*' dnsutil.parse_hosts
- salt.modules.dnsutil.parse_zone(zonefile=None, zone=None)
Parses a zone file. Can be passed raw zone data on the API level.
CLI Example:
salt ns1 dnsutil.parse_zone /var/lib/named/
- salt.modules.dnsutil.serial(zone='', update=False)
Return, store and update a dns serial for your zone files.
zone: a keywork for a specific zone
update: store an updated version of the serial in a grain
If update is False, the function will retrieve an existing serial or return the current date if no serial is stored. Nothing will be stored
If update is True, the function will set the serial to the current date if none exist or if the existing serial is for a previous date. If a serial for greater than the current date is already stored, the function will increment it.
This module stores the serial in a grain, you can explicitly set the stored value as a grain named dnsserial_<zone_name>.
CLI Example:
salt ns1 dnsutil.serial
Management of Docker Containers
New in version 2014.1.0.
The DockerIO integration is still in beta; the API is subject to change
General Notes
As we use states, we don't want to be continuously popping dockers, so we will map each container id (or image) with a grain whenever it is relevant.
As a corollary, we will resolve a container id either directly by the id
or try to find a container id matching something stocked in grain.
Installation Prerequisites
- •
You will need the docker-py python package in your python installation
path that is running salt. Its version should support Docker Remote API
Currently, docker-py 0.6.0 is known to support Docker Remote API v1.12
pip install docker-py==0.6.0
Prerequisite Pillar Configuration for Authentication
- •
- To push or pull you will need to be authenticated as the docker-py bindings require it
- •
For this to happen, you will need to configure a mapping in the pillar
representing your per URL authentication bits:
docker-registries: registry_url: email: foo [at] password: s3cr3t username: foo
- •
You need at least an entry to the default docker index:
docker-registries: email: foo [at] password: s3cr3t username: foo
- •
You can define multiple registry blocks for them to be aggregated. The only thing to keep
in mind is that their ID must finish with -docker-registries:
ac-docker-registries: email: foo [at] password: s3cr3t username: foo ab-docker-registries: email: foo [at] password: s3cr3t username: foo
This could be also written as:
docker-registries: email: foo [at] password: s3cr3t username: foo email: foo [at] password: s3cr3t username: foo
- •
- Registry Dialog
- •
- login
- •
- push
- •
- pull
- •
- Docker Management
- •
- version
- •
- info
- •
- Image Management
- •
- search
- •
- inspect_image
- •
- get_images
- •
- remove_image
- •
- import_image
- •
- build
- •
- tag
- •
- save
- •
- load
- •
- Container Management
- •
- start
- •
- stop
- •
- restart
- •
- kill
- •
- wait
- •
- get_containers
- •
- inspect_container
- •
- remove_container
- •
- is_running
- •
- top
- •
- port
- •
- logs
- •
- diff
- •
- commit
- •
- create_container
- •
- export
- •
- get_container_root
Runtime Execution within a specific, already existing/running container
Idea is to use lxc-attach to execute inside the container context. We do not want to use docker run but want to execute something inside a running container.
These are the available methods:
- •
- retcode
- •
- run
- •
- run_all
- •
- run_stderr
- •
- run_stdout
- •
- script
- •
- script_retcode
-, tag=None, quiet=False, fileobj=None, nocache=False, rm=True, timeout=None)
- Build a docker image from a dockerfile or an URL
- path
- url/branch/docker_dir or path on the filesystem to the dockerfile
- tag
- tag of the image
- quiet
- quiet mode, Default is False
- nocache
- do not use docker image cache, Default is False
- rm
- remove intermediate commits, Default is True
- timeout
timeout value before aborting (in seconds)
CLI Example:
salt '*' vieux/apache salt '*'
- salt.modules.dockerio.commit(container, repository=None, tag=None, message=None, author=None, conf=None)
- Commit a container (promotes it to an image)
- container
- container id
- repository
- repository/image to commit to
- tag
- tag of the image (Optional)
- message
- commit message (Optional)
- author
- author name (Optional)
- conf
conf (Optional)
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.commit <container id>
- salt.modules.dockerio.create_container(image, command=None, hostname=None, user=None, detach=True, stdin_open=False, tty=False, mem_limit=0, ports=None, environment=None, dns=None, volumes=None, volumes_from=None, name=None, cpu_shares=None, cpuset=None, binds=None)
- Create a new container
- image
- image to create the container from
- command
- command to execute while starting
- hostname
- hostname of the container
- user
- user to run docker as
- detach
- daemon mode, Default is True
- environment
- environment variable mapping ({'foo':'BAR'})
- ports
- port redirections ({'222': {}})
- volumes
list of volume mappings in either local volume, bound volume, or read-only
bound volume form:
(['/var/lib/mysql/', '/usr/local/etc/ssl:/etc/ssl', '/etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro'])
- binds
complete dictionary of bound volume mappings:
{ '/usr/local/etc/ssl/certs/internal.crt': { 'bind': '/etc/ssl/certs/com.example.internal.crt', 'ro': True }, '/var/lib/mysql': { 'bind': '/var/lib/mysql/', 'ro': False } }
This dictionary is suitable for feeding directly into the Docker API, and all keys are required. (see
- tty
- attach ttys, Default is False
- stdin_open
- let stdin open, Default is False
- name
- name given to container
- cpu_shares
- CPU shares (relative weight)
- cpuset
CPUs in which to allow execution ('0-3' or '0,1')
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.create_container o/ubuntu volumes="['/s','/m:/f']"
- salt.modules.dockerio.diff(container)
- Get container diffs
- container
container id
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.diff <container id>
- salt.modules.dockerio.exists(container)
- Check if a given container exists
- container
container id
Returns True if container exists otherwise returns False
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.exists <container id>
- salt.modules.dockerio.export(container, path)
- Export a container to a file
- container
- container id
- path
path to which file is to be exported
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.export <container id>
- salt.modules.dockerio.get_container_root(container)
- Get the container rootfs path
- container
container id or grain
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.get_container_root <container id>
- salt.modules.dockerio.get_containers(all=True, trunc=False, since=None, before=None, limit=-1, host=False, inspect=False)
- Get a list of mappings representing all containers
- all
- return all containers, Default is True
- trunc
- set it to True to have the short ID, Default is False
- host
- include the Docker host's ipv4 and ipv6 address in return, Default is False
- inspect
Get more granular information about each container by running a docker inspect
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.get_containers salt '*' docker.get_containers host=True salt '*' docker.get_containers host=True inspect=True
- salt.modules.dockerio.get_images(name=None, quiet=False, all=True)
- List docker images
- name
- repository name
- quiet
- only show image id, Default is False
- all
show all images, Default is True
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.get_images <name> [quiet=True|False] [all=True|False]
- salt.modules.dockerio.import_image(src, repo, tag=None)
- Import content from a local tarball or a URL to a docker image
- src
- content to import (URL or absolute path to a tarball)
- repo
- repository to import to
- tag
set tag of the image (Optional)
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.import_image <src> <repo> [tag]
Get the version information about docker. This is similar to docker info command
CLI Example:
salt '*'
- salt.modules.dockerio.inspect_container(container)
- Get container information. This is similar to docker inspect command but only for containers
- container
container id
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.inspect_container <container id>
- salt.modules.dockerio.inspect_image(image)
- Inspect the status of an image and return relative data. This is similar to docker inspect command but only for images
- image
name of the image
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.inspect_image <image>
- salt.modules.dockerio.is_running(container)
- Check if the specified container is running
- container
container id
Returns True if container is running otherwise returns False
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.is_running <container id>
- salt.modules.dockerio.kill(container)
- Kill a running container
- container
container id
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.kill <container id>
- salt.modules.dockerio.load(imagepath)
- Load the specified file at imagepath into docker that was generated from a docker save command e.g. docker load < imagepath
- imagepath
imagepath to docker tar file
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.load /path/to/image
- salt.modules.dockerio.login(url=None, username=None, password=None, email=None)
- Wrapper to the login method (does not do much yet)
- url
- registry url to authenticate to
- username
- username to authenticate
- password
- password to authenticate
email to authenticate
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.login <url> <username> <password> <email>
- salt.modules.dockerio.logs(container)
- Return logs for a specified container
- container
container id
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.logs <container id>
- salt.modules.dockerio.port(container, private_port)
- Private port mapping allocation information. This method is broken on docker-py side. Just use the result of inspect to mangle port allocation
- container
- container id
- private_port
private port on the container to query for
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.port <container id> <private port>
- salt.modules.dockerio.pull(repo, tag=None, insecure_registry=False)
- Pulls an image from any registry. See documentation at top of this page to configure authenticated access
- repo
- name of repository
- tag
- specific tag to pull (Optional)
- insecure_registry
set as True to use insecure (non HTTPS) registry. Default is False
(only available if using docker-py >= 0.5.0)
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.pull <repository> [tag]
- salt.modules.dockerio.push(repo, tag=None, quiet=False, insecure_registry=False)
- Pushes an image to any registry. See documentation at top of this page to configure authenticated access
- repo
- name of repository
- tag
- specific tag to push (Optional)
- quiet
- set as True to quiet output, Default is False
- insecure_registry
set as True to use insecure (non HTTPS) registry. Default is False
(only available if using docker-py >= 0.5.0)
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.push <repository> [tag] [quiet=True|False]
- salt.modules.dockerio.remove_container(container, force=False, v=False)
- Remove a container from a docker installation
- container
- container id
- force
- remove a running container, Default is False
- v
remove the volumes associated to the container, Default is False
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.remove_container <container id> [force=True|False] [v=True|False]
- salt.modules.dockerio.remove_image(image)
- Remove an image from a system.
- image
name of image
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.remove_image <image>
- salt.modules.dockerio.restart(container, timeout=10)
- Restart a running container
- container
- container id
- timeout
timeout for container to exit gracefully before killing it, Default is 10 seconds
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.restart <container id> [timeout=20]
- salt.modules.dockerio.retcode(container, cmd)
- Wrapper for cmdmod.retcode inside a container context
- container
- container id (or grain)
- cmd
command to execute
NOTE: The return is True or False depending on the commands success.
WARNING: Be advised that this function allows for raw shell access to the named container! If allowing users to execute this directly it may allow more rights than intended!
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.retcode <container id> 'ls -l /etc'
-, cmd)
- Wrapper for inside a container context
- container
- container id (or grain)
- cmd
command to execute
NOTE: The return is a bit different as we use the docker struct. Output of the command is in 'out' and result is always True.
WARNING: Be advised that this function allows for raw shell access to the named container! If allowing users to execute this directly it may allow more rights than intended!
CLI Example:
salt '*' <container id> 'ls -l /etc'
- salt.modules.dockerio.run_all(container, cmd)
- Wrapper for cmdmod.run_all inside a container context
- container
- container id (or grain)
- cmd
command to execute
NOTE: The return is a bit different as we use the docker struct. Output of the command is in 'out' and result is False if command failed to execute.
WARNING: Be advised that this function allows for raw shell access to the named container! If allowing users to execute this directly it may allow more rights than intended!
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.run_all <container id> 'ls -l /etc'
- salt.modules.dockerio.run_stderr(container, cmd)
- Wrapper for cmdmod.run_stderr inside a container context
- container
- container id (or grain)
- cmd
command to execute
NOTE: The return is a bit different as we use the docker struct. Output of the command is in 'out' and result is always True.
WARNING: Be advised that this function allows for raw shell access to the named container! If allowing users to execute this directly it may allow more rights than intended!
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.run_stderr <container id> 'ls -l /etc'
- salt.modules.dockerio.run_stdout(container, cmd)
- Wrapper for cmdmod.run_stdout inside a container context
- container
- container id (or grain)
- cmd
command to execute
NOTE: The return is a bit different as we use the docker struct. Output of the command is in 'out' and result is always True.
WARNING: Be advised that this function allows for raw shell access to the named container! If allowing users to execute this directly it may allow more rights than intended!
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.run_stdout <container id> 'ls -l /etc'
-, filename)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Save the specified image to filename from docker e.g. docker save image > filename
- image
- name of image
- filename
The filename of the saved docker image
CLI Example:
salt '*' arch_image /path/to/save/image
- salt.modules.dockerio.script(container, source, args=None, cwd=None, stdin=None, runas=None, shell='/bin/bash', env=None, template='jinja', umask=None, timeout=None, reset_system_locale=True, no_clean=False, saltenv='base')
- Wrapper for cmdmod.script inside a container context
- container
- container id (or grain)
- additional parameters
See cmd.script
WARNING: Be advised that this function allows for raw shell access to the named container! If allowing users to execute this directly it may allow more rights than intended!
Download a script from a remote location and execute the script in the container. The script can be located on the salt master file server or on an HTTP/FTP server.
The script will be executed directly, so it can be written in any available programming language.
The script can also be formatted as a template, the default is jinja. Arguments for the script can be specified as well.
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.script <container id> salt:// salt '*' docker.script <container id> salt://scripts/ 'arg1 arg2 "arg 3"' salt '*' docker.script <container id> salt://scripts/windows_task.ps1 args=' -Input c:\tmp\infile.txt' shell='powershell'
A string of standard input can be specified for the command to be run using the stdin parameter. This can be useful in cases where sensitive information must be read from standard input:
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.script <container id> salt://scripts/ stdin='one\ntwo\nthree\nfour\nfive\n'
- salt.modules.dockerio.script_retcode(container, source, cwd=None, stdin=None, runas=None, shell='/bin/bash', env=None, template='jinja', umask=None, timeout=None, reset_system_locale=True, no_clean=False, saltenv='base')
- Wrapper for cmdmod.script_retcode inside a container context
- container
- container id (or grain)
- additional parameters
See cmd.script_retcode
WARNING: Be advised that this function allows for raw shell access to the named container! If allowing users to execute this directly it may allow more rights than intended!
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.script_retcode <container id> salt://
- Search for an image on the registry
- term
search keyword
CLI Example:
salt '*' <term>
- salt.modules.dockerio.start(container, binds=None, port_bindings=None, lxc_conf=None, publish_all_ports=None, links=None, privileged=False, dns=None, volumes_from=None, network_mode=None, restart_policy=None, cap_add=None, cap_drop=None)
- Start the specified container
- container
container id
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.start <container id>
- salt.modules.dockerio.stop(container, timeout=10)
- Stop a running container
- container
- container id
- timeout
timeout for container to exit gracefully before killing it, Default is 10 seconds
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.stop <container id> [timeout=20]
- salt.modules.dockerio.tag(image, repository, tag=None, force=False)
- Tag an image into a repository
- image
- name of image
- repository
- name of repository
- tag
- tag to apply (Optional)
- force
force apply tag, Default is False
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.tag <image> <repository> [tag] [force=True|False]
- Run the docker top command on a specific container
- container
container id
CLI Example:
salt '*' <container id>
- salt.modules.dockerio.version()
Get docker version
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.version
- salt.modules.dockerio.wait(container)
- Wait for a container to exit gracefully
- container
container id
CLI Example:
salt '*' docker.wait <container id>
Support for DEB packages
- salt.modules.dpkg.file_dict(*packages)
List the files that belong to a package, grouped by package. Not
specifying any packages will return a list of _every_ file on the system's
package database (not generally recommended).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' lowpkg.file_list httpd salt '*' lowpkg.file_list httpd postfix salt '*' lowpkg.file_list
- salt.modules.dpkg.file_list(*packages)
List the files that belong to a package. Not specifying any packages will
return a list of _every_ file on the system's package database (not
generally recommended).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' lowpkg.file_list httpd salt '*' lowpkg.file_list httpd postfix salt '*' lowpkg.file_list
- salt.modules.dpkg.list_pkgs(*packages)
List the packages currently installed in a dict:
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
External dependencies:
Virtual package resolution requires aptitude. Because this function uses dpkg, virtual packages will be reported as not installed.
CLI Example:
salt '*' lowpkg.list_pkgs salt '*' lowpkg.list_pkgs httpd
- salt.modules.dpkg.unpurge(*packages)
Change package selection for each package specified to 'install'
CLI Example:
salt '*' lowpkg.unpurge curl
Manage Dell DRAC
- salt.modules.drac.change_password(username, password, uid=None)
Change users password
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.change_password [USERNAME] [PASSWORD] [UID - optional] salt dell drac.change_password diana secret
- salt.modules.drac.create_user(username, password, permissions, users=None)
Create user accounts
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.create_user [USERNAME] [PASSWORD] [PRIVELEGES] salt dell drac.create_user diana secret login,test_alerts,clear_logs
- DRAC Privileges
- •
- login : Login to iDRAC
- •
- drac : Configure iDRAC
- •
- user_management : Configure Users
- •
- clear_logs : Clear Logs
- •
- server_control_commands : Execute Server Control Commands
- •
- console_redirection : Access Console Redirection
- •
- virtual_media : Access Virtual Media
- •
- test_alerts : Test Alerts
- •
- debug_commands : Execute Debug Commands
- salt.modules.drac.delete_user(username, uid=None)
Delete a user
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.delete_user [USERNAME] [UID - optional] salt dell drac.delete_user diana 4
- salt.modules.drac.email_alerts(action)
Enable/Disable email alerts
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.email_alerts True salt dell drac.email_alerts False
- salt.modules.drac.list_users()
List all DRAC users
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.list_users
- salt.modules.drac.nameservers(*ns)
Configure the nameservers on the DRAC
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.nameservers [NAMESERVERS] salt dell drac.nameservers
- salt.modules.drac.network_info()
Return Network Configuration
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.network_info
- salt.modules.drac.server_hardreset()
Performs a reset (reboot) operation on the managed server.
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.server_hardreset
- salt.modules.drac.server_poweroff()
Powers down the managed server.
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.server_poweroff
- salt.modules.drac.server_poweron()
Powers up the managed server.
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.server_poweron
- salt.modules.drac.server_pxe()
Configure server to PXE perform a one off PXE boot
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.server_pxe
- salt.modules.drac.server_reboot()
Issues a power-cycle operation on the managed server. This action is
similar to pressing the power button on the system's front panel to
power down and then power up the system.
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.server_reboot
- salt.modules.drac.set_network(ip, netmask, gateway)
Configure Network
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.set_network [DRAC IP] [NETMASK] [GATEWAY] salt dell drac.set_network
- salt.modules.drac.set_permissions(username, permissions, uid=None)
Configure users permissions
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.set_permissions [USERNAME] [PRIVELEGES] [USER INDEX - optional] salt dell drac.set_permissions diana login,test_alerts,clear_logs 4
- DRAC Privileges
- •
- login : Login to iDRAC
- •
- drac : Configure iDRAC
- •
- user_management : Configure Users
- •
- clear_logs : Clear Logs
- •
- server_control_commands : Execute Server Control Commands
- •
- console_redirection : Access Console Redirection
- •
- virtual_media : Access Virtual Media
- •
- test_alerts : Test Alerts
- •
- debug_commands : Execute Debug Commands
- salt.modules.drac.set_snmp(community)
Configure SNMP community string
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.set_snmp [COMMUNITY] salt dell drac.set_snmp public
- salt.modules.drac.syslog(server, enable=True)
Configure syslog remote logging, by default syslog will automatically be
enabled if a server is specified. However, if you want to disable syslog
you will need to specify a server followed by False
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.syslog [SYSLOG IP] [ENABLE/DISABLE] salt dell drac.syslog False
- salt.modules.drac.system_info()
Return System information
CLI Example:
salt dell drac.system_info
DRBD administration module
- salt.modules.drbd.overview()
Show status of the DRBD devices
CLI Example:
salt '*' drbd.overview
Support for Portage
- optdepends
- •
portage Python adapter
For now all package names MUST include the package category, i.e. 'vim' will not work, 'app-editors/vim' will.
- salt.modules.ebuild.check_db(*names, **kwargs)
New in version 0.17.0.
Returns a dict containing the following information for each specified package:
- 1.
- A key found, which will be a boolean value denoting if a match was found in the package database.
- 2.
If found is False, then a second key called suggestions will
be present, which will contain a list of possible matches. This list
will be empty if the package name was specified in category/pkgname
format, since the suggestions are only intended to disambiguate
ambiguous package names (ones submitted without a category).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.check_db <package1> <package2> <package3>
- salt.modules.ebuild.check_extra_requirements(pkgname, pkgver)
Check if the installed package already has the given requirements.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.check_extra_requirements 'sys-devel/gcc' '~>4.1.2:4.1::gentoo[nls,fortran]'
- salt.modules.ebuild.depclean(name=None, slot=None, fromrepo=None, pkgs=None)
- Portage has a function to remove unused dependencies. If a package is provided, it will only removed the package if no other package depends on it.
- name
- The name of the package to be cleaned.
- slot
- Restrict the remove to a specific slot. Ignored if name is None.
- fromrepo
- Restrict the remove to a specific slot. Ignored if name is None.
- pkgs
Clean multiple packages. slot and fromrepo arguments are
ignored if this argument is present. Must be passed as a python list.
Return a list containing the removed packages:
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.depclean <package name>
- salt.modules.ebuild.ex_mod_init(low)
If the config option ebuild.enforce_nice_config is set to True, this
module will enforce a nice tree structure for /etc/portage/package.*
configuration files.
New in version 0.17.0: Initial automatic enforcement added when pkg is used on a Gentoo system.
Changed in version 2014.1.0-Hydrogen: Configure option added to make this behaviour optional, defaulting to off.
SEE ALSO: ebuild.ex_mod_init is called automatically when a state invokes a pkg state on a Gentoo system. salt.states.pkg.mod_init()
ebuild.ex_mod_init uses portage_config.enforce_nice_config to do the lifting. salt.modules.portage_config.enforce_nice_config()
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.ex_mod_init
- salt.modules.ebuild.install(name=None, refresh=False, pkgs=None, sources=None, slot=None, fromrepo=None, uses=None, binhost=None, **kwargs)
- Install the passed package(s), add refresh=True to sync the portage tree before package is installed.
- name
The name of the package to be installed. Note that this parameter is
ignored if either "pkgs" or "sources" is passed. Additionally, please
note that this option can only be used to emerge a package from the
portage tree. To install a tbz2 package manually, use the "sources"
option described below.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name>
- refresh
- Whether or not to sync the portage tree before installing.
- version
- Install a specific version of the package, e.g. 1.0.9-r1. Ignored if "pkgs" or "sources" is passed.
- slot
Similar to version, but specifies a valid slot to be installed. It
will install the latest available version in the specified slot.
Ignored if "pkgs" or "sources" or "version" is passed.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install sys-devel/gcc slot='4.4'
- fromrepo
Similar to slot, but specifies the repository from the package will be
installed. It will install the latest available version in the
specified repository.
Ignored if "pkgs" or "sources" or "version" is passed.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install salt fromrepo='gentoo'
- uses
Similar to slot, but specifies a list of use flag.
Ignored if "pkgs" or "sources" or "version" is passed.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install sys-devel/gcc uses='["nptl","-nossp"]'
Multiple Package Installation Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to install from the portage tree. Must be passed as
a python list.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo","bar","~category/package:slot::repository[use]"]'
- sources
A list of tbz2 packages to install. Must be passed as a list of dicts,
with the keys being package names, and the values being the source URI
or local path to the package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"foo": "salt://foo.tbz2"},{"bar": "salt://bar.tbz2"}]'
- binhost
has two options try and force.
try - tells emerge to try and install the package from a configured binhost.
force - forces emerge to install the package from a binhost otherwise it fails out.
Returns a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
- salt.modules.ebuild.latest_version(*names, **kwargs)
Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or
installation. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty string will be returned for that package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
- salt.modules.ebuild.list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs)
List the packages currently installed in a dict:
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs
- salt.modules.ebuild.list_upgrades(refresh=True)
List all available package upgrades.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades
- salt.modules.ebuild.porttree_matches(name)
- Returns a list containing the matches for a given package name from the portage tree. Note that the specific version of the package will not be provided for packages that have several versions in the portage tree, but rather the name of the package (i.e. "dev-python/paramiko").
- salt.modules.ebuild.purge(name=None, slot=None, fromrepo=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Portage does not have a purge, this function calls remove followed by depclean to emulate a purge process
- name
- The name of the package to be deleted.
- slot
- Restrict the remove to a specific slot. Ignored if name is None.
- fromrepo
Restrict the remove to a specific slot. Ignored if name is None.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
Uninstall multiple packages. slot and fromrepo arguments are
ignored if this argument is present. Must be passed as a python list.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.purge <package name> salt '*' pkg.purge <package name> slot=4.4 salt '*' pkg.purge <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.purge pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.ebuild.refresh_db()
Updates the portage tree (emerge --sync). Uses eix-sync if available.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.refresh_db
- salt.modules.ebuild.remove(name=None, slot=None, fromrepo=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Remove packages via emerge --unmerge.
- name
- The name of the package to be deleted.
- slot
- Restrict the remove to a specific slot. Ignored if name is None.
- fromrepo
Restrict the remove to a specific slot. Ignored if name is None.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
Uninstall multiple packages. slot and fromrepo arguments are
ignored if this argument is present. Must be passed as a python list.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> slot=4.4 fromrepo=gentoo salt '*' pkg.remove <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.ebuild.update(pkg, slot=None, fromrepo=None, refresh=False, binhost=None)
- Updates the passed package (emerge --update package)
- slot
- Restrict the update to a particular slot. It will update to the latest version within the slot.
- fromrepo
- Restrict the update to a particular repository. It will update to the latest version within the repository.
- binhost
has two options try and force.
try - tells emerge to try and install the package from a configured binhost.
force - forces emerge to install the package from a binhost otherwise it fails out.
Return a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.update <package name>
- salt.modules.ebuild.upgrade(refresh=True, binhost=None)
- Run a full system upgrade (emerge --update world)
- binhost
has two options try and force.
try - tells emerge to try and install the package from a configured binhost.
force - forces emerge to install the package from a binhost otherwise it fails out.
Return a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade
- salt.modules.ebuild.upgrade_available(name)
Check whether or not an upgrade is available for a given package
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade_available <package name>
- salt.modules.ebuild.version(*names, **kwargs)
Returns a string representing the package version or an empty string if not
installed. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version <package name> salt '*' pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
- salt.modules.ebuild.version_clean(version)
Clean the version string removing extra data.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version_clean <version_string>
- salt.modules.ebuild.version_cmp(pkg1, pkg2)
Do a cmp-style comparison on two packages. Return -1 if pkg1 < pkg2, 0 if
pkg1 == pkg2, and 1 if pkg1 > pkg2. Return None if there was a problem
making the comparison.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version_cmp '0.2.4-0' ''
Support for Eix
- salt.modules.eix.sync()
Sync portage/overlay trees and update the eix database
CLI Example:
salt '*' eix.sync
- salt.modules.eix.update()
Update the eix database
CLI Example:
salt '*' eix.update
Connection module for Elasticsearch
- depends
- elasticsearch
- salt.modules.elasticsearch.delete(index, doc_type, id, hosts=None, profile='elasticsearch')
Delete the document specified by the id in the index.
CLI example:
salt myminion elasticsearch.delete grafana-dash dashboard mydash profile='grafana'
- salt.modules.elasticsearch.exists(index, id, doc_type='_all', hosts=None, profile='elasticsearch')
Check for the existence of an elasticsearch document specified by id in the
CLI example:
salt myminion elasticsearch.exists grafana-dash mydash profile='grafana'
- salt.modules.elasticsearch.get(index, id, doc_type='_all', hosts=None, profile='elasticsearch')
Get the contents of the specifed id from the index.
CLI example:
salt myminion elasticsearch.get grafana-dash mydash profile='grafana'
- salt.modules.elasticsearch.index(index, doc_type, body, id=None, hosts=None, profile='elasticsearch')
Create or update an index with the specified body for the specified id.
CLI example:
salt myminion elasticsearch.index grafana-dash dashboard '{"user":"guest","group":"guest","body":"",...}' mydash profile='grafana'
Support for getting and setting the environment variables of the current salt process.
- salt.modules.environ.get(key, default='')
- Get a single salt process environment variable.
- key
- String used as the key for environment lookup.
- default
If the key is not found in the environment, return this value.
Default: ''
CLI Example:
salt '*' environ.get foo salt '*' environ.get baz default=False
- salt.modules.environ.has_value(key, value=None)
- Determine whether the key exists in the current salt process environment dictionary. Optionally compare the current value of the environment against the supplied value string.
- key
- Must be a string. Used as key for environment lookup.
- value:
Optional. If key exists in the environment, compare the
current value with this value. Return True if they are equal.
CLI Example:
salt '*' environ.has_value foo
- salt.modules.environ.item(keys, default='')
- Get one or more salt process environment variables. Returns a dict.
- keys
- Either a string or a list of strings that will be used as the keys for environment lookup.
- default
If the key is not found in the environment, return this value.
Default: ''
CLI Example:
salt '*' environ.item foo salt '*' environ.item '[foo, baz]' default=None
- salt.modules.environ.items()
Return a dict of the entire environment set for the salt process
CLI Example:
salt '*' environ.items
- salt.modules.environ.setenv(environ, false_unsets=False, clear_all=False, update_minion=False)
- Set multiple salt process environment variables from a dict. Returns a dict.
- environ
- Must be a dict. The top-level keys of the dict are the names of the environment variables to set. Each key's value must be a string or False. Refer to the 'false_unsets' parameter for behavior when a value set to False.
- false_unsets
- If a key's value is False and false_unsets is True, then the key will be removed from the salt processes environment dict entirely. If a key's value is False and false_unsets is not True, then the key's value will be set to an empty string. Default: False
- clear_all
- USE WITH CAUTION! This option can unset environment variables needed for salt to function properly. If clear_all is True, then any environment variables not defined in the environ dict will be deleted. Default: False
- update_minion
If True, apply these environ changes to the main salt-minion
process. If False, the environ changes will only affect the
current salt subprocess.
Default: False
CLI Example:
salt '*' environ.setenv '{"foo": "bar", "baz": "quux"}' salt '*' environ.setenv '{"a": "b", "c": False}' false_unsets=True
- salt.modules.environ.setval(key, val, false_unsets=False)
- Set a single salt process environment variable. Returns True on success.
- key
- The environment key to set. Must be a string.
- val
- The value to set. Must be a string or False. Refer to the 'false_unsets' parameter for behavior when set to False.
- false_unsets
If val is False and false_unsets is True, then the key will be
removed from the salt processes environment dict entirely.
If val is False and false_unsets is not True, then the key's
value will be set to an empty string.
Default: False.
CLI Example:
salt '*' environ.setval foo bar salt '*' environ.setval baz val=False false_unsets=True
Support for eselect, Gentoo's configuration and management tool.
- salt.modules.eselect.exec_action(module, action, module_parameter=None, action_parameter=None, state_only=False)
- Execute an arbitrary action on a module.
- module
- name of the module to be executed
- action
- name of the module's action to be run
- module_parameter
- additional params passed to the defined module
- action_parameter
- additional params passed to the defined action
- state_only
don't return any output but only the success/failure of the operation
CLI Example (updating the php implementation used for apache2):
salt '*' eselect.exec_action php update action_parameter='apache2'
- salt.modules.eselect.get_current_target(module, module_parameter=None, action_parameter=None)
- Get the currently selected target for the given module.
- module
- name of the module to be queried for its current target
- module_parameter
- additional params passed to the defined module
- action_parameter
additional params passed to the 'show' action
CLI Example (current target of system-wide java-vm):
salt '*' eselect.get_current_target java-vm action_parameter='system'
CLI Example (current target of kernel symlink):
salt '*' eselect.get_current_target kernel
- salt.modules.eselect.get_modules()
List available eselect modules.
CLI Example:
salt '*' eselect.get_modules
- salt.modules.eselect.get_target_list(module)
- List available targets for the given module.
- module
name of the module to be queried for its targets
CLI Example:
salt '*' eselect.get_target_list kernel
- salt.modules.eselect.set_target(module, target, module_parameter=None, action_parameter=None)
- Set the target for the given module. Target can be specified by index or name.
- module
- name of the module for which a target should be set
- target
- name of the target to be set for this module
- module_parameter
- additional params passed to the defined module
- action_parameter
additional params passed to the defined action
CLI Example (setting target of system-wide java-vm):
salt '*' eselect.set_target java-vm icedtea-bin-7 action_parameter='system'
CLI Example (setting target of kernel symlink):
salt '*' eselect.set_target kernel linux-3.17.5-gentoo
Execution module to work with etcd
- depends
- •
In order to use an etcd server, a profile should be created in the master configuration file:
my_etd_config: etcd.port: 4001
It is technically possible to configure etcd without using a profile, but this is not considered to be a best practice, especially when multiple etcd servers or clusters are available. etcd.port: 4001
- salt.modules.etcd_mod.get_(key, recurse=False, profile=None)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Get a value from etcd, by direct path
CLI Examples:
salt myminion etcd.get /path/to/key salt myminion etcd.get /path/to/key profile=my_etcd_config salt myminion etcd.get /path/to/key recurse=True profile=my_etcd_config
- salt.modules.etcd_mod.ls_(path='/', profile=None)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Return all keys and dirs inside a specific path
CLI Example:
salt myminion /path/to/dir/ salt myminion /path/to/dir/ profile=my_etcd_config
- salt.modules.etcd_mod.rm_(key, recurse=False, profile=None)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Delete a key from etcd
CLI Example:
salt myminion etcd.rm /path/to/key salt myminion etcd.rm /path/to/key profile=my_etcd_config salt myminion etcd.rm /path/to/dir recurse=True profile=my_etcd_config
- salt.modules.etcd_mod.set_(key, value, profile=None)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Set a value in etcd, by direct path
CLI Example:
salt myminion etcd.set /path/to/key value salt myminion etcd.set /path/to/key value profile=my_etcd_config
- salt.modules.etcd_mod.tree(path='/', profile=None)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Recurse through etcd and return all values
CLI Example:
salt myminion etcd.tree salt myminion etcd.tree profile=my_etcd_config salt myminion etcd.tree /path/to/keys profile=my_etcd_config
Use the Salt Event System to fire events from the master to the minion and vice-versa.
-, tag)
Fire an event on the local minion event bus. Data must be formed as a dict.
CLI Example:
salt '*' '{"data":"my event data"}' 'tag'
- salt.modules.event.fire_master(data, tag, preload=None)
Fire an event off up to the master server
CLI Example:
salt '*' event.fire_master '{"data":"my event data"}' 'tag'
- salt.modules.event.send(tag, data=None, preload=None, with_env=False, with_grains=False, with_pillar=False, **kwargs)
Send an event to the Salt Master
New in version 2014.7.0.
- Parameters
- •
- tag -- A tag to give the event. Use slashes to create a namespace for related events. E.g., myco/build/buildserver1/start, myco/build/buildserver1/success, myco/build/buildserver1/failure.
- •
- data -- A dictionary of data to send in the event. This is free-form. Send any data points that are needed for whoever is consuming the event. Arguments on the CLI are interpreted as YAML so complex data structures are possible.
- •
- with_env (Specify True to include all environment variables, or specify a list of strings of variable names to include.) -- Include environment variables from the current shell environment in the event data as environ.. This is a short-hand for working with systems that seed the environment with relevant data such as Jenkins.
- •
- with_grains (Specify True to include all grains, or specify a list of strings of grain names to include.) -- Include grains from the current minion in the event data as grains.
- •
- with_pillar (Specify True to include all Pillar values, or specify a list of strings of Pillar keys to include. It is a best-practice to only specify a relevant subset of Pillar data.) -- Include Pillar values from the current minion in the event data as pillar. Remember Pillar data is often sensitive data so be careful. This is useful for passing ephemeral Pillar values through an event. Such as passing the pillar={} kwarg in state.sls from the Master, through an event on the Minion, then back to the Master.
- •
kwargs -- Any additional keyword arguments passed to this function
will be interpreted as key-value pairs and included in the event data.
This provides a convenient alternative to YAML for simple values.
CLI Example:
salt-call event.send myco/mytag foo=Foo bar=Bar salt-call event.send 'myco/mytag' '{foo: Foo, bar: Bar}'
A convenient way to allow Jenkins to execute salt-call is via sudo. The following rule in sudoers will allow the jenkins user to run only the following command.
/etc/sudoers (allow preserving the environment):
jenkins ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:SETENV: /usr/bin/salt-call event.send*
Call Jenkins via sudo (preserve the environment):
sudo -E salt-call event.send myco/jenkins/build/success with_env=[BUILD_ID, BUILD_URL, GIT_BRANCH, GIT_COMMIT]
Module for managing ext2/3/4 file systems
- salt.modules.extfs.attributes(device, args=None)
Return attributes from dumpe2fs for a specified device
CLI Example:
salt '*' extfs.attributes /dev/sda1
- salt.modules.extfs.blocks(device, args=None)
Return block and inode info from dumpe2fs for a specified device
CLI Example:
salt '*' extfs.blocks /dev/sda1
- salt.modules.extfs.dump(device, args=None)
Return all contents of dumpe2fs for a specified device
CLI Example:
salt '*' extfs.dump /dev/sda1
- salt.modules.extfs.mkfs(device, fs_type, **kwargs)
Create a file system on the specified device
CLI Example:
salt '*' extfs.mkfs /dev/sda1 fs_type=ext4 opts='acl,noexec'
Valid options are:
- •
- block_size: 1024, 2048 or 4096
- •
- check: check for bad blocks
- •
- direct: use direct IO
- •
- ext_opts: extended file system options (comma-separated)
- •
- fragment_size: size of fragments
- •
- force: setting force to True will cause mke2fs to specify the -F option twice (it is already set once); this is truly dangerous
- •
- blocks_per_group: number of blocks in a block group
- •
- number_of_groups: ext4 option for a virtual block group
- •
- bytes_per_inode: set the bytes/inode ratio
- •
- inode_size: size of the inode
- •
- journal: set to True to create a journal (default on ext3/4)
- •
- journal_opts: options for the fs journal (comma separated)
- •
- blocks_file: read bad blocks from file
- •
- label: label to apply to the file system
- •
- reserved: percentage of blocks reserved for super-user
- •
- last_dir: last mounted directory
- •
- test: set to True to not actually create the file system (mke2fs -n)
- •
- number_of_inodes: override default number of inodes
- •
- creator_os: override "creator operating system" field
- •
- opts: mount options (comma separated)
- •
- revision: set the filesystem revision (default 1)
- •
- super: write superblock and group descriptors only
- •
- fs_type: set the filesystem type (REQUIRED)
- •
- usage_type: how the filesystem is going to be used
- •
uuid: set the UUID for the file system
See the mke2fs(8) manpage for a more complete description of these options.
- salt.modules.extfs.tune(device, **kwargs)
Set attributes for the specified device (using tune2fs)
CLI Example:
salt '*' extfs.tune /dev/sda1 force=True label=wildstallyns opts='acl,noexec'
Valid options are:
- •
- max: max mount count
- •
- count: mount count
- •
- error: error behavior
- •
- extended_opts: extended options (comma separated)
- •
- force: force, even if there are errors (set to True)
- •
- group: group name or gid that can use the reserved blocks
- •
- interval: interval between checks
- •
- journal: set to True to create a journal (default on ext3/4)
- •
- journal_opts: options for the fs journal (comma separated)
- •
- label: label to apply to the file system
- •
- reserved: percentage of blocks reserved for super-user
- •
- last_dir: last mounted directory
- •
- opts: mount options (comma separated)
- •
- feature: set or clear a feature (comma separated)
- •
- mmp_check: mmp check interval
- •
- reserved: reserved blocks count
- •
- quota_opts: quota options (comma separated)
- •
- time: time last checked
- •
- user: user or uid who can use the reserved blocks
- •
uuid: set the UUID for the file system
See the mke2fs(8) manpage for a more complete description of these options.
Manage information about regular files, directories, and special files on the minion, set/read user, group, mode, and data
- salt.modules.file.access(path, mode)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Test whether the Salt process has the specified access to the file. One of the following modes must be specified:
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.access /path/to/file f salt '*' file.access /path/to/file x
- salt.modules.file.append(path, *args, **kwargs)
New in version 0.9.5.
Append text to the end of a file
- path
- path to file
- *args
strings to append to file
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.append /etc/motd \ "With all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt." \ "Salt is what makes things taste bad when it isn't in them."
- Attention
If you need to pass a string to append and that string contains an equal sign, you must include the argument name, args. For example:
salt '*' file.append /etc/motd args='cheese=spam' salt '*' file.append /etc/motd args="['cheese=spam','spam=cheese']"
- salt.modules.file.basename(path)
Returns the final component of a pathname
New in version 2015.5.0.
This can be useful at the CLI but is frequently useful when scripting.
{%- set filename = salt['file.basename'](source_file) %}
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.basename 'test/test.config'
- salt.modules.file.blockreplace(path, marker_start='#-- start managed zone --', marker_end='#-- end managed zone --', content='', append_if_not_found=False, prepend_if_not_found=False, backup='.bak', dry_run=False, show_changes=True)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Replace content of a text block in a file, delimited by line markers
A block of content delimited by comments can help you manage several lines entries without worrying about old entries removal.
NOTE: This function will store two copies of the file in-memory (the original version and the edited version) in order to detect changes and only edit the targeted file if necessary.
- path
- Filesystem path to the file to be edited
- marker_start
- The line content identifying a line as the start of the content block. Note that the whole line containing this marker will be considered, so whitespace or extra content before or after the marker is included in final output
- marker_end
- The line content identifying a line as the end of the content block. Note that the whole line containing this marker will be considered, so whitespace or extra content before or after the marker is included in final output
- content
- The content to be used between the two lines identified by marker_start and marker_stop.
- append_if_not_found
- False If markers are not found and set to True then, the markers and content will be appended to the file.
- prepend_if_not_found
- False If markers are not found and set to True then, the markers and content will be prepended to the file.
- backup
- The file extension to use for a backup of the file if any edit is made. Set to False to skip making a backup.
- dry_run
- Don't make any edits to the file.
- show_changes
Output a unified diff of the old file and the new file. If False,
return a boolean if any changes were made.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.blockreplace /etc/hosts '#-- start managed zone foobar : DO NOT EDIT --' \ '#-- end managed zone foobar --' $' foo.foobar\n10.0.1.2 bar.foobar' True
- salt.modules.file.check_file_meta(name, sfn, source, source_sum, user, group, mode, saltenv, contents=None)
Check for the changes in the file metadata.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.check_file_meta /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf salt://http/httpd.conf '{hash_type: 'md5', 'hsum': <md5sum>}' root, root, '755' base
NOTE: Supported hash types include sha512, sha384, sha256, sha224, sha1, and md5.
- name
- Path to file destination
- sfn
- Template-processed source file contents
- source
- URL to file source
- source_sum
File checksum information as a dictionary
{hash_type: md5, hsum: <md5sum>}
- user
- Destination file user owner
- group
- Destination file group owner
- mode
- Destination file permissions mode
- saltenv
- Salt environment used to resolve source files
- contents
- File contents
- salt.modules.file.check_hash(path, file_hash)
Check if a file matches the given hash string
Returns true if the hash matched, otherwise false. Raises ValueError if the hash was not formatted correctly.
- path
- A file path
- hash
A string in the form <hash_type>:<hash_value>. For example:
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.check_hash /etc/fstab md5:<md5sum>
- salt.modules.file.check_managed(name, source, source_hash, user, group, mode, template, context, defaults, saltenv, contents=None, **kwargs)
Check to see what changes need to be made for a file
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.check_managed /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf salt://http/httpd.conf '{hash_type: 'md5', 'hsum': <md5sum>}' root, root, '755' jinja True None None base
- salt.modules.file.check_managed_changes(name, source, source_hash, user, group, mode, template, context, defaults, saltenv, contents=None, **kwargs)
Return a dictionary of what changes need to be made for a file
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.check_managed_changes /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf salt://http/httpd.conf '{hash_type: 'md5', 'hsum': <md5sum>}' root, root, '755' jinja True None None base
- salt.modules.file.check_perms(name, ret, user, group, mode, follow_symlinks=False)
Check the permissions on files and chown if needed
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.check_perms /etc/sudoers '{}' root root 400
Changed in version 2014.1.3: follow_symlinks option added
- salt.modules.file.chgrp(path, group)
- Change the group of a file
- path
- path to the file or directory
- group
group owner
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.chgrp /etc/passwd root
- salt.modules.file.chown(path, user, group)
- Chown a file, pass the file the desired user and group
- path
- path to the file or directory
- user
- user owner
- group
group owner
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.chown /etc/passwd root root
- salt.modules.file.comment(path, regex, char='#', backup='.bak')
Deprecated since version 0.17.0: Use replace() instead.
Comment out specified lines in a file
- path
- The full path to the file to be edited
- regex
- A regular expression used to find the lines that are to be commented; this pattern will be wrapped in parenthesis and will move any preceding/trailing ^ or $ characters outside the parenthesis (e.g., the pattern ^foo$ will be rewritten as ^(foo)$)
- char
- # The character to be inserted at the beginning of a line in order to comment it out
- backup
The file will be backed up before edit with this file extension
WARNING: This backup will be overwritten each time sed / comment / uncomment is called. Meaning the backup will only be useful after the first invocation.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.comment /etc/modules pcspkr
- salt.modules.file.comment_line(path, regex, char='#', cmnt=True, backup='.bak')
- Comment or Uncomment a line in a text file.
- Parameters
path -- string
The full path to the text file.
- Parameters
regex -- string
A regex expression that begins with ^ that will find the line you wish to comment. Can be as simple as ^color =
- Parameters
char -- string
The character used to comment a line in the type of file you're referencing. Default is #
- Parameters
cmnt -- boolean
True to comment the line. False to uncomment the line. Default is True.
- Parameters
backup -- string
The file extension to give the backup file. Default is .bak
- Returns
Returns True if successful, False if not
CLI Example:
The following example will comment out the pcspkr line in the /etc/modules file using the default # character and create a backup file named modules.bak
salt '*' file.comment_line '/etc/modules' '^pcspkr'
CLI Example:
The following example will uncomment the log_level setting in minion config file if it is set to either warning, info, or debug using the # character and create a backup file named minion.bk
salt '*' file.comment_line 'C:saltconfminion' '^log_level: (warning|info|debug)' '#' False '.bk'
- salt.modules.file.contains(path, text)
Deprecated since version 0.17.0: Use search() instead.
Return True if the file at path contains text
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.contains /etc/crontab ''
- salt.modules.file.contains_glob(path, glob_expr)
Deprecated since version 0.17.0: Use search() instead.
Return True if the given glob matches a string in the named file
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.contains_glob /etc/foobar '*cheese*'
- salt.modules.file.contains_regex(path, regex, lchar='')
Deprecated since version 0.17.0: Use search() instead.
Return True if the given regular expression matches on any line in the text of a given file.
If the lchar argument (leading char) is specified, it will strip lchar from the left side of each line before trying to match
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.contains_regex /etc/crontab
- salt.modules.file.contains_regex_multiline(path, regex)
Deprecated since version 0.17.0: Use search() instead.
Return True if the given regular expression matches anything in the text of a given file
Traverses multiple lines at a time, via the salt BufferedReader (reads in chunks)
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.contains_regex_multiline /etc/crontab '^maint'
- salt.modules.file.copy(src, dst, recurse=False, remove_existing=False)
Copy a file or directory from source to dst
In order to copy a directory, the recurse flag is required, and will by default overwrite files in the destination with the same path, and retain all other existing files. (similar to cp -r on unix)
remove_existing will remove all files in the target directory, and then copy files from the source.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.copy /path/to/src /path/to/dst salt '*' file.copy /path/to/src_dir /path/to/dst_dir recurse=True salt '*' file.copy /path/to/src_dir /path/to/dst_dir recurse=True remove_existing=True
- salt.modules.file.delete_backup(path, backup_id)
New in version 0.17.0.
Delete a previous version of a file that was backed up using Salt's file state backup system.
- path
- The path on the minion to check for backups
- backup_id
The numeric id for the backup you wish to delete, as found using
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.restore_backup /foo/bar/baz.txt 0
- salt.modules.file.directory_exists(path)
Tests to see if path is a valid directory. Returns True/False.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.directory_exists /etc
- salt.modules.file.dirname(path)
Returns the directory component of a pathname
New in version 2015.5.0.
This can be useful at the CLI but is frequently useful when scripting.
{%- from salt['file.dirname'](tpldir) + '/vars.jinja' import parent_vars %}
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.dirname 'test/path/filename.config'
- salt.modules.file.diskusage(path)
Recursively calculate disk usage of path and return it
in bytes
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.diskusage /path/to/check
- salt.modules.file.extract_hash(hash_fn, hash_type='sha256', file_name='')
This routine is called from the file.managed state to pull a hash from a remote file.
Regular expressions are used line by line on the source_hash file, to
find a potential candidate of the indicated hash type. This avoids many
problems of arbitrary file lay out rules. It specifically permits pulling
hash codes from debian *.dsc files.
For example:
openerp_7.0-latest-1.tar.gz: file.managed: - name: /tmp/openerp_7.0-20121227-075624-1_all.deb - source: - source_hash:
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.extract_hash /etc/foo sha512 /path/to/hash/file
- salt.modules.file.file_exists(path)
Tests to see if path is a valid file. Returns True/False.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.file_exists /etc/passwd
- salt.modules.file.find(path, *args, **kwargs)
Approximate the Unix find(1) command and return a list of paths that
meet the specified criteria.
The options include match criteria:
name = path-glob # case sensitive iname = path-glob # case insensitive regex = path-regex # case sensitive iregex = path-regex # case insensitive type = file-types # match any listed type user = users # match any listed user group = groups # match any listed group size = [+-]number[size-unit] # default unit = byte mtime = interval # modified since date grep = regex # search file contents
and/or actions:
delete [= file-types] # default type = 'f' exec = command [arg ...] # where {} is replaced by pathname print [= print-opts]
and/or depth criteria:
maxdepth = maximum depth to transverse in path mindepth = minimum depth to transverse before checking files or directories
The default action is print=path
* = match zero or more chars ? = match any char [abc] = match a, b, or c [!abc] or [^abc] = match anything except a, b, and c [x-y] = match chars x through y [!x-y] or [^x-y] = match anything except chars x through y {a,b,c} = match a or b or c
path-regex: a Python Regex (regular expression) pattern to match pathnames
file-types: a string of one or more of the following:
a: all file types b: block device c: character device d: directory p: FIFO (named pipe) f: plain file l: symlink s: socket
users: a space and/or comma separated list of user names and/or uids
groups: a space and/or comma separated list of group names and/or gids
b: bytes k: kilobytes m: megabytes g: gigabytes t: terabytes
[<num>w] [<num>d] [<num>h] [<num>m] [<num>s] where: w: week d: day h: hour m: minute s: second
print-opts: a comma and/or space separated list of one or more of the following:
group: group name md5: MD5 digest of file contents mode: file permissions (as integer) mtime: last modification time (as time_t) name: file basename path: file absolute path size: file size in bytes type: file type user: user name
CLI Examples:
salt '*' file.find / type=f name=\*.bak size=+10m salt '*' file.find /var mtime=+30d size=+10m print=path,size,mtime salt '*' file.find /var/log name=\*.[0-9] mtime=+30d size=+10m delete
- salt.modules.file.get_devmm(name)
Get major/minor info from a device
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_devmm /dev/chr
- salt.modules.file.get_diff(minionfile, masterfile, env=None, saltenv='base')
Return unified diff of file compared to file on master
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_diff /home/fred/.vimrc salt://users/fred/.vimrc
- salt.modules.file.get_gid(path, follow_symlinks=True)
- Return the id of the group that owns a given file
- path
- file or directory of which to get the gid
- follow_symlinks
indicated if symlinks should be followed
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_gid /etc/passwd
Changed in version 0.16.4: follow_symlinks option added
- salt.modules.file.get_group(path, follow_symlinks=True)
- Return the group that owns a given file
- path
- file or directory of which to get the group
- follow_symlinks
indicated if symlinks should be followed
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_group /etc/passwd
Changed in version 0.16.4: follow_symlinks option added
- salt.modules.file.get_hash(path, form='sha256', chunk_size=65536)
- Get the hash sum of a file
- This is better than get_sum for the following reasons:
- •
- It does not read the entire file into memory.
- •
- It does not return a string on error. The returned value of
- get_sum cannot really be trusted since it is vulnerable to collisions: get_sum(..., 'xyz') == 'Hash xyz not supported'
- path
- path to the file or directory
- form
- desired sum format
- chunk_size
amount to sum at once
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_hash /etc/shadow
- salt.modules.file.get_managed(name, template, source, source_hash, user, group, mode, saltenv, context, defaults, **kwargs)
- Return the managed file data for file.managed
- name
- location where the file lives on the server
- template
- template format
- source
- managed source file
- source_hash
- hash of the source file
- user
- user owner
- group
- group owner
- mode
- file mode
- context
- variables to add to the environment
- default
default values of for context_dict
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_managed /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf jinja salt://http/httpd.conf '{hash_type: 'md5', 'hsum': <md5sum>}' root root '755' base None None
- salt.modules.file.get_mode(path, follow_symlinks=True)
- Return the mode of a file
- path
- file or directory of which to get the mode
- follow_symlinks
indicated if symlinks should be followed
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_mode /etc/passwd
Changed in version 2014.1.0: follow_symlinks option added
- salt.modules.file.get_selinux_context(path)
Get an SELinux context from a given path
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_selinux_context /etc/hosts
- salt.modules.file.get_sum(path, form='sha256')
- Return the checksum for the given file. The following checksum algorithms are supported:
- •
- md5
- •
- sha1
- •
- sha224
- •
- sha256 (default)
- •
- sha384
- •
- sha512
- path
- path to the file or directory
- form
desired sum format
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_sum /etc/passwd sha512
- salt.modules.file.get_uid(path, follow_symlinks=True)
- Return the id of the user that owns a given file
- path
- file or directory of which to get the uid
- follow_symlinks
indicated if symlinks should be followed
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_uid /etc/passwd
Changed in version 0.16.4: follow_symlinks option added
- salt.modules.file.get_user(path, follow_symlinks=True)
- Return the user that owns a given file
- path
- file or directory of which to get the user
- follow_symlinks
indicated if symlinks should be followed
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_user /etc/passwd
Changed in version 0.16.4: follow_symlinks option added
- salt.modules.file.gid_to_group(gid)
- Convert the group id to the group name on this system
- gid
gid to convert to a group name
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.gid_to_group 0
- salt.modules.file.grep(path, pattern, *args)
Grep for a string in the specified file
NOTE: This function's return value is slated for refinement in future versions of Salt
- path
- A file path
- pattern
- A string. For example: test a[0-5]
- args
grep options. For example:
" -v"
" -i -B2"
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.grep /etc/passwd nobody salt '*' file.grep /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 ipaddr " -i" salt '*' file.grep /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 ipaddr " -i -B2" salt '*' file.grep "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/*" ipaddr " -i -l"
- salt.modules.file.group_to_gid(group)
- Convert the group to the gid on this system
- group
group to convert to its gid
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.group_to_gid root
- salt.modules.file.is_blkdev(name)
Check if a file exists and is a block device.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.is_blkdev /dev/blk
- salt.modules.file.is_chrdev(name)
Check if a file exists and is a character device.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.is_chrdev /dev/chr
- salt.modules.file.is_fifo(name)
Check if a file exists and is a FIFO.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.is_fifo /dev/fifo
- salt.modules.file.is_link(path)
Check if the path is a symlink
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.is_link /path/to/link
- salt.modules.file.join(*args)
Return a normalized file system path for the underlying OS
New in version 2014.7.0.
This can be useful at the CLI but is frequently useful when scripting combining path variables:
{% set www_root = '/var' %} {% set app_dir = 'myapp' %} myapp_config: file: - managed - name: {{ salt['file.join'](www_root, app_dir, 'config.yaml') }}
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.join '/' 'usr' 'local' 'bin'
- salt.modules.file.lchown(path, user, group)
- Chown a file, pass the file the desired user and group without following symlinks.
- path
- path to the file or directory
- user
- user owner
- group
group owner
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.chown /etc/passwd root root
-, path)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Create a hard link to a file
CLI Example:
salt '*' /path/to/file /path/to/link
- salt.modules.file.list_backups(path, limit=None)
New in version 0.17.0.
Lists the previous versions of a file backed up using Salt's file state backup system.
- path
- The path on the minion to check for backups
- limit
Limit the number of results to the most recent N backups
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.list_backups /foo/bar/baz.txt
- salt.modules.file.list_backups_dir(path, limit=None)
- Lists the previous versions of a directory backed up using Salt's file state backup system.
- path
- The directory on the minion to check for backups
- limit
Limit the number of results to the most recent N backups
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.list_backups_dir /foo/bar/baz/
- salt.modules.file.lstat(path)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Returns the lstat attributes for the given file or dir. Does not support symbolic links.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.lstat /path/to/file
- salt.modules.file.makedirs_(path, user=None, group=None, mode=None)
Ensure that the directory containing this path is available.
NOTE: The path must end with a trailing slash otherwise the directory/directories will be created up to the parent directory. For example if path is /opt/code, then it would be treated as /opt/ but if the path ends with a trailing slash like /opt/code/, then it would be treated as /opt/code/.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.makedirs /opt/code/
- salt.modules.file.makedirs_perms(name, user=None, group=None, mode='0755')
Taken and modified from os.makedirs to set user, group and mode for each
directory created.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.makedirs_perms /opt/code
- salt.modules.file.manage_file(name, sfn, ret, source, source_sum, user, group, mode, saltenv, backup, makedirs=False, template=None, show_diff=True, contents=None, dir_mode=None, follow_symlinks=True)
- Checks the destination against what was retrieved with get_managed and makes the appropriate modifications (if necessary).
- name
- location to place the file
- sfn
location of cached file on the minion
This is the path to the file stored on the minion. This file is placed on the minion using cp.cache_file. If the hash sum of that file matches the source_sum, we do not transfer the file to the minion again.
This file is then grabbed and if it has template set, it renders the file to be placed into the correct place on the system using salt.files.utils.copyfile()
- ret
- The initial state return data structure. Pass in None to use the default structure.
- source
- file reference on the master
- source_hash
- sum hash for source
- user
- user owner
- group
- group owner
- backup
- backup_mode
- makedirs
- make directories if they do not exist
- template
- format of templating
- show_diff
- Include diff in state return
- contents:
- contents to be placed in the file
- dir_mode
mode for directories created with makedirs
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.manage_file /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf '' '{}' salt://http/httpd.conf '{hash_type: 'md5', 'hsum': <md5sum>}' root root '755' base ''
Changed in version 2014.7.0: follow_symlinks option added
- salt.modules.file.mkdir(dir_path, user=None, group=None, mode=None)
Ensure that a directory is available.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.mkdir /opt/jetty/context
- salt.modules.file.mknod(name, ntype, major=0, minor=0, user=None, group=None, mode='0600')
New in version 0.17.0.
Create a block device, character device, or fifo pipe. Identical to the gnu mknod.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' file.mknod /dev/chr c 180 31 salt '*' file.mknod /dev/blk b 8 999 salt '*' file.nknod /dev/fifo p
- salt.modules.file.mknod_blkdev(name, major, minor, user=None, group=None, mode='0660')
New in version 0.17.0.
Create a block device.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.mknod_blkdev /dev/blk 8 999
- salt.modules.file.mknod_chrdev(name, major, minor, user=None, group=None, mode='0660')
New in version 0.17.0.
Create a character device.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.mknod_chrdev /dev/chr 180 31
- salt.modules.file.mknod_fifo(name, user=None, group=None, mode='0660')
New in version 0.17.0.
Create a FIFO pipe.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.mknod_fifo /dev/fifo
- salt.modules.file.move(src, dst)
Move a file or directory
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.move /path/to/src /path/to/dst
- salt.modules.file.normpath(path)
Returns Normalize path, eliminating double slashes, etc.
New in version 2015.5.0.
This can be useful at the CLI but is frequently useful when scripting.
{%- from salt['file.normpath'](tpldir + '/../vars.jinja') import parent_vars %}
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.normpath 'a/b/c/..'
- salt.modules.file.open_files(by_pid=False)
Return a list of all physical open files on the system.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' file.open_files salt '*' file.open_files by_pid=True
- salt.modules.file.pardir()
Return the relative parent directory path symbol for underlying OS
New in version 2014.7.0.
This can be useful when constructing Salt Formulas.
{% set pardir = salt['file.pardir']() %} {% set final_path = salt['file.join']('subdir', pardir, 'confdir') %}
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.pardir
- salt.modules.file.patch(originalfile, patchfile, options='', dry_run=False)
New in version 0.10.4.
Apply a patch to a file
Equivalent to:
patch <options> <originalfile> <patchfile>
- originalfile
- The full path to the file or directory to be patched
- patchfile
- A patch file to apply to originalfile
- options
Options to pass to patch.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.patch /opt/file.txt /tmp/file.txt.patch
- salt.modules.file.path_exists_glob(path)
Tests to see if path after expansion is a valid path (file or directory).
Expansion allows usage of ? * and character ranges []. Tilde expansion
is not supported. Returns True/False.
New in version Hellium.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.path_exists_glob /etc/pam*/pass*
- salt.modules.file.prepend(path, *args, **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Prepend text to the beginning of a file
- path
- path to file
- *args
strings to prepend to the file
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.prepend /etc/motd \ "With all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt." \ "Salt is what makes things taste bad when it isn't in them."
- Attention
If you need to pass a string to append and that string contains an equal sign, you must include the argument name, args. For example:
salt '*' file.prepend /etc/motd args='cheese=spam' salt '*' file.prepend /etc/motd args="['cheese=spam','spam=cheese']"
- salt.modules.file.psed(path, before, after, limit='', backup='.bak', flags='gMS', escape_all=False, multi=False)
Deprecated since version 0.17.0: Use replace() instead.
Make a simple edit to a file (pure Python version)
Equivalent to:
sed <backup> <options> "/<limit>/ s/<before>/<after>/<flags> <file>"
- path
- The full path to the file to be edited
- before
- A pattern to find in order to replace with after
- after
- Text that will replace before
- limit
- '' An initial pattern to search for before searching for before
- backup
- .bak The file will be backed up before edit with this file extension; WARNING: each time sed/comment/uncomment is called will overwrite this backup
- flags
- gMS.INDENT 7.0
- Flags to modify the search. Valid values are:
- •
- g: Replace all occurrences of the pattern, not just the first.
- •
- I: Ignore case.
- •
- L: Make \w, \W, \b, \B, \s and \S dependent on the locale.
- •
- M: Treat multiple lines as a single line.
- •
- S: Make . match all characters, including newlines.
- •
- U: Make \w, \W, \b, \B, \d, \D, \s and \S dependent on Unicode.
- •
- X: Verbose (whitespace is ignored).
- multi: False
If True, treat the entire file as a single line
Forward slashes and single quotes will be escaped automatically in the before and after patterns.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.sed /etc/httpd/httpd.conf 'LogLevel warn' 'LogLevel info'
- salt.modules.file.readdir(path)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Return a list containing the contents of a directory
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.readdir /path/to/dir/
- salt.modules.file.readlink(path)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Return the path that a symlink points to
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.readlink /path/to/link
- salt.modules.file.remove(path)
Remove the named file
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.remove /tmp/foo
- salt.modules.file.rename(src, dst)
Rename a file or directory
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.rename /path/to/src /path/to/dst
- salt.modules.file.replace(path, pattern, repl, count=0, flags=8, bufsize=1, append_if_not_found=False, prepend_if_not_found=False, not_found_content=None, backup='.bak', dry_run=False, search_only=False, show_changes=True)
New in version 0.17.0.
Replace occurrences of a pattern in a file
This is a pure Python implementation that wraps Python's sub().
- path
- Filesystem path to the file to be edited
- pattern
- Python's regular expression search
- repl
- The replacement text
- count
- Maximum number of pattern occurrences to be replaced. Defaults to 0. If count is a positive integer n, only n occurrences will be replaced, otherwise all occurrences will be replaced.
- flags (list or int)
- A list of flags defined in the re module documentation. Each list item should be a string that will correlate to the human-friendly flag name. E.g., ['IGNORECASE', 'MULTILINE']. Optionally, flags may be an int, with a value corresponding to the XOR (|) of all the desired flags. Defaults to 8 (which supports 'MULTILINE').
- bufsize (int or str)
- How much of the file to buffer into memory at once. The default value 1 processes one line at a time. The special value file may be specified which will read the entire file into memory before processing.
- append_if_not_found
New in version 2014.7.0.
If pattern is not found and set to True then, the content will be appended to the file. Default is False
- prepend_if_not_found
New in version 2014.7.0.
If pattern is not found and set to True then, the content will be appended to the file. Default is False
- not_found_content
New in version 2014.7.0.
Content to use for append/prepend if not found. If None (default), uses repl. Useful when repl uses references to group in pattern.
- backup
- The file extension to use for a backup of the file before editing. Set to False to skip making a backup. Default is .bak
- dry_run
- Don't make any edits to the file, Default is False
- search_only
- Just search for the pattern; ignore the replacement; stop on the first match. Default is False
- show_changes
Output a unified diff of the old file and the new
file. If False return a boolean if any changes were made.
Default is True
NOTE: Using this option will store two copies of the file in-memory (the original version and the edited version) in order to generate the diff.
If an equal sign (=) appears in an argument to a Salt command it is interpreted as a keyword argument in the format key=val. That processing can be bypassed in order to pass an equal sign through to the remote shell command by manually specifying the kwarg:
salt '*' file.replace /path/to/file pattern='=' repl=':' salt '*' file.replace /path/to/file pattern="bind-address\s*=" repl='bind-address:'
CLI Examples:
salt '*' file.replace /etc/httpd/httpd.conf pattern='LogLevel warn' repl='LogLevel info' salt '*' file.replace /some/file pattern='before' repl='after' flags='[MULTILINE, IGNORECASE]'
- salt.modules.file.restore_backup(path, backup_id)
New in version 0.17.0.
Restore a previous version of a file that was backed up using Salt's file state backup system.
- path
- The path on the minion to check for backups
- backup_id
The numeric id for the backup you wish to restore, as found using
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.restore_backup /foo/bar/baz.txt 0
- salt.modules.file.restorecon(path, recursive=False)
Reset the SELinux context on a given path
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.restorecon /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys
- salt.modules.file.rmdir(path)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Remove the specified directory. Fails if a directory is not empty.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.rmdir /tmp/foo/
-, pattern, flags=8, bufsize=1)
New in version 0.17.0.
Search for occurrences of a pattern in a file
Params are identical to replace().
CLI Example:
salt '*' /etc/crontab ''
- salt.modules.file.sed(path, before, after, limit='', backup='.bak', options='-r -e', flags='g', escape_all=False, negate_match=False)
Deprecated since version 0.17.0: Use replace() instead.
Make a simple edit to a file
Equivalent to:
sed <backup> <options> "/<limit>/ s/<before>/<after>/<flags> <file>"
- path
- The full path to the file to be edited
- before
- A pattern to find in order to replace with after
- after
- Text that will replace before
- limit
- '' An initial pattern to search for before searching for before
- backup
- .bak The file will be backed up before edit with this file extension; WARNING: each time sed/comment/uncomment is called will overwrite this backup
- options
- -r -e Options to pass to sed
- flags
- g Flags to modify the sed search; e.g., i for case-insensitive pattern matching
- negate_match
Negate the search command (!)
New in version 0.17.0.
Forward slashes and single quotes will be escaped automatically in the before and after patterns.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.sed /etc/httpd/httpd.conf 'LogLevel warn' 'LogLevel info'
- salt.modules.file.sed_contains(path, text, limit='', flags='g')
Deprecated since version 0.17.0: Use search() instead.
Return True if the file at path contains text. Utilizes sed to perform the search (line-wise search).
Note: the p flag will be added to any flags you pass in.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.contains /etc/crontab ''
- salt.modules.file.seek_read(path, size, offset)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Seek to a position on a file and read it
- path
- path to file
- seek
- amount to read at once
- offset
offset to start into the file
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.seek_read /path/to/file 4096 0
- salt.modules.file.seek_write(path, data, offset)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Seek to a position on a file and write to it
- path
- path to file
- data
- data to write to file
- offset
position in file to start writing
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.seek_write /path/to/file 'some data' 4096
- salt.modules.file.set_mode(path, mode)
- Set the mode of a file
- path
- file or directory of which to set the mode
- mode
mode to set the path to
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.set_mode /etc/passwd 0644
- salt.modules.file.set_selinux_context(path, user=None, role=None, type=None, range=None)
Set a specific SELinux label on a given path
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.set_selinux_context path <role> <type> <range>
- salt.modules.file.source_list(source, source_hash, saltenv)
Check the source list and return the source to use
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.source_list salt://http/httpd.conf '{hash_type: 'md5', 'hsum': <md5sum>}' base
- salt.modules.file.stats(path, hash_type=None, follow_symlinks=True)
Return a dict containing the stats for a given file
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.stats /etc/passwd
- salt.modules.file.statvfs(path)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Perform a statvfs call against the filesystem that the file resides on
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.statvfs /path/to/file
- salt.modules.file.symlink(src, path)
Create a symbolic link to a file
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.symlink /path/to/file /path/to/link
- salt.modules.file.touch(name, atime=None, mtime=None)
New in version 0.9.5.
Just like the touch command, create a file if it doesn't exist or simply update the atime and mtime if it already does.
- atime:
- Access time in Unix epoch time
- mtime:
Last modification in Unix epoch time
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.touch /var/log/emptyfile
- salt.modules.file.truncate(path, length)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Seek to a position on a file and delete everything after that point
- path
- path to file
- length
offset into file to truncate
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.truncate /path/to/file 512
- salt.modules.file.uid_to_user(uid)
- Convert a uid to a user name
- uid
uid to convert to a username
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.uid_to_user 0
- salt.modules.file.uncomment(path, regex, char='#', backup='.bak')
Deprecated since version 0.17.0: Use replace() instead.
Uncomment specified commented lines in a file
- path
- The full path to the file to be edited
- regex
- A regular expression used to find the lines that are to be uncommented. This regex should not include the comment character. A leading ^ character will be stripped for convenience (for easily switching between comment() and uncomment()).
- char
- # The character to remove in order to uncomment a line
- backup
The file will be backed up before edit with this file extension;
WARNING: each time sed/comment/uncomment is called will
overwrite this backup
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.uncomment /etc/hosts.deny 'ALL: PARANOID'
- salt.modules.file.user_to_uid(user)
- Convert user name to a uid
- user
user name to convert to its uid
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.user_to_uid root
- salt.modules.file.write(path, *args, **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Write text to a file, overwriting any existing contents.
- path
- path to file
- *args
strings to write to the file
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.write /etc/motd \ "With all thine offerings thou shalt offer salt."
- Attention
If you need to pass a string to append and that string contains an equal sign, you must include the argument name, args. For example:
salt '*' file.write /etc/motd args='cheese=spam' salt '*' file.write /etc/motd args="['cheese=spam','spam=cheese']"
Support for firewalld
- salt.modules.firewalld.add_service(name, zone=None, permanent=True)
Add a service for zone. If zone is omitted, default zone will be used.
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewalld.add_service ssh
To assign a service to a specific zone
salt '*' firewalld.add_service ssh my_zone
- salt.modules.firewalld.default_zone()
Print default zone for connections and interfaces
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewalld.default_zone
- salt.modules.firewalld.delete_service(name, restart=True)
Delete an existing service
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewalld.delete_service my_service
By default firewalld will be reloaded. However, to avoid reloading you need to specify the restart as False
salt '*' firewalld.delete_service my_service False
- salt.modules.firewalld.delete_zone(zone, restart=True)
Delete an existing zone
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewalld.delete_zone my_zone
By default firewalld will be reloaded. However, to avoid reloading you need to specify the restart as False
salt '*' firewalld.delete_zone my_zone False
- salt.modules.firewalld.get_icmp_types()
Print predefined icmptypes
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewalld.get_icmp_types
- salt.modules.firewalld.get_services()
Print predefined services
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewalld.get_services
- salt.modules.firewalld.get_zones()
Print predefined zones
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewalld.get_zones
- salt.modules.firewalld.list_all(zone=None)
List everything added for or enabled in a zone
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewalld.list_all
List a specific zone
salt '*' firewalld.list_all my_zone
- salt.modules.firewalld.list_services(zone=None)
List services added for zone as a space separated list.
If zone is omitted, default zone will be used.
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewalld.list_services
List a specific zone
salt '*' firewalld.list_services my_zone
- salt.modules.firewalld.list_zones()
List everything added for or enabled in all zones
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewalld.list_zones
- salt.modules.firewalld.new_service(name, restart=True)
Add a new service
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewalld.new_service my_service
By default firewalld will be reloaded. However, to avoid reloading you need to specify the restart as False
salt '*' firewalld.new_service my_service False
- salt.modules.firewalld.new_zone(zone, restart=True)
Add a new zone
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewalld.new_zone my_zone
By default firewalld will be reloaded. However, to avoid reloading you need to specify the restart as False
salt '*' firewalld.new_zone my_zone False
- salt.modules.firewalld.remove_service(name, zone=None, permanent=True)
Remove a service from zone. This option can be specified multiple times.
If zone is omitted, default zone will be used.
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewalld.remove_service ssh
To remove a service from a specific zone
salt '*' firewalld.remove_service ssh dmz
- salt.modules.firewalld.set_default_zone(zone)
Set default zone
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewalld.set_default_zone damian
- salt.modules.firewalld.version()
Return version from firewall-cmd
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewalld.version
Module for viewing and modifying sysctl parameters
- salt.modules.freebsd_sysctl.assign(name, value)
Assign a single sysctl parameter for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysctl.assign net.inet.icmp.icmplim 50
- salt.modules.freebsd_sysctl.get(name)
Return a single sysctl parameter for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysctl.get hw.physmem
- salt.modules.freebsd_sysctl.persist(name, value, config='/etc/sysctl.conf')
Assign and persist a simple sysctl parameter for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysctl.persist net.inet.icmp.icmplim 50 salt '*' sysctl.persist coretemp_load NO config=/boot/loader.conf
Return a list of sysctl parameters for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*'
The jail module for FreeBSD
- salt.modules.freebsdjail.fstab(jail)
Display contents of a fstab(5) file defined in specified
jail's configuration. If no file is defined, return False.
CLI Example:
salt '*' jail.fstab <jail name>
- salt.modules.freebsdjail.get_enabled()
Return which jails are set to be run
CLI Example:
salt '*' jail.get_enabled
- salt.modules.freebsdjail.is_enabled()
See if jail service is actually enabled on boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' jail.is_enabled <jail name>
- salt.modules.freebsdjail.restart(jail='')
Restart the specified jail or all, if none specified
CLI Example:
salt '*' jail.restart [<jail name>]
- salt.modules.freebsdjail.show_config(jail)
Display specified jail's configuration
CLI Example:
salt '*' jail.show_config <jail name>
- salt.modules.freebsdjail.start(jail='')
Start the specified jail or all, if none specified
CLI Example:
salt '*' jail.start [<jail name>]
- salt.modules.freebsdjail.status(jail)
See if specified jail is currently running
CLI Example:
salt '*' jail.status <jail name>
- salt.modules.freebsdjail.stop(jail='')
Stop the specified jail or all, if none specified
CLI Example:
salt '*' jail.stop [<jail name>]
- salt.modules.freebsdjail.sysctl()
Dump all jail related kernel states (sysctl)
CLI Example:
salt '*' jail.sysctl
Module to manage FreeBSD kernel modules
- salt.modules.freebsdkmod.available()
Return a list of all available kernel modules
CLI Example:
salt '*' kmod.available
- salt.modules.freebsdkmod.check_available(mod)
Check to see if the specified kernel module is available
CLI Example:
salt '*' kmod.check_available vmm
- salt.modules.freebsdkmod.is_loaded(mod)
Check to see if the specified kernel module is loaded
CLI Example:
salt '*' kmod.is_loaded vmm
- salt.modules.freebsdkmod.load(mod, persist=False)
- Load the specified kernel module
- mod
- Name of the module to add
- persist
Write the module to sysrc kld_modules to make it load on system reboot
CLI Example:
salt '*' kmod.load bhyve
- salt.modules.freebsdkmod.lsmod()
Return a dict containing information about currently loaded modules
CLI Example:
salt '*' kmod.lsmod
- salt.modules.freebsdkmod.mod_list(only_persist=False)
Return a list of the loaded module names
CLI Example:
salt '*' kmod.mod_list
- salt.modules.freebsdkmod.remove(mod, persist=False)
Remove the specified kernel module
CLI Example:
salt '*' kmod.remove vmm
Remote package support using pkg_add(1)
WARNING: This module has been completely rewritten. Up to and including version 0.17.0, it supported pkg_add(1), but checked for the existence of a pkgng local database and, if found, would provide some of pkgng's functionality. The rewrite of this module has removed all pkgng support, and moved it to the pkgng execution module. For versions <= 0.17.0, the documentation here should not be considered accurate. If your Minion is running one of these versions, then the documentation for this module can be viewed using the sys.doc function:
salt bsdminion sys.doc pkg
This module acts as the default package provider for FreeBSD 9 and older. If you need to use pkgng on a FreeBSD 9 system, you will need to override the pkg provider by setting the providers parameter in your Minion config file, in order to use pkgng.
providers: pkg: pkgng
More information on pkgng support can be found in the documentation for the pkgng module.
This module will respect the PACKAGEROOT and PACKAGESITE environment variables, if set, but these values can also be overridden in several ways:
- 1.
Salt configuration parameters. The configuration parameters
freebsdpkg.PACKAGEROOT and freebsdpkg.PACKAGESITE are recognized.
These config parameters are looked up using config.get and can thus be specified in the Master config
file, Grains, Pillar, or in the Minion config file. Example:
freebsdpkg.PACKAGEROOT: freebsdpkg.PACKAGESITE:
- 2.
CLI arguments. Both the packageroot (used interchangeably with
fromrepo for API compatibility) and packagesite CLI arguments are
recognized, and override their config counterparts from section 1 above.
salt -G 'os:FreeBSD' pkg.install zsh fromrepo= salt -G 'os:FreeBSD' pkg.install zsh packageroot= salt -G 'os:FreeBSD' pkg.install zsh packagesite= .. note:: These arguments can also be passed through in states: .. code-block:: yaml zsh: pkg.installed: - fromrepo:
- salt.modules.freebsdpkg.file_dict(*packages)
List the files that belong to a package, grouped by package. Not
specifying any packages will return a list of _every_ file on the
system's package database (not generally recommended).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd postfix salt '*' pkg.file_list
- salt.modules.freebsdpkg.file_list(*packages)
List the files that belong to a package. Not specifying any packages will
return a list of _every_ file on the system's package database (not
generally recommended).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd postfix salt '*' pkg.file_list
- salt.modules.freebsdpkg.install(name=None, refresh=False, fromrepo=None, pkgs=None, sources=None, **kwargs)
- Install package(s) using pkg_add(1)
- name
- The name of the package to be installed.
- refresh
- Whether or not to refresh the package database before installing.
- fromrepo or packageroot
- Specify a package repository from which to install. Overrides the system default, as well as the PACKAGEROOT environment variable.
- packagesite
Specify the exact directory from which to install the remote package.
Overrides the PACKAGESITE environment variable, if present.
Multiple Package Installation Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to install from a software repository. Must be
passed as a python list.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- sources
A list of packages to install. Must be passed as a list of dicts,
with the keys being package names, and the values being the source URI
or local path to the package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"foo": "salt://foo.deb"}, {"bar": "salt://bar.deb"}]'
Return a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name>
- salt.modules.freebsdpkg.latest_version(*names, **kwargs)
pkg_add(1) is not capable of querying for remote packages, so this
function will always return results as if there is no package available for
install or upgrade.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
- salt.modules.freebsdpkg.list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, with_origin=False, **kwargs)
List the packages currently installed as a dict:
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
- with_origin
Return a nested dictionary containing both the origin name and version
for each installed package.
New in version 2014.1.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs
- salt.modules.freebsdpkg.refresh_db()
pkg_add(1) does not use a local database of available packages, so this
function simply returns True. it exists merely for API compatibility.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.refresh_db
- salt.modules.freebsdpkg.remove(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Remove packages using pkg_delete(1)
- name
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> salt '*' pkg.remove <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.freebsdpkg.upgrade()
Upgrades are not supported with pkg_add(1). This function is included
for API compatibility only and always returns an empty dict.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade
- salt.modules.freebsdpkg.version(*names, **kwargs)
- Returns a string representing the package version or an empty string if not installed. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of name/version pairs is returned.
- with_origin
Return a nested dictionary containing both the origin name and version
for each specified package.
New in version 2014.1.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version <package name> salt '*' pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
Install software from the FreeBSD ports(7) system
New in version 2014.1.0.
This module allows you to install ports using BATCH=yes to bypass configuration prompts. It is recommended to use the ports state to install ports, but it it also possible to use this module exclusively from the command line.
salt minion-id ports.config security/nmap IPV6=off salt minion-id ports.install security/nmap
- salt.modules.freebsdports.config(name, reset=False, **kwargs)
- Modify configuration options for a given port. Multiple options can be specified. To see the available options for a port, use ports.showconfig.
- name
- The port name, in category/name format
- reset
If True, runs a make rmconfig for the port, clearing its
configuration before setting the desired options
CLI Examples:
salt '*' ports.config security/nmap IPV6=off
- salt.modules.freebsdports.deinstall(name)
De-install a port.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ports.deinstall security/nmap
- salt.modules.freebsdports.install(name, clean=True)
- Install a port from the ports tree. Installs using BATCH=yes for non-interactive building. To set config options for a given port, use ports.config.
- clean
If True, cleans after installation. Equivalent to running make
install clean BATCH=yes.
NOTE: It may be helpful to run this function using the -t option to set a higher timeout, since compiling a port may cause the Salt command to exceed the default timeout.
CLI Example:
salt -t 1200 '*' ports.install security/nmap
- salt.modules.freebsdports.list_all()
Lists all ports available.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ports.list_all
WARNING: Takes a while to run, and returns a LOT of output
- salt.modules.freebsdports.rmconfig(name)
- Clear the cached options for the specified port; run a make rmconfig
- name
The name of the port to clear
CLI Example:
salt '*' ports.rmconfig security/nmap
Search for matches in the ports tree. Globs are supported, and the category
is optional
CLI Examples:
salt '*' 'security/*' salt '*' 'security/n*' salt '*' nmap
WARNING: Takes a while to run
- salt.modules.freebsdports.showconfig(name, default=False, dict_return=False)
- Show the configuration options for a given port.
- default
- False Show the default options for a port (not necessarily the same as the current configuration)
- dict_return
Instead of returning the output of make showconfig, return the data
in an dictionary
CLI Example:
salt '*' ports.showconfig security/nmap salt '*' ports.showconfig security/nmap default=True
- salt.modules.freebsdports.update(extract=False)
- Update the ports tree
- extract
If True, runs a portsnap extract after fetching, should be used
for first-time installation of the ports tree.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ports.update
The service module for FreeBSD
- salt.modules.freebsdservice.available(name)
Check that the given service is available.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.available sshd
- salt.modules.freebsdservice.disable(name, **kwargs)
Disable the named service to start at boot
Arguments the same as for enable()
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disable <service name>
- salt.modules.freebsdservice.disabled(name)
Return True if the named service is enabled, false otherwise
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disabled <service name>
- salt.modules.freebsdservice.enable(name, **kwargs)
- Enable the named service to start at boot
- name
- service name
- config
Config file for managing service. If config value is
empty string, then /etc/rc.conf.d/<service> used.
See man rc.conf(5) for details.
Also service.config variable can be used to change default.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enable <service name>
- salt.modules.freebsdservice.enabled(name, **kwargs)
- Return True if the named service is enabled, false otherwise
- name
Service name
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enabled <service name>
- salt.modules.freebsdservice.get_all()
Return a list of all available services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_all
- salt.modules.freebsdservice.get_disabled()
Return what services are available but not enabled to start at boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_disabled
- salt.modules.freebsdservice.get_enabled()
Return what services are set to run on boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_enabled
- salt.modules.freebsdservice.missing(name)
The inverse of service.available.
Returns True if the specified service is not available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.missing sshd
- salt.modules.freebsdservice.reload_(name)
Restart the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.reload <service name>
- salt.modules.freebsdservice.restart(name)
Restart the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.restart <service name>
- salt.modules.freebsdservice.start(name)
Start the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.start <service name>
- salt.modules.freebsdservice.status(name, sig=None)
- Return the status for a service (True or False).
- name
Name of service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.status <service name>
- salt.modules.freebsdservice.stop(name)
Stop the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.stop <service name>
Manage ruby gems.
- salt.modules.gem.install(gems, ruby=None, gem_bin=None, runas=None, version=None, rdoc=False, ri=False, pre_releases=False, proxy=None)
- Installs one or several gems.
- Parameters
- •
- gems -- string The gems to install
- •
- gem_bin -- string : None Full path to gem binary to use.
- •
- ruby -- string : None If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use. Ignored if gem_bin is specified.
- •
- runas -- string : None The user to run gem as.
- •
- version -- string : None Specify the version to install for the gem. Doesn't play nice with multiple gems at once
- •
- rdoc -- boolean : False Generate RDoc documentation for the gem(s).
- •
- ri -- boolean : False Generate RI documentation for the gem(s).
- •
- pre_releases -- boolean : False Include pre-releases in the available versions
- •
proxy -- string : None
Use the specified HTTP proxy server for all outgoing traffic.
Format: http://hostname[:port]
CLI Example:
salt '*' gem.install vagrant salt '*' gem.install redphone gem_bin=/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/gem
- salt.modules.gem.list_(prefix='', ruby=None, runas=None, gem_bin=None)
- List locally installed gems.
- Parameters
- •
- prefix -- string : Only list gems when the name matches this prefix.
- •
- gem_bin -- string : None Full path to gem binary to use.
- •
- ruby -- string : None If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use. Ignored if gem_bin is specified.
- •
runas -- string : None
The user to run gem as.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gem.list
- salt.modules.gem.sources_add(source_uri, ruby=None, runas=None, gem_bin=None)
- Add a gem source.
- Parameters
- •
- source_uri -- string The source URI to add.
- •
- gem_bin -- string : None Full path to gem binary to use.
- •
- ruby -- string : None If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use. Ignored if gem_bin is specified.
- •
runas -- string : None
The user to run gem as.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gem.sources_add
- salt.modules.gem.sources_list(ruby=None, runas=None, gem_bin=None)
- List the configured gem sources.
- Parameters
- •
- gem_bin -- string : None Full path to gem binary to use.
- •
- ruby -- string : None If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use. Ignored if gem_bin is specified.
- •
runas -- string : None
The user to run gem as.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gem.sources_list
- salt.modules.gem.sources_remove(source_uri, ruby=None, runas=None, gem_bin=None)
- Remove a gem source.
- Parameters
- •
- source_uri -- string The source URI to remove.
- •
- gem_bin -- string : None Full path to gem binary to use.
- •
- ruby -- string : None If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use. Ignored if gem_bin is specified.
- •
runas -- string : None
The user to run gem as.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gem.sources_remove
- salt.modules.gem.uninstall(gems, ruby=None, runas=None, gem_bin=None)
- Uninstall one or several gems.
- Parameters
- •
- gems -- string The gems to uninstall.
- •
- gem_bin -- string : None Full path to gem binary to use.
- •
- ruby -- string : None If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use. Ignored if gem_bin is specified.
- •
runas -- string : None
The user to run gem as.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gem.uninstall vagrant
- salt.modules.gem.update(gems, ruby=None, runas=None, gem_bin=None)
- Update one or several gems.
- Parameters
- •
- gems -- string The gems to update.
- •
- gem_bin -- string : None Full path to gem binary to use.
- •
- ruby -- string : None If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use. Ignored if gem_bin is specified.
- •
runas -- string : None
The user to run gem as.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gem.update vagrant
- salt.modules.gem.update_system(version='', ruby=None, runas=None, gem_bin=None)
- Update rubygems.
- Parameters
- •
- version -- string : (newest) The version of rubygems to install.
- •
- gem_bin -- string : None Full path to gem binary to use.
- •
- ruby -- string : None If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use. Ignored if gem_bin is specified.
- •
runas -- string : None
The user to run gem as.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gem.update_system
Module for managing container and VM images
New in version 2014.7.0.
- salt.modules.genesis.avail_platforms()
Return which platforms are available
CLI Example:
salt myminion genesis.avail_platforms
- salt.modules.genesis.bootstrap(platform, root, img_format='dir', fs_format='ext2', arch=None, flavor=None, repo_url=None, static_qemu=None)
Create an image for a specific platform.
Please note that this function MUST be run as root, as images that are created make files belonging to root.
- platform
- Which platform to use to create the image. Currently supported platforms are rpm, deb and pacman.
- root
- Local path to create the root of the image filesystem.
- img_format
- Which format to create the image in. By default, just copies files into a directory on the local filesystem (dir). Future support will exist for sparse.
- fs_format
- When using a non-dir img_format, which filesystem to format the image to. By default, ext2.
- arch
- Architecture to install packages for, if supported by the underlying bootstrap tool. Currently only used for deb.
- flavor
- Which flavor of operating system to install. This correlates to a specific directory on the distribution repositories. For instance, wheezy on Debian.
- repo_url
- Mainly important for Debian-based repos. Base URL for the mirror to install from. (e.x.:
- static_qemu
- Local path to the static qemu binary required for this arch. (e.x.: /usr/bin/qemu-amd64-static)
- pkg_confs
The location of the conf files to copy into the image, to point the
installer to the right repos and configuration.
CLI Examples:
salt myminion genesis.bootstrap pacman /root/arch salt myminion genesis.bootstrap rpm /root/redhat salt myminion genesis.bootstrap deb /root/wheezy arch=amd64 flavor=wheezy static_qemu=/usr/bin/qemu-x86_64-static
- salt.modules.genesis.pack(name, root, path=None, pack_format='tar', compress='bzip2')
Pack up a directory structure, into a specific format
CLI Examples:
salt myminion genesis.pack centos /root/centos salt myminion genesis.pack centos /root/centos pack_format='tar'
- salt.modules.genesis.unpack(name, dest=None, path=None, pack_format='tar', compress='bz2')
Unpack an image into a directory structure
CLI Example:
salt myminion genesis.unpack centos /root/centos
Top level package command wrapper, used to translate the os detected by grains to the correct service manager
- salt.modules.gentoo_service.available(name)
Returns True if the specified service is available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.available sshd
- salt.modules.gentoo_service.disable(name, **kwargs)
Disable the named service to start at boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disable <service name>
- salt.modules.gentoo_service.disabled(name)
Return True if the named service is enabled, false otherwise
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disabled <service name>
- salt.modules.gentoo_service.enable(name, **kwargs)
Enable the named service to start at boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enable <service name>
- salt.modules.gentoo_service.enabled(name, **kwargs)
Return True if the named service is enabled, false otherwise
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enabled <service name>
- salt.modules.gentoo_service.get_all()
Return all available boot services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_all
- salt.modules.gentoo_service.get_disabled()
Return a set of services that are installed but disabled
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_disabled
- salt.modules.gentoo_service.get_enabled()
Return a list of service that are enabled on boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_enabled
- salt.modules.gentoo_service.missing(name)
The inverse of service.available.
Returns True if the specified service is not available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.missing sshd
- salt.modules.gentoo_service.restart(name)
Restart the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.restart <service name>
- salt.modules.gentoo_service.start(name)
Start the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.start <service name>
- salt.modules.gentoo_service.status(name, sig=None)
Return the status for a service, returns the PID or an empty string if the
service is running or not, pass a signature to use to find the service via
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.status <service name> [service signature]
- salt.modules.gentoo_service.stop(name)
Stop the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.stop <service name>
Support for Gentoolkit
- salt.modules.gentoolkitmod.eclean_dist(destructive=False, package_names=False, size_limit=0, time_limit=0, fetch_restricted=False, exclude_file='/etc/eclean/distfiles.exclude')
- Clean obsolete portage sources
- destructive
- Only keep minimum for reinstallation
- package_names
- Protect all versions of installed packages. Only meaningful if used with destructive=True
- size_limit <size>
- Don't delete distfiles bigger than <size>. <size> is a size specification: "10M" is "ten megabytes", "200K" is "two hundreds kilobytes", etc. Units are: G, M, K and B.
- time_limit <time>
- Don't delete distfiles files modified since <time> <time> is an amount of time: "1y" is "one year", "2w" is "two weeks", etc. Units are: y (years), m (months), w (weeks), d (days) and h (hours).
- fetch_restricted
- Protect fetch-restricted files. Only meaningful if used with destructive=True
- exclude_file
Path to exclusion file. Default is /etc/eclean/distfiles.exclude
This is the same default eclean-dist uses. Use None if this file
exists and you want to ignore.
Returns a dict containing the cleaned, saved, and deprecated dists:
{'cleaned': {<dist file>: <size>}, 'deprecated': {<package>: <dist file>}, 'saved': {<package>: <dist file>}, 'total_cleaned': <size>}
CLI Example:
salt '*' gentoolkit.eclean_dist destructive=True
- salt.modules.gentoolkitmod.eclean_pkg(destructive=False, package_names=False, time_limit=0, exclude_file='/etc/eclean/packages.exclude')
- Clean obsolete binary packages
- destructive
- Only keep minimum for reinstallation
- package_names
- Protect all versions of installed packages. Only meaningful if used with destructive=True
- time_limit <time>
- Don't delete distfiles files modified since <time> <time> is an amount of time: "1y" is "one year", "2w" is "two weeks", etc. Units are: y (years), m (months), w (weeks), d (days) and h (hours).
- exclude_file
Path to exclusion file. Default is /etc/eclean/packages.exclude
This is the same default eclean-pkg uses. Use None if this file
exists and you want to ignore.
Returns a dict containing the cleaned binary packages:
{'cleaned': {<dist file>: <size>}, 'total_cleaned': <size>}
CLI Example:
salt '*' gentoolkit.eclean_pkg destructive=True
- salt.modules.gentoolkitmod.glsa_check_list(glsa_list)
- List the status of Gentoo Linux Security Advisories
- glsa_list
can contain an arbitrary number of GLSA ids, filenames
containing GLSAs or the special identifiers 'all' and 'affected'
Returns a dict containing glsa ids with a description, status, and CVEs:
{<glsa_id>: {'description': <glsa_description>, 'status': <glsa status>, 'CVEs': [<list of CVEs>]}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' gentoolkit.glsa_check_list 'affected'
- salt.modules.gentoolkitmod.revdep_rebuild(lib=None)
- Fix up broken reverse dependencies
- lib
Search for reverse dependencies for a particular library rather
than every library on the system. It can be a full path to a
library or basic regular expression.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gentoolkit.revdep_rebuild
Support for the Git SCM
- salt.modules.git.add(cwd, file_name, user=None, opts=None)
- add a file to git
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- file_name
- Path to the file in the cwd
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.add /path/to/git/repo /path/to/file
- salt.modules.git.archive(cwd, output, rev='HEAD', fmt=None, prefix=None, user=None)
- Export a tarball from the repository
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- output
- The path to the archive tarball
- rev: HEAD
- The revision to create an archive from
- fmt: None
- Format of the resulting archive, zip and tar are commonly used
- prefix
- None Prepend <prefix>/ to every filename in the archive
- user
Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
If prefix is not specified it defaults to the basename of the repo directory.
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.archive /path/to/repo /path/to/archive.tar.gz
- salt.modules.git.branch(cwd, rev, opts=None, user=None)
- Interacts with branches.
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- rev
- The branch/revision to be used in the command.
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.branch mybranch --set-upstream-to=origin/mybranch
- salt.modules.git.checkout(cwd, rev, force=False, opts=None, user=None)
- Checkout a given revision
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- rev
- The remote branch or revision to checkout
- force
- False Force a checkout even if there might be overwritten changes
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Examples:
salt '*' git.checkout /path/to/repo somebranch user=jeff salt '*' git.checkout /path/to/repo opts='testbranch -- conf/file1 file2' salt '*' git.checkout /path/to/repo rev=origin/mybranch opts=--track
- salt.modules.git.clone(cwd, repository, opts=None, user=None, identity=None, https_user=None, https_pass=None)
- Clone a new repository
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- repository
- The git URI of the repository
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
- None Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
- identity
- None A path to a private key to use over SSH
- https_user
HTTP Basic Auth username for HTTPS (only) clones
New in version 20515.5.0.
- https_pass
HTTP Basic Auth password for HTTPS (only) clones
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.clone /path/to/repo git:// salt '*' git.clone /path/to/repo.git\ git:// '--bare --origin github'
- salt.modules.git.commit(cwd, message, user=None, opts=None)
- create a commit
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- message
- The commit message
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.commit /path/to/git/repo 'The commit message'
- salt.modules.git.config_get(cwd=None, setting_name=None, user=None)
- Get a key or keys from the git configuration file (.git/config).
- cwd
Optional path to a Git repository
Changed in version 2014.7.0: Made cwd optional
- setting_name
- None The name of the configuration key to get. Required.
- user
Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.config_get salt '*' git.config_get /path/to/repo arthur
- salt.modules.git.config_set(cwd=None, setting_name=None, setting_value=None, user=None, is_global=False)
- Set a key in the git configuration file (.git/config) of the repository or globally.
- cwd
Options path to the Git repository
Changed in version 2014.7.0: Made cwd optional
- setting_name
- None The name of the configuration key to set. Required.
- setting_value
- None The (new) value to set. Required.
- user
- None Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
- is_global
Set to True to use the '--global' flag with 'git config'
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.config_set /path/to/repo me [at]
- salt.modules.git.current_branch(cwd, user=None)
Returns the current branch name, if on a branch.
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.current_branch /path/to/repo
- salt.modules.git.describe(cwd, rev='HEAD', user=None)
- Returns the git describe string (or the SHA hash if there are no tags) for the given revision
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- rev: HEAD
- The revision to describe
- user
Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Examples:
salt '*' git.describe /path/to/repo salt '*' git.describe /path/to/repo develop
- salt.modules.git.fetch(cwd, opts=None, user=None, identity=None)
- Perform a fetch on the given repository
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
- None Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
- identity
A path to a private key to use over SSH
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.fetch /path/to/repo '--all' salt '*' git.fetch cwd=/path/to/repo opts='--all' user=johnny
- salt.modules.git.init(cwd, opts=None, user=None)
- Initialize a new git repository
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.init /path/to/repo.git opts='--bare'
- salt.modules.git.ls_remote(cwd, repository='origin', branch='master', user=None, identity=None, https_user=None, https_pass=None)
- Returns the upstream hash for any given URL and branch.
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- repository: origin
- The name of the repository to get the revision from. Can be the name of a remote, an URL, etc.
- branch: master
- The name of the branch to get the revision from.
- user
- none run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
- identity
- none a path to a private key to use over ssh
- https_user
HTTP Basic Auth username for HTTPS (only) clones
New in version 2015.5.0.
- https_pass
HTTP Basic Auth password for HTTPS (only) clones
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.ls_remote /pat/to/repo origin master
- salt.modules.git.merge(cwd, branch='@{upstream}', opts=None, user=None)
- Merge a given branch
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- branch
- @{upstream} The remote branch or revision to merge into the current branch
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.fetch /path/to/repo salt '*' git.merge /path/to/repo @{upstream}
- salt.modules.git.pull(cwd, opts=None, user=None, identity=None)
- Perform a pull on the given repository
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
- None Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
- identity
A path to a private key to use over SSH
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.pull /path/to/repo opts='--rebase origin master'
- salt.modules.git.push(cwd, remote_name, branch='master', user=None, opts=None, identity=None)
- Push to remote
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- remote_name
- Name of the remote to push to
- branch
- master Name of the branch to push
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
- None Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
- identity
A path to a private key to use over SSH
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.push /path/to/git/repo remote-name
- salt.modules.git.rebase(cwd, rev='master', opts=None, user=None)
- Rebase the current branch
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- rev
- master The revision to rebase onto the current branch
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.rebase /path/to/repo master salt '*' git.rebase /path/to/repo 'origin master'
That is the same as:
git rebase master git rebase origin master
- salt.modules.git.remote_get(cwd, remote='origin', user=None, redact_auth=True)
- get the fetch and push URL for a specified remote name
- remote
- origin the remote name used to define the fetch and push URL
- user
- None Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
- redact_auth
Set to False to include the username/password if the remote uses
HTTPS Basic Auth. Otherwise, this information will be redacted.
WARNING: Setting this to False will not only reveal any HTTPS Basic Auth that is configured, but the return data will also be written to the job cache. When possible, it is recommended to use SSH for authentication.
New in version 2015.5.6.
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.remote_get /path/to/repo salt '*' git.remote_get /path/to/repo upstream
- salt.modules.git.remote_set(cwd, name='origin', url=None, user=None, https_user=None, https_pass=None)
- sets a remote with name and URL like git remote add <remote_name> <remote_url>
- remote_name
- origin defines the remote name
- remote_url
- None defines the remote URL; should not be None!
- user
- None Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
- https_user
HTTP Basic Auth username for HTTPS (only) clones
New in version 2015.5.0.
- https_pass
HTTP Basic Auth password for HTTPS (only) clones
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.remote_set /path/to/repo remote_url=git [at] salt '*' git.remote_set /path/to/repo origin git [at]
- salt.modules.git.remotes(cwd, user=None, redact_auth=True)
- Get remotes like git remote -v
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- user
Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.remotes /path/to/repo
- salt.modules.git.reset(cwd, opts=None, user=None)
- Reset the repository checkout
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.reset /path/to/repo master
- salt.modules.git.revision(cwd, rev='HEAD', short=False, user=None)
- Returns the long hash of a given identifier (hash, branch, tag, HEAD, etc)
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- rev: HEAD
- The revision
- short: False
- Return an abbreviated SHA1 git hash
- user
Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.revision /path/to/repo mybranch
- salt.modules.git.rm(cwd, file_name, user=None, opts=None)
- Remove a file from git
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- file_name
- Path to the file in the cwd
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.rm /path/to/git/repo /path/to/file
- salt.modules.git.stash(cwd, opts=None, user=None)
- Stash changes in the repository checkout
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.stash /path/to/repo master
- salt.modules.git.status(cwd, user=None)
- Return the status of the repository. The returned format uses the status codes of git's 'porcelain' output mode
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- user
Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.status /path/to/git/repo
- salt.modules.git.submodule(cwd, init=True, opts=None, user=None, identity=None)
- Initialize git submodules
- cwd
- The path to the Git repository
- init
- True Ensure that new submodules are initialized
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
- None Run git as a user other than what the minion runs as
- identity
A path to a private key to use over SSH
CLI Example:
salt '*' git.submodule /path/to/repo.git/sub/repo
Module for handling openstack glance calls.
- optdepends
- •
- glanceclient Python adapter
- configuration
This module is not usable until the following are specified
either in a pillar or in the minion's config file:
glance.user: admin glance.password: verybadpass glance.tenant: admin glance.insecure: False #(optional) glance.auth_url: ''
If configuration for multiple openstack accounts is required, they can be set up as different configuration profiles: For example:
openstack1: glance.user: admin glance.password: verybadpass glance.tenant: admin glance.auth_url: '' openstack2: glance.user: admin glance.password: verybadpass glance.tenant: admin glance.auth_url: ''
With this configuration in place, any of the keystone functions can make use of a configuration profile by declaring it explicitly. For example:
salt '*' glance.image_list profile=openstack1
- salt.modules.glance.image_create(name, location, profile=None, visibility='public', container_format='bare', disk_format='raw')
Create an image (glance image-create)
CLI Example:
salt '*' glance.image_create name=f16-jeos visibility=public \ disk_format=qcow2 container_format=ovf \ copy_from= images/2012-02-29/f16-x86_64-openstack-sda.qcow2
For all possible values, run glance help image-create on the minion.
- salt.modules.glance.image_delete(id=None, name=None, profile=None)
Delete an image (glance image-delete)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' glance.image_delete c2eb2eb0-53e1-4a80-b990-8ec887eae7df salt '*' glance.image_delete id=c2eb2eb0-53e1-4a80-b990-8ec887eae7df salt '*' glance.image_delete name=f16-jeos
- salt.modules.glance.image_list(id=None, profile=None)
Return a list of available images (glance image-list)
CLI Example:
salt '*' glance.image_list
- salt.modules.glance.image_schema(profile=None)
- Returns names and descriptions of the schema "image"'s properties for this profile's instance of glance
- salt.modules.glance.image_show(id=None, name=None, profile=None)
Return details about a specific image (glance image-show)
CLI Example:
salt '*' glance.image_show
- salt.modules.glance.schema_get(name, profile=None)
- Known valid names of schemas are:
- •
- image
- •
- images
- •
- member
- •
- members
Manage a glusterfs pool
- salt.modules.glusterfs.add_volume_bricks(name, bricks)
- Add brick(s) to an existing volume
- name
- Volume name
- bricks
- List of bricks to add to the volume
- salt.modules.glusterfs.create(name, bricks, stripe=False, replica=False, device_vg=False, transport='tcp', start=False)
- Create a glusterfs volume.
- name
- Name of the gluster volume
- bricks
- Bricks to create volume from, in <peer>:<brick path> format. For multiple bricks use list format: '["<peer1>:<brick1>", "<peer2>:<brick2>"]'
- stripe
- Stripe count, the number of bricks should be a multiple of the stripe count for a distributed striped volume
- replica
- Replica count, the number of bricks should be a multiple of the replica count for a distributed replicated volume
- device_vg
- If true, specifies volume should use block backend instead of regular posix backend. Block device backend volume does not support multiple bricks
- transport
- Transport protocol to use, can be 'tcp', 'rdma' or 'tcp,rdma'
- start
Start the volume after creation
CLI Example:
salt host1 glusterfs.create newvolume host1:/brick salt gluster1 glusterfs.create vol2 '["gluster1:/export/vol2/brick", "gluster2:/export/vol2/brick"]' replica=2 start=True
- salt.modules.glusterfs.delete(target, stop=True)
- Deletes a gluster volume
- target
- Volume to delete
- stop
- Stop volume before delete if it is started, True by default
- salt.modules.glusterfs.list_peers()
Return a list of gluster peers
CLI Example:
salt '*' glusterfs.list_peers
GLUSTER direct CLI example (to show what salt is sending to gluster): $ gluster peer status
GLUSTER CLI 3.4.4 return example (so we know what we are parsing): Number of Peers: 2
Hostname: ftp2 Port: 24007 Uuid: cbcb256b-e66e-4ec7-a718-21082d396c24 State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
Hostname: ftp3 Uuid: 5ea10457-6cb2-427b-a770-7897509625e9 State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)
- salt.modules.glusterfs.list_volumes()
List configured volumes
CLI Example:
salt '*' glusterfs.list_volumes
- salt.modules.glusterfs.peer(name)
- Add another node into the peer list.
- name
The remote host to probe.
CLI Example:
salt 'one.gluster.*' glusterfs.peer two
GLUSTER direct CLI example (to show what salt is sending to gluster): $ gluster peer probe ftp2
- GLUSTER CLI 3.4.4 return example (so we know what we are parsing):
#if the "peer" is the local host:
peer probe: success: on localhost not needed
#if the peer was just added: peer probe: success
#if the peer was already part of the cluster: peer probe: success: host ftp2 port 24007 already in peer list
- salt.modules.glusterfs.start_volume(name)
- Start a gluster volume.
- name
Volume name
CLI Example:
salt '*' glusterfs.start mycluster
- salt.modules.glusterfs.status(name)
- Check the status of a gluster volume.
- name
Volume name
CLI Example:
salt '*' glusterfs.status myvolume
- salt.modules.glusterfs.stop_volume(name)
- Stop a gluster volume.
- name
Volume name
CLI Example:
salt '*' glusterfs.stop_volume mycluster
GNOME implementations
- salt.modules.gnomedesktop.get(schema=None, key=None, user=None, **kwargs)
Get key in a particular GNOME schema
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.get user=<username> schema=org.gnome.desktop.screensaver key=idle-activation-enabled
- salt.modules.gnomedesktop.getClockFormat(**kwargs)
Return the current clock format, either 12h or 24h format.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.getClockFormat user=<username>
- salt.modules.gnomedesktop.getClockShowDate(**kwargs)
Return the current setting, if the date is shown in the clock
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.getClockShowDate user=<username>
- salt.modules.gnomedesktop.getIdleActivation(**kwargs)
Get whether the idle activation is enabled
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.getIdleActivation user=<username>
- salt.modules.gnomedesktop.getIdleDelay(**kwargs)
Return the current idle delay setting in seconds
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.getIdleDelay user=<username>
A test to ensure the GNOME module is loaded
CLI Example:
salt '*' user=<username>
- salt.modules.gnomedesktop.setClockFormat(clockFormat, **kwargs)
Set the clock format, either 12h or 24h format.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.setClockFormat <12h|24h> user=<username>
- salt.modules.gnomedesktop.setClockShowDate(kvalue, **kwargs)
Set whether the date is visible in the clock
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.setClockShowDate <True|False> user=<username>
- salt.modules.gnomedesktop.setIdleActivation(kvalue, **kwargs)
Set whether the idle activation is enabled
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.setIdleActivation <True|False> user=<username>
- salt.modules.gnomedesktop.setIdleDelay(delaySeconds, **kwargs)
Set the current idle delay setting in seconds
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.setIdleDelay <seconds> user=<username>
- salt.modules.gnomedesktop.set_(schema=None, key=None, user=None, value=None, **kwargs)
Set key in a particular GNOME schema
CLI Example:
salt '*' gnome.set user=<username> schema=org.gnome.desktop.screensaver key=idle-activation-enabled value=False
Manage a GPG keychains, add keys, create keys, retrieve keys from keyservers. Sign, encrypt and sign & encrypt text and files.
New in version 2015.5.0.
NOTE: The python-gnupg library and gpg binary are required to be installed.
- salt.modules.gpg.create_key(key_type='RSA', key_length=1024, name_real='Autogenerated Key', name_comment='Generated by SaltStack', name_email=None, subkey_type=None, subkey_length=None, expire_date=None, use_passphrase=False, user=None)
Create a key in the GPG keychain
NOTE: GPG key generation requires a lot of entropy and randomness. Difficult to do over a remote connection, consider having another process available which is generating randomness for the machine. Also especially difficult on virtual machines, consider the rpg-tools package.
The create_key process takes awhile so increasing the timeout may be necessary, e.g. -t 15.
- key_type
- The type of the primary key to generate. It must be capable of signing. 'RSA' or 'DSA'.
- key_length
- The length of the primary key in bits.
- name_real
- The real name of the user identity which is represented by the key.
- name_comment
- A comment to attach to the user id.
- name_email
- An email address for the user.
- subkey_type
- The type of the secondary key to generate.
- subkey_length
- The length of the secondary key in bits.
- expire_date
- The expiration date for the primary and any secondary key. You can specify an ISO date, A number of days/weeks/months/years, an epoch value, or 0 for a non-expiring key.
- use_passphrase
- Whether to use a passphrase with the signing key. Passphrase is received from pillar.
- user
Which user's keychain to access, defaults to user Salt is running as. Passing
the user as 'salt' will set the GPG home directory to /etc/salt/gpgkeys.
CLI Example:
salt -t 15 '*' gpg.create_key
- salt.modules.gpg.decrypt(user=None, text=None, filename=None, output=None, use_passphrase=False)
- Decrypt a message or file
- user
- Which user's keychain to access, defaults to user Salt is running as. Passing the user as 'salt' will set the GPG home directory to /etc/salt/gpg.
- text
- The encrypted text to decrypt.
- filename
- The encrypted filename to decrypt.
- output
- The filename where the decrypted data will be written, default is standard out.
- use_passphrase
Whether to use a passphrase with the signing key. Passphrase is received from pillar.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gpg.decrypt filename='/path/to/important.file.gpg' salt '*' gpg.decrypt filename='/path/to/important.file.gpg' use_pasphrase=True
- salt.modules.gpg.delete_key(keyid=None, fingerprint=None, delete_secret=False, user=None)
- Get a key from the GPG keychain
- keyid
- The keyid of the key to be deleted.
- fingerprint
- The fingerprint of the key to be deleted.
- delete_secret
- Whether to delete a corresponding secret key prior to deleting the public key. Secret keys must be deleted before deleting any corresponding public keys.
- user
Which user's keychain to access, defaults to user Salt is running as. Passing
the user as 'salt' will set the GPG home directory to /etc/salt/gpgkeys.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gpg.delete_key keyid=3FAD9F1E salt '*' gpg.delete_key fingerprint=53C96788253E58416D20BCD352952C84C3252192 salt '*' gpg.delete_key keyid=3FAD9F1E user=username salt '*' gpg.delete_key keyid=3FAD9F1E user=username delete_secret=True
- salt.modules.gpg.encrypt(user=None, recipients=None, text=None, filename=None, output=None, sign=None, use_passphrase=False)
- Encrypt a message or file
- user
- Which user's keychain to access, defaults to user Salt is running as. Passing the user as 'salt' will set the GPG home directory to /etc/salt/gpg.
- recipients
- The fingerprints for those recipient whom the data is being encrypted for.
- text
- The text to encrypt.
- filename
- The filename to encrypt.
- output
- The filename where the signed file will be written, default is standard out.
- sign
- Whether to sign, in addition to encrypt, the data. True to use default key or fingerprint to specify a different key to sign with.
- use_passphrase
Whether to use a passphrase with the signing key. Passphrase is received from pillar.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gpg.encrypt text='Hello there. How are you?' salt '*' gpg.encrypt filename='/path/to/important.file' salt '*' gpg.encrypt filename='/path/to/important.file' use_pasphrase=True
- salt.modules.gpg.export_key(keyids=None, secret=False, user=None)
- Export a key from the GPG keychain
- keyids
- The keyid(s) of the key(s) to be exported. Can be specified as a comma separated string or a list. Anything which GnuPG itself accepts to identify a key - for example, the keyid or the fingerprint could be used.
- secret
- Export the secret key identified by the keyid information passed.
- user
Which user's keychain to access, defaults to user Salt is running as. Passing
the user as 'salt' will set the GPG home directory to /etc/salt/gpg.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gpg.export_key keyids=3FAD9F1E salt '*' gpg.export_key keyids=3FAD9F1E secret=True salt '*' gpg.export_key keyid="['3FAD9F1E','3FBD8F1E']" user=username
- salt.modules.gpg.get_key(keyid=None, fingerprint=None, user=None)
- Get a key from the GPG keychain
- keyid
- The keyid of the key to be retrieved.
- fingerprint
- The fingerprint of the key to be retrieved.
- user
Which user's keychain to access, defaults to user Salt is running as. Passing
the user as 'salt' will set the GPG home directory to /etc/salt/gpg.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gpg.get_key keyid=3FAD9F1E salt '*' gpg.get_key fingerprint=53C96788253E58416D20BCD352952C84C3252192 salt '*' gpg.get_key keyid=3FAD9F1E user=username
- salt.modules.gpg.get_secret_key(keyid=None, fingerprint=None, user=None)
- Get a key from the GPG keychain
- keyid
- The keyid of the key to be retrieved.
- fingerprint
- The fingerprint of the key to be retrieved.
- user
Which user's keychain to access, defaults to user Salt is running as. Passing
the user as 'salt' will set the GPG home directory to /etc/salt/gpg.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gpg.get_secret_key keyid=3FAD9F1E salt '*' gpg.get_secret_key fingerprint=53C96788253E58416D20BCD352952C84C3252192 salt '*' gpg.get_secret_key keyid=3FAD9F1E user=username
- salt.modules.gpg.import_key(user=None, text=None, filename=None)
- Import a key from text or file
- user
- Which user's keychain to access, defaults to user Salt is running as. Passing the user as 'salt' will set the GPG home directory to /etc/salt/gpg.
- text
- The text containing to import.
- filename
The filename containing the key to import.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gpg.import_key text='-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
- ... -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'
- salt '*' gpg.import_key filename='/path/to/public-key-file'
- salt.modules.gpg.list_keys(user=None)
- List keys in GPG keychain
- user
Which user's keychain to access, defaults to user Salt is running as. Passing
the user as 'salt' will set the GPG home directory to /etc/salt/gpgkeys.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gpg.list_keys
- salt.modules.gpg.list_secret_keys(user=None)
- List secret keys in GPG keychain
- user
Which user's keychain to access, defaults to user Salt is running as. Passing
the user as 'salt' will set the GPG home directory to /etc/salt/gpgkeys.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gpg.list_secret_keys
- salt.modules.gpg.receive_keys(keyserver=None, keys=None, user=None)
- Receive key(s) from keyserver and add them to keychain
- keyserver
- Keyserver to use for searching for GPG keys, defaults to
- keys
- The keyID(s) to retrieve from the keyserver. Can be specified as a comma separated string or a list.
- user
Which user's keychain to access, defaults to user Salt is running as. Passing
the user as 'salt' will set the GPG home directory to /etc/salt/gpg.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gpg.receive_key keys='3FAD9F1E' salt '*' gpg.receive_key keys="['3FAD9F1E','3FBD9F2E']" salt '*' gpg.receive_key keys=3FAD9F1E user=username
- salt.modules.gpg.search_keys(text, keyserver=None, user=None)
- Search keys from keyserver
- text
- Text to search the keyserver for, e.g. email address, keyID or fingerprint.
- keyserver
- Keyserver to use for searching for GPG keys, defaults to
- user
Which user's keychain to access, defaults to user Salt is running as. Passing
the user as 'salt' will set the GPG home directory to /etc/salt/gpgkeys.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gpg.search_keys user [at] salt '*' gpg.search_keys user [at] salt '*' gpg.search_keys user [at] user=username
- salt.modules.gpg.sign(user=None, keyid=None, text=None, filename=None, output=None, use_passphrase=False)
- Sign message or file
- user
- Which user's keychain to access, defaults to user Salt is running as. Passing the user as 'salt' will set the GPG home directory to /etc/salt/gpg.
- keyid
- The keyid of the key to set the trust level for, defaults to first key in the secret keyring.
- text
- The text to sign.
- filename
- The filename to sign.
- output
- The filename where the signed file will be written, default is standard out.
- use_passphrase
Whether to use a passphrase with the signing key. Passphrase is received from pillar.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gpg.sign text='Hello there. How are you?' salt '*' gpg.sign filename='/path/to/important.file' salt '*' gpg.sign filename='/path/to/important.file' use_pasphrase=True
- salt.modules.gpg.trust_key(keyid=None, fingerprint=None, trust_level=None, user=None)
- Set the trust level for a key in GPG keychain
- keyid
- The keyid of the key to set the trust level for.
- fingerprint
- The fingerprint of the key to set the trust level for.
- trust_level
- The trust level to set for the specified key, must be one of the following: expired, unknown, not_trusted, marginally, fully, ultimately
- user
Which user's keychain to access, defaults to user Salt is running as. Passing
the user as 'salt' will set the GPG home directory to /etc/salt/gpg.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gpg.trust_key keyid='3FAD9F1E' trust_level='marginally' salt '*' gpg.trust_key fingerprint='53C96788253E58416D20BCD352952C84C3252192' trust_level='not_trusted' salt '*' gpg.trust_key keys=3FAD9F1E trust_level='ultimately' user='username'
- salt.modules.gpg.verify(text=None, user=None, filename=None)
- Verify a message or file
- text
- The text to verify.
- filename
- The filename to verify.
- user
Which user's keychain to access, defaults to user Salt is running as. Passing
the user as 'salt' will set the GPG home directory to /etc/salt/gpg.
CLI Example:
salt '*' gpg.verify text='Hello there. How are you?' salt '*' gpg.verify filename='/path/to/important.file' salt '*' gpg.verify filename='/path/to/important.file' use_pasphrase=True
Return/control aspects of the grains data
- salt.modules.grains.append(key, val, convert=False, delimiter=':')
New in version 0.17.0.
Append a value to a list in the grains config file. If the grain doesn't exist, the grain key is added and the value is appended to the new grain as a list item.
- key
- The grain key to be appended to
- val
- The value to append to the grain key
- Parameters
- •
- convert -- If convert is True, convert non-list contents into a list. If convert is False and the grain contains non-list contents, an error is given. Defaults to False.
- •
delimiter -- The key can be a nested dict key. Use this parameter to
specify the delimiter you use.
You can now append values to a list in nested dictionnary grains. If the
list doesn't exist at this level, it will be created.
CLI Example:
salt '*' grains.append key val
- salt.modules.grains.delval(key, destructive=False)
New in version 0.17.0.
Delete a grain from the grains config file
- Parameters
destructive -- Delete the key, too. Defaults to False.
CLI Example:
salt '*' grains.delval key
- salt.modules.grains.filter_by(lookup_dict, grain='os_family', merge=None, default='default', base=None)
New in version 0.17.0.
Look up the given grain in a given dictionary for the current OS and return the result
Although this may occasionally be useful at the CLI, the primary intent of this function is for use in Jinja to make short work of creating lookup tables for OS-specific data. For example:
{% set apache = salt['grains.filter_by']({ 'Debian': {'pkg': 'apache2', 'srv': 'apache2'}, 'RedHat': {'pkg': 'httpd', 'srv': 'httpd'}, }, default='Debian') %} myapache: pkg.installed: - name: {{ apache.pkg }} service.running: - name: {{ apache.srv }}
Values in the lookup table may be overridden by values in Pillar. An example Pillar to override values in the example above could be as follows:
apache: lookup: pkg: apache_13 srv: apache
The call to filter_by() would be modified as follows to reference those Pillar values:
{% set apache = salt['grains.filter_by']({ ... }, merge=salt['pillar.get']('apache:lookup')) %}
- Parameters
- •
- lookup_dict -- A dictionary, keyed by a grain, containing a value or values relevant to systems matching that grain. For example, a key could be the grain for an OS and the value could the name of a package on that particular OS.
- •
- grain -- The name of a grain to match with the current system's grains. For example, the value of the "os_family" grain for the current system could be used to pull values from the lookup_dict dictionary.
- •
- merge -- A dictionary to merge with the results of the grain selection from lookup_dict. This allows Pillar to override the values in the lookup_dict. This could be useful, for example, to override the values for non-standard package names such as when using a different Python version from the default Python version provided by the OS (e.g., python26-mysql instead of python-mysql).
- •
default --
default lookup_dict's key used if the grain does not exists or if the grain value has no match on lookup_dict. If unspecified the value is "default".
New in version 2014.1.0.
- •
base --
A lookup_dict key to use for a base dictionary. The grain-selected lookup_dict is merged over this and then finally the merge dictionary is merged. This allows common values for each case to be collected in the base and overridden by the grain selection dictionary and the merge dictionary. Default is unset.
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' grains.filter_by '{Debian: Debheads rule, RedHat: I love my hat}' # this one will render {D: {E: I, G: H}, J: K} salt '*' grains.filter_by '{A: B, C: {D: {E: F,G: H}}}' 'xxx' '{D: {E: I},J: K}' 'C' # next one renders {A: {B: G}, D: J} salt '*' grains.filter_by '{default: {A: {B: C}, D: E}, F: {A: {B: G}}, H: {D: I}}' 'xxx' '{D: J}' 'F' 'default' # next same as above when default='H' instead of 'F' renders {A: {B: C}, D: J}
- salt.modules.grains.get(key, default='', delimiter=':')
Attempt to retrieve the named value from grains, if the named value is not
available return the passed default. The default return is an empty string.
The value can also represent a value in a nested dict using a ":" delimiter for the dict. This means that if a dict in grains looks like this:
{'pkg': {'apache': 'httpd'}}
To retrieve the value associated with the apache key in the pkg dict this key can be passed:
- delimiter
Specify an alternate delimiter to use when traversing a nested dict
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' grains.get pkg:apache
- salt.modules.grains.get_or_set_hash(name, length=8, chars='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%^&*(-_=+)')
Perform a one-time generation of a hash and write it to the local grains.
If that grain has already been set return the value instead.
This is useful for generating passwords or keys that are specific to a single minion that don't need to be stored somewhere centrally.
State Example:
some_mysql_user: mysql_user: - present - host: localhost - password: {{ salt['grains.get_or_set_hash']('mysql:some_mysql_user') }}
CLI Example:
salt '*' grains.get_or_set_hash 'django:SECRET_KEY' 50
WARNING: This function could return strings which may contain characters which are reserved as directives by the YAML parser, such as strings beginning with %. To avoid issues when using the output of this function in an SLS file containing YAML+Jinja, surround the call with single quotes.
- salt.modules.grains.has_value(key)
Determine whether a named value exists in the grains dictionary.
Given a grains dictionary that contains the following structure:
{'pkg': {'apache': 'httpd'}}
One would determine if the apache key in the pkg dict exists by:
CLI Example:
salt '*' grains.has_value pkg:apache
- salt.modules.grains.item(*args, **kwargs)
Return one or more grains
CLI Example:
salt '*' grains.item os salt '*' grains.item os osrelease oscodename
Sanitized CLI Example:
salt '*' grains.item host sanitize=True
- salt.modules.grains.items(sanitize=False)
Return all of the minion's grains
CLI Example:
salt '*' grains.items
Sanitized CLI Example:
salt '*' grains.items sanitize=True
Return a list of all available grains
CLI Example:
salt '*'
- salt.modules.grains.remove(key, val)
New in version 0.17.0.
Remove a value from a list in the grains config file
CLI Example:
salt '*' grains.remove key val
- salt.modules.grains.setval(key, val, destructive=False)
- Set a grains value in the grains config file
- Parameters
Destructive -- If an operation results in a key being removed, delete the key, too. Defaults to False.
CLI Example:
salt '*' grains.setval key val salt '*' grains.setval key "{'sub-key': 'val', 'sub-key2': 'val2'}"
- salt.modules.grains.setvals(grains, destructive=False)
- Set new grains values in the grains config file
- Parameters
Destructive -- If an operation results in a key being removed, delete the key, too. Defaults to False.
CLI Example:
salt '*' grains.setvals "{'key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'val2'}"
Manage groups on Linux, OpenBSD and NetBSD
- salt.modules.groupadd.add(name, gid=None, system=False)
Add the specified group
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.add foo 3456
- salt.modules.groupadd.adduser(name, username)
Add a user in the group.
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.adduser foo bar
Verifies if a valid username 'bar' as a member of an existing group 'foo', if not then adds it.
- salt.modules.groupadd.chgid(name, gid)
Change the gid for a named group
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.chgid foo 4376
- salt.modules.groupadd.delete(name)
Remove the named group
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.delete foo
- salt.modules.groupadd.deluser(name, username)
Remove a user from the group.
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.deluser foo bar
Removes a member user 'bar' from a group 'foo'. If group is not present then returns True.
- salt.modules.groupadd.getent(refresh=False)
Return info on all groups
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.getent
Return information about a group
CLI Example:
salt '*' foo
- salt.modules.groupadd.members(name, members_list)
Replaces members of the group with a provided list.
CLI Example: salt '*' group.members foo 'user1,user2,user3,...'
- Replaces a membership list for a local group 'foo'.
- foo:x:1234:user1,user2,user3,...
Support for GRUB Legacy
- salt.modules.grub_legacy.conf()
Parse GRUB conf file
CLI Example:
salt '*' grub.conf
- salt.modules.grub_legacy.version()
Return server version from grub --version
CLI Example:
salt '*' grub.version
Interact with virtual machine images via libguestfs
- depends
- •
- libguestfs
- salt.modules.guestfs.mount(location, access='rw')
Mount an image
CLI Example:
salt '*' guest.mount /srv/images/fedora.qcow
Support for hadoop
- maintainer
- Yann Jouanin <yann.jouanin [at]>
- maturity
- new
- depends
- platform
- linux
- salt.modules.hadoop.dfs(command=None, *args)
Execute a command on DFS
CLI Example:
salt '*' hadoop.dfs ls /
- salt.modules.hadoop.dfs_absent(path)
Check if a file or directory is absent on the distributed FS.
CLI Example:
salt '*' hadoop.dfs_absent /some_random_file
Returns True if the file is absent
- salt.modules.hadoop.dfs_present(path)
Check if a file or directory is present on the distributed FS.
CLI Example:
salt '*' hadoop.dfs_present /some_random_file
Returns True if the file is present
- salt.modules.hadoop.namenode_format(force=None)
Format a name node
salt '*' hadoop.namenode_format force=True
- salt.modules.hadoop.version()
Return version from hadoop version
CLI Example:
salt '*' hadoop.version
Support for haproxy
New in version 2014.7.0.
- salt.modules.haproxyconn.disable_server(name, backend, socket='/var/run/haproxy.sock')
- Disable server in haproxy.
- name
- Server to disable
- backend
- haproxy backend
- socket
haproxy stats socket
salt '*' haproxy.disable_server mysql
- salt.modules.haproxyconn.enable_server(name, backend, socket='/var/run/haproxy.sock')
- Enable Server in haproxy
- name
- Server to enable
- backend
- haproxy backend
- socket
haproxy stats socket
salt '*' haproxy.enable_server www
- salt.modules.haproxyconn.get_weight(name, backend, socket='/var/run/haproxy.sock')
- Get server weight
- name
- Server name
- backend
- haproxy backend
- socket
haproxy stats socket
salt '*' haproxy.get_weight www
- salt.modules.haproxyconn.list_servers(backend, socket='/var/run/haproxy.sock')
- List servers in haproxy backend.
- backend
- haproxy backend
- socket
haproxy stats socket
salt '*' haproxy.list_servers mysql
- salt.modules.haproxyconn.set_weight(name, backend, weight=0, socket='/var/run/haproxy.sock')
- Set server weight
- name
- Server name
- backend
- haproxy backend
- weight
- Server Weight
- socket
haproxy stats socket
salt '*' haproxy.set_weight www 13
- salt.modules.haproxyconn.show_backends(socket='/var/run/haproxy.sock')
- Show HaProxy Backends
- socket
haproxy stats socket
salt '*' haproxy.show_backends
- salt.modules.haproxyconn.show_frontends(socket='/var/run/haproxy.sock')
- Show HaProxy frontends
- socket
haproxy stats socket
salt '*' haproxy.show_frontends
A collection of hashing and encoding functions
- salt.modules.hashutil.base64_decodestring(instr)
Decode a base64-encoded string
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' hashutil.base64_decodestring 'Z2V0IHNhbHRlZA==\n'
- salt.modules.hashutil.base64_encodestring(instr)
Encode a string as base64
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' hashutil.base64_encodestring 'get salted'
- salt.modules.hashutil.hmac_signature(string, shared_secret, challenge_hmac)
Verify a challenging hmac signature against a string / shared-secret
New in version 2014.7.0.
Returns a boolean if the verification succeeded or failed.
CLI Example:
salt '*' hashutil.hmac_signature 'get salted' 'shared secret' 'NS2BvKxFRk+rndAlFbCYIFNVkPtI/3KiIYQw4okNKU8='
- salt.modules.hashutil.md5_digest(instr)
Generate an md5 hash of a given string
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' hashutil.md5_digest 'get salted'
- salt.modules.hashutil.sha256_digest(instr)
Generate an sha256 hash of a given string
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' hashutil.sha256_digest 'get salted'
- salt.modules.hashutil.sha512_digest(instr)
Generate an sha512 hash of a given string
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' hashutil.sha512_digest 'get salted'
Support for the Mercurial SCM
- salt.modules.hg.archive(cwd, output, rev='tip', fmt=None, prefix=None, user=None)
- Export a tarball from the repository
- cwd
- The path to the Mercurial repository
- output
- The path to the archive tarball
- rev: tip
- The revision to create an archive from
- fmt: None
- Format of the resulting archive. Mercurial supports: tar, tbz2, tgz, zip, uzip, and files formats.
- prefix
- None Prepend <prefix>/ to every filename in the archive
- user
Run hg as a user other than what the minion runs as
If prefix is not specified it defaults to the basename of the repo directory.
CLI Example:
salt '*' hg.archive /path/to/repo output=/tmp/archive.tgz fmt=tgz
- salt.modules.hg.clone(cwd, repository, opts=None, user=None, identity=None)
- Clone a new repository
- cwd
- The path to the Mercurial repository
- repository
- The hg URI of the repository
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
- None Run hg as a user other than what the minion runs as
- identity
Private SSH key on the minion server for authentication (ssh://)
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' hg.clone /path/to/repo
- salt.modules.hg.describe(cwd, rev='tip', user=None)
- Mimic git describe and return an identifier for the given revision
- cwd
- The path to the Mercurial repository
- rev: tip
- The path to the archive tarball
- user
Run hg as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' hg.describe /path/to/repo
- salt.modules.hg.pull(cwd, opts=None, user=None, identity=None, repository=None)
- Perform a pull on the given repository
- cwd
- The path to the Mercurial repository
- repository
- None Perform pull from the repository different from .hg/hgrc:[paths]:default
- opts
- None Any additional options to add to the command line
- user
- None Run hg as a user other than what the minion runs as
- identity
Private SSH key on the minion server for authentication (ssh://)
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' hg.pull /path/to/repo opts=-u
- salt.modules.hg.revision(cwd, rev='tip', short=False, user=None)
- Returns the long hash of a given identifier (hash, branch, tag, HEAD, etc)
- cwd
- The path to the Mercurial repository
- rev: tip
- The revision
- short: False
- Return an abbreviated commit hash
- user
Run hg as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt '*' hg.revision /path/to/repo mybranch
- salt.modules.hg.update(cwd, rev, force=False, user=None)
- Update to a given revision
- cwd
- The path to the Mercurial repository
- rev
- The revision to update to
- force
- False Force an update
- user
Run hg as a user other than what the minion runs as
CLI Example:
salt devserver1 hg.update /path/to/repo somebranch
Module for sending messages to hipchat.
New in version 2015.5.0.
- configuration
This module can be used by either passing an api key and version
directly or by specifying both in a configuration profile in the salt
master/minion config.
For example:
hipchat: api_key: peWcBiMOS9HrZG15peWcBiMOS9HrZG15 api_version: v1
- salt.modules.hipchat.find_room(name, api_key=None, api_version=None)
Find a room by name and return it.
:param name: The room name.
:param api_key: The HipChat admin api key.
:param api_version: The HipChat api version, if not specified in the configuration.
:return: The room object.
CLI Example:
salt '*' hipchat.find_room name="Development Room" salt '*' hipchat.find_room name="Development Room" api_key=peWcBiMOS9HrZG15peWcBiMOS9HrZG15 api_version=v1
- salt.modules.hipchat.find_user(name, api_key=None, api_version=None)
Find a user by name and return it.
:param name: The user name.
:param api_key: The HipChat admin api key.
:param api_version: The HipChat api version, if not specified in the configuration.
:return: The user object.
CLI Example:
salt '*' hipchat.find_user name="Thomas Hatch" salt '*' hipchat.find_user name="Thomas Hatch" api_key=peWcBiMOS9HrZG15peWcBiMOS9HrZG15 api_version=v1
- salt.modules.hipchat.list_rooms(api_key=None, api_version=None)
- List all HipChat rooms.
- Parameters
- •
- api_key -- The HipChat admin api key.
- •
- api_version -- The HipChat api version, if not specified in the configuration.
- Returns
The room list.
CLI Example:
salt '*' hipchat.list_rooms salt '*' hipchat.list_rooms api_key=peWcBiMOS9HrZG15peWcBiMOS9HrZG15 api_version=v1
- salt.modules.hipchat.list_users(api_key=None, api_version=None)
List all HipChat users.
:param api_key: The HipChat admin api key.
:param api_version: The HipChat api version, if not specified in the configuration.
:return: The user list.
CLI Example:
salt '*' hipchat.list_users salt '*' hipchat.list_users api_key=peWcBiMOS9HrZG15peWcBiMOS9HrZG15 api_version=v1
- salt.modules.hipchat.send_message(room_id, message, from_name, api_key=None, api_version=None, color='yellow', notify=False)
Send a message to a HipChat room.
:param room_id: The room id or room name, either will work.
:param message: The message to send to the HipChat room.
:param from_name: Specify who the message is from.
:param api_key: The HipChat api key, if not specified in the configuration.
:param api_version: The HipChat api version, if not specified in the configuration.
:param color: The color for the message, default: yellow.
:param notify: Whether to notify the room, default: False.
:return: Boolean if message was sent successfully.
CLI Example:
salt '*' hipchat.send_message room_id="Development Room" message="Build is done" from_name="Build Server" salt '*' hipchat.send_message room_id="Development Room" message="Build failed" from_name="Build Server" color="red" notify=True
Manage the information in the hosts file
- salt.modules.hosts.add_host(ip, alias)
Add a host to an existing entry, if the entry is not in place then create
it with the given host
CLI Example:
salt '*' hosts.add_host <ip> <alias>
- salt.modules.hosts.get_alias(ip)
Return the list of aliases associated with an ip
CLI Example:
salt '*' hosts.get_alias <ip addr>
- salt.modules.hosts.get_ip(host)
Return the ip associated with the named host
CLI Example:
salt '*' hosts.get_ip <hostname>
- salt.modules.hosts.has_pair(ip, alias)
Return true if the alias is set
CLI Example:
salt '*' hosts.has_pair <ip> <alias>
- salt.modules.hosts.list_hosts()
Return the hosts found in the hosts file in this format:
{'<ip addr>': ['alias1', 'alias2', ...]}
CLI Example:
salt '*' hosts.list_hosts
- salt.modules.hosts.rm_host(ip, alias)
Remove a host entry from the hosts file
CLI Example:
salt '*' hosts.rm_host <ip> <alias>
- salt.modules.hosts.set_host(ip, alias)
Set the host entry in the hosts file for the given ip, this will overwrite
any previous entry for the given ip
CLI Example:
salt '*' hosts.set_host <ip> <alias>
Support for htpasswd command
New in version 2014.1.0.
The functions here will load inside the webutil module. This allows other functions that don't use htpasswd to use the webutil module name.
- salt.modules.htpasswd.useradd(pwfile, user, password, opts='')
Add an HTTP user using the htpasswd command. If the htpasswd file does not
exist, it will be created. Valid options that can be passed are:
n Don't update file; display results on stdout.
m Force MD5 encryption of the password (default).
d Force CRYPT encryption of the password.
p Do not encrypt the password (plaintext).
s Force SHA encryption of the password.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' webutil.useradd /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry badpassword salt '*' webutil.useradd /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry badpass opts=ns
- salt.modules.htpasswd.useradd_all(pwfile, user, password, opts='')
Add an HTTP user using the htpasswd command. If the htpasswd file does not
exist, it will be created. Valid options that can be passed are:
n Don't update file; display results on stdout.
m Force MD5 encryption of the password (default).
d Force CRYPT encryption of the password.
p Do not encrypt the password (plaintext).
s Force SHA encryption of the password.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' webutil.useradd /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry badpassword salt '*' webutil.useradd /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry badpass opts=ns
- salt.modules.htpasswd.userdel(pwfile, user)
Delete an HTTP user from the specified htpasswd file.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' webutil.userdel /etc/httpd/htpasswd larry
Module for making various web calls. Primarily designed for webhooks and the like, but also useful for basic http testing.
New in version 2015.5.0.
- salt.modules.http.query(url, **kwargs)
Query a resource, and decode the return data
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' http.query salt '*' http.query method=POST params='key1=val1&key2=val2' salt '*' http.query method=POST data='<xml>somecontent</xml>'
- salt.modules.http.update_ca_bundle(target=None, source=None, merge_files=None)
Update the local CA bundle file from a URL
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' http.update_ca_bundle salt '*' http.update_ca_bundle target=/path/to/cacerts.pem salt '*' http.update_ca_bundle source=
If the target is not specified, it will be pulled from the ca_cert configuration variable available to the minion. If it cannot be found there, it will be placed at <<FILE_ROOTS>>/cacerts.pem.
If the source is not specified, it will be pulled from the ca_cert_url configuration variable available to the minion. If it cannot be found, it will be downloaded from the cURL website, using an http (not https) URL. USING THE DEFAULT URL SHOULD BE AVOIDED!
merge_files may also be specified, which includes a string or list of strings representing a file or files to be appended to the end of the CA bundle, once it is downloaded.
CLI Example:
salt '*' http.update_ca_bundle merge_files=/path/to/mycert.pem
Manage HP ILO
- depends
- hponcfg (SmartStart Scripting Toolkit Linux Edition)
- salt.modules.ilo.change_password(username, password)
Reset a users password
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.change_password damianMyerscough
- salt.modules.ilo.change_username(old_username, new_username)
Change a username
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.change_username damian diana
- salt.modules.ilo.configure_network(ip, netmask, gateway)
Configure Network Interface
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.configure_network [IP ADDRESS] [NETMASK] [GATEWAY]
- salt.modules.ilo.configure_snmp(community, snmp_port=161, snmp_trapport=161)
Configure SNMP
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.configure_snmp [COMMUNITY STRING] [SNMP PORT] [SNMP TRAP PORT]
- salt.modules.ilo.create_user(name, password, *privileges)
Create user
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.create_user damian secretagent VIRTUAL_MEDIA_PRIV
If no permissions are specify the user will only have a read-only account.
Supported privelges:
- •
- ADMIN_PRIV Enables the user to administer user accounts.
- •
- REMOTE_CONS_PRIV Enables the user to access the Remote Console functionality.
- •
- RESET_SERVER_PRIV Enables the user to remotely manipulate the server power setting.
- •
- VIRTUAL_MEDIA_PRIV Enables the user permission to access the virtual media functionality.
- •
- CONFIG_ILO_PRIV Enables the user to configure iLO settings.
- salt.modules.ilo.delete_ssh_key(username)
Delete a users SSH key from the ILO
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.delete_user_sshkey damian
- salt.modules.ilo.delete_user(username)
Delete a user
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.delete_user damian
- salt.modules.ilo.disable_dhcp()
Disable DHCP
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.disable_dhcp
- salt.modules.ilo.disable_ssh()
Disable the SSH daemon
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.disable_ssh
- salt.modules.ilo.enable_dhcp()
Enable DHCP
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.enable_dhcp
- salt.modules.ilo.enable_ssh()
Enable the SSH daemon
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.enable_ssh
- salt.modules.ilo.get_user(username)
Returns local user information, excluding the password
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.get_user damian
- salt.modules.ilo.global_settings()
Show global settings
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.global_settings
- salt.modules.ilo.list_users()
List all users
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.list_users
- salt.modules.ilo.list_users_info()
List all users in detail
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.list_users_info
Grab the current network settings
CLI Example:
salt '*'
- salt.modules.ilo.set_http_port(port=80)
Configure the port HTTP should listen on
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.set_http_port 8080
- salt.modules.ilo.set_https_port(port=443)
Configure the port HTTPS should listen on
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.set_https_port 4334
- salt.modules.ilo.set_ssh_key(public_key)
Configure SSH public keys for specific users
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.set_ssh_key "ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBA... damian"
The SSH public key needs to be DSA and the last argument in the key needs to be the username (case-senstive) of the ILO username.
- salt.modules.ilo.set_ssh_port(port=22)
Enable SSH on a user defined port
CLI Example:
salt '*' ilo.set_ssh_port 2222
Virtual machine image management tools
- salt.modules.img.bootstrap(location, size, fmt)
- HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL Bootstrap a virtual machine image
- location:
- The location to create the image
- size:
- The size of the image to create in megabytes
- fmt:
The image format, raw or qcow2
CLI Example:
salt '*' img.bootstrap /srv/salt-images/host.qcow 4096 qcow2
- salt.modules.img.mount_image(location)
Mount the named image and return the mount point
CLI Example:
salt '*' img.mount_image /tmp/foo
- salt.modules.img.umount_image(mnt)
Unmount an image mountpoint
CLI Example:
salt '*' img.umount_image /mnt/foo
Work with incron
- salt.modules.incron.list_tab(user)
Return the contents of the specified user's incrontab
CLI Example:
salt '*' incron.list_tab root
Return the contents of the specified user's incrontab
CLI Example:
salt '*' incron.list_tab root
- salt.modules.incron.raw_incron(user)
Return the contents of the user's incrontab
CLI Example:
salt '*' incron.raw_cron root
- salt.modules.incron.raw_system_incron()
Return the contents of the system wide incrontab
CLI Example:
salt '*' incron.raw_system_cron
- salt.modules.incron.rm(user, path, mask, cmd)
Remove a cron job for a specified user. If any of the day/time params are
specified, the job will only be removed if the specified params match.
CLI Example:
salt '*' incron.rm_job root /path
- salt.modules.incron.rm_job(user, path, mask, cmd)
Remove a cron job for a specified user. If any of the day/time params are
specified, the job will only be removed if the specified params match.
CLI Example:
salt '*' incron.rm_job root /path
- salt.modules.incron.set_job(user, path, mask, cmd)
Sets a cron job up for a specified user.
CLI Example:
salt '*' incron.set_job root '/root' 'IN_MODIFY' 'echo "$$ $@ $# $% $&"'
- salt.modules.incron.write_cron_file_verbose(user, path)
Writes the contents of a file to a user's crontab and return error message on error
CLI Example:
salt '*' incron.write_incron_file_verbose root /tmp/new_cron
- salt.modules.incron.write_incron_file(user, path)
Writes the contents of a file to a user's crontab
CLI Example:
salt '*' incron.write_cron_file root /tmp/new_cron
InfluxDB - A distributed time series database
Module to provide InfluxDB compatibility to Salt (compatible with InfluxDB version 0.5+)
New in version 2014.7.0.
- depends
- •
- influxdb Python module
- configuration
This module accepts connection configuration details either as
parameters or as configuration settings in /etc/salt/minion on the relevant
minions: 'localhost' influxdb.port: 8086 influxdb.user: 'root' influxdb.password: 'root'
This data can also be passed into pillar. Options passed into opts will overwrite options passed into pillar.
- salt.modules.influx.db_create(name, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None)
- Create a database
- name
- Database name to create
- user
- The user to connect as
- password
- The password of the user
- host
- The host to connect to
- port
The port to connect to
CLI Example:
salt '*' influxdb.db_create <name> salt '*' influxdb.db_create <name> <user> <password> <host> <port>
- salt.modules.influx.db_exists(name, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None)
- Checks if a database exists in InfluxDB
- name
- Database name to create
- user
- The user to connect as
- password
- The password of the user
- host
- The host to connect to
- port
The port to connect to
CLI Example:
salt '*' influxdb.db_exists <name> salt '*' influxdb.db_exists <name> <user> <password> <host> <port>
- salt.modules.influx.db_list(user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None)
- List all InfluxDB databases
- user
- The user to connect as
- password
- The password of the user
- host
- The host to connect to
- port
The port to connect to
CLI Example:
salt '*' influxdb.db_list salt '*' influxdb.db_list <user> <password> <host> <port>
- salt.modules.influx.db_remove(name, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None)
- Remove a database
- name
- Database name to remove
- user
- The user to connect as
- password
- The password of the user
- host
- The host to connect to
- port
The port to connect to
CLI Example:
salt '*' influxdb.db_remove <name> salt '*' influxdb.db_remove <name> <user> <password> <host> <port>
- salt.modules.influx.query(database, query, time_precision='s', chunked=False, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None)
- Querying data
- database
- The database to query
- query
- Query to be executed
- time_precision
- Time precision to use ('s', 'm', or 'u')
- chunked
- Whether is chunked or not
- user
- The user to connect as
- password
- The password of the user
- host
- The host to connect to
- port
The port to connect to
CLI Example:
salt '*' influxdb.query <database> <query> salt '*' influxdb.query <database> <query> <time_precision> <chunked> <user> <password> <host> <port>
- salt.modules.influx.user_chpass(name, passwd, database=None, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None)
Change password for a cluster admin or a database user.
If a database is specified: it will update database user password. If a database is not specified: it will update cluster admin password.
- name
- User name for whom to change the password
- passwd
- New password
- database
- The database on which to operate
- user
- The user to connect as
- password
- The password of the user
- host
- The host to connect to
- port
The port to connect to
CLI Example:
salt '*' influxdb.user_chpass <name> <passwd> salt '*' influxdb.user_chpass <name> <passwd> <database> salt '*' influxdb.user_chpass <name> <passwd> <database> <user> <password> <host> <port>
- salt.modules.influx.user_create(name, passwd, database=None, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None)
Create a cluster admin or a database user.
If a database is specified: it will create database user. If a database is not specified: it will create a cluster admin.
- name
- User name for the new user to create
- passwd
- Password for the new user to create
- database
- The database to create the user in
- user
- The user to connect as
- password
- The password of the user
- host
- The host to connect to
- port
The port to connect to
CLI Example:
salt '*' influxdb.user_create <name> <passwd> salt '*' influxdb.user_create <name> <passwd> <database> salt '*' influxdb.user_create <name> <passwd> <database> <user> <password> <host> <port>
- salt.modules.influx.user_exists(name, database=None, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None)
Checks if a cluster admin or database user exists.
If a database is specified: it will check for database user existence. If a database is not specified: it will check for cluster admin existence.
- name
- User name
- database
- The database to check for the user to exist
- user
- The user to connect as
- password
- The password of the user
- host
- The host to connect to
- port
The port to connect to
CLI Example:
salt '*' influxdb.user_exists <name> salt '*' influxdb.user_exists <name> <database> salt '*' influxdb.user_exists <name> <database> <user> <password> <host> <port>
- salt.modules.influx.user_list(database=None, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None)
List cluster admins or database users.
If a database is specified: it will return database users list. If a database is not specified: it will return cluster admins list.
- database
- The database to list the users from
- user
- The user to connect as
- password
- The password of the user
- host
- The host to connect to
- port
The port to connect to
CLI Example:
salt '*' influxdb.user_list salt '*' influxdb.user_list <database> salt '*' influxdb.user_list <database> <user> <password> <host> <port>
- salt.modules.influx.user_remove(name, database=None, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None)
Remove a cluster admin or a database user.
If a database is specified: it will remove the database user. If a database is not specified: it will remove the cluster admin.
- name
- User name to remove
- database
- The database to remove the user from
- user
- User name for the new user to delete
- user
- The user to connect as
- password
- The password of the user
- host
- The host to connect to
- port
The port to connect to
CLI Example:
salt '*' influxdb.user_remove <name> salt '*' influxdb.user_remove <name> <database> salt '*' influxdb.user_remove <name> <database> <user> <password> <host> <port>
Edit ini files
- maintainer
- <akilesh1597 [at]>
- maturity
- new
- depends
- re
- platform
Use section as DEFAULT_IMPLICIT if your ini file does not have any section (for example /etc/sysctl.conf)
- salt.modules.ini_manage.get_option(file_name, section, option)
Get value of a key from a section in an ini file. Returns None if
no matching key was found.
API Example:
import salt sc = salt.client.get_local_client() sc.cmd('target', 'ini.get_option', [path_to_ini_file, section_name, option])
CLI Example:
salt '*' ini.get_option /path/to/ini section_name option_name
- salt.modules.ini_manage.get_section(file_name, section)
Retrieve a section from an ini file. Returns the section as dictionary. If
the section is not found, an empty dictionary is returned.
API Example:
import salt sc = salt.client.get_local_client() sc.cmd('target', 'ini.get_section', [path_to_ini_file, section_name])
CLI Example:
salt '*' ini.get_section /path/to/ini section_name
- salt.modules.ini_manage.remove_option(file_name, section, option)
Remove a key/value pair from a section in an ini file. Returns the value of
the removed key, or None if nothing was removed.
API Example:
import salt sc = salt.client.get_local_client() sc.cmd('target', 'ini.remove_option', [path_to_ini_file, section_name, option])
CLI Example:
salt '*' ini.remove_option /path/to/ini section_name option_name
- salt.modules.ini_manage.remove_section(file_name, section)
Remove a section in an ini file. Returns the removed section as dictionary,
or None if nothing was removed.
API Example:
import salt sc = salt.client.get_local_client() sc.cmd('target', 'ini.remove_section', [path_to_ini_file, section_name])
CLI Example:
salt '*' ini.remove_section /path/to/ini section_name
- salt.modules.ini_manage.set_option(file_name, sections=None, summary=True)
- Edit an ini file, replacing one or more sections. Returns a dictionary containing the changes made.
- file_name
- path of ini_file
- sections
A dictionary representing the sections to be edited ini file
Set summary=False if return data need not have previous option value
API Example:
import salt sc = salt.client.get_local_client() sc.cmd('target', 'ini.set_option', ['path_to_ini_file', '{"section_to_change": {"key": "value"}}'])
CLI Example:
salt '*' ini.set_option /path/to/ini '{section_foo: {key: value}}'
Functions to perform introspection on a minion, and return data in a format usable by Salt States
- salt.modules.introspect.enabled_service_owners()
Return which packages own each of the services that are currently enabled.
CLI Example: salt myminion introspect.enabled_service_owners
- salt.modules.introspect.running_service_owners(exclude=('/dev', '/home', '/media', '/proc', '/run', '/sys/', '/tmp', '/var'))
Determine which packages own the currently running services. By default,
excludes files whose full path starts with /dev, /home, /media,
/proc, /run, /sys, /tmp and /var. This can be
overridden by passing in a new list to exclude.
CLI Example: salt myminion introspect.running_service_owners
- salt.modules.introspect.service_highstate(requires=True)
Return running and enabled services in a highstate structure. By default
also returns package dependencies for those services, which means that
package definitions must be created outside this function. To drop the
package dependencies, set requires to False.
CLI Example: salt myminion introspect.service_highstate salt myminion introspect.service_highstate requires=False
Support IPMI commands over LAN. This module does not talk to the local systems hardware through IPMI drivers. It uses a python module pyghmi.
- depends
Python module pyghmi.
You can install pyghmi using pip:
pip install pyghmi
- configuration
The following configuration defaults can be
define (pillar or config files):
ipmi.config: api_host: api_user: admin api_pass: apassword api_port: 623 api_kg: None
Usage can override the config defaults:
salt-call ipmi.get_user api_host=myipmienabled.system api_user=admin api_pass=pass uid=1
- salt.modules.ipmi.create_user(uid, name, password, channel=14, callback=False, link_auth=True, ipmi_msg=True, privilege_level='administrator', **kwargs)
- create/ensure a user is created with provided settings.
- Parameters
- •
- privilege_level -- User Privilege Limit. (Determines the maximum privilege level that the user is allowed to switch to on the specified channel.) * callback * user * operator * administrator * proprietary * no_access
- •
- kwargs -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
CLI Examples:
salt-call ipmi.create_user uid=2 name=steverweber api_host= api_pass=nevertell
- salt.modules.ipmi.fast_connect_test(**kwargs)
- Returns True if connection success. This uses an aggressive timeout value!
- Parameters
- kwargs -- .INDENT 7.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
CLI Examples:
salt-call ipmi.fast_connect_test api_host=
- salt.modules.ipmi.get_bootdev(**kwargs)
Get current boot device override information.
Provides the current requested boot device. Be aware that not all IPMI devices support this. Even in BMCs that claim to, occasionally the BIOS or UEFI fail to honor it. This is usually only applicable to the next reboot.
- Parameters
- kwargs -- .INDENT 7.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
CLI Example:
salt-call ipmi.get_bootdev api_host= api_user=admin api_pass=pass
- salt.modules.ipmi.get_channel_access(channel=14, read_mode='non_volatile', **kwargs)
- :param kwargs:api_host='' api_user='admin' api_pass='example' api_port=623
- Parameters
- •
- channel -- number [1:7]
- •
- read_mode -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- non_volatile = get non-volatile Channel Access
- •
volatile = get present volatile (active) setting of Channel Access
- •
- kwargs -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
- return
A Python dict with the following keys/values:
{ alerting: per_msg_auth: user_level_auth: access_mode:{ (ONE OF) 0: 'disabled', 1: 'pre_boot', 2: 'always', 3: 'shared' } privilege_level: { (ONE OF) 1: 'callback', 2: 'user', 3: 'operator', 4: 'administrator', 5: 'proprietary', } }
CLI Examples:
salt-call ipmi.get_channel_access channel=1
- salt.modules.ipmi.get_channel_info(channel=14, **kwargs)
- Get channel info
- Parameters
- •
- channel -- number [1:7]
- •
- kwargs -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
- return
channel session supports:
- no_session: channel is session-less - single: channel is single-session - multi: channel is multi-session - auto: channel is session-based (channel could alternate between single- and multi-session operation, as can occur with a serial/modem channel that supports connection mode auto-detect)
CLI Examples:
salt-call ipmi.get_channel_info
- salt.modules.ipmi.get_channel_max_user_count(channel=14, **kwargs)
- Get max users in channel
- Parameters
- •
- channel -- number [1:7]
- •
- kwargs -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
- Returns
int -- often 16
CLI Examples:
salt-call ipmi.get_channel_max_user_count
- salt.modules.ipmi.get_health(**kwargs)
Get Summarize health
This provides a summary of the health of the managed system. It additionally provides an iterable list of reasons for warning, critical, or failed assessments.
good health: {'badreadings': [], 'health': 0}
- Parameters
- kwargs -- .INDENT 7.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
CLI Example:
salt-call ipmi.get_health api_host= api_user=admin api_pass=pass
- salt.modules.ipmi.get_power(**kwargs)
Get current power state
The response, if successful, should contain 'powerstate' key and either 'on' or 'off' to indicate current state.
- Parameters
- kwargs -- .INDENT 7.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
CLI Example:
salt-call ipmi.get_power api_host= api_user=admin api_pass=pass
- salt.modules.ipmi.get_sensor_data(**kwargs)
Get sensor readings
Iterates sensor reading objects
- Parameters
- kwargs -- .INDENT 7.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
CLI Example:
salt-call ipmi.get_sensor_data api_host= api_user=admin api_pass=pass
- salt.modules.ipmi.get_user(uid, channel=14, **kwargs)
- Get user from uid and access on channel
- Parameters
- •
- uid -- user number [1:16]
- •
- channel -- number [1:7]
- •
- kwargs -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
name: (str) uid: (int) channel: (int) access: - callback (bool) - link_auth (bool) - ipmi_msg (bool) - privilege_level: (str)[callback, user, operatorm administrator, proprietary, no_access]
CLI Examples:
salt-call ipmi.get_user uid=2
- salt.modules.ipmi.get_user_access(uid, channel=14, **kwargs)
- Get user access
- Parameters
- •
- uid -- user number [1:16]
- •
- channel -- number [1:7]
- •
- kwargs -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
channel_info: - max_user_count = maximum number of user IDs on this channel - enabled_users = count of User ID slots presently in use - users_with_fixed_names = count of user IDs with fixed names access: - callback - link_auth - ipmi_msg - privilege_level: [reserved, callback, user, operator administrator, proprietary, no_access]
CLI Examples:
salt-call ipmi.get_user_access uid=2
- salt.modules.ipmi.get_user_name(uid, return_none_on_error=True, **kwargs)
- Get user name
- Parameters
- •
- uid -- user number [1:16]
- •
- return_none_on_error -- return None on error
- •
- kwargs -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
CLI Examples:
salt-call ipmi.get_user_name uid=2
- salt.modules.ipmi.get_users(channel=14, **kwargs)
- get list of users and access information
- Parameters
- •
- channel -- number [1:7]
- •
- kwargs -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
- Returns
- name: (str) uid: (int) channel: (int) access:
- •
- callback (bool)
- •
- link_auth (bool)
- •
- ipmi_msg (bool)
- •
- privilege_level: (str)[callback, user, operatorm administrator,
proprietary, no_access]
CLI Examples:
salt-call ipmi.get_users api_host=
- salt.modules.ipmi.raw_command(netfn, command, bridge_request=None, data=(), retry=True, delay_xmit=None, **kwargs)
Send raw ipmi command
This allows arbitrary IPMI bytes to be issued. This is commonly used for certain vendor specific commands.
- Parameters
- •
- netfn -- Net function number
- •
- command -- Command value
- •
- bridge_request -- The target slave address and channel number for the bridge request.
- •
- data -- Command data as a tuple or list
- •
- kwargs -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
- Returns
dict -- The response from IPMI device
CLI Examples:
salt-call ipmi.raw_command netfn=0x06 command=0x46 data=[0x02] # this will return the name of the user with id 2 in bytes
- salt.modules.ipmi.set_bootdev(bootdev='default', persist=False, uefiboot=False, **kwargs)
- Set boot device to use on next reboot
- Parameters
- •
bootdev --
network -- Request network boot*
hd -- Boot from hard drive*
safe -- Boot from hard drive, requesting 'safe mode'*
optical -- boot from CD/DVD/BD drive*
setup -- Boot into setup utility*
default -- remove any IPMI directed boot device request - •
- persist -- If true, ask that system firmware use this device beyond next boot. Be aware many systems do not honor this
- •
- uefiboot -- If true, request UEFI boot explicitly. Strictly speaking, the spec sugests that if not set, the system should BIOS boot and offers no "don't care" option. In practice, this flag not being set does not preclude UEFI boot on any system I've encountered.
- •
- kwargs -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
- Returns
dict or True -- If callback is not provided, the response
CLI Examples:
salt-call ipmi.set_bootdev bootdev=network persist=True
- salt.modules.ipmi.set_channel_access(channel=14, access_update_mode='non_volatile', alerting=False, per_msg_auth=False, user_level_auth=False, access_mode='always', privilege_update_mode='non_volatile', privilege_level='administrator', **kwargs)
- Set channel access
- Parameters
- •
- channel -- number [1:7]
- •
- access_update_mode -- one of - 'dont_change' = don't set or change Channel Access - 'non_volatile' = set non-volatile Channel Access - 'volatile' = set volatile (active) setting of Channel Access
- •
alerting --
PEF Alerting Enable/Disable - True = enable PEF Alerting - False = disable PEF Alerting on this channel (Alert Immediate command can still be used to generate alerts)
- •
per_msg_auth --
Per-message Authentication - True = enable - False = disable Per-message Authentication. [Authentication required to activate any session on this channel, but authentication not used on subsequent packets for the session.]
- •
user_level_auth --
User Level Authentication Enable/Disable. - True = enable User Level Authentication. All User Level commands are to be authenticated per the Authentication Type that was negotiated when the session was activated.
- •
- False = disable User Level Authentication. Allow User Level commands to
be executed without being authenticated.
If the option to disable User Level Command authentication is
accepted, the BMC will accept packets with Authentication Type
set to None if they contain user level commands.
For outgoing packets, the BMC returns responses with the same
Authentication Type that was used for the request.
- •
access_mode --
Access Mode for IPMI messaging (PEF Alerting is enabled/disabled separately from IPMI messaging) * disabled = disabled for IPMI messaging * pre_boot = pre-boot only channel only available when system is in a powered down state or in BIOS prior to start of boot.
- •
- always = channel always available regardless of system mode.
- BIOS typically dedicates the serial connection to the BMC.
- •
- shared = same as always available, but BIOS typically leaves the
serial port available for software use.
- •
- privilege_update_mode -- Channel Privilege Level Limit. This value sets the maximum privilege level that can be accepted on the specified channel. * dont_change = don't set or change channel Privilege Level Limit * non_volatile = non-volatile Privilege Level Limit according * volatile = volatile setting of Privilege Level Limit
- •
- privilege_level -- Channel Privilege Level Limit * reserved = unused * callback * user * operator * administrator * proprietary = used by OEM
- •
- kwargs -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
CLI Examples:
salt-call ipmi.set_channel_access privilege_level='administrator'
- salt.modules.ipmi.set_identify(on=True, duration=600, **kwargs)
Request identify light
Request the identify light to turn off, on for a duration, or on indefinitely. Other than error exceptions,
- Parameters
- •
- on -- Set to True to force on or False to force off
- •
- duration -- Set if wanting to request turn on for a duration in seconds, None = indefinitely.
- •
- kwargs -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
CLI Examples:
salt-call ipmi.set_identify
- salt.modules.ipmi.set_power(state='power_on', wait=True, **kwargs)
- Request power state change
- Parameters
- •
- name -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- power_on -- system turn on
- •
- power_off -- system turn off (without waiting for OS)
- •
- shutdown -- request OS proper shutdown
- •
- reset -- reset (without waiting for OS)
- •
boot -- If system is off, then 'on', else 'reset'
- •
- ensure -- If (bool True), do not return until system actually completes requested state change for 300 seconds. If a non-zero (int), adjust the wait time to the requested number of seconds
- •
- kwargs -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
- Returns
dict -- A dict describing the response retrieved
CLI Examples:
salt-call ipmi.set_power state=shutdown wait=True
- salt.modules.ipmi.set_user_access(uid, channel=14, callback=True, link_auth=True, ipmi_msg=True, privilege_level='administrator', **kwargs)
- Set user access
- Parameters
- •
- uid -- user number [1:16]
- •
- channel -- number [1:7]
- Parm callback
- User Restricted to Callback
- False = User Privilege Limit is determined by the User Privilege Limit
- parameter, below, for both callback and non-callback connections.
- True = User Privilege Limit is determined by the User Privilege Limit
- parameter for callback connections, but is restricted to Callback level for non-callback connections. Thus, a user can only initiate a Callback when they 'call in' to the BMC, but once the callback connection has been made, the user could potentially establish a session as an Operator.
- Parameters
link_auth -- User Link authentication
enable/disable (used to enable whether this user's name and password information will be used for link authentication, e.g. PPP CHAP) for the given channel. Link authentication itself is a global setting for the channel and is enabled/disabled via the serial/modem configuration parameters.
- Parameters
ipmi_msg -- User IPMI Messaginge:
(used to enable/disable whether this user's name and password information will be used for IPMI Messaging. In this case, 'IPMI Messaging' refers to the ability to execute generic IPMI commands that are not associated with a particular payload type. For example, if IPMI Messaging is disabled for a user, but that user is enabled for activatallow_authing the SOL payload type, then IPMI commands associated with SOL and session management, such as Get SOL Configuration Parameters and Close Session are available, but generic IPMI commands such as Get SEL Time are unavailable.)
- Parameters
privilege_level --
User Privilege Limit. (Determines the maximum privilege level that the user is allowed to switch to on the specified channel.)
- •
- callback
- •
- user
- •
- operator
- •
- administrator
- •
- proprietary
- •
- no_access
- Parameters
- kwargs -- .INDENT 7.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
CLI Examples:
salt-call ipmi.set_user_access uid=2 privilege_level='operator'
- salt.modules.ipmi.set_user_name(uid, name, **kwargs)
- Set user name
- Parameters
- •
- uid -- user number [1:16]
- •
- name -- username (limit of 16bytes)
- •
- kwargs -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
CLI Examples:
salt-call ipmi.set_user_name uid=2 name='steverweber'
- salt.modules.ipmi.set_user_password(uid, mode='set_password', password=None, **kwargs)
- Set user password and (modes)
- Parameters
- •
- uid -- id number of user. see: get_names_uid()['name']
- •
- mode -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- disable = disable user connections
- •
- enable = enable user connections
- •
- set_password = set or ensure password
- •
test_password = test password is correct
- •
- password -- max 16 char string (optional when mode is [disable or enable])
- •
- kwargs -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
- Returns
True on success
when mode = test_password, return False on bad password
CLI Example:
salt-call ipmi.set_user_password api_host= api_user=admin api_pass=pass uid=1 password=newPass salt-call ipmi.set_user_password uid=1 mode=enable
- salt.modules.ipmi.user_delete(uid, channel=14, **kwargs)
- Delete user (helper)
- Parameters
- •
- uid -- user number [1:16]
- •
- channel -- number [1:7]
- •
- kwargs -- .INDENT 2.0
- •
- api_host=
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=example
- •
- api_port=623
- •
CLI Examples:
salt-call ipmi.user_delete uid=2
Support for ipset
- salt.modules.ipset.add(set=None, entry=None, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
Append an entry to the specified set.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ipset.add setname salt '*' ipset.add setname,AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
- salt.modules.ipset.check(set=None, entry=None, family='ipv4')
Check that an entry exists in the specified set.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ipset.check setname ' comment "Hello"'
- salt.modules.ipset.check_set(set=None, family='ipv4')
New in version 2014.7.0.
Check that given ipset set exists.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ipset.check_set setname
- salt.modules.ipset.delete(set=None, entry=None, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
Delete an entry from the specified set.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ipset.delete setname,AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF
- salt.modules.ipset.delete_set(set=None, family='ipv4')
New in version 2014.7.0.
Delete ipset set.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ipset.delete_set custom_set IPv6: salt '*' ipset.delete_set custom_set family=ipv6
- salt.modules.ipset.flush(set=None, family='ipv4')
Flush entries in the specified set,
Flush all sets if set is not specified.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ipset.flush salt '*' ipset.flush set IPv6: salt '*' ipset.flush salt '*' ipset.flush set
- salt.modules.ipset.list_sets(family='ipv4')
New in version 2014.7.0.
List all ipset sets.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ipset.list_sets
- salt.modules.ipset.new_set(set=None, set_type=None, family='ipv4', comment=False, **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Create new custom set
CLI Example:
salt '*' ipset.new_set custom_set list:set salt '*' ipset.new_set custom_set list:set comment=True IPv6: salt '*' ipset.new_set custom_set list:set family=ipv6
- salt.modules.ipset.rename_set(set=None, new_set=None, family='ipv4')
New in version 2014.7.0.
Delete ipset set.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ipset.rename_set custom_set new_set=new_set_name IPv6: salt '*' ipset.rename_set custom_set new_set=new_set_name family=ipv6
- salt.modules.ipset.test(set=None, entry=None, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
Test if an entry is in the specified set.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ipset.test setname IPv6: salt '*' ipset.test setname fd81:fc56:9ac7::/48
- salt.modules.ipset.version()
Return version from ipset --version
CLI Example:
salt '*' ipset.version
Support for iptables
- salt.modules.iptables.append(table='filter', chain=None, rule=None, family='ipv4')
- Append a rule to the specified table/chain.
- This function accepts a rule in a standard iptables command format,
starting with the chain. Trying to force users to adapt to a new
method of creating rules would be irritating at best, and we
already have a parser that can handle it.
CLI Example:
salt '*' iptables.append filter INPUT \ rule='-m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT' IPv6: salt '*' iptables.append filter INPUT \ rule='-m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT' \ family=ipv6
- salt.modules.iptables.build_rule(table=None, chain=None, command=None, position='', full=None, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
Build a well-formatted iptables rule based on kwargs. A table and chain
are not required, unless full is True.
If full is True, then table, chain and command are required. command may be specified as either a short option ('I') or a long option (--insert). This will return the iptables command, exactly as it would be used from the command line.
If a position is required (as with -I or -D), it may be specified as position. This will only be useful if full is True.
If connstate is passed in, it will automatically be changed to state.
To pass in jump options that doesn't take arguments, pass in an empty string.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' iptables.build_rule match=state \ connstate=RELATED,ESTABLISHED jump=ACCEPT salt '*' iptables.build_rule filter INPUT command=I position=3 \ full=True match=state state=RELATED,ESTABLISHED jump=ACCEPT salt '*' iptables.build_rule filter INPUT command=A \ full=True match=state state=RELATED,ESTABLISHED \ source='' jump=ACCEPT .. Invert Rules salt '*' iptables.build_rule filter INPUT command=A \ full=True match=state state=RELATED,ESTABLISHED \ source='!' jump=ACCEPT salt '*' iptables.build_rule filter INPUT command=A \ full=True match=state state=RELATED,ESTABLISHED \ destination='not' jump=ACCEPT IPv6: salt '*' iptables.build_rule match=state \ connstate=RELATED,ESTABLISHED jump=ACCEPT \ family=ipv6 salt '*' iptables.build_rule filter INPUT command=I position=3 \ full=True match=state state=RELATED,ESTABLISHED jump=ACCEPT \ family=ipv6
- salt.modules.iptables.check(table='filter', chain=None, rule=None, family='ipv4')
- Check for the existence of a rule in the table and chain
- This function accepts a rule in a standard iptables command format,
starting with the chain. Trying to force users to adapt to a new
method of creating rules would be irritating at best, and we
already have a parser that can handle it.
CLI Example:
salt '*' iptables.check filter INPUT \ rule='-m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT' IPv6: salt '*' iptables.check filter INPUT \ rule='-m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT' \ family=ipv6
- salt.modules.iptables.check_chain(table='filter', chain=None, family='ipv4')
New in version 2014.1.0.
Check for the existence of a chain in the table
CLI Example:
salt '*' iptables.check_chain filter INPUT IPv6: salt '*' iptables.check_chain filter INPUT family=ipv6
- salt.modules.iptables.delete(table, chain=None, position=None, rule=None, family='ipv4')
- Delete a rule from the specified table/chain, specifying either the rule
- in its entirety, or the rule's position in the chain.
- This function accepts a rule in a standard iptables command format,
starting with the chain. Trying to force users to adapt to a new
method of creating rules would be irritating at best, and we
already have a parser that can handle it.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' iptables.delete filter INPUT position=3 salt '*' iptables.delete filter INPUT \ rule='-m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT' IPv6: salt '*' iptables.delete filter INPUT position=3 family=ipv6 salt '*' iptables.delete filter INPUT \ rule='-m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT' \ family=ipv6
- salt.modules.iptables.delete_chain(table='filter', chain=None, family='ipv4')
New in version 2014.1.0.
Delete custom chain to the specified table.
CLI Example:
salt '*' iptables.delete_chain filter CUSTOM_CHAIN IPv6: salt '*' iptables.delete_chain filter CUSTOM_CHAIN family=ipv6
- salt.modules.iptables.flush(table='filter', chain='', family='ipv4')
Flush the chain in the specified table, flush all chains in the specified
table if not specified chain.
CLI Example:
salt '*' iptables.flush filter INPUT IPv6: salt '*' iptables.flush filter INPUT family=ipv6
- salt.modules.iptables.get_policy(table='filter', chain=None, family='ipv4')
Return the current policy for the specified table/chain
CLI Example:
salt '*' iptables.get_policy filter INPUT IPv6: salt '*' iptables.get_policy filter INPUT family=ipv6
- salt.modules.iptables.get_rules(family='ipv4')
Return a data structure of the current, in-memory rules
CLI Example:
salt '*' iptables.get_rules IPv6: salt '*' iptables.get_rules family=ipv6
- salt.modules.iptables.get_saved_policy(table='filter', chain=None, conf_file=None, family='ipv4')
Return the current policy for the specified table/chain
CLI Examples:
salt '*' iptables.get_saved_policy filter INPUT salt '*' iptables.get_saved_policy filter INPUT \ conf_file=/etc/iptables.saved IPv6: salt '*' iptables.get_saved_policy filter INPUT family=ipv6 salt '*' iptables.get_saved_policy filter INPUT \ conf_file=/etc/iptables.saved family=ipv6
- salt.modules.iptables.get_saved_rules(conf_file=None, family='ipv4')
Return a data structure of the rules in the conf file
CLI Example:
salt '*' iptables.get_saved_rules IPv6: salt '*' iptables.get_saved_rules family=ipv6
- salt.modules.iptables.insert(table='filter', chain=None, position=None, rule=None, family='ipv4')
- Insert a rule into the specified table/chain, at the specified position.
- This function accepts a rule in a standard iptables command format,
- starting with the chain. Trying to force users to adapt to a new method of creating rules would be irritating at best, and we already have a parser that can handle it.
- If the position specified is a negative number, then the insert will be
performed counting from the end of the list. For instance, a position
of -1 will insert the rule as the second to last rule. To insert a rule
in the last position, use the append function instead.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' iptables.insert filter INPUT position=3 \ rule='-m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT' IPv6: salt '*' iptables.insert filter INPUT position=3 \ rule='-m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT' \ family=ipv6
- salt.modules.iptables.new_chain(table='filter', chain=None, family='ipv4')
New in version 2014.1.0.
Create new custom chain to the specified table.
CLI Example:
salt '*' iptables.new_chain filter CUSTOM_CHAIN IPv6: salt '*' iptables.new_chain filter CUSTOM_CHAIN family=ipv6
-, family='ipv4')
Save the current in-memory rules to disk
CLI Example:
salt '*' /etc/sysconfig/iptables IPv6: salt '*' /etc/sysconfig/iptables family=ipv6
- salt.modules.iptables.set_policy(table='filter', chain=None, policy=None, family='ipv4')
Set the current policy for the specified table/chain
CLI Example:
salt '*' iptables.set_policy filter INPUT ACCEPT IPv6: salt '*' iptables.set_policy filter INPUT ACCEPT family=ipv6
- salt.modules.iptables.version(family='ipv4')
Return version from iptables --version
CLI Example:
salt '*' iptables.version IPv6: salt '*' iptables.version family=ipv6
Module for managing JBoss AS 7 through the CLI interface.
New in version 2015.5.0.
- In order to run each function, jboss_config dictionary with the following properties must be passed:
- •
- cli_path: the path to jboss-cli script, for example: '/opt/jboss/jboss-7.0/bin/'
- •
- controller: the ip addres and port of controller, for example:
- •
- cli_user: username to connect to jboss administration console if necessary
- •
cli_password: password to connect to jboss administration console if necessary
jboss_config: cli_path: '/opt/jboss/jboss-7.0/bin/' controller: cli_user: 'jbossadm' cli_password: 'jbossadm'
- salt.modules.jboss7.create_datasource(jboss_config, name, datasource_properties)
- Create datasource in running jboss instance
- jboss_config
- Configuration dictionary with properties specified above.
- name
- Datasource name
- datasource_properties
- A dictionary of datasource properties to be created:
- •
- driver-name: mysql
- •
- connection-url: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sampleDatabase'
- •
- jndi-name: 'java:jboss/datasources/sampleDS'
- •
- user-name: sampleuser
- •
- password: secret
- •
- min-pool-size: 3
- •
use-java-context: True
CLI Example:
salt '*' jboss7.create_datasource '{"cli_path": "integration.modules.sysmod.SysModuleTest.test_valid_docs", "controller": "", "cli_user": "jbossadm", "cli_password": "jbossadm"}' 'my_datasource' '{"driver-name": "mysql", "connection-url": "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sampleDatabase", "jndi-name": "java:jboss/datasources/sampleDS", "user-name": "sampleuser", "password": "secret", "min-pool-size": 3, "use-java-context": True}'
- salt.modules.jboss7.create_simple_binding(jboss_config, binding_name, value)
- Create a simple jndi binding in the running jboss instance
- jboss_config
- Configuration dictionary with properties specified above.
- binding_name
- Binding name to be created
- value
Binding value
CLI Example:
salt '*' jboss7.create_simple_binding '{"cli_path": "integration.modules.sysmod.SysModuleTest.test_valid_docs", "controller": "", "cli_user": "jbossadm", "cli_password": "jbossadm"}' my_binding_name my_binding_value
- salt.modules.jboss7.deploy(jboss_config, source_file)
- Deploy the application on the jboss instance from the local file system where minion is running.
- jboss_config
- Configuration dictionary with properties specified above.
- source_file
Source file to deploy from
CLI Example:
salt '*' jboss7.deploy '{"cli_path": "integration.modules.sysmod.SysModuleTest.test_valid_docs", "controller": "", "cli_user": "jbossadm", "cli_password": "jbossadm"}' /opt/deploy_files/my_deploy
- salt.modules.jboss7.list_deployments(jboss_config)
- List all deployments on the jboss instance
- jboss_config
Configuration dictionary with properties specified above.
CLI Example:
salt '*' jboss7.list_deployments '{"cli_path": "integration.modules.sysmod.SysModuleTest.test_valid_docs", "controller": "", "cli_user": "jbossadm", "cli_password": "jbossadm"}'
- salt.modules.jboss7.read_datasource(jboss_config, name)
- Read datasource properties in the running jboss instance.
- jboss_config
- Configuration dictionary with properties specified above.
- name
Datasource name
CLI Example:
salt '*' jboss7.read_datasource '{"cli_path": "integration.modules.sysmod.SysModuleTest.test_valid_docs", "controller": "", "cli_user": "jbossadm", "cli_password": "jbossadm"}'
- salt.modules.jboss7.read_simple_binding(jboss_config, binding_name)
- Read jndi binding in the running jboss instance
- jboss_config
- Configuration dictionary with properties specified above.
- binding_name
Binding name to be created
CLI Example:
salt '*' jboss7.read_simple_binding '{"cli_path": "integration.modules.sysmod.SysModuleTest.test_valid_docs", "controller": "", "cli_user": "jbossadm", "cli_password": "jbossadm"}' my_binding_name
- salt.modules.jboss7.reload(jboss_config)
- Reload running jboss instance
- jboss_config
Configuration dictionary with properties specified above.
CLI Example:
salt '*' jboss7.reload '{"cli_path": "integration.modules.sysmod.SysModuleTest.test_valid_docs", "controller": "", "cli_user": "jbossadm", "cli_password": "jbossadm"}'
- salt.modules.jboss7.remove_datasource(jboss_config, name)
- Remove an existing datasource from the running jboss instance.
- jboss_config
- Configuration dictionary with properties specified above.
- name
Datasource name
CLI Example:
salt '*' jboss7.remove_datasource '{"cli_path": "integration.modules.sysmod.SysModuleTest.test_valid_docs", "controller": "", "cli_user": "jbossadm", "cli_password": "jbossadm"}' my_datasource_name
- salt.modules.jboss7.status(jboss_config, timeout=5)
- Get status of running jboss instance.
- jboss_config
Configuration dictionary with properties specified above.
CLI Example:
salt '*' jboss7.status '{"cli_path": "integration.modules.sysmod.SysModuleTest.test_valid_docs", "controller": "", "cli_user": "jbossadm", "cli_password": "jbossadm"}'
- salt.modules.jboss7.stop_server(jboss_config)
- Stop running jboss instance
- jboss_config
Configuration dictionary with properties specified above.
CLI Example:
salt '*' jboss7.stop_server '{"cli_path": "integration.modules.sysmod.SysModuleTest.test_valid_docs", "controller": "", "cli_user": "jbossadm", "cli_password": "jbossadm"}'
- salt.modules.jboss7.undeploy(jboss_config, deployment)
- Undeploy the application from jboss instance
- jboss_config
- Configuration dictionary with properties specified above.
- deployment
Deployment name to undeploy
CLI Example:
salt '*' jboss7.undeploy '{"cli_path": "integration.modules.sysmod.SysModuleTest.test_valid_docs", "controller": "", "cli_user": "jbossadm", "cli_password": "jbossadm"}' my_deployment
- salt.modules.jboss7.update_datasource(jboss_config, name, new_properties)
- Update an existing datasource in running jboss instance. If the property doesn't exist if will be created, if it does, it will be updated with the new value
- jboss_config
- Configuration dictionary with properties specified above.
- name
- Datasource name
- new_properties
- A dictionary of datasource properties to be updated. For example:
- •
- driver-name: mysql
- •
- connection-url: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sampleDatabase'
- •
- jndi-name: 'java:jboss/datasources/sampleDS'
- •
- user-name: sampleuser
- •
- password: secret
- •
- min-pool-size: 3
- •
use-java-context: True
CLI Example:
salt '*' jboss7.update_datasource '{"cli_path": "integration.modules.sysmod.SysModuleTest.test_valid_docs", "controller": "", "cli_user": "jbossadm", "cli_password": "jbossadm"}' 'my_datasource' '{"driver-name": "mysql", "connection-url": "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sampleDatabase", "jndi-name": "java:jboss/datasources/sampleDS", "user-name": "sampleuser", "password": "secret", "min-pool-size": 3, "use-java-context": True}'
- salt.modules.jboss7.update_simple_binding(jboss_config, binding_name, value)
- Update the simple jndi binding in the running jboss instance
- jboss_config
- Configuration dictionary with properties specified above.
- binding_name
- Binding name to be updated
- value
New binding value
CLI Example:
salt '*' jboss7.update_simple_binding '{"cli_path": "integration.modules.sysmod.SysModuleTest.test_valid_docs", "controller": "", "cli_user": "jbossadm", "cli_password": "jbossadm"}' my_binding_name my_binding_value
Module for low-level interaction with JbossAS7 through CLI.
This module exposes two ways of interaction with the CLI, either through commands or operations.
NOTE: Following JBoss documentation ( "Operations are considered a low level but comprehensive way to manage the AS controller, i.e. if it can't be done with operations it can't be done in any other way. Commands, on the other hand, are more user-friendly in syntax, although most of them still translate into operation requests and some of them even into a few composite operation requests, i.e. commands also simplify some management operations from the user's point of view."
The difference between calling a command or operation is in handling the result. Commands return a zero return code if operation is successful or return non-zero return code and print an error to standard output in plain text, in case of an error.
Operations return a json-like structure, that contain more information about the result. In case of a failure, they also return a specific return code. This module parses the output from the operations and returns it as a dictionary so that an execution of an operation can then be verified against specific errors.
- In order to run each function, jboss_config dictionary with the following properties must be passed:
- •
- cli_path: the path to jboss-cli script, for example: '/opt/jboss/jboss-7.0/bin/'
- •
- controller: the ip addres and port of controller, for example:
- •
- cli_user: username to connect to jboss administration console if necessary
- •
cli_password: password to connect to jboss administration console if necessary
jboss_config: cli_path: '/opt/jboss/jboss-7.0/bin/' controller: cli_user: 'jbossadm' cli_password: 'jbossadm'
- salt.modules.jboss7_cli.run_command(jboss_config, command, fail_on_error=True)
- Execute a command against jboss instance through the CLI interface.
- jboss_config
- Configuration dictionary with properties specified above.
- command
- Command to execute against jboss instance
- fail_on_error (default=True)
Is true, raise CommandExecutionException exception if execution fails.
If false, 'success' property of the returned dictionary is set to False
CLI Example:
salt '*' jboss7_cli.run_command '{"cli_path": "integration.modules.sysmod.SysModuleTest.test_valid_docs", "controller": "", "cli_user": "jbossadm", "cli_password": "jbossadm"}' my_command
- salt.modules.jboss7_cli.run_operation(jboss_config, operation, fail_on_error=True, retries=1)
- Execute an operation against jboss instance through the CLI interface.
- jboss_config
- Configuration dictionary with properties specified above.
- operation
- An operation to execute against jboss instance
- fail_on_error (default=True)
- Is true, raise CommandExecutionException exception if execution fails. If false, 'success' property of the returned dictionary is set to False
- retries:
Number of retries in case of "JBAS012144: Could not connect to remote" error.
CLI Example:
salt '*' jboss7_cli.run_operation '{"cli_path": "integration.modules.sysmod.SysModuleTest.test_valid_docs", "controller": "", "cli_user": "jbossadm", "cli_password": "jbossadm"}' my_operation
Module for interfacing to Junos devices
- salt.modules.junos.call_rpc()
- salt.modules.junos.commit()
- salt.modules.junos.diff()
- salt.modules.junos.facts_refresh()
- Reload the facts dictionary from the device. Usually only needed if the device configuration is changed by some other actor.
- salt.modules.junos.rollback()
- salt.modules.junos.set_hostname(hostname=None, commit_change=True)
Functions to view the minion's public key information
- salt.modules.key.finger()
Return the minion's public key fingerprint
CLI Example:
salt '*' key.finger
- salt.modules.key.finger_master()
Return the fingerprint of the master's public key on the minion.
CLI Example:
salt '*' key.finger_master
Module for managing keyboards on supported POSIX-like systems using systemd, or such as Redhat, Debian and Gentoo.
- salt.modules.keyboard.get_sys()
Get current system keyboard setting
CLI Example:
salt '*' keyboard.get_sys
- salt.modules.keyboard.get_x()
Get current X keyboard setting
CLI Example:
salt '*' keyboard.get_x
- salt.modules.keyboard.set_sys(layout)
Set current system keyboard setting
CLI Example:
salt '*' keyboard.set_sys dvorak
- salt.modules.keyboard.set_x(layout)
Set current X keyboard setting
CLI Example:
salt '*' keyboard.set_x dvorak
Module for handling openstack keystone calls.
- optdepends
- •
- keystoneclient Python adapter
- configuration
This module is not usable until the following are specified
either in a pillar or in the minion's config file:
keystone.user: admin keystone.password: verybadpass keystone.tenant: admin keystone.tenant_id: f80919baedab48ec8931f200c65a50df keystone.auth_url: ''
OR (for token based authentication)
keystone.token: 'ADMIN' keystone.endpoint: ''
If configuration for multiple openstack accounts is required, they can be set up as different configuration profiles. For example:
openstack1: keystone.user: admin keystone.password: verybadpass keystone.tenant: admin keystone.tenant_id: f80919baedab48ec8931f200c65a50df keystone.auth_url: '' openstack2: keystone.user: admin keystone.password: verybadpass keystone.tenant: admin keystone.tenant_id: f80919baedab48ec8931f200c65a50df keystone.auth_url: ''
With this configuration in place, any of the keystone functions can make use of a configuration profile by declaring it explicitly. For example:
salt '*' keystone.tenant_list profile=openstack1
- salt.modules.keystone.auth(profile=None, **connection_args)
Set up keystone credentials. Only intended to be used within Keystone-enabled modules.
CLI Example:
salt '*' keystone.auth
- salt.modules.keystone.ec2_credentials_create(user_id=None, name=None, tenant_id=None, tenant=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Create EC2-compatible credentials for user per tenant
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.ec2_credentials_create name=admin tenant=admin salt '*' keystone.ec2_credentials_create user_id=c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 tenant_id=722787eb540849158668370dc627ec5f
- salt.modules.keystone.ec2_credentials_delete(user_id=None, name=None, access_key=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Delete EC2-compatible credentials
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.ec2_credentials_delete 860f8c2c38ca4fab989f9bc56a061a64 access_key=5f66d2f24f604b8bb9cd28886106f442 salt '*' keystone.ec2_credentials_delete name=admin access_key=5f66d2f24f604b8bb9cd28886106f442
- salt.modules.keystone.ec2_credentials_get(user_id=None, name=None, access=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Return ec2_credentials for a user (keystone ec2-credentials-get)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.ec2_credentials_get c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 access=722787eb540849158668370dc627ec5f salt '*' keystone.ec2_credentials_get user_id=c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 access=722787eb540849158668370dc627ec5f salt '*' keystone.ec2_credentials_get name=nova access=722787eb540849158668370dc627ec5f
- salt.modules.keystone.ec2_credentials_list(user_id=None, name=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Return a list of ec2_credentials for a specific user (keystone ec2-credentials-list)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.ec2_credentials_list 298ce377245c4ec9b70e1c639c89e654 salt '*' keystone.ec2_credentials_list user_id=298ce377245c4ec9b70e1c639c89e654 salt '*' keystone.ec2_credentials_list name=jack
- salt.modules.keystone.endpoint_create(service, publicurl=None, internalurl=None, adminurl=None, region=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Create an endpoint for an Openstack service
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.endpoint_create nova 'http://public/url' 'http://internal/url' 'http://adminurl/url' region
- salt.modules.keystone.endpoint_delete(service, profile=None, **connection_args)
Delete endpoints of an Openstack service
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.endpoint_delete nova
- salt.modules.keystone.endpoint_get(service, profile=None, **connection_args)
Return a specific endpoint (keystone endpoint-get)
CLI Example:
salt '*' keystone.endpoint_get nova
- salt.modules.keystone.endpoint_list(profile=None, **connection_args)
Return a list of available endpoints (keystone endpoints-list)
CLI Example:
salt '*' keystone.endpoint_list
- salt.modules.keystone.role_create(name, profile=None, **connection_args)
Create a named role.
CLI Example:
salt '*' keystone.role_create admin
- salt.modules.keystone.role_delete(role_id=None, name=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Delete a role (keystone role-delete)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.role_delete c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 salt '*' keystone.role_delete role_id=c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 salt '*' keystone.role_delete name=admin
- salt.modules.keystone.role_get(role_id=None, name=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Return a specific roles (keystone role-get)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.role_get c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 salt '*' keystone.role_get role_id=c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 salt '*' keystone.role_get name=nova
- salt.modules.keystone.role_list(profile=None, **connection_args)
Return a list of available roles (keystone role-list)
CLI Example:
salt '*' keystone.role_list
- salt.modules.keystone.service_create(name, service_type, description=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Add service to Keystone service catalog
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.service_create nova compute 'OpenStack Compute Service'
- salt.modules.keystone.service_delete(service_id=None, name=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Delete a service from Keystone service catalog
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.service_delete c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 salt '*' keystone.service_delete name=nova
- salt.modules.keystone.service_get(service_id=None, name=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Return a specific services (keystone service-get)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.service_get c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 salt '*' keystone.service_get service_id=c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 salt '*' keystone.service_get name=nova
- salt.modules.keystone.service_list(profile=None, **connection_args)
Return a list of available services (keystone services-list)
CLI Example:
salt '*' keystone.service_list
- salt.modules.keystone.tenant_create(name, description=None, enabled=True, profile=None, **connection_args)
Create a keystone tenant
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.tenant_create nova description='nova tenant' salt '*' keystone.tenant_create test enabled=False
- salt.modules.keystone.tenant_delete(tenant_id=None, name=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Delete a tenant (keystone tenant-delete)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.tenant_delete c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 salt '*' keystone.tenant_delete tenant_id=c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 salt '*' keystone.tenant_delete name=demo
- salt.modules.keystone.tenant_get(tenant_id=None, name=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Return a specific tenants (keystone tenant-get)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.tenant_get c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 salt '*' keystone.tenant_get tenant_id=c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 salt '*' keystone.tenant_get name=nova
- salt.modules.keystone.tenant_list(profile=None, **connection_args)
Return a list of available tenants (keystone tenants-list)
CLI Example:
salt '*' keystone.tenant_list
- salt.modules.keystone.tenant_update(tenant_id=None, name=None, description=None, enabled=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Update a tenant's information (keystone tenant-update)
The following fields may be updated: name, email, enabled.
Can only update name if targeting by ID
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.tenant_update name=admin enabled=True salt '*' keystone.tenant_update c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 name=admin email=admin [at]
- salt.modules.keystone.token_get(profile=None, **connection_args)
Return the configured tokens (keystone token-get)
CLI Example:
salt '*' keystone.token_get c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082
- salt.modules.keystone.user_create(name, password, email, tenant_id=None, enabled=True, profile=None, **connection_args)
Create a user (keystone user-create)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.user_create name=jack password=zero email=jack [at] tenant_id=a28a7b5a999a455f84b1f5210264375e enabled=True
- salt.modules.keystone.user_delete(user_id=None, name=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Delete a user (keystone user-delete)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.user_delete c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 salt '*' keystone.user_delete user_id=c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 salt '*' keystone.user_delete name=nova
- salt.modules.keystone.user_get(user_id=None, name=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Return a specific users (keystone user-get)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.user_get c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 salt '*' keystone.user_get user_id=c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 salt '*' keystone.user_get name=nova
- salt.modules.keystone.user_list(profile=None, **connection_args)
Return a list of available users (keystone user-list)
CLI Example:
salt '*' keystone.user_list
- salt.modules.keystone.user_password_update(user_id=None, name=None, password=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Update a user's password (keystone user-password-update)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.user_password_update c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 password=12345 salt '*' keystone.user_password_update user_id=c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 password=12345 salt '*' keystone.user_password_update name=nova password=12345
- salt.modules.keystone.user_role_add(user_id=None, user=None, tenant_id=None, tenant=None, role_id=None, role=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Add role for user in tenant (keystone user-role-add)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.user_role_add user_id=298ce377245c4ec9b70e1c639c89e654 tenant_id=7167a092ece84bae8cead4bf9d15bb3b role_id=ce377245c4ec9b70e1c639c89e8cead4 salt '*' keystone.user_role_add user=admin tenant=admin role=admin
- salt.modules.keystone.user_role_list(user_id=None, tenant_id=None, user_name=None, tenant_name=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Return a list of available user_roles (keystone user-roles-list)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.user_role_list user_id=298ce377245c4ec9b70e1c639c89e654 tenant_id=7167a092ece84bae8cead4bf9d15bb3b salt '*' keystone.user_role_list user_name=admin tenant_name=admin
- salt.modules.keystone.user_role_remove(user_id=None, user=None, tenant_id=None, tenant=None, role_id=None, role=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Remove role for user in tenant (keystone user-role-remove)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.user_role_remove user_id=298ce377245c4ec9b70e1c639c89e654 tenant_id=7167a092ece84bae8cead4bf9d15bb3b role_id=ce377245c4ec9b70e1c639c89e8cead4 salt '*' keystone.user_role_remove user=admin tenant=admin role=admin
- salt.modules.keystone.user_update(user_id=None, name=None, email=None, enabled=None, tenant=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Update a user's information (keystone user-update)
The following fields may be updated: name, email, enabled, tenant.
Because the name is one of the fields, a valid user id is required.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.user_update user_id=c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 name=newname salt '*' keystone.user_update c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 name=newname email=newemail [at]
- salt.modules.keystone.user_verify_password(user_id=None, name=None, password=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
Verify a user's password
CLI Examples:
salt '*' keystone.user_verify_password name=test password=foobar salt '*' keystone.user_verify_password user_id=c965f79c4f864eaaa9c3b41904e67082 password=foobar
Module to manage Linux kernel modules
- salt.modules.kmod.available()
Return a list of all available kernel modules
CLI Example:
salt '*' kmod.available
- salt.modules.kmod.check_available(mod)
Check to see if the specified kernel module is available
CLI Example:
salt '*' kmod.check_available kvm
- salt.modules.kmod.is_loaded(mod)
Check to see if the specified kernel module is loaded
CLI Example:
salt '*' kmod.is_loaded kvm
- salt.modules.kmod.load(mod, persist=False)
- Load the specified kernel module
- mod
- Name of module to add
- persist
Write module to /etc/modules to make it load on system reboot
CLI Example:
salt '*' kmod.load kvm
- salt.modules.kmod.lsmod()
Return a dict containing information about currently loaded modules
CLI Example:
salt '*' kmod.lsmod
- salt.modules.kmod.mod_list(only_persist=False)
Return a list of the loaded module names
CLI Example:
salt '*' kmod.mod_list
- salt.modules.kmod.remove(mod, persist=False, comment=True)
- Remove the specified kernel module
- mod
- Name of module to remove
- persist
- Also remove module from /etc/modules
- comment
If persist is set don't remove line from /etc/modules but only
comment it
CLI Example:
salt '*' kmod.remove kvm
Module for the management of MacOS systems that use launchd/launchctl
- depends
- •
- plistlib Python module
- salt.modules.launchctl.available(job_label)
Check that the given service is available.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.available com.openssh.sshd
- salt.modules.launchctl.get_all()
Return all installed services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_all
- salt.modules.launchctl.missing(job_label)
The inverse of service.available
Check that the given service is not available.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.missing com.openssh.sshd
- salt.modules.launchctl.restart(job_label, runas=None)
Restart the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.restart <service label>
- salt.modules.launchctl.start(job_label, runas=None)
Start the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.start <service label> salt '*' service.start org.ntp.ntpd salt '*' service.start /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.ntp.ntpd.plist
- salt.modules.launchctl.status(job_label, runas=None)
Return the status for a service, returns a bool whether the service is
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.status <service label>
- salt.modules.launchctl.stop(job_label, runas=None)
Stop the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.stop <service label> salt '*' service.stop org.ntp.ntpd salt '*' service.stop /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.ntp.ntpd.plist
Support for Layman
- salt.modules.layman.add(overlay)
Add the given overlay from the cached remote list to your locally
installed overlays. Specify 'ALL' to add all overlays from the
remote list.
Return a list of the new overlay(s) added:
CLI Example:
salt '*' layman.add <overlay name>
- salt.modules.layman.delete(overlay)
Remove the given overlay from the your locally installed overlays.
Specify 'ALL' to remove all overlays.
Return a list of the overlays(s) that were removed:
CLI Example:
salt '*' layman.delete <overlay name>
- salt.modules.layman.list_local()
List the locally installed overlays.
Return a list of installed overlays:
CLI Example:
salt '*' layman.list_local
- salt.modules.layman.sync(overlay='ALL')
- Update the specified overlay. Use 'ALL' to synchronize all overlays. This is the default if no overlay is specified.
- overlay
Name of the overlay to sync. (Defaults to 'ALL')
CLI Example:
salt '*' layman.sync
Salt interface to LDAP commands
- depends
- •
- ldap Python module
- configuration
In order to connect to LDAP, certain configuration is required
in the minion config on the LDAP server. The minimum configuration items
that must be set are:
ldap.basedn: dc=acme,dc=com (example values, adjust to suit)
If your LDAP server requires authentication then you must also set:
ldap.anonymous: False ldap.binddn: admin ldap.bindpw: password
In addition, the following optional values may be set:
ldap.server: localhost (default=localhost, see warning below) ldap.port: 389 (default=389, standard port) ldap.tls: False (default=False, no TLS) ldap.no_verify: False (default=False, verify TLS) ldap.anonymous: True (default=True, bind anonymous) ldap.scope: 2 (default=2, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE) ldap.attrs: [saltAttr] (default=None, return all attributes)
WARNING: At the moment this module only recommends connection to LDAP services listening on localhost. This is deliberate to avoid the potentially dangerous situation of multiple minions sending identical update commands to the same LDAP server. It's easy enough to override this behavior, but badness may ensue - you have been warned.
-, dn=None, scope=None, attrs=None, **kwargs)
Run an arbitrary LDAP query and return the results.
CLI Example:
salt 'ldaphost' "filter=cn=myhost"
Return data:
{'myhost': {'count': 1, 'results': [['cn=myhost,ou=hosts,o=acme,c=gb', {'saltKeyValue': ['ntpserver=ntp.acme.local', 'foo=myfoo'], 'saltState': ['foo', 'bar']}]], 'time': {'human': '1.2ms', 'raw': '0.00123'}}}
Search and connection options can be overridden by specifying the relevant option as key=value pairs, for example:
salt 'ldaphost' filter=cn=myhost dn=ou=hosts,o=acme,c=gb scope=1 attrs='' server='localhost' port='7393' tls=True bindpw='ssh'
Support for Linux File Access Control Lists
- salt.modules.linux_acl.delfacl(acl_type, acl_name, *args, **kwargs)
Remove specific FACL from the specified file(s)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' acl.delfacl user myuser /tmp/house/kitchen salt '*' acl.delfacl default:group mygroup /tmp/house/kitchen salt '*' acl.delfacl d:u myuser /tmp/house/kitchen salt '*' acl.delfacl g myuser /tmp/house/kitchen /tmp/house/livingroom salt '*' acl.delfacl user myuser /tmp/house/kitchen recursive=True
- salt.modules.linux_acl.getfacl(*args, **kwargs)
Return (extremely verbose) map of FACLs on specified file(s)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' acl.getfacl /tmp/house/kitchen salt '*' acl.getfacl /tmp/house/kitchen /tmp/house/livingroom salt '*' acl.getfacl /tmp/house/kitchen /tmp/house/livingroom recursive=True
- salt.modules.linux_acl.modfacl(acl_type, acl_name, perms, *args, **kwargs)
Add or modify a FACL for the specified file(s)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' acl.modfacl user myuser rwx /tmp/house/kitchen salt '*' acl.modfacl default:group mygroup rx /tmp/house/kitchen salt '*' acl.modfacl d:u myuser 7 /tmp/house/kitchen salt '*' acl.modfacl g mygroup 0 /tmp/house/kitchen /tmp/house/livingroom salt '*' acl.modfacl user myuser rwx /tmp/house/kitchen recursive=True
- salt.modules.linux_acl.version()
Return facl version from getfacl --version
CLI Example:
salt '*' acl.version
- salt.modules.linux_acl.wipefacls(*args, **kwargs)
Remove all FACLs from the specified file(s)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' acl.wipefacls /tmp/house/kitchen salt '*' acl.wipefacls /tmp/house/kitchen /tmp/house/livingroom salt '*' acl.wipefacls /tmp/house/kitchen /tmp/house/livingroom recursive=True
Support for Linux LVM2
- salt.modules.linux_lvm.fullversion()
Return all version info from lvm version
CLI Example:
salt '*' lvm.fullversion
- salt.modules.linux_lvm.lvcreate(lvname, vgname, size=None, extents=None, snapshot=None, pv=None, **kwargs)
Create a new logical volume, with option for which physical volume to be used
CLI Examples:
salt '*' lvm.lvcreate new_volume_name vg_name size=10G salt '*' lvm.lvcreate new_volume_name vg_name extents=100 pv=/dev/sdb salt '*' lvm.lvcreate new_snapshot vg_name snapshot=volume_name size=3G
- salt.modules.linux_lvm.lvdisplay(lvname='')
Return information about the logical volume(s)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' lvm.lvdisplay salt '*' lvm.lvdisplay /dev/vg_myserver/root
- salt.modules.linux_lvm.lvremove(lvname, vgname)
Remove a given existing logical volume from a named existing volume group
CLI Example:
salt '*' lvm.lvremove lvname vgname force=True
- salt.modules.linux_lvm.lvresize(size, lvpath)
Return information about the logical volume(s)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' lvm.lvresize +12M /dev/mapper/vg1-test
- salt.modules.linux_lvm.pvcreate(devices, **kwargs)
Set a physical device to be used as an LVM physical volume
CLI Examples:
salt mymachine lvm.pvcreate /dev/sdb1,/dev/sdb2 salt mymachine lvm.pvcreate /dev/sdb1 dataalignmentoffset=7s
- salt.modules.linux_lvm.pvdisplay(pvname='')
Return information about the physical volume(s)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' lvm.pvdisplay salt '*' lvm.pvdisplay /dev/md0
- salt.modules.linux_lvm.pvremove(devices)
Remove a physical device being used as an LVM physical volume
CLI Examples:
salt mymachine lvm.pvremove /dev/sdb1,/dev/sdb2
- salt.modules.linux_lvm.version()
Return LVM version from lvm version
CLI Example:
salt '*' lvm.version
- salt.modules.linux_lvm.vgcreate(vgname, devices, **kwargs)
Create an LVM volume group
CLI Examples:
salt mymachine lvm.vgcreate my_vg /dev/sdb1,/dev/sdb2 salt mymachine lvm.vgcreate my_vg /dev/sdb1 clustered=y
- salt.modules.linux_lvm.vgdisplay(vgname='')
Return information about the volume group(s)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' lvm.vgdisplay salt '*' lvm.vgdisplay nova-volumes
- salt.modules.linux_lvm.vgextend(vgname, devices)
Add physical volumes to an LVM volume group
CLI Examples:
salt mymachine lvm.vgextend my_vg /dev/sdb1,/dev/sdb2 salt mymachine lvm.vgextend my_vg /dev/sdb1
- salt.modules.linux_lvm.vgremove(vgname)
Remove an LVM volume group
CLI Examples:
salt mymachine lvm.vgremove vgname salt mymachine lvm.vgremove vgname force=True
Module for viewing and modifying sysctl parameters
- salt.modules.linux_sysctl.assign(name, value)
Assign a single sysctl parameter for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysctl.assign net.ipv4.ip_forward 1
- salt.modules.linux_sysctl.default_config()
Linux hosts using systemd 207 or later ignore /etc/sysctl.conf and only
load from /etc/sysctl.d/*.conf. This function will do the proper checks
and return a default config file which will be valid for the Minion. Hosts
running systemd >= 207 will use /etc/sysctl.d/99-salt.conf.
CLI Example:
salt -G 'kernel:Linux' sysctl.default_config
- salt.modules.linux_sysctl.get(name)
Return a single sysctl parameter for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysctl.get net.ipv4.ip_forward
- salt.modules.linux_sysctl.persist(name, value, config=None)
Assign and persist a simple sysctl parameter for this minion. If config
is not specified, a sensible default will be chosen using
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysctl.persist net.ipv4.ip_forward 1
- Return a list of sysctl parameters for this minion
- config: Pull the data from the system configuration file
instead of the live data.
CLI Example:
salt '*'
Module for managing locales on POSIX-like systems.
- salt.modules.localemod.avail(locale)
Check if a locale is available.
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' locale.avail 'en_US.UTF-8'
- salt.modules.localemod.gen_locale(locale, **kwargs)
- Generate a locale. Options:
- verbose
Show extra warnings about errors that are normally ignored.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- Parameters
locale -- Any locale listed in /usr/share/i18n/locales or
/usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED for debian and gentoo based distros
CLI Example:
salt '*' locale.gen_locale en_US.UTF-8 salt '*' locale.gen_locale 'en_IE [at] euro ISO-8859-15'
- salt.modules.localemod.get_locale()
Get the current system locale
CLI Example:
salt '*' locale.get_locale
- salt.modules.localemod.list_avail()
Lists available (compiled) locales
CLI Example:
salt '*' locale.list_avail
- salt.modules.localemod.set_locale(locale)
Sets the current system locale
CLI Example:
salt '*' locale.set_locale 'en_US.UTF-8'
Module for using the locate utilities
- salt.modules.locate.locate(pattern, database='', limit=0, **kwargs)
Performs a file lookup. Valid options (and their defaults) are:
basename=False count=False existing=False follow=True ignore=False nofollow=False wholename=True regex=False database=<locate's default database> limit=<integer, not set by default>
See the manpage for locate(1) for further explanation of these options.
CLI Example:
salt '*' locate.locate
- salt.modules.locate.stats()
Returns statistics about the locate database
CLI Example:
salt '*' locate.stats
- salt.modules.locate.updatedb()
Updates the locate database
CLI Example:
salt '*' locate.updatedb
- salt.modules.locate.version()
Returns the version of locate
CLI Example:
salt '*' locate.version
Module for managing Solaris logadm based log rotations.
- salt.modules.logadm.remove(name, conf_file='/etc/logadm.conf')
Remove log pattern from logadm
CLI Example:
salt '*' logadm.remove myapplog
- salt.modules.logadm.rotate(name, pattern=False, count=False, age=False, size=False, copy=True, conf_file='/etc/logadm.conf')
Set up pattern for logging.
CLI Example:
salt '*' logadm.rotate myapplog pattern='/var/log/myapp/*.log' count=7
- salt.modules.logadm.show_conf(conf_file='/etc/logadm.conf')
Show parsed configuration
CLI Example:
salt '*' logadm.show_conf
Module for managing logrotate.
- salt.modules.logrotate.set_(key, value, setting=None, conf_file='/etc/logrotate.conf')
Set a new value for a specific configuration line
CLI Example:
salt '*' logrotate.set rotate 2
Can also be used to set a single value inside a multiline configuration block. For instance, to change rotate in the following block:
/var/log/wtmp { monthly create 0664 root root rotate 1 }
Use the following command:
salt '*' logrotate.set /var/log/wtmp rotate 2
This module also has the ability to scan files inside an include directory, and make changes in the appropriate file.
- salt.modules.logrotate.show_conf(conf_file='/etc/logrotate.conf')
Show parsed configuration
CLI Example:
salt '*' logrotate.show_conf
Support for LVS (Linux Virtual Server)
- salt.modules.lvs.add_server(protocol=None, service_address=None, server_address=None, packet_forward_method='dr', weight=1, **kwargs)
- Add a real server to a virtual service.
- protocol
- The service protocol(only support tcp, udp and fwmark service).
- service_address
- The LVS service address.
- server_address
- The real server address.
- packet_forward_method
- The LVS packet forwarding method(dr for direct routing, tunnel for tunneling, nat for network access translation).
- weight
The capacity of a server relative to the others in the pool.
CLI Example:
salt '*' lvs.add_server tcp nat 1
- salt.modules.lvs.add_service(protocol=None, service_address=None, scheduler='wlc')
- Add a virtual service.
- protocol
- The service protocol(only support tcp, udp and fwmark service).
- service_address
- The LVS service address.
- scheduler
Algorithm for allocating TCP connections and UDP datagrams to real servers.
CLI Example:
salt '*' lvs.add_service tcp rr
- salt.modules.lvs.check_server(protocol=None, service_address=None, server_address=None, **kwargs)
Check the real server exists in the specified service.
CLI Example:
salt '*' lvs.check_server tcp
- salt.modules.lvs.check_service(protocol=None, service_address=None, **kwargs)
Check the virtual service exists.
CLI Example:
salt '*' lvs.check_service tcp
- salt.modules.lvs.clear()
Clear the virtual server table
CLI Example:
salt '*' lvs.clear
- salt.modules.lvs.delete_server(protocol=None, service_address=None, server_address=None)
- Delete the realserver from the virtual service.
- protocol
- The service protocol(only support tcp, udp and fwmark service).
- service_address
- The LVS service address.
- server_address
The real server address.
CLI Example:
salt '*' lvs.delete_server tcp
- salt.modules.lvs.delete_service(protocol=None, service_address=None)
- Delete the virtual service.
- protocol
- The service protocol(only support tcp, udp and fwmark service).
- service_address
The LVS service address.
CLI Example:
salt '*' lvs.delete_service tcp
- salt.modules.lvs.edit_server(protocol=None, service_address=None, server_address=None, packet_forward_method=None, weight=None, **kwargs)
- Edit a real server to a virtual service.
- protocol
- The service protocol(only support tcp, udp and fwmark service).
- service_address
- The LVS service address.
- server_address
- The real server address.
- packet_forward_method
- The LVS packet forwarding method(dr for direct routing, tunnel for tunneling, nat for network access translation).
- weight
The capacity of a server relative to the others in the pool.
CLI Example:
salt '*' lvs.edit_server tcp nat 1
- salt.modules.lvs.edit_service(protocol=None, service_address=None, scheduler=None)
- Edit the virtual service.
- protocol
- The service protocol(only support tcp, udp and fwmark service).
- service_address
- The LVS service address.
- scheduler
Algorithm for allocating TCP connections and UDP datagrams to real servers.
CLI Example:
salt '*' lvs.edit_service tcp rr
- salt.modules.lvs.get_rules()
Get the virtual server rules
CLI Example:
salt '*' lvs.get_rules
- salt.modules.lvs.list_(protocol=None, service_address=None)
List the virtual server table if service_address is not specified. If a service_address is selected, list this service only.
CLI Example:
salt '*' lvs.list
-, service_address=None)
Zero the packet, byte and rate counters in a service or all services.
CLI Example:
salt '*'
Control Linux Containers via Salt
- depends
lxc package for distribution
lxc >= 1.0 (even beta alpha) is required
- salt.modules.lxc.apply_network_profile(name, network_profile, nic_opts=None)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Apply a network profile to a container
- network_profile
- profile name or default values (dict)
- nic_opts
values to override in defaults (dict)
indexed by nic card names
CLI Examples:
salt 'minion' lxc.apply_network_profile web1 centos salt 'minion' lxc.apply_network_profile web1 centos \ nic_opts="{'eth0': {'mac': 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'}}" salt 'minion' lxc.apply_network_profile web1 \ "{'eth0': {'mac': 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:yy'}}" nic_opts="{'eth0': {'mac': 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'}}"
The special case to disable use of ethernet nics:
salt 'minion' lxc.apply_network_profile web1 centos \ "{eth0: {disable: true}}"
- salt.modules.lxc.attachable(name)
Return True if the named container can be attached to via the lxc-attach
CLI Example:
salt 'minion' lxc.attachable ubuntu
- salt.modules.lxc.bootstrap(name, config=None, approve_key=True, install=True, pub_key=None, priv_key=None, bootstrap_url=None, force_install=False, unconditional_install=False, bootstrap_delay=None, bootstrap_args=None, bootstrap_shell=None)
- Install and configure salt in a container.
- config
- Minion configuration options. By default, the master option is set to the target host's master.
- approve_key
- Request a pre-approval of the generated minion key. Requires that the salt-master be configured to either auto-accept all keys or expect a signing request from the target host. Default: True
- pub_key
- Explicit public key to pressed the minion with (optional). This can be either a filepath or a string representing the key
- priv_key
- Explicit private key to pressed the minion with (optional). This can be either a filepath or a string representing the key
- bootstrap_delay
Delay in seconds between end of container creation and bootstrapping.
Useful when waiting for container to obtain a DHCP lease.
New in version 2015.5.0.
- bootstrap_url
- url, content or filepath to the salt bootstrap script
- bootstrap_args
- salt bootstrap script arguments
- bootstrap_shell
- shell to execute the script into
- install
- Whether to attempt a full installation of salt-minion if needed.
- force_install
- Force installation even if salt-minion is detected, this is the way to run vendor bootstrap scripts even if a salt minion is already present in the container
- unconditional_install
Run the script even if the container seems seeded
CLI Examples:
salt 'minion' lxc.bootstrap container_name [config=config_data] \ [approve_key=(True|False)] [install=(True|False)]
- salt.modules.lxc.clone(name, orig, profile=None, network_profile=None, nic_opts=None, **kwargs)
- Create a new container as a clone of another container
- name
- Name of the container
- orig
- Name of the original container to be cloned
- profile
Profile to use in container cloning (see
lxc.get_container_profile). Values in a profile will be
overridden by the Container Cloning Arguments listed below.
Container Cloning Arguments
- snapshot
- Use Copy On Write snapshots (LVM)
- size
- 1G Size of the volume to create. Only applicable if backing=lvm.
- backing
- The type of storage to use. Set to lvm to use an LVM group. Defaults to filesystem within /var/lib/lxc.
- network_profile
Network profile to use for container
New in version 2015.5.2.
- nic_opts
give extra opts overriding network profile values
New in version 2015.5.2.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' lxc.clone myclone orig=orig_container salt '*' lxc.clone myclone orig=orig_container snapshot=True
- salt.modules.lxc.cloud_init(name, vm_=None, **kwargs)
- Thin wrapper to lxc.init to be used from the saltcloud lxc driver
- name
- Name of the container may be None and then guessed from saltcloud mapping
- vm_
saltcloud mapping defaults for the vm
CLI Example:
salt '*' lxc.cloud_init foo
- salt.modules.lxc.cloud_init_interface(name, vm_=None, **kwargs)
Interface between driver and lxc.init
vm_ is a mapping of vm opts in the format
as documented for the lxc driver.
This can be used either:
- •
- from the salt cloud driver
- •
because you find the argument to give easier here
than using directly lxc.init
- name
- name of the lxc container to create
- pub_key
- public key to preseed the minion with. Can be the keycontent or a filepath
- priv_key
- private key to preseed the minion with. Can be the keycontent or a filepath
- profile
- profile selection
- network_profile
- network profile selection
- nic_opts
per interface settings compatibles with
network profile (ipv4/ipv6/link/gateway/mac/netmask)
- {'eth0': {'mac': '00:16:3e:01:29:40', 'gateway': None, (default) 'link': 'br0', (default) 'gateway': None, (default) 'netmask': '', (default) 'ip': ''}}
- unconditional_install
- given to lxc.bootstrap (see relative doc)
- force_install
- given to lxc.bootstrap (see relative doc)
- config
- any extra argument for the salt minion config
- dnsservers
- dns servers to set inside the container
- autostart
- autostart the container at boot time
- password
administrative password for the container
WARNING: Legacy but still supported options:
- from_container
- which container we use as a template when running lxc.clone
- image
- which template do we use when we are using lxc.create. This is the default mode unless you specify something in from_container
- backing
- which backing store to use. Values can be: overlayfs, dir(default), lvm, zfs, brtfs
- fstype
- When using a blockdevice level backing store, which filesystem to use on
- size
- When using a blockdevice level backing store, which size for the filesystem to use on
- snapshot
- Use snapshot when cloning the container source
- vgname
- if using LVM: vgname
- lvname
- if using LVM: lvname
- ip
- ip for the primary nic
- mac
- mac address for the primary nic
- netmask
- netmask for the primary nic (24) = vm_.get('netmask', '24')
- bridge
- bridge for the primary nic (lxcbr0)
- gateway
- network gateway for the container
- additional_ips
additional ips which will be wired on the main bridge (br0)
which is connected to internet.
Be aware that you may use manual virtual mac addresses
providen by you provider (online, ovh, etc).
This is a list of mappings {ip: '', mac: '', netmask:''}
Set gateway to None and an interface with a gateway
to escape from another interface that eth0.
- {'mac': '00:16:3e:01:29:40', 'gateway': None, (default) 'link': 'br0', (default) 'netmask': '', (default) 'ip': ''}
- users
- administrative users for the container default: [root] and [root, ubuntu] on ubuntu
- default_nic
name of the first interface, you should
really not override this
CLI Example:
salt '*' lxc.cloud_init_interface foo
- salt.modules.lxc.cp(name, source, dest, makedirs=False)
- Copy a file or directory from the host into a container.
- name
- Container name
- source
- File to be copied to the container
- dest
Destination on the container. Must be an absolute path.
Changed in version 2015.5.0: If the destination is a directory, the file will be copied into that directory.
makedirs : False Create the parent directory on the container if it does not already exist.
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt 'minion' lxc.cp /tmp/foo /root/foo
- salt.modules.lxc.create(name, config=None, profile=None, network_profile=None, nic_opts=None, **kwargs)
- Create a new container.
- name
- Name of the container
- config
- The config file to use for the container. Defaults to system-wide config (usually in /etc/lxc/lxc.conf).
- profile
- Profile to use in container creation (see lxc.get_container_profile). Values in a profile will be overridden by the Container Creation Arguments listed below.
- network_profile
Network profile to use for container
New in version 2015.5.0.
Container Creation Arguments
- template
The template to use. For example, ubuntu or fedora. Conflicts
with the image argument.
NOTE: The download template requires the following three parameters to be defined in options:
- •
- dist - The name of the distribution
- •
- release - Release name/version
- •
arch - Architecture of the container
The available images can be listed using the lxc.images function.
- options
Template-specific options to pass to the lxc-create command. These
correspond to the long options (ones beginning with two dashes) that
the template script accepts. For example:
options='{"dist": "centos", "release": "6", "arch": "amd64"}'
- image
- A tar archive to use as the rootfs for the container. Conflicts with the template argument.
- backing
- The type of storage to use. Set to lvm to use an LVM group. Defaults to filesystem within /var/lib/lxc.
- fstype
- Filesystem type to use on LVM logical volume
- size
- 1G Size of the volume to create. Only applicable if backing=lvm.
- vgname
- lxc Name of the LVM volume group in which to create the volume for this container. Only applicable if backing=lvm.
- lvname
- Name of the LVM logical volume in which to create the volume for this container. Only applicable if backing=lvm.
- nic_opts
- give extra opts overriding network profile values
- salt.modules.lxc.destroy(name, stop=False)
Destroy the named container.
WARNING: Destroys all data associated with the container.
- stop
If True, the container will be destroyed even if it is
Changed in version 2015.5.0: Default value changed to False. This more closely matches the behavior of lxc-destroy(1), and also makes it less likely that an accidental command will destroy a running container that was being used for important things.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' lxc.destroy foo salt '*' lxc.destroy foo stop=True
- salt.modules.lxc.edit_conf(conf_file, out_format='simple', read_only=False, lxc_config=None, **kwargs)
- Edit an LXC configuration file. If a setting is already present inside the file, its value will be replaced. If it does not exist, it will be appended to the end of the file. Comments and blank lines will be kept in-tact if they already exist in the file.
- out_format:
- Set to simple if you need backward compatbility (multiple items for a simple key is not supported)
- read_only:
- return only the edited configuration without applying it to the underlying lxc configuration file
- lxc_config:
List of dict containning lxc configuration items
For network configuration, you also need to add the device it belongs
to, otherwise it will default to eth0.
Also, any change to a network parameter will result in the whole
network reconfiguration to avoid mismatchs, be aware of that !
After the file is edited, its contents will be returned. By default, it will be returned in simple format, meaning an unordered dict (which may not represent the actual file order). Passing in an out_format of commented will return a data structure which accurately represents the order and content of the file.
CLI Example:
salt 'minion' lxc.edit_conf /etc/lxc/mycontainer.conf \ out_format=commented salt 'minion' lxc.edit_conf /etc/lxc/mycontainer.conf \ out_format=commented \ lxc_config="[{'': 'eth0', \ '': ''}, {'': 'eth2', \ '': '',\ '': ''}]"
- salt.modules.lxc.exists(name)
Returns whether the named container exists.
CLI Example:
salt '*' lxc.exists name
- salt.modules.lxc.freeze(name, **kwargs)
- Freeze the named container
- start
If True and the container is stopped, the container will be started
before attempting to freeze.
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' lxc.freeze name
- salt.modules.lxc.get_container_profile(name=None, **kwargs)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Gather a pre-configured set of container configuration parameters. If no arguments are passed, an empty profile is returned.
Profiles can be defined in the minion or master config files, or in pillar or grains, and are loaded using config.get. The key under which LXC profiles must be configured is lxc.container_profile.profile_name. An example container profile would be as follows:
lxc.container_profile: ubuntu: template: ubuntu backing: lvm vgname: lxc size: 1G
Parameters set in a profile can be overridden by passing additional container creation arguments (such as the ones passed to lxc.create) to this function.
A profile can be defined either as the name of the profile, or a dictionary of variable names and values. See the LXC Tutorial for more information on how to use LXC profiles.
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-call lxc.get_container_profile centos salt-call lxc.get_container_profile ubuntu template=ubuntu backing=overlayfs - salt.modules.lxc.get_network_profile(name=None, **kwargs)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Gather a pre-configured set of network configuration parameters. If no arguments are passed, the following default profile is returned:
{'eth0': {'link': 'br0', 'type': 'veth', 'flags': 'up'}}
Profiles can be defined in the minion or master config files, or in pillar or grains, and are loaded using config.get. The key under which LXC profiles must be configured is lxc.network_profile. An example network profile would be as follows:
lxc.network_profile.centos: eth0: link: br0 type: veth flags: up
To disable networking entirely:
lxc.network_profile.centos: eth0: disable: true
Parameters set in a profile can be overridden by passing additional arguments to this function.
A profile can be passed either as the name of the profile, or a dictionary of variable names and values. See the LXC Tutorial for more information on how to use network profiles.
WARNING: The ipv4, ipv6, gateway, and link (bridge) settings in network profiles will only work if the container doesnt redefine the network configuration (for example in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<interface_name> on RHEL/CentOS, or /etc/network/interfaces on Debian/Ubuntu/etc.)
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt-call lxc.get_network_profile default - salt.modules.lxc.get_parameter(name, parameter)
Returns the value of a cgroup parameter for a container
CLI Example:
salt '*' lxc.get_parameter container_name memory.limit_in_bytes
- salt.modules.lxc.images(dist=None)
New in version 2015.5.0.
List the available images for LXC's download template.
- dist
Filter results to a single Linux distribution
CLI Examples:
salt myminion lxc.images salt myminion lxc.images dist=centos
Returns information about a container
CLI Example:
salt '*' name
- salt.modules.lxc.init(name, config=None, cpuset=None, cpushare=None, memory=None, profile=None, network_profile=None, nic=<object object>, nic_opts=None, cpu=None, autostart=True, password=None, password_encrypted=None, users=None, dnsservers=None, searchdomains=None, bridge=None, gateway=None, pub_key=None, priv_key=None, force_install=False, unconditional_install=False, bootstrap_delay=None, bootstrap_args=None, bootstrap_shell=None, bootstrap_url=None, **kwargs)
Initialize a new container.
This is a partial idempotent function as if it is already provisioned, we will reset a bit the lxc configuration file but much of the hard work will be escaped as markers will prevent re-execution of harmful tasks.
- name
- Name of the container
- image
- A tar archive to use as the rootfs for the container. Conflicts with the template argument.
- cpus
- Select a random number of cpu cores and assign it to the cpuset, if the cpuset option is set then this option will be ignored
- cpuset
- Explicitly define the cpus this container will be bound to
- cpushare
- cgroups cpu shares
- autostart
- autostart container on reboot
- memory
cgroups memory limit, in MB
Changed in version 2015.5.0: If no value is passed, no limit is set. In earlier Salt versions, not passing this value causes a 1024MB memory limit to be set, and it was necessary to pass memory=0 to set no limit.
- gateway
- the ipv4 gateway to use the default does nothing more than lxcutils does
- bridge
- the bridge to use the default does nothing more than lxcutils does
- network_profile
Network profile to use for the container
New in version 2015.5.0.
- nic
Deprecated since version 2015.5.0: Use network_profile instead
- nic_opts
Extra options for network interfaces, will override
{"eth0": {"hwaddr": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "ipv4": "", "ipv6": "2001:db8::ff00:42:8329"}}
{"eth0": {"hwaddr": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "ipv4": "", "ipv6": "2001:db8::ff00:42:8329"}}
- users
- Users for which the password defined in the password param should be set. Can be passed as a comma separated list or a python list. Defaults to just the root user.
- password
- Set the initial password for the users defined in the users parameter
- password_encrypted
Set to True to denote a password hash instead of a plaintext
New in version 2015.5.0.
- profile
- A LXC profile (defined in config or pillar). This can be either a real profile mapping or a string to retrieve it in configuration
- start
- Start the newly-created container
- dnsservers
- list of dns servers to set in the container, default [] (no setting)
- seed
- Seed the container with the minion config. Default: True
- install
- If salt-minion is not already installed, install it. Default: True
- config
- Optional config parameters. By default, the id is set to the name of the container.
- master
- salt master (default to minion's master)
- master_port
- salt master port (default to minion's master port)
- pub_key
- Explicit public key to preseed the minion with (optional). This can be either a filepath or a string representing the key
- priv_key
- Explicit private key to preseed the minion with (optional). This can be either a filepath or a string representing the key
- approve_key
- If explicit preseeding is not used; Attempt to request key approval from the master. Default: True
- clone
Deprecated since version 2015.5.0: Use clone_from instead
- clone_from
- Original from which to use a clone operation to create the container. Default: None
- bootstrap_delay
Delay in seconds between end of container creation and bootstrapping.
Useful when waiting for container to obtain a DHCP lease.
New in version 2015.5.0.
- bootstrap_url
- See lxc.bootstrap
- bootstrap_shell
- See lxc.bootstrap
- bootstrap_args
- See lxc.bootstrap
- force_install
- Force installation even if salt-minion is detected, this is the way to run vendor bootstrap scripts even if a salt minion is already present in the container
- unconditional_install
Run the script even if the container seems seeded
CLI Example:
salt 'minion' lxc.init name [cpuset=cgroups_cpuset] \ [cpushare=cgroups_cpushare] [memory=cgroups_memory] \ [nic=nic_profile] [profile=lxc_profile] \ [nic_opts=nic_opts] [start=(True|False)] \ [seed=(True|False)] [install=(True|False)] \ [config=minion_config] [approve_key=(True|False) \ [clone_from=original] [autostart=True] \ [priv_key=/path_or_content] [pub_key=/path_or_content] \ [bridge=lxcbr0] [gateway=] \ [dnsservers[dns1,dns2]] \ [users=[foo]] [password='secret'] \ [password_encrypted=(True|False)]
- salt.modules.lxc.list_(extra=False, limit=None)
- List containers classified by state
- extra
- Also get per-container specific info. This will change the return data. Instead of returning a list of containers, a dictionary of containers and each container's output from
- limit
Return output matching a specific state (frozen, running, or
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' lxc.list salt '*' lxc.list extra=True salt '*' lxc.list limit=running
- salt.modules.lxc.ls_(active=None, cache=True)
- Return a list of the containers available on the minion
- active
If True, return only active (i.e. running) containers
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' salt '*' active=True
- salt.modules.lxc.read_conf(conf_file, out_format='simple')
- Read in an LXC configuration file. By default returns a simple, unsorted dict, but can also return a more detailed structure including blank lines and comments.
- out_format:
set to 'simple' if you need the old and unsupported behavior.
This wont support the multiple lxc values (eg: multiple network nics)
CLI Examples:
salt 'minion' lxc.read_conf /etc/lxc/mycontainer.conf salt 'minion' lxc.read_conf /etc/lxc/mycontainer.conf out_format=commented
- salt.modules.lxc.restart(name, force=False)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Restart the named container. If the container was not running, the container will merely be started.
- name
- The name of the container
- force
If True, the container will be force-stopped instead of gracefully
shut down
CLI Example:
salt myminion lxc.restart name
- salt.modules.lxc.retcode(name, cmd, no_start=False, preserve_state=True, stdin=None, python_shell=True, output_loglevel='debug', use_vt=False, ignore_retcode=False, chroot_fallback=False, keep_env='http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy')
New in version 2015.5.0.
Run cmd.retcode within a container
WARNING: Many shell builtins do not work, failing with stderr similar to the following:
lxc_container: No such file or directory - failed to exec 'command'
The same error will be displayed in stderr if the command being run does not exist. If the retcode is nonzero and not what was expected, try using lxc.run_stderr or lxc.run_all.
- name
- Name of the container in which to run the command
- cmd
- Command to run
- no_start
- False If the container is not running, don't start it
- preserve_state
- True After running the command, return the container to its previous state
- stdin
- None Standard input to be used for the command
- output_loglevel
- debug Level at which to log the output from the command. Set to quiet to suppress logging.
- use_vt
- False Use SaltStack's utils.vt to stream output to console output=all.
- keep_env
- http_proxy,https_proxy,no_proxy A list of env vars to preserve. May be passed as commma-delimited list.
- chroot_fallback
if the container is not running, try to run the command using chroot
default: false
CLI Example:
salt myminion lxc.retcode mycontainer 'ip addr show'
-, cmd, no_start=False, preserve_state=True, stdin=None, python_shell=True, output_loglevel='debug', use_vt=False, ignore_retcode=False, chroot_fallback=False, keep_env='http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy')
New in version 2015.5.0.
Run within a container
WARNING: Many shell builtins do not work, failing with stderr similar to the following:
lxc_container: No such file or directory - failed to exec 'command'
The same error will be displayed in stderr if the command being run does not exist. If no output is returned using this function, try using lxc.run_stderr or lxc.run_all.
- name
- Name of the container in which to run the command
- cmd
- Command to run
- no_start
- False If the container is not running, don't start it
- preserve_state
- True After running the command, return the container to its previous state
- stdin
- None Standard input to be used for the command
- output_loglevel
- debug Level at which to log the output from the command. Set to quiet to suppress logging.
- use_vt
- False Use SaltStack's utils.vt to stream output to console. Assumes output=all.
- chroot_fallback
- if the container is not running, try to run the command using chroot default: false
- keep_env
A list of env vars to preserve. May be passed as commma-delimited list.
CLI Example:
salt myminion mycontainer 'ifconfig -a'
- salt.modules.lxc.run_all(name, cmd, no_start=False, preserve_state=True, stdin=None, python_shell=True, output_loglevel='debug', use_vt=False, ignore_retcode=False, chroot_fallback=False, keep_env='http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy')
New in version 2015.5.0.
Run cmd.run_all within a container
WARNING: Many shell builtins do not work, failing with stderr similar to the following:
lxc_container: No such file or directory - failed to exec 'command'
The same error will be displayed in stderr if the command being run does not exist.
- name
- Name of the container in which to run the command
- cmd
- Command to run
- no_start
- False If the container is not running, don't start it
- preserve_state
- True After running the command, return the container to its previous state
- stdin
- None Standard input to be used for the command
- output_loglevel
- debug Level at which to log the output from the command. Set to quiet to suppress logging.
- use_vt
- False Use SaltStack's utils.vt to stream output to console output=all.
- keep_env
- http_proxy,https_proxy,no_proxy A list of env vars to preserve. May be passed as commma-delimited list.
- chroot_fallback
if the container is not running, try to run the command using chroot
default: false
CLI Example:
salt myminion lxc.run_all mycontainer 'ip addr show'
- salt.modules.lxc.run_cmd(name, cmd, no_start=False, preserve_state=True, stdin=None, stdout=True, stderr=False, python_shell=True, output_loglevel='debug', use_vt=False, ignore_retcode=False, chroot_fallback=False, keep_env='http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy')
Deprecated since version 2015.5.0: Use instead
- salt.modules.lxc.run_stderr(name, cmd, no_start=False, preserve_state=True, stdin=None, python_shell=True, output_loglevel='debug', use_vt=False, ignore_retcode=False, chroot_fallback=False, keep_env='http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy')
New in version 2015.5.0.
Run cmd.run_stderr within a container
WARNING: Many shell builtins do not work, failing with stderr similar to the following:
lxc_container: No such file or directory - failed to exec 'command'
The same error will be displayed if the command being run does not exist.
- name
- Name of the container in which to run the command
- cmd
- Command to run
- no_start
- False If the container is not running, don't start it
- preserve_state
- True After running the command, return the container to its previous state
- stdin
- None Standard input to be used for the command
- output_loglevel
- debug Level at which to log the output from the command. Set to quiet to suppress logging.
- use_vt
- False Use SaltStack's utils.vt to stream output to console output=all.
- keep_env
- http_proxy,https_proxy,no_proxy A list of env vars to preserve. May be passed as commma-delimited list.
- chroot_fallback
if the container is not running, try to run the command using chroot
default: false
CLI Example:
salt myminion lxc.run_stderr mycontainer 'ip addr show'
- salt.modules.lxc.run_stdout(name, cmd, no_start=False, preserve_state=True, stdin=None, python_shell=True, output_loglevel='debug', use_vt=False, ignore_retcode=False, chroot_fallback=False, keep_env='http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy')
New in version 2015.5.0.
Run cmd.run_stdout within a container
WARNING: Many shell builtins do not work, failing with stderr similar to the following:
lxc_container: No such file or directory - failed to exec 'command'
The same error will be displayed in stderr if the command being run does not exist. If no output is returned using this function, try using lxc.run_stderr or lxc.run_all.
- name
- Name of the container in which to run the command
- cmd
- Command to run
- no_start
- False If the container is not running, don't start it
- preserve_state
- True After running the command, return the container to its previous state
- stdin
- None Standard input to be used for the command
- output_loglevel
- debug Level at which to log the output from the command. Set to quiet to suppress logging.
- use_vt
- False Use SaltStack's utils.vt to stream output to console output=all.
- keep_env
- http_proxy,https_proxy,no_proxy A list of env vars to preserve. May be passed as commma-delimited list.
- chroot_fallback
if the container is not running, try to run the command using chroot
default: false
CLI Example:
salt myminion lxc.run_stdout mycontainer 'ifconfig -a'
- salt.modules.lxc.running_systemd(name, cache=True)
Determine if systemD is running
CLI Example:
salt '*' lxc.running_systemd ubuntu
- salt.modules.lxc.search_lxc_bridge()
Search the first bridge which is potentially available as LXC bridge
CLI Example:
salt '*' lxc.search_lxc_bridge
- salt.modules.lxc.search_lxc_bridges()
Search which bridges are potentially available as LXC bridges
CLI Example:
salt '*' lxc.search_lxc_bridges
- salt.modules.lxc.set_dns(name, dnsservers=None, searchdomains=None)
Changed in version 2015.5.0: The dnsservers and searchdomains parameters can now be passed
as a comma-separated list.
Update /etc/resolv.conf
CLI Example:
salt myminion lxc.set_dns ubuntu "['', '']"
- salt.modules.lxc.set_parameter(name, parameter, value)
Set the value of a cgroup parameter for a container.
CLI Example:
salt '*' lxc.set_parameter name parameter value
- salt.modules.lxc.set_password(name, users, password, encrypted=True)
Changed in version 2015.5.0: Function renamed from set_pass to set_password. Additionally,
this function now supports (and defaults to using) a password hash
instead of a plaintext password.
Set the password of one or more system users inside containers
- users
- Comma-separated list (or python list) of users to change password
- password
- Password to set for the specified user(s)
- encrypted
If true, password must be a password hash. Set to False to set
a plaintext password (not recommended).
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' lxc.set_pass container-name root '$6$uJ2uAyLU$KoI67t8As/0fXtJOPcHKGXmUpcoYUcVR2K6x93walnShTCQvjRwq25yIkiCBOqgbfdKQSFnAo28/ek6716vEV1' salt '*' lxc.set_pass container-name root foo encrypted=False
- salt.modules.lxc.start(name, **kwargs)
- Start the named container
- restart
Deprecated since version 2015.5.0: Use lxc.restart
Restart the container if it is already running
CLI Example:
salt myminion lxc.start name
- salt.modules.lxc.state(name)
Returns the state of a container.
CLI Example:
salt '*' lxc.state name
- salt.modules.lxc.stop(name, kill=False)
- Stop the named container
- kill
Do not wait for the container to stop, kill all tasks in the container.
Older LXC versions will stop containers like this irrespective of this
Changed in version 2015.5.0: Default value changed to False
CLI Example:
salt myminion lxc.stop name
- salt.modules.lxc.systemd_running_state(name)
Get the operational state of a systemd based container
CLI Example:
salt myminion lxc.systemd_running_state ubuntu
- salt.modules.lxc.templates()
New in version 2015.5.0.
List the available LXC template scripts installed on the minion
CLI Examples:
salt myminion lxc.templates
- salt.modules.lxc.test_bare_started_state(name)
Test if a non systemd container is fully started
For now, it consists only to test if the container is attachable
CLI Example:
salt myminion lxc.test_bare_started_state ubuntu
- salt.modules.lxc.test_sd_started_state(name)
Test if a systemd container is fully started
CLI Example:
salt myminion lxc.test_sd_started_state ubuntu
- salt.modules.lxc.unfreeze(name)
Unfreeze the named container.
CLI Example:
salt '*' lxc.unfreeze name
- salt.modules.lxc.update_lxc_conf(name, lxc_conf, lxc_conf_unset)
Edit LXC configuration options
CLI Example:
salt myminion lxc.update_lxc_conf ubuntu \ lxc_conf="[{'network.ipv4.ip':''}]" \ lxc_conf_unset="['lxc.utsname']"
- salt.modules.lxc.version()
Return the actual lxc client version
New in version 2015.5.2.
CLI Example:
salt '*' lxc.version
- salt.modules.lxc.wait_started(name, timeout=300)
Check that the system has fully inited
This is actually very important for systemD based containers
CLI Example:
salt myminion lxc.wait_started ubuntu
- salt.modules.lxc.write_conf(conf_file, conf)
Write out an LXC configuration file
This is normally only used internally. The format of the data structure must match that which is returned from lxc.read_conf(), with out_format set to commented.
An example might look like:
[ {'lxc.utsname': '$CONTAINER_NAME'}, '# This is a commented line\n', '\n', {'lxc.mount': '$CONTAINER_FSTAB'}, {'lxc.rootfs': {'comment': 'This is another test', 'value': 'This is another test'}}, '\n', {'': 'veth'}, {'': 'up'}, {'': 'br0'}, {'': '$CONTAINER_MACADDR'}, {'': '$CONTAINER_IPADDR'}, {'': '$CONTAINER_DEVICENAME'}, ]
CLI Example:
salt 'minion' lxc.write_conf /etc/lxc/mycontainer.conf \ out_format=commented
Manage groups on Mac OS 10.7+
- salt.modules.mac_group.add(name, gid=None, **kwargs)
Add the specified group
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.add foo 3456
- salt.modules.mac_group.chgid(name, gid)
Change the gid for a named group
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.chgid foo 4376
- salt.modules.mac_group.delete(name)
Remove the named group
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.delete foo
- salt.modules.mac_group.getent(refresh=False)
Return info on all groups
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.getent
Return information about a group
CLI Example:
salt '*' foo
Manage users on Mac OS 10.7+
- salt.modules.mac_user.add(name, uid=None, gid=None, groups=None, home=None, shell=None, fullname=None, createhome=True, **kwargs)
Add a user to the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.add name <uid> <gid> <groups> <home> <shell>
- salt.modules.mac_user.chfullname(name, fullname)
Change the user's Full Name
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chfullname foo 'Foo Bar'
- salt.modules.mac_user.chgid(name, gid)
Change the default group of the user
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chgid foo 4376
- salt.modules.mac_user.chgroups(name, groups, append=False)
- Change the groups to which the user belongs. Note that the user's primary group does not have to be one of the groups passed, membership in the user's primary group is automatically assumed.
- groups
- Groups to which the user should belong, can be passed either as a python list or a comma-separated string
- append
Instead of removing user from groups not included in the groups
parameter, just add user to any groups for which they are not members
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chgroups foo wheel,root
- salt.modules.mac_user.chhome(name, home)
Change the home directory of the user
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chhome foo /Users/foo
- salt.modules.mac_user.chshell(name, shell)
Change the default shell of the user
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chshell foo /bin/zsh
- salt.modules.mac_user.chuid(name, uid)
Change the uid for a named user
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chuid foo 4376
- salt.modules.mac_user.delete(name, *args)
Remove a user from the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.delete foo
- salt.modules.mac_user.getent(refresh=False)
Return the list of all info for all users
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.getent
Return user information
CLI Example:
salt '*' root
- salt.modules.mac_user.list_groups(name)
Return a list of groups the named user belongs to
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.list_groups foo
- salt.modules.mac_user.list_users()
Return a list of all users
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.list_users
- salt.modules.mac_user.rename(name, new_name)
Change the username for a named user
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.rename name new_name
Support for MacPorts under Mac OSX.
This module has some caveats.
1. Updating the database of available ports is quite resource-intensive. However, refresh=True is the default for all operations that need an up-to-date copy of available ports. Consider refresh=False when you are sure no db update is needed.
2. In some cases MacPorts doesn't always realize when another copy of itself is running and will gleefully tromp all over the available ports database. This makes MacPorts behave in undefined ways until a fresh complete copy is retrieved.
Because of 1 and 2 it is possible to get the salt-minion into a state where salt mac-machine pkg./something/ won't want to return. Use
on the master to check for potentially long-running calls to port.
Finally, ports database updates are always handled with port selfupdate as opposed to port sync. This makes sense in the MacPorts user commmunity but may confuse experienced Linux admins as Linux package managers don't upgrade the packaging software when doing a package database update. In other words salt mac-machine pkg.refresh_db is more like apt-get update; apt-get upgrade dpkg apt-get than simply apt-get update.
- salt.modules.macports.available_version(*names, **kwargs)
Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or
- refresh
Update ports with port selfupdate
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3>
- salt.modules.macports.install(name=None, refresh=False, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Install the passed package(s) with port install
- name
The name of the formula to be installed. Note that this parameter is
ignored if "pkgs" is passed.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name>
- version
Specify a version to pkg to install. Ignored if pkgs is specified.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name> salt '*' pkg.install git-core version=''
- variant
Specify a variant to pkg to install. Ignored if pkgs is specified.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name> salt '*' pkg.install git-core version='' variant='+credential_osxkeychain+doc+pcre'
Multiple Package Installation Options:
- pkgs
A list of formulas to install. Must be passed as a python list.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo","bar"]' salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo@1.2","bar"]' salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo [at] 1.2+ssl","bar@2.3"]'
Returns a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install 'package package package'
- salt.modules.macports.latest_version(*names, **kwargs)
Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or
- refresh
Update ports with port selfupdate
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3>
- salt.modules.macports.list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs)
List the packages currently installed in a dict:
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs
- salt.modules.macports.list_upgrades(refresh=True)
Check whether or not an upgrade is available for all packages
- refresh
Update ports with port selfupdate
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades
- salt.modules.macports.refresh_db()
- Update ports with port selfupdate
- salt.modules.macports.remove(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Removes packages with port uninstall.
- name
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> salt '*' pkg.remove <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.macports.upgrade(refresh=True)
Run a full upgrade using MacPorts 'port upgrade outdated'
- refresh
Update ports with port selfupdate
Return a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade
- salt.modules.macports.upgrade_available(pkg, refresh=True)
Check whether or not an upgrade is available for a given package
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade_available <package name>
- salt.modules.macports.version(*names, **kwargs)
Returns a string representing the package version or an empty string if not
installed. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version <package name> salt '*' pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3>
Support for modifying make.conf under Gentoo
- salt.modules.makeconf.append_cflags(value)
Add to or create a new CFLAGS in the make.conf
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.append_cflags '-pipe'
- salt.modules.makeconf.append_cxxflags(value)
Add to or create a new CXXFLAGS in the make.conf
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.append_cxxflags '-pipe'
- salt.modules.makeconf.append_emerge_default_opts(value)
Add to or create a new EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS in the make.conf
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.append_emerge_default_opts '--jobs'
- salt.modules.makeconf.append_features(value)
Add to or create a new FEATURES in the make.conf
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.append_features 'webrsync-gpg'
- salt.modules.makeconf.append_gentoo_mirrors(value)
Add to or create a new GENTOO_MIRRORS in the make.conf
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.append_gentoo_mirrors ''
- salt.modules.makeconf.append_makeopts(value)
Add to or create a new MAKEOPTS in the make.conf
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.append_makeopts '-j3'
- salt.modules.makeconf.append_var(var, value)
Add to or create a new variable in the make.conf
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.append_var 'LINGUAS' 'en'
- salt.modules.makeconf.cflags_contains(value)
Verify if CFLAGS variable contains a value in make.conf
Return True if value is set for var
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.cflags_contains '-pipe'
- salt.modules.makeconf.chost_contains(value)
Verify if CHOST variable contains a value in make.conf
Return True if value is set for var
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.chost_contains 'x86_64-pc-linux-gnu'
- salt.modules.makeconf.cxxflags_contains(value)
Verify if CXXFLAGS variable contains a value in make.conf
Return True if value is set for var
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.cxxflags_contains '-pipe'
- salt.modules.makeconf.emerge_default_opts_contains(value)
Verify if EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS variable contains a value in make.conf
Return True if value is set for var
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.emerge_default_opts_contains '--jobs'
- salt.modules.makeconf.features_contains(value)
Verify if FEATURES variable contains a value in make.conf
Return True if value is set for var
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.features_contains 'webrsync-gpg'
- salt.modules.makeconf.gentoo_mirrors_contains(value)
Verify if GENTOO_MIRRORS variable contains a value in make.conf
Return True if value is set for var
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.gentoo_mirrors_contains ''
- salt.modules.makeconf.get_cflags()
Get the value of CFLAGS variable in the make.conf
Return the value of the variable or None if the variable is not in the make.conf
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.get_cflags
- salt.modules.makeconf.get_chost()
Get the value of CHOST variable in the make.conf
Return the value of the variable or None if the variable is not in the make.conf
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.get_chost
- salt.modules.makeconf.get_cxxflags()
Get the value of CXXFLAGS variable in the make.conf
Return the value of the variable or None if the variable is not in the make.conf
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.get_cxxflags
- salt.modules.makeconf.get_emerge_default_opts()
Get the value of EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS variable in the make.conf
Return the value of the variable or None if the variable is not in the make.conf
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.get_emerge_default_opts
- salt.modules.makeconf.get_features()
Get the value of FEATURES variable in the make.conf
Return the value of the variable or None if the variable is not in the make.conf
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.get_features
- salt.modules.makeconf.get_gentoo_mirrors()
Get the value of GENTOO_MIRRORS variable in the make.conf
Return the value of the variable or None if the variable is not in the make.conf
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.get_gentoo_mirrors
- salt.modules.makeconf.get_makeopts()
Get the value of MAKEOPTS variable in the make.conf
Return the value of the variable or None if the variable is not in the make.conf
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.get_makeopts
- salt.modules.makeconf.get_sync()
Get the value of SYNC variable in the make.conf
Return the value of the variable or None if the variable is not in the make.conf
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.get_sync
- salt.modules.makeconf.get_var(var)
Get the value of a variable in make.conf
Return the value of the variable or None if the variable is not in make.conf
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.get_var 'LINGUAS'
- salt.modules.makeconf.makeopts_contains(value)
Verify if MAKEOPTS variable contains a value in make.conf
Return True if value is set for var
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.makeopts_contains '-j3'
- salt.modules.makeconf.remove_var(var)
Remove a variable from the make.conf
Return a dict containing the new value for the variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.remove_var 'LINGUAS'
- salt.modules.makeconf.set_cflags(value)
Set the CFLAGS variable
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.set_cflags '-march=native -O2 -pipe'
- salt.modules.makeconf.set_chost(value)
Set the CHOST variable
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.set_chost 'x86_64-pc-linux-gnu'
- salt.modules.makeconf.set_cxxflags(value)
Set the CXXFLAGS variable
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.set_cxxflags '-march=native -O2 -pipe'
- salt.modules.makeconf.set_emerge_default_opts(value)
Set the EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS variable
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.set_emerge_default_opts '--jobs'
- salt.modules.makeconf.set_gentoo_mirrors(value)
Set the GENTOO_MIRRORS variable
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.set_gentoo_mirrors ''
- salt.modules.makeconf.set_makeopts(value)
Set the MAKEOPTS variable
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.set_makeopts '-j3'
- salt.modules.makeconf.set_sync(value)
Set the SYNC variable
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.set_sync 'rsync://'
- salt.modules.makeconf.set_var(var, value)
Set a variable in the make.conf
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.set_var 'LINGUAS' 'en'
- salt.modules.makeconf.sync_contains(value)
Verify if SYNC variable contains a value in make.conf
Return True if value is set for var
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.sync_contains 'rsync://'
- salt.modules.makeconf.trim_cflags(value)
Remove a value from CFLAGS variable in the make.conf
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.trim_cflags '-pipe'
- salt.modules.makeconf.trim_cxxflags(value)
Remove a value from CXXFLAGS variable in the make.conf
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.trim_cxxflags '-pipe'
- salt.modules.makeconf.trim_emerge_default_opts(value)
Remove a value from EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS variable in the make.conf
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.trim_emerge_default_opts '--jobs'
- salt.modules.makeconf.trim_features(value)
Remove a value from FEATURES variable in the make.conf
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.trim_features 'webrsync-gpg'
- salt.modules.makeconf.trim_gentoo_mirrors(value)
Remove a value from GENTOO_MIRRORS variable in the make.conf
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.trim_gentoo_mirrors ''
- salt.modules.makeconf.trim_makeopts(value)
Remove a value from MAKEOPTS variable in the make.conf
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.trim_makeopts '-j3'
- salt.modules.makeconf.trim_var(var, value)
Remove a value from a variable in the make.conf
Return a dict containing the new value for variable:
{'<variable>': {'old': '<old-value>', 'new': '<new-value>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.trim_var 'LINGUAS' 'en'
- salt.modules.makeconf.var_contains(var, value)
Verify if variable contains a value in make.conf
Return True if value is set for var
CLI Example:
salt '*' makeconf.var_contains 'LINGUAS' 'en'
The match module allows for match routines to be run and determine target specs
- salt.modules.match.compound(tgt, minion_id=None)
- Return True if the minion ID matches the given compound target
- minion_id
Specify the minion ID to match against the target expression
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' match.compound 'L@cheese,foo and *'
Return True if the minion matches the given data target
CLI Example:
salt '*' 'spam:eggs'
- salt.modules.match.filter_by(lookup, expr_form='compound', minion_id=None)
Return the first match in a dictionary of target patterns
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' match.filter_by '{foo*: Foo!, bar*: Bar!}' minion_id=bar03
Pillar Example:
{% set roles = salt['match.filter_by']({ 'web*': ['app', 'caching'], 'db*': ['db'], }) %}
- salt.modules.match.glob(tgt, minion_id=None)
- Return True if the minion ID matches the given glob target
- minion_id
Specify the minion ID to match against the target expression
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' match.glob '*'
- salt.modules.match.grain(tgt, delimiter=':', delim=None)
Return True if the minion matches the given grain target. The delimiter
argument can be used to specify a different delimiter.
CLI Example:
salt '*' match.grain 'os:Ubuntu' salt '*' match.grain 'ipv6|2001:db8::ff00:42:8329' delimiter='|'
- delimiter
Specify an alternate delimiter to use when traversing a nested dict
New in version 2014.7.0.
- delim
Specify an alternate delimiter to use when traversing a nested dict
New in version 0.16.4.
Deprecated since version 2014.7.0.
- salt.modules.match.grain_pcre(tgt, delimiter=':', delim=None)
Return True if the minion matches the given grain_pcre target. The
delimiter argument can be used to specify a different delimiter.
CLI Example:
salt '*' match.grain_pcre 'os:Fedo.*' salt '*' match.grain_pcre 'ipv6|2001:.*' delimiter='|'
- delimiter
Specify an alternate delimiter to use when traversing a nested dict
New in version 2014.7.0.
- delim
Specify an alternate delimiter to use when traversing a nested dict
New in version 0.16.4.
Deprecated since version 2014.7.0.
- salt.modules.match.ipcidr(tgt)
Return True if the minion matches the given ipcidr target
CLI Example:
salt '*' match.ipcidr ''
- salt.modules.match.list_(tgt, minion_id=None)
- Return True if the minion ID matches the given list target
- minion_id
Specify the minion ID to match against the target expression
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' match.list 'server1,server2'
- salt.modules.match.pcre(tgt, minion_id=None)
- Return True if the minion ID matches the given pcre target
- minion_id
Specify the minion ID to match against the target expression
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' match.pcre '.*'
- salt.modules.match.pillar(tgt, delimiter=':', delim=None)
Return True if the minion matches the given pillar target. The
delimiter argument can be used to specify a different delimiter.
CLI Example:
salt '*' match.pillar 'cheese:foo' salt '*' match.pillar 'clone_url|' delimiter='|'
- delimiter
Specify an alternate delimiter to use when traversing a nested dict
New in version 2014.7.0.
- delim
Specify an alternate delimiter to use when traversing a nested dict
New in version 0.16.4.
Deprecated since version 2014.7.0.
- salt.modules.match.pillar_pcre(tgt, delimiter=':', delim=None)
Return True if the minion matches the given pillar_pcre target. The
delimiter argument can be used to specify a different delimiter.
CLI Example:
salt '*' match.pillar_pcre 'cheese:(swiss|american)' salt '*' match.pillar_pcre 'clone_url|https://github\.com/.*\.git' delimiter='|'
- delimiter
Specify an alternate delimiter to use when traversing a nested dict
New in version 2014.7.0.
- delim
Specify an alternate delimiter to use when traversing a nested dict
New in version 0.16.4.
Deprecated since version 2014.7.0.
Salt module to manage RAID arrays with mdadm
- salt.modules.mdadm.assemble(name, devices, test_mode=False, **kwargs)
Assemble a RAID device.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' raid.assemble /dev/md0 ['/dev/xvdd', '/dev/xvde']
NOTE: Adding test_mode=True as an argument will print out the mdadm command that would have been run.
- name
- The name of the array to assemble.
- devices
- The list of devices comprising the array to assemble.
- kwargs
- Optional arguments to be passed to mdadm.
- returns
- test_mode=True:
- Prints out the full command.
- test_mode=False (Default):
Executes command on the host(s) and prints out the mdadm output.
For more info, read the mdadm manpage.
- salt.modules.mdadm.create(name, level, devices, metadata='default', test_mode=False, **kwargs)
Create a RAID device.
Changed in version 2014.7.0.
WARNING: Use with CAUTION, as this function can be very destructive if not used properly!
CLI Examples:
salt '*' raid.create /dev/md0 level=1 chunk=256 devices="['/dev/xvdd', '/dev/xvde']" test_mode=True
NOTE: Adding test_mode=True as an argument will print out the mdadm command that would have been run.
- name
- The name of the array to create.
- level
- The RAID level to use when creating the raid.
- devices
- A list of devices used to build the array.
- metadata
- Version of metadata to use when creating the array.
- kwargs
- Optional arguments to be passed to mdadm.
- returns
- test_mode=True:
- Prints out the full command.
- test_mode=False (Default):
Executes command on remote the host(s) and
Prints out the mdadm output.
NOTE: It takes time to create a RAID array. You can check the progress in "resync_status:" field of the results from the following command:
salt '*' raid.detail /dev/md0
For more info, read the mdadm(8) manpage
- salt.modules.mdadm.destroy(device)
Destroy a RAID device.
WARNING This will zero the superblock of all members of the RAID array..
CLI Example:
salt '*' raid.destroy /dev/md0
- salt.modules.mdadm.detail(device='/dev/md0')
Show detail for a specified RAID device
CLI Example:
salt '*' raid.detail '/dev/md0'
- salt.modules.mdadm.list_()
List the RAID devices.
CLI Example:
salt '*' raid.list
- salt.modules.mdadm.save_config()
Save RAID configuration to config file.
Same as: mdadm --detail --scan >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf
Fixes this issue with Ubuntu REF:
CLI Example:
salt '*' raid.save_config
- salt.modules.mdadm.stop()
Shut down all arrays that can be shut down (i.e. are not currently in use).
CLI Example:
salt '*' raid.stop
Module for Management of Memcached Keys
New in version 2014.1.0.
- salt.modules.memcached.add(key, value, host='', port=11211, time=0, min_compress_len=0)
Add a key to the memcached server, but only if it does not exist. Returns
False if the key already exists.
CLI Example:
salt '*' memcached.add <key> <value>
- salt.modules.memcached.decrement(key, delta=1, host='', port=11211)
Decrement the value of a key
CLI Example:
salt '*' memcached.decrement <key> salt '*' memcached.decrement <key> 2
- salt.modules.memcached.delete(key, host='', port=11211, time=0)
Delete a key from memcache server
CLI Example:
salt '*' memcached.delete <key>
- salt.modules.memcached.get(key, host='', port=11211)
Retrieve value for a key
CLI Example:
salt '*' memcached.get <key>
- salt.modules.memcached.increment(key, delta=1, host='', port=11211)
Increment the value of a key
CLI Example:
salt '*' memcached.increment <key> salt '*' memcached.increment <key> 2
- salt.modules.memcached.replace(key, value, host='', port=11211, time=0, min_compress_len=0)
Replace a key on the memcached server. This only succeeds if the key
already exists. This is the opposite of memcached.add
CLI Example:
salt '*' memcached.replace <key> <value>
- salt.modules.memcached.set_(key, value, host='', port=11211, time=0, min_compress_len=0)
Set a key on the memcached server, overwriting the value if it exists.
CLI Example:
salt '*' memcached.set <key> <value>
- salt.modules.memcached.status(host='', port=11211)
Get memcached status
CLI Example:
salt '*' memcached.status
The function cache system allows for data to be stored on the master so it can be easily read by other minions
- salt.modules.mine.delete(fun)
Remove specific function contents of minion. Returns True on success.
CLI Example:
salt '*' mine.delete 'network.interfaces'
- salt.modules.mine.flush()
Remove all mine contents of minion. Returns True on success.
CLI Example:
salt '*' mine.flush
- salt.modules.mine.get(tgt, fun, expr_form='glob')
Get data from the mine based on the target, function and expr_form
Targets can be matched based on any standard matching system that can be matched on the master via these keywords:
glob pcre grain grain_pcre compound pillar pillar_pcre
Note that all pillar matches, whether using the compound matching system or the pillar matching system, will be exact matches, with globbing disabled.
CLI Example:
salt '*' mine.get '*' network.interfaces salt '*' mine.get 'os:Fedora' network.interfaces grain salt '*' mine.get 'os:Fedora and S@' network.ipaddrs compound
- salt.modules.mine.get_docker(interfaces=None, cidrs=None)
Get all mine data for 'docker.get_containers' and run an aggregation
routine. The "interfaces" parameter allows for specifying which network
interfaces to select ip addresses from. The "cidrs" parameter allows for
specifying a list of cidrs which the ip address must match.
CLI Example:
salt '*' mine.get_docker salt '*' mine.get_docker interfaces='eth0' salt '*' mine.get_docker interfaces='["eth0", "eth1"]' salt '*' mine.get_docker cidrs='' salt '*' mine.get_docker cidrs='["", ""]' salt '*' mine.get_docker interfaces='["eth0", "eth1"]' cidrs='["", ""]'
- salt.modules.mine.send(func, *args, **kwargs)
Send a specific function to the mine.
CLI Example:
salt '*' mine.send network.ip_addrs eth0 salt '*' mine.send eth0_ip_addrs mine_function=network.ip_addrs eth0
- salt.modules.mine.update(clear=False)
Execute the configured functions and send the data back up to the master
The functions to be executed are merged from the master config, pillar and
minion config under the option "function_cache":
mine_functions: network.ip_addrs: - eth0 disk.usage: []
The function cache will be populated with information from executing these functions
CLI Example:
salt '*' mine.update
New in version 2014.7.0.
Provides access to randomness generators.
- salt.modules.mod_random.get_str(length=20)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Returns a random string of the specified length.
- length
Any valid number of bytes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' random.get_str 128
- salt.modules.mod_random.hash(value, algorithm='sha512')
New in version 2014.7.0.
Encodes a value with the specified encoder.
- value
- The value to be hashed.
- algorithm
The algorithm to use. May be any valid algorithm supported by
CLI Example:
salt '*' random.hash 'I am a string' md5
- salt.modules.mod_random.rand_int(start=1, end=10)
- Returns a random integer number between the start and end number.
- start
- 1 Any valid integer number
- end
Any valid integer number
CLI Example:
salt '*' random.rand_int 1 10
- salt.modules.mod_random.shadow_hash(crypt_salt=None, password=None, algorithm='sha512')
- Generates a salted hash suitable for /etc/shadow.
- crypt_salt
- None Salt to be used in the generation of the hash. If one is not provided, a random salt will be generated.
- password
- None Value to be salted and hashed. If one is not provided, a random password will be generated.
- algorithm
Hash algorithm to use.
CLI Example:
salt '*' random.shadow_hash 'My5alT' 'MyP [at] asswd' md5
- salt.modules.mod_random.str_encode(value, encoder='base64')
New in version 2014.7.0.
- value
- The value to be encoded.
- encoder
The encoder to use on the subsequent string.
CLI Example:
salt '*' random.str_encode 'I am a new string' base64
Control Modjk via the Apache Tomcat "Status" worker (
Below is an example of the configuration needed for this module. This configuration data can be placed either in grains or pillar.
If using grains, this can be accomplished statically or via a grain module.
If using pillar, the yaml configuration can be placed directly into a pillar SLS file, making this both the easier and more dynamic method of configuring this module.
modjk: default: url: http://localhost/jkstatus user: modjk pass: secret realm: authentication realm for digest passwords timeout: 5 otherVhost: url: http://otherVhost/jkstatus user: modjk pass: secret2 realm: authentication realm2 for digest passwords timeout: 600
- salt.modules.modjk.bulk_activate(workers, lbn, profile='default')
Activate all the given workers in the specific load balancer
CLI Examples:
salt '*' modjk.bulk_activate node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1 salt '*' modjk.bulk_activate node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1 other-profile salt '*' modjk.bulk_activate ["node1","node2","node3"] loadbalancer1 salt '*' modjk.bulk_activate ["node1","node2","node3"] loadbalancer1 other-profile
- salt.modules.modjk.bulk_disable(workers, lbn, profile='default')
Disable all the given workers in the specific load balancer
CLI Examples:
salt '*' modjk.bulk_disable node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1 salt '*' modjk.bulk_disable node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1 other-profile salt '*' modjk.bulk_disable ["node1","node2","node3"] loadbalancer1 salt '*' modjk.bulk_disable ["node1","node2","node3"] loadbalancer1 other-profile
- salt.modules.modjk.bulk_recover(workers, lbn, profile='default')
Recover all the given workers in the specific load balancer
CLI Examples:
salt '*' modjk.bulk_recover node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1 salt '*' modjk.bulk_recover node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1 other-profile salt '*' modjk.bulk_recover ["node1","node2","node3"] loadbalancer1 salt '*' modjk.bulk_recover ["node1","node2","node3"] loadbalancer1 other-profile
- salt.modules.modjk.bulk_stop(workers, lbn, profile='default')
Stop all the given workers in the specific load balancer
CLI Examples:
salt '*' modjk.bulk_stop node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1 salt '*' modjk.bulk_stop node1,node2,node3 loadbalancer1 other-profile salt '*' modjk.bulk_stop ["node1","node2","node3"] loadbalancer1 salt '*' modjk.bulk_stop ["node1","node2","node3"] loadbalancer1 other-profile
- salt.modules.modjk.dump_config(profile='default')
Dump the original configuration that was loaded from disk
CLI Examples:
salt '*' modjk.dump_config salt '*' modjk.dump_config other-profile
- salt.modules.modjk.get_running(profile='default')
Get the current running config (not from disk)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' modjk.get_running salt '*' modjk.get_running other-profile
- salt.modules.modjk.lb_edit(lbn, settings, profile='default')
Edit the loadbalancer settings
Note: Data Parameters for the standard Update Action
CLI Examples:
salt '*' modjk.lb_edit loadbalancer1 "{'vlr': 1, 'vlt': 60}" salt '*' modjk.lb_edit loadbalancer1 "{'vlr': 1, 'vlt': 60}" other-profile
- salt.modules.modjk.list_configured_members(lbn, profile='default')
Return a list of member workers from the configuration files
CLI Examples:
salt '*' modjk.list_configured_members loadbalancer1 salt '*' modjk.list_configured_members loadbalancer1 other-profile
- salt.modules.modjk.recover_all(lbn, profile='default')
Set the all the workers in lbn to recover and activate them if they are not
CLI Examples:
salt '*' modjk.recover_all loadbalancer1 salt '*' modjk.recover_all loadbalancer1 other-profile
- salt.modules.modjk.reset_stats(lbn, profile='default')
Reset all runtime statistics for the load balancer
CLI Examples:
salt '*' modjk.reset_stats loadbalancer1 salt '*' modjk.reset_stats loadbalancer1 other-profile
- salt.modules.modjk.version(profile='default')
Return the modjk version
CLI Examples:
salt '*' modjk.version salt '*' modjk.version other-profile
- salt.modules.modjk.worker_activate(worker, lbn, profile='default')
Set the worker to activate state in the lbn load balancer
CLI Examples:
salt '*' modjk.worker_activate node1 loadbalancer1 salt '*' modjk.worker_activate node1 loadbalancer1 other-profile
- salt.modules.modjk.worker_disable(worker, lbn, profile='default')
Set the worker to disable state in the lbn load balancer
CLI Examples:
salt '*' modjk.worker_disable node1 loadbalancer1 salt '*' modjk.worker_disable node1 loadbalancer1 other-profile
- salt.modules.modjk.worker_edit(worker, lbn, settings, profile='default')
Edit the worker settings
Note: Data Parameters for the standard Update Action
CLI Examples:
salt '*' modjk.worker_edit node1 loadbalancer1 "{'vwf': 500, 'vwd': 60}" salt '*' modjk.worker_edit node1 loadbalancer1 "{'vwf': 500, 'vwd': 60}" other-profile
- salt.modules.modjk.worker_recover(worker, lbn, profile='default')
Set the worker to recover
this module will fail if it is in OK state
CLI Examples:
salt '*' modjk.worker_recover node1 loadbalancer1 salt '*' modjk.worker_recover node1 loadbalancer1 other-profile
- salt.modules.modjk.worker_status(worker, profile='default')
Return the state of the worker
CLI Examples:
salt '*' modjk.worker_status node1 salt '*' modjk.worker_status node1 other-profile
- salt.modules.modjk.worker_stop(worker, lbn, profile='default')
Set the worker to stopped state in the lbn load balancer
CLI Examples:
salt '*' modjk.worker_activate node1 loadbalancer1 salt '*' modjk.worker_activate node1 loadbalancer1 other-profile
- salt.modules.modjk.workers(profile='default')
Return a list of member workers and their status
CLI Examples:
salt '*' modjk.workers salt '*' modjk.workers other-profile
Module to provide MongoDB functionality to Salt
- configuration
This module uses PyMongo, and accepts configuration details as
parameters as well as configuration settings: 'localhost' mongodb.port: 27017 mongodb.user: '' mongodb.password: ''
This data can also be passed into pillar. Options passed into opts will overwrite options passed into pillar.
- salt.modules.mongodb.db_exists(name, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None)
Checks if a database exists in Mongodb
CLI Example:
salt '*' mongodb.db_exists <name> <user> <password> <host> <port>
- salt.modules.mongodb.db_list(user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None)
List all Mongodb databases
CLI Example:
salt '*' mongodb.db_list <user> <password> <host> <port>
- salt.modules.mongodb.db_remove(name, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None)
Remove a Mongodb database
CLI Example:
salt '*' mongodb.db_remove <name> <user> <password> <host> <port>
- salt.modules.mongodb.find(collection, query=None, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None, database='admin')
- salt.modules.mongodb.insert(objects, collection, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None, database='admin')
Insert an object or list of objects into a collection
CLI Example:
salt '*' mongodb.insert '[{"foo": "FOO", "bar": "BAR"}, {"foo": "BAZ", "bar": "BAM"}]' mycollection <user> <password> <host> <port> <database>
- salt.modules.mongodb.remove(collection, query=None, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None, database='admin', w=1)
Remove an object or list of objects into a collection
CLI Example:
salt '*' mongodb.remove mycollection '[{"foo": "FOO", "bar": "BAR"}, {"foo": "BAZ", "bar": "BAM"}]' <user> <password> <host> <port> <database>
- salt.modules.mongodb.user_create(name, passwd, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None, database='admin')
Create a Mongodb user
CLI Example:
salt '*' mongodb.user_create <name> <user> <password> <host> <port> <database>
- salt.modules.mongodb.user_exists(name, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None, database='admin')
Checks if a user exists in Mongodb
CLI Example:
salt '*' mongodb.user_exists <name> <user> <password> <host> <port> <database>
- salt.modules.mongodb.user_list(user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None, database='admin')
List users of a Mongodb database
CLI Example:
salt '*' mongodb.user_list <user> <password> <host> <port> <database>
- salt.modules.mongodb.user_remove(name, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None, database='admin')
Remove a Mongodb user
CLI Example:
salt '*' mongodb.user_remove <name> <user> <password> <host> <port> <database>
Monit service module. This module will create a monit type service watcher.
- salt.modules.monit.monitor(name)
monitor service via monit
CLI Example:
salt '*' monit.monitor <service name>
- salt.modules.monit.restart(name)
Restart service via monit
CLI Example:
salt '*' monit.restart <service name>
- salt.modules.monit.start(name)
CLI Example:
salt '*' monit.start <service name>
- salt.modules.monit.status(svc_name='')
Display a process status from monit
CLI Example:
salt '*' monit.status salt '*' monit.status <service name>
- salt.modules.monit.stop(name)
Stops service via monit
CLI Example:
salt '*' monit.stop <service name>
- salt.modules.monit.summary(svc_name='')
Display a summary from monit
CLI Example:
salt '*' monit.summary salt '*' monit.summary <service name>
- salt.modules.monit.unmonitor(name)
Unmonitor service via monit
CLI Example:
salt '*' monit.unmonitor <service name>
Module for gathering and managing information about MooseFS
- salt.modules.moosefs.dirinfo(path, opts=None)
Return information on a directory located on the Moose
CLI Example:
salt '*' moosefs.dirinfo /path/to/dir/ [-[n][h|H]]
- salt.modules.moosefs.fileinfo(path)
Return information on a file located on the Moose
CLI Example:
salt '*' moosefs.fileinfo /path/to/dir/
- salt.modules.moosefs.getgoal(path, opts=None)
Return goal(s) for a file or directory
CLI Example:
salt '*' moosefs.getgoal /path/to/file [-[n][h|H]] salt '*' moosefs.getgoal /path/to/dir/ [-[n][h|H][r]]
- salt.modules.moosefs.mounts()
Return a list of current MooseFS mounts
CLI Example:
salt '*' moosefs.mounts
Salt module to manage unix mounts and the fstab file
List the active mounts.
CLI Example:
salt '*'
- salt.modules.mount.automaster(config='/etc/auto_salt')
List the contents of the fstab
CLI Example:
salt '*' mount.fstab
- salt.modules.mount.fstab(config='/etc/fstab')
List the contents of the fstab
CLI Example:
salt '*' mount.fstab
- salt.modules.mount.is_fuse_exec(cmd)
Returns true if the command passed is a fuse mountable application.
CLI Example:
salt '*' mount.is_fuse_exec sshfs
- salt.modules.mount.is_mounted(name)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Provide information if the path is mounted
CLI Example:
salt '*' mount.is_mounted /mnt/share
- salt.modules.mount.mount(name, device, mkmnt=False, fstype='', opts='defaults', user=None)
Mount a device
CLI Example:
salt '*' mount.mount /mnt/foo /dev/sdz1 True
- salt.modules.mount.remount(name, device, mkmnt=False, fstype='', opts='defaults', user=None)
Attempt to remount a device, if the device is not already mounted, mount
is called
CLI Example:
salt '*' mount.remount /mnt/foo /dev/sdz1 True
- salt.modules.mount.rm_automaster(name, device, config='/etc/auto_salt')
Remove the mount point from the auto_master
CLI Example:
salt '*' mount.rm_automaster /mnt/foo
- salt.modules.mount.rm_fstab(name, device, config='/etc/fstab')
Remove the mount point from the fstab
CLI Example:
salt '*' mount.rm_fstab /mnt/foo
- salt.modules.mount.set_automaster(name, device, fstype, opts='', config='/etc/auto_salt', test=False, **kwargs)
Verify that this mount is represented in the auto_salt, change the mount
to match the data passed, or add the mount if it is not present.
CLI Example:
salt '*' mount.set_automaster /mnt/foo /dev/sdz1 ext4
- salt.modules.mount.set_fstab(name, device, fstype, opts='defaults', dump=0, pass_num=0, config='/etc/fstab', test=False, match_on='auto', **kwargs)
Verify that this mount is represented in the fstab, change the mount
to match the data passed, or add the mount if it is not present.
CLI Example:
salt '*' mount.set_fstab /mnt/foo /dev/sdz1 ext4
- salt.modules.mount.swapoff(name)
Deactivate a named swap mount
CLI Example:
salt '*' mount.swapoff /root/swapfile
- salt.modules.mount.swapon(name, priority=None)
Activate a swap disk
CLI Example:
salt '*' mount.swapon /root/swapfile
- salt.modules.mount.swaps()
Return a dict containing information on active swap
CLI Example:
salt '*' mount.swaps
- salt.modules.mount.umount(name, device=None, user=None)
Attempt to unmount a device by specifying the directory it is mounted on
CLI Example:
salt '*' mount.umount /mnt/foo .. versionadded:: 2015.5.0 salt '*' mount.umount /mnt/foo /dev/xvdc1
Run munin plugins/checks from salt and format the output as data.
- salt.modules.munin.list_plugins()
List all the munin plugins
CLI Example:
salt '*' munin.list_plugins
Run one or more named munin plugins
CLI Example:
salt '*' uptime salt '*' uptime,cpu,load,memory
- salt.modules.munin.run_all()
Run all the munin plugins
CLI Example:
salt '*' munin.run_all
Module to provide MySQL compatibility to salt.
- depends
- •
MySQLdb Python module
NOTE: On CentOS 5 (and possibly RHEL 5) both MySQL-python and python26-mysqldb need to be installed.
- configuration
In order to connect to MySQL, certain configuration is required
in /etc/salt/minion on the relevant minions. Some sample configs might look
like: 'localhost' mysql.port: 3306 mysql.user: 'root' mysql.pass: '' mysql.db: 'mysql' mysql.unix_socket: '/tmp/mysql.sock' mysql.charset: 'utf8'
You can also use a defaults file:
mysql.default_file: '/etc/mysql/debian.cnf'
Changed in version 2014.1.0: charset connection argument added. This is a MySQL charset, not a python one
Changed in version 0.16.2: Connection arguments from the minion config file can be overridden on the CLI by using the arguments defined here. Additionally, it is now possible to setup a user with no password.
- salt.modules.mysql.db_check(name, table=None, **connection_args)
Repairs the full database or just a given table
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.db_check dbname salt '*' mysql.db_check dbname dbtable
- salt.modules.mysql.db_create(name, character_set=None, collate=None, **connection_args)
- Adds a databases to the MySQL server.
- name
- The name of the database to manage
- character_set
- The character set, if left empty the MySQL default will be used
- collate
The collation, if left empty the MySQL default will be used
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.db_create 'dbname' salt '*' mysql.db_create 'dbname' 'utf8' 'utf8_general_ci'
- salt.modules.mysql.db_exists(name, **connection_args)
Checks if a database exists on the MySQL server.
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.db_exists 'dbname'
- salt.modules.mysql.db_list(**connection_args)
Return a list of databases of a MySQL server using the output
from the SHOW DATABASES query.
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.db_list
- salt.modules.mysql.db_optimize(name, table=None, **connection_args)
Optimizes the full database or just a given table
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.db_optimize dbname
- salt.modules.mysql.db_remove(name, **connection_args)
Removes a databases from the MySQL server.
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.db_remove 'dbname'
- salt.modules.mysql.db_repair(name, table=None, **connection_args)
Repairs the full database or just a given table
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.db_repair dbname
- salt.modules.mysql.db_tables(name, **connection_args)
Shows the tables in the given MySQL database (if exists)
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.db_tables 'database'
- salt.modules.mysql.free_slave(**connection_args)
Frees a slave from its master. This is a WIP, do not use.
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.free_slave
- salt.modules.mysql.get_master_status(**connection_args)
- Retrieves the master status from the minion.
- Returns:
- {'': {'Binlog_Do_DB': '',
'Binlog_Ignore_DB': '',
'File': 'mysql-bin.000021',
'Position': 107}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.get_master_status
- salt.modules.mysql.get_slave_status(**connection_args)
Retrieves the slave status from the minion.
{'': {'Connect_Retry': 60, 'Exec_Master_Log_Pos': 107, 'Last_Errno': 0, 'Last_Error': '', 'Last_IO_Errno': 0, 'Last_IO_Error': '', 'Last_SQL_Errno': 0, 'Last_SQL_Error': '', 'Master_Host': '', 'Master_Log_File': 'mysql-bin.000021', 'Master_Port': 3306, 'Master_SSL_Allowed': 'No', 'Master_SSL_CA_File': '', 'Master_SSL_CA_Path': '', 'Master_SSL_Cert': '', 'Master_SSL_Cipher': '', 'Master_SSL_Key': '', 'Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert': 'No', 'Master_Server_Id': 1, 'Master_User': 'replu', 'Read_Master_Log_Pos': 107, 'Relay_Log_File': 'klo-relay-bin.000071', 'Relay_Log_Pos': 253, 'Relay_Log_Space': 553, 'Relay_Master_Log_File': 'mysql-bin.000021', 'Replicate_Do_DB': '', 'Replicate_Do_Table': '', 'Replicate_Ignore_DB': '', 'Replicate_Ignore_Server_Ids': '', 'Replicate_Ignore_Table': '', 'Replicate_Wild_Do_Table': '', 'Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table': '', 'Seconds_Behind_Master': 0, 'Skip_Counter': 0, 'Slave_IO_Running': 'Yes', 'Slave_IO_State': 'Waiting for master to send event', 'Slave_SQL_Running': 'Yes', 'Until_Condition': 'None', 'Until_Log_File': '', 'Until_Log_Pos': 0}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.get_slave_status
- salt.modules.mysql.grant_add(grant, database, user, host='localhost', grant_option=False, escape=True, ssl_option=False, **connection_args)
Adds a grant to the MySQL server.
For database, make sure you specify database.table or database.*
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.grant_add 'SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,...' 'database.*' 'frank' 'localhost'
- salt.modules.mysql.grant_exists(grant, database, user, host='localhost', grant_option=False, escape=True, **connection_args)
Checks to see if a grant exists in the database
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.grant_exists 'SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,...' 'database.*' 'frank' 'localhost'
- salt.modules.mysql.grant_revoke(grant, database, user, host='localhost', grant_option=False, escape=True, **connection_args)
Removes a grant from the MySQL server.
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.grant_revoke 'SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE' 'database.*' 'frank' 'localhost'
- salt.modules.mysql.processlist(**connection_args)
- Retrieves the processlist from the MySQL server via "SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST".
- Returns: a list of dicts, with each dict representing a process:
- {'Command': 'Query',
'Host': 'localhost',
'Id': 39,
'Rows_examined': 0,
'Rows_read': 1,
'Rows_sent': 0,
'State': None,
'Time': 0,
'User': 'root',
'db': 'mysql'}
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.processlist
- salt.modules.mysql.query(database, query, **connection_args)
Run an arbitrary SQL query and return the results or
the number of affected rows.
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.query mydb "UPDATE mytable set myfield=1 limit 1"
Return data:
{'query time': {'human': '39.0ms', 'raw': '0.03899'}, 'rows affected': 1L}
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.query mydb "SELECT id,name,cash from users limit 3"
Return data:
{'columns': ('id', 'name', 'cash'), 'query time': {'human': '1.0ms', 'raw': '0.001'}, 'results': ((1L, 'User 1', Decimal('110.000000')), (2L, 'User 2', Decimal('215.636756')), (3L, 'User 3', Decimal('0.040000'))), 'rows returned': 3L}
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.query mydb 'INSERT into users values (null,"user 4", 5)'
Return data:
{'query time': {'human': '25.6ms', 'raw': '0.02563'}, 'rows affected': 1L}
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.query mydb 'DELETE from users where id = 4 limit 1'
Return data:
{'query time': {'human': '39.0ms', 'raw': '0.03899'}, 'rows affected': 1L}
Jinja Example: Run a query on mydb and use row 0, column 0's data.
{{ salt['mysql.query']('mydb', 'SELECT info from mytable limit 1')['results'][0][0] }}
- salt.modules.mysql.quote_identifier(identifier, for_grants=False)
Return an identifier name (column, table, database, etc) escaped for MySQL
This means surrounded by "`" character and escaping this character inside. It also means doubling the '%' character for MySQLdb internal usage.
- Parameters
- •
- identifier -- the table, column or database identifier
- •
for_grants -- is False by default, when using database names on grant
queries you should set it to True to also escape "_" and "%" characters as
requested by MySQL. Note that theses characters should only be escaped when
requesting grants on the database level (my_%db.*) but not for table
level grants (my_%db.`foo`)
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.quote_identifier 'foo`bar'
- salt.modules.mysql.showglobal(**connection_args)
- Retrieves the show global variables from the minion.
- Returns::
show global variables full dict
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.showglobal
- salt.modules.mysql.showvariables(**connection_args)
- Retrieves the show variables from the minion.
- Returns::
show variables full dict
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.showvariables
- salt.modules.mysql.slave_lag(**connection_args)
Return the number of seconds that a slave SQL server is lagging behind the
master, if the host is not a slave it will return -1. If the server is
configured to be a slave for replication but slave IO is not running then
-2 will be returned. If there was an error connecting to the database or
checking the slave status, -3 will be returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.slave_lag
- salt.modules.mysql.status(**connection_args)
Return the status of a MySQL server using the output from the SHOW
STATUS query.
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.status
- salt.modules.mysql.tokenize_grant(grant)
External wrapper function
:param grant:
:return: dict
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.tokenize_grant "GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON testdb.* TO 'testuser'@'localhost'"
- salt.modules.mysql.user_chpass(user, host='localhost', password=None, password_hash=None, allow_passwordless=False, unix_socket=None, **connection_args)
- Change password for a MySQL user
- host
- Host for which this user/password combo applies
- password
- The password to set for the new user. Will take precedence over the password_hash option if both are specified.
- password_hash
The password in hashed form. Be sure to quote the password because YAML
doesn't like the *. A password hash can be obtained from the mysql
command-line client like so:
mysql> SELECT PASSWORD('mypass'); +-------------------------------------------+ | PASSWORD('mypass') | +-------------------------------------------+ | *6C8989366EAF75BB670AD8EA7A7FC1176A95CEF4 | +-------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
- allow_passwordless
If True, then password and password_hash can be omitted (or
set to None) to permit a passwordless login.
New in version 0.16.2: The allow_passwordless option was added.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' mysql.user_chpass frank localhost newpassword salt '*' mysql.user_chpass frank localhost password_hash='hash' salt '*' mysql.user_chpass frank localhost allow_passwordless=True
- salt.modules.mysql.user_create(user, host='localhost', password=None, password_hash=None, allow_passwordless=False, unix_socket=False, **connection_args)
- Creates a MySQL user
- host
- Host for which this user/password combo applies
- password
- The password to use for the new user. Will take precedence over the password_hash option if both are specified.
- password_hash
The password in hashed form. Be sure to quote the password because YAML
doesn't like the *. A password hash can be obtained from the mysql
command-line client like so:
mysql> SELECT PASSWORD('mypass'); +-------------------------------------------+ | PASSWORD('mypass') | +-------------------------------------------+ | *6C8989366EAF75BB670AD8EA7A7FC1176A95CEF4 | +-------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
- allow_passwordless
- If True, then password and password_hash can be omitted (or set to None) to permit a passwordless login.
- unix_socket
If True and allow_passwordless is True then will be used unix_socket auth plugin.
New in version 0.16.2: The allow_passwordless option was added.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' mysql.user_create 'username' 'hostname' 'password' salt '*' mysql.user_create 'username' 'hostname' password_hash='hash' salt '*' mysql.user_create 'username' 'hostname' allow_passwordless=True
- salt.modules.mysql.user_exists(user, host='localhost', password=None, password_hash=None, passwordless=False, unix_socket=False, **connection_args)
Checks if a user exists on the MySQL server. A login can be checked to see
if passwordless login is permitted by omitting password and
password_hash, and using passwordless=True.
New in version 0.16.2: The passwordless option was added.
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.user_exists 'username' 'hostname' 'password' salt '*' mysql.user_exists 'username' 'hostname' password_hash='hash' salt '*' mysql.user_exists 'username' passwordless=True
- salt.modules.mysql.user_grants(user, host='localhost', **connection_args)
Shows the grants for the given MySQL user (if it exists)
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.user_grants 'frank' 'localhost'
- salt.modules.mysql.user_info(user, host='localhost', **connection_args)
Get full info on a MySQL user
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.user_info root localhost
- salt.modules.mysql.user_list(**connection_args)
Return a list of users on a MySQL server
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.user_list
- salt.modules.mysql.user_remove(user, host='localhost', **connection_args)
Delete MySQL user
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.user_remove frank localhost
- salt.modules.mysql.version(**connection_args)
Return the version of a MySQL server using the output from the SELECT
VERSION() query.
CLI Example:
salt '*' mysql.version
This module helps include encrypted passwords in pillars, grains and salt state files.
- depends
This is often useful if you wish to store your pillars in source control or share your pillar data with others that you trust. I don't advise making your pillars public regardless if they are encrypted or not.
When generating keys and encrypting passwords use --local when using salt-call for extra security. Also consider using just the salt runner nacl when encrypting pillar passwords.
The nacl lib uses 32byte keys, these keys are base64 encoded to make your life more simple. To generate your key or keyfile you can use:
salt-call --local nacl.keygen keyfile=/root/.nacl
Now with your key, you can encrypt some data:
salt-call --local nacl.enc mypass keyfile=/root/.nacl DRB7Q6/X5gGSRCTpZyxS6hXO5LnlJIIJ4ivbmUlbWj0llUA+uaVyvou3vJ4=
To decrypt the data:
salt-call --local nacl.dec data='DRB7Q6/X5gGSRCTpZyxS6hXO5LnlJIIJ4ivbmUlbWj0llUA+uaVyvou3vJ4=' keyfile=/root/.nacl mypass
The following optional configurations can be defined in the minion or master config. Avoid storing the config in pillars!
cat /etc/salt/master.d/nacl.conf nacl.config: key: None keyfile: /root/.nacl
When the key is defined in the master config you can use it from the nacl runner:
salt-run nacl.enc 'myotherpass'
Now you can create a pillar with protected data like:
pillarexample: user: root password: {{ salt.nacl.dec('DRB7Q6/X5gGSRCTpZyxS6hXO5LnlJIIJ4ivbmUlbWj0llUA+uaVyvou3vJ4=') }}
Or do something interesting with grains like:
salt-call nacl.enc minionname:dbrole AL24Z2C5OlkReer3DuQTFdrNLchLuz3NGIhGjZkLtKRYry/b/CksWM8O9yskLwH2AGVLoEXI5jAa salt minionname grains.setval role 'AL24Z2C5OlkReer3DuQTFdrNLchLuz3NGIhGjZkLtKRYry/b/CksWM8O9yskLwH2AGVLoEXI5jAa' {%- set r = grains.get('role') %} {%- set role = None %} {%- if r and 'nacl.dec' in salt %} {%- set r = salt['nacl.dec'](r,keyfile='/root/.nacl').split(':') %} {%- if opts['id'] == r[0] %} {%- set role = r[1] %} {%- endif %} {%- endif %} base: {%- if role %} '{{ opts['id'] }}': - {{ role }} {%- endif %}
- salt.modules.nacl.dec(data, **kwargs)
Takes a key generated from nacl.keygen and decrypt some data.
CLI Examples:
salt-call --local nacl.dec pEXHQM6cuaF7A= salt-call --local nacl.dec data='pEXHQM6cuaF7A=' keyfile=/root/.nacl salt-call --local nacl.dec data='pEXHQM6cuaF7A=' key='cKEzd4kXsbeCE7/nLTIqXwnUiD1ulg4NoeeYcCFpd9k='
- salt.modules.nacl.enc(data, **kwargs)
Takes a key generated from nacl.keygen and encrypt some data.
CLI Examples:
salt-call --local nacl.enc datatoenc salt-call --local nacl.enc datatoenc keyfile=/root/.nacl salt-call --local nacl.enc datatoenc key='cKEzd4kXsbeCE7/nLTIqXwnUiD1ulg4NoeeYcCFpd9k='
- salt.modules.nacl.keygen(keyfile=None)
Use libnacl to generate a private key
CLI Examples:
salt-call --local nacl.keygen salt-call --local nacl.keygen keyfile=/root/.nacl salt-call --local --out=newline_values_only nacl.keygen > /root/.nacl
Run nagios plugins/checks from salt and get the return as data.
- salt.modules.nagios.list_plugins()
List all the nagios plugins
CLI Example:
salt '*' nagios.list_plugins
- salt.modules.nagios.retcode(plugin, args='', key_name=None)
Run one nagios plugin and return retcode of the execution
CLI Example:
salt '*' check_apt salt '*' check_icmp ''
- salt.modules.nagios.retcode_pillar(pillar_name)
Run one or more nagios plugins from pillar data and get the result of cmd.retcode
The pillar have to be in this format:
------ webserver: Ping_google: - check_icmp: - check_icmp: Load: - check_load: -w 0.8 -c 1 APT: - check_apt -------
webserver is the role to check, the next keys are the group and the items the check with the arguments if needed
You must to group different checks(one o more) and always it will return the highest value of all the checks
CLI Example:
salt '*' nagios.retcode webserver
-, args='')
- Run nagios plugin and return all the data execution with
- salt.modules.nagios.run_all(plugin, args='')
- Run nagios plugin and return all the data execution with cmd.run_all
- salt.modules.nagios.run_all_pillar(pillar_name)
Run one or more nagios plugins from pillar data and get the result of cmd.run_all
The pillar have to be in this format:
------ webserver: Ping_google: - check_icmp: - check_icmp: Load: - check_load: -w 0.8 -c 1 APT: - check_apt -------
webserver is the role to check, the next keys are the group and the items the check with the arguments if needed
You have to group different checks in a group
CLI Example:
salt '*' webserver
- salt.modules.nagios.run_pillar(pillar_name)
Run one or more nagios plugins from pillar data and get the result of
The pillar have to be in this format:
------ webserver: Ping_google: - check_icmp: - check_icmp: Load: - check_load: -w 0.8 -c 1 APT: - check_apt -------
webserver is the role to check, the next keys are the group and the items the check with the arguments if needed
You have to group different checks in a group
CLI Example:
salt '*' webserver
Module for viewing and modifying sysctl parameters
- salt.modules.netbsd_sysctl.assign(name, value)
Assign a single sysctl parameter for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysctl.assign net.inet.icmp.icmplim 50
- salt.modules.netbsd_sysctl.get(name)
Return a single sysctl parameter for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysctl.get hw.physmem
- salt.modules.netbsd_sysctl.persist(name, value, config='/etc/sysctl.conf')
Assign and persist a simple sysctl parameter for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysctl.persist net.inet.icmp.icmplim 50
Return a list of sysctl parameters for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*'
The service module for NetBSD
- salt.modules.netbsdservice.available(name)
Returns True if the specified service is available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.available sshd
- salt.modules.netbsdservice.disable(name, **kwargs)
Disable the named service to start at boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disable <service name>
- salt.modules.netbsdservice.disabled(name)
Return True if the named service is enabled, false otherwise
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disabled <service name>
- salt.modules.netbsdservice.enable(name, **kwargs)
Enable the named service to start at boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enable <service name>
- salt.modules.netbsdservice.enabled(name, **kwargs)
Return True if the named service is enabled, false otherwise
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enabled <service name>
- salt.modules.netbsdservice.force_reload(name)
Force-reload the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.force_reload <service name>
- salt.modules.netbsdservice.get_all()
Return all available boot services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_all
- salt.modules.netbsdservice.get_disabled()
Return a set of services that are installed but disabled
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_disabled
- salt.modules.netbsdservice.get_enabled()
Return a list of service that are enabled on boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_enabled
- salt.modules.netbsdservice.missing(name)
The inverse of service.available.
Returns True if the specified service is not available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.missing sshd
- salt.modules.netbsdservice.reload_(name)
Reload the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.reload <service name>
- salt.modules.netbsdservice.restart(name)
Restart the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.restart <service name>
- salt.modules.netbsdservice.start(name)
Start the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.start <service name>
- salt.modules.netbsdservice.status(name, sig=None)
Return the status for a service, returns a bool whether the service is
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.status <service name>
- salt.modules.netbsdservice.stop(name)
Stop the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.stop <service name>
Module to provide Citrix Netscaler compatibility to Salt (compatible with netscaler 9.2+)
New in version 2015.2.0.
- depends
- •
nsnitro Python module
NOTE: You can install nsnitro using:
pip install nsnitro
- configuration
This module accepts connection configuration details either as
parameters, or as configuration settings in /etc/salt/minion on the relevant
minions netscaler.user: user netscaler.pass: password
This data can also be passed into pillar. Options passed into opts will overwrite options passed into pillar.
- CLI Examples
Calls relying on configuration passed using /etc/salt/minion, grains, or pillars:
salt-call netscaler.server_exists server_name
Calls passing configuration as opts salt-call netscaler.server_exists server_name netscaler_host= netscaler_user=username netscaler_pass=password salt-call netscaler.server_exists server_name netscaler_host= netscaler_user=username2 netscaler_pass=password2 salt-call netscaler.server_enable server_name2 netscaler_host=
- salt.modules.netscaler.server_add(s_name, s_ip, s_state=None, **connection_args)
Add a server
Note: The default server state is ENABLED
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.server_add 'serverName' 'serverIpAddress' salt '*' netscaler.server_add 'serverName' 'serverIpAddress' 'serverState'
- salt.modules.netscaler.server_delete(s_name, **connection_args)
Delete a server
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.server_delete 'serverName'
- salt.modules.netscaler.server_disable(s_name, **connection_args)
Disable a server globally
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.server_disable 'serverName'
- salt.modules.netscaler.server_enable(s_name, **connection_args)
Enables a server globally
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.server_enable 'serverName'
- salt.modules.netscaler.server_enabled(s_name, **connection_args)
Check if a server is enabled globally
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.server_enabled 'serverName'
- salt.modules.netscaler.server_exists(s_name, ip=None, s_state=None, **connection_args)
Checks if a server exists
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.server_exists 'serverName'
- salt.modules.netscaler.server_update(s_name, s_ip, **connection_args)
Update a server's attributes
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.server_update 'serverName' 'serverIP'
- salt.modules.netscaler.service_disable(s_name, s_delay=None, **connection_args)
Disable a service
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.service_disable 'serviceName' salt '*' netscaler.service_disable 'serviceName' 'delayInSeconds'
- salt.modules.netscaler.service_enable(s_name, **connection_args)
Enable a service
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.service_enable 'serviceName'
- salt.modules.netscaler.service_exists(s_name, **connection_args)
Checks if a service exists
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.service_exists 'serviceName'
- salt.modules.netscaler.service_up(s_name, **connection_args)
Checks if a service is UP
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.service_up 'serviceName'
- salt.modules.netscaler.servicegroup_add(sg_name, sg_type='HTTP', **connection_args)
Add a new service group
If no service type is specified, HTTP will be used.
Most common service types: HTTP, SSL, and SSL_BRIDGE
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.servicegroup_add 'serviceGroupName' salt '*' netscaler.servicegroup_add 'serviceGroupName' 'serviceGroupType'
- salt.modules.netscaler.servicegroup_delete(sg_name, **connection_args)
Delete a new service group
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.servicegroup_delete 'serviceGroupName'
- salt.modules.netscaler.servicegroup_exists(sg_name, sg_type=None, **connection_args)
Checks if a service group exists
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.servicegroup_exists 'serviceGroupName'
- salt.modules.netscaler.servicegroup_server_add(sg_name, s_name, s_port, **connection_args)
Add a server:port member to a servicegroup
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.servicegroup_server_add 'serviceGroupName' 'serverName' 'serverPort'
- salt.modules.netscaler.servicegroup_server_delete(sg_name, s_name, s_port, **connection_args)
Remove a server:port member from a servicegroup
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.servicegroup_server_delete 'serviceGroupName' 'serverName' 'serverPort'
- salt.modules.netscaler.servicegroup_server_disable(sg_name, s_name, s_port, **connection_args)
Disable a server:port member of a servicegroup
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.servicegroup_server_disable 'serviceGroupName' 'serverName' 'serverPort'
- salt.modules.netscaler.servicegroup_server_enable(sg_name, s_name, s_port, **connection_args)
Enable a server:port member of a servicegroup
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.servicegroup_server_enable 'serviceGroupName' 'serverName' 'serverPort'
- salt.modules.netscaler.servicegroup_server_exists(sg_name, s_name, s_port=None, **connection_args)
Check if a server:port combination is a member of a servicegroup
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.servicegroup_server_exists 'serviceGroupName' 'serverName' 'serverPort'
- salt.modules.netscaler.servicegroup_server_up(sg_name, s_name, s_port, **connection_args)
Check if a server:port combination is in state UP in a servicegroup
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.servicegroup_server_up 'serviceGroupName' 'serverName' 'serverPort'
- salt.modules.netscaler.vserver_add(v_name, v_ip, v_port, v_type, **connection_args)
Add a new lb vserver
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.vserver_add 'vserverName' 'vserverIP' 'vserverPort' 'vserverType' salt '*' netscaler.vserver_add 'alex.patate.chaude.443' '' '443' 'SSL'
- salt.modules.netscaler.vserver_delete(v_name, **connection_args)
Delete a lb vserver
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.vserver_delete 'vserverName'
- salt.modules.netscaler.vserver_exists(v_name, v_ip=None, v_port=None, v_type=None, **connection_args)
Checks if a vserver exists
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.vserver_exists 'vserverName'
- salt.modules.netscaler.vserver_servicegroup_add(v_name, sg_name, **connection_args)
Bind a servicegroup to a vserver
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.vserver_servicegroup_add 'vserverName' 'serviceGroupName'
- salt.modules.netscaler.vserver_servicegroup_delete(v_name, sg_name, **connection_args)
Unbind a servicegroup from a vserver
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.vserver_servicegroup_delete 'vserverName' 'serviceGroupName'
- salt.modules.netscaler.vserver_servicegroup_exists(v_name, sg_name, **connection_args)
Checks if a servicegroup is tied to a vserver
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.vserver_servicegroup_exists 'vserverName' 'serviceGroupName'
- salt.modules.netscaler.vserver_sslcert_add(v_name, sc_name, **connection_args)
Binds a SSL certificate to a vserver
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.vserver_sslcert_add 'vserverName' 'sslCertificateName'
- salt.modules.netscaler.vserver_sslcert_delete(v_name, sc_name, **connection_args)
Unbinds a SSL certificate from a vserver
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.vserver_sslcert_delete 'vserverName' 'sslCertificateName'
- salt.modules.netscaler.vserver_sslcert_exists(v_name, sc_name, **connection_args)
Checks if a SSL certificate is tied to a vserver
CLI Example:
salt '*' netscaler.vserver_sslcert_exists 'vserverName' 'sslCertificateName'
Module for gathering and managing network information
Return a dict containing information on all of the running TCP connections
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.active_tcp
Return the arp table from the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.arp
-, port=None, **kwargs)
Test connectivity to a host using a particular
port from the minion.
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.connect 80 salt '*' network.connect 80 timeout=3 salt '*' network.connect 80 timeout=3 family=ipv4 salt '*' network.connect port=53 proto=udp timeout=3
Return default route(s) from routing table
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.default_route
Performs a DNS lookup with dig
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.dig
Return network buffer sizes as a dict
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.getbufsize
Get hostname
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.get_hostname
Return routing information for given destination ip
New in version 2015.5.3.
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.get_route
Return the hardware address (a.k.a. MAC address) for a given interface
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.hw_addr eth0
Return the hardware address (a.k.a. MAC address) for a given interface
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.hw_addr eth0
Returns True if host is within specified subnet, otherwise False.
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.in_subnet
Return the inet address for a given interface
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.interface eth0
Return the inet address for a given interface
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.interface_ip eth0
Return a dictionary of information about all the interfaces on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.interfaces
-, include_loopback=False, cidr=None)
Returns a list of IPv4 addresses assigned to the host. is
ignored, unless 'include_loopback=True' is indicated. If 'interface' is
provided, then only IP addresses from that interface will be returned.
Providing a CIDR via 'cidr=""' will return only the addresses
which are within that subnet.
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.ip_addrs
-, include_loopback=False)
Returns a list of IPv6 addresses assigned to the host. ::1 is ignored,
unless 'include_loopback=True' is indicated. If 'interface' is provided,
then only IP addresses from that interface will be returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.ip_addrs6
-, cidr)
Returns True if given IP is within specified subnet, otherwise False.
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.ip_in_subnet
-, include_loopback=False, cidr=None)
Returns a list of IPv4 addresses assigned to the host. is
ignored, unless 'include_loopback=True' is indicated. If 'interface' is
provided, then only IP addresses from that interface will be returned.
Providing a CIDR via 'cidr=""' will return only the addresses
which are within that subnet.
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.ip_addrs
-, include_loopback=False)
Returns a list of IPv6 addresses assigned to the host. ::1 is ignored,
unless 'include_loopback=True' is indicated. If 'interface' is provided,
then only IP addresses from that interface will be returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.ip_addrs6
Check if the given IP address is a loopback address
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.is_loopback
Check if the given IP address is a private address
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.is_private
-, *args, **kwargs)
Modify network interface buffers (currently linux only)
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.getBuffers
Modify hostname
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.mod_hostname
Return information on open ports and states
NOTE: On BSD minions, the output contains PID info (where available) for each netstat entry, fetched from sockstat/fstat output.
Changed in version 2014.1.4: Added support for OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and NetBSD
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.netstat
-, timeout=False, return_boolean=False)
Performs an ICMP ping to a host
CLI Example:
salt '*'
New in version 2015.5.0.
Return a True or False instead of ping output.
salt '*' return_boolean=True
Set the time to wait for a response in seconds.
salt '*' timeout=3
Returns the reversed IP address
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.reverse_ip
Return currently configured routes from routing table
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.routes
Returns a list of subnets to which the host belongs
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.subnets
Performs a traceroute to a 3rd party host
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.traceroute
-, bcast='', destport=9)
Send Wake On Lan packet to a host
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.wol 08-00-27-13-69-77 salt '*' network.wol 080027136977 7 salt '*' network.wol 08:00:27:13:69:77 7
Module for handling OpenStack Neutron calls
- depends
- •
- neutronclient Python module
- configuration
This module is not usable until the user, password, tenant, and
auth URL are specified either in a pillar or in the minion's config file.
For example:
keystone.user: 'admin' keystone.password: 'password' keystone.tenant: 'admin' keystone.auth_url: '' keystone.region_name: 'RegionOne' keystone.service_type: 'network'
If configuration for multiple OpenStack accounts is required, they can be set up as different configuration profiles: For example:
openstack1: keystone.user: 'admin' keystone.password: 'password' keystone.tenant: 'admin' keystone.auth_url: '' keystone.region_name: 'RegionOne' keystone.service_type: 'network' openstack2: keystone.user: 'admin' keystone.password: 'password' keystone.tenant: 'admin' keystone.auth_url: '' keystone.region_name: 'RegionOne' keystone.service_type: 'network'
With this configuration in place, any of the neutron functions can make use of a configuration profile by declaring it explicitly. For example:
salt '*' neutron.network_list profile=openstack1
- salt.modules.neutron.add_gateway_router(router, ext_network, profile=None)
Adds an external network gateway to the specified router
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.add_gateway_router router-name ext-network-name
- Parameters
- •
- router -- ID or name of the router
- •
- ext_network -- ID or name of the external network the gateway
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Added Gateway router information
- salt.modules.neutron.add_interface_router(router, subnet, profile=None)
Adds an internal network interface to the specified router
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.add_interface_router router-name subnet-name
- Parameters
- •
- router -- ID or name of the router
- •
- subnet -- ID or name of the subnet
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Added interface information
- salt.modules.neutron.create_floatingip(floating_network, port=None, profile=None)
Creates a new floatingIP
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.create_floatingip network-name port-name
- Parameters
- •
- floating_network -- Network name or ID to allocate floatingIP from
- •
- port -- Of the port to be associated with the floatingIP (Optional)
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Created floatingIP information
- salt.modules.neutron.create_ikepolicy(name, profile=None, **kwargs)
Creates a new IKEPolicy
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.create_ikepolicy ikepolicy-name phase1_negotiation_mode=main auth_algorithm=sha1 encryption_algorithm=aes-128 pfs=group5
- Parameters
- •
- name -- Name of the IKE policy
- •
- phase1_negotiation_mode -- IKE Phase1 negotiation mode in lowercase, default: main (Optional)
- •
- auth_algorithm -- Authentication algorithm in lowercase, default: sha1 (Optional)
- •
- encryption_algorithm -- Encryption algorithm in lowercase. default:aes-128 (Optional)
- •
- pfs -- Prefect Forward Security in lowercase, default: group5 (Optional)
- •
- units -- IKE lifetime attribute. default: seconds (Optional)
- •
- value -- IKE lifetime attribute. default: 3600 (Optional)
- •
- ike_version -- IKE version in lowercase, default: v1 (Optional)
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- •
- kwargs --
- Returns
- Created IKE policy information
- salt.modules.neutron.create_ipsec_site_connection(name, ipsecpolicy, ikepolicy, vpnservice, peer_cidrs, peer_address, peer_id, psk, admin_state_up=True, profile=None, **kwargs)
Creates a new IPsecSiteConnection
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.show_ipsec_site_connection connection-name ipsec-policy-name ikepolicy-name vpnservice-name 192.168.XXX.XXX/24 192.168.XXX.XXX 192.168.XXX.XXX secret
- Parameters
- •
- name -- Set friendly name for the connection
- •
- ipsecpolicy -- IPSec policy ID or name associated with this connection
- •
- ikepolicy -- IKE policy ID or name associated with this connection
- •
- vpnservice -- VPN service instance ID or name associated with this connection
- •
- peer_cidrs -- Remote subnet(s) in CIDR format
- •
- peer_address -- Peer gateway public IPv4/IPv6 address or FQDN
- •
- peer_id -- Peer router identity for authentication Can be IPv4/IPv6 address, e-mail address, key id, or FQDN
- •
- psk -- Pre-shared key string
- •
- initiator -- Initiator state in lowercase, default:bi-directional
- •
- admin_state_up -- Set admin state up to true or false, default: True (Optional)
- •
- mtu -- size for the connection, default:1500 (Optional)
- •
- dpd_action -- Dead Peer Detection attribute: hold/clear/disabled/ restart/restart-by-peer (Optional)
- •
- dpd_interval -- Dead Peer Detection attribute (Optional)
- •
- dpd_timeout -- Dead Peer Detection attribute (Optional)
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Created IPSec site connection information
- salt.modules.neutron.create_ipsecpolicy(name, profile=None, **kwargs)
Creates a new IPsecPolicy
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.create_ipsecpolicy ipsecpolicy-name transform_protocol=esp auth_algorithm=sha1 encapsulation_mode=tunnel encryption_algorithm=aes-128
- Parameters
- •
- name -- Name of the IPSec policy
- •
- transform_protocol -- Transform protocol in lowercase, default: esp (Optional)
- •
- auth_algorithm -- Authentication algorithm in lowercase, default: sha1 (Optional)
- •
- encapsulation_mode -- Encapsulation mode in lowercase, default: tunnel (Optional)
- •
- encryption_algorithm -- Encryption algorithm in lowercase, default:aes-128 (Optional)
- •
- pfs -- Prefect Forward Security in lowercase, default: group5 (Optional)
- •
- units -- IPSec lifetime attribute. default: seconds (Optional)
- •
- value -- IPSec lifetime attribute. default: 3600 (Optional)
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Created IPSec policy information
- salt.modules.neutron.create_network(name, router_ext=False, profile=None)
Creates a new network
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.create_network network-name salt '*' neutron.create_network network-name profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- •
- name -- Name of network to create
- •
- router_ext -- True then if create the external network, default: False (Optional)
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Created network information
- salt.modules.neutron.create_port(name, network, device_id=None, admin_state_up=True, profile=None)
Creates a new port
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.create_port network-name port-name
- Parameters
- •
- name -- Name of port to create
- •
- network -- Network name or ID
- •
- device_id -- ID of device (Optional)
- •
- admin_state_up -- Set admin state up to true or false, default: true (Optional)
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Created port information
- salt.modules.neutron.create_router(name, ext_network=None, admin_state_up=True, profile=None)
Creates a new router
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.create_router new-router-name
- Parameters
- •
- name -- Name of router to create (must be first)
- •
- ext_network -- ID or name of the external for the gateway (Optional)
- •
- admin_state_up -- Set admin state up to true or false, default:true (Optional)
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Created router information
- salt.modules.neutron.create_security_group(name=None, description=None, profile=None)
Creates a new security group
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.create_security_group security-group-name description='Security group for servers'
- Parameters
- •
- name -- Name of security group (Optional)
- •
- description -- Description of security group (Optional)
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Created security group information
- salt.modules.neutron.create_security_group_rule(security_group, remote_group_id=None, direction='ingress', protocol=None, port_range_min=None, port_range_max=None, ethertype='IPv4', profile=None)
Creates a new security group rule
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.show_security_group_rule security-group-rule-id
- Parameters
- •
- security_group -- Security group name or ID to add rule
- •
- remote_group_id -- Remote security group name or ID to apply rule (Optional)
- •
- direction -- Direction of traffic: ingress/egress, default: ingress (Optional)
- •
- protocol -- Protocol of packet: null/icmp/tcp/udp, default: null (Optional)
- •
- port_range_min -- Starting port range (Optional)
- •
- port_range_max -- Ending port range (Optional)
- •
- ethertype -- IPv4/IPv6, default: IPv4 (Optional)
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Created security group rule information
- salt.modules.neutron.create_subnet(network, cidr, name=None, ip_version=4, profile=None)
Creates a new subnet
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.create_subnet network-name
- Parameters
- •
- network -- Network ID or name this subnet belongs to
- •
- cidr -- CIDR of subnet to create (Ex. '')
- •
- name -- Name of the subnet to create (Optional)
- •
- ip_version -- Version to use, default is 4(IPv4) (Optional)
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Created subnet information
- salt.modules.neutron.create_vpnservice(subnet, router, name, admin_state_up=True, profile=None)
Creates a new VPN service
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.create_vpnservice router-name name
- Parameters
- •
- subnet -- Subnet unique identifier for the VPN service deployment
- •
- router -- Router unique identifier for the VPN service
- •
- name -- Set a name for the VPN service
- •
- admin_state_up -- Set admin state up to true or false, default:True (Optional)
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Created VPN service information
- salt.modules.neutron.delete_floatingip(floatingip_id, profile=None)
Deletes the specified floating IP
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.delete_floatingip floatingip-id
- Parameters
- •
- floatingip_id -- ID of floatingIP to delete
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- True(Succeed) or False
- salt.modules.neutron.delete_ikepolicy(ikepolicy, profile=None)
Deletes the specified IKEPolicy
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.delete_ikepolicy ikepolicy-name
- Parameters
- •
- ikepolicy -- ID or name of IKE policy to delete
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- True(Succeed) or False
- salt.modules.neutron.delete_ipsec_site_connection(ipsec_site_connection, profile=None)
Deletes the specified IPsecSiteConnection
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.delete_ipsec_site_connection connection-name
- Parameters
- •
- ipsec_site_connection -- ID or name of ipsec site connection to delete
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- True(Succeed) or False
- salt.modules.neutron.delete_ipsecpolicy(ipsecpolicy, profile=None)
Deletes the specified IPsecPolicy
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.delete_ipsecpolicy ipsecpolicy-name
- Parameters
- •
- ipsecpolicy -- ID or name of IPSec policy to delete
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- True(Succeed) or False
- salt.modules.neutron.delete_network(network, profile=None)
Deletes the specified network
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.delete_network network-name salt '*' neutron.delete_network network-name profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- •
- network -- ID or name of network to delete
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- True(Succeed) or False
- salt.modules.neutron.delete_port(port, profile=None)
Deletes the specified port
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.delete_network port-name salt '*' neutron.delete_network port-name profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- •
- port -- port name or ID
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- True(Succeed) or False
- salt.modules.neutron.delete_quota(tenant_id, profile=None)
Delete the specified tenant's quota value
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.update_quota tenant-id salt '*' neutron.update_quota tenant-id profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- •
- tenant_id -- ID of tenant to quota delete
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- True(Delete succeed) or False(Delete failed)
- salt.modules.neutron.delete_router(router, profile=None)
Delete the specified router
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.delete_router router-name
- Parameters
- •
- router -- ID or name of router to delete
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- True(Succeed) or False
- salt.modules.neutron.delete_security_group(security_group, profile=None)
Deletes the specified security group
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.delete_security_group security-group-name
- Parameters
- •
- security_group -- ID or name of security group to delete
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- True(Succeed) or False
- salt.modules.neutron.delete_security_group_rule(security_group_rule_id, profile=None)
Deletes the specified security group rule
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.delete_security_group_rule security-group-rule-id
- Parameters
- •
- security_group_rule_id -- ID of security group rule to delete
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- True(Succeed) or False
- salt.modules.neutron.delete_subnet(subnet, profile=None)
Deletes the specified subnet
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.delete_subnet subnet-name salt '*' neutron.delete_subnet subnet-name profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- •
- subnet -- ID or name of subnet to delete
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- True(Succeed) or False
- salt.modules.neutron.delete_vpnservice(vpnservice, profile=None)
Deletes the specified VPN service
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.delete_vpnservice vpnservice-name
- Parameters
- •
- vpnservice -- ID or name of vpn service to delete
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- True(Succeed) or False
- salt.modules.neutron.get_quotas_tenant(profile=None)
Fetches tenant info in server's context for following quota operation
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.get_quotas_tenant salt '*' neutron.get_quotas_tenant profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Quotas information
- salt.modules.neutron.list_extensions(profile=None)
Fetches a list of all extensions on server side
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.list_extensions salt '*' neutron.list_extensions profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- List of extensions
- salt.modules.neutron.list_floatingips(profile=None)
Fetch a list of all floatingIPs for a tenant
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.list_floatingips salt '*' neutron.list_floatingips profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- List of floatingIP
- salt.modules.neutron.list_ikepolicies(profile=None)
Fetches a list of all configured IKEPolicies for a tenant
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.list_ikepolicies salt '*' neutron.list_ikepolicies profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- List of IKE policy
- salt.modules.neutron.list_ipsec_site_connections(profile=None)
Fetches all configured IPsec Site Connections for a tenant
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.list_ipsec_site_connections salt '*' neutron.list_ipsec_site_connections profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- List of IPSec site connection
- salt.modules.neutron.list_ipsecpolicies(profile=None)
Fetches a list of all configured IPsecPolicies for a tenant
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.list_ipsecpolicies ipsecpolicy-name salt '*' neutron.list_ipsecpolicies ipsecpolicy-name profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- List of IPSec policy
- salt.modules.neutron.list_networks(profile=None)
Fetches a list of all networks for a tenant
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.list_networks salt '*' neutron.list_networks profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- List of network
- salt.modules.neutron.list_ports(profile=None)
Fetches a list of all networks for a tenant
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.list_ports salt '*' neutron.list_ports profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- List of port
- salt.modules.neutron.list_quotas(profile=None)
Fetches all tenants quotas
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.list_quotas salt '*' neutron.list_quotas profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- List of quotas
- salt.modules.neutron.list_routers(profile=None)
Fetches a list of all routers for a tenant
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.list_routers salt '*' neutron.list_routers profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- List of router
- salt.modules.neutron.list_security_group_rules(profile=None)
Fetches a list of all security group rules for a tenant
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.list_security_group_rules salt '*' neutron.list_security_group_rules profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- List of security group rule
- salt.modules.neutron.list_security_groups(profile=None)
Fetches a list of all security groups for a tenant
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.list_security_groups salt '*' neutron.list_security_groups profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- List of security group
- salt.modules.neutron.list_subnets(profile=None)
Fetches a list of all networks for a tenant
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.list_subnets salt '*' neutron.list_subnets profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- List of subnet
- salt.modules.neutron.list_vpnservices(retrive_all=True, profile=None, **kwargs)
Fetches a list of all configured VPN services for a tenant
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.list_vpnservices
- Parameters
- •
- retrive_all -- True or False, default: True (Optional)
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- List of VPN service
- salt.modules.neutron.remove_gateway_router(router, profile=None)
Removes an external network gateway from the specified router
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.remove_gateway_router router-name
- Parameters
- •
- router -- ID or name of router
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- True(Succeed) or False
- salt.modules.neutron.remove_interface_router(router, subnet, profile=None)
Removes an internal network interface from the specified router
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.remove_interface_router router-name subnet-name
- Parameters
- •
- router -- ID or name of the router
- •
- subnet -- ID or name of the subnet
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- True(Succeed) or False
- salt.modules.neutron.show_floatingip(floatingip_id, profile=None)
Fetches information of a certain floatingIP
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.show_floatingip floatingip-id
- Parameters
- •
- floatingip_id -- ID of floatingIP to look up
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Floating IP information
- salt.modules.neutron.show_ikepolicy(ikepolicy, profile=None)
Fetches information of a specific IKEPolicy
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.show_ikepolicy ikepolicy-name
- Parameters
- •
- ikepolicy -- ID or name of ikepolicy to look up
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- IKE policy information
- salt.modules.neutron.show_ipsec_site_connection(ipsec_site_connection, profile=None)
Fetches information of a specific IPsecSiteConnection
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.show_ipsec_site_connection connection-name
- Parameters
- •
- ipsec_site_connection -- ID or name of ipsec site connection to look up
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- IPSec site connection information
- salt.modules.neutron.show_ipsecpolicy(ipsecpolicy, profile=None)
Fetches information of a specific IPsecPolicy
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.show_ipsecpolicy ipsecpolicy-name
- Parameters
- •
- ipsecpolicy -- ID or name of IPSec policy to look up
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- IPSec policy information
- salt.modules.neutron.show_network(network, profile=None)
Fetches information of a certain network
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.show_network network-name salt '*' neutron.show_network network-name profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- •
- network -- ID or name of network to look up
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Network information
- salt.modules.neutron.show_port(port, profile=None)
Fetches information of a certain port
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.show_port port-id salt '*' neutron.show_port port-id profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- •
- port -- ID or name of port to look up
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Port information
- salt.modules.neutron.show_quota(tenant_id, profile=None)
Fetches information of a certain tenant's quotas
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.show_quota tenant-id salt '*' neutron.show_quota tenant-id profile=openstack1
- Parameters
- •
- tenant_id -- ID of tenant
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Quota information
- salt.modules.neutron.show_router(router, profile=None)
Fetches information of a certain router
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.show_router router-name
- Parameters
- •
- router -- ID or name of router to look up
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Router information
- salt.modules.neutron.show_security_group(security_group, profile=None)
Fetches information of a certain security group
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.show_security_group security-group-name
- Parameters
- •
- security_group -- ID or name of security group to look up
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Security group information
- salt.modules.neutron.show_security_group_rule(security_group_rule_id, profile=None)
Fetches information of a certain security group rule
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.show_security_group_rule security-group-rule-id
- Parameters
- •
- security_group_rule_id -- ID of security group rule to look up
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Security group rule information
- salt.modules.neutron.show_subnet(subnet, profile=None)
Fetches information of a certain subnet
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.show_subnet subnet-name
- Parameters
- •
- subnet -- ID or name of subnet to look up
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Subnet information
- salt.modules.neutron.show_vpnservice(vpnservice, profile=None, **kwargs)
Fetches information of a specific VPN service
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.show_vpnservice vpnservice-name
- Parameters
- •
- vpnservice -- ID or name of vpn service to look up
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- VPN service information
- salt.modules.neutron.update_floatingip(floatingip_id, port, profile=None)
Updates a floatingIP
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.update_floatingip network-name port-name
- Parameters
- •
- floatingip_id -- ID of floatingIP
- •
- port -- ID or name of port
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Value of updated floating IP information
- salt.modules.neutron.update_network(network, name, profile=None)
Updates a network
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.update_network network-name new-network-name
- Parameters
- •
- network -- ID or name of network to update
- •
- name -- Name of this network
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Value of updated network information
- salt.modules.neutron.update_port(port, name, admin_state_up=True, profile=None)
Updates a port
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.update_port port-name network-name new-port-name
- Parameters
- •
- port -- Port name or ID
- •
- name -- Name of this port
- •
- admin_state_up -- Set admin state up to true or false, default: true (Optional)
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Value of updated port information
- salt.modules.neutron.update_quota(tenant_id, subnet=None, router=None, network=None, floatingip=None, port=None, security_group=None, security_group_rule=None, profile=None)
Update a tenant's quota
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.update_quota tenant-id subnet=40 router=50 network=10 floatingip=30 port=30
- Parameters
- •
- tenant_id -- ID of tenant
- •
- subnet -- Value of subnet quota (Optional)
- •
- router -- Value of router quota (Optional)
- •
- network -- Value of network quota (Optional)
- •
- floatingip -- Value of floatingip quota (Optional)
- •
- port -- Value of port quota (Optional)
- •
- security_group -- Value of security group (Optional)
- •
- security_group_rule -- Value of security group rule (Optional)
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Value of updated quota
- salt.modules.neutron.update_router(router, name=None, admin_state_up=None, profile=None, **kwargs)
Updates a router
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.update_router router_id name=new-router-name admin_state_up=True
- Parameters
- •
- router -- ID or name of router to update
- •
- name -- Name of this router
- •
- ext_network -- ID or name of the external for the gateway (Optional)
- •
- admin_state_up -- Set admin state up to true or false, default: true (Optional)
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- •
- kwargs --
- Returns
- Value of updated router information
- salt.modules.neutron.update_security_group(security_group, name=None, description=None, profile=None)
Updates a security group
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.update_security_group security-group-name new-security-group-name
- Parameters
- •
- security_group -- ID or name of security group to update
- •
- name -- Name of this security group (Optional)
- •
- description -- Description of security group (Optional)
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Value of updated security group information
- salt.modules.neutron.update_subnet(subnet, name, profile=None)
Updates a subnet
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.update_subnet subnet-name new-subnet-name
- Parameters
- •
- subnet -- ID or name of subnet to update
- •
- name -- Name of this subnet
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Value of updated subnet information
- salt.modules.neutron.update_vpnservice(vpnservice, desc, profile=None)
Updates a VPN service
CLI Example:
salt '*' neutron.update_vpnservice vpnservice-name desc='VPN Service1'
- Parameters
- •
- vpnservice -- ID or name of vpn service to update
- •
- desc -- Set a description for the VPN service
- •
- profile -- Profile to build on (Optional)
- Returns
- Value of updated VPN service information
Module for managing NFS version 3.
- salt.modules.nfs3.del_export(exports='/etc/exports', path=None)
Remove an export
CLI Example:
salt '*' nfs.del_export /media/storage
- salt.modules.nfs3.list_exports(exports='/etc/exports')
List configured exports
CLI Example:
salt '*' nfs.list_exports
Support for nftables
- salt.modules.nftables.append(table='filter', chain=None, rule=None, family='ipv4')
- Append a rule to the specified table & chain.
- This function accepts a rule in a standard nftables command format,
starting with the chain. Trying to force users to adapt to a new
method of creating rules would be irritating at best, and we
already have a parser that can handle it.
CLI Example:
salt '*' nftables.append filter input \ rule='input tcp dport 22 log accept' IPv6: salt '*' nftables.append filter input \ rule='input tcp dport 22 log accept' \ family=ipv6
- salt.modules.nftables.build_rule(table=None, chain=None, command=None, position='', full=None, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
Build a well-formatted nftables rule based on kwargs.
A table and chain are not required, unless full is True.
If full is True, then table, chain and command are required. command may be specified as either insert, append, or delete. This will return the nftables command, exactly as it would be used from the command line.
If a position is required (as with insert or delete), it may be specified as position. This will only be useful if full is True.
If connstate is passed in, it will automatically be changed to state.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' nftables.build_rule match=state \ connstate=RELATED,ESTABLISHED jump=ACCEPT salt '*' nftables.build_rule filter input command=insert position=3 \ full=True match=state state=related,established jump=accept IPv6: salt '*' nftables.build_rule match=state \ connstate=related,established jump=accept \ family=ipv6 salt '*' nftables.build_rule filter input command=insert position=3 \ full=True match=state state=related,established jump=accept \ family=ipv6
- salt.modules.nftables.check(table='filter', chain=None, rule=None, family='ipv4')
- Check for the existence of a rule in the table and chain
- This function accepts a rule in a standard nftables command format,
starting with the chain. Trying to force users to adapt to a new
method of creating rules would be irritating at best, and we
already have a parser that can handle it.
CLI Example:
salt '*' nftables.check filter input \ rule='input tcp dport 22 log accept' IPv6: salt '*' nftables.check filter input \ rule='input tcp dport 22 log accept' \ family=ipv6
- salt.modules.nftables.check_chain(table='filter', chain=None, family='ipv4')
New in version 2014.7.0.
Check for the existence of a chain in the table
CLI Example:
salt '*' nftables.check_chain filter input IPv6: salt '*' nftables.check_chain filter input family=ipv6
- salt.modules.nftables.check_table(table=None, family='ipv4')
Check for the existence of a table
CLI Example:
salt '*' nftables.check_table nat
- salt.modules.nftables.delete(table, chain=None, position=None, rule=None, family='ipv4')
- Delete a rule from the specified table & chain, specifying either the rule
- in its entirety, or the rule's position in the chain.
- This function accepts a rule in a standard nftables command format,
starting with the chain. Trying to force users to adapt to a new
method of creating rules would be irritating at best, and we
already have a parser that can handle it.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' nftables.delete filter input position=3 salt '*' nftables.delete filter input \ rule='input tcp dport 22 log accept' IPv6: salt '*' nftables.delete filter input position=3 family=ipv6 salt '*' nftables.delete filter input \ rule='input tcp dport 22 log accept' \ family=ipv6
- salt.modules.nftables.delete_chain(table='filter', chain=None, family='ipv4')
New in version 2014.7.0.
Delete the chain from the specified table.
CLI Example:
salt '*' nftables.delete_chain filter input salt '*' nftables.delete_chain filter foo IPv6: salt '*' nftables.delete_chain filter input family=ipv6 salt '*' nftables.delete_chain filter foo family=ipv6
- salt.modules.nftables.delete_table(table, family='ipv4')
New in version 2014.7.0.
Create new custom table.
CLI Example:
salt '*' nftables.delete_table filter IPv6: salt '*' nftables.delete_table filter family=ipv6
- salt.modules.nftables.flush(table='filter', chain='', family='ipv4')
Flush the chain in the specified table, flush all chains in the specified
table if chain is not specified.
CLI Example:
salt '*' nftables.flush filter salt '*' nftables.flush filter input IPv6: salt '*' nftables.flush filter input family=ipv6
- salt.modules.nftables.get_rule_handle(table='filter', chain=None, rule=None, family='ipv4')
- Get the handle for a particular rule
- This function accepts a rule in a standard nftables command format,
starting with the chain. Trying to force users to adapt to a new
method of creating rules would be irritating at best, and we
already have a parser that can handle it.
CLI Example:
salt '*' nftables.get_rule_handle filter input \ rule='input tcp dport 22 log accept' IPv6: salt '*' nftables.get_rule_handle filter input \ rule='input tcp dport 22 log accept' \ family=ipv6
- salt.modules.nftables.get_rules(family='ipv4')
Return a data structure of the current, in-memory rules
CLI Example:
salt '*' nftables.get_rules salt '*' nftables.get_rules family=ipv6
- salt.modules.nftables.get_saved_rules(conf_file=None, family='ipv4')
Return a data structure of the rules in the conf file
CLI Example:
salt '*' nftables.get_saved_rules
- salt.modules.nftables.insert(table='filter', chain=None, position=None, rule=None, family='ipv4')
Insert a rule into the specified table & chain, at the specified position.
If position is not specified, rule will be inserted in first position.
- This function accepts a rule in a standard nftables command format,
starting with the chain. Trying to force users to adapt to a new
method of creating rules would be irritating at best, and we
already have a parser that can handle it.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' nftables.insert filter input \ rule='input tcp dport 22 log accept' salt '*' nftables.insert filter input position=3 \ rule='input tcp dport 22 log accept' IPv6: salt '*' nftables.insert filter input \ rule='input tcp dport 22 log accept' \ family=ipv6 salt '*' nftables.insert filter input position=3 \ rule='input tcp dport 22 log accept' \ family=ipv6
- salt.modules.nftables.new_chain(table='filter', chain=None, table_type=None, hook=None, priority=None, family='ipv4')
New in version 2014.7.0.
Create new chain to the specified table.
CLI Example:
salt '*' nftables.new_chain filter input salt '*' nftables.new_chain filter input \ table_type=filter hook=input priority=0 salt '*' nftables.new_chain filter foo IPv6: salt '*' nftables.new_chain filter input family=ipv6 salt '*' nftables.new_chain filter input \ table_type=filter hook=input priority=0 family=ipv6 salt '*' nftables.new_chain filter foo family=ipv6
- salt.modules.nftables.new_table(table, family='ipv4')
New in version 2014.7.0.
Create new custom table.
CLI Example:
salt '*' nftables.new_table filter IPv6: salt '*' nftables.new_table filter family=ipv6
-, family='ipv4')
Save the current in-memory rules to disk
CLI Example:
salt '*' /etc/nftables
- salt.modules.nftables.version()
Return version from nftables --version
CLI Example:
salt '*' nftables.version
Support for nginx
- salt.modules.nginx.configtest()
test configuration and exit
CLI Example:
salt '*' nginx.configtest
- salt.modules.nginx.signal(signal=None)
Signals nginx to start, reload, reopen or stop.
CLI Example:
salt '*' nginx.signal reload
- salt.modules.nginx.status(url='')
- Return the data from an Nginx status page as a dictionary.
- url
The URL of the status page. Defaults to ''
CLI Example:
salt '*' nginx.status
- salt.modules.nginx.version()
Return server version from nginx -v
CLI Example:
salt '*' nginx.version
Module for handling OpenStack Nova calls
- depends
- •
- novaclient Python module
- configuration
This module is not usable until the user, password, tenant, and
auth URL are specified either in a pillar or in the minion's config file.
For example:
keystone.user: admin keystone.password: verybadpass keystone.tenant: admin keystone.auth_url: '' # Optional keystone.region_name: 'regionOne'
If configuration for multiple OpenStack accounts is required, they can be set up as different configuration profiles: For example:
openstack1: keystone.user: admin keystone.password: verybadpass keystone.tenant: admin keystone.auth_url: '' openstack2: keystone.user: admin keystone.password: verybadpass keystone.tenant: admin keystone.auth_url: ''
With this configuration in place, any of the nova functions can make use of a configuration profile by declaring it explicitly. For example:
salt '*' nova.flavor_list profile=openstack1
- salt.modules.nova.boot(name, flavor_id=0, image_id=0, profile=None, timeout=300)
- Boot (create) a new instance
- name
- Name of the new instance (must be first)
- flavor_id
- Unique integer ID for the flavor
- image_id
- Unique integer ID for the image
- timeout
How long to wait, after creating the instance, for the provider to
return information about it (default 300 seconds).
New in version 2014.1.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.boot myinstance flavor_id=4596 image_id=2
The flavor_id and image_id are obtained from nova.flavor_list and nova.image_list
salt '*' nova.flavor_list salt '*' nova.image_list
- salt.modules.nova.delete(instance_id, profile=None)
- Delete an instance
- instance_id
ID of the instance to be deleted
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.delete 1138
- salt.modules.nova.flavor_create(name, flavor_id=0, ram=0, disk=0, vcpus=1, profile=None)
- Add a flavor to nova (nova flavor-create). The following parameters are required:
- name
- Name of the new flavor (must be first)
- flavor_id
- Unique integer ID for the new flavor
- ram
- Memory size in MB
- disk
- Disk size in GB
- vcpus
Number of vcpus
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.flavor_create myflavor flavor_id=6 ram=4096 disk=10 vcpus=1
- salt.modules.nova.flavor_delete(flavor_id, profile=None)
Delete a flavor from nova by id (nova flavor-delete)
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.flavor_delete 7
- salt.modules.nova.flavor_list(profile=None)
Return a list of available flavors (nova flavor-list)
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.flavor_list
- salt.modules.nova.image_list(name=None, profile=None)
Return a list of available images (nova images-list + nova image-show)
If a name is provided, only that image will be displayed.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' nova.image_list salt '*' nova.image_list myimage
- salt.modules.nova.image_meta_delete(image_id=None, name=None, keys=None, profile=None)
Delete a key=value pair from the metadata for an image
(nova image-meta set)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' nova.image_meta_delete 6f52b2ff-0b31-4d84-8fd1-af45b84824f6 keys=cheese salt '*' nova.image_meta_delete name=myimage keys=salad,beans
- salt.modules.nova.image_meta_set(image_id=None, name=None, profile=None, **kwargs)
Sets a key=value pair in the metadata for an image (nova image-meta set)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' nova.image_meta_set 6f52b2ff-0b31-4d84-8fd1-af45b84824f6 cheese=gruyere salt '*' nova.image_meta_set name=myimage salad=pasta beans=baked
- salt.modules.nova.keypair_add(name, pubfile=None, pubkey=None, profile=None)
Add a keypair to nova (nova keypair-add)
CLI Examples:
salt '*' nova.keypair_add mykey pubfile='/home/myuser/.ssh/' salt '*' nova.keypair_add mykey pubkey='ssh-rsa <key> myuser [at] mybox'
- salt.modules.nova.keypair_delete(name, profile=None)
Add a keypair to nova (nova keypair-delete)
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.keypair_delete mykey'
- salt.modules.nova.keypair_list(profile=None)
Return a list of available keypairs (nova keypair-list)
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.keypair_list
- salt.modules.nova.list_(profile=None)
- To maintain the feel of the nova command line, this function simply calls the server_list function.
- salt.modules.nova.lock(instance_id, profile=None)
- Lock an instance
- instance_id
ID of the instance to be locked
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.lock 1138
- salt.modules.nova.resume(instance_id, profile=None)
- Resume an instance
- instance_id
ID of the instance to be resumed
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.resume 1138
- salt.modules.nova.secgroup_create(name, description, profile=None)
Add a secgroup to nova (nova secgroup-create)
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.secgroup_create mygroup 'This is my security group'
- salt.modules.nova.secgroup_delete(name, profile=None)
Delete a secgroup to nova (nova secgroup-delete)
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.secgroup_delete mygroup
- salt.modules.nova.secgroup_list(profile=None)
Return a list of available security groups (nova items-list)
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.secgroup_list
- salt.modules.nova.server_by_name(name, profile=None)
- Return information about a server
- name
Server Name
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.server_by_name myserver profile=openstack
- salt.modules.nova.server_list(profile=None)
Return list of active servers
CLI Example:
salt '*'
- salt.modules.nova.server_list_detailed(profile=None)
Return detailed list of active servers
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.server_list_detailed
- salt.modules.nova.server_show(server_id, profile=None)
Return detailed information for an active server
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.server_show <server_id>
-, profile=None)
To maintain the feel of the nova command line, this function simply calls
the server_show function.
CLI Example:
salt '*'
- salt.modules.nova.suspend(instance_id, profile=None)
- Suspend an instance
- instance_id
ID of the instance to be suspended
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.suspend 1138
- salt.modules.nova.volume_attach(name, server_name, device='/dev/xvdb', profile=None, timeout=300)
- Attach a block storage volume
- name
- Name of the new volume to attach
- server_name
- Name of the server to attach to
- device
- Name of the device on the server
- profile
Profile to build on
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.volume_attach myblock profile=openstack salt '*' nova.volume_attach myblock device='/dev/xvdb' profile=openstack
- salt.modules.nova.volume_create(name, size=100, snapshot=None, voltype=None, profile=None)
- Create a block storage volume
- name
- Name of the new volume (must be first)
- size
- Volume size
- snapshot
- Block storage snapshot id
- voltype
- Type of storage
- profile
Profile to build on
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.volume_create myblock size=300 profile=openstack
- salt.modules.nova.volume_delete(name, profile=None)
- Destroy the volume
- name
- Name of the volume
- profile
Profile to build on
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.volume_delete myblock profile=openstack
- salt.modules.nova.volume_detach(name, profile=None, timeout=300)
- Attach a block storage volume
- name
- Name of the new volume to attach
- server_name
- Name of the server to detach from
- profile
Profile to build on
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.volume_detach myblock profile=openstack
- salt.modules.nova.volume_list(search_opts=None, profile=None)
- List storage volumes
- search_opts
- Dictionary of search options
- profile
Profile to use
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.volume_list search_opts='{"display_name": "myblock"}' profile=openstack
- salt.modules.nova.volume_show(name, profile=None)
- Create a block storage volume
- name
- Name of the volume
- profile
Profile to use
CLI Example:
salt '*' nova.volume_show myblock profile=openstack
Manage and query NPM packages.
- salt.modules.npm.install(pkg=None, pkgs=None, dir=None, runas=None, registry=None, env=None)
Install an NPM package.
If no directory is specified, the package will be installed globally. If no package is specified, the dependencies (from package.json) of the package in the given directory will be installed.
- pkg
- A package name in any format accepted by NPM, including a version identifier
- pkgs
A list of package names in the same format as the name parameter
New in version 2014.7.0.
- dir
- The target directory in which to install the package, or None for global installation
- runas
- The user to run NPM with
- registry
The NPM registry to install the package from.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- env
Environment variables to set when invoking npm. Uses the same env
format as the execution
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' npm.install coffee-script salt '*' npm.install coffee-script [at] 1.0.1
- salt.modules.npm.list_(pkg=None, dir=None, runas=None, env=None)
List installed NPM packages.
If no directory is specified, this will return the list of globally- installed packages.
- pkg
- Limit package listing by name
- dir
- The directory whose packages will be listed, or None for global installation
- runas
The user to run NPM with
New in version 2014.7.0.
- env
Environment variables to set when invoking npm. Uses the same env
format as the execution
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' npm.list
- salt.modules.npm.uninstall(pkg, dir=None, runas=None, env=None)
Uninstall an NPM package.
If no directory is specified, the package will be uninstalled globally.
- pkg
- A package name in any format accepted by NPM
- dir
- The target directory from which to uninstall the package, or None for global installation
- runas
- The user to run NPM with
- env
Environment variables to set when invoking npm. Uses the same env
format as the execution
New in version 2015.5.3.
CLI Example:
salt '*' npm.uninstall coffee-script
This module interacts with an ISC DHCP Server via OMAPI. server_ip and server_port params may be set in the minion config or pillar:
omapi.server_ip: omapi.server_port: 7991
- depends
- pypureomapi Python module
- salt.modules.omapi.add_host(mac, name=None, ip=None, ddns=False, group=None, supersede_host=False)
Add a host object for the given mac.
CLI Example:
salt dhcp-server omapi.add_host ab:ab:ab:ab:ab:ab name=host1
Add ddns-hostname and a fixed-ip statements:
salt dhcp-server omapi.add_host ab:ab:ab:ab:ab:ab name=host1 ip= ddns=true
- salt.modules.omapi.delete_host(mac=None, name=None)
Delete the host with the given mac or name.
CLI Examples:
salt dhcp-server omapi.delete_host name=host1 salt dhcp-server omapi.delete_host mac=ab:ab:ab:ab:ab:ab
Module for viewing and modifying OpenBSD sysctl parameters
- salt.modules.openbsd_sysctl.assign(name, value)
Assign a single sysctl parameter for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysctl.assign net.inet.ip.forwarding 1
- salt.modules.openbsd_sysctl.get(name)
Return a single sysctl parameter for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysctl.get hw.physmem
- salt.modules.openbsd_sysctl.persist(name, value, config='/etc/sysctl.conf')
Assign and persist a simple sysctl parameter for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysctl.persist net.inet.ip.forwarding 1
Return a list of sysctl parameters for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*'
Package support for OpenBSD
- salt.modules.openbsdpkg.install(name=None, pkgs=None, sources=None, **kwargs)
Install the passed package
Return a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example, Install one package:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name>
CLI Example, Install more than one package:
salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["<package name>", "<package name>"]'
CLI Example, Install more than one package from a alternate source (e.g. salt file-server, HTTP, FTP, local filesystem):
salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"<pkg name>": "salt://pkgs/<pkg filename>"}]'
- salt.modules.openbsdpkg.latest_version(*names, **kwargs)
The available version of the package in the repository
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name>
- salt.modules.openbsdpkg.list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs)
List the packages currently installed as a dict:
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs
- salt.modules.openbsdpkg.purge(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Package purges are not supported, this function is identical to remove().
- name
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.purge <package name> salt '*' pkg.purge <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.purge pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.openbsdpkg.remove(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
Remove a single package with pkg_delete
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> salt '*' pkg.remove <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.openbsdpkg.version(*names, **kwargs)
Returns a string representing the package version or an empty string if not
installed. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version <package name> salt '*' pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
The rcctl service module for OpenBSD
- salt.modules.openbsdrcctl.available(name)
Return True if the named service is available.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.available sshd
- salt.modules.openbsdrcctl.disable(name, **kwargs)
Disable the named service to not start at boot.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disable <service name>
- salt.modules.openbsdrcctl.disabled(name)
Return True if the named service is disabled at boot, False otherwise.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disabled <service name>
- salt.modules.openbsdrcctl.enable(name, **kwargs)
- Enable the named service to start at boot.
- flags
Set optional flags to run the service with.
service.flags can be used to change the default flags.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enable <service name> salt '*' service.enable <service name> flags=<flags>
- salt.modules.openbsdrcctl.enabled(name, **kwargs)
- Return True if the named service is enabled at boot and the provided flags match the configured ones (if any). Return False otherwise.
- name
Service name
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enabled <service name> salt '*' service.enabled <service name> flags=<flags>
- salt.modules.openbsdrcctl.get_all()
Return all installed services.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_all
- salt.modules.openbsdrcctl.get_disabled()
Return what services are available but not enabled to start at boot.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_disabled
- salt.modules.openbsdrcctl.get_enabled()
Return what services are set to run on boot.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_enabled
- salt.modules.openbsdrcctl.missing(name)
The inverse of service.available.
Return True if the named service is not available.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.missing sshd
- salt.modules.openbsdrcctl.reload_(name)
Reload the named service.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.reload <service name>
- salt.modules.openbsdrcctl.restart(name)
Restart the named service.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.restart <service name>
- salt.modules.openbsdrcctl.start(name)
Start the named service.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.start <service name>
- salt.modules.openbsdrcctl.status(name, sig=None)
Return the status for a service, returns a bool whether the service is
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.status <service name>
- salt.modules.openbsdrcctl.stop(name)
Stop the named service.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.stop <service name>
The service module for OpenBSD
- salt.modules.openbsdservice.available(name)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Returns True if the specified service is available, otherwise returns False.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.available sshd
- salt.modules.openbsdservice.disabled(name)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Return True if the named service is disabled, false otherwise
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disabled <service name>
- salt.modules.openbsdservice.enabled(name, **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Return True if the named service is enabled, false otherwise
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enabled <service name>
- salt.modules.openbsdservice.get_all()
New in version 2014.7.0.
Return all available boot services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_all
- salt.modules.openbsdservice.get_disabled()
New in version 2014.7.0.
Return a set of services that are installed but disabled
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_disabled
- salt.modules.openbsdservice.get_enabled()
New in version 2014.7.0.
Return a list of service that are enabled on boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_enabled
- salt.modules.openbsdservice.missing(name)
New in version 2014.7.0.
The inverse of service.available. Returns True if the specified service is not available, otherwise returns False.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.missing sshd
- salt.modules.openbsdservice.reload_(name)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Reload the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.reload <service name>
- salt.modules.openbsdservice.restart(name)
Restart the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.restart <service name>
- salt.modules.openbsdservice.start(name)
Start the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.start <service name>
- salt.modules.openbsdservice.status(name, sig=None)
Return the status for a service, returns a bool whether the service is
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.status <service name>
- salt.modules.openbsdservice.stop(name)
Stop the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.stop <service name>
Modify, retrieve, or delete values from OpenStack configuration files.
- maintainer
- Jeffrey C. Ollie <jeff [at]>
- maturity
- new
- depends
- platform
- linux
- salt.modules.openstack_config.delete(filename, section, parameter)
- Delete a value from an OpenStack configuration file.
- filename
- The full path to the configuration file
- section
- The section from which to delete the parameter
- parameter
The parameter to delete
CLI Example:
salt-call openstack_config.delete /etc/keystone/keystone.conf sql connection
- salt.modules.openstack_config.get(filename, section, parameter)
- Get a value from an OpenStack configuration file.
- filename
- The full path to the configuration file
- section
- The section from which to search for the parameter
- parameter
The parameter to return
CLI Example:
salt-call openstack_config.get /etc/keystone/keystone.conf sql connection
- salt.modules.openstack_config.set_(filename, section, parameter, value)
- Set a value in an OpenStack configuration file.
- filename
- The full path to the configuration file
- section
- The section in which the parameter will be set
- parameter
- The parameter to change
- value
The value to set
CLI Example:
salt-call openstack_config.set /etc/keystone/keystone.conf sql connection foo
Oracle DataBase connection module
- maintainer
- Vladimir Bormotov <bormotov [at]>
- maturity
- new
- depends
- cx_Oracle
- platform
- all
- configuration
module provide connections for multiple Oracle DB instances.
OS Environment
ORACLE_HOME: path to oracle product PATH: path to Oracle Client libs need to be in PATH
oracle.dbs: list of known based oracle.dbs.<db>.uri: connection credentials in format: user/password [at] host[:port]/sid[ as {sysdba|sysoper}]
Oracle Client Version
CLI Example:
salt '*' oracle.client_version
-, query)
Run SQL query and return result
CLI Example:
salt '*' oracle.run_query my_db "select * from my_table"
Show databases configuration from pillar. Filter by *args
CLI Example:
salt '*' oracle.show_dbs salt '*' oracle.show_dbs my_db
Show Environment used by Oracle Client
CLI Example:
salt '*' oracle.show_env
NOTE: at first _connect() NLS_LANG will forced to '.AL32UTF8'
Show Pillar segment oracle.* and subitem with notation "item:subitem"
CLI Example:
salt '*' oracle.show_pillar salt '*' oracle.show_pillar dbs:my_db
Server Version (select banner from v$version)
CLI Example:
salt '*' oracle.version salt '*' oracle.version my_db
Mac OS X implementations of various commands in the "desktop" interface
- salt.modules.osxdesktop.get_output_volume()
Get the output volume (range 0 to 100)
CLI Example:
salt '*' desktop.get_output_volume
- salt.modules.osxdesktop.lock()
Lock the desktop session
CLI Example:
salt '*' desktop.lock
- salt.modules.osxdesktop.say(*words)
Say some words.
CLI Example:
salt '*' desktop.say <word0> <word1> ... <wordN>
- salt.modules.osxdesktop.screensaver()
Launch the screensaver
CLI Example:
salt '*' desktop.screensaver
- salt.modules.osxdesktop.set_output_volume(volume)
Set the volume of sound (range 0 to 100)
CLI Example:
salt '*' desktop.set_output_volume <volume>
A module to wrap pacman calls, since Arch is the best (
- salt.modules.pacman.file_dict(*packages)
List the files that belong to a package, grouped by package. Not
specifying any packages will return a list of _every_ file on the system's
package database (not generally recommended).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd postfix salt '*' pkg.file_list
- salt.modules.pacman.file_list(*packages)
List the files that belong to a package. Not specifying any packages will
return a list of _every_ file on the system's package database (not
generally recommended).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd postfix salt '*' pkg.file_list
- salt.modules.pacman.install(name=None, refresh=False, sysupgrade=False, pkgs=None, sources=None, **kwargs)
- Install (pacman -S) the passed package, add refresh=True to install with -y, add sysupgrade=True to install with -u.
- name
The name of the package to be installed. Note that this parameter is
ignored if either "pkgs" or "sources" is passed. Additionally, please
note that this option can only be used to install packages from a
software repository. To install a package file manually, use the
"sources" option.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name>
- refresh
- Whether or not to refresh the package database before installing.
- sysupgrade
Whether or not to upgrade the system packages before installing.
Multiple Package Installation Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to install from a software repository. Must be
passed as a python list. A specific version number can be specified
by using a single-element dict representing the package and its
version. As with the version parameter above, comparison operators
can be used to target a specific version of a package.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", "bar"]' salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", {"bar": "1.2.3-4"}]' salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", {"bar": "<1.2.3-4"}]'
- sources
A list of packages to install. Must be passed as a list of dicts,
with the keys being package names, and the values being the source URI
or local path to the package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"foo": "salt://foo.pkg.tar.xz"}, {"bar": "salt://bar.pkg.tar.xz"}]'
Returns a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
- salt.modules.pacman.latest_version(*names, **kwargs)
Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or
installation. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty string will be returned for that package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
- salt.modules.pacman.list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs)
List the packages currently installed as a dict:
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs
- salt.modules.pacman.list_upgrades(refresh=False)
List all available package upgrades on this system
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades
- salt.modules.pacman.owner(*paths)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Return the name of the package that owns the file. Multiple file paths can be passed. Like pkg.version <salt.modules.yumpkg.version, if a single path is passed, a string will be returned, and if multiple paths are passed, a dictionary of file/package name pairs will be returned.
If the file is not owned by a package, or is not present on the minion, then an empty string will be returned for that path.
CLI Example: salt '*' pkg.owner /usr/bin/apachectl salt '*' pkg.owner /usr/bin/apachectl /usr/bin/zsh
- salt.modules.pacman.purge(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Recursively remove a package and all dependencies which were installed with it, this will call a pacman -Rsc
- name
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.purge <package name> salt '*' pkg.purge <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.purge pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.pacman.refresh_db()
Just run a pacman -Sy, return a dict:
{'<database name>': Bool}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.refresh_db
- salt.modules.pacman.remove(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Remove packages with pacman -R.
- name
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> salt '*' pkg.remove <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.pacman.upgrade(refresh=False, **kwargs)
- Run a full system upgrade, a pacman -Syu
- refresh
Whether or not to refresh the package database before installing.
Return a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade
- salt.modules.pacman.upgrade_available(name)
Check whether or not an upgrade is available for a given package
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade_available <package name>
- salt.modules.pacman.version(*names, **kwargs)
Returns a string representing the package version or an empty string if not
installed. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version <package name> salt '*' pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
Module for Firing Events via PagerDuty
New in version 2014.1.0.
- configuration
This module can be used by specifying the name of a
configuration profile in the minion config, minion pillar, or master
For example:
my-pagerduty-account: pagerduty.api_key: F3Rbyjbve43rfFWf2214 pagerduty.subdomain: mysubdomain
- salt.modules.pagerduty.create_event(service_key=None, description=None, details=None, incident_key=None, profile=None)
Create an event in PagerDuty. Designed for use in states.
CLI Example:
salt myminion pagerduty.create_event <service_key> <description> <details> profile=my-pagerduty-account
The following parameters are required:
- service_key
- This key can be found by using pagerduty.list_services.
- description
- This is a short description of the event.
- details
- This can be a more detailed description of the event.
- profile
- This refers to the configuration profile to use to connect to the PagerDuty service.
- salt.modules.pagerduty.list_escalation_policies(profile=None, api_key=None)
List escalation policies belonging to this account
CLI Example: salt myminion pagerduty.list_policies my-pagerduty-account salt myminion pagerduty.list_escalation_policies my-pagerduty-account
- salt.modules.pagerduty.list_incidents(profile=None, api_key=None)
List incidents belonging to this account
CLI Example: salt myminion pagerduty.list_incidents my-pagerduty-account
- salt.modules.pagerduty.list_maintenance_windows(profile=None, api_key=None)
List maintenance windows belonging to this account
CLI Example: salt myminion pagerduty.list_windows my-pagerduty-account salt myminion pagerduty.list_maintenance_windows my-pagerduty-account
- salt.modules.pagerduty.list_policies(profile=None, api_key=None)
List escalation policies belonging to this account
CLI Example: salt myminion pagerduty.list_policies my-pagerduty-account salt myminion pagerduty.list_escalation_policies my-pagerduty-account
- salt.modules.pagerduty.list_schedules(profile=None, api_key=None)
List schedules belonging to this account
CLI Example: salt myminion pagerduty.list_schedules my-pagerduty-account
- salt.modules.pagerduty.list_services(profile=None, api_key=None)
List services belonging to this account
CLI Example: salt myminion pagerduty.list_services my-pagerduty-account
- salt.modules.pagerduty.list_users(profile=None, api_key=None)
List users belonging to this account
CLI Example: salt myminion pagerduty.list_users my-pagerduty-account
- salt.modules.pagerduty.list_windows(profile=None, api_key=None)
List maintenance windows belonging to this account
CLI Example: salt myminion pagerduty.list_windows my-pagerduty-account salt myminion pagerduty.list_maintenance_windows my-pagerduty-account
Support for pam
- salt.modules.pam.read_file(file_name)
This is just a test function, to make sure parsing works
CLI Example:
salt '*' pam.read_file /etc/pam.d/login
Module for managing partitions on POSIX-like systems.
- depends
- •
parted, partprobe, lsblk (usually parted and util-linux packages)
Some functions may not be available, depending on your version of parted.
Check the manpage for parted(8) for more information, or the online docs at:
In light of parted not directly supporting partition IDs, some of this module has been written to utilize sfdisk instead. For further information, please reference the man page for sfdisk(8).
- salt.modules.parted.align_check(device, part_type, partition)
partition.align_check device part_type partition
Check if partition satisfies the alignment constraint of part_type. Type must be "minimal" or "optimal".
CLI Example:
salt '*' partition.align_check /dev/sda minimal 1
- salt.modules.parted.check(device, minor)
partition.check device minor
Checks if the file system on partition <minor> has any errors.
CLI Example:
salt '*' partition.check 1
- salt.modules.parted.cp(device, from_minor, to_minor)
- partition.check device from_minor to_minor
- Copies the file system on the partition <from-minor> to partition
<to-minor>, deleting the original contents of the destination
CLI Example:
salt '*' partition.cp /dev/sda 2 3
- salt.modules.parted.exists(device='')
partition.exists device
Check to see if the partition exists
CLI Example:
salt '*' partition.exists /dev/sdb1
- salt.modules.parted.get_block_device()
Retrieve a list of disk devices
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' partition.get_block_device
- salt.modules.parted.get_id(device, minor)
Prints the system ID for the partition. Some typical values are:
b: FAT32 (vfat) 7: HPFS/NTFS 82: Linux Swap 83: Linux 8e: Linux LVM fd: Linux RAID Auto
CLI Example:
salt '*' partition.get_id /dev/sda 1
- salt.modules.parted.list_(device, unit=None)
partition.list device unit
Prints partition information of given <device>
CLI Examples:
salt '*' partition.list /dev/sda salt '*' partition.list /dev/sda unit=s salt '*' partition.list /dev/sda unit=kB
- salt.modules.parted.mkfs(device, fs_type)
- partition.mkfs device fs_type
- Makes a file system <fs_type> on partition <device>, destroying all data
that resides on that partition. <fs_type> must be one of "ext2",
"fat32", "fat16", "linux-swap" or "reiserfs" (if libreiserfs is
CLI Example:
salt '*' partition.mkfs /dev/sda2 fat32
- salt.modules.parted.mklabel(device, label_type)
partition.mklabel device label_type
Create a new disklabel (partition table) of label_type. Type should be one of "aix", "amiga", "bsd", "dvh", "gpt", "loop", "mac", "msdos", "pc98", or "sun".
CLI Example:
salt '*' partition.mklabel /dev/sda msdos
- salt.modules.parted.mkpart(device, part_type, fs_type=None, start=None, end=None)
- partition.mkpart device part_type fs_type start end
- Make a part_type partition for filesystem fs_type, beginning at start and
ending at end (by default in megabytes). part_type should be one of
"primary", "logical", or "extended".
CLI Examples:
salt '*' partition.mkpart /dev/sda primary fs_type=fat32 start=0 end=639 salt '*' partition.mkpart /dev/sda primary start=0 end=639
- salt.modules.parted.mkpartfs(device, part_type, fs_type, start, end)
- partition.mkpartfs device part_type fs_type start end
- Make a <part_type> partition with a new filesystem of <fs_type>, beginning
at <start> and ending at <end> (by default in megabytes). <part_type>
should be one of "primary", "logical", or "extended". <fs_type> must be
one of "ext2", "fat32", "fat16", "linux-swap" or "reiserfs" (if
libreiserfs is installed)
CLI Example:
salt '*' partition.mkpartfs /dev/sda logical ext2 440 670
-, partition, name)
- device partition name
- Set the name of partition to name. This option works only on Mac, PC98,
and GPT disklabels. The name can be placed in quotes, if necessary.
CLI Example:
salt '*' /dev/sda 1 'My Documents'
- salt.modules.parted.part_list(device, unit=None)
Deprecated. Calls partition.list.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' partition.part_list /dev/sda salt '*' partition.part_list /dev/sda unit=s salt '*' partition.part_list /dev/sda unit=kB
- salt.modules.parted.probe(*devices, **kwargs)
Ask the kernel to update its local partition data. When no args are
specified all block devices are tried.
Caution: Generally only works on devices with no mounted partitions and may take a long time to return if specified devices are in use.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' partition.probe salt '*' partition.probe /dev/sda salt '*' partition.probe /dev/sda /dev/sdb
- salt.modules.parted.rescue(device, start, end)
- partition.rescue device start end
- Rescue a lost partition that was located somewhere between start and end.
If a partition is found, parted will ask if you want to create an
entry for it in the partition table.
CLI Example:
salt '*' partition.rescue /dev/sda 0 8056
- salt.modules.parted.resize(device, minor, start, end)
- partition.resize device minor, start, end
- Resizes the partition with number <minor>. The partition will start <start>
from the beginning of the disk, and end <end> from the beginning of the
disk. resize never changes the minor number. Extended partitions can be
resized, so long as the new extended partition completely contains all
logical partitions.
CLI Example:
salt '*' partition.resize /dev/sda 3 200 850
- salt.modules.parted.rm(device, minor)
partition.rm device minor
Removes the partition with number <minor>.
CLI Example:
salt '*' partition.rm /dev/sda 5
- salt.modules.parted.set_(device, minor, flag, state)
- partition.set device minor flag state
- Changes a flag on the partition with number <minor>. A flag can be either
"on" or "off". Some or all of these flags will be available, depending
on what disk label you are using.
CLI Example:
salt '*' partition.set /dev/sda 1 boot on
- salt.modules.parted.set_id(device, minor, system_id)
Sets the system ID for the partition. Some typical values are:
b: FAT32 (vfat) 7: HPFS/NTFS 82: Linux Swap 83: Linux 8e: Linux LVM fd: Linux RAID Auto
CLI Example:
salt '*' partition.set_id /dev/sda 1 83
- salt.modules.parted.system_types()
List the system types that are supported by the installed version of sfdisk
CLI Example:
salt '*' partition.system_types
- salt.modules.parted.toggle(device, partition, flag)
partition.toggle device partition flag
Toggle the state of <flag> on <partition>
CLI Example:
salt '*' /dev/sda 1 boot
Manage PHP pecl extensions.
- salt.modules.pecl.install(pecls, defaults=False, force=False, preferred_state='stable')
New in version 0.17.0.
Installs one or several pecl extensions.
- pecls
- The pecl extensions to install.
- defaults
- Use default answers for extensions such as pecl_http which ask questions before installation. Without this option, the pecl.installed state will hang indefinitely when trying to install these extensions.
- force
Whether to force the installed version or not
CLI Example:
salt '*' pecl.install fuse
- salt.modules.pecl.list_(channel=None)
List installed pecl extensions.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pecl.list
- salt.modules.pecl.uninstall(pecls)
- Uninstall one or several pecl extensions.
- pecls
The pecl extensions to uninstall.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pecl.uninstall fuse
- salt.modules.pecl.update(pecls)
- Update one or several pecl extensions.
- pecls
The pecl extensions to update.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pecl.update fuse
Extract the pillar data for this minion
- salt.modules.pillar.ext(external, pillar=None)
Generate the pillar and apply an explicit external pillar
CLI Example:
- pillar
If specified, allows for a dictionary of pillar data to be made
available to pillar and ext_pillar rendering. These pillar variables
will also override any variables of the same name in pillar or
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' pillar.ext '{libvirt: _}'
- salt.modules.pillar.get(key, default=<type 'exceptions.KeyError'>, merge=False, delimiter=':')
New in version 0.14.
Attempt to retrieve the named value from pillar, if the named value is not available return the passed default. The default return is an empty string except __opts__['PILLAR_RAISE_ON_MISSING'] is set to True, in which case a KeyError will be raised.
If the merge parameter is set to True, the default will be recursively merged into the returned pillar data.
The value can also represent a value in a nested dict using a ":" delimiter for the dict. This means that if a dict in pillar looks like this:
{'pkg': {'apache': 'httpd'}}
To retrieve the value associated with the apache key in the pkg dict this key can be passed:
- merge
Specify whether or not the retrieved values should be recursively
merged into the passed default.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- delimiter
Specify an alternate delimiter to use when traversing a nested dict
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pillar.get pkg:apache
- salt.modules.pillar.item(*args, **kwargs)
New in version 0.16.2.
Return one or more pillar entries
- pillar
if specified, allows for a dictionary of pillar data to be made
available to pillar and ext_pillar rendering. these pillar variables
will also override any variables of the same name in pillar or
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pillar.item foo salt '*' pillar.item foo bar baz
- salt.modules.pillar.items(*args, **kwargs)
Calls the master for a fresh pillar and generates the pillar data on the
Contrast with raw() which returns the pillar data that is currently loaded into the minion.
- pillar
if specified, allows for a dictionary of pillar data to be made
available to pillar and ext_pillar rendering. these pillar variables
will also override any variables of the same name in pillar or
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pillar.items
- salt.modules.pillar.raw(key=None)
Return the raw pillar data that is currently loaded into the minion.
Contrast with items() which calls the master to fetch the most up-to-date Pillar.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pillar.raw
With the optional key argument, you can select a subtree of the pillar raw data.:
salt '*' pillar.raw key='roles'
Install Python packages with pip to either the system or a virtualenv
Windows Support
New in version 2014.7.4.
Salt now uses a portable python. As a result the entire pip module is now functional on the salt installation itself. You can pip install dependencies for your custom modules. You can even upgrade salt itself using pip. For this to work properly, you must specify the Current Working Directory (cwd) and the Pip Binary (bin_env) salt should use. The variable pip_bin can be either a virtualenv path or the path to the pip binary itself.
For example, the following command will list all software installed using pip to your current salt environment:
salt <minion> pip.list cwd='C:\salt\bin\Scripts' bin_env='C:\salt\bin\Scripts\pip.exe'
Specifying the cwd and bin_env options ensures you're modifying the
salt environment. If these are omitted, it will default to the local
installation of python. If python is not installed locally it will fail saying
it couldn't find pip.
State File Support
This functionality works in states as well. If you need to pip install colorama with a state, for example, the following will work:
install_colorama: pip.installed: - name: colorama - cwd: 'C:\salt\bin\scripts' - bin_env: 'C:\salt\bin\scripts\pip.exe' - upgrade: True
Upgrading Salt using Pip
You can now update salt using pip to any version from the 2014.7 branch forward. Previous version require recompiling some of the dependencies which is painful in windows.
To do this you just use pip with git to update to the version you want and then restart the service. Here is a sample state file that upgrades salt to the head of the 2015.5 branch:
install_salt: pip.installed: - cwd: 'C:\salt\bin\scripts' - bin_env: 'C:\salt\bin\scripts\pip.exe' - editable: git+ - upgrade: True restart_service: service.running: - name: salt-minion - enable: True - watch: - pip: install_salt
NOTE: If you're having problems, you might try doubling the back slashes. For example, cwd: 'C:\salt\bin\scripts'. Sometimes python thinks the single back slash is an escape character.
- salt.modules.pip.freeze(bin_env=None, user=None, cwd=None, use_vt=False)
- Return a list of installed packages either globally or in the specified virtualenv
- bin_env
- path to pip bin or path to virtualenv. If doing an uninstall from the system python and want to use a specific pip bin (pip-2.7, pip-2.6, etc..) just specify the pip bin you want. If uninstalling from a virtualenv, just use the path to the virtualenv (/home/code/path/to/virtualenv/)
- user
- The user under which to run pip
- cwd
Current working directory to run pip from
CLI Example:
salt '*' pip.freeze /home/code/path/to/virtualenv/
- salt.modules.pip.install(pkgs=None, requirements=None, env=None, bin_env=None, use_wheel=False, no_use_wheel=False, log=None, proxy=None, timeout=None, editable=None, find_links=None, index_url=None, extra_index_url=None, no_index=False, mirrors=None, build=None, target=None, download=None, download_cache=None, source=None, upgrade=False, force_reinstall=False, ignore_installed=False, exists_action=None, no_deps=False, no_install=False, no_download=False, global_options=None, install_options=None, user=None, no_chown=False, cwd=None, activate=False, pre_releases=False, cert=None, allow_all_external=False, allow_external=None, allow_unverified=None, process_dependency_links=False, __env__=None, saltenv='base', env_vars=None, use_vt=False)
Install packages with pip
Install packages individually or from a pip requirements file. Install packages globally or to a virtualenv.
- pkgs
- Comma separated list of packages to install
- requirements
- Path to requirements
- bin_env
Path to pip bin or path to virtualenv. If doing a system install,
and want to use a specific pip bin (pip-2.7, pip-2.6, etc..) just
specify the pip bin you want.
NOTE: If installing into a virtualenv, just use the path to the virtualenv (e.g. /home/code/path/to/virtualenv/)
- env
- Deprecated, use bin_env now
- use_wheel
- Prefer wheel archives (requires pip>=1.4)
- no_use_wheel
- Force to not use wheel archives (requires pip>=1.4)
- log
- Log file where a complete (maximum verbosity) record will be kept
- proxy
- Specify a proxy in the form user:passwd [at] proxy.server:port. Note that the user:password@ is optional and required only if you are behind an authenticated proxy. If you provide user [at] proxy.server:port then you will be prompted for a password.
- timeout
- Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds)
- editable
- install something editable (e.g. git+
- find_links
- URL to search for packages
- index_url
- Base URL of Python Package Index
- extra_index_url
- Extra URLs of package indexes to use in addition to index_url
- no_index
- Ignore package index
- mirrors
- Specific mirror URL(s) to query (automatically adds --use-mirrors)
- build
- Unpack packages into build dir
- target
- Install packages into target dir
- download
- Download packages into download instead of installing them
- download_cache
- Cache downloaded packages in download_cache dir
- source
- Check out editable packages into source dir
- upgrade
- Upgrade all packages to the newest available version
- force_reinstall
- When upgrading, reinstall all packages even if they are already up-to-date.
- ignore_installed
- Ignore the installed packages (reinstalling instead)
- exists_action
- Default action when a path already exists: (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup
- no_deps
- Ignore package dependencies
- no_install
- Download and unpack all packages, but don't actually install them
- no_download
- Don't download any packages, just install the ones already downloaded (completes an install run with --no-install)
- install_options
- Extra arguments to be supplied to the install command (e.g. like --install-option='--install-scripts=/usr/local/bin'). Use multiple --install-option options to pass multiple options to install. If you are using an option with a directory path, be sure to use absolute path.
- global_options
- Extra global options to be supplied to the call before the install command.
- user
- The user under which to run pip
- no_chown
- When user is given, do not attempt to copy and chown a requirements file
- cwd
- Current working directory to run pip from
- activate
Activates the virtual environment, if given via bin_env, before running
Deprecated since version 2014.7.2: If bin_env is given, pip will already be sourced from that virualenv, making activate effectively a noop.
- pre_releases
- Include pre-releases in the available versions
- cert
- Provide a path to an alternate CA bundle
- allow_all_external
- Allow the installation of all externally hosted files
- allow_external
- Allow the installation of externally hosted files (comma separated list)
- allow_unverified
- Allow the installation of insecure and unverifiable files (comma separated list)
- process_dependency_links
- Enable the processing of dependency links
- env_vars
Set environment variables that some builds will depend on. For example,
a Python C-module may have a Makefile that needs INCLUDE_PATH set to
pick up a header file while compiling. This must be in the form of a
dictionary or a mapping.
salt '*' pip.install django_app env_vars="{'CUSTOM_PATH': '/opt/django_app'}"
- use_vt
Use VT terminal emulation (see ouptut while installing)
CLI Example:
salt '*' pip.install <package name>,<package2 name> salt '*' pip.install requirements=/path/to/requirements.txt salt '*' pip.install <package name> bin_env=/path/to/virtualenv salt '*' pip.install <package name> bin_env=/path/to/pip_bin
Complicated CLI example:
salt '*' pip.install markdown,django editable=git+ upgrade=True no_deps=True
- salt.modules.pip.list_(prefix=None, bin_env=None, user=None, cwd=None)
Filter list of installed apps from freeze and check to see if
prefix exists in the list of packages installed.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pip.list salt
- salt.modules.pip.list_upgrades(bin_env=None, user=None, cwd=None)
Check whether or not an upgrade is available for all packages
CLI Example:
salt '*' pip.list_upgrades
- salt.modules.pip.uninstall(pkgs=None, requirements=None, bin_env=None, log=None, proxy=None, timeout=None, user=None, no_chown=False, cwd=None, __env__=None, saltenv='base', use_vt=False)
Uninstall packages with pip
Uninstall packages individually or from a pip requirements file. Uninstall packages globally or from a virtualenv.
- pkgs
- comma separated list of packages to install
- requirements
- path to requirements.
- bin_env
- path to pip bin or path to virtualenv. If doing an uninstall from the system python and want to use a specific pip bin (pip-2.7, pip-2.6, etc..) just specify the pip bin you want. If uninstalling from a virtualenv, just use the path to the virtualenv (/home/code/path/to/virtualenv/)
- log
- Log file where a complete (maximum verbosity) record will be kept
- proxy
- Specify a proxy in the form user:passwd [at] proxy.server:port. Note that the user:password@ is optional and required only if you are behind an authenticated proxy. If you provide user [at] proxy.server:port then you will be prompted for a password.
- timeout
- Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds)
- user
- The user under which to run pip
- no_chown
- When user is given, do not attempt to copy and chown a requirements file (needed if the requirements file refers to other files via relative paths, as the copy-and-chown procedure does not account for such files)
- cwd
- Current working directory to run pip from
- use_vt
Use VT terminal emulation (see ouptut while installing)
CLI Example:
salt '*' pip.uninstall <package name>,<package2 name> salt '*' pip.uninstall requirements=/path/to/requirements.txt salt '*' pip.uninstall <package name> bin_env=/path/to/virtualenv salt '*' pip.uninstall <package name> bin_env=/path/to/pip_bin
- salt.modules.pip.upgrade(bin_env=None, user=None, cwd=None, use_vt=False)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Upgrades outdated pip packages
Returns a dict containing the changes.
- {'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>',
'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pip.upgrade
- salt.modules.pip.upgrade_available(pkg, bin_env=None, user=None, cwd=None)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Check whether or not an upgrade is available for a given package
CLI Example:
salt '*' pip.upgrade_available <package name>
- salt.modules.pip.version(bin_env=None)
New in version 0.17.0.
Returns the version of pip. Use bin_env to specify the path to a virtualenv and get the version of pip in that virtualenv.
If unable to detect the pip version, returns None.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pip.version
Resources needed by pkg providers
- salt.modules.pkg_resource.add_pkg(pkgs, name, version)
Add a package to a dict of installed packages.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg_resource.add_pkg '{}' bind 9
- salt.modules.pkg_resource.check_extra_requirements(pkgname, pkgver)
Check if the installed package already has the given requirements.
This function will simply try to call "pkg.check_extra_requirements".
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg_resource.check_extra_requirements <pkgname> <extra_requirements>
- salt.modules.pkg_resource.pack_sources(sources)
Accepts list of dicts (or a string representing a list of dicts) and packs
the key/value pairs into a single dict.
'[{"foo": "salt://foo.rpm"}, {"bar": "salt://bar.rpm"}]' would become {"foo": "salt://foo.rpm", "bar": "salt://bar.rpm"}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg_resource.pack_sources '[{"foo": "salt://foo.rpm"}, {"bar": "salt://bar.rpm"}]'
- salt.modules.pkg_resource.parse_targets(name=None, pkgs=None, sources=None, saltenv='base', normalize=True, **kwargs)
Parses the input to pkg.install and returns back the package(s) to be
installed. Returns a list of packages, as well as a string noting whether
the packages are to come from a repository or a binary package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg_resource.parse_targets
- salt.modules.pkg_resource.sort_pkglist(pkgs)
Accepts a dict obtained from pkg.list_pkgs() and sorts in place the list of
versions for any packages that have multiple versions installed, so that
two package lists can be compared to one another.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg_resource.sort_pkglist '["3.45", "2.13"]'
- salt.modules.pkg_resource.stringify(pkgs)
Takes a dict of package name/version information and joins each list of
installed versions into a string.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg_resource.stringify 'vim: 7.127'
- salt.modules.pkg_resource.version(*names, **kwargs)
Common interface for obtaining the version of installed packages.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg_resource.version vim salt '*' pkg_resource.version foo bar baz salt '*' pkg_resource.version 'python*'
- salt.modules.pkg_resource.version_clean(version)
Clean the version string removing extra data.
This function will simply try to call pkg.version_clean.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg_resource.version_clean <version_string>
Package support for pkgin based systems, inspired from freebsdpkg module
- salt.modules.pkgin.available_version(*names, **kwargs)
Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or
If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty string will be returned for that package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> ...
- salt.modules.pkgin.file_dict(package)
List the files that belong to a package.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.file_list nginx
- salt.modules.pkgin.file_list(package)
List the files that belong to a package.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.file_list nginx
- salt.modules.pkgin.install(name=None, refresh=False, fromrepo=None, pkgs=None, sources=None, **kwargs)
- Install the passed package
- name
- The name of the package to be installed.
- refresh
- Whether or not to refresh the package database before installing.
- fromrepo
Specify a package repository to install from.
Multiple Package Installation Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to install from a software repository. Must be
passed as a python list.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo","bar"]'
- sources
A list of packages to install. Must be passed as a list of dicts,
with the keys being package names, and the values being the source URI
or local path to the package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"foo": "salt://foo.deb"},{"bar": "salt://bar.deb"}]'
Return a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name>
- salt.modules.pkgin.latest_version(*names, **kwargs)
Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or
If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty string will be returned for that package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> ...
- salt.modules.pkgin.list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs)
List the packages currently installed as a dict:
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs
- salt.modules.pkgin.purge(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Package purges are not supported, this function is identical to remove().
- name
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.purge <package name> salt '*' pkg.purge <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.purge pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.pkgin.refresh_db()
Use pkg update to get latest pkg_summary
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.refresh_db
- salt.modules.pkgin.remove(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- name
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a list containing the removed packages.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> salt '*' pkg.remove <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
Searches for an exact match using pkgin ^package$
CLI Example:
salt '*' 'mysql-server'
- salt.modules.pkgin.upgrade()
Run pkg upgrade, if pkgin used. Otherwise do nothing
Return a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade
- salt.modules.pkgin.version(*names, **kwargs)
Returns a string representing the package version or an empty string if not
installed. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version <package name> salt '*' pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
Support for pkgng, the new package manager for FreeBSD
WARNING: This module has been completely rewritten. Up to and including version 0.17.x, it was available as the pkgng module, (pkgng.install, pkgng.delete, etc.), but moving forward this module will no longer be available as pkgng, as it will behave like a normal Salt pkg provider. The documentation below should not be considered to apply to this module in versions <= 0.17.x. If your minion is running a 0.17.x release or older, then the documentation for this module can be viewed using the sys.doc function:
salt bsdminion sys.doc pkgng
This module provides an interface to pkg(8). It acts as the default package provider for FreeBSD 10 and newer. For FreeBSD hosts which have been upgraded to use pkgng, you will need to override the pkg provider by setting the providers parameter in your Minion config file, in order to use this module to manage packages, like so:
providers: pkg: pkgng
- salt.modules.pkgng.audit(jail=None, chroot=None)
Audits installed packages against known vulnerabilities
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.audit
- jail
Audit packages within the specified jail
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.audit jail=<jail name or id>
- chroot
Audit packages within the specified chroot (ignored if jail is
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.audit chroot=/path/to/chroot
- salt.modules.pkgng.autoremove(jail=None, chroot=None, dryrun=False)
- Delete packages which were automatically installed as dependencies and are not required anymore.
- dryrun
Dry-run mode. The list of changes to packages is always printed,
but no changes are actually made.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.autoremove salt '*' pkg.autoremove jail=<jail name or id> salt '*' pkg.autoremove dryrun=True salt '*' pkg.autoremove jail=<jail name or id> dryrun=True
- salt.modules.pkgng.backup(file_name, jail=None, chroot=None)
Export installed packages into yaml+mtree file
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.backup /tmp/pkg
- jail
Backup packages from the specified jail. Note that this will run the
command within the jail, and so the path to the backup file will be
relative to the root of the jail
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.backup /tmp/pkg jail=<jail name or id>
- chroot
Backup packages from the specified chroot (ignored if jail is
specified). Note that this will run the command within the chroot, and
so the path to the backup file will be relative to the root of the
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.backup /tmp/pkg chroot=/path/to/chroot
- salt.modules.pkgng.check(jail=None, chroot=None, depends=False, recompute=False, checksum=False)
- Sanity checks installed packages
- jail
Perform the sanity check in the specified jail
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.check jail=<jail name or id>
- chroot
Perform the sanity check in the specified chroot (ignored if jail
is specified)
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.check chroot=/path/to/chroot
Of the below, at least one must be set to True.
- depends
Check for and install missing dependencies.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.check recompute=True
- recompute
Recompute sizes and checksums of installed packages.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.check depends=True
- checksum
Find invalid checksums for installed packages.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.check checksum=True
- salt.modules.pkgng.clean(jail=None, chroot=None)
Cleans the local cache of fetched remote packages
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.clean salt '*' pkg.clean jail=<jail name or id> salt '*' pkg.clean chroot=/path/to/chroot
- salt.modules.pkgng.fetch(name, jail=None, chroot=None, fetch_all=False, quiet=False, fromrepo=None, glob=True, regex=False, pcre=False, local=False, depends=False)
Fetches remote packages
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.fetch <package name>
- jail
Fetch package in the specified jail
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.fetch <package name> jail=<jail name or id>
- chroot
Fetch package in the specified chroot (ignored if jail is
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.fetch <package name> chroot=/path/to/chroot
- fetch_all
Fetch all packages.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.fetch <package name> fetch_all=True
- quiet
Quiet mode. Show less output.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.fetch <package name> quiet=True
- fromrepo
Fetches packages from the given repo if multiple repo support
is enabled. See pkg.conf(5).
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.fetch <package name> fromrepo=repo
- glob
Treat pkg_name as a shell glob pattern.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.fetch <package name> glob=True
- regex
Treat pkg_name as a regular expression.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.fetch <regular expression> regex=True
- pcre
Treat pkg_name is an extended regular expression.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.fetch <extended regular expression> pcre=True
- local
Skip updating the repository catalogs with pkg-update(8). Use the
local cache only.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.fetch <package name> local=True
- depends
Fetch the package and its dependencies as well.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.fetch <package name> depends=True
- salt.modules.pkgng.install(name=None, fromrepo=None, pkgs=None, sources=None, jail=None, chroot=None, orphan=False, force=False, glob=False, local=False, dryrun=False, quiet=False, reinstall_requires=False, regex=False, pcre=False, **kwargs)
- Install package(s) from a repository
- name
The name of the package to install
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name>
- jail
- Install the package into the specified jail
- chroot
- Install the package into the specified chroot (ignored if jail is specified)
- orphan
Mark the installed package as orphan. Will be automatically removed
if no other packages depend on them. For more information please
refer to pkg-autoremove(8).
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name> orphan=True
- force
Force the reinstallation of the package if already installed.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name> force=True
- glob
Treat the package names as shell glob patterns.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name> glob=True
- local
Do not update the repository catalogs with pkg-update(8). A
value of True here is equivalent to using the -U flag with
pkg install.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name> local=True
- dryrun
Dru-run mode. The list of changes to packages is always printed,
but no changes are actually made.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name> dryrun=True
- quiet
Force quiet output, except when dryrun is used, where pkg install
will always show packages to be installed, upgraded or deleted.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name> quiet=True
- reinstall_requires
When used with force, reinstalls any packages that require the
given package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name> reinstall_requires=True force=True
Changed in version 2014.7.0: require kwarg renamed to reinstall_requires
- fromrepo
In multi-repo mode, override the pkg.conf ordering and only attempt
to download packages from the named repository.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name> fromrepo=repo
- regex
Treat the package names as a regular expression
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <regular expression> regex=True
- pcre
Treat the package names as extended regular expressions.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <extended regular expression> pcre=True
- salt.modules.pkgng.latest_version(*names, **kwargs)
Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or
installation. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty string will be returned for that package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> jail=<jail name or id> salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> chroot=/path/to/chroot
- salt.modules.pkgng.list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, jail=None, chroot=None, with_origin=False, **kwargs)
List the packages currently installed as a dict:
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
- jail
- List the packages in the specified jail
- chroot
- List the packages in the specified chroot (ignored if jail is specified)
- with_origin
Return a nested dictionary containing both the origin name and version
for each installed package.
New in version 2014.1.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs jail=<jail name or id> salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs chroot=/path/to/chroot
- salt.modules.pkgng.parse_config(file_name='/usr/local/etc/pkg.conf')
Return dict of uncommented global variables.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.parse_config
NOTE: not working properly right now
- salt.modules.pkgng.refresh_db(jail=None, chroot=None, force=False)
Refresh PACKAGESITE contents
NOTE: This function can accessed using pkg.update in addition to pkg.refresh_db, to more closely match the CLI usage of pkg(8).
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.refresh_db
- jail
- Refresh the pkg database within the specified jail
- chroot
- Refresh the pkg database within the specified chroot (ignored if jail is specified)
- force
Force a full download of the repository catalog without regard to the
respective ages of the local and remote copies of the catalog.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.refresh_db force=True
- salt.modules.pkgng.remove(name=None, pkgs=None, jail=None, chroot=None, all_installed=False, force=False, glob=False, dryrun=False, recurse=False, regex=False, pcre=False, **kwargs)
Remove a package from the database and system
NOTE: This function can accessed using pkg.delete in addition to pkg.remove, to more closely match the CLI usage of pkg(8).
- name
The package to remove
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name>
- jail
- Delete the package from the specified jail
- chroot
- Delete the package from the specified chroot (ignored if jail is specified)
- all_installed
Deletes all installed packages from the system and empties the
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove all all_installed=True force=True
- force
Forces packages to be removed despite leaving unresolved
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> force=True
- glob
Treat the package names as shell glob patterns.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> glob=True
- dryrun
Dry run mode. The list of packages to delete is always printed, but
no packages are actually deleted.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> dryrun=True
- recurse
Delete all packages that require the listed package as well.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> recurse=True
- regex
Treat the package names as regular expressions.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <regular expression> regex=True
- pcre
Treat the package names as extended regular expressions.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <extended regular expression> pcre=True
- salt.modules.pkgng.restore(file_name, jail=None, chroot=None)
Reads archive created by pkg backup -d and recreates the database.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.restore /tmp/pkg
- jail
Restore database to the specified jail. Note that this will run the
command within the jail, and so the path to the file from which the pkg
database will be restored is relative to the root of the jail.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.restore /tmp/pkg jail=<jail name or id>
- chroot
Restore database to the specified chroot (ignored if jail is
specified). Note that this will run the command within the chroot, and
so the path to the file from which the pkg database will be restored is
relative to the root of the chroot.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.restore /tmp/pkg chroot=/path/to/chroot
-, jail=None, chroot=None, exact=False, glob=False, regex=False, pcre=False, comment=False, desc=False, full=False, depends=False, size=False, quiet=False, origin=False, prefix=False)
Searches in remote package repositories
CLI Example:
salt '*' pattern
- jail
Perform the search using the pkg.conf(5) from the specified jail
CLI Example:
salt '*' pattern jail=<jail name or id>
- chroot
Perform the search using the pkg.conf(5) from the specified chroot
(ignored if jail is specified)
CLI Example:
salt '*' pattern chroot=/path/to/chroot
- exact
Treat pattern as exact pattern.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pattern exact=True
- glob
Treat pattern as a shell glob pattern.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pattern glob=True
- regex
Treat pattern as a regular expression.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pattern regex=True
- pcre
Treat pattern as an extended regular expression.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pattern pcre=True
- comment
Search for pattern in the package comment one-line description.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pattern comment=True
- desc
Search for pattern in the package description.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pattern desc=True
- full
Displays full information about the matching packages.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pattern full=True
- depends
Displays the dependencies of pattern.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pattern depends=True
- size
Displays the size of the package
CLI Example:
salt '*' pattern size=True
- quiet
Be quiet. Prints only the requested information without displaying
many hints.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pattern quiet=True
- origin
Displays pattern origin.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pattern origin=True
- prefix
Displays the installation prefix for each package matching pattern.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pattern prefix=True
- salt.modules.pkgng.stats(local=False, remote=False, jail=None, chroot=None)
Return pkgng stats.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.stats
- local
Display stats only for the local package database.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.stats local=True
- remote
Display stats only for the remote package database(s).
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.stats remote=True
- jail
Retrieve stats from the specified jail.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.stats jail=<jail name or id> salt '*' pkg.stats jail=<jail name or id> local=True salt '*' pkg.stats jail=<jail name or id> remote=True
- chroot
Retrieve stats from the specified chroot (ignored if jail is
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.stats chroot=/path/to/chroot salt '*' pkg.stats chroot=/path/to/chroot local=True salt '*' pkg.stats chroot=/path/to/chroot remote=True
- salt.modules.pkgng.update_package_site(new_url)
Updates remote package repo URL, PACKAGESITE var to be exact.
Must use http://, ftp://, or https:// protocol
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.update_package_site
- salt.modules.pkgng.updating(name, jail=None, chroot=None, filedate=None, filename=None)
Displays UPDATING entries of software packages
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.updating foo
- jail
Perform the action in the specified jail
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.updating foo jail=<jail name or id>
- chroot
Perform the action in the specified chroot (ignored if jail is
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.updating foo chroot=/path/to/chroot
- filedate
Only entries newer than date are shown. Use a YYYYMMDD date format.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.updating foo filedate=20130101
- filename
Defines an alternative location of the UPDATING file.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.updating foo filename=/tmp/UPDATING
- salt.modules.pkgng.upgrade(*names, **kwargs)
Upgrade named or all packages (run a pkg upgrade). If <package name> is
ommitted, the operation is executed on all packages.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade <package name>
- jail
Audit packages within the specified jail
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade <package name> jail=<jail name or id>
- chroot
Audit packages within the specified chroot (ignored if jail is
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade <package name> chroot=/path/to/chroot
Any of the below options can also be used with jail or chroot.
- force
Force reinstalling/upgrading the whole set of packages.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade <package name> force=True
- local
Do not update the repository catalogs with pkg-update(8). A value
of True here is equivalent to using the -U flag with pkg
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade <package name> local=True
- dryrun
Dry-run mode: show what packages have updates available, but do not
perform any upgrades. Repository catalogs will be updated as usual
unless the local option is also given.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade <package name> dryrun=True
- salt.modules.pkgng.version(*names, **kwargs)
Returns a string representing the package version or an empty string if not
installed. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
NOTE: This function can accessed using in addition to pkg.version, to more closely match the CLI usage of pkg(8).
- jail
- Get package version information for the specified jail
- chroot
- Get package version information for the specified chroot (ignored if jail is specified)
- with_origin
Return a nested dictionary containing both the origin name and version
for each specified package.
New in version 2014.1.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version <package name> salt '*' pkg.version <package name> jail=<jail name or id> salt '*' pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
- salt.modules.pkgng.which(path, jail=None, chroot=None, origin=False, quiet=False)
Displays which package installed a specific file
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.which <file name>
- jail
Perform the check in the specified jail
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.which <file name> jail=<jail name or id>
- chroot
Perform the check in the specified chroot (ignored if jail is
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.which <file name> chroot=/path/to/chroot
- origin
Shows the origin of the package instead of name-version.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.which <file name> origin=True
- quiet
Quiet output.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.which <file name> quiet=True
Pkgutil support for Solaris
- salt.modules.pkgutil.install(name=None, refresh=False, version=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
Install packages using the pkgutil tool.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package_name> salt '*' pkg.install SMClgcc346
Multiple Package Installation Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to install from OpenCSW. Must be passed as a python
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", "bar"]' salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", {"bar": "1.2.3"}]'
Returns a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
- salt.modules.pkgutil.latest_version(*names, **kwargs)
Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or
installation. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty string will be returned for that package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkgutil.latest_version CSWpython salt '*' pkgutil.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
- salt.modules.pkgutil.list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs)
List the packages currently installed as a dict:
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs versions_as_list=True
- salt.modules.pkgutil.list_upgrades(refresh=True)
List all available package upgrades on this system
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkgutil.list_upgrades
- salt.modules.pkgutil.purge(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Package purges are not supported, this function is identical to remove().
- name
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.purge <package name> salt '*' pkg.purge <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.purge pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.pkgutil.refresh_db()
Updates the pkgutil repo database (pkgutil -U)
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkgutil.refresh_db
- salt.modules.pkgutil.remove(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Remove a package and all its dependencies which are not in use by other packages.
- name
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> salt '*' pkg.remove <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.pkgutil.upgrade(refresh=True)
Upgrade all of the packages to the latest available version.
Returns a dict containing the changes:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkgutil.upgrade
- salt.modules.pkgutil.upgrade_available(name)
Check if there is an upgrade available for a certain package
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkgutil.upgrade_available CSWpython
- salt.modules.pkgutil.version(*names, **kwargs)
Returns a version if the package is installed, else returns an empty string
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkgutil.version CSWpython
Configure portage(5)
- salt.modules.portage_config.append_to_package_conf(conf, atom='', flags=None, string='', overwrite=False)
Append a string or a list of flags for a given package or DEPEND atom to a
given configuration file.
CLI Example:
salt '*' portage_config.append_to_package_conf use string="app-admin/salt ldap -libvirt" salt '*' portage_config.append_to_package_conf use atom="> = app-admin/salt-0.14.1" flags="['ldap', '-libvirt']"
- salt.modules.portage_config.append_use_flags(atom, uses=None, overwrite=False)
Append a list of use flags for a given package or DEPEND atom
CLI Example:
salt '*' portage_config.append_use_flags "app-admin/salt[ldap, -libvirt]" salt '*' portage_config.append_use_flags ">=app-admin/salt-0.14.1" "['ldap', '-libvirt']"
- salt.modules.portage_config.enforce_nice_config()
Enforce a nice tree structure for /etc/portage/package.* configuration
- salt.modules.ebuild.ex_mod_init()
for information on automatically running this when pkg is used.
CLI Example:
salt '*' portage_config.enforce_nice_config
- salt.modules.portage_config.get_flags_from_package_conf(conf, atom)
Get flags for a given package or DEPEND atom.
Warning: This only works if the configuration files tree is in the correct
format (the one enforced by enforce_nice_config)
CLI Example:
salt '*' portage_config.get_flags_from_package_conf license salt
- salt.modules.portage_config.get_missing_flags(conf, atom, flags)
Find out which of the given flags are currently not set.
CLI Example:
salt '*' portage_config.get_missing_flags use salt "['ldap', '-libvirt', 'openssl']"
- salt.modules.portage_config.has_flag(conf, atom, flag)
Verify if the given package or DEPEND atom has the given flag.
Warning: This only works if the configuration files tree is in the correct
format (the one enforced by enforce_nice_config)
CLI Example:
salt '*' portage_config.has_flag license salt Apache-2.0
- salt.modules.portage_config.has_use(atom, use)
Verify if the given package or DEPEND atom has the given use flag.
Warning: This only works if the configuration files tree is in the correct
format (the one enforced by enforce_nice_config)
CLI Example:
salt '*' portage_config.has_use salt libvirt
- salt.modules.portage_config.is_present(conf, atom)
Tell if a given package or DEPEND atom is present in the configuration
files tree.
Warning: This only works if the configuration files tree is in the correct
format (the one enforced by enforce_nice_config)
CLI Example:
salt '*' portage_config.is_present unmask salt
Support for Postfix
This module is currently little more than a config file viewer and editor. It is able to read the file (which is one style) and files in the style of (which is a different style, that is used in multiple postfix configuration files).
The design of this module is such that when files are edited, a minimum of changes are made to them. Each file should look as if it has been edited by hand; order, comments and whitespace are all preserved.
- salt.modules.postfix.delete(queue_id)
Delete message(s) from the mail queue
CLI Example:
salt '*' postfix.delete 5C33CA0DEA salt '*' postfix.delete ALL
- salt.modules.postfix.hold(queue_id)
Put message(s) on hold from the mail queue
CLI Example:
salt '*' postfix.hold 5C33CA0DEA salt '*' postfix.hold ALL
- salt.modules.postfix.requeue(queue_id)
Requeue message(s) in the mail queue
CLI Example:
salt '*' postfix.requeue 5C33CA0DEA salt '*' postfix.requeue ALL
- salt.modules.postfix.set_main(key, value, path='/etc/postfix/')
Set a single config value in the file. If the value does not already
exist, it will be appended to the end.
CLI Example: salt <minion> postfix.set_main mailq_path /usr/bin/mailq
- salt.modules.postfix.set_master(service, conn_type, private='y', unpriv='y', chroot='y', wakeup='n', maxproc='100', command='', write_conf=True, path='/etc/postfix/')
Set a single config value in the file. If the value does not
already exist, it will be appended to the end.
Because of shell parsing issues, '-' cannot be set as a value, as is normal in the file; either 'y', 'n' or a number should be used when calling this function from the command line. If the value used matches the default, it will internally be converted to a '-'. Calling this function from the Python API is not affected by this limitation
The settings and their default values, in order, are: service (required), conn_type (required), private (y), unpriv (y), chroot (y), wakeup (n), maxproc (100), command (required).
By default, this function will write out the changes to the file, and then returns the full contents of the file. By setting the write_conf option to False, it will skip writing the file.
CLI Example: salt <minion> postfix.set_master smtp inet n y n n 100 smtpd
- salt.modules.postfix.show_main(path='/etc/postfix/')
Return a dict of active config values. This does not include comments,
spacing or order. Bear in mind that order is functionally important in the file, since keys can be referred to as variables. This means that
the data returned from this function should not be used for direct
modification of the file; other functions are available for that.
CLI Examples: salt <minion> postfix.show_main salt <minion> postfix.show_main path=/path/to/
- salt.modules.postfix.show_master(path='/etc/postfix/')
Return a dict of active config values. This does not include comments,
spacing or order.
The data returned from this function should not be used for direct modification of the file; other functions are available for that.
CLI Examples: salt <minion> postfix.show_master salt <minion> postfix.show_master path=/path/to/
- salt.modules.postfix.show_queue()
Show contents of the mail queue
CLI Example:
salt '*' postfix.show_queue
- salt.modules.postfix.unhold(queue_id)
Set held message(s) in the mail queue to unheld
CLI Example:
salt '*' postfix.unhold 5C33CA0DEA salt '*' postfix.unhold ALL
Module to provide Postgres compatibility to salt.
- configuration
In order to connect to Postgres, certain configuration is
required in /etc/salt/minion on the relevant minions. Some sample configs
might look like: 'localhost' postgres.port: '5432' postgres.user: 'postgres' -> db user postgres.pass: '' postgres.maintenance_db: 'postgres'
The default for the maintenance_db is 'postgres' and in most cases it can be left at the default setting. This data can also be passed into pillar. Options passed into opts will overwrite options passed into pillar
- note
- This module uses MD5 hashing which may not be compliant with certain security audits.
- salt.modules.postgres.available_extensions(user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None)
List available postgresql extensions
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.available_extensions
- salt.modules.postgres.create_extension(name, if_not_exists=None, schema=None, ext_version=None, from_version=None, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None)
Install a postgresql extension
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.create_extension 'adminpack'
- salt.modules.postgres.create_metadata(name, ext_version=None, schema=None, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None)
Get lifecycle information about an extension
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.create_metadata adminpack
- salt.modules.postgres.db_alter(name, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, tablespace=None, owner=None, runas=None)
Change tablespace or/and owner of database.
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.db_alter dbname owner=otheruser
- salt.modules.postgres.db_create(name, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, tablespace=None, encoding=None, lc_collate=None, lc_ctype=None, owner=None, template=None, runas=None)
Adds a databases to the Postgres server.
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.db_create 'dbname' salt '*' postgres.db_create 'dbname' template=template_postgis
- salt.modules.postgres.db_exists(name, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None)
Checks if a database exists on the Postgres server.
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.db_exists 'dbname'
- salt.modules.postgres.db_list(user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None)
Return dictionary with information about databases of a Postgres server.
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.db_list
- salt.modules.postgres.db_remove(name, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None)
Removes a databases from the Postgres server.
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.db_remove 'dbname'
- salt.modules.postgres.drop_extension(name, if_exists=None, restrict=None, cascade=None, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None)
Drop an installed postgresql extension
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.drop_extension 'adminpack'
- salt.modules.postgres.get_available_extension(name, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None)
Get info about an available postgresql extension
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.get_available_extension plpgsql
- salt.modules.postgres.get_installed_extension(name, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None)
Get info about an installed postgresql extension
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.get_installed_extension plpgsql
- salt.modules.postgres.group_create(groupname, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, createdb=None, createuser=None, createroles=None, encrypted=None, login=None, inherit=None, superuser=None, replication=None, rolepassword=None, groups=None, runas=None)
Creates a Postgres group. A group is postgres is similar to a user, but
cannot login.
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.group_create 'groupname' user='user' \ host='hostname' port='port' password='password' \ rolepassword='rolepassword'
- salt.modules.postgres.group_remove(groupname, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None)
Removes a group from the Postgres server.
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.group_remove 'groupname'
- salt.modules.postgres.group_update(groupname, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, createdb=None, createroles=None, createuser=None, encrypted=None, inherit=None, login=None, superuser=None, replication=None, rolepassword=None, groups=None, runas=None)
Updates a postgres group
CLI Examples:
salt '*' postgres.group_update 'username' user='user' \ host='hostname' port='port' password='password' \ rolepassword='rolepassword'
- salt.modules.postgres.installed_extensions(user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None)
List installed postgresql extensions
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.installed_extensions
- salt.modules.postgres.is_available_extension(name, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None)
Test if a specific extension is available
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.is_available_extension
- salt.modules.postgres.is_installed_extension(name, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None)
Test if a specific extension is installed
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.is_installed_extension
- salt.modules.postgres.owner_to(dbname, ownername, user=None, host=None, port=None, password=None, runas=None)
Set the owner of all schemas, functions, tables, views and sequences to
the given username.
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.owner_to 'dbname' 'username'
- salt.modules.postgres.psql_query(query, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None)
Run an SQL-Query and return the results as a list. This command
only supports SELECT statements. This limitation can be worked around
with a query like this:
WITH updated AS (UPDATE pg_authid SET rolconnlimit = 2000 WHERE rolname = 'rolename' RETURNING rolconnlimit) SELECT * FROM updated;
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.psql_query 'select * from pg_stat_activity'
- salt.modules.postgres.role_get(name, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None, return_password=False)
Return a dict with information about users of a Postgres server.
Set return_password to True to get password hash in the result.
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.role_get postgres
- salt.modules.postgres.schema_create(dbname, name, owner=None, user=None, db_user=None, db_password=None, db_host=None, db_port=None)
Creates a Postgres schema.
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.schema_create dbname name owner='owner' \ user='user' \ db_user='user' db_password='password' db_host='hostname' db_port='port'
- salt.modules.postgres.schema_exists(dbname, name, db_user=None, db_password=None, db_host=None, db_port=None)
Checks if a schema exists on the Postgres server.
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.schema_exists dbname schemaname
- dbname
- Database name we query on
- name
- Schema name we look for
- db_user
- database username if different from config or default
- db_password
- user password if any password for a specified user
- db_host
- Database host if different from config or default
- db_port
- Database port if different from config or default
- salt.modules.postgres.schema_get(dbname, name, db_user=None, db_password=None, db_host=None, db_port=None)
Return a dict with information about schemas in a database.
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.schema_get dbname name
- dbname
- Database name we query on
- name
- Schema name we look for
- db_user
- database username if different from config or default
- db_password
- user password if any password for a specified user
- db_host
- Database host if different from config or default
- db_port
- Database port if different from config or default
- salt.modules.postgres.schema_list(dbname, db_user=None, db_password=None, db_host=None, db_port=None)
Return a dict with information about schemas in a Postgres database.
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.schema_list dbname
- dbname
- Database name we query on
- db_user
- database username if different from config or default
- db_password
- user password if any password for a specified user
- db_host
- Database host if different from config or default
- db_port
- Database port if different from config or default
- salt.modules.postgres.schema_remove(dbname, name, user=None, db_user=None, db_password=None, db_host=None, db_port=None)
Removes a schema from the Postgres server.
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.schema_remove dbname schemaname
- dbname
- Database name we work on
- schemaname
- The schema's name we'll remove
- user
- System user all operations should be performed on behalf of
- db_user
- database username if different from config or default
- db_password
- user password if any password for a specified user
- db_host
- Database host if different from config or default
- db_port
- Database port if different from config or default
- salt.modules.postgres.user_create(username, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, createdb=None, createuser=None, createroles=None, inherit=None, login=None, connlimit=None, encrypted=None, superuser=None, replication=None, rolepassword=None, groups=None, runas=None)
Creates a Postgres user.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' postgres.user_create 'username' user='user' \ host='hostname' port='port' password='password' \ rolepassword='rolepassword'
- salt.modules.postgres.user_exists(name, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None)
Checks if a user exists on the Postgres server.
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.user_exists 'username'
- salt.modules.postgres.user_list(user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None, return_password=False)
Return a dict with information about users of a Postgres server.
Set return_password to True to get password hash in the result.
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.user_list
- salt.modules.postgres.user_remove(username, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None)
Removes a user from the Postgres server.
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.user_remove 'username'
- salt.modules.postgres.user_update(username, user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, createdb=None, createuser=None, createroles=None, encrypted=None, superuser=None, inherit=None, login=None, connlimit=None, replication=None, rolepassword=None, groups=None, runas=None)
Updates a Postgres user.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' postgres.user_update 'username' user='user' \ host='hostname' port='port' password='password' \ rolepassword='rolepassword'
- salt.modules.postgres.version(user=None, host=None, port=None, maintenance_db=None, password=None, runas=None)
Return the version of a Postgres server.
CLI Example:
salt '*' postgres.version
Support for poudriere
- salt.modules.poudriere.bulk_build(jail, pkg_file, keep=False)
Run bulk build on poudriere server.
Return number of pkg builds, failures, and errors, on error dump to CLI
CLI Example:
salt -N buildbox_group poudriere.bulk_build 90amd64 /root/pkg_list
- salt.modules.poudriere.create_jail(name, arch, version='9.0-RELEASE')
Creates a new poudriere jail if one does not exist
NOTE creating a new jail will take some time the master is not hanging
CLI Example:
salt '*' poudriere.create_jail 90amd64 amd64
- salt.modules.poudriere.create_ports_tree()
- Not working need to run portfetch non interactive
- salt.modules.poudriere.delete_jail(name)
Deletes poudriere jail with name
CLI Example:
salt '*' poudriere.delete_jail 90amd64
- salt.modules.poudriere.is_jail(name)
Return True if jail exists False if not
CLI Example:
salt '*' poudriere.is_jail <jail name>
- salt.modules.poudriere.list_jails()
Return a list of current jails managed by poudriere
CLI Example:
salt '*' poudriere.list_jails
- salt.modules.poudriere.list_ports()
Return a list of current port trees managed by poudriere
CLI Example:
salt '*' poudriere.list_ports
- salt.modules.poudriere.make_pkgng_aware(jname)
Make jail jname pkgng aware
CLI Example:
salt '*' poudriere.make_pkgng_aware <jail name>
- salt.modules.poudriere.parse_config(config_file=None)
Returns a dict of poudriere main configuration definitions
CLI Example:
salt '*' poudriere.parse_config
- salt.modules.poudriere.update_jail(name)
Run freebsd-update on name poudriere jail
CLI Example:
salt '*' poudriere.update_jail freebsd:10:x86:64
- salt.modules.poudriere.update_ports_tree(ports_tree)
Updates the ports tree, either the default or the ports_tree specified
CLI Example:
salt '*' poudriere.update_ports_tree staging
- salt.modules.poudriere.version()
Return poudriere version
CLI Example:
salt '*' poudriere.version
powerpath support.
Assumes RedHat
- salt.modules.powerpath.add_license(key)
- Add a license
- salt.modules.powerpath.has_powerpath()
- salt.modules.powerpath.list_licenses()
- returns a list of applied powerpath license keys
- salt.modules.powerpath.remove_license(key)
- Remove a license
Publish a command from a minion to a target
- salt.modules.publish.full_data(tgt, fun, arg=None, expr_form='glob', returner='', timeout=5)
Return the full data about the publication, this is invoked in the same
way as the publish function
CLI Example:
salt publish.full_data '*' 'ls -la /tmp'
- Attention
If you need to pass a value to a function argument and that value contains an equal sign, you must include the argument name. For example:
salt '*' publish.full_data test.kwarg arg='cheese=spam'
- salt.modules.publish.publish(tgt, fun, arg=None, expr_form='glob', returner='', timeout=5)
Publish a command from the minion out to other minions.
Publications need to be enabled on the Salt master and the minion needs to have permission to publish the command. The Salt master will also prevent a recursive publication loop, this means that a minion cannot command another minion to command another minion as that would create an infinite command loop.
The expr_form argument is used to pass a target other than a glob into the execution, the available options are:
- •
- glob
- •
- pcre
- •
- grain
- •
- grain_pcre
- •
- pillar
- •
- pillar_pcre
- •
- ipcidr
- •
- range
- •
Note that for pillar matches must be exact, both in the pillar matcher and the compound matcher. No globbing is supported.
The arguments sent to the minion publish function are separated with commas. This means that for a minion executing a command with multiple args it will look like this:
salt publish.publish '*' user.add 'foo,1020,1020' salt publish.publish 'os:Fedora' network.interfaces '' grain
CLI Example:
salt publish.publish '*' 'ls -la /tmp'
- Attention
If you need to pass a value to a function argument and that value contains an equal sign, you must include the argument name. For example:
salt '*' publish.publish test.kwarg arg='cheese=spam'
Multiple keyword arguments should be passed as a list.
salt '*' publish.publish test.kwarg arg="['cheese=spam','spam=cheese']"
- salt.modules.publish.runner(fun, arg=None, timeout=5)
Execute a runner on the master and return the data from the runner
CLI Example:
salt publish.runner manage.down
Execute puppet routines
- salt.modules.puppet.disable(message=None)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Disable the puppet agent
- message
New in version 2015.5.2.
Disable message to send to puppet
CLI Example:
salt '*' puppet.disable salt '*' puppet.disable 'Disabled, contact XYZ before enabling'
- salt.modules.puppet.enable()
New in version 2014.7.0.
Enable the puppet agent
CLI Example:
salt '*' puppet.enable
- salt.modules.puppet.fact(name, puppet=False)
Run facter for a specific fact
CLI Example:
salt '*' puppet.fact kernel
- salt.modules.puppet.facts(puppet=False)
Run facter and return the results
CLI Example:
salt '*' puppet.facts
- salt.modules.puppet.noop(*args, **kwargs)
Execute a puppet noop run and return a dict with the stderr, stdout,
return code, etc. Usage is the same as for
CLI Example:
salt '*' puppet.noop salt '*' puppet.noop tags=basefiles::edit,apache::server salt '*' puppet.noop debug salt '*' puppet.noop apply /a/b/manifest.pp modulepath=/a/b/modules tags=basefiles::edit,apache::server
-*args, **kwargs)
Execute a puppet run and return a dict with the stderr, stdout,
return code, etc. The first positional argument given is checked as a
subcommand. Following positional arguments should be ordered with arguments
required by the subcommand first, followed by non-keyword arguments.
Tags are specified by a tag keyword and comma separated list of values. --
CLI Examples:
salt '*' salt '*' tags=basefiles::edit,apache::server salt '*' agent onetime no-daemonize no-usecacheonfailure no-splay ignorecache salt '*' debug salt '*' apply /a/b/manifest.pp modulepath=/a/b/modules tags=basefiles::edit,apache::server
- salt.modules.puppet.status()
New in version 2014.7.0.
Display puppet agent status
CLI Example:
salt '*' puppet.status
- salt.modules.puppet.summary()
New in version 2014.7.0.
Show a summary of the last puppet agent run
CLI Example:
salt '*' puppet.summary
Manage groups on FreeBSD
- salt.modules.pw_group.add(name, gid=None, **kwargs)
Add the specified group
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.add foo 3456
- salt.modules.pw_group.chgid(name, gid)
Change the gid for a named group
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.chgid foo 4376
- salt.modules.pw_group.delete(name)
Remove the named group
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.delete foo
- salt.modules.pw_group.getent(refresh=False)
Return info on all groups
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.getent
Return information about a group
CLI Example:
salt '*' foo
- salt.modules.pw_group.members(name, members_list)
Replaces members of the group with a provided list.
New in version 2015.5.4.
CLI Example: salt '*' group.members foo 'user1,user2,user3,...'
- Replaces a membership list for a local group 'foo'.
- foo:x:1234:user1,user2,user3,...
Manage users with the useradd command
- salt.modules.pw_user.add(name, uid=None, gid=None, groups=None, home=None, shell=None, unique=True, fullname='', roomnumber='', workphone='', homephone='', createhome=True, **kwargs)
Add a user to the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.add name <uid> <gid> <groups> <home> <shell>
- salt.modules.pw_user.chfullname(name, fullname)
Change the user's Full Name
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chfullname foo "Foo Bar"
- salt.modules.pw_user.chgid(name, gid)
Change the default group of the user
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chgid foo 4376
- salt.modules.pw_user.chgroups(name, groups, append=False)
Change the groups this user belongs to, add append to append the specified
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chgroups foo wheel,root True
- salt.modules.pw_user.chhome(name, home, persist=False)
Change the home directory of the user, pass true for persist to copy files
to the new home dir
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chhome foo /home/users/foo True
- salt.modules.pw_user.chhomephone(name, homephone)
Change the user's Home Phone
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chhomephone foo "7735551234"
- salt.modules.pw_user.chroomnumber(name, roomnumber)
Change the user's Room Number
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chroomnumber foo 123
- salt.modules.pw_user.chshell(name, shell)
Change the default shell of the user
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chshell foo /bin/zsh
- salt.modules.pw_user.chuid(name, uid)
Change the uid for a named user
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chuid foo 4376
- salt.modules.pw_user.chworkphone(name, workphone)
Change the user's Work Phone
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chworkphone foo "7735550123"
- salt.modules.pw_user.delete(name, remove=False, force=False)
Remove a user from the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.delete name remove=True force=True
- salt.modules.pw_user.getent(refresh=False)
Return the list of all info for all users
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.getent
Return user information
CLI Example:
salt '*' root
- salt.modules.pw_user.list_groups(name)
Return a list of groups the named user belongs to
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.list_groups foo
- salt.modules.pw_user.list_users()
Return a list of all users
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.list_users
- salt.modules.pw_user.rename(name, new_name)
Change the username for a named user
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.rename name new_name
Manage python installations with pyenv.
New in version v2014.04.
- salt.modules.pyenv.default(python=None, runas=None)
- Returns or sets the currently defined default python.
- python=None
The version to set as the default. Should match one of the versions
listed by pyenv.versions. Leave
blank to return the current default.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pyenv.default salt '*' pyenv.default 2.0.0-p0
-, runas=None)
Execute a python command with pyenv's shims from the user or the system.
CLI Example:
salt '*' 'gem list bundler' salt '*' 'gem list bundler' deploy
- salt.modules.pyenv.do_with_python(python, cmdline, runas=None)
Execute a python command with pyenv's shims using a specific python version.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pyenv.do_with_python 2.0.0-p0 'gem list bundler' salt '*' pyenv.do_with_python 2.0.0-p0 'gem list bundler' deploy
- salt.modules.pyenv.install(runas=None, path=None)
Install pyenv systemwide
CLI Example:
salt '*' pyenv.install
- salt.modules.pyenv.install_python(python, runas=None)
- Install a python implementation.
- python
The version of python to install, should match one of the
versions listed by pyenv.list
CLI Example:
salt '*' pyenv.install_python 2.0.0-p0
- salt.modules.pyenv.is_installed(runas=None)
Check if pyenv is installed.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pyenv.is_installed
- salt.modules.pyenv.list_(runas=None)
List the installable versions of python.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pyenv.list
- salt.modules.pyenv.rehash(runas=None)
Run pyenv rehash to update the installed shims.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pyenv.rehash
- salt.modules.pyenv.uninstall_python(python, runas=None)
- Uninstall a python implementation.
- python
The version of python to uninstall. Should match one of the versions
listed by pyenv.versions
CLI Example:
salt '*' pyenv.uninstall_python 2.0.0-p0
- salt.modules.pyenv.update(runas=None, path=None)
Updates the current versions of pyenv and python-Build
CLI Example:
salt '*' pyenv.update
- salt.modules.pyenv.versions(runas=None)
List the installed versions of python.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pyenv.versions
Qemu-img Command Wrapper
The qemu img command is wrapped for specific functions
- depends
- qemu-img
- salt.modules.qemu_img.make_image(location, size, fmt)
Create a blank virtual machine image file of the specified size in
megabytes. The image can be created in any format supported by qemu
CLI Example:
salt '*' qemu_img.make_image /tmp/image.qcow 2048 qcow2 salt '*' qemu_img.make_image /tmp/image.raw 10240 raw
Qemu Command Wrapper
The qemu system comes with powerful tools, such as qemu-img and qemu-nbd which are used here to build up kvm images.
- salt.modules.qemu_nbd.clear(mnt)
Pass in the mnt dict returned from nbd_mount to unmount and disconnect
the image from nbd. If all of the partitions are unmounted return an
empty dict, otherwise return a dict containing the still mounted
CLI Example:
salt '*' qemu_nbd.clear '{"/mnt/foo": "/dev/nbd0p1"}'
- salt.modules.qemu_nbd.connect(image)
Activate nbd for an image file.
CLI Example:
salt '*' qemu_nbd.connect /tmp/image.raw
- salt.modules.qemu_nbd.init(image)
Mount the named image via qemu-nbd and return the mounted roots
CLI Example:
salt '*' qemu_nbd.init /srv/image.qcow2
- salt.modules.qemu_nbd.mount(nbd)
Pass in the nbd connection device location, mount all partitions and return
a dict of mount points
CLI Example:
salt '*' qemu_nbd.mount /dev/nbd0
Module for managing quotas on POSIX-like systems.
- salt.modules.quota.get_mode(device)
Report whether the quota system for this device is on or off
CLI Example:
salt '*' quota.get_mode
Turns off the quota system
CLI Example:
salt '*'
- salt.modules.quota.on(device)
Turns on the quota system
CLI Example:
salt '*' quota.on
Report on quotas for a specific volume
CLI Example:
salt '*' /media/data
- salt.modules.quota.set_(device, **kwargs)
Calls out to setquota, for a specific user or group
CLI Example:
salt '*' quota.set /media/data user=larry block-soft-limit=1048576 salt '*' quota.set /media/data group=painters file-hard-limit=1000
- salt.modules.quota.stats()
Runs the quotastats command, and returns the parsed output
CLI Example:
salt '*' quota.stats
- salt.modules.quota.warn()
Runs the warnquota command, to send warning emails to users who
are over their quota limit.
CLI Example:
salt '*' quota.warn
Module to provide RabbitMQ compatibility to Salt. Todo: A lot, need to add cluster support, logging, and minion configuration data.
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.add_user(name, password=None, runas=None)
Add a rabbitMQ user via rabbitmqctl user_add <user> <password>
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.add_user rabbit_user password
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.add_vhost(vhost, runas=None)
Adds a vhost via rabbitmqctl add_vhost.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq add_vhost '<vhost_name>'
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.change_password(name, password, runas=None)
Changes a user's password.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.change_password rabbit_user password
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.clear_password(name, runas=None)
Removes a user's password.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.clear_password rabbit_user
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.cluster_status(runas=None)
return rabbitmq cluster_status
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.cluster_status
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.delete_policy(vhost, name, runas=None)
Delete a policy based on rabbitmqctl clear_policy.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.delete_policy / HA'
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.delete_user(name, runas=None)
Deletes a user via rabbitmqctl delete_user.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.delete_user rabbit_user
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.delete_vhost(vhost, runas=None)
Deletes a vhost rabbitmqctl delete_vhost.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.delete_vhost '<vhost_name>'
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.disable_plugin(name, runas=None)
Disable a RabbitMQ plugin via the rabbitmq-plugins command.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.disable_plugin foo
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.enable_plugin(name, runas=None)
Enable a RabbitMQ plugin via the rabbitmq-plugins command.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.enable_plugin foo
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.force_reset(runas=None)
Forcefully Return a RabbitMQ node to its virgin state
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.force_reset
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.join_cluster(host, user='rabbit', ram_node=None, runas=None)
Join a rabbit cluster
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.join_cluster '' 'rabbit'
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.list_permissions(vhost, runas=None)
Lists permissions for vhost via rabbitmqctl list_permissions
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.list_permissions '/myvhost'
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.list_policies(runas=None)
Return a dictionary of policies nested by vhost and name
based on the data returned from rabbitmqctl list_policies.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.list_policies'
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.list_queues(runas=None, *kwargs)
Returns queue details of the / virtual host
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.list_queues messages consumers
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.list_queues_vhost(vhost, runas=None, *kwargs)
Returns queue details of specified virtual host. This command will consider
first parameter as the vhost name and rest will be treated as
queueinfoitem. For getting details on vhost /, use list_queues instead).
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.list_queues messages consumers
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.list_user_permissions(name, runas=None)
List permissions for a user via rabbitmqctl list_user_permissions
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.list_user_permissions 'user'.
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.list_users(runas=None)
Return a list of users based off of rabbitmqctl user_list.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.list_users
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.list_vhosts(runas=None)
Return a list of vhost based on rabbitmqctl list_vhosts.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.list_vhosts
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.plugin_is_enabled(name, runas=None)
Return whether the plugin is enabled.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.plugin_is_enabled foo
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.policy_exists(vhost, name, runas=None)
Return whether the policy exists based on rabbitmqctl list_policies.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.policy_exists / HA
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.reset(runas=None)
Return a RabbitMQ node to its virgin state
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.reset
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.set_permissions(vhost, user, conf='.*', write='.*', read='.*', runas=None)
Sets permissions for vhost via rabbitmqctl set_permissions
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.set_permissions 'myvhost' 'myuser'
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.set_policy(vhost, name, pattern, definition, priority=None, runas=None)
Set a policy based on rabbitmqctl set_policy.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.set_policy / HA '.*' '{"ha-mode": "all"}'
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.set_user_tags(name, tags, runas=None)
Add user tags via rabbitmqctl set_user_tags
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.set_user_tags 'myadmin' 'administrator'
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.start_app(runas=None)
Start the RabbitMQ application.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.start_app
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.status(runas=None)
return rabbitmq status
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.status
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.stop_app(runas=None)
Stops the RabbitMQ application, leaving the Erlang node running.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.stop_app
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.user_exists(name, runas=None)
Return whether the user exists based on rabbitmqctl list_users.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.user_exists rabbit_user
- salt.modules.rabbitmq.vhost_exists(name, runas=None)
Return whether the vhost exists based on rabbitmqctl list_vhosts.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rabbitmq.vhost_exists rabbit_host
Publish a command from a minion to a target
- salt.modules.raet_publish.full_data(tgt, fun, arg=None, expr_form='glob', returner='', timeout=5)
Return the full data about the publication, this is invoked in the same
way as the publish function
CLI Example:
salt publish.full_data '*' 'ls -la /tmp'
- Attention
If you need to pass a value to a function argument and that value contains an equal sign, you must include the argument name. For example:
salt '*' publish.full_data test.kwarg arg='cheese=spam'
- salt.modules.raet_publish.publish(tgt, fun, arg=None, expr_form='glob', returner='', timeout=5)
Publish a command from the minion out to other minions.
Publications need to be enabled on the Salt master and the minion needs to have permission to publish the command. The Salt master will also prevent a recursive publication loop, this means that a minion cannot command another minion to command another minion as that would create an infinite command loop.
The expr_form argument is used to pass a target other than a glob into the execution, the available options are:
- •
- glob
- •
- pcre
- •
- grain
- •
- grain_pcre
- •
- pillar
- •
- pillar_pcre
- •
- ipcidr
- •
- range
- •
The arguments sent to the minion publish function are separated with commas. This means that for a minion executing a command with multiple args it will look like this:
salt publish.publish '*' user.add 'foo,1020,1020' salt publish.publish 'os:Fedora' network.interfaces '' grain
CLI Example:
salt publish.publish '*' 'ls -la /tmp'
- Attention
If you need to pass a value to a function argument and that value contains an equal sign, you must include the argument name. For example:
salt '*' publish.publish test.kwarg arg='cheese=spam'
- salt.modules.raet_publish.runner(fun, arg=None, timeout=5)
Execute a runner on the master and return the data from the runner
CLI Example:
salt publish.runner manage.down
Module for retrieving random information from
New in version 2015.5.0.
- configuration
This module can be used by either passing an api key and version
directly or by specifying both in a configuration profile in the salt
master/minion config.
For example:
random_org: api_key: 7be1402d-5719-5bd3-a306-3def9f135da5 api_version: 1
- salt.modules.random_org.generateBlobs(api_key=None, api_version=None, **kwargs)
- List all Slack users. :param api_key: The api key. :param api_version: The api version. :param format: Specifies the format in which the blobs will be returned. Values allowed are base64 and hex.
- Returns
The user list.
CLI Example:
salt '*' get_integers number=5 min=1 max=6 salt '*' get_integers number=5 min=1 max=6
- salt.modules.random_org.generateDecimalFractions(api_key=None, api_version=None, **kwargs)
- Generates true random decimal fractions
- Parameters
- •
- api_key -- The api key.
- •
- api_version -- The api version.
- •
- number -- How many random decimal fractions you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
- •
- decimalPlaces -- The number of decimal places to use. Must be within the [1,20] range.
- •
- replacement -- Specifies whether the random numbers should be picked with replacement. The default (true) will cause the numbers to be picked with replacement, i.e., the resulting numbers may contain duplicate values (like a series of dice rolls). If you want the numbers picked to be unique (like raffle tickets drawn from a container), set this value to false.
- Returns
A list of decimal fraction
CLI Example:
salt '*' random_org.generateDecimalFractions number=10 decimalPlaces=4 salt '*' random_org.generateDecimalFractions number=10 decimalPlaces=4 replacement=True
- salt.modules.random_org.generateGaussians(api_key=None, api_version=None, **kwargs)
- This method generates true random numbers from a Gaussian distribution (also known as a normal distribution).
- Parameters
- •
- api_key -- The api key.
- •
- api_version -- The api version.
- •
- number -- How many random numbers you need. Must be within the [1,1e4] range.
- •
- mean -- The distribution's mean. Must be within the [-1e6,1e6] range.
- •
- standardDeviation -- The distribution's standard deviation. Must be within the [-1e6,1e6] range.
- •
- significantDigits -- The number of significant digits to use. Must be within the [2,20] range.
- Returns
The user list.
CLI Example:
salt '*' random_org.generateGaussians number=10 mean=0.0 standardDeviation=1.0 significantDigits=8
- salt.modules.random_org.generateIntegers(api_key=None, api_version=None, **kwargs)
- Generate random integers
- Parameters
- •
- api_key -- The api key.
- •
- api_version -- The api version.
- •
- number -- The number of integers to generate
- •
- minimum -- The lower boundary for the range from which the random numbers will be picked. Must be within the [-1e9,1e9] range.
- •
- maximum -- The upper boundary for the range from which the random numbers will be picked. Must be within the [-1e9,1e9] range.
- •
- replacement -- Specifies whether the random numbers should be picked with replacement. The default (true) will cause the numbers to be picked with replacement, i.e., the resulting numbers may contain duplicate values (like a series of dice rolls). If you want the numbers picked to be unique (like raffle tickets drawn from a container), set this value to false.
- •
- base -- Specifies the base that will be used to display the numbers. Values allowed are 2, 8, 10 and 16. This affects the JSON types and formatting of the resulting data as discussed below.
- Returns
A list of integers.
CLI Example:
salt '*' random_org.generateIntegers number=5 minimum=1 maximum=6 salt '*' random_org.generateIntegers number=5 minimum=2 maximum=255 base=2
- salt.modules.random_org.generateStrings(api_key=None, api_version=None, **kwargs)
- Generate random strings.
- Parameters
- •
- api_key -- The api key.
- •
- api_version -- The api version.
- •
- number -- The number of strings to generate.
- •
- length -- The length of each string. Must be within the [1,20] range. All strings will be of the same length
- •
- characters -- A string that contains the set of characters that are allowed to occur in the random strings. The maximum number of characters is 80.
- •
- replacement -- Specifies whether the random strings should be picked with replacement. The default (true) will cause the strings to be picked with replacement, i.e., the resulting list of strings may contain duplicates (like a series of dice rolls). If you want the strings to be unique (like raffle tickets drawn from a container), set this value to false.
- Returns
A list of strings.
CLI Example:
salt '*' random_org.generateStrings number=5 length=8 characters='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' salt '*' random_org.generateStrings number=10 length=16 characters'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
- salt.modules.random_org.generateUUIDs(api_key=None, api_version=None, **kwargs)
- Generate a list of random UUIDs
- Parameters
- •
- api_key -- The api key.
- •
- api_version -- The api version.
- •
- number -- How many random UUIDs you need. Must be within the [1,1e3] range.
- Returns
A list of UUIDs
CLI Example:
salt '*' random_org.generateUUIDs number=5
- salt.modules.random_org.getUsage(api_key=None, api_version=None)
- Show current usages statistics
- Parameters
- •
- api_key -- The api key.
- •
- api_version -- The api version.
- Returns
The current usage statistics.
CLI Example:
salt '*' random_org.getUsage salt '*' random_org.getUsage api_key=peWcBiMOS9HrZG15peWcBiMOS9HrZG15 api_version=1
Manage ruby installations with rbenv. Rbenv is supported on Linux and Mac OS X. Rbenv doesn't work on Windows (and isn't really necessary on Windows as there is no system Ruby on Windows). On Windows, the RubyInstaller and/or Pik are both good alternatives to work with multiple versions of Ruby on the same box.
New in version 0.16.0.
- salt.modules.rbenv.default(ruby=None, runas=None)
- Returns or sets the currently defined default ruby.
- ruby=None
The version to set as the default. Should match one of the versions
listed by rbenv.versions. Leave
blank to return the current default.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rbenv.default salt '*' rbenv.default 2.0.0-p0
-, runas=None)
Execute a ruby command with rbenv's shims from the user or the system.
CLI Example:
salt '*' 'gem list bundler' salt '*' 'gem list bundler' deploy
- salt.modules.rbenv.do_with_ruby(ruby, cmdline, runas=None)
Execute a ruby command with rbenv's shims using a specific ruby version.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rbenv.do_with_ruby 2.0.0-p0 'gem list bundler' salt '*' rbenv.do_with_ruby 2.0.0-p0 'gem list bundler' deploy
- salt.modules.rbenv.install(runas=None, path=None)
Install Rbenv systemwide
CLI Example:
salt '*' rbenv.install
- salt.modules.rbenv.install_ruby(ruby, runas=None)
- Install a ruby implementation.
- ruby
The version of Ruby to install, should match one of the
versions listed by rbenv.list
Additional environment variables can be configured in pillar / grains / master:
rbenv: build_env: 'CONFIGURE_OPTS="--no-tcmalloc" CFLAGS="-fno-tree-dce"'
CLI Example:
salt '*' rbenv.install_ruby 2.0.0-p0
- salt.modules.rbenv.is_installed(runas=None)
Check if Rbenv is installed.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rbenv.is_installed
- salt.modules.rbenv.list_(runas=None)
List the installable versions of ruby.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rbenv.list
- salt.modules.rbenv.rehash(runas=None)
Run rbenv rehash to update the installed shims.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rbenv.rehash
- salt.modules.rbenv.uninstall_ruby(ruby, runas=None)
- Uninstall a ruby implementation.
- ruby
The version of ruby to uninstall. Should match one of the versions
listed by rbenv.versions
CLI Example:
salt '*' rbenv.uninstall_ruby 2.0.0-p0
- salt.modules.rbenv.update(runas=None, path=None)
Updates the current versions of Rbenv and Ruby-Build
CLI Example:
salt '*' rbenv.update
- salt.modules.rbenv.versions(runas=None)
List the installed versions of ruby.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rbenv.versions
Manage RDP Service on Windows servers
- salt.modules.rdp.disable()
Disable RDP the service on the server
CLI Example:
salt '*' rdp.disable
- salt.modules.rdp.enable()
Enable RDP the service on the server
CLI Example:
salt '*' rdp.enable
- salt.modules.rdp.status()
Show if rdp is enabled on the server
CLI Example:
salt '*' rdp.status
Module to provide redis functionality to Salt
New in version 2014.7.0.
- configuration
This module requires the redis python module and uses the
following defaults which may be overridden in the minion configuration: 'localhost' redis.port: 6379 redis.db: 0 redis.password: None
- salt.modules.redismod.bgrewriteaof(host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Asynchronously rewrite the append-only file
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.bgrewriteaof
- salt.modules.redismod.bgsave(host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Asynchronously save the dataset to disk
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.bgsave
- salt.modules.redismod.config_get(pattern='*', host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Get redis server configuration values
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.config_get salt '*' redis.config_get port
- salt.modules.redismod.config_set(name, value, host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Set redis server configuration values
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.config_set masterauth luv_kittens
- salt.modules.redismod.dbsize(host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Return the number of keys in the selected database
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.dbsize
- salt.modules.redismod.delete(*keys, **connection_args)
Deletes the keys from redis, returns number of keys deleted
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.delete foo
- salt.modules.redismod.exists(key, host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Return true if the key exists in redis
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.exists foo
- salt.modules.redismod.expire(key, seconds, host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Set a keys time to live in seconds
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.expire foo 300
- salt.modules.redismod.expireat(key, timestamp, host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Set a keys expire at given UNIX time
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.expireat foo 1400000000
- salt.modules.redismod.flushall(host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Remove all keys from all databases
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.flushall
- salt.modules.redismod.flushdb(host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Remove all keys from the selected database
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.flushdb
- salt.modules.redismod.get_key(key, host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Get redis key value
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.get_key foo
- salt.modules.redismod.hget(key, field, host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Get specific field value from a redis hash, returns dict
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.hget foo_hash bar_field
- salt.modules.redismod.hgetall(key, host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Get all fields and values from a redis hash, returns dict
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.hgetall foo_hash
-, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Get information and statistics about the server
CLI Example:
salt '*'
- salt.modules.redismod.key_type(key, host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Get redis key type
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.type foo
- salt.modules.redismod.keys(pattern='*', host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Get redis keys, supports glob style patterns
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.keys salt '*' redis.keys test*
- salt.modules.redismod.lastsave(host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Get the UNIX time in seconds of the last successful save to disk
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.lastsave
- salt.modules.redismod.llen(key, host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Get the length of a list in Redis
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.llen foo_list
- salt.modules.redismod.lrange(key, start, stop, host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Get a range of values from a list in Redis
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.lrange foo_list 0 10
-, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Ping the server, returns False on connection errors
CLI Example:
salt '*'
-, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Synchronously save the dataset to disk
CLI Example:
salt '*'
- salt.modules.redismod.set_key(key, value, host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Set redis key value
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.set_key foo bar
- salt.modules.redismod.shutdown(host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Synchronously save the dataset to disk and then shut down the server
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.shutdown
- salt.modules.redismod.slaveof(master_host=None, master_port=None, host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Make the server a slave of another instance, or promote it as master
CLI Example:
# Become slave of salt '*' redis.slaveof 6379 salt '*' redis.slaveof # Become master salt '*' redis.slaveof
- salt.modules.redismod.smembers(key, host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Get members in a Redis set
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.smembers foo_set
- salt.modules.redismod.time(host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Return the current server UNIX time in seconds
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.time
- salt.modules.redismod.zcard(key, host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Get the length of a sorted set in Redis
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.zcard foo_sorted
- salt.modules.redismod.zrange(key, start, stop, host=None, port=None, db=None, password=None)
Get a range of values from a sorted set in Redis by index
CLI Example:
salt '*' redis.zrange foo_sorted 0 10
Manage the Windows registry
The read_key and set_key functions will be updated in Boron to reflect proper
registry usage. The registry has three main components. Hives, Keys, and Values.
Hives are the main sections of the registry and all begin with the word HKEY.
Keys are the folders in the registry. Keys can have many nested subkeys. Keys
can have a value assigned to them under the (Default)
Values or Entries
Values/Entries are name/data pairs. There can be many values in a key. The (Default) value corresponds to the Key, the rest are their own value pairs.
- depends
- •
- winreg Python module
- class salt.modules.reg.Registry
- Delay '_winreg' usage until this module is used
- salt.modules.reg.create_key(hkey, path, key=None, value=None, reflection=True)
* Incorrect Usage *
The name of this function is misleading and will be changed to reflect
proper usage in the Boron release of Salt. The path option will be removed
and the key will be the actual key. See the following issue:
In order to not break existing state files this function will call the set_value function if key is passed. Key will be passed as the value name. If key is not passed, this function will return the default value for the key.
In the Boron release path will be removed and key will be the path. You will not pass value.
Create a registry key
CLI Example:
salt '*' reg.create_key HKEY_CURRENT_USER 'SOFTWARE\Salt' 'version' '0.97'
- salt.modules.reg.delete_key(hkey, path, key=None, reflection=True, force=False)
* Incorrect Usage *
The name of this function is misleading and will be changed to reflect
proper usage in the Boron release of Salt. The path option will be removed
and the key will be the actual key. See the following issue:
In order to not break existing state files this function will call the delete_value function if a key is passed. Key will be passed as the value name. If key is not passed, this function will return the default value for the key.
In the Boron release path will be removed and key will be the path. reflection will also be removed.
Delete a registry key
CLI Example:
salt '*' reg.delete_key HKEY_CURRENT_USER 'SOFTWARE\Salt'
- Parameters
- •
- hkey (str) -- (will be changed to hive) The name of the hive. Can be one of the following - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKLM - HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKCU - HKEY_USER or HKU
- •
- path (str) -- (will be changed to key) The key (looks like a path) to remove.
- •
- key (str) -- (used incorrectly) Will be removed in Boron
- •
reflection (bool) --
A boolean value indicating that the value should also be removed from the Wow6432Node portion of the registry. Only applies to 64 bit Windows. This setting is ignored for 32 bit Windows.
Only applies to delete value. If the key parameter is passed, this function calls delete_value instead. Will be changed in Boron.
- •
- force (bool) -- A boolean value indicating that all subkeys should be removed as well. If this is set to False (default) and there are subkeys, the delete_key function will fail.
- Returns
- Returns True if successful, False if not If force=True, the results of delete_key_recursive are returned.
- Return type
- bool
- salt.modules.reg.delete_key_recursive(hive, key)
New in version 2015.5.4.
Delete a registry key to include all subkeys.
- Parameters
- •
- hive -- The name of the hive. Can be one of the following - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKLM - HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKCU - HKEY_USER or HKU
- •
- key -- The key to remove (looks like a path)
- Returns
- A dictionary listing the keys that deleted successfully as well as those that failed to delete.
- Return type
The following example will remove salt and all its subkeys from the SOFTWARE key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE:
CLI Example:
salt '*' reg.delete_key_recursive HKLM SOFTWARE\salt
- salt.modules.reg.delete_value(hive, key, vname=None, reflection=True)
- Delete a registry value entry or the default value for a key.
- Parameters
- •
- hive (str) -- The name of the hive. Can be one of the following - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKLM - HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKCU - HKEY_USER or HKU
- •
- key (str) -- The key (looks like a path) to the value name.
- •
- vname (str) -- The value name. These are the individual name/data pairs under the key. If not passed, the key (Default) value will be deleted.
- •
- reflection (bool) -- A boolean value indicating that the value should also be set in the Wow6432Node portion of the registry. Only applies to 64 bit Windows. This setting is ignored for 32 bit Windows.
- Returns
- Returns True if successful, False if not
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' reg.delete_value HKEY_CURRENT_USER 'SOFTWARE\Salt' 'version'
- salt.modules.reg.read_key(hkey, path, key=None)
* Incorrect Usage *
The name of this function is misleading and will be changed to reflect
proper usage in the Boron release of Salt. The path option will be removed
and the key will be the actual key. See the following issue:
In order to not break existing state files this function will call the read_value function if a key is passed. Key will be passed as the value name. If key is not passed, this function will return the default value for the key.
In the Boron release this function will be removed in favor of read_value.
Read registry key value
Returns the first unnamed value (Default) as a string. Returns none if first unnamed value is empty. Returns False if key not found.
CLI Example:
salt '*' reg.read_key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 'SOFTWARE\Salt' 'version'
- salt.modules.reg.read_value(hive, key, vname=None)
- Reads a registry value entry or the default value for a key.
- Parameters
- •
- hive (str) -- The name of the hive. Can be one of the following - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKLM - HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKCU - HKEY_USER or HKU
- •
- key (str) -- The key (looks like a path) to the value name.
- •
- vname (str) -- The value name. These are the individual name/data pairs under the key. If not passed, the key (Default) value will be returned
- Returns
A dictionary containing the passed settings as well as the value_data if
successful. If unsuccessful, sets success to False
If vname is not passed: - Returns the first unnamed value (Default) as a string. - Returns none if first unnamed value is empty. - Returns False if key not found.
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' reg.read_value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 'SOFTWARE\Salt' 'version'
- salt.modules.reg.set_key(hkey, path, value, key=None, vtype='REG_DWORD', reflection=True)
* Incorrect Usage *
The name of this function is misleading and will be changed to reflect
proper usage in the Boron release of Salt. The path option will be removed
and the key will be the actual key. See the following issue:
In order to not break existing state files this function will call the set_value function if a key is passed. Key will be passed as the value name. If key is not passed, this function will return the default value for the key.
In the Boron release this function will be removed in favor of set_value.
Set a registry key
CLI Example:
salt '*' reg.set_key HKEY_CURRENT_USER 'SOFTWARE\Salt' 'version' '0.97' REG_DWORD
- salt.modules.reg.set_value(hive, key, vname=None, vdata=None, vtype='REG_SZ', reflection=True)
- Sets a registry value entry or the default value for a key.
- Parameters
- •
- hive (str) -- The name of the hive. Can be one of the following - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKLM - HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKCU - HKEY_USER or HKU
- •
- key (str) -- The key (looks like a path) to the value name.
- •
- vname (str) -- The value name. These are the individual name/data pairs under the key. If not passed, the key (Default) value will be set.
- •
- vdata (str) -- The value data to be set.
- •
- vtype (str) -- The value type. Can be one of the following: - REG_BINARY - REG_DWORD - REG_EXPAND_SZ - REG_MULTI_SZ - REG_SZ
- •
- reflection (bool) -- A boolean value indicating that the value should also be set in the Wow6432Node portion of the registry. Only applies to 64 bit Windows. This setting is ignored for 32 bit Windows.
- Returns
- Returns True if successful, False if not
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' reg.set_value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 'SOFTWARE\Salt' 'version' '2015.5.2'
Service support for the REST example
- salt.modules.rest_package.install(name=None, refresh=False, fromrepo=None, pkgs=None, sources=None, **kwargs)
- salt.modules.rest_package.installed(name, version=None, refresh=False, fromrepo=None, skip_verify=False, pkgs=None, sources=None, **kwargs)
- salt.modules.rest_package.list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs)
- salt.modules.rest_package.remove(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- salt.modules.rest_package.version(*names, **kwargs)
Returns a string representing the package version or an empty string if not
installed. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version <package name> salt '*' pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
Module for interfacing to the REST example
pre-pre-ALPHA QUALITY code.
- salt.modules.rest_sample.grains_refresh()
- Refresh the cache.
Service support for the REST example
- salt.modules.rest_service.list_()
List services.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rest_service.list <service name>
- salt.modules.rest_service.restart(name)
Restart the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' rest_service.restart <service name>
- salt.modules.rest_service.start(name)
Start the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' rest_service.start <service name>
- salt.modules.rest_service.status(name)
Return the status for a service, returns a bool whether the service is
CLI Example:
salt '*' rest_service.status <service name>
- salt.modules.rest_service.stop(name)
Stop the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' rest_service.stop <service name>
Module to integrate with the returner system and retrieve data sent to a salt returner
- salt.modules.ret.get_fun(returner, fun)
Return info about last time fun was called on each minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' ret.get_fun mysql network.interfaces
- salt.modules.ret.get_jid(returner, jid)
Return the information for a specified job id
CLI Example:
salt '*' ret.get_jid redis 20421104181954700505
- salt.modules.ret.get_jids(returner)
Return a list of all job ids
CLI Example:
salt '*' ret.get_jids mysql
- salt.modules.ret.get_minions(returner)
Return a list of all minions
CLI Example:
salt '*' ret.get_minions mysql
The networking module for RHEL/Fedora based distros
- salt.modules.rh_ip.apply_network_settings(**settings)
Apply global network configuration.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.apply_network_settings
- salt.modules.rh_ip.build_bond(iface, **settings)
Create a bond script in /etc/modprobe.d with the passed settings
and load the bonding kernel module.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.build_bond bond0 mode=balance-alb
- salt.modules.rh_ip.build_interface(iface, iface_type, enabled, **settings)
Build an interface script for a network interface.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.build_interface eth0 eth <settings>
- salt.modules.rh_ip.build_network_settings(**settings)
Build the global network script.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.build_network_settings <settings>
- salt.modules.rh_ip.build_routes(iface, **settings)
Build a route script for a network interface.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.build_routes eth0 <settings>
- salt.modules.rh_ip.down(iface, iface_type)
Shutdown a network interface
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.down eth0
- salt.modules.rh_ip.get_bond(iface)
Return the content of a bond script
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.get_bond bond0
- salt.modules.rh_ip.get_interface(iface)
Return the contents of an interface script
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.get_interface eth0
- salt.modules.rh_ip.get_network_settings()
Return the contents of the global network script.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.get_network_settings
- salt.modules.rh_ip.get_routes(iface)
Return the contents of the interface routes script.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.get_routes eth0
- salt.modules.rh_ip.up(iface, iface_type)
Start up a network interface
CLI Example:
salt '*' ip.up eth0
Service support for RHEL-based systems, including support for both upstart and sysvinit
- salt.modules.rh_service.available(name, limit='')
Return True if the named service is available. Use the limit param to
restrict results to services of that type.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' service.available sshd salt '*' service.available sshd limit=upstart salt '*' service.available sshd limit=sysvinit
- salt.modules.rh_service.disable(name, **kwargs)
Disable the named service to start at boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disable <service name>
- salt.modules.rh_service.disabled(name)
Check to see if the named service is disabled to start on boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disabled <service name>
- salt.modules.rh_service.enable(name, **kwargs)
Enable the named service to start at boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enable <service name>
- salt.modules.rh_service.enabled(name, **kwargs)
Check to see if the named service is enabled to start on boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enabled <service name>
- salt.modules.rh_service.get_all(limit='')
Return all installed services. Use the limit param to restrict results
to services of that type.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_all salt '*' service.get_all limit=upstart salt '*' service.get_all limit=sysvinit
- salt.modules.rh_service.get_disabled(limit='')
Return the disabled services. Use the limit param to restrict results
to services of that type.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_disabled salt '*' service.get_disabled limit=upstart salt '*' service.get_disabled limit=sysvinit
- salt.modules.rh_service.get_enabled(limit='')
Return the enabled services. Use the limit param to restrict results
to services of that type.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' service.get_enabled salt '*' service.get_enabled limit=upstart salt '*' service.get_enabled limit=sysvinit
- salt.modules.rh_service.missing(name, limit='')
The inverse of service.available.
Return True if the named service is not available. Use the limit param to
restrict results to services of that type.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' service.missing sshd salt '*' service.missing sshd limit=upstart salt '*' service.missing sshd limit=sysvinit
- salt.modules.rh_service.reload_(name)
Reload the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.reload <service name>
- salt.modules.rh_service.restart(name)
Restart the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.restart <service name>
- salt.modules.rh_service.start(name)
Start the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.start <service name>
- salt.modules.rh_service.status(name, sig=None)
Return the status for a service, returns a bool whether the service is
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.status <service name>
- salt.modules.rh_service.stop(name)
Stop the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.stop <service name>
Riak Salt Module
Author: David Boucha <boucha [at]>
- salt.modules.riak.cluster_commit()
Commit Cluster Changes
CLI Example:
salt '*' riak.cluster_commit
- salt.modules.riak.cluster_join(riak_user=None, riak_host=None)
Join a Riak cluster
CLI Example:
salt '*' riak.cluster_join <user> <host>
- salt.modules.riak.cluster_plan()
Review Cluster Plan
CLI Example:
salt '*' riak.cluster_plan
- salt.modules.riak.member_status()
Get cluster member status
CLI Example:
salt '*' riak.member_status
- salt.modules.riak.start()
Start Riak
CLI Example:
salt '*' riak.start
- salt.modules.riak.stop()
Stop Riak
CLI Example:
salt '*' riak.stop
Support for rpm
- salt.modules.rpm.diff(package, path)
- Return a formatted diff between current file and original in a package. NOTE: this function includes all files (configuration and not), but does not work on binary content.
- Parameters
- •
- package -- The name of the package
- •
- path -- Full path to the installed file
- Returns
Difference or empty string. For binary files only a notification.
CLI example:
salt '*' lowpkg.diff apache2 /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
- salt.modules.rpm.file_dict(*packages)
List the files that belong to a package, sorted by group. Not specifying
any packages will return a list of _every_ file on the system's rpm
database (not generally recommended).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' lowpkg.file_dict httpd salt '*' lowpkg.file_dict httpd postfix salt '*' lowpkg.file_dict
- salt.modules.rpm.file_list(*packages)
List the files that belong to a package. Not specifying any packages will
return a list of _every_ file on the system's rpm database (not generally
CLI Examples:
salt '*' lowpkg.file_list httpd salt '*' lowpkg.file_list httpd postfix salt '*' lowpkg.file_list
- salt.modules.rpm.list_pkgs(*packages)
List the packages currently installed in a dict:
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
CLI Example:
salt '*' lowpkg.list_pkgs
- salt.modules.rpm.modified(*packages, **flags)
List the modified files that belong to a package. Not specifying any packages
will return a list of _all_ modified files on the system's RPM database.
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI examples:
salt '*' lowpkg.modified httpd salt '*' lowpkg.modified httpd postfix salt '*' lowpkg.modified
- salt.modules.rpm.owner(*paths)
Return the name of the package that owns the file. Multiple file paths can
be passed. If a single path is passed, a string will be returned,
and if multiple paths are passed, a dictionary of file/package name pairs
will be returned.
If the file is not owned by a package, or is not present on the minion, then an empty string will be returned for that path.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' lowpkg.owner /usr/bin/apachectl salt '*' lowpkg.owner /usr/bin/apachectl /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
- salt.modules.rpm.verify(*package, **kwargs)
Runs an rpm -Va on a system, and returns the results in a dict
Files with an attribute of config, doc, ghost, license or readme in the package header can be ignored using the ignore_types keyword argument
CLI Example:
salt '*' lowpkg.verify salt '*' lowpkg.verify httpd salt '*' lowpkg.verify 'httpd postfix' salt '*' lowpkg.verify 'httpd postfix' ignore_types=['config','doc']
Wrapper for rsync
New in version 2014.1.0.
This data can also be passed into pillar. Options passed into opts will overwrite options passed into pillar.
- salt.modules.rsync.config(confile='/etc/rsyncd.conf')
Return rsync config
CLI Example:
salt '*' rsync.config
- salt.modules.rsync.rsync(src, dst, delete=False, force=False, update=False, passwordfile=None, exclude=None, excludefrom=None)
Rsync files from src to dst
CLI Example:
salt '*' rsync.rsync {src} {dst} {delete=True} {update=True} {passwordfile=/etc/pass.crt} {exclude=xx} salt '*' rsync.rsync {src} {dst} {delete=True} {excludefrom=/xx.ini}
- salt.modules.rsync.version()
Return rsync version
CLI Example:
salt '*' rsync.version
runit service module
This module is compatible with the service states, so it can be used to maintain services using the provider argument:
myservice: service: - running - provider: runit
Note that the enabled argument is not available with this provider.
- salt.modules.runit.available(name)
Returns True if the specified service is available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' runit.available foo
- salt.modules.runit.full_restart(name)
Calls runit.restart() function
CLI Example:
salt '*' runit.full_restart <service name>
- salt.modules.runit.get_all()
Return a list of all available services
CLI Example:
salt '*' runit.get_all
- salt.modules.runit.missing(name)
The inverse of runit.available.
Returns True if the specified service is not available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' runit.missing foo
- salt.modules.runit.reload_(name)
Send a HUP to service via runit
CLI Example:
salt '*' runit.reload <service name>
- salt.modules.runit.restart(name)
Restart service via runit. This will stop/start service
CLI Example:
salt '*' runit.restart <service name>
- salt.modules.runit.start(name)
Starts service via runit
CLI Example:
salt '*' runit.start <service name>
- salt.modules.runit.status(name, sig=None)
Return the status for a service via runit, return pid if running
CLI Example:
salt '*' runit.status <service name>
- salt.modules.runit.stop(name)
Stops service via runit
CLI Example:
salt '*' runit.stop <service name>
- salt.modules.runit.term(name)
Send a TERM to service via runit
CLI Example:
salt '*' runit.term <service name>
Manage ruby installations and gemsets with RVM, the Ruby Version Manager.
-, command, runas=None, cwd=None)
- Execute a command in an RVM controlled environment.
- ruby:
- The ruby to use.
- command:
- The command to execute.
- runas
- None The user to run rvm as.
- cwd
The current working directory.
CLI Example:
salt '*' 2.0.0 <command>
- salt.modules.rvm.gemset_copy(source, destination, runas=None)
- Copy all gems from one gemset to another.
- source
- The name of the gemset to copy, complete with ruby version.
- destination
- The destination gemset.
- runas
The user to run rvm as.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rvm.gemset_copy foobar bazquo
- salt.modules.rvm.gemset_create(ruby, gemset, runas=None)
- Creates a gemset.
- ruby
- The ruby version to create the gemset for.
- gemset
- The name of the gemset to create.
- runas
The user to run rvm as.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rvm.gemset_create 2.0.0 foobar
- salt.modules.rvm.gemset_delete(ruby, gemset, runas=None)
- Deletes a gemset.
- ruby
- The ruby version the gemset belongs to.
- gemset
- The gemset to delete.
- runas
The user to run rvm as.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rvm.gemset_delete 2.0.0 foobar
- salt.modules.rvm.gemset_empty(ruby, gemset, runas=None)
- Remove all gems from a gemset.
- ruby
- The ruby version the gemset belongs to.
- gemset
- The gemset to empty.
- runas
The user to run rvm as.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rvm.gemset_empty 2.0.0 foobar
- salt.modules.rvm.gemset_list(ruby='default', runas=None)
- List all gemsets for the given ruby.
- ruby
- default The ruby version to list the gemsets for
- runas
The user to run rvm as.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rvm.gemset_list
- salt.modules.rvm.gemset_list_all(runas=None)
List all gemsets for all installed rubies.
Note that you must have set a default ruby before this can work.
- runas
The user to run rvm as.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rvm.gemset_list_all
- salt.modules.rvm.get(version='stable', runas=None)
- Update RVM.
- version
- stable Which version of RVM to install, e.g. stable or head.
- ruby
The version of ruby to reinstall.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rvm.get
- salt.modules.rvm.install(runas=None)
Install RVM system wide.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rvm.install
- salt.modules.rvm.install_ruby(ruby, runas=None)
- Install a ruby implementation.
- ruby
- The version of ruby to install.
- runas
The user to run rvm as.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rvm.install_ruby 1.9.3-p385
- salt.modules.rvm.is_installed(runas=None)
Check if RVM is installed.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rvm.is_installed
- salt.modules.rvm.list_(runas=None)
- List all rvm installed rubies.
- runas
The user to run rvm as.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rvm.list
- salt.modules.rvm.reinstall_ruby(ruby, runas=None)
- Reinstall a ruby implementation.
- ruby
- The version of ruby to reinstall.
- runas
The user to run rvm as.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rvm.reinstall_ruby 1.9.3-p385
- salt.modules.rvm.rubygems(ruby, version, runas=None)
- Installs a specific rubygems version in the given ruby.
- ruby
- The ruby to install rubygems for.
- version
- The version of rubygems to install or 'remove' to use the version that ships with 1.9
- runas
The user to run rvm as.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rvm.rubygems 2.0.0 1.8.24
- salt.modules.rvm.set_default(ruby, runas=None)
- Set the default ruby.
- ruby
- The version of ruby to make the default.
- runas
The user to run rvm as.
CLI Example:
salt '*' rvm.set_default 2.0.0
- salt.modules.rvm.wrapper(ruby_string, wrapper_prefix, runas=None, *binaries)
- Install RVM wrapper scripts.
- ruby_string
- Ruby/gemset to install wrappers for.
- wrapper_prefix
- What to prepend to the name of the generated wrapper binaries.
- runas
- None The user to run rvm as.
- binaries
The names of the binaries to create wrappers for. When nothing is
given, wrappers for ruby, gem, rake, irb, rdoc, ri and testrb are
CLI Example:
salt '*' rvm.wrapper <ruby_string> <wrapper_prefix>
Connection module for Amazon S3
- configuration
This module accepts explicit s3 credentials but can also utilize
IAM roles assigned to the instance trough Instance Profiles. Dynamic
credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further
configuration is necessary. More Information available at:
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar or in the minion's config file:
s3.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H s3.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
A service_url may also be specified in the configuration:
If a service_url is not specified, the default is This may appear in various documentation as an "endpoint". A comprehensive list for Amazon S3 may be found at:
The service_url will form the basis for the final endpoint that is used to query the service.
SSL verification may also be turned off in the configuration: s3.verify_ssl: False
This is required if using S3 bucket names that contain a period, as these will not match Amazon's S3 wildcard certificates. Certificate verification is enabled by default.
AWS region may be specified in the configuration: s3.location: eu-central-1
Default is us-east-1.
This module should be usable to query other S3-like services, such as Eucalyptus.
- depends
- requests
- salt.modules.s3.delete(bucket, path=None, action=None, key=None, keyid=None, service_url=None, verify_ssl=None, location=None)
Delete a bucket, or delete an object from a bucket.
CLI Example to delete a bucket:
salt myminion s3.delete mybucket
CLI Example to delete an object from a bucket:
salt myminion s3.delete mybucket remoteobject
- salt.modules.s3.get(bucket=None, path=None, return_bin=False, action=None, local_file=None, key=None, keyid=None, service_url=None, verify_ssl=None, location=None)
List the contents of a bucket, or return an object from a bucket. Set
return_bin to True in order to retrieve an object wholesale. Otherwise,
Salt will attempt to parse an XML response.
CLI Example to list buckets:
salt myminion s3.get
CLI Example to list the contents of a bucket:
salt myminion s3.get mybucket
CLI Example to return the binary contents of an object:
salt myminion s3.get mybucket myfile.png return_bin=True
CLI Example to save the binary contents of an object to a local file:
salt myminion s3.get mybucket myfile.png local_file=/tmp/myfile.png
It is also possible to perform an action on a bucket. Currently, S3 supports the following actions:
acl cors lifecycle policy location logging notification tagging versions requestPayment versioning website
To perform an action on a bucket:
salt myminion s3.get mybucket myfile.png action=acl
- salt.modules.s3.head(bucket, path=None, key=None, keyid=None, service_url=None, verify_ssl=None, location=None)
Return the metadata for a bucket, or an object in a bucket.
CLI Examples:
salt myminion s3.head mybucket salt myminion s3.head mybucket myfile.png
- salt.modules.s3.put(bucket, path=None, return_bin=False, action=None, local_file=None, key=None, keyid=None, service_url=None, verify_ssl=None, location=None)
Create a new bucket, or upload an object to a bucket.
CLI Example to create a bucket:
salt myminion s3.put mybucket
CLI Example to upload an object to a bucket:
salt myminion s3.put mybucket remotepath local_file=/path/to/file
Control a salt cloud system
- salt.modules.saltcloudmod.create(name, profile)
Create the named vm
CLI Example:
salt <minion-id> saltcloud.create webserver rackspace_centos_512
The Saltutil module is used to manage the state of the salt minion itself. It is used to manage minion modules as well as automate updates to the salt minion.
- depends
- •
- esky Python module for update functionality
- salt.modules.saltutil.clear_cache()
Forcibly removes all caches on a minion.
New in version 2014.7.0.
WARNING: The safest way to clear a minion cache is by first stopping the minion and then deleting the cache files before restarting it.
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.clear_cache
- salt.modules.saltutil.cmd(tgt, fun, arg=(), timeout=None, expr_form='glob', ret='', kwarg=None, ssh=False, **kwargs)
Assuming this minion is a master, execute a salt command
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.cmd
- salt.modules.saltutil.cmd_iter(tgt, fun, arg=(), timeout=None, expr_form='glob', ret='', kwarg=None, ssh=False, **kwargs)
Assuming this minion is a master, execute a salt command
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.cmd_iter
- salt.modules.saltutil.find_cached_job(jid)
Return the data for a specific cached job id
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.find_cached_job <job id>
- salt.modules.saltutil.find_job(jid)
Return the data for a specific job id
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.find_job <job id>
- salt.modules.saltutil.is_running(fun)
If the named function is running return the data associated with it/them.
The argument can be a glob
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.is_running state.highstate
- salt.modules.saltutil.kill_job(jid)
Sends a kill signal (SIGKILL 9) to the named salt job's process
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.kill_job <job id>
- salt.modules.saltutil.mmodule(saltenv, fun, *args, **kwargs)
Loads minion modules from an environment so that they can be used in pillars
for that environment
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.mmodule base
- salt.modules.saltutil.pillar_refresh()
Signal the minion to refresh the pillar data.
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.refresh_pillar
- salt.modules.saltutil.refresh_beacons()
Signal the minion to refresh the beacons.
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.refresh_beacons
- salt.modules.saltutil.refresh_modules()
Signal the minion to refresh the module and grain data
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.refresh_modules
- salt.modules.saltutil.refresh_pillar()
Signal the minion to refresh the pillar data.
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.refresh_pillar
- salt.modules.saltutil.regen_keys()
Used to regenerate the minion keys.
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.regen_keys
- salt.modules.saltutil.revoke_auth(preserve_minion_cache=False)
The minion sends a request to the master to revoke its own key.
Note that the minion session will be revoked and the minion may
not be able to return the result of this command back to the master.
If the 'preserve_minion_cache' flag is set to True, the master cache for this minion will not be removed.
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.revoke_auth
- salt.modules.saltutil.runner(_fun, **kwargs)
Execute a runner module (this function must be run on the master)
New in version 2014.7.0.
- name
- The name of the function to run
- kwargs
Any keyword arguments to pass to the runner function
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.runner jobs.list_jobs
- salt.modules.saltutil.running()
Return the data on all running salt processes on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.running
- salt.modules.saltutil.signal_job(jid, sig)
Sends a signal to the named salt job's process
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.signal_job <job id> 15
- salt.modules.saltutil.sync_all(saltenv=None, refresh=True)
- Sync down all of the dynamic modules from the file server for a specific environment. This function synchronizes custom modules, states, beacons, grains, returners, output modules, renderers, and utils.
- refresh
Also refresh the execution modules available to the minion.
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.sync_all
- salt.modules.saltutil.sync_beacons(saltenv=None, refresh=True)
Sync the beacons from the _beacons directory on the salt master file
server. This function is environment aware, pass the desired environment
to grab the contents of the _beacons directory, base is the default
New in version 2015.5.1.
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.sync_beacons
- salt.modules.saltutil.sync_grains(saltenv=None, refresh=True)
Sync the grains from the _grains directory on the salt master file
server. This function is environment aware, pass the desired environment
to grab the contents of the _grains directory, base is the default
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.sync_grains
- salt.modules.saltutil.sync_modules(saltenv=None, refresh=True)
Sync the modules from the _modules directory on the salt master file
server. This function is environment aware, pass the desired environment
to grab the contents of the _modules directory, base is the default
New in version 2015.5.1.
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.sync_modules
- salt.modules.saltutil.sync_output(saltenv=None, refresh=True)
Sync the output modules from the _output directory on the salt master file
server. This function is environment aware. Pass the desired environment
to grab the contents of the _output directory. Base is the default
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.sync_output
- salt.modules.saltutil.sync_outputters(saltenv=None, refresh=True)
Sync the output modules from the _output directory on the salt master file
server. This function is environment aware. Pass the desired environment
to grab the contents of the _output directory. Base is the default
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.sync_output
- salt.modules.saltutil.sync_renderers(saltenv=None, refresh=True)
Sync the renderers from the _renderers directory on the salt master file
server. This function is environment aware, pass the desired environment
to grab the contents of the _renderers directory, base is the default
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.sync_renderers
- salt.modules.saltutil.sync_returners(saltenv=None, refresh=True)
Sync the returners from the _returners directory on the salt master file
server. This function is environment aware, pass the desired environment
to grab the contents of the _returners directory, base is the default
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.sync_returners
- salt.modules.saltutil.sync_sdb(saltenv=None, refresh=False)
Sync sdb modules from the _sdb directory on the salt master file
server. This function is environment aware, pass the desired environment
to grab the contents of the _sdb directory, base is the default
New in version 2015.5.7.
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.sync_sdb
- salt.modules.saltutil.sync_states(saltenv=None, refresh=True)
Sync the states from the _states directory on the salt master file
server. This function is environment aware, pass the desired environment
to grab the contents of the _states directory, base is the default
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.sync_states
- salt.modules.saltutil.sync_utils(saltenv=None, refresh=True)
Sync utility source files from the _utils directory on the salt master file
server. This function is environment aware, pass the desired environment
to grab the contents of the _utils directory, base is the default
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.sync_utils
- salt.modules.saltutil.term_job(jid)
Sends a termination signal (SIGTERM 15) to the named salt job's process
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.term_job <job id>
- salt.modules.saltutil.update(version=None)
Update the salt minion from the URL defined in opts['update_url']
SaltStack, Inc provides the latest builds here:
Be aware that as of 2014-8-11 there's a bug in esky such that only the latest version available in the update_url can be downloaded and installed.
This feature requires the minion to be running a bdist_esky build.
The version number is optional and will default to the most recent version available at opts['update_url'].
Returns details about the transaction upon completion.
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.update salt '*' saltutil.update 0.10.3
- salt.modules.saltutil.wheel(_fun, **kwargs)
Execute a wheel module (this function must be run on the master)
New in version 2014.7.0.
- name
- The name of the function to run
- kwargs
Any keyword arguments to pass to the wheel function
CLI Example:
salt '*' saltutil.wheel key.accept match=jerry
Module for managing the Salt schedule on a minion
New in version 2014.7.0.
- salt.modules.schedule.add(name, **kwargs)
Add a job to the schedule
CLI Example:
salt '*' schedule.add job1 function='' seconds=3600 # If function have some arguments, use job_args salt '*' schedule.add job2 function='' job_args="['date >> /tmp/date.log']" seconds=60
- salt.modules.schedule.build_schedule_item(name, **kwargs)
Build a schedule job
CLI Example:
salt '*' schedule.build_schedule_item job1 function='' seconds=3600
- salt.modules.schedule.copy(name, target, **kwargs)
Copy scheduled job to another minion or minions.
CLI Example:
salt '*' schedule.copy jobname target
- salt.modules.schedule.delete(name, **kwargs)
Delete a job from the minion's schedule
CLI Example:
salt '*' schedule.delete job1
- salt.modules.schedule.disable(**kwargs)
Disable all scheduled jobs on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' schedule.disable
- salt.modules.schedule.disable_job(name, **kwargs)
Disable a job in the minion's schedule
CLI Example:
salt '*' schedule.disable_job job1
- salt.modules.schedule.enable(**kwargs)
Enable all scheduled jobs on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' schedule.enable
- salt.modules.schedule.enable_job(name, **kwargs)
Enable a job in the minion's schedule
CLI Example:
salt '*' schedule.enable_job job1
- salt.modules.schedule.is_enabled(name)
List a Job only if its enabled
New in version 2015.5.3.
CLI Example:
salt '*' schedule.is_enabled name=job_name
- salt.modules.schedule.list_(show_all=False, return_yaml=True)
List the jobs currently scheduled on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' schedule.list salt '*' schedule.list show_all=True
- salt.modules.schedule.modify(name, **kwargs)
Modify an existing job in the schedule
CLI Example:
salt '*' schedule.modify job1 function='' seconds=3600
- salt.modules.schedule.move(name, target, **kwargs)
Move scheduled job to another minion or minions.
CLI Example:
salt '*' schedule.move jobname target
- salt.modules.schedule.purge(**kwargs)
Purge all the jobs currently scheduled on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' schedule.purge
- salt.modules.schedule.reload_()
Reload saved scheduled jobs on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' schedule.reload
- salt.modules.schedule.run_job(name, force=False)
Run a scheduled job on the minion immediately
CLI Example:
salt '*' schedule.run_job job1 salt '*' schedule.run_job job1 force=True Force the job to run even if it is disabled.
Save all scheduled jobs on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*'
SCSI administration module
- salt.modules.scsi.ls_()
List SCSI devices, with details
CLI Example:
salt '*'
- salt.modules.scsi.rescan_all(host)
List scsi devices
CLI Example:
salt '*' scsi.rescan_all(0)
Module for Manipulating Data via the Salt DB API
- salt.modules.sdb.get(uri)
Get a value from a db, using a uri in the form of sdb://<profile>/<key>. If
the uri provided does not start with sdb://, then it will be returned as-is.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sdb.get sdb://mymemcached/foo
- salt.modules.sdb.set_(uri, value)
Set a value in a db, using a uri in the form of sdb://<profile>/<key>.
If the uri provided does not start with sdb:// or the value is not
successfully set, return False.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sdb.set sdb://mymemcached/foo bar
Virtual machine image management tools
- salt.modules.seed.apply_(path, id_=None, config=None, approve_key=True, install=True, prep_install=False)
Seed a location (disk image, directory, or block device) with the
minion config, approve the minion's key, and/or install salt-minion.
CLI Example:
salt 'minion' seed.apply path id [config=config_data] \ [gen_key=(true|false)] [approve_key=(true|false)] \ [install=(true|false)]
- path
- Full path to the directory, device, or disk image on the target minion's file system.
- id
- Minion id with which to seed the path.
- config
- Minion configuration options. By default, the 'master' option is set to the target host's 'master'.
- approve_key
- Request a pre-approval of the generated minion key. Requires that the salt-master be configured to either auto-accept all keys or expect a signing request from the target host. Default: true.
- install
- Install salt-minion, if absent. Default: true.
- prep_install
- Prepare the bootstrap script, but don't run it. Default: false
- salt.modules.seed.mkconfig(config=None, tmp=None, id_=None, approve_key=True, pub_key=None, priv_key=None)
- Generate keys and config and put them in a tmp directory.
- pub_key
- absolute path or file content of an optional preseeded salt key
- priv_key
absolute path or file content of an optional preseeded salt key
CLI Example:
salt 'minion' seed.mkconfig [config=config_data] [tmp=tmp_dir] \ [id_=minion_id] [approve_key=(true|false)]
- salt.modules.seed.prep_bootstrap(mpt)
Update and get the random script to a random place
CLI Example:
salt '*' seed.prep_bootstrap /tmp
Execute calls on selinux
NOTE: This module requires the semanage and setsebool commands to be available on the minion. On RHEL-based distros, this means that the policycoreutils and policycoreutils-python packages must be installed. If not on a RHEL-based distribution, consult the selinux documentation for your distro to ensure that the proper packages are installed.
- salt.modules.selinux.getenforce()
Return the mode selinux is running in
CLI Example:
salt '*' selinux.getenforce
- salt.modules.selinux.getsebool(boolean)
Return the information on a specific selinux boolean
CLI Example:
salt '*' selinux.getsebool virt_use_usb
- salt.modules.selinux.list_sebool()
Return a structure listing all of the selinux booleans on the system and
what state they are in
CLI Example:
salt '*' selinux.list_sebool
- salt.modules.selinux.selinux_fs_path(*args)
Return the location of the SELinux VFS directory
CLI Example:
salt '*' selinux.selinux_fs_path
- salt.modules.selinux.setenforce(mode)
Set the SELinux enforcing mode
CLI Example:
salt '*' selinux.setenforce enforcing
- salt.modules.selinux.setsebool(boolean, value, persist=False)
Set the value for a boolean
CLI Example:
salt '*' selinux.setsebool virt_use_usb off
- salt.modules.selinux.setsebools(pairs, persist=False)
Set the value of multiple booleans
CLI Example:
salt '*' selinux.setsebools '{virt_use_usb: on, squid_use_tproxy: off}'
Read lm-sensors
New in version 2014.1.3.
- salt.modules.sensors.sense(chip, fahrenheit=False)
Gather lm-sensors data from a given chip
To determine the chip to query, use the 'sensors' command and see the leading line in the block.
coretemp-isa-0000 Adapter: ISA adapter Physical id 0: +56.0°C (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C) Core 0: +52.0°C (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C) Core 1: +50.0°C (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C) Core 2: +56.0°C (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C) Core 3: +53.0°C (high = +87.0°C, crit = +105.0°C)
Given the above, the chip is 'coretemp-isa-0000'.
Wrapper around Server Density API
New in version 2014.7.0.
- salt.modules.serverdensity_device.create(name, **params)
Function to create device in Server Density. For more info, see the API
CLI Example:
salt '*' serverdensity_device.create lama salt '*' serverdensity_device.create rich_lama group=lama_band installedRAM=32768
- salt.modules.serverdensity_device.delete(device_id)
Delete a device from Server Density. For more information, see the API
CLI Example:
salt '*' serverdensity_device.delete 51f7eafcdba4bb235e000ae4
- salt.modules.serverdensity_device.get_sd_auth(val, sd_auth_pillar_name='serverdensity')
Returns requested Server Density authentication value from pillar.
CLI Example:
salt '*' serverdensity_device.get_sd_auth <val>
- salt.modules.serverdensity_device.install_agent(agent_key)
Function downloads Server Density installation agent, and installs sd-agent
with agent_key.
CLI Example:
salt '*' serverdensity_device.install_agent c2bbdd6689ff46282bdaa07555641498
List devices in Server Density
Results will be filtered by any params passed to this function. For more information, see the API docs on listing and searching.
CLI Example:
salt '*' salt '*' name=lama salt '*' name=lama group=lama_band installedRAM=32768
- salt.modules.serverdensity_device.update(device_id, **params)
Updates device information in Server Density. For more information see the
API docs.
CLI Example:
salt '*' serverdensity_device.update 51f7eafcdba4bb235e000ae4 name=lama group=lama_band salt '*' serverdensity_device.update 51f7eafcdba4bb235e000ae4 name=better_lama group=rock_lamas swapSpace=512
The default service module, if not otherwise specified salt will fall back to this basic module
- salt.modules.service.available(name)
Returns True if the specified service is available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.available sshd
- salt.modules.service.get_all()
Return a list of all available services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_all
- salt.modules.service.missing(name)
The inverse of service.available.
Returns True if the specified service is not available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.missing sshd
- salt.modules.service.reload_(name)
Refreshes config files by calling service reload. Does not perform a full
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.reload <service name>
- salt.modules.service.restart(name)
Restart the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.restart <service name>
- salt.modules.service.start(name)
Start the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.start <service name>
- salt.modules.service.status(name, sig=None)
Return the status for a service, returns the PID or an empty string if the
service is running or not, pass a signature to use to find the service via
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.status <service name> [service signature]
- salt.modules.service.stop(name)
Stop the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.stop <service name>
Manage the shadow file
- salt.modules.shadow.default_hash()
Returns the default hash used for unset passwords
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.default_hash
- salt.modules.shadow.del_password(name)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Delete the password from name user
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.del_password username
- salt.modules.shadow.gen_password(password, crypt_salt=None, algorithm='sha512')
New in version 2014.7.0.
Generate hashed password
NOTE: When called this function is called directly via remote-execution, the password argument may be displayed in the system's process list. This may be a security risk on certain systems.
- password
- Plaintext password to be hashed.
- crypt_salt
- Crpytographic salt. If not given, a random 8-character salt will be generated.
- algorithm
- The following hash algorithms are supported:
- •
- md5
- •
- blowfish (not in mainline glibc, only available in distros that add it)
- •
- sha256
- •
sha512 (default)
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.gen_password 'I_am_password' salt '*' shadow.gen_password 'I_am_password' crypt_salt'I_am_salt' algorithm=sha256
Return information for the specified user
CLI Example:
salt '*' root
- salt.modules.shadow.set_date(name, date)
Sets the value for the date the password was last changed to days since the
epoch (January 1, 1970). See man chage.
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.set_date username 0
- salt.modules.shadow.set_expire(name, expire)
Changed in version 2014.7.0.
Sets the value for the date the account expires as days since the epoch (January 1, 1970). Using a value of -1 will clear expiration. See man chage.
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.set_expire username -1
- salt.modules.shadow.set_inactdays(name, inactdays)
Set the number of days of inactivity after a password has expired before
the account is locked. See man chage.
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.set_inactdays username 7
- salt.modules.shadow.set_maxdays(name, maxdays)
Set the maximum number of days during which a password is valid.
See man chage.
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.set_maxdays username 90
- salt.modules.shadow.set_mindays(name, mindays)
Set the minimum number of days between password changes. See man chage.
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.set_mindays username 7
- salt.modules.shadow.set_password(name, password, use_usermod=False)
Set the password for a named user. The password must be a properly defined
hash. The password hash can be generated with this command:
python -c "import crypt; print crypt.crypt('password', '\$6\$SALTsalt')"
SALTsalt is the 8-character crpytographic salt. Valid characters in the salt are ., /, and any alphanumeric character.
Keep in mind that the $6 represents a sha512 hash, if your OS is using a different hashing algorithm this needs to be changed accordingly
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.set_password root '$1$UYCIxa628.9qXjpQCjM4a..'
- salt.modules.shadow.set_warndays(name, warndays)
Set the number of days of warning before a password change is required.
See man chage.
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.set_warndays username 7
Module for sending messages to Slack
New in version 2015.5.0.
- configuration
This module can be used by either passing an api key and version
directly or by specifying both in a configuration profile in the salt
master/minion config.
For example:
slack: api_key: peWcBiMOS9HrZG15peWcBiMOS9HrZG15
- salt.modules.slack_notify.find_room(name, api_key=None)
Find a room by name and return it.
:param name: The room name.
:param api_key: The Slack admin api key.
:return: The room object.
CLI Example:
salt '*' slack.find_room name="random" salt '*' slack.find_room name="random" api_key=peWcBiMOS9HrZG15peWcBiMOS9HrZG15
- salt.modules.slack_notify.find_user(name, api_key=None)
Find a user by name and return it.
:param name: The user name.
:param api_key: The Slack admin api key.
:return: The user object.
CLI Example:
salt '*' slack.find_user name="ThomasHatch" salt '*' slack.find_user name="ThomasHatch" api_key=peWcBiMOS9HrZG15peWcBiMOS9HrZG15
- salt.modules.slack_notify.list_rooms(api_key=None)
- List all Slack rooms.
- Parameters
- api_key -- The Slack admin api key.
- Returns
The room list.
CLI Example:
salt '*' slack.list_rooms salt '*' slack.list_rooms api_key=peWcBiMOS9HrZG15peWcBiMOS9HrZG15
- salt.modules.slack_notify.list_users(api_key=None)
List all Slack users.
:param api_key: The Slack admin api key.
:return: The user list.
CLI Example:
salt '*' slack.list_users salt '*' slack.list_users api_key=peWcBiMOS9HrZG15peWcBiMOS9HrZG15
- salt.modules.slack_notify.post_message(channel, message, from_name, api_key=None)
Send a message to a Slack channel.
:param channel: The channel name, either will work.
:param message: The message to send to the HipChat room.
:param from_name: Specify who the message is from.
:param api_key: The Slack api key, if not specified in the configuration.
:return: Boolean if message was sent successfully.
CLI Example:
salt '*' slack.send_message channel="Development Room" message="Build is done" from_name="Build Server"
Module for running imgadm command on SmartOS
- salt.modules.smartos_imgadm.avail(search=None)
Return a list of available images
CLI Example:
salt '*' imgadm.avail [percona]
- salt.modules.smartos_imgadm.delete(uuid=None)
Remove an installed image
CLI Example:
salt '*' imgadm.delete e42f8c84-bbea-11e2-b920-078fab2aab1f
- salt.modules.smartos_imgadm.get(uuid=None)
Return info on an installed image
CLI Example:
salt '*' imgadm.get e42f8c84-bbea-11e2-b920-078fab2aab1f
- salt.modules.smartos_imgadm.import_image(uuid=None)
Import an image from the repository
CLI Example:
salt '*' imgadm.import_image e42f8c84-bbea-11e2-b920-078fab2aab1f
- salt.modules.smartos_imgadm.list_installed()
Return a list of installed images
CLI Example:
salt '*' imgadm.list_installed
Show manifest of a given image
CLI Example:
salt '*' e42f8c84-bbea-11e2-b920-078fab2aab1f
- salt.modules.smartos_imgadm.update_installed()
Gather info on unknown images (locally installed)
CLI Example:
salt '*' imgadm.update_installed()
- salt.modules.smartos_imgadm.version()
Return imgadm version
CLI Example:
salt '*' imgadm.version
Module for managing VMs on SmartOS
- salt.modules.smartos_vmadm.destroy(uuid=None)
Hard power down the virtual machine, this is equivalent to pulling the power
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.destroy <uuid>
- salt.modules.smartos_vmadm.get_macs(uuid=None)
Return a list off MAC addresses from the named VM
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.get_macs <uuid>
- salt.modules.smartos_vmadm.init(**kwargs)
Initialize a new VM
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.init image_uuid='...' alias='...' [...]
- salt.modules.smartos_vmadm.list_active_vms()
Return a list of uuids for active virtual machine on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.list_active_vms
- salt.modules.smartos_vmadm.list_inactive_vms()
Return a list of uuids for inactive virtual machine on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.list_inactive_vms
- salt.modules.smartos_vmadm.list_vms()
Return a list of virtual machine names on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.list_vms
- salt.modules.smartos_vmadm.reboot(uuid=None)
Reboot a domain via ACPI request
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.reboot <uuid>
- salt.modules.smartos_vmadm.setmem(uuid, memory)
Change the amount of memory allocated to VM.
<memory> is to be specified in MB.
Note for KVM : this would require a restart of the VM.
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.setmem <uuid> 512
- salt.modules.smartos_vmadm.shutdown(uuid=None)
Send a soft shutdown signal to the named vm
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.shutdown <uuid>
- salt.modules.smartos_vmadm.start(uuid=None)
Start a defined domain
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.start <uuid>
- salt.modules.smartos_vmadm.vm_info(uuid=None)
Return a dict with information about the specified VM on this CN
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.vm_info <uuid>
- salt.modules.smartos_vmadm.vm_virt_type(uuid=None)
Return VM virtualization type : OS or KVM
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.vm_virt_type <uuid>
Service support for Solaris 10 and 11, should work with other systems that use SMF also. (e.g. SmartOS)
- salt.modules.smf.available(name)
Returns True if the specified service is available, otherwise returns
We look up the name with the svcs command to get back the FMRI This allows users to use simpler service names
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.available net-snmp
- salt.modules.smf.disable(name, **kwargs)
Disable the named service to start at boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disable <service name>
- salt.modules.smf.disabled(name)
Check to see if the named service is disabled to start on boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disabled <service name>
- salt.modules.smf.enable(name, **kwargs)
Enable the named service to start at boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enable <service name>
- salt.modules.smf.enabled(name, **kwargs)
Check to see if the named service is enabled to start on boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enabled <service name>
- salt.modules.smf.get_all()
Return all installed services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_all
- salt.modules.smf.get_disabled()
Return the disabled services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_disabled
- salt.modules.smf.get_enabled()
Return the enabled services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_enabled
- salt.modules.smf.get_running()
Return the running services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_running
- salt.modules.smf.get_stopped()
Return the stopped services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_stopped
- salt.modules.smf.missing(name)
The inverse of service.available.
Returns True if the specified service is not available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.missing net-snmp
- salt.modules.smf.reload_(name)
Reload the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.reload <service name>
- salt.modules.smf.restart(name)
Restart the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.restart <service name>
- salt.modules.smf.start(name)
Start the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.start <service name>
- salt.modules.smf.status(name, sig=None)
Return the status for a service, returns a bool whether the service is
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.status <service name>
- salt.modules.smf.stop(name)
Stop the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.stop <service name>
Module for Sending Messages via SMTP
New in version 2014.7.0.
- depends
- •
- smtplib python module
- configuration
This module can be used by either passing a jid and password
directly to send_message, or by specifying the name of a configuration
profile in the minion config, minion pillar, or master config.
For example:
my-smtp-login: smtp.server: smtp.tls: True smtp.sender: admin [at] smtp.username: myuser smtp.password: verybadpass
The resourcename refers to the resource that is using this account. It is user-definable, and optional. The following configurations are both valid:
my-smtp-login: smtp.server: smtp.tls: True smtp.sender: admin [at] smtp.username: myuser smtp.password: verybadpass another-smtp-login: smtp.server: smtp.tls: True smtp.sender: admin [at] smtp.username: myuser smtp.password: verybadpass
- salt.modules.smtp.send_msg(recipient, message, subject='Message from Salt', sender=None, server=None, use_ssl='True', username=None, password=None, profile=None)
Send a message to an SMTP recipient. Designed for use in states.
CLI Examples:
smtp.send_msg 'admin [at]' 'This is a salt module test' profile='my-smtp-account' smtp.send_msg 'admin [at]' 'This is a salt module test' username='myuser' password='verybadpass' sender="admin [at]' server=''
Support for the softwareupdate command on MacOS.
Download a named update so that it can be installed later with
the install or upgrade function. It returns a list of all updates
that are now downloaded.
CLI Example:
salt '*' <update name> salt '*' "<update with whitespace>" salt '*' <update1> <update2> <update3>
- salt.modules.softwareupdate.download_all(rec=False, restart=True)
Download all available updates so that they can be installed later
with the install or upgrade function. It returns a list of updates
that are now downloaded.
CLI Example:
salt '*' softwareupdate.download_all
- salt.modules.softwareupdate.ignore(*updates)
Ignore a specific program update. When an update is ignored the '-' and
version number at the end will be omitted, so "SecUpd2014-001-1.0" becomes
"SecUpd2014-001". It will be removed automatically if present. An update
is successfully ignored when it no longer shows up after list_upgrades.
CLI Example:
salt '*' softwareupdate.ignore <update-name> salt '*' softwareupdate.ignore "<update with whitespace>" salt '*' softwareupdate.ignore <update1> <update2> <update3>
- salt.modules.softwareupdate.install(*updates)
Install a named upgrade. Returns a dictionary containing the name
of the update and the status of its installation.
Return values: - True: The update was installed. - False: The update was not installed. - None: There is no update available with that name.
CLI Example:
salt '*' softwareupdate.install <update-name> salt '*' softwareupdate.install "<update with whitespace>" salt '*' softwareupdate.install <update1> <update2> <update3>
- salt.modules.softwareupdate.list_downloads()
Return a list of all updates that have been downloaded locally.
CLI Example:
salt '*' softwareupdate.list_downloads
- salt.modules.softwareupdate.list_ignored()
List all upgrades that has been ignored. Ignored updates are shown
without the '-' and version number at the end, this is how the
softwareupdate command works.
CLI Example:
salt '*' softwareupdate.list_ignored
- salt.modules.softwareupdate.list_upgrades(rec=False, restart=False)
- List all available updates.
- rec
- Return only the recommended updates.
- restart
Return only the updates that require a restart.
CLI Example:
salt '*' softwareupdate.list_upgrades
- salt.modules.softwareupdate.reset_ignored()
Make sure the ignored updates are not ignored anymore,
returns a list of the updates that are no longer ignored.
CLI Example:
salt '*' softwareupdate.reset_ignored
- salt.modules.softwareupdate.schedule(*status)
Decide if automatic checking for upgrades should be on or off.
If no arguments are given it will return the current status.
Append on or off to change the status.
Return values: - True: Automatic checking is now on, - False: Automatic checking is now off, - None: Invalid argument.
CLI Example:
salt '*' softwareupdate.schedule salt '*' softwareupdate.schedule on|off
- salt.modules.softwareupdate.upgrade(rec=False, restart=True)
Install all available upgrades. Returns a dictionary containing the name
of the update and the status of its installation.
Return values: - True: The update was installed. - False: The update was not installed.
- rec
- If set to True, only install all the recommended updates.
- restart
Set this to False if you do not want to install updates
that require a restart.
CLI Example:
salt '*' softwareupdate.upgrade
- salt.modules.softwareupdate.upgrade_available(update)
Check whether or not an upgrade is available with a given name.
CLI Example:
salt '*' softwareupdate.upgrade_available <update-name> salt '*' softwareupdate.upgrade_available "<update with whitespace>"
Manage groups on Solaris
- salt.modules.solaris_group.add(name, gid=None, **kwargs)
Add the specified group
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.add foo 3456
- salt.modules.solaris_group.chgid(name, gid)
Change the gid for a named group
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.chgid foo 4376
- salt.modules.solaris_group.delete(name)
Remove the named group
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.delete foo
- salt.modules.solaris_group.getent(refresh=False)
Return info on all groups
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.getent
Return information about a group
CLI Example:
salt '*' foo
Manage the password database on Solaris systems
- salt.modules.solaris_shadow.default_hash()
Returns the default hash used for unset passwords
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.default_hash
Return information for the specified user
CLI Example:
salt '*' root
- salt.modules.solaris_shadow.set_maxdays(name, maxdays)
Set the maximum number of days during which a password is valid. See man
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.set_maxdays username 90
- salt.modules.solaris_shadow.set_mindays(name, mindays)
Set the minimum number of days between password changes. See man passwd.
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.set_mindays username 7
- salt.modules.solaris_shadow.set_password(name, password)
Set the password for a named user. The password must be a properly defined
hash, the password hash can be generated with this command:
openssl passwd -1 <plaintext password>
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.set_password root $1$UYCIxa628.9qXjpQCjM4a..
- salt.modules.solaris_shadow.set_warndays(name, warndays)
Set the number of days of warning before a password change is required.
See man passwd.
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.set_warndays username 7
Manage users with the useradd command
- salt.modules.solaris_user.add(name, uid=None, gid=None, groups=None, home=None, shell=None, unique=True, fullname='', roomnumber='', workphone='', homephone='', createhome=True, **kwargs)
Add a user to the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.add name <uid> <gid> <groups> <home> <shell>
- salt.modules.solaris_user.chfullname(name, fullname)
Change the user's Full Name
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chfullname foo "Foo Bar"
- salt.modules.solaris_user.chgid(name, gid)
Change the default group of the user
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chgid foo 4376
- salt.modules.solaris_user.chgroups(name, groups, append=False)
Change the groups this user belongs to, add append to append the specified
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chgroups foo wheel,root True
- salt.modules.solaris_user.chhome(name, home, persist=False)
Change the home directory of the user, pass true for persist to copy files
to the new home dir
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chhome foo /home/users/foo True
- salt.modules.solaris_user.chhomephone(name, homephone)
Change the user's Home Phone
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chhomephone foo "7735551234"
- salt.modules.solaris_user.chroomnumber(name, roomnumber)
Change the user's Room Number
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chroomnumber foo 123
- salt.modules.solaris_user.chshell(name, shell)
Change the default shell of the user
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chshell foo /bin/zsh
- salt.modules.solaris_user.chuid(name, uid)
Change the uid for a named user
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chuid foo 4376
- salt.modules.solaris_user.chworkphone(name, workphone)
Change the user's Work Phone
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chworkphone foo "7735550123"
- salt.modules.solaris_user.delete(name, remove=False, force=False)
Remove a user from the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.delete name remove=True force=True
- salt.modules.solaris_user.getent(refresh=False)
Return the list of all info for all users
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.getent
Return user information
CLI Example:
salt '*' root
- salt.modules.solaris_user.list_groups(name)
Return a list of groups the named user belongs to
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.list_groups foo
- salt.modules.solaris_user.rename(name, new_name)
Change the username for a named user
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.rename name new_name
IPS pkg support for Solaris
This module provides support for Solaris 11 new package management - IPS (Image Packaging System). This is the default pkg module for Solaris 11 (and later).
If you want to use also other packaging module (e.g. pkgutil) together with IPS, you need to override the pkg provider in sls for each package:
mypackage: pkg.installed: - provider: solarisips
Or you can override it globally by setting the providers parameter in your Minion config file like this:
providers: pkg: pkgutil
- salt.modules.solarisips.available_version(name, **kwargs)
The available version of the package in the repository.
In case of multiple match, it returns list of all matched packages.
Accepts full or partial FMRI.
Please use pkg.latest_version as pkg.available_version is being deprecated.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version pkg://solaris/entire
- salt.modules.solarisips.get_fmri(name, **kwargs)
Returns FMRI from partial name. Returns empty string ('') if not found.
In case of multiple match, the function returns list of all matched packages.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.get_fmri bash
- salt.modules.solarisips.install(name=None, refresh=False, pkgs=None, version=None, test=False, **kwargs)
Install the named package using the IPS pkg command.
Accepts full or partial FMRI.
Returns a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
Multiple Package Installation Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to install. Must be passed as a python list.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install vim salt '*' pkg.install pkg://solaris/editor/vim salt '*' pkg.install pkg://solaris/editor/vim refresh=True salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.solarisips.is_installed(name, **kwargs)
Returns True if the package is installed. Otherwise returns False.
Name can be full or partial FMRI.
In case of multiple match from partial FMRI name, it returns True.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.is_installed bash
- salt.modules.solarisips.latest_version(name, **kwargs)
The available version of the package in the repository.
In case of multiple match, it returns list of all matched packages.
Accepts full or partial FMRI.
Please use pkg.latest_version as pkg.available_version is being deprecated.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version pkg://solaris/entire
- salt.modules.solarisips.list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs)
List the currently installed packages as a dict:
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs
- salt.modules.solarisips.list_upgrades(refresh=False)
Lists all packages available for update.
When run in global zone, it reports only upgradable packages for the global zone.
When run in non-global zone, it can report more upgradable packages than "pkg update -vn" because "pkg update" hides packages that require newer version of pkg://solaris/entire (which means that they can be upgraded only from global zone). Simply said: if you see pkg://solaris/entire in the list of upgrades, you should upgrade the global zone to get all possible updates.
You can force full pkg DB refresh before listing.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades refresh=True
- salt.modules.solarisips.normalize_name(name, **kwargs)
Internal function. Normalizes pkg name to full FMRI before running pkg.install.
In case of multiple match or no match, it returns the name without modifications and lets the "pkg install" to decide what to do.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.normalize_name vim
- salt.modules.solarisips.purge(name, **kwargs)
Remove specified package. Accepts full or partial FMRI.
Returns a list containing the removed packages.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.purge <package name>
- salt.modules.solarisips.refresh_db(full=False)
Updates the remote repos database. You can force the full pkg DB refresh from all publishers regardless the last refresh time.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.refresh_db salt '*' pkg.refresh_db full=True
- salt.modules.solarisips.remove(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Remove specified package. Accepts full or partial FMRI. In case of multiple match, the command fails and won't modify the OS.
- name
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
Returns a list containing the removed packages.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> salt '*' pkg.remove tcsh salt '*' pkg.remove pkg://solaris/shell/tcsh salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
-, versions_as_list=False, **kwargs)
Searches the repository for given pkg name.
The name can be full or partial FMRI. All matches are printed. Globs are also supported.
CLI Example:
salt '*' bash
- salt.modules.solarisips.upgrade(refresh=False, **kwargs)
Upgrade all packages to the latest possible version.
When run in global zone, it updates also all non-global zones.
In non-global zones upgrade is limited by dependency constrains linked to the version of pkg://solaris/entire.
Returns also a raw output of "pkg update" command (because if update creates a new boot environment, no immediate changes are visible in "pkg list").
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade
- salt.modules.solarisips.upgrade_available(name)
Check if there is an upgrade available for a certain package
Accepts full or partial FMRI. Returns all matches found.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade_available apache-22
- salt.modules.solarisips.version(*names, **kwargs)
Common interface for obtaining the version of installed packages.
Accepts full or partial FMRI. If called using pkg_resource, full FMRI is required.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version vim salt '*' pkg.version foo bar baz salt '*' pkg_resource.version pkg://solaris/entire
Package support for Solaris
- salt.modules.solarispkg.install(name=None, sources=None, saltenv='base', **kwargs)
Install the passed package. Can install packages from the following
* Locally (package already exists on the minion * HTTP/HTTPS server * FTP server * Salt master
Returns a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example, installing a data stream pkg that already exists on the minion:
salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"<pkg name>": "/dir/on/minion/<pkg filename>"}]' salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"SMClgcc346": "/var/spool/pkg/gcc-3.4.6-sol10-sparc-local.pkg"}]'
CLI Example, installing a data stream pkg that exists on the salt master:
salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"<pkg name>": "salt://pkgs/<pkg filename>"}]' salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"SMClgcc346": "salt://pkgs/gcc-3.4.6-sol10-sparc-local.pkg"}]'
CLI Example, installing a data stream pkg that exists on a HTTP server:
salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"<pkg name>": "<pkg filename>"}]' salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"SMClgcc346": ""}]'
If working with solaris zones and you want to install a package only in the global zone you can pass 'current_zone_only=True' to salt to have the package only installed in the global zone. (Behind the scenes this is passing '-G' to the pkgadd command.) Solaris default when installing a package in the global zone is to install it in all zones. This overrides that and installs the package only in the global.
CLI Example, installing a data stream package only in the global zone:
salt 'global_zone' pkg.install sources='[{"SMClgcc346": "/var/spool/pkg/gcc-3.4.6-sol10-sparc-local.pkg"}]' current_zone_only=True
By default salt automatically provides an adminfile, to automate package installation, with these options set:
email= instance=quit partial=nocheck runlevel=nocheck idepend=nocheck rdepend=nocheck space=nocheck setuid=nocheck conflict=nocheck action=nocheck basedir=default
You can override any of these options in two ways. First you can optionally pass any of the options as a kwarg to the module/state to override the default value or you can optionally pass the 'admin_source' option providing your own adminfile to the minions.
Note: You can find all of the possible options to provide to the adminfile by reading the admin man page:
man -s 4 admin
CLI Example - Overriding the 'instance' adminfile option when calling the module directly:
salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"<pkg name>": "salt://pkgs/<pkg filename>"}]' instance="overwrite"
CLI Example - Overriding the 'instance' adminfile option when used in a state:
SMClgcc346: pkg.installed: - sources: - SMClgcc346: salt://srv/salt/pkgs/gcc-3.4.6-sol10-sparc-local.pkg - instance: overwrite
Note: the ID declaration is ignored, as the package name is read from the "sources" parameter.
CLI Example - Providing your own adminfile when calling the module directly:
salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"<pkg name>": "salt://pkgs/<pkg filename>"}]' admin_source='salt://pkgs/<adminfile filename>'
CLI Example - Providing your own adminfile when using states:
<pkg name>: pkg.installed: - sources: - <pkg name>: salt://pkgs/<pkg filename> - admin_source: salt://pkgs/<adminfile filename>
Note: the ID declaration is ignored, as the package name is read from the "sources" parameter.
- salt.modules.solarispkg.latest_version(*names, **kwargs)
Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or
installation. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty string will be returned for that package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
NOTE: As package repositories are not presently supported for Solaris pkgadd, this function will always return an empty string for a given package.
- salt.modules.solarispkg.list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs)
List the packages currently installed as a dict:
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs
- salt.modules.solarispkg.purge(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Package purges are not supported, this function is identical to remove().
- name
The name of the package to be deleted
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.purge <package name> salt '*' pkg.purge <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.purge pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.solarispkg.remove(name=None, pkgs=None, saltenv='base', **kwargs)
- Remove packages with pkgrm
- name
The name of the package to be deleted
By default salt automatically provides an adminfile, to automate package removal, with these options set:
email= instance=quit partial=nocheck runlevel=nocheck idepend=nocheck rdepend=nocheck space=nocheck setuid=nocheck conflict=nocheck action=nocheck basedir=default
You can override any of these options in two ways. First you can optionally pass any of the options as a kwarg to the module/state to override the default value or you can optionally pass the 'admin_source' option providing your own adminfile to the minions.
Note: You can find all of the possible options to provide to the adminfile by reading the admin man page:
man -s 4 admin
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> salt '*' pkg.remove SUNWgit salt '*' pkg.remove <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.solarispkg.upgrade_available(name)
Check whether or not an upgrade is available for a given package
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade_available <package name>
- salt.modules.solarispkg.version(*names, **kwargs)
Returns a string representing the package version or an empty string if not
installed. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version <package name> salt '*' pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
Apache Solr Salt Module
Author: Jed Glazner Version: 0.2.1 Modified: 12/09/2011
This module uses HTTP requests to talk to the apache solr request handlers to gather information and report errors. Because of this the minion doesn't necessarily need to reside on the actual slave. However if you want to use the signal function the minion must reside on the physical solr host.
This module supports multi-core and standard setups. Certain methods are
master/slave specific. Make sure you set the solr.type. If you have
questions or want a feature request please ask.
Coming Features in 0.3
- 1.
- Add command for checking for replication failures on slaves
- 2.
- Improve match_index_versions since it's pointless on busy solr masters
- 3.
- Add additional local fs checks for backups to make sure they succeeded
Override these in the minion config
- solr.cores
- A list of core names e.g. ['core1','core2']. An empty list indicates non-multicore setup.
- solr.baseurl
- The root level URL to access solr via HTTP
- solr.request_timeout
- The number of seconds before timing out an HTTP/HTTPS/FTP request. If nothing is specified then the python global timeout setting is used.
- solr.type
- Possible values are 'master' or 'slave'
- solr.backup_path
- The path to store your backups. If you are using cores and you can specify to append the core name to the path in the backup method.
- solr.num_backups
- For versions of solr >= 3.5. Indicates the number of backups to keep. This option is ignored if your version is less.
- solr.init_script
- The full path to your init script with start/stop options
- solr.dih.options
- A list of options to pass to the DIH.
Required Options for DIH
- clean
- False Clear the index before importing
- commit
- True Commit the documents to the index upon completion
- optimize
- True Optimize the index after commit is complete
- verbose
- True Get verbose output
- salt.modules.solr.abort_import(handler, host=None, core_name=None, verbose=False)
- MASTER ONLY Aborts an existing import command to the specified handler. This command can only be run if the minion is configured with solr.type=master
- handler
- str The name of the data import handler.
- host
- str (None) The solr host to query. __opts__['host'] is default.
- core
- str (None) The core the handler belongs to.
- verbose
boolean (False)
Run the command with verbose output.
Return : dict<str,obj>:
{'success':boolean, 'data':dict, 'errors':list, 'warnings':list}
CLI Example:
salt '*' solr.abort_import dataimport None music {'clean':True}
- salt.modules.solr.backup(host=None, core_name=None, append_core_to_path=False)
- Tell solr make a backup. This method can be mis-leading since it uses the backup API. If an error happens during the backup you are not notified. The status: 'OK' in the response simply means that solr received the request successfully.
- host
- str (None) The solr host to query. __opts__['host'] is default.
- core_name
- str (None) The name of the solr core if using cores. Leave this blank if you are not using cores or if you want to check all cores.
- append_core_to_path
boolean (False)
If True add the name of the core to the backup path. Assumes that
minion backup path is not None.
Return : dict<str,obj>:
{'success':boolean, 'data':dict, 'errors':list, 'warnings':list}
CLI Example:
salt '*' solr.backup music
- salt.modules.solr.core_status(host=None, core_name=None)
- MULTI-CORE HOSTS ONLY Get the status for a given core or all cores if no core is specified
- host
- str (None) The solr host to query. __opts__['host'] is default.
- core_name
The name of the core to reload
Return : dict<str,obj>:
{'success':boolean, 'data':dict, 'errors':list, 'warnings':list}
CLI Example:
salt '*' solr.core_status None music
- salt.modules.solr.delta_import(handler, host=None, core_name=None, options=None, extra=None)
- Submits an import command to the specified handler using specified options. This command can only be run if the minion is configured with solr.type=master
- handler
- str The name of the data import handler.
- host
- str (None) The solr host to query. __opts__['host'] is default.
- core
- str (None) The core the handler belongs to.
- options
- dict (__opts__) A list of options such as clean, optimize commit, verbose, and pause_replication. leave blank to use __opts__ defaults. options will be merged with __opts__
- extra
dict ([])
Extra name value pairs to pass to the handler. e.g. ["name=value"]
Return : dict<str,obj>:
{'success':boolean, 'data':dict, 'errors':list, 'warnings':list}
CLI Example:
salt '*' solr.delta_import dataimport None music {'clean':True}
- salt.modules.solr.full_import(handler, host=None, core_name=None, options=None, extra=None)
- MASTER ONLY Submits an import command to the specified handler using specified options. This command can only be run if the minion is configured with solr.type=master
- handler
- str The name of the data import handler.
- host
- str (None) The solr host to query. __opts__['host'] is default.
- core
- str (None) The core the handler belongs to.
- options
- dict (__opts__) A list of options such as clean, optimize commit, verbose, and pause_replication. leave blank to use __opts__ defaults. options will be merged with __opts__
- extra
dict ([])
Extra name value pairs to pass to the handler. e.g. ["name=value"]
Return : dict<str,obj>:
{'success':boolean, 'data':dict, 'errors':list, 'warnings':list}
CLI Example:
salt '*' solr.full_import dataimport None music {'clean':True}
- salt.modules.solr.import_status(handler, host=None, core_name=None, verbose=False)
- Submits an import command to the specified handler using specified options. This command can only be run if the minion is configured with solr.type: 'master'
- handler
- str The name of the data import handler.
- host
- str (None) The solr host to query. __opts__['host'] is default.
- core
- str (None) The core the handler belongs to.
- verbose
boolean (False)
Specifies verbose output
Return : dict<str,obj>:
{'success':boolean, 'data':dict, 'errors':list, 'warnings':list}
CLI Example:
salt '*' solr.import_status dataimport None music False
- salt.modules.solr.is_replication_enabled(host=None, core_name=None)
- SLAVE CALL Check for errors, and determine if a slave is replicating or not.
- host
- str (None) The solr host to query. __opts__['host'] is default.
- core_name
str (None)
The name of the solr core if using cores. Leave this blank if you are
not using cores or if you want to check all cores.
Return : dict<str,obj>:
{'success':boolean, 'data':dict, 'errors':list, 'warnings':list}
CLI Example:
salt '*' solr.is_replication_enabled music
- salt.modules.solr.lucene_version(core_name=None)
- Gets the lucene version that solr is using. If you are running a multi-core setup you should specify a core name since all the cores run under the same servlet container, they will all have the same version.
- core_name
str (None)
The name of the solr core if using cores. Leave this blank if you are
not using cores or if you want to check all cores.
Return: dict<str,obj>:
{'success':boolean, 'data':dict, 'errors':list, 'warnings':list}
CLI Example:
salt '*' solr.lucene_version
- salt.modules.solr.match_index_versions(host=None, core_name=None)
- SLAVE CALL Verifies that the master and the slave versions are in sync by comparing the index version. If you are constantly pushing updates the index the master and slave versions will seldom match. A solution to this is pause indexing every so often to allow the slave to replicate and then call this method before allowing indexing to resume.
- host
- str (None) The solr host to query. __opts__['host'] is default.
- core_name
str (None)
The name of the solr core if using cores. Leave this blank if you are
not using cores or if you want to check all cores.
Return : dict<str,obj>:
{'success':boolean, 'data':dict, 'errors':list, 'warnings':list}
CLI Example:
salt '*' solr.match_index_versions music
- salt.modules.solr.optimize(host=None, core_name=None)
- Search queries fast, but it is a very expensive operation. The ideal process is to run this with a master/slave configuration. Then you can optimize the master, and push the optimized index to the slaves. If you are running a single solr instance, or if you are going to run this on a slave be aware than search performance will be horrible while this command is being run. Additionally it can take a LONG time to run and your HTTP request may timeout. If that happens adjust your timeout settings.
- host
- str (None) The solr host to query. __opts__['host'] is default.
- core_name
str (None)
The name of the solr core if using cores. Leave this blank if you are
not using cores or if you want to check all cores.
Return : dict<str,obj>:
{'success':boolean, 'data':dict, 'errors':list, 'warnings':list}
CLI Example:
salt '*' solr.optimize music
-, core_name=None)
- Does a health check on solr, makes sure solr can talk to the indexes.
- host
- str (None) The solr host to query. __opts__['host'] is default.
- core_name
str (None)
The name of the solr core if using cores. Leave this blank if you are
not using cores or if you want to check all cores.
Return : dict<str,obj>:
{'success':boolean, 'data':dict, 'errors':list, 'warnings':list}
CLI Example:
salt '*' music
- salt.modules.solr.reload_core(host=None, core_name=None)
- MULTI-CORE HOSTS ONLY Load a new core from the same configuration as an existing registered core. While the "new" core is initializing, the "old" one will continue to accept requests. Once it has finished, all new request will go to the "new" core, and the "old" core will be unloaded.
- host
- str (None) The solr host to query. __opts__['host'] is default.
- core_name
The name of the core to reload
Return : dict<str,obj>:
{'success':boolean, 'data':dict, 'errors':list, 'warnings':list}
CLI Example:
salt '*' solr.reload_core None music
Return data is in the following format:
{'success':bool, 'data':dict, 'errors':list, 'warnings':list}
- salt.modules.solr.reload_import_config(handler, host=None, core_name=None, verbose=False)
- MASTER ONLY re-loads the handler config XML file. This command can only be run if the minion is a 'master' type
- handler
- str The name of the data import handler.
- host
- str (None) The solr host to query. __opts__['host'] is default.
- core
- str (None) The core the handler belongs to.
- verbose
boolean (False)
Run the command with verbose output.
Return : dict<str,obj>:
{'success':boolean, 'data':dict, 'errors':list, 'warnings':list}
CLI Example:
salt '*' solr.reload_import_config dataimport None music {'clean':True}
- salt.modules.solr.replication_details(host=None, core_name=None)
- Get the full replication details.
- host
- str (None) The solr host to query. __opts__['host'] is default.
- core_name
str (None)
The name of the solr core if using cores. Leave this blank if you are
not using cores or if you want to check all cores.
Return : dict<str,obj>:
{'success':boolean, 'data':dict, 'errors':list, 'warnings':list}
CLI Example:
salt '*' solr.replication_details music
- salt.modules.solr.set_is_polling(polling, host=None, core_name=None)
- SLAVE CALL Prevent the slaves from polling the master for updates.
- polling
- boolean True will enable polling. False will disable it.
- host
- str (None) The solr host to query. __opts__['host'] is default.
- core_name
str (None)
The name of the solr core if using cores. Leave this blank if you are
not using cores or if you want to check all cores.
Return : dict<str,obj>:
{'success':boolean, 'data':dict, 'errors':list, 'warnings':list}
CLI Example:
salt '*' solr.set_is_polling False
- salt.modules.solr.set_replication_enabled(status, host=None, core_name=None)
- MASTER ONLY Sets the master to ignore poll requests from the slaves. Useful when you don't want the slaves replicating during indexing or when clearing the index.
- status
- boolean Sets the replication status to the specified state.
- host
- str (None) The solr host to query. __opts__['host'] is default.
- core_name
str (None)
The name of the solr core if using cores. Leave this blank if you are
not using cores or if you want to set the status on all cores.
Return : dict<str,obj>:
{'success':boolean, 'data':dict, 'errors':list, 'warnings':list}
CLI Example:
salt '*' solr.set_replication_enabled false, None, music
- salt.modules.solr.signal(signal=None)
- Signals Apache Solr to start, stop, or restart. Obviously this is only going to work if the minion resides on the solr host. Additionally Solr doesn't ship with an init script so one must be created.
- signal
str (None)
The command to pass to the apache solr init valid values are 'start',
'stop', and 'restart'
CLI Example:
salt '*' solr.signal restart
- salt.modules.solr.version(core_name=None)
- Gets the solr version for the core specified. You should specify a core here as all the cores will run under the same servlet container and so will all have the same version.
- core_name
str (None)
The name of the solr core if using cores. Leave this blank if you are
not using cores or if you want to check all cores.
Return : dict<str,obj>:
{'success':boolean, 'data':dict, 'errors':list, 'warnings':list}
CLI Example:
salt '*' solr.version
Module for interop with the Splunk API
New in version 2015.5.0.
- depends
- •
- splunk-sdk python module
- configuration
Configure this module by specifying the name of a configuration
profile in the minion config, minion pillar, or master config. The module
will use the 'splunk' key by default, if defined.
For example:
splunk: username: alice password: abc123 host: port: 8080
- salt.modules.splunk_search.create(name, profile='splunk', **kwargs)
Create a splunk search
CLI Example: splunk_search.create 'my search name' search='error msg'
- salt.modules.splunk_search.delete(name, profile='splunk')
Delete a splunk search
CLI Example: splunk_search.delete 'my search name'
- salt.modules.splunk_search.get(name, profile='splunk')
Get a splunk search
CLI Example: splunk_search.get 'my search name'
- salt.modules.splunk_search.list(profile='splunk')
- List splunk searches (names only)
- CLI Example:
- splunk_search.list
- salt.modules.splunk_search.list_all(prefix=None, app=None, owner=None, description_contains=None, name_not_contains=None, profile='splunk')
Get all splunk search details. Produces results that can be used to create
an sls file.
if app or owner are specified, results will be limited to matching saved searches.
if description_contains is specified, results will be limited to those where "description_contains in description" is true if name_not_contains is specified, results will be limited to those where "name_not_contains not in name" is true.
If prefix parameter is given, alarm names in the output will be prepended with the prefix; alarms that have the prefix will be skipped. This can be used to convert existing alarms to be managed by salt, as follows:
CLI example:
- 1.
- Make a backup of all existing searches
- $ salt-call splunk_search.list_all --out=txt | sed "s/local: //" > legacy_searches.sls
- 2.
- Get all searches with new prefixed names
- $ salt-call splunk_search.list_all "prefix=**MANAGED BY SALT** " --out=txt | sed "s/local: //" > managed_searches.sls
- 3.
- Insert the managed searches into splunk
- $ salt-call state.sls managed_searches.sls
- 4.
- Manually verify that the new searches look right
- 5.
- Delete the original searches $ sed s/present/absent/ legacy_searches.sls > remove_legacy_searches.sls $ salt-call state.sls remove_legacy_searches.sls
- 6.
- Get all searches again, verify no changes $ salt-call splunk_search.list_all --out=txt | sed "s/local: //" > final_searches.sls $ diff final_searches.sls managed_searches.sls
- salt.modules.splunk_search.update(name, profile='splunk', **kwargs)
Update a splunk search
CLI Example: splunk_search.update 'my search name' sharing=app
Support for SQLite3
- salt.modules.sqlite3.fetch(db=None, sql=None)
Retrieve data from an sqlite3 db (returns all rows, be careful!)
CLI Example:
salt '*' sqlite3.fetch /root/test.db 'SELECT * FROM test;'
- salt.modules.sqlite3.indexes(db=None)
Show all indices in the database, for people with poor spelling skills
CLI Example:
salt '*' sqlite3.indexes /root/test.db
- salt.modules.sqlite3.indices(db=None)
Show all indices in the database
CLI Example:
salt '*' sqlite3.indices /root/test.db
- salt.modules.sqlite3.modify(db=None, sql=None)
Issue an SQL query to sqlite3 (with no return data), usually used
to modify the database in some way (insert, delete, create, etc)
CLI Example:
salt '*' sqlite3.modify /root/test.db 'CREATE TABLE test(id INT, testdata TEXT);'
- salt.modules.sqlite3.sqlite_version()
Return version of sqlite
CLI Example:
salt '*' sqlite3.sqlite_version
- salt.modules.sqlite3.tables(db=None)
Show all tables in the database
CLI Example:
salt '*' sqlite3.tables /root/test.db
- salt.modules.sqlite3.version()
Return version of pysqlite
CLI Example:
salt '*' sqlite3.version
Manage client ssh components
NOTE: This module requires the use of MD5 hashing. Certain security audits may not permit the use of MD5. For those cases, this module should be disabled or removed.
- salt.modules.ssh.auth_keys(user=None, config='.ssh/authorized_keys')
Return the authorized keys for users
CLI Example:
salt '*' ssh.auth_keys salt '*' ssh.auth_keys root salt '*' ssh.auth_keys user=root salt '*' ssh.auth_keys user="[user1, user2]"
- salt.modules.ssh.check_key(user, key, enc, comment, options, config='.ssh/authorized_keys', cache_keys=None)
Check to see if a key needs updating, returns "update", "add" or "exists"
CLI Example:
salt '*' ssh.check_key <user> <key> <enc> <comment> <options>
- salt.modules.ssh.check_key_file(user, source, config='.ssh/authorized_keys', saltenv='base', env=None)
Check a keyfile from a source destination against the local keys and
return the keys to change
CLI Example:
salt '*' root salt://ssh/keyfile
- salt.modules.ssh.check_known_host(user=None, hostname=None, key=None, fingerprint=None, config=None, port=None)
Check the record in known_hosts file, either by its value or by fingerprint
(it's enough to set up either key or fingerprint, you don't need to set up
If provided key or fingerprint doesn't match with stored value, return "update", if no value is found for a given host, return "add", otherwise return "exists".
If neither key, nor fingerprint is defined, then additional validation is not performed.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ssh.check_known_host <user> <hostname> key='AAAA...FAaQ=='
- salt.modules.ssh.get_known_host(user, hostname, config=None, port=None)
Return information about known host from the configfile, if any.
If there is no such key, return None.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ssh.get_known_host <user> <hostname>
- salt.modules.ssh.hash_known_hosts(user=None, config=None)
Hash all the hostnames in the known hosts file.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- user
- hash known hosts of this user
- config
path to known hosts file: can be absolute or relative to user's home
CLI Example:
salt '*' ssh.hash_known_hosts
- salt.modules.ssh.host_keys(keydir=None)
Return the minion's host keys
CLI Example:
salt '*' ssh.host_keys
- salt.modules.ssh.recv_known_host(hostname, enc=None, port=None, hash_hostname=True, hash_known_hosts=True)
- Retrieve information about host public key from remote server
- hostname
- The name of the remote host (e.g. "")
- enc
- Defines what type of key is being used, can be ed25519, ecdsa ssh-rsa or ssh-dss
- port
- optional parameter, denoting the port of the remote host, which will be used in case, if the public key will be requested from it. By default the port 22 is used.
- hash_hostname
Hash all hostnames and addresses in the known hosts file.
Deprecated since version Carbon: Please use hash_known_hosts instead.
- hash_known_hosts
Hash all hostnames and addresses in the known hosts file.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ssh.recv_known_host <hostname> enc=<enc> port=<port>
- salt.modules.ssh.rm_auth_key(user, key, config='.ssh/authorized_keys')
Remove an authorized key from the specified user's authorized key file
CLI Example:
salt '*' ssh.rm_auth_key <user> <key>
- salt.modules.ssh.rm_known_host(user=None, hostname=None, config=None, port=None)
Remove all keys belonging to hostname from a known_hosts file.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ssh.rm_known_host <user> <hostname>
- salt.modules.ssh.set_auth_key(user, key, enc='ssh-rsa', comment='', options=None, config='.ssh/authorized_keys', cache_keys=None)
Add a key to the authorized_keys file. The "key" parameter must only be the
string of text that is the encoded key. If the key begins with "ssh-rsa"
or ends with user [at] host, remove those from the key before passing it to this
CLI Example:
salt '*' ssh.set_auth_key <user> '<key>' enc='dsa'
- salt.modules.ssh.set_auth_key_from_file(user, source, config='.ssh/authorized_keys', saltenv='base', env=None)
Add a key to the authorized_keys file, using a file as the source.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ssh.set_auth_key_from_file <user> salt://ssh_keys/<user>
- salt.modules.ssh.set_known_host(user=None, hostname=None, fingerprint=None, key=None, port=None, enc=None, hash_hostname=True, config=None, hash_known_hosts=True)
Download SSH public key from remote host "hostname", optionally validate
its fingerprint against "fingerprint" variable and save the record in the
known_hosts file.
If such a record does already exists in there, do nothing.
- user
- The user who owns the ssh authorized keys file to modify
- hostname
- The name of the remote host (e.g. "")
- fingerprint
- The fingerprint of the key which must be presented in the known_hosts file (optional if key specified)
- key
- The public key which must be presented in the known_hosts file (optional if fingerprint specified)
- port
- optional parameter, denoting the port of the remote host, which will be used in case, if the public key will be requested from it. By default the port 22 is used.
- enc
- Defines what type of key is being used, can be ed25519, ecdsa ssh-rsa or ssh-dss
- hash_hostname
Hash all hostnames and addresses in the known hosts file.
Deprecated since version Carbon: Please use hash_known_hosts instead.
- config
- The location of the authorized keys file relative to the user's home directory, defaults to ".ssh/known_hosts". If no user is specified, defaults to "/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts". If present, must be an absolute path when a user is not specified.
- hash_known_hosts
Hash all hostnames and addresses in the known hosts file.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ssh.set_known_host <user> fingerprint='xx:xx:..:xx' enc='ssh-rsa' config='.ssh/known_hosts'
- salt.modules.ssh.user_keys(user=None, pubfile=None, prvfile=None)
Return the user's ssh keys on the minion
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' ssh.user_keys salt '*' ssh.user_keys user=user1 salt '*' ssh.user_keys user=user1 pubfile=/home/user1/.ssh/ prvfile=/home/user1/.ssh/id_rsa salt '*' ssh.user_keys user=user1 prvfile=False salt '*' ssh.user_keys user="['user1','user2'] prvfile=id_rsa
As you can see you can tell Salt not to read from the user's private (or public) key file by setting the file path to False. This can be useful to prevent Salt from publishing private data via Salt Mine or others.
Control the state system on the minion.
State Caching
When a highstate is called, the minion automatically caches a copy of the last high data. If you then run a highstate with cache=True it will use that cached highdata and won't hit the fileserver except for salt:// links in the states themselves.
- salt.modules.state.apply_(mods=None, **kwargs)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Apply states! This function will call highstate or state.sls based on the arguments passed in, state.apply is intended to be the main gateway for all state executions.
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.apply salt '*' state.apply test salt '*' state.apply test,pkgs
- salt.modules.state.check_request(name=None)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Return the state request information, if any
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.check_request
- salt.modules.state.clear_cache()
Clear out cached state files, forcing even cache runs to refresh the cache
on the next state execution.
Remember that the state cache is completely disabled by default, this execution only applies if cache=True is used in states
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.clear_cache
- salt.modules.state.clear_request(name=None)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Clear out the state execution request without executing it
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.clear_request
- salt.modules.state.disable(states)
Disable state runs.
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.disable highstate salt '*' state.disable highstate,test.succeed_without_changes
NOTE: To disable a state file from running provide the same name that would be passed in a state.sls call.
salt '*' state.disable bind.config
- salt.modules.state.enable(states)
Enable state function or sls run
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.enable highstate salt '*' state.enable test.succeed_without_changes
NOTE: To enable a state file from running provide the same name that would be passed in a state.sls call.
salt '*' state.disable bind.config
- salt.modules.state.high(data, test=False, queue=False, **kwargs)
Execute the compound calls stored in a single set of high data
This function is mostly intended for testing the state system
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.high '{"vim": {"pkg": ["installed"]}}'
- salt.modules.state.highstate(test=None, queue=False, **kwargs)
- Retrieve the state data from the salt master for this minion and execute it
- test
Notify states to execute in test-only (dry-run) mode.
Sets the test variable in the minion opts for the duration of the state run.
- pillar
- Custom Pillar data can be passed with the pillar kwarg. Values passed here will override hard-coded Pillar values.
- queue
Instead of failing immediately when another state run is in progress,
queue the new state run to begin running once the other has finished.
This option starts a new thread for each queued state run so use this option sparingly.
- localconfig:
Instead of using running minion opts, load localconfig and merge that
with the running minion opts. This functionality is intended for using
"roots" of salt directories (with their own minion config, pillars,
file_roots) to run highstate out of.
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.highstate salt '*' state.highstate whitelist=sls1_to_run,sls2_to_run salt '*' state.highstate exclude=sls_to_exclude salt '*' state.highstate exclude="[{'id': 'id_to_exclude'}, {'sls': 'sls_to_exclude'}]" salt '*' state.highstate pillar="{foo: 'Foo!', bar: 'Bar!'}"
- salt.modules.state.list_disabled()
List the states which are currently disabled
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.list_disabled
- salt.modules.state.low(data, queue=False, **kwargs)
Execute a single low data call
This function is mostly intended for testing the state system
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.low '{"state": "pkg", "fun": "installed", "name": "vi"}'
- salt.modules.state.pkg(pkg_path, pkg_sum, hash_type, test=False, **kwargs)
Execute a packaged state run, the packaged state run will exist in a
tarball available locally. This packaged state
can be generated using salt-ssh.
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.pkg /tmp/state_pkg.tgz
- salt.modules.state.request(mods=None, **kwargs)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Request that the local admin execute a state run via salt-call state.run_request All arguments match state.apply
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.request salt '*' state.request test salt '*' state.request test,pkgs
- salt.modules.state.run_request(name='default', **kwargs)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Execute the pending state request
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.run_request
- salt.modules.state.running(concurrent=False)
Return a list of strings that contain state return data if a state function is
already running. This function is used to prevent multiple state calls from being
run at the same time.
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.running
- salt.modules.state.show_highstate(queue=False, **kwargs)
Retrieve the highstate data from the salt master and display it
Custom Pillar data can be passed with the pillar kwarg.
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.show_highstate
- salt.modules.state.show_low_sls(mods, saltenv='base', test=None, queue=False, env=None, **kwargs)
Display the low data from a specific sls. The default environment is
base, use saltenv (env in Salt 0.17.x and older) to specify a
different environment.
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.show_low_sls foo
- salt.modules.state.show_lowstate(queue=False, **kwargs)
List out the low data that will be applied to this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.show_lowstate
- salt.modules.state.show_sls(mods, saltenv='base', test=None, queue=False, env=None, **kwargs)
Display the state data from a specific sls or list of sls files on the
master. The default environment is base, use saltenv (env in
Salt 0.17.x and older) to specify a different environment.
This function does not support topfiles. For top.sls please use show_top instead.
Custom Pillar data can be passed with the pillar kwarg.
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.show_sls core,edit.vim dev
- salt.modules.state.show_top(queue=False, **kwargs)
Return the top data that the minion will use for a highstate
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.show_top
- salt.modules.state.single(fun, name, test=None, queue=False, **kwargs)
Execute a single state function with the named kwargs, returns False if
insufficient data is sent to the command
By default, the values of the kwargs will be parsed as YAML. So, you can specify lists values, or lists of single entry key-value maps, as you would in a YAML salt file. Alternatively, JSON format of keyword values is also supported.
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.single pkg.installed name=vim
- salt.modules.state.sls(mods, saltenv=None, test=None, exclude=None, queue=False, env=None, pillarenv=None, **kwargs)
- Execute a set list of state files from an environment.
- test
Notify states to execute in test-only (dry-run) mode.
Sets the test variable in the minion opts for the duration of the state run.
- pillar
- Custom Pillar data can be passed with the pillar kwarg. Values passed here will override hard-coded Pillar values.
- queue
Instead of failing immediately when another state run is in progress,
queue the new state run to begin running once the other has finished.
This option starts a new thread for each queued state run so use this option sparingly.
- saltenv
Specify a file_roots environment.
Changed in version 0.17.0: Argument name changed from env to saltenv.
Changed in version 2014.7: Defaults to None. If no saltenv is specified, the minion config will be checked for a saltenv and if found, it will be used. If none is found, base will be used.
- pillarenv
- None Specify a pillar_roots environment. By default all pillar environments merged together will be used.
- concurrent:
- WARNING: This flag is potentially dangerous. It is designed for use when multiple state runs can safely be run at the same Do not use this flag for performance optimization.
- localconfig:
Instead of using running minion opts, load localconfig and merge that
with the running minion opts. This functionality is intended for using
"roots" of salt directories (with their own minion config, pillars,
file_roots) to run highstate out of.
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.sls core,edit.vim dev salt '*' state.sls core exclude="[{'id': 'id_to_exclude'}, {'sls': 'sls_to_exclude'}]" salt '*' state.sls myslsfile pillar="{foo: 'Foo!', bar: 'Bar!'}"
- salt.modules.state.sls_id(id_, mods, saltenv='base', test=None, queue=False, **kwargs)
Call a single ID from the named module(s) and handle all requisites
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.sls_id apache http
- salt.modules.state.template(tem, queue=False, **kwargs)
Execute the information stored in a template file on the minion.
This function does not ask a master for a SLS file to render but instead directly processes the file at the provided path on the minion.
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.template '<Path to template on the minion>'
- salt.modules.state.template_str(tem, queue=False, **kwargs)
Execute the information stored in a string from an sls template
CLI Example:
salt '*' state.template_str '<Template String>'
-, test=None, queue=False, saltenv=None, **kwargs)
Execute a specific top file instead of the default
CLI Example:
salt '*' reverse_top.sls salt '*' reverse_top.sls exclude=sls_to_exclude salt '*' reverse_top.sls exclude="[{'id': 'id_to_exclude'}, {'sls': 'sls_to_exclude'}]"
Module for returning various status data about a minion. These data can be useful for compiling into stats later.
- salt.modules.status.all_status()
Return a composite of all status data and info for this minion.
Warning: There is a LOT here!
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.all_status
- salt.modules.status.cpuinfo()
Return the CPU info for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.cpuinfo
- salt.modules.status.cpustats()
Return the CPU stats for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.cpustats
- salt.modules.status.custom()
Return a custom composite of status data and info for this minion,
based on the minion config file. An example config like might be:
status.cpustats.custom: [ 'cpu', 'ctxt', 'btime', 'processes' ]
Where status refers to, cpustats is the function where we get our data, and custom is this function It is followed by a list of keys that we want returned.
This function is meant to replace all_status(), which returns anything and everything, which we probably don't want.
By default, nothing is returned. Warning: Depending on what you include, there can be a LOT here!
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.custom
- salt.modules.status.diskstats()
Return the disk stats for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.diskstats
- salt.modules.status.diskusage(*args)
Return the disk usage for this minion
salt '*' status.diskusage [paths and/or filesystem types]
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.diskusage # usage for all filesystems salt '*' status.diskusage / /tmp # usage for / and /tmp salt '*' status.diskusage ext? # usage for ext[234] filesystems salt '*' status.diskusage / ext? # usage for / and all ext filesystems
- salt.modules.status.loadavg()
Return the load averages for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.loadavg
- salt.modules.status.master(master=None, connected=True)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Fire an event if the minion gets disconnected from its master. This function is meant to be run via a scheduled job from the minion. If master_ip is an FQDN/Hostname, is must be resolvable to a valid IPv4 address.
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.master
- salt.modules.status.meminfo()
Return the memory info for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.meminfo
- salt.modules.status.netdev()
Return the network device stats for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.netdev
- salt.modules.status.netstats()
Return the network stats for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.netstats
- salt.modules.status.nproc()
Return the number of processing units available on this system
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.nproc
Return the PID or an empty string if the process is running or not.
Pass a signature to use to find the process via ps. Note you can pass
a Python-compatible regular expression to return all pids of
processes matching the regexp.
CLI Example:
salt '*' <sig>
- salt.modules.status.procs()
Return the process data
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.procs
- salt.modules.status.uptime()
Return the uptime for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.uptime
- salt.modules.status.version()
Return the system version for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.version
- salt.modules.status.vmstats()
Return the virtual memory stats for this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.vmstats
- salt.modules.status.w()
Return a list of logged in users for this minion, using the w command
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.w
Allow for the calling of execution modules via sudo.
This module is invoked by the minion if the sudo_user minion config is present.
Example minion config:
sudo_user: saltdev
Once this setting is made, any execution module call done by the minion will be run under sudo -u <sudo_user> salt-call. For example, with the above minion config,
salt sudo_minion 'cat /etc/sudoers'
is equivalent to
sudo -u saltdev salt-call 'cat /etc/sudoers'
being run on sudo_minion.
- salt.modules.sudo.salt_call(runas, fun, *args, **kwargs)
Wrap a shell execution out to salt call with sudo
sudo_user: saltdev
salt '*' # is run as saltdev user
Provide the service module for system supervisord or supervisord in a virtualenv
- salt.modules.supervisord.add(name, user=None, conf_file=None, bin_env=None)
- Activates any updates in config for process/group.
- user
- user to run supervisorctl as
- conf_file
- path to supervisord config file
- bin_env
path to supervisorctl bin or path to virtualenv with supervisor
CLI Example:
salt '*' supervisord.add <name>
- salt.modules.supervisord.custom(command, user=None, conf_file=None, bin_env=None)
- Run any custom supervisord command
- user
- user to run supervisorctl as
- conf_file
- path to supervisord config file
- bin_env
path to supervisorctl bin or path to virtualenv with supervisor
CLI Example:
salt '*' supervisord.custom "mstop '*gunicorn*'"
- salt.modules.supervisord.options(name, conf_file=None)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Read the config file and return the config options for a given process
- name
- Name of the configured process
- conf_file
path to supervisord config file
CLI Example:
salt '*' supervisord.options foo
- salt.modules.supervisord.remove(name, user=None, conf_file=None, bin_env=None)
- Removes process/group from active config
- user
- user to run supervisorctl as
- conf_file
- path to supervisord config file
- bin_env
path to supervisorctl bin or path to virtualenv with supervisor
CLI Example:
salt '*' supervisord.remove <name>
- salt.modules.supervisord.reread(user=None, conf_file=None, bin_env=None)
- Reload the daemon's configuration files
- user
- user to run supervisorctl as
- conf_file
- path to supervisord config file
- bin_env
path to supervisorctl bin or path to virtualenv with supervisor
CLI Example:
salt '*' supervisord.reread
- salt.modules.supervisord.restart(name='all', user=None, conf_file=None, bin_env=None)
- Restart the named service. Process group names should not include a trailing asterisk.
- user
- user to run supervisorctl as
- conf_file
- path to supervisord config file
- bin_env
path to supervisorctl bin or path to virtualenv with supervisor
CLI Example:
salt '*' supervisord.restart <service> salt '*' supervisord.restart <group>:
- salt.modules.supervisord.start(name='all', user=None, conf_file=None, bin_env=None)
- Start the named service. Process group names should not include a trailing asterisk.
- user
- user to run supervisorctl as
- conf_file
- path to supervisord config file
- bin_env
path to supervisorctl bin or path to virtualenv with supervisor
CLI Example:
salt '*' supervisord.start <service> salt '*' supervisord.start <group>:
- salt.modules.supervisord.status(name=None, user=None, conf_file=None, bin_env=None)
- List programs and its state
- user
- user to run supervisorctl as
- conf_file
- path to supervisord config file
- bin_env
path to supervisorctl bin or path to virtualenv with supervisor
CLI Example:
salt '*' supervisord.status
- salt.modules.supervisord.status_raw(name=None, user=None, conf_file=None, bin_env=None)
- Display the raw output of status
- user
- user to run supervisorctl as
- conf_file
- path to supervisord config file
- bin_env
path to supervisorctl bin or path to virtualenv with supervisor
CLI Example:
salt '*' supervisord.status_raw
- salt.modules.supervisord.stop(name='all', user=None, conf_file=None, bin_env=None)
- Stop the named service. Process group names should not include a trailing asterisk.
- user
- user to run supervisorctl as
- conf_file
- path to supervisord config file
- bin_env
path to supervisorctl bin or path to virtualenv with supervisor
CLI Example:
salt '*' supervisord.stop <service> salt '*' supervisord.stop <group>:
- salt.modules.supervisord.update(user=None, conf_file=None, bin_env=None)
- Reload config and add/remove as necessary
- user
- user to run supervisorctl as
- conf_file
- path to supervisord config file
- bin_env
path to supervisorctl bin or path to virtualenv with supervisor
CLI Example:
salt '*' supervisord.update
Subversion SCM
- salt.modules.svn.add(cwd, targets, user=None, username=None, password=None, *opts)
- Add files to be tracked by the Subversion working-copy checkout
- cwd
- The path to the Subversion repository
- targets
- None files and directories to pass to the command as arguments
- user
- None Run svn as a user other than what the minion runs as
- username
- None Connect to the Subversion server as another user
- password
Connect to the Subversion server with this password
New in version 0.17.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' svn.add /path/to/repo /path/to/new/file
- salt.modules.svn.checkout(cwd, remote, target=None, user=None, username=None, password=None, *opts)
- Download a working copy of the remote Subversion repository directory or file
- cwd
- The path to the Subversion repository
- remote
- None URL to checkout
- target
- None The name to give the file or directory working copy Default: svn uses the remote basename
- user
- None Run svn as a user other than what the minion runs as
- username
- None Connect to the Subversion server as another user
- password
Connect to the Subversion server with this password
New in version 0.17.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' svn.checkout /path/to/repo svn://remote/repo
- salt.modules.svn.commit(cwd, targets=None, msg=None, user=None, username=None, password=None, *opts)
- Commit the current directory, files, or directories to the remote Subversion repository
- cwd
- The path to the Subversion repository
- targets
- None files and directories to pass to the command as arguments Default: svn uses '.'
- msg
- None Message to attach to the commit log
- user
- None Run svn as a user other than what the minion runs as
- username
- None Connect to the Subversion server as another user
- password
Connect to the Subversion server with this password
New in version 0.17.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' svn.commit /path/to/repo
- salt.modules.svn.diff(cwd, targets=None, user=None, username=None, password=None, *opts)
- Return the diff of the current directory, files, or directories from the remote Subversion repository
- cwd
- The path to the Subversion repository
- targets
- None files and directories to pass to the command as arguments Default: svn uses '.'
- user
- None Run svn as a user other than what the minion runs as
- username
- None Connect to the Subversion server as another user
- password
Connect to the Subversion server with this password
New in version 0.17.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' svn.diff /path/to/repo
- salt.modules.svn.export(cwd, remote, target=None, user=None, username=None, password=None, revision='HEAD', *opts)
- Create an unversioned copy of a tree.
- cwd
- The path to the Subversion repository
- remote
- None URL and path to file or directory checkout
- target
- None The name to give the file or directory working copy Default: svn uses the remote basename
- user
- None Run svn as a user other than what the minion runs as
- username
- None Connect to the Subversion server as another user
- password
Connect to the Subversion server with this password
New in version 0.17.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' svn.export /path/to/repo svn://remote/repo
-, targets=None, user=None, username=None, password=None, fmt='str')
- Display the Subversion information from the checkout.
- cwd
- The path to the Subversion repository
- targets
- None files, directories, and URLs to pass to the command as arguments svn uses '.' by default
- user
- None Run svn as a user other than what the minion runs as
- username
- None Connect to the Subversion server as another user
- password
Connect to the Subversion server with this password
New in version 0.17.0.
- fmt
How to fmt the output from info.
(str, xml, list, dict)
CLI Example:
salt '*' /path/to/svn/repo
- salt.modules.svn.remove(cwd, targets, msg=None, user=None, username=None, password=None, *opts)
- Remove files and directories from the Subversion repository
- cwd
- The path to the Subversion repository
- targets
- None files, directories, and URLs to pass to the command as arguments
- msg
- None Message to attach to the commit log
- user
- None Run svn as a user other than what the minion runs as
- username
- None Connect to the Subversion server as another user
- password
Connect to the Subversion server with this password
New in version 0.17.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' svn.remove /path/to/repo /path/to/repo/remove
- salt.modules.svn.status(cwd, targets=None, user=None, username=None, password=None, *opts)
- Display the status of the current directory, files, or directories in the Subversion repository
- cwd
- The path to the Subversion repository
- targets
- None files, directories, and URLs to pass to the command as arguments Default: svn uses '.'
- user
- None Run svn as a user other than what the minion runs as
- username
- None Connect to the Subversion server as another user
- password
Connect to the Subversion server with this password
New in version 0.17.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' svn.status /path/to/repo
- salt.modules.svn.switch(cwd, remote, target=None, user=None, username=None, password=None, *opts)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Switch a working copy of a remote Subversion repository directory
- cwd
- The path to the Subversion repository
- remote
- None URL to switch
- target
- None The name to give the file or directory working copy Default: svn uses the remote basename
- user
- None Run svn as a user other than what the minion runs as
- username
- None Connect to the Subversion server as another user
- password
Connect to the Subversion server with this password
CLI Example:
salt '*' svn.switch /path/to/repo svn://remote/repo
- salt.modules.svn.update(cwd, targets=None, user=None, username=None, password=None, *opts)
- Update the current directory, files, or directories from the remote Subversion repository
- cwd
- The path to the Subversion repository
- targets
- None files and directories to pass to the command as arguments Default: svn uses '.'
- user
- None Run svn as a user other than what the minion runs as
- password
Connect to the Subversion server with this password
New in version 0.17.0.
- username
Connect to the Subversion server as another user
CLI Example:
salt '*' svn.update /path/to/repo
Module for handling OpenStack Swift calls Author: Anthony Stanton <anthony.stanton [at]>
Inspired by the S3 and Nova modules
- depends
- •
- swiftclient Python module
- configuration
This module is not usable until the user, tenant, auth URL, and password or auth_key
are specified either in a pillar or in the minion's config file.
For example:
keystone.user: admin keystone.tenant: admin keystone.auth_url: '' keystone.password: verybadpass # or keystone.auth_key: 203802934809284k2j34lkj2l3kj43k
If configuration for multiple OpenStack accounts is required, they can be set up as different configuration profiles: For example:
openstack1: keystone.user: admin keystone.tenant: admin keystone.auth_url: '' keystone.password: verybadpass # or keystone.auth_key: 203802934809284k2j34lkj2l3kj43k openstack2: keystone.user: admin keystone.tenant: admin keystone.auth_url: '' keystone.password: verybadpass # or keystone.auth_key: 303802934809284k2j34lkj2l3kj43k
With this configuration in place, any of the swift functions can make use of a configuration profile by declaring it explicitly. For example:
salt '*' swift.get mycontainer myfile /tmp/file profile=openstack1
NOTE: For Rackspace cloud files setting keystone.auth_version = 1 is recommended.
- salt.modules.swift.delete(cont, path=None, profile=None)
Delete a container, or delete an object from a container.
CLI Example to delete a container:
salt myminion swift.delete mycontainer
CLI Example to delete an object from a container:
salt myminion swift.delete mycontainer remoteobject
- salt.modules.swift.get(cont=None, path=None, local_file=None, return_bin=False, profile=None)
List the contents of a container, or return an object from a container. Set
return_bin to True in order to retrieve an object wholesale. Otherwise,
Salt will attempt to parse an XML response.
CLI Example to list containers:
salt myminion swift.get
CLI Example to list the contents of a container:
salt myminion swift.get mycontainer
CLI Example to return the binary contents of an object:
salt myminion swift.get mycontainer myfile.png return_bin=True
CLI Example to save the binary contents of an object to a local file:
salt myminion swift.get mycontainer myfile.png local_file=/tmp/myfile.png
- salt.modules.swift.head()
- salt.modules.swift.put(cont, path=None, local_file=None, profile=None)
Create a new container, or upload an object to a container.
CLI Example to create a container:
salt myminion swift.put mycontainer
CLI Example to upload an object to a container:
salt myminion swift.put mycontainer remotepath local_file=/path/to/file
The 'sysbench' module is used to analyze the performance of the minions, right from the master! It measures various system parameters such as CPU, Memory, File I/O, Threads and Mutex.
- salt.modules.sysbench.cpu()
Tests for the CPU performance of minions.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' sysbench.cpu
- salt.modules.sysbench.fileio()
- This tests for the file read and write operations Various modes of operations are
- •
- sequential write
- •
- sequential rewrite
- •
- sequential read
- •
- random read
- •
- random write
- •
random read and write
The test works with 32 files with each file being 1Gb in size The test consumes a lot of time. Be patient!
CLI Examples:
salt '*' sysbench.fileio
- salt.modules.sysbench.memory()
This tests the memory for read and write operations.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' sysbench.memory
- salt.modules.sysbench.mutex()
Tests the implementation of mutex
CLI Examples:
salt '*' sysbench.mutex
- salt.modules.sysbench.threads()
This tests the performance of the processor's scheduler
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysbench.threads
Module for getting information about syslog-ng
- maintainer
- Tibor Benke <btibi [at]>
- maturity
- new
- depends
- cmd
- platform
This module is capable of managing syslog-ng instances which were installed via a package manager or from source. Users can use a directory as a parameter in the case of most functions, which contains the syslog-ng and syslog-ng-ctl binaries.
Syslog-ng can be installed via a package manager or from source. In the latter case, the syslog-ng and syslog-ng-ctl binaries are not available from the PATH, so users should set location of the sbin directory with syslog_ng.set_binary_path.
Similarly, users can specify the location of the configuration file with syslog_ng.set_config_file, then the module will use it. If it is not set, syslog-ng uses the default configuration file.
- class salt.modules.syslog_ng.Argument(value='')
A TypedParameterValue has one or more Arguments. For example this can be
the value of key_file.
Does not need examples.
- build()
- class salt.modules.syslog_ng.Buildable(iterable, join_body_on='', append_extra_newline=True)
Base class of most classes, which have a build method.
It contains a common build function.
Does not need examples.
- build()
- Builds the textual representation of the whole configuration object with it's children.
- build_body()
- Builds the body of a syslog-ng configuration object.
- build_header()
- Builds the header of a syslog-ng configuration object.
- build_tail()
- Builds the tail of a syslog-ng configuration object.
- class salt.modules.syslog_ng.GivenStatement(value, add_newline=True)
- This statement returns a string without modification. It can be used to
use existing configuration snippets.
Does not need examples.
- build()
- class salt.modules.syslog_ng.NamedStatement(type, id='', options=None)
It represents a configuration statement, which has a name, e.g. a source.
Does not need examples.
- class salt.modules.syslog_ng.Option(type='', params=None)
A Statement class contains Option instances.
An instance of Option can represent a file(), tcp(), udp(), etc. option.
Does not need examples.
- add_parameter(param)
- build()
- class salt.modules.syslog_ng.Parameter(iterable=None, join_body_on='')
An Option has one or more Parameter instances.
Does not need examples.
- class salt.modules.syslog_ng.ParameterValue(iterable=None, join_body_on='')
A TypedParameter can have one or more values.
Does not need examples.
- class salt.modules.syslog_ng.SimpleParameter(value='')
A Parameter is a SimpleParameter, if it's just a simple type, like a string.
For example:
destination d_file { file( "/var/log/messages" ); };
/var/log/messages is a SimpleParameter.
Does not need examples.
- build()
- class salt.modules.syslog_ng.SimpleParameterValue(value='')
A ParameterValuem which holds a simple type, like a string or a number.
For example in ip( is a SimpleParameterValue.
Does not need examples.
- build()
- class salt.modules.syslog_ng.Statement(type, id='', options=None, has_name=True)
It represents a syslog-ng configuration statement, e.g. source, destination,
Does not need examples.
- add_child(option)
- build_header()
- build_tail()
- exception salt.modules.syslog_ng.SyslogNgError
- class salt.modules.syslog_ng.TypedParameter(type='', values=None)
A Parameter, which has a type:
destination d_tcp { tcp( ip( ); };
ip( is a TypedParameter.
Does not need examples.
- add_value(value)
- build()
- class salt.modules.syslog_ng.TypedParameterValue(type='', arguments=None)
We have to go deeper...
A TypedParameter can have a 'parameter', which also have a type. For example key_file and cert_file:
source demo_tls_source { tcp( ip( port(1999) tls( key_file("/opt/syslog-ng/etc/syslog-ng/key.d/syslog-ng.key") cert_file("/opt/syslog-ng/etc/syslog-ng/cert.d/syslog-ng.cert") ) ); };
Does not need examples.
- add_argument(arg)
- build()
- class salt.modules.syslog_ng.UnnamedStatement(type, options=None)
It represents a configuration statement, which doesn't have a name, e.g. a
log path.
Does not need examples.
- salt.modules.syslog_ng.config(name, config, write=True)
Builds syslog-ng configuration. This function is intended to be used from
the state module, users should not use it directly!
name : the id of the Salt document or it is the format of <statement name>.id config : the parsed YAML code write : if True, it writes the config into the configuration file, otherwise just returns it
CLI Example:
salt '*' syslog_ng.config name="s_local" config="[{'tcp':[{'ip':''},{'port':1233}]}]"
- salt.modules.syslog_ng.config_test(syslog_ng_sbin_dir=None, cfgfile=None)
Runs syntax check against cfgfile. If syslog_ng_sbin_dir is specified, it
is added to the PATH during the test.
CLI Example:
salt '*' syslog_ng.config_test salt '*' syslog_ng.config_test /home/user/install/syslog-ng/sbin salt '*' syslog_ng.config_test /home/user/install/syslog-ng/sbin /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf
- salt.modules.syslog_ng.get_config_file()
Returns the configuration directory, which contains syslog-ng.conf.
CLI Example:
salt '*' syslog_ng.get_config_file
- salt.modules.syslog_ng.modules(syslog_ng_sbin_dir=None)
Returns the available modules. If syslog_ng_sbin_dir is specified, it
is added to the PATH during the execution of the command syslog-ng.
CLI Example:
salt '*' syslog_ng.modules salt '*' syslog_ng.modules /home/user/install/syslog-ng/sbin
- salt.modules.syslog_ng.reload_(name)
Reloads syslog-ng. This function is intended to be used from states.
If syslog_ng.set_config_file, is called before, this function will use the set binary path.
CLI Example:
salt '*' syslog_ng.reload
- salt.modules.syslog_ng.set_binary_path(name)
Sets the path, where the syslog-ng binary can be found. This function is
intended to be used from states.
If syslog-ng is installed via a package manager, users don't need to use this function.
CLI Example:
salt '*' syslog_ng.set_binary_path name="/usr/sbin"
- salt.modules.syslog_ng.set_config_file(name)
Sets the configuration's name. This function is intended to be used from states.
CLI Example:
salt '*' syslog_ng.set_config_file name="/etc/syslog-ng"
- salt.modules.syslog_ng.set_parameters(version=None, binary_path=None, config_file=None, *args, **kwargs)
Sets variables.
CLI Example:
salt '*' syslog_ng.set_parameters version="3.6" salt '*' syslog_ng.set_parameters binary_path="/home/user/install/syslog-ng/sbin" config_file="/home/user/install/syslog-ng/etc/syslog-ng.conf"
- salt.modules.syslog_ng.start(name=None, user=None, group=None, chroot=None, caps=None, no_caps=False, pidfile=None, enable_core=False, fd_limit=None, verbose=False, debug=False, trace=False, yydebug=False, persist_file=None, control=None, worker_threads=None)
Ensures, that syslog-ng is started via the given parameters. This function
is intended to be used from the state module.
Users shouldn't use this function, if the service module is available on their system. If syslog_ng.set_config_file, is called before, this function will use the set binary path.
CLI Example:
salt '*' syslog_ng.start
- salt.modules.syslog_ng.stats(syslog_ng_sbin_dir=None)
Returns statistics from the running syslog-ng instance. If syslog_ng_sbin_dir is specified, it
is added to the PATH during the execution of the command syslog-ng-ctl.
CLI Example:
salt '*' syslog_ng.stats salt '*' syslog_ng.stats /home/user/install/syslog-ng/sbin
- salt.modules.syslog_ng.stop(name=None)
Kills syslog-ng. This function is intended to be used from the state module.
Users shouldn't use this function, if the service module is available on their system. If syslog_ng.set_config_file is called before, this function will use the set binary path.
CLI Example:
salt '*' syslog_ng.stop
- salt.modules.syslog_ng.version(syslog_ng_sbin_dir=None)
Returns the version of the installed syslog-ng. If syslog_ng_sbin_dir is specified, it
is added to the PATH during the execution of the command syslog-ng.
CLI Example:
salt '*' syslog_ng.version salt '*' syslog_ng.version /home/user/install/syslog-ng/sbin
- salt.modules.syslog_ng.write_config(config, newlines=2)
Writes the given parameter config into the config file. This function is
intended to be used from states.
If syslog_ng.set_config_file, is called before, this function will use the set config file.
CLI Example:
salt '*' syslog_ng.write_config config="# comment"
- salt.modules.syslog_ng.write_version(name)
Removes the previous configuration file, then creates a new one and writes the name line.
This function is intended to be used from states.
If syslog_ng.set_config_file, is called before, this function will use the set config file.
CLI Example:
salt '*' syslog_ng.write_version name="3.6"
The sys module provides information about the available functions on the minion
- salt.modules.sysmod.argspec(module='')
Return the argument specification of functions in Salt execution
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.argspec pkg.install salt '*' sys.argspec sys salt '*' sys.argspec
Module names can be specified as globs.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' sys.argspec 'pkg.*'
- salt.modules.sysmod.doc(*args)
Return the docstrings for all modules. Optionally, specify a module or a
function to narrow the selection.
The strings are aggregated into a single document on the master for easy reading.
Multiple modules/functions can be specified.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.doc salt '*' sys.doc sys salt '*' sys.doc sys.doc salt '*' sys.doc network.traceroute
Modules can be specified as globs.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' sys.doc 'sys.*' salt '*' sys.doc 'sys.list_*'
- salt.modules.sysmod.list_functions(*args, **kwargs)
List the functions for all modules. Optionally, specify a module or modules
from which to list.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.list_functions salt '*' sys.list_functions sys salt '*' sys.list_functions sys user
Function names can be specified as globs.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' sys.list_functions 'sys.list_*'
- salt.modules.sysmod.list_modules(*args)
List the modules loaded on the minion
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.list_modules
Module names can be specified as globs.
salt '*' sys.list_modules 's*'
- salt.modules.sysmod.list_renderers(*args)
List the renderers loaded on the minion
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.list_renderers
Render names can be specified as globs.
salt '*' sys.list_renderers 'yaml*'
- salt.modules.sysmod.list_returner_functions(*args, **kwargs)
List the functions for all returner modules. Optionally, specify a returner
module or modules from which to list.
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.list_returner_functions salt '*' sys.list_returner_functions mysql salt '*' sys.list_returner_functions mysql etcd
Returner names can be specified as globs.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' sys.list_returner_functions 'sqlite3.get_*'
- salt.modules.sysmod.list_returners(*args)
List the returners loaded on the minion
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.list_returners
Returner names can be specified as globs.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' sys.list_returners 's*'
- salt.modules.sysmod.list_runner_functions(*args, **kwargs)
List the functions for all runner modules. Optionally, specify a runner
module or modules from which to list.
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.list_runner_functions salt '*' sys.list_runner_functions state salt '*' sys.list_runner_functions state virt
Runner function names can be specified as globs.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' sys.list_runner_functions 'state.*' 'virt.*'
- salt.modules.sysmod.list_runners(*args)
List the runners loaded on the minion
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.list_runners
Runner names can be specified as globs.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' sys.list_runners 'm*'
- salt.modules.sysmod.list_state_functions(*args, **kwargs)
List the functions for all state modules. Optionally, specify a state
module or modules from which to list.
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.list_state_functions salt '*' sys.list_state_functions file salt '*' sys.list_state_functions pkg user
State function names can be specified as globs.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' sys.list_state_functions 'file.*' salt '*' sys.list_state_functions 'file.s*'
- salt.modules.sysmod.list_state_modules(*args)
List the modules loaded on the minion
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.list_state_modules
State module names can be specified as globs.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' sys.list_state_modules 'mysql_*'
- salt.modules.sysmod.reload_modules()
Tell the minion to reload the execution modules
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.reload_modules
- salt.modules.sysmod.renderer_doc(*args)
Return the docstrings for all renderers. Optionally, specify a renderer or a
function to narrow the selection.
The strings are aggregated into a single document on the master for easy reading.
Multiple renderers can be specified.
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.renderer_doc salt '*' sys.renderer_doc cheetah salt '*' sys.renderer_doc jinja json
Renderer names can be specified as globs.
salt '*' sys.renderer_doc 'c*' 'j*'
- salt.modules.sysmod.returner_argspec(module='')
Return the argument specification of functions in Salt returner
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.returner_argspec xmpp salt '*' sys.returner_argspec xmpp smtp salt '*' sys.returner_argspec
Returner names can be specified as globs.
salt '*' sys.returner_argspec 'sqlite3.*'
- salt.modules.sysmod.returner_doc(*args)
Return the docstrings for all returners. Optionally, specify a returner or a
function to narrow the selection.
The strings are aggregated into a single document on the master for easy reading.
Multiple returners/functions can be specified.
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.returner_doc salt '*' sys.returner_doc sqlite3 salt '*' sys.returner_doc sqlite3.get_fun salt '*' sys.returner_doc sqlite3.get_fun etcd.get_fun
Returner names can be specified as globs.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' sys.returner_doc 'sqlite3.get_*'
- salt.modules.sysmod.runner_argspec(module='')
Return the argument specification of functions in Salt runner
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.runner_argspec state salt '*' sys.runner_argspec http salt '*' sys.runner_argspec
Runner names can be specified as globs.
salt '*' sys.runner_argspec 'winrepo.*'
- salt.modules.sysmod.runner_doc(*args)
Return the docstrings for all runners. Optionally, specify a runner or a
function to narrow the selection.
The strings are aggregated into a single document on the master for easy reading.
Multiple runners/functions can be specified.
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.runner_doc salt '*' sys.runner_doc cache salt '*' sys.runner_doc cache.grains salt '*' sys.runner_doc cache.grains mine.get
Runner names can be specified as globs.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' sys.runner_doc 'cache.clear_*'
- salt.modules.sysmod.state_argspec(module='')
Return the argument specification of functions in Salt state
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.state_argspec pkg.installed salt '*' sys.state_argspec file salt '*' sys.state_argspec
State names can be specified as globs.
salt '*' sys.state_argspec 'pkg.*'
- salt.modules.sysmod.state_doc(*args)
Return the docstrings for all states. Optionally, specify a state or a
function to narrow the selection.
The strings are aggregated into a single document on the master for easy reading.
Multiple states/functions can be specified.
New in version 2014.7.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sys.state_doc salt '*' sys.state_doc service salt '*' sys.state_doc service.running salt '*' sys.state_doc service.running ipables.append
State names can be specified as globs.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' sys.state_doc 'service.*' 'iptables.*'
sysrc module for FreeBSD
- salt.modules.sysrc.get(**kwargs)
Return system rc configuration variables
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysrc.get includeDefaults=True
- salt.modules.sysrc.remove(name, **kwargs)
Remove system rc configuration variables
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysrc.remove name=sshd_enable
- salt.modules.sysrc.set_(name, value, **kwargs)
Set system rc configuration variables
CLI Example:
salt '*' sysrc.remove name=sshd_enable
Support for reboot, shutdown, etc
- salt.modules.system.halt()
Halt a running system
CLI Example:
salt '*' system.halt
- salt.modules.system.init(runlevel)
Change the system runlevel on sysV compatible systems
CLI Example:
salt '*' system.init 3
- salt.modules.system.poweroff()
Poweroff a running system
CLI Example:
salt '*' system.poweroff
- salt.modules.system.reboot()
Reboot the system using the 'reboot' command
CLI Example:
salt '*' system.reboot
- salt.modules.system.shutdown(at_time=None)
Shutdown a running system
CLI Example:
salt '*' system.shutdown
System Profiler Module
Interface with Mac OSX's command-line System Profiler utility to get information about package receipts and installed applications.
New in version 2015.5.0.
- salt.modules.system_profiler.applications()
Return the results of a call to
system_profiler -xml -detail full SPApplicationsDataType
as a dictionary. Top-level keys of the dictionary
are the names of each set of install receipts, since
there can be multiple receipts with the same name.
Contents of each key are a list of dictionaries.
Note that this can take a long time depending on how many applications are installed on the target Mac.
CLI Example:
salt '*' systemprofiler.applications
- salt.modules.system_profiler.receipts()
Return the results of a call to
system_profiler -xml -detail full SPInstallHistoryDataType
as a dictionary. Top-level keys of the dictionary
are the names of each set of install receipts, since
there can be multiple receipts with the same name.
Contents of each key are a list of dictionaries.
CLI Example:
salt '*' systemprofiler.receipts
Provide the service module for systemd
- salt.modules.systemd.available(name)
Check that the given service is available taking into account
template units.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.available sshd
- salt.modules.systemd.disable(name, **kwargs)
Disable the named service to not start when the system boots
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disable <service name>
- salt.modules.systemd.disabled(name)
Return if the named service is disabled to start on boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disabled <service name>
- salt.modules.systemd.enable(name, **kwargs)
Enable the named service to start when the system boots
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enable <service name>
- salt.modules.systemd.enabled(name, **kwargs)
Return if the named service is enabled to start on boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enabled <service name>
- salt.modules.systemd.execs()
Return a list of all files specified as ExecStart for all services.
CLI Example: salt '*' service.execs
- salt.modules.systemd.force_reload(name)
Force-reload the specified service with systemd
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.force_reload <service name>
- salt.modules.systemd.get_all()
Return a list of all available services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_all
- salt.modules.systemd.get_disabled()
Return a list of all disabled services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_disabled
- salt.modules.systemd.get_enabled()
Return a list of all enabled services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_enabled
- salt.modules.systemd.mask(name)
Mask the specified service with systemd
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.mask <service name>
- salt.modules.systemd.missing(name)
The inverse of service.available.
Returns True if the specified service is not available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.missing sshd
- salt.modules.systemd.reload_(name)
Reload the specified service with systemd
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.reload <service name>
- salt.modules.systemd.restart(name)
Restart the specified service with systemd
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.restart <service name>
Show properties of one or more units/jobs or the manager
CLI Example: salt '*' <service name>
- salt.modules.systemd.start(name)
Start the specified service with systemd
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.start <service name>
- salt.modules.systemd.status(name, sig=None)
Return the status for a service via systemd, returns a bool
whether the service is running.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.status <service name>
- salt.modules.systemd.stop(name)
Stop the specified service with systemd
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.stop <service name>
- salt.modules.systemd.systemctl_reload()
Reloads systemctl, an action needed whenever unit files are updated.
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.systemctl_reload
- salt.modules.systemd.unmask(name)
Unmask the specified service with systemd
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.unmask <service name>
Module for running arbitrary tests
- salt.modules.test.arg(*args, **kwargs)
Print out the data passed into the function *args and `kwargs, this
is used to both test the publication data and cli argument passing, but
also to display the information available within the publication data.
Returns {"args": args, "kwargs": kwargs}.
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.arg 1 "two" 3.1 txt="hello" wow='{a: 1, b: "hello"}'
- salt.modules.test.arg_repr(*args, **kwargs)
Print out the data passed into the function *args and `kwargs, this
is used to both test the publication data and cli argument passing, but
also to display the information available within the publication data.
Returns {"args": repr(args), "kwargs": repr(kwargs)}.
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.arg_repr 1 "two" 3.1 txt="hello" wow='{a: 1, b: "hello"}'
- salt.modules.test.arg_type(*args, **kwargs)
Print out the types of the args and kwargs. This is used to test the types
of the args and kwargs passed down to the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.arg_type 1 'int'
- salt.modules.test.assertion(assertion)
Assert the given argument
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.assert False
- salt.modules.test.attr_call()
Call grains.items via the attribute
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' test.attr_call - salt.modules.test.collatz(start)
Execute the collatz conjecture from the passed starting number,
returns the sequence and the time it took to compute. Used for
performance tests.
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.collatz 3
- salt.modules.test.conf_test()
Return the value for in the minion configuration file, or return
the default value
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.conf_test
- salt.modules.test.cross_test(func, args=None)
Execute a minion function via the __salt__ object in the test
module, used to verify that the minion functions can be called
via the __salt__ module.
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.cross_test file.gid_to_group 0
- salt.modules.test.echo(text)
Return a string - used for testing the connection
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.echo 'foo bar baz quo qux'
- salt.modules.test.exception(message='Test Exception')
Raise an exception
Optionally provide an error message or output the full stack.
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.exception 'Oh noes!'
- salt.modules.test.fib(num)
Return a Fibonacci sequence up to the passed number, and the
timeit took to compute in seconds. Used for performance tests
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.fib 3
- salt.modules.test.get_opts()
Return the configuration options passed to this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.get_opts
- salt.modules.test.kwarg(**kwargs)
Print out the data passed into the function **kwargs, this is used to
both test the publication data and cli kwarg passing, but also to display
the information available within the publication data.
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.kwarg num=1 txt="two" env='{a: 1, b: "hello"}'
- salt.modules.test.missing_func()
- salt.modules.test.module_report()
Return a dict containing all of the exeution modules with a report on
the overall availability via different references
CLI Example:
.. code-block:: bash
salt '*' test.module_report - salt.modules.test.not_loaded()
List the modules that were not loaded by the salt loader system
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.not_loaded
- salt.modules.test.opts_pkg()
Return an opts package with the grains and opts for this minion.
This is primarily used to create the options used for master side
state compiling routines
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.opts_pkg
- salt.modules.test.outputter(data)
Test the outputter, pass in data to return
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.outputter foobar
Used to make sure the minion is up and responding. Not an ICMP ping.
Returns True.
CLI Example:
salt '*'
- salt.modules.test.provider(module)
Pass in a function name to discover what provider is being used
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.provider service
- salt.modules.test.providers()
Return a dict of the provider names and the files that provided them
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.providers
- salt.modules.test.rand_sleep(max=60)
Sleep for a random number of seconds, used to test long-running commands
and minions returning at differing intervals
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.rand_sleep 60
- salt.modules.test.rand_str(size=9999999999)
Return a random string
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.rand_str
- salt.modules.test.retcode(code=42)
Test that the returncode system is functioning correctly
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.retcode 42
- salt.modules.test.sleep(length)
Instruct the minion to initiate a process that will sleep for a given
period of time.
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.sleep 20
- salt.modules.test.stack()
Return the current stack trace
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.stack
- salt.modules.test.try_(module, return_try_exception=False, **kwargs)
Try to run a module command. On an exception return None.
If return_try_exception is set True return the exception.
This can be helpfull in templates where running a module might fail as expected.
CLI Example:
<pre> {% for i in range(0,230) %} {{ salt['test.try'](module='ipmi.get_users', bmc_host='172.2.2.'+i)|yaml(False) }} {% endfor %} </pre>
- salt.modules.test.tty(*args, **kwargs)
Deprecated! Moved to cmdmod.
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.tty tty0 'This is a test' salt '*' test.tty pts3 'This is a test'
- salt.modules.test.version()
Return the version of salt on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.version
- salt.modules.test.versions_information()
Returns versions of components used by salt as a dict
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.versions_information
- salt.modules.test.versions_report()
Returns versions of components used by salt
CLI Example:
salt '*' test.versions_report
Module for running arbitrary tests with a __virtual__ function
Module for managing timezone on POSIX-like systems.
- salt.modules.timezone.get_hwclock()
Get current hardware clock setting (UTC or localtime)
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.get_hwclock
- salt.modules.timezone.get_offset()
Get current numeric timezone offset from UCT (i.e. -0700)
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.get_offset
- salt.modules.timezone.get_zone()
Get current timezone (i.e. America/Denver)
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.get_zone
- salt.modules.timezone.get_zonecode()
Get current timezone (i.e. PST, MDT, etc)
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.get_zonecode
- salt.modules.timezone.set_hwclock(clock)
Sets the hardware clock to be either UTC or localtime
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.set_hwclock UTC
- salt.modules.timezone.set_zone(timezone)
Unlinks, then symlinks /etc/localtime to the set timezone.
The timezone is crucial to several system processes, each of which SHOULD be restarted (for instance, whatever you system uses as its cron and syslog daemons). This will not be automagically done and must be done manually!
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.set_zone 'America/Denver'
- salt.modules.timezone.zone_compare(timezone)
Checks the hash sum between the given timezone, and the one set in
/etc/localtime. Returns True if they match, and False if not. Mostly useful
for running state checks.
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.zone_compare 'America/Denver'
A salt module for SSL/TLS. Can create a Certificate Authority (CA) or use Self-Signed certificates.
- depends
- •
PyOpenSSL Python module (0.10 or later, 0.14 or later for
X509 extension support)
- configuration
Add the following values in /etc/salt/minion for the CA module
to function properly:
ca.cert_base_path: '/etc/pki'
CLI Example #1 Creating a CA, a server request and its signed certificate:
# salt-call tls.create_ca my_little days=5 CN='My Little CA' C=US ST=Utah L=Salt Lake City O=Saltstack emailAddress=pleasedontemail [at] thisisnot.coms Created Private Key: "/etc/pki/my_little/my_little_ca_cert.key" Created CA "my_little_ca": "/etc/pki/my_little_ca/my_little_ca_cert.crt" # salt-call tls.create_csr my_little CN=www.thisisnot.coms Created Private Key: "/etc/pki/my_little/certs/www.thisisnot.coms.key Created CSR for "www.thisisnot.coms": "/etc/pki/my_little/certs/www.thisisnot.coms.csr" # salt-call tls.create_ca_signed_cert my_little CN=www.thisisnot.coms Created Certificate for "www.thisisnot.coms": /etc/pki/my_little/certs/www.thisisnot.coms.crt"
CLI Example #2: Creating a client request and its signed certificate
# salt-call tls.create_csr my_little CN=DBReplica_No.1 cert_type=client Created Private Key: "/etc/pki/my_little/certs//DBReplica_No.1.key." Created CSR for "DBReplica_No.1": "/etc/pki/my_little/certs/DBReplica_No.1.csr." # salt-call tls.create_ca_signed_cert my_little CN=DBReplica_No.1 Created Certificate for "DBReplica_No.1": "/etc/pki/my_little/certs/DBReplica_No.1.crt"
CLI Example #3: Creating both a server and client req + cert for the same CN
# salt-call tls.create_csr my_little CN=MasterDBReplica_No.2 cert_type=client Created Private Key: "/etc/pki/my_little/certs/MasterDBReplica_No.2.key." Created CSR for "DBReplica_No.1": "/etc/pki/my_little/certs/MasterDBReplica_No.2.csr." # salt-call tls.create_ca_signed_cert my_little CN=MasterDBReplica_No.2 Created Certificate for "DBReplica_No.1": "/etc/pki/my_little/certs/DBReplica_No.1.crt" # salt-call tls.create_csr my_little CN=MasterDBReplica_No.2 cert_type=server Certificate "MasterDBReplica_No.2" already exists (doh!) # salt-call tls.create_csr my_little CN=MasterDBReplica_No.2 cert_type=server type_ext=True Created Private Key: "/etc/pki/my_little/certs/DBReplica_No.1_client.key." Created CSR for "DBReplica_No.1": "/etc/pki/my_little/certs/DBReplica_No.1_client.csr." # salt-call tls.create_ca_signed_cert my_little CN=MasterDBReplica_No.2 Certificate "MasterDBReplica_No.2" already exists (DOH!) # salt-call tls.create_ca_signed_cert my_little CN=MasterDBReplica_No.2 cert_type=server type_ext=True Created Certificate for "MasterDBReplica_No.2": "/etc/pki/my_little/certs/MasterDBReplica_No.2_server.crt"
CLI Example #4: Create a server req + cert with non-CN filename for the cert
# salt-call tls.create_csr my_little cert_type=server type_ext=True Created Private Key: "/etc/pki/my_little/certs/www.anothersometh.ing_server.key." Created CSR for "DBReplica_No.1": "/etc/pki/my_little/certs/www.anothersometh.ing_server.csr." # salt-call tls_create_ca_signed_cert my_little cert_type=server cert_filename="something_completely_different" Created Certificate for "": /etc/pki/my_little/certs/something_completely_different.crt
- salt.modules.tls.ca_exists(ca_name, cacert_path=None, ca_filename=None)
- Verify whether a Certificate Authority (CA) already exists
- ca_name
- name of the CA
- cacert_path
- absolute path to ca certificates root directory
- ca_filename
alternative filename for the CA
New in version 2015.5.3.
CLI Example:
salt '*' tls.ca_exists test_ca /etc/certs
- salt.modules.tls.cert_base_path(cacert_path=None)
- Return the base path for certs from CLI or from options
- cacert_path
absolute path to ca certificates root directory
CLI Example:
salt '*' tls.cert_base_path
- salt.modules.tls.cert_info(cert_path, digest='sha256')
- Return information for a particular certificate
- cert_path
- path to the cert file
- digest
what digest to use for fingerprinting
CLI Example:
salt '*' tls.cert_info /dir/for/certs/cert.pem
- salt.modules.tls.create_ca(ca_name, bits=2048, days=365, CN='localhost', C='US', ST='Utah', L='Salt Lake City', O='SaltStack', OU=None, emailAddress='xyz [at]', fixmode=False, cacert_path=None, ca_filename=None, digest='sha256', onlyif=None, unless=None, replace=False)
- Create a Certificate Authority (CA)
- ca_name
- name of the CA
- bits
- number of RSA key bits, default is 2048
- days
- number of days the CA will be valid, default is 365
- CN
- common name in the request, default is "localhost"
- C
- country, default is "US"
- ST
- state, default is "Utah"
- L
- locality, default is "Centerville", the city where SaltStack originated
- O
- organization, default is "SaltStack"
- OU
- organizational unit, default is None
- emailAddress
- email address for the CA owner, default is 'xyz [at]'
- cacert_path
- absolute path to ca certificates root directory
- ca_filename
alternative filename for the CA
New in version 2015.5.3.
- digest
- The message digest algorithm. Must be a string describing a digest algorithm supported by OpenSSL (by EVP_get_digestbyname, specifically). For example, "md5" or "sha1". Default: 'sha256'
- replace
Replace this certificate even if it exists
New in version 2015.5.1.
Writes out a CA certificate based upon defined config values. If the file already exists, the function just returns assuming the CA certificate already exists.
If the following values were set:
ca.cert_base_path='/etc/pki' ca_name='koji'
the resulting CA, and corresponding key, would be written in the following location:
/etc/pki/koji/koji_ca_cert.crt /etc/pki/koji/koji_ca_cert.key
CLI Example:
salt '*' tls.create_ca test_ca
- salt.modules.tls.create_ca_signed_cert(ca_name, CN, days=365, cacert_path=None, ca_filename=None, cert_path=None, cert_filename=None, digest='sha256', cert_type=None, type_ext=False, replace=False)
Create a Certificate (CERT) signed by a named Certificate Authority (CA)
If the certificate file already exists, the function just returns assuming the CERT already exists.
The CN must match an existing CSR generated by create_csr. If it does not, this method does nothing.
- ca_name
- name of the CA
- CN
- common name matching the certificate signing request
- days
- number of days certificate is valid, default is 365 (1 year)
- cacert_path
- absolute path to ca certificates root directory
- ca_filename
alternative filename for the CA
New in version 2015.5.3.
- cert_path
- full path to the certificates directory
- cert_filename
alternative filename for the certificate, useful when using special
characters in the CN. If this option is set it will override
the certificate filename output effects of cert_type.
type_ext will be completely overridden.
New in version 2015.5.3.
- digest
- The message digest algorithm. Must be a string describing a digest algorithm supported by OpenSSL (by EVP_get_digestbyname, specifically). For example, "md5" or "sha1". Default: 'sha256'
- replace
Replace this certificate even if it exists
New in version 2015.5.1.
- cert_type
string. Either 'server' or 'client' (see create_csr() for details).
If create_csr(type_ext=True) this function must be called with the same cert_type so it can find the CSR file.
NOTE: create_csr() defaults to cert_type='server'; therefore, if it was also called with type_ext, cert_type becomes a required argument for create_ca_signed_cert()
- type_ext
bool. If set True, use cert_type as an extension to the CN when
formatting the filename.
e.g.: some_subject_CN_server.crt or some_subject_CN_client.crt
This facilitates the context where both types are required for the same subject
If cert_filename is not None, setting type_ext has no effect
If the following values were set:
ca.cert_base_path='/etc/pki' ca_name='koji' CN=''
the resulting signed certificate would be written in the following location:
CLI Example:
salt '*' tls.create_ca_signed_cert test localhost
- salt.modules.tls.create_csr(ca_name, bits=2048, CN='localhost', C='US', ST='Utah', L='Salt Lake City', O='SaltStack', OU=None, emailAddress='xyz [at]', subjectAltName=None, cacert_path=None, ca_filename=None, csr_path=None, csr_filename=None, digest='sha256', type_ext=False, cert_type='server', replace=False)
- Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for a particular Certificate Authority (CA)
- ca_name
- name of the CA
- bits
- number of RSA key bits, default is 2048
- CN
- common name in the request, default is "localhost"
- C
- country, default is "US"
- ST
- state, default is "Utah"
- L
- locality, default is "Centerville", the city where SaltStack originated
- O
- organization, default is "SaltStack" NOTE: Must the same as CA certificate or an error will be raised
- OU
- organizational unit, default is None
- emailAddress
- email address for the request, default is 'xyz [at]'
- subjectAltName
- valid subjectAltNames in full form, e.g. to add DNS entry you would call this function with this value:
- examples: ['',
'email:me [at]']
NOTE: some libraries do not properly query IP: prefixes, instead looking for the given req. source with a DNS: prefix. To be thorough, you may want to include both DNS: and IP: entries if you are using subjectAltNames for destinations for your TLS connections.
- e.g.:
requests to will fail from python's
requests library w/out the second entry in the above list
New in version Beryllium.
- cert_type
- Specify the general certificate type. Can be either server or client. Indicates the set of common extensions added to the CSR.
- server: {
'basicConstraints': 'CA:FALSE',
'extendedKeyUsage': 'serverAuth',
'keyUsage': 'digitalSignature, keyEncipherment'
- client: {
'basicConstraints': 'CA:FALSE',
'extendedKeyUsage': 'clientAuth',
'keyUsage': 'nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment'
- type_ext
boolean. Whether or not to extend the filename with CN_[cert_type]
This can be useful if a server and client certificate are needed for
the same CN. Defaults to False to avoid introducing an unexpected file
naming pattern
The files normally named some_subject_CN.csr and some_subject_CN.key will then be saved
- replace
Replace this signing request even if it exists
New in version 2015.5.1.
Writes out a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) If the file already exists, the function just returns assuming the CSR already exists.
If the following values were set:
ca.cert_base_path='/etc/pki' ca_name='koji' CN=''
the resulting CSR, and corresponding key, would be written in the following location:
/etc/pki/koji/certs/ /etc/pki/koji/certs/
CLI Example:
salt '*' tls.create_csr test
- salt.modules.tls.create_empty_crl(ca_name, cacert_path=None, ca_filename=None, crl_file=None)
Create an empty Certificate Revocation List.
New in version Beryllium.
- ca_name
- name of the CA
- cacert_path
- absolute path to ca certificates root directory
- ca_filename
alternative filename for the CA
New in version 2015.5.3.
- crl_file
full path to the CRL file
CLI Example:
salt '*' tls.create_empty_crl ca_name='koji' ca_filename='ca' crl_file='/etc/openvpn/team1/crl.pem'
- salt.modules.tls.create_pkcs12(ca_name, CN, passphrase='', cacert_path=None, replace=False)
- Create a PKCS#12 browser certificate for a particular Certificate (CN)
- ca_name
- name of the CA
- CN
- common name matching the certificate signing request
- passphrase
- used to unlock the PKCS#12 certificate when loaded into the browser
- cacert_path
- absolute path to ca certificates root directory
- replace
Replace this certificate even if it exists
New in version 2015.5.1.
If the following values were set:
ca.cert_base_path='/etc/pki' ca_name='koji' CN=''
the resulting signed certificate would be written in the following location:
CLI Example:
salt '*' tls.create_pkcs12 test localhost
- salt.modules.tls.create_self_signed_cert(tls_dir='tls', bits=2048, days=365, CN='localhost', C='US', ST='Utah', L='Salt Lake City', O='SaltStack', OU=None, emailAddress='xyz [at]', cacert_path=None, cert_filename=None, digest='sha256', replace=False)
- Create a Self-Signed Certificate (CERT)
- tls_dir
- location appended to the ca.cert_base_path, default is 'tls'
- bits
- number of RSA key bits, default is 2048
- CN
- common name in the request, default is "localhost"
- C
- country, default is "US"
- ST
- state, default is "Utah"
- L
- locality, default is "Centerville", the city where SaltStack originated
- O
- organization, default is "SaltStack" NOTE: Must the same as CA certificate or an error will be raised
- OU
- organizational unit, default is None
- emailAddress
- email address for the request, default is 'xyz [at]'
- cacert_path
- absolute path to ca certificates root directory
- digest
- The message digest algorithm. Must be a string describing a digest algorithm supported by OpenSSL (by EVP_get_digestbyname, specifically). For example, "md5" or "sha1". Default: 'sha256'
- replace
Replace this certificate even if it exists
New in version 2015.5.1.
Writes out a Self-Signed Certificate (CERT). If the file already exists, the function just returns.
If the following values were set:
ca.cert_base_path='/etc/pki' tls_dir='koji' CN=''
the resulting CERT, and corresponding key, would be written in the following location:
/etc/pki/koji/certs/ /etc/pki/koji/certs/
CLI Example:
salt '*' tls.create_self_signed_cert
Passing options from the command line:
salt 'minion' tls.create_self_signed_cert CN=''
- salt.modules.tls.get_ca(ca_name, as_text=False, cacert_path=None)
- Get the certificate path or content
- ca_name
- name of the CA
- as_text
- if true, return the certificate content instead of the path
- cacert_path
absolute path to ca certificates root directory
CLI Example:
salt '*' tls.get_ca test_ca as_text=False cacert_path=/etc/certs
- salt.modules.tls.get_ca_signed_cert(ca_name, CN='localhost', as_text=False, cacert_path=None, cert_filename=None)
- Get the certificate path or content
- ca_name
- name of the CA
- CN
- common name of the certificate
- as_text
- if true, return the certificate content instead of the path
- cacert_path
- absolute path to certificates root directory
- cert_filename
alternative filename for the certificate, useful when using special characters in the CN
New in version 2015.5.3.
CLI Example:
salt '*' tls.get_ca_signed_cert test_ca CN=localhost as_text=False cacert_path=/etc/certs
- salt.modules.tls.get_ca_signed_key(ca_name, CN='localhost', as_text=False, cacert_path=None, key_filename=None)
- Get the certificate path or content
- ca_name
- name of the CA
- CN
- common name of the certificate
- as_text
- if true, return the certificate content instead of the path
- cacert_path
- absolute path to certificates root directory
- key_filename
alternative filename for the key, useful when using special characters
New in version 2015.5.3.
in the CN
CLI Example:
salt '*' tls.get_ca_signed_key test_ca CN=localhost as_text=False cacert_path=/etc/certs
- salt.modules.tls.get_extensions(cert_type)
Fetch X509 and CSR extension definitions from tls:extensions:
(common|server|client) or set them to standard defaults.
New in version Beryllium.
- cert_type:
The type of certificate such as server or client.
CLI Example:
salt '*' tls.get_extensions client
- salt.modules.tls.maybe_fix_ssl_version(ca_name, cacert_path=None, ca_filename=None)
- Check that the X509 version is correct (was incorrectly set in previous salt versions). This will fix the version if needed.
- ca_name
- ca authority name
- cacert_path
- absolute path to ca certificates root directory
- ca_filename
alternative filename for the CA
New in version 2015.5.3.
CLI Example:
salt '*' tls.maybe_fix_ssl_version test_ca /etc/certs
- salt.modules.tls.revoke_cert(ca_name, CN, cacert_path=None, ca_filename=None, cert_path=None, cert_filename=None, crl_file=None)
Revoke a certificate.
New in version Beryllium.
- ca_name
- Name of the CA.
- CN
- Common name matching the certificate signing request.
- cacert_path
- Absolute path to ca certificates root directory.
- ca_filename
- Alternative filename for the CA.
- cert_path
- Path to the cert file.
- cert_filename
- Alternative filename for the certificate, useful when using special characters in the CN.
- crl_file
Full path to the CRL file.
CLI Example:
salt '*' tls.revoke_cert ca_name='koji' ca_filename='ca' crl_file='/etc/openvpn/team1/crl.pem'
- salt.modules.tls.set_ca_path(cacert_path)
If wanted, store the aforementioned cacert_path in context
to be used as the basepath for further operations
CLI Example:
salt '*' tls.set_ca_path /etc/certs
Support for Tomcat
This module uses the manager webapp to manage Apache tomcat webapps. If the manager webapp is not configured some of the functions won't work.
NOTE: The config format was changed in 2014.7.0, but backwards compatibility for the old-style config will be in the 2014.7.1 release.
The following grains/pillar should be set:
tomcat-manager: user: <username> passwd: <password>
or the old format:
tomcat-manager.user: <username> tomcat-manager.passwd: <password>
Also configure a user in the conf/tomcat-users.xml file:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <tomcat-users> <role rolename="manager-script"/> <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="manager-script"/> </tomcat-users>
- •
- More information about tomcat manager:
- •
- if you use only this module for deployments you've might want to strict access to the manager only from localhost for more info:
- •
- Tested on:
- JVM Vendor:
- Sun Microsystems Inc.
- JVM Version:
- 1.6.0_43-b01
- OS Architecture:
- amd64
- OS Name:
- Linux
- OS Version:
- 2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64
- Tomcat Version:
- Apache Tomcat/7.0.37
- salt.modules.tomcat.deploy_war(war, context, force='no', url='http://localhost:8080/manager', saltenv='base', timeout=180, env=None, temp_war_location=None)
- Deploy a WAR file
- war
- absolute path to WAR file (should be accessible by the user running tomcat) or a path supported by the salt.modules.cp.get_file function
- context
- the context path to deploy
- force
- False set True to deploy the webapp even one is deployed in the context
- url
- http://localhost:8080/manager the URL of the server manager webapp
- saltenv
- base the environment for WAR file in used by salt.modules.cp.get_url function
- timeout
- 180 timeout for HTTP request
- temp_war_location
use another location to temporarily copy to war file
by default the system's temp directory is used
CLI Examples:
cp module
salt '*' tomcat.deploy_war salt://application.war /api salt '*' tomcat.deploy_war salt://application.war /api no salt '*' tomcat.deploy_war salt://application.war /api yes http://localhost:8080/manager
minion local file system
salt '*' tomcat.deploy_war /tmp/application.war /api salt '*' tomcat.deploy_war /tmp/application.war /api no salt '*' tomcat.deploy_war /tmp/application.war /api yes http://localhost:8080/manager
- salt.modules.tomcat.fullversion()
Return all server information from version
CLI Example:
salt '*' tomcat.fullversion
- salt.modules.tomcat.leaks(url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)
- Find memory leaks in tomcat
- url
- http://localhost:8080/manager the URL of the server manager webapp
- timeout
timeout for HTTP request
CLI Examples:
salt '*' tomcat.leaks
-'http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)
- list all the deployed webapps
- url
- http://localhost:8080/manager the URL of the server manager webapp
- timeout
timeout for HTTP request
CLI Examples:
salt '*' salt '*' http://localhost:8080/manager
- salt.modules.tomcat.passwd(passwd, user='', alg='md5', realm=None)
This function replaces the $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ script
convert a clear-text password to the $CATALINA_BASE/conf/tomcat-users.xml
CLI Examples:
salt '*' tomcat.passwd secret salt '*' tomcat.passwd secret tomcat sha1 salt '*' tomcat.passwd secret tomcat sha1 'Protected Realm'
- salt.modules.tomcat.reload_(app, url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)
- Reload the webapp
- app
- the webapp context path
- url
- http://localhost:8080/manager the URL of the server manager webapp
- timeout
timeout for HTTP request
CLI Examples:
salt '*' tomcat.reload /jenkins salt '*' tomcat.reload /jenkins http://localhost:8080/manager
- salt.modules.tomcat.serverinfo(url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)
- return details about the server
- url
- http://localhost:8080/manager the URL of the server manager webapp
- timeout
timeout for HTTP request
CLI Examples:
salt '*' tomcat.serverinfo salt '*' tomcat.serverinfo http://localhost:8080/manager
- salt.modules.tomcat.sessions(app, url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)
- return the status of the webapp sessions
- app
- the webapp context path
- url
- http://localhost:8080/manager the URL of the server manager webapp
- timeout
timeout for HTTP request
CLI Examples:
salt '*' tomcat.sessions /jenkins salt '*' tomcat.sessions /jenkins http://localhost:8080/manager
- salt.modules.tomcat.signal(signal=None)
Signals catalina to start, stop, securestart, forcestop.
CLI Example:
salt '*' tomcat.signal start
- salt.modules.tomcat.start(app, url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)
- Start the webapp
- app
- the webapp context path
- url
- http://localhost:8080/manager the URL of the server manager webapp
- timeout
timeout for HTTP request
CLI Examples:
salt '*' tomcat.start /jenkins salt '*' tomcat.start /jenkins http://localhost:8080/manager
- salt.modules.tomcat.status(url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)
- Used to test if the tomcat manager is up
- url
- http://localhost:8080/manager the URL of the server manager webapp
- timeout
timeout for HTTP request
CLI Examples:
salt '*' tomcat.status salt '*' tomcat.status http://localhost:8080/manager
- salt.modules.tomcat.status_webapp(app, url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)
- return the status of the webapp (stopped | running | missing)
- app
- the webapp context path
- url
- http://localhost:8080/manager the URL of the server manager webapp
- timeout
timeout for HTTP request
CLI Examples:
salt '*' tomcat.status_webapp /jenkins salt '*' tomcat.status_webapp /jenkins http://localhost:8080/manager
- salt.modules.tomcat.stop(app, url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)
- Stop the webapp
- app
- the webapp context path
- url
- http://localhost:8080/manager the URL of the server manager webapp
- timeout
timeout for HTTP request
CLI Examples:
salt '*' tomcat.stop /jenkins salt '*' tomcat.stop /jenkins http://localhost:8080/manager
- salt.modules.tomcat.undeploy(app, url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)
- Undeploy a webapp
- app
- the webapp context path
- url
- http://localhost:8080/manager the URL of the server manager webapp
- timeout
timeout for HTTP request
CLI Examples:
salt '*' tomcat.undeploy /jenkins salt '*' tomcat.undeploy /jenkins http://localhost:8080/manager
- salt.modules.tomcat.version()
Return server version from version
CLI Example:
salt '*' tomcat.version
Module for notifications via Twilio
New in version 2014.7.0.
- depends
- •
- twilio python module
- configuration
Configure this module by specifying the name of a configuration
profile in the minion config, minion pillar, or master config.
For example:
my-twilio-account: twilio.account_sid: AC32a3c83990934481addd5ce1659f04d2 twilio.auth_token: mytoken
- salt.modules.twilio_notify.send_sms(profile, body, to, from_)
Send an sms
CLI Example: twilio.send_sms twilio-account 'Test sms' '+18019999999' '+18011111111'
Module for the management of upstart systems. The Upstart system only supports service starting, stopping and restarting.
Currently (as of Ubuntu 12.04) there is no tool available to disable Upstart services (like update-rc.d). This[1] is the recommended way to disable an Upstart service. So we assume that all Upstart services that have not been disabled in this manner are enabled.
But this is broken because we do not check to see that the dependent services are enabled. Otherwise we would have to do something like parse the output of "initctl show-config" to determine if all service dependencies are enabled to start on boot. For example, see the "start on" condition for the lightdm service below[2]. And this would be too hard. So we wait until the upstart developers have solved this problem. :) This is to say that an Upstart service that is enabled may not really be enabled.
Also, when an Upstart service is enabled, should the dependent services be enabled too? Probably not. But there should be a notice about this, at least.
[2] example upstart configuration file:
lightdm emits login-session-start emits desktop-session-start emits desktop-shutdown start on ((((filesystem and runlevel [!06]) and started dbus) and (drm-device-added card0 PRIMARY_DEVICE_FOR_DISPLAY=1 or stopped udev-fallback-graphics)) or runlevel PREVLEVEL=S) stop on runlevel [016]
WARNING: This module should not be used on Red Hat systems. For these, the rh_service module should be used, as it supports the hybrid upstart/sysvinit system used in RHEL/CentOS 6.
- salt.modules.upstart.available(name)
Returns True if the specified service is available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.available sshd
- salt.modules.upstart.disable(name, **kwargs)
Disable the named service from starting on boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disable <service name>
- salt.modules.upstart.disabled(name)
Check to see if the named service is disabled to start on boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disabled <service name>
- salt.modules.upstart.enable(name, **kwargs)
Enable the named service to start at boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enable <service name>
- salt.modules.upstart.enabled(name, **kwargs)
Check to see if the named service is enabled to start on boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enabled <service name>
- salt.modules.upstart.force_reload(name)
Force-reload the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.force_reload <service name>
- salt.modules.upstart.full_restart(name)
Do a full restart (stop/start) of the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.full_restart <service name>
- salt.modules.upstart.get_all()
Return all installed services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_all
- salt.modules.upstart.get_disabled()
Return the disabled services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_disabled
- salt.modules.upstart.get_enabled()
Return the enabled services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_enabled
- salt.modules.upstart.missing(name)
The inverse of service.available.
Returns True if the specified service is not available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.missing sshd
- salt.modules.upstart.reload_(name)
Reload the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.reload <service name>
- salt.modules.upstart.restart(name)
Restart the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.restart <service name>
- salt.modules.upstart.start(name)
Start the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.start <service name>
- salt.modules.upstart.status(name, sig=None)
Return the status for a service, returns a bool whether the service is
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.status <service name>
- salt.modules.upstart.stop(name)
Stop the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.stop <service name>
Manage users with the useradd command
- salt.modules.useradd.add(name, uid=None, gid=None, groups=None, home=None, shell=None, unique=True, system=False, fullname='', roomnumber='', workphone='', homephone='', createhome=True, loginclass=None)
Add a user to the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.add name <uid> <gid> <groups> <home> <shell>
- salt.modules.useradd.chfullname(name, fullname)
Change the user's Full Name
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chfullname foo "Foo Bar"
- salt.modules.useradd.chgid(name, gid)
Change the default group of the user
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chgid foo 4376
- salt.modules.useradd.chgroups(name, groups, append=False)
- Change the groups to which this user belongs
- name
- User to modify
- groups
- Groups to set for the user
- append
If True, append the specified group(s). Otherwise, this function
will replace the user's groups with the specified group(s).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' user.chgroups foo wheel,root salt '*' user.chgroups foo wheel,root append=True
- salt.modules.useradd.chhome(name, home, persist=False)
Change the home directory of the user, pass True for persist to move files
to the new home directory if the old home directory exist.
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chhome foo /home/users/foo True
- salt.modules.useradd.chhomephone(name, homephone)
Change the user's Home Phone
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chhomephone foo 7735551234
- salt.modules.useradd.chloginclass(name, loginclass)
Change the default login class of the user
NOTE: This function only applies to OpenBSD systems.
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chloginclass foo staff
- salt.modules.useradd.chroomnumber(name, roomnumber)
Change the user's Room Number
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chroomnumber foo 123
- salt.modules.useradd.chshell(name, shell)
Change the default shell of the user
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chshell foo /bin/zsh
- salt.modules.useradd.chuid(name, uid)
Change the uid for a named user
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chuid foo 4376
- salt.modules.useradd.chworkphone(name, workphone)
Change the user's Work Phone
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chworkphone foo 7735550123
- salt.modules.useradd.delete(name, remove=False, force=False)
Remove a user from the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.delete name remove=True force=True
- salt.modules.useradd.get_loginclass(name)
Get the login class of the user
NOTE: This function only applies to OpenBSD systems.
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.get_loginclass foo
- salt.modules.useradd.getent(refresh=False)
Return the list of all info for all users
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.getent
Return user information
CLI Example:
salt '*' root
- salt.modules.useradd.list_groups(name)
Return a list of groups the named user belongs to
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.list_groups foo
- salt.modules.useradd.list_users()
Return a list of all users
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.list_users
- salt.modules.useradd.rename(name, new_name)
Change the username for a named user
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.rename name new_name
uWSGI stats server
- maintainer
- Peter Baumgartner <pete [at]>
- maturity
- new
- platform
- all
- salt.modules.uwsgi.stats(socket)
- Return the data from uwsgi --connect-and-read as a dictionary.
- socket
The socket the uWSGI stats server is listening on
CLI Example:
salt '*' uwsgi.stats /var/run/mystatsserver.sock salt '*' uwsgi.stats
Support for Varnish
New in version 2014.7.0.
NOTE: These functions are designed to work with all implementations of Varnish from 3.x onwards
- salt.modules.varnish.ban(ban_expression)
Add ban to the varnish cache
CLI Example:
salt '*' varnish.ban ban_expression
- salt.modules.varnish.ban_list()
List varnish cache current bans
CLI Example:
salt '*' varnish.ban_list
- salt.modules.varnish.param_set(param, value)
Set a param in varnish cache
CLI Example:
salt '*' varnish.param_set param value
- salt.modules.varnish.param_show(param=None)
Show params of varnish cache
CLI Example:
salt '*' varnish.param_show param
- salt.modules.varnish.purge()
Purge the varnish cache
CLI Example:
salt '*' varnish.purge
- salt.modules.varnish.version()
Return server version from varnishd -V
CLI Example:
salt '*' varnish.version
VirtualBox Guest Additions installer
- salt.modules.vbox_guest.additions_install(*args, **kwargs)
Install VirtualBox Guest Additions. Uses the CD, connected by VirtualBox.
To connect VirtualBox Guest Additions via VirtualBox graphical interface press 'Host+D' ('Host' is usually 'Right Ctrl').
See for more details.
CLI Example:
salt '*' vbox_guest.additions_install salt '*' vbox_guest.additions_install reboot=True salt '*' vbox_guest.additions_install upgrade_os=True
- Parameters
- •
- reboot (bool) -- reboot computer to complete installation
- •
- upgrade_os (bool) -- upgrade OS (to ensure the latests version of kernel and developer tools are installed)
- Returns
- version of VirtualBox Guest Additions or string with error
- salt.modules.vbox_guest.additions_mount()
Mount VirtualBox Guest Additions CD to the temp directory.
To connect VirtualBox Guest Additions via VirtualBox graphical interface press 'Host+D' ('Host' is usually 'Right Ctrl').
CLI Example:
salt '*' vbox_guest.additions_mount
- Returns
- True or OSError exception
- salt.modules.vbox_guest.additions_remove(**kwargs)
Remove VirtualBox Guest Additions.
Firstly it tries to uninstall itself by executing '/opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-VERSION/ uninstall'. It uses the CD, connected by VirtualBox if it failes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' vbox_guest.additions_remove salt '*' vbox_guest.additions_remove force=True
- Parameters
- force (bool) -- force VirtualBox Guest Additions removing
- Returns
- True if VirtualBox Guest Additions were removed successfully else False
- salt.modules.vbox_guest.additions_umount(mount_point)
Unmount VirtualBox Guest Additions CD from the temp directory.
CLI Example:
salt '*' vbox_guest.additions_umount
- Parameters
- mount_point -- directory VirtualBox Guest Additions is mounted to
- Returns
- True or an string with error
- salt.modules.vbox_guest.additions_version()
Check VirtualBox Guest Additions version.
CLI Example:
salt '*' vbox_guest.additions_version
- Returns
- version of VirtualBox Guest Additions or False if they are not installed
- salt.modules.vbox_guest.grant_access_to_shared_folders_to(name, users=None)
Grant access to auto-mounted shared folders to the users.
User is specified by it's name. To grant access for several users use argument users. Access will be denied to the users not listed in users argument.
See for more details.
CLI Example:
salt '*' vbox_guest.grant_access_to_shared_folders_to fred salt '*' vbox_guest.grant_access_to_shared_folders_to users ['fred', 'roman']
- Parameters
- •
- name (str) -- name of the user to grant access to auto-mounted shared folders to
- •
- users (list of str) -- list of names of users to grant access to auto-mounted shared folders to (if specified, name will not be taken into account)
- Returns
- list of users who have access to auto-mounted shared folders
- salt.modules.vbox_guest.list_shared_folders_users()
List users who have access to auto-mounted shared folders.
See for more details.
CLI Example:
salt '*' vbox_guest.list_shared_folders_users
- Returns
- list of users who have access to auto-mounted shared folders
Work with virtual machines managed by libvirt
- depends
- libvirt Python module
- salt.modules.virt.create(vm_)
Start a defined domain
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.create <vm name>
- salt.modules.virt.create_xml_path(path)
Start a domain based on the XML-file path passed to the function
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.create_xml_path <path to XML file on the node>
- salt.modules.virt.create_xml_str(xml)
Start a domain based on the XML passed to the function
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.create_xml_str <XML in string format>
- salt.modules.virt.ctrl_alt_del(vm_)
Sends CTRL+ALT+DEL to a VM
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.ctrl_alt_del <vm name>
- salt.modules.virt.define_vol_xml_path(path)
Define a volume based on the XML-file path passed to the function
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.define_vol_xml_path <path to XML file on the node>
- salt.modules.virt.define_vol_xml_str(xml)
Define a volume based on the XML passed to the function
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.define_vol_xml_str <XML in string format>
- salt.modules.virt.define_xml_path(path)
Define a domain based on the XML-file path passed to the function
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.define_xml_path <path to XML file on the node>
- salt.modules.virt.define_xml_str(xml)
Define a domain based on the XML passed to the function
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.define_xml_str <XML in string format>
- salt.modules.virt.destroy(vm_)
Hard power down the virtual machine, this is equivalent to pulling the
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.destroy <vm name>
- salt.modules.virt.freecpu()
Return an int representing the number of unallocated cpus on this
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.freecpu
- salt.modules.virt.freemem()
Return an int representing the amount of memory that has not been given
to virtual machines on this node
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.freemem
- salt.modules.virt.full_info()
Return the node_info, vm_info and freemem
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.full_info
- salt.modules.virt.get_disks(vm_)
Return the disks of a named vm
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.get_disks <vm name>
- salt.modules.virt.get_graphics(vm_)
Returns the information on vnc for a given vm
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.get_graphics <vm name>
- salt.modules.virt.get_macs(vm_)
Return a list off MAC addresses from the named vm
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.get_macs <vm name>
- salt.modules.virt.get_nics(vm_)
Return info about the network interfaces of a named vm
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.get_nics <vm name>
- salt.modules.virt.get_profiles(hypervisor=None)
Return the virt profiles for hypervisor.
Currently there are profiles for:
- •
- nic
- •
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.get_profiles salt '*' virt.get_profiles hypervisor=esxi
- salt.modules.virt.get_xml(vm_)
Returns the XML for a given vm
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.get_xml <vm name>
- salt.modules.virt.init(name, cpu, mem, image=None, nic='default', hypervisor='kvm', start=True, disk='default', saltenv='base', **kwargs)
Initialize a new vm
CLI Example:
salt 'hypervisor' virt.init vm_name 4 512 salt://path/to/image.raw salt 'hypervisor' virt.init vm_name 4 512 nic=profile disk=profile
- salt.modules.virt.is_hyper()
Returns a bool whether or not this node is a hypervisor of any kind
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.is_hyper
- salt.modules.virt.is_kvm_hyper()
Returns a bool whether or not this node is a KVM hypervisor
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.is_kvm_hyper
- salt.modules.virt.is_xen_hyper()
Returns a bool whether or not this node is a XEN hypervisor
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.is_xen_hyper
- salt.modules.virt.list_active_vms()
Return a list of names for active virtual machine on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.list_active_vms
- salt.modules.virt.list_inactive_vms()
Return a list of names for inactive virtual machine on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.list_inactive_vms
- salt.modules.virt.list_vms()
Return a list of virtual machine names on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.list_vms
- salt.modules.virt.migrate(vm_, target, ssh=False)
Shared storage migration
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.migrate <vm name> <target hypervisor>
- salt.modules.virt.migrate_non_shared(vm_, target, ssh=False)
Attempt to execute non-shared storage "all" migration
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.migrate_non_shared <vm name> <target hypervisor>
- salt.modules.virt.migrate_non_shared_inc(vm_, target, ssh=False)
Attempt to execute non-shared storage "all" migration
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.migrate_non_shared_inc <vm name> <target hypervisor>
- salt.modules.virt.node_info()
Return a dict with information about this node
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.node_info
- salt.modules.virt.pause(vm_)
Pause the named vm
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.pause <vm name>
- salt.modules.virt.purge(vm_, dirs=False)
Recursively destroy and delete a virtual machine, pass True for dir's to
also delete the directories containing the virtual machine disk images -
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.purge <vm name>
- salt.modules.virt.reboot(vm_)
Reboot a domain via ACPI request
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.reboot <vm name>
- salt.modules.virt.reset(vm_)
Reset a VM by emulating the reset button on a physical machine
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.reset <vm name>
- salt.modules.virt.resume(vm_)
Resume the named vm
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.resume <vm name>
- salt.modules.virt.seed_non_shared_migrate(disks, force=False)
Non shared migration requires that the disks be present on the migration
destination, pass the disks information via this function, to the
migration destination before executing the migration.
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.seed_non_shared_migrate <disks>
- salt.modules.virt.set_autostart(vm_, state='on')
Set the autostart flag on a VM so that the VM will start with the host
system on reboot.
CLI Example:
salt "*" virt.set_autostart <vm name> <on | off>
- salt.modules.virt.setmem(vm_, memory, config=False)
Changes the amount of memory allocated to VM. The VM must be shutdown
for this to work.
memory is to be specified in MB If config is True then we ask libvirt to modify the config as well
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.setmem myvm 768
- salt.modules.virt.setvcpus(vm_, vcpus, config=False)
Changes the amount of vcpus allocated to VM. The VM must be shutdown
for this to work.
vcpus is an int representing the number to be assigned If config is True then we ask libvirt to modify the config as well
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.setvcpus myvm 2
- salt.modules.virt.shutdown(vm_)
Send a soft shutdown signal to the named vm
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.shutdown <vm name>
- salt.modules.virt.start(vm_)
Alias for the obscurely named 'create' function
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.start <vm name>
- salt.modules.virt.stop(vm_)
Alias for the obscurely named 'destroy' function
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.stop <vm name>
- salt.modules.virt.undefine(vm_)
Remove a defined vm, this does not purge the virtual machine image, and
this only works if the vm is powered down
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.undefine <vm name>
- salt.modules.virt.virt_type()
Returns the virtual machine type as a string
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.virt_type
- salt.modules.virt.vm_cputime(vm_=None)
Return cputime used by the vms on this hyper in a
list of dicts:
[ 'your-vm': { 'cputime' <int> 'cputime_percent' <int> }, ... ]
If you pass a VM name in as an argument then it will return info for just the named VM, otherwise it will return all VMs.
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.vm_cputime
- salt.modules.virt.vm_diskstats(vm_=None)
Return disk usage counters used by the vms on this hyper in a
list of dicts:
[ 'your-vm': { 'rd_req' : 0, 'rd_bytes' : 0, 'wr_req' : 0, 'wr_bytes' : 0, 'errs' : 0 }, ... ]
If you pass a VM name in as an argument then it will return info for just the named VM, otherwise it will return all VMs.
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.vm_blockstats
- salt.modules.virt.vm_info(vm_=None)
Return detailed information about the vms on this hyper in a
list of dicts:
[ 'your-vm': { 'cpu': <int>, 'maxMem': <int>, 'mem': <int>, 'state': '<state>', 'cputime' <int> }, ... ]
If you pass a VM name in as an argument then it will return info for just the named VM, otherwise it will return all VMs.
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.vm_info
- salt.modules.virt.vm_netstats(vm_=None)
Return combined network counters used by the vms on this hyper in a
list of dicts:
[ 'your-vm': { 'rx_bytes' : 0, 'rx_packets' : 0, 'rx_errs' : 0, 'rx_drop' : 0, 'tx_bytes' : 0, 'tx_packets' : 0, 'tx_errs' : 0, 'tx_drop' : 0 }, ... ]
If you pass a VM name in as an argument then it will return info for just the named VM, otherwise it will return all VMs.
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.vm_netstats
- salt.modules.virt.vm_state(vm_=None)
Return list of all the vms and their state.
If you pass a VM name in as an argument then it will return info for just the named VM, otherwise it will return all VMs.
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.vm_state <vm name>
Create virtualenv environments.
New in version 0.17.0.
- salt.modules.virtualenv_mod.create(path, venv_bin=None, system_site_packages=False, distribute=False, clear=False, python=None, extra_search_dir=None, never_download=None, prompt=None, pip=False, symlinks=None, upgrade=None, user=None, use_vt=False, saltenv='base')
- Create a virtualenv
- path
- The path to create the virtualenv
- venv_bin
- None (default 'virtualenv') The name (and optionally path) of the virtualenv command. This can also be set globally in the minion config file as virtualenv.venv_bin.
- system_site_packages
- False Passthrough argument given to virtualenv or pyvenv
- distribute
- False Passthrough argument given to virtualenv
- pip
- False Install pip after creating a virtual environment, implies distribute=True
- clear
- False Passthrough argument given to virtualenv or pyvenv
- python
- None (default) Passthrough argument given to virtualenv
- extra_search_dir
- None (default) Passthrough argument given to virtualenv
- never_download
- None (default) Passthrough argument given to virtualenv if True
- prompt
- None (default) Passthrough argument given to virtualenv if not None
- symlinks
- None Passthrough argument given to pyvenv if True
- upgrade
- None Passthrough argument given to pyvenv if True
- user
- None Set ownership for the virtualenv
- runas
- None Set ownership for the virtualenv
- use_vt
Use VT terminal emulation (see ouptut while installing)
New in version 2015.5.0.
- saltenv
Specify a different environment. The default environment is base.
New in version 2014.1.0.
NOTE: The runas argument is deprecated as of 2014.1.0. user should be used instead.
CLI Example:
salt '*' virtualenv.create /path/to/new/virtualenv
- salt.modules.virtualenv_mod.get_resource_content(venv, package_or_requirement, resource_name)
Returns the content of a resource of a package or a distribution inside a virtualenv
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' virtualenv.get_resource_content /path/to/my/venv my_package my/resource.xml
- salt.modules.virtualenv_mod.get_resource_path(venv, package_or_requirement, resource_name)
Returns the path to a resource of a package or a distribution inside a virtualenv
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' virtualenv.get_resource_path /path/to/my/venv my_package my/resource.xml
- salt.modules.virtualenv_mod.get_site_packages(venv)
Returns the path to the site-packages directory inside a virtualenv
CLI Example:
salt '*' virtualenv.get_site_packages /path/to/my/venv
Module for listing programs that automatically run on startup (very alpha...not tested on anything but my Win 7x64)
- salt.modules.win_autoruns.list_()
Get a list of automatically running programs
CLI Example:
salt '*' autoruns.list
Module for gathering disk information on Windows
- depends
- •
- win32api Python module
- salt.modules.win_disk.usage()
Return usage information for volumes mounted on this minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' disk.usage
Module for configuring DNS Client on Windows systems
- salt.modules.win_dns_client.add_dns(ip, interface='Local Area Connection', index=1)
Add the DNS server to the network interface
(index starts from 1)
Note: if the interface DNS is configured by DHCP, all the DNS servers will be removed from the interface and the requested DNS will be the only one
CLI Example:
salt '*' win_dns_client.add_dns <ip> <interface> <index>
- salt.modules.win_dns_client.dns_dhcp(interface='Local Area Connection')
Configure the interface to get its DNS servers from the DHCP server
CLI Example:
salt '*' win_dns_client.dns_dhcp <interface>
- salt.modules.win_dns_client.get_dns_config(interface='Local Area Connection')
Get the type of DNS configuration (dhcp / static)
CLI Example:
salt '*' win_dns_client.get_dns_config 'Local Area Connection'
- salt.modules.win_dns_client.get_dns_servers(interface='Local Area Connection')
Return a list of the configured DNS servers of the specified interface
CLI Example:
salt '*' win_dns_client.get_dns_servers 'Local Area Connection'
- salt.modules.win_dns_client.rm_dns(ip, interface='Local Area Connection')
Remove the DNS server from the network interface
CLI Example:
salt '*' win_dns_client.rm_dns <ip> <interface>
Manage information about files on the minion, set/read user, group data
- depends
- •
- win32api
- •
- win32file
- •
- win32security
- salt.modules.win_file.chgrp(path, group)
Change the group of a file
Under Windows, this will do nothing.
While a file in Windows does have a 'primary group', this rarely used attribute generally has no bearing on permissions unless intentionally configured and is only used to support Unix compatibility features (e.g. Services For Unix, NFS services).
Salt, therefore, remaps this function to do nothing while still being compatible with Unix behavior. When managing Windows systems, this function is superfluous and will generate an info level log entry if used directly.
If you do actually want to set the 'primary group' of a file, use file
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.chpgrp c:\temp\test.txt administrators
- salt.modules.win_file.chown(path, user, group=None, pgroup=None, follow_symlinks=True)
Chown a file, pass the file the desired user and group
Under Windows, the group parameter will be ignored.
This is because while files in Windows do have a 'primary group' property, this is rarely used. It generally has no bearing on permissions unless intentionally configured and is most commonly used to provide Unix compatibility (e.g. Services For Unix, NFS services).
If you do want to change the 'primary group' property and understand the implications, pass the Windows only parameter, pgroup, instead.
To set the primary group to 'None', it must be specified in quotes. Otherwise Salt will interpret it as the Python value of None and no primary group changes will occur. See the example below.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.chown c:\temp\test.txt myusername salt '*' file.chown c:\temp\test.txt myusername pgroup=Administrators salt '*' file.chown c:\temp\test.txt myusername "pgroup='None'"
- salt.modules.win_file.chpgrp(path, group)
Change the group of a file
Under Windows, this will set the rarely used primary group of a file. This generally has no bearing on permissions unless intentionally configured and is most commonly used to provide Unix compatibility (e.g. Services For Unix, NFS services).
Ensure you know what you are doing before using this function.
To set the primary group to 'None', it must be specified in quotes. Otherwise Salt will interpret it as the Python value of None and no primary group changes will occur. See the example below.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.chpgrp c:\temp\test.txt Administrators salt '*' file.chpgrp c:\temp\test.txt "'None'"
- salt.modules.win_file.get_attributes(path)
Return a dictionary object with the Windows
file attributes for a file.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_attributes c:\temp\a.txt
- salt.modules.win_file.get_gid(path, follow_symlinks=True)
Return the id of the group that owns a given file
Under Windows, this will return the uid of the file.
While a file in Windows does have a 'primary group', this rarely used attribute generally has no bearing on permissions unless intentionally configured and is only used to support Unix compatibility features (e.g. Services For Unix, NFS services).
Salt, therefore, remaps this function to provide functionality that somewhat resembles Unix behavior for API compatibility reasons. When managing Windows systems, this function is superfluous and will generate an info level log entry if used directly.
If you do actually want to access the 'primary group' of a file, use file.get_pgid.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_gid c:\temp\test.txt
- salt.modules.win_file.get_group(path, follow_symlinks=True)
Return the group that owns a given file
Under Windows, this will return the user (owner) of the file.
While a file in Windows does have a 'primary group', this rarely used attribute generally has no bearing on permissions unless intentionally configured and is only used to support Unix compatibility features (e.g. Services For Unix, NFS services).
Salt, therefore, remaps this function to provide functionality that somewhat resembles Unix behavior for API compatibility reasons. When managing Windows systems, this function is superfluous and will generate an info level log entry if used directly.
If you do actually want to access the 'primary group' of a file, use file.get_pgroup.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_group c:\temp\test.txt
- salt.modules.win_file.get_mode(path)
Return the mode of a file
Right now we're just returning None because Windows' doesn't have a mode like Linux
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_mode /etc/passwd
- salt.modules.win_file.get_pgid(path, follow_symlinks=True)
Return the id of the primary group that owns a given file (Windows only)
This function will return the rarely used primary group of a file. This generally has no bearing on permissions unless intentionally configured and is most commonly used to provide Unix compatibility (e.g. Services For Unix, NFS services).
Ensure you know what you are doing before using this function.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_pgid c:\temp\test.txt
- salt.modules.win_file.get_pgroup(path, follow_symlinks=True)
Return the name of the primary group that owns a given file (Windows only)
This function will return the rarely used primary group of a file. This generally has no bearing on permissions unless intentionally configured and is most commonly used to provide Unix compatibility (e.g. Services For Unix, NFS services).
Ensure you know what you are doing before using this function.
The return value may be 'None', e.g. if the user is not on a domain. This is a valid group - do not confuse this with the Salt/Python value of None which means no value was returned. To be certain, use the get_pgid function which will return the SID, including for the system 'None' group.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_pgroup c:\temp\test.txt
- salt.modules.win_file.get_uid(path, follow_symlinks=True)
Return the id of the user that owns a given file
Symlinks are followed by default to mimic Unix behavior. Specify follow_symlinks=False to turn off this behavior.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_uid c:\temp\test.txt salt '*' file.get_uid c:\temp\test.txt follow_symlinks=False
- salt.modules.win_file.get_user(path, follow_symlinks=True)
Return the user that owns a given file
Symlinks are followed by default to mimic Unix behavior. Specify follow_symlinks=False to turn off this behavior.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.get_user c:\temp\test.txt salt '*' file.get_user c:\temp\test.txt follow_symlinks=False
- salt.modules.win_file.gid_to_group(gid)
Convert the group id to the group name on this system
Under Windows, because groups are just another ACL entity, this function behaves the same as uid_to_user.
For maintaining Windows systems, this function is superfluous and only exists for API compatibility with Unix. Use the uid_to_user function instead; an info level log entry will be generated if this function is used directly.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.gid_to_group S-1-5-21-626487655-2533044672-482107328-1010
- salt.modules.win_file.group_to_gid(group)
Convert the group to the gid on this system
Under Windows, because groups are just another ACL entity, this function behaves the same as user_to_uid, except if None is given, '' is returned.
For maintaining Windows systems, this function is superfluous and only exists for API compatibility with Unix. Use the user_to_uid function instead; an info level log entry will be generated if this function is used directly.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.group_to_gid administrators
- salt.modules.win_file.is_link(path)
Return the path that a symlink points to
This is only supported on Windows Vista or later.
Inline with Unix behavior, this function will raise an error if the path is not a symlink, however, the error raised will be a SaltInvocationError, not an OSError.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.is_link /path/to/link
- salt.modules.win_file.lchown(path, user, group=None, pgroup=None)
Chown a file, pass the file the desired user and group without following any
Under Windows, the group parameter will be ignored.
This is because while files in Windows do have a 'primary group' property, this is rarely used. It generally has no bearing on permissions unless intentionally configured and is most commonly used to provide Unix compatibility (e.g. Services For Unix, NFS services).
If you do want to change the 'primary group' property and understand the implications, pass the Windows only parameter, pgroup, instead.
To set the primary group to 'None', it must be specified in quotes. Otherwise Salt will interpret it as the Python value of None and no primary group changes will occur. See the example below.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.lchown c:\temp\test.txt myusername salt '*' file.lchown c:\temp\test.txt myusername pgroup=Administrators salt '*' file.lchown c:\temp\test.txt myusername "pgroup='None'"
- salt.modules.win_file.readlink(path)
Return the path that a symlink points to
This is only supported on Windows Vista or later.
Inline with Unix behavior, this function will raise an error if the path is not a symlink, however, the error raised will be a SaltInvocationError, not an OSError.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.readlink /path/to/link
- salt.modules.win_file.remove(path, force=False)
- Remove the named file or directory
- Parameters
- •
- path (str) -- The path to the file or directory to remove.
- •
- force (bool) -- Remove even if marked Read-Only
- Returns
- True if successful, False if unsuccessful
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.remove C:\Temp
- salt.modules.win_file.set_attributes(path, archive=None, hidden=None, normal=None, notIndexed=None, readonly=None, system=None, temporary=None)
Set file attributes for a file. Note that the normal attribute
means that all others are false. So setting it will clear all others.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.set_attributes c:\temp\a.txt normal=True salt '*' file.set_attributes c:\temp\a.txt readonly=True hidden=True
- salt.modules.win_file.set_mode(path, mode)
Set the mode of a file
This just calls get_mode, which returns None because we don't use mode on Windows
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.set_mode /etc/passwd 0644
- salt.modules.win_file.stats(path, hash_type='md5', follow_symlinks=True)
Return a dict containing the stats for a given file
Under Windows, gid will equal uid and group will equal user.
While a file in Windows does have a 'primary group', this rarely used attribute generally has no bearing on permissions unless intentionally configured and is only used to support Unix compatibility features (e.g. Services For Unix, NFS services).
Salt, therefore, remaps these properties to keep some kind of compatibility with Unix behavior. If the 'primary group' is required, it can be accessed in the pgroup and pgid properties.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.stats /etc/passwd
- salt.modules.win_file.symlink(src, link)
Create a symbolic link to a file
This is only supported with Windows Vista or later and must be executed by a user with the SeCreateSymbolicLink privilege.
The behavior of this function matches the Unix equivalent, with one exception - invalid symlinks cannot be created. The source path must exist. If it doesn't, an error will be raised.
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.symlink /path/to/file /path/to/link
- salt.modules.win_file.uid_to_user(uid)
Convert a uid to a user name
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.uid_to_user S-1-5-21-626487655-2533044672-482107328-1010
- salt.modules.win_file.user_to_uid(user)
Convert user name to a uid
CLI Example:
salt '*' file.user_to_uid myusername
Module for configuring Windows Firewall
- salt.modules.win_firewall.add_rule(name, localport, protocol='tcp', action='allow', dir='in')
New in version 2015.5.0.
Add a new firewall rule
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewall.add_rule "test" "tcp" "8080"
- salt.modules.win_firewall.disable(profile='allprofiles')
Disable all the firewall profiles
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewall.disable
- salt.modules.win_firewall.enable(profile='allprofiles')
Enable firewall profile :param profile: (default: allprofiles)
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewall.enable
- salt.modules.win_firewall.get_config()
Get the status of all the firewall profiles
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewall.get_config
- salt.modules.win_firewall.get_rule(name='all')
New in version 2015.5.0.
Get firewall rule(s) info
CLI Example:
salt '*' firewall.get_rule "MyAppPort"
Manage groups on Windows
- salt.modules.win_groupadd.add(name, gid=None, system=False)
Add the specified group
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.add foo
- salt.modules.win_groupadd.adduser(name, username)
add a user to a group
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.adduser foo username
- salt.modules.win_groupadd.delete(name)
Remove the named group
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.delete foo
- salt.modules.win_groupadd.deluser(name, username)
remove a user from a group
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.deluser foo username
- salt.modules.win_groupadd.getent(refresh=False)
Return info on all groups
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.getent
Return information about a group
CLI Example:
salt '*' foo
- salt.modules.win_groupadd.members(name, members_list)
remove a user from a group
CLI Example:
salt '*' group.members foo 'user1,user2,user3'
The networking module for Windows based systems
- salt.modules.win_ip.disable(iface)
Disable an interface
CLI Example:
salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.disable 'Local Area Connection #2'
- salt.modules.win_ip.enable(iface)
Enable an interface
CLI Example:
salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.enable 'Local Area Connection #2'
- salt.modules.win_ip.get_all_interfaces()
Return configs for all interfaces
CLI Example:
salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.get_all_interfaces
- salt.modules.win_ip.get_default_gateway()
Set DNS source to DHCP on Windows
CLI Example:
salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.get_default_gateway
- salt.modules.win_ip.get_interface(iface)
Return the configuration of a network interface
CLI Example:
salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.get_interface 'Local Area Connection'
- salt.modules.win_ip.get_subnet_length(mask)
Convenience function to convert the netmask to the CIDR subnet length
CLI Example:
salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.get_subnet_length
- salt.modules.win_ip.is_disabled(iface)
Returns True if interface is disabled, otherwise False
CLI Example:
salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.is_disabled 'Local Area Connection #2'
- salt.modules.win_ip.is_enabled(iface)
Returns True if interface is enabled, otherwise False
CLI Example:
salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.is_enabled 'Local Area Connection #2'
- salt.modules.win_ip.raw_interface_configs()
Return raw configs for all interfaces
CLI Example:
salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.raw_interface_configs
- salt.modules.win_ip.set_dhcp_all(iface)
Set both IP Address and DNS to DHCP
CLI Example:
salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.set_dhcp_all 'Local Area Connection'
- salt.modules.win_ip.set_dhcp_dns(iface)
Set DNS source to DHCP on Windows
CLI Example:
salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.set_dhcp_dns 'Local Area Connection'
- salt.modules.win_ip.set_dhcp_ip(iface)
Set Windows NIC to get IP from DHCP
CLI Example:
salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.set_dhcp_ip 'Local Area Connection'
- salt.modules.win_ip.set_static_dns(iface, *addrs)
Set static DNS configuration on a Windows NIC
CLI Example:
salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.set_static_dns 'Local Area Connection' '' salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.set_static_dns 'Local Area Connection' '' ''
- salt.modules.win_ip.set_static_ip(iface, addr, gateway=None, append=False)
- Set static IP configuration on a Windows NIC
- iface
- The name of the interface to manage
- addr
- IP address with subnet length (ex. The ip.get_subnet_length function can be used to calculate the subnet length from a netmask.
- gateway
- None If specified, the default gateway will be set to this value.
- append
If True, this IP address will be added to the interface. Default is
False, which overrides any existing configuration for the interface
and sets addr as the only address on the interface.
CLI Example:
salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.set_static_ip 'Local Area Connection' gateway= salt -G 'os_family:Windows' ip.set_static_ip 'Local Area Connection' append=True
Module for gathering and managing network information
- salt.modules.win_network.dig(host)
Performs a DNS lookup with dig
Note: dig must be installed on the Windows minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.dig
- salt.modules.win_network.hw_addr(iface)
Return the hardware address (a.k.a. MAC address) for a given interface
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.hw_addr 'Wireless Connection #1'
- salt.modules.win_network.hwaddr(iface)
Return the hardware address (a.k.a. MAC address) for a given interface
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.hw_addr 'Wireless Connection #1'
- salt.modules.win_network.in_subnet(cidr)
Returns True if host is within specified subnet, otherwise False
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.in_subnet
- salt.modules.win_network.interfaces()
Return a dictionary of information about all the interfaces on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.interfaces
- salt.modules.win_network.interfaces_names()
Return a list of all the interfaces names
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.interfaces_names
- salt.modules.win_network.ip_addrs(interface=None, include_loopback=False)
Returns a list of IPv4 addresses assigned to the host. is
ignored, unless 'include_loopback=True' is indicated. If 'interface' is
provided, then only IP addresses from that interface will be returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.ip_addrs
- salt.modules.win_network.ip_addrs6(interface=None, include_loopback=False)
Returns a list of IPv6 addresses assigned to the host. ::1 is ignored,
unless 'include_loopback=True' is indicated. If 'interface' is provided,
then only IP addresses from that interface will be returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.ip_addrs6
- salt.modules.win_network.ipaddrs(interface=None, include_loopback=False)
Returns a list of IPv4 addresses assigned to the host. is
ignored, unless 'include_loopback=True' is indicated. If 'interface' is
provided, then only IP addresses from that interface will be returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.ip_addrs
- salt.modules.win_network.ipaddrs6(interface=None, include_loopback=False)
Returns a list of IPv6 addresses assigned to the host. ::1 is ignored,
unless 'include_loopback=True' is indicated. If 'interface' is provided,
then only IP addresses from that interface will be returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.ip_addrs6
- salt.modules.win_network.netstat()
Return information on open ports and states
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.netstat
- salt.modules.win_network.nslookup(host)
Query DNS for information about a domain or ip address
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.nslookup
Performs a ping to a host
CLI Example:
salt '*'
- salt.modules.win_network.subnets()
Returns a list of subnets to which the host belongs
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.subnets
- salt.modules.win_network.traceroute(host)
Performs a traceroute to a 3rd party host
CLI Example:
salt '*' network.traceroute
Management of NTP servers on Windows
New in version 2014.1.0.
- salt.modules.win_ntp.get_servers()
Get list of configured NTP servers
CLI Example:
salt '*' ntp.get_servers
- salt.modules.win_ntp.set_servers(*servers)
Set Windows to use a list of NTP servers
CLI Example:
salt '*' ntp.set_servers '' ''
Manage the Windows System PATH
Note that not all Windows applications will rehash the PATH environment variable, Only the ones that listen to the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message
- salt.modules.win_path.add(path, index=0)
- Add the directory to the SYSTEM path in the index location
- Returns:
boolean True if successful, False if unsuccessful
CLI Example:
# Will add to the beginning of the path salt '*' win_path.add 'c:\python27' 0 # Will add to the end of the path salt '*' win_path.add 'c:\python27' index='-1'
- salt.modules.win_path.exists(path)
- Check if the directory is configured in the SYSTEM path Case-insensitive and ignores trailing backslash
- Returns:
boolean True if path exists, False if not
CLI Example:
salt '*' win_path.exists 'c:\python27' salt '*' win_path.exists 'c:\python27\' salt '*' win_path.exists 'C:\pyThon27'
- salt.modules.win_path.get_path()
Returns a list of items in the SYSTEM path
CLI Example:
salt '*' win_path.get_path
- salt.modules.win_path.rehash()
Send a WM_SETTINGCHANGE Broadcast to Windows to refresh the Environment variables
CLI Example:
... code-block:: bash salt '*' win_path.rehash
- salt.modules.win_path.remove(path)
- Remove the directory from the SYSTEM path
- Returns:
boolean True if successful, False if unsuccessful
CLI Example:
# Will remove C:\Python27 from the path salt '*' win_path.remove 'c:\\python27'
A module to manage software on Windows
- depends
- •
- win32com
- •
- win32con
- •
- win32api
- •
- pywintypes
- salt.modules.win_pkg.get_repo_data(saltenv='base')
Returns the cached winrepo data
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.get_repo_data
- salt.modules.win_pkg.install(name=None, refresh=False, pkgs=None, saltenv='base', **kwargs)
- Install the passed package from the winrepo
- Parameters
- •
- name (str or None) -- The name of the package to install
- •
- refresh (bool) -- Boolean value representing whether or not to refresh the winrepo db
- •
- pkgs (list or None) -- A list of packages to install from a software repository. All packages listed under pkgs will be installed via a single command.
- •
- saltenv (str) -- The salt environment to use. Default is base.
- •
- kwargs (dict) -- Any additional argument that may be passed from the state module. If they don't apply, they are ignored.
- Returns
Return a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>',
'new': '<new-version>'}}CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name>
- salt.modules.win_pkg.latest_version(*names, **kwargs)
Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or
installation. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty string will be returned for that package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
- salt.modules.win_pkg.list_available(*names)
Return a list of available versions of the specified package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_available <package name> salt '*' pkg.list_available <package name01> <package name02>
- salt.modules.win_pkg.list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs)
List the packages currently installed in a dict:
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs versions_as_list=True
- salt.modules.win_pkg.list_upgrades(refresh=True)
List all available package upgrades on this system
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades
- salt.modules.win_pkg.purge(name=None, pkgs=None, version=None, **kwargs)
- Package purges are not supported, this function is identical to remove().
- name
- The name of the package to be deleted.
- version
The version of the package to be deleted. If this option is used in
combination with the pkgs option below, then this version will be
applied to all targeted packages.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.purge <package name> salt '*' pkg.purge <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.purge pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.win_pkg.refresh_db(saltenv='base')
Just recheck the repository and return a dict:
{'<database name>': Bool}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.refresh_db
- salt.modules.win_pkg.remove(name=None, pkgs=None, version=None, extra_uninstall_flags=None, **kwargs)
- Remove packages.
- name
- The name of the package to be deleted.
- version
The version of the package to be deleted. If this option is used in
combination with the pkgs option below, then this version will be
applied to all targeted packages.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> salt '*' pkg.remove <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.win_pkg.upgrade(refresh=True)
Run a full system upgrade
Return a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade
- salt.modules.win_pkg.upgrade_available(name)
Check whether or not an upgrade is available for a given package
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade_available <package name>
- salt.modules.win_pkg.version(*names, **kwargs)
Returns a version if the package is installed, else returns an empty string
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version <package name>
Module to manage Windows software repo on a Standalone Minion
- The following options must be set in the Minion config:
file_client: local
win_repo_cachefile: c:saltfile_rootswinrepowinrepo.p
win_repo: c:saltfile_rootswinrepo
Place all Windows package files in the 'win_repo' directory.
- salt.modules.win_repo.genrepo()
Generate win_repo_cachefile based on sls files in the win_repo
CLI Example:
salt-call winrepo.genrepo -c c:\salt\conf
- salt.modules.win_repo.update_git_repos()
Checkout git repos containing Windows Software Package Definitions
NOTE: This function will not work unless git is installed and the git module is further updated to work on Windows. In the meantime just place all Windows package files in the win_repo directory.
Manage Windows features via the ServerManager powershell module
- salt.modules.win_servermanager.install(feature, recurse=False)
Install a feature
Note: Some features requires reboot after un/installation, if so until the server is restarted Other features can not be installed !
Note: Some features takes a long time to complete un/installation, set -t with a long timeout
CLI Example:
salt '*' win_servermanager.install Telnet-Client salt '*' win_servermanager.install SNMP-Service True
- salt.modules.win_servermanager.list_available()
List available features to install
CLI Example:
salt '*' win_servermanager.list_available
- salt.modules.win_servermanager.list_installed()
List installed features. Supported on Windows Server 2008 and Windows 8 and
CLI Example:
salt '*' win_servermanager.list_installed
- salt.modules.win_servermanager.remove(feature)
Remove an installed feature
NOTE: Some features require a reboot after installation/uninstallation. If one of these features are modified, then other features cannot be installed until the server is restarted. Additionally, some features take a while to complete installation/uninstallation, so it is a good idea to use the -t option to set a longer timeout.
CLI Example:
salt -t 600 '*' win_servermanager.remove Telnet-Client
Windows Service module.
- salt.modules.win_service.available(name)
Returns True if the specified service is available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.available <service name>
- salt.modules.win_service.create_win_salt_restart_task()
Create a task in Windows task scheduler to enable restarting the salt-minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.create_win_salt_restart_task()
- salt.modules.win_service.disable(name, **kwargs)
Disable the named service to start at boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disable <service name>
- salt.modules.win_service.disabled(name)
Check to see if the named service is disabled to start on boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.disabled <service name>
- salt.modules.win_service.enable(name, **kwargs)
Enable the named service to start at boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enable <service name>
- salt.modules.win_service.enabled(name, **kwargs)
Check to see if the named service is enabled to start on boot
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.enabled <service name>
- salt.modules.win_service.execute_salt_restart_task()
Run the Windows Salt restart task
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.execute_salt_restart_task()
- salt.modules.win_service.get_all()
Return all installed services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_all
- salt.modules.win_service.get_disabled()
Return the disabled services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_disabled
- salt.modules.win_service.get_enabled()
Return the enabled services
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_enabled
- salt.modules.win_service.get_service_name(*args)
The Display Name is what is displayed in Windows when services.msc is
executed. Each Display Name has an associated Service Name which is the
actual name of the service. This function allows you to discover the
Service Name by returning a dictionary of Display Names and Service Names,
or filter by adding arguments of Display Names.
If no args are passed, return a dict of all services where the keys are the service Display Names and the values are the Service Names.
If arguments are passed, create a dict of Display Names and Service Names
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.get_service_name salt '*' service.get_service_name 'Google Update Service (gupdate)' 'DHCP Client'
- salt.modules.win_service.getsid(name)
Return the sid for this windows service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.getsid <service name>
- salt.modules.win_service.has_powershell()
Confirm if Powershell is available
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.has_powershell
- salt.modules.win_service.missing(name)
The inverse of service.available.
Returns True if the specified service is not available, otherwise returns
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.missing <service name>
- salt.modules.win_service.restart(name)
Restart the named service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.restart <service name>
- salt.modules.win_service.start(name)
Start the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.start <service name>
- salt.modules.win_service.status(name, sig=None)
Return the status for a service, returns the PID or an empty string if the
service is running or not, pass a signature to use to find the service via
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.status <service name> [service signature]
- salt.modules.win_service.stop(name)
Stop the specified service
CLI Example:
salt '*' service.stop <service name>
Manage the shadow file
Return information for the specified user
This is just returns dummy data so that salt states can work.
CLI Example:
salt '*' root
- salt.modules.win_shadow.set_password(name, password)
Set the password for a named user.
CLI Example:
salt '*' shadow.set_password root mysecretpassword
Module for returning various status data about a minion. These data can be useful for compiling into stats later.
- depends
- •
- pythoncom
- •
- wmi
- salt.modules.win_status.master(master=None, connected=True)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Fire an event if the minion gets disconnected from its master. This function is meant to be run via a scheduled job from the minion. If master_ip is an FQDN/Hostname, is must be resolvable to a valid IPv4 address.
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.master
- salt.modules.win_status.procs()
Return the process data
CLI Example:
salt '*' status.procs
Module for managing windows systems.
- depends
- •
Support for reboot, shutdown, etc
- salt.modules.win_system.get_computer_desc()
- Get the Windows computer description
- Returns
Returns the computer description if found. Otherwise returns False
CLI Example:
salt 'minion-id' system.get_computer_desc
- salt.modules.win_system.get_computer_name()
- Get the Windows computer name
- Returns
Returns the computer name if found. Otherwise returns False
CLI Example:
salt 'minion-id' system.get_computer_name
- salt.modules.win_system.get_domain_workgroup()
Get the domain or workgroup the computer belongs to.
New in version 2015.5.7.
New in version 2015.8.2.
- Returns
- The name of the domain or workgroup
- Return type
- str
- salt.modules.win_system.get_pending_computer_name()
- Get a pending computer name. If the computer name has been changed, and the change is pending a system reboot, this function will return the pending computer name. Otherwise, None will be returned. If there was an error retrieving the pending computer name, False will be returned, and an error message will be logged to the minion log.
- Returns
Returns the pending name if pending restart. Returns none if not pending
CLI Example:
salt 'minion-id' system.get_pending_computer_name
- salt.modules.win_system.get_system_date()
- Get the Windows system date
- Returns
- Returns the system date.
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' system.get_system_date
- salt.modules.win_system.get_system_info()
- Get system information.
- Returns
- Returns a Dictionary containing information about the system to include name, description, version, etc...
- Return type
- dict
- salt.modules.win_system.get_system_time()
- Get the system time.
- Returns
- Returns the system time in HH:MM AM/PM format.
- Return type
- str
- salt.modules.win_system.halt(timeout=5)
- Halt a running system.
- Parameters
- timeout (int) -- Number of seconds before halting the system. Default is 5 seconds.
- Returns
- True is successful.
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' system.halt
- salt.modules.win_system.init(runlevel)
Change the system runlevel on sysV compatible systems
CLI Example:
salt '*' system.init 3
- salt.modules.win_system.join_domain(domain, username=None, password=None, account_ou=None, account_exists=False, restart=False)
- Join a computer to an Active Directory domain. Requires reboot.
- Parameters
- •
- domain (str) -- The domain to which the computer should be joined, e.g.
- •
- username (str) -- Username of an account which is authorized to join computers to the specified domain. Need to be either fully qualified like user [at] domain.tld or simply user
- •
- password (str) -- Password of the specified user
- •
- account_ou (str) -- The DN of the OU below which the account for this computer should be created when joining the domain, e.g. ou=computers,ou=departm_432,dc=my-company,dc=com
- •
- account_exists (bool) -- Needs to be set to True to allow re-using an existing account
- •
restart (bool) -- Restarts the computer after a successful join
New in version 2015.5.7.
New in version 2015.8.2.
- Returns
- Returns a dictionary if successful. False if unsuccessful.
- Return type
dict, bool
CLI Example:
salt 'minion-id' system.join_domain domain='domain.tld' \ username='joinuser' password='joinpassword' \ account_ou='ou=clients,ou=org,dc=domain,dc=tld' \ account_exists=False, restart=True
- salt.modules.win_system.lock()
- Lock the workstation.
- Returns
- True if successful
- Return type
- bool
- salt.modules.win_system.poweroff(timeout=5)
- Power off a running system.
- Parameters
- timeout (int) -- Number of seconds before powering off the system. Default is 5 seconds.
- Returns
- True if successful
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' system.poweroff
- salt.modules.win_system.reboot(timeout=5)
- Reboot a running system.
- Parameters
- timeout (int) -- Number of seconds before rebooting the system. Default is 5 seconds.
- Returns
- True if successful
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' system.reboot
- salt.modules.win_system.set_computer_desc(desc=None)
- Set the Windows computer description
- Parameters
- desc (str) -- The computer description
- Returns
False if it fails. Description if successful.
CLI Example:
salt 'minion-id' system.set_computer_desc 'This computer belongs to Dave!'
- salt.modules.win_system.set_computer_name(name)
- Set the Windows computer name
- Parameters
- name (str) -- The new name to give the computer. Requires a reboot to take effect.
- Returns
Returns a dictionary containing the old and new names if successful.
False if not.
CLI Example:
salt 'minion-id' system.set_computer_name 'DavesComputer'
- salt.modules.win_system.set_system_date(newdate)
- Set the Windows system date. Use <mm-dd-yy> format for the date.
- Parameters
newdate (str) -- The date to set. Can be any of the following formats
CLI Example:
salt '*' system.set_system_date '03-28-13'
- salt.modules.win_system.set_system_date_time(years=None, months=None, days=None, hours=None, minutes=None, seconds=None)
- Set the system date and time. Each argument is an element of the date, but not required. If an element is not passed, the current system value for that element will be used. For example, if you don't pass the year, the current system year will be used. (Used by set_system_date and set_system_time)
- Parameters
- •
- years (int) -- Years digit, ie: 2015
- •
- months (int) -- Months digit: 1 - 12
- •
- days (int) -- Days digit: 1 - 31
- •
- hours (int) -- Hours digit: 0 - 23
- •
- minutes (int) -- Minutes digit: 0 - 59
- •
- seconds (int) -- Seconds digit: 0 - 59
- Returns
- True if successful. Otherwise False.
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' system.set_system_date_ time 2015 5 12 11 37 53
- salt.modules.win_system.set_system_time(newtime)
- Set the system time.
- Parameters
- newtime (str) -- The time to set. Can be any of the following formats. - HH:MM:SS AM/PM - HH:MM AM/PM - HH:MM:SS (24 hour) - HH:MM (24 hour)
- Returns
- Returns True if successful. Otherwise False.
- Return type
- bool
- salt.modules.win_system.shutdown(message=None, timeout=5, force_close=True, reboot=False)
- Shutdown a running system.
- Parameters
- •
- message (str) -- A message to display to the user before shutting down.
- •
timeout (int) --
The length of time that the shutdown dialog box should be displayed, in seconds. While this dialog box is displayed, the shutdown can be stopped by the shutdown_abort function.
If dwTimeout is not zero, InitiateSystemShutdown displays a dialog box on the specified computer. The dialog box displays the name of the user who called the function, displays the message specified by the lpMessage parameter, and prompts the user to log off. The dialog box beeps when it is created and remains on top of other windows in the system. The dialog box can be moved but not closed. A timer counts down the remaining time before a forced shutdown.
If dwTimeout is zero, the computer shuts down without displaying the dialog box, and the shutdown cannot be stopped by shutdown_abort.
Default is 5
- •
- force_close (bool) -- True to force close all open applications. False displays a dialog box instructing the user to close the applications.
- •
- reboot (bool) -- True restarts the computer immediately after shutdown. False caches to disk and safely powers down the system.
- Returns
- True if successful
- Return type
- bool
- salt.modules.win_system.shutdown_abort()
- Abort a shutdown. Only available while the dialog box is being displayed to the user. Once the shutdown has initiated, it cannot be aborted
- Returns
- True if successful
- Return type
- bool
- salt.modules.win_system.shutdown_hard()
- Shutdown a running system with no timeout or warning.
- Parameters
- timeout (int) -- Number of seconds before shutting down the system. Default is 5 seconds.
- Returns
- True if successful
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' system.shutdown_hard
- salt.modules.win_system.start_time_service()
- Start the Windows time service
- Returns
- True if successful. Otherwise False
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' system.start_time_service
- salt.modules.win_system.stop_time_service()
- Stop the Windows time service
- Returns
- True if successful. Otherwise False
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' system.stop_time_service
- salt.modules.win_system.unjoin_domain(username=None, password=None, domain=None, workgroup='WORKGROUP', disable=False, restart=False)
- Unjoin a computer from an Active Directory Domain. Requires restart.
- Parameters
- •
- username -- Username of an account which is authorized to manage computer accounts on the domain. Need to be fully qualified like user [at] domain.tld or domain.tld\user. If domain not specified, the passed domain will be used. If computer account doesn't need to be disabled, can be None.
- •
- password (str) -- Password of the specified user
- •
- domain (str) -- The domain from which to unjoin the computer. Can be None
- •
workgroup (str) -- The workgroup to join the computer to. Default is
New in version 2015.5.7.
New in version 2015.8.2.
- Parameters
- •
- disable (bool) -- Disable the user account in Active Directory. True to disable.
- •
restart (bool) -- Restart the computer after successful unjoin
New in version 2015.5.7.
New in version 2015.8.2.
- Returns
- Returns a dictionary if successful. False if unsuccessful.
- Return type
dict, bool
CLI Example:
salt 'minion-id' system.unjoin_domain restart=True salt 'minion-id' system.unjoin_domain username='unjoinuser' \\ password='unjoinpassword' disable=True \\ restart=True
Module for managing timezone on Windows systems.
- salt.modules.win_timezone.get_hwclock()
Get current hardware clock setting (UTC or localtime)
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.get_hwclock
- salt.modules.win_timezone.get_offset()
Get current numeric timezone offset from UCT (i.e. -0700)
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.get_offset
- salt.modules.win_timezone.get_zone()
Get current timezone (i.e. America/Denver)
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.get_zone
- salt.modules.win_timezone.get_zonecode()
Get current timezone (i.e. PST, MDT, etc)
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.get_zonecode
- salt.modules.win_timezone.set_hwclock(clock)
Sets the hardware clock to be either UTC or localtime
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.set_hwclock UTC
- salt.modules.win_timezone.set_zone(timezone)
Unlinks, then symlinks /etc/localtime to the set timezone.
The timezone is crucial to several system processes, each of which SHOULD be restarted (for instance, whatever you system uses as its cron and syslog daemons). This will not be magically done for you!
CLI Example:
salt '*' timezone.set_zone 'America/Denver'
- salt.modules.win_timezone.zone_compare(timezone)
Checks the md5sum between the given timezone, and the one set in
/etc/localtime. Returns True if they match, and False if not. Mostly useful
for running state checks.
salt '*' timezone.zone_compare 'America/Denver'
Module for running windows updates.
- depends
- •
- win32com
- •
- win32con
- •
- win32api
- •
New in version 2014.7.0.
- class salt.modules.win_update.PyWinUpdater(categories=None, skipUI=True, skipDownloaded=False, skipInstalled=True, skipReboot=False, skipPresent=False, softwareUpdates=True, driverUpdates=False, skipHidden=True)
- AutoSearch()
- this function generates a search string. simplifying the search function while still providing as many features as possible.
- Download()
- GetAvailableCategories()
- GetCategories()
- GetDownloadResults()
- GetInstallationResults()
- this gets results of installation process.
- GetInstallationResultsPretty()
- converts the installation results into a pretty print.
- GetSearchResults()
- GetSearchResultsPretty()
- Install()
- Search(searchString)
- SetCategories(categories)
- SetInclude(include, state)
- SetIncludes(includes)
- salt.modules.win_update.download_updates(includes=None, retries=5, categories=None)
Downloads all available updates, skipping those that require user
Various aspects of the updates can be included or excluded. this feature is still in development.
- retries
- Number of retries to make before giving up. This is total, not per step.
- categories
Specify the categories to update. Must be passed as a list.
salt '*' win_update.download_updates categories="['Updates']"
Categories include the following:
- •
- Updates
- •
- Windows 7
- •
- Critical Updates
- •
- Security Updates
- •
Update Rollups
CLI Examples:
# Normal Usage salt '*' win_update.download_updates # Download critical updates only salt '*' win_update.download_updates categories="['Critical Updates']"
- salt.modules.win_update.install_updates(includes=None, retries=5, categories=None)
Downloads and installs all available updates, skipping those that require
user interaction.
Add cached to only install those updates which have already been downloaded.
you can set the maximum number of retries to n in the search process by adding: retries=n
various aspects of the updates can be included or excluded. This function is still under development.
- retries
- Number of retries to make before giving up. This is total, not per step.
- categories
Specify the categories to install. Must be passed as a list.
salt '*' win_update.install_updates categories="['Updates']"
Categories include the following:
- •
- Updates
- •
- Windows 7
- •
- Critical Updates
- •
- Security Updates
- •
Update Rollups
CLI Examples:
# Normal Usage salt '*' win_update.install_updates # Install all critical updates salt '*' win_update.install_updates categories="['Critical Updates']"
- salt.modules.win_update.list_updates(verbose=False, includes=None, retries=5, categories=None)
- Returns a summary of available updates, grouped into their non-mutually exclusive categories.
- verbose
- Print results in greater detail
- retries
- Number of retries to make before giving up. This is total, not per step.
- categories
Specify the categories to list. Must be passed as a list.
salt '*' win_update.list_updates categories="['Updates']"
Categories include the following:
- •
- Updates
- •
- Windows 7
- •
- Critical Updates
- •
- Security Updates
- •
Update Rollups
CLI Examples:
# Normal Usage salt '*' win_update.list_updates # List all critical updates list in verbose detail salt '*' win_update.list_updates categories=['Critical Updates'] verbose=True
Module for managing Windows Users
- depends
- •
- pywintypes
- •
- win32api
- •
- win32net
- •
- win32netcon
- •
- win32profile
- •
- win32security
- •
NOTE: This currently only works with local user accounts, not domain accounts
- salt.modules.win_useradd.add(name, password=None, fullname=False, description=None, groups=None, home=None, homedrive=None, profile=None, logonscript=None)
- Add a user to the minion.
- Parameters
- •
- name (str) -- User name
- •
- password (str) -- User's password in plain text.
- •
- fullname (str) -- The user's full name.
- •
- description (str) -- A brief description of the user account.
- •
- groups (list) -- A list of groups to add the user to.
- •
- home (str) -- The path to the user's home directory.
- •
- homedrive (str) -- The drive letter to assign to the home directory. Must be the Drive Letter followed by a colon. ie: U:
- •
- profile (str) -- An explicit path to a profile. Can be a UNC or a folder on the system. If left blank, windows uses it's default profile directory.
- •
- logonscript (str) -- Path to a login script to run when the user logs on.
- Returns
- True if successful. False is unsuccessful.
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.add name password
- salt.modules.win_useradd.addgroup(name, group)
- Add user to a group
- Parameters
- •
- name (str) -- user name to add to the group
- •
- group (str) -- name of the group to which to add the user
- Returns
- True if successful. False is unsuccessful.
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.addgroup jsnuffy 'Power Users'
- salt.modules.win_useradd.chfullname(name, fullname)
- Change the full name of the user
- Parameters
- •
- name (str) -- user name for which to change the full name
- •
- fullname (str) -- the new value for the full name
- Returns
- True if successful. False is unsuccessful.
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chfullname user 'First Last'
- salt.modules.win_useradd.chgroups(name, groups, append=True)
- Change the groups this user belongs to, add append=False to make the user a member of only the specified groups
- Parameters
- •
- name (str) -- user name for which to change groups
- •
- groups (list, str) -- a single group or a list of groups to assign to the user
- •
- append (bool) -- True adds the passed groups to the user's current groups False sets the user's groups to the passed groups only
- Returns
- True if successful. False is unsuccessful.
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chgroups jsnuffy Administrators,Users True
- salt.modules.win_useradd.chhome(name, home, persist=False)
- Change the home directory of the user, pass True for persist to move files to the new home directory if the old home directory exist.
- Parameters
- •
- name (str) -- name of the user whose home directory you wish to change
- •
- home (str) -- new location of the home directory
- •
- persist (bool) -- True to move the contents of the existing home directory to the new location
- Returns
- True if successful. False is unsuccessful.
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chhome foo \\fileserver\home\foo True
- salt.modules.win_useradd.chprofile(name, profile)
- Change the profile directory of the user
- Parameters
- •
- name (str) -- name of the user whose profile you wish to change
- •
- profile (str) -- new location of the profile
- Returns
True if successful. False is unsuccessful. :rtype: bool
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.chprofile foo \\fileserver\profiles\foo
- salt.modules.win_useradd.current(sam=False)
Get the username that salt-minion is running under. If salt-minion is
running as a service it should return the Local System account. If salt is
running from a command prompt it should return the username that started the
command prompt.
New in version 2015.5.6.
- Parameters
sam (bool) --
False returns just the username without any domain notation. True returns the domain with the username in the SAM format. Ie:
- Returns
- Returns False if the username cannot be returned. Otherwise returns the username.
- Return type
bool str
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.current
- salt.modules.win_useradd.delete(name, purge=False, force=False)
- Remove a user from the minion
- Parameters
- •
- name (str) -- The name of the user to delete
- •
- purge (bool) -- Boolean value indicating that the user profile should also be removed when the user account is deleted. If set to True the profile will be removed.
- •
- force (bool) -- Boolean value indicating that the user account should be deleted even if the user is logged in. True will log the user out and delete user.
- Returns
- True if successful
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.delete name
- salt.modules.win_useradd.getUserSid(username)
- Get the Security ID for the user
- Parameters
- username (str) -- user name for which to look up the SID
- Returns
- Returns the user SID
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.getUserSid jsnuffy
- salt.modules.win_useradd.getent(refresh=False)
- Return the list of all info for all users
- Parameters
- refresh (bool) -- Refresh the cached user information. Default is False. Useful when used from within a state function.
- Returns
- A dictionary containing information about all users on the system
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.getent
- Return user information
- Parameters
- name (str) -- Username for which to display information
- Returns
- A dictionary containing user information
- •
- fullname
- •
- username
- •
- •
- passwd (will always return None)
- •
- comment (same as description, left here for backwards compatibility)
- •
- description
- •
- active
- •
- logonscript
- •
- profile
- •
- home
- •
- homedrive
- •
- groups
- •
- password_changed
- •
- successful_logon_attempts
- •
- failed_logon_attempts
- •
- last_logon
- •
- account_disabled
- •
- account_locked
- •
- password_never_expires
- •
- disallow_change_password
- •
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' jsnuffy
- salt.modules.win_useradd.list_groups(name)
- Return a list of groups the named user belongs to
- Parameters
- name (str) -- user name for which to list groups
- Returns
- list of groups to which the user belongs
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.list_groups foo
- salt.modules.win_useradd.list_users()
- Return a list of users on Windows
- Returns
- list of users on the system
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.list_users
- salt.modules.win_useradd.removegroup(name, group)
- Remove user from a group
- Parameters
- •
- name (str) -- user name to remove from the group
- •
- group (str) -- name of the group from which to remove the user
- Returns
- True if successful. False is unsuccessful.
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.removegroup jsnuffy 'Power Users'
- salt.modules.win_useradd.rename(name, new_name)
- Change the username for a named user
- Parameters
- •
- name (str) -- user name to change
- •
- new_name (str) -- the new name for the current user
- Returns
- True if successful. False is unsuccessful.
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.rename jsnuffy jshmoe
- salt.modules.win_useradd.setpassword(name, password)
- Set the user's password
- Parameters
- •
- name (str) -- user name for which to set the password
- •
- password (str) -- the new password
- Returns
- True if successful. False is unsuccessful.
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.setpassword jsnuffy sup3rs3cr3t
- salt.modules.win_useradd.update(name, password=None, fullname=None, description=None, home=None, homedrive=None, logonscript=None, profile=None, expiration_date=None, expired=None, account_disabled=None, unlock_account=None, password_never_expires=None, disallow_change_password=None)
Updates settings for the windows user. Name is the only required parameter.
Settings will only be changed if the parameter is passed a value.
New in version 2015.8.0.
- Parameters
- •
- name (str) -- The user name to update.
- •
- password (str) -- New user password in plain text.
- •
- fullname (str) -- The user's full name.
- •
- description (str) -- A brief description of the user account.
- •
- home (str) -- The path to the user's home directory.
- •
- homedrive (str) -- The drive letter to assign to the home directory. Must be the Drive Letter followed by a colon. ie: U:
- •
- logonscript (str) -- The path to the logon script.
- •
- profile (str) -- The path to the user's profile directory.
- •
expiration_date (date) -- The date and time when the account expires. Can
be a valid date/time string. To set to never expire pass the string 'Never'.
- Parameters
expired (bool) -- Pass True to expire the account. The user will be
prompted to change their password at the next logon. Pass False to mark the account as 'not expired'. You can't use this to negate the expiration if the expiration was caused by the account expiring. You'll have to change the expiration_date as well.
- Parameters
account_disabled (bool) -- True disables the account. False enables the
- Parameters
unlock_account (bool) -- True unlocks a locked user account. False is
- Parameters
password_never_expires (bool) -- True sets the password to never expire.
False allows the password to expire.
- Parameters
disallow_change_password (bool) -- True blocks the user from changing
the password. False allows the user to change the password.
- Returns
- True if successful. False is unsuccessful.
- Return type
CLI Example:
salt '*' user.update bob password=secret profile=C:\Users\Bob home=\\server\homeshare\bob homedrive=U:
This module (mostly) uses the XenAPI to manage Xen virtual machines.
Big fat warning: the XenAPI used in this file is the one bundled with Xen Source, NOT XenServer nor Xen Cloud Platform. As a matter of fact it will fail under those platforms. From what I've read, little work is needed to adapt this code to XS/XCP, mostly playing with XenAPI version, but as XCP is not taking precedence on Xen Source on many platforms, please keep compatibility in mind.
Useful documentation:
- salt.modules.xapi.create(config_)
Start a defined domain
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.create <path to Xen cfg file>
- salt.modules.xapi.destroy(vm_)
Hard power down the virtual machine, this is equivalent to pulling the
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.destroy <vm name>
- salt.modules.xapi.freecpu()
Return an int representing the number of unallocated cpus on this
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.freecpu
- salt.modules.xapi.freemem()
Return an int representing the amount of memory that has not been given
to virtual machines on this node
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.freemem
- salt.modules.xapi.full_info()
Return the node_info, vm_info and freemem
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.full_info
- salt.modules.xapi.get_disks(vm_)
Return the disks of a named vm
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.get_disks <vm name>
- salt.modules.xapi.get_macs(vm_)
Return a list off MAC addresses from the named vm
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.get_macs <vm name>
- salt.modules.xapi.get_nics(vm_)
Return info about the network interfaces of a named vm
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.get_nics <vm name>
- salt.modules.xapi.is_hyper()
Returns a bool whether or not this node is a hypervisor of any kind
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.is_hyper
- salt.modules.xapi.list_vms()
Return a list of virtual machine names on the minion
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.list_vms
- salt.modules.xapi.migrate(vm_, target, live=1, port=0, node=-1, ssl=None, change_home_server=0)
Migrates the virtual machine to another hypervisor
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.migrate <vm name> <target hypervisor> [live] [port] [node] [ssl] [change_home_server]
Optional values:
- live
- Use live migration
- port
- Use a specified port
- node
- Use specified NUMA node on target
- ssl
- use ssl connection for migration
- change_home_server
- change home server for managed domains
- salt.modules.xapi.node_info()
Return a dict with information about this node
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.node_info
- salt.modules.xapi.pause(vm_)
Pause the named vm
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.pause <vm name>
- salt.modules.xapi.reboot(vm_)
Reboot a domain via ACPI request
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.reboot <vm name>
- salt.modules.xapi.reset(vm_)
Reset a VM by emulating the reset button on a physical machine
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.reset <vm name>
- salt.modules.xapi.resume(vm_)
Resume the named vm
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.resume <vm name>
- salt.modules.xapi.setmem(vm_, memory)
Changes the amount of memory allocated to VM.
Memory is to be specified in MB
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.setmem myvm 768
- salt.modules.xapi.setvcpus(vm_, vcpus)
Changes the amount of vcpus allocated to VM.
vcpus is an int representing the number to be assigned
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.setvcpus myvm 2
- salt.modules.xapi.shutdown(vm_)
Send a soft shutdown signal to the named vm
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.shutdown <vm name>
- salt.modules.xapi.start(config_)
Alias for the obscurely named 'create' function
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.start <path to Xen cfg file>
- salt.modules.xapi.vcpu_pin(vm_, vcpu, cpus)
Set which CPUs a VCPU can use.
CLI Example:
salt 'foo' virt.vcpu_pin domU-id 2 1 salt 'foo' virt.vcpu_pin domU-id 2 2-6
- salt.modules.xapi.vm_cputime(vm_=None)
Return cputime used by the vms on this hyper in a
list of dicts:
[ 'your-vm': { 'cputime' <int> 'cputime_percent' <int> }, ... ]
If you pass a VM name in as an argument then it will return info for just the named VM, otherwise it will return all VMs.
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.vm_cputime
- salt.modules.xapi.vm_diskstats(vm_=None)
Return disk usage counters used by the vms on this hyper in a
list of dicts:
[ 'your-vm': { 'io_read_kbs' : 0, 'io_write_kbs' : 0 }, ... ]
If you pass a VM name in as an argument then it will return info for just the named VM, otherwise it will return all VMs.
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.vm_diskstats
- salt.modules.xapi.vm_info(vm_=None)
Return detailed information about the vms.
If you pass a VM name in as an argument then it will return info for just the named VM, otherwise it will return all VMs.
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.vm_info
- salt.modules.xapi.vm_netstats(vm_=None)
Return combined network counters used by the vms on this hyper in a
list of dicts:
[ 'your-vm': { 'io_read_kbs' : 0, 'io_total_read_kbs' : 0, 'io_total_write_kbs' : 0, 'io_write_kbs' : 0 }, ... ]
If you pass a VM name in as an argument then it will return info for just the named VM, otherwise it will return all VMs.
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.vm_netstats
- salt.modules.xapi.vm_state(vm_=None)
Return list of all the vms and their state.
If you pass a VM name in as an argument then it will return info for just the named VM, otherwise it will return all VMs.
CLI Example:
salt '*' virt.vm_state <vm name>
Module for managing XFS file systems.
- salt.modules.xfs.defragment(device)
Defragment mounted XFS filesystem.
In order to mount a filesystem, device should be properly mounted and writable.
CLI Example:
salt '*' xfs.defragment /dev/sda1
- salt.modules.xfs.devices()
Get known XFS formatted devices on the system.
CLI Example:
salt '*' xfs.devices
- salt.modules.xfs.dump(device, destination, level=0, label=None, noerase=None)
Dump filesystem device to the media (file, tape etc).
Required parameters:
- •
- device: XFS device, content of which to be dumped.
- •
destination: Specifies a dump destination.
Valid options are:
- •
- label: Label of the dump. Otherwise automatically generated label is used.
- •
- level: Specifies a dump level of 0 to 9.
- •
noerase: Pre-erase media.
Other options are not used in order to let xfsdump use its default values, as they are most optimal. See the xfsdump(8) manpage for a more complete description of these options.
CLI Example:
salt '*' xfs.dump /dev/sda1 /detination/on/the/client salt '*' xfs.dump /dev/sda1 /detination/on/the/client label='Company accountancy' salt '*' xfs.dump /dev/sda1 /detination/on/the/client noerase=True
- salt.modules.xfs.estimate(path)
Estimate the space that an XFS filesystem will take.
For each directory estimate the space that directory would take
if it were copied to an XFS filesystem.
Estimation does not cross mount points.
CLI Example:
salt '*' xfs.estimate /path/to/file salt '*' xfs.estimate /path/to/dir/*
Get filesystem geometry information.
CLI Example:
salt '*' /dev/sda1
- salt.modules.xfs.inventory()
Display XFS dump inventory without restoration.
CLI Example:
salt '*' xfs.inventory
- salt.modules.xfs.mkfs(device, label=None, ssize=None, noforce=None, bso=None, gmo=None, ino=None, lso=None, rso=None, nmo=None, dso=None)
Create a file system on the specified device. By default wipes out with force.
General options:
- •
- label: Specify volume label.
- •
- ssize: Specify the fundamental sector size of the filesystem.
- •
noforce: Do not force create filesystem, if disk is already formatted.
Filesystem geometry options:
- •
- bso: Block size options.
- •
- gmo: Global metadata options.
- •
- dso: Data section options. These options specify the location, size,
- and other parameters of the data section of the filesystem.
- •
- ino: Inode options to specify the inode size of the filesystem, and other inode allocation parameters.
- •
- lso: Log section options.
- •
- nmo: Naming options.
- •
rso: Realtime section options.
See the mkfs.xfs(8) manpage for a more complete description of corresponding options description.
CLI Example:
salt '*' xfs.mkfs /dev/sda1 salt '*' xfs.mkfs /dev/sda1 dso='su=32k,sw=6' noforce=True salt '*' xfs.mkfs /dev/sda1 dso='su=32k,sw=6' lso='logdev=/dev/sda2,size=10000b'
- salt.modules.xfs.modify(device, label=None, lazy_counting=None, uuid=None)
Modify parameters of an XFS filesystem.
CLI Example:
salt '*' xfs.modify /dev/sda1 label='My backup' lazy_counting=False salt '*' xfs.modify /dev/sda1 uuid=False salt '*' xfs.modify /dev/sda1 uuid=True
- salt.modules.xfs.prune_dump(sessionid)
Prunes the dump session identified by the given session id.
CLI Example:
salt '*' xfs.prune_dump b74a3586-e52e-4a4a-8775-c3334fa8ea2c
Module for Sending Messages via XMPP (a.k.a. Jabber)
New in version 2014.1.0.
- depends
- •
- sleekxmpp python module
- configuration
This module can be used by either passing a jid and password
directly to send_message, or by specifying the name of a configuration
profile in the minion config, minion pillar, or master config.
For example:
my-xmpp-login: xmpp.jid: myuser [at] xmpp.password: verybadpass
The resourcename refers to the resource that is using this account. It is user-definable, and optional. The following configurations are both valid:
my-xmpp-login: xmpp.jid: myuser [at] xmpp.password: verybadpass my-xmpp-login: xmpp.jid: myuser [at] xmpp.password: verybadpass
- class salt.modules.xmpp.SendMsgBot(jid, password, recipient, msg)
- start(event)
- salt.modules.xmpp.send_msg(recipient, message, jid=None, password=None, profile=None)
Send a message to an XMPP recipient. Designed for use in states.
CLI Examples:
xmpp.send_msg 'admins [at]' 'This is a salt module test' profile='my-xmpp-account' xmpp.send_msg 'admins [at]' 'This is a salt module test' jid='myuser [at]' password='verybadpass'
Support for YUM
NOTE: This module makes heavy use of the repoquery utility, from the yum-utils package. This package will be installed as a dependency if salt is installed via EPEL. However, if salt has been installed using pip, or a host is being managed using salt-ssh, then as of version 2014.7.0 yum-utils will be installed automatically to satisfy this dependency.
- salt.modules.yumpkg.check_db(*names, **kwargs)
New in version 0.17.0.
Returns a dict containing the following information for each specified package:
- 1.
- A key found, which will be a boolean value denoting if a match was found in the package database.
- 2.
If found is False, then a second key called suggestions will
be present, which will contain a list of possible matches.
The fromrepo, enablerepo and disablerepo arguments are supported, as used in pkg states, and the disableexcludes option is also supported.
New in version 2014.7.0: Support for the disableexcludes option
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.check_db <package1> <package2> <package3> salt '*' pkg.check_db <package1> <package2> <package3> fromrepo=epel-testing salt '*' pkg.check_db <package1> <package2> <package3> disableexcludes=main
- salt.modules.yumpkg.clean_metadata(**kwargs)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Cleans local yum metadata. Functionally identical to refresh_db().
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.clean_metadata
- salt.modules.yumpkg.del_repo(repo, basedir=None, **kwargs)
Delete a repo from <basedir> (default basedir: all dirs in reposdir yum option).
If the .repo file that the repo exists in does not contain any other repo configuration, the file itself will be deleted.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.del_repo myrepo salt '*' pkg.del_repo myrepo basedir=/path/to/dir salt '*' pkg.del_repo myrepo basedir=/path/to/dir,/path/to/another/dir
- salt.modules.yumpkg.diff(*paths)
- Return a formatted diff between current files and original in a package. NOTE: this function includes all files (configuration and not), but does not work on binary content.
- Parameters
- path -- Full path to the installed file
- Returns
Difference string or raises and exception if examined file is binary.
CLI example:
salt '*' pkg.diff /etc/apache2/httpd.conf /etc/sudoers
New in version 2015.5.0.
Download packages to the local disk. Requires yumdownloader from yum-utils package.
NOTE: yum-utils will already be installed on the minion if the package was installed from the Fedora / EPEL repositories.
CLI example:
salt '*' httpd salt '*' httpd postfix
- salt.modules.yumpkg.expand_repo_def(repokwargs)
Take a repository definition and expand it to the full pkg repository dict
that can be used for comparison. This is a helper function to make
certain repo managers sane for comparison in the pkgrepo states.
There is no use to calling this function via the CLI.
- salt.modules.yumpkg.file_dict(*packages)
New in version 2014.1.0.
List the files that belong to a package, grouped by package. Not specifying any packages will return a list of every file on the system's rpm database (not generally recommended).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd postfix salt '*' pkg.file_list
- salt.modules.yumpkg.file_list(*packages)
New in version 2014.1.0.
List the files that belong to a package. Not specifying any packages will return a list of every file on the system's rpm database (not generally recommended).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd postfix salt '*' pkg.file_list
- salt.modules.yumpkg.get_locked_packages(pattern=None, full=True)
Get packages that are currently locked
yum -q versionlock list.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.get_locked_packages
- salt.modules.yumpkg.get_repo(repo, basedir=None, **kwargs)
Display a repo from <basedir> (default basedir: all dirs in reposdir yum option).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.get_repo myrepo salt '*' pkg.get_repo myrepo basedir=/path/to/dir salt '*' pkg.get_repo myrepo basedir=/path/to/dir,/path/to/another/dir
- salt.modules.yumpkg.group_diff(name)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Lists packages belonging to a certain group, and which are installed
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.group_diff 'Perl Support'
- salt.modules.yumpkg.group_info(name)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Lists packages belonging to a certain group
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.group_info 'Perl Support'
- salt.modules.yumpkg.group_install(name, skip=(), include=(), **kwargs)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Install the passed package group(s). This is basically a wrapper around pkg.install, which performs package group resolution for the user. This function is currently considered experimental, and should be expected to undergo changes.
- name
Package group to install. To install more than one group, either use a
comma-separated list or pass the value as a python list.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.group_install 'Group 1' salt '*' pkg.group_install 'Group 1,Group 2' salt '*' pkg.group_install '["Group 1", "Group 2"]'
- skip
The name(s), in a list, of any packages that would normally be
installed by the package group ("default" packages), which should not
be installed. Can be passed either as a comma-separated list or a
python list.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.group_install 'My Group' skip='foo,bar' salt '*' pkg.group_install 'My Group' skip='["foo", "bar"]'
- include
The name(s), in a list, of any packages which are included in a group,
which would not normally be installed ("optional" packages). Note that
this will not enforce group membership; if you include packages which
are not members of the specified groups, they will still be installed.
Can be passed either as a comma-separated list or a python list.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.group_install 'My Group' include='foo,bar' salt '*' pkg.group_install 'My Group' include='["foo", "bar"]'
NOTE: Because this is essentially a wrapper around pkg.install, any argument which can be passed to pkg.install may also be included here, and it will be passed along wholesale.
- salt.modules.yumpkg.group_list()
New in version 2014.1.0.
Lists all groups known by yum on this system
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.group_list
- salt.modules.yumpkg.hold(name=None, pkgs=None, sources=None, **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Hold packages with yum -q versionlock.
- name
The name of the package to be held.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to hold. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.hold <package name> salt '*' pkg.hold pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.yumpkg.install(name=None, refresh=False, skip_verify=False, pkgs=None, sources=None, reinstall=False, normalize=True, **kwargs)
- Install the passed package(s), add refresh=True to clean the yum database before package is installed.
- name
The name of the package to be installed. Note that this parameter is
ignored if either "pkgs" or "sources" is passed. Additionally, please
note that this option can only be used to install packages from a
software repository. To install a package file manually, use the
"sources" option.
32-bit packages can be installed on 64-bit systems by appending the architecture designation (.i686, .i586, etc.) to the end of the package name.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name>
- refresh
- Whether or not to update the yum database before executing.
- reinstall
Specifying reinstall=True will use yum reinstall rather than
yum install for requested packages that are already installed.
If a version is specified with the requested package, then yum reinstall will only be used if the installed version matches the requested version.
Works with sources when the package header of the source can be matched to the name and version of an installed package.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- skip_verify
- Skip the GPG verification check (e.g., --nogpgcheck)
- version
Install a specific version of the package, e.g. 1.2.3-4.el5. Ignored
if "pkgs" or "sources" is passed.
Repository Options:
- fromrepo
- Specify a package repository (or repositories) from which to install. (e.g., yum --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='somerepo')
- enablerepo (ignored if fromrepo is specified)
- Specify a disabled package repository (or repositories) to enable. (e.g., yum --enablerepo='somerepo')
- disablerepo (ignored if fromrepo is specified)
- Specify an enabled package repository (or repositories) to disable. (e.g., yum --disablerepo='somerepo')
- disableexcludes
Disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything.
(e.g., yum --disableexcludes='main')
New in version 2014.7.0.
Multiple Package Installation Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to install from a software repository. Must be
passed as a python list. A specific version number can be specified
by using a single-element dict representing the package and its
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", "bar"]' salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", {"bar": "1.2.3-4.el5"}]'
- sources
A list of RPM packages to install. Must be passed as a list of dicts,
with the keys being package names, and the values being the source URI
or local path to the package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"foo": "salt://foo.rpm"}, {"bar": "salt://bar.rpm"}]'
- normalize
Normalize the package name by removing the architecture. Default is True.
This is useful for poorly created packages which might include the
architecture as an actual part of the name such as kernel modules
which match a specific kernel version.
New in version 2014.7.0.
salt -G role:nsd pkg.install gpfs.gplbin-2.6.32-279.31.1.el6.x86_64 normalize=False
Returns a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
- salt.modules.yumpkg.latest_version(*names, **kwargs)
Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or
installation. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty string will be returned for that package.
A specific repo can be requested using the fromrepo keyword argument, and the disableexcludes option is also supported.
New in version 2014.7.0: Support for the disableexcludes option
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> fromrepo=epel-testing salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> disableexcludes=main salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
- salt.modules.yumpkg.list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs)
List the packages currently installed in a dict:
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs
- salt.modules.yumpkg.list_repo_pkgs(*args, **kwargs)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Changed in version 2014.7.0: All available versions of each package are now returned. This required a slight modification to the structure of the return dict. The return data shown below reflects the updated return dict structure.
Returns all available packages. Optionally, package names (and name globs) can be passed and the results will be filtered to packages matching those names. This is recommended as it speeds up the function considerably.
This function can be helpful in discovering the version or repo to specify in a pkg.installed state.
The return data is a dictionary of repo names, with each repo containing a dictionary in which the keys are package names, and the values are a list of version numbers. Here is an example of the return data:
{ 'base': { 'bash': ['4.1.2-15.el6_4'], 'kernel': ['2.6.32-431.el6'] }, 'updates': { 'bash': ['4.1.2-15.el6_5.2', '4.1.2-15.el6_5.1'], 'kernel': ['2.6.32-431.29.2.el6', '2.6.32-431.23.3.el6', '2.6.32-431.20.5.el6', '2.6.32-431.20.3.el6', '2.6.32-431.17.1.el6', '2.6.32-431.11.2.el6', '2.6.32-431.5.1.el6', '2.6.32-431.3.1.el6', '2.6.32-431.'] } }
- fromrepo
Only include results from the specified repo(s). Multiple repos can be
specified, comma-separated.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_repo_pkgs salt '*' pkg.list_repo_pkgs foo bar baz salt '*' pkg.list_repo_pkgs 'samba4*' fromrepo=base,updates
- salt.modules.yumpkg.list_repos(basedir=None)
Lists all repos in <basedir> (default: all dirs in reposdir yum option).
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_repos salt '*' pkg.list_repos basedir=/path/to/dir salt '*' pkg.list_repos basedir=/path/to/dir,/path/to/another/dir
- salt.modules.yumpkg.list_upgrades(refresh=True, **kwargs)
Check whether or not an upgrade is available for all packages
The fromrepo, enablerepo, and disablerepo arguments are supported, as used in pkg states, and the disableexcludes option is also supported.
New in version 2014.7.0: Support for the disableexcludes option
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades
- salt.modules.yumpkg.mod_repo(repo, basedir=None, **kwargs)
- Modify one or more values for a repo. If the repo does not exist, it will be created, so long as the following values are specified:
- repo
- name by which the yum refers to the repo
- name
- a human-readable name for the repo
- baseurl
- the URL for yum to reference
- mirrorlist
the URL for yum to reference
Key/Value pairs may also be removed from a repo's configuration by setting a key to a blank value. Bear in mind that a name cannot be deleted, and a baseurl can only be deleted if a mirrorlist is specified (or vice versa).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.mod_repo reponame enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 salt '*' pkg.mod_repo reponame basedir=/path/to/dir enabled=1 salt '*' pkg.mod_repo reponame baseurl= mirrorlist=
- salt.modules.yumpkg.modified(*packages, **flags)
List the modified files that belong to a package. Not specifying any packages
will return a list of _all_ modified files on the system's RPM database.
New in version 2015.5.0.
Filtering by flags (True or False):
- size
- Include only files where size changed.
- mode
- Include only files which file's mode has been changed.
- checksum
- Include only files which MD5 checksum has been changed.
- device
- Include only files which major and minor numbers has been changed.
- symlink
- Include only files which are symbolic link contents.
- owner
- Include only files where owner has been changed.
- group
- Include only files where group has been changed.
- time
- Include only files where modification time of the file has been changed.
- capabilities
Include only files where capabilities differ or not. Note: supported only on newer RPM versions.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.modified salt '*' pkg.modified httpd salt '*' pkg.modified httpd postfix salt '*' pkg.modified httpd owner=True group=False
- salt.modules.yumpkg.normalize_name(name)
- Strips the architecture from the specified package name, if necessary. Circumstances where this would be done include:
- •
- If the arch is 32 bit and the package name ends in a 32-bit arch.
- •
If the arch matches the OS arch, or is noarch.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.normalize_name zsh.x86_64
- salt.modules.yumpkg.owner(*paths)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Return the name of the package that owns the file. Multiple file paths can be passed. Like pkg.version <salt.modules.yumpkg.version, if a single path is passed, a string will be returned, and if multiple paths are passed, a dictionary of file/package name pairs will be returned.
If the file is not owned by a package, or is not present on the minion, then an empty string will be returned for that path.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.owner /usr/bin/apachectl salt '*' pkg.owner /usr/bin/apachectl /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
- salt.modules.yumpkg.purge(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Package purges are not supported by yum, this function is identical to pkg.remove.
- name
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.purge <package name> salt '*' pkg.purge <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.purge pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.yumpkg.refresh_db(**kwargs)
Check the yum repos for updated packages
- •
- True: Updates are available
- •
- False: An error occurred
- •
- None: No updates are available
- repo
- Refresh just the specified repo
- disablerepo
- Do not refresh the specified repo
- enablerepo
- Refesh a disabled repo using this option
- branch
- Add the specified branch when refreshing
- disableexcludes
Disable the excludes defined in your config files. Takes one of three
- all - disable all excludes
- main - disable excludes defined in [main] in yum.conf
- repoid - disable excludes defined for that repo
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.refresh_db
- salt.modules.yumpkg.remove(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Remove packages with yum -q -y remove.
- name
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> salt '*' pkg.remove <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.yumpkg.unhold(name=None, pkgs=None, sources=None, **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Hold packages with yum -q versionlock.
- name
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to unhold. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.unhold <package name> salt '*' pkg.unhold pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.yumpkg.upgrade(refresh=True, skip_verify=False, **kwargs)
Run a full system upgrade, a yum upgrade
Changed in version 2014.7.0.
Return a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade
Repository Options:
- fromrepo
- Specify a package repository (or repositories) from which to install. (e.g., yum --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='somerepo')
- enablerepo (ignored if fromrepo is specified)
- Specify a disabled package repository (or repositories) to enable. (e.g., yum --enablerepo='somerepo')
- disablerepo (ignored if fromrepo is specified)
- Specify an enabled package repository (or repositories) to disable. (e.g., yum --disablerepo='somerepo')
- disableexcludes
Disable exclude from main, for a repo or for everything.
(e.g., yum --disableexcludes='main')
New in version 2014.7.0.
- salt.modules.yumpkg.upgrade_available(name)
Check whether or not an upgrade is available for a given package
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade_available <package name>
- salt.modules.yumpkg.verify(*names, **kwargs)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Runs an rpm -Va on a system, and returns the results in a dict
Files with an attribute of config, doc, ghost, license or readme in the package header can be ignored using the ignore_types keyword argument
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.verify salt '*' pkg.verify httpd salt '*' pkg.verify 'httpd postfix' salt '*' pkg.verify 'httpd postfix' ignore_types=['config','doc']
- salt.modules.yumpkg.version(*names, **kwargs)
Returns a string representing the package version or an empty string if not
installed. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version <package name> salt '*' pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
- salt.modules.yumpkg.version_cmp(pkg1, pkg2)
New in version 2015.5.4.
Do a cmp-style comparison on two packages. Return -1 if pkg1 < pkg2, 0 if pkg1 == pkg2, and 1 if pkg1 > pkg2. Return None if there was a problem making the comparison.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version_cmp '0.2-001' ''
Management of zc.buildout
New in version 2014.1.0.
This module is inspired by minitage's buildout maker
The zc.buildout integration is still in beta; the API is subject to change
General notes
You have those following methods:
- •
- upgrade_bootstrap
- •
- bootstrap
- •
- run_buildout
- •
- buildout
- salt.modules.zcbuildout.bootstrap(*a, **kw)
- Run the buildout bootstrap dance (python
- directory
- directory to execute in
- config
- alternative buildout configuration file to use
- runas
- User used to run buildout as
- env
- environment variables to set when running
- buildout_ver
- force a specific buildout version (1 | 2)
- test_release
- buildout accept test release
- offline
- are we executing buildout in offline mode
- distribute
- Forcing use of distribute
- new_st
- Forcing use of setuptools >= 0.7
- python
- path to a python executable to use in place of default (salt one)
- onlyif
- Only execute cmd if statement on the host return 0
- unless
- Do not execute cmd if statement on the host return 0
- use_vt
Use the new salt VT to stream output [experimental]
CLI Example:
salt '*' buildout.bootstrap /srv/mybuildout
- salt.modules.zcbuildout.buildout(*a, **kw)
- Run buildout in a directory.
- directory
- directory to execute in
- config
- buildout config to use
- parts
- specific buildout parts to run
- runas
- user used to run buildout as
- env
- environment variables to set when running
- buildout_ver
- force a specific buildout version (1 | 2)
- test_release
- buildout accept test release
- new_st
- Forcing use of setuptools >= 0.7
- distribute
- use distribute over setuptools if possible
- offline
- does buildout run offline
- python
- python to use
- debug
- run buildout with -D debug flag
- onlyif
- Only execute cmd if statement on the host return 0
- unless
- Do not execute cmd if statement on the host return 0
- newest
- run buildout in newest mode
- verbose
- run buildout in verbose mode (-vvvvv)
- use_vt
Use the new salt VT to stream output [experimental]
CLI Example:
salt '*' buildout.buildout /srv/mybuildout
- salt.modules.zcbuildout.run_buildout(*a, **kw)
- Run a buildout in a directory.
- directory
- directory to execute in
- config
- alternative buildout configuration file to use
- offline
- are we executing buildout in offline mode
- runas
- user used to run buildout as
- env
- environment variables to set when running
- onlyif
- Only execute cmd if statement on the host return 0
- unless
- Do not execute cmd if statement on the host return 0
- newest
- run buildout in newest mode
- force
- run buildout unconditionally
- verbose
- run buildout in verbose mode (-vvvvv)
- use_vt
Use the new salt VT to stream output [experimental]
CLI Example:
salt '*' buildout.run_buildout /srv/mybuildout
- salt.modules.zcbuildout.upgrade_bootstrap(*a, **kw)
Upgrade current with the last released one.
Indeed, when we first run a buildout, a common source of problem is to have a locally stale bootstrap, we just try to grab a new copy
- directory
- directory to execute in
- offline
- are we executing buildout in offline mode
- buildout_ver
- forcing to use a specific buildout version (1 | 2)
- onlyif
- Only execute cmd if statement on the host return 0
- unless
Do not execute cmd if statement on the host return 0
CLI Example:
salt '*' buildout.upgrade_bootstrap /srv/mybuildout
Salt interface to ZFS commands
- codeauthor
- Nitin Madhok <nmadhok [at]>
- salt.modules.zfs.create(name, **kwargs)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Create a ZFS File System.
CLI Example:
salt '*' zfs.create myzpool/mydataset [create_parent=True|False]
NOTE: ZFS properties can be specified at the time of creation of the filesystem by passing an additional argument called "properties" and specifying the properties with their respective values in the form of a python dictionary:
properties="{'property1': 'value1', 'property2': 'value2'}"
salt '*' zfs.create myzpool/mydataset properties="{'mountpoint': '/export/zfs', 'sharenfs': 'on'}"
- salt.modules.zfs.destroy(name, **kwargs)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Destroy a ZFS File System.
CLI Example:
salt '*' zfs.destroy myzpool/mydataset [force=True|False]
- salt.modules.zfs.exists(name)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Check if a ZFS filesystem or volume or snapshot exists.
CLI Example:
salt '*' zfs.exists myzpool/mydataset
- salt.modules.zfs.list_(name='', **kwargs)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Return a list of all datasets or a specified dataset on the system and the values of their used, available, referenced, and mountpoint properties.
NOTE: Information about the dataset and all of it's descendent datasets can be displayed by passing recursive=True on the CLI.
CLI Example:
salt '*' zfs.list [recursive=True|False] salt '*' zfs.list /myzpool/mydataset [recursive=True|False]
NOTE: Dataset property value output can be customized by passing an additional argument called "properties" in the form of a python list:
properties="[property1, property2, property3]"
salt '*' zfs.list /myzpool/mydataset properties="[name, sharenfs, mountpoint]"
- salt.modules.zfs.rename(name, new_name)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Rename or Relocate a ZFS File System.
CLI Example:
salt '*' zfs.rename myzpool/mydataset myzpool/renameddataset
Concurrency controls in zookeeper
This module allows you to acquire and release a slot. This is primarily useful for ensureing that no more than N hosts take a specific action at once. This can also be used to coordinate between masters.
- salt.modules.zk_concurrency.lock(path, zk_hosts, identifier=None, max_concurrency=1, timeout=None, ephemeral_lease=False, force=False)
- Get lock (with optional timeout)
- path
- The path in zookeeper where the lock is
- zk_hosts
- zookeeper connect string
- identifier
- Name to identify this minion
- max_concurrency
- Maximum number of lock holders
- timeout
- timeout to wait for the lock. A None timeout will block forever
- ephemeral_lease
- Whether the locks in zookeper should be ephemeral
- force
Forcibly acquire the lock regardless of available slots
... code-block: bash salt minion zk_concurrency.lock /lock/path host1:1234,host2:1234
- salt.modules.zk_concurrency.lock_holders(path, zk_hosts, identifier=None, max_concurrency=1, timeout=None, ephemeral_lease=False)
- Return an un-ordered list of lock holders
- path
- The path in zookeeper where the lock is
- zk_hosts
- zookeeper connect string
- identifier
- Name to identify this minion
- max_concurrency
- Maximum number of lock holders
- timeout
- timeout to wait for the lock. A None timeout will block forever
- ephemeral_lease
Whether the locks in zookeper should be ephemeral
... code-block: bash salt minion zk_concurrency.lock_holders /lock/path host1:1234,host2:1234
- salt.modules.zk_concurrency.unlock(path, zk_hosts=None, identifier=None, max_concurrency=1, ephemeral_lease=False)
- Remove lease from semaphore
- path
- The path in zookeeper where the lock is
- zk_hosts
- zookeeper connect string
- identifier
- Name to identify this minion
- max_concurrency
- Maximum number of lock holders
- timeout
- timeout to wait for the lock. A None timeout will block forever
- ephemeral_lease
Whether the locks in zookeper should be ephemeral
... code-block: bash salt minion zk_concurrency.unlock /lock/path host1:1234,host2:1234
znc - An advanced IRC bouncer
New in version 2014.7.0.
Provides an interface to basic ZNC functionality
- salt.modules.znc.buildmod(*modules)
Build module using znc-buildmod
CLI Example:
salt '*' znc.buildmod module.cpp [...]
- salt.modules.znc.dumpconf()
Write the active configuration state to config file
CLI Example:
salt '*' znc.dumpconf
- salt.modules.znc.rehashconf()
Rehash the active configuration state from config file
CLI Example:
salt '*' znc.rehashconf
- salt.modules.znc.version()
Return server version from znc --version
CLI Example:
salt '*' znc.version
Module for running ZFS zpool command
- codeauthor
- Nitin Madhok <nmadhok [at]>
- salt.modules.zpool.add(pool_name, *vdevs)
Add the specified vdev's to the given pool
CLI Example:
salt '*' zpool.add myzpool /path/to/vdev1 /path/to/vdev2 [...]
- salt.modules.zpool.create(pool_name, *vdevs, **kwargs)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Create a simple zpool, a mirrored zpool, a zpool having nested VDEVs, a hybrid zpool with cache, spare and log drives or a zpool with RAIDZ-1, RAIDZ-2 or RAIDZ-3
CLI Example:
salt '*' zpool.create myzpool /path/to/vdev1 [...] [force=True|False] salt '*' zpool.create myzpool mirror /path/to/vdev1 /path/to/vdev2 [...] [force=True|False] salt '*' zpool.create myzpool raidz1 /path/to/vdev1 /path/to/vdev2 raidz2 /path/to/vdev3 /path/to/vdev4 /path/to/vdev5 [...] [force=True|False] salt '*' zpool.create myzpool mirror /path/to/vdev1 [...] mirror /path/to/vdev2 /path/to/vdev3 [...] [force=True|False] salt '*' zpool.create myhybridzpool mirror /tmp/file1 [...] log mirror /path/to/vdev1 [...] cache /path/to/vdev2 [...] spare /path/to/vdev3 [...] [force=True|False]
NOTE: Zpool properties can be specified at the time of creation of the pool by passing an additional argument called "properties" and specifying the properties with their respective values in the form of a python dictionary:
properties="{'property1': 'value1', 'property2': 'value2'}"
salt '*' zpool.create myzpool /path/to/vdev1 [...] properties="{'property1': 'value1', 'property2': 'value2'}"
- salt.modules.zpool.create_file_vdev(size, *vdevs)
Creates file based virtual devices for a zpool
*vdevs is a list of full paths for mkfile to create
CLI Example:
salt '*' zpool.create_file_vdev 7g /path/to/vdev1 [/path/to/vdev2] [...]
NOTE: Depending on file size, the above command may take a while to return.
- salt.modules.zpool.destroy(pool_name)
Destroys a storage pool
CLI Example:
salt '*' zpool.destroy myzpool
- salt.modules.zpool.exists(pool_name)
Check if a ZFS storage pool is active
CLI Example:
salt '*' zpool.exists myzpool
- salt.modules.zpool.export(*pools, **kwargs)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Export storage pools
CLI Example:
salt '*' zpool.export myzpool ... [force=True|False] salt '*' zpool.export myzpool2 myzpool2 ... [force=True|False]
- salt.modules.zpool.import_(pool_name='', new_name='', **kwargs)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Import storage pools or list pools available for import
CLI Example:
salt '*' zpool.import [all=True|False] salt '*' zpool.import myzpool [mynewzpool] [force=True|False]
- salt.modules.zpool.iostat(name='')
Display I/O statistics for the given pools
CLI Example:
salt '*' zpool.iostat myzpool
- salt.modules.zpool.list_()
New in version 2015.5.0.
Return a list of all pools in the system with health status and space usage
CLI Example:
salt '*' zpool.list
- salt.modules.zpool.offline(pool_name, *vdevs, **kwargs)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Ensure that the specified devices are offline
WARNING: By default, the OFFLINE state is persistent. The device remains offline when the system is rebooted. To temporarily take a device offline, use temporary=True.
CLI Example:
salt '*' zpool.offline myzpool /path/to/vdev1 [...] [temporary=True|False]
-, *vdevs, **kwargs)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Ensure that the specified devices are online
CLI Example:
salt '*' myzpool /path/to/vdev1 [...]
- salt.modules.zpool.replace(pool_name, old, new)
Replaces old device with new device.
CLI Example:
salt '*' zpool.replace myzpool /path/to/vdev1 /path/to/vdev2
- salt.modules.zpool.scrub(pool_name=None)
Begin a scrub
CLI Example:
salt '*' zpool.scrub myzpool
- salt.modules.zpool.status(name='')
Return the status of the named zpool
CLI Example:
salt '*' zpool.status myzpool
- salt.modules.zpool.zpool_list()
Deprecated since version 2014.7.0: Use list_() instead.
Return a list of all pools in the system with health status and space usage
CLI Example:
salt '*' zpool.zpool_list
Package support for openSUSE via the zypper package manager
- depends
- •
- zypp Python module. Install with zypper install python-zypp
- salt.modules.zypper.add_lock(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
Add a package lock. Specify packages to lock by exact name.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.add_lock <package name> salt '*' pkg.add_lock <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.add_lock pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.zypper.clean_locks()
Remove unused locks that do not currently (with regard to repositories used) lock any package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.clean_locks
- salt.modules.zypper.del_repo(repo)
Delete a repo.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.del_repo alias
- salt.modules.zypper.diff(*paths)
- Return a formatted diff between current files and original in a package. NOTE: this function includes all files (configuration and not), but does not work on binary content.
- Parameters
- path -- Full path to the installed file
- Returns
Difference string or raises and exception if examined file is binary.
CLI example:
salt '*' pkg.diff /etc/apache2/httpd.conf /etc/sudoers
Download packages to the local disk.
CLI example:
salt '*' httpd salt '*' httpd postfix
- salt.modules.zypper.file_dict(*packages)
List the files that belong to a package, grouped by package. Not
specifying any packages will return a list of every file on the system's
rpm database (not generally recommended).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd postfix salt '*' pkg.file_list
- salt.modules.zypper.file_list(*packages)
List the files that belong to a package. Not specifying any packages will
return a list of every file on the system's rpm database (not generally
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd salt '*' pkg.file_list httpd postfix salt '*' pkg.file_list
- salt.modules.zypper.get_repo(repo, **kwargs)
Display a repo.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.get_repo alias
- salt.modules.zypper.install(name=None, refresh=False, fromrepo=None, pkgs=None, sources=None, **kwargs)
- Install the passed package(s), add refresh=True to run 'zypper refresh' before package is installed.
- name
The name of the package to be installed. Note that this parameter is
ignored if either "pkgs" or "sources" is passed. Additionally, please
note that this option can only be used to install packages from a
software repository. To install a package file manually, use the
"sources" option.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install <package name>
- refresh
- Whether or not to refresh the package database before installing.
- fromrepo
- Specify a package repository to install from.
- version
Can be either a version number, or the combination of a comparison
operator (<, >, <=, >=, =) and a version number (ex. '>1.2.3-4').
This parameter is ignored if "pkgs" or "sources" is passed.
Multiple Package Installation Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to install from a software repository. Must be
passed as a python list. A specific version number can be specified
by using a single-element dict representing the package and its
version. As with the version parameter above, comparison operators
can be used to target a specific version of a package.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", "bar"]' salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", {"bar": "1.2.3-4"}]' salt '*' pkg.install pkgs='["foo", {"bar": "<1.2.3-4"}]'
- sources
A list of RPM packages to install. Must be passed as a list of dicts,
with the keys being package names, and the values being the source URI
or local path to the package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.install sources='[{"foo": "salt://foo.rpm"},{"bar": "salt://bar.rpm"}]'
Returns a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
- salt.modules.zypper.latest_version(*names, **kwargs)
Return the latest version of the named package available for upgrade or
installation. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
If the latest version of a given package is already installed, an empty string will be returned for that package.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package name> salt '*' pkg.latest_version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
- salt.modules.zypper.list_installed_patterns()
List installed patterns on the system.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.list_installed_patterns
- salt.modules.zypper.list_locks()
List current package locks.
Return a dict containing the locked package with attributes:
{'<package>': {'case_sensitive': '<case_sensitive>', 'match_type': '<match_type>' 'type': '<type>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_locks
- salt.modules.zypper.list_patterns()
List all known patterns from available repos.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.list_patterns
- salt.modules.zypper.list_pkgs(versions_as_list=False, **kwargs)
List the packages currently installed as a dict:
{'<package_name>': '<version>'}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_pkgs
- salt.modules.zypper.list_products()
List all installed SUSE products.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.list_products
- salt.modules.zypper.list_repos()
Lists all repos.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_repos
- salt.modules.zypper.list_upgrades(refresh=True)
List all available package upgrades on this system
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.list_upgrades
- salt.modules.zypper.mod_repo(repo, **kwargs)
- Modify one or more values for a repo. If the repo does not exist, it will be created, so long as the following values are specified:
- repo or alias
- alias by which the zypper refers to the repo
- url, mirrorlist or baseurl
- the URL for zypper to reference
- enabled
- enable or disable (True or False) repository, but do not remove if disabled.
- refresh
- enable or disable (True or False) auto-refresh of the repository.
- cache
- Enable or disable (True or False) RPM files caching.
- gpgcheck
Enable or disable (True or False) GOG check for this repository.
Key/Value pairs may also be removed from a repo's configuration by setting a key to a blank value. Bear in mind that a name cannot be deleted, and a url can only be deleted if a mirrorlist is specified (or vice versa).
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.mod_repo alias alias=new_alias salt '*' pkg.mod_repo alias url= mirrorlist=
- salt.modules.zypper.modified(*packages, **flags)
List the modified files that belong to a package. Not specifying any packages
will return a list of _all_ modified files on the system's RPM database.
New in version 2015.5.0.
Filtering by flags (True or False):
- size
- Include only files where size changed.
- mode
- Include only files which file's mode has been changed.
- checksum
- Include only files which MD5 checksum has been changed.
- device
- Include only files which major and minor numbers has been changed.
- symlink
- Include only files which are symbolic link contents.
- owner
- Include only files where owner has been changed.
- group
- Include only files where group has been changed.
- time
- Include only files where modification time of the file has been changed.
- capabilities
Include only files where capabilities differ or not. Note: supported only on newer RPM versions.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.modified salt '*' pkg.modified httpd salt '*' pkg.modified httpd postfix salt '*' pkg.modified httpd owner=True group=False
- salt.modules.zypper.owner(*paths)
Return the name of the package that owns the file. Multiple file paths can
be passed. If a single path is passed, a string will be returned,
and if multiple paths are passed, a dictionary of file/package name
pairs will be returned.
If the file is not owned by a package, or is not present on the minion, then an empty string will be returned for that path.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' pkg.owner /usr/bin/apachectl salt '*' pkg.owner /usr/bin/apachectl /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
- salt.modules.zypper.purge(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Recursively remove a package and all dependencies which were installed with it, this will call a zypper -n remove -u
- name
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.purge <package name> salt '*' pkg.purge <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.purge pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.zypper.refresh_db()
Just run a zypper refresh, return a dict:
{'<database name>': Bool}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.refresh_db
- salt.modules.zypper.remove(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Remove packages with zypper -n remove
- name
The name of the package to be deleted.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to delete. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed.
New in version 0.16.0.
Returns a dict containing the changes.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove <package name> salt '*' pkg.remove <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.remove pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
- salt.modules.zypper.remove_lock(name=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
Remove specified package lock.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.remove_lock <package name> salt '*' pkg.remove_lock <package1>,<package2>,<package3> salt '*' pkg.remove_lock pkgs='["foo", "bar"]'
List known packags, available to the system.
CLI Examples:
salt '*' <criteria>
- salt.modules.zypper.upgrade(refresh=True)
Run a full system upgrade, a zypper upgrade
Return a dict containing the new package names and versions:
{'<package>': {'old': '<old-version>', 'new': '<new-version>'}}
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade
- salt.modules.zypper.upgrade_available(name)
Check whether or not an upgrade is available for a given package
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.upgrade_available <package name>
- salt.modules.zypper.verify(*names, **kwargs)
Runs an rpm -Va on a system, and returns the results in a dict
Files with an attribute of config, doc, ghost, license or readme in the package header can be ignored using the ignore_types keyword argument
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.verify salt '*' pkg.verify httpd salt '*' pkg.verify 'httpd postfix' salt '*' pkg.verify 'httpd postfix' ignore_types=['config','doc']
- salt.modules.zypper.version(*names, **kwargs)
Returns a string representing the package version or an empty string if not
installed. If more than one package name is specified, a dict of
name/version pairs is returned.
CLI Example:
salt '*' pkg.version <package name> salt '*' pkg.version <package1> <package2> <package3> ...
Full list of netapi modules
A REST API for Salt
New in version 2014.7.0.
- depends
- •
- CherryPy Python module. Version 3.2.3 is currently recommended when SSL is enabled, since this version worked the best with SSL in internal testing. Versions 3.2.3 - 4.x can be used if SSL is not enabled. Be aware that there is a known SSL error introduced in version 3.2.5. The issue was reportedly resolved with CherryPy milestone 3.3, but the patch was committed for version 3.6.1.
- optdepends
- •
- ws4py Python module for websockets support.
- client_libraries
- •
- Java:
- •
- Python:
- configuration
All authentication is done through Salt's external auth system which requires additional configuration not described
Example production-ready configuration; add to the Salt master config file and restart the salt-master and salt-api daemons:
rest_cherrypy: port: 8000 ssl_crt: /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt ssl_key: /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.key
Using only a secure HTTPS connection is strongly recommended since Salt authentication credentials will be sent over the wire.
A self-signed certificate can be generated using the create_self_signed_cert() execution function. Running this function requires pyOpenSSL and the salt-call script is available in the salt-minion package.
salt-call --local tls.create_self_signed_cert
All available configuration options are detailed below. These settings configure the CherryPy HTTP server and do not apply when using an external server such as Apache or Nginx.
- port
The port for the webserver to listen on.
- host
- The socket interface for the HTTP server to listen on.
- debug
- False Starts the web server in development mode. It will reload itself when the underlying code is changed and will output more debugging info.
- ssl_crt
- The path to a SSL certificate. (See below)
- ssl_key
- The path to the private key for your SSL certificate. (See below)
- disable_ssl
- A flag to disable SSL. Warning: your Salt authentication credentials will be sent in the clear!
- webhook_disable_auth
- False The Webhook URL requires authentication by default but external services cannot always be configured to send authentication. See the Webhook documentation for suggestions on securing this interface.
- webhook_url
- /hook Configure the URL endpoint for the Webhook entry point.
- thread_pool
- 100 The number of worker threads to start up in the pool.
- socket_queue_size
- 30 Specify the maximum number of HTTP connections to queue.
- expire_responses
- True Whether to check for and kill HTTP responses that have exceeded the default timeout.
- max_request_body_size
- 1048576 Maximum size for the HTTP request body.
- collect_stats
Collect and report statistics about the CherryPy server
Reports are available via the Stats URL.
- static
- A filesystem path to static HTML/JavaScript/CSS/image assets.
- static_path
- /static The URL prefix to use when serving static assets out of the directory specified in the static setting.
- app
- A filesystem path to an HTML file that will be served as a static file. This is useful for bootstrapping a single-page JavaScript app.
- app_path
The URL prefix to use for serving the HTML file specified in the app
setting. This should be a simple name containing no slashes.
Any path information after the specified path is ignored; this is useful for apps that utilize the HTML5 history API.
- root_prefix
- / A URL path to the main entry point for the application. This is useful for serving multiple applications from the same URL.
Authentication is performed by passing a session token with each request. Tokens are generated via the Login URL.
The token may be sent in one of two ways:
- •
Include a custom header named X-Auth-Token.
For example, using curl:
curl -sSk https://localhost:8000/login \ -H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \ -d username=saltdev \ -d password=saltdev \ -d eauth=auto
Copy the token value from the output and include it in subsequent requests:
curl -sSk https://localhost:8000 \ -H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \ -H 'X-Auth-Token: 697adbdc8fe971d09ae4c2a3add7248859c87079'\ -d client=local \ -d tgt='*' \ -d
- •
Sent via a cookie. This option is a convenience for HTTP clients that
automatically handle cookie support (such as browsers).
For example, using curl:
# Write the cookie file: curl -sSk https://localhost:8000/login \ -c ~/cookies.txt \ -H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \ -d username=saltdev \ -d password=saltdev \ -d eauth=auto # Read the cookie file: curl -sSk https://localhost:8000 \ -b ~/cookies.txt \ -H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \ -d client=local \ -d tgt='*' \ -d
SEE ALSO: You can bypass the session handling via the Run URL.
Commands are sent to a running Salt master via this module by sending HTTP requests to the URLs detailed below.
- Content negotiation
This REST interface is flexible in what data formats it will accept as well as what formats it will return (e.g., JSON, YAML, x-www-form-urlencoded).
- •
- Specify the format of data in the request body by including the Content-Type header.
- •
Specify the desired data format for the response body with the
Accept header.
Data sent in POST and PUT requests must be in the format of a list of lowstate dictionaries. This allows multiple commands to be executed in a single HTTP request. The order of commands in the request corresponds to the return for each command in the response.
Lowstate, broadly, is a dictionary of values that are mapped to a function call. This pattern is used pervasively throughout Salt. The functions called from netapi modules are described in Client Interfaces.
The following example (in JSON format) causes Salt to execute two commands, a command sent to minions as well as a runner function on the master:
[{ "client": "local", "tgt": "*", "fun": "test.fib", "arg": ["10"] }, { "client": "runner", "fun": "jobs.lookup_jid", "jid": "20130603122505459265" }]
- x-www-form-urlencoded
Sending JSON or YAML in the request body is simple and most flexible, however sending data in urlencoded format is also supported with the caveats below. It is the default format for HTML forms, many JavaScript libraries, and the curl command.
For example, the equivalent to running salt '*' is sending* in the HTTP request body.
- •
- Only a single command may be sent per HTTP request.
- •
Repeating the arg parameter multiple times will cause those
parameters to be combined into a single list.
Note, some popular frameworks and languages (notably jQuery, PHP, and Ruby on Rails) will automatically append empty brackets onto repeated parameters. E.g., arg=one, arg=two will be sent as arg[]=one, arg[]=two. This is not supported; send JSON or YAML instead.
The rest_cherrypy netapi module is a standard Python WSGI app. It can be
deployed one of two ways.
salt-api using the CherryPy server
The default configuration is to run this module using salt-api to
start the Python-based CherryPy server. This server is lightweight,
multi-threaded, encrypted with SSL, and should be considered production-ready.
Using a WSGI-compliant web server
This module may be deployed on any WSGI-compliant server such as Apache with mod_wsgi or Nginx with FastCGI, to name just two (there are many).
Note, external WSGI servers handle URLs, paths, and SSL certs directly. The rest_cherrypy configuration options are ignored and the salt-api daemon does not need to be running at all. Remember Salt authentication credentials are sent in the clear unless SSL is being enforced!
An example Apache virtual host configuration:
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName ServerAlias * ServerAdmin webmaster [at] LogLevel warn ErrorLog /var/www/ CustomLog /var/www/ combined DocumentRoot /var/www/ WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/salt/netapi/rest_cherrypy/ </VirtualHost>
REST URI Reference
- •
- /
- •
- /login
- •
- /logout
- •
- /minions
- •
- /jobs
- •
- /run
- •
- /events
- •
- /hook
- •
- /keys
- •
- /ws
- •
- /stats
- class
- The primary entry point to Salt's REST API
- GET()
- An explanation of the API with links of where to go next
- GET /
- Request Headers
- •
- Accept -- the desired response format.
- Status Codes
- •
- 200 -- success
- •
- 401 -- authentication required
- •
406 -- requested Content-Type not available
Example request:
curl -i localhost:8000
GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Accept: application/json
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json
Mock out specified imports
This allows autodoc to do its thing without having oodles of req'd installed libs. This doesn't work with import * imports.
- class*args, **kwargs)
Log in to receive a session token
Authentication information.
- GET()
- Present the login interface
- GET /login
- An explanation of how to log in.
- Status Codes
- •
- 200 -- success
- •
- 401 -- authentication required
- •
406 -- requested Content-Type not available
Example request:
curl -i localhost:8000/login
GET /login HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Accept: text/html
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html
- POST(**kwargs)
- Authenticate against Salt's eauth system
- POST /login
- Request Headers
- •
- X-Auth-Token -- a session token from Login.
- •
- Accept -- the desired response format.
- •
- Content-Type -- the format of the request body.
- Form Parameters
- •
- eauth -- the eauth backend configured for the user
- •
- username -- username
- •
- password -- password
- Status Codes
- •
- 200 -- success
- •
- 401 -- authentication required
- •
406 -- requested Content-Type not available
Example request:
curl -si localhost:8000/login \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -d username='saltuser' \ -d password='saltpass' \ -d eauth='pam'
POST / HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Content-Length: 42 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Accept: application/json username=saltuser&password=saltpass&eauth=pam
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 206 X-Auth-Token: 6d1b722e Set-Cookie: session_id=6d1b722e; expires=Sat, 17 Nov 2012 03:23:52 GMT; Path=/ {"return": { "token": "6d1b722e", "start": 1363805943.776223, "expire": 1363849143.776224, "user": "saltuser", "eauth": "pam", "perms": [ "grains.*", "status.*", "sys.*", "test.*" ] }}
- class
- Class to remove or invalidate sessions
- POST()
- Destroy the currently active session and expire the session cookie
- class
- Convenience URLs for working with minions
- GET(mid=None)
- A convenience URL for getting lists of minions or getting minion details
- GET /minions/(mid)
- Request Headers
- •
- X-Auth-Token -- a session token from Login.
- •
- Accept -- the desired response format.
- Status Codes
- •
- 200 -- success
- •
- 401 -- authentication required
- •
406 -- requested Content-Type not available
Example request:
curl -i localhost:8000/minions/ms-3
GET /minions/ms-3 HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Accept: application/x-yaml
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 129005 Content-Type: application/x-yaml return: - ms-3: grains.items: ...
- POST(**kwargs)
- Start an execution command and immediately return the job id
- POST /minions
- Request Headers
- •
- X-Auth-Token -- a session token from Login.
- •
- Accept -- the desired response format.
- •
- Content-Type -- the format of the request body.
- Response Headers
- •
- Content-Type -- the format of the response body; depends on the Accept request header.
- Status Codes
- •
- 200 -- success
- •
- 401 -- authentication required
- •
406 -- requested Content-Type not available
lowstate data describing Salt commands must be sent in the request body. The client option will be set to local_async().
Example request:
curl -sSi localhost:8000/minions \ -H "Accept: application/x-yaml" \ -d tgt='*' \ -d fun='status.diskusage'
POST /minions HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Accept: application/x-yaml Content-Length: 26 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded tgt=*&fun=status.diskusage
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted Content-Length: 86 Content-Type: application/x-yaml return: - jid: '20130603122505459265' minions: [ms-4, ms-3, ms-2, ms-1, ms-0] _links: jobs: - href: /jobs/20130603122505459265
- class
- GET(jid=None)
- A convenience URL for getting lists of previously run jobs or getting the return from a single job
- GET /jobs/(jid)
- List jobs or show a single job from the job cache.
- Request Headers
- •
- X-Auth-Token -- a session token from Login.
- •
- Accept -- the desired response format.
- Status Codes
- •
- 200 -- success
- •
- 401 -- authentication required
- •
406 -- requested Content-Type not available
Example request:
curl -i localhost:8000/jobs
GET /jobs HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Accept: application/x-yaml
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 165 Content-Type: application/x-yaml return: - '20121130104633606931': Arguments: - '3' Function: test.fib Start Time: 2012, Nov 30 10:46:33.606931 Target: jerry Target-type: glob
Example request:
curl -i localhost:8000/jobs/20121130104633606931
GET /jobs/20121130104633606931 HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Accept: application/x-yaml
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 73 Content-Type: application/x-yaml info: - Arguments: - '3' Function: test.fib Minions: - jerry Start Time: 2012, Nov 30 10:46:33.606931 Target: '*' Target-type: glob User: saltdev jid: '20121130104633606931' return: - jerry: - - 0 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 6.9141387939453125e-06
- class
- Class to run commands without normal session handling
- POST(**kwargs)
- Run commands bypassing the normal session handling
- POST /run
This entry point is primarily for "one-off" commands. Each request
must pass full Salt authentication credentials. Otherwise this URL
is identical to the root URL (/).
lowstate data describing Salt commands must be sent in the request body.
- Status Codes
- •
- 200 -- success
- •
- 401 -- authentication required
- •
406 -- requested Content-Type not available
Example request:
curl -sS localhost:8000/run \ -H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \ -d client='local' \ -d tgt='*' \ -d fun='' \ -d username='saltdev' \ -d password='saltdev' \ -d eauth='pam'
POST /run HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Accept: application/x-yaml Content-Length: 75 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded client=local&tgt=*&
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 73 Content-Type: application/x-yaml return: - ms-0: true ms-1: true ms-2: true ms-3: true ms-4: true
The /run enpoint can also be used to issue commands using the salt-ssh subsystem.
When using salt-ssh, eauth credentials should not be supplied. Instad, authentication should be handled by the SSH layer itself. The use of the salt-ssh client does not require a salt master to be running. Instead, only a roster file must be present in the salt configuration directory.
All SSH client requests are synchronous.
** Example SSH client request:**
curl -sS localhost:8000/run \ -H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \ -d client='ssh' \ -d tgt='*' \ -d fun=''
POST /run HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Accept: application/x-yaml Content-Length: 75 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded client=ssh&tgt=*&
Example SSH response:
return: - silver: fun: fun_args: [] id: silver jid: '20141203103525666185' retcode: 0 return: true success: true
- class
Expose the Salt event bus
The event bus on the Salt master exposes a large variety of things, notably when executions are started on the master and also when minions ultimately return their results. This URL provides a real-time window into a running Salt infrastructure.
SEE ALSO: events
- GET(token=None, salt_token=None)
An HTTP stream of the Salt master event bus
This stream is formatted per the Server Sent Events (SSE) spec. Each event is formatted as JSON.
- GET /events
- Status Codes
- •
- 200 -- success
- •
- 401 -- authentication required
- •
- 406 -- requested Content-Type not available
- Query Parameters
- •
- token -- optional parameter containing the token ordinarily supplied via the X-Auth-Token header in order to allow cross-domain requests in browsers that do not include CORS support in the EventSource API. E.g., curl -NsS localhost:8000/events?token=308650d
- •
salt_token -- optional parameter containing a raw Salt
eauth token (not to be confused with the token returned from
the /login URL). E.g.,
curl -NsS localhost:8000/events?salt_token=30742765
Example request:
curl -NsS localhost:8000/events
GET /events HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000
Example response:
Note, the tag field is not part of the spec. SSE compliant clients should ignore unknown fields. This addition allows non-compliant clients to only watch for certain tags without having to deserialze the JSON object each time.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Connection: keep-alive Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Type: text/event-stream;charset=utf-8 retry: 400 tag: salt/job/20130802115730568475/new data: {'tag': 'salt/job/20130802115730568475/new', 'data': {'minions': ['ms-4', 'ms-3', 'ms-2', 'ms-1', 'ms-0']}} tag: salt/job/20130802115730568475/ret/jerry data: {'tag': 'salt/job/20130802115730568475/ret/jerry', 'data': {'jid': '20130802115730568475', 'return': True, 'retcode': 0, 'success': True, 'cmd': '_return', 'fun': '', 'id': 'ms-1'}}
The event stream can be easily consumed via JavaScript:
var source = new EventSource('/events'); source.onopen = function() { console.debug('opening') }; source.onerror = function(e) { console.debug('error!', e) }; source.onmessage = function(e) { console.debug('Tag: ', console.debug('Data: ', };
Or using CORS:
var source = new EventSource('/events?token=ecd589e4e01912cf3c4035afad73426dbb8dba75', {withCredentials: true});
It is also possible to consume the stream via the shell.
Records are separated by blank lines; the data: and tag: prefixes will need to be removed manually before attempting to unserialize the JSON.
curl's -N flag turns off input buffering which is required to process the stream incrementally.
Here is a basic example of printing each event as it comes in:
curl -NsS localhost:8000/events |\ while IFS= read -r line ; do echo $line done
Here is an example of using awk to filter events based on tag:
curl -NsS localhost:8000/events |\ awk ' BEGIN { RS=""; FS="\\n" } $1 ~ /^tag: salt\/job\/[0-9]+\/new$/ { print $0 } ' tag: salt/job/20140112010149808995/new data: {"tag": "salt/job/20140112010149808995/new", "data": {"tgt_type": "glob", "jid": "20140112010149808995", "tgt": "jerry", "_stamp": "2014-01-12_01:01:49.809617", "user": "shouse", "arg": [], "fun": "", "minions": ["jerry"]}} tag: 20140112010149808995 data: {"tag": "20140112010149808995", "data": {"fun_args": [], "jid": "20140112010149808995", "return": true, "retcode": 0, "success": true, "cmd": "_return", "_stamp": "2014-01-12_01:01:49.819316", "fun": "", "id": "jerry"}}
- class
A generic web hook entry point that fires an event on Salt's event bus
External services can POST data to this URL to trigger an event in Salt. For example, Amazon SNS, Jenkins-CI or Travis-CI, or GitHub web hooks.
NOTE: Be mindful of security
Salt's Reactor can run any code. A Reactor SLS that responds to a hook event is responsible for validating that the event came from a trusted source and contains valid data.
This is a generic interface and securing it is up to you!
This URL requires authentication however not all external services can be configured to authenticate. For this reason authentication can be selectively disabled for this URL. Follow best practices -- always use SSL, pass a secret key, configure the firewall to only allow traffic from a known source, etc.
The event data is taken from the request body. The Content-Type header is respected for the payload.
The event tag is prefixed with salt/netapi/hook and the URL path is appended to the end. For example, a POST request sent to /hook/mycompany/myapp/mydata will produce a Salt event with the tag salt/netapi/hook/mycompany/myapp/mydata.
The following is an example .travis.yml file to send notifications to Salt of successful test runs:
language: python script: python -m unittest tests after_success: - | curl -sSk -d branch="${TRAVIS_BRANCH}" -d commit="${TRAVIS_COMMIT}"
SEE ALSO: events, reactor
- POST(*args, **kwargs)
- Fire an event in Salt with a custom event tag and data
- POST /hook
- Status Codes
- •
- 200 -- success
- •
- 401 -- authentication required
- •
- 406 -- requested Content-Type not available
- •
413 -- request body is too large
Example request:
curl -sS localhost:8000/hook -d foo='Foo!' -d bar='Bar!'
POST /hook HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8000 Content-Length: 16 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded foo=Foo&bar=Bar!
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 14 Content-Type: application/json {"success": true}
As a practical example, an internal continuous-integration build server could send an HTTP POST request to the URL https://localhost:8000/hook/mycompany/build/success which contains the result of a build and the SHA of the version that was built as JSON. That would then produce the following event in Salt that could be used to kick off a deployment via Salt's Reactor:
Event fired at Fri Feb 14 17:40:11 2014 ************************* Tag: salt/netapi/hook/mycompany/build/success Data: {'_stamp': '2014-02-14_17:40:11.440996', 'headers': { 'X-My-Secret-Key': 'F0fAgoQjIT@W', 'Content-Length': '37', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Host': 'localhost:8000', 'Remote-Addr': ''}, 'post': {'revision': 'aa22a3c4b2e7', 'result': True}}
Salt's Reactor could listen for the event:
reactor: - 'salt/netapi/hook/mycompany/build/*': - /srv/reactor/react_ci_builds.sls
And finally deploy the new build:
{% set secret_key = data.get('headers', {}).get('X-My-Secret-Key') %} {% set build = data.get('post', {}) %} {% if secret_key == 'F0fAgoQjIT@W' and build.result == True %} deploy_my_app: cmd.state.sls: - tgt: 'application*' - arg: - myapp.deploy - kwarg: pillar: revision: {{ revision }} {% endif %}
- class
Convenience URLs for working with minion keys
New in version 2014.7.0.
These URLs wrap the functionality provided by the key wheel module functions.
Mock out specified imports
This allows autodoc to do its thing without having oodles of req'd installed libs. This doesn't work with import * imports.
Mock out specified imports
This allows autodoc to do its thing without having oodles of req'd installed libs. This doesn't work with import * imports.
- class
Open a WebSocket connection to Salt's event bus
The event bus on the Salt master exposes a large variety of things, notably when executions are started on the master and also when minions ultimately return their results. This URL provides a real-time window into a running Salt infrastructure. Uses websocket as the transport mechanism.
SEE ALSO: events
- GET(token=None, **kwargs)
- Return a websocket connection of Salt's event stream
- GET /ws/(token)
- Query Parameters
- •
format_events --
The event stream will undergo server-side formatting if the format_events URL parameter is included in the request. This can be useful to avoid formatting on the client-side:
curl -NsS <...snip...> localhost:8000/ws?format_events
- Request Headers
- •
- X-Auth-Token -- an authentication token from Login.
- Status Codes
- •
- 101 -- switching to the websockets protocol
- •
- 401 -- authentication required
- •
406 -- requested Content-Type not available
Example request:
- curl -NsSk
-H 'X-Auth-Token: ffedf49d' -H 'Host: localhost:8000' -H 'Connection: Upgrade' -H 'Upgrade: websocket' -H 'Origin: https://localhost:8000' -H 'Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13' -H 'Sec-WebSocket-Key: '"$(echo -n $RANDOM | base64)" localhost:8000/ws
GET /ws HTTP/1.1 Connection: Upgrade Upgrade: websocket Host: localhost:8000 Origin: https://localhost:8000 Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 Sec-WebSocket-Key: s65VsgHigh7v/Jcf4nXHnA== X-Auth-Token: ffedf49d
Example response:
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols Upgrade: websocket Connection: Upgrade Sec-WebSocket-Accept: mWZjBV9FCglzn1rIKJAxrTFlnJE= Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13
An authentication token may optionally be passed as part of the URL for browsers that cannot be configured to send the authentication header or cookie:
curl -NsS <...snip...> localhost:8000/ws/ffedf49d
The event stream can be easily consumed via JavaScript:
// Note, you must be authenticated! var source = new Websocket('ws://localhost:8000/ws/d0ce6c1a'); source.onerror = function(e) { console.debug('error!', e); }; source.onmessage = function(e) { console.debug(; }; source.send('websocket client ready') source.close();
Or via Python, using the Python module websocket-client for example.
# Note, you must be authenticated! from websocket import create_connection ws = create_connection('ws://localhost:8000/ws/d0ce6c1a') ws.send('websocket client ready') # Look at for more # examples. while listening_to_events: print ws.recv() ws.close()
Above examples show how to establish a websocket connection to Salt and activating real time updates from Salt's event stream by signaling websocket client ready.
- class
- Expose statistics on the running CherryPy server
- GET()
- Return a dump of statistics collected from the CherryPy server
- GET /stats
- Request Headers
- •
- X-Auth-Token -- a session token from Login.
- •
- Accept -- the desired response format.
- Response Headers
- •
- Content-Type -- the format of the response body; depends on the Accept request header.
- Status Codes
- •
- 200 -- success
- •
- 401 -- authentication required
- •
- 406 -- requested Content-Type not available
A non-blocking REST API for Salt
- depends
- •
- tornado Python module
- configuration
All authentication is done through Salt's external auth system which requires additional configuration not described
In order to run rest_tornado with the salt-master add the following to the Salt master config file.
rest_tornado: # can be any port port: 8000 # address to bind to (defaults to address: # socket backlog backlog: 128 ssl_crt: /etc/pki/api/certs/server.crt # no need to specify ssl_key if cert and key # are in one single file ssl_key: /etc/pki/api/certs/server.key debug: False disable_ssl: False
Authentication is performed by passing a session token with each request. Tokens are generated via the SaltAuthHandler URL.
The token may be sent in one of two ways:
- •
- Include a custom header named X-Auth-Token.
- •
Sent via a cookie. This option is a convenience for HTTP clients that
automatically handle cookie support (such as browsers).
SEE ALSO: You can bypass the session handling via the RunSaltAPIHandler URL.
Commands are sent to a running Salt master via this module by sending HTTP requests to the URLs detailed below.
- Content negotiation
This REST interface is flexible in what data formats it will accept as well as what formats it will return (e.g., JSON, YAML, x-www-form-urlencoded).
- •
- Specify the format of data in the request body by including the Content-Type header.
- •
Specify the desired data format for the response body with the
Accept header.
Data sent in POST and PUT requests must be in the format of a list of lowstate dictionaries. This allows multiple commands to be executed in a single HTTP request.
- lowstate
A dictionary containing various keys that instruct Salt which command
to run, where that command lives, any parameters for that command, any
authentication credentials, what returner to use, etc.
Salt uses the lowstate data format internally in many places to pass command data between functions. Salt also uses lowstate for the LocalClient() Python API interface.
The following example (in JSON format) causes Salt to execute two commands:
[{ "client": "local", "tgt": "*", "fun": "test.fib", "arg": ["10"] }, { "client": "runner", "fun": "jobs.lookup_jid", "jid": "20130603122505459265" }]
Multiple commands in a Salt API request will be executed in serial and makes no gaurantees that all commands will run. Meaning that if test.fib (from the example above) had an exception, the API would still execute "jobs.lookup_jid".
Responses to these lowstates are an in-order list of dicts containing the return data, a yaml response could look like:
- ms-1: true ms-2: true - ms-1: foo ms-2: bar
In the event of an exception while executing a command the return for that lowstate will be a string, for example if no minions matched the first lowstate we would get a return like:
- No minions matched the target. No command was sent, no jid was assigned. - ms-1: true ms-2: true
- x-www-form-urlencoded
Sending JSON or YAML in the request body is simple and most flexible, however sending data in urlencoded format is also supported with the caveats below. It is the default format for HTML forms, many JavaScript libraries, and the curl command.
For example, the equivalent to running salt '*' is sending* in the HTTP request body.
- •
- Only a single command may be sent per HTTP request.
- •
Repeating the arg parameter multiple times will cause those
parameters to be combined into a single list.
Note, some popular frameworks and languages (notably jQuery, PHP, and Ruby on Rails) will automatically append empty brackets onto repeated parameters. E.g., arg=one, arg=two will be sent as arg[]=one, arg[]=two. This is not supported; send JSON or YAML instead.
A Websockets add-on to saltnado
- depends
- •
tornado Python module
In order to enable saltnado_websockets you must add websockets: True to your saltnado config block.
rest_tornado: # can be any port port: 8000 ssl_crt: /etc/pki/api/certs/server.crt # no need to specify ssl_key if cert and key # are in one single file ssl_key: /etc/pki/api/certs/server.key debug: False disable_ssl: False websockets: True
All Events
Exposes all "real-time" events from Salt's event bus on a websocket connection. It should be noted that "Real-time" here means these events are made available to the server as soon as any salt related action (changes to minions, new jobs etc) happens. Clients are however assumed to be able to tolerate any network transport related latencies. Functionality provided by this endpoint is similar to the /events end point.
The event bus on the Salt master exposes a large variety of things, notably when executions are started on the master and also when minions ultimately return their results. This URL provides a real-time window into a running Salt infrastructure. Uses websocket as the transport mechanism.
Exposes GET method to return websocket connections. All requests should include an auth token. A way to obtain obtain authentication tokens is shown below.
% curl -si localhost:8000/login \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -d username='salt' \ -d password='salt' \ -d eauth='pam'
Which results in the response
{ "return": [{ "perms": [".*", "@runner", "@wheel"], "start": 1400556492.277421, "token": "d0ce6c1a37e99dcc0374392f272fe19c0090cca7", "expire": 1400599692.277422, "user": "salt", "eauth": "pam" }] }
In this example the token returned is d0ce6c1a37e99dcc0374392f272fe19c0090cca7 and can be included in subsequent websocket requests (as part of the URL).
The event stream can be easily consumed via JavaScript:
// Note, you must be authenticated! // Get the Websocket connection to Salt var source = new Websocket('wss://localhost:8000/all_events/d0ce6c1a37e99dcc0374392f272fe19c0090cca7'); // Get Salt's "real time" event stream. source.onopen = function() { source.send('websocket client ready'); }; // Other handlers source.onerror = function(e) { console.debug('error!', e); }; // represents Salt's "real time" event data as serialized JSON. source.onmessage = function(e) { console.debug(; }; // Terminates websocket connection and Salt's "real time" event stream on the server. source.close();
Or via Python, using the Python module websocket-client for example. Or the tornado client.
# Note, you must be authenticated! from websocket import create_connection # Get the Websocket connection to Salt ws = create_connection('wss://localhost:8000/all_events/d0ce6c1a37e99dcc0374392f272fe19c0090cca7') # Get Salt's "real time" event stream. ws.send('websocket client ready') # Simple listener to print results of Salt's "real time" event stream. # Look at for more examples. while listening_to_events: print ws.recv() # Salt's "real time" event data as serialized JSON. # Terminates websocket connection and Salt's "real time" event stream on the server. ws.close() # Please refer to when using a self signed cert
Above examples show how to establish a websocket connection to Salt and activating
real time updates from Salt's event stream by signaling websocket client ready.
Formatted Events
Exposes formatted "real-time" events from Salt's event bus on a websocket connection. It should be noted that "Real-time" here means these events are made available to the server as soon as any salt related action (changes to minions, new jobs etc) happens. Clients are however assumed to be able to tolerate any network transport related latencies. Functionality provided by this endpoint is similar to the /events end point.
The event bus on the Salt master exposes a large variety of things, notably when executions are started on the master and also when minions ultimately return their results. This URL provides a real-time window into a running Salt infrastructure. Uses websocket as the transport mechanism.
Formatted events parses the raw "real time" event stream and maintains a current view of the following:
- •
- minions
- •
A change to the minions (such as addition, removal of keys or connection drops) or jobs is processed and clients are updated. Since we use salt's presence events to track minions, please enable presence_events and set a small value for the loop_interval in the salt master config file.
Exposes GET method to return websocket connections. All requests should include an auth token. A way to obtain obtain authentication tokens is shown below.
% curl -si localhost:8000/login \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -d username='salt' \ -d password='salt' \ -d eauth='pam'
Which results in the response
{ "return": [{ "perms": [".*", "@runner", "@wheel"], "start": 1400556492.277421, "token": "d0ce6c1a37e99dcc0374392f272fe19c0090cca7", "expire": 1400599692.277422, "user": "salt", "eauth": "pam" }] }
In this example the token returned is d0ce6c1a37e99dcc0374392f272fe19c0090cca7 and can be included in subsequent websocket requests (as part of the URL).
The event stream can be easily consumed via JavaScript:
// Note, you must be authenticated! // Get the Websocket connection to Salt var source = new Websocket('wss://localhost:8000/formatted_events/d0ce6c1a37e99dcc0374392f272fe19c0090cca7'); // Get Salt's "real time" event stream. source.onopen = function() { source.send('websocket client ready'); }; // Other handlers source.onerror = function(e) { console.debug('error!', e); }; // represents Salt's "real time" event data as serialized JSON. source.onmessage = function(e) { console.debug(; }; // Terminates websocket connection and Salt's "real time" event stream on the server. source.close();
Or via Python, using the Python module websocket-client for example. Or the tornado client.
# Note, you must be authenticated! from websocket import create_connection # Get the Websocket connection to Salt ws = create_connection('wss://localhost:8000/formatted_events/d0ce6c1a37e99dcc0374392f272fe19c0090cca7') # Get Salt's "real time" event stream. ws.send('websocket client ready') # Simple listener to print results of Salt's "real time" event stream. # Look at for more examples. while listening_to_events: print ws.recv() # Salt's "real time" event data as serialized JSON. # Terminates websocket connection and Salt's "real time" event stream on the server. ws.close() # Please refer to when using a self signed cert
Above examples show how to establish a websocket connection to Salt and activating real time updates from Salt's event stream by signaling websocket client ready.
Example responses
Minion information is a dictionary keyed by each connected minion's id (mid), grains information for each minion is also included.
Minion information is sent in response to the following minion events:
- •
- connection drops
- •
- requires running manage.present periodically every loop_interval seconds
- •
- minion addition
- •
minon removal
# Not all grains are shown data: { "minions": { "minion1": { "id": "minion1", "grains": { "kernel": "Darwin", "domain": "local", "zmqversion": "4.0.3", "kernelrelease": "13.2.0" } } } }
Job information is also tracked and delivered.
Job information is also a dictionary in which each job's information is keyed by salt's jid.
data: { "jobs": { "20140609153646699137": { "tgt_type": "glob", "jid": "20140609153646699137", "tgt": "*", "start_time": "2014-06-09T15:36:46.700315", "state": "complete", "fun": "", "minions": { "minion1": { "return": true, "retcode": 0, "success": true } } } } }
REST URI Reference
- •
- /
- •
- /login
- •
- /minions
- •
- /jobs
- •
- /run
- •
- /events
- •
- /hook
- salt.netapi.rest_tornado.saltnado.SaltAPIHandler
- alias of <Mock object at 0x2aae962fa650>
- salt.netapi.rest_tornado.saltnado.SaltAuthHandler
- alias of <Mock object at 0x2aae962fae10>
- salt.netapi.rest_tornado.saltnado.MinionSaltAPIHandler
- alias of <Mock object at 0x2aae962fa110>
- salt.netapi.rest_tornado.saltnado.JobsSaltAPIHandler
- alias of <Mock object at 0x2aae962faf10>
- salt.netapi.rest_tornado.saltnado.RunSaltAPIHandler
- alias of <Mock object at 0x2aae87858810>
- salt.netapi.rest_tornado.saltnado.EventsSaltAPIHandler
- alias of <Mock object at 0x2aae87858990>
- salt.netapi.rest_tornado.saltnado.WebhookSaltAPIHandler
- alias of <Mock object at 0x2aae8cd76750>
A minimalist REST API for Salt
This rest_wsgi module provides a no-frills REST interface for sending commands to the Salt master. There are no dependencies.
Extra care must be taken when deploying this module into production. Please read this documentation in entirety.
All authentication is done through Salt's external auth
- •
- All requests must be sent to the root URL (/).
- •
- All requests must be sent as a POST request with JSON content in the request body.
- •
All responses are in JSON.
SEE ALSO: rest_cherrypy
The rest_cherrypy module is more full-featured, production-ready, and has builtin security features.
The rest_wsgi netapi module is a standard Python WSGI app. It can be
deployed one of two ways.
Using a WSGI-compliant web server
This module may be run via any WSGI-compliant production server such as Apache with mod_wsgi or Nginx with FastCGI.
It is strongly recommended that this app be used with a server that supports
HTTPS encryption since raw Salt authentication credentials must be sent with
every request. Any apps that access Salt through this interface will need to
manually manage authentication credentials (either username and password or a
Salt token). Tread carefully.
salt-api using a development-only server
If run directly via the salt-api daemon it uses the wsgiref.simple_server() that ships in the Python standard library. This is a single-threaded server that is intended for testing and development. This server does not use encryption; please note that raw Salt authentication credentials must be sent with every HTTP request.
Running this module via salt-api is not recommended!
In order to start this module via the salt-api daemon the following must be put into the Salt master config:
rest_wsgi: port: 8001
Usage examples
- POST /
Example request for a basic
% curl -sS -i \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '[{"eauth":"pam","username":"saltdev","password":"saltdev","client":"local","tgt":"*","fun":""}]' localhost:8001
Example response:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Length: 89 Content-Type: application/json {"return": [{"ms--4": true, "ms--3": true, "ms--2": true, "ms--1": true, "ms--0": true}]}
Example request for an asynchronous
% curl -sS -i \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '[{"eauth":"pam","username":"saltdev","password":"saltdev","client":"local_async","tgt":"*","fun":""}]' localhost:8001
Example response:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Length: 103 Content-Type: application/json {"return": [{"jid": "20130412192112593739", "minions": ["ms--4", "ms--3", "ms--2", "ms--1", "ms--0"]}]}
Example request for looking up a job ID:
% curl -sS -i \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '[{"eauth":"pam","username":"saltdev","password":"saltdev","client":"runner","fun":"jobs.lookup_jid","jid":"20130412192112593739"}]' localhost:8001
Example response:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Length: 89 Content-Type: application/json {"return": [{"ms--4": true, "ms--3": true, "ms--2": true, "ms--1": true, "ms--0": true}]}
- form lowstate
- A list of lowstate data appropriate for the client interface you are calling.
- status 200
- success
- status 401
- authentication required
Full list of builtin output modules
Follow one of the below links for further information and examples
compact |
Display compact output data structure
highstate |
Outputter for displaying results of state runs
json_out |
Display return data in JSON format
key |
Display salt-key output
nested |
Recursively display nested data
newline_values_only |
Display values only, separated by newlines
no_out |
Display no output
no_return |
Display output for minions that did not return
overstatestage |
Display clean output of an overstate stage
pprint_out |
Python pretty-print (pprint)
progress |
Display return data as a progress bar
raw |
Display raw output data structure
txt |
Simple text outputter
virt_query |
virt.query outputter
yaml_out |
Display return data in YAML format
Display compact output data structure
Example output:: 'saltdev': {'test_|-always-passes_|-foo_|-succeed_without_changes': {'comment': 'Success!', 'name': 'foo', 'start_time': '05:16:26.111814', 'result': True, 'duration': 1, '__run_num__': 0, 'changes': {}}, 'test_|-my-custom-combo_|-foo_|-configurable_test_state': {'comment': 'bar.baz', 'name': 'foo', 'start_time': '05:16:26.117177', 'result': False, 'duration': 1, '__run_num__': 4, 'changes': {'testing': {'new': 'Something pretended to change', 'old': 'Unchanged'}}}, 'test_|-always-fails_|-foo_|-fail_without_changes': {'comment': 'Failure!', 'name': 'foo', 'start_time': '05:16:26.113124', 'result': False, 'duration': 1, '__run_num__': 1, 'changes': {}}, 'test_|-always-changes-and-succeeds_|-foo_|-succeed_with_changes': {'comment': 'Success!', 'name': 'foo', 'start_time': '05:16:26.114570', 'result': True, 'duration': 0, '__run_num__': 2, 'changes': {'testing': {'new': 'Something pretended to change', 'old': 'Unchanged'}}}, 'test_|-always-changes-and-fails_|-foo_|-fail_with_changes': {'comment': 'Failure!', 'name': 'foo', 'start_time': '05:16:26.115561', 'result': False, 'duration': 1, '__run_num__': 3, 'changes': {'testing': {'new': 'Something pretended to change', 'old': 'Unchanged'}}}}}{'myminion': {'foo': {'list': ['Hello', 'World'], 'bar': 'baz', 'dictionary': {'abc': 123, 'def': 456}}}}
- salt.output.compact.output(data)
- Rather basic....
Outputter for displaying results of state runs
The return data from the Highstate command is a standard data structure which is parsed by the highstate outputter to deliver a clean and readable set of information about the HighState run on minions.
Two configurations can be set to modify the highstate outputter. These values can be set in the master config to change the output of the salt command or set in the minion config to change the output of the salt-call command.
- state_verbose:
- By default state_verbose is set to True, setting this to False will instruct the highstate outputter to omit displaying anything in green, this means that nothing with a result of True and no changes will not be printed
- state_output:
- The highstate outputter has five output modes, full, terse, mixed, changes and filter.
- •
- The default is set to full, which will display many lines of detailed information for each executed chunk.
- •
- If terse is used, then the output is greatly simplified and shown in only one line.
- •
- If mixed is used, then terse output will be used unless a state failed, in which case full output will be used.
- •
- If changes is used, then terse output will be used if there was no error and no changes, otherwise full output will be used.
- •
- If filter is used, then either or both of two different filters can be used: exclude or terse. These can be set as such from the command line, or in the Salt config as state_output_exclude or state_output_terse, respectively. The values to exclude must be a comma-separated list of True, False and/or None. Because of parsing nuances, if only one of these is used, it must still contain a comma. For instance: exclude=True,.
- state_tabular:
If state_output uses the terse output, set this to True for an aligned
output format. If you wish to use a custom format, this can be set to a
Example output:
myminion: ---------- ID: Function: Result: True Comment: Module function executed Changes: ---------- ret: True Summary ------------ Succeeded: 1 Failed: 0 ------------ Total: 0
- salt.output.highstate.output(data)
- The HighState Outputter is only meant to be used with the state.highstate function, or a function that returns highstate return data.
Display return data in JSON format
- configuration
The output format can be configured in two ways:
Using the --out-indent CLI flag and specifying a positive integer or a
negative integer to group JSON from each minion to a single line.
Or setting the output_indent setting in the Master or Minion configuration file with one of the following values:
- •
- Null: put each minion return on a single line.
- •
- pretty: use four-space indents and sort the keys.
- •
An integer: specify the indentation level.
Salt's outputters operate on a per-minion basis. Each minion return will be output as a single JSON object once it comes in to the master.
Some JSON parsers can guess when an object ends and a new one begins but many can not. A good way to differentiate between each minion return is to use the single-line output format and to parse each line individually. Example output (truncated):
{"dave": {"en0": {"hwaddr": "02:b0:26:32:4c:69", ...}}} {"jerry": {"en0": {"hwaddr": "02:26:ab:0d:b9:0d", ...}}} {"kevin": {"en0": {"hwaddr": "02:6d:7f:ce:9f:ee", ...}}} {"mike": {"en0": {"hwaddr": "02:48:a2:4b:70:a0", ...}}} {"phill": {"en0": {"hwaddr": "02:1d:cc:a2:33:55", ...}}} {"stuart": {"en0": {"hwaddr": "02:9a:e0:ea:9e:3c", ...}}}
- salt.output.json_out.output(data)
- Print the output data in JSON
Display salt-key output
The salt-key command makes use of this outputter to format its output.
- salt.output.key.output(data)
- Read in the dict structure generated by the salt key API methods and print the structure.
Recursively display nested data
This is the default outputter for most execution functions.
Example output:
myminion: ---------- foo: ---------- bar: baz dictionary: ---------- abc: 123 def: 456 list: - Hello - World
- class salt.output.nested.NestDisplay
- Manage the nested display contents
- display(ret, indent, prefix, out)
- Recursively iterate down through data structures to determine output
- ustring(indent, color, msg, prefix='', suffix='', endc=None)
- salt.output.nested.output(ret)
- Display ret data
Display values only, separated by newlines
New in version 2015.5.0.
This outputter is designed for Salt CLI return data. It will do the following to the return dict:
- 1.
- Get just the values (ignoring the minion IDs).
- 2.
- Each value, if it is iterable, is split a separate line.
- 3.
Each minion's values are separated by newlines.
This results in a single string of return data containing all the values from the various minions.
WARNING: As noted above, this outputter will discard the minion ID. If the minion ID is important, then an outputter that returns the full return dictionary in a parsable format (such as json, pprint,, or yaml) may be more suitable.
Example 1
{ 'myminion': ['', ''], 'second-minion': ['', ''] }
Example 2
{ 'myminion': 8, 'second-minion': 10 }
8 10
- salt.output.newline_values_only.output(data)
- Display modified ret data
Display no output
No output is produced when this outputter is selected
- salt.output.no_out.output(ret)
- Don't display data. Used when you only are interested in the return.
Display output for minions that did not return
This outputter is used to display notices about which minions failed to return when a salt function is run with -v or --verbose. It should not be called directly from the CLI.
Example output:
virtucentos: Minion did not return
- class salt.output.no_return.NestDisplay
- Create generator for nested output
- display(ret, indent, prefix, out)
- Recursively iterate down through data structures to determine output
- salt.output.no_return.output(ret)
- Display ret data
Display clean output of an overstate stage
This outputter is used to display OverState stages, and should not be called directly.
- salt.output.overstatestage.output(data)
- Format the data for printing stage information from the overstate system
Python pretty-print (pprint)
The python pretty-print system was once the default outputter. It simply passes the return data through to pprint.pformat and prints the results.
Example output:
{'saltmine': {'foo': {'bar': 'baz', 'dictionary': {'abc': 123, 'def': 456}, 'list': ['Hello', 'World']}}}
- salt.output.pprint_out.output(data)
- Print out via pretty print
Display return data as a progress bar
- salt.output.progress.output(ret, bar)
- Update the progress bar
- salt.output.progress.progress_iter(progress)
- Initialize and return a progress bar iter
Display raw output data structure
This outputter simply displays the output as a python data structure, by printing a string representation of it. It is similar to the pprint outputter, only the data is not nicely formatted/indented.
This was the original outputter used by Salt before the outputter system was developed.
Example output:
{'myminion': {'foo': {'list': ['Hello', 'World'], 'bar': 'baz', 'dictionary': {'abc': 123, 'def': 456}}}}
- salt.output.raw.output(data)
- Rather basic....
Simple text outputter
The txt outputter has been developed to make the output from shell commands on minions appear as they do when the command is executed on the minion.
- salt.output.txt.output(data)
- Output the data in lines, very nice for running commands
virt.query outputter
Used to display the output from the virt.query runner.
- salt.output.virt_query.output(data)
- Display output for the salt-run virt.query function
Display return data in YAML format
This outputter defaults to printing in YAML block mode for better readability.
Example output:
saltmine: foo: bar: baz dictionary: abc: 123 def: 456 list: - Hello - World
- salt.output.yaml_out.output(data)
- Print out YAML using the block mode
Peer Communication
Salt 0.9.0 introduced the capability for Salt minions to publish commands. The intent of this feature is not for Salt minions to act as independent brokers one with another, but to allow Salt minions to pass commands to each other.
In Salt 0.10.0 the ability to execute runners from the master was added. This allows for the master to return collective data from runners back to the minions via the peer interface.
The peer interface is configured through two options in the master configuration file. For minions to send commands from the master the peer configuration is used. To allow for minions to execute runners from the master the peer_run configuration is used.
Since this presents a viable security risk by allowing minions access to the
master publisher the capability is turned off by default. The minions can be
allowed access to the master publisher on a per minion basis based on regular
expressions. Minions with specific ids can be allowed access to certain Salt
modules and functions.
Peer Configuration
The configuration is done under the peer setting in the Salt master configuration file, here are a number of configuration possibilities.
The simplest approach is to enable all communication for all minions, this is only recommended for very secure environments.
peer: .*: - .*
This configuration will allow minions with IDs ending in access to the test, ps, and pkg module functions.
peer: .* - test.* - ps.* - pkg.*
The configuration logic is simple, a regular expression is passed for matching minion ids, and then a list of expressions matching minion functions is associated with the named minion. For instance, this configuration will also allow minions ending with access to the publisher.
peer: .* - test.* - ps.* - pkg.* .* - test.* - ps.* - pkg.*
Peer Runner Communication
Configuration to allow minions to execute runners from the master is done via the peer_run option on the master. The peer_run configuration follows the same logic as the peer option. The only difference is that access is granted to runner modules.
To open up access to all minions to all runners:
peer_run: .*: - .*
This configuration will allow minions with IDs ending in access to the manage and jobs runner functions.
peer_run: .* - manage.* - jobs.*
Using Peer Communication
The publish module was created to manage peer communication. The publish module comes with a number of functions to execute peer communication in different ways. Currently there are three functions in the publish module. These examples will show how to test the peer system via the salt-call command.
To execute on all minions:
# salt-call publish.publish \*
To execute the manage.up runner:
# salt-call publish.runner manage.up
To match minions using other matchers, use expr_form:
# salt-call publish.publish 'webserv* and not G@os:Ubuntu' expr_form='compound'
Salt includes a number of built-in external pillars, listed at all-salt.pillars.
You may also wish to look at the standard pillar documentation, at pillar-configuration
The source for the built-in Salt pillars can be found here:
Full list of builtin pillar modules
cmd_json |
Execute a command and read the output as JSON.
cmd_yaml |
Execute a command and read the output as YAML.
cmd_yamlex |
Execute a command and read the output as YAMLEX.
cobbler |
A module to pull data from Cobbler via its API into the Pillar dictionary
django_orm |
Generate Pillar data from Django models through the Django ORM
ec2_pillar |
Retrieve EC2 instance data for minions.
etcd_pillar |
Use etcd data as a Pillar source
file_tree |
Recursively iterate over directories and add all files as Pillar data.
foreman |
A module to pull data from Foreman via its API into the Pillar dictionary
git_pillar |
Clone a remote git repository and use the filesystem as a Pillar source
hiera |
Use hiera data as a Pillar source
libvirt |
Load up the libvirt keys into Pillar for a given minion if said keys have been generated using the libvirt key runner
mongo |
Read Pillar data from a mongodb collection
mysql |
Retrieve Pillar data by doing a MySQL query
pepa |
pillar_ldap |
Use LDAP data as a Pillar source
puppet |
Execute an unmodified puppet_node_classifier and read the output as YAML.
reclass_adapter |
Use the "reclass" database as a Pillar source
redismod |
Read pillar data from a Redis backend
s3 |
Copy pillar data from a bucket in Amazon S3
svn_pillar |
Clone a remote SVN repository and use the filesystem as a Pillar source
varstack_pillar |
Use Varstack data as a Pillar source
virtkey |
Accept a key from a hypervisor if the virt runner has already submitted an authorization request
Execute a command and read the output as JSON. The JSON data is then directly overlaid onto the minion's Pillar data.
- salt.pillar.cmd_json.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, command)
- Execute a command and read the output as JSON
Execute a command and read the output as YAML. The YAML data is then directly overlaid onto the minion's Pillar data
- salt.pillar.cmd_yaml.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, command)
- Execute a command and read the output as YAML
Execute a command and read the output as YAMLEX. The YAMLEX data is then directly overlaid onto the minion's Pillar data
- salt.pillar.cmd_yamlex.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, command)
- Execute a command and read the output as YAMLEX
A module to pull data from Cobbler via its API into the Pillar dictionary
Configuring the Cobbler ext_pillar
The same cobbler.* parameters are used for both the Cobbler tops and Cobbler pillar modules.
ext_pillar: - cobbler: key: cobbler # Nest results within this key. By default, values are not nested. only: [parameters] # Add only these keys to pillar. cobbler.url: #default is http://localhost/cobbler_api cobbler.user: username # default is no username cobbler.password: password # default is no password
Module Documentation
- salt.pillar.cobbler.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, key=None, only=())
- Read pillar data from Cobbler via its API.
Generate Pillar data from Django models through the Django ORM
- maintainer
- Micah Hausler <micah.hausler [at]>
- maturity
- new
Configuring the django_orm ext_pillar
To use this module, your Django project must be on the salt master server with database access. This assumes you are using virtualenv with all the project's requirements installed.
ext_pillar: - django_orm: pillar_name: my_application project_path: /path/to/project/ settings_module: my_application.settings env_file: /path/to/env/ # Optional: If your project is not using the system python, # add your virtualenv path below. env: /path/to/virtualenv/ django_app: # Required: the app that is included in INSTALLED_APPS my_application.clients: # Required: the model name Client: # Required: model field to use as the key in the rendered # Pillar. Must be unique; must also be included in the # ``fields`` list below. name: shortname # Optional: # See Django's QuerySet documentation for how to use .filter() filter: {'kw': 'args'} # Required: a list of field names # List items will be used as arguments to the .values() method. # See Django's QuerySet documentation for how to use .values() fields: - field_1 - field_2
This would return pillar data that would look like
my_application: my_application.clients: Client: client_1: field_1: data_from_field_1 field_2: data_from_field_2 client_2: field_1: data_from_field_1 field_2: data_from_field_2
As another example, data from multiple database tables can be fetched using Django's regular lookup syntax. Note, using ManyToManyFields will not currently work since the return from values() changes if a ManyToMany is present.
ext_pillar: - django_orm: pillar_name: djangotutorial project_path: /path/to/mysite settings_module: mysite.settings django_app: mysite.polls: Choices: name: poll__question fields: - poll__question - poll__id - choice_text - votes
Module Documentation
- salt.pillar.django_orm.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, pillar_name, project_path, settings_module, django_app, env=None, env_file=None, *args, **kwargs)
- Connect to a Django database through the ORM and retrieve model fields
- Parameters
- •
- pillar_name (str) -- The name of the pillar to be returned
- •
- project_path (str) -- The full path to your Django project (the directory is in)
- •
- settings_module (str) -- The settings module for your project. This can be found in your file
- •
- django_app (str) -- A dictionary containing your apps, models, and fields
- •
- env (str) -- The full path to the virtualenv for your Django project
- •
- env_file (str) -- An optional bash file that sets up your environment. The file is run in a subprocess and the changed variables are then added
Retrieve EC2 instance data for minions.
The minion id must be the instance-id retrieved from AWS. As an option, use_grain can be set to True. This allows the use of an instance-id grain instead of the minion-id. Since this is a potential security risk, the configuration can be further expanded to include a list of minions that are trusted to only allow the alternate id of the instances to specific hosts. There is no glob matching at this time.
ext_pillar: - ec2_pillar: use_grain: True minion_ids: - trusted-minion-1 - trusted-minion-2 - trusted-minion-3
This is a very simple pillar that simply retrieves the instance data from AWS. Currently the only portion implemented are EC2 tags, which returns a list of key/value pairs for all of the EC2 tags assigned to the instance.
- salt.pillar.ec2_pillar.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, use_grain=False, minion_ids=None)
- Execute a command and read the output as YAML
Use etcd data as a Pillar source
New in version 2014.7.0.
- depends
- •
In order to use an etcd server, a profile must be created in the master configuration file:
my_etcd_config: etcd.port: 4001
After the profile is created, configure the external pillar system to use it. Optionally, a root may be specified.
ext_pillar: - etcd: my_etcd_config ext_pillar: - etcd: my_etcd_config root=/salt
Using these configuration profiles, multiple etcd sources may also be used:
ext_pillar: - etcd: my_etcd_config - etcd: my_other_etcd_config
The minion_id may be used in the root path to expose minion-specific information stored in etcd.
ext_pillar: - etcd: my_etcd_config root=/salt/%(minion_id)s
Minion-specific values may override shared values when the minion-specific root appears after the shared root:
ext_pillar: - etcd: my_etcd_config root=/salt-shared - etcd: my_other_etcd_config root=/salt-private/%(minion_id)s
Using the configuration above, the following commands could be used to share a key with all minions but override its value for a specific minion:
etcdctl set /salt-shared/mykey my_value etcdctl set /salt-private/special_minion_id/mykey my_other_value
- salt.pillar.etcd_pillar.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, conf)
- Check etcd for all data
Recursively iterate over directories and add all files as Pillar data.
Example configuration:
ext_pillar: - file_tree: root_dir: /path/to/root/directory follow_dir_links: False raw_data: False
The root_dir parameter is required and points to the directory where files for each host are stored. The follow_dir_links parameter is optional and defaults to False. If follow_dir_links is set to True, file_tree will follow symbolic links to other directories. Be careful when using follow_dir_links, the current implementation is dumb and will run into infinite recursion if a recursive symlink chain exists in the root_dir!
If raw_data is set to True, it will revert the behavior of the python open() function, which adds a line break character at the end of the file, in this case, the pillar data.
To fill pillar data for each host, file_tree recursively iterates over root_dir/hosts/id (where id is a minion ID), and constructs the same directory tree with contents of all the files inside the pillar tree.
For example, the following root_dir tree:
./hosts/ ./hosts/test-host/ ./hosts/test-host/files/ ./hosts/test-host/files/testdir/ ./hosts/test-host/files/testdir/file1.txt ./hosts/test-host/files/testdir/file2.txt ./hosts/test-host/files/another-testdir/ ./hosts/test-host/files/another-testdir/symlink-to-file1.txt
will result in the following pillar tree for minion with ID "test-host":
test-host: ---------- files: ---------- another-testdir: ---------- symlink-to-file1.txt: Contents of file #1. testdir: ---------- file1.txt: Contents of file #1. file2.txt: Contents of file #2.
To fill pillar data for minion in a node group, file_tree recursively iterates over root_dir/nodegroups/nodegroup (where nodegroup is a minion node group), and constructs the same directory tree with contents of all the files inside the pillar tree. IMPORTANT: The host data take precedence over the node group data
For example, the following root_dir tree:
./nodegroups/ ./nodegroups/test-group/ ./nodegroups/test-group/files/ ./nodegroups/test-group/files/testdir/ ./nodegroups/test-group/files/testdir/file1.txt ./nodegroups/test-group/files/testdir/file2.txt ./nodegroups/test-group/files/another-testdir/ ./nodegroups/test-group/files/another-testdir/symlink-to-file1.txt
will result in the following pillar tree for minion in the node group "test-group":
test-host: ---------- files: ---------- another-testdir: ---------- symlink-to-file1.txt: Contents of file #1. testdir: ---------- file1.txt: Contents of file #1. file2.txt: Contents of file #2.
- salt.pillar.file_tree.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, root_dir=None, follow_dir_links=False, debug=False, raw_data=False)
- Find pillar data for specified ID.
A module to pull data from Foreman via its API into the Pillar dictionary
Configuring the Foreman ext_pillar
Set the following Salt config to setup Foreman as external pillar source:
ext_pillar: - foreman: key: foreman # Nest results within this key only: ['hostgroup_name', 'parameters'] # Add only these keys to pillar foreman.url: foreman.user: username # default is admin foreman.password: password # default is changeme
The following options are optional:
foreman.api: apiversion # default is 2 (1 is not supported yet) foreman.verifyssl: False # default is True foreman.certfile: /etc/ssl/certs/mycert.pem # default is None foreman.keyfile: /etc/ssl/private/mykey.pem # default is None foreman.cafile: /etc/ssl/certs/ # default is None foreman.lookup_parameters: True # default is True
An alternative would be to use the Foreman modules integrating Salt features in the Smart Proxy and the webinterface.
Further information can be found on Github.
Module Documentation
- salt.pillar.foreman.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, key=None, only=())
- Read pillar data from Foreman via its API.
Clone a remote git repository and use the filesystem as a Pillar source
Currently GitPython is the only supported provider for git Pillars
This external Pillar source can be configured in the master config file like so:
ext_pillar: - git: master git://gitserver/git-pillar.git root=subdirectory
The root= parameter is optional and used to set the subdirectory from where to look for Pillar files (such as top.sls).
Changed in version 2014.7.0: The optional root parameter will be added.
Changed in version 2015.5.0: The special branch name '__env__' will be replace by the environment ({{env}})
Note that this is not the same thing as configuring pillar data using the pillar_roots parameter. The branch referenced in the ext_pillar entry above (master), would evaluate to the base environment, so this branch needs to contain a top.sls with a base section in it, like this:
base: '*': - foo
To use other environments from the same git repo as git_pillar sources, just add additional lines, like so:
ext_pillar: - git: master git://gitserver/git-pillar.git - git: dev git://gitserver/git-pillar.git
To remap a specific branch to a specific environment separate the branch name and the environment name with a colon:
ext_pillar: - git: develop:dev git://gitserver/git-pillar.git - git: master:prod git://gitserver/git-pillar.git
In this case, the dev branch would need its own top.sls with a dev section in it, like this:
dev: '*': - bar
In a gitfs base setup with pillars from the same repository as the states, the ext_pillar: configuration would be like:
ext_pillar: - git: __env__ git://gitserver/git-pillar.git root=pillar
The (optional) root=pillar defines the directory that contains the pillar data. The corresponding top.sls would be like:
{{env}}: '*': - bar
- class salt.pillar.git_pillar.GitPillar(branch, repo_location, opts)
- Deal with the remote git repository for Pillar
- envs()
- Return a list of refs that can be used as environments
- map_branch(branch, opts=None)
- update()
Ensure you are following the latest changes on the remote
Return boolean whether it worked
- salt.pillar.git_pillar.envs(branch, repo_location)
- Return a list of refs that can be used as environments
- salt.pillar.git_pillar.ext_pillar(minion_id, repo_string, pillar_dirs)
- Execute a command and read the output as YAML
- salt.pillar.git_pillar.update(branch, repo_location)
Ensure you are following the latest changes on the remote
return boolean whether it worked
Use hiera data as a Pillar source
- salt.pillar.hiera.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, conf)
- Execute hiera and return the data
Load up the libvirt keys into Pillar for a given minion if said keys have been generated using the libvirt key runner
- salt.pillar.libvirt.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, command)
- Read in the generated libvirt keys
- salt.pillar.libvirt.gen_hyper_keys(minion_id, country='US', state='Utah', locality='Salt Lake City', organization='Salted')
- Generate the keys to be used by libvirt hypervisors, this routine gens the keys and applies them to the pillar for the hypervisor minions
Read Pillar data from a mongodb collection
- depends
pymongo (for salt-master)
This module will load a node-specific pillar dictionary from a mongo collection. It uses the node's id for lookups and can load either the whole document, or just a specific field from that document as the pillar dictionary.
Salt Master Mongo Configuration
The module shares the same base mongo connection variables as salt.returners.mongo_return. These variables go in your master config file.
- •
- mongo.db - The mongo database to connect to. Defaults to 'salt'.
- •
- - The mongo host to connect to. Supports replica sets by specifying all hosts in the set, comma-delimited. Defaults to 'salt'.
- •
- mongo.port - The port that the mongo database is running on. Defaults to 27017.
- •
- mongo.user - The username for connecting to mongo. Only required if you are using mongo authentication. Defaults to ''.
- •
- mongo.password - The password for connecting to mongo. Only required if you are using mongo authentication. Defaults to ''.
Configuring the Mongo ext_pillar
The Mongo ext_pillar takes advantage of the fact that the Salt Master configuration file is yaml. It uses a sub-dictionary of values to adjust specific features of the pillar. This is the explicit single-line dictionary notation for yaml. One may be able to get the easier-to-read multi-line dict to work correctly with some experimentation.
ext_pillar: - mongo: {collection: vm, id_field: name, re_pattern: \.example\.com, fields: [customer_id, software, apache_vhosts]}
In the example above, we've decided to use the vm collection in the
database to store the data. Minion ids are stored in the name field on
documents in that collection. And, since minion ids are FQDNs in most cases,
we'll need to trim the domain name in order to find the minion by hostname in
the collection. When we find a minion, return only the customer_id,
software, and apache_vhosts fields, as that will contain the data we
want for a given node. They will be available directly inside the pillar
dict in your SLS templates.
Module Documentation
- salt.pillar.mongo.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, collection='pillar', id_field='_id', re_pattern=None, re_replace='', fields=None)
- Connect to a mongo database and read per-node pillar information.
- Parameters:
- •
- collection: The mongodb collection to read data from. Defaults to 'pillar'.
- •
- id_field: The field in the collection that represents an individual minion id. Defaults to '_id'.
- •
- re_pattern: If your naming convention in the collection is shorter than the minion id, you can use this to trim the name. re_pattern will be used to match the name, and re_replace will be used to replace it. Backrefs are supported as they are in the Python standard library. If None, no mangling of the name will be performed - the collection will be searched with the entire minion id. Defaults to None.
- •
- re_replace: Use as the replacement value in node ids matched with re_pattern. Defaults to ''. Feel free to use backreferences here.
- •
- fields: The specific fields in the document to use for the pillar data. If None, will use the entire document. If using the entire document, the _id field will be converted to string. Be careful with other fields in the document as they must be string serializable. Defaults to None.
Retrieve Pillar data by doing a MySQL query
MariaDB provides Python support through the MySQL Python package. Therefore, you may use this module with both MySQL or MariaDB.
- maturity
- new
- depends
- python-mysqldb
- platform
- all
Theory of mysql ext_pillar
Ok, here's the theory for how this works...
- •
- If there's a keyword arg of mysql_query, that'll go first.
- •
- Then any non-keyword args are processed in order.
- •
Finally, remaining keywords are processed.
We do this so that it's backward compatible with older configs. Keyword arguments are sorted before being appended, so that they're predictable, but they will always be applied last so overall it's moot.
For each of those items we process, it depends on the object type:
- •
- Strings are executed as is and the pillar depth is determined by the number of fields returned.
- •
- A list has the first entry used as the query, the second as the pillar depth.
- •
A mapping uses the keys "query" and "depth" as the tuple
You can retrieve as many fields as you like, how they get used depends on the exact settings.
Configuring the mysql ext_pillar
First an example of how legacy queries were specified.
ext_pillar: - mysql: mysql_query: "SELECT pillar,value FROM pillars WHERE minion_id = %s"
Alternatively, a list of queries can be passed in
ext_pillar: - mysql: - "SELECT pillar,value FROM pillars WHERE minion_id = %s" - "SELECT pillar,value FROM more_pillars WHERE minion_id = %s"
Or you can pass in a mapping
ext_pillar: - mysql: main: "SELECT pillar,value FROM pillars WHERE minion_id = %s" extras: "SELECT pillar,value FROM more_pillars WHERE minion_id = %s"
The query can be provided as a string as we have just shown, but they can be provided as lists
ext_pillar: - mysql: - "SELECT pillar,value FROM pillars WHERE minion_id = %s" 2
Or as a mapping
ext_pillar: - mysql: - query: "SELECT pillar,value FROM pillars WHERE minion_id = %s" depth: 2
The depth defines how the dicts are constructed. Essentially if you query for fields a,b,c,d for each row you'll get:
- •
- With depth 1: {a: {"b": b, "c": c, "d": d}}
- •
- With depth 2: {a: {b: {"c": c, "d": d}}}
- •
With depth 3: {a: {b: {c: d}}}
Depth greater than 3 wouldn't be different from 3 itself. Depth of 0 translates to the largest depth needed, so 3 in this case. (max depth == key count - 1)
The legacy compatibility translates to depth 1.
Then they are merged in a similar way to plain pillar data, in the order returned by MySQL.
Thus subsequent results overwrite previous ones when they collide.
The ignore_null option can be used to change the overwrite behavior so that only non-NULL values in subsequent results will overwrite. This can be used to selectively overwrite default values.
ext_pillar: - mysql: - query: "SELECT pillar,value FROM pillars WHERE minion_id = 'default' and minion_id != %s" depth: 2 - query: "SELECT pillar,value FROM pillars WHERE minion_id = %s" depth: 2 ignore_null: True
If you specify as_list: True in the mapping expression it will convert collisions to lists.
If you specify with_lists: '...' in the mapping expression it will convert the specified depths to list. The string provided is a sequence numbers that are comma separated. The string '1,3' will result in:
a,b,c,d,e,1 # field 1 same, field 3 differs a,b,c,f,g,2 # ^^^^ a,z,h,y,j,3 # field 1 same, field 3 same a,z,h,y,k,4 # ^^^^ ^ ^
These columns define list grouping
{a: [ {c: [ {e: 1}, {g: 2} ] }, {h: [ {j: 3, k: 4 } ] } ]}
The range for with_lists is 1 to number_of_fields, inclusive. Numbers outside this range are ignored.
Finally, if you pass the queries in via a mapping, the key will be the first level name where as passing them in as a list will place them in the root. This isolates the query results into their own subtrees. This may be a help or hindrance to your aims and can be used as such.
You can basically use any SELECT query that gets you the information, you could even do joins or subqueries in case your minion_id is stored elsewhere. It is capable of handling single rows or multiple rows per minion.
MySQL configuration of the MySQL returner is being used (mysql.db, mysql.user, mysql.pass, mysql.port,
Required python modules: MySQLdb
More complete example
mysql: user: 'salt' pass: 'super_secret_password' db: 'salt_db' ext_pillar: - mysql: fromdb: query: 'SELECT col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7 FROM some_random_table WHERE minion_pattern LIKE %s' depth: 5 as_list: True with_lists: [1,3]
- salt.pillar.mysql.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, *args, **kwargs)
- Execute queries, merge and return as a dict
- class salt.pillar.mysql.merger
- This class receives and processes the database rows in a database agnostic way.
- as_list = False
- depth = 0
- enter_root(root)
- Set self.focus for kwarg queries
- extract_queries(args, kwargs)
- This function normalizes the config block into a set of queries we can use. The return is a list of consistently laid out dicts.
- field_names = None
- focus = None
- ignore_null = False
- num_fields = 0
- process_fields(field_names, depth)
- The primary purpose of this function is to store the sql field list and the depth to which we process.
- process_results(rows)
- This function takes a list of database results and iterates over, merging them into a dict form.
- result = None
- with_lists = None
Configuration templating for SaltStack using Hierarchical substitution and Jinja.
Configuring Pepa
extension_modules: /srv/salt/ext ext_pillar: - pepa: resource: host # Name of resource directory and sub-key in pillars sequence: # Sequence used for hierarchical substitution - hostname: # Name of key name: input # Alias used for template directory base_only: True # Only use templates from Base environment, i.e. no staging - default: - environment: - location..region: name: region - name: country - location..datacenter: name: datacenter - roles: - osfinger: name: os - hostname: name: override base_only: True subkey: True # Create a sub-key in pillars, named after the resource in this case [host] subkey_only: True # Only create a sub-key, and leave the top level untouched pepa_roots: # Base directory for each environment base: /srv/pepa/base # Path for base environment dev: /srv/pepa/base # Associate dev with base qa: /srv/pepa/qa prod: /srv/pepa/prod # Use a different delimiter for nested dictionaries, defaults to '..' since some keys may use '.' in the name #pepa_delimiter: .. # Supply Grains for Pepa, this should **ONLY** be used for testing or validation #pepa_grains: # environment: dev # Supply Pillar for Pepa, this should **ONLY** be used for testing or validation #pepa_pillars: # saltversion: 0.17.4 # Enable debug for Pepa, and keep Salt on warning #log_level: debug #log_granular_levels: # salt: warning # salt.loaded.ext.pillar.pepa: debug
Pepa can also be used in Master-less SaltStack setup.
Command line
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-d] [-g GRAINS] [-p PILLAR] [-n] [-v] hostname positional arguments: hostname Hostname optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Configuration file -d, --debug Print debug info -g GRAINS, --grains GRAINS Input Grains as YAML -p PILLAR, --pillar PILLAR Input Pillar as YAML -n, --no-color No color output -v, --validate Validate output
Templates is configuration for a host or software, that can use information from Grains or Pillars. These can then be used for hierarchically substitution.
Example File: host/input/test_example_com.yaml
location..region: emea nl location..datacenter: foobar environment: dev roles: - salt.master network..gateway: network..interfaces..eth0..hwaddr: 00:20:26:a1:12:12 network..interfaces..eth0..dhcp: False network..interfaces..eth0..ipv4: network..interfaces..eth0..netmask: network..interfaces..eth0..fqdn: {{ hostname }} cobbler..profile: fedora-19-x86_64
As you see in this example you can use Jinja directly inside the template.
Example File: host/region/amer.yaml
network..dns..servers: - - time..ntp..servers: - - - time..timezone: America/Chihuahua yum..mirror:
Each template is named after the value of the key using lowercase and all extended characters are replaced with underscore.
osfinger: Fedora-19
Would become:
Nested dictionaries
In order to create nested dictionaries as output you can use double dot ".." as a delimiter. You can change this using "pepa_delimiter" we choose double dot since single dot is already used by key names in some modules, and using ":" requires quoting in the YAML.
network..dns..servers: - - network..dns..options: - timeout:2 - attempts:1 - ndots:1 -
Would become:
network: dns: servers: - - options: - timeout:2 - attempts:1 - ndots:1 search: -
Operators can be used to merge/unset a list/hash or set the key as immutable, so it can't be changed.
Operator |
merge() |
Merge list or hash
unset() |
Unset key
immutable() |
Set the key as immutable, so it can't be changed
imerge() |
Set immutable and merge
iunset() |
Set immutable and unset
Example: - - owner..immutable(): Operations host..printers..unset():
Since it's very hard to test Jinja as is, the best approach is to run all the permutations of input and validate the output, i.e. Unit Testing.
To facilitate this in Pepa we use YAML, Jinja and Cerberus <>.
So this is a validation schema for network configuration, as you see it can be customized with Jinja just as Pepa templates.
This was designed to be run as a build job in Jenkins or similar tool. You can provide Grains/Pillar input using either the config file or command line arguments.
File Example: host/validation/network.yaml type: list allowed: - network..dns..options: type: list allowed: ['timeout:2', 'attempts:1', 'ndots:1'] network..dns..servers: type: list schema: regex: ^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$ network..gateway: type: string regex: ^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$ {% if network.interfaces is defined %} {% for interface in network.interfaces %} network..interfaces..{{ interface }}..dhcp: type: boolean network..interfaces..{{ interface }}..fqdn: type: string regex: ^([a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,6}$ network..interfaces..{{ interface }}..hwaddr: type: string regex: ^([0-9a-f]{1,2}\:){5}[0-9a-f]{1,2}$ network..interfaces..{{ interface }}..ipv4: type: string regex: ^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$ network..interfaces..{{ interface }}..netmask: type: string regex: ^([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$ {% endfor %} {% endif %}
For more examples and information see <>.
- salt.pillar.pepa.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, resource, sequence, subkey=False, subkey_only=False)
- Evaluate Pepa templates
- salt.pillar.pepa.key_value_to_tree(data)
- Convert key/value to tree
- salt.pillar.pepa.validate(output, resource)
- Validate Pepa templates
Use LDAP data as a Pillar source
This pillar module parses a config file (specified in the salt master config), and executes a series of LDAP searches based on that config. Data returned by these searches is aggregated, with data items found later in the LDAP search order overriding data found earlier on.
The final result set is merged with the pillar data.
- salt.pillar.pillar_ldap.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, config_file)
- Execute LDAP searches and return the aggregated data
Execute an unmodified puppet_node_classifier and read the output as YAML. The YAML data is then directly overlaid onto the minion's Pillar data.
- salt.pillar.puppet.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, command)
- Execute an unmodified puppet_node_classifier and read the output as YAML
Use the "reclass" database as a Pillar source
This ext_pillar plugin provides access to the reclass database, such that Pillar data for a specific minion are fetched using reclass.
You can find more information about reclass at
To use the plugin, add it to the ext_pillar list in the Salt master config and tell reclass by way of a few options how and where to find the inventory:
ext_pillar: - reclass: storage_type: yaml_fs inventory_base_uri: /srv/salt
This would cause reclass to read the inventory from YAML files in /srv/salt/nodes and /srv/salt/classes.
If you are also using reclass as master_tops plugin, and you want to avoid having to specify the same information for both, use YAML anchors (take note of the differing data types for ext_pillar and master_tops):
reclass: &reclass storage_type: yaml_fs inventory_base_uri: /srv/salt reclass_source_path: ~/code/reclass ext_pillar: - reclass: *reclass master_tops: reclass: *reclass
If you want to run reclass from source, rather than installing it, you can either let the master know via the PYTHONPATH environment variable, or by setting the configuration option, like in the example above.
- salt.pillar.reclass_adapter.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, **kwargs)
- Obtain the Pillar data from reclass for the given minion_id.
Read pillar data from a Redis backend
New in version 2014.7.0.
- depends
- •
- redis Python module (on master)
Salt Master Redis Configuration
The module shares the same base Redis connection variables as salt.returners.redis_return. These variables go in your master config file.
- •
- redis.db - The Redis database to use. Defaults to 0.
- •
- - The Redis host to connect to. Defaults to 'salt'.
- •
- redis.port - The port that the Redis database is listening on. Defaults to 6379.
- •
- redis.password - The password for authenticating with Redis. Only required if you are using master auth. Defaults to None.
Configuring the Redis ext_pillar
ext_pillar: - redis: {function: key_value}
- salt.pillar.redismod.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, function, **kwargs)
- Grabs external pillar data based on configured function
- salt.pillar.redismod.key_json(minion_id, pillar, pillar_key=None)
- Pulls a string from redis and deserializes it from json. Deserialized dictionary data loaded directly into top level if pillar_key is not set.
- pillar_key
- Pillar key to return data into
- salt.pillar.redismod.key_value(minion_id, pillar, pillar_key='redis_pillar')
- Looks for key in redis matching minion_id, returns a structure based on the data type of the redis key. String for string type, dict for hash type and lists for lists, sets and sorted sets.
- pillar_key
- Pillar key to return data into
Copy pillar data from a bucket in Amazon S3
The S3 pillar can be configured in the master config file with the following options
ext_pillar: - s3: bucket: my.fancy.pillar.bucket keyid: KASKFJWAKJASJKDAJKSD key: ksladfDLKDALSFKSD93q032sdDasdfasdflsadkf multiple_env: False environment: base prefix: somewhere/overthere verify_ssl: True service_url: s3_cache_expire: 30 s3_sync_on_update: True
The bucket parameter specifies the target S3 bucket. It is required.
The keyid parameter specifies the key id to use when access the S3 bucket. If it is not provided, an attempt to fetch it from EC2 instance meta-data will be made.
The key parameter specifies the key to use when access the S3 bucket. If it is not provided, an attempt to fetch it from EC2 instance meta-data will be made.
The multiple_env defaults to False. It specifies whether the pillar should interpret top level folders as pillar environments (see mode section below).
The environment defaults to 'base'. It specifies which environment the bucket represents when in single environments mode (see mode section below). It is ignored if multiple_env is True.
The prefix defaults to ''. It specifies a key prefix to use when searching for data in the bucket for the pillar. It works when multiple_env is True or False. Essentially it tells ext_pillar to look for your pillar data in a 'subdirectory' of your S3 bucket
The verify_ssl parameter defaults to True. It specifies whether to check for valid S3 SSL certificates. NOTE If you use bucket names with periods, this must be set to False else an invalid certificate error will be thrown (issue #12200).
The service_url parameter defaults to ''. It specifies the base url to use for accessing S3.
The s3_cache_expire parameter defaults to 30s. It specifies expiration time of S3 metadata cache file.
The s3_sync_on_update paramater defaults to True. It specifies if cache is synced on update rather than jit.
This pillar can operate in two modes, single environment per bucket or multiple environments per bucket.
Single environment mode must have this bucket structure:
s3://<bucket name>/<prefix>/<files>
Multiple environment mode must have this bucket structure:
s3://<bucket name>/<prefix>/<environment>/<files>
If you wish to define your pillar data entirely within S3 it's recommended that you use the prefix= parameter and specify one entry in ext_pillar for each environment rather than specifying multiple_env. This is due to issue #22471 (
- class salt.pillar.s3.S3Credentials(key, keyid, bucket, service_url, verify_ssl, location)
- salt.pillar.s3.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, bucket, key=None, keyid=None, verify_ssl=True, location=None, multiple_env=False, environment='base', prefix='', service_url=None, s3_cache_expire=30, s3_sync_on_update=True)
- Execute a command and read the output as YAML
Clone a remote SVN repository and use the filesystem as a Pillar source
This external Pillar source can be configured in the master config file like so:
ext_pillar: - svn: trunk svn://svnserver/repo root=subdirectory
The root= parameter is optional and used to set the subdirectory from where to look for Pillar files (such as top.sls).
Changed in version 2014.7.0: The optional root parameter will be added.
Note that this is not the same thing as configuring pillar data using the pillar_roots parameter. The branch referenced in the ext_pillar entry above (master), would evaluate to the base environment, so this branch needs to contain a top.sls with a base section in it, like this:
base: '*': - foo
To use other environments from the same SVN repo as svn_pillar sources, just add additional lines, like so:
ext_pillar: - svn: trunk svn://svnserver/repo - svn: dev svn://svnserver/repo
In this case, the dev branch would need its own top.sls with a dev section in it, like this:
dev: '*': - bar
- class salt.pillar.svn_pillar.SvnPillar(branch, repo_location, root, opts)
- Deal with the remote SVN repository for Pillar
- pillar_dir()
- Returns the directory of the pillars (repo cache + branch + root)
- update()
- salt.pillar.svn_pillar.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, repo_string)
- Execute a command and read the output as YAML
Use Varstack data as a Pillar source
Configuring Varstack
Using varstack in Salt is fairly simple. Just put the following into the config file of your master:
ext_pillar: - varstack: /etc/varstack.yaml
Varstack will then use /etc/varstack.yaml to determine which configuration data to return as pillar information. From there you can take a look at the README of varstack on how this file is evaluated.
- salt.pillar.varstack_pillar.ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, conf)
- Parse varstack data and return the result
Accept a key from a hypervisor if the virt runner has already submitted an authorization request
- salt.pillar.virtkey.ext_pillar(hyper_id, pillar, name, key)
- Accept the key for the VM on the hyper, if authorized.
The Salt state system operates by gathering information from common data types such as lists, dictionaries, and strings that would be familiar to any developer.
SLS files are translated from whatever data templating format they are written in back into Python data types to be consumed by Salt.
By default SLS files are rendered as Jinja templates and then parsed as YAML documents. But since the only thing the state system cares about is raw data, the SLS files can be any structured format that can be dreamed up.
Currently there is support for Jinja + YAML, Mako + YAML, Wempy + YAML, Jinja + json, Mako + json and Wempy + json.
Renderers can be written to support any template type. This means that the
Salt states could be managed by XML files, HTML files, Puppet files, or any
format that can be translated into the Pythonic data structure used by the state
Multiple Renderers
A default renderer is selected in the master configuration file by providing a value to the renderer key.
When evaluating an SLS, more than one renderer can be used.
When rendering SLS files, Salt checks for the presence of a Salt-specific shebang line.
The shebang line directly calls the name of the renderer as it is specified within Salt. One of the most common reasons to use multiple renderers is to use the Python or py renderer.
Below, the first line is a shebang that references the py renderer.
#!py def run(): ''' Install the python-mako package ''' return {'include': ['python'], 'python-mako': {'pkg': ['installed']}}
Composing Renderers
A renderer can be composed from other renderers by connecting them in a series of pipes(|).
In fact, the default Jinja + YAML renderer is implemented by connecting a YAML renderer to a Jinja renderer. Such renderer configuration is specified as: jinja | yaml.
Other renderer combinations are possible:
- yaml
- i.e, just YAML, no templating.
- mako | yaml
- pass the input to the mako renderer, whose output is then fed into the yaml renderer.
- jinja | mako | yaml
This one allows you to use both jinja and mako templating syntax in the
input and then parse the final rendered output as YAML.
The following is a contrived example SLS file using the jinja | mako | yaml renderer:
#!jinja|mako|yaml An_Example: - name: | echo "Using Salt ${grains['saltversion']}" \ "from path {{grains['saltpath']}}." - cwd: / <%doc> ${...} is Mako's notation, and so is this comment. </%doc> {# Similarly, {{...}} is Jinja's notation, and so is this comment. #}
For backward compatibility, jinja | yaml can also be written as yaml_jinja, and similarly, the yaml_mako, yaml_wempy, json_jinja, json_mako, and json_wempy renderers are all supported.
Keep in mind that not all renderers can be used alone or with any other renderers. For example, the template renderers shouldn't be used alone as their outputs are just strings, which still need to be parsed by another renderer to turn them into highstate data structures.
For example, it doesn't make sense to specify yaml | jinja because the output of the YAML renderer is a highstate data structure (a dict in Python), which cannot be used as the input to a template renderer. Therefore, when combining renderers, you should know what each renderer accepts as input and what it returns as output.
Writing Renderers
A custom renderer must be a Python module placed in the renderers directory and the module implement the render function.
The render function will be passed the path of the SLS file as an argument.
The purpose of of render function is to parse the passed file and to return the Python data structure derived from the file.
Custom renderers must be placed in a _renderers directory within the file_roots specified by the master config file.
- Custom renderers are distributed when any of the following are run:
Any custom renderers which have been synced to a minion, that are named the same as one of Salt's default set of renderers, will take the place of the default renderer with the same name.
The best place to find examples of renderers is in the Salt source code.
Documentation for renderers included with Salt can be found here:
Here is a simple YAML renderer example:
import yaml def render(yaml_data, env='', sls='', **kws): if not isinstance(yaml_data, basestring): yaml_data = data = yaml.load(yaml_data) return data if data else {}
Full List of Renderers
Full list of builtin renderer modules
cheetah |
Cheetah Renderer for Salt
genshi |
Genshi Renderer for Salt
gpg |
Renderer that will decrypt GPG ciphers
jinja |
Jinja loading utils to enable a more powerful backend for jinja templates
json |
JSON Renderer for Salt
mako |
Mako Renderer for Salt
msgpack |
py |
Pure python state renderer
pydsl |
A Python-based DSL
pyobjects |
Python renderer that includes a Pythonic Object based interface
stateconf |
A flexible renderer that takes a templating engine and a data format
wempy |
yaml |
YAML Renderer for Salt
yamlex |
Cheetah Renderer for Salt
- salt.renderers.cheetah.render(cheetah_data, saltenv='base', sls='', method='xml', **kws)
- Render a Cheetah template.
- Return type
- A Python data structure
Genshi Renderer for Salt
- salt.renderers.genshi.render(genshi_data, saltenv='base', sls='', method='xml', **kws)
Render a Genshi template. A method should be passed in as part of the
kwargs. If no method is passed in, xml is assumed. Valid methods are:
Note that the text method will call NewTextTemplate. If oldtext is desired, it must be called explicitly
- Return type
- A Python data structure
Renderer that will decrypt GPG ciphers
Any key in the SLS file can be a GPG cipher, and this renderer will decrypt it before passing it off to Salt. This allows you to safely store secrets in source control, in such a way that only your Salt master can decrypt them and distribute them only to the minions that need them.
The typical use-case would be to use ciphers in your pillar data, and keep a secret key on your master. You can put the public key in source control so that developers can add new secrets quickly and easily.
This renderer requires the python-gnupg package. Be careful to install the python-gnupg package, not the gnupg package, or you will get errors.
To set things up, you will first need to generate a keypair. On your master, run:
# gpg --gen-key --homedir /etc/salt/gpgkeys
Do not supply a password for your keypair, and use a name that makes sense for your application. Be sure to back up your gpg directory someplace safe!
NOTE: Unfortunately, there are some scenarios - for example, on virtual machines which don’t have real hardware - where insufficient entropy causes key generation to be extremely slow. If you come across this problem, you should investigate means of increasing the system entropy. On virtualised Linux systems, this can often be achieved by installing the rng-tools package.
To retrieve the public key:
# gpg --armor --homedir /etc/salt/gpgkeys --armor --export <KEY-NAME> > exported_pubkey.gpg
Now, to encrypt secrets, copy the public key to your local machine and run:
$ gpg --import exported_pubkey.gpg
To generate a cipher from a secret:
$ echo -n "supersecret" | gpg --armor --encrypt -r <KEY-name>
Set up the renderer on your master by adding something like this line to your config:
renderer: jinja | yaml | gpg
Now you can include your ciphers in your pillar data like so:
a-secret: | -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: GnuPG v1 hQEMAweRHKaPCfNeAQf9GLTN16hCfXAbPwU6BbBK0unOc7i9/etGuVc5CyU9Q6um QuetdvQVLFO/HkrC4lgeNQdM6D9E8PKonMlgJPyUvC8ggxhj0/IPFEKmrsnv2k6+ cnEfmVexS7o/U1VOVjoyUeliMCJlAz/30RXaME49Cpi6No2+vKD8a4q4nZN1UZcG RhkhC0S22zNxOXQ38TBkmtJcqxnqT6YWKTUsjVubW3bVC+u2HGqJHu79wmwuN8tz m4wBkfCAd8Eyo2jEnWQcM4TcXiF01XPL4z4g1/9AAxh+Q4d8RIRP4fbw7ct4nCJv Gr9v2DTF7HNigIMl4ivMIn9fp+EZurJNiQskLgNbktJGAeEKYkqX5iCuB1b693hJ FKlwHiJt5yA8X2dDtfk8/Ph1Jx2TwGS+lGjlZaNqp3R1xuAZzXzZMLyZDe5+i3RJ skqmFTbOiA== =Eqsm -----END PGP MESSAGE-----
- salt.renderers.gpg.decrypt_ciphertext(c, gpg)
- Given a block of ciphertext as a string, and a gpg object, try to decrypt the cipher and return the decrypted string. If the cipher cannot be decrypted, log the error, and return the ciphertext back out.
- salt.renderers.gpg.decrypt_object(o, gpg)
- Recursively try to decrypt any object. If the object is a string, and it contains a valid GPG header, decrypt it, otherwise keep going until a string is found.
- salt.renderers.gpg.render(gpg_data, saltenv='base', sls='', argline='', **kwargs)
- Create a gpg object given a gpg_keydir, and then use it to try to decrypt the data to be rendered.
Jinja loading utils to enable a more powerful backend for jinja templates
Jinja in States
The most basic usage of Jinja in state files is using control structures to wrap conditional or redundant state elements:
{% if grains['os'] != 'FreeBSD' %} tcsh: pkg: - installed {% endif %} motd: file.managed: {% if grains['os'] == 'FreeBSD' %} - name: /etc/motd {% elif grains['os'] == 'Debian' %} - name: /etc/motd.tail {% endif %} - source: salt://motd
In this example, the first if block will only be evaluated on minions that aren't running FreeBSD, and the second block changes the file name based on the os grain.
Writing if-else blocks can lead to very redundant state files however. In this case, using pillars, or using a previously defined variable might be easier:
{% set motd = ['/etc/motd'] %} {% if grains['os'] == 'Debian' %} {% set motd = ['/etc/motd.tail', '/var/run/motd'] %} {% endif %} {% for motdfile in motd %} {{ motdfile }}: file.managed: - source: salt://motd {% endfor %}
Using a variable set by the template, the for loop will iterate over the
list of MOTD files to update, adding a state block for each file.
Include and Import
Includes and imports can be used to share common, reusable state configuration between state files and between files.
{% from 'lib.sls' import test %}
This would import the test template variable or macro, not the test state element, from the file lib.sls. In the case that the included file performs checks again grains, or something else that requires context, passing the context into the included file is required:
{% from 'lib.sls' import test with context %}
Macros are helpful for eliminating redundant code, however stripping whitespace from the template block, as well as contained blocks, may be necessary to emulate a variable return from the macro.
# init.sls {% from 'lib.sls' import pythonpkg with context %} python-virtualenv: pkg.installed: - name: {{ pythonpkg('virtualenv') }} python-fabric: pkg.installed: - name: {{ pythonpkg('fabric') }}
# lib.sls {% macro pythonpkg(pkg) -%} {%- if grains['os'] == 'FreeBSD' -%} py27-{{ pkg }} {%- elif grains['os'] == 'Debian' -%} python-{{ pkg }} {%- endif -%} {%- endmacro %}
This would define a macro that would return a string of the full package name,
depending on the packaging system's naming convention. The whitespace of the
macro was eliminated, so that the macro would return a string without line
breaks, using whitespace control.
Template Inheritance
Template inheritance works fine from state files and files. The search path
starts at the root of the state tree or pillar.
Saltstack extends builtin filters with these custom filters:
- strftime
Converts any time related object into a time based string. It requires a
valid strftime directives. An
exhaustive list can be found in
the official Python documentation.
{% set curtime = None | strftime() %}
Fuzzy dates require the timelib Python module is installed.
{{ "2002/12/25"|strftime("%y") }} {{ "1040814000"|strftime("%Y-%m-%d") }} {{ datetime|strftime("%u") }} {{ "tomorrow"|strftime }}
- sequence
- Ensure that parsed data is a sequence.
- yaml_encode
Serializes a single object into a YAML scalar with any necessary
handling for escaping special characters. This will work for any
scalar YAML data type: ints, floats, timestamps, booleans, strings,
unicode. It will not work for multi-objects such as sequences or
{%- set bar = 7 %} {%- set baz = none %} {%- set zip = true %} {%- set zap = 'The word of the day is "salty"' %} {%- load_yaml as foo %} bar: {{ bar|yaml_encode }} baz: {{ baz|yaml_encode }} baz: {{ zip|yaml_encode }} baz: {{ zap|yaml_encode }} {%- endload %} In the above case ``{{ bar }}`` and ``{{ }}`` should be identical and ``{{ baz }}`` and ``{{ foo.baz }}`` should be identical.
- yaml_dquote
Serializes a string into a properly-escaped YAML double-quoted
string. This is useful when the contents of a string are unknown
and may contain quotes or unicode that needs to be preserved. The
resulting string will be emitted with opening and closing double
{%- set bar = '"The quick brown fox . . ."' %} {%- set baz = 'The word of the day is "salty".' %} {%- load_yaml as foo %} bar: {{ bar|yaml_dquote }} baz: {{ baz|yaml_dquote }} {%- endload %} In the above case ``{{ bar }}`` and ``{{ }}`` should be identical and ``{{ baz }}`` and ``{{ foo.baz }}`` should be identical. If variable contents are not guaranteed to be a string then it is better to use ``yaml_encode`` which handles all YAML scalar types.
- yaml_squote
- Similar to the yaml_dquote filter but with single quotes. Note that YAML only allows special escapes inside double quotes so yaml_squote is not nearly as useful (viz. you likely want to use yaml_encode or yaml_dquote).
Jinja in Files
Jinja can be used in the same way in managed files:
# redis.sls /etc/redis/redis.conf: file.managed: - source: salt://redis.conf - template: jinja - context: bind:
# lib.sls {% set port = 6379 %}
# redis.conf {% from 'lib.sls' import port with context %} port {{ port }} bind {{ bind }}
As an example, configuration was pulled from the file context and from an external template file.
Macros and variables can be shared across templates. They should not be
starting with one or more underscores, and should be managed by one of the
following tags: macro, set, load_yaml, load_json, import_yaml and
Calling Salt Functions
The Jinja renderer provides a shorthand lookup syntax for the salt dictionary of execution function.
New in version 2014.7.0.
# The following two function calls are equivalent. {{ salt['']('whoami') }} {{'whoami') }}
The show_full_context function can be used to output all variables present in the current Jinja context.
New in version 2014.7.0.
Context is: {{ show_full_context() }}
- salt.renderers.jinja.render(template_file, saltenv='base', sls='', argline='', context=None, tmplpath=None, **kws)
- Render the template_file, passing the functions and grains into the Jinja rendering system.
- Return type
- string
- class salt.utils.jinja.SerializerExtension(environment)
Yaml and Json manipulation.
Format filters
Allows to jsonify or yamlify any data structure. For example, this dataset:
data = { 'foo': True, 'bar': 42, 'baz': [1, 2, 3], 'qux': 2.0 }
yaml = {{ data|yaml }} json = {{ data|json }} python = {{ data|python }}
will be rendered as:
yaml = {bar: 42, baz: [1, 2, 3], foo: true, qux: 2.0} json = {"baz": [1, 2, 3], "foo": true, "bar": 42, "qux": 2.0} python = {'bar': 42, 'baz': [1, 2, 3], 'foo': True, 'qux': 2.0}
The yaml filter takes an optional flow_style parameter to control the default-flow-style parameter of the YAML dumper.
{{ data|yaml(False) }}
will be rendered as:
bar: 42 baz: - 1 - 2 - 3 foo: true qux: 2.0
Load filters
Strings and variables can be deserialized with load_yaml and load_json tags and filters. It allows one to manipulate data directly in templates, easily:
{%- set yaml_src = "{foo: it works}"|load_yaml %} {%- set json_src = "{'bar': 'for real'}"|load_json %} Dude, {{ }} {{ }}!
will be rendered as:
Dude, it works for real!
Load tags
Salt implements import_yaml and import_json tags. They work like the import tag, except that the document is also deserialized.
Syntaxes are {% load_yaml as [VARIABLE] %}[YOUR DATA]{% endload %} and {% load_json as [VARIABLE] %}[YOUR DATA]{% endload %}
For example:
{% load_yaml as yaml_src %} foo: it works {% endload %} {% load_json as json_src %} { "bar": "for real" } {% endload %} Dude, {{ }} {{ }}!
will be rendered as:
Dude, it works for real!
Import tags
External files can be imported and made available as a Jinja variable.
{% import_yaml "myfile.yml" as myfile %} {% import_json "defaults.json" as defaults %} {% import_text "completeworksofshakespeare.txt" as poems %}
import_* and load_* tags will automatically expose their target variable to import. This feature makes catalog of data to handle.
for example:
# doc1.sls {% load_yaml as var1 %} foo: it works {% endload %} {% load_yaml as var2 %} bar: for real {% endload %}
# doc2.sls {% from "doc1.sls" import var1, var2 as local2 %} {{ }} {{ }}
JSON Renderer for Salt
- salt.renderers.json.render(json_data, saltenv='base', sls='', **kws)
- Accepts JSON as a string or as a file object and runs it through the JSON parser.
- Return type
- A Python data structure
Mako Renderer for Salt
- salt.renderers.mako.render(template_file, saltenv='base', sls='', context=None, tmplpath=None, **kws)
- Render the template_file, passing the functions and grains into the Mako rendering system.
- Return type
- string
- salt.renderers.msgpack.render(msgpack_data, saltenv='base', sls='', **kws)
- Accepts a message pack string or a file object, renders said data back to a python dict.
- Return type
- A Python data structure
Pure python state renderer
The SLS file should contain a function called run which returns high state data.
In this module, a few objects are defined for you, giving access to Salt's execution functions, grains, pillar, etc. They are:
- •
- __salt__ - Execution functions (i.e. __salt__['test.echo']('foo'))
- •
- __grains__ - Grains (i.e. __grains__['os'])
- •
- __pillar__ - Pillar data (i.e. __pillar__['foo'])
- •
- __opts__ - Minion configuration options
- •
- __env__ - The effective salt fileserver environment (i.e. base). Also referred to as a "saltenv". __env__ should not be modified in a pure python SLS file. To use a different environment, the environment should be set when executing the state. This can be done in a couple different ways:
- •
- Using the saltenv argument on the salt CLI (i.e. salt '*' state.sls saltenv=env_name).
- •
- By adding a saltenv argument to an individual state within the SLS file. In other words, adding a line like this to the state's data structure: {'saltenv': 'env_name'}
- •
__sls__ - The SLS path of the file. For example, if the root of the base
environment is /srv/salt, and the SLS file is
/srv/salt/foo/bar/baz.sls, then __sls__ in that file will be
#!py def run(): config = {} if __grains__['os'] == 'Ubuntu': user = 'ubuntu' group = 'ubuntu' home = '/home/{0}'.format(user) else: user = 'root' group = 'root' home = '/root/' config['s3cmd'] = { 'pkg': [ 'installed', {'name': 's3cmd'}, ], } config[home + '/.s3cfg'] = { 'file.managed': [ {'source': 'salt://s3cfg/templates/s3cfg'}, {'template': 'jinja'}, {'user': user}, {'group': group}, {'mode': 600}, {'context': { 'aws_key': __pillar__['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'], 'aws_secret_key': __pillar__['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'], }, }, ], } return config
-, saltenv='base', sls='', tmplpath=None, **kws)
- Render the python module's components
- Return type
- string
A Python-based DSL
- maintainer
- Jack Kuan <kjkuan [at]>
- maturity
- new
- platform
The pydsl renderer allows one to author salt formulas (.sls files) in pure Python using a DSL that's easy to write and easy to read. Here's an example:
#!pydsl apache = state('apache') apache.pkg.installed() apache.service.running() state('/var/www/index.html') \ .file('managed', source='salt://webserver/index.html') \ .require(pkg='apache')
Notice that any Python code is allow in the file as it's really a Python module, so you have the full power of Python at your disposal. In this module, a few objects are defined for you, including the usual (with __ added) __salt__ dictionary, __grains__, __pillar__, __opts__, __env__, and __sls__, plus a few more: __file__ local file system path to the sls module.
__pydsl__ Salt PyDSL object, useful for configuring DSL behavior per sls rendering.
include Salt PyDSL function for creating include-declaration's.
extend Salt PyDSL function for creating extend-declaration's.
state Salt PyDSL function for creating ID-declaration's.
A state ID-declaration is created with a state(id) function call. Subsequent state(id) call with the same id returns the same object. This singleton access pattern applies to all declaration objects created with the DSL.
state('example') assert state('example') is state('example') assert state('example').cmd is state('example').cmd assert state('example').cmd.running is state('example').cmd.running
The id argument is optional. If omitted, an UUID will be generated and used as the id.
state(id) returns an object under which you can create a state-declaration object by accessing an attribute named after any state module available in Salt.
state('example').cmd state('example').file state('example').pkg ...
Then, a function-declaration object can be created from a state-declaration object by one of the following two ways:
- 1.
by calling a method named after the state function on the state-declaration object.
- 2.
by directly calling the attribute named for the state-declaration, and
supplying the state function name as the first argument.
state('example').file('managed', ...)
With either way of creating a function-declaration object, any function-arg-declaration's can be passed as keyword arguments to the call. Subsequent calls of a function-declaration will update the arg declarations.
state('example').file('managed', source='salt://webserver/index.html') state('example').file.managed(source='salt://webserver/index.html')
As a shortcut, the special name argument can also be passed as the first or second positional argument depending on the first or second way of calling the state-declaration object. In the following two examples ls -la is the name argument.
state('example')'ls -la', cwd='/') state('example').cmd('run', 'ls -la', cwd='/')
Finally, a requisite-declaration object with its requisite-reference's can be created by invoking one of the requisite methods (see State Requisites) on either a function-declaration object or a state-declaration object. The return value of a requisite call is also a function-declaration object, so you can chain several requisite calls together.
Arguments to a requisite call can be a list of state-declaration objects and/or a set of keyword arguments whose names are state modules and values are IDs of ID-declaration's or names of name-declaration's.
apache2 = state('apache2') apache2.pkg.installed() state('libapache2-mod-wsgi').pkg.installed() # you can call requisites on function declaration apache2.service.running() \ .require(apache2.pkg, pkg='libapache2-mod-wsgi') \ .watch(file='/etc/apache2/httpd.conf') # or you can call requisites on state declaration. # this actually creates an anonymous function declaration object # to add the requisites. apache2.service.require(state('libapache2-mod-wsgi').pkg, pkg='apache2') \ .watch(file='/etc/apache2/httpd.conf') # we still need to set the name of the function declaration. apache2.service.running()
include-declaration objects can be created with the include function, while extend-declaration objects can be created with the extend function, whose arguments are just function-declaration objects.
include('edit.vim', 'http.server') extend(state('apache2')'/etc/httpd/httpd.conf')
The include function, by default, causes the included sls file to be rendered as soon as the include function is called. It returns a list of rendered module objects; sls files not rendered with the pydsl renderer return None's. This behavior creates no include-declaration's in the resulting high state data structure.
import types # including multiple sls returns a list. _, mod = include('a-non-pydsl-sls', 'a-pydsl-sls') assert _ is None assert isinstance(slsmods[1], types.ModuleType) # including a single sls returns a single object mod = include('a-pydsl-sls') # myfunc is a function that calls state(...) to create more states. mod.myfunc(1, 2, "three")
Notice how you can define a reusable function in your pydsl sls module and then call it via the module returned by include.
It's still possible to do late includes by passing the delayed=True keyword argument to include.
include('edit.vim', 'http.server', delayed=True)
Above will just create a include-declaration in the rendered result, and such call always returns None.
Special integration with the cmd state
Taking advantage of rendering a Python module, PyDSL allows you to declare a state that calls a pre-defined Python function when the state is executed.
greeting = "hello world" def helper(something, *args, **kws): print greeting # hello world print something, args, kws # test123 ['a', 'b', 'c'] {'x': 1, 'y': 2} state(), "test123", 'a', 'b', 'c', x=1, y=2)
The state function takes care of calling our helper function
with the arguments we specified in the states, and translates the return value
of our function into a structure expected by the state system.
See for more information.
Implicit ordering of states
Salt states are explicitly ordered via requisite-declaration's. However, with pydsl it's possible to let the renderer track the order of creation for function-declaration objects, and implicitly add require requisites for your states to enforce the ordering. This feature is enabled by setting the ordered option on __pydsl__.
NOTE: this feature is only available if your minions are using Python >= 2.7.
include('some.sls.file') A = state('A')'/var/tmp') extend(A) __pydsl__.set(ordered=True) for i in range(10): i = str(i) state(i)'echo '+i, cwd='/') state('1')'echo one') state('2')'echo two')
Notice that the ordered option needs to be set after any extend calls. This is to prevent pydsl from tracking the creation of a state function that's passed to an extend call.
Above example should create states from 0 to 9 that will output 0, one, two, 3, ... 9, in that order.
It's important to know that pydsl tracks the creations of function-declaration objects, and automatically adds a require requisite to a function-declaration object that requires the last function-declaration object created before it in the sls file.
This means later calls (perhaps to update the function's function-arg-declaration) to a previously created function declaration will not change the
Render time state execution
When Salt processes a salt formula file, the file is rendered to salt's high state data representation by a renderer before the states can be executed. In the case of the pydsl renderer, the .sls file is executed as a python module as it is being rendered which makes it easy to execute a state at render time. In pydsl, executing one or more states at render time can be done by calling a configured ID-declaration object.
#!pydsl s = state() # save for later invocation # configure it'echo at render time', cwd='/') s.file.managed('target.txt', source='salt://source.txt') s() # execute the two states now
Once an ID-declaration is called at render time it is detached from the sls module as if it was never defined.
If implicit ordering is enabled (i.e., via __pydsl__.set(ordered=True)) then
the first invocation of a ID-declaration object must be done before a
new function-declaration is created.
Integration with the stateconf renderer
The salt.renderers.stateconf renderer offers a few interesting features that can be leveraged by the pydsl renderer. In particular, when using with the pydsl renderer, we are interested in stateconf's sls namespacing feature (via dot-prefixed id declarations), as well as, the automatic start and goal states generation.
Now you can use pydsl with stateconf like this:
#!pydsl|stateconf -ps include('xxx', 'yyy') # ensure that states in xxx run BEFORE states in this file. extend(state('.start').stateconf.require(stateconf='xxx::goal')) # ensure that states in yyy run AFTER states in this file. extend(state('.goal').stateconf.require_in(stateconf='yyy::start')) __pydsl__.set(ordered=True) ...
-s enables the generation of a stateconf start state, and -p lets us pipe
high state data rendered by pydsl to stateconf. This example shows that by
require-ing or require_in-ing the included sls' start or goal states,
it's possible to ensure that the included sls files can be made to execute before
or after a state in the including sls file.
Importing custom Python modules
To use a custom Python module inside a PyDSL state, place the module somewhere that it can be loaded by the Salt loader, such as _modules in the /srv/salt directory.
Then, copy it to any minions as necessary by using saltutil.sync_modules.
To import into a PyDSL SLS, one must bypass the Python importer and insert it manually by getting a reference from Python's sys.modules dictionary.
For example:
#!pydsl|stateconf -ps def main(): my_mod = sys.modules['salt.loaded.ext.module.my_mod']
- salt.renderers.pydsl.render(template, saltenv='base', sls='', tmplpath=None, rendered_sls=None, **kws)
Python renderer that includes a Pythonic Object based interface
- maintainer
Evan Borgstrom <evan [at]>
Let's take a look at how you use pyobjects in a state file. Here's a quick example that ensures the /tmp directory is in the correct state.
#!pyobjects File.managed("/tmp", user='root', group='root', mode='1777')
Nice and Pythonic!
By using the "shebang" syntax to switch to the pyobjects renderer we can now write our state data using an object based interface that should feel at home to python developers. You can import any module and do anything that you'd like (with caution, importing sqlalchemy, django or other large frameworks has not been tested yet). Using the pyobjects renderer is exactly the same as using the built-in Python renderer with the exception that pyobjects provides you with an object based interface for generating state data.
Creating state data
Pyobjects takes care of creating an object for each of the available states on the minion. Each state is represented by an object that is the CamelCase version of its name (i.e. File, Service, User, etc), and these objects expose all of their available state functions (i.e. File.managed, Service.running, etc).
The name of the state is split based upon underscores (_), then each part is capitalized and finally the parts are joined back together.
Some examples:
- •
- postgres_user becomes PostgresUser
- •
- ssh_known_hosts becomes SshKnownHosts
Context Managers and requisites
How about something a little more complex. Here we're going to get into the core of how to use pyobjects to write states.
#!pyobjects with Pkg.installed("nginx"): Service.running("nginx", enable=True) with Service("nginx", "watch_in"): File.managed("/etc/nginx/conf.d/mysite.conf", owner='root', group='root', mode='0444', source='salt://nginx/mysite.conf')
The objects that are returned from each of the magic method calls are setup to be used a Python context managers (with) and when you use them as such all declarations made within the scope will automatically use the enclosing state as a requisite!
The above could have also been written use direct requisite statements as.
#!pyobjects Pkg.installed("nginx") Service.running("nginx", enable=True, require=Pkg("nginx")) File.managed("/etc/nginx/conf.d/mysite.conf", owner='root', group='root', mode='0444', source='salt://nginx/mysite.conf', watch_in=Service("nginx"))
You can use the direct requisite statement for referencing states that are generated outside of the current file.
#!pyobjects # some-other-package is defined in some other state file Pkg.installed("nginx", require=Pkg("some-other-package"))
The last thing that direct requisites provide is the ability to select which of the SaltStack requisites you want to use (require, require_in, watch, watch_in, use & use_in) when using the requisite as a context manager.
#!pyobjects with Service("my-service", "watch_in"): ...
The above example would cause all declarations inside the scope of the context
manager to automatically have their watch_in set to
Including and Extending
To include other states use the include() function. It takes one name per state to include.
To extend another state use the extend() function on the name when creating a state.
#!pyobjects include('http', 'ssh') Service.running(extend('apache'), watch=[File('/etc/httpd/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf')])
Importing from other state files
Like any Python project that grows you will likely reach a point where you want to create reusability in your state tree and share objects between state files, Map Data (described below) is a perfect example of this.
To facilitate this Python's import statement has been augmented to allow for a special case when working with a Salt state tree. If you specify a Salt url (salt://...) as the target for importing from then the pyobjects renderer will take care of fetching the file for you, parsing it with all of the pyobjects features available and then place the requested objects in the global scope of the template being rendered.
This works for both types of import statements, import X and from X import Y.
#!pyobjects import salt://myfile.sls from salt://something/data.sls import Object
See the Map Data section for a more practical use.
- •
- You cannot use the as syntax, you can only import objects using their existing name.
- •
- Imported objects are ALWAYS put into the global scope of your template, regardless of where your import statement is.
Salt object
In the spirit of the object interface for creating state data pyobjects also provides a simple object interface to the __salt__ object.
A function named salt exists in scope for your sls files and will dispatch its attributes to the __salt__ dictionary.
The following lines are functionally equivalent:
#!pyobjects ret = ret = __salt__[''](bar)
Pillar, grain, mine & config data
Pyobjects provides shortcut functions for calling pillar.get, grains.get, mine.get & config.get on the __salt__ object. This helps maintain the readability of your state files.
Each type of data can be access by a function of the same name: pillar(), grains(), mine() and config().
The following pairs of lines are functionally equivalent:
#!pyobjects value = pillar('foo:bar:baz', 'qux') value = __salt__['pillar.get']('foo:bar:baz', 'qux') value = grains('pkg:apache') value = __salt__['grains.get']('pkg:apache') value = mine('os:Fedora', 'network.interfaces', 'grain') value = __salt__['mine.get']('os:Fedora', 'network.interfaces', 'grain') value = config('foo:bar:baz', 'qux') value = __salt__['config.get']('foo:bar:baz', 'qux')
Map Data
When building complex states or formulas you often need a way of building up a map of data based on grain data. The most common use of this is tracking the package and service name differences between distributions.
To build map data using pyobjects we provide a class named Map that you use to build your own classes with inner classes for each set of values for the different grain matches.
#!pyobjects class Samba(Map): merge = 'samba:lookup' class Debian: server = 'samba' client = 'samba-client' service = 'samba' class Ubuntu: __grain__ = 'os' service = 'smbd' class RedHat: server = 'samba' client = 'samba' service = 'smb'
To use this new data you can import it into your state file and then access your attributes. To access the data in the map you simply access the attribute name on the base class that is extending Map. Assuming the above Map was in the file samba/map.sls, you could do the following.
#!pyobjects from salt://samba/map.sls import Samba with Pkg.installed("samba", names=[Samba.server, Samba.client]): Service.running("samba", name=Samba.service)
- •
- Interface for working with reactor files
- salt.renderers.pyobjects.load_states()
- This loads our states into the salt __context__
- salt.renderers.pyobjects.render(template, saltenv='base', sls='', salt_data=True, **kwargs)
- maintainer
- Jack Kuan <kjkuan [at]>
- maturity
- new
- platform
This module provides a custom renderer that processes a salt file with a specified templating engine (e.g. Jinja) and a chosen data renderer (e.g. YAML), extracts arguments for any stateconf.set state, and provides the extracted arguments (including Salt-specific args, such as require, etc) as template context. The goal is to make writing reusable/configurable/parameterized salt files easier and cleaner.
To use this renderer, either set it as the default renderer via the renderer option in master/minion's config, or use the shebang line in each individual sls file, like so: #!stateconf. Note, due to the way this renderer works, it must be specified as the first renderer in a render pipeline. That is, you cannot specify #!mako|yaml|stateconf, for example. Instead, you specify them as renderer arguments: #!stateconf mako . yaml.
Here's a list of features enabled by this renderer.
- •
Prefixes any state id (declaration or reference) that starts with a dot (.)
to avoid duplicated state ids when the salt file is included by other salt
For example, in the salt://some/file.sls, a state id such as .sls_params will be turned into some.file::sls_params. Example:
#!stateconf yaml . jinja .vim: pkg.installed
Above will be translated into:
some.file::vim: pkg.installed: - name: vim
Notice how that if a state under a dot-prefixed state id has no name argument then one will be added automatically by using the state id with the leading dot stripped off.
The leading dot trick can be used with extending state ids as well, so you can include relatively and extend relatively. For example, when extending a state in salt://some/other_file.sls, e.g.:
#!stateconf yaml . jinja include: - .file extend: .file::sls_params: stateconf.set: - name1: something
Above will be pre-processed into:
include: - some.file extend: some.file::sls_params: stateconf.set: - name1: something
- •
- Adds a sls_dir context variable that expands to the directory containing the rendering salt file. So, you can write salt://{{sls_dir}}/... to reference templates files used by your salt file.
- •
Recognizes the special state function, stateconf.set, that configures a
default list of named arguments usable within the template context of
the salt file. Example:
#!stateconf yaml . jinja .sls_params: stateconf.set: - name1: value1 - name2: value2 - name3: - value1 - value2 - value3 - require_in: - cmd: output # --- end of state config --- .output: - name: | echo 'name1={{sls_params.name1}} name2={{sls_params.name2}} name3[1]={{sls_params.name3[1]}} '
This even works with include + extend so that you can override the default configured arguments by including the salt file and then extend the stateconf.set states that come from the included salt file. (IMPORTANT: Both the included and the extending sls files must use the stateconf renderer for this ``extend`` to work!)
Notice that the end of configuration marker (# --- end of state config --) is needed to separate the use of 'stateconf.set' form the rest of your salt file. The regex that matches such marker can be configured via the stateconf_end_marker option in your master or minion config file.
Sometimes, it is desirable to set a default argument value that's based on earlier arguments in the same stateconf.set. For example, it may be tempting to do something like this:
#!stateconf yaml . jinja .apache: stateconf.set: - host: localhost - port: 1234 - url: 'http://{{host}}:{{port}}/' # --- end of state config --- .test: - name: echo '{{apache.url}}' - cwd: /
However, this won't work. It can however be worked around like so:
#!stateconf yaml . jinja .apache: stateconf.set: - host: localhost - port: 1234 {# - url: 'http://{{host}}:{{port}}/' #} # --- end of state config --- # {{ apache.setdefault('url', "http://%(host)s:%(port)s/" % apache) }} .test: - name: echo '{{apache.url}}' - cwd: /
- •
Adds support for relative include and exclude of .sls files. Example:
#!stateconf yaml . jinja include: - .apache - .db.mysql exclude: - sls: .users
If the above is written in a salt file at salt://some/where.sls then it will include salt://some/apache.sls and salt://some/db/mysql.sls, and exclude salt://some/users.ssl. Actually, it does that by rewriting the above include and exclude into:
include: - some.apache - some.db.mysql exclude: - sls: some.users
- •
Optionally (enabled by default, disable via the -G renderer option,
e.g. in the shebang line: #!stateconf -G), generates a
stateconf.set goal state (state id named as .goal by default,
configurable via the master/minion config option, stateconf_goal_state)
that requires all other states in the salt file. Note, the .goal
state id is subject to dot-prefix rename rule mentioned earlier.
Such goal state is intended to be required by some state in an including salt file. For example, in your webapp salt file, if you include a sls file that is supposed to setup Tomcat, you might want to make sure that all states in the Tomcat sls file will be executed before some state in the webapp sls file.
- •
Optionally (enable via the -o renderer option, e.g. in the shebang line:
#!stateconf -o), orders the states in a sls file by adding a
require requisite to each state such that every state requires the
state defined just before it. The order of the states here is the order
they are defined in the sls file. (Note: this feature is only available
if your minions are using Python >= 2.7. For Python2.6, it should also
work if you install the ordereddict module from PyPI)
By enabling this feature, you are basically agreeing to author your sls files in a way that gives up the explicit (or implicit?) ordering imposed by the use of require, watch, require_in or watch_in requisites, and instead, you rely on the order of states you define in the sls files. This may or may not be a better way for you. However, if there are many states defined in a sls file, then it tends to be easier to see the order they will be executed with this feature.
You are still allowed to use all the requisites, with a few restrictions. You cannot require or watch a state defined after the current state. Similarly, in a state, you cannot require_in or watch_in a state defined before it. Breaking any of the two restrictions above will result in a state loop. The renderer will check for such incorrect uses if this feature is enabled.
Additionally, names declarations cannot be used with this feature because the way they are compiled into low states make it impossible to guarantee the order in which they will be executed. This is also checked by the renderer. As a workaround for not being able to use names, you can achieve the same effect, by generate your states with the template engine available within your sls file.
Finally, with the use of this feature, it becomes possible to easily make an included sls file execute all its states after some state (say, with id X) in the including sls file. All you have to do is to make state, X, require_in the first state defined in the included sls file.
When writing sls files with this renderer, one should avoid using what can be defined in a name argument of a state as the state's id. That is, avoid writing states like this:
/path/to/some/file: file.managed: - source: salt://some/file cp /path/to/some/file file2: - cwd: / - require: - file: /path/to/some/file
Instead, define the state id and the name argument separately for each state. Also, the ID should be something meaningful and easy to reference within a requisite (which is a good habit anyway, and such extra indirection would also makes the sls file easier to modify later). Thus, the above states should be written like this:
add-some-file: file.managed: - name: /path/to/some/file - source: salt://some/file copy-files: - name: cp /path/to/some/file file2 - cwd: / - require: - file: add-some-file
Moreover, when referencing a state from a requisite, you should reference the state's id plus the state name rather than the state name plus its name argument. (Yes, in the above example, you can actually require the file: /path/to/some/file, instead of the file: add-some-file). The reason is that this renderer will re-write or rename state id's and their references for state id's prefixed with .. So, if you reference name then there's no way to reliably rewrite such reference.
- salt.renderers.wempy.render(template_file, saltenv='base', sls='', argline='', context=None, **kws)
- Render the data passing the functions and grains into the rendering system
- Return type
- string
Understanding YAML
The default renderer for SLS files is the YAML renderer. YAML is a markup language with many powerful features. However, Salt uses a small subset of YAML that maps over very commonly used data structures, like lists and dictionaries. It is the job of the YAML renderer to take the YAML data structure and compile it into a Python data structure for use by Salt.
Though YAML syntax may seem daunting and terse at first, there are only
three very simple rules to remember when writing YAML for SLS files.
Rule One: Indentation
YAML uses a fixed indentation scheme to represent relationships between
data layers. Salt requires that the indentation for each level consists
of exactly two spaces. Do not use tabs.
Rule Two: Colons
Python dictionaries are, of course, simply key-value pairs. Users from other languages may recognize this data type as hashes or associative arrays.
Dictionary keys are represented in YAML as strings terminated by a trailing colon. Values are represented by either a string following the colon, separated by a space:
my_key: my_value
In Python, the above maps to:
{'my_key': 'my_value'}
Dictionaries can be nested:
first_level_dict_key: second_level_dict_key: value_in_second_level_dict
And in Python:
{'first_level_dict_key': {'second_level_dict_key': 'value_in_second_level_dict' }
Rule Three: Dashes
To represent lists of items, a single dash followed by a space is used. Multiple items are a part of the same list as a function of their having the same level of indentation.
- list_value_one - list_value_two - list_value_three
Lists can be the value of a key-value pair. This is quite common in Salt:
my_dictionary: - list_value_one - list_value_two - list_value_three
YAML Renderer for Salt
- salt.renderers.yaml.get_yaml_loader(argline)
- Return the ordered dict yaml loader
- salt.renderers.yaml.render(yaml_data, saltenv='base', sls='', argline='', **kws)
- Accepts YAML as a string or as a file object and runs it through the YAML parser.
- Return type
- A Python data structure
YAMLEX renderer is a replacement of the YAML renderer. It's 100% YAML with a pinch of Salt magic:
- •
- All mappings are automatically OrderedDict
- •
- All strings are automatically str obj
- •
- data aggregation with !aggregation yaml tag, based on the salt.utils.aggregation module.
- •
data aggregation over documents for pillar
Instructed aggregation within the !aggregation and the !reset tags:
#!yamlex foo: !aggregate first foo: !aggregate second bar: !aggregate {first: foo} bar: !aggregate {second: bar} baz: !aggregate 42 qux: !aggregate default !reset qux: !aggregate my custom data
is roughly equivalent to
foo: [first, second] bar: {first: foo, second: bar} baz: [42] qux: [my custom data]
- salt.renderers.yamlex.render(sls_data, saltenv='base', sls='', **kws)
- Accepts YAML_EX as a string or as a file object and runs it through the YAML_EX parser.
- Return type
- A Python data structure
By default the return values of the commands sent to the Salt minions are returned to the Salt master, however anything at all can be done with the results data.
By using a Salt returner, results data can be redirected to external data-stores for analysis and archival.
Returners pull their configuration values from the Salt minions. Returners are only configured once, which is generally at load time.
The returner interface allows the return data to be sent to any system that can receive data. This means that return data can be sent to a Redis server, a MongoDB server, a MySQL server, or any system.
Full list of builtin returners
Using Returners
All Salt commands will return the command data back to the master. Specifying returners will ensure that the data is _also_ sent to the specified returner interfaces.
Specifying what returners to use is done when the command is invoked:
salt '*' --return redis_return
This command will ensure that the redis_return returner is used.
It is also possible to specify multiple returners:
salt '*' --return mongo_return,redis_return,cassandra_return
In this scenario all three returners will be called and the data from the command will be sent out to the three named returners.
Writing a Returner
A returner is a Python module containing at minimum a returner function. Other optional functions can be included to add support for master_job_cache, external_job_cache, and Event Returners.
- returner
The returner function must accept a single argument. The argument
contains return data from the called minion function. If the minion
function is called, the value of the argument will be a
dictionary. Run the following command from a Salt master to get a sample
of the dictionary:
salt-call --local --metadata --out=pprint
import redis import json def returner(ret): ''' Return information to a redis server ''' # Get a redis connection serv = redis.Redis( host='', port=6379, db='0') serv.sadd("%(id)s:jobs" % ret, ret['jid']) serv.set("%(jid)s:%(id)s" % ret, json.dumps(ret['return'])) serv.sadd('jobs', ret['jid']) serv.sadd(ret['jid'], ret['id'])
The above example of a returner set to send the data to a Redis server serializes the data as JSON and sets it in redis.
Master Job Cache Support
master_job_cache, external_job_cache, and Event Returners. Salt's master_job_cache allows returners to be used as a pluggable replacement for the default_job_cache. In order to do so, a returner must implement the following functions:
NOTE: The code samples contained in this section were taken from the cassandra_cql returner.
- prep_jid
Ensures that job ids (jid) don't collide, unless passed_jid is provided.
nochache is an optional boolean that indicates if return data should be cached. passed_jid is a caller provided jid which should be returned unconditionally.
def prep_jid(nocache, passed_jid=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument ''' Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id ''' return passed_jid if passed_jid is not None else salt.utils.jid.gen_jid()
- save_load
Save job information. The jid is generated by prep_jid and should
be considered a unique identifier for the job. The jid, for example, could
be used as the primary/unique key in a database. The load is what is
returned to a Salt master by a minion. The following code example stores
the load as a JSON string in the salt.jids table.
def save_load(jid, load): ''' Save the load to the specified jid id ''' query = '''INSERT INTO salt.jids ( jid, load ) VALUES ( '{0}', '{1}' );'''.format(jid, json.dumps(load)) # cassandra_cql.cql_query may raise a CommandExecutionError try: __salt__['cassandra_cql.cql_query'](query) except CommandExecutionError: log.critical('Could not save load in jids table.') raise except Exception as e: log.critical('''Unexpected error while inserting into jids: {0}'''.format(str(e))) raise
- get_load
must accept a job id (jid) and return the job load stored by save_load,
or an empty dictionary when not found.
def get_load(jid): ''' Return the load data that marks a specified jid ''' query = '''SELECT load FROM salt.jids WHERE jid = '{0}';'''.format(jid) ret = {} # cassandra_cql.cql_query may raise a CommandExecutionError try: data = __salt__['cassandra_cql.cql_query'](query) if data: load = data[0].get('load') if load: ret = json.loads(load) except CommandExecutionError: log.critical('Could not get load from jids table.') raise except Exception as e: log.critical('''Unexpected error while getting load from jids: {0}'''.format(str(e))) raise return ret
External Job Cache Support
Salt's external_job_cache extends the master_job_cache. External Job Cache support requires the following functions in addition to what is required for Master Job Cache support:
- get_jid
Return a dictionary containing the information (load) returned by each
minion when the specified job id was executed.
{ "local": { "master_minion": { "fun_args": [], "jid": "20150330121011408195", "return": true, "retcode": 0, "success": true, "cmd": "_return", "_stamp": "2015-03-30T12:10:12.708663", "fun": "", "id": "master_minion" } } }
- get_fun
Return a dictionary of minions that called a given Salt function as their
last function call.
{ "local": { "minion1": "", "minion3": "", "minion2": "" } }
- get_jids
Return a list of all job ids.
{ "local": [ "20150330121011408195", "20150330195922139916" ] }
- get_minions
Returns a list of minions
{ "local": [ "minion3", "minion2", "minion1", "master_minion" ] }
Please refer to one or more of the existing returners (i.e. mysql, cassandra_cql) if you need further clarification.
Event Support
An event_return function must be added to the returner module to allow events to be logged from a master via the returner. A list of events are passed to the function by the master.
The following example was taken from the MySQL returner. In this example, each event is inserted into the salt_events table keyed on the event tag. The tag contains the jid and therefore is guaranteed to be unique.
def event_return(events): ''' Return event to mysql server Requires that configuration be enabled via 'event_return' option in master config. ''' with _get_serv(events, commit=True) as cur: for event in events: tag = event.get('tag', '') data = event.get('data', '') sql = '''INSERT INTO `salt_events` (`tag`, `data`, `master_id` ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)''' cur.execute(sql, (tag, json.dumps(data), __opts__['id']))
Custom Returners
Place custom returners in a _returners directory within the file_roots specified by the master config file.
- Custom returners are distributed when any of the following are called:
Any custom returners which have been synced to a minion that are named the same as one of Salt's default set of returners will take the place of the default returner with the same name.
Naming the Returner
Note that a returner's default name is its filename (i.e. becomes returner foo), but that its name can be overridden by using a __virtual__ function. A good example of this can be found in the redis returner, which is named but is loaded as simply redis:
try: import redis HAS_REDIS = True except ImportError: HAS_REDIS = False __virtualname__ = 'redis' def __virtual__(): if not HAS_REDIS: return False return __virtualname__
Testing the Returner
The returner, prep_jid, save_load, get_load, and event_return functions can be tested by configuring the master_job_cache and Event Returners in the master config file and submitting a job to each minion from the master.
Once you have successfully exercised the Master Job Cache functions, test the External Job Cache functions using the ret execution module.
salt-call ret.get_jids cassandra_cql --output=json salt-call ret.get_fun cassandra_cql --output=json salt-call ret.get_minions cassandra_cql --output=json salt-call ret.get_jid cassandra_cql 20150330121011408195 --output=json
Event Returners
For maximimum visibility into the history of events across a Salt infrastructure, all events seen by a salt master may be logged to a returner.
To enable event logging, set the event_return configuration option in the master config to returner which should be designated as the handler for event returns.
NOTE: Not all returners support event returns. Verify a returner has an event_return() function before using.
On larger installations, many hundreds of events may be generated on a
busy master every second. Be certain to closely monitor the storage of
a given returner as Salt can easily overwhealm an underpowered server
with thousands of returns.
Full List of Returners
Full list of builtin returner modules
carbon_return |
Take data from salt and "return" it into a carbon receiver
cassandra_return |
Return data to a Cassandra ColumnFamily
couchbase_return |
Simple returner for Couchbase.
couchdb_return |
Simple returner for CouchDB.
django_return |
A returner that will infor a Django system that returns are available using Django's signal system.
elasticsearch_return |
Return data to an elasticsearch server for indexing.
etcd_return |
Return data to an etcd server or cluster
hipchat_return |
Return salt data via hipchat.
kafka_return |
Return data to a Kafka topic
local |
The local returner is used to test the returner interface, it just prints the
local_cache |
Return data to local job cache
memcache_return |
Return data to a memcache server
mongo_future_return |
Return data to a mongodb server
mongo_return |
Return data to a mongodb server
multi_returner |
Read/Write multiple returners
mysql |
Return data to a mysql server
odbc |
Return data to an ODBC compliant server.
postgres |
Return data to a postgresql server
postgres_local_cache |
Use a postgresql server for the master job cache.
redis_return |
Return data to a redis server
sentry_return |
Salt returner that report execution results back to sentry.
slack_returner |
Return salt data via slack
sms_return |
Return data by SMS.
smtp_return |
Return salt data via email
sqlite3_return |
Insert minion return data into a sqlite3 database
syslog_return |
Return data to the host operating system's syslog facility
xmpp_return |
Return salt data via xmpp
Take data from salt and "return" it into a carbon receiver
Add the following configuration to the minion configuration file: <server ip address> carbon.port: 2003
Errors when trying to convert data to numbers may be ignored by setting carbon.skip_on_error to True:
carbon.skip_on_error: True
By default, data will be sent to carbon using the plaintext protocol. To use the pickle protocol, set carbon.mode to pickle:
carbon.mode: pickle
- You can also specify the pattern used for the metric base path (except for virt modules metrics):
- carbon.metric_base_pattern: carbon.[minion_id].[module].[function]
- These tokens can used :
- [module]: salt module [function]: salt function [minion_id]: minion id
- Default is :
carbon.metric_base_pattern: [module].[function].[minion_id]
Carbon settings may also be configured as:
carbon: host: <server IP or hostname> port: <carbon port> skip_on_error: True mode: (pickle|text) metric_base_pattern: <pattern> | [module].[function].[minion_id]
Alternative configuration values can be used by prefacing the configuration. Any values not found in the alternative configuration will be pulled from the default location:
alternative.carbon: host: <server IP or hostname> port: <carbon port> skip_on_error: True mode: (pickle|text)
To use the carbon returner, append '--return carbon' to the salt command.
salt '*' --return carbon
To use the alternative configuration, append '--return_config alternative' to the salt command.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' --return carbon --return_config alternative
- salt.returners.carbon_return.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id
- salt.returners.carbon_return.returner(ret)
Return data to a remote carbon server using the text metric protocol
Each metric will look like:
[module].[function].[minion_id].[metric path [...]].[metric name]
Return data to a Cassandra ColumnFamily
Here's an example Keyspace / ColumnFamily setup that works with this returner:
create keyspace salt; use salt; create column family returns with key_validation_class='UTF8Type' and comparator='UTF8Type' and default_validation_class='UTF8Type';
Required python modules: pycassa To use the cassandra returner, append '--return cassandra' to the salt command. ex: salt '*' --return cassandra
- salt.returners.cassandra_return.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id
- salt.returners.cassandra_return.returner(ret)
- Return data to a Cassandra ColumnFamily
Simple returner for Couchbase. Optional configuration settings are listed below, along with sane defaults. 'salt' couchbase.port: 8091 couchbase.bucket: 'salt' couchbase.skip_verify_views: False To use the couchbase returner, append '--return couchbase' to the salt command. ex: salt '*' --return couchbase
All of the return data will be stored in documents as follows:
load: load obj
tgt_minions: list of minions targeted
nocache: should we not cache the return data
return: return_data out: out_data
- salt.returners.couchbase_return.get_jid(jid)
- Return the information returned when the specified job id was executed
- salt.returners.couchbase_return.get_jids()
- Return a list of all job ids
- salt.returners.couchbase_return.get_load(jid)
- Return the load data that marks a specified jid
- salt.returners.couchbase_return.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Return a job id and prepare the job id directory This is the function responsible for making sure jids don't collide (unless its passed a jid) So do what you have to do to make sure that stays the case
- salt.returners.couchbase_return.returner(load)
- Return data to the local job cache
- salt.returners.couchbase_return.save_load(jid, clear_load)
- Save the load to the specified jid
Simple returner for CouchDB. Optional configuration settings are listed below, along with sane defaults:
couchdb.db: 'salt' couchdb.url: 'http://salt:5984/'
Alternative configuration values can be used by prefacing the configuration. Any values not found in the alternative configuration will be pulled from the default location:
alternative.couchdb.db: 'salt' alternative.couchdb.url: 'http://salt:5984/'
To use the couchdb returner, append --return couchdb to the salt command. Example:
salt '*' --return couchdb
To use the alternative configuration, append --return_config alternative to the salt command.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' --return couchdb --return_config alternative
On concurrent database access
As this returner creates a couchdb document whith the salt job id as document id and as only one document with a given id can exist in a given couchdb database, it is advised for most setups that every minion be configured to write to it own database (the value of couchdb.db may be suffixed with the minion id), otherwise multi-minion targetting can lead to losing output:
- •
- the first returning minion is able to create a document in the database
- •
- other minions fail with {'error': 'HTTP Error 409: Conflict'}
- salt.returners.couchdb_return.ensure_views()
- This function makes sure that all the views that should exist in the design document do exist.
- salt.returners.couchdb_return.get_fun(fun)
- Return a dict with key being minion and value being the job details of the last run of function 'fun'.
- salt.returners.couchdb_return.get_jid(jid)
- Get the document with a given JID.
- salt.returners.couchdb_return.get_jids()
- List all the jobs that we have..
- salt.returners.couchdb_return.get_minions()
- Return a list of minion identifiers from a request of the view.
- salt.returners.couchdb_return.get_valid_salt_views()
- Returns a dict object of views that should be part of the salt design document.
- salt.returners.couchdb_return.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id
- salt.returners.couchdb_return.returner(ret)
- Take in the return and shove it into the couchdb database.
- salt.returners.couchdb_return.set_salt_view()
- Helper function that sets the salt design document. Uses get_valid_salt_views and some hardcoded values.
A returner that will infor a Django system that returns are available using Django's signal system.
It is up to the Django developer to register necessary handlers with the signals provided by this returner and process returns as necessary.
The easiest way to use signals is to import them from this returner directly and then use a decorator to register them.
An example Django module that registers a function called 'returner_callback' with this module's 'returner' function:
import salt.returners.django_return from django.dispatch import receiver @receiver(salt.returners.django_return, sender=returner) def returner_callback(sender, ret): print('I received {0} from {1}'.format(ret, sender))
- salt.returners.django_return.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom ID
- salt.returners.django_return.returner(ret)
- Signal a Django server that a return is available
- salt.returners.django_return.save_load(jid, load)
- Save the load to the specified jid
Return data to an elasticsearch server for indexing.
- maintainer
- Jurnell Cockhren <jurnell.cockhren [at]>
- maturity
- New
- depends
- elasticsearch-py, jsonpickle
- platform
To enable this returner the elasticsearch python client must be installed on the desired minions (all or some subset).
The required configuration is as follows:
elasticsearch: host: '' index: 'salt' number_of_shards: 1 (optional) number_of_replicas: 0 (optional)
or to specify multiple elasticsearch hosts for resiliency:
elasticsearch: host: - '' - '' - '' index: 'salt' number_of_shards: 1 (optional) number_of_replicas: 0 (optional)
The above configuration can be placed in a targeted pillar, minion or master configurations.
To use the returner per salt call:
salt '*' --return elasticsearch
In order to have the returner apply to all minions:
ext_job_cache: elasticsearch
- salt.returners.elasticsearch_return.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id
- salt.returners.elasticsearch_return.returner(ret)
- Process the return from Salt
Return data to an etcd server or cluster
- depends
- •
In order to return to an etcd server, a profile should be created in the master configuration file:
my_etcd_config: etcd.port: 4001
It is technically possible to configure etcd without using a profile, but this is not considered to be a best practice, especially when multiple etcd servers or clusters are available. etcd.port: 4001
Additionally, two more options must be specified in the top-level configuration in order to use the etcd returner:
etcd.returner: my_etcd_config etcd.returner_root: /salt/return
The etcd.returner option specifies which configuration profile to use. The etcd.returner_root option specifies the path inside etcd to use as the root of the returner system.
Once the etcd options are configured, the returner may be used:
CLI Example: salt '*' --return etcd
- salt.returners.etcd_return.get_fun()
- Return a dict of the last function called for all minions
- salt.returners.etcd_return.get_jid(jid)
- Return the information returned when the specified job id was executed
- salt.returners.etcd_return.get_jids()
- Return a list of all job ids
- salt.returners.etcd_return.get_load(jid)
- Return the load data that marks a specified jid
- salt.returners.etcd_return.get_minions()
- Return a list of minions
- salt.returners.etcd_return.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id
- salt.returners.etcd_return.returner(ret)
- Return data to an etcd server or cluster
- salt.returners.etcd_return.save_load(jid, load)
- Save the load to the specified jid
Return salt data via hipchat.
New in version 2015.5.0.
The following fields can be set in the minion conf file:
hipchat.room_id (required) hipchat.api_key (required) hipchat.api_version (required) hipchat.from_name (required) hipchat.color (optional) hipchat.notify (optional) hipchat.profile (optional)
Alternative configuration values can be used by prefacing the configuration. Any values not found in the alternative configuration will be pulled from the default location:
hipchat.room_id hipchat.api_key hipchat.api_version hipchat.from_name
Hipchat settings may also be configured as:
hipchat: room_id: RoomName api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx api_version: v1 from_name: user [at] alternative.hipchat: room_id: RoomName api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx api_version: v1 from_name: user [at] hipchat_profile: api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx api_version: v1 from_name: user [at] hipchat: profile: hipchat_profile room_id: RoomName alternative.hipchat: profile: hipchat_profile room_id: RoomName
To use the HipChat returner, append '--return hipchat' to the salt command.
salt '*' --return hipchat
To use the alternative configuration, append '--return_config alternative' to the salt command.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' --return hipchat --return_config alternative
- salt.returners.hipchat_return.returner(ret)
- Send an hipchat message with the data
Return data to a Kafka topic
- maintainer
- Christer Edwards (christer.edwards [at]
- maturity
- 0.1
- depends
- kafka-python
- platform
To enable this returner install kafka-python and enable the following settings in the minion config:
- returner.kafka.hostnames:
- •
- "server1"
- •
- "server2"
- •
returner.kafka.topic: 'topic'
To use the kafka returner, append '--return kafka' to the Salt command, eg; salt '*' --return kafka
- salt.returners.kafka_return.returner(ret)
- Return information to a Kafka server
The local returner is used to test the returner interface, it just prints the return data to the console to verify that it is being passed properly To use the local returner, append '--return local' to the salt command. ex: salt '*' --return local
- salt.returners.local.event_return(event)
- Print event return data to the terminal to verify functionality
- salt.returners.local.returner(ret)
- Print the return data to the terminal to verify functionality
Return data to local job cache
- salt.returners.local_cache.clean_old_jobs()
- Clean out the old jobs from the job cache
- salt.returners.local_cache.get_jid(jid)
- Return the information returned when the specified job id was executed
- salt.returners.local_cache.get_jids()
- Return a list of all job ids
- salt.returners.local_cache.get_load(jid)
- Return the load data that marks a specified jid
- salt.returners.local_cache.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None, recurse_count=0)
Return a job id and prepare the job id directory.
This is the function responsible for making sure jids don't collide (unless it is passed a jid). So do what you have to do to make sure that stays the case
- salt.returners.local_cache.returner(load)
- Return data to the local job cache
- salt.returners.local_cache.save_load(jid, clear_load)
- Save the load to the specified jid
Return data to a memcache server
To enable this returner the minion will need the python client for memcache installed and the following values configured in the minion or master config, these are the defaults. 'localhost' memcache.port: '11211'
Alternative configuration values can be used by prefacing the configuration. Any values not found in the alternative configuration will be pulled from the default location. 'localhost' alternative.memcache.port: '11211'
python2-memcache uses 'localhost' and '11211' as syntax on connection.
To use the memcache returner, append '--return memcache' to the salt command.
salt '*' --return memcache
To use the alternative configuration, append '--return_config alternative' to the salt command.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' --return memcache --return_config alternative
- salt.returners.memcache_return.get_fun(fun)
- Return a dict of the last function called for all minions
- salt.returners.memcache_return.get_jid(jid)
- Return the information returned when the specified job id was executed
- salt.returners.memcache_return.get_jids()
- Return a list of all job ids
- salt.returners.memcache_return.get_load(jid)
- Return the load data that marks a specified jid
- salt.returners.memcache_return.get_minions()
- Return a list of minions
- salt.returners.memcache_return.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id
- salt.returners.memcache_return.returner(ret)
- Return data to a memcache data store
- salt.returners.memcache_return.save_load(jid, load)
- Save the load to the specified jid
Return data to a mongodb server
Required python modules: pymongo
This returner will send data from the minions to a MongoDB server. To configure the settings for your MongoDB server, add the following lines to the minion config files:
mongo.db: <database name> <server ip address> mongo.user: <MongoDB username> mongo.password: <MongoDB user password> mongo.port: 27017
You can also ask for indexes creation on the most common used fields, which should greatly improve performance. Indexes are not created by default. mongo.indexes: true
Alternative configuration values can be used by prefacing the configuration. Any values not found in the alternative configuration will be pulled from the default location:
alternative.mongo.db: <database name> <server ip address> alternative.mongo.user: <MongoDB username> alternative.mongo.password: <MongoDB user password> alternative.mongo.port: 27017
This mongo returner is being developed to replace the default mongodb returner in the future and should not be considered API stable yet.
To use the mongo returner, append '--return mongo' to the salt command.
salt '*' --return mongo
To use the alternative configuration, append '--return_config alternative' to the salt command.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' --return mongo --return_config alternative
- salt.returners.mongo_future_return.get_fun(fun)
- Return the most recent jobs that have executed the named function
- salt.returners.mongo_future_return.get_jid(jid)
- Return the return information associated with a jid
- salt.returners.mongo_future_return.get_jids()
- Return a list of job ids
- salt.returners.mongo_future_return.get_load(jid)
- Return the load associated with a given job id
- salt.returners.mongo_future_return.get_minions()
- Return a list of minions
- salt.returners.mongo_future_return.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id
- salt.returners.mongo_future_return.returner(ret)
- Return data to a mongodb server
- salt.returners.mongo_future_return.save_load(jid, load)
- Save the load for a given job id
Return data to a mongodb server
Required python modules: pymongo
This returner will send data from the minions to a MongoDB server. To configure the settings for your MongoDB server, add the following lines to the minion config files.
mongo.db: <database name> <server ip address> mongo.user: <MongoDB username> mongo.password: <MongoDB user password> mongo.port: 27017
Alternative configuration values can be used by prefacing the configuration. Any values not found in the alternative configuration will be pulled from the default location.
alternative.mongo.db: <database name> <server ip address> alternative.mongo.user: <MongoDB username> alternative.mongo.password: <MongoDB user password> alternative.mongo.port: 27017
To use the mongo returner, append '--return mongo' to the salt command.
salt '*' --return mongo_return
To use the alternative configuration, append '--return_config alternative' to the salt command.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' --return mongo_return --return_config alternative
- salt.returners.mongo_return.get_fun(fun)
- Return the most recent jobs that have executed the named function
- salt.returners.mongo_return.get_jid(jid)
- Return the return information associated with a jid
- salt.returners.mongo_return.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id
- salt.returners.mongo_return.returner(ret)
- Return data to a mongodb server
Read/Write multiple returners
- salt.returners.multi_returner.clean_old_jobs()
- Clean out the old jobs from all returners (if you have it)
- salt.returners.multi_returner.get_jid(jid)
- Merge the return data from all returners
- salt.returners.multi_returner.get_jids()
- Return all job data from all returners
- salt.returners.multi_returner.get_load(jid)
- Merge the load data from all returners
- salt.returners.multi_returner.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
Call both with prep_jid on all returners in multi_returner
TODO: finish this, what do do when you get different jids from 2 returners... since our jids are time based, this make this problem hard, because they aren't unique, meaning that we have to make sure that no one else got the jid and if they did we spin to get a new one, which means "locking" the jid in 2 returners is non-trivial
- salt.returners.multi_returner.returner(load)
- Write return to all returners in multi_returner
- salt.returners.multi_returner.save_load(jid, clear_load)
- Write load to all returners in multi_returner
Return data to a mysql server
- maintainer
- Dave Boucha <dave [at]>, Seth House <shouse [at]>
- maturity
- new
- depends
- python-mysqldb
- platform
To enable this returner, the minion will need the python client for mysql installed and the following values configured in the minion or master config. These are the defaults: 'salt' mysql.user: 'salt' mysql.pass: 'salt' mysql.db: 'salt' mysql.port: 3306
SSL is optional. The defaults are set to None. If you do not want to use SSL, either exclude these options or set them to None.
mysql.ssl_ca: None mysql.ssl_cert: None mysql.ssl_key: None
Alternative configuration values can be used by prefacing the configuration with alternative.. Any values not found in the alternative configuration will be pulled from the default location. As stated above, SSL configuration is optional. The following ssl options are simply for illustration purposes: 'salt' alternative.mysql.user: 'salt' alternative.mysql.pass: 'salt' alternative.mysql.db: 'salt' alternative.mysql.port: 3306 alternative.mysql.ssl_ca: '/etc/pki/mysql/certs/localhost.pem' alternative.mysql.ssl_cert: '/etc/pki/mysql/certs/localhost.crt' alternative.mysql.ssl_key: '/etc/pki/mysql/certs/localhost.key'
Use the following mysql database schema:
CREATE DATABASE `salt` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8_general_ci; USE `salt`; -- -- Table structure for table `jids` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `jids`; CREATE TABLE `jids` ( `jid` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `load` mediumtext NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `jid` (`jid`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Table structure for table `salt_returns` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `salt_returns`; CREATE TABLE `salt_returns` ( `fun` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `jid` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `return` mediumtext NOT NULL, `id` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `success` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `full_ret` mediumtext NOT NULL, `alter_time` TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, KEY `id` (`id`), KEY `jid` (`jid`), KEY `fun` (`fun`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Table structure for table `salt_events` -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `salt_events`; CREATE TABLE `salt_events` ( `id` BIGINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `tag` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `data` mediumtext NOT NULL, `alter_time` TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `master_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `tag` (`tag`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
Required python modules: MySQLdb
To use the mysql returner, append '--return mysql' to the salt command.
salt '*' --return mysql
To use the alternative configuration, append '--return_config alternative' to the salt command.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' --return mysql --return_config alternative
- salt.returners.mysql.event_return(events)
Return event to mysql server
Requires that configuration be enabled via 'event_return' option in master config.
- salt.returners.mysql.get_fun(fun)
- Return a dict of the last function called for all minions
- salt.returners.mysql.get_jid(jid)
- Return the information returned when the specified job id was executed
- salt.returners.mysql.get_jids()
- Return a list of all job ids
- salt.returners.mysql.get_load(jid)
- Return the load data that marks a specified jid
- salt.returners.mysql.get_minions()
- Return a list of minions
- salt.returners.mysql.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id
- salt.returners.mysql.returner(ret)
- Return data to a mysql server
- salt.returners.mysql.save_load(jid, load)
- Save the load to the specified jid id
Return data to an ODBC compliant server. This driver was developed with Microsoft SQL Server in mind, but theoretically could be used to return data to any compliant ODBC database as long as there is a working ODBC driver for it on your minion platform.
- maintainer
- C.
- R.
- Oldham (cr [at]
- maturity
- New
- depends
- unixodbc, pyodbc, freetds (for SQL Server)
- platform
To enable this returner the minion will need
On Linux: unixodbc ( pyodbc (pip install pyodbc) The FreeTDS ODBC driver for SQL Server ( or another compatible ODBC driver
On Windows: TBD
unixODBC and FreeTDS need to be configured via /etc/odbcinst.ini and /etc/odbc.ini.
[TDS] Description=TDS Driver=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/
(Note the above Driver line needs to point to the location of the FreeTDS shared library. This example is for Ubuntu 14.04.)
[TS] Description = "Salt Returner" Driver=TDS Server = <your server ip or fqdn> Port = 1433 Database = salt Trace = No
Also you need the following values configured in the minion or master config. Configure as you see fit:
returner.odbc.dsn: 'TS' returner.odbc.user: 'salt' returner.odbc.passwd: 'salt'
Alternative configuration values can be used by prefacing the configuration. Any values not found in the alternative configuration will be pulled from the default location:
alternative.returner.odbc.dsn: 'TS' alternative.returner.odbc.user: 'salt' alternative.returner.odbc.passwd: 'salt'
Running the following commands against Microsoft SQL Server in the desired database as the appropriate user should create the database tables correctly. Replace with equivalent SQL for other ODBC-compliant servers
-- -- Table structure for table 'jids' -- if OBJECT_ID('dbo.jids', 'U') is not null DROP TABLE dbo.jids CREATE TABLE dbo.jids ( jid varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY, load varchar(MAX) NOT NULL ); -- -- Table structure for table 'salt_returns' -- IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.salt_returns', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE dbo.salt_returns; CREATE TABLE dbo.salt_returns ( added datetime not null default (getdate()), fun varchar(100) NOT NULL, jid varchar(255) NOT NULL, retval varchar(MAX) NOT NULL, id varchar(255) NOT NULL, success bit default(0) NOT NULL, full_ret varchar(MAX) ); CREATE INDEX salt_returns_added on dbo.salt_returns(added); CREATE INDEX salt_returns_id on dbo.salt_returns(id); CREATE INDEX salt_returns_jid on dbo.salt_returns(jid); CREATE INDEX salt_returns_fun on dbo.salt_returns(fun); To use this returner, append '--return odbc' to the salt command. .. code-block:: bash salt '*' status.diskusage --return odbc To use the alternative configuration, append '--return_config alternative' to the salt command. .. versionadded:: 2015.5.0 .. code-block:: bash salt '*' --return odbc --return_config alternative
- salt.returners.odbc.get_fun(fun)
- Return a dict of the last function called for all minions
- salt.returners.odbc.get_jid(jid)
- Return the information returned when the specified job id was executed
- salt.returners.odbc.get_jids()
- Return a list of all job ids
- salt.returners.odbc.get_load(jid)
- Return the load data that marks a specified jid
- salt.returners.odbc.get_minions()
- Return a list of minions
- salt.returners.odbc.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id
- salt.returners.odbc.returner(ret)
- Return data to an odbc server
- salt.returners.odbc.save_load(jid, load)
- Save the load to the specified jid id
Return data to a postgresql server
- maintainer
- None
- maturity
- New
- depends
- psycopg2
- platform
To enable this returner the minion will need the psycopg2 installed and the following values configured in the minion or master config: 'salt' returner.postgres.user: 'salt' returner.postgres.passwd: 'salt' returner.postgres.db: 'salt' returner.postgres.port: 5432
Alternative configuration values can be used by prefacing the configuration. Any values not found in the alternative configuration will be pulled from the default location: 'salt' alternative.returner.postgres.user: 'salt' alternative.returner.postgres.passwd: 'salt' alternative.returner.postgres.db: 'salt' alternative.returner.postgres.port: 5432
Running the following commands as the postgres user should create the database correctly:
psql << EOF CREATE ROLE salt WITH PASSWORD 'salt'; CREATE DATABASE salt WITH OWNER salt; EOF psql -h localhost -U salt << EOF -- -- Table structure for table 'jids' -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS jids; CREATE TABLE jids ( jid varchar(20) PRIMARY KEY, load text NOT NULL ); -- -- Table structure for table 'salt_returns' -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS salt_returns; CREATE TABLE salt_returns ( added TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT now(), fun text NOT NULL, jid varchar(20) NOT NULL, return text NOT NULL, id text NOT NULL, success boolean ); CREATE INDEX ON salt_returns (added); CREATE INDEX ON salt_returns (id); CREATE INDEX ON salt_returns (jid); CREATE INDEX ON salt_returns (fun); EOF
Required python modules: psycopg2
To use the postgres returner, append '--return postgres' to the salt command.
salt '*' --return postgres
To use the alternative configuration, append '--return_config alternative' to the salt command.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' --return postgres --return_config alternative
- salt.returners.postgres.get_fun(fun)
- Return a dict of the last function called for all minions
- salt.returners.postgres.get_jid(jid)
- Return the information returned when the specified job id was executed
- salt.returners.postgres.get_jids()
- Return a list of all job ids
- salt.returners.postgres.get_load(jid)
- Return the load data that marks a specified jid
- salt.returners.postgres.get_minions()
- Return a list of minions
- salt.returners.postgres.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id
- salt.returners.postgres.returner(ret)
- Return data to a postgres server
- salt.returners.postgres.save_load(jid, load)
- Save the load to the specified jid id
Use a postgresql server for the master job cache. This helps the job cache to cope with scale.
- maintainer
- gjredelinghuys [at]
- maturity
- New
- depends
- psycopg2
- platform
To enable this returner the minion will need the psycopg2 installed and the following values configured in the master config:
master_job_cache: postgres_local_cache 'salt' master_job_cache.postgres.user: 'salt' master_job_cache.postgres.passwd: 'salt' master_job_cache.postgres.db: 'salt' master_job_cache.postgres.port: 5432
Running the following command as the postgres user should create the database correctly:
and then:
psql -h localhost -U salt << EOF -- -- Table structure for table 'jids' -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS jids; CREATE TABLE jids ( jid varchar(20) PRIMARY KEY, started TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT now(), tgt_type text NOT NULL, cmd text NOT NULL, tgt text NOT NULL, kwargs text NOT NULL, ret text NOT NULL, username text NOT NULL, arg text NOT NULL, fun text NOT NULL ); -- -- Table structure for table 'salt_returns' -- -- note that 'success' must not have NOT NULL constraint, since -- some functions don't provide it. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS salt_returns; CREATE TABLE salt_returns ( added TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE DEFAULT now(), fun text NOT NULL, jid varchar(20) NOT NULL, return text NOT NULL, id text NOT NULL, success boolean ); CREATE INDEX ON salt_returns (added); CREATE INDEX ON salt_returns (id); CREATE INDEX ON salt_returns (jid); CREATE INDEX ON salt_returns (fun); EOF
Required python modules: psycopg2
- salt.returners.postgres_local_cache.clean_old_jobs()
- Clean out the old jobs from the job cache
- salt.returners.postgres_local_cache.get_jid(jid)
- Return the information returned when the specified job id was executed
- salt.returners.postgres_local_cache.get_jids()
- Return a list of all job ids For master job cache this also formats the output and returns a string
- salt.returners.postgres_local_cache.get_load(jid)
- Return the load data that marks a specified jid
- salt.returners.postgres_local_cache.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Return a job id and prepare the job id directory This is the function responsible for making sure jids don't collide (unless its passed a jid). So do what you have to do to make sure that stays the case
- salt.returners.postgres_local_cache.returner(load)
- Return data to a postgres server
- salt.returners.postgres_local_cache.save_load(jid, clear_load)
- Save the load to the specified jid id
Return data to a redis server
To enable this returner the minion will need the python client for redis installed and the following values configured in the minion or master config, these are the defaults:
redis.db: '0' 'salt' redis.port: 6379
Alternative configuration values can be used by prefacing the configuration. Any values not found in the alternative configuration will be pulled from the default location:
alternative.redis.db: '0' 'salt' alternative.redis.port: 6379
To use the redis returner, append '--return redis' to the salt command.
salt '*' --return redis
To use the alternative configuration, append '--return_config alternative' to the salt command.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' --return redis --return_config alternative
- salt.returners.redis_return.get_fun(fun)
- Return a dict of the last function called for all minions
- salt.returners.redis_return.get_jid(jid)
- Return the information returned when the specified job id was executed
- salt.returners.redis_return.get_jids()
- Return a list of all job ids
- salt.returners.redis_return.get_load(jid)
- Return the load data that marks a specified jid
- salt.returners.redis_return.get_minions()
- Return a list of minions
- salt.returners.redis_return.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id
- salt.returners.redis_return.returner(ret)
- Return data to a redis data store
- salt.returners.redis_return.save_load(jid, load)
- Save the load to the specified jid
Salt returner that report execution results back to sentry. The returner will inspect the payload to identify errors and flag them as such.
Pillar needs something like:
raven: servers: - - public_key: deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef secret_key: beefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdead project: 1 tags: - os - master - saltversion - cpuarch
and installed
The tags list (optional) specifies grains items that will be used as sentry tags, allowing tagging of events in the sentry ui.
- salt.returners.sentry_return.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id
- salt.returners.sentry_return.returner(ret)
- Log outcome to sentry. The returner tries to identify errors and report them as such. All other messages will be reported at info level.
Return salt data via slack
New in version 2015.5.0.
The following fields can be set in the minion conf file: (required) slack.api_key (required) slack.from_name (required) slack.profile (optional)
Alternative configuration values can be used by prefacing the configuration. Any values not found in the alternative configuration will be pulled from the default location: slack.api_key slack.from_name
Hipchat settings may also be configured as:
slack: channel: RoomName api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx from_name: user [at] alternative.slack: room_id: RoomName api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx from_name: user [at] slack_profile: api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx from_name: user [at] slack: profile: slack_profile channel: RoomName alternative.slack: profile: slack_profile channel: RoomName
To use the HipChat returner, append '--return slack' to the salt command.
salt '*' --return slack
To use the alternative configuration, append '--return_config alternative' to the salt command.
salt '*' --return slack --return_config alternative
- salt.returners.slack_returner.returner(ret)
- Send an slack message with the data
Return data by SMS.
New in version 2015.5.0.
- maintainer
- Damian Myerscough
- maturity
- new
- depends
- twilio
- platform
To enable this returner the minion will need the python twilio library installed and the following values configured in the minion or master config:
To use the sms returner, append '--return sms' to the salt command.
salt '*' --return sms
- salt.returners.sms_return.returner(ret)
- Return a response in an SMS message
Return salt data via email
The following fields can be set in the minion conf file:
smtp.from (required) (required) (required) smtp.port (optional, defaults to 25) smtp.username (optional) smtp.password (optional) smtp.tls (optional, defaults to False) smtp.subject (optional, but helpful) smtp.gpgowner (optional) smtp.fields (optional)
Alternative configuration values can be used by prefacing the configuration. Any values not found in the alternative configuration will be pulled from the default location:
alternative.smtp.from alternative.smtp.port alternative.smtp.username alternative.smtp.password alternative.smtp.tls alternative.smtp.subject alternative.smtp.gpgowner alternative.smtp.fields
There are a few things to keep in mind:
- •
- If a username is used, a password is also required. It is recommended (but not required) to use the TLS setting when authenticating.
- •
- You should at least declare a subject, but you don't have to.
- •
- The use of encryption, i.e. setting gpgowner in your settings, requires python-gnupg to be installed.
- •
- The field gpgowner specifies a user's ~/.gpg directory. This must contain a gpg public key matching the address the mail is sent to. If left unset, no encryption will be used.
- •
smtp.fields lets you include the value(s) of various fields in the subject
line of the email. These are comma-delimited. For instance:
smtp.fields: id,fun
...will display the id of the minion and the name of the function in the subject line. You may also use 'jid' (the job id), but it is generally recommended not to use 'return', which contains the entire return data structure (which can be very large). Also note that the subject is always unencrypted.
To use the SMTP returner, append '--return smtp' to the salt command.
salt '*' --return smtp
To use the alternative configuration, append '--return_config alternative' to the salt command.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' --return smtp --return_config alternative
- salt.returners.smtp_return.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id
- salt.returners.smtp_return.returner(ret)
- Send an email with the data
Insert minion return data into a sqlite3 database
- maintainer
- Mickey Malone <mickey.malone [at]>
- maturity
- New
- depends
- None
- platform
Sqlite3 is a serverless database that lives in a single file. In order to use this returner the database file must exist, have the appropriate schema defined, and be accessible to the user whom the minion process is running as. This returner requires the following values configured in the master or minion config:
returner.sqlite3.database: /usr/lib/salt/salt.db returner.sqlite3.timeout: 5.0
Alternative configuration values can be used by prefacing the configuration. Any values not found in the alternative configuration will be pulled from the default location:
alternative.returner.sqlite3.database: /usr/lib/salt/salt.db alternative.returner.sqlite3.timeout: 5.0
Use the commands to create the sqlite3 database and tables:
sqlite3 /usr/lib/salt/salt.db << EOF -- -- Table structure for table 'jids' -- CREATE TABLE jids ( jid TEXT PRIMARY KEY, load TEXT NOT NULL ); -- -- Table structure for table 'salt_returns' -- CREATE TABLE salt_returns ( fun TEXT KEY, jid TEXT KEY, id TEXT KEY, fun_args TEXT, date TEXT NOT NULL, full_ret TEXT NOT NULL, success TEXT NOT NULL ); EOF
To use the sqlite returner, append '--return sqlite3' to the salt command.
salt '*' --return sqlite3
To use the alternative configuration, append '--return_config alternative' to the salt command.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' --return sqlite3 --return_config alternative
- salt.returners.sqlite3_return.get_fun(fun)
- Return a dict of the last function called for all minions
- salt.returners.sqlite3_return.get_jid(jid)
- Return the information returned from a specified jid
- salt.returners.sqlite3_return.get_jids()
- Return a list of all job ids
- salt.returners.sqlite3_return.get_load(jid)
- Return the load from a specified jid
- salt.returners.sqlite3_return.get_minions()
- Return a list of minions
- salt.returners.sqlite3_return.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id
- salt.returners.sqlite3_return.returner(ret)
- Insert minion return data into the sqlite3 database
- salt.returners.sqlite3_return.save_load(jid, load)
- Save the load to the specified jid
Return data to the host operating system's syslog facility
Required python modules: syslog, json
The syslog returner simply reuses the operating system's syslog facility to log return data
To use the syslog returner, append '--return syslog' to the salt command.
salt '*' --return syslog
- salt.returners.syslog_return.prep_jid(nocache=False, passed_jid=None)
- Do any work necessary to prepare a JID, including sending a custom id
- salt.returners.syslog_return.returner(ret)
- Return data to the local syslog
Return salt data via xmpp
The following fields can be set in the minion conf file:
xmpp.jid (required) xmpp.password (required) xmpp.recipient (required) xmpp.profile (optional)
Alternative configuration values can be used by prefacing the configuration. Any values not found in the alternative configuration will be pulled from the default location:
xmpp.jid xmpp.password xmpp.recipient xmpp.profile
XMPP settings may also be configured as:
xmpp: jid: user [at] password: password recipient: user [at] alternative.xmpp: jid: user [at] password: password recipient: someone [at] xmpp_profile: jid: user [at] password: password xmpp: profile: xmpp_profile recipient: user [at] alternative.xmpp: profile: xmpp_profile recipient: someone-else [at]
To use the XMPP returner, append '--return xmpp' to the salt command.
salt '*' --return xmpp
To use the alternative configuration, append '--return_config alternative' to the salt command.
New in version 2015.5.0.
salt '*' --return xmpp --return_config alternative
- class salt.returners.xmpp_return.SendMsgBot(jid, password, recipient, msg)
- start(event)
- salt.returners.xmpp_return.returner(ret)
- Send an xmpp message with the data
Full list of builtin roster modules
ansible |
Read in an Ansible inventory file or script
cache |
Use the minion cache on the master to derive IP addresses based on minion ID.
cloud |
Use the cloud cache on the master to derive IPv4 addresses based on minion ID.
clustershell |
This roster resolves hostname in a pdsh/clustershell style.
flat |
Read in the roster from a flat file using the renderer system
scan |
Scan a netmask or ipaddr for open ssh ports
Read in an Ansible inventory file or script
Flat inventory files should be in the regular ansible inventory format.
[servers] ansible_ssh_user=gtmanfred ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=22 ansible_ssh_pass='password' [desktop] home ansible_ssh_user=gtmanfred ansible_ssh_host= ansible_ssh_port=23 ansible_ssh_pass='password' [computers:children] desktop servers [names:vars] http_port=80
then salt-ssh can be used to hit any of them
[~]# salt-ssh all True home: True [~]# salt-ssh desktop home: True [~]# salt-ssh computers True home: True [~]# salt-ssh True
There is also the option of specifying a dynamic inventory, and generating it on the fly
#!/bin/bash echo '{ "servers": { "hosts": [ "" ] }, "desktop": { "hosts": [ "home" ] }, "computers": { "hosts":{}, "children": [ "desktop", "servers" ] }, "_meta": { "hostvars": { "": { "ansible_ssh_user": "gtmanfred", "ansible_ssh_host": "", "ansible_sudo_pass": "password", "ansible_ssh_port": 22 }, "home": { "ansible_ssh_user": "gtmanfred", "ansible_ssh_host": "", "ansible_sudo_pass": "password", "ansible_ssh_port": 23 } } } }'
This is the format that an inventory script needs to output to work with ansible, and thus here.
[~]# salt-ssh --roster-file /etc/salt/hosts True
Any of the [groups] or direct hostnames will return. The 'all' is special, and returns everything.
- class salt.roster.ansible.Inventory(tgt, tgt_type='glob', inventory_file='/etc/salt/roster')
- Matcher for static inventory files
- class salt.roster.ansible.Script(tgt, tgt_type='glob', inventory_file='/etc/salt/roster')
- Matcher for Inventory scripts
- class salt.roster.ansible.Target
- get_glob()
- Return minions that match via glob
- targets()
- Execute the correct tgt_type routine and return
- salt.roster.ansible.targets(tgt, tgt_type='glob', **kwargs)
- Return the targets from the ansible inventory_file Default: /etc/salt/roster
Use the minion cache on the master to derive IP addresses based on minion ID.
Currently only contains logic to return an IPv4 address; does not handle IPv6, or authentication (passwords, keys, etc).
It is possible to configure this roster to prefer a particular type of IP over another. To configure the order, set the roster_order in the master config file. The default for this is:
roster_order: - public - private - local
- salt.roster.cache.extract_ipv4(roster_order, ipv4)
- Extract the preferred IP address from the ipv4 grain
- salt.roster.cache.targets(tgt, tgt_type='glob', **kwargs)
- Return the targets from the flat yaml file, checks opts for location but defaults to /etc/salt/roster
Use the cloud cache on the master to derive IPv4 addresses based on minion ID.
This roster requires that the minion in question was created using at least the 2015.5.0 version of Salt Cloud. Starting with the 2015.5.0 release, Salt Cloud maintains an index of minions that it creates and deletes. This index tracks the provider and profile configuration used to provision the minion, including authentication information. So long as this configuration remains current, it can be used by Salt SSH to log into any minion in the index.
-, ipv4)
- Extract the preferred IP address from the ipv4 grain
-, tgt_type='glob', **kwargs)
- Return the targets from the flat yaml file, checks opts for location but defaults to /etc/salt/roster
This roster resolves hostname in a pdsh/clustershell style.
- depends
When you want to use host globs for target matching, use --roster clustershell. For example:
salt-ssh --roster clustershell 'server_[1-10,21-30],test_server[5,7,9]'
- salt.roster.clustershell.targets(tgt, tgt_type='glob', **kwargs)
- Return the targets
Read in the roster from a flat file using the renderer system
- class salt.roster.flat.RosterMatcher(raw, tgt, tgt_type, ipv='ipv4')
- Matcher for the roster data structure
- get_data(minion)
- Return the configured ip
- ret_glob_minions()
- Return minions that match via glob
- ret_list_minions()
- Return minions that match via list
- ret_pcre_minions()
- Return minions that match via pcre
- targets()
- Execute the correct tgt_type routine and return
- salt.roster.flat.targets(tgt, tgt_type='glob', **kwargs)
- Return the targets from the flat yaml file, checks opts for location but defaults to /etc/salt/roster
Scan a netmask or ipaddr for open ssh ports
- class salt.roster.scan.RosterMatcher(tgt, tgt_type)
- Matcher for the roster data structure
- targets()
- Return ip addrs based on netmask, sitting in the "glob" spot because it is the default
- salt.roster.scan.targets(tgt, tgt_type='glob', **kwargs)
- Return the targets from the flat yaml file, checks opts for location but defaults to /etc/salt/roster
Salt Runners
Salt runners are convenience applications executed with the salt-run command.
Salt runners work similarly to Salt execution modules however they execute on the Salt master itself instead of remote Salt minions.
A Salt runner can be a simple client call or a complex application.
The full list of runners
Full list of runner modules
cache |
Return cached data from minions
cloud |
The Salt Cloud Runner
doc |
A runner module to collect and display the inline documentation from the
drac |
Manage Dell DRAC from the Master
error |
Error generator to enable integration testing of salt runner error handling
f5 |
Runner to provide F5 Load Balancer functionality
fileserver |
Directly manage the Salt fileserver plugins
git_pillar |
Directly manage the salt git_pillar plugin
http |
Module for making various web calls.
jobs |
A convenience system to manage jobs, both active and already run
launchd |
Manage launchd plist files
lxc |
Control Linux Containers via Salt
manage |
General management functions for salt, tools like seeing what hosts are up
mine |
A runner to access data from the salt mine
nacl |
This runner helps create encrypted passwords that can be included in pillars.
network |
Network tools to run from the Master
pagerduty |
Runner Module for Firing Events via PagerDuty
pillar |
Functions to interact with the pillar compiler on the master
queue |
General management and processing of queues.
sdb |
Runner for setting and querying data via the sdb API on the master
search |
Runner frontend to search system
state |
Execute overstate functions
survey |
A general map/reduce style salt runner for aggregating results returned by several different minions.
test |
This runner is used only for test purposes and servers no production purpose
thin |
The thin runner is used to manage the salt thin systems.
virt |
Control virtual machines via Salt
winrepo |
Runner to manage Windows software repo
Return cached data from minions
- salt.runners.cache.clear_all(tgt=None, expr_form='glob')
Clear the cached pillar, grains, and mine data of the targeted minions
CLI Example:
salt-run cache.clear_all
- salt.runners.cache.clear_grains(tgt=None, expr_form='glob')
Clear the cached grains data of the targeted minions
CLI Example:
salt-run cache.clear_grains
- salt.runners.cache.clear_mine(tgt=None, expr_form='glob')
Clear the cached mine data of the targeted minions
CLI Example:
salt-run cache.clear_mine
- salt.runners.cache.clear_mine_func(tgt=None, expr_form='glob', clear_mine_func_flag=None)
Clear the cached mine function data of the targeted minions
CLI Example:
salt-run cache.clear_mine_func tgt='*' clear_mine_func='network.interfaces'
- salt.runners.cache.clear_pillar(tgt=None, expr_form='glob')
Clear the cached pillar data of the targeted minions
CLI Example:
salt-run cache.clear_pillar
- salt.runners.cache.grains(tgt=None, expr_form='glob', outputter=None, **kwargs)
Return cached grains of the targeted minions
CLI Example:
salt-run cache.grains
- salt.runners.cache.mine(tgt=None, expr_form='glob', outputter=None, **kwargs)
Return cached mine data of the targeted minions
CLI Example:
salt-run cache.mine
- salt.runners.cache.pillar(tgt=None, expr_form='glob', outputter=None, **kwargs)
Return cached pillars of the targeted minions
CLI Example:
salt-run cache.pillar
The Salt Cloud Runner
This runner wraps the functionality of salt cloud making salt cloud routines available to all internal apis via the runner system
-, cloudmap=None, instances=None, provider=None, instance=None, **kwargs)
- Execute a single action on the given map/provider/instance
-, instances, **kwargs)
Create an instance using Salt Cloud
CLI Example:
salt-run cloud.create my-ec2-config myinstance image=ami-1624987f size='t1.micro' ssh_username=ec2-user securitygroup=default delvol_on_destroy=True
- Destroy the named vm(s)
- List all available cloud provider data
- List cloud provider images for the given providers
- List cloud provider sizes for the given providers
- List cloud provider sizes for the given providers
-, **kwargs)
- Execute a salt cloud map file
-, instances=None, **kwargs)
Create a cloud vm with the given profile and instances, instances can be a
list or comma-delimited string
CLI Example:
salt-run cloud.profile prof=my-ec2 instances=node1,node2,node3
- List cloud provider data for all providers
- List selected nodes
A runner module to collect and display the inline documentation from the various module types
- salt.runners.doc.execution()
Collect all the sys.doc output from each minion and return the aggregate
CLI Example:
salt-run doc.execution
- salt.runners.doc.runner()
Return all inline documentation for runner modules
CLI Example:
salt-run doc.runner
- salt.runners.doc.wheel()
Return all inline documentation for wheel modules
CLI Example:
salt-run doc.wheel
Manage Dell DRAC from the Master
The login credentials need to be configured in the Salt master configuration file.
- salt.runners.drac.poweroff(hostname, timeout=20)
Power server off
CLI Example:
salt-run drac.poweroff
- salt.runners.drac.poweron(hostname, timeout=20)
Power server on
CLI Example:
salt-run drac.poweron
- salt.runners.drac.pxe(hostname, timeout=20)
Connect to the Dell DRAC and have the boot order set to PXE
and power cycle the system to PXE boot
CLI Example:
salt-run drac.pxe
- salt.runners.drac.reboot(hostname, timeout=20)
Reboot a server using the Dell DRAC
CLI Example:
salt-run drac.reboot
- salt.runners.drac.version(hostname, timeout=20)
Display the version of DRAC
CLI Example:
salt-run drac.version
Error generator to enable integration testing of salt runner error handling
- salt.runners.error.error(name=None, message='')
If name is None Then return empty dict
Otherwise raise an exception with __name__ from name, message from message
CLI Example:
salt-run error salt-run error.error name="Exception" message="This is an error."
Runner to provide F5 Load Balancer functionality
- depends
- •
- pycontrol Python module
- configuration
In order to connect to a F5 Load Balancer, you must specify
in the Salt master configuration the currently avilable load balancers
load_balancers: username: admin password: secret username: admin password: secret
- class salt.runners.f5.F5Mgmt(lb, username, password)
- add_pool_member(name, port, pool_name)
- Add a node to a pool
- check_member_pool(member, pool_name)
- Check a pool member exists in a specific pool
- check_pool(name)
- Check to see if a pool exists
- check_virtualserver(name)
- Check to see if a virtual server exists
- create_pool(name, method='ROUND_ROBIN')
- Create a pool on the F5 load balancer
- create_vs(name, ip, port, protocol, profile, pool_name)
- Create a virtual server
- lbmethods()
- List all the load balancer methods
- salt.runners.f5.add_pool_member(lb, name, port, pool_name)
Add a node to a pool
CLI Examples:
salt-run f5.add_pool_member load_balancer 80 my_pool
- salt.runners.f5.check_member_pool(lb, member, pool_name)
Check a pool member exists in a specific pool
CLI Examples:
salt-run f5.check_member_pool load_balancer my_pool
- salt.runners.f5.check_pool(lb, name)
Check to see if a pool exists
CLI Examples:
salt-run f5.check_pool load_balancer pool_name
- salt.runners.f5.check_virtualserver(lb, name)
Check to see if a virtual server exists
CLI Examples:
salt-run f5.check_virtualserver load_balancer virtual_server
- salt.runners.f5.create_pool(lb, name, method='ROUND_ROBIN')
Create a pool on the F5 load balancer
CLI Examples:
salt-run f5.create_pool load_balancer pool_name loadbalance_method salt-run f5.create_pool load_balancer my_pool ROUND_ROBIN
- salt.runners.f5.create_vs(lb, name, ip, port, protocol, profile, pool_name)
Create a virtual server
CLI Examples:
salt-run f5.create_vs lbalancer vs_name 80 tcp http poolname
Directly manage the Salt fileserver plugins
- salt.runners.fileserver.clear_cache(backend=None)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Clear the fileserver cache from VCS fileserver backends (git, hg, svn). Executing this runner with no arguments will clear the cache for all enabled VCS fileserver backends, but this can be narrowed using the backend argument.
- backend
Only clear the update lock for the specified backend(s). If all passed
backends start with a minus sign (-), then these backends will be
excluded from the enabled backends. However, if there is a mix of
backends with and without a minus sign (ex: backend=-roots,git)
then the ones starting with a minus sign will be disregarded.
CLI Example:
salt-run fileserver.clear_cache salt-run fileserver.clear_cache backend=git,hg salt-run fileserver.clear_cache hg salt-run fileserver.clear_cache -roots
- salt.runners.fileserver.clear_lock(backend=None, remote=None)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Clear the fileserver update lock from VCS fileserver backends (git, hg, svn). This should only need to be done if a fileserver update was interrupted and a remote is not updating (generating a warning in the Master's log file). Executing this runner with no arguments will remove all update locks from all enabled VCS fileserver backends, but this can be narrowed by using the following arguments:
- backend
- Only clear the update lock for the specified backend(s).
- remote
If not None, then any remotes which contain the passed string will have
their lock cleared. For example, a remote value of github will
remove the lock from all remotes.
CLI Example:
salt-run fileserver.clear_lock salt-run fileserver.clear_lock backend=git,hg salt-run fileserver.clear_lock backend=git remote=github salt-run fileserver.clear_lock remote=bitbucket
- salt.runners.fileserver.dir_list(saltenv='base', backend=None, outputter=None)
- Return a list of directories in the given environment
- saltenv
- base The salt fileserver environment to be listed
- backend
Narrow fileserver backends to a subset of the enabled ones. If all
passed backends start with a minus sign (-), then these backends
will be excluded from the enabled backends. However, if there is a mix
of backends with and without a minus sign (ex:
backend=-roots,git) then the ones starting with a minus sign will
be disregarded.
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt-run fileserver.dir_list salt-run fileserver.dir_list saltenv=prod salt-run fileserver.dir_list saltenv=dev backend=git salt-run fileserver.dir_list base hg,roots salt-run fileserver.dir_list -git
- salt.runners.fileserver.empty_dir_list(saltenv='base', backend=None, outputter=None)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Return a list of empty directories in the given environment
- saltenv
- base The salt fileserver environment to be listed
- backend
Narrow fileserver backends to a subset of the enabled ones. If all
passed backends start with a minus sign (-), then these backends
will be excluded from the enabled backends. However, if there is a mix
of backends with and without a minus sign (ex:
backend=-roots,git) then the ones starting with a minus sign will
be disregarded.
NOTE: Some backends (such as git and hg) do not support empty directories. So, passing backend=git or backend=hg will result in an empty list being returned.
CLI Example:
salt-run fileserver.empty_dir_list salt-run fileserver.empty_dir_list saltenv=prod salt-run fileserver.empty_dir_list backend=roots
- salt.runners.fileserver.envs(backend=None, sources=False, outputter=None)
- Return the available fileserver environments. If no backend is provided, then the environments for all configured backends will be returned.
- backend
Narrow fileserver backends to a subset of the enabled ones.
Changed in version 2015.5.0: If all passed backends start with a minus sign (-), then these backends will be excluded from the enabled backends. However, if there is a mix of backends with and without a minus sign (ex: backend=-roots,git) then the ones starting with a minus sign will be disregarded.
Additionally, fileserver backends can now be passed as a comma-separated list. In earlier versions, they needed to be passed as a python list (ex: backend="['roots', 'git']")
CLI Example:
salt-run fileserver.envs salt-run fileserver.envs backend=roots,git salt-run fileserver.envs git
- salt.runners.fileserver.file_list(saltenv='base', backend=None, outputter=None)
- Return a list of files from the salt fileserver
- saltenv
- base The salt fileserver environment to be listed
- backend
Narrow fileserver backends to a subset of the enabled ones. If all
passed backends start with a minus sign (-), then these backends
will be excluded from the enabled backends. However, if there is a mix
of backends with and without a minus sign (ex:
backend=-roots,git) then the ones starting with a minus sign will
be disregarded.
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Examples:
salt-run fileserver.file_list salt-run fileserver.file_list saltenv=prod salt-run fileserver.file_list saltenv=dev backend=git salt-run fileserver.file_list base hg,roots salt-run fileserver.file_list -git
- salt.runners.fileserver.lock(backend=None, remote=None)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Set a fileserver update lock for VCS fileserver backends (git, hg, svn).
NOTE: This will only operate on enabled backends (those configured in fileserver_backend).
- backend
- Only set the update lock for the specified backend(s).
- remote
If not None, then any remotes which contain the passed string will have
their lock cleared. For example, a remote value of **
will remove the lock from all remotes.
CLI Example:
salt-run fileserver.lock salt-run fileserver.lock backend=git,hg salt-run fileserver.lock backend=git remote='**' salt-run fileserver.lock remote=bitbucket
- salt.runners.fileserver.symlink_list(saltenv='base', backend=None, outputter=None)
- Return a list of symlinked files and dirs
- saltenv
- base The salt fileserver environment to be listed
- backend
Narrow fileserver backends to a subset of the enabled ones. If all
passed backends start with a minus sign (-), then these backends
will be excluded from the enabled backends. However, if there is a mix
of backends with and without a minus sign (ex:
backend=-roots,git) then the ones starting with a minus sign will
be disregarded.
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt-run fileserver.symlink_list salt-run fileserver.symlink_list saltenv=prod salt-run fileserver.symlink_list saltenv=dev backend=git salt-run fileserver.symlink_list base hg,roots salt-run fileserver.symlink_list -git
- salt.runners.fileserver.update(backend=None)
- Update the fileserver cache. If no backend is provided, then the cache for all configured backends will be updated.
- backend
Narrow fileserver backends to a subset of the enabled ones.
Changed in version 2015.5.0: If all passed backends start with a minus sign (-), then these backends will be excluded from the enabled backends. However, if there is a mix of backends with and without a minus sign (ex: backend=-roots,git) then the ones starting with a minus sign will be disregarded.
Additionally, fileserver backends can now be passed as a comma-separated list. In earlier versions, they needed to be passed as a python list (ex: backend="['roots', 'git']")
CLI Example:
salt-run fileserver.update salt-run fileserver.update backend=roots,git
Directly manage the salt git_pillar plugin
- salt.runners.git_pillar.update(branch, repo)
Execute an update for the configured git fileserver backend for Pillar
CLI Example:
salt-run git_pillar.update branch='branch' repo='location'
Module for making various web calls. Primarily designed for webhooks and the like, but also useful for basic http testing.
New in version 2015.5.0.
- salt.runners.http.query(url, output=True, **kwargs)
Query a resource, and decode the return data
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt-run http.query salt-run http.query method=POST params='key1=val1&key2=val2' salt-run http.query method=POST data='<xml>somecontent</xml>'
- salt.runners.http.update_ca_bundle(target=None, source=None, merge_files=None)
Update the local CA bundle file from a URL
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt-run http.update_ca_bundle salt-run http.update_ca_bundle target=/path/to/cacerts.pem salt-run http.update_ca_bundle source=
If the target is not specified, it will be pulled from the ca_cert configuration variable available to the master. If it cannot be found there, it will be placed at <<FILE_ROOTS>>/cacerts.pem.
If the source is not specified, it will be pulled from the ca_cert_url configuration variable available to the master. If it cannot be found, it will be downloaded from the cURL website, using an http (not https) URL. USING THE DEFAULT URL SHOULD BE AVOIDED!
merge_files may also be specified, which includes a string or list of strings representing a file or files to be appended to the end of the CA bundle, once it is downloaded.
CLI Example:
salt-run http.update_ca_bundle merge_files=/path/to/mycert.pem
A convenience system to manage jobs, both active and already run
-, display_progress=False)
Return a report on all actively running jobs from a job id centric
CLI Example:
-, ext_source=None, outputter=None)
List a specific job given by its jid
CLI Example:
salt-run jobs.list_job 20130916125524463507
-, outputter=None, search_metadata=None, search_function=None, search_target=None, display_progress=False)
List all detectable jobs and associated functions
CLI Example:
salt-run jobs.list_jobs
-, ext_source=None, missing=False, outputter=None, display_progress=False)
- Return the printout from a previously executed job
- jid
- The jid to look up.
- ext_source
- The external job cache to use. Default: None.
- missing
- When set to True, adds the minions that did not return from the command. Default: False.
- display_progress
Displays progress events when set to True. Default: False.
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt-run jobs.lookup_jid 20130916125524463507 salt-run jobs.lookup_jid 20130916125524463507 outputter=highstate
-, ext_source=None, outputter=None)
Print a specific job's detail given by it's jid, including the return data.
CLI Example:
salt-run jobs.print_job 20130916125524463507
Manage launchd plist files
- salt.runners.launchd.write_launchd_plist(program)
Write a launchd plist for managing salt-master or salt-minion
CLI Example:
salt-run launchd.write_launchd_plist salt-master
Control Linux Containers via Salt
- depends
- lxc execution module
- salt.runners.lxc.cloud_init(names, host=None, quiet=False, **kwargs)
- Wrapper for using lxc.init in saltcloud compatibility mode
- names
- Name of the containers, supports a single name or a comma delimited list of names.
- host
- Minion to start the container on. Required.
- saltcloud_mode
- init the container with the saltcloud opts format instead
- salt.runners.lxc.find_guest(name, quiet=False)
Returns the host for a container.
salt-run lxc.find_guest name
- salt.runners.lxc.find_guests(names)
- Return a dict of hosts and named guests
- salt.runners.lxc.freeze(name, quiet=False)
Freeze the named container
salt-run lxc.freeze name
-, quiet=False)
Returns information about a container.
salt-run name
- salt.runners.lxc.init(names, host=None, saltcloud_mode=False, quiet=False, **kwargs)
Initialize a new container
salt-run lxc.init name host=minion_id [cpuset=cgroups_cpuset] \ [cpushare=cgroups_cpushare] [memory=cgroups_memory] \ [template=lxc_template_name] [clone=original name] \ [profile=lxc_profile] [network_proflile=network_profile] \ [nic=network_profile] [nic_opts=nic_opts] \ [start=(true|false)] [seed=(true|false)] \ [install=(true|false)] [config=minion_config] \ [snapshot=(true|false)]
- names
- Name of the containers, supports a single name or a comma delimited list of names.
- host
- Minion on which to initialize the container (required)
- saltcloud_mode
- init the container with the saltcloud opts format instead See lxc.init_interface module documentation
- cpuset
- cgroups cpuset.
- cpushare
- cgroups cpu shares.
- memory
cgroups memory limit, in MB
Changed in version 2015.5.0: If no value is passed, no limit is set. In earlier Salt versions, not passing this value causes a 1024MB memory limit to be set, and it was necessary to pass memory=0 to set no limit.
- template
- Name of LXC template on which to base this container
- clone
- Clone this container from an existing container
- profile
- A LXC profile (defined in config or pillar).
- network_profile
Network profile to use for the container
New in version 2015.5.0.
- nic
Deprecated since version 2015.5.0: Use network_profile instead
- nic_opts
Extra options for network interfaces. E.g.:
{"eth0": {"mac": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff", "ipv4": "", "ipv6": "2001:db8::ff00:42:8329"}}
- start
- Start the newly created container.
- seed
- Seed the container with the minion config and autosign its key. Default: true
- install
- If salt-minion is not already installed, install it. Default: true
- config
- Optional config parameters. By default, the id is set to the name of the container.
- salt.runners.lxc.list_(host=None, quiet=False)
List defined containers (running, stopped, and frozen) for the named
(or all) host(s).
salt-run lxc.list [host=minion_id]
- salt.runners.lxc.purge(name, delete_key=True, quiet=False)
Purge the named container and delete its minion key if present.
WARNING: Destroys all data associated with the container.
salt-run lxc.purge name
- salt.runners.lxc.start(name, quiet=False)
Start the named container.
salt-run lxc.start name
- salt.runners.lxc.stop(name, quiet=False)
Stop the named container.
salt-run lxc.stop name
- salt.runners.lxc.unfreeze(name, quiet=False)
Unfreeze the named container
salt-run lxc.unfreeze name
General management functions for salt, tools like seeing what hosts are up and what hosts are down
- salt.runners.manage.bootstrap(version='develop', script=None, hosts='', root_user=True)
- Bootstrap minions with salt-bootstrap
- version
- develop Git tag of version to install
- script
- Script to execute
- hosts
- Comma-separated hosts [example: hosts='host1.local,host2.local']
- root_user
Prepend root@ to each host.
CLI Example:
salt-run manage.bootstrap hosts='host1,host2' salt-run manage.bootstrap hosts='host1,host2' version='v0.17' salt-run manage.bootstrap hosts='host1,host2' version='v0.17' script='' salt-run manage.bootstrap hosts='ec2-user [at] host1,ec2-user [at] host2' root_user=False
- salt.runners.manage.bootstrap_psexec(hosts='', master=None, version=None, arch='win32', installer_url=None, username=None, password=None)
- Bootstrap Windows minions via PsExec.
- hosts
- Comma separated list of hosts to deploy the Windows Salt minion.
- master
- Address of the Salt master passed as an argument to the installer.
- version
- Point release of installer to download. Defaults to the most recent.
- arch
- Architecture of installer to download. Defaults to win32.
- installer_url
- URL of minion installer executable. Defaults to the latest version from
- username
- Optional user name for login on remote computer.
- password
Password for optional username. If omitted, PsExec will prompt for one
to be entered for each host.
CLI Example:
salt-run manage.bootstrap_psexec hosts='host1,host2' salt-run manage.bootstrap_psexec hosts='host1,host2' version='0.17' username='DOMAIN\Administrator' salt-run manage.bootstrap_psexec hosts='host1,host2' installer_url='http://exampledomain/salt-installer.exe'
- salt.runners.manage.down(removekeys=False)
Print a list of all the down or unresponsive salt minions
Optionally remove keys of down minions
CLI Example:
salt-run manage.down salt-run manage.down removekeys=True
- salt.runners.manage.key_regen()
This routine is used to regenerate all keys in an environment. This is
The key_regen routine sends a command out to minions to revoke the master key and remove all minion keys, it then removes all keys from the master and prompts the user to restart the master. The minions will all reconnect and keys will be placed in pending.
After the master is restarted and minion keys are in the pending directory execute a salt-key -A command to accept the regenerated minion keys.
The master must be restarted within 60 seconds of running this command or the minions will think there is something wrong with the keys and abort.
Only Execute this runner after upgrading minions and master to 0.15.1 or higher!
CLI Example:
salt-run manage.key_regen
- salt.runners.manage.not_present(subset=None, show_ipv4=False)
- Print a list of all minions that are NOT up according to Salt's presence detection (no commands will be sent)
- subset
- None Pass in a CIDR range to filter minions by IP address.
- show_ipv4
Also show the IP address each minion is connecting from.
CLI Example:
salt-run manage.not_present
- salt.runners.manage.present(subset=None, show_ipv4=False)
- Print a list of all minions that are up according to Salt's presence detection (no commands will be sent)
- subset
- None Pass in a CIDR range to filter minions by IP address.
- show_ipv4
Also show the IP address each minion is connecting from.
CLI Example:
salt-run manage.present
- salt.runners.manage.safe_accept(target, expr_form='glob')
Accept a minion's public key after checking the fingerprint over salt-ssh
CLI Example:
salt-run manage.safe_accept my_minion salt-run manage.safe_accept minion1,minion2 expr_form=list
- salt.runners.manage.status(output=True)
Print the status of all known salt minions
CLI Example:
salt-run manage.status
- salt.runners.manage.up()
Print a list of all of the minions that are up
CLI Example:
salt-run manage.up
- salt.runners.manage.versions()
Check the version of active minions
CLI Example:
salt-run manage.versions
A runner to access data from the salt mine
- salt.runners.mine.get(tgt, fun, tgt_type='glob', output=None)
Gathers the data from the specified minions' mine, pass in the target,
function to look up and the target type
CLI Example:
salt-run mine.get '*' network.interfaces
This runner helps create encrypted passwords that can be included in pillars.
- depends
This is often useful if you wish to store your pillars in source control or share your pillar data with others that you trust. I dont advise making your pillars public regardless if they are encrypted or not.
The following configurations can be defined in the master config so your users can create encrypted passwords using the runner nacl:
cat /etc/salt/master.d/nacl.conf nacl.config: key: None keyfile: /root/.nacl
Now with the config in the master you can use the runner nacl like:
salt-run nacl.enc 'data'
- salt.runners.nacl.dec(data, **kwargs)
Takes a key generated from nacl.keygen and decrypt some data.
CLI Examples:
salt-run nacl.dec pEXHQM6cuaF7A= salt-run nacl.dec data='pEXHQM6cuaF7A=' keyfile=/root/.nacl salt-run nacl.dec data='pEXHQM6cuaF7A=' key='cKEzd4kXsbeCE7/nLTIqXwnUiD1ulg4NoeeYcCFpd9k='
- salt.runners.nacl.enc(data, **kwargs)
Takes a key generated from nacl.keygen and encrypt some data.
CLI Examples:
salt-run nacl.enc datatoenc salt-run nacl.enc datatoenc keyfile=/root/.nacl salt-run nacl.enc datatoenc key='cKEzd4kXsbeCE7/nLTIqXwnUiD1ulg4NoeeYcCFpd9k='
- salt.runners.nacl.keygen(keyfile=None)
Use libnacl to generate a private key
CLI Examples:
salt-run nacl.keygen salt-run nacl.keygen keyfile=/root/.nacl salt-run --out=newline_values_only nacl.keygen > /root/.nacl
Network tools to run from the Master
-, bcast='', destport=9)
Send a "Magic Packet" to wake up a Minion
CLI Example:
salt-run network.wol 08-00-27-13-69-77 salt-run network.wol 080027136977 7 salt-run network.wol 08:00:27:13:69:77 7
-, bcast='', destport=9)
Send a "Magic Packet" to wake up a list of Minions.
This list must contain one MAC hardware address per line
CLI Example:
salt-run network.wollist '/path/to/maclist' salt-run network.wollist '/path/to/maclist' 7 salt-run network.wollist '/path/to/maclist' 7
Runner Module for Firing Events via PagerDuty
New in version 2014.1.0.
- configuration
This module can be used by specifying the name of a
configuration profile in the master config.
For example:
my-pagerduty-account: pagerduty.api_key: F3Rbyjbve43rfFWf2214 pagerduty.subdomain: mysubdomain
- salt.runners.pagerduty.create_event(service_key=None, description=None, details=None, incident_key=None, profile=None)
Create an event in PagerDuty. Designed for use in states.
CLI Example:
salt-run pagerduty.create_event <service_key> <description> <details> profile=my-pagerduty-account
The following parameters are required:
- service_key
- This key can be found by using pagerduty.list_services.
- description
- This is a short description of the event.
- details
- This can be a more detailed description of the event.
- profile
- This refers to the configuration profile to use to connect to the PagerDuty service.
- salt.runners.pagerduty.list_escalation_policies(profile=None, api_key=None)
List escalation policies belonging to this account
CLI Example: salt-run pagerduty.list_policies my-pagerduty-account salt-run pagerduty.list_escalation_policies my-pagerduty-account
- salt.runners.pagerduty.list_incidents(profile=None, api_key=None)
List incidents belonging to this account
CLI Example: salt-run pagerduty.list_incidents my-pagerduty-account
- salt.runners.pagerduty.list_maintenance_windows(profile=None, api_key=None)
List maintenance windows belonging to this account
CLI Example: salt-run pagerduty.list_windows my-pagerduty-account salt-run pagerduty.list_maintenance_windows my-pagerduty-account
- salt.runners.pagerduty.list_policies(profile=None, api_key=None)
List escalation policies belonging to this account
CLI Example: salt-run pagerduty.list_policies my-pagerduty-account salt-run pagerduty.list_escalation_policies my-pagerduty-account
- salt.runners.pagerduty.list_schedules(profile=None, api_key=None)
List schedules belonging to this account
CLI Example: salt-run pagerduty.list_schedules my-pagerduty-account
- salt.runners.pagerduty.list_services(profile=None, api_key=None)
List services belonging to this account
CLI Example: salt-run pagerduty.list_services my-pagerduty-account
- salt.runners.pagerduty.list_users(profile=None, api_key=None)
List users belonging to this account
CLI Example: salt-run pagerduty.list_users my-pagerduty-account
- salt.runners.pagerduty.list_windows(profile=None, api_key=None)
List maintenance windows belonging to this account
CLI Example: salt-run pagerduty.list_windows my-pagerduty-account salt-run pagerduty.list_maintenance_windows my-pagerduty-account
Functions to interact with the pillar compiler on the master
- salt.runners.pillar.show_pillar(minion='*', **kwargs)
Returns the compiled pillar either of a specific minion
or just the global available pillars. This function assumes
that no minion has the id *.
CLI Example:
shows minion specific pillar:
salt-run pillar.show_pillar ''
shows global pillar:
salt-run pillar.show_pillar
shows global pillar for 'dev' pillar environment:
salt-run pillar.show_pillar 'saltenv=dev'
API Example:
import salt.config import salt.runner opts = salt.config.master_config('/etc/salt/master') runner = salt.runner.RunnerClient(opts) pillar = runner.cmd('pillar.show_pillar', []) print(pillar)
- salt.runners.pillar.show_top(minion=None, saltenv='base')
Returns the compiled top data for pillar for a specific minion. If no
minion is specified, we use the first minion we find.
CLI Example:
salt-run pillar.show_top
General management and processing of queues.
This runner facilitates interacting with various queue backends such as the included sqlite3 queue or the planned AWS SQS and Redis queues
The queue functions such as insert, delete, and pop can be used for typical management of the queue.
The process_queue function pops the requested number of items from the queue and creates a Salt Event that can then be processed by a Reactor. The process_queue function can be called manually, or can be configured to run on a schedule with the Salt Scheduler or regular system cron. It is also possible to use the peer system to allow a minion to call the runner.
This runner, as well as the Queues system, is not api stable at this time.
There are many things that could potentially be done with queues within Salt. For the time being the focus will be on queueing infrastructure actions on specific minions. The queues generally will be populated with minion IDs. When the process_queue runner function is called events are created on the Salt Event bus that indicate the queue and a list of one or more minion IDs. The reactor is set up to match on event tags for a specific queue and then take infrastructure actions on those minion IDs. These actions might be to delete the minion's key from the master, use salt-cloud to destroy the vm, or some other custom action.
- salt.runners.queue.delete(queue, items, backend='sqlite')
Delete an item or items from a queue
CLI Example:
salt-run queue.delete myqueue myitem salt-run queue.delete myqueue myitem backend=sqlite salt-run queue.delete myqueue "['item1', 'item2', 'item3']"
- salt.runners.queue.insert(queue, items, backend='sqlite')
Add an item or items to a queue
CLI Example:
salt-run queue.insert myqueue myitem salt-run queue.insert myqueue "['item1', 'item2', 'item3']" salt-run queue.insert myqueue myitem backend=sqlite salt-run queue.insert myqueue "['item1', 'item2', 'item3']" backend=sqlite
- salt.runners.queue.list_items(queue, backend='sqlite')
List contents of a queue
CLI Example:
salt-run queue.list_items myqueue salt-run queue.list_items myqueue backend=sqlite
- salt.runners.queue.list_length(queue, backend='sqlite')
Provide the number of items in a queue
CLI Example:
salt-run queue.list_length myqueue salt-run queue.list_length myqueue backend=sqlite
- salt.runners.queue.list_queues(backend='sqlite')
Return a list of Salt Queues on the backend
CLI Example:
salt-run queue.list_queues salt-run queue.list_queues backend=sqlite
- salt.runners.queue.pop(queue, quantity=1, backend='sqlite')
Pop one or more or all items from a queue
CLI Example:
salt-run queue.pop myqueue salt-run queue.pop myqueue 6 salt-run queue.pop myqueue all salt-run queue.pop myqueue 6 backend=sqlite salt-run queue.pop myqueue all backend=sqlite
- salt.runners.queue.process_queue(queue, quantity=1, backend='sqlite')
Pop items off a queue and create an event on the Salt event bus to be
processed by a Reactor.
CLI Example:
salt-run queue.process_queue myqueue salt-run queue.process_queue myqueue 6 salt-run queue.process_queue myqueue all backend=sqlite
Runner for setting and querying data via the sdb API on the master
- salt.runners.sdb.get(uri)
Get a value from a db, using a uri in the form of sdb://<profile>/<key>. If
the uri provided does not start with sdb://, then it will be returned as-is.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sdb.get sdb://mymemcached/foo
- salt.runners.sdb.set_(uri, value)
Set a value in a db, using a uri in the form of sdb://<profile>/<key>.
If the uri provided does not start with sdb:// or the value is not
successfully set, return False.
CLI Example:
salt '*' sdb.set sdb://mymemcached/foo bar
Runner frontend to search system
Query the search system
CLI Example:
salt-run search.query foo
Execute overstate functions
- salt.runners.state.event(tagmatch='*', count=-1, quiet=False, sock_dir=None, pretty=False)
Watch Salt's event bus and block until the given tag is matched
New in version 2014.7.0.
This is useful for utilizing Salt's event bus from shell scripts or for taking simple actions directly from the CLI.
Enable debug logging to see ignored events.
- Parameters
- •
- tagmatch -- the event is written to stdout for each tag that matches this pattern; uses the same matching semantics as Salt's Reactor.
- •
- count -- this number is decremented for each event that matches the tagmatch parameter; pass -1 to listen forever.
- •
- quiet -- do not print to stdout; just block
- •
- sock_dir -- path to the Salt master's event socket file.
- •
pretty -- Output the JSON all on a single line if False (useful
for shell tools); pretty-print the JSON output if True.
CLI Examples:
# Reboot a minion and run highstate when it comes back online salt 'jerry' system.reboot && \\ salt-run state.event 'salt/minion/jerry/start' count=1 quiet=True && \\ salt 'jerry' state.highstate # Reboot multiple minions and run highstate when all are back online salt -L 'kevin,stewart,dave' system.reboot && \\ salt-run state.event 'salt/minion/*/start' count=3 quiet=True && \\ salt -L 'kevin,stewart,dave' state.highstate # Watch the event bus forever in a shell while-loop. salt-run state.event | while read -r tag data; do echo $tag echo $data | jq -colour-output . done
for an example of usage within a shell script. - salt.runners.state.orchestrate(mods, saltenv='base', test=None, exclude=None, pillar=None)
- New in version 0.17.0.
Execute a state run from the master, used as a powerful orchestration system.
SEE ALSO: More Orchestrate documentation
- •
- Full Orchestrate Tutorial
- •
- Docs for the master-side state module
CLI Examples:
salt-run state.orchestrate webserver salt-run state.orchestrate webserver saltenv=dev test=True
Changed in version 2014.1.1: Runner renamed from state.sls to state.orchestrate
Changed in version 2014.7.0: Runner uses the pillar variable
- salt.runners.state.orchestrate_high(data, test=None, queue=False, pillar=None, **kwargs)
- Execute a single state orchestration routine
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt-run state.orchestrate_high '{ stage_one: {salt.state: [{tgt: "db*"}, {sls: postgres_setup}]}, stage_two: {salt.state: [{tgt: "web*"}, {sls: apache_setup}, { require: [{salt: stage_one}], }]}, }'
- salt.runners.state.orchestrate_single(fun, name, test=None, queue=False, pillar=None, **kwargs)
- Execute a single state orchestration routine
New in version 2015.5.0.
CLI Example:
salt-run state.orchestrate_single fun=salt.wheel name=key.list_all
- salt.runners.state.over(saltenv='base', os_fn=None)
- New in version 0.11.0.
WARNING: state.over is deprecated in favor of state.orchestrate, and will be removed in the Salt feature release codenamed Boron. (Three feature releases after the 2014.7.0 release, which is codenamed Helium)
Execute an overstate sequence to orchestrate the executing of states over a group of systems
CLI Examples:
salt-run state.over base /path/to/myoverstate.sls
- salt.runners.state.show_stages(saltenv='base', os_fn=None)
- New in version 0.11.0.
Display the OverState's stage data
CLI Examples:
salt-run state.show_stages salt-run state.show_stages saltenv=dev /root/overstate.sls
A general map/reduce style salt runner for aggregating results returned by several different minions.
New in version 2014.7.0.
Aggregated results are sorted by the size of the minion pools which returned matching results.
Useful for playing the game: " some of these things are not like the others... " when identifying discrepancies in a large infrastructure managed by salt.
- salt.runners.survey.diff(*args, **kwargs)
Return the DIFFERENCE of the result sets returned by each matching minion
New in version 2014.7.0.
These pools are determined from the aggregated and sorted results of a salt command. This command displays the "diffs" as a series of 2-way differences-- namely the difference between the FIRST displayed minion pool (according to sort order) and EACH SUBSEQUENT minion pool result set. Differences are displayed according to the Python "difflib.unified_diff()" as in the case of the salt execution module "file.get_diff".
This command is submitted via a salt runner using the general form:
- salt-run survey.diff [survey_sort=up/down] <target>
<salt-execution-module> <salt-execution-module parameters>
Optionally accept a "survey_sort=" parameter. Default: "survey_sort=down"
CLI Example #1: ( Example to display the "differences of files" )
salt-run survey.diff survey_sort=up "*" cp.get_file_str file:///etc/hosts
- salt.runners.survey.hash(*args, **kwargs)
Return the MATCHING minion pools from the aggregated and sorted results of
a salt command
New in version 2014.7.0.
This command is submitted via a salt runner using the general form:
- salt-run survey.hash [survey_sort=up/down] <target>
<salt-execution-module> <salt-execution-module parameters>
Optionally accept a "survey_sort=" parameter. Default: "survey_sort=down"
CLI Example #1: ( functionally equivalent to "salt-run manage.up" )
salt-run survey.hash "*"
CLI Example #2: ( find an "outlier" minion config file )
salt-run survey.hash "*" file.get_hash /etc/salt/minion survey_sort=up
This runner is used only for test purposes and servers no production purpose
- salt.runners.test.arg(*args, **kwargs)
Output the given args and kwargs
Kwargs will be filtered for 'private' keynames.
- salt.runners.test.raw_arg(*args, **kwargs)
- Output the given args and kwargs
- salt.runners.test.sleep(s_time=10)
- Sleep t seconds, then return True
- salt.runners.test.stdout_print()
- Print 'foo' and return 'bar'
- Return True
The thin runner is used to manage the salt thin systems.
Salt Thin is a transport-less version of Salt that can be used to run routines in a standalone way. This runner has tools which generate the standalone salt system for easy consumption.
- salt.runners.thin.generate(extra_mods='', overwrite=False, so_mods='')
Generate the salt-thin tarball and print the location of the tarball
Optional additional mods to include (e.g. mako) can be supplied as a comma
delimited string. Permits forcing an overwrite of the output file as well.
CLI Example:
salt-run thin.generate salt-run thin.generate mako salt-run thin.generate mako,wempy 1 salt-run thin.generate overwrite=1
Control virtual machines via Salt
- salt.runners.virt.force_off(name)
- Force power down the named virtual machine
- salt.runners.virt.hyper_info(hyper=None)
- Return information about the hypervisors connected to this master
- salt.runners.virt.init(name, cpu, mem, image, hyper=None, seed=True, nic='default', install=True)
- This routine is used to create a new virtual machine. This routines takes a number of options to determine what the newly created virtual machine will look like.
- name
- The mandatory name of the new virtual machine. The name option is also the minion id, all minions must have an id.
- cpu
- The number of cpus to allocate to this new virtual machine.
- mem
- The amount of memory to allocate tot his virtual machine. The number is interpreted in megabytes.
- image
- The network location of the virtual machine image, commonly a location on the salt fileserver, but http, https and ftp can also be used.
- hyper
- The hypervisor to use for the new virtual machine, if this is omitted Salt will automatically detect what hypervisor to use.
- seed
- Set to False to prevent Salt from seeding the new virtual machine.
- nic
- The nic profile to use, defaults to the "default" nic profile which assumes a single network interface per vm associated with the "br0" bridge on the master.
- install
- Set to False to prevent Salt from installing a minion on the new vm before it spins up.
- salt.runners.virt.list(hyper=None, quiet=False)
- List the virtual machines on each hyper, this is a simplified query, showing only the virtual machine names belonging to each hypervisor. A single hypervisor can be passed in to specify an individual hypervisor to list.
- salt.runners.virt.migrate(name, target='')
- Migrate a vm from one hypervisor to another. This routine will just start the migration and display information on how to look up the progress.
- salt.runners.virt.next_hyper()
- Return the hypervisor to use for the next autodeployed vm. This queries the available hypervisors and executes some math the determine the most "available" next hypervisor.
- salt.runners.virt.pause(name)
- Pause the named vm
- salt.runners.virt.purge(name, delete_key=True)
- Destroy the named vm
- salt.runners.virt.query(hyper=None, quiet=False)
- Query the virtual machines. When called without options all hypervisors are detected and a full query is returned. A single hypervisor can be passed in to specify an individual hypervisor to query.
- salt.runners.virt.reset(name)
- Force power down and restart an existing vm
- salt.runners.virt.resume(name)
- Resume a paused vm
- salt.runners.virt.start(name)
- Start a named virtual machine
- salt.runners.virt.vm_info(name, quiet=False)
- Return the information on the named vm
Runner to manage Windows software repo
- salt.runners.winrepo.genrepo()
Generate win_repo_cachefile based on sls files in the win_repo
CLI Example:
salt-run winrepo.genrepo
- salt.runners.winrepo.update_git_repos()
Checkout git repos containing Windows Software Package Definitions
CLI Example:
salt-run winrepo.update_git_repos
Writing Salt Runners
A Salt runner is written in a similar manner to a Salt execution module. Both are Python modules which contain functions and each public function is a runner which may be executed via the salt-run command.
For example, if a Python module named is created in the runners directory and contains a function called foo, the test runner could be invoked with the following command:
# salt-run
To add custom runners, put them in a directory and add it to
runner_dirs in the master configuration file.
Examples of runners can be found in the Salt distribution:
A simple runner that returns a well-formatted list of the minions that are responding to Salt calls could look like this:
# Import salt modules import salt.client def up(): ''' Print a list of all of the minions that are up ''' client = salt.client.LocalClient(__opts__['conf_file']) minions = client.cmd('*', '', timeout=1) for minion in sorted(minions): print minion
State Enforcement
Salt offers an optional interface to manage the configuration or "state" of the
Salt minions. This interface is a fully capable mechanism used to enforce the
state of systems from a central manager.
Mod Aggregate State Runtime Modifications
New in version 2014.7.0.
The mod_aggregate system was added in the 2014.7.0 release of Salt and allows for
runtime modification of the executing state data. Simply put, it allows for the
data used by Salt's state system to be changed on the fly at runtime, kind of
like a configuration management JIT compiler or a runtime import system. All in
all, it makes Salt much more dynamic.
How it Works
The best example is the pkg state. One of the major requests in Salt has long
been adding the ability to install all packages defined at the same time. The
mod_aggregate system makes this a reality. While executing Salt's state system,
when a pkg state is reached the mod_aggregate function in the state module
is called. For pkg this function scans all of the other states that are slated
to run, and picks up the references to name and pkgs, then adds them to
pkgs in the first state. The result is a single call to yum, apt-get,
pacman, etc as part of the first package install.
How to Use it
Since this option changes the basic behavior of the state runtime, after
it is enabled states should be executed using test=True to ensure that
the desired behavior is preserved.
In config files
The first way to enable aggregation is with a configuration option in either the master or minion configuration files. Salt will invoke mod_aggregate the first time it encounters a state module that has aggregate support.
If this option is set in the master config it will apply to all state runs on all minions, if set in the minion config it will only apply to said minion.
Enable for all states:
state_aggregate: True
Enable for only specific state modules:
state_aggregate: - pkg
In states
The second way to enable aggregation is with the state-level aggregate keyword. In this configuration, Salt will invoke the mod_aggregate function the first time it encounters this keyword. Any additional occurances of the keyword will be ignored as the aggregation has already taken place.
The following example will trigger mod_aggregate when the lamp_stack state is processed resulting in a single call to the underlying package manager.
lamp_stack: pkg.installed: - pkgs: - php - mysql-client - aggregate: True memcached: pkg.installed: - name: memcached
Adding mod_aggregate to a State Module
Adding a mod_aggregate routine to an existing state module only requires adding an additional function to the state module called mod_aggregate.
The mod_aggregate function just needs to accept three parameters and return the low data to use. Since mod_aggregate is working on the state runtime level it does need to manipulate low data.
The three parameters are low, chunks, and running. The low option is the low data for the state execution which is about to be called. The chunks is the list of all of the low data dictionaries which are being executed by the runtime and the running dictionary is the return data from all of the state executions which have already be executed.
This example, simplified from the pkg state, shows how to create mod_aggregate functions:
def mod_aggregate(low, chunks, running): ''' The mod_aggregate function which looks up all packages in the available low chunks and merges them into a single pkgs ref in the present low data ''' pkgs = [] # What functions should we aggregate? agg_enabled = [ 'installed', 'latest', 'removed', 'purged', ] # The `low` data is just a dict with the state, function (fun) and # arguments passed in from the sls if low.get('fun') not in agg_enabled: return low # Now look into what other things are set to execute for chunk in chunks: # The state runtime uses "tags" to track completed jobs, it may # look familiar with the _|- tag = salt.utils.gen_state_tag(chunk) if tag in running: # Already ran the pkg state, skip aggregation continue if chunk.get('state') == 'pkg': if '__agg__' in chunk: continue # Check for the same function if chunk.get('fun') != low.get('fun'): continue # Pull out the pkg names! if 'pkgs' in chunk: pkgs.extend(chunk['pkgs']) chunk['__agg__'] = True elif 'name' in chunk: pkgs.append(chunk['name']) chunk['__agg__'] = True if pkgs: if 'pkgs' in low: low['pkgs'].extend(pkgs) else: low['pkgs'] = pkgs # The low has been modified and needs to be returned to the state # runtime for execution return low
Altering States
This documentation has been moved here.
File State Backups
In 0.10.2 a new feature was added for backing up files that are replaced by the file.managed and file.recurse states. The new feature is called the backup mode. Setting the backup mode is easy, but it can be set in a number of places.
The backup_mode can be set in the minion config file:
backup_mode: minion
Or it can be set for each file:
/etc/ssh/sshd_config: file.managed: - source: salt://ssh/sshd_config - backup: minion
Backed-up Files
The files will be saved in the minion cachedir under the directory named
file_backup. The files will be in the location relative to where they
were under the root filesystem and be appended with a timestamp. This should
make them easy to browse.
Interacting with Backups
Starting with version 0.17.0, it will be possible to list, restore, and delete
previously-created backups.
The backups for a given file can be listed using file.list_backups:
# salt file.list_backups /tmp/foo.txt ---------- 0: ---------- Backup Time: Sat Jul 27 2013 17:48:41.738027 Location: /var/cache/salt/minion/file_backup/tmp/foo.txt_Sat_Jul_27_17:48:41_738027_2013 Size: 13 1: ---------- Backup Time: Sat Jul 27 2013 17:48:28.369804 Location: /var/cache/salt/minion/file_backup/tmp/foo.txt_Sat_Jul_27_17:48:28_369804_2013 Size: 35
Restoring is easy using file.restore_backup, just pass the path and the numeric id found with file.list_backups:
# salt file.restore_backup /tmp/foo.txt 1 ---------- comment: Successfully restored /var/cache/salt/minion/file_backup/tmp/foo.txt_Sat_Jul_27_17:48:28_369804_2013 to /tmp/foo.txt result: True
The existing file will be backed up, just in case, as can be seen if file.list_backups is run again:
# salt file.list_backups /tmp/foo.txt ---------- 0: ---------- Backup Time: Sat Jul 27 2013 18:00:19.822550 Location: /var/cache/salt/minion/file_backup/tmp/foo.txt_Sat_Jul_27_18:00:19_822550_2013 Size: 53 1: ---------- Backup Time: Sat Jul 27 2013 17:48:41.738027 Location: /var/cache/salt/minion/file_backup/tmp/foo.txt_Sat_Jul_27_17:48:41_738027_2013 Size: 13 2: ---------- Backup Time: Sat Jul 27 2013 17:48:28.369804 Location: /var/cache/salt/minion/file_backup/tmp/foo.txt_Sat_Jul_27_17:48:28_369804_2013 Size: 35
Since no state is being run, restoring a file will not trigger any watches
for the file. So, if you are restoring a config file for a service, it will
likely still be necessary to run a service.restart.
Deleting backups can be done using file.delete_backup:
# salt file.delete_backup /tmp/foo.txt 0 ---------- comment: Successfully removed /var/cache/salt/minion/file_backup/tmp/foo.txt_Sat_Jul_27_18:00:19_822550_2013 result: True
Understanding State Compiler Ordering
NOTE: This tutorial is an intermediate level tutorial. Some basic understanding of the state system and writing Salt Formulas is assumed.
Salt's state system is built to deliver all of the power of configuration management systems without sacrificing simplicity. This tutorial is made to help users understand in detail just how the order is defined for state executions in Salt.
This tutorial is written to represent the behavior of Salt as of version
Compiler Basics
To understand ordering in depth some very basic knowledge about the state
compiler is very helpful. No need to worry though, this is very high level!
High Data and Low Data
When defining Salt Formulas in YAML the data that is being represented is referred to by the compiler as High Data. When the data is initially loaded into the compiler it is a single large python dictionary, this dictionary can be viewed raw by running:
salt '*' state.show_highstate
This "High Data" structure is then compiled down to "Low Data". The Low Data is what is matched up to create individual executions in Salt's configuration management system. The low data is an ordered list of single state calls to execute. Once the low data is compiled the evaluation order can be seen.
The low data can be viewed by running:
salt '*' state.show_lowstate
NOTE: The state execution module contains MANY functions for evaluating the state system and is well worth a read! These routines can be very useful when debugging states or to help deepen one's understanding of Salt's state system.
As an example, a state written thusly:
apache: pkg.installed: - name: httpd service.running: - name: httpd - watch: - file: apache_conf - pkg: apache apache_conf: file.managed: - name: /etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf - source: salt://apache/httpd.conf
Will have High Data which looks like this represented in json:
{ "apache": { "pkg": [ { "name": "httpd" }, "installed", { "order": 10000 } ], "service": [ { "name": "httpd" }, { "watch": [ { "file": "apache_conf" }, { "pkg": "apache" } ] }, "running", { "order": 10001 } ], "__sls__": "blah", "__env__": "base" }, "apache_conf": { "file": [ { "name": "/etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf" }, { "source": "salt://apache/httpd.conf" }, "managed", { "order": 10002 } ], "__sls__": "blah", "__env__": "base" } }
The subsequent Low Data will look like this:
[ { "name": "httpd", "state": "pkg", "__id__": "apache", "fun": "installed", "__env__": "base", "__sls__": "blah", "order": 10000 }, { "name": "httpd", "watch": [ { "file": "apache_conf" }, { "pkg": "apache" } ], "state": "service", "__id__": "apache", "fun": "running", "__env__": "base", "__sls__": "blah", "order": 10001 }, { "name": "/etc/httpd/conf.d/httpd.conf", "source": "salt://apache/httpd.conf", "state": "file", "__id__": "apache_conf", "fun": "managed", "__env__": "base", "__sls__": "blah", "order": 10002 } ]
This tutorial discusses the Low Data evaluation and the state runtime.
Ordering Layers
Salt defines 2 order interfaces which are evaluated in the state runtime and
defines these orders in a number of passes.
Definition Order
NOTE: The Definition Order system can be disabled by turning the option state_auto_order to False in the master configuration file.
The top level of ordering is the Definition Order. The Definition Order is the order in which states are defined in salt formulas. This is very straightforward on basic states which do not contain include statements or a top file, as the states are just ordered from the top of the file, but the include system starts to bring in some simple rules for how the Definition Order is defined.
Looking back at the "Low Data" and "High Data" shown above, the order key has
been transparently added to the data to enable the Definition Order.
The Include Statement
Basically, if there is an include statement in a formula, then the formulas which are included will be run BEFORE the contents of the formula which is including them. Also, the include statement is a list, so they will be loaded in the order in which they are included.
In the following case:
include: - bar - baz
include: - quo
include: - qux
In the above case if state.sls foo were called then the formulas will be loaded in the following order:
- 1.
- quo
- 2.
- bar
- 3.
- qux
- 4.
- baz
- 5.
- foo
The order Flag
The Definition Order happens transparently in the background, but the ordering can be explicitly overridden using the order flag in states:
apache: pkg.installed: - name: httpd - order: 1
This order flag will over ride the definition order, this makes it very simple to create states that are always executed first, last or in specific stages, a great example is defining a number of package repositories that need to be set up before anything else, or final checks that need to be run at the end of a state run by using order: last or order: -1.
When the order flag is explicitly set the Definition Order system will omit
setting an order for that state and directly use the order flag defined.
Lexicographical Fall-back
Salt states were written to ALWAYS execute in the same order. Before the introduction of Definition Order in version 0.17.0 everything was ordered lexicographically according to the name of the state, then function then id.
This is the way Salt has always ensured that states always run in the same order regardless of where they are deployed, the addition of the Definition Order method mealy makes this finite ordering easier to follow.
The lexicographical ordering is still applied but it only has any effect when two order statements collide. This means that if multiple states are assigned the same order number that they will fall back to lexicographical ordering to ensure that every execution still happens in a finite order.
If running with state_auto_order: False the order key is not
set automatically, since the Lexicographical order can be derived
from other keys.
Requisite Ordering
Salt states are fully declarative, in that they are written to declare the state in which a system should be. This means that components can require that other components have been set up successfully. Unlike the other ordering systems, the Requisite system in Salt is evaluated at runtime.
The requisite system is also built to ensure that the ordering of execution
never changes, but is always the same for a given set of states. This is
accomplished by using a runtime that processes states in a completely
predictable order instead of using an event loop based system like other
declarative configuration management systems.
Runtime Requisite Evaluation
The requisite system is evaluated as the components are found, and the requisites are always evaluated in the same order. This explanation will be followed by an example, as the raw explanation may be a little dizzying at first as it creates a linear dependency evaluation sequence.
The "Low Data" is an ordered list or dictionaries, the state runtime evaluates each dictionary in the order in which they are arranged in the list. When evaluating a single dictionary it is checked for requisites, requisites are evaluated in order, require then watch then prereq.
NOTE: If using requisite in statements like require_in and watch_in these will be compiled down to require and watch statements before runtime evaluation.
Each requisite contains an ordered list of requisites, these requisites are looked up in the list of dictionaries and then executed. Once all requisites have been evaluated and executed then the requiring state can safely be run (or not run if requisites have not been met).
This means that the requisites are always evaluated in the same order, again
ensuring one of the core design principals of Salt's State system to ensure
that execution is always finite is intact.
Simple Runtime Evaluation Example
Given the above "Low Data" the states will be evaluated in the following order:
- 1.
- The pkg.installed is executed ensuring that the apache package is installed, it contains no requisites and is therefore the first defined state to execute.
- 2.
- The service.running state is evaluated but NOT executed, a watch requisite is found, therefore they are read in order, the runtime first checks for the file, sees that it has not been executed and calls for the file state to be evaluated.
- 3.
- The file state is evaluated AND executed, since it, like the pkg state does not contain any requisites.
- 4.
- The evaluation of the service state continues, it next checks the pkg requisite and sees that it is met, with all requisites met the service state is now executed.
Best Practice
The best practice in Salt is to choose a method and stick with it, official states are written using requisites for all associations since requisites create clean, traceable dependency trails and make for the most portable formulas. To accomplish something similar to how classical imperative systems function all requisites can be omitted and the failhard option then set to True in the master configuration, this will stop all state runs at the first instance of a failure.
In the end, using requisites creates very tight and fine grained states,
not using requisites makes full sequence runs and while slightly easier
to write, and gives much less control over the executions.
Extending External SLS Data
Sometimes a state defined in one SLS file will need to be modified from a
separate SLS file. A good example of this is when an argument needs to be
overwritten or when a service needs to watch an additional state.
The Extend Declaration
The standard way to extend is via the extend declaration. The extend declaration is a top level declaration like include and encapsulates ID declaration data included from other SLS files. A standard extend looks like this:
include: - http - ssh extend: apache: file: - name: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf - source: salt://http/httpd2.conf ssh-server: service: - watch: - file: /etc/ssh/banner /etc/ssh/banner: file.managed: - source: salt://ssh/banner
A few critical things happened here, first off the SLS files that are going to
be extended are included, then the extend dec is defined. Under the extend dec
2 IDs are extended, the apache ID's file state is overwritten with a new name
and source. Than the ssh server is extended to watch the banner file in
addition to anything it is already watching.
Extend is a Top Level Declaration
This means that extend can only be called once in an sls, if if is used twice then only one of the extend blocks will be read. So this is WRONG:
include: - http - ssh extend: apache: file: - name: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf - source: salt://http/httpd2.conf # Second extend will overwrite the first!! Only make one extend: ssh-server: service: - watch: - file: /etc/ssh/banner
The Requisite in Statement
Since one of the most common things to do when extending another SLS is to add states for a service to watch, or anything for a watcher to watch, the requisite in statement was added to 0.9.8 to make extending the watch and require lists easier. The ssh-server extend statement above could be more cleanly defined like so:
include: - ssh /etc/ssh/banner: file.managed: - source: salt://ssh/banner - watch_in: - service: ssh-server
Rules to Extend By
There are a few rules to remember when extending states:
- 1.
- Always include the SLS being extended with an include declaration
- 2.
- Requisites (watch and require) are appended to, everything else is overwritten
- 3.
- extend is a top level declaration, like an ID declaration, cannot be declared twice in a single SLS
- 4.
- Many IDs can be extended under the extend declaration
Failhard Global Option
Normally, when a state fails Salt continues to execute the remainder of the defined states and will only refuse to execute states that require the failed state.
But the situation may exist, where you would want all state execution to stop
if a single state execution fails. The capability to do this is called
failing hard.
State Level Failhard
A single state can have a failhard set, this means that if this individual state fails that all state execution will immediately stop. This is a great thing to do if there is a state that sets up a critical config file and setting a require for each state that reads the config would be cumbersome. A good example of this would be setting up a package manager early on:
/etc/yum.repos.d/company.repo: file.managed: - source: salt://company/yumrepo.conf - user: root - group: root - mode: 644 - order: 1 - failhard: True
In this situation, the yum repo is going to be configured before other states,
and if it fails to lay down the config file, than no other states will be
Global Failhard
It may be desired to have failhard be applied to every state that is executed, if this is the case, then failhard can be set in the master configuration file. Setting failhard in the master configuration file will result in failing hard when any minion gathering states from the master have a state fail.
This is NOT the default behavior, normally Salt will only fail states that require a failed state.
Using the global failhard is generally not recommended, since it can result in states not being executed or even checked. It can also be confusing to see states failhard if an admin is not actively aware that the failhard has been set.
To use the global failhard set failhard: True in the master configuration
Global State Arguments
This documentation has been moved here.
Highstate data structure definitions
The Salt State Tree
A state tree is a collection of SLS files and directories that live under the directory specified in file_roots.
Directory names or filenames in the state tree cannot contain a period, with the
exception of the period in the .sls file suffix.
Top file
The main state file that instructs minions what environment and modules to use during state execution.
Configurable via state_top.
A detailed description of the top file
Include declaration
Defines a list of Module reference strings to include in this SLS.
Occurs only in the top level of the highstate structure.
include: - edit.vim - http.server
Module reference
The name of a SLS module defined by a separate SLS file and residing on
the Salt Master. A module named edit.vim is a reference to the SLS
file salt://edit/vim.sls.
ID declaration
Defines an individual highstate component. Always references a value of a dictionary containing keys referencing State declaration and Requisite declaration. Can be overridden by a Name declaration or a Names declaration.
Occurs on the top level or under the Extend declaration.
Must be unique across entire state tree. If the same ID declaration is used twice, only the first one matched will be used. All subsequent ID declarations with the same name will be ignored.
NOTE: Naming gotchas
In Salt versions earlier than 0.9.7, ID declarations containing dots would
result in unpredictable highstate output.
Extend declaration
Extends a Name declaration from an included SLS module. The keys of the extend declaration always refer to an existing ID declaration which have been defined in included SLS modules.
Occurs only in the top level and defines a dictionary.
States cannot be extended more than once in a single state run.
Extend declarations are useful for adding-to or overriding parts of a State declaration that is defined in another SLS file. In the following contrived example, the shown mywebsite.sls file is include -ing and extend -ing the apache.sls module in order to add a watch declaration that will restart Apache whenever the Apache configuration file, mywebsite changes.
include: - apache extend: apache: service: - watch: - file: mywebsite mywebsite: file.managed: - name: /var/www/mysite
SEE ALSO: watch_in and require_in
Sometimes it is more convenient to use the watch_in or require_in syntax instead of extending another SLS file.
State declaration
A list which contains one string defining the Function declaration and any number of Function arg declaration dictionaries.
Can, optionally, contain a number of additional components like the name override components — name and names. Can also contain requisite declarations.
Occurs under an ID declaration.
Requisite declaration
A list containing requisite references.
Used to build the action dependency tree. While Salt states are made to execute in a deterministic order, this order is managed by requiring and watching other Salt states.
Occurs as a list component under a State declaration or as a
key under an ID declaration.
Requisite reference
A single key dictionary. The key is the name of the referenced State declaration and the value is the ID of the referenced ID declaration.
Occurs as a single index in a Requisite declaration list.
Function declaration
The name of the function to call within the state. A state declaration can contain only a single function declaration.
For example, the following state declaration calls the installed function in the pkg state module:
httpd: pkg.installed: []
The function can be declared inline with the state as a shortcut. The actual data structure is compiled to this form:
httpd: pkg: - installed
Where the function is a string in the body of the state declaration. Technically when the function is declared in dot notation the compiler converts it to be a string in the state declaration list. Note that the use of the first example more than once in an ID declaration is invalid yaml.
httpd: pkg.installed service.running
When passing a function without arguments and another state declaration within a single ID declaration, then the long or "standard" format needs to be used since otherwise it does not represent a valid data structure.
httpd: pkg.installed: [] service.running: []
Occurs as the only index in the State declaration list.
Function arg declaration
A single key dictionary referencing a Python type which is to be passed to the named Function declaration as a parameter. The type must be the data type expected by the function.
Occurs under a Function declaration.
For example in the following state declaration user, group, and mode are passed as arguments to the managed function in the file state module:
/etc/http/conf/http.conf: file.managed: - user: root - group: root - mode: 644
Name declaration
Overrides the name argument of a State declaration. If name is not specified the ID declaration satisfies the name argument.
The name is always a single key dictionary referencing a string.
Overriding name is useful for a variety of scenarios.
For example, avoiding clashing ID declarations. The following two state declarations cannot both have /etc/motd as the ID declaration:
motd_perms: file.managed: - name: /etc/motd - mode: 644 motd_quote: file.append: - name: /etc/motd - text: "Of all smells, bread; of all tastes, salt."
Another common reason to override name is if the ID declaration is long and needs to be referenced in multiple places. In the example below it is much easier to specify mywebsite than to specify /etc/apache2/sites-available/ multiple times:
mywebsite: file.managed: - name: /etc/apache2/sites-available/ - source: salt:// a2ensite cmd.wait: - unless: test -L /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ - watch: - file: mywebsite apache2: service.running: - watch: - file: mywebsite
Names declaration
Expands the contents of the containing State declaration into multiple state declarations, each with its own name.
For example, given the following state declaration:
python-pkgs: pkg.installed: - names: - python-django - python-crypto - python-yaml
Once converted into the lowstate data structure the above state declaration will be expanded into the following three state declarations:
python-django: pkg.installed python-crypto: pkg.installed python-yaml: pkg.installed
Other values can be overridden during the expansion by providing an additional dictionary level.
New in version 2014.7.0.
ius: pkgrepo.managed: - humanname: IUS Community Packages for Enterprise Linux 6 - $basearch - gpgcheck: 1 - baseurl:$basearch - gpgkey: - names: - ius - ius-devel: - baseurl:$basearch
Large example
Here is the layout in yaml using the names of the highdata structure components.
<Include Declaration>: - <Module Reference> - <Module Reference> <Extend Declaration>: <ID Declaration>: [<overrides>] # standard declaration <ID Declaration>: <State Module>: - <Function> - <Function Arg> - <Function Arg> - <Function Arg> - <Name>: <name> - <Requisite Declaration>: - <Requisite Reference> - <Requisite Reference> # inline function and names <ID Declaration>: <State Module>.<Function>: - <Function Arg> - <Function Arg> - <Function Arg> - <Names>: - <name> - <name> - <name> - <Requisite Declaration>: - <Requisite Reference> - <Requisite Reference> # multiple states for single id <ID Declaration>: <State Module>: - <Function> - <Function Arg> - <Name>: <name> - <Requisite Declaration>: - <Requisite Reference> <State Module>: - <Function> - <Function Arg> - <Names>: - <name> - <name> - <Requisite Declaration>: - <Requisite Reference>
Include and Exclude
Salt sls files can include other sls files and exclude sls files that have been
otherwise included. This allows for an sls file to easily extend or manipulate
other sls files.
When other sls files are included, everything defined in the included sls file will be added to the state run. When including define a list of sls formulas to include:
include: - http - libvirt
The include statement will include sls formulas from the same environment that the including sls formula is in. But the environment can be explicitly defined in the configuration to override the running environment, therefore if an sls formula needs to be included from an external environment named "dev" the following syntax is used:
include: - dev: http
Relative Include
In Salt 0.16.0 the capability to include sls formulas which are relative to the running sls formula was added, simply precede the formula name with a .:
include: - .virt - .virt.hyper
The exclude statement, added in Salt 0.10.3 allows an sls to hard exclude another sls file or a specific id. The component is excluded after the high data has been compiled, so nothing should be able to override an exclude.
Since the exclude can remove an id or an sls the type of component to exclude needs to be defined. an exclude statement that verifies that the running highstate does not contain the http sls and the /etc/vimrc id would look like this:
exclude: - sls: http - id: /etc/vimrc
State System Layers
The Salt state system is comprised of multiple layers. While using Salt does
not require an understanding of the state layers, a deeper understanding of
how Salt compiles and manages states can be very beneficial.
Function Call
The lowest layer of functionality in the state system is the direct state function call. State executions are executions of single state functions at the core. These individual functions are defined in state modules and can be called directly via the state.single command.
salt '*' state.single pkg.installed name='vim'
Low Chunk
The low chunk is the bottom of the Salt state compiler. This is a data representation of a single function call. The low chunk is sent to the state caller and used to execute a single state function.
A single low chunk can be executed manually via the state.low command.
salt '*' state.low '{name: vim, state: pkg, fun: installed}'
The passed data reflects what the state execution system gets after compiling
the data down from sls formulas.
Low State
The Low State layer is the list of low chunks "evaluated" in order. To see what the low state looks like for a highstate, run:
salt '*' state.show_lowstate
This will display the raw lowstate in the order which each low chunk will be
evaluated. The order of evaluation is not necessarily the order of execution,
since requisites are evaluated at runtime. Requisite execution and evaluation
is finite; this means that the order of execution can be ascertained with 100%
certainty based on the order of the low state.
High Data
High data is the data structure represented in YAML via SLS files. The High data structure is created by merging the data components rendered inside sls files (or other render systems). The High data can be easily viewed by executing the state.show_highstate or state.show_sls functions. Since this data is a somewhat complex data structure, it may be easier to read using the json, yaml, or pprint outputters:
salt '*' state.show_highstate --out yaml salt '*' state.show_sls edit.vim --out pprint
Above "High Data", the logical layers are no longer technically required to be executed, or to be executed in a hierarchy. This means that how the High data is generated is optional and very flexible. The SLS layer allows for many mechanisms to be used to render sls data from files or to use the fileserver backend to generate sls and file data from external systems.
The SLS layer can be called directly to execute individual sls formulas.
NOTE: SLS Formulas have historically been called "SLS files". This is because a single SLS was only constituted in a single file. Now the term "SLS Formula" better expresses how a compartmentalized SLS can be expressed in a much more dynamic way by combining pillar and other sources, and the SLS can be dynamically generated.
To call a single SLS formula named edit.vim, execute state.sls:
salt '*' state.sls edit.vim
Calling SLS directly logically assigns what states should be executed from the context of the calling minion. The Highstate layer is used to allow for full contextual assignment of what is executed where to be tied to groups of, or individual, minions entirely from the master. This means that the environment of a minion, and all associated execution data pertinent to said minion, can be assigned from the master without needing to execute or configure anything on the target minion. This also means that the minion can independently retrieve information about its complete configuration from the master.
To execute the High State call state.highstate:
salt '*' state.highstate
The overstate layer expresses the highest functional layer of Salt's automated
logic systems. The Overstate allows for stateful and functional orchestration
of routines from the master. The overstate defines in data execution stages
which minions should execute states, or functions, and in what order using
requisite logic.
The Orchestrate Runner
This documentation has been moved here.
Ordering States
The way in which configuration management systems are executed is a hotly debated topic in the configuration management world. Two major philosophies exist on the subject, to either execute in an imperative fashion where things are executed in the order in which they are defined, or in a declarative fashion where dependencies need to be mapped between objects.
Imperative ordering is finite and generally considered easier to write, but declarative ordering is much more powerful and flexible but generally considered more difficult to create.
Salt has been created to get the best of both worlds. States are evaluated in
a finite order, which guarantees that states are always executed in the same
order, and the states runtime is declarative, making Salt fully aware of
dependencies via the requisite system.
State Auto Ordering
Salt always executes states in a finite manner, meaning that they will always execute in the same order regardless of the system that is executing them. But in Salt 0.17.0, the state_auto_order option was added. This option makes states get evaluated in the order in which they are defined in sls files.
The evaluation order makes it easy to know what order the states will be executed in, but it is important to note that the requisite system will override the ordering defined in the files, and the order option described below will also override the order in which states are defined in sls files.
If the classic ordering is preferred (lexicographic), then set
state_auto_order to False in the master configuration file. Otherwise,
state_auto_order defaults to True.
Requisite Statements
NOTE: This document represents behavior exhibited by Salt requisites as of version 0.9.7 of Salt.
Often when setting up states any single action will require or depend on another action. Salt allows for the building of relationships between states with requisite statements. A requisite statement ensures that the named state is evaluated before the state requiring it. There are three types of requisite statements in Salt, require, watch, and prereq.
These requisite statements are applied to a specific state declaration:
httpd: pkg.installed: [] file.managed: - name: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf - source: salt://httpd/httpd.conf - require: - pkg: httpd
In this example, the require requisite is used to declare that the file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf should only be set up if the pkg state executes successfully.
The requisite system works by finding the states that are required and executing them before the state that requires them. Then the required states can be evaluated to see if they have executed correctly.
Require statements can refer to any state defined in Salt. The basic examples are pkg, service, and file, but any used state can be referenced.
In addition to state declarations such as pkg, file, etc., sls type requisites are also recognized, and essentially allow 'chaining' of states. This provides a mechanism to ensure the proper sequence for complex state formulas, especially when the discrete states are split or groups into separate sls files:
include: - network httpd: pkg.installed: [] service.running: - require: - pkg: httpd - sls: network
In this example, the httpd service running state will not be applied (i.e., the httpd service will not be started) unless both the httpd package is installed AND the network state is satisfied.
NOTE: Requisite matching
Requisites match on both the ID Declaration and the name parameter.
Therefore, if using the pkgs or sources argument to install
a list of packages in a pkg state, it's important to note that it is
impossible to match an individual package in the list, since all packages
are installed as a single state.
Multiple Requisites
The requisite statement is passed as a list, allowing for the easy addition of more requisites. Both requisite types can also be separately declared:
httpd: pkg.installed: [] service.running: - enable: True - watch: - file: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf - require: - pkg: httpd - user: httpd - group: httpd file.managed: - name: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf - source: salt://httpd/httpd.conf - require: - pkg: httpd user.present: [] group.present: []
In this example, the httpd service is only going to be started if the package,
user, group, and file are executed successfully.
Requisite Documentation
For detailed information on each of the individual requisites, please
look here.
The Order Option
Before using the order option, remember that the majority of state ordering should be done with a requisite-declaration, and that a requisite declaration will override an order option, so a state with order option should not require or required by other states.
The order option is used by adding an order number to a state declaration with the option order:
vim: pkg.installed: - order: 1
By adding the order option to 1 this ensures that the vim package will be installed in tandem with any other state declaration set to the order 1.
Any state declared without an order option will be executed after all states with order options are executed.
But this construct can only handle ordering states from the beginning. Certain circumstances will present a situation where it is desirable to send a state to the end of the line. To do this, set the order to last:
vim: pkg.installed: - order: last
OverState System
This documentation has been moved here.
State Providers
New in version 0.9.8.
Salt predetermines what modules should be mapped to what uses based on the properties of a system. These determinations are generally made for modules that provide things like package and service management.
Sometimes in states, it may be necessary to use an alternative module to provide the needed functionality. For instance, an older Arch Linux system may not be running systemd, so instead of using the systemd service module, you can revert to the default service module:
httpd: service.running: - enable: True - provider: service
In this instance, the basic service module (which manages sysvinit-based services) will replace the systemd module which is used by default on Arch Linux.
However, if it is necessary to make this override for most or every service,
it is better to just override the provider in the minion config file, as
described in the section below.
Setting a Provider in the Minion Config File
Sometimes, when running Salt on custom Linux spins, or distribution that are derived from other distributions, Salt does not successfully detect providers. The providers which are most likely to be affected by this are:
- •
- pkg
- •
- service
- •
- user
- •
When something like this happens, rather than specifying the provider manually in each state, it easier to use the providers parameter in the minion config file to set the provider.
If you end up needing to override a provider because it was not detected, please let us know! File an issue on the issue tracker, and provide the output from the grains.items function, taking care to sanitize any sensitive information.
Below are tables that should help with deciding which provider to use if one needs to be overridden.
Provider: pkg
Execution Module |
Used for
apt |
Debian/Ubuntu-based distros which use apt-get(8)
for package management
brew |
Mac OS software management using Homebrew
ebuild |
Gentoo-based systems (utilizes the portage python
module as well as emerge(1))
freebsdpkg |
FreeBSD-based OSes using pkg_add(1)
openbsdpkg |
OpenBSD-based OSes using pkg_add(1)
pacman |
Arch Linux-based distros using pacman(8)
pkgin |
NetBSD-based OSes using pkgin(1)
pkgng |
FreeBSD-based OSes using pkg(8)
pkgutil |
Solaris-based OSes using OpenCSW's pkgutil(1)
solarispkg |
Solaris-based OSes using pkgadd(1M)
solarisips |
Solaris-based OSes using IPS pkg(1)
win_pkg |
yumpkg |
RedHat-based distros and derivatives (wraps yum(8))
zypper |
SUSE-based distros using zypper(8)
Provider: service
Execution Module |
Used for
debian_service |
Debian (non-systemd)
freebsdservice |
FreeBSD-based OSes using service(8)
gentoo_service |
Gentoo Linux using sysvinit and
launchctl |
Mac OS hosts using launchctl(1)
netbsdservice |
NetBSD-based OSes
openbsdservice |
OpenBSD-based OSes
rh_service |
RedHat-based distros and derivatives using
service(8) and chkconfig(8). Supports both
pure sysvinit and mixed sysvinit/upstart systems.
service |
Fallback which simply wraps sysvinit scripts
smf |
Solaris-based OSes which use SMF
systemd |
Linux distros which use systemd
upstart |
Ubuntu-based distros using upstart
win_service |
Provider: user
Execution Module |
Used for
useradd |
Linux, NetBSD, and OpenBSD systems using
useradd(8), userdel(8), and usermod(8)
pw_user |
FreeBSD-based OSes using pw(8)
solaris_user |
Solaris-based OSes using useradd(1M),
userdel(1M), and usermod(1M)
win_useradd |
Provider: group
Execution Module |
Used for
groupadd |
Linux, NetBSD, and OpenBSD systems using
groupadd(8), groupdel(8), and groupmod(8)
pw_group |
FreeBSD-based OSes using pw(8)
solaris_group |
Solaris-based OSes using groupadd(1M),
groupdel(1M), and groupmod(1M)
win_groupadd |
Arbitrary Module Redirects
The provider statement can also be used for more powerful means, instead of overwriting or extending the module used for the named service an arbitrary module can be used to provide certain functionality.
emacs: pkg.installed: - provider: - cmd: customcmd
In this example, the state is being instructed to use a custom module to invoke commands.
Arbitrary module redirects can be used to dramatically change the behavior of a
given state.
Requisites and Other Global State Arguments
The Salt requisite system is used to create relationships between states. The core idea being that, when one state is dependent somehow on another, that inter-dependency can be easily defined.
Requisites come in two types: Direct requisites (such as require), and requisite_ins (such as require_in). The relationships are directional: a direct requisite requires something from another state. However, a requisite_in inserts a requisite into the targeted state pointing to the targeting state. The following example demonstrates a direct requisite:
vim: pkg.installed: [] /etc/vimrc: file.managed: - source: salt://edit/vimrc - require: - pkg: vim
In the example above, the file /etc/vimrc depends on the vim package.
Requisite_in statements are the opposite. Instead of saying "I depend on something", requisite_ins say "Someone depends on me":
vim: pkg.installed: - require_in: - file: /etc/vimrc /etc/vimrc: file.managed: - source: salt://edit/vimrc
So here, with a requisite_in, the same thing is accomplished as in the first example, but the other way around. The vim package is saying "/etc/vimrc depends on me". This will result in a require being inserted into the /etc/vimrc state which targets the vim state.
In the end, a single dependency map is created and everything is executed in a finite and predictable order.
NOTE: Requisite matching
Requisites match on both the ID Declaration and the name parameter. This means that, in the example above, the require_in requisite would also have been matched if the /etc/vimrc state was written as follows:
vimrc: file.managed: - name: /etc/vimrc - source: salt://edit/vimrc
Direct Requisite and Requisite_in types
There are six direct requisite statements that can be used in Salt:
require, watch, prereq, use, onchanges, and onfail.
Each direct requisite also has a corresponding requisite_in: require_in,
watch_in, prereq_in, use_in, onchanges_in, and onfail_in.
All of the requisites define specific relationships and always work with the
dependency logic defined above.
The use of require demands that the dependent state executes before the
depending state. The state containing the require requisite is defined as the
depending state. The state specified in the require statement is defined as the
dependent state. If the dependent state's execution succeeds, the depending state
will then execute. If the dependent state's execution fails, the depending state
will not execute. In the first example above, the file /etc/vimrc will only
execute after the vim package is installed successfully.
Require an entire sls file
As of Salt 0.16.0, it is possible to require an entire sls file. Do this first by including the sls file and then setting a state to require the included sls file:
include: - foo bar: pkg.installed: - require: - sls: foo
watch statements are used to add additional behavior when there are changes in other states.
NOTE: If a state should only execute when another state has changes, and otherwise do nothing, the new onchanges requisite should be used instead of watch. watch is designed to add additional behavior when there are changes, but otherwise execute normally.
The state containing the watch requisite is defined as the watching state. The state specified in the watch statement is defined as the watched state. When the watched state executes, it will return a dictionary containing a key named "changes". Here are two examples of state return dictionaries, shown in json for clarity:
"local": { "file_|-/tmp/foo_|-/tmp/foo_|-directory": { "comment": "Directory /tmp/foo updated", "__run_num__": 0, "changes": { "user": "bar" }, "name": "/tmp/foo", "result": true } } "local": { "pkgrepo_|-salt-minion_|-salt-minion_|-managed": { "comment": "Package repo 'salt-minion' already configured", "__run_num__": 0, "changes": {}, "name": "salt-minion", "result": true } }
If the "result" of the watched state is True, the watching state will execute normally. This part of watch mirrors the functionality of the require requisite. If the "result" of the watched state is False, the watching state will never run, nor will the watching state's mod_watch function execute.
However, if the "result" of the watched state is True, and the "changes" key contains a populated dictionary (changes occurred in the watched state), then the watch requisite can add additional behavior. This additional behavior is defined by the mod_watch function within the watching state module. If the mod_watch function exists in the watching state module, it will be called in addition to the normal watching state. The return data from the mod_watch function is what will be returned to the master in this case; the return data from the main watching function is discarded.
If the "changes" key contains an empty dictionary, the watch requisite acts exactly like the require requisite (the watching state will execute if "result" is True, and fail if "result" is False in the watched state).
NOTE: Not all state modules contain mod_watch. If mod_watch is absent from the watching state module, the watch requisite behaves exactly like a require requisite.
A good example of using watch is with a service.running state. When a service watches a state, then the service is reloaded/restarted when the watched state changes, in addition to Salt ensuring that the service is running.
ntpd: service.running: - watch: - file: /etc/ntp.conf file.managed: - name: /etc/ntp.conf - source: salt://ntp/files/ntp.conf
New in version 0.16.0.
prereq allows for actions to be taken based on the expected results of a state that has not yet been executed. The state containing the prereq requisite is defined as the pre-requiring state. The state specified in the prereq statement is defined as the pre-required state.
When a prereq requisite is evaluated, the pre-required state reports if it expects to have any changes. It does this by running the pre-required single state as a test-run by enabling test=True. This test-run will return a dictionary containing a key named "changes". (See the watch section above for examples of "changes" dictionaries.)
If the "changes" key contains a populated dictionary, it means that the pre-required state expects changes to occur when the state is actually executed, as opposed to the test-run. The pre-requiring state will now actually run. If the pre-requiring state executes successfully, the pre-required state will then execute. If the pre-requiring state fails, the pre-required state will not execute.
If the "changes" key contains an empty dictionary, this means that changes are not expected by the pre-required state. Neither the pre-required state nor the pre-requiring state will run.
The best way to define how prereq operates is displayed in the following practical example: When a service should be shut down because underlying code is going to change, the service should be off-line while the update occurs. In this example, graceful-down is the pre-requiring state and site-code is the pre-required state.
graceful-down: - name: service apache graceful - prereq: - file: site-code site-code: file.recurse: - name: /opt/site_code - source: salt://site/code
In this case the apache server will only be shutdown if the site-code state
expects to deploy fresh code via the file.recurse call. The site-code
deployment will only be executed if the graceful-down run completes
New in version 2014.7.0.
The onfail requisite allows for reactions to happen strictly as a response to the failure of another state. This can be used in a number of ways, such as executing a second attempt to set up a service or begin to execute a separate thread of states because of a failure.
The onfail requisite is applied in the same way as require as watch:
primary_mount: mount.mounted: - name: /mnt/share - device: - fstype: nfs backup_mount: mount.mounted: - name: /mnt/share - device: - fstype: nfs - onfail: - mount: primary_mount
New in version 2014.7.0.
The onchanges requisite makes a state only apply if the required states
generate changes, and if the watched state's "result" is True. This can be
a useful way to execute a post hook after changing aspects of a system.
The use requisite is used to inherit the arguments passed in another id declaration. This is useful when many files need to have the same defaults.
/etc/foo.conf: file.managed: - source: salt://foo.conf - template: jinja - mkdirs: True - user: apache - group: apache - mode: 755 /etc/bar.conf file.managed: - source: salt://bar.conf - use: - file: /etc/foo.conf
The use statement was developed primarily for the networking states but can be used on any states in Salt. This makes sense for the networking state because it can define a long list of options that need to be applied to multiple network interfaces.
The use statement does not inherit the requisites arguments of the
targeted state. This means also a chain of use requisites would not
inherit inherited options.
The _in versions of requisites
All of the requisites also have corresponding requisite_in versions, which do the reverse of their normal counterparts. The examples below all use require_in as the example, but note that all of the _in requisites work the same way: They result in a normal requisite in the targeted state, which targets the state which has defines the requisite_in. Thus, a require_in causes the target state to require the targeting state. Similarly, a watch_in causes the target state to watch the targeting state. This pattern continues for the rest of the requisites.
If a state declaration needs to be required by another state declaration then require_in can accommodate it. Therefore, these two sls files would be the same in the end:
Using require
httpd: pkg.installed: [] service.running: - require: - pkg: httpd
Using require_in
httpd: pkg.installed: - require_in: - service: httpd service.running: []
The require_in statement is particularly useful when assigning a require in a separate sls file. For instance it may be common for httpd to require components used to set up PHP or mod_python, but the HTTP state does not need to be aware of the additional components that require it when it is set up:
httpd: pkg.installed: [] service.running: - require: - pkg: httpd
include: - http php: pkg.installed: - require_in: - service: httpd
include: - http mod_python: pkg.installed: - require_in: - service: httpd
Now the httpd server will only start if php or mod_python are first verified to
be installed. Thus allowing for a requisite to be defined "after the fact".
Altering States
The state altering system is used to make sure that states are evaluated exactly
as the user expects. It can be used to double check that a state preformed
exactly how it was expected to, or to make 100% sure that a state only runs
under certain conditions. The use of unless or onlyif options help make states
even more stateful. The check_cmds option helps ensure that the result of a
state is evaluated correctly.
New in version 2014.7.0.
The unless requisite specifies that a state should only run when any of the specified commands return False. The unless requisite operates as NOR and is useful in giving more granular control over when a state should execute.
NOTE: Under the hood unless calls cmd.retcode with python_shell=True. This means the commands referenced by unless will be parsed by a shell, so beware of side-effects as this shell will be run with the same privileges as the salt-minion.
vim: pkg.installed: - unless: - rpm -q vim-enhanced - ls /usr/bin/vim
In the example above, the state will only run if either the vim-enhanced package is not installed (returns False) or if /usr/bin/vim does not exist (returns False). The state will run if both commands return False.
However, the state will not run if both commands return True.
Unless checks are resolved for each name to which they are associated.
For example:
deploy_app: - names: - first_deploy_cmd - second_deploy_cmd - unless: ls /usr/bin/vim
In the above case, some_check will be run prior to _each_ name -- once for
first_deploy_cmd and a second time for second_deploy_cmd.
New in version 2014.7.0.
onlyif is the opposite of unless. If all of the commands in onlyif return True, then the state is run. If any of the specified commands return False, the state will not run.
NOTE: Under the hood onlyif calls cmd.retcode with python_shell=True. This means the commands referenced by unless will be parsed by a shell, so beware of side-effects as this shell will be run with the same privileges as the salt-minion.
stop-volume: - name: glusterfs.stop_volume - m_name: work - onlyif: - gluster volume status work - order: 1 remove-volume: - name: glusterfs.delete - m_name: work - onlyif: - gluster volume info work - watch: - cmd: stop-volume
The above example ensures that the stop_volume and delete modules only run
if the gluster commands return a 0 ret value.
New in version 2014.7.0.
listen and its counterpart listen_in trigger mod_wait functions for states, when those states succeed and result in changes, similar to how watch its counterpart watch_in. Unlike watch and watch_in, listen, and listen_in will not modify the order of states and can be used to ensure your states are executed in the order they are defined. All listen/listen_in actions will occur at the end of a state run, after all states have completed.
restart-apache2: service.running: - name: apache2 - listen: - file: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf configure-apache2: file.managed: - name: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf - source: salt://apache2/apache2.conf
This example will cause apache2 to be restarted when the apache2.conf file is changed, but the apache2 restart will happen at the end of the state run.
restart-apache2: service.running: - name: apache2 configure-apache2: file.managed: - name: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf - source: salt://apache2/apache2.conf - listen_in: - service: apache2
This example does the same as the above example, but puts the state argument
on the file resource, rather than the service resource.
New in version 2014.7.0.
Check Command is used for determining that a state did or did not run as expected.
NOTE: Under the hood check_cmd calls cmd.retcode with python_shell=True. This means the commands referenced by unless will be parsed by a shell, so beware of side-effects as this shell will be run with the same privileges as the salt-minion.
comment-repo: file.replace: - name: /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo - pattern: ^enabled=0 - repl: enabled=1 - check_cmd: - grep 'enabled=0' /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo && return 1 || return 0
This will attempt to do a replace on all enabled=0 in the .repo file, and
replace them with enabled=1. The check_cmd is just a bash command. It will do
a grep for enabled=0 in the file, and if it finds any, it will return a 0, which
will prompt the && portion of the command to return a 1, causing check_cmd to
set the state as failed. If it returns a 1, meaning it didn't find any
'enabled=0' it will hit the || portion of the command, returning a 0, and
declaring the function succeeded.
Overriding Checks
There are two commands used for the above checks.
mod_run_check is used to check for onlyif and unless. If the goal is to override the global check for these to variables, include a mod_run_check in the salt/states/ file.
mod_run_check_cmd is used to check for the check_cmd options. To override
this one, include a mod_run_check_cmd in the states file for the state.
Startup States
Sometimes it may be desired that the salt minion execute a state run when it is started. This alleviates the need for the master to initiate a state run on a new minion and can make provisioning much easier.
As of Salt 0.10.3 the minion config reads options that allow for states to be executed at startup. The options are startup_states, sls_list, and top_file.
The startup_states option can be passed one of a number of arguments to define how to execute states. The available options are:
- highstate
- Execute state.highstate
- sls
- Read in the sls_list option and execute the named sls files
- top
- Read in the top_file option and execute states based on that top file on the Salt Master
Execute state.highstate when starting the minion:
startup_states: highstate
Execute the sls files edit.vim and hyper:
startup_states: sls sls_list: - edit.vim - hyper
State Testing
Executing a Salt state run can potentially change many aspects of a system and it may be desirable to first see what a state run is going to change before applying the run.
Salt has a test interface to report on exactly what will be changed, this interface can be invoked on any of the major state run functions:
salt '*' state.highstate test=True salt '*' state.sls test=True salt '*' state.single test=True
The test run is mandated by adding the test=True option to the states. The
return information will show states that will be applied in yellow and the
result is reported as None.
Default Test
If the value test is set to True in the minion configuration file then states will default to being executed in test mode. If this value is set then states can still be run by calling test=False:
salt '*' state.highstate test=False salt '*' state.sls test=False salt '*' state.single test=False
The Top File
The top file is used to map what SLS modules get loaded onto what minions via
the state system. The top file creates a few general abstractions. First it
maps what nodes should pull from which environments, next it defines which
matches systems should draw from.
Environments allow conceptually organizing state tree directories. Environments can be made to be self-contained or state trees can be made to bleed through environments.
NOTE: Environments in Salt are very flexible. This section defines how the top file can be used to define what states from what environments are to be used for specific minions.
If the intent is to bind minions to specific environments, then the environment option can be set in the minion configuration file.
The environments in the top file corresponds with the environments defined in the file_roots variable. In a simple, single environment setup you only have the base environment, and therefore only one state tree. Here is a simple example of file_roots in the master configuration:
file_roots: base: - /srv/salt
This means that the top file will only have one environment to pull from, here is a simple, single environment top file:
base: '*': - core - edit
This also means that /srv/salt has a state tree. But if you want to use multiple environments, or partition the file server to serve more than just the state tree, then the file_roots option can be expanded:
file_roots: base: - /srv/salt/base dev: - /srv/salt/dev qa: - /srv/salt/qa prod: - /srv/salt/prod
Then our top file could reference the environments:
dev: 'webserver*dev*': - webserver 'db*dev*': - db qa: 'webserver*qa*': - webserver 'db*qa*': - db prod: 'webserver*prod*': - webserver 'db*prod*': - db
In this setup we have state trees in three of the four environments, and no state tree in the base environment. Notice that the targets for the minions specify environment data. In Salt the master determines who is in what environment, and many environments can be crossed together. For instance, a separate global state tree could be added to the base environment if it suits your deployment:
base: '*': - global dev: 'webserver*dev*': - webserver 'db*dev*': - db qa: 'webserver*qa*': - webserver 'db*qa*': - db prod: 'webserver*prod*': - webserver 'db*prod*': - db
In this setup all systems will pull the global SLS from the base environment, as well as pull from their respective environments. If you assign only one SLS to a system, as in this example, a shorthand is also available:
base: '*': global dev: 'webserver*dev*': webserver 'db*dev*': db qa: 'webserver*qa*': webserver 'db*qa*': db prod: 'webserver*prod*': webserver 'db*prod*': db
NOTE: The top files from all defined environments will be compiled into a single top file for all states. Top files are environment agnostic.
Remember, that since everything is a file in Salt, the environments are primarily file server environments, this means that environments that have nothing to do with states can be defined and used to distribute other files.
A clean and recommended setup for multiple environments would look like this:
# Master file_roots configuration: file_roots: base: - /srv/salt/base dev: - /srv/salt/dev qa: - /srv/salt/qa prod: - /srv/salt/prod
Then only place state trees in the dev, qa, and prod environments, leaving the base environment open for generic file transfers. Then the top.sls file would look something like this:
dev: 'webserver*dev*': - webserver 'db*dev*': - db qa: 'webserver*qa*': - webserver 'db*qa*': - db prod: 'webserver*prod*': - webserver 'db*prod*': - db
Other Ways of Targeting Minions
In addition to globs, minions can be specified in top files a few other ways. Some common ones are compound matches and node groups.
Here is a slightly more complex top file example, showing the different types of matches you can perform:
base: '*': - ldap-client - networking - salt.minion 'salt-master*': - salt.master '^(memcache|web).(qa|prod).loc$': - match: pcre - nagios.mon.web - apache.server 'os:Ubuntu': - match: grain - repos.ubuntu 'os:(RedHat|CentOS)': - match: grain_pcre - repos.epel 'foo,bar,baz': - match: list - database 'somekey:abc': - match: pillar - xyz 'nag1* or G@role:monitoring': - match: compound - nagios.server
In this example top.sls, all minions get the ldap-client, networking, and
salt.minion states. Any minion with an id matching the salt-master* glob
will get the salt.master state. Any minion with ids matching the regular
expression ^(memcache|web).(qa|prod).loc$ will get the nagios.mon.web and
apache.server states. All Ubuntu minions will receive the repos.ubuntu state,
while all RHEL and CentOS minions will receive the repos.epel state. The
minions foo, bar, and baz will receive the database state. Any
minion with a pillar named somekey, having a value of abc will receive
the xyz state. Finally, minions with ids matching the nag1* glob or with a
grain named role equal to monitoring will receive the nagios.server
How Top Files Are Compiled
WARNING: There is currently a known issue with the topfile compilation. The below may not be completely valid until is closed.
As mentioned earlier, the top files in the different environments are compiled into a single set of data. The way in which this is done follows a few rules, which are important to understand when arranging top files in different environments. The examples below all assume that the file_roots are set as in the above multi-environment example.
- 1.
The base environment's top file is processed first. Any environment which
is defined in the base top.sls as well as another environment's top file,
will use the instance of the environment configured in base and ignore
all other instances. In other words, the base top file is
authoritative when defining environments. Therefore, in the example below,
the dev section in /srv/salt/dev/top.sls would be completely
base: '*': - common dev: 'webserver*dev*': - webserver 'db*dev*': - db
dev: '': - match: ipcidr - '': - match: ipcidr -
NOTE: The rules below assume that the environments being discussed were not defined in the base top file.
- 2.
If, for some reason, the base environment is not configured in the
base environment's top file, then the other environments will be checked
in alphabetical order. The first top file found to contain a section for the
base environment wins, and the other top files' base sections are
ignored. So, provided there is no base section in the base top file,
with the below two top files the dev environment would win out, and the
common.centos SLS would not be applied to CentOS hosts.
base: 'os:Ubuntu': - common.ubuntu dev: 'webserver*dev*': - webserver 'db*dev*': - db
base: 'os:Ubuntu': - common.ubuntu 'os:CentOS': - common.centos qa: 'webserver*qa*': - webserver 'db*qa*': - db
- 3.
For environments other than base, the top file in a given environment
will be checked for a section matching the environment's name. If one is
found, then it is used. Otherwise, the remaining (non-base) environments
will be checked in alphabetical order. In the below example, the qa
section in /srv/salt/dev/top.sls will be ignored, but if
/srv/salt/qa/top.sls were cleared or removed, then the states configured
for the qa environment in /srv/salt/dev/top.sls will be applied.
dev: 'webserver*dev*': - webserver 'db*dev*': - db qa: '': - match: ipcidr - '': - match: ipcidr -
qa: 'webserver*qa*': - webserver 'db*qa*': - db
NOTE: When in doubt, the simplest way to configure your states is with a single top.sls in the base environment.
SLS Template Variable Reference
The template engines available to sls files and file templates come loaded
with a number of context variables. These variables contain information and
functions to assist in the generation of templates. See each variable below
for its availability -- not all variables are available in all templating
The salt variable is available to abstract the salt library functions. This variable is a python dictionary containing all of the functions available to the running salt minion. It is available in all salt templates.
{% for file in salt['']('ls -1 /opt/to_remove').splitlines() %} /opt/to_remove/{{ file }}: file.absent {% endfor %}
The opts variable abstracts the contents of the minion's configuration file directly to the template. The opts variable is a dictionary. It is available in all templates.
{{ opts['cachedir'] }}
The config.get function also searches for values in the opts dictionary.
The pillar dictionary can be referenced directly, and is available in all templates:
{{ pillar['key'] }}
Using the pillar.get function via the salt variable is generally recommended since a default can be safely set in the event that the value is not available in pillar and dictionaries can be traversed directly:
{{ salt['pillar.get']('key', 'failover_value') }} {{ salt['pillar.get']('stuff:more:deeper') }}
The grains dictionary makes the minion's grains directly available, and is available in all templates:
{{ grains['os'] }}
The grains.get function can be used to traverse deeper grains and set defaults:
{{ salt['grains.get']('os') }}
The env variable is available in only in sls files when gathering the sls from an environment.
{{ env }}
The sls variable contains the sls reference value, and is only available in the actual SLS file (not in any files referenced in that SLS). The sls reference value is the value used to include the sls in top files or via the include option.
{{ sls }}
State Modules
State Modules are the components that map to actual enforcement and management
of Salt states.
States are Easy to Write!
State Modules should be easy to write and straightforward. The information passed to the SLS data structures will map directly to the states modules.
Mapping the information from the SLS data is simple, this example should illustrate:
/etc/salt/master: # maps to "name" file: # maps to State module filename e.g. - managed # maps to the managed function in the file State module - user: root # one of many options passed to the manage function - group: root - mode: 644 - source: salt://salt/master
Therefore this SLS data can be directly linked to a module, function, and arguments passed to that function.
This does issue the burden, that function names, state names and function arguments should be very human readable inside state modules, since they directly define the user interface.
- Keyword Arguments
Salt passes a number of keyword arguments to states when rendering them, including the environment, a unique identifier for the state, and more. Additionally, keep in mind that the requisites for a state are part of the keyword arguments. Therefore, if you need to iterate through the keyword arguments in a state, these must be considered and handled appropriately. One such example is in the pkgrepo.managed state, which needs to be able to handle arbitrary keyword arguments and pass them to module execution functions. An example of how these keyword arguments can be handled can be found here.
Using Custom State Modules
Place your custom state modules inside a _states directory within the file_roots specified by the master config file. These custom state modules can then be distributed in a number of ways. Custom state modules are distributed when state.highstate is run, or by executing the saltutil.sync_states or saltutil.sync_all functions.
Any custom states which have been synced to a minion, that are named the
same as one of Salt's default set of states, will take the place of the default
state with the same name. Note that a state's default name is its filename
(i.e. becomes state foo), but that its name can be overridden
by using a __virtual__ function.
Cross Calling Modules
As with Execution Modules, State Modules can also make use of the __salt__ and __grains__ data.
It is important to note that the real work of state management should not be done in the state module unless it is needed. A good example is the pkg state module. This module does not do any package management work, it just calls the pkg execution module. This makes the pkg state module completely generic, which is why there is only one pkg state module and many backend pkg execution modules.
On the other hand some modules will require that the logic be placed in the
state module, a good example of this is the file module. But in the vast
majority of cases this is not the best approach, and writing specific
execution modules to do the backend work will be the optimal solution.
Return Data
A State Module must return a dict containing the following keys/values:
- •
- name: The same value passed to the state as "name".
- •
- changes: A dict describing the changes made. Each thing changed should be a key, with its value being another dict with keys called "old" and "new" containing the old/new values. For example, the pkg state's changes dict has one key for each package changed, with the "old" and "new" keys in its sub-dict containing the old and new versions of the package.
- •
result: A tristate value. True if the action was successful,
False if it was not, or None if the state was run in test mode,
test=True, and changes would have been made if the state was not run in
test mode.
live mode test mode no changes True True successful changes True None failed changes False None NOTE: Test mode does not predict if the changes will be successful or not.
- •
- comment: A string containing a summary of the result.
Test State
All states should check for and support test being passed in the options. This will return data about what changes would occur if the state were actually run. An example of such a check could look like this:
# Return comment of changes if test. if __opts__['test']: ret['result'] = None ret['comment'] = 'State Foo will execute with param {0}'.format(bar) return ret
Make sure to test and return before performing any real actions on the minion.
Watcher Function
If the state being written should support the watch requisite then a watcher function needs to be declared. The watcher function is called whenever the watch requisite is invoked and should be generic to the behavior of the state itself.
The watcher function should accept all of the options that the normal state functions accept (as they will be passed into the watcher function).
A watcher function typically is used to execute state specific reactive behavior, for instance, the watcher for the service module restarts the named service and makes it useful for the watcher to make the service react to changes in the environment.
The watcher function also needs to return the same data that a normal state
function returns.
Mod_init Interface
Some states need to execute something only once to ensure that an environment has been set up, or certain conditions global to the state behavior can be predefined. This is the realm of the mod_init interface.
A state module can have a function called mod_init which executes when the first state of this type is called. This interface was created primarily to improve the pkg state. When packages are installed the package metadata needs to be refreshed, but refreshing the package metadata every time a package is installed is wasteful. The mod_init function for the pkg state sets a flag down so that the first, and only the first, package installation attempt will refresh the package database (the package database can of course be manually called to refresh via the refresh option in the pkg state).
The mod_init function must accept the Low State Data for the given executing state as an argument. The low state data is a dict and can be seen by executing the state.show_lowstate function. Then the mod_init function must return a bool. If the return value is True, then the mod_init function will not be executed again, meaning that the needed behavior has been set up. Otherwise, if the mod_init function returns False, then the function will be called the next time.
A good example of the mod_init function is found in the pkg state module:
def mod_init(low): ''' Refresh the package database here so that it only needs to happen once ''' if low['fun'] == 'installed' or low['fun'] == 'latest': rtag = __gen_rtag() if not os.path.exists(rtag): open(rtag, 'w+').write('') return True else: return False
The mod_init function in the pkg state accepts the low state data as low
and then checks to see if the function being called is going to install
packages, if the function is not going to install packages then there is no
need to refresh the package database. Therefore if the package database is
prepared to refresh, then return True and the mod_init will not be called
the next time a pkg state is evaluated, otherwise return False and the mod_init
will be called next time a pkg state is evaluated.
Log Output
You can call the logger from custom modules to write messages to the minion logs. The following code snippet demonstrates writing log messages:
import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__)'Here is Some Information') log.warning('You Should Not Do That') log.error('It Is Busted')
Full State Module Example
The following is a simplistic example of a full state module and function. Remember to call out to execution modules to perform all the real work. The state module should only perform "before" and "after" checks.
- 1.
- Make a custom state module by putting the code into a file at the following path: /srv/salt/_states/
- 2.
Distribute the custom state module to the minions:
salt '*' saltutil.sync_states
- 3.
- Write a new state to use the custom state by making a new state file, for instance /srv/salt/my_custom_state.sls.
- 4.
Add the following SLS configuration to the file created in Step 3:
human_friendly_state_id: # An arbitrary state ID declaration. my_custom_state: # The custom state module name. - enforce_custom_thing # The function in the custom state module. - name: a_value # Maps to the ``name`` parameter in the custom function. - foo: Foo # Specify the required ``foo`` parameter. - bar: False # Override the default value for the ``bar`` parameter.
Example state module
import salt.exceptions def enforce_custom_thing(name, foo, bar=True): ''' Enforce the state of a custom thing This state module does a custom thing. It calls out to the execution module ``my_custom_module`` in order to check the current system and perform any needed changes. name The thing to do something to foo A required argument bar : True An argument with a default value ''' ret = {'name': name, 'changes': {}, 'result': False, 'comment': ''} # Start with basic error-checking. Do all the passed parameters make sense # and agree with each-other? if bar == True and foo.startswith('Foo'): raise salt.exceptions.SaltInvocationError( 'Argument "foo" cannot start with "Foo" if argument "bar" is True.') # Check the current state of the system. Does anything need to change? current_state = __salt__['my_custom_module.current_state'](name) if current_state == foo: ret['result'] = True ret['comment'] = 'System already in the correct state' return ret # The state of the system does need to be changed. Check if we're running # in ``test=true`` mode. if __opts__['test'] == True: ret['comment'] = 'The state of "{0}" will be changed.'.format(name) ret['changes'] = { 'old': current_state, 'new': 'Description, diff, whatever of the new state', } # Return ``None`` when running with ``test=true``. ret['result'] = None return ret # Finally, make the actual change and return the result. new_state = __salt__['my_custom_module.change_state'](name, foo) ret['comment'] = 'The state of "{0}" was changed!'.format(name) ret['changes'] = { 'old': current_state, 'new': new_state, } ret['result'] = True return ret
State Management
State management, also frequently called Software Configuration Management (SCM), is a program that puts and keeps a system into a predetermined state. It installs software packages, starts or restarts services or puts configuration files in place and watches them for changes.
Having a state management system in place allows one to easily and reliably configure and manage a few servers or a few thousand servers. It allows configurations to be kept under version control.
Salt States is an extension of the Salt Modules that we discussed in the
previous remote execution tutorial. Instead
of calling one-off executions the state of a system can be easily defined and
then enforced.
Understanding the Salt State System Components
The Salt state system is comprised of a number of components. As a user, an understanding of the SLS and renderer systems are needed. But as a developer, an understanding of Salt states and how to write the states is needed as well.
States are compiled and executed only on minions that have been targeted.
To execute functions directly on masters, see runners.
Salt SLS System
The primary system used by the Salt state system is the SLS system. SLS stands for SaLt State.
The Salt States are files which contain the information about how to configure Salt minions. The states are laid out in a directory tree and can be written in many different formats.
The contents of the files and they way they are laid out is intended to be as
simple as possible while allowing for maximum flexibility. The files are laid
out in states and contains information about how the minion needs to be
SLS File Layout
SLS files are laid out in the Salt file server.
A simple layout can look like this:
top.sls ssh.sls sshd_config users/init.sls users/admin.sls salt/master.sls web/init.sls
The top.sls file is a key component. The top.sls files is used to determine which SLS files should be applied to which minions.
The rest of the files with the .sls extension in the above example are state files.
Files without a .sls extensions are seen by the Salt master as files that can be downloaded to a Salt minion.
States are translated into dot notation. For example, the ssh.sls file is seen as the ssh state and the users/admin.sls file is seen as the users.admin state.
Files named init.sls are translated to be the state name of the parent directory, so the web/init.sls file translates to the web state.
In Salt, everything is a file; there is no "magic translation" of files and file
types. This means that a state file can be distributed to minions just like a
plain text or binary file.
SLS Files
The Salt state files are simple sets of data. Since SLS files are just data they can be represented in a number of different ways.
The default format is YAML generated from a Jinja template. This allows for the states files to have all the language constructs of Python and the simplicity of YAML.
State files can then be complicated Jinja templates that translate down to YAML, or just plain and simple YAML files.
The State files are simply common data structures such as dictionaries and lists, constructed using a templating language such as YAML.
Here is an example of a Salt State:
vim: pkg.installed: [] salt: pkg.latest: - name: salt service.running: - names: - salt-master - salt-minion - require: - pkg: salt - watch: - file: /etc/salt/minion /etc/salt/minion: file.managed: - source: salt://salt/minion - user: root - group: root - mode: 644 - require: - pkg: salt
This short stanza will ensure that vim is installed, Salt is installed and up
to date, the salt-master and salt-minion daemons are running and the Salt
minion configuration file is in place. It will also ensure everything is
deployed in the right order and that the Salt services are restarted when the
watched file updated.
The Top File
The top file controls the mapping between minions and the states which should be applied to them.
The top file specifies which minions should have which SLS files applied and which environments they should draw those SLS files from.
The top file works by specifying environments on the top-level.
Each environment contains globs to match minions. Finally, each glob contains a list of lists of Salt states to apply to matching minions:
base: '*': - salt - users - users.admin 'saltmaster.*': - match: pcre - salt.master
This above example uses the base environment which is built into the default Salt setup.
The base environment has two globs. First, the '*' glob contains a list of SLS files to apply to all minions.
The second glob contains a regular expression that will match all minions with
an ID matching saltmaster.* and specifies that for those minions, the salt.master
state should be applied.
Reloading Modules
Some Salt states require that specific packages be installed in order for the module to load. As an example the pip state module requires the pip package for proper name and version parsing.
In most of the common cases, Salt is clever enough to transparently reload the modules. For example, if you install a package, Salt reloads modules because some other module or state might require just that package which was installed.
On some edge-cases salt might need to be told to reload the modules. Consider the following state file which we'll call pep8.sls:
python-pip: - name: | easy_install --script-dir=/usr/bin -U pip - cwd: / pep8: pip.installed: - require: - cmd: python-pip
The above example installs pip using easy_install from setuptools and installs pep8 using pip, which, as told earlier, requires pip to be installed system-wide. Let's execute this state:
salt-call state.sls pep8
The execution output would be something like:
---------- State: - pip Name: pep8 Function: installed Result: False Comment: State pip.installed found in sls pep8 is unavailable Changes: Summary ------------ Succeeded: 1 Failed: 1 ------------ Total: 2
If we executed the state again the output would be:
---------- State: - pip Name: pep8 Function: installed Result: True Comment: Package was successfully installed Changes: pep8==1.4.6: Installed Summary ------------ Succeeded: 2 Failed: 0 ------------ Total: 2
Since we installed pip using cmd, Salt has no way to know that a system-wide package was installed.
On the second execution, since the required pip package was installed, the state executed correctly.
NOTE: Salt does not reload modules on every state run because doing so would greatly slow down state execution.
So how do we solve this edge-case? reload_modules!
reload_modules is a boolean option recognized by salt on all available states which forces salt to reload its modules once a given state finishes.
The modified state file would now be:
python-pip: - name: | easy_install --script-dir=/usr/bin -U pip - cwd: / - reload_modules: true pep8: pip.installed: - require: - cmd: python-pip
Let's run it, once:
salt-call state.sls pep8
The output is:
---------- State: - pip Name: pep8 Function: installed Result: True Comment: Package was successfully installed Changes: pep8==1.4.6: Installed Summary ------------ Succeeded: 2 Failed: 0 ------------ Total: 2
Full list of builtin state modules
alias |
Configuration of email aliases
alternatives |
Configuration of the alternatives system
apache |
Apache state
apache_module |
Manage Apache Modules
apt |
Package management operations specific to APT- and DEB-based systems
archive |
Extract an archive
artifactory |
This state downloads artifacts from artifactory.
at |
Configuration disposable regularly scheduled tasks for at.
augeas |
Configuration management using Augeas
aws_sqs |
Manage SQS Queues
blockdev |
Management of Block Devices
boto_asg |
Manage Autoscale Groups
boto_cloudwatch_alarm |
Manage Cloudwatch alarms
boto_dynamodb |
Manage DynamoDB Tables
boto_elasticache |
Manage Elasticache
boto_elb |
Manage ELBs
boto_iam_role |
Manage IAM roles
boto_lc |
Manage Launch Configurations
boto_route53 |
Manage Route53 records
boto_secgroup |
Manage Security Groups
boto_sns |
Manage SNS Topics
boto_sqs |
Manage SQS Queues
chef |
Execute Chef client runs
cloud |
Using states instead of maps to deploy clouds
cmd |
Execution of arbitrary commands
composer |
Installation of Composer Packages
cron |
Management of cron, the Unix command scheduler
cyg |
Installation of Cygwin packages.
ddns |
Dynamic DNS updates
debconfmod |
Management of debconf selections
disk |
Disk monitoring state
dockerio |
Manage Docker containers
drac |
Management of Dell DRAC
environ |
Support for getting and setting the environment variables of the current salt process.
eselect |
Management of Gentoo configuration using eselect
event |
Send events through Salt's event system during state runs
file |
Operations on regular files, special files, directories, and symlinks
gem |
Installation of Ruby modules packaged as gems
git |
Interaction with Git repositories
glusterfs |
Manage glusterfs pool.
gnomedesktop |
Configuration of the GNOME desktop
grafana |
Manage Grafana Dashboards
grains |
Manage grains on the minion
group |
Management of user groups
hg |
Interaction with Mercurial repositories
hipchat |
Send a message to Hipchat
host |
Management of addresses and names in hosts file
htpasswd |
Support for htpasswd module
http |
HTTP monitoring states
incron |
Management of incron, the inotify cron
influxdb_database |
Management of InfluxDB databases
influxdb_user |
Management of InfluxDB users
ini_manage |
Manage ini files
ipmi |
Manage IPMI devices over LAN
ipset |
Management of ipsets
iptables |
Management of iptables
jboss7 |
Manage JBoss 7 Application Server via CLI interface
keyboard |
Management of keyboard layouts
keystone |
Management of Keystone users
kmod |
Loading and unloading of kernel modules
layman |
Management of Gentoo Overlays using layman
libvirt |
Manage libvirt certificates
linux_acl |
Linux File Access Control Lists
locale |
Management of languages/locales
lvm |
Management of Linux logical volumes
lvs_server |
Management of LVS (Linux Virtual Server) Real Server
lvs_service |
Management of LVS (Linux Virtual Server) Service
lxc |
Manage Linux Containers
makeconf |
Management of Gentoo make.conf
mdadm |
Managing software RAID with mdadm
memcached |
States for Management of Memcached Keys
modjk |
State to control Apache modjk
modjk_worker |
Manage modjk workers
module |
Execution of Salt modules from within states
mongodb_database |
Management of Mongodb databases
mongodb_user |
Management of Mongodb users
mount |
Mounting of filesystems
mysql_database |
Management of MySQL databases (schemas)
mysql_grants |
Management of MySQL grants (user permissions)
mysql_query |
Execution of MySQL queries
mysql_user |
Management of MySQL users
network |
Configuration of network interfaces
nftables |
Management of nftables
npm |
Installation of NPM Packages
ntp |
Management of NTP servers
openstack_config |
Manage OpenStack configuration file settings.
pagerduty |
Create an Event in PagerDuty
pecl |
Installation of PHP Extensions Using pecl
pip_state |
Installation of Python Packages Using pip
pkg |
Installation of packages using OS package managers such as yum or apt-get
pkgng |
Manage package remote repo using FreeBSD pkgng
pkgrepo |
Management of APT/YUM package repos
portage_config |
Management of Portage package configuration on Gentoo
ports |
Manage software from FreeBSD ports
postgres_database |
Management of PostgreSQL databases
postgres_extension |
Management of PostgreSQL extensions (e.g.: postgis)
postgres_group |
Management of PostgreSQL groups (roles)
postgres_schema |
Management of PostgreSQL schemas
postgres_user |
Management of PostgreSQL users (roles)
powerpath |
Powerpath configuration support
process |
Process Management
pyenv |
Managing python installations with pyenv
pyrax_queues |
Manage Rackspace Queues
quota |
Management of POSIX Quotas
rabbitmq_cluster |
Manage RabbitMQ Clusters
rabbitmq_plugin |
Manage RabbitMQ Plugins
rabbitmq_policy |
Manage RabbitMQ Policies
rabbitmq_user |
Manage RabbitMQ Users
rabbitmq_vhost |
Manage RabbitMQ Virtual Hosts
rbenv |
Managing Ruby installations with rbenv
rdp |
Manage RDP Service on Windows servers
redismod |
Management of Redis server
reg |
rvm |
Managing Ruby installations and gemsets with Ruby Version Manager (RVM)
saltmod |
Control the Salt command interface
schedule |
Management of the Salt scheduler
selinux |
Management of SELinux rules
serverdensity_device |
Monitor Server with Server Density
service |
Starting or restarting of services and daemons
slack |
Send a message to Slack
smtp |
Sending Messages via SMTP
splunk_search |
Splunk Search State Module
ssh_auth |
Control of entries in SSH authorized_key files
ssh_known_hosts |
Control of SSH known_hosts entries
stateconf |
Stateconf System
status |
Minion status monitoring
supervisord |
Interaction with the Supervisor daemon
svn |
Manage SVN repositories
sysctl |
Configuration of the Linux kernel using sysctl
syslog_ng |
State module for syslog_ng
sysrc |
test |
Test States
timezone |
Management of timezones
tls |
Enforce state for SSL/TLS
tomcat |
This state uses the manager webapp to manage Apache tomcat webapps
user |
Management of user accounts
vbox_guest |
VirtualBox Guest Additions installer state
virtualenv_mod |
Setup of Python virtualenv sandboxes.
win_dns_client |
Module for configuring DNS Client on Windows systems
win_firewall |
State for configuring Windows Firewall
win_network |
Configuration of network interfaces on Windows hosts
win_path |
Manage the Windows System PATH
win_servermanager |
Manage Windows features via the ServerManager powershell module
win_system |
Management of Windows system information
win_update |
Management of the windows update agent
winrepo |
Manage Windows Package Repository
xmpp |
Sending Messages over XMPP
zcbuildout |
Management of zc.buildout
zk_concurrency |
Control concurrency of steps within state execution using zookeeper
Configuration of email aliases
The mail aliases file can be managed to contain definitions for specific email aliases:
username: alias.present: - target: user [at]
thomas: alias.present: - target: thomas [at]
- salt.states.alias.absent(name)
- Ensure that the named alias is absent
- name
- The alias to remove
- salt.states.alias.present(name, target)
- Ensures that the named alias is present with the given target or list of targets. If the alias exists but the target differs from the previous entry, the target(s) will be overwritten. If the alias does not exist, the alias will be created.
- name
- The local user/address to assign an alias to
- target
- The forwarding address
Configuration of the alternatives system
Control the alternatives system
{% set my_hadoop_conf = '/opt/hadoop/conf' %} {{ my_hadoop_conf }}: hadoop-0.20-conf: alternatives.install: - name: hadoop-0.20-conf - link: /etc/hadoop-0.20/conf - path: {{ my_hadoop_conf }} - priority: 30 - require: - file: {{ my_hadoop_conf }} hadoop-0.20-conf: alternatives.remove: - name: hadoop-0.20-conf - path: {{ my_hadoop_conf }}
New in version 0.17.0.
Instruct alternatives to use the highest priority path for <name>
- name
- is the master name for this link group (e.g. pager)
- salt.states.alternatives.install(name, link, path, priority)
- Install new alternative for defined <name>
- name
- is the master name for this link group (e.g. pager)
- link
- is the symlink pointing to /etc/alternatives/<name>. (e.g. /usr/bin/pager)
- path
- is the location of the new alternative target. NB: This file / directory must already exist. (e.g. /usr/bin/less)
- priority
- is an integer; options with higher numbers have higher priority in automatic mode.
- salt.states.alternatives.remove(name, path)
- Removes installed alternative for defined <name> and <path> or fallback to default alternative, if some defined before.
- name
- is the master name for this link group (e.g. pager)
- path
- is the location of one of the alternative target files. (e.g. /usr/bin/less)
- salt.states.alternatives.set_(name, path)
New in version 0.17.0.
Sets alternative for <name> to <path>, if <path> is defined as an alternative for <name>.
- name
- is the master name for this link group (e.g. pager)
- path
- is the location of one of the alternative target files. (e.g. /usr/bin/less)
Apache state
New in version 2014.7.0.
Allows for inputting a yaml dictionary into a file for apache configuration files.
The variable this is special and signifies what should be included with the above word between angle brackets (<>).
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ apache.configfile: - config: - VirtualHost: this: '*:80' ServerName: - ServerAlias: - - ErrorLog: logs/ CustomLog: logs/ combined DocumentRoot: /var/www/vhosts/ Directory: this: /var/www/vhosts/ Order: Deny,Allow Deny from: all Allow from: - - Options: - +Indexes - FollowSymlinks AllowOverride: All
- salt.states.apache.configfile(name, config)
Manage Apache Modules
New in version 2014.7.0.
Enable and disable apache modules.
Enable cgi module: apache_module.enable: - name: cgi Disable cgi module: apache_module.disable: - name: cgi
- salt.states.apache_module.disable(name)
- Ensure an Apache module is disabled.
- name
- Name of the Apache module
- salt.states.apache_module.enable(name)
- Ensure an Apache module is enabled.
- name
- Name of the Apache module
Package management operations specific to APT- and DEB-based systems
- salt.states.apt.held(name)
- Set package in 'hold' state, meaning it will not be upgraded.
- name
- The name of the package, e.g., 'tmux'
Extract an archive
New in version 2014.1.0.
- salt.states.archive.extracted(name, source, archive_format, archive_user=None, tar_options=None, source_hash=None, if_missing=None, keep=False)
New in version 2014.1.0.
State that make sure an archive is extracted in a directory. The downloaded archive is erased if successfully extracted. The archive is downloaded only if necessary.
NOTE: If if_missing is not defined, this state will check for name instead. If name exists, it will assume the archive was previously extracted successfully and will not extract it again.
graylog2-server: archive.extracted: - name: /opt/ - source: - source_hash: md5=499ae16dcae71eeb7c3a30c75ea7a1a6 - tar_options: J - archive_format: tar - if_missing: /opt/graylog2-server-0.9.6p1/
graylog2-server: archive.extracted: - name: /opt/ - source: - source_hash: md5=499ae16dcae71eeb7c3a30c75ea7a1a6 - archive_format: tar - tar_options: v - if_missing: /opt/graylog2-server-0.9.6p1/
- name
- Directory name where to extract the archive
- source
- Archive source, same syntax as file.managed source argument.
- source_hash
- Hash of source file, or file with list of hash-to-file mappings. It uses the same syntax as the file.managed source_hash argument.
- archive_format
- tar, zip or rar
- archive_user:
- user to extract files as
- if_missing
- Some archives, such as tar, extract themselves in a subfolder. This directive can be used to validate if the archive had been previously extracted.
- tar_options
- Required if used with archive_format: tar, otherwise optional. It needs to be the tar argument specific to the archive being extracted, such as 'J' for LZMA or 'v' to verbosely list files processed. Using this option means that the tar executable on the target will be used, which is less platform independent. Main operators like -x, --extract, --get, -c and -f/--file should not be used here. If archive_format is zip or rar and this option is not set, then the Python tarfile module is used. The tarfile module supports gzip and bz2 in Python 2.
- keep
- Keep the archive in the minion's cache
This state downloads artifacts from artifactory.
- salt.states.artifactory.downloaded(name, artifact, target_dir='/tmp', target_file=None)
- Ensures that the artifact from artifactory exists at given location. If it doesn't exist, then it will be downloaded. It it already exists then the checksum of existing file is checked against checksum in artifactory. If it is different then the step will fail.
- artifact:
- Details of the artifact to be downloaded from artifactory.
- •
- artifactory_url: URL of the artifactory instance
- •
- repository: Repository in artifactory
- •
- artifact_id: Artifact ID
- •
- group_id: Group ID
- •
- packaging: Packaging
- •
- version: Version
- target_dir:
- Directory where the artifact should be downloaded. By default it is downloaded to /tmp directory.
- target_file:
Target file to download artifact to. By default file name is resolved by artifactory.
Example:: Download artifact to a specific file:
jboss_module_downloaded: artifactory.downloaded: - artifact: artifactory_url: repository: 'libs-release-local' artifact_id: 'module' group_id: '' packaging: 'jar' version: '1.0' - target_file: /opt/jboss7/modules/com/company/lib/module.jar
Download artifact to the folder (automatically resolves file name):
jboss_module_downloaded: artifactory.downloaded: - artifact: artifactory_url: repository: 'libs-release-local' artifact_id: 'module' group_id: '' packaging: 'jar' version: '1.0' - target_dir: /opt/jboss7/modules/com/company/lib
Configuration disposable regularly scheduled tasks for at.
The at state can be add disposable regularly scheduled tasks for your system.
-, jobid=None, **kwargs)
- Remove a job from queue The 'kwargs' can include hour. minute. day. month. year
- limit
- Target range
- tag
- Job's tag
- runas
Runs user-specified jobs
example1: at.absent: - limit: all
example2: at.absent: - limit: all - year: 13
example3: at.absent: - limit: all - tag: rose - runas: jim
example4: at.absent: - limit: all - tag: rose - day: 13 - hour: 16
-, timespec, tag=None, user=None, job=None)
- Add a job to queue.
- job
- Command to run.
- timespec
- The 'timespec' follows the format documented in the at(1) manpage.
- tag
- Make a tag for the job.
- user
The user to run the at job
New in version 2014.1.4.
rose: at.present: - job: 'echo "I love saltstack" > love' - timespec: '9:09 11/09/13' - tag: love - user: jam
Configuration management using Augeas
New in version 0.17.0.
This state requires the augeas Python module.
Augeas can be used to manage configuration files.
WARNING: Minimal installations of Debian and Ubuntu have been seen to have packaging bugs with python-augeas, causing the augeas module to fail to import. If the minion has the augeas module installed, and the state fails with a comment saying that the state is unavailable, first restart the salt-minion service. If the problem persists past that, the following command can be run from the master to determine what is causing the import to fail:
salt minion-id 'python -c "from augeas import Augeas"'
For affected Debian/Ubuntu hosts, installing libpython2.7 has been known to resolve the issue.
- salt.states.augeas.change(name, context=None, changes=None, lens=None, **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
This state replaces setvalue().
Issue changes to Augeas, optionally for a specific context, with a specific lens.
- name
- State name
- context
A file path, prefixed by /files. Should resolve to an actual file
(not an arbitrary augeas path). This is used to avoid duplicating the
file name for each item in the changes list (for example, set bind
in the example below operates on the file specified by context). If
context is not specified, a file path prefixed by /files should be
included with the set command.
The file path is examined to determine if the specified changes are already present.
redis-conf: augeas.change: - context: /files/etc/redis/redis.conf - changes: - set bind - set maxmemory 1G
- changes
- List of changes that are issued to Augeas. Available commands are set, setm, mv/move, ins/insert, and rm/remove.
- lens
The lens to use, needs to be suffixed with .lns, e.g.: Nginx.lns. See
the list of stock lenses
shipped with Augeas.
Usage examples:
Set the bind parameter in /etc/redis/redis.conf:
redis-conf: augeas.change: - changes: - set /files/etc/redis/redis.conf/bind
NOTE: Use the context parameter to specify the file you want to manipulate. This way you don't have to include this in the changes every time:
redis-conf: augeas.change: - context: /files/etc/redis/redis.conf - changes: - set bind - set databases 4 - set maxmemory 1G
Augeas is aware of a lot of common configuration files and their syntax. It knows the difference between for example ini and yaml files, but also files with very specific syntax, like the hosts file. This is done with lenses, which provide mappings between the Augeas tree and the file.
There are many preconfigured lenses that come with Augeas by default, and they specify the common locations for configuration files. So most of the time Augeas will know how to manipulate a file. In the event that you need to manipulate a file that Augeas doesn't know about, you can specify the lens to use like this:
redis-conf: augeas.change: - lens: redis - context: /files/etc/redis/redis.conf - changes: - set bind
NOTE: Even though Augeas knows that /etc/redis/redis.conf is a Redis configuration file and knows how to parse it, it is recommended to specify the lens anyway. This is because by default, Augeas loads all known lenses and their associated file paths. All these files are parsed when Augeas is loaded, which can take some time. When specifying a lens, Augeas is loaded with only that lens, which speeds things up quite a bit.
A more complex example, this adds an entry to the services file for Zabbix, and removes an obsolete service:
zabbix-service: augeas.change: - lens: services - context: /files/etc/services - changes: - ins service-name after service-name[last()] - set service-name[last()] zabbix-agent - set service-name[. = 'zabbix-agent']/#comment "Zabbix Agent service" - set service-name[. = 'zabbix-agent']/port 10050 - set service-name[. = 'zabbix-agent']/protocol tcp - rm service-name[. = 'im-obsolete'] - unless: grep "zabbix-agent" /etc/services
WARNING: Don't forget the unless here, otherwise a new entry will be added every time this state is run.
Manage SQS Queues
Create and destroy SQS queues. Be aware that this interacts with Amazon's services, and so may incur charges.
This module uses the awscli tool provided by Amazon. This can be downloaded from pip. Also check the documentation for awscli for configuration information.
myqueue: aws_sqs.exists: - region: eu-west-1
- salt.states.aws_sqs.absent(name, region, user=None, opts=False)
- Remove the named SQS queue if it exists.
- name
- Name of the SQS queue.
- region
- Region to remove the queue from
- user
- Name of the user performing the SQS operations
- opts
- Include additional arguments and options to the aws command line
- salt.states.aws_sqs.exists(name, region, user=None, opts=False)
- Ensure the SQS queue exists.
- name
- Name of the SQS queue.
- region
- Region to create the queue
- user
- Name of the user performing the SQS operations
- opts
- Include additional arguments and options to the aws command line
Management of Block Devices
A state module to manage blockdevices
/dev/sda: blockdev.tuned: - read-only: True master-data: blockdev.tuned:: - name : /dev/vg/master-data - read-only: True - read-ahead: 1024
New in version 2014.7.0.
- salt.states.blockdev.formatted(name, fs_type='ext4', **kwargs)
- Manage filesystems of partitions.
- name
- The name of the block device
- fs_type
- The filesystem it should be formatted as
- salt.states.blockdev.tuned(name, **kwargs)
- Manage options of block device
- name
- The name of the block device
- opts:
- •
- read-ahead
- Read-ahead buffer size
- •
- filesystem-read-ahead
- Filesystem Read-ahead buffer size
- •
- read-only
- Set Read-Only
- •
- read-write
- Set Read-Write
Manage Autoscale Groups
New in version 2014.7.0.
Create and destroy autoscale groups. Be aware that this interacts with Amazon's services, and so may incur charges.
This module uses boto, which can be installed via package, or pip.
This module accepts explicit autoscale credentials but can also utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance trough Instance Profiles. Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further configuration is necessary. More Information available at:
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar or in the minion's config file:
asg.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H asg.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either as a passed in dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
myprofile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
Ensure myasg exists: boto_asg.present: - name: myasg - launch_config_name: mylc - availability_zones: - us-east-1a - us-east-1b - min_size: 1 - max_size: 1 - desired_capacity: 1 - load_balancers: - myelb - suspended_processes: - AddToLoadBalancer - AlarmNotification - scaling_policies ---------- - adjustment_type: ChangeInCapacity - as_name: api-production-iad - cooldown: 1800 - min_adjustment_step: None - name: ScaleDown - scaling_adjustment: -1 - region: us-east-1 - keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H - key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs # Using a profile from pillars. Ensure myasg exists: boto_asg.present: - name: myasg - launch_config_name: mylc - availability_zones: - us-east-1a - us-east-1b - min_size: 1 - max_size: 1 - desired_capacity: 1 - load_balancers: - myelb - profile: myprofile # Passing in a profile. Ensure myasg exists: boto_asg.present: - name: myasg - launch_config_name: mylc - availability_zones: - us-east-1a - us-east-1b - min_size: 1 - max_size: 1 - desired_capacity: 1 - load_balancers: - myelb - profile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1 # Deleting an autoscale group with running instances. Ensure myasg is deleted: boto_asg.absent: - name: myasg # If instances exist, we must force the deletion of the asg. - force: True
It's possible to specify cloudwatch alarms that will be setup along with the ASG. Note the alarm name will be the name attribute defined, plus the ASG resource name.
Ensure myasg exists: boto_asg.present: - name: myasg - launch_config_name: mylc - availability_zones: - us-east-1a - us-east-1b - min_size: 1 - max_size: 1 - desired_capacity: 1 - load_balancers: - myelb - profile: myprofile - alarms: CPU: name: 'ASG CPU **MANAGED BY SALT**' attributes: metric: CPUUtilization namespace: AWS/EC2 statistic: Average comparison: '>=' threshold: 65.0 period: 60 evaluation_periods: 30 unit: null description: 'ASG CPU' alarm_actions: [ 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:12345:myalarm' ] insufficient_data_actions: [] ok_actions: [ 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:12345:myalarm' ]
You can also use alarms from pillars, and override values from the pillar alarms by setting overrides on the resource. Note that 'boto_asg_alarms' will be used as a default value for all resources, if defined and can be used to ensure alarms are always set for an ASG resource.
Setting the alarms in a pillar:
my_asg_alarm: CPU: name: 'ASG CPU **MANAGED BY SALT**' attributes: metric: CPUUtilization namespace: AWS/EC2 statistic: Average comparison: '>=' threshold: 65.0 period: 60 evaluation_periods: 30 unit: null description: 'ASG CPU' alarm_actions: [ 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:12345:myalarm' ] insufficient_data_actions: [] ok_actions: [ 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:12345:myalarm' ]
Overriding the alarm values on the resource:
Ensure myasg exists: boto_asg.present: - name: myasg - launch_config_name: mylc - availability_zones: - us-east-1a - us-east-1b - min_size: 1 - max_size: 1 - desired_capacity: 1 - load_balancers: - myelb - profile: myprofile - alarms_from_pillar: my_asg_alarm # override CPU:attributes:threshold - alarms: CPU: attributes: threshold: 50.0
- salt.states.boto_asg.absent(name, force=False, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the named autoscale group is deleted.
- name
- Name of the autoscale group.
- force
- Force deletion of autoscale group.
- region
- The region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
- salt.states.boto_asg.present(name, launch_config_name, availability_zones, min_size, max_size, launch_config=None, desired_capacity=None, load_balancers=None, default_cooldown=None, health_check_type=None, health_check_period=None, placement_group=None, vpc_zone_identifier=None, tags=None, termination_policies=None, suspended_processes=None, scaling_policies=None, alarms=None, alarms_from_pillar='boto_asg_alarms', region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the autoscale group exists.
- name
Name of the autoscale group.
launch_config_name Name of the launch config to use for the group. Or, if launch_config is specified, this will be the launch config name's prefix. (see below)
launch_config A dictionary of launch config attributes. If specified, a launch config will be used or created, matching this set of attributes, and the autoscale group will be set to use that launch config. The launch config name will be the launch_config_name followed by a hyphen followed by a hash of the launch_config dict contents.
- availability_zones
- List of availability zones for the group.
- min_size
- Minimum size of the group.
- max_size
- Maximum size of the group.
- desired_capacity
- The desired capacity of the group.
- load_balancers
- List of load balancers for the group. Once set this can not be updated (Amazon restriction).
- default_cooldown
- Number of seconds after a Scaling Activity completes before any further scaling activities can start.
- health_check_type
- The service you want the health status from, Amazon EC2 or Elastic Load Balancer (EC2 or ELB).
- health_check_period
- Length of time in seconds after a new EC2 instance comes into service that Auto Scaling starts checking its health.
- placement_group
- Physical location of your cluster placement group created in Amazon EC2. Once set this can not be updated (Amazon restriction).
- vpc_zone_identifier
- A list of the subnet identifiers of the Virtual Private Cloud.
- tags
- A list of tags. Example:
- •
- key: 'key' value: 'value' propagate_at_launch: true
- termination_policies
- A list of termination policies. Valid values are: “OldestInstance”, “NewestInstance”, “OldestLaunchConfiguration”, “ClosestToNextInstanceHour”, “Default”. If no value is specified, the “Default” value is used.
- suspended_processes
- List of processes to be suspended. see
- scaling_policies
- List of scaling policies. Each policy is a dict of key-values described by
- alarms:
- a dictionary of name->boto_cloudwatch_alarm sections to be associated with this ASG. All attributes should be specified except for dimension which will be automatically set to this ASG. See the boto_cloudwatch_alarm state for information about these attributes.
- alarms_from_pillar:
- name of pillar dict that contains alarm settings. Alarms defined for this specific state will override those from pillar.
- region
- The region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
Manage Cloudwatch alarms
New in version 2014.7.0.
Create and destroy cloudwatch alarms. Be aware that this interacts with Amazon's services, and so may incur charges.
This module uses boto, which can be installed via package, or pip.
This module accepts explicit credentials but can also utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance trough Instance Profiles. Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further configuration is necessary. More Information available at:
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar or in the minion's config file:
cloudwatch.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H cloudwatch.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either as a passed in dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
myprofile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
my test alarm: boto_cloudwatch_alarm.present: - name: my test alarm - attributes: metric: ApproximateNumberOfMessagesVisible namespace: AWS/SQS statistic: Average comparison: ">=" threshold: 20000.0 period: 60 evaluation_periods: 1 description: test alarm via salt dimensions: QueueName: - the-sqs-queue-name alarm_actions: - arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:1111111:myalerting-action
- salt.states.boto_cloudwatch_alarm.absent(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the named cloudwatch alarm is deleted.
- name
- Name of the alarm.
- region
- Region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
- salt.states.boto_cloudwatch_alarm.present(name, attributes, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the cloudwatch alarm exists.
- name
- Name of the alarm
- attributes
- A dict of key/value cloudwatch alarm attributes.
- region
- Region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
Manage DynamoDB Tables
New in version 2015.5.0.
Create and destroy DynamoDB tables. Be aware that this interacts with Amazon's services, and so may incur charges.
This module uses boto, which can be installed via package, or pip.
This module accepts explicit DynamoDB credentials but can also utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance through Instance Profiles. Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further configuration is necessary. More information available here.
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar file or in the minion's config file:
keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either passed in as a dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
myprofile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
- Ensure DynamoDB table does not exist:
- boto_dynamodb.absent:
- •
- table_name: new_table
- •
- •
- key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
- •
- region: us-east-1
- Ensure DynamoDB table exists:
- boto_dynamodb.present:
- •
- table_name: new_table
- •
- read_capacity_units: 1
- •
- write_capacity_units: 2
- •
- hash_key: primary_id
- •
- hash_key_data_type: N
- •
- range_key: start_timestamp
- •
- range_key_data_type: N
- •
- •
- key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
- •
- region: us-east-1
- •
- local_indexes:
- •
- index:
- •
- name: "primary_id_end_timestamp_index"
- •
- hash_key: primary_id
- •
- hash_key_data_type: N
- •
- range_key: end_timestamp
- •
- range_key_data_type: N
- •
- global_indexes:
- •
- index:
- •
- name: "name_end_timestamp_index"
- •
- hash_key: name
- •
- hash_key_data_type: S
- •
- range_key: end_timestamp
- •
- range_key_data_type: N
- •
- read_capacity_units: 3
- •
- write_capacity_units: 4
- salt.states.boto_dynamodb.absent(table_name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the DynamoDB table does not exist.
- table_name
- Name of the DynamoDB table.
- region
- Region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
- salt.states.boto_dynamodb.present(table_name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None, read_capacity_units=None, write_capacity_units=None, hash_key=None, hash_key_data_type=None, range_key=None, range_key_data_type=None, local_indexes=None, global_indexes=None)
- Ensure the DynamoDB table exists. Note: all properties of the table can only be set during table creation. Adding or changing indexes or key schema cannot be done after table creation
- table_name
- Name of the DynamoDB table
- region
- Region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
- read_capacity_units
- The read throughput for this table
- write_capacity_units
- The write throughput for this table
- hash_key
- The name of the attribute that will be used as the hash key for this table
- hash_key_data_type
- The DynamoDB datatype of the hash key
- range_key
- The name of the attribute that will be used as the range key for this table
- range_key_data_type
- The DynamoDB datatype of the range key
- local_indexes
- The local indexes you would like to create
- global_indexes
- The local indexes you would like to create
Manage Elasticache
New in version 2014.7.0.
Create, destroy and update Elasticache clusters. Be aware that this interacts with Amazon's services, and so may incur charges.
Note: This module currently only supports creation and deletion of elasticache resources and will not modify clusters when their configuration changes in your state files.
This module uses boto, which can be installed via package, or pip.
This module accepts explicit elasticache credentials but can also utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance through Instance Profiles. Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further configuration is necessary. More information available here.
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar file or in the minion's config file:
elasticache.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H elasticache.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either passed in as a dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
myprofile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
Ensure myelasticache exists: boto_elasticache.present: - name: myelasticache - engine: redis - cache_node_type: cache.t1.micro - num_cache_nodes: 1 - notification_topic_arn: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:879879:my-sns-topic - region: us-east-1 - keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H - key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs # Using a profile from pillars Ensure myelasticache exists: boto_elasticache.present: - name: myelasticache - engine: redis - cache_node_type: cache.t1.micro - num_cache_nodes: 1 - notification_topic_arn: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:879879:my-sns-topic - region: us-east-1 - profile: myprofile # Passing in a profile Ensure myelasticache exists: boto_elasticache.present: - name: myelasticache - engine: redis - cache_node_type: cache.t1.micro - num_cache_nodes: 1 - notification_topic_arn: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:879879:my-sns-topic - region: us-east-1 - profile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
- salt.states.boto_elasticache.absent(name, wait=True, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the named elasticache cluster is deleted.
- name
- Name of the cache cluster.
- wait
- Boolean. Wait for confirmation from boto that the cluster is in the deleting state.
- region
- Region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
- salt.states.boto_elasticache.present(name, engine, cache_node_type, num_cache_nodes=1, preferred_availability_zone=None, port=None, cache_parameter_group_name=None, cache_security_group_names=None, replication_group_id=None, auto_minor_version_upgrade=True, security_group_ids=None, cache_subnet_group_name=None, engine_version=None, notification_topic_arn=None, preferred_maintenance_window=None, wait=True, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the cache cluster exists.
- name
- Name of the cache cluster (cache cluster id).
- engine
- The name of the cache engine to be used for this cache cluster. Valid values are memcached or redis.
- cache_node_type
- The compute and memory capacity of the nodes in the cache cluster. cache.t1.micro, cache.m1.small, etc. See:
- num_cache_nodes
- The number of cache nodes that the cache cluster will have.
- preferred_availability_zone
- The EC2 Availability Zone in which the cache cluster will be created. All cache nodes belonging to a cache cluster are placed in the preferred availability zone.
- port
- The port number on which each of the cache nodes will accept connections.
- cache_parameter_group_name
- The name of the cache parameter group to associate with this cache cluster. If this argument is omitted, the default cache parameter group for the specified engine will be used.
- cache_security_group_names
- A list of cache security group names to associate with this cache cluster. Use this parameter only when you are creating a cluster outside of a VPC.
- replication_group_id
- The replication group to which this cache cluster should belong. If this parameter is specified, the cache cluster will be added to the specified replication group as a read replica; otherwise, the cache cluster will be a standalone primary that is not part of any replication group.
- auto_minor_version_upgrade
- Determines whether minor engine upgrades will be applied automatically to the cache cluster during the maintenance window. A value of True allows these upgrades to occur; False disables automatic upgrades.
- security_group_ids
- One or more VPC security groups associated with the cache cluster. Use this parameter only when you are creating a cluster in a VPC.
- cache_subnet_group_name
- The name of the cache subnet group to be used for the cache cluster. Use this parameter only when you are creating a cluster in a VPC.
- engine_version
- The version number of the cache engine to be used for this cluster.
- notification_topic_arn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic to which notifications will be sent. The Amazon SNS topic owner must be the same as the cache cluster owner.
- preferred_maintenance_window
- The weekly time range (in UTC) during which system maintenance can occur. Example: sun:05:00-sun:09:00
- wait
- Boolean. Wait for confirmation from boto that the cluster is in the creating state.
- region
- Region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
Manage ELBs
New in version 2014.7.0.
Create and destroy ELBs. Be aware that this interacts with Amazon's services, and so may incur charges.
This module uses boto, which can be installed via package, or pip.
This module accepts explicit elb credentials but can also utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance through Instance Profiles. Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further configuration is necessary. More information available here.
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar file or in the minion's config file:
elb.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H elb.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either passed in as a dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
myprofile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
Ensure myelb ELB exists: boto_elb.present: - name: myelb - region: us-east-1 - availability_zones: - us-east-1a - us-east-1c - us-east-1d - keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H - key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs - listeners: - elb_port: 443 instance_port: 80 elb_protocol: HTTPS instance_protocol: HTTP certificate: 'arn:aws:iam::1111111:server-certificate/mycert' - elb_port: 8210 instance_port: 8210 elb_protocol: TCP - health_check: target: 'HTTP:80/' - attributes: cross_zone_load_balancing: enabled: true access_log: enabled: true s3_bucket_name: 'mybucket' s3_bucket_prefix: 'my-logs' emit_interval: 5 - cnames: - name: zone: ttl: 60 - name: zone: # Using a profile from pillars Ensure myelb ELB exists: boto_elb.present: - name: myelb - region: us-east-1 - profile: myelbprofile # Passing in a profile Ensure myelb ELB exists: boto_elb.present: - name: myelb - region: us-east-1 - profile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
It's possible to specify attributes from pillars by specifying a pillar. You can override the values defined in the pillard by setting the attributes on the resource. The module will use the default pillar key 'boto_elb_attributes', which allows you to set default attributes for all ELB resources.
Setting the attributes pillar:
my_elb_attributes: cross_zone_load_balancing: enabled: true connection_draining: enabled: true timeout: 20 access_log: enabled: true s3_bucket_name: 'mybucket' s3_bucket_prefix: 'my-logs' emit_interval: 5
Overriding the attribute values on the resource:
Ensure myelb ELB exists: boto_elb.present: - name: myelb - region: us-east-1 - attributes_from_pillar: my_elb_attributes # override cross_zone_load_balancing:enabled - attributes: cross_zone_load_balancing: enabled: false - profile: myelbprofile
It's possible to specify cloudwatch alarms that will be setup along with the ELB. Note the alarm name will be defined by the name attribute provided, plus the ELB resource name.
Ensure myelb ELB exists: boto_elb.present: - name: myelb - region: us-east-1 - profile: myelbprofile - alarms: UnHealthyHostCount: name: 'ELB UnHealthyHostCount **MANAGED BY SALT**' attributes: metric: UnHealthyHostCount namespace: AWS/ELB statistic: Average comparison: '>=' threshold: 1.0 period: 600 evaluation_periods: 6 unit: null description: ELB UnHealthyHostCount alarm_actions: ['arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:12345:myalarm'] insufficient_data_actions: [] ok_actions: ['arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:12345:myalarm']
You can also use alarms from pillars, and override values from the pillar alarms by setting overrides on the resource. Note that 'boto_elb_alarms' will be used as a default value for all resources, if defined and can be used to ensure alarms are always set for a resource.
Setting the alarms in a pillar:
my_elb_alarm: UnHealthyHostCount: name: 'ELB UnHealthyHostCount **MANAGED BY SALT**' attributes: metric: UnHealthyHostCount namespace: AWS/ELB statistic: Average comparison: '>=' threshold: 1.0 period: 600 evaluation_periods: 6 unit: null description: ELB UnHealthyHostCount alarm_actions: ['arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:12345:myalarm'] insufficient_data_actions: [] ok_actions: ['arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:12345:myalarm']
Overriding the alarm values on the resource:
Ensure myelb ELB exists: boto_elb.present: - name: myelb - region: us-east-1 - profile: myelbprofile - alarms_from_pillar: my_elb_alarm # override UnHealthyHostCount:attributes:threshold - alarms: UnHealthyHostCount: attributes: threshold: 2.0
- salt.states.boto_elb.absent(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- salt.states.boto_elb.present(name, listeners, availability_zones=None, subnets=None, security_groups=None, scheme='internet-facing', health_check=None, attributes=None, attributes_from_pillar='boto_elb_attributes', cnames=None, alarms=None, alarms_from_pillar='boto_elb_alarms', region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the IAM role exists.
- name
- Name of the IAM role.
- availability_zones
- A list of availability zones for this ELB.
- listeners
A list of listener lists; example:
['443', 'HTTPS', 'arn:aws:iam::1111111:server-certificate/mycert'],
['8443', '80', 'HTTPS', 'HTTP', 'arn:aws:iam::1111111:server-certificate/mycert']
- subnets
- A list of subnet IDs in your VPC to attach to your LoadBalancer.
- security_groups
- The security groups assigned to your LoadBalancer within your VPC.
- scheme
- The type of a LoadBalancer. internet-facing or internal. Once set, can not be modified.
- health_check
- A dict defining the health check for this ELB.
- attributes
- A dict defining the attributes to set on this ELB.
- attributes_from_pillar
- name of pillar dict that contains attributes. Attributes defined for this specific state will override those from pillar.
- cnames
- A list of cname dicts with attributes: name, zone, ttl, and identifier. See the boto_route53 state for information about these attributes.
- alarms:
- a dictionary of name->boto_cloudwatch_alarm sections to be associated with this ELB. All attributes should be specified except for dimension which will be automatically set to this ELB. See the boto_cloudwatch_alarm state for information about these attributes.
- alarms_from_pillar:
- name of pillar dict that contains alarm settings. Alarms defined for this specific state will override those from pillar.
- region
- Region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
Manage IAM roles
New in version 2014.7.0.
This module uses boto, which can be installed via package, or pip.
This module accepts explicit IAM credentials but can also utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance through Instance Profiles. Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further configuration is necessary. More information available here.
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar file or in the minion's config file:
iam.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H iam.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either passed in as a dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
myprofile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
Creating a role will automatically create an instance profile and associate it with the role. This is the default behavior of the AWS console.
myrole: boto_iam_role.present: - region: us-east-1 - key: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H - keyid: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs - policies_from_pillars: - shared_iam_bootstrap_policy - policies: MySQSPolicy: Statement: - Action: - sqs:* Effect: Allow Resource: - arn:aws:sqs:*:*:* Sid: MyPolicySQS1 MyS3Policy: Statement: - Action: - s3:GetObject Effect: Allow Resource: - arn:aws:s3:*:*:mybucket/* # Using a credentials profile from pillars myrole: boto_iam_role.present: - region: us-east-1 - profile: myiamprofile # Passing in a credentials profile myrole: boto_iam_role.present: - region: us-east-1 - profile: key: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H keyid: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
- salt.states.boto_iam_role.absent(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the IAM role is deleted.
- name
- Name of the IAM role.
- region
- Region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
- salt.states.boto_iam_role.present(name, policy_document=None, path=None, policies=None, policies_from_pillars=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the IAM role exists.
- name
- Name of the IAM role.
- policy_document
- The policy that grants an entity permission to assume the role. (See
- path
- The path to the instance profile. (See
- policies
- A dict of IAM role policies.
- policies_from_pillars
- A list of pillars that contain role policy dicts. Policies in the pillars will be merged in the order defined in the list and key conflicts will be handled by later defined keys overriding earlier defined keys. The policies defined here will be merged with the policies defined in the policies argument. If keys conflict, the keys in the policies argument will override the keys defined in policies_from_pillars.
- region
- Region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
Manage Launch Configurations
New in version 2014.7.0.
Create and destroy Launch Configurations. Be aware that this interacts with Amazon's services, and so may incur charges.
A limitation of this module is that you can not modify launch configurations once they have been created. If a launch configuration with the specified name exists, this module will always report success, even if the specified configuration doesn't match. This is due to a limitation in Amazon's launch configuration API, as it only allows launch configurations to be created and deleted.
Also note that a launch configuration that's in use by an autoscale group can not be deleted until the autoscale group is no longer using it. This may affect the way in which you want to order your states.
This module uses boto, which can be installed via package, or pip.
This module accepts explicit autoscale credentials but can also utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance through Instance Profiles. Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further configuration is necessary. More information available here.
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar file or in the minion's config file:
asg.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H asg.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either passed in as a dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
myprofile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
Credential information is shared with autoscale groups as launch configurations and autoscale groups are completely dependent on each other.
Ensure mylc exists: boto_lc.present: - name: mylc - image_id: ami-0b9c9f62 - key_name: mykey - security_groups: - mygroup - instance_type: m1.small - instance_monitoring: true - block_device_mappings: - '/dev/sda1': size: 20 - cloud_init: scripts: '': | #!/bin/bash add-apt-repository -y ppa:saltstack/salt apt-get update apt-get install -y salt-minion salt-call state.highstate - region: us-east-1 - keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H - key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs # Using a profile from pillars. Ensure mylc exists: boto_lc.present: - name: mylc - image_id: ami-0b9c9f62 - profile: myprofile # Passing in a profile. Ensure mylc exists: boto_lc.present: - name: mylc - image_id: ami-0b9c9f62 - profile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
- salt.states.boto_lc.absent(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the named launch configuration is deleted.
- name
- Name of the launch configuration.
- region
- The region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
- salt.states.boto_lc.present(name, image_id, key_name=None, security_groups=None, user_data=None, cloud_init=None, instance_type='m1.small', kernel_id=None, ramdisk_id=None, block_device_mappings=None, instance_monitoring=False, spot_price=None, instance_profile_name=None, ebs_optimized=False, associate_public_ip_address=None, volume_type=None, delete_on_termination=True, iops=None, use_block_device_types=False, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the launch configuration exists.
- name
- Name of the launch configuration.
- image_id
- AMI to use for instances. AMI must exist or creation of the launch configuration will fail.
- key_name
- Name of the EC2 key pair to use for instances. Key must exist or creation of the launch configuration will fail.
- security_groups
- List of Names or security group id’s of the security groups with which to associate the EC2 instances or VPC instances, respectively. Security groups must exist, or creation of the launch configuration will fail.
- user_data
- The user data available to launched EC2 instances.
- cloud_init
- A dict of cloud_init configuration. Currently supported values: scripts, cloud-config. Mutually exclusive with user_data.
- instance_type
- The instance type. ex: m1.small.
- kernel_id
- The kernel id for the instance.
- ramdisk_id
- The RAM disk ID for the instance.
- block_device_mappings
- A dict of block device mappings.
- instance_monitoring
- Whether instances in group are launched with detailed monitoring.
- spot_price
- The spot price you are bidding. Only applies if you are building an autoscaling group with spot instances.
- instance_profile_name
- The name or the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the instance profile associated with the IAM role for the instance. Instance profile must exist or the creation of the launch configuration will fail.
- ebs_optimized
- Specifies whether the instance is optimized for EBS I/O (true) or not (false).
- associate_public_ip_address
- Used for Auto Scaling groups that launch instances into an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud. Specifies whether to assign a public IP address to each instance launched in a Amazon VPC.
- volume_type
- Undocumented in boto.
- delete_on_termination
- Undocumented in boto.
- iops
- Undocumented in boto.
- use_block_device_types
- Undocumented in boto.
- region
- The region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
Manage Route53 records
New in version 2014.7.0.
Create and delete Route53 records. Be aware that this interacts with Amazon's services, and so may incur charges.
This module uses boto, which can be installed via package, or pip.
This module accepts explicit route53 credentials but can also utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance through Instance Profiles. Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further configuration is necessary. More information available here.
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar file or in the minion's config file:
route53.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H route53.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either passed in as a dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
myprofile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
mycnamerecord: boto_route53.present: - name: - value: - zone: - ttl: 60 - record_type: CNAME - region: us-east-1 - keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H - key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs # Using a profile from pillars myarecord: boto_route53.present: - name: - value: - zone: - ttl: 60 - record_type: A - region: us-east-1 - profile: myprofile # Passing in a profile myarecord: boto_route53.present: - name: - value: - zone: - ttl: 60 - record_type: A - region: us-east-1 - profile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
- salt.states.boto_route53.absent(name, zone, record_type, identifier=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the Route53 record is deleted.
- name
- Name of the record.
- zone
- The zone to delete the record from.
- identifier
- An identifier to match for deletion.
- region
- The region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
- salt.states.boto_route53.present(name, value, zone, record_type, ttl=None, identifier=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the Route53 record is present.
- name
- Name of the record.
- value
- Value of the record.
- zone
- The zone to create the record in.
- record_type
- The record type. Currently supported values: A, CNAME, MX
- ttl
- The time to live for the record.
- identifier
- The unique identifier to use for this record.
- region
- The region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
Manage Security Groups
New in version 2014.7.0.
Create and destroy Security Groups. Be aware that this interacts with Amazon's services, and so may incur charges.
This module uses boto, which can be installed via package, or pip.
This module accepts explicit EC2 credentials but can also utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance through Instance Profiles. Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further configuration is necessary. More information available here.
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar file or in the minion's config file:
secgroup.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H secgroup.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either passed in as a dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
myprofile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
Ensure mysecgroup exists: boto_secgroup.present: - name: mysecgroup - description: My security group - rules: - ip_protocol: tcp from_port: 80 to_port: 80 cidr_ip: - - - region: us-east-1 - keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H - key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs # Using a profile from pillars Ensure mysecgroup exists: boto_secgroup.present: - name: mysecgroup - description: My security group - region: us-east-1 - profile: myprofile # Passing in a profile Ensure mysecgroup exists: boto_secgroup.present: - name: mysecgroup - description: My security group - region: us-east-1 - profile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
- salt.states.boto_secgroup.absent(name, vpc_id=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure a security group with the specified name does not exist.
- name
- Name of the security group.
- vpc_id
- The ID of the VPC to create the security group in, if any.
- region
- Region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
- salt.states.boto_secgroup.present(name, description, vpc_id=None, rules=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the security group exists with the specified rules.
- name
- Name of the security group.
- description
- A description of this security group.
- vpc_id
- The ID of the VPC to create the security group in, if any.
- rules
- A list of ingress rule dicts.
- region
- Region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
Manage SNS Topics
Create and destroy SNS topics. Be aware that this interacts with Amazon's services, and so may incur charges.
This module uses boto, which can be installed via package, or pip.
This module accepts explicit AWS credentials but can also utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance through Instance Profiles. Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further configuration is necessary. More information available here.
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar file or in the minion's config file:
sns.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H sns.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either passed in as a dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
myprofile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
mytopic: boto_sns.present: - region: us-east-1 - keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H - key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs # Using a profile from pillars mytopic: boto_sns.present: - region: us-east-1 - profile: mysnsprofile # Passing in a profile mytopic: boto_sns.present: - region: us-east-1 - profile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
- salt.states.boto_sns.absent(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the named sns topic is deleted.
- name
- Name of the SNS topic.
- region
- Region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
- salt.states.boto_sns.present(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the SNS topic exists.
- name
- Name of the SNS topic.
- region
- Region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
Manage SQS Queues
New in version 2014.7.0.
Create and destroy SQS queues. Be aware that this interacts with Amazon's services, and so may incur charges.
This module uses boto, which can be installed via package, or pip.
This module accepts explicit SQS credentials but can also utilize IAM roles assigned to the instance through Instance Profiles. Dynamic credentials are then automatically obtained from AWS API and no further configuration is necessary. More information available here.
If IAM roles are not used you need to specify them either in a pillar file or in the minion's config file:
sqs.keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H sqs.key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
It's also possible to specify key, keyid and region via a profile, either passed in as a dict, or as a string to pull from pillars or minion config:
myprofile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs region: us-east-1
myqueue: boto_sqs.present: - region: us-east-1 - keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H - key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs - attributes: ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds: 20 # Using a profile from pillars myqueue: boto_sqs.present: - region: us-east-1 - profile: mysqsprofile # Passing in a profile myqueue: boto_sqs.present: - region: us-east-1 - profile: keyid: GKTADJGHEIQSXMKKRBJ08H key: askdjghsdfjkghWupUjasdflkdfklgjsdfjajkghs
- salt.states.boto_sqs.absent(name, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the named sqs queue is deleted.
- name
- Name of the SQS queue.
- region
- Region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
- salt.states.boto_sqs.present(name, attributes=None, region=None, key=None, keyid=None, profile=None)
- Ensure the SQS queue exists.
- name
- Name of the SQS queue.
- attributes
- A dict of key/value SQS attributes.
- region
- Region to connect to.
- key
- Secret key to be used.
- keyid
- Access key to be used.
- profile
- A dict with region, key and keyid, or a pillar key (string) that contains a dict with region, key and keyid.
Execute Chef client runs
Run chef-client or chef-solo
my-chef-run: chef.client: - override-runlist: 'demo1,demo2' - server: '' default-chef-run: chef.client: [] my-solo-run: chef.solo: - environment: dev
- salt.states.chef.client(name, **kwargs)
- name
- Unique identifier for the state. Does not affect the Chef run.
- server
- The chef server URL
- client_key
- Set the client key file location
- config
- The configuration file to use
- config-file-jail
- Directory under which config files are allowed to be loaded (no client.rb or knife.rb outside this path will be loaded).
- environment
- Set the Chef Environment on the node
- group
- Group to set privilege to
- json-attributes
- Load attributes from a JSON file or URL
- localmode
- Point chef-client at local repository if True
- log_level
- Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)
- logfile
- Set the log file location
- node-name
- The node name for this client
- override-runlist
- Replace current run list with specified items for a single run
- pid
- Set the PID file location, defaults to /tmp/
- run-lock-timeout
- Set maximum duration to wait for another client run to finish, default is indefinitely.
- runlist
- Permanently replace current run list with specified items
- user
- User to set privilege to
- validation_key
- Set the validation key file location, used for registering new clients
- salt.states.chef.solo(name, **kwargs)
- name
- Unique identifier for the state. Does not affect the Chef run.
- config
- The configuration file to use
- environment
- Set the Chef Environment on the node
- group
- Group to set privilege to
- json-attributes
- Load attributes from a JSON file or URL
- log_level
- Set the log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)
- logfile
- Set the log file location
- node-name
- The node name for this client
- override-runlist
- Replace current run list with specified items for a single run
- recipe-url
- Pull down a remote gzipped tarball of recipes and untar it to the cookbook cache
- run-lock-timeout
- Set maximum duration to wait for another client run to finish, default is indefinitely.
- user
- User to set privilege to
Using states instead of maps to deploy clouds
New in version 2014.1.0.
Use this minion to spin up a cloud instance:
my-ec2-instance: cloud.profile: my-ec2-config
-, onlyif=None, unless=None)
Ensure that no instances with the specified names exist.
CAUTION: This is a destructive state, which will search all configured cloud providers for the named instance, and destroy it.
- name
- The name of the instance to destroy
- onlyif
- Do run the state only if is unless succeed
- unless
- Do not run the state at least unless succeed
-, cloud_provider, onlyif=None, unless=None, **kwargs)
Spin up a single instance on a cloud provider, using salt-cloud. This state
does not take a profile argument; rather, it takes the arguments that would
normally be configured as part of the state.
Note that while this function does take any configuration argument that would normally be used to create an instance, it will not verify the state of any of those arguments on an existing instance. Stateful properties of an instance should be configured using their own individual state (i.e., cloud.tagged, cloud.untagged, etc).
- name
- The name of the instance to create
- cloud_provider
- The name of the cloud provider to use
- onlyif
- Do run the state only if is unless succeed
- unless
- Do not run the state at least unless succeed
-, profile, onlyif=None, unless=None, **kwargs)
Create a single instance on a cloud provider, using a salt-cloud profile.
Note that while profiles used this function do take any configuration argument that would normally be used to create an instance using a profile, this state will not verify the state of any of those arguments on an existing instance. Stateful properties of an instance should be configured using their own individual state (i.e., cloud.tagged, cloud.untagged, etc).
- name
- The name of the instance to create
- profile
- The name of the cloud profile to use
- onlyif
- Do run the state only if is unless succeed
- unless
- Do not run the state at least unless succeed
- kwargs
- Any profile override or addition
-, provider=None, **kwargs)
- Check that a block volume exists.
-, server_name, provider=None, **kwargs)
- Check if a block volume is attached.
-, server_name=None, provider=None, **kwargs)
Check if a block volume is attached.
Returns True if server or Volume do not exist.
-, provider=None, **kwargs)
- Check that a block volume exists.
Execution of arbitrary commands
The cmd state module manages the enforcement of executed commands, this state can tell a command to run under certain circumstances.
A simple example to execute a command:
date > /tmp/salt-run:
Only run if another execution failed, in this case truncate syslog if there is no disk space:
> /var/log/messages: - unless: echo 'foo' > /tmp/.test && rm -f /tmp/.test
Only run if the file specified by creates does not exist, in this case touch /tmp/foo if it does not exist.
touch /tmp/foo: - creates: /tmp/foo
NOTE: The creates option was added to version 2014.7.0
Salt determines whether the cmd state is successfully enforced based on the exit code returned by the command. If the command returns a zero exit code, then salt determines that the state was successfully enforced. If the script returns a non-zero exit code, then salt determines that it failed to successfully enforce the state. If a command returns a non-zero exit code but you wish to treat this as a success, then you must place the command in a script and explicitly set the exit code of the script to zero.
Please note that the success or failure of the state is not affected by whether a state change occurred nor the stateful argument.
When executing a command or script, the state (i.e., changed or not) of the command is unknown to Salt's state system. Therefore, by default, the cmd state assumes that any command execution results in a changed state.
This means that if a cmd state is watched by another state then the state that's watching will always be executed due to the changed state in the cmd state.
Many state functions in this module now also accept a stateful argument. If stateful is specified to be true then it is assumed that the command or script will determine its own state and communicate it back by following a simple protocol described below:
- 1.
- If there's nothing in the stdout of the command, then assume no changes. Otherwise, the stdout must be either in JSON or its last non-empty line must be a string of key=value pairs delimited by spaces (no spaces on either side of =).
- 2.
If it's JSON then it must be a JSON object (e.g., {}). If it's
key=value pairs then quoting may be used to include spaces. (Python's shlex
module is used to parse the key=value string)
Two special keys or attributes are recognized in the output:
changed: bool (i.e., 'yes', 'no', 'true', 'false', case-insensitive) comment: str (i.e., any string)
So, only if changed is True then assume the command execution has changed the state, and any other key values or attributes in the output will be set as part of the changes.
- 3.
If there's a comment then it will be used as the comment of the
Here's an example of how one might write a shell script for use with a stateful command:
#!/bin/bash # echo "Working hard..." # writing the state line echo # an empty line here so the next line will be the last. echo "changed=yes comment='something has changed' whatever=123"
And an example SLS file using this module:
Run myscript: - name: /path/to/myscript - cwd: / - stateful: True Run only if myscript changed something: cmd.wait: - name: echo hello - cwd: / - watch: - cmd: Run myscript
Note that if the cmd.wait state also specifies stateful: True it can then be watched by some other states as well.
cmd.wait is not restricted to watching only cmd states. For example it can also watch a git state for changes
# Watch for changes to a git repo and rebuild the project on updates my-project: git.latest: - name: git [at] - target: /opt/foo - rev: master cmd.wait: - name: make install - cwd: /opt/foo - watch: - git: my-project
Should I use or cmd.wait?
These two states are often confused. The important thing to remember about them is that states are run each time the SLS file that contains them is applied. If it is more desirable to have a command that only runs after some other state changes, then cmd.wait does just that. cmd.wait is designed to watch other states, and is executed when the state it is watching changes. Example:
/usr/local/bin/ cmd.wait: - watch: - pkg: mycustompkg file.managed: - source: salt://utils/scripts/ mycustompkg: pkg.installed: - require: - file: /usr/local/bin/
How do I create an environment from a pillar map?
The map that comes from a pillar cannot be directly consumed by the env option. To use it one must convert it to a list. Example:
printenv: - env: {% for key, value in pillar['keys'].iteritems() %} - '{{ key }}': '{{ value }}' {% endfor %}
-, func, args=(), kws=None, onlyif=None, unless=None, creates=None, output_loglevel='debug', use_vt=False, **kwargs)
Invoke a pre-defined Python function with arguments specified in the state
declaration. This function is mainly used by the
salt.renderers.pydsl renderer.
The interpretation of onlyif and unless arguments are identical to those of, and all other arguments(cwd, runas, ...) allowed by are allowed here, except that their effects apply only to the commands specified in onlyif and unless rather than to the function to be invoked.
In addition, the stateful argument has no effects here.
The return value of the invoked function will be interpreted as follows.
If it's a dictionary then it will be passed through to the state system, which expects it to have the usual structure returned by any salt state function.
Otherwise, the return value (denoted as result in the code below) is expected to be a JSON serializable object, and this dictionary is returned:
{ 'name': name 'changes': {'retval': result}, 'result': True if result is None else bool(result), 'comment': result if isinstance(result, string_types) else '' }
- salt.states.cmd.mod_run_check(cmd_kwargs, onlyif, unless, group, creates)
- Execute the onlyif and unless logic. Return a result dict if: * group is not available * onlyif failed (onlyif != 0) * unless succeeded (unless == 0) else return True
- salt.states.cmd.mod_watch(name, **kwargs)
- Execute a cmd function based on a watch call
-, onlyif=None, unless=None, creates=None, cwd=None, user=None, group=None, shell=None, env=None, stateful=False, umask=None, output_loglevel='debug', quiet=False, timeout=None, use_vt=False, **kwargs)
- Run a command if certain circumstances are met. Use cmd.wait if you want to use the watch requisite.
- name
- The command to execute, remember that the command will execute with the path and permissions of the salt-minion.
- onlyif
- A command to run as a check, run the named command only if the command passed to the onlyif option returns true
- unless
- A command to run as a check, only run the named command if the command passed to the unless option returns false
- cwd
- The current working directory to execute the command in, defaults to /root
- user
- The user name to run the command as
- group
- The group context to run the command as
- shell
- The shell to use for execution, defaults to the shell grain
- env
A list of environment variables to be set prior to execution.
salt://scripts/ cmd.script: - env: - BATCH: 'yes'
WARNING: The above illustrates a common PyYAML pitfall, that yes, no, on, off, true, and false are all loaded as boolean True and False values, and must be enclosed in quotes to be used as strings. More info on this (and other) PyYAML idiosyncrasies can be found here.
- stateful
- The command being executed is expected to return data about executing a state
- umask
- The umask (in octal) to use when running the command.
- output_loglevel
- Control the loglevel at which the output from the command is logged. Note that the command being run will still be logged (loglevel: DEBUG) regardless, unless quiet is used for this value.
- quiet
- The command will be executed quietly, meaning no log entries of the actual command or its return data. This is deprecated as of the 2014.1.0 release, and is being replaced with output_loglevel: quiet.
- timeout
- If the command has not terminated after timeout seconds, send the subprocess sigterm, and if sigterm is ignored, follow up with sigkill
- creates
Only run if the file specified by creates does not exist.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- use_vt
Use VT utils (saltstack) to stream the command output more
interactively to the console and the logs.
This is experimental.
NOTE: supports the usage of reload_modules. This functionality allows you to force Salt to reload all modules. You should only use reload_modules if your does some sort of installation (such as pip), if you do not reload the modules future items in your state which rely on the software being installed will fail.
getpip: - name: /usr/bin/python /usr/local/sbin/ - unless: which pip - require: - pkg: python - file: /usr/local/sbin/ - reload_modules: True
- salt.states.cmd.script(name, source=None, template=None, onlyif=None, unless=None, creates=None, cwd=None, user=None, group=None, shell=None, env=None, stateful=False, umask=None, timeout=None, use_vt=False, output_loglevel='debug', **kwargs)
- Download a script and execute it with specified arguments.
- source
- The location of the script to download. If the file is located on the master in the directory named spam, and is called eggs, the source string is salt://spam/eggs
- template
- If this setting is applied then the named templating engine will be used to render the downloaded file. Currently jinja, mako, and wempy are supported
- name
- Either "cmd arg1 arg2 arg3..." (cmd is not used) or a source "salt://...".
- onlyif
- Run the named command only if the command passed to the onlyif option returns true
- unless
- Run the named command only if the command passed to the unless option returns false
- cwd
- The current working directory to execute the command in, defaults to /root
- user
- The name of the user to run the command as
- group
- The group context to run the command as
- shell
- The shell to use for execution. The default is set in grains['shell']
- env
A list of environment variables to be set prior to execution.
salt://scripts/ cmd.script: - env: - BATCH: 'yes'
WARNING: The above illustrates a common PyYAML pitfall, that yes, no, on, off, true, and false are all loaded as boolean True and False values, and must be enclosed in quotes to be used as strings. More info on this (and other) PyYAML idiosyncrasies can be found here.
- umask
- The umask (in octal) to use when running the command.
- stateful
- The command being executed is expected to return data about executing a state
- timeout
- If the command has not terminated after timeout seconds, send the subprocess sigterm, and if sigterm is ignored, follow up with sigkill
- args
- String of command line args to pass to the script. Only used if no args are specified as part of the name argument. To pass a string containing spaces in YAML, you will need to doubly-quote it: "arg1 'arg two' arg3"
- creates
Only run if the file specified by creates does not exist.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- use_vt
- Use VT utils (saltstack) to stream the command output more interactively to the console and the logs. This is experimental.
- output_loglevel
- Control the loglevel at which the output from the command is logged. Note that the command being run will still be logged (loglevel: DEBUG) regardless, unless quiet is used for this value.
- salt.states.cmd.wait(name, onlyif=None, unless=None, creates=None, cwd=None, user=None, group=None, shell=None, env=(), stateful=False, umask=None, output_loglevel='debug', use_vt=False, **kwargs)
- Run the given command only if the watch statement calls it
- name
- The command to execute, remember that the command will execute with the path and permissions of the salt-minion.
- onlyif
- A command to run as a check, run the named command only if the command passed to the onlyif option returns true
- unless
- A command to run as a check, only run the named command if the command passed to the unless option returns false
- cwd
- The current working directory to execute the command in, defaults to /root
- user
- The user name to run the command as
- group
- The group context to run the command as
- shell
- The shell to use for execution, defaults to /bin/sh
- env
A list of environment variables to be set prior to execution.
salt://scripts/ cmd.script: - env: - BATCH: 'yes'
WARNING: The above illustrates a common PyYAML pitfall, that yes, no, on, off, true, and false are all loaded as boolean True and False values, and must be enclosed in quotes to be used as strings. More info on this (and other) PyYAML idiosyncrasies can be found here.
- umask
- The umask (in octal) to use when running the command.
- stateful
- The command being executed is expected to return data about executing a state
- creates
Only run if the file specified by creates does not exist.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- output_loglevel
- Control the loglevel at which the output from the command is logged. Note that the command being run will still be logged (loglevel: DEBUG) regardless, unless quiet is used for this value.
- use_vt
- Use VT utils (saltstack) to stream the command output more interactively to the console and the logs. This is experimental.
- salt.states.cmd.wait_call(name, func, args=(), kws=None, onlyif=None, unless=None, creates=None, stateful=False, use_vt=False, output_loglevel='debug', **kwargs)
- salt.states.cmd.wait_script(name, source=None, template=None, onlyif=None, unless=None, cwd=None, user=None, group=None, shell=None, env=None, stateful=False, umask=None, use_vt=False, output_loglevel='debug', **kwargs)
- Download a script from a remote source and execute it only if a watch statement calls it.
- source
- The source script being downloaded to the minion, this source script is hosted on the salt master server. If the file is located on the master in the directory named spam, and is called eggs, the source string is salt://spam/eggs
- template
- If this setting is applied then the named templating engine will be used to render the downloaded file, currently jinja, mako, and wempy are supported
- name
- The command to execute, remember that the command will execute with the path and permissions of the salt-minion.
- onlyif
- A command to run as a check, run the named command only if the command passed to the onlyif option returns true
- unless
- A command to run as a check, only run the named command if the command passed to the unless option returns false
- cwd
- The current working directory to execute the command in, defaults to /root
- user
- The user name to run the command as
- group
- The group context to run the command as
- shell
- The shell to use for execution, defaults to the shell grain
- env
A list of environment variables to be set prior to execution.
salt://scripts/ cmd.script: - env: - BATCH: 'yes'
WARNING: The above illustrates a common PyYAML pitfall, that yes, no, on, off, true, and false are all loaded as boolean True and False values, and must be enclosed in quotes to be used as strings. More info on this (and other) PyYAML idiosyncrasies can be found here.
- umask
- The umask (in octal) to use when running the command.
- stateful
- The command being executed is expected to return data about executing a state
- use_vt
- Use VT utils (saltstack) to stream the command output more interactively to the console and the logs. This is experimental.
- output_loglevel
- Control the loglevel at which the output from the command is logged. Note that the command being run will still be logged (loglevel: DEBUG) regardless, unless quiet is used for this value.
Installation of Composer Packages
These states manage the installed packages for composer for PHP. Note that either composer is installed and accessible via a bin directory or you can pass the location of composer in the state.
get-composer: - name: 'CURL=`which curl`; $CURL -sS | php' - unless: test -f /usr/local/bin/composer - cwd: /root/ install-composer: cmd.wait: - name: mv /root/composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer - cwd: /root/ - watch: - cmd: get-composer /path/to/project: composer.installed: - no_dev: true - require: - cmd: install-composer # Without composer installed in your PATH # Note: composer.phar must be executable for state to work properly /path/to/project: composer.installed: - composer: /path/to/composer.phar - php: /usr/local/bin/php - no_dev: true
- salt.states.composer.installed(name, composer=None, php=None, user=None, prefer_source=None, prefer_dist=None, no_scripts=None, no_plugins=None, optimize=None, no_dev=None, quiet=False, composer_home='/root', always_check=True)
- Verify that the correct versions of composer dependencies are present.
- dir
- Directory location of the composer.json file.
- composer
- Location of the composer.phar file. If not set composer will just execute "composer" as if it is installed globally. (i.e. /path/to/composer.phar)
- php
- Location of the php executable to use with composer. (i.e. /usr/bin/php)
- user
Which system user to run composer as.
New in version 2014.1.4.
- prefer_source
- --prefer-source option of composer.
- prefer_dist
- --prefer-dist option of composer.
- no_scripts
- --no-scripts option of composer.
- no_plugins
- --no-plugins option of composer.
- optimize
- --optimize-autoloader option of composer. Recommended for production.
- no_dev
- --no-dev option for composer. Recommended for production.
- quiet
- --quiet option for composer. Whether or not to return output from composer.
- composer_home
- $COMPOSER_HOME environment variable
- always_check
- If True, _always_ run composer install in the directory. This is the default behavior. If False, only run composer install if there is no vendor directory present.
- salt.states.composer.update(name, composer=None, php=None, user=None, prefer_source=None, prefer_dist=None, no_scripts=None, no_plugins=None, optimize=None, no_dev=None, quiet=False, composer_home='/root')
- Composer update the directory to ensure we have the latest versions of all project dependencies.
- dir
- Directory location of the composer.json file.
- composer
- Location of the composer.phar file. If not set composer will just execute "composer" as if it is installed globally. (i.e. /path/to/composer.phar)
- php
- Location of the php executable to use with composer. (i.e. /usr/bin/php)
- user
Which system user to run composer as.
New in version 2014.1.4.
- prefer_source
- --prefer-source option of composer.
- prefer_dist
- --prefer-dist option of composer.
- no_scripts
- --no-scripts option of composer.
- no_plugins
- --no-plugins option of composer.
- optimize
- --optimize-autoloader option of composer. Recommended for production.
- no_dev
- --no-dev option for composer. Recommended for production.
- quiet
- --quiet option for composer. Whether or not to return output from composer.
- composer_home
- $COMPOSER_HOME environment variable
Management of cron, the Unix command scheduler
Cron declarations require a number of parameters. The following are the parameters used by Salt to define the various timing values for a cron job:
- •
- minute
- •
- hour
- •
- daymonth
- •
- month
- •
dayweek (0 to 6 are Sunday through Saturday, 7 can also be used for
WARNING: Any timing arguments not specified take a value of *. This means that setting hour to 5, while not defining the minute param, will result in Salt adding a job that will execute every minute between 5 and 6 A.M.!
Additionally, the default user for these states is root. Therefore, if the cron job is for another user, it is necessary to specify that user with the user parameter.
A long time ago (before 2014.2), when making changes to an existing cron job, the name declaration is the parameter used to uniquely identify the job, so if an existing cron that looks like this:
date > /tmp/crontest: cron.present: - user: root - minute: 5
Is changed to this:
date > /tmp/crontest: cron.present: - user: root - minute: 7 - hour: 2
Then the existing cron will be updated, but if the cron command is changed, then a new cron job will be added to the user's crontab.
The current behavior is still relying on that mechanism, but you can also specify an identifier to identify your crontabs:
date > /tmp/crontest: cron.present: - identifier: SUPERCRON - user: root - minute: 7 - hour: 2
New in version 2014.1.2.
And, some months later, you modify it:
superscript > /tmp/crontest: cron.present: - identifier: SUPERCRON - user: root - minute: 3 - hour: 4
New in version 2014.1.2.
The old date > /tmp/crontest will be replaced by superscript > /tmp/crontest.
Additionally, Salt also supports running a cron every x minutes very similarly to the Unix convention of using */5 to have a job run every five minutes. In Salt, this looks like:
date > /tmp/crontest: cron.present: - user: root - minute: '*/5'
The job will now run every 5 minutes.
Additionally, the temporal parameters (minute, hour, etc.) can be randomized by using random instead of using a specific value. For example, by using the random keyword in the minute parameter of a cron state, the same cron job can be pushed to hundreds or thousands of hosts, and they would each use a randomly-generated minute. This can be helpful when the cron job accesses a network resource, and it is not desirable for all hosts to run the job concurrently.
/path/to/cron/script: cron.present: - user: root - minute: random - hour: 2
New in version 0.16.0.
Since Salt assumes a value of * for unspecified temporal parameters, adding a parameter to the state and setting it to random will change that value from * to a randomized numeric value. However, if that field in the cron entry on the minion already contains a numeric value, then using the random keyword will not modify it.
- salt.states.cron.absent(name, user='root', identifier=False, **kwargs)
- Verifies that the specified cron job is absent for the specified user; only the name is matched when removing a cron job.
- name
- The command that should be absent in the user crontab.
- user
- The name of the user whose crontab needs to be modified, defaults to the root user
- identifier
- Custom-defined identifier for tracking the cron line for future crontab edits. This defaults to the state id
- salt.states.cron.env_absent(name, user='root')
- Verifies that the specified environment variable is absent from the crontab for the specified user
- name
- The name of the environment variable to remove from the user crontab
- user
- The name of the user whose crontab needs to be modified, defaults to the root user
- salt.states.cron.env_present(name, value=None, user='root')
- Verifies that the specified environment variable is present in the crontab for the specified user.
- name
- The name of the environment variable to set in the user crontab
- user
- The name of the user whose crontab needs to be modified, defaults to the root user
- value
- The value to set for the given environment variable
- salt.states.cron.file(name, source_hash='', user='root', template=None, context=None, replace=True, defaults=None, env=None, backup='', **kwargs)
- Provides file.managed-like functionality (templating, etc.) for a pre-made crontab file, to be assigned to a given user.
- name
The source file to be used as the crontab. This source file can be
hosted on either the salt master server, or on an HTTP or FTP server.
For files hosted on the salt file server, if the file is located on
the master in the directory named spam, and is called eggs, the source
string is salt://spam/eggs
If the file is hosted on a HTTP or FTP server then the source_hash argument is also required
- source_hash
- This can be either a file which contains a source hash string for the source, or a source hash string. The source hash string is the hash algorithm followed by the hash of the file: md5=e138491e9d5b97023cea823fe17bac22
- user
- The user to whom the crontab should be assigned. This defaults to root.
- template
- If this setting is applied then the named templating engine will be used to render the downloaded file. Currently, jinja and mako are supported.
- context
- Overrides default context variables passed to the template.
- replace
- If the crontab should be replaced, if False then this command will be ignored if a crontab exists for the specified user. Default is True.
- defaults
- Default context passed to the template.
- backup
- Overrides the default backup mode for the user's crontab.
- salt.states.cron.present(name, user='root', minute='*', hour='*', daymonth='*', month='*', dayweek='*', comment=None, identifier=False)
- Verifies that the specified cron job is present for the specified user. For more advanced information about what exactly can be set in the cron timing parameters, check your cron system's documentation. Most Unix-like systems' cron documentation can be found via the crontab man page: man 5 crontab.
- name
- The command that should be executed by the cron job.
- user
- The name of the user whose crontab needs to be modified, defaults to the root user
- minute
- The information to be set into the minute section, this can be any string supported by your cron system's the minute field. Default is *
- hour
- The information to be set in the hour section. Default is *
- daymonth
- The information to be set in the day of month section. Default is *
- month
- The information to be set in the month section. Default is *
- dayweek
- The information to be set in the day of week section. Default is *
- comment
- User comment to be added on line previous the cron job
- identifier
- Custom-defined identifier for tracking the cron line for future crontab edits. This defaults to the state id
Installation of Cygwin packages.
A state module to manage cygwin packages. Packages can be installed or removed.
dos2unix: cyg.installed
- class salt.states.cyg.DictDiffer(current_dict, past_dict)
- Calculate the difference between two dictionaries.
- 1.
- items added
- 2.
- items removed
- 3.
- keys same in both but changed values
- 4.
- keys same in both and unchanged values
- added()
- Return a set of additions to past_dict.
- changed()
- Return a set of the keys with changed values.
- removed()
- Return a set of things removed from past_dict.
- same()
- True if the two dicts are the same.
- unchanged()
- Return a set of the keys with unchanged values.
- salt.states.cyg.installed(name, cyg_arch='x86_64', mirrors=None)
- Make sure that a package is installed.
- name
- The name of the package to install
- cyg_arch
- x86_64 The cygwin architecture to install the package into. Current options are x86 and x86_64
- mirrors
List of mirrors to check.
None will use a default mirror (
CLI Example:
rsync: cyg.installed: - mirrors: - http://mirror/without/public/key: "" - http://mirror/with/public/key: http://url/of/public/key
- salt.states.cyg.removed(name, cyg_arch='x86_64', mirrors=None)
- Make sure that a package is not installed.
- name
- The name of the package to uninstall
- cyg_arch
- x86_64 The cygwin architecture to remove the package from. Current options are x86 and x86_64
- mirrors
List of mirrors to check.
None will use a default mirror (
CLI Example:
rsync: cyg.removed: - mirrors: - http://mirror/without/public/key: "" - http://mirror/with/public/key: http://url/of/public/key
- salt.states.cyg.updated(name=None, cyg_arch='x86_64', mirrors=None)
- Make sure all packages are up to date.
- name
- None No affect, salt fails poorly without the arg available
- cyg_arch
- x86_64 The cygwin architecture to update. Current options are x86 and x86_64
- mirrors
List of mirrors to check.
None will use a default mirror (
CLI Example:
rsync: cyg.updated: - mirrors: - http://mirror/without/public/key: "" - http://mirror/with/public/key: http://url/of/public/key
Dynamic DNS updates
Ensure a DNS record is present or absent utilizing RFC 2136 type dynamic updates. Requires dnspython module.
webserver: ddns.present: - zone: - ttl: 60 - data: 111.222.333.444 - nameserver: 123.234.345.456 - keyfile: /srv/salt/tsig_key.txt
- salt.states.ddns.absent(name, zone, data=None, rdtype=None, **kwargs)
- Ensures that the named DNS record is absent.
- name
- The host portion of the DNS record, e.g., 'webserver'
- zone
- The zone to check
- data
- Data for the DNS record. E.g., the IP address for an A record. If omitted, all records matching name (and rdtype, if provided) will be purged.
- rdtype
- DNS resource type. If omitted, all types will be purged.
- **kwargs
- Additional arguments the ddns.delete function may need (e.g. nameserver, keyfile, keyname).
- salt.states.ddns.present(name, zone, ttl, data, rdtype='A', **kwargs)
- Ensures that the named DNS record is present with the given ttl.
- name
- The host portion of the DNS record, e.g., 'webserver'
- zone
- The zone to check/update
- ttl
- TTL for the record
- data
- Data for the DNS record. E.g., the IP address for an A record.
- rdtype
- DNS resource type. Default 'A'.
- **kwargs
- Additional arguments the ddns.update function may need (e.g. nameserver, keyfile, keyname).
Management of debconf selections
- depends
- •
debconf-utils package
The debconfmod state module manages the enforcement of debconf selections, this state can set those selections prior to package installation.
Available Functions
The debconfmod state has two functions, the set and set_file functions
- set
- Set debconf selections from the state itself
- set_file
Set debconf selections from a file
nullmailer-debconf: debconf.set: - name: nullmailer - data: 'shared/mailname': {'type': 'string', 'value': 'server.domain.tld'} 'nullmailer/relayhost': {'type': 'string', 'value': 'mail.domain.tld'} ferm-debconf: debconf.set: - name: ferm - data: 'ferm/enable': {'type': 'boolean', 'value': True}
NOTE: Due to how PyYAML imports nested dicts (see here), the values in the data dict must be indented four spaces instead of two.
- salt.states.debconfmod.set(name, data)
Set debconf selections
<state_id>: debconf.set: - name: <name> - data: <question>: {'type': <type>, 'value': <value>} <question>: {'type': <type>, 'value': <value>} <state_id>: debconf.set: - name: <name> - data: <question>: {'type': <type>, 'value': <value>} <question>: {'type': <type>, 'value': <value>}
- name:
- The package name to set answers for.
- data:
- A set of questions/answers for debconf. Note that everything under this must be indented twice.
- question:
- The question the is being pre-answered
- type:
- The type of question that is being asked (string, boolean, select, etc.)
- value:
- The answer to the question
- salt.states.debconfmod.set_file(name, source, template=None, context=None, defaults=None, **kwargs)
Set debconf selections from a file or a template
<state_id>: debconf.set_file: - source: salt://pathto/pkg.selections <state_id>: debconf.set_file: - source: salt://pathto/pkg.selections?saltenv=myenvironment <state_id>: debconf.set_file: - source: salt://pathto/pkg.selections.jinja2 - template: jinja - context: some_value: "false"
- source:
- The location of the file containing the package selections
- template
- If this setting is applied then the named templating engine will be used to render the package selections file, currently jinja, mako, and wempy are supported
- context
- Overrides default context variables passed to the template.
- defaults
- Default context passed to the template.
Disk monitoring state
Monitor the state of disk resources
- salt.states.disk.status(name, maximum=None, minimum=None)
- Return the current disk usage stats for the named mount point
Manage Docker containers
Docker is a lightweight, portable, self-sufficient software container wrapper. The base supported wrapper type is LXC, cgroups, and the Linux Kernel.
WARNING: This state module is beta. The API is subject to change. No promise as to performance or functionality is yet present.
This state module requires
docker-py version >= 0.6.0
which supports Docker Remote API version 1.12.
Available Functions
- •
corp/mysuperdocker_img: docker.built: - path: /path/to/dir/container
- •
ubuntu: docker.pulled: - tag: latest
- •
corp/mysuperdocker_img: docker.pushed
- •
mysuperdocker-container: docker.installed: - name: mysuperdocker - hostname: superdocker - image: corp/mysuperdocker_img
- •
mysuperdocker-file: docker.loaded: - name: mysuperdocker - source: salt://_files/tmp/docker_image.tar
- •
my_service: docker.running: - container: mysuperdocker - image: corp/mysuperdocker_img - port_bindings: - "5000/tcp": HostIp: "" HostPort: "5000"
NOTE: The port_bindings argument above is a dictionary. The double indentation is required for PyYAML to load the data structure properly as a python dictionary. More information can be found here
- •
mys_old_uperdocker: docker.absent
- •
/ - cid: mysuperdocker - unless: grep -q something /var/log/foo - docker_unless: grep -q done /install_log
NOTE: The docker modules are named dockerio because the name 'docker' would conflict with the underlying docker-py library.
- salt.states.dockerio.absent(name)
- Ensure that the container is absent; if not, it will will be killed and destroyed. (docker inspect)
- name:
- Either the container name or id
- salt.states.dockerio.built(name, path=None, quiet=False, nocache=False, rm=True, force=False, timeout=None, *args, **kwargs)
- Build a docker image from a path or URL to a dockerfile. (docker build)
- name
- Name of the image
- path
- URL (e.g. url/branch/docker_dir/dockerfile) or filesystem path to the dockerfile
- salt.states.dockerio.installed(name, image, command=None, hostname=None, user=None, detach=True, stdin_open=False, tty=False, mem_limit=0, ports=None, environment=None, dns=None, volumes=None, volumes_from=None, cpu_shares=None, cpuset=None, *args, **kwargs)
- Ensure that a container with the given name exists; if not, build a new container from the specified image. (docker run)
- name
- Name for the container
- image
- Image from which to build this container
- environment
- Environment variables for the container, either
- •
- a mapping of key, values
- •
- a list of mappings of key, values
- ports
- List of ports definitions, either:
- •
- a port to map
- •
- a mapping of mapping portInHost : PortInContainer
- volumes
List of volumes (see notes for the running function)
For other parameters, see absolutely first the salt.modules.dockerio execution module and the docker-py python bindings for docker documentation <>`_ for docker.create_container.
NOTE: This command does not verify that the named container is running the specified image.
- salt.states.dockerio.loaded(name, source=None, source_hash='', force=False)
- Load an image into the local docker registry (docker load)
- name
- Name of the docker image
- source
The source .tar file to download to the minion, created by docker save
this source file can be hosted on either the salt master server,
or on an HTTP or FTP server.
If the file is hosted on a HTTP or FTP server then the source_hash argument is also required
NOTE: See first the documentation for salt file.managed < salt.states.file.html#salt.states.file.managed>
- source_hash
- This can be one of the following:
- 1.
- a source hash string
- 2.
the URI of a file that contains source hash strings
NOTE: See first the documentation for salt file.managed < salt.states.file.html#salt.states.file.managed>
- force
- Load even if the image exists
- salt.states.dockerio.mod_watch(name, sfun=None, *args, **kw)
- salt.states.dockerio.present(name, image=None, is_latest=False)
- If a container with the given name is not present, this state will fail. Supports optionally checking for specific image/version (docker inspect)
- name:
- container id
- image:
- image the container should be running (defaults to any)
- is_latest:
- also check if the container runs the latest version of the image ( latest defined as the latest pulled onto the local machine)
- salt.states.dockerio.pulled(name, tag='latest', force=False, insecure_registry=False, *args, **kwargs)
Pull an image from a docker registry. (docker pull)
NOTE: See first the documentation for docker login, docker pull, docker push, and docker.import_image (docker import). NOTE that we added in SaltStack a way to authenticate yourself with the Docker Hub Registry by supplying your credentials (username, email & password) using pillars. For more information, see salt.modules.dockerio execution module.
- name
- Name of the image
- tag
- Tag of the image
- force
- Pull even if the image is already pulled
- insecure_registry
- Set to True to allow connections to non-HTTPS registries. Default False.
- salt.states.dockerio.pushed(name, tag='latest', insecure_registry=False)
Push an image from a docker registry. (docker push)
NOTE: See first the documentation for docker login, docker pull, docker push, and docker.import_image (docker import). NOTE that we added in SaltStack a way to authenticate yourself with the Docker Hub Registry by supplying your credentials (username, email & password) using pillars. For more information, see salt.modules.dockerio execution module.
- name
- Name of the image
- tag
- Tag of the image [Optional]
- insecure_registry
- Set to True to allow connections to non-HTTPS registries. Default False.
-, cid=None, hostname=None, onlyif=None, unless=None, docked_onlyif=None, docked_unless=None, *args, **kwargs)
Run a command in a specific container
You can match by either name or hostname
- name
- command to run in the container
- cid
- Container id or name
- state_id
- state_id
- onlyif
- Only execute cmd if statement on the host returns 0
- unless
- Do not execute cmd if statement on the host returns 0
- docked_onlyif
- Only execute cmd if statement in the container returns 0
- docked_unless
- Do not execute cmd if statement in the container returns 0
- salt.states.dockerio.running(name, image, container=None, command=None, hostname=None, user=None, detach=True, stdin_open=False, tty=False, mem_limit=0, ports=None, environment=None, dns=None, volumes=None, volumes_from=None, start=True, cap_add=None, cap_drop=None, privileged=None, lxc_conf=None, network_mode=None, check_is_running=True, publish_all_ports=False, links=None, restart_policy=None, cpu_shares=None, cpuset=None, *args, **kwargs)
- Ensure that a container is running. If the container does not exist, it will be created from the specified image. (docker run)
- name / container
- Name for the container
- image
- Image from which to build this container
- environment
- Environment variables for the container, either
- •
- a mapping of key, values
- •
- a list of mappings of key, values
- ports
- List of ports definitions, either:
- •
- a port to map
- •
a mapping of mapping portInHost : PortInContainer
- ports: - "5000/tcp": HostIp: "" HostPort: "5000"
- publish_all_ports
- Publish all ports from the port list (default is false, only meaningful if port does not contain portinhost:portincontainer mapping)
- volumes
List of volumes to mount or create in the container (like -v of docker run command),
mapping host directory to container directory.
To specify a volume in the container in terse list format:
- volumes: - "/var/log/service" # container-only volume - "/srv/timezone:/etc/timezone" # bound volume - "/usr/local/etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro" # read-only bound volume
You can also use the short dictionary form (note that the notion of source:target from docker is preserved):
- volumes: - /var/log/service: /var/log/service # mandatory read-write implied
Or, alternatively, to specify read-only mounting, use the extended form:
- volumes: - /home/user1: bind: /mnt/vol2 ro: True - /var/www: bind: /mnt/vol1 ro: False
Or (for backwards compatibility) another dict style:
- volumes: /home/user1: bind: /mnt/vol2 ro: True /var/www: bind: /mnt/vol1 ro: False
- volumes_from
- List of containers to share volumes with
- dns
List of DNS servers.
- dns: -
- network_mode
- •
- 'bridge': creates a new network stack for the container on the docker bridge
- •
- 'none': no networking for this container
- •
- 'container:[name|id]': reuses another container network stack)
- •
'host': use the host network stack inside the container
- network_mode: host
- restart_policy
Restart policy to apply when a container exits (no, on-failure[:max-retry], always)
- restart_policy: MaximumRetryCount: 5 Name: on-failure
- cap_add
- List of capabilities to add in a container.
- cap_drop
- List of capabilities to drop in a container.
- check_is_running
- Enable checking if a container should run or not. Useful for data-only containers that must be linked to another one. e.g. nginx <- static-files
- cpu_shares
CPU shares (relative weight)
- cpu_shares: 2
- cpuset
CPUs in which to allow execution ('0-3' or '0,1')
- cpuset: '0-3'
For other parameters, see salt.modules.dockerio execution module and the docker-py python bindings for docker documentation <>`_ for docker.create_container.
NOTE: This command does not verify that the named container is running the specified image.
- salt.states.dockerio.script(*args, **kw)
Placeholder function for a cmd.script alike.
NOTE: Not yet implemented. Its implementation might be very similar from
Management of Dell DRAC
The DRAC module is used to create and manage DRAC cards on Dell servers
Ensure the user damian is present
damian: drac.present: - name: damian - password: secret - permission: login,test_alerts,clear_logs
Ensure the user damian does not exist
damian: drac.absent: - name: damian
Ensure DRAC network is in a consistent state
my_network: - ip: - netmask: - gateway:
- salt.states.drac.absent(name)
- Ensure a user does not exist on the Dell DRAC
- name:
- The users username
-, netmask, gateway)
- Ensure the DRAC network settings are consistent
- salt.states.drac.present(name, password, permission)
- Ensure the user exists on the Dell DRAC
- name:
- The users username
- password
- The password used to authenticate
- permission
- The permissions that should be assigned to a user
Support for getting and setting the environment variables of the current salt process.
- salt.states.environ.setenv(name, value, false_unsets=False, clear_all=False, update_minion=False)
- Set the salt process environment variables.
- name
- The environment key to set. Must be a string.
- value
- Either a string or dict. When string, it will be the value set for the environment key of 'name' above. When a dict, each key/value pair represents an environment variable to set.
- false_unsets
- If a key's value is False and false_unsets is True, then the key will be removed from the salt processes environment dict entirely. If a key's value is False and false_unsets is not True, then the key's value will be set to an empty string. Default: False
- clear_all
- USE WITH CAUTION! This option can unset environment variables needed for salt to function properly. If clear_all is True, then any environment variables not defined in the environ dict will be deleted. Default: False
- update_minion
If True, apply these environ changes to the main salt-minion
process. If False, the environ changes will only affect the
current salt subprocess.
Default: False
CLI Example:
a_string_env: environ.setenv: - name: foo - value: bar - update_minion: True a_dict_env: environ.setenv: - name: does_not_matter - value: foo: bar baz: quux
Management of Gentoo configuration using eselect
A state module to manage Gentoo configuration via eselect
profile: eselect.set: target: hardened/linux/amd64
- salt.states.eselect.set_(name, target, module_parameter=None, action_parameter=None)
- Verify that the given module is set to the given target
- name
- The name of the module
- target
- The target to be set for this module
- module_parameter
- additional params passed to the defined module
- action_parameter
- additional params passed to the defined action
Send events through Salt's event system during state runs
- salt.states.event.send(name, data=None, preload=None, with_env=False, with_grains=False, with_pillar=False, **kwargs)
Send an event to the Salt Master
New in version 2014.7.0.
Accepts the same arguments as the event.send execution module of the same name.
# ...snip bunch of states above mycompany/mystaterun/status/update: event.send: - data: status: "Half-way through the state run!" # ...snip bunch of states below
- salt.states.event.wait(name, sfun=None)
Fire an event on the Salt master event bus if called from a watch statement
New in version 2014.7.0.
# Stand up a new web server. apache: pkg: - installed - name: httpd service: - running - enable: True - name: httpd # Notify the load balancer to update the pool once Apache is running. refresh_pool: event: - wait - name: mycompany/loadbalancer/pool/update - data: new_web_server_ip: {{ grains['ipv4'] | first() }} - watch: - pkg: apache
Operations on regular files, special files, directories, and symlinks
Salt States can aggressively manipulate files on a system. There are a number of ways in which files can be managed.
Regular files can be enforced with the file.managed state. This state downloads files from the salt master and places them on the target system. Managed files can be rendered as a jinja, mako, or wempy template, adding a dynamic component to file management. An example of file.managed which makes use of the jinja templating system would look like this:
/etc/http/conf/http.conf: file.managed: - source: salt://apache/http.conf - user: root - group: root - mode: 644 - template: jinja - defaults: custom_var: "default value" other_var: 123 {% if grains['os'] == 'Ubuntu' %} - context: custom_var: "override" {% endif %}
It is also possible to use the py renderer as a templating option. The template would be a python script which would need to contain a function called run(), which returns a string. The returned string will be the contents of the managed file. For example:
def run(): lines = ('foo', 'bar', 'baz') return '\n\n'.join(lines)
NOTE: The defaults and context arguments require extra indentation (four spaces instead of the normal two) in order to create a nested dictionary. More information.
If using a template, any user-defined template variables in the file defined in source must be passed in using the defaults and/or context arguments. The general best practice is to place default values in defaults, with conditional overrides going into context, as seen above.
The template will receive a variable custom_var, which would be accessed in the template using {{ custom_var }}. If the operating system is Ubuntu, the value of the variable custom_var would be override, otherwise it is the default default value
The source parameter can be specified as a list. If this is done, then the first file to be matched will be the one that is used. This allows you to have a default file on which to fall back if the desired file does not exist on the salt fileserver. Here's an example:
/etc/foo.conf: file.managed: - source: - salt://foo.conf.{{ grains['fqdn'] }} - salt://foo.conf.fallback - user: foo - group: users - mode: 644 - backup: minion
NOTE: Salt supports backing up managed files via the backup option. For more details on this functionality please review the backup_mode documentation.
The source parameter can also specify a file in another Salt environment. In this example foo.conf in the dev environment will be used instead.
/etc/foo.conf: file.managed: - source: - salt://foo.conf?saltenv=dev - user: foo - group: users - mode: '0644'
WARNING: When using a mode that includes a leading zero you must wrap the value in single quotes. If the value is not wrapped in quotes it will be read by YAML as an integer and evaluated as an octal.
Special files can be managed via the mknod function. This function will create and enforce the permissions on a special file. The function supports the creation of character devices, block devices, and fifo pipes. The function will create the directory structure up to the special file if it is needed on the minion. The function will not overwrite or operate on (change major/minor numbers) existing special files with the exception of user, group, and permissions. In most cases the creation of some special files require root permisisons on the minion. This would require that the minion to be run as the root user. Here is an example of a character device:
/var/named/chroot/dev/random: file.mknod: - ntype: c - major: 1 - minor: 8 - user: named - group: named - mode: 660
Here is an example of a block device:
/var/named/chroot/dev/loop0: file.mknod: - ntype: b - major: 7 - minor: 0 - user: named - group: named - mode: 660
Here is an example of a fifo pipe:
/var/named/chroot/var/log/logfifo: file.mknod: - ntype: p - user: named - group: named - mode: 660
Directories can be managed via the directory function. This function can create and enforce the permissions on a directory. A directory statement will look like this:
/srv/stuff/substuf: - user: fred - group: users - mode: 755 - makedirs: True
If you need to enforce user and/or group ownership or permissions recursively on the directory's contents, you can do so by adding a recurse directive:
/srv/stuff/substuf: - user: fred - group: users - mode: 755 - makedirs: True - recurse: - user - group - mode
As a default, mode will resolve to dir_mode and file_mode, to specify both directory and file permissions, use this form:
/srv/stuff/substuf: - user: fred - group: users - file_mode: 744 - dir_mode: 755 - makedirs: True - recurse: - user - group - mode
Symlinks can be easily created; the symlink function is very simple and only takes a few arguments:
/etc/grub.conf: file.symlink: - target: /boot/grub/grub.conf
Recursive directory management can also be set via the recurse function. Recursive directory management allows for a directory on the salt master to be recursively copied down to the minion. This is a great tool for deploying large code and configuration systems. A state using recurse would look something like this:
/opt/code/flask: file.recurse: - source: salt://code/flask - include_empty: True
A more complex recurse example:
{% set site_user = 'testuser' %} {% set site_name = 'test_site' %} {% set project_name = 'test_proj' %} {% set sites_dir = 'test_dir' %} django-project: file.recurse: - name: {{ sites_dir }}/{{ site_name }}/{{ project_name }} - user: {{ site_user }} - dir_mode: 2775 - file_mode: '0644' - template: jinja - source: salt://project/templates_dir - include_empty: True
- salt.states.file.absent(name)
- Make sure that the named file or directory is absent. If it exists, it will be deleted. This will work to reverse any of the functions in the file state module.
- name
- The path which should be deleted
- salt.states.file.accumulated(name, filename, text, **kwargs)
- Prepare accumulator which can be used in template in file.managed state. Accumulator dictionary becomes available in template. It can also be used in file.blockreplace.
- name
- Accumulator name
- filename
- Filename which would receive this accumulator (see file.managed state documentation about name)
- text
- String or list for adding in accumulator
- require_in / watch_in
One of them required for sure we fill up accumulator before we manage
the file. Probably the same as filename
Given the following:
animals_doing_things: file.accumulated: - filename: /tmp/animal_file.txt - text: ' jumps over the lazy dog.' - require_in: - file: animal_file animal_file: file.managed: - name: /tmp/animal_file.txt - source: salt://animal_file.txt - template: jinja
One might write a template for animal_file.txt like the following:
The quick brown fox{% for animal in accumulator['animals_doing_things'] %}{{ animal }}{% endfor %}
Collectively, the above states and template file will produce:
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Multiple accumulators can be "chained" together.
NOTE: The 'accumulator' data structure is a Python dictionary. Do not expect any loop over the keys in a deterministic order!
- salt.states.file.append(name, text=None, makedirs=False, source=None, source_hash=None, template='jinja', sources=None, source_hashes=None, defaults=None, context=None)
Ensure that some text appears at the end of a file.
The text will not be appended if it already exists in the file. A single string of text or a list of strings may be appended.
- name
- The location of the file to append to.
- text
- The text to be appended, which can be a single string or a list of strings.
- makedirs
- If the file is located in a path without a parent directory, then the state will fail. If makedirs is set to True, then the parent directories will be created to facilitate the creation of the named file. Defaults to False.
- source
A single source file to append. This source file can be hosted on either
the salt master server, or on an HTTP or FTP server. Both HTTPS and
HTTP are supported as well as downloading directly from Amazon S3
compatible URLs with both pre-configured and automatic IAM credentials
(see s3.get state documentation). File retrieval from Openstack Swift
object storage is supported via swift://container/object_path URLs
(see swift.get documentation).
For files hosted on the salt file server, if the file is located on the master in the directory named spam, and is called eggs, the source string is salt://spam/eggs.
If the file is hosted on an HTTP or FTP server, the source_hash argument is also required.
- source_hash
- This can be one of the following:
- 1.
- a source hash string
- 2.
the URI of a file that contains source hash strings
The function accepts the first encountered long unbroken alphanumeric string of correct length as a valid hash, in order from most secure to least secure:
Type Length ====== ====== sha512 128 sha384 96 sha256 64 sha224 56 sha1 40 md5 32
The file can contain several checksums for several files. Each line must contain both the file name and the hash. If no file name is matched, the first hash encountered will be used, otherwise the most secure hash with the correct source file name will be used.
Debian file type *.dsc is supported.
/etc/rc.conf ef6e82e4006dee563d98ada2a2a80a27 sha254c8525aee419eb649f0233be91c151178b30f0dff8ebbdcc8de71b1d5c8bcc06a /etc/resolv.conf ead48423703509d37c4a90e6a0d53e143b6fc268
- Known issues:
If the remote server URL has the hash file as an apparent
sub-directory of the source file, the module will discover that it
has already cached a directory where a file should be cached. For
tomdroid-src-0.7.3.tar.gz: file.managed: - name: /tmp/tomdroid-src-0.7.3.tar.gz - source: - source_hash:
- template
- jinja The named templating engine will be used to render the appended-to file. Defaults to jinja.
- sources
- A list of source files to append. If the files are hosted on an HTTP or FTP server, the source_hashes argument is also required.
- source_hashes
- A list of source_hashes corresponding to the sources list specified in the sources argument.
- defaults
- Default context passed to the template.
- context
Overrides default context variables passed to the template.
Multi-line example:
/etc/motd: file.append: - text: | Thou hadst better eat salt with the Philosophers of Greece, than sugar with the Courtiers of Italy. - Benjamin Franklin
Multiple lines of text:
/etc/motd: file.append: - text: - Trust no one unless you have eaten much salt with him. - "Salt is born of the purest of parents: the sun and the sea."
Gather text from multiple template files:
/etc/motd: file: - append - template: jinja - sources: - salt://motd/devops-messages.tmpl - salt://motd/hr-messages.tmpl - salt://motd/general-messages.tmpl
New in version 0.9.5.
- salt.states.file.blockreplace(name, marker_start='#-- start managed zone --', marker_end='#-- end managed zone --', content='', append_if_not_found=False, prepend_if_not_found=False, backup='.bak', show_changes=True)
Maintain an edit in a file in a zone delimited by two line markers
New in version 2014.1.0.
A block of content delimited by comments can help you manage several lines entries without worrying about old entries removal. This can help you maintaining an un-managed file containing manual edits. Note: this function will store two copies of the file in-memory (the original version and the edited version) in order to detect changes and only edit the targeted file if necessary.
- name
- Filesystem path to the file to be edited
- marker_start
- The line content identifying a line as the start of the content block. Note that the whole line containing this marker will be considered, so whitespace or extra content before or after the marker is included in final output
- marker_end
- The line content identifying a line as the end of the content block. Note that the whole line containing this marker will be considered, so whitespace or extra content before or after the marker is included in final output. Note: you can use file.accumulated and target this state. All accumulated data dictionaries content will be added as new lines in the content
- content
- The content to be used between the two lines identified by marker_start and marker_end
- append_if_not_found
- If markers are not found and set to True then the markers and content will be appended to the file. Default is False
- prepend_if_not_found
- If markers are not found and set to True then the markers and content will be prepended to the file. Default is False
- backup
- The file extension to use for a backup of the file if any edit is made. Set this to False to skip making a backup.
- dry_run
- Don't make any edits to the file
- show_changes
Output a unified diff of the old file and the new file. If False
return a boolean if any changes were made
Example of usage with an accumulator and with a variable:
{% set myvar = 42 %} hosts-config-block-{{ myvar }}: file.blockreplace: - name: /etc/hosts - marker_start: "# START managed zone {{ myvar }} -DO-NOT-EDIT-" - marker_end: "# END managed zone {{ myvar }} --" - content: 'First line of content' - append_if_not_found: True - backup: '.bak' - show_changes: True hosts-config-block-{{ myvar }}-accumulated1: file.accumulated: - filename: /etc/hosts - name: my-accumulator-{{ myvar }} - text: "text 2" - require_in: - file: hosts-config-block-{{ myvar }} hosts-config-block-{{ myvar }}-accumulated2: file.accumulated: - filename: /etc/hosts - name: my-accumulator-{{ myvar }} - text: | text 3 text 4 - require_in: - file: hosts-config-block-{{ myvar }}
will generate and maintain a block of content in /etc/hosts:
# START managed zone 42 -DO-NOT-EDIT- First line of content text 2 text 3 text 4 # END managed zone 42 --
- salt.states.file.comment(name, regex, char='#', backup='.bak')
- Comment out specified lines in a file.
- name
- The full path to the file to be edited
- regex
- A regular expression used to find the lines that are to be commented; this pattern will be wrapped in parenthesis and will move any preceding/trailing ^ or $ characters outside the parenthesis (e.g., the pattern ^foo$ will be rewritten as ^(foo)$) Note that you _need_ the leading ^, otherwise each time you run highstate, another comment char will be inserted.
- char
- # The character to be inserted at the beginning of a line in order to comment it out
- backup
The file will be backed up before edit with this file extension
WARNING: This backup will be overwritten each time sed / comment / uncomment is called. Meaning the backup will only be useful after the first invocation.
/etc/fstab: file.comment: - regex: ^bind
New in version 0.9.5.
- salt.states.file.copy(name, source, force=False, makedirs=False, preserve=False, user=None, group=None, mode=None, subdir=False, **kwargs)
- If the source file exists on the system, copy it to the named file. The named file will not be overwritten if it already exists unless the force option is set to True.
- name
- The location of the file to copy to
- source
- The location of the file to copy to the location specified with name
- force
- If the target location is present then the file will not be moved, specify "force: True" to overwrite the target file
- makedirs
- If the target subdirectories don't exist create them
- preserve
New in version 2015.5.0.
Set preserve: True to preserve user/group ownership and mode after copying. Default is False. If preseve is set to True, then user/group/mode attributes will be ignored.
- user
New in version 2015.5.0.
The user to own the copied file, this defaults to the user salt is running as on the minion. If preserve is set to True, then this will be ignored
- group
New in version 2015.5.0.
The group to own the copied file, this defaults to the group salt is running as on the minion. If preserve is set to True or on Windows this will be ignored
- mode
New in version 2015.5.0.
The permissions to set on the copied file, aka 644, '0775', '4664'. If preserve is set to True, then this will be ignored. Not supported on Windows
- subdir
New in version 2015.5.0.
If the name is a directory then place the file inside the named directory
-, user=None, group=None, recurse=None, dir_mode=None, file_mode=None, makedirs=False, clean=False, require=None, exclude_pat=None, follow_symlinks=False, force=False, backupname=None, allow_symlink=True, **kwargs)
- Ensure that a named directory is present and has the right perms
- name
- The location to create or manage a directory
- user
- The user to own the directory; this defaults to the user salt is running as on the minion
- group
- The group ownership set for the directory; this defaults to the group salt is running as on the minion. On Windows, this is ignored
- recurse
Enforce user/group ownership and mode of directory recursively. Accepts
a list of strings representing what you would like to recurse. If
mode is defined, will recurse on both file_mode and dir_mode if
they are defined. If ignore_files or ignore_dirs is included, files or
directories will be left unchanged respectively.
/var/log/httpd: - user: root - group: root - dir_mode: 755 - file_mode: 644 - recurse: - user - group - mode
Leave files or directories unchanged:
/var/log/httpd: - user: root - group: root - dir_mode: 755 - file_mode: 644 - recurse: - user - group - mode - ignore_files /var/log/httpd: - user: root - group: root - dir_mode: 755 - file_mode: 644 - recurse: - user - group - mode - ignore_dirs
New in version 2015.5.0.
- dir_mode / mode
- The permissions mode to set any directories created. Not supported on Windows
- file_mode
- The permissions mode to set any files created if 'mode' is run in 'recurse'. This defaults to dir_mode. Not supported on Windows
- makedirs
- If the directory is located in a path without a parent directory, then the state will fail. If makedirs is set to True, then the parent directories will be created to facilitate the creation of the named file.
- clean
- Make sure that only files that are set up by salt and required by this function are kept. If this option is set then everything in this directory will be deleted unless it is required.
- require
- Require other resources such as packages or files
- exclude_pat
- When 'clean' is set to True, exclude this pattern from removal list and preserve in the destination.
- follow_symlinks
If the desired path is a symlink (or recurse is defined and a
symlink is encountered while recursing), follow it and check the
permissions of the directory/file to which the symlink points.
New in version 2014.1.4.
- force
If the name of the directory exists and is not a directory and
force is set to False, the state will fail. If force is set to
True, the file in the way of the directory will be deleted to
make room for the directory, unless backupname is set,
then it will be renamed.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- backupname
If the name of the directory exists and is not a directory, it will be
renamed to the backupname. If the backupname already
exists and force is False, the state will fail. Otherwise, the
backupname will be removed first.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- allow_symlink
If allow_symlink is True and the specified path is a symlink, it will be
allowed to remain if it points to a directory. If allow_symlink is False
then the state will fail, unless force is also set to True, in which case
it will be removed or renamed, depending on the value of the backupname
New in version 2014.7.0.
- salt.states.file.exists(name)
- Verify that the named file or directory is present or exists. Ensures pre-requisites outside of Salt's purview (e.g., keytabs, private keys, etc.) have been previously satisfied before deployment.
- name
- Absolute path which must exist
- salt.states.file.managed(name, source=None, source_hash='', user=None, group=None, mode=None, template=None, makedirs=False, dir_mode=None, context=None, replace=True, defaults=None, env=None, backup='', show_diff=True, create=True, contents=None, contents_pillar=None, contents_grains=None, contents_newline=True, follow_symlinks=True, check_cmd=None, **kwargs)
- Manage a given file, this function allows for a file to be downloaded from the salt master and potentially run through a templating system.
- name
- The location of the file to manage
- source
The source file to download to the minion, this source file can be
hosted on either the salt master server, or on an HTTP or FTP server.
Both HTTPS and HTTP are supported as well as downloading directly
from Amazon S3 compatible URLs with both pre-configured and automatic
IAM credentials. (see s3.get state documentation)
File retrieval from Openstack Swift object storage is supported via
swift://container/object_path URLs, see swift.get documentation.
For files hosted on the salt file server, if the file is located on
the master in the directory named spam, and is called eggs, the source
string is salt://spam/eggs. If source is left blank or None
(use ~ in YAML), the file will be created as an empty file and
the content will not be managed
If the file is hosted on a HTTP or FTP server then the source_hash argument is also required
A list of sources can also be passed in to provide a default source and a set of fallbacks. The first source in the list that is found to exist will be used and subsequent entries in the list will be ignored.
file_override_example: file.managed: - source: - salt://file_that_does_not_exist - salt://file_that_exists
- source_hash
- This can be one of the following:
- 1.
- a source hash string
- 2.
the URI of a file that contains source hash strings
The function accepts the first encountered long unbroken alphanumeric string of correct length as a valid hash, in order from most secure to least secure:
Type Length ====== ====== sha512 128 sha384 96 sha256 64 sha224 56 sha1 40 md5 32
- Using a Source Hash File
The file can contain several checksums for several files. Each line
must contain both the file name and the hash. If no file name is
matched, the first hash encountered will be used, otherwise the most
secure hash with the correct source file name will be used.
When using a source hash file the source_hash argument needs to be a url, the standard download urls are supported, ftp, http, salt etc:
tomdroid-src-0.7.3.tar.gz: file.managed: - name: /tmp/tomdroid-src-0.7.3.tar.gz - source: - source_hash:
The following is an example of the supported source_hash format:
/etc/rc.conf ef6e82e4006dee563d98ada2a2a80a27 sha254c8525aee419eb649f0233be91c151178b30f0dff8ebbdcc8de71b1d5c8bcc06a /etc/resolv.conf ead48423703509d37c4a90e6a0d53e143b6fc268
Debian file type *.dsc files are also supported.
- Inserting the Source Hash in the sls Data
tomdroid-src-0.7.3.tar.gz: file.managed: - name: /tmp/tomdroid-src-0.7.3.tar.gz - source: - source_hash: md5=79eef25f9b0b2c642c62b7f737d4f53f
- Known issues:
If the remote server URL has the hash file as an apparent
sub-directory of the source file, the module will discover that it
has already cached a directory where a file should be cached. For
tomdroid-src-0.7.3.tar.gz: file.managed: - name: /tmp/tomdroid-src-0.7.3.tar.gz - source: - source_hash:
- user
- The user to own the file, this defaults to the user salt is running as on the minion
- group
- The group ownership set for the file, this defaults to the group salt is running as on the minion On Windows, this is ignored
- mode
- The permissions to set on this file, aka 644, 0775, 4664. Not supported on Windows
- template
- If this setting is applied then the named templating engine will be used to render the downloaded file, currently jinja, mako, and wempy are supported
- makedirs
- If the file is located in a path without a parent directory, then the state will fail. If makedirs is set to True, then the parent directories will be created to facilitate the creation of the named file.
- dir_mode
- If directories are to be created, passing this option specifies the permissions for those directories. If this is not set, directories will be assigned permissions from the 'mode' argument.
- replace
- If this file should be replaced. If false, this command will not overwrite file contents but will enforce permissions if the file exists already. Default is True.
- context
- Overrides default context variables passed to the template.
- defaults
- Default context passed to the template.
- backup
- Overrides the default backup mode for this specific file.
- show_diff
- If set to False, the diff will not be shown.
- create
- Default is True, if create is set to False then the file will only be managed if the file already exists on the system.
- contents
- Default is None. If specified, will use the given string as the contents of the file. Should not be used in conjunction with a source file of any kind. Ignores hashes and does not use a templating engine.
- contents_pillar
New in version 0.17.0.
Operates like contents, but draws from a value stored in pillar, using the pillar path syntax used in pillar.get. This is useful when the pillar value contains newlines, as referencing a pillar variable using a jinja/mako template can result in YAML formatting issues due to the newlines causing indentation mismatches.
For example, the following could be used to deploy an SSH private key:
/home/deployer/.ssh/id_rsa: file.managed: - user: deployer - group: deployer - mode: 600 - contents_pillar: userdata:deployer:id_rsa
This would populate /home/deployer/.ssh/id_rsa with the contents of pillar['userdata']['deployer']['id_rsa']. An example of this pillar setup would be like so:
userdata: deployer: id_rsa: | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEowIBAAKCAQEAoQiwO3JhBquPAalQF9qP1lLZNXVjYMIswrMe2HcWUVBgh+vY U7sCwx/dH6+VvNwmCoqmNnP+8gTPKGl1vgAObJAnMT623dMXjVKwnEagZPRJIxDy B/HaAre9euNiY3LvIzBTWRSeMfT+rWvIKVBpvwlgGrfgz70m0pqxu+UyFbAGLin+ GpxzZAMaFpZw4sSbIlRuissXZj/sHpQb8p9M5IeO4Z3rjkCP1cxI -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
NOTE: The private key above is shortened to keep the example brief, but shows how to do multiline string in YAML. The key is followed by a pipe character, and the mutliline string is indented two more spaces.
- contents_grains
New in version 2014.7.0.
Same as contents_pillar, but with grains
- contents_newline
New in version 2014.7.0.
When using contents, contents_pillar, or contents_grains, this option ensures the file will have a newline at the end. When loading some data this newline is better left off. Setting contents_newline to False will omit this final newline.
- follow_symlinks
New in version 2014.7.0.
If the desired path is a symlink follow it and make changes to the file to which the symlink points.
- check_cmd
New in version 2014.7.0.
The specified command will be run with the managed file as an argument. If the command exits with a nonzero exit code, the command will not be run.
- salt.states.file.missing(name)
- Verify that the named file or directory is missing, this returns True only if the named file is missing but does not remove the file if it is present.
- name
- Absolute path which must NOT exist
- salt.states.file.mknod(name, ntype, major=0, minor=0, user=None, group=None, mode='0600')
- Create a special file similar to the 'nix mknod command. The supported device types are p (fifo pipe), c (character device), and b (block device). Provide the major and minor numbers when specifying a character device or block device. A fifo pipe does not require this information. The command will create the necessary dirs if needed. If a file of the same name not of the same type/major/minor exists, it will not be overwritten or unlinked (deleted). This is logically in place as a safety measure because you can really shoot yourself in the foot here and it is the behavior of 'nix mknod. It is also important to note that not just anyone can create special devices. Usually this is only done as root. If the state is executed as none other than root on a minion, you may receive a permission error.
- name
- name of the file
- ntype
- node type 'p' (fifo pipe), 'c' (character device), or 'b' (block device)
- major
- major number of the device does not apply to a fifo pipe
- minor
- minor number of the device does not apply to a fifo pipe
- user
- owning user of the device/pipe
- group
- owning group of the device/pipe
- mode
permissions on the device/pipe
/dev/chr: file.mknod: - ntype: c - major: 180 - minor: 31 - user: root - group: root - mode: 660 /dev/blk: file.mknod: - ntype: b - major: 8 - minor: 999 - user: root - group: root - mode: 660 /dev/fifo: file.mknod: - ntype: p - user: root - group: root - mode: 660
New in version 0.17.0.
- salt.states.file.mod_run_check_cmd(cmd, filename, **check_cmd_opts)
Execute the check_cmd logic.
Return a result dict if check_cmd succeeds (check_cmd == 0) otherwise return True
- salt.states.file.patch(name, source=None, hash=None, options='', dry_run_first=True, env=None, **kwargs)
Apply a patch to a file.
NOTE: A suitable patch executable must be available on the minion when using this state function.
- name
- The file to which the patch will be applied.
- source
- The source patch to download to the minion, this source file must be hosted on the salt master server. If the file is located in the directory named spam, and is called eggs, the source string is salt://spam/eggs. A source is required.
- hash
- Hash of the patched file. If the hash of the target file matches this value then the patch is assumed to have been applied. The hash string is the hash algorithm followed by the hash of the file: md5=e138491e9d5b97023cea823fe17bac22
- options
- Extra options to pass to patch.
- dry_run_first
- True Run patch with --dry-run first to check if it will apply cleanly.
- env
Specify the environment from which to retrieve the patch file indicated
by the source parameter. If not provided, this defaults to the
environment from which the state is being executed.
# Equivalent to ``patch --forward /opt/file.txt file.patch`` /opt/file.txt: file.patch: - source: salt://file.patch - hash: md5=e138491e9d5b97023cea823fe17bac22
- salt.states.file.prepend(name, text=None, makedirs=False, source=None, source_hash=None, template='jinja', sources=None, source_hashes=None, defaults=None, context=None)
Ensure that some text appears at the beginning of a file
The text will not be prepended again if it already exists in the file. You may specify a single line of text or a list of lines to append.
Multi-line example:
/etc/motd: file.prepend: - text: | Thou hadst better eat salt with the Philosophers of Greece, than sugar with the Courtiers of Italy. - Benjamin Franklin
Multiple lines of text:
/etc/motd: file.prepend: - text: - Trust no one unless you have eaten much salt with him. - "Salt is born of the purest of parents: the sun and the sea."
Gather text from multiple template files:
/etc/motd: file: - prepend - template: jinja - sources: - salt://motd/devops-messages.tmpl - salt://motd/hr-messages.tmpl - salt://motd/general-messages.tmpl
New in version 2014.7.0.
- salt.states.file.recurse(name, source, clean=False, require=None, user=None, group=None, dir_mode=None, file_mode=None, sym_mode=None, template=None, context=None, defaults=None, env=None, include_empty=False, backup='', include_pat=None, exclude_pat=None, maxdepth=None, keep_symlinks=False, force_symlinks=False, **kwargs)
- Recurse through a subdirectory on the master and copy said subdirectory over to the specified path.
- name
- The directory to set the recursion in
- source
- The source directory, this directory is located on the salt master file server and is specified with the salt:// protocol. If the directory is located on the master in the directory named spam, and is called eggs, the source string is salt://spam/eggs
- clean
- Make sure that only files that are set up by salt and required by this function are kept. If this option is set then everything in this directory will be deleted unless it is required.
- require
- Require other resources such as packages or files
- user
- The user to own the directory. This defaults to the user salt is running as on the minion
- group
- The group ownership set for the directory. This defaults to the group salt is running as on the minion. On Windows, this is ignored
- dir_mode
- The permissions mode to set on any directories created. Not supported on Windows
- file_mode
- The permissions mode to set on any files created. Not supported on Windows
- sym_mode
- The permissions mode to set on any symlink created. Not supported on Windows
- template
If this setting is applied then the named templating engine will be
used to render the downloaded file. Supported templates are:
jinja, mako and wempy.
NOTE: The template option is required when recursively applying templates.
- context
- Overrides default context variables passed to the template.
- defaults
- Default context passed to the template.
- include_empty
- Set this to True if empty directories should also be created (default is False)
- include_pat
When copying, include only this pattern from the source. Default
is glob match; if prefixed with 'E@', then regexp match.
- include_pat: hello* :: glob matches 'hello01', 'hello02' ... but not 'otherhello' - include_pat: E@hello :: regexp matches 'otherhello', 'hello01' ...
- exclude_pat
Exclude this pattern from the source when copying. If both
include_pat and exclude_pat are supplied, then it will apply
conditions cumulatively. i.e. first select based on include_pat, and
then within that result apply exclude_pat.
Also, when 'clean=True', exclude this pattern from the removal list and preserve in the destination. Example:
- exclude_pat: APPDATA* :: glob matches APPDATA.01, APPDATA.02,.. for exclusion - exclude_pat: E@(APPDATA)|(TEMPDATA) :: regexp matches APPDATA or TEMPDATA for exclusion
- maxdepth
When copying, only copy paths which are of depth maxdepth from the
source path.
- maxdepth: 0 :: Only include files located in the source directory - maxdepth: 1 :: Only include files located in the source or immediate subdirectories
- keep_symlinks
- Keep symlinks when copying from the source. This option will cause the copy operation to terminate at the symlink. If desire behavior similar to rsync, then set this to True.
- force_symlinks
- Force symlink creation. This option will force the symlink creation. If a file or directory is obstructing symlink creation it will be recursively removed so that symlink creation can proceed. This option is usually not needed except in special circumstances.
- salt.states.file.rename(name, source, force=False, makedirs=False)
- If the source file exists on the system, rename it to the named file. The named file will not be overwritten if it already exists unless the force option is set to True.
- name
- The location of the file to rename to
- source
- The location of the file to move to the location specified with name
- force
- If the target location is present then the file will not be moved, specify "force: True" to overwrite the target file
- makedirs
- If the target subdirectories don't exist create them
- salt.states.file.replace(name, pattern, repl, count=0, flags=8, bufsize=1, append_if_not_found=False, prepend_if_not_found=False, not_found_content=None, backup='.bak', show_changes=True)
Maintain an edit in a file.
New in version 0.17.0.
- name
- Filesystem path to the file to be edited.
- pattern
- Python's regular expression search.
- repl
- The replacement text.
- count
- Maximum number of pattern occurrences to be replaced. Defaults to 0. If count is a positive integer n, no more than n occurrences will be replaced, otherwise all occurrences will be replaced.
- flags
- A list of flags defined in the re module documentation. Each list item should be a string that will correlate to the human-friendly flag name. E.g., ['IGNORECASE', 'MULTILINE']. Optionally, flags may be an int, with a value corresponding to the XOR (|) of all the desired flags. Defaults to 8 (which supports 'MULTILINE').
- bufsize
- How much of the file to buffer into memory at once. The default value 1 processes one line at a time. The special value file may be specified which will read the entire file into memory before processing.
- append_if_not_found
If pattern is not found and set to True then, the content will be appended to the file.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- prepend_if_not_found
If pattern is not found and set to True then, the content will be prepended to the file.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- not_found_content
Content to use for append/prepend if not found. If None (default), uses repl. Useful
when repl uses references to group in pattern.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- backup
- The file extension to use for a backup of the file before editing. Set to False to skip making a backup.
- show_changes
Output a unified diff of the old file and the new file. If False return a boolean if any
changes were made. Returns a boolean or a string.
For complex regex patterns it can be useful to avoid the need for complex quoting and escape sequences by making use of YAML's multiline string syntax.
complex_search_and_replace: file.replace: # <...snip...> - pattern: | CentOS \(2.6.32[^\n]+\n\s+root[^\n]+\n\)+
NOTE: When using YAML multiline string syntax in pattern:, make sure to also use that syntax in the repl: part, or you might loose line feeds.
- salt.states.file.serialize(name, dataset=None, dataset_pillar=None, user=None, group=None, mode=None, env=None, backup='', makedirs=False, show_diff=True, create=True, merge_if_exists=False, **kwargs)
- Serializes dataset and store it into managed file. Useful for sharing simple configuration files.
- name
- The location of the file to create
- dataset
- The dataset that will be serialized
- dataset_pillar
Operates like dataset, but draws from a value stored in pillar,
using the pillar path syntax used in pillar.get. This is useful when the pillar value
contains newlines, as referencing a pillar variable using a jinja/mako
template can result in YAML formatting issues due to the newlines
causing indentation mismatches.
New in version FIXME.
- formatter
- Write the data as this format. Supported output formats:
- •
- •
- •
- Python (via pprint.pformat)
- user
- The user to own the directory, this defaults to the user salt is running as on the minion
- group
- The group ownership set for the directory, this defaults to the group salt is running as on the minion
- mode
- The permissions to set on this file, aka 644, 0775, 4664
- backup
- Overrides the default backup mode for this specific file.
- makedirs
Create parent directories for destination file.
New in version 2014.1.3.
- show_diff
- If set to False, the diff will not be shown.
- create
- Default is True, if create is set to False then the file will only be managed if the file already exists on the system.
- merge_if_exists
Default is False, if merge_if_exists is True then the existing file will
be parsed and the dataset passed in will be merged with the existing
New in version 2014.7.0.
For example, this state:
/etc/dummy/package.json: file.serialize: - dataset: name: naive description: A package using naive versioning author: A confused individual <iam [at]> dependencies: express: >= 1.2.0 optimist: >= 0.1.0 engine: node 0.4.1 - formatter: json
will manage the file /etc/dummy/package.json:
{ "author": "A confused individual <iam [at]>", "dependencies": { "express": ">= 1.2.0", "optimist": ">= 0.1.0" }, "description": "A package using naive versioning", "engine": "node 0.4.1", "name": "naive" }
- salt.states.file.symlink(name, target, force=False, backupname=None, makedirs=False, user=None, group=None, mode=None, **kwargs)
Create a symlink
If the file already exists and is a symlink pointing to any location other than the specified target, the symlink will be replaced. If the symlink is a regular file or directory then the state will return False. If the regular file or directory is desired to be replaced with a symlink pass force: True, if it is to be renamed, pass a backupname.
- name
- The location of the symlink to create
- target
- The location that the symlink points to
- force
- If the name of the symlink exists and is not a symlink and force is set to False, the state will fail. If force is set to True, the file or directory in the way of the symlink file will be deleted to make room for the symlink, unless backupname is set, when it will be renamed
- backupname
- If the name of the symlink exists and is not a symlink, it will be renamed to the backupname. If the backupname already exists and force is False, the state will fail. Otherwise, the backupname will be removed first.
- makedirs
- If the location of the symlink does not already have a parent directory then the state will fail, setting makedirs to True will allow Salt to create the parent directory
- user
- The user to own the file, this defaults to the user salt is running as on the minion
- group
- The group ownership set for the file, this defaults to the group salt is running as on the minion. On Windows, this is ignored
- mode
- The permissions to set on this file, aka 644, 0775, 4664. Not supported on Windows
- salt.states.file.touch(name, atime=None, mtime=None, makedirs=False)
Replicate the 'nix "touch" command to create a new empty
file or update the atime and mtime of an existing file.
Note that if you just want to create a file and don't care about atime or mtime, you should use file.managed instead, as it is more feature-complete. (Just leave out the source/template/contents arguments, and it will just create the file and/or check its permissions, without messing with contents)
- name
- name of the file
- atime
- atime of the file
- mtime
- mtime of the file
- makedirs
whether we should create the parent directory/directories in order to
touch the file
/var/log/httpd/logrotate.empty: file.touch
New in version 0.9.5.
- salt.states.file.uncomment(name, regex, char='#', backup='.bak')
- Uncomment specified commented lines in a file
- name
- The full path to the file to be edited
- regex
- A regular expression used to find the lines that are to be uncommented. This regex should not include the comment character. A leading ^ character will be stripped for convenience (for easily switching between comment() and uncomment()). The regex will be searched for from the beginning of the line, ignoring leading spaces (we prepend '^[ t]*')
- char
- # The character to remove in order to uncomment a line
- backup
The file will be backed up before edit with this file extension;
WARNING: This backup will be overwritten each time sed / comment / uncomment is called. Meaning the backup will only be useful after the first invocation.
/etc/adduser.conf: file.uncomment: - regex: EXTRA_GROUPS
New in version 0.9.5.
Installation of Ruby modules packaged as gems
A state module to manage rubygems. Gems can be set up to be installed or removed. This module will use RVM or rbenv if they are installed. In that case, you can specify what ruby version and gemset to target.
addressable: gem.installed: - user: rvm - ruby: jruby [at] jgemset
- salt.states.gem.installed(name, ruby=None, gem_bin=None, user=None, version=None, rdoc=False, ri=False, pre_releases=False, proxy=None)
- Make sure that a gem is installed.
- name
- The name of the gem to install
- ruby: None
- Only for RVM or rbenv installations: the ruby version and gemset to target.
- gem_bin: None
- Custom gem command to run instead of the default. Use this to install gems to a non-default ruby install. If you are using rvm or rbenv use the ruby argument instead.
- user: None
The user under which to run the gem command
New in version 0.17.0.
- version
- None Specify the version to install for the gem. Doesn't play nice with multiple gems at once
- rdoc
- False Generate RDoc documentation for the gem(s).
- ri
- False Generate RI documentation for the gem(s).
- pre_releases
- False Install pre-release version of gem(s) if available.
- proxy
- None Use the specified HTTP proxy server for all outgoing traffic. Format: http://hostname[:port]
- salt.states.gem.removed(name, ruby=None, user=None, gem_bin=None)
- Make sure that a gem is not installed.
- name
- The name of the gem to uninstall
- gem_bin
- None Full path to gem binary to use.
- ruby
- None If RVM or rbenv are installed, the ruby version and gemset to use. Ignored if gem_bin is specified.
- user: None
The user under which to run the gem command
New in version 0.17.0.
Interaction with Git repositories
Important: Before using git over ssh, make sure your remote host fingerprint exists in "~/.ssh/known_hosts" file. To avoid requiring password authentication, it is also possible to pass private keys to use explicitly. git.latest: - rev: develop - target: /tmp/salt
- salt.states.git.config(name, value, repo=None, user=None, is_global=False)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Manage a git config setting for a user or repository
- name
- Name of the git config value to set
- value
- Value to set
- repo
- None An optional location of a git repository for local operations
- user
- None Optional name of a user as whom git config will be run
- is_global
Whether or not to pass the --global option to git config
Local config example:
mylocalrepo: git.config: - name: - value: fester [at] - repo: file://my/path/to/repo
Global config example:
mylocalrepo: git.config: - name: - value: Esther Bestertester - user: ebestertester - is_global: True
- salt.states.git.latest(name, rev=None, target=None, user=None, force=None, force_checkout=False, force_reset=False, submodules=False, mirror=False, bare=False, remote_name='origin', always_fetch=False, depth=None, identity=None, https_user=None, https_pass=None, onlyif=False, unless=False)
- Make sure the repository is cloned to the given directory and is up to date
- name
- Address of the remote repository as passed to "git clone"
- rev
- The remote branch, tag, or revision ID to checkout after clone / before update
- target
- Name of the target directory where repository is about to be cloned
- user
Name of the user performing repository management operations
New in version 0.17.0.
- force
- Force git to clone into pre-existing directories (deletes contents)
- force_checkout
- Force a checkout even if there might be overwritten changes (Default: False)
- force_reset
- Force the checkout to --reset hard to the remote ref (Default: False)
- submodules
- Update submodules on clone or branch change (Default: False)
- mirror
- True if the repository is to be a mirror of the remote repository. This implies bare, and thus is incompatible with rev.
- bare
- True if the repository is to be a bare clone of the remote repository. This is incompatible with rev, as nothing will be checked out.
- remote_name
- defines a different remote name. For the first clone the given name is set to the default remote, else it is just a additional remote. (Default: 'origin')
- always_fetch
- If a tag or branch name is used as the rev a fetch will not occur until the tag or branch name changes. Setting this to true will force a fetch to occur. Only applies when rev is set. (Default: False)
- depth
- Defines depth in history when git a clone is needed in order to ensure latest. E.g. depth: 1 is usefull when deploying from a repository with a long history. Use rev to specify branch. This is not compatible with tags or revision IDs.(Default: None)
- identity
- A path on the minion server to a private key to use over SSH
- https_user
HTTP Basic Auth username for HTTPS (only) clones
New in version 2015.5.0.
- https_pass
HTTP Basic Auth password for HTTPS (only) clones
New in version 2015.5.0.
- onlyif
- A command to run as a check, run the named command only if the command passed to the onlyif option returns true
- unless
A command to run as a check, only run the named command if the command
passed to the unless option returns false
NOTE: Clashing ID declarations can be avoided when including different branches from the same git repository in the same sls file by using the name declaration. The example below checks out the gh-pages and gh-pages-prod branches from the same repository into separate directories. The example also sets up the ssh_known_hosts ssh key required to perform the git checkout. ssh_known_hosts: - present - user: root - enc: ecdsa - fingerprint: 4e:94:b0:54:c1:5b:29:a2:70:0e:e1:a3:51:ee:ee:e3 git-website-staging: git.latest: - name: git [at] - rev: gh-pages - target: /usr/share/nginx/staging - identity: /root/.ssh/website_id_rsa - require: - pkg: git - ssh_known_hosts: git-website-prod: git.latest: - name: git [at] - rev: gh-pages-prod - target: /usr/share/nginx/prod - identity: /root/.ssh/website_id_rsa - require: - pkg: git - ssh_known_hosts:
- salt.states.git.mod_run_check(cmd_kwargs, onlyif, unless)
- Execute the onlyif and unless logic. Return a result dict if: * onlyif failed (onlyif != 0) * unless succeeded (unless == 0) else return True
- salt.states.git.present(name, bare=True, user=None, force=False, shared=None)
- Make sure the repository is present in the given directory
- name
- Name of the directory where the repository is about to be created
- bare
- Create a bare repository (Default: True)
- user
Name of the user performing repository management operations
New in version 0.17.0.
- force
- Force-create a new repository into an pre-existing non-git directory (deletes contents)
- shared
Specify the permission for sharing, see git-init for details (Default: None)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Manage glusterfs pool.
- salt.states.glusterfs.add_volume_bricks(name, bricks)
- Add brick(s) to an existing volume
- name
- Volume name
- bricks
List of bricks to add to the volume
- myvolume:
- glusterfs.add_volume_bricks:
- •
- bricks:
- •
- host1:/srv/gluster/drive1
- •
- host2:/srv/gluster/drive2
- Replicated Volume:
- glusterfs.add_volume_bricks:
- •
- name: volume2
- •
- bricks: - host1:/srv/gluster/drive2 - host2:/srv/gluster/drive3
- salt.states.glusterfs.created(name, bricks, stripe=False, replica=False, device_vg=False, transport='tcp', start=False)
- Check if volume already exists
- name
name of the volume
myvolume: glusterfs.created: - bricks: - host1:/srv/gluster/drive1 - host2:/srv/gluster/drive2 Replicated Volume: glusterfs.created: - name: volume2 - bricks: - host1:/srv/gluster/drive2 - host2:/srv/gluster/drive3 - replica: 2 - start: True
- salt.states.glusterfs.peered(name)
- Check if node is peered.
- name
The remote host with which to peer.
peer-cluster: glusterfs.peered: - name: two peer-clusters: glusterfs.peered: - names: - one - two - three - four
- salt.states.glusterfs.started(name)
- Check if volume has been started
- name
name of the volume
mycluster: glusterfs.started: []
Configuration of the GNOME desktop
Control the GNOME settings
localdesktop_wm_prefs: gnomedesktop.wm_preferences: - user: username - audible_bell: false - action_double_click_titlebar: 'toggle-maximize' - visual_bell: true - num_workspaces: 6 localdesktop_lockdown: gnomedesktop.desktop_lockdown: - user: username - disable_user_switching: true localdesktop_interface: gnomedesktop.desktop_interface: - user: username - clock_show_date: true - clock_format: 12h
- salt.states.gnomedesktop.desktop_interface(name, user=None, automatic_mnemonics=None, buttons_have_icons=None, can_change_accels=None, clock_format=None, clock_show_date=None, clock_show_seconds=None, cursor_blink=None, cursor_blink_time=None, cursor_blink_timeout=None, cursor_size=None, cursor_theme=None, document_font_name=None, enable_animations=None, font_name=None, gtk_color_palette=None, gtk_color_scheme=None, gtk_im_module=None, gtk_im_preedit_style=None, gtk_im_status_style=None, gtk_key_theme=None, gtk_theme=None, gtk_timeout_initial=None, gtk_timeout_repeat=None, icon_theme=None, menubar_accel=None, menubar_detachable=None, menus_have_icons=None, menus_have_tearoff=None, monospace_font_name=None, show_input_method_menu=None, show_unicode_menu=None, text_scaling_factor=None, toolbar_detachable=None, toolbar_icons_size=None, toolbar_style=None, toolkit_accessibility=None, **kwargs)
- desktop_interface: sets values in the org.gnome.desktop.interface schema
- salt.states.gnomedesktop.desktop_lockdown(name, user=None, disable_application_handlers=None, disable_command_line=None, disable_lock_screen=None, disable_log_out=None, disable_print_setup=None, disable_printing=None, disable_save_to_disk=None, disable_user_switching=None, user_administration_disabled=None, **kwargs)
- desktop_lockdown: sets values in the org.gnome.desktop.lockdown schema
- salt.states.gnomedesktop.wm_preferences(name, user=None, action_double_click_titlebar=None, action_middle_click_titlebar=None, action_right_click_titlebar=None, application_based=None, audible_bell=None, auto_raise=None, auto_raise_delay=None, button_layout=None, disable_workarounds=None, focus_mode=None, focus_new_windows=None, mouse_button_modifier=None, num_workspaces=None, raise_on_click=None, resize_with_right_button=None, theme=None, titlebar_font=None, titlebar_uses_system_font=None, visual_bell=None, visual_bell_type=None, workspace_names=None, **kwargs)
- wm_preferences: sets values in the org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences schema
Manage Grafana Dashboards
This module uses elasticsearch, which can be installed via package, or pip.
You can specify elasticsearch hosts directly to the module, or you can use an elasticsearch profile via pillars:
mygrafanaprofile: hosts: - - index: grafana-dash
# Basic usage (uses default pillar profile key 'grafana') Ensure myservice dashboard is managed: grafana.dashboard_present: - name: myservice - dashboard_from_pillar: default - rows_from_pillar: - systemhealth - requests # Passing hosts in Ensure myservice dashboard is managed: grafana.dashboard_present: - name: myservice - dashboard_from_pillar: default - rows: - collapse: false editable: true height: 150px title: System Health panels: - aliasColors: {} id: 200000 annotate: enable: false bars: false datasource: null editable: true error: false fill: 7 grid: leftMax: 100 leftMin: null rightMax: null rightMin: null threshold1: 60 threshold1Color: rgb(216, 27, 27) threshold2: null threshold2Color: rgba(234, 112, 112, 0.22) leftYAxisLabel: '' legend: avg: false current: false max: false min: false show: false total: false values: false lines: true linewidth: 1 nullPointMode: connected percentage: false pointradius: 5 points: false renderer: flot resolution: 100 scale: 1 seriesOverrides: [] span: 4 stack: false steppedLine: false targets: - target: title: CPU (asg average) tooltip: query_as_alias: true shared: false value_type: cumulative type: graph x-axis: true y-axis: true y_formats: - short - short zerofill: true - rows_from_pillar: - systemhealth - requests - profile: hosts: - - index: grafana-dash # Using a profile from pillars Ensure myservice dashboard is managed: grafana.dashboard_present: - name: myservice - dashboard: annotations: enable: true list: [] editable: true hideAllLegends: false hideControls: false nav: - collapse: false enable: true notice: false now: true refresh_intervals: - 10s - 30s - 1m - 5m - 15m - 30m - 1h - 2h - 1d status: Stable time_options: - 5m - 15m - 1h - 2h - 3h - 4h - 6h - 12h - 1d - 2d - 4d - 7d - 16d - 30d type: timepicker originalTitle: dockerregistry refresh: 1m rows: [] sharedCrosshair: false style: dark tags: [] templating: enable: true list: [] time: from: now-2h to: now timezone: browser - rows_from_pillars: - systemhealth - requests - profile: mygrafanaprofile
The behavior of this module is to create dashboards if they do not exist, to add rows if they do not exist in existing dashboards, and to update rows if they exist in dashboards. The module will not manage rows that are not defined, allowing users to manage their own custom rows.
- salt.states.grafana.dashboard_absent(name, hosts=None, profile='grafana')
- Ensure the named grafana dashboard is deleted.
- name
- Name of the grafana dashboard.
- profile
- A pillar key or dict that contains a list of hosts and an elasticsearch index to use.
- salt.states.grafana.dashboard_present(name, dashboard=None, dashboard_from_pillar=None, rows=None, rows_from_pillar=None, profile='grafana')
- Ensure the grafana dashboard exists and is managed.
- name
- Name of the grafana dashboard.
- dashboard
- A dict that defines a dashboard that should be managed.
- dashboard_from_pillar
- A pillar key that contains a grafana dashboard dict. Mutually exclusive with dashboard.
- rows
- A list of grafana rows.
- rows_from_pillar
- A list of pillar keys that contain lists of grafana dashboard rows. Rows defined in the pillars will be appended to the rows defined in the state.
- profile
- A pillar key or dict that contains a list of hosts and an elasticsearch index to use.
Manage grains on the minion
This state allows for grains to be set. Grains set or altered this way are stored in the 'grains' file on the minions, by default at: /etc/salt/grains
Note: This does NOT override any grains set in the minion file.
- salt.states.grains.absent(name, destructive=False)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Delete a grain from the grains config file
- name
- The grain name
- Parameters
destructive -- If destructive is True, delete the entire grain. If
destructive is False, set the grain's value to None. Defaults to False.
grain_name: grains.absent
- salt.states.grains.append(name, value, convert=False)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Append a value to a list in the grains config file
- name
- The grain name
- value
- The value to append
- Parameters
convert -- If convert is True, convert non-list contents into a list.
If convert is False and the grain contains non-list contents, an error
is given. Defaults to False.
grain_name: grains.append: - value: to_be_appended
- salt.states.grains.list_absent(name, value)
Delete a value from a grain formed as a list.
New in version 2014.1.0.
- name
- The grain name.
- value
The value to delete from the grain list.
The grain should be list type
roles: grains.list_absent: - value: db
For multiple grains, the syntax looks like:
roles: grains.list_absent: - value: - web - dev
- salt.states.grains.list_present(name, value)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Ensure the value is present in the list type grain.
- name
- The grain name.
- value
The value is present in the list type grain.
The grain should be list type
roles: grains.list_present: - value: web
For multiple grains, the syntax looks like:
roles: grains.list_present: - value: - web - dev
- salt.states.grains.present(name, value)
- Ensure that a grain is set
- name
- The grain name
- value
The value to set on the grain
If the grain with the given name exists, its value is updated to the new value. If the grain does not yet exist, a new grain is set to the given value.
cheese: grains.present: - value: edam
Management of user groups
The group module is used to create and manage unix group settings, groups can be either present or absent:
cheese: group.present: - gid: 7648 - system: True - addusers: - user1 - users2 - delusers: - foo cheese: group.present: - gid: 7648 - system: True - members: - foo - bar - user1 - user2
- Ensure that the named group is absent
- name
- The name of the group to remove
-, gid=None, system=False, addusers=None, delusers=None, members=None)
- Ensure that a group is present
- name
- The name of the group to manage
- gid
- The group id to assign to the named group; if left empty, then the next available group id will be assigned
- system
- Whether or not the named group is a system group. This is essentially the '-r' option of 'groupadd'.
- addusers
- List of additional users to be added as a group members.
- delusers
- Ensure these user are removed from the group membership.
- members
- Replace existing group members with a list of new members.
- Note: Options 'members' and 'addusers/delusers' are mutually exclusive and
- can not be used together.
Interaction with Mercurial repositories
Before using hg over ssh, make sure the remote host fingerprint already exists in ~/.ssh/known_hosts, and the remote host has this host's public key. hg.latest: - rev: tip - target: /tmp/example_repo
- salt.states.hg.latest(name, rev=None, target=None, clean=False, user=None, identity=None, force=False, opts=False)
- Make sure the repository is cloned to the given directory and is up to date
- name
- Address of the remote repository as passed to "hg clone"
- rev
- The remote branch, tag, or revision hash to clone/pull
- target
- Target destination directory path on minion to clone into
- clean
- Force a clean update with -C (Default: False)
- user
Name of the user performing repository management operations
New in version 0.17.0.
- identity
Private SSH key on the minion server for authentication (ssh://)
New in version 2015.5.0.
- force
- Force hg to clone into pre-existing directories (deletes contents)
- opts
- Include additional arguments and options to the hg command line
Send a message to Hipchat
This state is useful for sending messages to Hipchat during state runs.
New in version 2015.5.0.
hipchat-message: hipchat.send_message: - room_id: 123456 - from_name: SuperAdmin - message: 'This state was executed successfully.' - api_key: peWcBiMOS9HrZG15peWcBiMOS9HrZG15 - api_version: v1
The api key can be specified in the master or minion configuration like below:
- hipchat:
- api_key: peWcBiMOS9HrZG15peWcBiMOS9HrZG15 api_version: v1
- salt.states.hipchat.send_message(name, room_id, from_name, message, api_key=None, api_version=None, message_color='yellow', notify=False)
Send a message to a Hipchat room.
hipchat-message: hipchat.send_message: - room_id: 123456 - from_name: SuperAdmin - message: 'This state was executed successfully.' - api_key: peWcBiMOS9HrZG15peWcBiMOS9HrZG15 - api_version: v1 - color: green - notify: True
The following parameters are required:
- name
- The unique name for this event.
- room_id
- The room to send the message to. Can either be the ID or the name.
- from_name
- The name of that is to be shown in the "from" field. If not specified, defaults to.
- message
The message that is to be sent to the Hipchat room.
The following parameters are optional:
- api_key
- The api key for Hipchat to use for authentication, if not specified in the configuration options of master or minion.
- api_version
- The api version for Hipchat to use, if not specified in the configuration options of master or minion.
- color
- The color the Hipchat message should be displayed in. One of the following, default: yellow "yellow", "red", "green", "purple", "gray", or "random".
- notify
- Should a notification in the room be raised.
Management of addresses and names in hosts file
The /etc/hosts file can be managed to contain definitions for specific hosts:
salt-master: host.present: - ip:
Or using the names directive, you can put several names for the same IP. (Do not try one name with space-separated values).
server1: host.present: - ip: - names: - server1 - florida
NOTE: Changing the names in host.present does not cause an update to remove the old entry.
server1: host.present: - ip: - - - - names: - server1
-, ip)
- Ensure that the named host is absent
- name
- The host to remove
- ip
- The ip addr(s) of the host to remove
-, ip)
- Ensures that the named host is present with the given ip
- name
- The host to assign an ip to
- ip
- The ip addr(s) to apply to the host
Support for htpasswd module
New in version 2014.7.0.
username: webutil.user_exists: - password: secr3t - htpasswd_file: /etc/nginx/htpasswd - options: d - force: true
- salt.states.htpasswd.user_exists(name, password=None, htpasswd_file=None, options='', force=False, runas=None)
- Make sure the user is inside the specified htpasswd file
- name
- User name
- password
- User password
- htpasswd_file
- Path to the htpasswd file
- options
- See salt.modules.htpasswd.useradd
- force
- Touch the file even if user already created
- runas
- The system user to run htpasswd command with
HTTP monitoring states
Perform an HTTP query and statefully return the result
New in version 2015.5.0.
- salt.states.http.query(name, match=None, match_type='string', status=None, **kwargs)
Perform an HTTP query and statefully return the result
New in version 2015.5.0.
Management of incron, the inotify cron
The incron state module allows for user incrontabs to be cleanly managed.
Incron declarations require a number of parameters. The parameters needed to be declared: path, mask, and cmd. The user whose incrontab is to be edited also needs to be defined.
When making changes to an existing incron job, the path declaration is the unique factor, so if an existing cron that looks like this:
Watch for modifications in /home/user: incron.present: - user: root - path: /home/user - mask: - IN_MODIFY - cmd: 'echo "$$ $@"'
Is changed to this:
Watch for modifications and access in /home/user: incron.present: - user: root - path: /home/user - mask: - IN_MODIFY - IN_ACCESS - cmd: 'echo "$$ $@"'
Then the existing cron will be updated, but if the cron command is changed, then a new cron job will be added to the user's crontab.
New in version 0.17.0.
- salt.states.incron.absent(name, path, mask, cmd, user='root')
- Verifies that the specified incron job is absent for the specified user; only the name is matched when removing a incron job.
- name
- Unique comment describing the entry
- path
- The path that should be watched
- user
- The name of the user who's crontab needs to be modified, defaults to the root user
- mask
- The mask of events that should be monitored for
- cmd
- The cmd that should be executed
- salt.states.incron.present(name, path, mask, cmd, user='root')
- Verifies that the specified incron job is present for the specified user. For more advanced information about what exactly can be set in the cron timing parameters, check your incron system's documentation. Most Unix-like systems' incron documentation can be found via the incrontab man page: man 5 incrontab.
- name
- Unique comment describing the entry
- path
- The path that should be watched
- user
- The name of the user who's crontab needs to be modified, defaults to the root user
- mask
- The mask of events that should be monitored for
- cmd
- The cmd that should be executed
Management of InfluxDB databases
(compatible with InfluxDB version 0.5+)
New in version 2014.7.0.
- salt.states.influxdb_database.absent(name, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None)
- Ensure that the named database is absent
- name
- The name of the database to remove
- user
- The user to connect as (must be able to remove the database)
- password
- The password of the user
- host
- The host to connect to
- port
- The port to connect to
- salt.states.influxdb_database.present(name, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None)
- Ensure that the named database is present
- name
- The name of the database to create
- user
- The user to connect as (must be able to remove the database)
- password
- The password of the user
- host
- The host to connect to
- port
- The port to connect to
Management of InfluxDB users
(compatible with InfluxDB version 0.5+)
New in version 2014.7.0.
- salt.states.influxdb_user.absent(name, database=None, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None)
- Ensure that the named cluster admin or database user is absent.
- name
- The name of the user to remove
- database
- The database to remove the user from
- user
- The user to connect as (must be able to remove the user)
- password
- The password of the user
- host
- The host to connect to
- port
- The port to connect to
- salt.states.influxdb_user.present(name, passwd, database=None, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None)
- Ensure that the cluster admin or database user is present.
- name
- The name of the user to manage
- passwd
- The password of the user
- database
- The database to create the user in
- user
- The user to connect as (must be able to create the user)
- password
- The password of the user
- host
- The host to connect to
- port
- The port to connect to
Manage ini files
- maintainer
- <akilesh1597 [at]>
- maturity
- new
- depends
- re
- platform
use section as DEFAULT_IMPLICIT if your ini file does not have any section for example /etc/sysctl.conf
- salt.states.ini_manage.options_absent(name, sections=None)
/home/saltminion/api-paste.ini: ini.options_present: - sections: test: - testkey - secondoption test1: - testkey1
options present in file and not specified in sections dict will be untouched
changes dict will contain the list of changes made
- salt.states.ini_manage.options_present(name, sections=None)
/home/saltminion/api-paste.ini: ini.options_present: - sections: test: testkey: 'testval' secondoption: 'secondvalue' test1: testkey1: 'testval121'
options present in file and not specified in sections dict will be untouched
changes dict will contain the list of changes made
- salt.states.ini_manage.sections_absent(name, sections=None)
/home/saltminion/api-paste.ini: ini.sections_absent: - sections: - test - test1
options present in file and not specified in sections will be deleted changes dict will contain the sections that changed
- salt.states.ini_manage.sections_present(name, sections=None)
/home/saltminion/api-paste.ini: ini.sections_present: - sections: test: testkey: testval secondoption: secondvalue test1: testkey1: 'testval121'
options present in file and not specified in sections will be deleted changes dict will contain the sections that changed
Manage IPMI devices over LAN
The following configuration defaults can be defined in the minion, master config or pillar:
ipmi.config: api_host: api_user: admin api_pass: apassword api_port: 623 api_kg: None
Every call can override the config defaults:
ensure myipmi system is set to network boot: ipmi.boot_device: - name: network - api_host: - api_user: root - api_pass: apassword - api_kg: None ensure myipmi system is powered on: ipmi.power: - name: boot - api_host: - api_user: root - api_pass: apassword
- salt.states.ipmi.boot_device(name='default', **kwargs)
- Request power state change
- name = default
- •
- network -- Request network boot
- •
- hd -- Boot from hard drive
- •
- safe -- Boot from hard drive, requesting 'safe mode'
- •
- optical -- boot from CD/DVD/BD drive
- •
- setup -- Boot into setup utility
- •
- default -- remove any IPMI directed boot device request
- kwargs
- •
- api_host=localhost
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=
- •
- api_port=623
- •
- api_kg=None
- salt.states.ipmi.power(name='power_on', wait=300, **kwargs)
- Request power state change
- name
- Ensure power state one of:
- •
- power_on -- system turn on
- •
- power_off -- system turn off (without waiting for OS)
- •
- shutdown -- request OS proper shutdown
- •
- reset -- reset (without waiting for OS)
- •
- boot -- If system is off, then 'on', else 'reset'
- wait
- wait X seconds for the job to complete before forcing. (defaults to 300 seconds)
- kwargs
- •
- api_host=localhost
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=
- •
- api_port=623
- •
- api_kg=None
- salt.states.ipmi.user_absent(name, channel=14, **kwargs)
- Remove user Delete all user (uid) records having the matching name.
- name
- string name of user to delete
- channel
- channel to remove user access from defaults to 14 for auto.
- kwargs
- •
- api_host=localhost
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=
- •
- api_port=623
- •
- api_kg=None
- salt.states.ipmi.user_present(name, uid, password, channel=14, callback=False, link_auth=True, ipmi_msg=True, privilege_level='administrator', **kwargs)
- Ensure IPMI user and user privileges.
- name
- name of user (limit 16 bytes)
- uid
- user id number (1 to 7)
- password
- user password (limit 16 bytes)
- channel
- ipmi channel defaults to 14 for auto
- callback
- User Restricted to Callback
- False = User Privilege Limit is determined by the User Privilege Limit
- parameter privilege_level, for both callback and non-callback connections.
- True = User Privilege Limit is determined by the privilege_level
- parameter for callback connections, but is restricted to Callback level for non-callback connections. Thus, a user can only initiate a Callback when they 'call in' to the BMC, but once the callback connection has been made, the user could potentially establish a session as an Operator.
- link_auth
- User Link authentication True/False user name and password information will be used for link authentication, e.g. PPP CHAP) for the given channel. Link authentication itself is a global setting for the channel and is enabled/disabled via the serial/modem configuration parameters.
- ipmi_msg
- User IPMI Messaginge True/False user name and password information will be used for IPMI Messaging. In this case, 'IPMI Messaging' refers to the ability to execute generic IPMI commands that are not associated with a particular payload type. For example, if IPMI Messaging is disabled for a user, but that user is enabled for activatallow_authing the SOL payload type, then IPMI commands associated with SOL and session management, such as Get SOL Configuration Parameters and Close Session are available, but generic IPMI commands such as Get SEL Time are unavailable.) ipmi_msg
- privilege_level
- •
- callback
- •
- user
- •
- operator
- •
- administrator
- •
- proprietary
- •
- no_access
- kwargs
- •
- api_host=localhost
- •
- api_user=admin
- •
- api_pass=
- •
- api_port=623
- •
- api_kg=None
Management of ipsets
This is an ipset-specific module designed to manage IPSets for use in IPTables Firewalls.
setname: ipset.set_present: - set_type: bitmap:ip - range: - comment: True setname: ipset.set_absent: - set_type: bitmap:ip - range: - comment: True setname_entries: ipset.present: - set_name: setname - entry: - comment: Hello - require: - ipset: baz setname_entries: ipset.present: - set_name: setname - entry: - - - comment: Hello - require: - ipset: baz setname_entries: ipset.absent: - set_name: setname - entry: - - - comment: Hello - require: - ipset: baz setname: ipset.flush:
- salt.states.ipset.absent(name, entry=None, entries=None, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Remove a entry or entries from a chain
- name
- A user-defined name to call this entry by in another part of a state or formula. This should not be an actual entry.
- family
- Network family, ipv4 or ipv6.
- salt.states.ipset.flush(name, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Flush current ipset set
- family
- Networking family, either ipv4 or ipv6
- salt.states.ipset.present(name, entry=None, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Append a entry to a set
- name
- A user-defined name to call this entry by in another part of a state or formula. This should not be an actual entry.
- entry
- A single entry to add to a set or a list of entries to add to a set
- family
- Network family, ipv4 or ipv6.
- salt.states.ipset.set_absent(name, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Verify the set is absent.
- family
- Networking family, either ipv4 or ipv6
- salt.states.ipset.set_present(name, set_type, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Verify the chain is exist.
- name
- A user-defined set name.
- set_type
- The type for the set
- family
- Networking family, either ipv4 or ipv6
Management of iptables
This is an iptables-specific module designed to manage Linux firewalls. It is expected that this state module, and other system-specific firewall states, may at some point be deprecated in favor of a more generic firewall state.
httpd: iptables.append: - table: filter - chain: INPUT - jump: ACCEPT - match: state - connstate: NEW - dport: 80 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True httpd: iptables.append: - table: filter - chain: INPUT - jump: ACCEPT - match: - state - comment - comment: "Allow HTTP" - connstate: NEW - dport: 80 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True httpd: iptables.append: - table: filter - chain: INPUT - jump: ACCEPT - match: - state - comment - comment: "Allow HTTP" - connstate: NEW - source: '' - dport: 80 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True .. Invert Rule httpd: iptables.append: - table: filter - chain: INPUT - jump: ACCEPT - match: - state - comment - comment: "Allow HTTP" - connstate: NEW - source: '!' - dport: 80 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True httpd: iptables.append: - table: filter - chain: INPUT - jump: ACCEPT - match: - state - comment - comment: "Allow HTTP" - connstate: NEW - source: 'not' - dport: 80 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True httpd: iptables.append: - table: filter - family: ipv6 - chain: INPUT - jump: ACCEPT - match: state - connstate: NEW - dport: 80 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True httpd: iptables.append: - table: filter - family: ipv4 - chain: INPUT - jump: ACCEPT - match: state - connstate: NEW - dports: - 80 - 443 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True httpd: iptables.insert: - position: 1 - table: filter - chain: INPUT - jump: ACCEPT - match: state - connstate: NEW - dport: 80 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True httpd: iptables.insert: - position: 1 - table: filter - family: ipv6 - chain: INPUT - jump: ACCEPT - match: state - connstate: NEW - dport: 80 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True httpd: iptables.delete: - table: filter - chain: INPUT - jump: ACCEPT - match: state - connstate: NEW - dport: 80 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True httpd: iptables.delete: - position: 1 - table: filter - chain: INPUT - jump: ACCEPT - match: state - connstate: NEW - dport: 80 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True httpd: iptables.delete: - table: filter - family: ipv6 - chain: INPUT - jump: ACCEPT - match: state - connstate: NEW - dport: 80 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True default to accept: iptables.set_policy: - chain: INPUT - policy: ACCEPT
NOTE: Various functions of the iptables module use the --check option. If the version of iptables on the target system does not include this option, an alternate version of this check will be performed using the output of iptables-save. This may have unintended consequences on legacy releases of iptables.
- salt.states.iptables.append(name, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
New in version 0.17.0.
Append a rule to a chain
- name
- A user-defined name to call this rule by in another part of a state or formula. This should not be an actual rule.
- family
Network family, ipv4 or ipv6.
All other arguments are passed in with the same name as the long option that would normally be used for iptables, with one exception: --state is specified as connstate instead of state (not to be confused with ctstate).
Jump options that doesn't take arguments should be passed in with an empty string.
- salt.states.iptables.chain_absent(name, table='filter', family='ipv4')
New in version 2014.1.0.
Verify the chain is absent.
- family
- Networking family, either ipv4 or ipv6
- salt.states.iptables.chain_present(name, table='filter', family='ipv4')
New in version 2014.1.0.
Verify the chain is exist.
- name
- A user-defined chain name.
- table
- The table to own the chain.
- family
- Networking family, either ipv4 or ipv6
- salt.states.iptables.delete(name, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Delete a rule to a chain
- name
- A user-defined name to call this rule by in another part of a state or formula. This should not be an actual rule.
- family
Networking family, either ipv4 or ipv6
All other arguments are passed in with the same name as the long option that would normally be used for iptables, with one exception: --state is specified as connstate instead of state (not to be confused with ctstate).
Jump options that doesn't take arguments should be passed in with an empty string.
- salt.states.iptables.flush(name, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Flush current iptables state
- family
- Networking family, either ipv4 or ipv6
- salt.states.iptables.insert(name, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Insert a rule into a chain
- name
- A user-defined name to call this rule by in another part of a state or formula. This should not be an actual rule.
- family
Networking family, either ipv4 or ipv6
All other arguments are passed in with the same name as the long option that would normally be used for iptables, with one exception: --state is specified as connstate instead of state (not to be confused with ctstate).
Jump options that doesn't take arguments should be passed in with an empty string.
- salt.states.iptables.mod_aggregate(low, chunks, running)
- The mod_aggregate function which looks up all rules in the available low chunks and merges them into a single rules ref in the present low data
- salt.states.iptables.set_policy(name, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
New in version 2014.1.0.
Sets the default policy for iptables firewall tables
- family
- Networking family, either ipv4 or ipv6
- policy
- The requested table policy
Manage JBoss 7 Application Server via CLI interface
New in version 2015.5.0.
This state uses script from JBoss installation and parses its output to determine execution result.
In order to run each state, jboss_config dictionary with the following properties must be passed:
jboss: cli_path: '/opt/jboss/jboss-7.0/bin/' controller: cli_user: 'jbossadm' cli_password: 'jbossadm'
If controller doesn't require password, then passing cli_user and cli_password parameters is not obligatory.
Example of application deployment:
application_deployed: jboss7.deployed: - artifact: artifactory_url: repository: 'ext-release-local' artifact_id: 'webcomponent' group_id: '' packaging: 'war' version: '0.1' target_dir: '/tmp' - jboss_config: cli_path: '/opt/jboss/jboss-7.0/bin/' controller: cli_user: 'jbossadm' cli_password: 'jbossadm'
Since same dictionary with configuration will be used in all the states, it is much more convenient to move jboss configuration and other properties to pillar. For example, configuration of jboss server, artifactory address and application version could be moved to pillars:
application_deployed: jboss7.deployed: - artifact: artifactory_url: {{ pillar['artifactory']['url'] }} repository: {{ pillar['artifactory']['repository'] }} artifact_id: 'webcomponent' group_id: '' packaging: 'war' version: {{ pillar['webcomponent-artifact']['version'] }} latest_snapshot: {{ pillar['webcomponent-artifact']['latest_snapshot'] }} repository: {{ pillar['webcomponent-artifact']['repository'] }} - jboss_config: {{ pillar['jboss'] }}
Configuration in pillars:
artifactory: url: '' repository: 'libs-snapshots-local' webcomponent-artifact: repository: 'libs-snapshots-local' latest_snapshot: True version: -1 #If latest_snapshot then version is ignored
For the sake of brevity, examples for each state assume that jboss_config is moved to pillars.
- salt.states.jboss7.bindings_exist(name, jboss_config, bindings)
- Ensures that given JNDI binding are present on the server. If a binding doesn't exist on the server it will be created. If it already exists its value will be changed.
- jboss_config:
- Dict with connection properties (see state description)
- bindings:
Dict with bindings to set.
jndi_entries_created: jboss7.bindings_exist: - bindings: 'java:global/sampleapp/environment': 'DEV' 'java:global/sampleapp/configurationFile': '/var/opt/sampleapp/' - jboss_config: {{ pillar['jboss'] }}
- salt.states.jboss7.datasource_exists(name, jboss_config, datasource_properties, recreate=False)
- Ensures that a datasource with given properties exist on the jboss instance. If datasource doesn't exist, it is created, otherwise only the properties that are different will be updated.
- name
- Datasource property name
- jboss_config
- Dict with connection properties (see state description)
- datasource_properties
- Dict with datasource properties
- recreate
If set to True and datasource exists it will be removed and created again. However, if there are deployments that depend on the datasource, it will not me possible to remove it.
sampleDS: jboss7.datasource_exists: - recreate: False - datasource_properties: driver-name: mysql connection-url: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sampleDatabase' jndi-name: 'java:jboss/datasources/sampleDS' user-name: sampleuser password: secret min-pool-size: 3 use-java-context: True - jboss_config: {{ pillar['jboss'] }}
- salt.states.jboss7.deployed(name, jboss_config, artifact=None, salt_source=None)
- Ensures that the given application is deployed on server.
- jboss_config:
- Dict with connection properties (see state description)
- artifact:
- If set, the artifact will be fetched from artifactory. This is a Dict object with the following properties:
- •
- artifactory_url: Full url to artifactory instance, for example:
- •
- repository: One of the repositories, for example: libs-snapshots, ext-release-local, etc..
- •
- artifact_id: Artifact ID of the artifact
- •
- group_id: Group ID of the artifact
- •
- packaging: war/jar/ear, etc...
- •
- version: Artifact version. If latest_snapshot is set to True, the value of this attribute will be ignored, and newest snapshot will be taken instead.
- •
- latest_snapshot: If set to True and repository is a snapshot repository it will automatically select the newest snapshot.
- •
- snapshot_version: Exact version of the snapshot (with timestamp). A snapshot version may have several builds and a way to differentiate is to provide a build timestamp.
- •
- target_dir: Temporary directory on minion where artifacts will be downloaded
- salt_source:
- If set, the artifact to be deployed will be fetched from salt master. This is a Dict object with the following properties:
- •
- source: File on salt master (eg. salt://application-web-0.39.war)
- •
- target_file: Temporary file on minion to save file to (eg. '/tmp/application-web-0.39.war')
- •
undeploy: Regular expression to match against existing deployments. If any deployment matches the regular expression then it will be undeployed.
The deployment consists of the following steps:
- •
- Fetch artifact (salt filesystem, artifact or filesystem on minion)
- •
- Check if same artifact is not deployed yet (perhaps with different version)
- •
- Undeploy the artifact if it is already deployed
- •
Deploy the new artifact
Deployment of a file from Salt file system:
application_deployed: jboss7.deployed: - salt_source: source: salt://application-web-0.39.war target_file: '/tmp/application-web-0.39.war' undeploy: 'application-web-.*' - jboss_config: {{ pillar['jboss'] }}
Here, application-web-0.39.war file is downloaded from Salt file system to /tmp/application-web-0.39.war file on minion. Existing deployments are checked if any of them matches 'application-web-.*' regular expression, and if so then it is undeployed before deploying the application. This is useful to automate deployment of new application versions.
JBoss state is capable of deploying artifacts directly from Artifactory repository. Here are some examples of deployments:
- 1.
Deployment of released version of artifact from Artifactory.
application_deployed: jboss7.deployed: - artifact: artifactory_url: repository: 'ext-release-local' artifact_id: 'webcomponent' group_id: '' packaging: 'war' version: '0.1' target_dir: '/tmp' - jboss_config: {{ pillar['jboss'] }}
This performs the following operations:
- •
- Download artifact from artifactory. In the example above the artifact will be fetched from: As a rule, for released versions the artifacts are downloaded from: artifactory_url/repository/group_id_with_slashed_instead_of_dots/artifact_id/version/artifact_id-version.packaging' This follows artifactory convention for artifact resolution. By default the artifact will be downloaded to /tmp directory on minion.
- •
- Connect to JBoss via controller (defined in jboss_config dict) and check if the artifact is not deployed already. In case of artifactory it will check if any deployment's name starts with artifact_id value. If deployment already exists it will be undeployed
- •
- Deploy the downloaded artifact to JBoss via cli interface.
- 2.
Deployment of last updated version of given SNAPSHOT version of artifact from Artifactory.
application_deployed: jboss7.deployed: - artifact: artifactory_url: repository: 'ext-snapshot-local' artifact_id: 'webcomponent' group_id: '' packaging: 'war' version: '0.1-SNAPSHOT' - jboss_config: {{ pillar['jboss'] }}
Deploying snapshot version involves an additional step of resolving the exact version of the artifact (including the timestamp), which is not necessary when deploying a release. In the example above first a request will be made to retrieve the update timestamp from: Then the artifact will be fetched from
NOTE: In order to perform a snapshot deployment you have to:
- •
- Set repository to a snapshot repository.
- •
- Choose a version that ends with "SNAPSHOT" string. Snapshot repositories have a different layout and provide some extra information that is needed for deployment of the last or a specific snapshot.
- 3.
Deployment of SNAPSHOT version (with exact timestamp) of artifact from Artifactory.
If you need to deploy an exact version of the snapshot you may provide snapshot_version parameter.
application_deployed: jboss7.deployed: - artifact: artifactory_url: repository: 'ext-snapshot-local' artifact_id: 'webcomponent' group_id: '' packaging: 'war' version: '0.1-SNAPSHOT' snapshot_version: '0.1-20141023.131756-19' - jboss_config: {{ pillar['jboss'] }}
In this example the artifact will be retrieved from:
- 4.
Deployment of latest snapshot of artifact from Artifactory.
application_deployed: jboss7.deployed: - artifact: artifactory_url: repository: 'ext-snapshot-local' artifact_id: 'webcomponent' group_id: '' packaging: 'war' latest_snapshot: True - jboss_config: {{ pillar['jboss'] }}
Instead of providing an exact version of a snapshot it is sometimes more convenient to get the newest version. If artifact.latest_snapshot is set to True, then the newest snapshot will be downloaded from Artifactory. In this case it is not necessary to specify version. This is particulary useful when integrating with CI tools that will deploy the current snapshot to the Artifactory.
- salt.states.jboss7.reloaded(name, jboss_config, timeout=60, interval=5)
- Reloads configuration of jboss server.
- jboss_config:
- Dict with connection properties (see state description)
- timeout:
- Time to wait until jboss is back in running state. Default timeout is 60s.
- interval:
Interval between state checks. Default interval is 5s. Decreasing the interval may slightly decrease waiting time
but be aware that every status check is a call to jboss-cli which is a java process. If interval is smaller than
process cleanup time it may easily lead to excessive resource consumption.
This step performs the following operations:
- •
- Ensures that server is in running or reload-required state (by reading server-state attribute)
- •
- Reloads configuration
- •
Waits for server to reload and be in running state
configuration_reloaded: jboss7.reloaded: - jboss_config: {{ pillar['jboss'] }}
Management of keyboard layouts
The keyboard layout can be managed for the system:
us: keyboard.system
Or it can be managed for XOrg:
us: keyboard.xorg
- salt.states.keyboard.system(name)
- Set the keyboard layout for the system
- name
- The keyboard layout to use
- salt.states.keyboard.xorg(name)
- Set the keyboard layout for XOrg
- layout
- The keyboard layout to use
Management of Keystone users
- depends
- •
- keystoneclient Python module
- configuration
See salt.modules.keystone for setup instructions.
Keystone tenants: keystone.tenant_present: - names: - admin - demo - service Keystone roles: keystone.role_present: - names: - admin - Member admin: keystone.user_present: - password: R00T_4CC3SS - email: admin [at] - roles: admin: # tenants - admin # roles service: - admin - Member - require: - keystone: Keystone tenants - keystone: Keystone roles nova: keystone.user_present: - password: '$up3rn0v4' - email: nova [at] - tenant: service - roles: service: - admin - require: - keystone: Keystone tenants - keystone: Keystone roles demo: keystone.user_present: - password: 'd3m0n$trati0n' - email: demo [at] - tenant: demo - roles: demo: - Member - require: - keystone: Keystone tenants - keystone: Keystone roles nova service: keystone.service_present: - name: nova - service_type: compute - description: OpenStack Compute Service
- salt.states.keystone.endpoint_absent(name, profile=None, **connection_args)
- Ensure that the endpoint for a service doesn't exist in Keystone catalog
- name
- The name of the service whose endpoints should not exist
- salt.states.keystone.endpoint_present(name, publicurl=None, internalurl=None, adminurl=None, region='RegionOne', profile=None, **connection_args)
- Ensure the specified endpoints exists for service
- name
- The Service name
- public url
- The public url of service endpoint
- internal url
- The internal url of service endpoint
- admin url
- The admin url of the service endpoint
- region
- The region of the endpoint
- salt.states.keystone.role_absent(name, profile=None, **connection_args)
- Ensure that the keystone role is absent.
- name
- The name of the role that should not exist
- salt.states.keystone.role_present(name, profile=None, **connection_args)
- ' Ensures that the keystone role exists
- name
- The name of the role that should be present
- salt.states.keystone.service_absent(name, profile=None, **connection_args)
- Ensure that the service doesn't exist in Keystone catalog
- name
- The name of the service that should not exist
- salt.states.keystone.service_present(name, service_type, description=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
- Ensure service present in Keystone catalog
- name
- The name of the service
- service_type
- The type of Openstack Service
- description (optional)
- Description of the service
- salt.states.keystone.tenant_absent(name, profile=None, **connection_args)
- Ensure that the keystone tenant is absent.
- name
- The name of the tenant that should not exist
- salt.states.keystone.tenant_present(name, description=None, enabled=True, profile=None, **connection_args)
- Ensures that the keystone tenant exists
- name
- The name of the tenant to manage
- description
- The description to use for this tenant
- enabled
- Availability state for this tenant
- salt.states.keystone.user_absent(name, profile=None, **connection_args)
- Ensure that the keystone user is absent.
- name
- The name of the user that should not exist
- salt.states.keystone.user_present(name, password, email, tenant=None, enabled=True, roles=None, profile=None, **connection_args)
- Ensure that the keystone user is present with the specified properties.
- name
- The name of the user to manage
- password
- The password to use for this user
- The email address for this user
- tenant
- The tenant for this user
- enabled
- Availability state for this user
- roles
The roles the user should have under given tenants.
Passed as a dictionary mapping tenant names to a list
of roles in this tenant, i.e.:
roles: admin: # tenant - admin # role service: - admin - Member
Loading and unloading of kernel modules
The Kernel modules on a system can be managed cleanly with the kmod state module:
kvm_amd: kmod.present pcspkr: kmod.absent
- salt.states.kmod.absent(name, persist=False, comment=True)
- Verify that the named kernel module is not loaded
- name
- The name of the kernel module to verify is not loaded
- persist
- Delete module from /etc/modules
- comment
- Don't remove module from /etc/modules, only comment it
- salt.states.kmod.present(name, persist=False)
- Ensure that the specified kernel module is loaded
- name
- The name of the kernel module to verify is loaded
- persist
- Also add module to /etc/modules
Management of Gentoo Overlays using layman
A state module to manage Gentoo package overlays via layman
sunrise: layman.present
- salt.states.layman.absent(name)
- Verify that the overlay is absent
- name
- The name of the overlay to delete
- salt.states.layman.present(name)
- Verify that the overlay is present
- name
- The name of the overlay to add
Manage libvirt certificates
This state uses the external pillar in the master to call for the generation and signing of certificates for systems running libvirt:
libvirt_keys: libvirt.keys
- salt.states.libvirt.keys(name, basepath='/etc/pki')
- Manage libvirt keys.
- name
- The name variable used to track the execution
- basepath
- Defaults to /etc/pki, this is the root location used for libvirt keys on the hypervisor
Linux File Access Control Lists
Ensure a Linux ACL is present
root: acl.present: - name: /root - acl_type: user - acl_name: damian - perms: rwx
Ensure a Linux ACL does not exist
root: acl.absent: - name: /root - acl_type: user - acl_name: damian - perms: rwx
- salt.states.linux_acl.absent(name, acl_type, acl_name, perms, recurse=False)
- Ensure a Linux ACL does not exist
- salt.states.linux_acl.present(name, acl_type, acl_name, perms, recurse=False)
- Ensure a Linux ACL is present
Management of languages/locales
The locale can be managed for the system:
en_US.UTF-8: locale.system
- salt.states.locale.present(name)
Generate a locale if it is not present
New in version 2014.7.0.
- name
- The name of the locale to be present
- salt.states.locale.system(name)
- Set the locale for the system
- name
- The name of the locale to use
Management of Linux logical volumes
A state module to manage LVMs
/dev/sda: lvm.pv_present my_vg: lvm.vg_present: - devices: /dev/sda lvroot: lvm.lv_present: - vgname: my_vg - size: 10G - stripes: 5 - stripesize: 8K
- salt.states.lvm.lv_absent(name, vgname=None)
- Remove a given existing logical volume from a named existing volume group
- name
- The logical volume to remove
- vgname
- The volume group name
- salt.states.lvm.lv_present(name, vgname=None, size=None, extents=None, snapshot=None, pv='', **kwargs)
- Create a new logical volume
- name
- The name of the logical volume
- vgname
- The volume group name for this logical volume
- size
- The initial size of the logical volume
- extents
- The number of logical extents to allocate
- snapshot
- The name of the snapshot
- pv
- The physical volume to use
- kwargs
- Any supported options to lvcreate. See linux_lvm for more details.
- salt.states.lvm.pv_absent(name)
- Ensure that a Physical Device is not being used by lvm
- name
- The device name to initialize.
- salt.states.lvm.pv_present(name, **kwargs)
- Set a physical device to be used as an LVM physical volume
- name
- The device name to initialize.
- kwargs
- Any supported options to pvcreate. See linux_lvm for more details.
- salt.states.lvm.vg_absent(name)
- Remove an LVM volume group
- name
- The volume group to remove
- salt.states.lvm.vg_present(name, devices=None, **kwargs)
- Create an LVM volume group
- name
- The volume group name to create
- devices
- A list of devices that will be added to the volume group
- kwargs
- Any supported options to vgcreate. See linux_lvm for more details.
Management of LVS (Linux Virtual Server) Real Server
- salt.states.lvs_server.absent(name, protocol=None, service_address=None, server_address=None)
- Ensure the LVS Real Server in specified service is absent.
- name
- The name of the LVS server.
- protocol
- The service protocol(only support tcp, udp and fwmark service).
- service_address
- The LVS service address.
- server_address
- The LVS real server address.
- salt.states.lvs_server.present(name, protocol=None, service_address=None, server_address=None, packet_forward_method='dr', weight=1)
- Ensure that the named service is present.
- name
- The LVS server name
- protocol
- The service protocol
- service_address
- The LVS service address
- server_address
- The real server address.
- packet_forward_method
- The LVS packet forwarding method(dr for direct routing, tunnel for tunneling, nat for network access translation).
- weight
The capacity of a server relative to the others in the pool.
lvsrs: lvs_server.present: - protocol: tcp - service_address: - server_address: - packet_forward_method: dr - weight: 10
Management of LVS (Linux Virtual Server) Service
- salt.states.lvs_service.absent(name, protocol=None, service_address=None)
- Ensure the LVS service is absent.
- name
- The name of the LVS service
- protocol
- The service protocol
- service_address
- The LVS service address
- salt.states.lvs_service.present(name, protocol=None, service_address=None, scheduler='wlc')
- Ensure that the named service is present.
- name
- The LVS service name
- protocol
- The service protocol
- service_address
- The LVS service address
- scheduler
Algorithm for allocating TCP connections and UDP datagrams to real servers.
lvstest: lvs_service.present: - service_address: - protocol: tcp - scheduler: rr
Manage Linux Containers
- salt.states.lxc.absent(name, stop=False)
- Ensure a container is not present, destroying it if present
- name
- Name of the container to destroy
- stop
stop before destroying
default: false
New in version 2015.5.2.
web01: lxc.absent
- salt.states.lxc.cloned(name, orig, snapshot=True, size=None, vgname=None, profile=None)
Deprecated since version 2015.5.0: Use lxc.present
- salt.states.lxc.created(name, **kwargs)
Deprecated since version 2015.5.0: Use lxc.present
- salt.states.lxc.edited_conf(name, lxc_conf=None, lxc_conf_unset=None)
WARNING: This state is unsuitable for setting parameters that appear more than once in an LXC config file, or parameters which must appear in a certain order (such as when configuring more than one network interface). It is slated to be replaced, and as of version 2015.5.0 it is deprecated.
Edit LXC configuration options
setconf: lxc.edited_conf: - name: ubuntu - lxc_conf: - network.ipv4.ip: - lxc_conf_unset: - lxc.utsname
- salt.states.lxc.frozen(name, start=True)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Ensure that a container is frozen
NOTE: This state does not enforce the existence of the named container, it just freezes the container if it is running. To ensure that the named container exists, use lxc.present.
- name
- The name of the container
- start
Start container first, if necessary. If False, then this state will
fail if the container is not running.
web01: lxc.frozen web02: lxc.frozen: - start: False
- salt.states.lxc.present(name, running=None, clone_from=None, snapshot=False, profile=None, network_profile=None, template=None, options=None, image=None, config=None, fstype=None, size=None, backing=None, vgname=None, lvname=None)
Changed in version 2015.5.0: The lxc.created state has been renamed
to lxc.present, and the lxc.cloned
state has been merged into this state.
Create the named container if it does not exist
- name
- The name of the container to be created
- running
- False.INDENT 7.0
- •
- If True, ensure that the container is running
- •
- If False, ensure that the container is stopped
- •
If None, do nothing with regards to the running state of the
New in version 2015.5.0.
- clone_from
- Create named container as a clone of the specified container
- snapshot
- False Use Copy On Write snapshots (LVM). Only supported with clone_from.
- profile
- Profile to use in container creation (see the LXC Tutorial for more information). Values in a profile will be overridden by the parameters listed below.
- network_profile
Network Profile to use in container creation
(see the LXC Tutorial
for more information). Values in a profile will be overridden by
the parameters listed below.
New in version 2015.5.2.
Container Creation Arguments
- template
The template to use. E.g., 'ubuntu' or 'fedora'. Conflicts with the
image argument.
NOTE: The download template requires the following three parameters to be defined in options:
- •
- dist - The name of the distribution
- •
- release - Release name/version
- •
arch - Architecture of the container
The available images can be listed using the lxc.images function.
- options
New in version 2015.5.0.
Template-specific options to pass to the lxc-create command. These correspond to the long options (ones beginning with two dashes) that the template script accepts. For example:
web01: lxc.present: - template: download - options: dist: centos release: 6 arch: amd64
Remember to double-indent the options, due to how PyYAML works.
- image
- A tar archive to use as the rootfs for the container. Conflicts with the template argument.
- backing
- The type of storage to use. Set to lvm to use an LVM group. Defaults to filesystem within /var/lib/lxc.
- fstype
- Filesystem type to use on LVM logical volume
- size
- Size of the volume to create. Only applicable if backing is set to lvm.
- vgname
- lxc Name of the LVM volume group in which to create the volume for this container. Only applicable if backing is set to lvm.
- lvname
- Name of the LVM logical volume in which to create the volume for this container. Only applicable if backing is set to lvm.
- salt.states.lxc.running(name, restart=False)
Changed in version 2015.5.0: The lxc.started state has been renamed
to lxc.running
Ensure that a container is running
NOTE: This state does not enforce the existence of the named container, it just starts the container if it is not running. To ensure that the named container exists, use lxc.present.
- name
- The name of the container
- restart
Restart container if it is already running
web01: lxc.running web02: lxc.running: - restart: True
- salt.states.lxc.set_pass(name, **kwargs)
Deprecated since version 2015.5.0.
This state function has been disabled, as it did not conform to design guidelines. Specifically, due to the fact that lxc.set_password uses chpasswd(8) to set the password, there was no method to make this action idempotent (in other words, the password would be changed every time). This makes this state redundant, since the following state will do the same thing:
setpass: - name: set_pass - m_name: root - password: secret
- salt.states.lxc.started(name, restart=False)
Deprecated since version 2015.5.0: Use lxc.running
- salt.states.lxc.stopped(name, kill=False)
Ensure that a container is stopped
NOTE: This state does not enforce the existence of the named container, it just stops the container if it running or frozen. To ensure that the named container exists, use lxc.present, or use the lxc.absent state to ensure that the container does not exist.
- name
- The name of the container
- kill
Do not wait for the container to stop, kill all tasks in the container.
Older LXC versions will stop containers like this irrespective of this
New in version 2015.5.0.
web01: lxc.stopped
Management of Gentoo make.conf
A state module to manage Gentoo's make.conf file
makeopts: makeconf.present: - value: '-j3'
- salt.states.makeconf.absent(name)
- Verify that the variable is not in the make.conf.
- name
- The variable name. This will automatically be converted to upper case since variables in make.conf are in upper case
- salt.states.makeconf.present(name, value=None, contains=None, excludes=None)
- Verify that the variable is in the make.conf and has the provided settings. If value is set, contains and excludes will be ignored.
- name
- The variable name. This will automatically be converted to upper case since variables in make.conf are in upper case
- value
- Enforce that the value of the variable is set to the provided value
- contains
- Enforce that the value of the variable contains the provided value
- excludes
- Enforce that the value of the variable does not contain the provided value.
Managing software RAID with mdadm
A state module for creating or destroying software RAID devices.
/dev/md0: raid.present: - level: 5 - devices: - /dev/xvdd - /dev/xvde - /dev/xvdf - chunk: 256 - run: True
- salt.states.mdadm.absent(name)
- Verify that the raid is absent
- name
The name of raid device to be destroyed
/dev/md0: raid: - absent
- salt.states.mdadm.present(name, level, devices, **kwargs)
Verify that the raid is present
Changed in version 2014.7.0.
- name
- The name of raid device to be created
- level
- The RAID level to use when creating the raid.
- devices
A list of devices used to build the array.
/dev/md0: raid.present: - level: 5 - devices: - /dev/xvdd - /dev/xvde - /dev/xvdf - chunk: 256 - run: True
States for Management of Memcached Keys
New in version 2014.1.0.
- salt.states.memcached.absent(name, value=None, host='', port=11211, time=0)
- Ensure that a memcached key is not present.
- name
- The key
- value
- None If specified, only ensure that the key is absent if it matches the specified value.
- host
- The memcached server IP address
- port
The memcached server port
foo: memcached.absent bar: memcached.absent: - host:
- salt.states.memcached.managed(name, value=None, host='', port=11211, time=0, min_compress_len=0)
- Manage a memcached key.
- name
- The key to manage
- value
- The value to set for that key
- host
- The memcached server IP address
- port
The memcached server port
foo: memcached.managed: - value: bar
State to control Apache modjk
- salt.states.modjk.worker_activated(name, workers=None, profile='default')
Activate all the workers in the modjk load balancer
loadbalancer: modjk.worker_activated: - workers: - app1 - app2
- salt.states.modjk.worker_disabled(name, workers=None, profile='default')
Disable all the workers in the modjk load balancer
loadbalancer: modjk.worker_disabled: - workers: - app1 - app2
- salt.states.modjk.worker_recover(name, workers=None, profile='default')
Recover all the workers in the modjk load balancer
loadbalancer: modjk.worker_recover: - workers: - app1 - app2
- salt.states.modjk.worker_stopped(name, workers=None, profile='default')
Stop all the workers in the modjk load balancer
loadbalancer: modjk.worker_stopped: - workers: - app1 - app2
Manage modjk workers
Send commands to a modjk load balancer via the peer system.
This module can be used with the prereq requisite to remove/add the worker from the load balancer before deploying/restarting service.
Mandatory Settings:
- •
- The minion needs to have permission to publish the modjk.* functions (see here for information on configuring peer publishing permissions)
- •
- The modjk load balancer must be configured as stated in the modjk execution module documentation
- salt.states.modjk_worker.activate(name, lbn, target, profile='default', expr_form='glob')
Activate the named worker from the lbn load balancers at the targeted
disable-before-deploy: modjk_worker.activate: - name: {{ grains['id'] }} - lbn: application - target: 'roles:balancer' - expr_form: grain
- salt.states.modjk_worker.disable(name, lbn, target, profile='default', expr_form='glob')
Disable the named worker from the lbn load balancers at the targeted
The worker will get traffic only for current sessions and won't get new
disable-before-deploy: modjk_worker.disable: - name: {{ grains['id'] }} - lbn: application - target: 'roles:balancer' - expr_form: grain
- salt.states.modjk_worker.stop(name, lbn, target, profile='default', expr_form='glob')
Stop the named worker from the lbn load balancers at the targeted minions
The worker won't get any traffic from the lbn
disable-before-deploy: modjk_worker.stop: - name: {{ grains['id'] }} - lbn: application - target: 'roles:balancer' - expr_form: grain
Execution of Salt modules from within states
These states allow individual execution module calls to be made via states. To call a single module function use a state:
mine.send: - name: network.interfaces
Note that this example is probably unnecessary to use in practice, since the mine_functions and mine_interval config parameters can be used to schedule updates for the mine (see here for more info).
It is sometimes desirable to trigger a function call after a state is executed, for this the module.wait state can be used:
mine.send: module.wait: - name: network.interfaces - watch: - file: /etc/network/interfaces
All arguments that the module state does not consume are passed through to the execution module function being executed:
fetch_out_of_band: - name: git.fetch - cwd: /path/to/my/repo - user: myuser - opts: '--all'
Due to how the state system works, if a module function accepts an argument called, name, then m_name must be used to specify that argument, to avoid a collision with the name argument. For example:
disable_nfs: - name: service.disable - m_name: nfs
Note that some modules read all or some of the arguments from a list of keyword arguments. For example:
mine.send: - func: network.ip_addrs - kwargs: interface: eth0
- salt.states.module.mod_watch(name, **kwargs)
- Run a single module function
- name
- The module function to execute
- returner
- Specify the returner to send the return of the module execution to
- **kwargs
- Pass any arguments needed to execute the function
-, **kwargs)
- Run a single module function
- name
- The module function to execute
- returner
- Specify the returner to send the return of the module execution to
- **kwargs
- Pass any arguments needed to execute the function
- salt.states.module.wait(name, **kwargs)
- Run a single module function only if the watch statement calls it
- name
- The module function to execute
- **kwargs
Pass any arguments needed to execute the function
NOTE: Like the state, this state will return True but not actually execute, unless one of the following two things happens:
- 1.
- The state has a watch requisite, and the state which it is watching changes.
- 2.
- Another state has a watch_in requisite which references this state, and the state wth the watch_in changes.
Management of Mongodb databases
Only deletion is supported, creation doesn't make sense and can be done using mongodb_user.present
- salt.states.mongodb_database.absent(name, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None)
- Ensure that the named database is absent
- name
- The name of the database to remove
- user
- The user to connect as (must be able to create the user)
- password
- The password of the user
- host
- The host to connect to
- port
- The port to connect to
Management of Mongodb users
NOTE: This module requires PyMongo to be installed.
- salt.states.mongodb_user.absent(name, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None, database='admin')
- Ensure that the named user is absent
- name
- The name of the user to remove
- user
- MongoDB user with sufficient privilege to create the user
- password
- Password for the admin user specified by the user parameter
- host
- The hostname/IP address of the MongoDB server
- port
- The port on which MongoDB is listening
- database
- The database from which to remove the user specified by the name parameter
- salt.states.mongodb_user.present(name, passwd, database='admin', user=None, password=None, host='localhost', port=27017)
- Ensure that the user is present with the specified properties
- name
- The name of the user to manage
- passwd
- The password of the user to manage
- user
- MongoDB user with sufficient privilege to create the user
- password
- Password for the admin user specified with the user parameter
- host
- The hostname/IP address of the MongoDB server
- port
- The port on which MongoDB is listening
- database
The database in which to create the user
NOTE: If the database doesn't exist, it will be created.
mongouser-myapp: mongodb_user.present: - name: myapp - passwd: password-of-myapp # Connect as admin:sekrit - user: admin - password: sekrit
Mounting of filesystems
Mount any type of mountable filesystem with the mounted function:
/mnt/sdb: mount.mounted: - device: /dev/sdb1 - fstype: ext4 - mkmnt: True - opts: - defaults /srv/bigdata: mount.mounted: - device: UUID=066e0200-2867-4ebe-b9e6-f30026ca2314 - fstype: xfs - opts: nobootwait,noatime,nodiratime,nobarrier,logbufs=8 - dump: 0 - pass_num: 2 - persist: True - mkmnt: True
- salt.states.mount.mod_watch(name, user=None, **kwargs)
- The mounted watcher, called to invoke the watch command.
- name
- The name of the mount point
- salt.states.mount.mounted(name, device, fstype, mkmnt=False, opts='defaults', dump=0, pass_num=0, config='/etc/fstab', persist=True, mount=True, user=None, match_on='auto')
- Verify that a device is mounted
- name
- The path to the location where the device is to be mounted
- device
- The device name, typically the device node, such as /dev/sdb1 or UUID=066e0200-2867-4ebe-b9e6-f30026ca2314 or LABEL=DATA
- fstype
- The filesystem type, this will be xfs, ext2/3/4 in the case of classic filesystems, and fuse in the case of fuse mounts
- mkmnt
- If the mount point is not present then the state will fail, set mkmnt: True to create the mount point if it is otherwise not present
- opts
- A list object of options or a comma delimited list
- dump
- The dump value to be passed into the fstab, Default is 0
- pass_num
- The pass value to be passed into the fstab, Default is 0
- config
- Set an alternative location for the fstab, Default is /etc/fstab
- persist
- Set if the mount should be saved in the fstab, Default is True
- mount
- Set if the mount should be mounted immediately, Default is True
- user
- The user to own the mount; this defaults to the user salt is running as on the minion
- match_on
- A name or list of fstab properties on which this state should be applied. Default is auto, a special value indicating to guess based on fstype. In general, auto matches on name for recognized special devices and device otherwise.
- salt.states.mount.swap(name, persist=True, config='/etc/fstab')
Activates a swap device
/root/swapfile: mount.swap
NOTE: swap does not currently support LABEL
- salt.states.mount.unmounted(name, device, config='/etc/fstab', persist=False, user=None)
New in version 0.17.0.
Verify that a device is not mounted
- name
The path to the location where the device is to be unmounted from
New in version 2015.5.0.
- device
- The device to be unmounted.
- config
- Set an alternative location for the fstab, Default is /etc/fstab
- persist
- Set if the mount should be purged from the fstab, Default is False
- user
- The user to own the mount; this defaults to the user salt is running as on the minion
Management of MySQL databases (schemas)
- depends
- •
- MySQLdb Python module
- configuration
See salt.modules.mysql for setup instructions.
The mysql_database module is used to create and manage MySQL databases. Databases can be set as either absent or present.
frank: mysql_database.present
- salt.states.mysql_database.absent(name, **connection_args)
- Ensure that the named database is absent
- name
- The name of the database to remove
- salt.states.mysql_database.present(name, **connection_args)
- Ensure that the named database is present with the specified properties
- name
- The name of the database to manage
Management of MySQL grants (user permissions)
- depends
- •
- MySQLdb Python module
- configuration
See salt.modules.mysql for setup instructions.
The mysql_grants module is used to grant and revoke MySQL permissions.
The name you pass in purely symbolic and does not have anything to do with the grant itself.
The database parameter needs to specify a 'priv_level' in the same specification as defined in the MySQL documentation:
- •
- *
- •
- *.*
- •
- db_name.*
- •
- db_name.tbl_name
- •
frank_exampledb: mysql_grants.present: - grant: select,insert,update - database: exampledb.* - user: frank - host: localhost frank_otherdb: mysql_grants.present: - grant: all privileges - database: otherdb.* - user: frank restricted_singletable: mysql_grants.present: - grant: select - database: somedb.sometable - user: joe
- salt.states.mysql_grants.absent(name, grant=None, database=None, user=None, host='localhost', grant_option=False, escape=True, **connection_args)
- Ensure that the grant is absent
- name
- The name (key) of the grant to add
- grant
- The grant priv_type (i.e. select,insert,update OR all privileges)
- database
- The database priv_level (i.e. db.tbl OR db.*)
- user
- The user to apply the grant to
- host
- The network/host that the grant should apply to
- salt.states.mysql_grants.present(name, grant=None, database=None, user=None, host='localhost', grant_option=False, escape=True, revoke_first=False, ssl_option=False, **connection_args)
- Ensure that the grant is present with the specified properties
- name
- The name (key) of the grant to add
- grant
- The grant priv_type (i.e. select,insert,update OR all privileges)
- database
- The database priv_level (i.e. db.tbl OR db.*)
- user
- The user to apply the grant to
- host
- The network/host that the grant should apply to
- grant_option
- Adds the WITH GRANT OPTION to the defined grant. Default is False
- escape
- Defines if the database value gets escaped or not. Default is True
- revoke_first
By default, MySQL will not do anything if you issue a command to grant
privileges that are more restrictive than what's already in place. This
effectively means that you cannot downgrade permissions without first
revoking permissions applied to a db.table/user pair first.
To have Salt forcibly revoke perms before applying a new grant, enable the 'revoke_first options.
WARNING: This will remove permissions for a database before attempting to apply new permissions. There is no guarantee that new permissions will be applied correctly which can leave your database security in an unknown and potentially dangerous state. Use with caution!
Default is False
- ssl_option
Adds the specified ssl options for the connecting user as requirements for
this grant. Value is a list of single-element dicts corresponding to the
list of ssl options to use.
Possible key/value pairings for the dicts in the value:
- SSL: True - X509: True - SUBJECT: <subject> - ISSUER: <issuer> - CIPHER: <cipher>
The non-boolean ssl options take a string as their values, which should be an appropriate value as specified by the MySQL documentation for these options.
Default is False (no ssl options will be used)
Execution of MySQL queries
New in version 2014.7.0.
- depends
- •
- MySQLdb Python module
- configuration
See salt.modules.mysql for setup instructions.
The mysql_query module is used to execute queries on MySQL databases. Its output may be stored in a file or in a grain.
query_id: - database: my_database - query: "SELECT * FROM table;" - output: "/tmp/query_id.txt"
-, database, query, output=None, grain=None, key=None, overwrite=True, **connection_args)
- Execute an arbitrary query on the specified database
- name
- Used only as an ID
- database
- The name of the database to execute the query on
- query
- The query to execute
- output
- grain: output in a grain other: the file to store results None: output to the result comment (default)
- grain:
- grain to store the output (need output=grain)
- key:
- the specified grain will be treated as a dictionary, the result of this state will be stored under the specified key.
- overwrite:
- The file or grain will be overwritten if it already exists (default)
Management of MySQL users
- depends
- •
- MySQLdb Python module
- configuration
See salt.modules.mysql for setup instructions.
frank: mysql_user.present: - host: localhost - password: bobcat
New in version 0.16.2: Authentication overrides have been added.
The MySQL authentication information specified in the minion config file can be overridden in states using the following arguments: connection_host, connection_port, connection_user, connection_pass, connection_db, connection_unix_socket, connection_default_file and connection_charset.
frank: mysql_user.present: - host: localhost - password: "bob@cat" - connection_user: someuser - connection_pass: somepass - connection_charset: utf8 - saltenv: - LC_ALL: "en_US.utf8"
- salt.states.mysql_user.absent(name, host='localhost', **connection_args)
- Ensure that the named user is absent
- name
- The name of the user to remove
- salt.states.mysql_user.present(name, host='localhost', password=None, password_hash=None, allow_passwordless=False, unix_socket=False, **connection_args)
- Ensure that the named user is present with the specified properties. A passwordless user can be configured by omitting password and password_hash, and setting allow_passwordless to True.
- name
- The name of the user to manage
- host
- Host for which this user/password combo applies
- password
- The password to use for this user. Will take precedence over the password_hash option if both are specified.
- password_hash
The password in hashed form. Be sure to quote the password because YAML
doesn't like the *. A password hash can be obtained from the mysql
command-line client like so:
mysql> SELECT PASSWORD('mypass'); +-------------------------------------------+ | PASSWORD('mypass') | +-------------------------------------------+ | *6C8989366EAF75BB670AD8EA7A7FC1176A95CEF4 | +-------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
- allow_passwordless
If True, then password and password_hash can be omitted to
permit a passwordless login.
New in version 0.16.2.
- unix_socket
- If True and allow_passwordless is True, the unix_socket auth plugin will be used.
Configuration of network interfaces
The network module is used to create and manage network settings, interfaces can be set as either managed or ignored. By default all interfaces are ignored unless specified.
NOTE: Prior to version 2014.1.0, only RedHat-based systems (RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux, etc.) are supported. Support for Debian/Ubuntu is new in 2014.1.0 and should be considered experimental.
Other platforms are not yet supported.
system: network.system: - enabled: True - hostname: - gateway: - gatewaydev: eth0 - nozeroconf: True - nisdomain: - require_reboot: True eth0: network.managed: - enabled: True - type: eth - proto: none - ipaddr: - netmask: - dns: - - routes: network.routes: - name: eth0 - routes: - name: secure_network ipaddr: netmask: gateway: - name: HQ_network ipaddr: netmask: gateway: eth2: network.managed: - enabled: True - type: slave - master: bond0 eth3: network.managed: - enabled: True - type: slave - master: bond0 eth4: network.managed: - enabled: True - type: eth - proto: dhcp - bridge: br0 bond0: network.managed: - type: bond - ipaddr: - netmask: - mode: active-backup - proto: static - dns: - - - ipv6: - enabled: False - slaves: eth2 eth3 - require: - network: eth2 - network: eth3 - miimon: 100 - arp_interval: 250 - downdelay: 200 - lacp_rate: fast - max_bonds: 1 - updelay: 0 - use_carrier: on - xmit_hash_policy: layer2 - mtu: 9000 - autoneg: on - speed: 1000 - duplex: full - rx: on - tx: off - sg: on - tso: off - ufo: off - gso: off - gro: off - lro: off bond0.2: network.managed: - type: vlan - ipaddr: - use: - network: bond0 - require: - network: bond0 bond0.3: network.managed: - type: vlan - ipaddr: - use: - network: bond0 - require: - network: bond0 bond0.10: network.managed: - type: vlan - ipaddr: - use: - network: bond0 - require: - network: bond0 bond0.12: network.managed: - type: vlan - ipaddr: - use: - network: bond0 - require: - network: bond0 br0: network.managed: - enabled: True - type: bridge - proto: dhcp - bridge: br0 - delay: 0 - ports: eth4 - bypassfirewall: True - use: - network: eth4 - require: - network: eth4 system: network.system: - enabled: True - hostname: - gateway: - gatewaydev: eth0 - nozeroconf: True - nisdomain: - require_reboot: True - apply_hostname: True .. note:: Apply changes to hostname immediately. .. versionadded:: 2015.5.0
NOTE: When managing bridged interfaces on a Debian or Ubuntu based system, the ports argument is required. Red Hat systems will ignore the argument.
-, type, enabled=True, **kwargs)
- Ensure that the named interface is configured properly.
- name
- The name of the interface to manage
- type
- Type of interface and configuration.
- enabled
- Designates the state of this interface.
- kwargs
- The IP parameters for this interface.
-, **kwargs)
- Manage network interface static routes.
- name
- Interface name to apply the route to.
- kwargs
- Named routes
-, **kwargs)
- Ensure that global network settings are configured properly.
- name
- Custom name to represent this configuration change.
- kwargs
- The global parameters for the system.
Management of nftables
This is an nftables-specific module designed to manage Linux firewalls. It is expected that this state module, and other system-specific firewall states, may at some point be deprecated in favor of a more generic firewall state.
httpd: nftables.append: - table: filter - chain: input - jump: accept - match: state - connstate: new - dport: 80 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True httpd: nftables.append: - table: filter - family: ipv6 - chain: INPUT - jump: ACCEPT - match: state - connstate: NEW - dport: 80 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True httpd: nftables.insert: - position: 1 - table: filter - chain: INPUT - jump: ACCEPT - match: state - connstate: NEW - dport: 80 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True httpd: nftables.insert: - position: 1 - table: filter - family: ipv6 - chain: INPUT - jump: ACCEPT - match: state - connstate: NEW - dport: 80 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True httpd: nftables.delete: - table: filter - chain: INPUT - jump: ACCEPT - match: state - connstate: NEW - dport: 80 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True httpd: nftables.delete: - position: 1 - table: filter - chain: INPUT - jump: ACCEPT - match: state - connstate: NEW - dport: 80 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True httpd: nftables.delete: - table: filter - family: ipv6 - chain: INPUT - jump: ACCEPT - match: state - connstate: NEW - dport: 80 - proto: tcp - sport: 1025:65535 - save: True
- salt.states.nftables.append(name, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
New in version 0.17.0.
Append a rule to a chain
- name
- A user-defined name to call this rule by in another part of a state or formula. This should not be an actual rule.
- family
Network family, ipv4 or ipv6.
All other arguments are passed in with the same name as the long option that would normally be used for nftables, with one exception: --state is specified as connstate instead of state (not to be confused with ctstate).
- salt.states.nftables.chain_absent(name, table='filter', family='ipv4')
New in version 2014.7.0.
Verify the chain is absent.
- family
- Networking family, either ipv4 or ipv6
- salt.states.nftables.chain_present(name, table='filter', table_type=None, hook=None, priority=None, family='ipv4')
New in version 2014.7.0.
Verify the chain is exist.
- name
- A user-defined chain name.
- table
- The table to own the chain.
- family
- Networking family, either ipv4 or ipv6
- salt.states.nftables.delete(name, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Delete a rule to a chain
- name
- A user-defined name to call this rule by in another part of a state or formula. This should not be an actual rule.
- family
Networking family, either ipv4 or ipv6
All other arguments are passed in with the same name as the long option that would normally be used for nftables, with one exception: --state is specified as connstate instead of state (not to be confused with ctstate).
- salt.states.nftables.flush(name, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Flush current nftables state
- family
- Networking family, either ipv4 or ipv6
- salt.states.nftables.insert(name, family='ipv4', **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Insert a rule into a chain
- name
- A user-defined name to call this rule by in another part of a state or formula. This should not be an actual rule.
- family
Networking family, either ipv4 or ipv6
All other arguments are passed in with the same name as the long option that would normally be used for nftables, with one exception: --state is specified as connstate instead of state (not to be confused with ctstate).
Installation of NPM Packages
These states manage the installed packages for node.js using the Node Package Manager (npm). Note that npm must be installed for these states to be available, so npm states should include a requisite to a pkg.installed state for the package which provides npm (simply npm in most cases). Example:
npm: pkg.installed yaml: npm.installed: - require: - pkg: npm
- salt.states.npm.bootstrap(name, user=None)
Bootstraps a node.js application.
Will execute 'npm install --json' on the specified directory.
- user
The user to run NPM with
New in version 0.17.0.
- salt.states.npm.installed(name, pkgs=None, dir=None, user=None, force_reinstall=False, registry=None, env=None)
Verify that the given package is installed and is at the correct version
(if specified).
coffee-script: npm.installed: - user: someuser coffee-script [at] 1.0.1: npm.installed: []
- name
The package to install
Changed in version 2014.7.2: This parameter is no longer lowercased by salt so that case-sensitive NPM package names will work.
- pkgs
A list of packages to install with a single npm invocation; specifying
this argument will ignore the name argument
New in version 2014.7.0.
- dir
- The target directory in which to install the package, or None for global installation
- user
The user to run NPM with
New in version 0.17.0.
- registry
The NPM registry from which to install the package
New in version 2014.7.0.
- env
A list of environment variables to be set prior to execution. The
format is the same as the
state function.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- force_reinstall
- Install the package even if it is already installed
- salt.states.npm.removed(name, dir=None, user=None)
- Verify that the given package is not installed.
- dir
- The target directory in which to install the package, or None for global installation
- user
The user to run NPM with
New in version 0.17.0.
Management of NTP servers
New in version 2014.1.0.
This state is used to manage NTP servers. Currently only Windows is supported.
win_ntp: ntp.managed: - servers: - -
- salt.states.ntp.managed(name, servers=None)
- Manage NTP servers
- servers
- A list of NTP servers
Manage OpenStack configuration file settings.
- maintainer
- Jeffrey C. Ollie <jeff [at]>
- maturity
- new
- depends
- platform
- linux
- salt.states.openstack_config.absent(name, filename, section, parameter=None)
- Ensure a value is not set in an OpenStack configuration file.
- filename
- The full path to the configuration file
- section
- The section in which the parameter will be set
- parameter (optional)
- The parameter to change. If the parameter is not supplied, the name will be used as the parameter.
- salt.states.openstack_config.present(name, filename, section, value, parameter=None)
- Ensure a value is set in an OpenStack configuration file.
- filename
- The full path to the configuration file
- section
- The section in which the parameter will be set
- parameter (optional)
- The parameter to change. If the parameter is not supplied, the name will be used as the parameter.
- value
- The value to set
Create an Event in PagerDuty
New in version 2014.1.0.
This state is useful for creating events on the PagerDuty service during state runs.
server-warning-message: pagerduty.create_event: - name: 'This is a server warning message' - details: 'This is a much more detailed message' - service_key: 9abcd123456789efabcde362783cdbaf - profile: my-pagerduty-account
- salt.states.pagerduty.create_event(name, details, service_key, profile)
Create an event on the PagerDuty service
server-warning-message: pagerduty.create_event: - name: 'This is a server warning message' - details: 'This is a much more detailed message' - service_key: 9abcd123456789efabcde362783cdbaf - profile: my-pagerduty-account
The following parameters are required:
- name
- This is a short description of the event.
- details
- This can be a more detailed description of the event.
- service_key
- This key can be found by using pagerduty.list_services.
- profile
- This refers to the configuration profile to use to connect to the PagerDuty service.
Installation of PHP Extensions Using pecl
These states manage the installed pecl extensions. Note that php-pear must be installed for these states to be available, so pecl states should include a requisite to a pkg.installed state for the package which provides pecl (php-pear in most cases). Example:
php-pear: pkg.installed mongo: pecl.installed: - require: - pkg: php-pear
- salt.states.pecl.installed(name, version=None, defaults=False, force=False, preferred_state='stable')
New in version 0.17.0.
Make sure that a pecl extension is installed.
- name
- The pecl extension name to install
- version
- The pecl extension version to install. This option may be ignored to install the latest stable version.
- defaults
- Use default answers for extensions such as pecl_http which ask questions before installation. Without this option, the pecl.installed state will hang indefinitely when trying to install these extensions.
- force
- Whether to force the installed version or not
- preferred_state
- The pecl extension state to install
- salt.states.pecl.removed(name)
- Make sure that a pecl extension is not installed.
- name
- The pecl extension name to uninstall
Installation of Python Packages Using pip
These states manage system installed python packages. Note that pip must be installed for these states to be available, so pip states should include a requisite to a pkg.installed state for the package which provides pip (python-pip in most cases). Example:
python-pip: pkg.installed virtualenvwrapper: pip.installed: - require: - pkg: python-pip
- salt.states.pip_state.installed(name, pkgs=None, pip_bin=None, requirements=None, env=None, bin_env=None, use_wheel=False, no_use_wheel=False, log=None, proxy=None, timeout=None, repo=None, editable=None, find_links=None, index_url=None, extra_index_url=None, no_index=False, mirrors=None, build=None, target=None, download=None, download_cache=None, source=None, upgrade=False, force_reinstall=False, ignore_installed=False, exists_action=None, no_deps=False, no_install=False, no_download=False, install_options=None, global_options=None, user=None, no_chown=False, cwd=None, activate=False, pre_releases=False, cert=None, allow_all_external=False, allow_external=None, allow_unverified=None, process_dependency_links=False, env_vars=None, use_vt=False)
- Make sure the package is installed
- name
The name of the python package to install. You can also specify version
numbers here using the standard operators ==, >=, <=. If
requirements is given, this parameter will be ignored.
django: pip.installed: - name: django >= 1.6, <= 1.7 - require: - pkg: python-pip
This will install the latest Django version greater than 1.6 but less than 1.7.
- requirements
- Path to a pip requirements file. If the path begins with salt:// the file will be transferred from the master file server.
- user
- The user under which to run pip
- use_wheel
- False Prefer wheel archives (requires pip>=1.4)
- no_use_wheel
- False Force to not use wheel archives (requires pip>=1.4)
- log
- Log file where a complete (maximum verbosity) record will be kept
- proxy
- Specify a proxy in the form user:passwd [at] proxy.server:port. Note that the user:password@ is optional and required only if you are behind an authenticated proxy. If you provide user [at] proxy.server:port then you will be prompted for a password.
- timeout
- Set the socket timeout (default 15 seconds)
- editable
- install something editable (i.e. git+
- find_links
- URL to look for packages at
- index_url
- Base URL of Python Package Index
- extra_index_url
- Extra URLs of package indexes to use in addition to index_url
- no_index
- Ignore package index
- mirrors
- Specific mirror URL(s) to query (automatically adds --use-mirrors)
- build
- Unpack packages into build dir
- target
- Install packages into target dir
- download
- Download packages into download instead of installing them
- download_cache
- Cache downloaded packages in download_cache dir
- source
- Check out editable packages into source dir
- upgrade
- Upgrade all packages to the newest available version
- force_reinstall
- When upgrading, reinstall all packages even if they are already up-to-date.
- ignore_installed
- Ignore the installed packages (reinstalling instead)
- exists_action
- Default action when a path already exists: (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup
- no_deps
- Ignore package dependencies
- no_install
- Download and unpack all packages, but don't actually install them
- no_chown
- When user is given, do not attempt to copy and chown a requirements file
- cwd
- Current working directory to run pip from
- activate
Activates the virtual environment, if given via bin_env,
before running install.
Deprecated since version 2014.7.2: If bin_env is given, pip will already be sourced from that virualenv, making activate effectively a noop.
- pre_releases
- Include pre-releases in the available versions
- cert
- Provide a path to an alternate CA bundle
- allow_all_external
- Allow the installation of all externally hosted files
- allow_external
- Allow the installation of externally hosted files (comma separated list)
- allow_unverified
- Allow the installation of insecure and unverifiable files (comma separated list)
- process_dependency_links
- Enable the processing of dependency links
- bin_env
- None Absolute path to a virtual environment directory or absolute path to a pip executable. The example below assumes a virtual environment has been created at /foo/.virtualenvs/bar.
- env_vars
Add or modify environment variables. Useful for tweaking build steps,
such as specifying INCLUDE or LIBRARY paths in Makefiles, build scripts or
compiler calls. This must be in the form of a dictionary or a mapping.
django: pip.installed: - name: django_app - env_vars: CUSTOM_PATH: /opt/django_app VERBOSE: True
- use_vt
Use VT terminal emulation (see ouptut while installing)
django: pip.installed: - name: django >= 1.6, <= 1.7 - bin_env: /foo/.virtualenvs/bar - require: - pkg: python-pip
django: pip.installed: - name: django >= 1.6, <= 1.7 - bin_env: /foo/.virtualenvs/bar/bin/pip - require: - pkg: python-pip
- Attention
The following arguments are deprecated, do not use.
- pip_bin
- None Deprecated, use bin_env
- env
Deprecated, use bin_env
Changed in version 0.17.0: use_wheel option added.
install_options Extra arguments to be supplied to the install command. If you are using an option with a directory path, be sure to use absolute path.
django: pip.installed: - name: django - install_options: - --prefix=/blah - require: - pkg: python-pip
- global_options
Extra global options to be supplied to the call before the
install command.
New in version 2014.1.3.
- Attention
As of Salt 0.17.0 the pip state needs an importable pip module. This usually means having the system's pip package installed or running Salt from an active virtualenv.
The reason for this requirement is because pip already does a pretty good job parsing its own requirements. It makes no sense for Salt to do pip requirements parsing and validation before passing them to the pip library. It's functionality duplication and it's more error prone.
- salt.states.pip_state.removed(name, requirements=None, bin_env=None, log=None, proxy=None, timeout=None, user=None, cwd=None, use_vt=False)
- Make sure that a package is not installed.
- name
- The name of the package to uninstall
- user
- The user under which to run pip
- bin_env
- None the pip executable or virtualenenv to use
- use_vt
- Use VT terminal emulation (see ouptut while installing)
- salt.states.pip_state.uptodate(name, bin_env=None, user=None, cwd=None, use_vt=False)
New in version 2015.5.0.
Verify that the system is completely up to date.
- name
- The name has no functional value and is only used as a tracking reference
- user
- The user under which to run pip
- bin_env
- the pip executable or virtualenenv to use
- use_vt
- Use VT terminal emulation (see ouptut while installing)
Installation of packages using OS package managers such as yum or apt-get
Salt can manage software packages via the pkg state module, packages can be set up to be installed, latest, removed and purged. Package management declarations are typically rather simple:
vim: pkg.installed
A more involved example involves pulling from a custom repository. Note that the pkgrepo has a require_in clause. This is necessary and can not be replaced by a require clause in the pkg.
base: pkgrepo.managed: - humanname: Logstash PPA - name: ppa:wolfnet/logstash - dist: precise - file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/logstash.list - keyid: 28B04E4A - keyserver: - require_in: - pkg: logstash logstash: pkg.installed
- salt.states.pkg.installed(name, version=None, refresh=None, fromrepo=None, skip_verify=False, skip_suggestions=False, pkgs=None, sources=None, allow_updates=False, pkg_verify=False, normalize=True, **kwargs)
- Ensure that the package is installed, and that it is the correct version (if specified).
- Parameters
- •
- name (str) -- The name of the package to be installed. This parameter is ignored if either "pkgs" or "sources" is used. Additionally, please note that this option can only be used to install packages from a software repository. To install a package file manually, use the "sources" option detailed below.
- •
version (str) --
Install a specific version of a package. This option is ignored if either "pkgs" or "sources" is used. Currently, this option is supported for the following pkg providers: apt, ebuild, pacman, yumpkg, and zypper. The version number includes the release designation where applicable, to allow Salt to target a specific release of a given version. When in doubt, using the pkg.latest_version function for an uninstalled package will tell you the version available.
# salt myminion pkg.latest_version httpd myminion: 2.2.15-30.el6.centos
Also, while this function is not yet implemented for all pkg frontends, pkg.list_repo_pkgs will show all versions available in the various repositories for a given package, irrespective of whether or not it is installed.
# salt myminion pkg.list_repo_pkgs httpd myminion: ---------- base: |_ ---------- httpd: 2.2.15-29.el6.centos updates: |_ ---------- httpd: 2.2.15-30.el6.centos
The version strings returned by either of these functions can be used as version specifiers in pkg states.
- •
- refresh (bool) -- Update the repo database of available packages prior to installing the requested package.
- •
fromrepo (str) --
Specify a repository from which to install
NOTE: Distros which use APT (Debian, Ubuntu, etc.) do not have a concept of repositories, in the same way as YUM-based distros do. When a source is added, it is assigned to a given release. Consider the following source configuration:
deb precise main
The packages provided by this source would be made available via the precise release, therefore fromrepo would need to be set to precise for Salt to install the package from this source.
Having multiple sources in the same release may result in the default install candidate being newer than what is desired. If this is the case, the desired version must be specified using the version parameter.
If the pkgs parameter is being used to install multiple packages in the same state, then instead of using version, use the method of version specification described in the Multiple Package Installation Options section below.
Running the shell command apt-cache policy pkgname on a minion can help elucidate the APT configuration and aid in properly configuring states:
root [at] saltmaster:~# salt ubuntu01 'apt-cache policy ffmpeg' ubuntu01: ffmpeg: Installed: (none) Candidate: 7:0.10.11-1~precise1 Version table: 7:0.10.11-1~precise1 0 500 precise/main amd64 Packages 4:0.8.10-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 0 500 precise-updates/main amd64 Packages 500 precise-security/main amd64 Packages 4:0.8.1-0ubuntu1 0 500 precise/main amd64 Packages
The release is located directly after the source's URL. The actual release name is the part before the slash, so to install version 4:0.8.10-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 either precise-updates or precise-security could be used for the fromrepo value.
- •
- skip_verify (bool) -- Skip the GPG verification check for the package to be installed
- •
skip_suggestions (bool) --
Force strict package naming. Disables lookup of package alternatives.
New in version 2014.1.1.
- •
pkgs (list) --
A list of packages to install from a software repository. All packages listed under pkgs will be installed via a single command.
mypkgs: pkg.installed: - pkgs: - foo - bar - baz - hold: True
NOTE: For apt, ebuild, pacman, yumpkg, and zypper, version numbers can be specified in the pkgs argument. For example:
mypkgs: pkg.installed: - pkgs: - foo - bar: 1.2.3-4 - baz
Additionally, ebuild, pacman and zypper support the <, <=, >=, and > operators for more control over what versions will be installed. For
mypkgs: pkg.installed: - pkgs: - foo - bar: '>=1.2.3-4' - baz
NOTE: When using comparison operators, the expression must be enclosed in quotes to avoid a YAML render error.
With ebuild is also possible to specify a use flag list and/or if the given packages should be in package.accept_keywords file and/or the overlay from which you want the package to be installed.
For example:
mypkgs: pkg.installed: - pkgs: - foo: '~' - bar: '~>=1.2:slot::overlay[use,-otheruse]' - baz
Multiple Package Installation Options: (not supported in Windows or pkgng)
- •
sources (list) --
A list of packages to install, along with the source URI or local path from which to install each package. In the example below, foo, bar, baz, etc. refer to the name of the package, as it would appear in the output of the pkg.version or pkg.list_pkgs salt CLI commands.
mypkgs: pkg.installed: - sources: - foo: salt://rpms/foo.rpm - bar: - baz: - qux: /minion/path/to/qux.rpm
- •
allow_updates (bool) --
Allow the package to be updated outside Salt's control (e.g. auto updates on Windows). This means a package on the Minion can have a newer version than the latest available in the repository without enforcing a re-installation of the package.
New in version 2014.7.0.
httpd: pkg.installed: - fromrepo: mycustomrepo - skip_verify: True - skip_suggestions: True - version: 2.0.6~ubuntu3 - refresh: True - allow_updates: True - hold: False
- •
pkg_verify (bool) --
New in version 2014.7.0.
For requested packages that are already installed and would not be targeted for upgrade or downgrade, use pkg.verify to determine if any of the files installed by the package have been altered. If files have been altered, the reinstall option of pkg.install is used to force a reinstall. Types to ignore can be passed to pkg.verify (see example below). Currently, this option is supported for the following pkg providers: yumpkg.
httpd: pkg.installed: - version: 2.2.15-30.el6.centos - pkg_verify: True
mypkgs: pkg.installed: - pkgs: - foo - bar: 1.2.3-4 - baz - pkg_verify: - ignore_types: [config,doc]
- •
normalize (bool) --
Normalize the package name by removing the architecture. Default is True. This is useful for poorly created packages which might include the architecture as an actual part of the name such as kernel modules which match a specific kernel version.
New in version 2014.7.0.
gpfs.gplbin-2.6.32-279.31.1.el6.x86_64: pkg.installed: - normalize: False
- •
kwargs --
These are specific to each OS. If it does not apply to the execution module for your OS, it is ignored.
- param bool hold
Force the package to be held at the current installed version.
Currently works with YUM & APT based systems.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- param list names
A list of packages to install from a software repository. Each package
will be installed individually by the package manager.
WARNING: Unlike pkgs, the names parameter cannot specify a version. In addition, it makes a separate call to the package management frontend to install each package, whereas pkgs makes just a single call. It is therefore recommended to use pkgs instead of names to install multiple packages, both for the additional features and the performance improvement that it brings.
- param bool install_recommends
Whether to install the packages marked as recommended. Default is True.
Currently only works with APT based systems.
New in version 2015.5.0.
httpd: pkg.installed: - install_recommends: False
- param bool only_upgrade
Only upgrade the packages, if they are already installed. Default is
False. Currently only works with APT based systems.
New in version 2015.5.0.
httpd: pkg.installed: - only_upgrade: True
- Returns
- A dictionary containing the state of the software installation
- Rtype dict
- salt.states.pkg.latest(name, refresh=None, fromrepo=None, skip_verify=False, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Ensure that the named package is installed and the latest available package. If the package can be updated, this state function will update the package. Generally it is better for the installed function to be used, as latest will update the package whenever a new package is available.
- name
- The name of the package to maintain at the latest available version. This parameter is ignored if "pkgs" is used.
- fromrepo
- Specify a repository from which to install
- skip_verify
- Skip the GPG verification check for the package to be installed
- refresh
Update the repo database of available packages prior to installing the
requested package.
Multiple Package Installation Options:
(Not yet supported for: Windows, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, MacOS, and Solaris pkgutil)
- pkgs
A list of packages to maintain at the latest available version.
mypkgs: pkg.latest: - pkgs: - foo - bar - baz
- install_recommends
Whether to install the packages marked as recommended. Default is True.
Currently only works with APT based systems.
New in version 2015.5.0.
httpd: pkg.latest: - install_recommends: False
- only_upgrade
Only upgrade the packages, if they are already installed. Default is False.
Currently only works with APT based systems.
New in version 2015.5.0.
httpd: pkg.latest: - only_upgrade: True
- salt.states.pkg.mod_aggregate(low, chunks, running)
- The mod_aggregate function which looks up all packages in the available low chunks and merges them into a single pkgs ref in the present low data
- salt.states.pkg.purged(name, version=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Verify that a package is not installed, calling pkg.purge if necessary to purge the package. All configuration files are also removed.
- name
- The name of the package to be purged.
- version
The version of the package that should be removed. Don't do anything if
the package is installed with an unmatching version.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to purge. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed. It accepts
version numbers as well.
New in version 0.16.0.
- salt.states.pkg.removed(name, version=None, pkgs=None, **kwargs)
- Verify that a package is not installed, calling pkg.remove if necessary to remove the package.
- name
- The name of the package to be removed.
- version
The version of the package that should be removed. Don't do anything if
the package is installed with an unmatching version.
Multiple Package Options:
- pkgs
A list of packages to remove. Must be passed as a python list. The
name parameter will be ignored if this option is passed. It accepts
version numbers as well.
New in version 0.16.0.
- salt.states.pkg.uptodate(name, refresh=False, **kwargs)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Verify that the system is completely up to date.
- name
- The name has no functional value and is only used as a tracking reference
- refresh
- refresh the package database before checking for new upgrades
- kwargs
Any keyword arguments to pass through to pkg.upgrade.
New in version 2015.5.0.
Manage package remote repo using FreeBSD pkgng
Salt can manage the URL pkgng pulls packages from. ATM the state and module are small so use cases are typically rather simple:
pkgng_clients: pkgng.update_packaging_site: - name: ""
- salt.states.pkgng.update_packaging_site(name)
Management of APT/YUM package repos
Package repositories for APT-based and YUM-based distros can be managed with these states. Here is some example SLS:
base: pkgrepo.managed: - humanname: CentOS-$releasever - Base - mirrorlist:$releasever&arch=$basearch&repo=os - comments: - '#$releasever/os/$basearch/' - gpgcheck: 1 - gpgkey: file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-6
base: pkgrepo.managed: - humanname: Logstash PPA - name: deb precise main - dist: precise - file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/logstash.list - keyid: 28B04E4A - keyserver: - require_in: - pkg: logstash pkg.latest: - name: logstash - refresh: True
base: pkgrepo.managed: - humanname: deb-multimedia - name: deb stable main - file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/deb-multimedia.list - key_url: salt://deb-multimedia/files/
base: pkgrepo.managed: - humanname: Google Chrome - name: deb stable main - dist: stable - file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chrome-browser.list - require_in: - pkg: google-chrome-stable - gpgcheck: 1 - key_url:
base: pkgrepo.managed: - ppa: wolfnet/logstash pkg.latest: - name: logstash - refresh: True
NOTE: On Ubuntu systems, the python-software-properties package should be installed for better support of PPA repositories. To check if this package is installed, run dpkg -l python-software-properties.
Also, some Ubuntu releases have a bug in their python-software-properties package, a missing dependency on pycurl, so python-pycurl will need to be manually installed if it is not present once python-software-properties is installed.
On Ubuntu & Debian systems, the `python-apt package is required to be installed. To check if this package is installed, run dpkg -l python-software-properties. python-apt will need to be manually installed if it is not present.
- salt.states.pkgrepo.absent(name, **kwargs)
- This function deletes the specified repo on the system, if it exists. It is essentially a wrapper around pkg.del_repo.
- name
- The name of the package repo, as it would be referred to when running the regular package manager commands.
- ppa
On Ubuntu, you can take advantage of Personal Package Archives on
Launchpad simply by specifying the user and archive name.
logstash-ppa: pkgrepo.absent: - ppa: wolfnet/logstash
- ppa_auth
For Ubuntu PPAs there can be private PPAs that require authentication
to access. For these PPAs the username/password can be specified. This
is required for matching if the name format uses the "ppa:" specifier
and is private (requires username/password to access, which is encoded
in the URI).
logstash-ppa: pkgrepo.absent: - ppa: wolfnet/logstash - ppa_auth: username:password
- salt.states.pkgrepo.managed(name, **kwargs)
- This function manages the configuration on a system that points to the repositories for the system's package manager.
- name
The name of the package repo, as it would be referred to when running
the regular package manager commands.
For yum-based systems, take note of the following configuration values:
- humanname
- On yum-based systems, this is stored as the "name" value in the .repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d/. On yum-based systems, this is required.
- baseurl
- On yum-based systems, baseurl refers to a direct URL to be used for this yum repo. One of baseurl or mirrorlist is required.
- mirrorlist
- a URL which contains a collection of baseurls to choose from. On yum-based systems. One of baseurl or mirrorlist is required.
- comments
Sometimes you want to supply additional information, but not as
enabled configuration. Anything supplied for this list will be saved
in the repo configuration with a comment marker (#) in front.
Additional configuration values, such as gpgkey or gpgcheck, are used verbatim to update the options for the yum repo in question.
For apt-based systems, take note of the following configuration values:
- ppa
On Ubuntu, you can take advantage of Personal Package Archives on
Launchpad simply by specifying the user and archive name. The keyid
will be queried from launchpad and everything else is set
automatically. You can override any of the below settings by simply
setting them as you would normally. For example:
logstash-ppa: pkgrepo.managed: - ppa: wolfnet/logstash
- ppa_auth
For Ubuntu PPAs there can be private PPAs that require authentication
to access. For these PPAs the username/password can be passed as an
HTTP Basic style username/password combination.
logstash-ppa: pkgrepo.managed: - ppa: wolfnet/logstash - ppa_auth: username:password
- name
On apt-based systems this must be the complete entry as it would be
seen in the sources.list file. This can have a limited subset of
components (i.e. 'main') which can be added/modified with the
"comps" option.
precise-repo: pkgrepo.managed: - name: deb precise main
- disabled
- Toggles whether or not the repo is used for resolving dependencies and/or installing packages.
- enabled
- Enables the repository, even if the repository has been disabled, in order for the respective package requiring the repository can be found and installed.
- comps
- On apt-based systems, comps dictate the types of packages to be installed from the repository (e.g. main, nonfree, ...). For purposes of this, comps should be a comma-separated list.
- file
- The filename for the .list that the repository is configured in. It is important to include the full-path AND make sure it is in a directory that APT will look in when handling packages
- dist
- This dictates the release of the distro the packages should be built for. (e.g. unstable). This option is rarely needed.
- keyid
- The KeyID of the GPG key to install. This option also requires the keyserver option to be set.
- keyserver
- This is the name of the keyserver to retrieve gpg keys from. The keyid option must also be set for this option to work.
- key_url
URL to retrieve a GPG key from. Allows the usage of http://,
https:// as well as salt://.
NOTE: Use either keyid/keyserver or key_url, but not both.
- consolidate
- If set to true, this will consolidate all sources definitions to the sources.list file, cleanup the now unused files, consolidate components (e.g. main) for the same URI, type, and architecture to a single line, and finally remove comments from the sources.list file. The consolidate will run every time the state is processed. The option only needs to be set on one repo managed by salt to take effect.
- refresh_db
- If set to false this will skip refreshing the apt package database on debian based systems.
- require_in
- Set this to a list of pkg.installed or pkg.latest to trigger the running of apt-get update prior to attempting to install these packages. Setting a require in the pkg will not work for this.
Management of Portage package configuration on Gentoo
A state module to manage Portage configuration on Gentoo
salt: portage_config.flags: - use: - openssl
- salt.states.portage_config.flags(name, use=None, accept_keywords=None, env=None, license=None, properties=None, unmask=False, mask=False)
Enforce the given flags on the given package or DEPEND atom.
WARNING: In most cases, the affected package(s) need to be rebuilt in order to apply the changes.
- name
- The name of the package or its DEPEND atom
- use
- A list of USE flags
- accept_keywords
- A list of keywords to accept. ~ARCH means current host arch, and will be translated into a line without keywords
- env
- A list of environment files
- license
- A list of accepted licenses
- properties
- A list of additional properties
- unmask
- A boolean to unmask the package
- mask
- A boolean to mask the package
Manage software from FreeBSD ports
New in version 2014.1.0.
NOTE: It may be helpful to use a higher timeout when running a ports.installed state, since compiling the port may exceed Salt's timeout.
salt -t 1200 '*' state.highstate
- salt.states.ports.installed(name, options=None)
- Verify that the desired port is installed, and that it was compiled with the desired options.
- options
Make sure that the desired non-default options are set
WARNING: Any build options not passed here assume the default values for the port, and are not just differences from the existing cached options from a previous make config.
Example usage:
security/nmap: ports.installed: - options: - IPV6: off
Management of PostgreSQL databases
The postgres_database module is used to create and manage Postgres databases. Databases can be set as either absent or present
frank: postgres_database.present
- salt.states.postgres_database.absent(name, user=None, maintenance_db=None, db_password=None, db_host=None, db_port=None, db_user=None)
- Ensure that the named database is absent
- name
- The name of the database to remove
- db_user
- database username if different from config or defaul
- db_password
- user password if any password for a specified user
- db_host
- Database host if different from config or default
- db_port
- Database port if different from config or default
- user
System user all operations should be performed on behalf of
New in version 0.17.0.
- salt.states.postgres_database.present(name, tablespace=None, encoding=None, lc_collate=None, lc_ctype=None, owner=None, template=None, user=None, maintenance_db=None, db_password=None, db_host=None, db_port=None, db_user=None)
- Ensure that the named database is present with the specified properties. For more information about all of these options see man createdb(1)
- name
- The name of the database to manage
- tablespace
- Default tablespace for the database
- encoding
- The character encoding scheme to be used in this database
- lc_collate
- The LC_COLLATE setting to be used in this database
- lc_ctype
- The LC_CTYPE setting to be used in this database
- owner
- The username of the database owner
- template
- The template database from which to build this database
- user
- System user all operations should be performed on behalf of
- db_user
- database username if different from config or default
- db_password
- user password if any password for a specified user
- db_host
- Database host if different from config or default
- db_port
Database port if different from config or default
New in version 0.17.0.
Management of PostgreSQL extensions (e.g.: postgis)
The postgres_extensions module is used to create and manage Postgres extensions.
adminpack: postgres_extension.present
New in version 2014.7.0.
- salt.states.postgres_extension.absent(name, if_exists=None, restrict=None, cascade=None, user=None, maintenance_db=None, db_password=None, db_host=None, db_port=None, db_user=None)
- Ensure that the named extension is absent
- name
- Extension name of the extension to remove
- cascade
- Drop on cascade
- if_exists
- Add if exist slug
- restrict
- Add restrict slug
- maintenance_db
- Database to act on
- user
- System user all operations should be performed on behalf of
- db_user
- database username if different from config or default
- db_password
- user password if any password for a specified user
- db_host
- Database host if different from config or default
- db_port
- Database port if different from config or default
- salt.states.postgres_extension.present(name, if_not_exists=None, schema=None, ext_version=None, from_version=None, user=None, maintenance_db=None, db_password=None, db_host=None, db_port=None, db_user=None)
- Ensure that the named extension is present with the specified privileges
- name
- The name of the extension to manage
- if_not_exists
- Add a if_not_exists switch to the ddl statement
- schema
- Schema to install the extension into
- from_version
- Old extension version if already installed
- ext_version
- version to install
- user
- System user all operations should be performed on behalf of
- maintenance_db
- Database to act on
- db_user
- database username if different from config or default
- db_password
- user password if any password for a specified user
- db_host
- Database host if different from config or default
- db_port
- Database port if different from config or default
Management of PostgreSQL groups (roles)
The postgres_group module is used to create and manage Postgres groups.
frank: postgres_group.present
- salt.states.postgres_group.absent(name, user=None, maintenance_db=None, db_password=None, db_host=None, db_port=None, db_user=None)
- Ensure that the named group is absent
- name
- The groupname of the group to remove
- user
System user all operations should be performed on behalf of
New in version 0.17.0.
- db_user
- database username if different from config or defaul
- db_password
- user password if any password for a specified user
- db_host
- Database host if different from config or default
- db_port
- Database port if different from config or default
- salt.states.postgres_group.present(name, createdb=None, createroles=None, createuser=None, encrypted=None, superuser=None, inherit=None, login=None, replication=None, password=None, refresh_password=None, groups=None, user=None, maintenance_db=None, db_password=None, db_host=None, db_port=None, db_user=None)
- Ensure that the named group is present with the specified privileges Please note that the user/group notion in postgresql is just abstract, we have roles, where users can be seens as roles with the LOGIN privilege and groups the others.
- name
- The name of the group to manage
- createdb
- Is the group allowed to create databases?
- createroles
- Is the group allowed to create other roles/users
- createuser
- Alias to create roles, and history problem, in pgsql normally createuser == superuser
- encrypted
- Should the password be encrypted in the system catalog?
- login
- Should the group have login perm
- inherit
- Should the group inherit permissions
- superuser
- Should the new group be a "superuser"
- replication
- Should the new group be allowed to initiate streaming replication
- password
The Group's password
It can be either a plain string or a md5 postgresql hashed password:
If encrypted is None or True, the password will be automatically encrypted to the previous format if it is not already done.
- refresh_password
Password refresh flag
Boolean attribute to specify whether to password comparison check should be performed.
If refresh_password is None or False, the password will be automatically updated without extra password change check.
This behaviour makes it possible to execute in environments without superuser access available, e.g. Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL
- groups
- A string of comma separated groups the group should be in
- user
System user all operations should be performed on behalf of
New in version 0.17.0.
- db_user
- database username if different from config or defaul
- db_password
- user password if any password for a specified user
- db_host
- Database host if different from config or default
- db_port
- Database port if different from config or default
Management of PostgreSQL schemas
The postgres_schemas module is used to create and manage Postgres schemas.
public: postgres_schema.present 'dbname' 'name'
- salt.states.postgres_schema.absent(dbname, name, db_user=None, db_password=None, db_host=None, db_port=None)
- Ensure that the named schema is absent
- dbname
- The database's name will work on
- name
- The name of the schema to remove
- db_user
- database username if different from config or default
- db_password
- user password if any password for a specified user
- db_host
- Database host if different from config or default
- db_port
- Database port if different from config or default
- salt.states.postgres_schema.present(dbname, name, owner=None, db_user=None, db_password=None, db_host=None, db_port=None)
- Ensure that the named schema is present in the database.
- dbname
- The database's name will work on
- name
- The name of the schema to manage
- db_user
- database username if different from config or default
- db_password
- user password if any password for a specified user
- db_host
- Database host if different from config or default
- db_port
- Database port if different from config or default
Management of PostgreSQL users (roles)
The postgres_users module is used to create and manage Postgres users.
frank: postgres_user.present
- salt.states.postgres_user.absent(name, user=None, maintenance_db=None, db_password=None, db_host=None, db_port=None, db_user=None)
- Ensure that the named user is absent
- name
- The username of the user to remove
- user
System user all operations should be performed on behalf of
New in version 0.17.0.
- db_user
- database username if different from config or default
- db_password
- user password if any password for a specified user
- db_host
- Database host if different from config or default
- db_port
- Database port if different from config or default
- salt.states.postgres_user.present(name, createdb=None, createroles=None, createuser=None, encrypted=None, superuser=None, replication=None, inherit=None, login=None, password=None, refresh_password=None, groups=None, user=None, maintenance_db=None, db_password=None, db_host=None, db_port=None, db_user=None)
- Ensure that the named user is present with the specified privileges Please note that the user/group notion in postgresql is just abstract, we have roles, where users can be seens as roles with the LOGIN privilege and groups the others.
- name
- The name of the user to manage
- createdb
- Is the user allowed to create databases?
- createroles
- Is the user allowed to create other users?
- createuser
- Alias to create roles
- encrypted
- Should the password be encrypted in the system catalog?
- login
- Should the group have login perm
- inherit
- Should the group inherit permissions
- superuser
- Should the new user be a "superuser"
- replication
- Should the new user be allowed to initiate streaming replication
- password
The user's password
It can be either a plain string or a md5 postgresql hashed password:
If encrypted is None or True, the password will be automatically encrypted to the previous format if it is not already done.
- refresh_password
Password refresh flag
Boolean attribute to specify whether to password comparison check should be performed.
If refresh_password is None or False, the password will be automatically updated without extra password change check.
This behaviour makes it possible to execute in environments without superuser access available, e.g. Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL
- groups
- A string of comma separated groups the user should be in
- user
System user all operations should be performed on behalf of
New in version 0.17.0.
- db_user
- database username if different from config or default
- db_password
- user password if any password for a specified user
- db_host
- Database host if different from config or default
- db_port
- Database port if different from config or default
Powerpath configuration support
Allows configuration of EMC Powerpath. Currently only addition/deletion of licenses is supported.
key: powerpath.license_present: []
- salt.states.powerpath.license_absent(name)
- Ensures that the specified PowerPath license key is absent on the host.
- name
- The license key to ensure is absent
- salt.states.powerpath.license_present(name)
- Ensures that the specified PowerPath license key is present on the host.
- name
- The license key to ensure is present
Process Management
Ensure a process matching a given pattern is absent.
httpd-absent: process.absent: - name: apache2
- salt.states.process.absent(name, user=None, signal=None)
- Ensures that the named command is not running.
- name
- The pattern to match.
- user
- The user process belongs
- signal
- Signal to send to the process(es).
Managing python installations with pyenv
This module is used to install and manage python installations with pyenv. Different versions of python can be installed, and uninstalled. pyenv will be installed automatically the first time it is needed and can be updated later. This module will not automatically install packages which pyenv will need to compile the versions of python.
If pyenv is run as the root user then it will be installed to /usr/local/pyenv, otherwise it will be installed to the users ~/.pyenv directory. To make pyenv available in the shell you may need to add the pyenv/shims and pyenv/bin directories to the users PATH. If you are installing as root and want other users to be able to access pyenv then you will need to add pyenv_ROOT to their environment.
This is how a state configuration could look like:
pyenv-deps: pkg.installed: - pkgs: - make - build-essential - libssl-dev - zlib1g-dev - libbz2-dev - libreadline-dev - libsqlite3-dev - wget - curl - llvm python-2.6: pyenv.absent: - require: - pkg: pyenv-deps python-2.7.6: pyenv.installed: - default: True - require: - pkg: pyenv-deps
- salt.states.pyenv.absent(name, user=None)
- Verify that the specified python is not installed with pyenv. pyenv is installed if necessary.
- name
- The version of python to uninstall
- user: None
The user to run pyenv as.
New in version 0.17.0.
New in version 0.16.0.
- salt.states.pyenv.install_pyenv(name, user=None)
Install pyenv if not installed. Allows you to require pyenv be installed
prior to installing the plugins. Useful if you want to install pyenv
plugins via the git or file modules and need them installed before
installing any rubies.
Use the pyenv.root configuration option to set the path for pyenv if you want a system wide install that is not in a user home dir.
- user: None
- The user to run pyenv as.
- salt.states.pyenv.installed(name, default=False, user=None)
- Verify that the specified python is installed with pyenv. pyenv is installed if necessary.
- name
- The version of python to install
- default
- False Whether to make this python the default.
- user: None
The user to run pyenv as.
New in version 0.17.0.
New in version 0.16.0.
Manage Rackspace Queues
New in version 2015.5.0.
Create and destroy Rackspace queues. Be aware that this interacts with Rackspace's services, and so may incur charges.
This module uses pyrax, which can be installed via package, or pip. This module is greatly inspired by boto_* modules from SaltStack code source.
myqueue: pyrax_queues.present: - provider: my-pyrax myqueue: pyrax_queues.absent: - provider: my-pyrax
- salt.states.pyrax_queues.absent(name, provider)
- Ensure the named Rackspace queue is deleted.
- name
- Name of the Rackspace queue.
- provider
- Salt Cloud provider
- salt.states.pyrax_queues.present(name, provider)
- Ensure the RackSpace queue exists.
- name
- Name of the Rackspace queue.
- provider
- Salt Cloud Provider
Management of POSIX Quotas
The quota can be managed for the system:
/: quota.mode: mode: off quotatype: user
- salt.states.quota.mode(name, mode, quotatype)
- Set the quota for the system
- name
- The filesystem to set the quota mode on
- mode
- Whether the quota system is on or off
- quotatype
- Must be user or group
Manage RabbitMQ Clusters
rabbit [at] rabbitmq_cluster.join: - user: rabbit - host:
- salt.states.rabbitmq_cluster.join(name, host, user='rabbit', ram_node=None, runas='root')
- Ensure the current node joined to a cluster with node user [at] host
- name
- Irrelevant, not used (recommended: user [at] host)
- user
- The user of node to join to (default: rabbit)
- host
- The host of node to join to
- ram_node
- Join node as a RAM node
- runas
- The user to run the rabbitmq command as
- salt.states.rabbitmq_cluster.joined(name, host, user='rabbit', ram_node=None, runas='root')
- Ensure the current node joined to a cluster with node user [at] host
- name
- Irrelevant, not used (recommended: user [at] host)
- user
- The user of node to join to (default: rabbit)
- host
- The host of node to join to
- ram_node
- Join node as a RAM node
- runas
- The user to run the rabbitmq command as
Manage RabbitMQ Plugins
New in version 2014.1.0.
some_plugin: rabbitmq_plugin.enabled: []
- salt.states.rabbitmq_plugin.disabled(name, runas=None)
- Ensure the RabbitMQ plugin is disabled.
- name
- The name of the plugin
- runas
- The user to run the rabbitmq-plugin command as
- salt.states.rabbitmq_plugin.enabled(name, runas=None)
- Ensure the RabbitMQ plugin is enabled.
- name
- The name of the plugin
- runas
- The user to run the rabbitmq-plugin command as
Manage RabbitMQ Policies
- maintainer
- Benn Eichhorn <benn [at]>
- maturity
- new
- platform
rabbit_policy: rabbitmq_policy.present: - name: HA - pattern: '.*' - definition: '{"ha-mode": "all"}'
- salt.states.rabbitmq_policy.absent(name, vhost='/', runas=None)
Ensure the named policy is absent
- name
- The name of the policy to remove
- runas
- Name of the user to run the command as
- salt.states.rabbitmq_policy.present(name, pattern, definition, priority=0, vhost='/', runas=None)
Ensure the RabbitMQ policy exists.
- name
- Policy name
- pattern
- A regex of queues to apply the policy to
- definition
- A json dict describing the policy
- priority
- Priority (defaults to 0)
- vhost
- Virtual host to apply to (defaults to '/')
- runas
- Name of the user to run the command as
Manage RabbitMQ Users
rabbit_user: rabbitmq_user.present: - password: password - force: True - tags: - monitoring - user - perms: - '/': - '.*' - '.*' - '.*' - runas: rabbitmq
- salt.states.rabbitmq_user.absent(name, runas=None)
- Ensure the named user is absent
- name
- The name of the user to remove
- runas
- User to run the command
- salt.states.rabbitmq_user.present(name, password=None, force=False, tags=None, perms=(), runas=None)
- Ensure the RabbitMQ user exists.
- name
- User name
- password
- User's password, if one needs to be set
- force
- If user exists, forcibly change the password
- tags
- Optional list of tags for the user
- perms
- A list of dicts with vhost keys and 3-tuple values
- runas
- Name of the user to run the command
Manage RabbitMQ Virtual Hosts
virtual_host: rabbitmq_vhost.present: - user: rabbit_user - conf: .* - write: .* - read: .*
- salt.states.rabbitmq_vhost.absent(name, runas=None)
- Ensure the RabbitMQ Virtual Host is absent
- name
- Name of the Virtual Host to remove
- runas
User to run the command
Deprecated since version Beryllium.
- salt.states.rabbitmq_vhost.present(name, user=None, owner=None, conf=None, write=None, read=None, runas=None)
- Ensure the RabbitMQ VHost exists.
- name
- VHost name
- user
Initial user permission to set on the VHost, if present
Deprecated since version Beryllium.
- owner
Initial owner permission to set on the VHost, if present
Deprecated since version Beryllium.
- conf
Initial conf string to apply to the VHost and user. Defaults to .*
Deprecated since version Beryllium.
- write
Initial write permissions to apply to the VHost and user.
Defaults to .*
Deprecated since version Beryllium.
- read
Initial read permissions to apply to the VHost and user.
Defaults to .*
Deprecated since version Beryllium.
- runas
Name of the user to run the command
Deprecated since version Beryllium.
Managing Ruby installations with rbenv
This module is used to install and manage ruby installations with rbenv and the ruby-build plugin. Different versions of ruby can be installed, and uninstalled. Rbenv will be installed automatically the first time it is needed and can be updated later. This module will not automatically install packages which rbenv will need to compile the versions of ruby. If your version of ruby fails to install, refer to the ruby-build documentation to verify you are not missing any dependencies:
If rbenv is run as the root user then it will be installed to /usr/local/rbenv, otherwise it will be installed to the users ~/.rbenv directory. To make rbenv available in the shell you may need to add the rbenv/shims and rbenv/bin directories to the users PATH. If you are installing as root and want other users to be able to access rbenv then you will need to add RBENV_ROOT to their environment.
The following state configuration demonstrates how to install Ruby 1.9.x and 2.x using rbenv on Ubuntu/Debian:
rbenv-deps: pkg.installed: - names: - bash - git - openssl - libssl-dev - make - curl - autoconf - bison - build-essential - libssl-dev - libyaml-dev - libreadline6-dev - zlib1g-dev - libncurses5-dev ruby-1.9.3-p429: rbenv.absent: - require: - pkg: rbenv-deps ruby-2.0.0-p598: rbenv.installed: - default: True - require: - pkg: rbenv-deps
- salt.states.rbenv.absent(name, user=None)
- Verify that the specified ruby is not installed with rbenv. Rbenv is installed if necessary.
- name
- The version of ruby to uninstall
- user: None
The user to run rbenv as.
New in version 0.17.0.
New in version 0.16.0.
- salt.states.rbenv.install_rbenv(name, user=None)
Install rbenv if not installed. Allows you to require rbenv be installed
prior to installing the plugins. Useful if you want to install rbenv
plugins via the git or file modules and need them installed before
installing any rubies.
Use the rbenv.root configuration option to set the path for rbenv if you want a system wide install that is not in a user home dir.
- user: None
- The user to run rbenv as.
- salt.states.rbenv.installed(name, default=False, user=None)
- Verify that the specified ruby is installed with rbenv. Rbenv is installed if necessary.
- name
- The version of ruby to install
- default
- False Whether to make this ruby the default.
- user: None
The user to run rbenv as.
New in version 0.17.0.
New in version 0.16.0.
Manage RDP Service on Windows servers
- salt.states.rdp.disabled(name)
- Disable the RDP service
- salt.states.rdp.enabled(name)
- Enable the RDP service and make sure access to the RDP port is allowed in the firewall configuration
Management of Redis server
New in version 2014.7.0.
- depends
- •
- redis Python module
- configuration
See salt.modules.redis for setup instructions.
key_in_redis: redis.string: - value: string data
The redis server information specified in the minion config file can be overridden in states using the following arguments: host, post, db, password.
key_in_redis: redis.string: - value: string data - host: localhost - port: 6379 - db: 0 - password: somuchkittycat
- salt.states.redismod.absent(name, keys=None, **connection_args)
- Ensure key absent from redis
- name
- Key to ensure absent from redis
- keys
- list of keys to ensure absent, name will be ignored if this is used
- salt.states.redismod.string(name, value, expire=None, expireat=None, **connection_args)
- Ensure that the key exists in redis with the value specified
- name
- Redis key to manage
- value
- Data to persist in key
- expire
- Sets time to live for key in seconds
- expireat
- Sets expiration time for key via UNIX timestamp, overrides expire
Manage the Windows registry
Many python developers think of registry keys as if they were python keys in a
dictionary which is not the case. The windows registry is broken down into the
following components:
This is the top level of the registry. They all begin with HKEY.
Hives contain keys. These are basically the folders beneath the hives. They can
contain any number of subkeys.
Values or Entries
Values or Entries are the name/data pairs beneath the keys and subkeys. All keys
have a default name/data pair. It is usually "(Default)"="(value not set)". The
actual value for the name and the date is Null. The registry editor will display
"(Default)" and "(value not set)".
The following example is taken from the windows startup portion of the registry: ` [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] "RTHDVCPL"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Realtek\\Audio\\HDA\\RtkNGUI64.exe\" -s" "NvBackend"="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\NVIDIA Corporation\\Update Core\\NvBackend.exe\"" "BTMTrayAgent"="rundll32.exe \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Intel\\Bluetooth\\btmshellex.dll\",TrayApp" ` In this example these are the values for each:
Key and subkeys: SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun
- Value:
- •
- There are 3 value names: RTHDVCPL, NvBackend, and BTMTrayAgent
- •
- Each value name has a corresponding value
- salt.states.reg.absent(name, vname=None)
Ensure a registry value is removed. To remove a key use key_absent.
'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Salt\version': reg.absent
In the above example the path is interpreted as follows: - HKEY_CURRENT_USER is the hive - SOFTWARE\Salt is the key - version is the value name So the value version will be deleted from the SOFTWARE\Salt key in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive.
- salt.states.reg.key_absent(name, force=False)
New in version 2015.5.4.
Ensure a registry key is removed. This will remove a key and all value entries it contains. It will fail if the key contains subkeys.
- Parameters
- •
- name (str) -- A string representing the full path to the key to be removed to include the hive and the keypath. The hive can be any of the following: - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKLM - HKEY_CURRENT_USER or HKCU - HKEY_USER or HKU
- •
- force (bool) -- A boolean value indicating that all subkeys should be deleted with the key. If force=False and subkeys exists beneath the key you want to delete, key_absent will fail. Use with caution. The default is False.
- Returns
- Returns a dictionary showing the results of the registry operation.
- Return type
The following example will delete the SOFTWARE\Salt key and all subkeys under the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive.
'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Salt': reg.key_absent: - force: True
In the above example the path is interpreted as follows: - HKEY_CURRENT_USER is the hive - SOFTWARE\Salt is the key
- salt.states.reg.present(name, value=None, vname=None, vdata=None, vtype='REG_SZ', reflection=True)
- Ensure a registry key or value is present.
- Parameters
- •
name (str) --
A string value representing the full path of the key to include the HIVE, Key, and all Subkeys. For example:
- Valid hive values include:
- •
- •
- •
- •
- value (str) -- Deprecated. Use vname and vdata instead. Included here for backwards compatability.
- •
- vname (str) -- The name of the value you'd like to create beneath the Key. If this parameter is not passed it will assume you want to set the (Default) value
- •
vdata (str) --
The value you'd like to set for the Key. If a value name (vname) is passed, this will be the data for that value name. If not, this will be the (Default) value for the key.
The type for the (Default) value is always REG_SZ and cannot be changed. This parameter is optional. If not passed, the Key will be created with.
- •
vtype (str) --
The value type for the data you wish to store in the registry. Valid values are:
- •
- •
- •
- •
- •
REG_SZ (Default)
- •
- reflection (bool) -- On 64 bit machines a duplicate value will be created in the Wow6432Node for 32bit programs. This only applies to the SOFTWARE key. This option is ignored on 32bit operating systems. This value defaults to True. Set it to False to disable reflection.
- Returns
- Returns a dictionary showing the results of the registry operation.
- Return type
The following example will set the (Default) value for the SOFTWARE\Salt key in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive to 0.15.3. The value will not be reflected in Wow6432Node:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Salt: reg.present: - vdata: 0.15.3 - reflection: False
The following example will set the value for the version entry under the SOFTWARE\Salt key in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive to 0.15.3. The value will be reflected in Wow6432Node:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Salt: reg.present: - vname: version - vdata: 0.15.3
In the above example the path is interpreted as follows: - HKEY_CURRENT_USER is the hive - SOFTWARE\Salt is the key - vname is the value name ('version') that will be created under the key - vdata is the data that will be assigned to 'version'
Managing Ruby installations and gemsets with Ruby Version Manager (RVM)
This module is used to install and manage ruby installations and gemsets with RVM, the Ruby Version Manager. Different versions of ruby can be installed and gemsets created. RVM itself will be installed automatically if it's not present. This module will not automatically install packages that RVM depends on or ones that are needed to build ruby. If you want to run RVM as an unprivileged user (recommended) you will have to create this user yourself. This is how a state configuration could look like:
rvm: group.present: [] user.present: - gid: rvm - home: /home/rvm - require: - group: rvm rvm-deps: pkg.installed: - pkgs: - bash - coreutils - gzip - bzip2 - gawk - sed - curl - git-core - subversion mri-deps: pkg.installed: - pkgs: - build-essential - openssl - libreadline6 - libreadline6-dev - curl - git-core - zlib1g - zlib1g-dev - libssl-dev - libyaml-dev - libsqlite3-0 - libsqlite3-dev - sqlite3 - libxml2-dev - libxslt1-dev - autoconf - libc6-dev - libncurses5-dev - automake - libtool - bison - subversion - ruby jruby-deps: pkg.installed: - pkgs: - curl - g++ - openjdk-6-jre-headless ruby-1.9.2: rvm.installed: - default: True - user: rvm - require: - pkg: rvm-deps - pkg: mri-deps - user: rvm jruby: rvm.installed: - user: rvm - require: - pkg: rvm-deps - pkg: jruby-deps - user: rvm jgemset: rvm.gemset_present: - ruby: jruby - user: rvm - require: - rvm: jruby mygemset: rvm.gemset_present: - ruby: ruby-1.9.2 - user: rvm - require: - rvm: ruby-1.9.2
- salt.states.rvm.gemset_present(name, ruby='default', user=None)
- Verify that the gemset is present.
- name
- The name of the gemset.
- ruby: default
- The ruby version this gemset belongs to.
- user: None
The user to run rvm as.
New in version 0.17.0.
- salt.states.rvm.installed(name, default=False, user=None)
- Verify that the specified ruby is installed with RVM. RVM is installed when necessary.
- name
- The version of ruby to install
- default
- False Whether to make this ruby the default.
- user: None
The user to run rvm as.
New in version 0.17.0.
Control the Salt command interface
This state is intended for use from the Salt Master. It provides access to sending commands down to minions as well as access to executing master-side modules. These state functions wrap Salt's Python API.
SEE ALSO: More Orchestrate documentation
- •
- Full Orchestrate Tutorial
- •
- The Orchestrate runner
- salt.states.saltmod.function(name, tgt, ssh=False, tgt_type=None, expr_form=None, ret='', expect_minions=False, fail_minions=None, fail_function=None, arg=None, kwarg=None, timeout=None)
- Execute a single module function on a remote minion via salt or salt-ssh
- name
- The name of the function to run, aka or pkg.install
- tgt
- The target specification, aka '*' for all minions
- tgt_type | expr_form
- The target type, defaults to glob
- arg
- The list of arguments to pass into the function
- kwarg
- The list of keyword arguments to pass into the function
- ret
- Optionally set a single or a list of returners to use
- expect_minions
- An optional boolean for failing if some minions do not respond
- fail_minions
- An optional list of targeted minions where failure is an option
- fail_function
- An optional string that points to a salt module that returns True or False based on the returned data dict for individual minions
- ssh
- Set to True to use the ssh client instead of the standard salt client
- salt.states.saltmod.runner(name, **kwargs)
Execute a runner module on the master
New in version 2014.7.0.
- name
- The name of the function to run
- kwargs
Any keyword arguments to pass to the runner function
run-manage-up: salt.runner: - name: manage.up
- salt.states.saltmod.state(name, tgt, ssh=False, tgt_type=None, expr_form=None, ret='', highstate=None, sls=None, top=None, env=None, test=False, pillar=None, expect_minions=False, fail_minions=None, allow_fail=0, concurrent=False, timeout=None)
- Invoke a state run on a given target
- name
- An arbitrary name used to track the state execution
- tgt
- The target specification for the state run.
- tgt_type | expr_form
- The target type to resolve, defaults to glob
- ret
- Optionally set a single or a list of returners to use
- highstate
- Defaults to None, if set to True the target systems will ignore any sls references specified in the sls option and call state.highstate on the targeted minions
- top
- Should be the name of a top file. If set is called with this top file instead of state.sls.
- sls
- A group of sls files to execute. This can be defined as a single string containing a single sls file, or a list of sls files
- test
- Pass test=true through to the state function
- pillar
- Pass the pillar kwarg through to the state function
- saltenv
- The default salt environment to pull sls files from
- ssh
- Set to True to use the ssh client instead of the standard salt client
- roster
- In the event of using salt-ssh, a roster system can be set
- expect_minions
- An optional boolean for failing if some minions do not respond
- fail_minions
- An optional list of targeted minions where failure is an option
- allow_fail
- Pass in the number of minions to allow for failure before setting the result of the execution to False
- concurrent
Allow multiple state runs to occur at once.
WARNING: This flag is potentially dangerous. It is designed for use when multiple state runs can safely be run at the same Do not use this flag for performance optimization.
Run a list of sls files via state.sls on target minions:
webservers: salt.state: - tgt: 'web*' - sls: - apache - django - core - saltenv: prod
Run a full state.highstate on target mininons.
databases: salt.state: - tgt: role:database - tgt_type: grain - highstate: True
- salt.states.saltmod.wait_for_event(name, id_list, event_id='id', timeout=300)
Watch Salt's event bus and block until a condition is met
New in version 2014.7.0.
- name
- An event tag to watch for; supports Reactor-style globbing.
- id_list
- A list of event identifiers to watch for -- usually the minion ID. Each time an event tag is matched the event data is inspected for event_id, if found it is removed from id_list. When id_list is empty this function returns success.
- event_id
- id The name of a key in the event data. Default is id for the minion ID, another common value is name for use with orchestrating salt-cloud events.
- timeout
The maximum time in seconds to wait before failing.
The following example blocks until all the listed minions complete a restart and reconnect to the Salt master:
reboot_all_minions: salt.function: - name: system.reboot - tgt: '*' wait_for_reboots: salt.wait_for_event: - name: salt/minion/*/start - id_list: - jerry - stuart - dave - phil - kevin - mike - require: - salt: reboot_all_minions
- salt.states.saltmod.wheel(name, **kwargs)
Execute a wheel module on the master
New in version 2014.7.0.
- name
- The name of the function to run
- kwargs
Any keyword arguments to pass to the wheel function
accept_minion_key: salt.wheel: - name: key.accept - match: frank
Management of the Salt scheduler
job3: schedule.present: - function: - seconds: 3600 - splay: 10 This will schedule the command: every 3600 seconds (every hour) splaying the time between 0 and 10 seconds job2: schedule.present: - function: - seconds: 15 - splay: - start: 10 - end: 20 This will schedule the command: every 3600 seconds (every hour) splaying the time between 10 and 20 seconds job1: schedule.present: - function: state.sls - job_args: - httpd - job_kwargs: test: True - when: - Monday 5:00pm - Tuesday 3:00pm - Wednesday 5:00pm - Thursday 3:00pm - Friday 5:00pm This will schedule the command: state.sls httpd test=True at 5pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and 3pm on Tuesday and Thursday. Requires that python-dateutil is installed on the minion. job1: schedule.present: - function: state.sls - job_args: - httpd - job_kwargs: test: True - cron: '*/5 * * * *' Scheduled jobs can also be specified using the format used by cron. This will schedule the command: state.sls httpd test=True to run every 5 minutes. Requires that python-croniter is installed on the minion. job1: schedule.present: - function: state.sls - job_args: - httpd - job_kwargs: test: True - when: - Monday 5:00pm - Tuesday 3:00pm - Wednesday 5:00pm - Thursday 3:00pm - Friday 5:00pm - returner: xmpp - return_config: xmpp_state_run This will schedule the command: state.sls httpd test=True at 5pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and 3pm on Tuesday and Thursday. Using the xmpp returner to return the results of the scheduled job, with the alternative configuration options found in the xmpp_state_run section.
- salt.states.schedule.absent(name, **kwargs)
- Ensure a job is absent from the schedule
- name
- The unique name that is given to the scheduled job.
- salt.states.schedule.present(name, **kwargs)
- Ensure a job is present in the schedule
- name
- The unique name that is given to the scheduled job.
- seconds
- The scheduled job will be executed after the specified number of seconds have passed.
- minutes
- The scheduled job will be executed after the specified number of minutes have passed.
- hours
- The scheduled job will be executed after the specified number of hours have passed.
- days
- The scheduled job will be executed after the specified number of days have passed.
- when
- This will schedule the job at the specified time(s). The when parameter must be a single value or a dictionary with the date string(s) using the dateutil format. Requires python-dateutil.
- cron
- This will schedule the job at the specified time(s) using the crontab format. Requires python-croniter.
- function
- The function that should be executed by the scheduled job.
- job_args
- The arguments that will be used by the scheduled job.
- job_kwargs
- The keyword arguments that will be used by the scheduled job.
- maxrunning
- Ensure that there are no more than N copies of a particular job running.
- jid_include
- Include the job into the job cache.
- splay
- The amount of time in seconds to splay a scheduled job. Can be specified as a single value in seconds or as a dictionary range with 'start' and 'end' values.
- range
- This will schedule the command within the range specified. The range parameter must be a dictionary with the date strings using the dateutil format. Requires python-dateutil.
- once
- This will schedule a job to run once on the specified date.
- once_fmt
- The default date format is ISO 8601 but can be overridden by also specifying the once_fmt option.
- enabled
- Whether the job should be enabled or disabled. Value should be a boolean.
- return_job
- Whether to return information to the Salt master upon job completion.
- metadata
- Using the metadata parameter special values can be associated with a scheduled job. These values are not used in the execution of the job, but can be used to search for specific jobs later if combined with the return_job parameter. The metadata parameter must be specified as a dictionary, othewise it will be ignored.
- returner
- The returner to use to return the results of the scheduled job.
- return_config
- The alternative configuration to use for returner configuration options.
Management of SELinux rules
If SELinux is available for the running system, the mode can be managed and booleans can be set.
enforcing: selinux.mode samba_create_home_dirs: selinux.boolean: - value: True - persist: True
NOTE: Use of these states require that the selinux execution module is available.
- salt.states.selinux.boolean(name, value, persist=False)
- Set up an SELinux boolean
- name
- The name of the boolean to set
- value
- The value to set on the boolean
- persist
- Defaults to False, set persist to true to make the boolean apply on a reboot
- salt.states.selinux.mode(name)
- Verifies the mode SELinux is running in, can be set to enforcing or permissive
- name
- The mode to run SELinux in, permissive or enforcing
Monitor Server with Server Density
New in version 2014.7.0.
Server Density Is a hosted monitoring service.
WARNING: This state module is beta. It might be changed later to include more or less automation.
NOTE: This state module requires a pillar for authentication with Server Density:
serverdensity: api_token: "b97da80a41c4f61bff05975ee51eb1aa" account_url: ""
NOTE: Although Server Density allows duplicate device names in its database, this module will raise an exception if you try monitoring devices with the same name.
'server_name': serverdensity_device.monitored
- salt.states.serverdensity_device.monitored(name, group=None, salt_name=True, salt_params=True, **params)
- Device is monitored with Server Density.
- name
- Device name in Server Density.
- salt_name
- If True (default), takes the name from the id grain. If False, the provided name is used.
- group
- Group name under with device will appear in Server Density dashboard. Default - None.
- salt_params
- If True (default), needed config parameters will be sourced from grains and from status.all_status.
- params
Add parameters that you want to appear in the Server Density dashboard.
Will overwrite the salt_params parameters. For more info, see the
API docs.
Usage example:
'server_name': serverdensity_device.monitored
'server_name': serverdensity_device.monitored: - group: web-servers
'my_special_server': serverdensity_device.monitored: - salt_name: False - group: web-servers - cpuCores: 2 - os: CentOS
Starting or restarting of services and daemons
Services are defined as system daemons typically started with system init or rc scripts, services can be defined as running or dead.
httpd: service.running: []
The service can also be set to be started at runtime via the enable option:
openvpn: service.running: - enable: True
By default if a service is triggered to refresh due to a watch statement the service is by default restarted. If the desired behavior is to reload the service, then set the reload value to True:
redis: service.running: - enable: True - reload: True - watch: - pkg: redis
NOTE: More details regarding watch can be found in the Requisites documentation.
- salt.states.service.dead(name, enable=None, sig=None, **kwargs)
- Ensure that the named service is dead by stopping the service if it is running
- name
- The name of the init or rc script used to manage the service
- enable
- Set the service to be enabled at boot time, True sets the service to be enabled, False sets the named service to be disabled. The default is None, which does not enable or disable anything.
- sig
- The string to search for when looking for the service process with ps
- salt.states.service.disabled(name, **kwargs)
- Verify that the service is disabled on boot, only use this state if you don't want to manage the running process, remember that if you want to disable a service to use the enable: False option for the running or dead function.
- name
- The name of the init or rc script used to manage the service
- salt.states.service.enabled(name, **kwargs)
- Verify that the service is enabled on boot, only use this state if you don't want to manage the running process, remember that if you want to enable a running service to use the enable: True option for the running or dead function.
- name
- The name of the init or rc script used to manage the service
- salt.states.service.mod_watch(name, sfun=None, sig=None, reload=False, full_restart=False, force=False, **kwargs)
- The service watcher, called to invoke the watch command.
- name
- The name of the init or rc script used to manage the service
- sfun
- The original function which triggered the mod_watch call (service.running, for example).
- sig
- The string to search for when looking for the service process with ps
- salt.states.service.running(name, enable=None, sig=None, **kwargs)
- Verify that the service is running
- name
- The name of the init or rc script used to manage the service
- enable
- Set the service to be enabled at boot time, True sets the service to be enabled, False sets the named service to be disabled. The default is None, which does not enable or disable anything.
- sig
- The string to search for when looking for the service process with ps
Send a message to Slack
This state is useful for sending messages to Slack during state runs.
New in version 2015.5.0.
slack-message: slack.post_message: - channel: '#general' - from_name: SuperAdmin - message: 'This state was executed successfully.' - api_key: peWcBiMOS9HrZG15peWcBiMOS9HrZG15
The api key can be specified in the master or minion configuration like below:
slack: api_key: peWcBiMOS9HrZG15peWcBiMOS9HrZG15
- salt.states.slack.post_message(name, channel, from_name, message, api_key=None)
Send a message to a Slack room.
slack-message: slack.post_message: - channel: '#general' - from_name: SuperAdmin - message: 'This state was executed successfully.' - api_key: peWcBiMOS9HrZG15peWcBiMOS9HrZG15
The following parameters are required:
- name
- The unique name for this event.
- channel
- The room to send the message to. Can either be the ID or the name.
- from_name
- The name of that is to be shown in the "from" field. If not specified, defaults to.
- message
The message that is to be sent to the Hipchat room.
The following parameters are optional:
- api_key
- The api key for Slack to use for authentication, if not specified in the configuration options of master or minion.
Sending Messages via SMTP
New in version 2014.7.0.
This state is useful for firing messages during state runs, using the XMPP protocol
server-warning-message: smtp.send_msg: - name: 'This is a server warning message' - profile: my-smtp-account - recipient: admins [at]
- salt.states.smtp.send_msg(name, recipient, subject, sender, profile, use_ssl='True')
Send a message via SMTP
server-warning-message: smtp.send_msg: - name: 'This is a server warning message' - profile: my-smtp-account - subject: 'Message from Salt' - recipient: admin [at] - sender: admin [at] - use_ssl: True
- name
- The message to send via SMTP
Splunk Search State Module
New in version 2015.5.0.
This state is used to ensure presence of splunk searches.
server-warning-message: splunk_search.present: - name: This is the splunk search name - search: index=main sourcetype=
- salt.states.splunk_search.absent(name, profile='splunk')
Ensure a search is absent
API Error Search: splunk_search.absent
The following parameters are required:
- name
- This is the name of the search in splunk
- salt.states.splunk_search.present(name, profile='splunk', **kwargs)
Ensure a search is present
API Error Search: splunk_search.present: search: index=main sourcetype=blah template: alert_5min
The following parameters are required:
- name
- This is the name of the search in splunk
Control of entries in SSH authorized_key files
The information stored in a user's SSH authorized key file can be easily controlled via the ssh_auth state. Defaults can be set by the enc, options, and comment keys. These defaults can be overridden by including them in the name.
Since the YAML specification limits the length of simple keys to 1024 characters, and since SSH keys are often longer than that, you may have to use a YAML 'explicit key', as demonstrated in the second example below.
AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAL0sQ9fJ5bYTEyY==: ssh_auth.present: - user: root - enc: ssh-dss ? AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAL0sQ9fJ5bYTEyY==... : ssh_auth.present: - user: root - enc: ssh-dss thatch: ssh_auth.present: - user: root - source: salt://ssh_keys/ sshkeys: ssh_auth.present: - user: root - enc: ssh-rsa - options: - option1="value1" - option2="value2 flag2" - comment: myuser - names: - AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAL0sQ9fJ5bYTEyY== - ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaCL0sQ9fJ5bYTEyY== user [at] domain - option3="value3" ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kcQ9J5bYTEyY== other [at] testdomain - AAAAB3NzaC1kcQ9fJFF435bYTEyY== newcomment
- salt.states.ssh_auth.absent(name, user, enc='ssh-rsa', comment='', options=None, config='.ssh/authorized_keys')
- Verifies that the specified SSH key is absent
- name
- The SSH key to manage
- user
- The user who owns the SSH authorized keys file to modify
- enc
- Defines what type of key is being used; can be ed25519, ecdsa, ssh-rsa or ssh-dss
- comment
- The comment to be placed with the SSH public key
- options
- The options passed to the key, pass a list object
- config
- The location of the authorized keys file relative to the user's home directory, defaults to ".ssh/authorized_keys"
- salt.states.ssh_auth.present(name, user, enc='ssh-rsa', comment='', source='', options=None, config='.ssh/authorized_keys', **kwargs)
- Verifies that the specified SSH key is present for the specified user
- name
- The SSH key to manage
- user
- The user who owns the SSH authorized keys file to modify
- enc
- Defines what type of key is being used; can be ed25519, ecdsa, ssh-rsa or ssh-dss
- comment
- The comment to be placed with the SSH public key
- source
The source file for the key(s). Can contain any number of public keys,
in standard "authorized_keys" format. If this is set, comment, enc,
and options will be ignored.
NOTE: The source file must contain keys in the format <enc> <key> <comment>. If you have generated a keypair using PuTTYgen, then you will need to do the following to retrieve an OpenSSH-compatible public key.
- 1.
- In PuTTYgen, click Load, and select the private key file (not the public key), and click Open.
- 2.
- Copy the public key from the box labeled Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file.
- 3.
- Paste it into a new file.
- options
- The options passed to the key, pass a list object
- config
- The location of the authorized keys file relative to the user's home directory, defaults to ".ssh/authorized_keys"
Control of SSH known_hosts entries
Manage the information stored in the known_hosts files. ssh_known_hosts: - present - user: root - fingerprint: 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48 ssh_known_hosts: - absent - user: root
- salt.states.ssh_known_hosts.absent(name, user=None, config=None)
- Verifies that the specified host is not known by the given user
- name
- The host name
- user
- The user who owns the ssh authorized keys file to modify
- config
- The location of the authorized keys file relative to the user's home directory, defaults to ".ssh/known_hosts". If no user is specified, defaults to "/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts". If present, must be an absolute path when a user is not specified.
- salt.states.ssh_known_hosts.present(name, user=None, fingerprint=None, key=None, port=None, enc=None, config=None, hash_hostname=True, hash_known_hosts=True)
Verifies that the specified host is known by the specified user
On many systems, specifically those running with openssh 4 or older, the enc option must be set, only openssh 5 and above can detect the key type.
- name
- The name of the remote host (e.g. "")
- user
- The user who owns the ssh authorized keys file to modify
- fingerprint
- The fingerprint of the key which must be presented in the known_hosts file (optional if key specified)
- key
- The public key which must be presented in the known_hosts file (optional if fingerprint specified)
- port
- optional parameter, denoting the port of the remote host, which will be used in case, if the public key will be requested from it. By default the port 22 is used.
- enc
- Defines what type of key is being used, can be ed25519, ecdsa ssh-rsa or ssh-dss
- config
- The location of the authorized keys file relative to the user's home directory, defaults to ".ssh/known_hosts". If no user is specified, defaults to "/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts". If present, must be an absolute path when a user is not specified.
- hash_hostname
Hash all hostnames and addresses in the known hosts file.
Deprecated since version Carbon: Please use hash_known_hosts instead.
- hash_known_hosts
- True Hash all hostnames and addresses in the known hosts file.
Stateconf System
The stateconf system is intended for use only with the stateconf renderer. This State module presents the set function. This function does not execute any functionality, but is used to interact with the stateconf renderer.
- salt.states.stateconf.context(name, **kwargs)
- No-op state to support state config via the stateconf renderer.
- salt.states.stateconf.set(name, **kwargs)
- No-op state to support state config via the stateconf renderer.
Minion status monitoring
Maps to the status execution module.
- salt.states.status.loadavg(name, maximum=None, minimum=None)
- Return the current load average for the specified minion. Available values for name are 1-min, 5-min and 15-min. minimum and maximum values should be passed in as strings.
- salt.states.status.process(name)
- Return whether the specified signature is found in the process tree. This differs slightly from the services states, in that it may refer to a process that is not managed via the init system.
Interaction with the Supervisor daemon
wsgi_server: supervisord.running: - require: - pkg: supervisor - watch: - file: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/wsgi_server.conf
- salt.states.supervisord.dead(name, user=None, conf_file=None, bin_env=None)
- Ensure the named service is dead (not running).
- name
- Service name as defined in the supervisor configuration file
- user
Name of the user to run the supervisorctl command
New in version 0.17.0.
- conf_file
- path to supervisorctl config file
- bin_env
- path to supervisorctl bin or path to virtualenv with supervisor installed
- salt.states.supervisord.mod_watch(name, restart=True, update=False, user=None, conf_file=None, bin_env=None, **kwargs)
- salt.states.supervisord.running(name, restart=False, update=False, user=None, conf_file=None, bin_env=None)
- Ensure the named service is running.
- name
- Service name as defined in the supervisor configuration file
- restart
- Whether to force a restart
- update
- Whether to update the supervisor configuration.
- user
Name of the user to run the supervisorctl command
New in version 0.17.0.
- conf_file
- path to supervisorctl config file
- bin_env
- path to supervisorctl bin or path to virtualenv with supervisor installed
Manage SVN repositories
Manage repository checkouts via the svn vcs system. Note that subversion must be installed for these states to be available, so svn states should include a requisite to a pkg.installed state for the package which provides subversion (subversion in most cases). Example:
subversion: pkg.installed svn.latest: - target: /tmp/swallow
- salt.states.svn.dirty(name, target, user=None, username=None, password=None, ignore_unversioned=False)
- Determine if the working directory has been changed.
- salt.states.svn.export(name, target=None, rev=None, user=None, username=None, password=None, force=False, overwrite=False, externals=True, trust=False)
- Export a file or directory from an SVN repository
- name
- Address and path to the file or directory to be exported.
- target
- Name of the target directory where the checkout will put the working directory
- rev
- None The name revision number to checkout. Enable "force" if the directory already exists.
- user
- None Name of the user performing repository management operations
- username
- None The user to access the name repository with. The svn default is the current user
- password
Connect to the Subversion server with this password
New in version 0.17.0.
- force
- False Continue if conflicts are encountered
- overwrite
- False Overwrite existing target
- externals
- True Change to False to not checkout or update externals
- trust
- False Automatically trust the remote server. SVN's --trust-server-cert
- salt.states.svn.latest(name, target=None, rev=None, user=None, username=None, password=None, force=False, externals=True, trust=False)
- Checkout or update the working directory to the latest revision from the remote repository.
- name
- Address of the name repository as passed to "svn checkout"
- target
- Name of the target directory where the checkout will put the working directory
- rev
- None The name revision number to checkout. Enable "force" if the directory already exists.
- user
- None Name of the user performing repository management operations
- username
- None The user to access the name repository with. The svn default is the current user
- password
Connect to the Subversion server with this password
New in version 0.17.0.
- force
- False Continue if conflicts are encountered
- externals
- True Change to False to not checkout or update externals
- trust
- False Automatically trust the remote server. SVN's --trust-server-cert
Configuration of the Linux kernel using sysctl
Control the kernel sysctl system.
vm.swappiness: sysctl.present: - value: 20
- salt.states.sysctl.present(name, value, config=None)
- Ensure that the named sysctl value is set in memory and persisted to the named configuration file. The default sysctl configuration file is /etc/sysctl.conf
- name
- The name of the sysctl value to edit
- value
- The sysctl value to apply
- config
- The location of the sysctl configuration file. If not specified, the proper location will be detected based on platform.
State module for syslog_ng
- maintainer
- Tibor Benke <btibi [at]>
- maturity
- new
- depends
- cmd, ps, syslog_ng
- platform
- all
- Users can generate syslog-ng configuration files from YAML format or use
- plain ones and reload, start, or stop their syslog-ng by using this module.
The service module is not available on all system, so this module includes syslog_ng.reloaded, syslog_ng.stopped, and syslog_ng.started functions. If the service module is available on the computers, users should use that.
Users can generate syslog-ng configuration with
syslog_ng.config function.
For more information see syslog-ng state usage.
Syslog-ng configuration file format
The syntax of a configuration snippet in syslog-ng.conf: object_type object_id {<options>};
These constructions are also called statements. There are options inside of them: option(parameter1, parameter2); option2(parameter1, parameter2);
You can find more information about syslog-ng's configuration syntax in the Syslog-ng Admin guide:
- salt.states.syslog_ng.config(name, config, write=True)
Builds syslog-ng configuration.
name : the id of the Salt document config : the parsed YAML code write : if True, it writes the config into the configuration file, otherwise just returns it
- salt.states.syslog_ng.reloaded(name)
- Reloads syslog-ng.
- salt.states.syslog_ng.started(name=None, user=None, group=None, chroot=None, caps=None, no_caps=False, pidfile=None, enable_core=False, fd_limit=None, verbose=False, debug=False, trace=False, yydebug=False, persist_file=None, control=None, worker_threads=None, *args, **kwargs)
Ensures, that syslog-ng is started via the given parameters.
Users shouldn't use this function, if the service module is available on their system.
- salt.states.syslog_ng.stopped(name=None)
- Kills syslog-ng.
- salt.states.sysrc.absent(name, **kwargs)
- Ensure a sysrc variable is absent.
- name
- The variable name to set
- file
- (optional) The rc file to add the variable to.
- jail
- (option) the name or JID of the jail to set the value in.
- salt.states.sysrc.managed(name, value, **kwargs)
- Ensure a sysrc variable is set to a specific value.
- name
- The variable name to set
- value
- Value to set the variable to
- file
- (optional) The rc file to add the variable to.
- jail
- (option) the name or JID of the jail to set the value in.
Test States
- Provide test case states that enable easy testing of things to do with
state calls, e.g. running, calling, logging, output filtering etc.
always-passes-with-any-kwarg: test.nop: - name: foo - something: else - foo: bar always-passes: test.succeed_without_changes: - name: foo always-fails: test.fail_without_changes: - name: foo always-changes-and-succeeds: test.succeed_with_changes: - name: foo always-changes-and-fails: test.fail_with_changes: - name: foo my-custom-combo: test.configurable_test_state: - name: foo - changes: True - result: False - comment: bar.baz
- salt.states.test.configurable_test_state(name, changes=True, result=True, comment='')
A configurable test state which determines its output based on the inputs.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- name:
- A unique string.
- changes:
- Do we return anything in the changes field? Accepts True, False, and 'Random' Default is True
- result:
- Do we return successfully or not? Accepts True, False, and 'Random' Default is True
- comment:
- String to fill the comment field with. Default is ''
- salt.states.test.fail_with_changes(name)
Returns failure and changes is not empty.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- name:
- A unique string.
- salt.states.test.fail_without_changes(name)
Returns failure.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- name:
- A unique string.
- salt.states.test.mod_watch(name, sfun=None, **kwargs)
Call this function via a watch statement
New in version 2014.7.0.
Any parameters in the state return dictionary can be customized by adding the keywords result, comment, and changes.
this_state_will_return_changes: test.succeed_with_changes this_state_will_NOT_return_changes: test.succeed_without_changes this_state_is_watching_another_state: test.succeed_without_changes: - comment: 'This is a custom comment' - watch: - test: this_state_will_return_changes - test: this_state_will_NOT_return_changes this_state_is_also_watching_another_state: test.succeed_without_changes: - watch: - test: this_state_will_NOT_return_changes
- salt.states.test.nop(name, **kwargs)
A no-op state that does nothing. Useful in conjunction with the use
requisite, or in templates which could otherwise be empty due to jinja
New in version 2015.5.6.
- salt.states.test.succeed_with_changes(name)
Returns successful and changes is not empty
New in version 2014.7.0.
- name:
- A unique string.
- salt.states.test.succeed_without_changes(name)
Returns successful.
New in version 2014.7.0.
- name
- A unique string.
Management of timezones
The timezone can be managed for the system:
America/Denver: timezone.system
The system and the hardware clock are not necessarily set to the same time. By default, the hardware clock is set to localtime, meaning it is set to the same time as the system clock. If utc is set to True, then the hardware clock will be set to UTC, and the system clock will be an offset of that.
America/Denver: timezone.system: - utc: True
The Ubuntu community documentation contains an explanation of this setting, as it applies to systems that dual-boot with Windows. This is explained in greater detail here.
- salt.states.timezone.system(name, utc=True)
- Set the timezone for the system.
- name
- The name of the timezone to use (e.g.: America/Denver)
- utc
- Whether or not to set the hardware clock to UTC (default is True)
Enforce state for SSL/TLS
- salt.states.tls.valid_certificate(name, weeks=0, days=0, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0)
- Verify that a TLS certificate is valid now and (optionally) will be valid for the time specified through weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
This state uses the manager webapp to manage Apache tomcat webapps This state requires the manager webapp to be enabled
The following grains/pillar should be set:
tomcat-manager:user: admin user name tomcat-manager:passwd: password
and also configure a user in the conf/tomcat-users.xml file:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <tomcat-users> <role rolename="manager-script"/> <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="manager-script"/> </tomcat-users>
- •
- Not supported multiple version on the same context path
- •
- More information about tomcat manager:
- •
- if you use only this module for deployments you might want to restrict
- access to the manager so its only accessible via localhost for more info:
- •
- Tested on:
- JVM Vendor:
- Sun Microsystems Inc.
- JVM Version:
- 1.6.0_43-b01
- OS Architecture:
- amd64
- OS Name:
- Linux
- OS Version:
- 2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64
- Tomcat Version:
- Apache Tomcat/7.0.37
- salt.states.tomcat.mod_watch(name, url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)
- The tomcat watcher function. When called it will reload the webapp in question
- salt.states.tomcat.undeployed(name, url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)
- Enforce that the WAR will be un-deployed from the server
- name
- the context path to deploy
- url
- http://localhost:8080/manager the URL of the server manager webapp
- timeout
timeout for HTTP request to the tomcat manager
jenkins: tomcat.undeployed: - name: /ran - require: - service: application-service
- salt.states.tomcat.wait(name, url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180)
Wait for the tomcat manager to load
Notice that if tomcat is not running we won't wait for it start and the state will fail. This state can be required in the tomcat.war_deployed state to make sure tomcat is running and that the manager is running as well and ready for deployment
- url
- http://localhost:8080/manager the URL of the server manager webapp
- timeout
timeout for HTTP request to the tomcat manager
tomcat-service: service.running: - name: tomcat - enable: True wait-for-tomcatmanager: tomcat.wait: - timeout: 300 - require: - service: tomcat-service jenkins: tomcat.war_deployed: - name: /ran - war: salt://jenkins-1.2.4.war - require: - tomcat: wait-for-tomcatmanager
- salt.states.tomcat.war_deployed(name, war, force=False, url='http://localhost:8080/manager', timeout=180, temp_war_location=None)
- Enforce that the WAR will be deployed and started in the context path it will make use of WAR versions
- for more info:
- name
- the context path to deploy
- war
- absolute path to WAR file (should be accessible by the user running tomcat) or a path supported by the salt.modules.cp.get_url function
- force
- force deploy even if version strings are the same, False by default.
- url
- http://localhost:8080/manager the URL of the server manager webapp
- timeout
- 180 timeout for HTTP request to the tomcat manager
- temp_war_location
use another location to temporarily copy to war file
by default the system's temp directory is used
jenkins: tomcat.war_deployed: - name: /ran - war: salt://jenkins-1.2.4.war - require: - service: application-service
Management of user accounts
The user module is used to create and manage user settings, users can be set as either absent or present
fred: user.present: - fullname: Fred Jones - shell: /bin/zsh - home: /home/fred - uid: 4000 - gid: 4000 - groups: - wheel - storage - games testuser: user.absent
- salt.states.user.absent(name, purge=False, force=False)
- Ensure that the named user is absent
- name
- The name of the user to remove
- purge
- Set purge to True to delete all of the user's files as well as the user, Default is False.
- force
- If the user is logged in, the absent state will fail. Set the force option to True to remove the user even if they are logged in. Not supported in FreeBSD and Solaris, Default is False.
- salt.states.user.present(name, uid=None, gid=None, gid_from_name=False, groups=None, optional_groups=None, remove_groups=True, home=None, createhome=True, password=None, enforce_password=True, empty_password=False, shell=None, unique=True, system=False, fullname=None, roomnumber=None, workphone=None, homephone=None, loginclass=None, date=None, mindays=None, maxdays=None, inactdays=None, warndays=None, expire=None, win_homedrive=None, win_profile=None, win_logonscript=None, win_description=None)
- Ensure that the named user is present with the specified properties
- name
- The name of the user to manage
- uid
- The user id to assign, if left empty then the next available user id will be assigned
- gid
- The default group id. Also accepts group name.
- gid_from_name
- If True, the default group id will be set to the id of the group with the same name as the user, Default is False.
- groups
- A list of groups to assign the user to, pass a list object. If a group specified here does not exist on the minion, the state will fail. If set to the empty list, the user will be removed from all groups except the default group.
- optional_groups
A list of groups to assign the user to, pass a list object. If a group
specified here does not exist on the minion, the state will silently
ignore it.
NOTE: If the same group is specified in both "groups" and "optional_groups", then it will be assumed to be required and not optional.
- remove_groups
- Remove groups that the user is a member of that weren't specified in the state, Default is True.
- home
- The custom login directory of user. Uses default value of underlying system if not set. Notice that this directory does not have to exists. This also the location of the home directory to create if createhome is set to True.
- createhome
- If False, the home directory will not be created if it doesn't exist. Please note that directories leading up to the home directory will NOT be created, Default is True.
- password
A password hash to set for the user. This field is only supported on
Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and Solaris. If the empty_password
argument is set to True then password is ignored.
For Windows this is the plain text password.
Changed in version 0.16.0: BSD support added.
- enforce_password
- Set to False to keep the password from being changed if it has already been set and the password hash differs from what is specified in the "password" field. This option will be ignored if "password" is not specified, Default is True.
- empty_password
- Set to True to enable password-less login for user, Default is False.
- shell
- The login shell, defaults to the system default shell
- unique
- Require a unique UID, Default is True.
- system
- Choose UID in the range of FIRST_SYSTEM_UID and LAST_SYSTEM_UID, Default is False.
- loginclass
The login class, defaults to empty
(BSD only)
User comment field (GECOS) support (currently Linux, BSD, and MacOS only):
The below values should be specified as strings to avoid ambiguities when the values are loaded. (Especially the phone and room number fields which are likely to contain numeric data)
- fullname
- The user's full name
- roomnumber
- The user's room number (not supported in MacOS)
- workphone
- The user's work phone number (not supported in MacOS)
- homephone
The user's home phone number (not supported in MacOS)
Changed in version 2014.7.0: Shadow attribute support added.
Shadow attributes support (currently Linux only):
The below values should be specified as integers.
- date
- Date of last change of password, represented in days since epoch (January 1, 1970).
- mindays
- The minimum number of days between password changes.
- maxdays
- The maximum number of days between password changes.
- inactdays
- The number of days after a password expires before an account is locked.
- warndays
- Number of days prior to maxdays to warn users.
- expire
Date that account expires, represented in days since epoch (January 1,
The below parameters apply to windows only:
- win_homedrive (Windows Only)
The drive letter to use for the home directory. If not specified the
home directory will be a unc path. Otherwise the home directory will be
mapped to the specified drive. Must be a letter followed by a colon.
Because of the colon, the value must be surrounded by single quotes. ie:
- win_homedrive: 'U:
Changed in version 2015.5.7: Backported from 2015.8.0
- win_profile (Windows Only)
The custom profile directory of the user. Uses default value of
underlying system if not set.
Changed in version 2015.5.7: Backported from 2015.8.0
- win_logonscript (Windows Only)
The full path to the logon script to run when the user logs in.
Changed in version 2015.5.7: Backported from 2015.8.0
- win_description (Windows Only)
A brief description of the purpose of the users account.
Changed in version 2015.5.7: Backported from 2015.8.0
VirtualBox Guest Additions installer state
- salt.states.vbox_guest.additions_installed(name, reboot=False, upgrade_os=False)
- Ensure that the VirtualBox Guest Additions are installed. Uses the CD, connected by VirtualBox.
- name
- The name has no functional value and is only used as a tracking reference.
- reboot
- False Restart OS to complete installation.
- upgrade_os
- False Upgrade OS (to ensure the latests version of kernel and developer tools installed).
- salt.states.vbox_guest.additions_removed(name, force=False)
Ensure that the VirtualBox Guest Additions are removed. Uses the CD,
connected by VirtualBox.
To connect VirtualBox Guest Additions via VirtualBox graphical interface press 'Host+D' ('Host' is usually 'Right Ctrl').
- name
- The name has no functional value and is only used as a tracking reference.
- force
- Force VirtualBox Guest Additions removing.
- salt.states.vbox_guest.grant_access_to_shared_folders_to(name, users=None)
Grant access to auto-mounted shared folders to the users.
User is specified by it's name. To grant access for several users use argument users.
- name
- Name of the user to grant access to auto-mounted shared folders to.
- users
- List of names of users to grant access to auto-mounted shared folders to. If specified, name will not be taken into account.
Setup of Python virtualenv sandboxes.
New in version 0.17.0.
- salt.states.virtualenv_mod.managed(name, venv_bin=None, requirements=None, system_site_packages=False, distribute=False, use_wheel=False, clear=False, python=None, extra_search_dir=None, never_download=None, prompt=None, user=None, no_chown=False, cwd=None, index_url=None, extra_index_url=None, pre_releases=False, no_deps=False, pip_download=None, pip_download_cache=None, pip_exists_action=None, proxy=None, use_vt=False, env_vars=None)
- Create a virtualenv and optionally manage it with pip
- name
- Path to the virtualenv
- requirements
- Path to a pip requirements file. If the path begins with salt:// the file will be transferred from the master file server.
- cwd
- Path to the working directory where "pip install" is executed.
- user
- The user under which to run virtualenv and pip
- no_chown: False
- When user is given, do not attempt to copy and chown a requirements file (needed if the requirements file refers to other files via relative paths, as the copy-and-chown procedure does not account for such files)
- use_wheel
- False Prefer wheel archives (requires pip>=1.4)
- no_deps: False
- Pass --no-deps to pip.
- pip_exists_action: None
- Default action of pip when a path already exists: (s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup
- proxy: None
- Proxy address which is passed to "pip install"
- env_vars
Set environment variables that some builds will depend on. For example,
a Python C-module may have a Makefile that needs INCLUDE_PATH set to
pick up a header file while compiling.
Also accepts any kwargs that the virtualenv module will.
/var/www/ virtualenv.managed: - system_site_packages: False - requirements: salt://REQUIREMENTS.txt
Module for configuring DNS Client on Windows systems
- salt.states.win_dns_client.dns_dhcp(name, interface='Local Area Connection')
- Configure the DNS server list from DHCP Server
- salt.states.win_dns_client.dns_exists(name, servers=None, interface='Local Area Connection', replace=False)
Configure the DNS server list in the specified interface
config_dns_servers: win_dns_client.dns_exists: - replace: True #remove any servers not in the "servers" list, default is False - servers: - -
- salt.states.win_dns_client.primary_suffix(name, suffix=None, updates=False)
New in version 2014.7.0.
Configure the global primary DNS suffix of a DHCP client.
- suffix
- None The suffix which is advertised for this client when acquiring a DHCP lease When none is set, the explicitly configured DNS suffix will be removed.
- updates
Allow syncing the DNS suffix with the AD domain when the client's AD domain membership changes
primary_dns_suffix: win_dns_client.primary_suffix: - suffix: sub.domain.tld - updates: True
State for configuring Windows Firewall
- salt.states.win_firewall.add_rule(name, localport, protocol='tcp', action='allow', dir='in')
- Add a new firewall rule (Windows only)
- salt.states.win_firewall.disabled(name)
- Disable all the firewall profiles (Windows only)
Configuration of network interfaces on Windows hosts
New in version 2014.1.0.
This module provides the network state(s) on Windows hosts. DNS servers, IP addresses and default gateways can currently be managed.
Below is an example of the configuration for an interface that uses DHCP for both DNS servers and IP addresses:
Local Area Connection #2: network.managed: - dns_proto: dhcp - ip_proto: dhcp
NOTE: Both the dns_proto and ip_proto arguments are required.
Static DNS and IP addresses can be configured like so:
Local Area Connection #2: network.managed: - dns_proto: static - dns_servers: - - - ip_proto: static - ip_addrs: -
NOTE: IP addresses are specified using the format <ip-address>/<subnet-length>. Salt provides a convenience function called ip.get_subnet_length to calculate the subnet length from a netmask.
Optionally, if you are setting a static IP address, you can also specify the default gateway using the gateway parameter:
Local Area Connection #2: network.managed: - dns_proto: static - dns_servers: - - - ip_proto: static - ip_addrs: - - gateway:
- salt.states.win_network.managed(name, dns_proto=None, dns_servers=None, ip_proto=None, ip_addrs=None, gateway=None, enabled=True, **kwargs)
- Ensure that the named interface is configured properly.
- name
- The name of the interface to manage
- dns_proto
- None Set to static and use the dns_servers parameter to provide a list of DNS nameservers. set to dhcp to use DHCP to get the DNS servers.
- dns_servers
- None A list of static DNS servers.
- ip_proto
- None Set to static and use the ip_addrs and (optionally) gateway parameters to provide a list of static IP addresses and the default gateway. Set to dhcp to use DHCP.
- ip_addrs
- None A list of static IP addresses.
- gateway
- None A list of static IP addresses.
- enabled
- True Set to False to ensure that this interface is disabled.
Manage the Windows System PATH
- salt.states.win_path.absent(name)
Remove the directory from the SYSTEM path
index: where the directory should be placed in the PATH (default: 0)
'C:\sysinternals': win_path.absent
- salt.states.win_path.exists(name, index=None)
Add the directory to the system PATH at index location
index: where the directory should be placed in the PATH (default: None) [Note: Providing no index will append directory to PATH and will not enforce its location within the PATH.]
'C:\python27': win_path.exists 'C:\sysinternals': win_path.exists: index: 0
Manage Windows features via the ServerManager powershell module
- salt.states.win_servermanager.installed(name, recurse=False, force=False)
- Install the windows feature
- name:
- short name of the feature (the right column in win_servermanager.list_available)
- recurse:
- install all sub-features as well
- force:
if the feature is installed but on of its sub-features are not installed set this to True to force
the installation of the sub-features
Note: Some features require reboot after un/installation. If so, until the server is restarted other features can not be installed!
Run salt MinionName win_servermanager.list_available to get a list of available roles and features. Use the name in the right column. Do not use the role or feature names mentioned in the PKGMGR documentation. In this example for IIS-WebServerRole the name to be used is Web-Server.
ISWebserverRole: win_servermanager.installed: - force: True - recurse: True - name: Web-Server
- salt.states.win_servermanager.removed(name)
- Remove the windows feature
- name:
short name of the feature (the right column in win_servermanager.list_available)
NOTE: Some features require a reboot after uninstallation. If so the feature will not be completly uninstalled until the server is restarted.
Run salt MinionName win_servermanager.list_installed to get a list of all features installed. Use the top name listed for each feature, not the indented one. Do not use the role or feature names mentioned in the PKGMGR documentation.
ISWebserverRole: win_servermanager.removed: - name: Web-Server
Management of Windows system information
New in version 2014.1.0.
This state is used to manage system information such as the computer name and description.
ERIK-WORKSTATION: system.computer_name: [] This is Erik's computer, don't touch!: system.computer_desc: []
- salt.states.win_system.computer_desc(name)
- Manage the computer's description field
- name
- The desired computer description
- salt.states.win_system.computer_name(name)
- Manage the computer's name
- name
- The desired computer name
Management of the windows update agent
New in version 2014.7.0.
Set windows updates to run by category. Default behavior is to install all updates that do not require user interaction to complete.
Optionally set category to a category of your choice to only install certain updates. Default is to set to install all available updates.
The following example will install all Security and Critical Updates, and download but not install standard updates.
updates: win_update.installed: - categories: - 'Critical Updates' - 'Security Updates' win_update.downloaded: - categories: - 'Updates'
You can also specify a number of features about the update to have a fine grain approach to specific types of updates. These are the following features/states of updates available for configuring:
'UI' - User interaction required, skipped by default 'downloaded' - Already downloaded, skipped by default (downloading) 'present' - Present on computer, included by default (installing) 'installed' - Already installed, skipped by default 'reboot' - Reboot required, included by default 'hidden' - skip those updates that have been hidden. 'software' - Software updates, included by default 'driver' - driver updates, skipped by default
The following example installs all driver updates that don't require a reboot:
gryffindor: win_update.installed: - includes: - driver: True - software: False - reboot: False
To just update your windows machine, add this your sls:
updates: win_update.installed
- class salt.states.win_update.PyWinUpdater(categories=None, skipUI=True, skipDownloaded=True, skipInstalled=True, skipReboot=False, skipPresent=True, softwareUpdates=True, driverUpdates=False, skipHidden=True)
- AutoSearch()
- Download()
- GetAvailableCategories()
- GetCategories()
- GetDownloadResults()
- GetInstallationResults()
- Install()
- Search(searchString)
- SetCategories(categories)
- SetInclude(include, state)
- SetIncludes(includes)
- salt.states.win_update.downloaded(name, categories=None, includes=None, retries=10)
- Cache updates for later install.
- name:
- if categories is left empty, it will be assumed that you are passing the category option through the name. These are separate because you can only have one name, but can have multiple categories.
- categories:
the list of categories to be downloaded. These are simply strings in the update's
information, so there is no enumeration of the categories available. Some known categories:
Updates Windows 7 Critical Updates Security Updates Update Rollups
- includes:
a list of features of the updates to cull by. Available features:
'UI' - User interaction required, skipped by default 'downloaded' - Already downloaded, skipped by default (downloading) 'present' - Present on computer, included by default (installing) 'installed' - Already installed, skipped by default 'reboot' - Reboot required, included by default 'hidden' - skip those updates that have been hidden. 'software' - Software updates, included by default 'driver' - driver updates, skipped by default
- retries
- Number of retries to make before giving up. This is total, not per step.
- salt.states.win_update.installed(name, categories=None, includes=None, retries=10)
- Install specified windows updates.
- name:
- if categories is left empty, it will be assumed that you are passing the category option through the name. These are separate because you can only have one name, but can have multiple categories.
- categories:
the list of categories to be downloaded. These are simply strings in the update's
information, so there is no enumeration of the categories available. Some known categories:
Updates Windows 7 Critical Updates Security Updates Update Rollups
- includes:
a list of features of the updates to cull by. Available features:
'UI' - User interaction required, skipped by default 'downloaded' - Already downloaded, skipped by default (downloading) 'present' - Present on computer, included by default (installing) 'installed' - Already installed, skipped by default 'reboot' - Reboot required, included by default 'hidden' - skip those updates that have been hidden. 'software' - Software updates, included by default 'driver' - driver updates, skipped by default
- retries
- Number of retries to make before giving up. This is total, not per step.
Manage Windows Package Repository
- salt.states.winrepo.genrepo(name, force=False, allow_empty=False)
Refresh the winrepo.p file of the repository (salt-run winrepo.genrepo)
If force is True no checks will be made and the repository will be generated if allow_empty is True then the state will not return an error if there are 0 packages,
NOTE: This state only loads on minions that have the roles: salt-master grain set.
winrepo: winrepo.genrepo
Sending Messages over XMPP
New in version 2014.1.0.
This state is useful for firing messages during state runs, using the XMPP protocol
server-warning-message: xmpp.send_msg: - name: 'This is a server warning message' - profile: my-xmpp-account - recipient: admins [at]
- salt.states.xmpp.send_msg(name, recipient, profile)
Send a message to an XMPP user
server-warning-message: xmpp.send_msg: - name: 'This is a server warning message' - profile: my-xmpp-account - recipient: admins [at]
- name
- The message to send to the XMPP user
Management of zc.buildout
This module is inspired from minitage's buildout maker (
New in version Boron.
This state module is beta; the API is subject to change and no promise
as to performance or functionality is yet present
Available Functions
- •
installed1 buildout.installed: - name: /path/to/buildout installed2 buildout.installed: - name: /path/to/buildout - parts: - a - b - python: /path/to/pythonpath/bin/python - unless: /bin/test_something_installed - onlyif: /bin/test_else_installed
- salt.states.zcbuildout.installed(name, config='buildout.cfg', quiet=False, parts=None, user=None, env=(), buildout_ver=None, test_release=False, distribute=None, new_st=None, offline=False, newest=False, python='/usr/bin/python', debug=False, verbose=False, unless=None, onlyif=None, use_vt=False, loglevel='debug')
Install buildout in a specific directory
It is a thin wrapper to modules.buildout.buildout
- name
directory to execute in
quiet do not output console & logs
- config
- buildout config to use (default: buildout.cfg)
- parts
- specific buildout parts to run
- user
user used to run buildout as
New in version 2014.1.4.
- env
- environment variables to set when running
- buildout_ver
- force a specific buildout version (1 | 2)
- test_release
- buildout accept test release
- new_st
- Forcing use of setuptools >= 0.7
- distribute
- use distribute over setuptools if possible
- offline
- does buildout run offline
- python
- python to use
- debug
- run buildout with -D debug flag
- onlyif
- Only execute cmd if statement on the host return 0
- unless
- Do not execute cmd if statement on the host return 0
- newest
- run buildout in newest mode
- verbose
- run buildout in verbose mode (-vvvvv)
- use_vt
- Use the new salt VT to stream output [experimental]
- loglevel
- loglevel for buildout commands
Control concurrency of steps within state execution using zookeeper
This module allows you to "wrap" a state's execution with concurrency control. This is useful to protect against all hosts executing highstate simultaneously if your services don't all HUP restart. The common way of protecting against this is to run in batch mode, but that doesn't protect from another person running the same batch command (and thereby having 2x the number of nodes deploying at once).
This module will bock while acquiring a slot, meaning that however the command gets called it will coordinate with zookeeper to ensure that no more than max_concurrency steps are executing with a single path.
acquire_lock: zk_concurrency.lock: - zk_hosts: 'zookeeper:2181' - path: /trafficserver - max_concurrency: 4 - prereq: - service: trafficserver trafficserver: service.running: - watch: - file: /etc/trafficserver/records.config /etc/trafficserver/records.config: file.managed: - source: salt://records.config release_lock: zk_concurrency.unlock: - path: /trafficserver - require: - service: trafficserver
This example would allow the file state to change, but would limit the concurrency of the trafficserver service restart to 4.
- salt.states.zk_concurrency.lock(path, zk_hosts, identifier=None, max_concurrency=1, timeout=None, ephemeral_lease=False)
- Block state execution until you are able to get the lock (or hit the timeout)
- salt.states.zk_concurrency.unlock(path, zk_hosts=None, identifier=None, max_concurrency=1, ephemeral_lease=False)
- Remove lease from semaphore
Execution Modules
Salt execution modules are the functions called by the salt command.
NOTE: Salt execution modules are different from state modules and cannot be called directly within state files. You must use the module state module to call execution modules within state runs.
SEE ALSO: Full list of builtin modules
Salt ships with many modules that cover a wide variety of tasks.
Modules Are Easy to Write!
Writing Salt execution modules is straightforward.
A Salt execution modules is a Python or Cython module placed in a directory called _modules/ within the file_roots as specified by the master config file. By default this is /srv/salt/_modules on Linux systems.
Modules placed in _modules/ will be synced to the minions when any of the following Salt functions are called:
- •
- state.highstate
- •
- saltutil.sync_modules
- •
Note that a module's default name is its filename (i.e. becomes module foo), but that its name can be overridden by using a __virtual__ function.
If a Salt module has errors and cannot be imported, the Salt minion will continue to load without issue and the module with errors will simply be omitted.
If adding a Cython module the file must be named <modulename>.pyx so that the loader knows that the module needs to be imported as a Cython module. The compilation of the Cython module is automatic and happens when the minion starts, so only the *.pyx file is required.
Cross-Calling Modules
All of the Salt execution modules are available to each other and modules can call functions available in other execution modules.
The variable __salt__ is packed into the modules after they are loaded into the Salt minion.
The __salt__ variable is a Python dictionary containing all of the Salt functions. Dictionary keys are strings representing the names of the modules and the values are the functions themselves.
Salt modules can be cross-called by accessing the value in the __salt__ dict:
def foo(bar): return __salt__[''](bar)
This code will call the run function in the cmd and pass the argument
bar to it.
Preloaded Execution Module Data
When interacting with execution modules often it is nice to be able to read information dynamically about the minion or to load in configuration parameters for a module.
Salt allows for different types of data to be loaded into the modules by the
Grains Data
The values detected by the Salt Grains on the minion are available in a dict named __grains__ and can be accessed from within callable objects in the Python modules.
To see the contents of the grains dictionary for a given system in your deployment run the grains.items() function:
salt 'hostname' grains.items --output=pprint
Any value in a grains dictionary can be accessed as any other Python dictionary. For
example, the grain representing the minion ID is stored in the id key and from
an execution module, the value would be stored in __grains__['id'].
Module Configuration
Since parameters for configuring a module may be desired, Salt allows for configuration information from the minion configuration file to be passed to execution modules.
Since the minion configuration file is a YAML document, arbitrary configuration data can be passed in the minion config that is read by the modules. It is therefore strongly recommended that the values passed in the configuration file match the module name. A value intended for the test execution module should be named test.<value>.
The test execution module contains usage of the module configuration and the default
configuration file for the minion contains the information and format used to
pass data to the modules. salt.modules.test, conf/minion.
Printout Configuration
Since execution module functions can return different data, and the way the data is printed can greatly change the presentation, Salt has a printout configuration.
When writing a module the __outputter__ dictionary can be declared in the module. The __outputter__ dictionary contains a mapping of function name to Salt Outputter.
__outputter__ = { 'run': 'txt' }
This will ensure that the text outputter is used.
Virtual Modules
Virtual modules let you override the name of a module in order to use the same name to refer to one of several similar modules. The specific module that is loaded for a virtual name is selected based on the current platform or environment.
For example, packages are managed across platforms using the pkg module. pkg is a virtual module name that is an alias for the specific package manager module that is loaded on a specific system (for example, yumpkg on RHEL/CentOS systems , and aptpkg on Ubuntu).
Virtual module names are set using the __virtual__ function and the
virtual name.
__virtual__ Function
The __virtual__ function returns either a string, True, False, or False with an error string. If a string is returned then the module is loaded using the name of the string as the virtual name. If True is returned the module is loaded using the current module name. If False is returned the module is not loaded. False lets the module perform system checks and prevent loading if dependencies are not met.
Since __virtual__ is called before the module is loaded, __salt__ will be unavailable as it will not have been packed into the module at this point in time.
Modules which return a string from __virtual__ that is already used by a module that
ships with Salt will _override_ the stock module.
Returning Error Information from __virtual__
Optionally, modules may additionally return a list of reasons that a module could
not be loaded. For example, if a dependency for 'my_mod' was not met, a
__virtual__ function could do as follows:
return False, ['My Module must be installed before this module can be
The package manager modules are among the best examples of using the __virtual__ function. Some examples:
- •
- •
- •
- •
__virtualname__ is a variable that is used by the documentation build system to know the virtual name of a module without calling the __virtual__ function. Modules that return a string from the __virtual__ function must also set the __virtualname__ variable.
To avoid setting the virtual name string twice, you can implement __virtual__ to return the value set for __virtualname__ using a pattern similar to the following:
# Define the module's virtual name __virtualname__ = 'pkg' def __virtual__(): ''' Confine this module to Mac OS with Homebrew. ''' if salt.utils.which('brew') and __grains__['os'] == 'MacOS': return __virtualname__ return False
Salt execution modules are documented. The sys.doc() function will return the documentation for all available modules:
salt '*' sys.doc
The sys.doc function simply prints out the docstrings found in the modules; when
writing Salt execution modules, please follow the formatting conventions for docstrings as
they appear in the other modules.
Adding Documentation to Salt Modules
It is strongly suggested that all Salt modules have documentation added.
To add documentation add a Python docstring to the function.
def spam(eggs): ''' A function to make some spam with eggs! CLI Example:: salt '*' test.spam eggs ''' return eggs
Now when the sys.doc call is executed the docstring will be cleanly returned to the calling terminal.
Documentation added to execution modules in docstrings will automatically be added
to the online web-based documentation.
Add Execution Module Metadata
When writing a Python docstring for an execution module, add information about the module using the following field lists:
:maintainer: Thomas Hatch <thatch [at], Seth House <shouse [at]> :maturity: new :depends: python-mysqldb :platform: all
The maintainer field is a comma-delimited list of developers who help maintain this module.
The maturity field indicates the level of quality and testing for this module. Standard labels will be determined.
The depends field is a comma-delimited list of modules that this module depends on.
The platform field is a comma-delimited list of platforms that this module is
known to run on.
Log Output
You can call the logger from custom modules to write messages to the minion logs. The following code snippet demonstrates writing log messages:
import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__)'Here is Some Information') log.warning('You Should Not Do That') log.error('It Is Busted')
Private Functions
In Salt, Python callable objects contained within an execution module are made available
to the Salt minion for use. The only exception to this rule is a callable
object with a name starting with an underscore _.
Objects Loaded Into the Salt Minion
def foo(bar): return bar class baz: def __init__(self, quo): pass
Objects NOT Loaded into the Salt Minion
def _foobar(baz): # Preceded with an _ return baz cheese = {} # Not a callable Python object
Some callable names also end with an underscore _, to avoid keyword clashes
with Python keywords. When using execution modules, or state modules, with these
in them the trailing underscore should be omitted.
Useful Decorators for Modules
Depends Decorator
When writing execution modules there are many times where some of the module will work on all hosts but some functions have an external dependency, such as a service that needs to be installed or a binary that needs to be present on the system.
Instead of trying to wrap much of the code in large try/except blocks, a decorator can be used.
If the dependencies passed to the decorator don't exist, then the salt minion will remove those functions from the module on that host.
If a "fallback_function" is defined, it will replace the function instead of removing it
import logging from salt.utils.decorators import depends log = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: import dependency_that_sometimes_exists except ImportError as e: log.trace('Failed to import dependency_that_sometimes_exists: {0}'.format(e)) @depends('dependency_that_sometimes_exists') def foo(): ''' Function with a dependency on the "dependency_that_sometimes_exists" module, if the "dependency_that_sometimes_exists" is missing this function will not exist ''' return True def _fallback(): ''' Fallback function for the depends decorator to replace a function with ''' return '"dependency_that_sometimes_exists" needs to be installed for this function to exist' @depends('dependency_that_sometimes_exists', fallback_function=_fallback) def foo(): ''' Function with a dependency on the "dependency_that_sometimes_exists" module. If the "dependency_that_sometimes_exists" is missing this function will be replaced with "_fallback" ''' return True
In addition to global dependancies the depends decorator also supports raw booleans.
from salt.utils.decorators import depends HAS_DEP = False try: import dependency_that_sometimes_exists HAS_DEP = True except ImportError: pass @depends(HAS_DEP) def foo(): return True
Master Tops
Salt includes a number of built-in subsystems to generate top file data, they are listed listed at all-salt.tops.
The source for the built-in Salt master tops can be found here:
Full list of builtin master tops modules
cobbler |
Cobbler Tops
ext_nodes |
External Nodes Classifier
mongo |
Read tops data from a mongodb collection
reclass_adapter |
Read tops data from a reclass database
Cobbler Tops
Cobbler Tops is a master tops subsystem used to look up mapping information from Cobbler via its API. The same cobbler.* parameters are used for both the Cobbler tops and Cobbler pillar modules.
master_tops: cobbler: {} cobbler.url: #default is http://localhost/cobbler_api cobbler.user: username # default is no username cobbler.password: password # default is no password
Module Documentation
- Look up top data in Cobbler for a minion.
External Nodes Classifier
The External Nodes Classifier is a master tops subsystem that retrieves mapping information from major configuration management systems. One of the most common external nodes classifiers system is provided by Cobbler and is called cobbler-ext-nodes.
The cobbler-ext-nodes command can be used with this configuration:
master_tops: ext_nodes: cobbler-ext-nodes
It is noteworthy that the Salt system does not directly ingest the data sent from the cobbler-ext-nodes command, but converts the data into information that is used by a Salt top file.
Any command can replace the call to 'cobbler-ext-nodes' above, but currently the data must be formatted in the same way that the standard 'cobbler-ext-nodes' does.
See (admittedly degenerate and probably not complete) example:
classes: - basepackages - database
The above essentially is the same as a top.sls containing the following:
base: '*': - basepackages - database base: '*': - basepackages - database
- Run the command configured
Read tops data from a mongodb collection
This module will load tops data from a mongo collection. It uses the node's id
for lookups.
Salt Master Mongo Configuration
The module shares the same base mongo connection variables as salt.returners.mongo_return. These variables go in your master config file.
- •
- mongo.db - The mongo database to connect to. Defaults to 'salt'.
- •
- - The mongo host to connect to. Supports replica sets by specifying all hosts in the set, comma-delimited. Defaults to 'salt'.
- •
- mongo.port - The port that the mongo database is running on. Defaults to 27017.
- •
- mongo.user - The username for connecting to mongo. Only required if you are using mongo authentication. Defaults to ''.
- •
- mongo.password - The password for connecting to mongo. Only required if you are using mongo authentication. Defaults to ''.
Configuring the Mongo Tops Subsystem
master_tops: mongo: collection: tops id_field: _id re_replace: "" re_pattern: \.example\.com states_field: states environment_field: environment
Module Documentation
- Connect to a mongo database and read per-node tops data.
- Parameters:
- •
- collection: The mongodb collection to read data from. Defaults to 'tops'.
- •
- id_field: The field in the collection that represents an individual minion id. Defaults to '_id'.
- •
- re_pattern: If your naming convention in the collection is shorter than the minion id, you can use this to trim the name. re_pattern will be used to match the name, and re_replace will be used to replace it. Backrefs are supported as they are in the Python standard library. If None, no mangling of the name will be performed - the collection will be searched with the entire minion id. Defaults to None.
- •
- re_replace: Use as the replacement value in node ids matched with re_pattern. Defaults to ''. Feel free to use backreferences here.
- •
- states_field: The name of the field providing a list of states.
- •
- environment_field: The name of the field providing the environment. Defaults to environment.
Read tops data from a reclass database
This master_tops plugin provides access to the reclass database, such that state information (top data) are retrieved from reclass.
You can find more information about reclass at
To use the plugin, add it to the master_tops list in the Salt master config and tell reclass by way of a few options how and where to find the inventory:
master_tops: reclass: storage_type: yaml_fs inventory_base_uri: /srv/salt
This would cause reclass to read the inventory from YAML files in /srv/salt/nodes and /srv/salt/classes.
If you are also using reclass as ext_pillar plugin, and you want to avoid having to specify the same information for both, use YAML anchors (take note of the differing data types for ext_pillar and master_tops):
reclass: &reclass storage_type: yaml_fs inventory_base_uri: /srv/salt reclass_source_path: ~/code/reclass ext_pillar: - reclass: *reclass master_tops: reclass: *reclass
If you want to run reclass from source, rather than installing it, you can either let the master know via the PYTHONPATH environment variable, or by setting the configuration option, like in the example above.
- Query reclass for the top data (states of the minions).
Full list of builtin wheel modules
config |
Manage the master configuration file
error |
Error generator to enable integration testing of salt wheel error handling
file_roots |
Read in files from the file_root and save files to the file root
key |
Wheel system wrapper for key system
minions |
Wheel system wrapper for connected minions
pillar_roots |
The pillar_roots wheel module is used to manage files under the pillar roots directories on the master server.
Manage the master configuration file
- salt.wheel.config.apply(key, value)
Set a single key
NOTE: This will strip comments from your config file
- salt.wheel.config.update_config(file_name, yaml_contents)
Update master config with
Writes yaml_contents to a file named file_name.conf under the folder specified by default_include. This folder is named master.d by default. Please look at include-configuration for more information.
Example low data:
data = { 'username': 'salt', 'password': 'salt', 'fun': 'config.update_config', 'file_name': 'gui', 'yaml_contents': {'id': 1}, 'client': 'wheel', 'eauth': 'pam', }
- salt.wheel.config.values()
- Return the raw values of the config file
Error generator to enable integration testing of salt wheel error handling
- salt.wheel.error.error(name=None, message='')
If name is None Then return empty dict
Otherwise raise an exception with __name__ from name, message from message
CLI Example:
salt-wheel error salt-wheel error.error name="Exception" message="This is an error."
Read in files from the file_root and save files to the file root
- salt.wheel.file_roots.find(path, saltenv='base', env=None)
- Return a dict of the files located with the given path and environment
- salt.wheel.file_roots.list_env(saltenv='base', env=None)
- Return all of the file paths found in an environment
- salt.wheel.file_roots.list_roots()
- Return all of the files names in all available environments
-, saltenv='base', env=None)
- Read the contents of a text file, if the file is binary then
- salt.wheel.file_roots.write(data, path, saltenv='base', index=0, env=None)
- Write the named file, by default the first file found is written, but the index of the file can be specified to write to a lower priority file root
Wheel system wrapper for key system
- salt.wheel.key.accept(match)
- Accept keys based on a glob match
- salt.wheel.key.accept_dict(match)
- Accept keys based on a dict of keys
- salt.wheel.key.delete(match)
- Delete keys based on a glob match
- salt.wheel.key.delete_dict(match)
- Delete keys based on a dict of keys
- salt.wheel.key.finger(match)
- Return the matching key fingerprints
- salt.wheel.key.gen(id_=None, keysize=2048)
- Generate a key pair. No keys are stored on the master, a keypair is returned as a dict containing pub and priv keys
- salt.wheel.key.gen_accept(id_, keysize=2048, force=False)
- Generate a key pair then accept the public key. This function returns the key pair in a dict, only the public key is preserved on the master.
- salt.wheel.key.key_str(match)
- Return the key strings
- salt.wheel.key.list_(match)
- List all the keys under a named status
- salt.wheel.key.list_all()
- List all the keys
- salt.wheel.key.reject(match)
- Reject keys based on a glob match
- salt.wheel.key.reject_dict(match)
- Reject keys based on a dict of keys
Wheel system wrapper for connected minions
- salt.wheel.minions.connected()
- List all connected minions on a salt-master
The pillar_roots wheel module is used to manage files under the pillar roots directories on the master server.
- salt.wheel.pillar_roots.find(path, saltenv='base', env=None)
- Return a dict of the files located with the given path and environment
- salt.wheel.pillar_roots.list_env(saltenv='base', env=None)
- Return all of the file paths found in an environment
- salt.wheel.pillar_roots.list_roots()
- Return all of the files names in all available environments
-, saltenv='base', env=None)
- Read the contents of a text file, if the file is binary then
- salt.wheel.pillar_roots.write(data, path, saltenv='base', index=0, env=None)
- Write the named file, by default the first file found is written, but the index of the file can be specified to write to a lower priority file root
Full list of builtin beacon modules
btmp |
Beacon to fire events at failed login of users
diskusage |
Beacon to monitor disk usage.
inotify |
Watch files and translate the changes into salt events
journald |
A simple beacon to watch journald for specific entries
load |
Beacon to emit system load averages
network_info |
Beacon to monitor statistics from ethernet adapters
service |
Send events covering service status
sh |
Watch the shell commands being executed actively.
twilio_txt_msg |
Beacon to emit Twilio text messages
wtmp |
Beacon to fire events at login of users as registered in the wtmp file
Beacon to fire events at failed login of users
beacons: btmp: {}
- salt.beacons.btmp.beacon(config)
Read the last btmp file and return information on the failed logins
beacons: btmp: {}
Beacon to monitor disk usage.
New in version 2015.5.0.
- depends
- python-psutil
- salt.beacons.diskusage.beacon(config)
Monitor the disk usage of the minion
Specify thresholds for each disk and only emit a beacon if any of them are exceeded.
code_block:: yaml
- beacons:
- diskusage:
- •
- /: 63%
- •
- /mnt/nfs: 50%
Watch files and translate the changes into salt events
- depends
- •
- pyinotify Python module >= 0.9.5
- Caution
- Using generic mask options like open, access, ignored, and closed_nowrite with reactors can easily cause the reactor to loop on itself.
- salt.beacons.inotify.beacon(config)
Watch the configured files
Example Config
beacons: inotify: /path/to/file/or/dir: mask: - open - create - close_write recurse: True auto_add: True
The mask list can contain the following events (the default mask is create, delete, and modify):
- •
- access File accessed
- •
- attrib File metadata changed
- •
- close_nowrite Unwritable file closed
- •
- close_write Writable file closed
- •
- create File created in watched directory
- •
- delete File deleted from watched directory
- •
- delete_self Watched file or directory deleted
- •
- modify File modified
- •
- moved_from File moved out of watched directory
- •
- moved_to File moved into watched directory
- •
- move_self Watched file moved
- •
open File opened
The mask can also contain the following options:
- •
- dont_follow Don't dereference symbolic links
- •
- excl_unlink Omit events for children after they have been unlinked
- •
- oneshot Remove watch after one event
- •
- onlydir Operate only if name is directory
- recurse:
- Recursively watch files in the directory
- auto_add:
- Automatically start watching files that are created in the watched directory
A simple beacon to watch journald for specific entries
- salt.beacons.journald.beacon(config)
The journald beacon allows for the systemd jornal to be parsed and linked
objects to be turned into events.
This beacons config will return all sshd jornal entries
beacons: journald: sshd: SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER: sshd PRIORITY: 6
Beacon to emit system load averages
- salt.beacons.load.beacon(config)
Emit the load averages of this host.
Specify thresholds for each load average and only emit a beacon if any of them are exceeded.
beacons: - load: - 1m: - 0.0 - 2.0 - 5m: - 0.0 - 1.5 - 15m: - 0.1 - 1.0
Beacon to monitor statistics from ethernet adapters
New in version 2015.5.0.
- salt.beacons.network_info.beacon(config)
Emit the network statistics of this host.
Specify thresholds for each network stat and only emit a beacon if any of them are exceeded.
code_block:: yaml
Emit beacon when any values are equal to configured values.
- beacons:
- network_info:
- eth0:
- •
- type: equal
- •
- bytes_sent: 100000
- •
- bytes_recv: 100000
- •
- packets_sent: 100000
- •
- packets_recv: 100000
- •
- errin: 100
- •
- errout: 100
- •
- dropin: 100
- •
dropout: 100
Emit beacon when any values are greater than to configured values.
- beacons:
- network_info:
- eth0:
- •
- type: greater
- •
- bytes_sent: 100000
- •
- bytes_recv: 100000
- •
- packets_sent: 100000
- •
- packets_recv: 100000
- •
- errin: 100
- •
- errout: 100
- •
- dropin: 100
- •
- dropout: 100
Send events covering service status
- salt.beacons.service.beacon(config)
Scan for the configured services and fire events
Example Config
beacons: service: salt-master: mysql:
The config above sets up beacons to check for the salt-master and mysql services.
The config also supports two other parameters for each service:
onchangeonly: when onchangeonly is True the beacon will fire events only when the service status changes. Otherwise, it will fire an event at each beacon interval. The default is False.
uncleanshutdown: If uncleanshutdown is present it should point to the location of a pid file for the service. Most services will not clean up this pid file if they are shutdown uncleanly (e.g. via kill -9) or if they are terminated through a crash such as a segmentation fault. If the file is present, then the beacon will add uncleanshutdown: True to the event. If not present, the field will be False. The field is only added when the service is NOT running. Omitting the configuration variable altogether will turn this feature off.
Here is an example that will fire an event whenever the state of nginx changes and report an uncleanshutdown. This example is for Arch, which places nginx's pid file in /run.
beacons: service: nginx: onchangeonly: True uncleanshutdown: /run/
Watch the shell commands being executed actively. This beacon requires strace.
Scan the shell execve routines. This beacon will convert all login shells
beacons: sh: {}
Beacon to emit Twilio text messages
- salt.beacons.twilio_txt_msg.beacon(config)
Emit a dict name "texts" whose value is a list
of texts.
beacons: twilio_txt_msg: account_sid: "<account sid>" auth_token: "<auth token>" twilio_number: "+15555555555" interval: 10
Beacon to fire events at login of users as registered in the wtmp file
beacons: wtmp: {}
- salt.beacons.wtmp.beacon(config)
Read the last wtmp file and return information on the logins
beacons: wtmp: {}
Full list of builtin sdb modules
etcd_db |
etcd Database Module
keyring_db |
Keyring Database Module
memcached |
Memcached sdb Module
sqlite3 |
SQLite sdb Module
etcd Database Module
- maintainer
- SaltStack
- maturity
- New
- depends
- python-etcd
- platform
New in version 2015.5.0.
This module allows access to the etcd database using an sdb:// URI. This package is located at
Like all sdb modules, the etcd module requires a configuration profile to be configured in either the minion or master configuration file. This profile requires very little. In the example:
myetcd: driver: etcd etcd.port: 4001
The driver refers to the etcd module, refers to the host that is hosting the etcd database and etcd.port refers to the port on that host.
password: sdb://myetcd/mypassword
- salt.sdb.etcd_db.get(key, service=None, profile=None)
- Get a value from the etcd service
- salt.sdb.etcd_db.set_(key, value, service=None, profile=None)
- Set a key/value pair in the etcd service
Keyring Database Module
- maintainer
- SaltStack
- maturity
- New
- depends
- keyring
- platform
This module allows access to the keyring package using an sdb:// URI. This package is located at
Care must be taken when using keyring. Not all keyend backends are supported on all operating systems. Also, many backends require an agent to be running in order to work. For instance, the "Secret Service" backend requires a compatible agent such as gnome-keyring-daemon or kwallet to be running. The keyczar backend does not seem to enjoy the benefits of an agent, and so using it will require either that the password is typed in manually (which is unreasonable for the salt-minion and salt-master daemons, especially in production) or an agent is written for it.
Like all sdb modules, the keyring module requires a configuration profile to be configured in either the minion or master configuration file. This profile requires very little. In the example:
mykeyring: driver: keyring service: system
The driver refers to the keyring module, service refers to the service that will be used inside of keyring (which may be likened unto a database table) and mykeyring refers to the name that will appear in the URI:
password: sdb://mykeyring/mypassword
The underlying backend configuration must be configured via keyring itself. For examples and documentation, see keyring:
New in version 2014.1.4.
- salt.sdb.keyring_db.get(key, service=None, profile=None)
- Get a value from a keyring service
- salt.sdb.keyring_db.set_(key, value, service=None, profile=None)
- Set a key/value pair in a keyring service
Memcached sdb Module
- maintainer
- SaltStack
- maturity
- New
- depends
- python-memcached
- platform
This module allows access to memcached using an sdb:// URI. This package is located at
Like all sdb modules, the memcached module requires a configuration profile to be configured in either the minion or master configuration file. This profile requires very little. In the example:
mymemcache: driver: memcached host: localhost port: 11211
The driver refers to the memcached module, host and port the memcached server to connect to (defaults to localhost and 11211, and mymemcached refers to the name that will appear in the URI:
password: sdb://mymemcached/mykey
- salt.sdb.memcached.get(key, profile=None)
- Get a value from memcached
- salt.sdb.memcached.set_(key, value, profile=None)
- Set a key/value pair in memcached
SQLite sdb Module
- maintainer
- SaltStack
- maturity
- New
- platform
This module allows access to sqlite3 using an sdb:// URI
Like all sdb modules, the sqlite3 module requires a configuration profile to be configured in either the minion or master configuration file. This profile requires very little. For example:
mysqlite: driver: sqlite3 database: /tmp/sdb.sqlite table: sdb create_table: True
The driver refers to the sqlite3 module, database refers to the sqlite3 database file. table is the table within the db that will hold keys and values (defaults to sdb). The database and table will be created if they do not exist.
Advanced Usage:
Instead of a table name, it is possible to provide custom SQL statements to create the table(s) and get and set values.
- salt.sdb.sqlite3.get(key, profile=None)
- Get a value from sqlite3
- salt.sdb.sqlite3.set_(key, value, profile=None)
- Set a key/value pair in sqlite3
Salt's extreme flexibility leads to many questions concerning the structure of configuration files.
This document exists to clarify these points through examples and
General rules
- 1.
- Modularity and clarity should be emphasized whenever possible.
- 2.
- Create clear relations between pillars and states.
- 3.
- Use variables when it makes sense but don't overuse them.
- 4.
- Store sensitive data in pillar.
- 5.
- Don't use grains for matching in your pillar top file for any sensitive pillars.
Structuring States and Formulas
When structuring Salt States and Formulas it is important to begin with the directory structure. A proper directory structure clearly defines the functionality of each state to the user via visual inspection of the state's name.
Reviewing the MySQL Salt Formula it is clear to see the benefits to the end-user when reviewing a sample of the available states:
/srv/salt/mysql/files/ /srv/salt/mysql/client.sls /srv/salt/mysql/map.jinja /srv/salt/mysql/python.sls /srv/salt/mysql/server.sls
This directory structure would lead to these states being referenced in a top file in the following way:
base: 'web*': - mysql.client - mysql.python 'db*': - mysql.server
This clear definition ensures that the user is properly informed of what each state will do.
Another example comes from the vim-formula:
/srv/salt/vim/files/ /srv/salt/vim/absent.sls /srv/salt/vim/init.sls /srv/salt/vim/map.jinja /srv/salt/vim/nerdtree.sls /srv/salt/vim/pyflakes.sls /srv/salt/vim/salt.sls
Once again viewing how this would look in a top file:
base: 'web*': - vim - vim.nerdtree - vim.pyflakes - vim.salt 'db*': - vim.absent
The usage of a clear top-level directory as well as properly named states reduces the overall complexity and leads a user to both understand what will be included at a glance and where it is located.
In addition Formulas should be used as often as possible.
Formulas repositories on the saltstack-formulas GitHub organization should
not be pointed to directly from systems that automatically fetch new
updates such as GitFS or similar tooling. Instead formulas repositories
should be forked on GitHub or cloned locally, where unintended, automatic
changes will not take place.
Structuring Pillar Files
Pillars are used to store secure and insecure data pertaining to minions. When designing the structure of the /srv/pillar directory, the pillars contained within should once again be focused on clear and concise data which users can easily review, modify, and understand.
The /srv/pillar/ directory is primarily controlled by top.sls. It should be noted that the pillar top.sls is not used as a location to declare variables and their values. The top.sls is used as a way to include other pillar files and organize the way they are matched based on environments or grains.
An example top.sls may be as simple as the following:
base: '*': - packages
Or much more complicated, using a variety of matchers:
base: '*': - apache dev: 'os:Debian': - match: grain - vim test: '* and not G@os: Debian': - match: compound - emacs
It is clear to see through these examples how the top file provides users with power but when used incorrectly it can lead to confusing configurations. This is why it is important to understand that the top file for pillar is not used for variable definitions.
Each SLS file within the /srv/pillar/ directory should correspond to the states which it matches.
This would mean that the apache pillar file should contain data relevant to Apache. Structuring files in this way once again ensures modularity, and creates a consistent understanding throughout our Salt environment. Users can expect that pillar variables found in an Apache state will live inside of an Apache pillar:
apache: lookup: name: httpd config: tmpl: /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
While this pillar file is simple, it shows how a pillar file explicitly
relates to the state it is associated with.
Variable Flexibility
Salt allows users to define variables in SLS files. When creating a state variables should provide users with as much flexibility as possible. This means that variables should be clearly defined and easy to manipulate, and that sane defaults should exist in the event a variable is not properly defined. Looking at several examples shows how these different items can lead to extensive flexibility.
Although it is possible to set variables locally, this is generally not preferred:
{% set name = 'httpd' %} {% set tmpl = 'salt://apache/files/httpd.conf' %} include: - apache apache_conf: file.managed: - name: {{ name }} - source: {{ tmpl }} - template: jinja - user: root - watch_in: - service: apache
When generating this information it can be easily transitioned to the pillar where data can be overwritten, modified, and applied to multiple states, or locations within a single state:
apache: lookup: name: httpd config: tmpl: salt://apache/files/httpd.conf
{% from "apache/map.jinja" import apache with context %} include: - apache apache_conf: file.managed: - name: {{ salt['pillar.get']('apache:lookup:name') }} - source: {{ salt['pillar.get']('apache:lookup:config:tmpl') }} - template: jinja - user: root - watch_in: - service: apache
This flexibility provides users with a centralized location to modify
variables, which is extremely important as an environment grows.
Modularity Within States
Ensuring that states are modular is one of the key concepts to understand within Salt. When creating a state a user must consider how many times the state could be re-used, and what it relies on to operate. Below are several examples which will iteratively explain how a user can go from a state which is not very modular to one that is:
httpd: pkg.installed: [] service.running: - enable: True /etc/httpd/httpd.conf: file.managed: - source: salt://apache/files/httpd.conf - template: jinja - watch_in: - service: httpd
The example above is probably the worst-case scenario when writing a state. There is a clear lack of focus by naming both the pkg/service, and managed file directly as the state ID. This would lead to changing multiple requires within this state, as well as others that may depend upon the state.
Imagine if a require was used for the httpd package in another state, and then suddenly it's a custom package. Now changes need to be made in multiple locations which increases the complexity and leads to a more error prone configuration.
There is also the issue of having the configuration file located in the init, as a user would be unable to simply install the service and use the default conf file.
Our second revision begins to address the referencing by using - name, as opposed to direct ID references:
apache: pkg.installed: - name: httpd service.running: - name: httpd - enable: True apache_conf: file.managed: - name: /etc/httpd/httpd.conf - source: salt://apache/files/httpd.conf - template: jinja - watch_in: - service: apache
The above init file is better than our original, yet it has several issues which lead to a lack of modularity. The first of these problems is the usage of static values for items such as the name of the service, the name of the managed file, and the source of the managed file. When these items are hard coded they become difficult to modify and the opportunity to make mistakes arises. It also leads to multiple edits that need to occur when changing these items (imagine if there were dozens of these occurrences throughout the state!). There is also still the concern of the configuration file data living in the same state as the service and package.
In the next example steps will be taken to begin addressing these issues. Starting with the addition of a map.jinja file (as noted in the Formula documentation), and modification of static values:
{% set apache = salt['grains.filter_by']({ 'Debian': { 'server': 'apache2', 'service': 'apache2', 'conf': '/etc/apache2/apache.conf', }, 'RedHat': { 'server': 'httpd', 'service': 'httpd', 'conf': '/etc/httpd/httpd.conf', }, }, merge=salt['pillar.get']('apache:lookup')) %}
apache: lookup: config: tmpl: salt://apache/files/httpd.conf
{% from "apache/map.jinja" import apache with context %} apache: pkg.installed: - name: {{ apache.server }} service.running: - name: {{ apache.service }} - enable: True apache_conf: file.managed: - name: {{ apache.conf }} - source: {{ salt['pillar.get']('apache:lookup:config:tmpl') }} - template: jinja - user: root - watch_in: - service: apache
The changes to this state now allow us to easily identify the location of the variables, as well as ensuring they are flexible and easy to modify. While this takes another step in the right direction, it is not yet complete. Suppose the user did not want to use the provided conf file, or even their own configuration file, but the default apache conf. With the current state setup this is not possible. To attain this level of modularity this state will need to be broken into two states.
{% set apache = salt['grains.filter_by']({ 'Debian': { 'server': 'apache2', 'service': 'apache2', 'conf': '/etc/apache2/apache.conf', }, 'RedHat': { 'server': 'httpd', 'service': 'httpd', 'conf': '/etc/httpd/httpd.conf', }, }, merge=salt['pillar.get']('apache:lookup')) %}
apache: lookup: config: tmpl: salt://apache/files/httpd.conf
{% from "apache/map.jinja" import apache with context %} apache: pkg.installed: - name: {{ apache.server }} service.running: - name: {{ apache.service }} - enable: True
{% from "apache/map.jinja" import apache with context %} include: - apache apache_conf: file.managed: - name: {{ apache.conf }} - source: {{ salt['pillar.get']('apache:lookup:config:tmpl') }} - template: jinja - user: root - watch_in: - service: apache
This new structure now allows users to choose whether they only wish to
install the default Apache, or if they wish, overwrite the default package,
service, configuration file location, or the configuration file itself. In
addition to this the data has been broken between multiple files allowing for
users to identify where they need to change the associated data.
Storing Secure Data
Secure data refers to any information that you would not wish to share with anyone accessing a server. This could include data such as passwords, keys, or other information.
As all data within a state is accessible by EVERY server that is connected it is important to store secure data within pillar. This will ensure that only those servers which require this secure data have access to it. In this example a use can go from an insecure configuration to one which is only accessible by the appropriate hosts:
testdb: mysql_database.present: - name: testerdb
include: - mysql.testerdb testdb_user: mysql_user.present: - name: frank - password: "test3rdb" - host: localhost - require: - sls: mysql.testerdb
Many users would review this state and see that the password is there in plain text, which is quite problematic. It results in several issues which may not be immediately visible.
The first of these issues is clear to most users -- the password being visible in this state. This means that any minion will have a copy of this, and therefore the password which is a major security concern as minions may not be locked down as tightly as the master server.
The other issue that can be encountered is access by users on the master. If everyone has access to the states (or their repository), then they are able to review this password. Keeping your password data accessible by only a few users is critical for both security and peace of mind.
There is also the issue of portability. When a state is configured this way it results in multiple changes needing to be made. This was discussed in the sections above but it is a critical idea to drive home. If states are not portable it may result in more work later!
Fixing this issue is relatively simple, the content just needs to be moved to the associated pillar:
mysql: lookup: name: testerdb password: test3rdb user: frank host: localhost
testdb: mysql_database.present: - name: {{ salt['pillar.get']('mysql:lookup:name') }}
include: - mysql.testerdb testdb_user: mysql_user.present: - name: {{ salt['pillar.get']('mysql:lookup:user') }} - password: {{ salt['pillar.get']('mysql:lookup:password') }} - host: {{ salt['pillar.get']('mysql:lookup:host') }} - require: - sls: mysql.testerdb
Now that the database details have been moved to the associated pillar file,
only machines which are targeted via pillar will have access to these details.
Access to users who should not be able to review these details can also be
prevented while ensuring that they are still able to write states which take
advantage of this information.
This topic contains tips you can use to secure and harden your Salt
environment. How you best secure and harden your Salt environment depends
heavily on how you use Salt, where you use Salt, how your team is structured,
where you get data from, and what kinds of access (internal and external) you
General hardening tips
- •
- Restrict who can directly log into your Salt master system.
- •
- Use SSH keys secured with a passphrase to gain access to the Salt master system.
- •
- Track and secure SSH keys and any other login credentials you and your team need to gain access to the Salt master system.
- •
- Use a hardened bastion server or a VPN to restrict direct access to the Salt master from the internet.
- •
- Don't expose the Salt master any more than what is required.
- •
- Harden the system as you would with any high-priority target.
- •
- Keep the system patched and up-to-date.
- •
- Use tight firewall rules.
Salt hardening tips
- •
- Subscribe to salt-users or salt-announce so you know when new Salt releases are available. Keep your systems up-to-date with the latest patches.
- •
- Use Salt's Client ACL system to avoid having to give out root access in order to run Salt commands.
- •
- Use Salt's Client ACL system to restrict which users can run what commands.
- •
- Use external Pillar to pull data into Salt from external sources so that non-sysadmins (other teams, junior admins, developers, etc) can provide configuration data without needing access to the Salt master.
- •
- Make heavy use of SLS files that are version-controlled and go through a peer-review/code-review process before they're deployed and run in production. This is good advice even for "one-off" CLI commands because it helps mitigate typos and mistakes.
- •
- Use salt-api, SSL, and restrict authentication with the external auth system if you need to expose your Salt master to external services.
- •
- Make use of Salt's event system and reactor to allow minions to signal the Salt master without requiring direct access.
- •
- Run the salt-master daemon as non-root.
- •
- Disable which modules are loaded onto minions with the disable_modules setting. (for example, disable the cmd module if it makes sense in your environment.)
- •
- Look through the fully-commented sample master and minion config files. There are many options for securing an installation.
- •
- Run masterless-mode minions on particularly sensitive minions. There is also salt-ssh or the modules.sudo if you need to further restrict a minion.
The intent of the troubleshooting section is to introduce solutions to a
number of common issues encountered by users and the tools that are available
to aid in developing States and Salt code.
Troubleshooting the Salt Master
If your Salt master is having issues such as minions not returning data, slow
execution times, or a variety of other issues, the following links contain
details on troubleshooting the most common issues encountered:
Troubleshooting the Salt Master
Running in the Foreground
A great deal of information is available via the debug logging system, if you are having issues with minions connecting or not starting run the master in the foreground:
# salt-master -l debug
Anyone wanting to run Salt daemons via a process supervisor such as monit,
runit, or supervisord, should omit the -d argument to the daemons and
run them in the foreground.
What Ports does the Master Need Open?
For the master, TCP ports 4505 and 4506 need to be open. If you've put both your Salt master and minion in debug mode and don't see an acknowledgment that your minion has connected, it could very well be a firewall interfering with the connection. See our firewall configuration page for help opening the firewall on various platforms.
If you've opened the correct TCP ports and still aren't seeing connections,
check that no additional access control system such as SELinux or
AppArmor is blocking Salt.
Too many open files
The salt-master needs at least 2 sockets per host that connects to it, one for the Publisher and one for response port. Thus, large installations may, upon scaling up the number of minions accessing a given master, encounter:
12:45:29,289 [salt.master ][INFO ] Starting Salt worker process 38 Too many open files sock != -1 (tcp_listener.cpp:335)
The solution to this would be to check the number of files allowed to be opened by the user running salt-master (root by default):
[root [at] salt-master ~]# ulimit -n 1024
If this value is not equal to at least twice the number of minions, then it will need to be raised. For example, in an environment with 1800 minions, the nofile limit should be set to no less than 3600. This can be done by creating the file /etc/security/limits.d/99-salt.conf, with the following contents:
root hard nofile 4096 root soft nofile 4096
Replace root with the user under which the master runs, if different.
If your master does not have an /etc/security/limits.d directory, the lines can simply be appended to /etc/security/limits.conf.
As with any change to resource limits, it is best to stay logged into your current shell and open another shell to run ulimit -n again and verify that the changes were applied correctly. Additionally, if your master is running upstart, it may be necessary to specify the nofile limit in /etc/default/salt-master if upstart isn't respecting your resource limits:
limit nofile 4096 4096
The above is simply an example of how to set these values, and you may
wish to increase them even further if your Salt master is doing more than
just running Salt.
Salt Master Stops Responding
There are known bugs with ZeroMQ versions less than 2.1.11 which can cause the Salt master to not respond properly. If you're running a ZeroMQ version greater than or equal to 2.1.9, you can work around the bug by setting the sysctls net.core.rmem_max and net.core.wmem_max to 16777216. Next, set the third field in net.ipv4.tcp_rmem and net.ipv4.tcp_wmem to at least 16777216.
You can do it manually with something like:
# echo 16777216 > /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max # echo 16777216 > /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max # echo "4096 87380 16777216" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem # echo "4096 87380 16777216" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem
Or with the following Salt state:
net.core.rmem_max: sysctl: - present - value: 16777216 net.core.wmem_max: sysctl: - present - value: 16777216 net.ipv4.tcp_rmem: sysctl: - present - value: 4096 87380 16777216 net.ipv4.tcp_wmem: sysctl: - present - value: 4096 87380 16777216
Live Python Debug Output
If the master seems to be unresponsive, a SIGUSR1 can be passed to the salt-master threads to display what piece of code is executing. This debug information can be invaluable in tracking down bugs.
To pass a SIGUSR1 to the master, first make sure the minion is running in the foreground. Stop the service if it is running as a daemon, and start it in the foreground like so:
# salt-master -l debug
Then pass the signal to the master when it seems to be unresponsive:
# killall -SIGUSR1 salt-master
When filing an issue or sending questions to the mailing list for a problem
with an unresponsive daemon, be sure to include this information if possible.
Live Salt-Master Profiling
When faced with performance problems one can turn on master process profiling by sending it SIGUSR2.
# killall -SIGUSR2 salt-master
This will activate yappi profiler inside salt-master code, then after some time one must send SIGUSR2 again to stop profiling and save results to file. If run in foreground salt-master will report filename for the results, which are usually located under /tmp on Unix-based OSes and c:\temp on windows.
Results can then be analyzed with kcachegrind or similar tool.
Commands Time Out or Do Not Return Output
Depending on your OS (this is most common on Ubuntu due to apt-get) you may sometimes encounter times where your highstate, or other long running commands do not return output.
NOTE: A number of timing issues were resolved in the 2014.1 release of Salt. Upgrading to at least this version is strongly recommended if timeouts persist.
By default the timeout is set to 5 seconds. The timeout value can easily be
increased by modifying the timeout line within your /etc/salt/master
configuration file.
Passing the -c Option to Salt Returns a Permissions Error
Using the -c option with the Salt command modifies the configuration
directory. When the configuration file is read it will still base data off of
the root_dir setting. This can result in unintended behavior if you are
expecting files such as /etc/salt/pki to be pulled from the location
specified with -c. Modify the root_dir setting to address this
Salt Master Doesn't Return Anything While Running jobs
When a command being run via Salt takes a very long time to return
(package installations, certain scripts, etc.) the master may drop you back
to the shell. In most situations the job is still running but Salt has
exceeded the set timeout before returning. Querying the job queue will
provide the data of the job but is inconvenient. This can be resolved by
either manually using the -t option to set a longer timeout when running
commands (by default it is 5 seconds) or by modifying the master
configuration file: /etc/salt/master and setting the timeout value to
change the default timeout for all commands, and then restarting the
salt-master service.
Salt Master Auth Flooding
In large installations, care must be taken not to overwhealm the master with authentication requests. Several options can be set on the master which mitigate the chances of an authentication flood from causing an interuption in service.
NOTE: recon_default:
The average number of seconds to wait between reconnection attempts.
- recon_max:
- The maximum number of seconds to wait between reconnection attempts.
- recon_randomize:
- A flag to indicate whether the recon_default value should be randomized.
- acceptance_wait_time:
- The number of seconds to wait for a reply to each authentication request.
- random_reauth_delay:
- The range of seconds across which the minions should attempt to randomize authentication attempts.
- auth_timeout:
- The total time to wait for the authentication process to complete, regardless of the number of attempts.
Salt Master Umask
The salt master uses a cache to track jobs as they are published and returns come back.
The recommended umask for a salt-master is 022, which is the default for most users
on a system. Incorrect umasks can result in permission-denied errors when the master
tries to access files in its cache.
Troubleshooting the Salt Minion
In the event that your Salt minion is having issues, a variety of solutions
and suggestions are available. Please refer to the following links for more information:
Troubleshooting the Salt Minion
Running in the Foreground
A great deal of information is available via the debug logging system, if you are having issues with minions connecting or not starting run the minion in the foreground:
# salt-minion -l debug
Anyone wanting to run Salt daemons via a process supervisor such as monit,
runit, or supervisord, should omit the -d argument to the daemons and
run them in the foreground.
What Ports does the Minion Need Open?
No ports need to be opened on the minion, as it makes outbound connections to the master. If you've put both your Salt master and minion in debug mode and don't see an acknowledgment that your minion has connected, it could very well be a firewall interfering with the connection. See our firewall configuration page for help opening the firewall on various platforms.
If you have netcat installed, you can check port connectivity from the minion with the nc command:
$ nc -v -z salt.master.ip.addr 4505 Connection to salt.master.ip.addr 4505 port [tcp/unknown] succeeded! $ nc -v -z salt.master.ip.addr 4506 Connection to salt.master.ip.addr 4506 port [tcp/unknown] succeeded!
The Nmap utility can also be used to check if these ports are open:
# nmap -sS -q -p 4505-4506 salt.master.ip.addr Starting Nmap 6.40 ( ) at 2013-12-29 19:44 CST Nmap scan report for salt.master.ip.addr ( Host is up (0.0026s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE 4505/tcp open unknown 4506/tcp open unknown MAC Address: 00:11:22:AA:BB:CC (Intel) Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.64 seconds
If you've opened the correct TCP ports and still aren't seeing connections,
check that no additional access control system such as SELinux or
AppArmor is blocking Salt.
Using salt-call
The salt-call command was originally developed for aiding in the development of new Salt modules. Since then, many applications have been developed for running any Salt module locally on a minion. These range from the original intent of salt-call, development assistance, to gathering more verbose output from calls like state.highstate.
When initially creating your state tree, it is generally recommended to invoke state.highstate from the minion with salt-call. This displays far more information about the highstate execution than calling it remotely. For even more verbosity, increase the loglevel with the same argument as salt-minion:
# salt-call -l debug state.highstate
The main difference between using salt and using salt-call is that
salt-call is run from the minion, and it only runs the selected function on
that minion. By contrast, salt is run from the master, and requires you to
specify the minions on which to run the command using salt's targeting
Live Python Debug Output
If the minion seems to be unresponsive, a SIGUSR1 can be passed to the process to display what piece of code is executing. This debug information can be invaluable in tracking down bugs.
To pass a SIGUSR1 to the minion, first make sure the minion is running in the foreground. Stop the service if it is running as a daemon, and start it in the foreground like so:
# salt-minion -l debug
Then pass the signal to the minion when it seems to be unresponsive:
# killall -SIGUSR1 salt-minion
When filing an issue or sending questions to the mailing list for a problem
with an unresponsive daemon, be sure to include this information if possible.
Multiprocessing in Execution Modules
As is outlined in github issue #6300, Salt cannot use python's multiprocessing pipes and queues from execution modules. Multiprocessing from the execution modules is perfectly viable, it is just necessary to use Salt's event system to communicate back with the process.
The reason for this difficulty is that python attempts to pickle all objects in
memory when communicating, and it cannot pickle function objects. Since the
Salt loader system creates and manages function objects this causes the pickle
operation to fail.
Salt Minion Doesn't Return Anything While Running Jobs Locally
When a command being run via Salt takes a very long time to return (package installations, certain scripts, etc.) the minion may drop you back to the shell. In most situations the job is still running but Salt has exceeded the set timeout before returning. Querying the job queue will provide the data of the job but is inconvenient. This can be resolved by either manually using the -t option to set a longer timeout when running commands (by default it is 5 seconds) or by modifying the minion configuration file: /etc/salt/minion and setting the timeout value to change the default timeout for all commands, and then restarting the salt-minion service.
Modifying the minion timeout value is not required when running commands
from a Salt Master. It is only required when running commands locally on
the minion.
Running in the Foreground
A great deal of information is available via the debug logging system, if you are having issues with minions connecting or not starting run the minion and/or master in the foreground:
salt-master -l debug salt-minion -l debug
Anyone wanting to run Salt daemons via a process supervisor such as monit,
runit, or supervisord, should omit the -d argument to the daemons and
run them in the foreground.
What Ports do the Master and Minion Need Open?
No ports need to be opened up on each minion. For the master, TCP ports 4505 and 4506 need to be open. If you've put both your Salt master and minion in debug mode and don't see an acknowledgment that your minion has connected, it could very well be a firewall.
You can check port connectivity from the minion with the nc command:
nc -v -z salt.master.ip 4505 nc -v -z salt.master.ip 4506
There is also a firewall configuration document that might help as well.
If you've enabled the right TCP ports on your operating system or Linux
distribution's firewall and still aren't seeing connections, check that no
additional access control system such as SELinux or AppArmor is blocking
Using salt-call
The salt-call command was originally developed for aiding in the development of new Salt modules. Since then, many applications have been developed for running any Salt module locally on a minion. These range from the original intent of salt-call, development assistance, to gathering more verbose output from calls like state.highstate.
When creating your state tree, it is generally recommended to invoke state.highstate with salt-call. This displays far more information about the highstate execution than calling it remotely. For even more verbosity, increase the loglevel with the same argument as salt-minion:
salt-call -l debug state.highstate
The main difference between using salt and using salt-call is that
salt-call is run from the minion, and it only runs the selected function on
that minion. By contrast, salt is run from the master, and requires you to
specify the minions on which to run the command using salt's targeting
Too many open files
The salt-master needs at least 2 sockets per host that connects to it, one for the Publisher and one for response port. Thus, large installations may, upon scaling up the number of minions accessing a given master, encounter:
12:45:29,289 [salt.master ][INFO ] Starting Salt worker process 38 Too many open files sock != -1 (tcp_listener.cpp:335)
The solution to this would be to check the number of files allowed to be opened by the user running salt-master (root by default):
[root [at] salt-master ~]# ulimit -n 1024
And modify that value to be at least equal to the number of minions x 2. This setting can be changed in limits.conf as the nofile value(s), and activated upon new a login of the specified user.
So, an environment with 1800 minions, would need 1800 x 2 = 3600 as a minimum.
Salt Master Stops Responding
There are known bugs with ZeroMQ versions less than 2.1.11 which can cause the Salt master to not respond properly. If you're running a ZeroMQ version greater than or equal to 2.1.9, you can work around the bug by setting the sysctls net.core.rmem_max and net.core.wmem_max to 16777216. Next, set the third field in net.ipv4.tcp_rmem and net.ipv4.tcp_wmem to at least 16777216.
You can do it manually with something like:
# echo 16777216 > /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max # echo 16777216 > /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max # echo "4096 87380 16777216" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem # echo "4096 87380 16777216" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem
Or with the following Salt state:
net.core.rmem_max: sysctl: - present - value: 16777216 net.core.wmem_max: sysctl: - present - value: 16777216 net.ipv4.tcp_rmem: sysctl: - present - value: 4096 87380 16777216 net.ipv4.tcp_wmem: sysctl: - present - value: 4096 87380 16777216
Salt and SELinux
Currently there are no SELinux policies for Salt. For the most part Salt runs without issue when SELinux is running in Enforcing mode. This is because when the minion executes as a daemon the type context is changed to initrc_t. The problem with SELinux arises when using salt-call or running the minion in the foreground, since the type context stays unconfined_t.
This problem is generally manifest in the rpm install scripts when using the pkg module. Until a full SELinux Policy is available for Salt the solution to this issue is to set the execution context of salt-call and salt-minion to rpm_exec_t:
# CentOS 5 and RHEL 5: chcon -t system_u:system_r:rpm_exec_t:s0 /usr/bin/salt-minion chcon -t system_u:system_r:rpm_exec_t:s0 /usr/bin/salt-call # CentOS 6 and RHEL 6: chcon system_u:object_r:rpm_exec_t:s0 /usr/bin/salt-minion chcon system_u:object_r:rpm_exec_t:s0 /usr/bin/salt-call
This works well, because the rpm_exec_t context has very broad control over
other types.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
Salt requires Python 2.6 or 2.7. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and its variants
come with Python 2.4 installed by default. When installing on RHEL 5 from the
EPEL repository this is handled for you. But, if you run Salt from git, be
advised that its dependencies need to be installed from EPEL and that Salt
needs to be run with the python26 executable.
Common YAML Gotchas
An extensive list of YAML idiosyncrasies has been compiled:
YAML Idiosyncrasies
One of Salt's strengths, the use of existing serialization systems for
representing SLS data, can also backfire. YAML is a general purpose system
and there are a number of things that would seem to make sense in an sls
file that cause YAML issues. It is wise to be aware of these issues. While
reports or running into them are generally rare they can still crop up at
unexpected times.
Spaces vs Tabs
YAML uses spaces, period. Do not use tabs in your SLS files! If strange
errors are coming up in rendering SLS files, make sure to check that
no tabs have crept in! In Vim, after enabling search highlighting
with: :set hlsearch, you can check with the following key sequence in
normal mode(you can hit ESC twice to be sure): /, Ctrl-v, Tab, then
hit Enter. Also, you can convert tabs to 2 spaces by these commands in Vim:
:set tabstop=2 expandtab and then :retab.
The suggested syntax for YAML files is to use 2 spaces for indentation,
but YAML will follow whatever indentation system that the individual file
uses. Indentation of two spaces works very well for SLS files given the
fact that the data is uniform and not deeply nested.
Nested Dictionaries
When dicts are nested within other data structures (particularly lists), the indentation logic sometimes changes. Examples of where this might happen include context and default options from the file.managed state:
/etc/http/conf/http.conf: file: - managed - source: salt://apache/http.conf - user: root - group: root - mode: 644 - template: jinja - context: custom_var: "override" - defaults: custom_var: "default value" other_var: 123
Notice that while the indentation is two spaces per level, for the values under the context and defaults options there is a four-space indent. If only two spaces are used to indent, then those keys will be considered part of the same dictionary that contains the context key, and so the data will not be loaded correctly. If using a double indent is not desirable, then a deeply-nested dict can be declared with curly braces:
/etc/http/conf/http.conf: file: - managed - source: salt://apache/http.conf - user: root - group: root - mode: 644 - template: jinja - context: { custom_var: "override" } - defaults: { custom_var: "default value", other_var: 123 }
Here is a more concrete example of how YAML actually handles these indentations, using the Python interpreter on the command line:
>>> import yaml >>> yaml.safe_load('''mystate: ... file.managed: ... - context: ... some: var''') {'mystate': {'file.managed': [{'context': {'some': 'var'}}]}} >>> yaml.safe_load('''mystate: ... file.managed: ... - context: ... some: var''') {'mystate': {'file.managed': [{'some': 'var', 'context': None}]}}
Note that in the second example, some is added as another key in the same
dictionary, whereas in the first example, it's the start of a new dictionary.
That's the distinction. context is a common example because it is a keyword
arg for many functions, and should contain a dictionary.
True/False, Yes/No, On/Off
PyYAML will load these values as boolean True or False. Un-capitalized
versions will also be loaded as booleans (true, false, yes, no,
on, and off). This can be especially problematic when constructing
Pillar data. Make sure that your Pillars which need to use the string versions
of these values are enclosed in quotes.
Integers are Parsed as Integers
NOTE: This has been fixed in salt 0.10.0, as of this release passing an integer that is preceded by a 0 will be correctly parsed
When passing integers into an SLS file, they are passed as integers. This means that if a state accepts a string value and an integer is passed, that an integer will be sent. The solution here is to send the integer as a string.
This is best explained when setting the mode for a file:
/etc/vimrc: file: - managed - source: salt://edit/vimrc - user: root - group: root - mode: 644
Salt manages this well, since the mode is passed as 644, but if the mode is zero padded as 0644, then it is read by YAML as an integer and evaluated as an octal value, 0644 becomes 420. Therefore, if the file mode is preceded by a 0 then it needs to be passed as a string:
/etc/vimrc: file: - managed - source: salt://edit/vimrc - user: root - group: root - mode: '0644'
YAML does not like Double Short Decs
If I can find a way to make YAML accept "Double Short Decs" then I will, since I think that double short decs would be awesome. So what is a "Double Short Dec"? It is when you declare a multiple short decs in one ID. Here is a standard short dec, it works great:
vim: pkg.installed
The short dec means that there are no arguments to pass, so it is not required to add any arguments, and it can save space.
YAML though, gets upset when declaring multiple short decs, for the record...
vim: pkg.installed user.present
Similarly declaring a short dec in the same ID dec as a standard dec does not work either...
fred: user.present ssh_auth.present: - name: AAAAB3NzaC... - user: fred - enc: ssh-dss - require: - user: fred
The correct way is to define them like this:
vim: pkg.installed: [] user.present: [] fred: user.present: [] ssh_auth.present: - name: AAAAB3NzaC... - user: fred - enc: ssh-dss - require: - user: fred
Alternatively, they can be defined the "old way", or with multiple "full decs":
vim: pkg: - installed user: - present fred: user: - present ssh_auth: - present - name: AAAAB3NzaC... - user: fred - enc: ssh-dss - require: - user: fred
YAML support only plain ASCII
According to YAML specification, only ASCII characters can be used.
Within double-quotes, special characters may be represented with C-style escape sequences starting with a backslash ( \ ).
- micro: "\u00b5" - copyright: "\u00A9" - A: "\x41" - alpha: "\u0251" - Alef: "\u05d0"
List of usable Unicode characters will help you to identify correct numbers.
Python can also be used to discover the Unicode number for a character:
repr(u"Text with wrong characters i need to figure out")
This shell command can find wrong characters in your SLS files:
find . -name '*.sls' -exec grep --color='auto' -P -n '[^\x00-\x7F]' \{} \;
- Alternatively you can toggle the yaml_utf8 setting in your master configuration
- file. This is still an experimental setting but it should manage the right encoding conversion in salt after yaml states compilations.
Underscores stripped in Integer Definitions
If a definition only includes numbers and underscores, it is parsed by YAML as an integer and all underscores are stripped. To ensure the object becomes a string, it should be surrounded by quotes. More information here.
Here's an example:
>>> import yaml >>> yaml.safe_load('2013_05_10') 20130510 >>> yaml.safe_load('"2013_05_10"') '2013_05_10'
Automatic datetime conversion
If there is a value in a YAML file formatted 2014-01-20 14:23:23 or similar, YAML will automatically convert this to a Python datetime object. These objects are not msgpack serializable, and so may break core salt functionality. If values such as these are needed in a salt YAML file (specifically a configuration file), they should be formatted with surrounding strings to force YAML to serialize them as strings:
>>> import yaml >>> yaml.safe_load('2014-01-20 14:23:23') datetime.datetime(2014, 1, 20, 14, 23, 23) >>> yaml.safe_load('"2014-01-20 14:23:23"') '2014-01-20 14:23:23'
Additionally, numbers formatted like XXXX-XX-XX will also be converted (or YAML will attempt to convert them, and error out if it doesn't think the date is a real one). Thus, for example, if a minion were to have an ID of 4017-16-20 the minion would not start because YAML would complain that the date was out of range. The workaround is the same, surround the offending string with quotes:
>>> import yaml >>> yaml.safe_load('4017-16-20') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yaml/", line 93, in safe_load return load(stream, SafeLoader) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yaml/", line 71, in load return loader.get_single_data() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yaml/", line 39, in get_single_data return self.construct_document(node) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yaml/", line 43, in construct_document data = self.construct_object(node) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yaml/", line 88, in construct_object data = constructor(self, node) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yaml/", line 312, in construct_yaml_timestamp return, month, day) ValueError: month must be in 1..12 >>> yaml.safe_load('"4017-16-20"') '4017-16-20'
Live Python Debug Output
If the minion or master seems to be unresponsive, a SIGUSR1 can be passed to the processes to display where in the code they are running. If encountering a situation like this, this debug information can be invaluable. First make sure the master of minion are running in the foreground:
salt-master -l debug salt-minion -l debug
Then pass the signal to the master or minion when it seems to be unresponsive:
killall -SIGUSR1 salt-master killall -SIGUSR1 salt-minion
Also under BSD and Mac OS X in addition to SIGUSR1 signal, debug subroutine set up for SIGINFO which has an advantage of being sent by Ctrl+T shortcut.
When filing an issue or sending questions to the mailing list for a problem
with an unresponsive daemon this information can be invaluable.
Salt 0.16.x minions cannot communicate with a 0.17.x master
As of release 0.17.1 you can no longer run different versions of Salt on your
Master and Minion servers. This is due to a protocol change for security
purposes. The Salt team will continue to attempt to ensure versions are as
backwards compatible as possible.
Debugging the Master and Minion
A list of common master and
minion troubleshooting steps provide a
starting point for resolving issues you may encounter.
In its most typical use, Salt is a software application in which clients, called "minions" can be commanded and controlled from a central command server called a "master".
Commands are normally issued to the minions (via the master) by calling a a client script simply called, 'salt'.
Salt features a pluggable transport system to issue commands from a master to
minions. The default transport is ZeroMQ.
Salt Client
The salt client is run on the same machine as the Salt Master and communicates with the salt-master to issue commands and to receive the results and display them to the user.
The primary abstraction for the salt client is called 'LocalClient'.
When LocalClient wants to publish a command to minions, it connects to the master by issuing a request to the master's ReqServer (TCP: 4506)
The LocalClient system listens to responses for its requests by listening to
the master event bus publisher (master_event_pub.ipc).
Salt Master
The salt-master deamon runs on the designated Salt master and performs
functions such as authenticating minions, sending, and receiving requests
from connected minions and sending and receiving requests and replies to the
'salt' CLI.
Moving Pieces
When a Salt master starts up, a number of processes are started, all of which are called 'salt-master' in a process-list but have various role categories.
Among those categories are:
- •
- Publisher
- •
- EventPublisher
- •
- MWorker
The Publisher process is responsible for sending commands over the designated transport to connected minions. The Publisher is bound to the following:
- •
- TCP: port 4505
- •
IPC: publish_pull.ipc
Each salt minion establishes a connection to the master Publisher.
The EventPublisher publishes events onto the event bus. It is bound to the following:
- •
- IPC: master_event_pull.ipc
- •
- IPC: master_event_pub.ipc
Worker processes manage the back-end operations for the Salt Master.
The number of workers is equivilient to the number of 'worker_threads' specified in the master configuration and is always at least one.
Workers are bound to the following:
- •
- IPC: workers.ipc
The Salt request server takes requests and distributes them to available MWorker processes for processing. It also receives replies back from minions.
- The ReqServer is bound to the following:
- •
- TCP: 4506
- •
IPC: workers.ipc
Each salt minion establishes a connection to the master ReqServer.
Job Flow
The Salt master works by always publishing commands to all connected minions and the minions decide if the command is meant for them by checking themselves against the command target.
The typical lifecycle of a salt job from the perspective of the master might be as follows:
- 1.
A command is issued on the CLI. For example, 'salt my_minion'.
2) The 'salt' command uses LocalClient to generate a request to the salt master by connecting to the ReqServer on TCP:4506 and issuing the job.
3) The salt-master ReqServer sees the request and passes it to an available MWorker over workers.ipc.
4) A worker picks up the request and handles it. First, it checks to ensure that the requested user has permissions to issue the command. Then, it sends the publish command to all connected minions. For the curious, this happens in ClearFuncs.publish().
5) The worker announces on the master event bus that it is about to publish a job to conneceted minions. This happens by placing the event on the master event bus (master_event_pull.ipc) where the EventPublisher picks it up and distributes it to all connected event listeners on master_event_pub.ipc.
6) The message to the minions is encrypted and sent to the Publisher via IPC on publish_pull.ipc.
7) Connected minions have a TCP session established with the Publisher on TCP port 4505 where they await commands. When the Publisher receives the job over publish_pull, it sends the jobs across the wire to the minions for processing.
8) After the minions receive the request, they decrypt it and perform any requested work, if they determine that they are targeted to do so.
9) When the minion is ready to respond, it publishes the result of its job back to the master by sending the encrypted result back to the master on TCP 4506 where it is again picked up by the ReqServer and forwarded to an available MWorker for processing. (Again, this happens by passing this message across workers.ipc to an available worker.)
10) When the MWorker receives the job it decrypts it and fires an event onto the master event bus (master_event_pull.ipc). (Again for the curious, this happens in AESFuncs._return().
11) The EventPublisher sees this event and re-publishes it on the bus to all connected listeners of the master event bus (on master_event_pub.ipc). This is where the LocalClient has been waiting, listening to the event bus for minion replies. It gathers the job and stores the result.
12) When all targeted minions have replied or the timeout has been exceeded, the salt client displays the results of the job to the user on the CLI.
Salt Minion
The salt-minion is a single process that sits on machines to be managed by Salt. It can either operate as a stand-alone daemon which accepts commands locally via 'salt-call' or it can connect back to a master and receive commands remotely.
When starting up, salt minions connect _back_ to a master defined in the minion config file. The connect to two ports on the master:
- •
- TCP: 4505
- This is the connection to the master Publisher. It is on this port that the minion receives jobs from the master.
- •
- TCP: 4506
- This is the connection to the master ReqServer. It is on this port that the minion sends job results back to the master.
Event System
Similar to the master, a salt-minion has its own event system that operates over IPC by default. The minion event system operates on a push/pull system with IPC files at minion_event_<unique_id>_pub.ipc and minion_event_<unique_id>_pull.ipc.
The astute reader might ask why have an event bus at all with a single-process
daemon. The answer is that the salt-minion may fork other processes as required
to do the work without blocking the main salt-minion process and this
necessitates a mechanism by which those processes can communicate with each
other. Secondarily, this provides a bus by which any user with sufficient
permissions can read or write to the bus as a common interface with the salt
Job Flow
When a salt minion starts up, it attempts to connect to the Publisher and the ReqServer on the salt master. It then attempts to authenticate and once the minion has successfully authenticated, it simply listens for jobs.
Jobs normally come either come from the 'salt-call' script run by a local user
on the salt minion or they can come directly from a master.
Master Job Flow
1) A master publishes a job that is received by a minion as outlined by the master's job flow above.
2) The minion is polling its receive socket that's connected to the master Publisher (TCP 4505 on master). When it detects an incoming message, it picks it up from the socket and decrypts it.
3) A new minion process or thread is created and provided with the contents of the decrypted message. The _thread_return() method is provided with the contents of the received message.
4) The new minion thread is created. The _thread_return() function starts up and actually calls out to the requested function contained in the job.
- 5.
The requested function runs and returns a result. [Still in thread.]
6) The result of the function that's run is encrypted and returned to the master's ReqServer (TCP 4506 on master). [Still in thread.]
7) Thread exits. Because the main thread was only blocked for the time that it took to initialize the worker thread, many other requests could have been received and processed during this time.
A Note on ClearFuncs vs. AESFuncs
A common source of confusion is deteremining when messages are passed in the clear and when they are passed using encryption. There are two rules governing this behaviour:
1) ClearFuncs is used for intra-master communication and during the initial authentication handshake between a minion and master during the key exhange.
- 2.
- AESFuncs is used everywhere else.
There is a great need for contributions to Salt and patches are welcome! The goal here is to make contributions clear, make sure there is a trail for where the code has come from, and most importantly, to give credit where credit is due!
There are a number of ways to contribute to Salt development.
For details on how to contribute documentation improvements please review
Writing Salt Documentation.
Sending a GitHub pull request
Sending pull requests on GitHub is the preferred method for receiving contributions. The workflow advice below mirrors GitHub's own guide and is well worth reading.
- 1.
- Fork saltstack/salt on GitHub.
- 2.
Make a local clone of your fork.
git clone git [at] cd salt
- 3.
Add saltstack/salt as a git remote.
git remote add upstream
- 4.
Create a new branch in your clone.
NOTE: A branch should have one purpose. For example, "Fix bug X," or "Add feature Y". Multiple unrelated fixes and/or features should be isolated into separate branches.
If you're working on a bug or documentation fix, create your branch from the oldest release branch that contains the bug or requires the documentation update. See Which Salt Branch?.
git fetch upstream git checkout -b fix-broken-thing upstream/2015.5
If you're working on a feature, create your branch from the develop branch.
git fetch upstream git checkout -b add-cool-feature upstream/develop
- 5.
Edit and commit changes to your branch.
vim path/to/file1 path/to/file2 git diff git add path/to/file1 path/to/file2 git commit
Write a short, descriptive commit title and a longer commit message if necessary.
NOTE: If your change fixes a bug or implements a feature already filed in the issue tracker, be sure to reference the issue number in the commit message body.
fix broken things in file1 and file2 Fixes #31337. The issue is now eradicated from file1 and file2. # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting # with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit. # On branch fix-broken-thing # Changes to be committed: # modified: path/to/file1 # modified: path/to/file2
If you get stuck, there are many introductory Git resources on
- 6.
Push your locally-committed changes to your GitHub fork,
NOTE: You may want to rebase before pushing to work out any potential conflicts.
git fetch upstream git rebase upstream/2015.5 fix-broken-thing git push --set-upstream origin fix-broken-thing
git fetch upstream git rebase upstream/develop add-cool-feature git push --set-upstream origin add-cool-feature
- 7.
Find the branch on your GitHub salt fork.
- 8.
Open a new pull request.
Click on Pull Request on the right near the top of the page,
- 1.
If your branch is a fix for a release branch, choose that as the base
branch (e.g. 2015.5),
If your branch is a feature, choose develop as the base branch,
- 2.
- Review that the proposed changes are what you expect.
- 3.
- Write a descriptive comment. Include links to related issues (e.g. 'Fixes #31337.') in the comment field.
- 4.
- Click Create pull request.
- 9.
Salt project members will review your pull request and automated tests will
run on it.
If you recognize any test failures as being related to your proposed changes or if a reviewer asks for modifications:
- 1.
- Make the new changes in your local clone on the same local branch.
- 2.
- Push the branch to GitHub again using the same commands as before.
- 3.
- New and updated commits will be added to the pull request automatically.
- 4.
Feel free to add a comment to the discussion.
NOTE: Jenkins
Pull request against saltstack/salt are automatically tested on a variety of operating systems and configurations. On average these tests take 30 minutes. Depending on your GitHub notification settings you may also receive an email message about the test results.
Test progress and results can be found at
Which Salt branch?
GitHub will open pull requests against Salt's main branch, develop, by default. Ideally, features should go into develop and bug fixes and documentation changes should go into the oldest supported release branch affected by the bug or documentation update. See Sending a GitHub pull request.
If you have a bug fix or doc change and have already forked your working
branch from develop and do not know how to rebase your commits against
another branch, then submit it to develop anyway and we'll be sure to
back-port it to the correct place.
The current release branch
The current release branch is the most recent stable release. Pull requests containing bug fixes should be made against the release branch.
The branch name will be a date-based name such as 2015.5.
Bug fixes are made on this branch so that minor releases can be cut from this branch without introducing surprises and new features. This approach maximizes stability.
The Salt development team will "merge-forward" any fixes made on the release branch to the develop branch once the pull request has been accepted. This keeps the fix in isolation on the release branch and also keeps the develop branch up-to-date.
NOTE: Closing GitHub issues from commits
This "merge-forward" strategy requires that the magic keywords to close a GitHub issue appear in the commit message text directly. Only including the text in a pull request will not close the issue.
GitHub will close the referenced issue once the commit containing the
magic text is merged into the default branch (develop). Any magic text
input only into the pull request description will not be seen at the
Git-level when those commits are merged-forward. In other words, only the
commits are merged-forward and not the pull request.
The develop branch
The develop branch is unstable and bleeding-edge. Pull requests containing feature additions or non-bug-fix changes should be made against the develop branch.
The Salt development team will back-port bug fixes made to develop to the
current release branch if the contributor cannot create the pull request
against that branch.
Keeping Salt Forks in Sync
Salt is advancing quickly. It is therefore critical to pull upstream changes from upstream into your fork on a regular basis. Nothing is worse than putting hard work into a pull request only to see bunches of merge conflicts because it has diverged too far from upstream.
SEE ALSO: GitHub Fork a Repo Guide
The following assumes origin is the name of your fork and upstream is the name of the main saltstack/salt repository.
- 1.
View existing remotes.
git remote -v
- 2.
Add the upstream remote.
# For ssh github git remote add upstream git [at] # For https github git remote add upstream
- 3.
Pull upstream changes into your clone.
git fetch upstream
- 4.
Update your copy of the develop branch.
git checkout develop git merge --ff-only upstream/develop
If Git complains that a fast-forward merge is not possible, you have local commits.
- •
- Run git pull --rebase origin develop to rebase your changes on top of the upstream changes.
- •
Or, run git branch <branch-name> to create a new branch with your
commits. You will then need to reset your develop branch before
updating it with the changes from upstream.
If Git complains that local files will be overwritten, you have changes to files in your working directory. Run git status to see the files in question.
- 5.
Update your fork.
git push origin develop
- 6.
- Repeat the previous two steps for any other branches you work with, such as the current release branch.
Posting patches to the mailing list
Patches will also be accepted by email. Format patches using git
format-patch and send them to the salt-users mailing list. The contributor
will then get credit for the patch, and the Salt community will have an archive
of the patch and a place for discussion.
Backporting Pull Requests
If a bug is fixed on develop and the bug is also present on a currently-supported release branch it will need to be back-ported to all applicable branches.
NOTE: Most Salt contributors can skip these instructions
These instructions do not need to be read in order to contribute to the Salt project! The SaltStack team will back-port fixes on behalf of contributors in order to keep the contribution process easy.
These instructions are intended for frequent Salt contributors, advanced Git users, SaltStack employees, or independent souls who wish to back-port changes themselves.
It is often easiest to fix a bug on the oldest supported release branch and then merge that branch forward into develop (as described earlier in this document). When that is not possible the fix must be back-ported, or copied, into any other affected branches.
These steps assume a pull request #1234 has been merged into develop. And upstream is the name of the remote pointing to the main Salt repo.
- 1.
- Identify the oldest supported release branch that is affected by the bug.
- 2.
Create a new branch for the back-port by reusing the same branch from the
original pull request.
Name the branch bp-<NNNN> and use the number of the original pull request.
git fetch upstream refs/pull/1234/head:bp-1234 git checkout bp-1234
- 3.
Find the parent commit of the original pull request.
The parent commit of the original pull request must be known in order to rebase onto a release branch. The easiest way to find this is on GitHub.
Open the original pull request on GitHub and find the first commit in the list of commits. Select and copy the SHA for that commit. The parent of that commit can be specified by appending ~1 to the end.
- 4.
- Rebase the new branch on top of the release branch.
- •
- <release-branch> is the branch identified in step #1.
- •
<orig-base> is the SHA identified in step #3 -- don't forget to add
~1 to the end!
git rebase --onto <release-branch> <orig-base> bp-1234
Note, release branches prior to 2015.5 will not be able to make use of rebase and must use cherry-picking instead.
- 5.
Push the back-port branch to GitHub and open a new pull request.
Opening a pull request for the back-port allows for the test suite and normal code-review process.
git push -u origin bp-1234
Issue and Pull Request Labeling System
SaltStack uses several labeling schemes to help facilitate code contributions
and bug resolution. See the Labels and Milestones documentation for more information.
Deprecating Code
Salt should remain backwards compatible, though sometimes, this backwards compatibility needs to be broken because a specific feature and/or solution is no longer necessary or required. At first one might think, let me change this code, it seems that it's not used anywhere else so it should be safe to remove. Then, once there's a new release, users complain about functionality which was removed and they where using it, etc. This should, at all costs, be avoided, and, in these cases, that specific code should be deprecated.
In order to give users enough time to migrate from the old code behavior to the new behavior, the deprecation time frame should be carefully determined based on the significance and complexity of the changes required by the user.
A deprecation warning should be in place for at least two major releases before the deprecated code and its accompanying deprecation warning are removed. More time should be given for more complex changes. For example, if the current release under development is Sodium, the deprecated code and associated warnings should remain in place and warn for at least Aluminum.
To help in this deprecation task, salt provides salt.utils.warn_until. The idea behind this helper function is to show the deprecation warning to the user until salt reaches the provided version. Once that provided version is equaled salt.utils.warn_until will raise a RuntimeError making salt stop its execution. This stoppage is unpleasant and will remind the developer that the deprecation limit has been reached and that the code can then be safely removed.
Consider the following example:
def some_function(bar=False, foo=None): if foo is not None: salt.utils.warn_until( 'Aluminum', 'The \'foo\' argument has been deprecated and its ' 'functionality removed, as such, its usage is no longer ' 'required.' )
Development begins on the Aluminum release when the Magnesium branch is
forked from the develop branch. Once this occurs, all uses of the
warn_until function targeting Aluminum, along with the code they are
warning about should be removed from the code.
Dunder Dictionaries
Salt provides several special "dunder" dictionaries as a convenience for Salt
development. These include __opts__, __context__, __salt__, and
others. This document will describe each dictionary and detail where they exist
and what information and/or functionality they provide.
Available in
- •
All loader modules
The __opts__ dictionary contains all of the options passed in the configuration file for the master or minion.
NOTE: In many places in salt, instead of pulling raw data from the __opts__ dict, configuration data should be pulled from the salt get functions such as config.get, aka - __salt__['config.get']('foo:bar') The get functions also allow for dict traversal via the : delimiter. Consider using get functions whenever using __opts__ or __pillar__ and __grains__ (when using grains for configuration data)
The configuration file data made available in the __opts__ dictionary is the configuration data relative to the running daemon. If the modules are loaded and executed by the master, then the master configuration data is available, if the modules are executed by the minion, then the minion configuration is available. Any additional information passed into the respective configuration files is made available
Available in
- •
- Execution Modules
- •
- State Modules
- •
__salt__ contains the execution module functions. This allows for all functions to be called as they have been set up by the salt loader.
__salt__['']('fdisk -l') __salt__['network.ip_addrs']()
Available in
- •
- Execution Modules
- •
- State Modules
- •
- Returners
- •
External Pillar
The __grains__ dictionary contains the grains data generated by the minion that is currently being worked with. In execution modules, state modules and returners this is the grains of the minion running the calls, when generating the external pillar the __grains__ is the grains data from the minion that the pillar is being generated for.
Available in
- •
- Execution Modules
- •
- State Modules
- •
The __pillar__ dictionary contains the pillar for the respective minion.
__context__ exists in state modules and execution modules.
During a state run the __context__ dictionary persists across all states that are run and then is destroyed when the state ends.
When running an execution module __context__ persists across all module executions until the modules are refreshed; such as when saltutils.sync_all or state.highstate are executed.
A great place to see how to use __context__ is in the module in salt/modules/ The fileclient authenticates with the master when it is instantiated and then is used to copy files to the minion. Rather than create a new fileclient for each file that is to be copied down, one instance of the fileclient is instantiated in the __context__ dictionary and is reused for each file. Here is an example from salt/modules/
if not 'cp.fileclient' in __context__: __context__['cp.fileclient'] = salt.fileclient.get_file_client(__opts__)
Because __context__ may or may not have been destroyed, always be
sure to check for the existence of the key in __context__ and
generate the key before using it.
External Pillars
Salt provides a mechanism for generating pillar data by calling external
pillar interfaces. This document will describe an outline of an ext_pillar
Salt expects to find your ext_pillar module in the same location where it
looks for other python modules. If the extension_modules option in your
Salt master configuration is set, Salt will look for a pillar directory
under there and load all the modules it finds. Otherwise, it will look in
your Python site-packages salt/pillar directory.
The external pillars that are called when a minion refreshes its pillars is controlled by the ext_pillar option in the Salt master configuration. You can pass a single argument, a list of arguments or a dictionary of arguments to your pillar:
ext_pillar: - example_a: some argument - example_b: - argumentA - argumentB - example_c: keyA: valueA keyB: valueB
The Module
Imports and Logging
Import modules your external pillar module needs. You should first include generic modules that come with stock Python:
import logging
And then start logging. This is an idiomatic way of setting up logging in Salt:
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
Finally, load modules that are specific to what you are doing. You should catch import errors and set a flag that the __virtual__ function can use later.
try: import weird_thing EXAMPLE_A_LOADED = True except ImportError: EXAMPLE_A_LOADED = False
If you define an __opts__ dictionary, it will be merged into the __opts__ dictionary handed to the ext_pillar function later. This is a good place to put default configuration items. The convention is to name things modulename.option.
__opts__ = { 'example_a.someconfig': 137 }
If you define an __init__ function, it will be called with the following signature:
def __init__( __opts__ ): # Do init work here
Note: The __init__ function is ran every time a particular minion causes
the external pillar to be called, so don't put heavy initialization code here.
The __init__ functionality is a side-effect of the Salt loader, so it may
not be as useful in pillars as it is in other Salt items.
If you define a __virtual__ function, you can control whether or not this module is visible. If it returns False then Salt ignores this module. If it returns a string, then that string will be how Salt identifies this external pillar in its ext_pillar configuration. If you're not renaming the module, simply return True in the __virtual__ function, which is the same as if this function did not exist, then, the name Salt's ext_pillar will use to identify this module is its conventional name in Python.
This is useful to write modules that can be installed on all Salt masters, but will only be visible if a particular piece of software your module requires is installed.
# This external pillar will be known as `example_a` def __virtual__(): if EXAMPLE_A_LOADED: return True return False
# This external pillar will be known as `something_else` __virtualname__ = 'something_else' def __virtual__(): if EXAMPLE_A_LOADED: return __virtualname__ return False
This is where the real work of an external pillar is done. If this module is active and has a function called ext_pillar, whenever a minion updates its pillar this function is called.
How it is called depends on how it is configured in the Salt master configuration. The first argument is always the current pillar dictionary, this contains pillar items that have already been added, starting with the data from pillar_roots, and then from any already-ran external pillars.
Using our example above:
ext_pillar( id, pillar, 'some argument' ) # example_a ext_pillar( id, pillar, 'argumentA', 'argumentB' ) # example_b ext_pillar( id, pillar, keyA='valueA', keyB='valueB' } ) # example_c
In the example_a case, pillar will contain the items from the pillar_roots, in example_b pillar will contain that plus the items added by example_a, and in example_c pillar will contain that plus the items added by example_b. In all three cases, id will contain the ID of the minion making the pillar request.
This function should return a dictionary, the contents of which are merged in with all of the other pillars and returned to the minion. Note: this function is called once for each minion that fetches its pillar data.
def ext_pillar( minion_id, pillar, *args, **kwargs ): my_pillar = {} # Do stuff return my_pillar
You shouldn't just add items to pillar and return that, since that will cause Salt to merge data that already exists. Rather, just return the items you are adding or changing. You could, however, use pillar in your module to make some decision based on pillar data that already exists.
This function has access to some useful globals:
- __opts__
- A dictionary of mostly Salt configuration options. If you had an __opts__ dictionary defined in your module, those values will be included.
- __salt__
- A dictionary of Salt module functions, useful so you don't have to duplicate functions that already exist. E.g. __salt__['']( 'ls -l' ) Note, runs on the master
- __grains__
- A dictionary of the grains of the minion making this pillar call.
Example configuration
As an example, if you wanted to add external pillar via the cmd_json external pillar, add something like this to your master config:
ext_pillar: - cmd_json: 'echo {\"arg\":\"value\"}'
Just as with traditional pillars, external pillars must be refreshed in order for minions to see any fresh data:
salt '*' saltutil.refresh_pillar
Installing Salt for development
Clone the repository using:
git clone
NOTE: tags
Just cloning the repository is enough to work with Salt and make contributions. However, fetching additional tags from git is required to have Salt report the correct version for itself. To do this, first add the git repository as an upstream source:
git remote add upstream
Fetching tags is done with the git 'fetch' utility:
git fetch --tags upstream
Create a new virtualenv:
virtualenv /path/to/your/virtualenv
On Arch Linux, where Python 3 is the default installation of Python, use the virtualenv2 command instead of virtualenv.
NOTE: Using system Python modules in the virtualenv
To use already-installed python modules in virtualenv (instead of having pip download and compile new ones), run virtualenv --system-site-packages Using this method eliminates the requirement to install the salt dependencies again, although it does assume that the listed modules are all installed in the system PYTHONPATH at the time of virtualenv creation.
Activate the virtualenv:
source /path/to/your/virtualenv/bin/activate
Install Salt (and dependencies) into the virtualenv:
pip install M2Crypto # Don't install on Debian/Ubuntu (see below) pip install pyzmq PyYAML pycrypto msgpack-python jinja2 psutil pip install -e ./salt # the path to the salt git clone from above
NOTE: Installing M2Crypto
swig and libssl-dev are required to build M2Crypto. To fix the error command 'swig' failed with exit status 1 while installing M2Crypto, try installing it with the following command:
env SWIG_FEATURES="-cpperraswarn -includeall -D__`uname -m`__ -I/usr/include/openssl" pip install M2Crypto
Debian and Ubuntu systems have modified openssl libraries and mandate that a patched version of M2Crypto be installed. This means that M2Crypto needs to be installed via apt:
apt-get install python-m2crypto
This also means that pulling in the M2Crypto installed using apt requires using --system-site-packages when creating the virtualenv.
If you're using a platform other than Debian or Ubuntu, and you are installing M2Crypto via pip instead of a system package, then you will also need the gcc compiler.
NOTE: Installing psutil
Python header files are required to build this module, otherwise the pip install will fail. If your distribution separates binaries and headers into separate packages, make sure that you have the headers installed. In most Linux distributions which split the headers into their own package, this can be done by installing the python-dev or python-devel package. For other platforms, the package will likely be similarly named.
NOTE: Installing dependencies on OS X.
You can install needed dependencies on OS X using homebrew or macports. See OS X Installation
WARNING: Installing on RedHat-based Distros
If installing from pip (or from source using install), be
advised that the yum-utils package is needed for Salt to manage
packages on RedHat-based systems.
Running a self-contained development version
During development it is easiest to be able to run the Salt master and minion that are installed in the virtualenv you created above, and also to have all the configuration, log, and cache files contained in the virtualenv as well.
Copy the master and minion config files into your virtualenv:
mkdir -p /path/to/your/virtualenv/etc/salt cp ./salt/conf/master /path/to/your/virtualenv/etc/salt/master cp ./salt/conf/minion /path/to/your/virtualenv/etc/salt/minion
Edit the master config file:
- 1.
- Uncomment and change the user: root value to your own user.
- 2.
- Uncomment and change the root_dir: / value to point to /path/to/your/virtualenv.
- 3.
- If you are running version 0.11.1 or older, uncomment, and change the pidfile: /var/run/ value to point to /path/to/your/virtualenv/
- 4.
If you are also running a non-development version of Salt you will have to
change the publish_port and ret_port values as well.
Edit the minion config file:
- 1.
- Repeat the edits you made in the master config for the user and root_dir values as well as any port changes.
- 2.
- If you are running version 0.11.1 or older, uncomment, and change the pidfile: /var/run/ value to point to /path/to/your/virtualenv/
- 3.
- Uncomment and change the master: salt value to point at localhost.
- 4.
- Uncomment and change the id: value to something descriptive like "saltdev". This isn't strictly necessary but it will serve as a reminder of which Salt installation you are working with.
- 5.
If you changed the ret_port value in the master config because you are
also running a non-development version of Salt, then you will have to
change the master_port value in the minion config to match.
NOTE: Using salt-call with a Standalone Minion
If you plan to run salt-call with this self-contained development environment in a masterless setup, you should invoke salt-call with -c /path/to/your/virtualenv/etc/salt so that salt can find the minion config file. Without the -c option, Salt finds its config files in /etc/salt.
Start the master and minion, accept the minion's key, and verify your local Salt installation is working:
cd /path/to/your/virtualenv salt-master -c ./etc/salt -d salt-minion -c ./etc/salt -d salt-key -c ./etc/salt -L salt-key -c ./etc/salt -A salt -c ./etc/salt '*'
Running the master and minion in debug mode can be helpful when developing. To do this, add -l debug to the calls to salt-master and salt-minion. If you would like to log to the console instead of to the log file, remove the -d.
Once the minion starts, you may see an error like the following:
zmq.core.error.ZMQError: ipc path "/path/to/your/virtualenv/ var/run/salt/minion/minion_event_7824dcbcfd7a8f6755939af70b96249f_pub.ipc" is longer than 107 characters (sizeof(sockaddr_un.sun_path)).
This means that the path to the socket the minion is using is too long. This is a system limitation, so the only workaround is to reduce the length of this path. This can be done in a couple different ways:
- 1.
- Create your virtualenv in a path that is short enough.
- 2.
Edit the sock_dir minion config variable and reduce its
length. Remember that this path is relative to the value you set in
NOTE: The socket path is limited to 107 characters on Solaris and Linux, and 103 characters on BSD-based systems.
NOTE: File descriptor limits
Ensure that the system open file limit is raised to at least 2047:
# check your current limit ulimit -n # raise the limit. persists only until reboot # use 'limit descriptors 2047' for c-shell ulimit -n 2047
To set file descriptors on OSX, refer to the OS X Installation instructions.
Changing Default Paths
Instead of updating your configuration files to point to the new root directory and having to pass the new configuration directory path to all of Salt's CLI tools, you can explicitly tweak the default system paths that Salt expects:
GENERATE_SALT_SYSPATHS=1 pip --global-option='--salt-root-dir=/path/to/your/virtualenv/' \ install -e ./salt # the path to the salt git clone from above
You can now call all of Salt's CLI tools without explicitly passing the configuration directory.
Additional Options
In case you want to distribute your virtualenv, you probably don't want to include Salt's clone .git/ directory, and, without it, Salt won't report the accurate version. You can tell to generate the hardcoded version information which is distributable:
GENERATE_SALT_SYSPATHS=1 WRITE_SALT_VERSION=1 pip --global-option='--salt-root-dir=/path/to/your/virtualenv/' \ install -e ./salt # the path to the salt git clone from above
Instead of passing those two environmental variables, you can just pass a single one which will trigger the other two:
MIMIC_SALT_INSTALL=1 pip --global-option='--salt-root-dir=/path/to/your/virtualenv/' \ install -e ./salt # the path to the salt git clone from above
This last one will grant you an edditable salt installation with hardcoded
system paths and version information.
Installing Salt from the Python Package Index
If you are installing using easy_install, you will need to define a USE_SETUPTOOLS environment variable, otherwise dependencies will not be installed:
USE_SETUPTOOLS=1 easy_install salt
Editing and previewing the documentation
You need sphinx-build command to build the docs. In Debian/Ubuntu this is provided in the python-sphinx package. Sphinx can also be installed to a virtualenv using pip:
pip install Sphinx
Change to salt documentation directory, then:
cd doc; make html
- •
- This will build the HTML docs. Run make without any arguments to see the available make targets, which include html, man, and text.
- •
- The docs then are built within the docs/_build/ folder. To update the docs after making changes, run make again.
- •
- The docs use reStructuredText for markup. See a live demo at
- •
- The help information on each module or state is culled from the python code that runs for that piece. Find them in salt/modules/ or salt/states/.
- •
To build the docs on Arch Linux, the python2-sphinx package is
required. Additionally, it is necessary to tell make where to find
the proper sphinx-build binary, like so:
make SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build2 html
- •
To build the docs on RHEL/CentOS 6, the python-sphinx10 package
must be installed from EPEL, and the following make command must be used:
make SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-1.0-build html
Once you've updated the documentation, you can run the following command to launch a simple Python HTTP server to see your changes:
cd _build/html; python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Running unit and integration tests
Run the test suite with following command:
./ test
See here for more information regarding the test suite.
Issue and Pull Request Labeling System
SaltStack uses several labeling schemes to help facilitate code contributions
and bug resolution. See the Labels and Milestones documentation for more information.
GitHub Labels and Milestones
SaltStack uses several label categories, as well as milestones, to triage incoming issues and pull requests in the
GitHub issue tracker. Labels are used to sort issues by type, priority, severity, status, functional area, functional
group, and targeted release and pull requests by status, functional area, functional group, type of change, and test
status. Milestones are used to indicate whether an issue is fully triaged or is scheduled to be fixed by SaltStack in
an upcoming sprint.
All issues are assigned to a milestone, whereas pull requests are almost never assigned to a milestone as the mean lifetime of pull requests is short enough that there is no need to track them temporally.
SaltStack uses milestones to indicate which issues are blocked on submitter or upstream actions, are approved, or are scheduled to be fixed or implemented in an upcoming sprint. If an issue is not attached to a sprint milestone, you are welcome to work on it at your own desire and convenience. If it is attached to a sprint milestone and you have already begun working on it or have a solution in mind or have other ideas related to the issue, you are encouraged to coordinate with the assignee via the GitHub issue tracker to create the best possible solution or implementation.
- Approved
- The issue has been validated and has all necessary information.
- Blocked
- The issue is waiting on actions by parties outside of SaltStack, such as receiving more information from the submitter or resolution of an upstream issue. This milestone is usually applied in conjunction with the labels Info Needed, Question, Expected Behavior, Won't Fix For Now, or Upstream Bug.
- Under Review
- The issue is having further validation done by a SaltStack engineer.
- <Sprint>
- The issue is being actively worked on by a SaltStack engineer. Sprint milestones names are constructed from the chemical symbol of the next release's codename and the number of sprints until that release is made. For example, if the next release codename is Neon and there are five sprints until that release, the corresponding sprint milestone will be called Ne 5. See <topics/releases/version_numbers> for a discussion of Salt's release codenames.
Labels are used to sort and describe issues and pull requests. Some labels are usually reserved for one or the other, though most labels may be applied to both.
New issues will receive at least one label and a milestone, and new pull requests will receive at least one label.
Except for the functional area and functional group
label categories, issues will generally receive only up to one label per category.
Issues are categorized into one of several types. Type labels are almost never used for pull requests. GitHub treats pull requests like issues in many ways, so a pull request could be considered an issue with an implicit Pull Request type label applied.
- Feature
- The issue is a request for new functionality including changes, enhancements, refactors, etc.
- Bug
- The issue documents broken, incorrect, or confusing behavior. This label is always accompanied by a severity label.
- Duplicate
- The issue is a duplicate of another feature request or bug report.
- Upstream Bug
- The issue is a result of an upstream issue.
- Question
- The issue is more of a question than a request for new features or a report of broken features, but can sometimes lead to further discussion or changes of confusing or incongruous behavior or documentation.
- Expected Behavior
- The issue is a bug report of intended functionality.
An issue's priority is relative to its functional area. If a bug report, for example, about gitfs indicates that all users of gitfs will encounter this bug, then a P1 label will be applied, even though users who are not using gitfs will not encounter the bug. If a feature is requested by many users, it may be given a high priority.
- P1
- The issue will be seen by all users.
- P2
- The issue will be seen by most users.
- P3
- The issue will be seen by about half of users.
- P4
- The issue will not be seen by most users. Usually the issue is a very specific use case or corner case.
Severity labels are almost always only applied to issues labeled Bug.
- Blocker
- The issue is blocking an impending release.
- Critical
- The issue causes data loss, crashes or hangs salt processes, makes the system unresponsive, etc.
- High Severity
- The issue reports incorrect functionality, bad functionality, a confusing user experience, etc.
- Medium Severity
- The issue reports cosmetic items, formatting, spelling, colors, etc.
Functional Area
Many major components of Salt have corresponding GitHub labels. These labels are applied to all issues and pull requests as is reasonably appropriate. They are useful in organizing issues and pull requests according to the source code relevant to issues or the source code changed by pull requests.
- •
- Execution Module
- •
- File Servers
- •
- Grains
- •
- Multi-Master
- •
- Packaging Related to packaging of Salt, not Salt's support for package management.
- •
- Pillar
- •
- •
- Returners
- •
- Runners
- •
- Salt-API
- •
- Salt-Cloud
- •
- Salt-SSH
- •
- Salt-Syndic
- •
- State Module
- •
- Tests
- •
- Transport
- •
- Windows
- •
Functional Group
These labels sort issues and pull requests according to the internal SaltStack engineering teams.
- Core
- The issue or pull request relates to code that is central or existential to Salt itself.
- Platform
- The issue or pull request relates to support and integration with various platforms like traditional operating systems as well as containers, platform-based utilities like filesystems, command schedulers, etc., and system-based applications like webservers, databases, etc.
- RIoT
- The issue or pull request relates to support and integration with various abstract systems like cloud providers, hypervisors, API-based services, etc.
- Console
- The issue or pull request relates to the SaltStack enterprise console.
- Documentation
- The issue or pull request relates to documentation.
Status labels are used to define and track the state of issues and pull requests. Not all potential statuses correspond to a label, but some statuses are common enough that labels have been created for them. If an issue has not been moved beyond the Blocked milestone, it is very likely that it will only have a status label.
- Bugfix - back-port
- The pull request needs to be back-ported to an older release branch. This is done by recreating the pull request against that branch. Once the back-port is completed, this label is replaced with a Bugfix - [Done] back-ported label. Normally, new features should go into the develop and bug fixes into the oldest supported release branch, see <which-salt-branch>.
- Bugfix - [Done] back-ported
- The pull request has been back-ported to an older branch.
- Cannot Reproduce
- The issue is a bug and has been reviewed by a SaltStack engineer, but it cannot be replicated with the provided information and context. Those involved with the bug will need to work through additional ideas until the bug can be isolated and verified.
- Confirmed
- The issue is a bug and has been confirmed by a SaltStack engineer, who often documents a minimal working example that reproduces the bug.
- Fixed Pending Verification
- The issue is a bug and has been fixed by one or more pull requests, which should link to the issue. Closure of the issue is contingent upon confirmation of resolution from the submitter. If the submitter reports a negative confirmation, this label is removed. If no response is given after a few weeks, then the issue will be assumed fixed and closed.
- Info Needed
- The issue needs more information before it can be verified and resolved. For a feature request this may include a description of the use cases. Almost all bug reports need to include at least the versions of salt and its dependencies, the system type and version, commands used, debug logs, error messages, and relevant configs.
- Pending Changes
- The pull request needs additional changes before it can be merged.
- Pending Discussion
The issue or pull request needs more discussion before it can be closed or merged. The status of the issue or pull
request is not clear or apparent enough for definite action to be taken, or additional input from SaltStack, the
submitter, or another party has been requested.
If the issue is not a pull request, once the discussion has arrived at a cogent conclusion, this label will be removed and the issue will be accepted. If it is a pull request, the results of the discussion may require additional changes and thus, a Pending Changes label.
- Won't Fix for Now
- The issue is legitimate, but it is not something the SaltStack team is currently able or willing to fix or implement. Issues having this label may be revisited in the future.
Type of Change
Every pull request should receive a change label. These labels measure the quantity of change as well as the significance of the change. The amount of change and the importance of the code area changed are considered, but often the depth of secondary code review required and the potential repercussions of the change may also advise the label choice.
Core code areas include: state compiler, crypto engine, master and minion and syndic daemons, transport, pillar rendering, loader, transport layer, event system, salt.utils, client, cli, logging, netapi, runner engine, templating engine, top file compilation, file client, file server, mine, salt-ssh, test runner, etc.
Non-core code usually constitutes the specific set of plugins for each of the several plugin layers of Salt: execution modules, states, runners, returners, clouds, etc.
- Minor Change
- •
- Less than 64 lines changed, or
- •
- Less than 8 core lines changed
- Medium Change
- •
- Less than 256 lines changed, or
- •
- Less than 64 core lines changed
- Master Change
- •
- More than 256 lines changed, or
- •
- More than 64 core lines changed
- Expert Change
- •
- Needs specialized, in-depth review
Test Status
These labels relate to the status of the automated tests that run on pull requests. If the tests on a pull request fail and are not overridden by one of these labels, the pull request submitter needs to update the code and/or tests so that the tests pass and the pull request can be merged.
- Lint
- The pull request has passed all tests except for the code lint checker.
- Tests Passed
- The pull request has passed all tests even though some test results are negative. Sometimes the automated testing infrastructure will encounter internal errors unrelated to the code change in the pull request that cause test runs to fail. These errors can be caused by cloud provider and network issues and also Jenkins issues like erroneously accumulating workspace artifacts, resource exhaustion, and bugs that arise from long running Jenkins processes.
These labels indicate miscellaneous issue types or statuses that are common or important enough to be tracked and sorted with labels.
- Awesome
- The pull request implements an especially well crafted solution, or a very difficult but necessary change.
- Low Hanging Fruit
- The issue is trivial or almost trivial to implement or fix. Issues having this label should be a good starting place for new contributors to Salt.
- Needs Testcase
- The issue or pull request relates to a feature that needs test coverage. The pull request containing the tests should reference the issue or pull request having this label, whereupon the label should be removed.
- Regression
- The issue is a bug that breaks functionality known to work in previous releases.
- Story
- The issue is used by a SaltStack engineer to track progress on multiple related issues in a single place.
- ZD
- The issue is related to a Zendesk customer support ticket.
- <Release>
- The issue is scheduled to be implemented by <Release>. See <topics/releases/version_numbers> for a discussion of Salt's release codenames.
Logging Internals
Modular Systems
When first working with Salt, it is not always clear where all of the modular components are and what they do. Salt comes loaded with more modular systems than many users are aware of, making Salt very easy to extend in many places.
The most commonly used modular systems are execution modules and states. But
the modular systems extend well beyond the more easily exposed components
and are often added to Salt to make the complete system more flexible.
Execution Modules
Execution modules make up the core of the functionality used by Salt to interact with client systems. The execution modules create the core system management library used by all Salt systems, including states, which interact with minion systems.
Execution modules are completely open ended in their execution. They can be used to do anything required on a minion, from installing packages to detecting information about the system. The only restraint in execution modules is that the defined functions always return a JSON serializable object.
For a list of all built in execution modules, click here
For information on writing execution modules, see this page.
Interactive Debugging
Sometimes debugging with print() and extra logs sprinkled everywhere is not the best strategy.
IPython is a helpful debug tool that has an interactive python environment which can be embedded in python programs.
First the system will require IPython to be installed.
# Debian apt-get install ipython # Arch Linux pacman -Syu ipython2 # RHEL/CentOS (via EPEL) yum install python-ipython
Now, in the troubling python module, add the following line at a location where the debugger should be started:
test = 'test123' import IPython; IPython.embed_kernel()
After running a Salt command that hits that line, the following will show up in the log file:
[CRITICAL] To connect another client to this kernel, use: [IPKernelApp] --existing kernel-31271.json
Now on the system that invoked embed_kernel, run the following command from a shell:
# NOTE: use ipython2 instead of ipython for Arch Linux ipython console --existing
This provides a console that has access to all the vars and functions, and even supports tab-completion.
print(test) test123
To exit IPython and continue running Salt, press Ctrl-d to logout.
State Modules
State modules are used to define the state interfaces used by Salt States. These modules are restrictive in that they must follow a number of rules to function properly.
State modules define the available routines in sls files. If calling
an execution module directly is desired, take a look at the module
The auth module system allows for external authentication routines to be easily
added into Salt. The auth function needs to be implemented to satisfy the
requirements of an auth module. Use the pam module as an example.
The fileserver module system is used to create fileserver backends used by the
Salt Master. These modules need to implement the functions used in the
fileserver subsystem. Use the gitfs module as an example.
Grain modules define extra routines to populate grains data. All defined
public functions will be executed and MUST return a Python dict object. The
dict keys will be added to the grains made available to the minion.
The output modules supply the outputter system with routines to display data
in the terminal. These modules are very simple and only require the output
function to execute. The default system outputter is the nested module.
Used to define optional external pillar systems. The pillar generated via
the filesystem pillar is passed into external pillars. This is commonly used
as a bridge to database data for pillar, but is also the backend to the libvirt
state used to generate and sign libvirt certificates on the fly.
Renderers are the system used to render sls files into salt highdata for the
state compiler. They can be as simple as the py renderer and as complex as
stateconf and pydsl.
Returners are used to send data from minions to external sources, commonly
databases. A full returner will implement all routines to be supported as an
external job cache. Use the redis returner as an example.
Runners are purely master-side execution sequences. These range from simple
reporting to orchestration engines like the overstate.
Tops modules are used to convert external data sources into top file data for
the state system.
The wheel system is used to manage master side management routines. These
routines are primarily intended for the API to enable master configuration.
Package Providers
This page contains guidelines for writing package providers.
Package Functions
One of the most important features of Salt is package management. There is no
shortage of package managers, so in the interest of providing a consistent
experience in pkg states, there are certain functions
that should be present in a package provider. Note that these are subject to
change as new features are added or existing features are enhanced.
This function should declare an empty dict, and then add packages to it by calling pkg_resource.add_pkg, like so:
__salt__['pkg_resource.add_pkg'](ret, name, version)
The last thing that should be done before returning is to execute pkg_resource.sort_pkglist. This function does not presently do anything to the return dict, but will be used in future versions of Salt.
list_pkgs returns a dictionary of installed packages, with the keys being the package names and the values being the version installed. Example return data:
{'foo': '1.2.3-4', 'bar': '5.6.7-8'}
Accepts an arbitrary number of arguments. Each argument is a package name. The return value for a package will be an empty string if the package is not found or if the package is up-to-date. The only case in which a non-empty string is returned is if the package is available for new installation (i.e. not already installed) or if there is an upgrade available.
If only one argument was passed, this function return a string, otherwise a dict of name/version pairs is returned.
This function must also accept **kwargs, in order to receive the
fromrepo and repo keyword arguments from pkg states. Where supported,
these arguments should be used to find the install/upgrade candidate in the
specified repository. The fromrepo kwarg takes precedence over repo, so
if both of those kwargs are present, the repository specified in fromrepo
should be used. However, if repo is used instead of fromrepo, it should
still work, to preserve backwards compatibility with older versions of Salt.
Like latest_version, accepts an arbitrary number of arguments and
returns a string if a single package name was passed, or a dict of name/value
pairs if more than one was passed. The only difference is that the return
values are the currently-installed versions of whatever packages are passed. If
the package is not installed, an empty string is returned for that package.
Deprecated and destined to be removed. For now, should just do the following:
return __salt__['pkg.latest_version'](name) != ''
The following arguments are required and should default to None:
- 1.
- name (for single-package pkg states)
- 2.
- pkgs (for multiple-package pkg states)
- 3.
sources (for binary package file installation)
The first thing that this function should do is call pkg_resource.parse_targets (see below). This function will convert the SLS input into a more easily parsed data structure. pkg_resource.parse_targets may need to be modified to support your new package provider, as it does things like parsing package metadata which cannot be done for every package management system.
pkg_params, pkg_type = __salt__['pkg_resource.parse_targets'](name, pkgs, sources)
Two values will be returned to the install function. The first of them will be a dictionary. The keys of this dictionary will be package names, though the values will differ depending on what kind of installation is being done:
- •
- If name was provided (and pkgs was not), then there will be a single key in the dictionary, and its value will be None. Once the data has been returned, if the version keyword argument was provided, then it should replace the None value in the dictionary.
- •
- If pkgs was provided, then name is ignored, and the dictionary will contain one entry for each package in the pkgs list. The values in the dictionary will be None if a version was not specified for the package, and the desired version if specified. See the Multiple Package Installation Options section of the pkg.installed state for more info.
- •
If sources was provided, then name is ignored, and the
dictionary values will be the path/URI for the package.
The second return value will be a string with two possible values: repository or file. The install function can use this value (if necessary) to build the proper command to install the targeted package(s).
Both before and after the installing the target(s), you should run list_pkgs to obtain a list of the installed packages. You should then return the output of salt.utils.compare_dicts()
return salt.utils.compare_dicts(old, new)
Removes the passed package and return a list of the packages removed.
Package Repo Functions
There are some functions provided by pkg which are specific to package repositories, and not to packages themselves. When writing modules for new package managers, these functions should be made available as stated below, in order to provide compatibility with the pkgrepo state.
All repo functions should accept a basedir option, which defines which directory repository configuration should be found in. The default for this is dictated by the repo manager that is being used, and rarely needs to be changed.
basedir = '/etc/yum.repos.d' __salt__['pkg.list_repos'](basedir)
Lists the repositories that are currently configured on this system.
Returns a dictionary, in the following format:
{'reponame': 'config_key_1': 'config value 1', 'config_key_2': 'config value 2', 'config_key_3': ['list item 1 (when appropriate)', 'list item 2 (when appropriate)]}
Displays all local configuration for a specific repository.
The information is formatted in much the same way as list_repos, but is specific to only one repo.
{'config_key_1': 'config value 1', 'config_key_2': 'config value 2', 'config_key_3': ['list item 1 (when appropriate)', 'list item 2 (when appropriate)]}
Removes the local configuration for a specific repository. Requires a repo argument, which must match the locally configured name. This function returns a string, which informs the user as to whether or not the operation was a success.
Modify the local configuration for one or more option for a configured repo. This is also the way to create new repository configuration on the local system; if a repo is specified which does not yet exist, it will be created.
The options specified for this function are specific to the system; please refer to the documentation for your specific repo manager for specifics.
__salt__['pkg.mod_repo'](repo='myrepo', url='')
Low-Package Functions
In general, the standard package functions as describes above will meet your needs. These functions use the system's native repo manager (for instance, yum or the apt tools). In most cases, the repo manager is actually separate from the package manager. For instance, yum is usually a front-end for rpm, and apt is usually a front-end for dpkg. When possible, the package functions that use those package managers directly should do so through the low package functions.
It is normal and sane for pkg to make calls to lowpkgs, but lowpkg
must never make calls to pkg. This is affects functions which are required
by both pkg and lowpkg, but the technique in pkg is more performant
than what is available to lowpkg. When this is the case, the lowpkg
function that requires that technique must still use the lowpkg version.
Returns a dict of packages installed, including the package name and version. Can accept a list of packages; if none are specified, then all installed packages will be listed.
installed = __salt__['lowpkg.list_pkgs']('foo', 'bar')
Example output:
{'foo': '1.2.3-4', 'bar': '5.6.7-8'}
Many (but not all) package management systems provide a way to verify that the files installed by the package manager have or have not changed. This function accepts a list of packages; if none are specified, all packages will be included.
installed = __salt__['lowpkg.verify']('httpd')
Example output:
{'/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf': {'mismatch': ['size', 'md5sum', 'mtime'], 'type': 'config'}}
Lists all of the files installed by all packages specified. If not packages are specified, then all files for all known packages are returned.
installed = __salt__['lowpkg.file_list']('httpd', 'apache')
This function does not return which files belong to which packages; all files are returned as one giant list (hence the file_list function name. However, This information is still returned inside of a dict, so that it can provide any errors to the user in a sane manner.
{'errors': ['package apache is not installed'], 'files': ['/etc/httpd', '/etc/httpd/conf', '/etc/httpd/conf.d', '...SNIP...']}
Lists all of the files installed by all packages specified. If not packages are specified, then all files for all known packages are returned.
installed = __salt__['lowpkg.file_dict']('httpd', 'apache', 'kernel')
Unlike file_list, this function will break down which files belong to which packages. It will also return errors in the same manner as file_list.
{'errors': ['package apache is not installed'], 'packages': {'httpd': ['/etc/httpd', '/etc/httpd/conf', '...SNIP...'], 'kernel': ['/boot/.vmlinuz-2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64.hmac', '/boot/', '...SNIP...']}}
Community Projects That Use Salt
Below is a list of repositories that show real world Salt applications that you can use to get started. Please note that these projects do not adhere to any standards and express a wide variety of ideas and opinions on how an action can be completed with Salt.
Salt Topology
Salt is based on a powerful, asynchronous, network topology using ZeroMQ. Many
ZeroMQ systems are in place to enable communication. The central idea is to
have the fastest communication possible.
The Salt Master runs 2 network services. First is the ZeroMQ PUB system. This service by default runs on port 4505 and can be configured via the publish_port option in the master configuration.
Second is the ZeroMQ REP system. This is a separate interface used for all
bi-directional communication with minions. By default this system binds to
port 4506 and can be configured via the ret_port option in the master.
The commands sent out via the salt client are broadcast out to the minions via
ZeroMQ PUB/SUB. This is done by allowing the minions to maintain a connection
back to the Salt Master and then all connections are informed to download the
command data at once. The command data is kept extremely small (usually less
than 1K) so it is not a burden on the network.
The PUB/SUB system is a one way communication, so once a publish is sent out
the PUB interface on the master has no further communication with the minion.
The minion, after running the command, then sends the command's return data
back to the master via the ret_port.
Translating Documentation
If you wish to help translate the Salt documentation to your language, please head over to the Transifex website and signup for an account.
Once registered, head over to the Salt Translation Project, and either click on Request Language if you can't find yours, or, select the language for which you wish to contribute and click Join Team.
Transifex provides some useful reading resources on their support
domain, namely, some useful articles directed to translators.
Building A Localized Version of the Documentation
While you're working on your translation on Transifex, you might want to
have a look at how it's rendering.
Install The Transifex Client
To interact with the Transifex web service you will need to install the transifex-client:
pip install transifex-client
Configure The Transifex Client
Once installed, you will need to set it up on your computer. We created a script to help you with that:
Download Remote Translations
There's a little script which simplifies the download process of the translations(which isn't that complicated in the first place). So, let's assume you're translating pt_PT, Portuguese(Portugal). To download the translations, execute from the doc/ directory of your Salt checkout:
make download-translations SPHINXLANG=pt_PT
To download pt_PT, Portuguese(Portugal), and nl, Dutch, you can use the helper script directly:
.scripts/download-translation-catalog pt_PT nl
Build Localized Documentation
After the download process finishes, which might take a while, the next step is to build a localized version of the documentation. Following the pt_PT example above:
make html SPHINXLANG=pt_PT
View Localized Documentation
Open your browser, point it to the local documentation path and check the
localized output you've just build.
Running The Tests
There are requirements, in addition to Salt's requirements, which need to be installed in order to run the test suite. Install one of the lines below, depending on the relevant Python version:
pip install -r dev_requirements_python26.txt pip install -r dev_requirements_python27.txt
NOTE: In Salt 0.17, testing libraries were migrated into their own repo. To install them:
pip install git+
Failure to install SaltTesting will result in import errors similar to the following:
ImportError: No module named salttesting
Once all require requirements are set, use tests/ to run all of the tests included in Salt's test suite. For more information, see --help.
An alternative way of invoking the test suite is available in
./ test
Instead of running the entire test suite, there are several ways to run only specific groups of tests or individual tests:
- •
- Run unit tests only: ./tests/ --unit-tests
- •
- Run unit and integration tests for states: ./tests/ --state
- •
- Run integration tests for an individual module: ./tests/ -n integration.modules.virt
- •
- Run unit tests for an individual module: ./tests/ -n unit.modules.virt_test
- •
- Run an individual test by using the class and test name (this example is for the test_default_kvm_profile test in the integration.module.virt): ./tests/ -n integration.module.virt.VirtTest.test_default_kvm_profile
Running Unit Tests Without Integration Test Daemons
Since the unit tests do not require a master or minion to execute, it is often useful to be able to run unit tests individually, or as a whole group, without having to start up the integration testing daemons. Starting up the master, minion, and syndic daemons takes a lot of time before the tests can even start running and is unnecessary to run unit tests. To run unit tests without invoking the integration test daemons, simple remove the /tests portion of the command:
./ --unit
All of the other options to run individual tests, entire classes of tests, or entire test modules still
Running Destructive Integration Tests
Salt is used to change the settings and behavior of systems. In order to effectively test Salt's functionality, some integration tests are written to make actual changes to the underlying system. These tests are referred to as "destructive tests". Some examples of destructive tests are changes may be testing the addition of a user or installing packages. By default, destructive tests are disabled and will be skipped.
Generally, destructive tests should clean up after themselves by attempting to restore the system to its original state. For instance, if a new user is created during a test, the user should be deleted after the related test(s) have completed. However, no guarantees are made that test clean-up will complete successfully. Therefore, running destructive tests should be done with caution.
NOTE: Running destructive tests will change the underlying system. Use caution when running destructive tests.
To run tests marked as destructive, set the --run-destructive flag:
./tests/ --run-destructive
Running Cloud Provider Tests
Salt's testing suite also includes integration tests to assess the successful creation and deletion of cloud instances using Salt-Cloud for providers supported by Salt-Cloud.
The cloud provider tests are off by default and run on sample configuration files provided in tests/integration/files/conf/cloud.providers.d/. In order to run the cloud provider tests, valid credentials, which differ per provider, must be supplied. Each credential item that must be supplied is indicated by an empty string value and should be edited by the user before running the tests. For example, DigitalOcean requires a client key and an api key to operate. Therefore, the default cloud provider configuration file for DigitalOcean looks like this:
digitalocean-config: provider: digital_ocean client_key: '' api_key: '' location: New York 1
As indicated by the empty string values, the client_key and the api_key must be provided:
digitalocean-config: provider: digital_ocean client_key: wFGEwgregeqw3435gDger api_key: GDE43t43REGTrkilg43934t34qT43t4dgegerGEgg location: New York 1
NOTE: When providing credential information in cloud provider configuration files, do not include the single quotes.
Once all of the valid credentials for the cloud provider have been supplied, the cloud provider tests can be run by setting the --cloud-provider-tests flag:
./tests/ --cloud-provider-tests
Running The Tests In A Docker Container
The test suite can be executed under a docker container using the --docked option flag. The docker container must be properly configured on the system invoking the tests and the container must have access to the internet.
Here's a simple usage example:
tests/ --docked=ubuntu-12.04 -v
The full docker container repository can also be provided:
tests/ --docked=salttest/ubuntu-12.04 -v
The SaltStack team is creating some containers which will have the necessary dependencies pre-installed. Running the test suite on a container allows destructive tests to run without making changes to the main system. It also enables the test suite to run under a different distribution than the one the main system is currently using.
The current list of test suite images is on Salt's docker repository.
Custom docker containers can be provided by submitting a pull request
against Salt's docker Salt test containers repository.
Automated Test Runs
SaltStack maintains a Jenkins server to allow for the execution of tests across supported platforms. The tests executed from Salt's Jenkins server create fresh virtual machines for each test run, then execute destructive tests on the new, clean virtual machine.
When a pull request is submitted to Salt's repository on GitHub, Jenkins runs Salt's test suite on a couple of virtual machines to gauge the pull request's viability to merge into Salt's develop branch. If these initial tests pass, the pull request can then merged into Salt's develop branch by one of Salt's core developers, pending their discretion. If the initial tests fail, core developers may request changes to the pull request. If the failure is unrelated to the changes in question, core developers may merge the pull request despite the initial failure.
Once the pull request is merged into Salt's develop branch, a new set of Jenkins virtual machines will begin executing the test suite. The develop branch tests have many more virtual machines to provide more comprehensive results.
There are a few other groups of virtual machines that Jenkins tests against,
including past and current release branches. For a full list of currently
running test environments, go to
Using Salt-Cloud on Jenkins
For testing Salt on Jenkins, SaltStack uses Salt-Cloud to
spin up virtual machines. The script using Salt-Cloud to accomplish this is
open source and can be found here:
Writing Tests
Salt uses a test platform to verify functionality of components in a simple way. Two testing systems exist to enable testing salt functions in somewhat real environments. The two subsystems available are integration tests and unit tests.
Salt uses the python standard library unittest2 system for testing.
Naming Conventions
Any function in either integration test files or unit test files that is doing the actual testing, such as functions containing assertions, must start with test_:
def test_user_present(self):
When functions in test files are not prepended with test_,
the function acts as a normal, helper function and is not run as a test
by the test suite.
Integration Tests
The integration tests start up a number of salt daemons to test functionality in a live environment. These daemons include 2 salt masters, 1 syndic, and 2 minions. This allows the syndic interface to be tested and master/minion communication to be verified. All of the integration tests are executed as live salt commands sent through the started daemons.
Integration tests are particularly good at testing modules, states, and shell commands.
- •
- Writing integration tests
Unit Tests
Direct unit tests are also available. These tests are good for testing internal functions.
- •
- Writing unit tests
Integration Tests
The Salt integration tests come with a number of classes and methods which allow for components to be easily tested. These classes are generally inherited from and provide specific methods for hooking into the running integration test environment created by the integration tests.
It is noteworthy that since integration tests validate against a running environment that they are generally the preferred means to write tests.
The integration system is all located under tests/integration in the Salt
source tree. Each directory within tests/integration corresponds to a
directory in Salt's tree structure. For example, the integration tests for the Salt module that is located in salt/modules should also be
named and reside in tests/integration/modules.
Adding New Directories
If the corresponding Salt directory does not exist within tests/integration, the new directory must be created along with the appropriate test file to maintain Salt's testing directory structure.
In order for Salt's test suite to recognize tests within the newly
created directory, options to run the new integration tests must be added to
tests/ Examples of the necessary options that must be added
can be found here: The functions that need to be
edited are setup_additional_options, validate_options, and
Integration Classes
The integration classes are located in tests/integration/ and
can be extended therein. There are three classes available to extend:
Used to define executions run via the master to minions and to call single modules and states.
The available methods are as follows:
- run_function:
- Run a single salt function and condition the return down to match the behavior of the raw function call. This will run the command and only return the results from a single minion to verify.
- state_result:
- Return the result data from a single state return
- run_state:
- Run the state.single command and return the state return structure
Used to execute remote commands via a syndic, only used to verify the capabilities of the Syndic.
The available methods are as follows:
- run_function:
- Run a single salt function and condition the return down to match the behavior of the raw function call. This will run the command and only return the results from a single minion to verify.
Shell out to the scripts which ship with Salt.
The available methods are as follows:
- run_script:
- Execute a salt script with the given argument string
- run_salt:
- Execute the salt command, pass in the argument string as it would be passed on the command line.
- run_run:
- Execute the salt-run command, pass in the argument string as it would be passed on the command line.
- run_run_plus:
- Execute Salt run and the salt run function and return the data from each in a dict
- run_key:
- Execute the salt-key command, pass in the argument string as it would be passed on the command line.
- run_cp:
- Execute salt-cp, pass in the argument string as it would be passed on the command line.
- run_call:
- Execute salt-call, pass in the argument string as it would be passed on the command line.
Module Example via ModuleCase Class
Import the integration module, this module is already added to the python path by the test execution. Inherit from the integration.ModuleCase class.
Now the workhorse method run_function can be used to test a module:
import os import integration class TestModuleTest(integration.ModuleCase): ''' Validate the test module ''' def test_ping(self): ''' ''' self.assertTrue(self.run_function('')) def test_echo(self): ''' test.echo ''' self.assertEqual(self.run_function('test.echo', ['text']), 'text')
Shell Example via ShellCase
Validating the shell commands can be done via shell tests:
import sys import shutil import tempfile import integration class KeyTest(integration.ShellCase): ''' Test salt-key script ''' _call_binary_ = 'salt-key' def test_list(self): ''' test salt-key -L ''' data = self.run_key('-L') expect = [ 'Unaccepted Keys:', 'Accepted Keys:', 'minion', 'sub_minion', 'Rejected:', ''] self.assertEqual(data, expect)
This example verifies that the salt-key command executes and returns as
expected by making use of the run_key method.
Integration Test Files
Since using Salt largely involves configuring states, editing files, and changing system data, the integration test suite contains a directory named files to aid in testing functions that require files. Various Salt integration tests use these example files to test against instead of altering system files and data.
Each directory within tests/integration/files contain files that accomplish different tasks, based on the needs of the integration tests using those files. For example, tests/integration/files/ssh is used to bootstrap the test runner for salt-ssh testing, while tests/integration/files/pillar contains files storing data needed to test various pillar functions.
The tests/integration/files directory also includes an integration state tree. The integration state tree can be found at tests/integration/files/file/base.
The following example demonstrates how integration files can be used with ModuleCase to test states:
import os import shutil import integration HFILE = os.path.join(integration.TMP, 'hosts') class HostTest(integration.ModuleCase): ''' Validate the host state ''' def setUp(self): shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(integration.FILES, 'hosts'), HFILE) super(HostTest, self).setUp() def tearDown(self): if os.path.exists(HFILE): os.remove(HFILE) super(HostTest, self).tearDown() def test_present(self): ''' host.present ''' name = 'spam.bacon' ip = '' ret = self.run_state('host.present', name=name, ip=ip) result = self.state_result(ret) self.assertTrue(result) with open(HFILE) as fp_: output = self.assertIn('{0}\t\t{1}'.format(ip, name), output)
To access the integration files, a variable named integration.FILES points to the tests/integration/files directory. This is where the referenced host.present sls file resides.
In addition to the static files in the integration state tree, the location
integration.TMP can also be used to store temporary files that the test system
will clean up when the execution finishes.
Destructive vs Non-Destructive Tests
Since Salt is used to change the settings and behavior of systems, one testing approach is to run tests that make actual changes to the underlying system. This is where the concept of destructive integration tests comes into play. Tests can be written to alter the system they are running on. This capability is what fills in the gap needed to properly test aspects of system management like package installation.
Any test that changes the underlying system in any way, such as creating or deleting users, installing packages, or changing permissions should include the @destructive decorator to signal system changes and should be written with care. System changes executed within a destructive test should also be restored once the related tests have completed. For example, if a new user is created to test a module, the same user should be removed after the test is completed to maintain system integrity.
To write a destructive test, import, and use the destructiveTest decorator for the test method:
import integration from salttesting.helpers import destructiveTest class DestructiveExampleModuleTest(integration.ModuleCase): ''' Demonstrate a destructive test ''' @destructiveTest @skipIf(os.geteuid() != 0, 'you must be root to run this test') def test_user_not_present(self): ''' This is a DESTRUCTIVE TEST it creates a new user on the minion. And then destroys that user. ''' ret = self.run_state('user.present', name='salt_test') self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret) ret = self.run_state('user.absent', name='salt_test') self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret)
Cloud Provider Tests
Cloud provider integration tests are used to assess Salt-Cloud's ability to create and destroy cloud instances for various supported cloud providers. Cloud provider tests inherit from the ShellCase Integration Class.
Any new cloud provider test files should be added to the tests/integration/cloud/providers/ directory. Each cloud provider test file also requires a sample cloud profile and cloud provider configuration file in the integration test file directory located at tests/integration/files/conf/cloud.*.d/.
The following is an example of the default profile configuration file for Digital Ocean, located at: tests/integration/files/conf/cloud.profiles.d/digital_ocean.conf:
digitalocean-test: provider: digitalocean-config image: Ubuntu 14.04 x64 size: 512MB
Each cloud provider requires different configuration credentials. Therefore, sensitive information such as API keys or passwords should be omitted from the cloud provider configuration file and replaced with an empty string. The necessary credentials can be provided by the user by editing the provider configuration file before running the tests.
The following is an example of the default provider configuration file for Digital Ocean, located at: tests/integration/files/conf/cloud.providers.d/digital_ocean.conf:
digitalocean-config: provider: digital_ocean client_key: '' api_key: '' location: New York 1
In addition to providing the necessary cloud profile and provider files in the integration test suite file structure, appropriate checks for if the configuration files exist and contain valid information are also required in the test class's setUp function:
class LinodeTest(integration.ShellCase): ''' Integration tests for the Linode cloud provider in Salt-Cloud ''' def setUp(self): ''' Sets up the test requirements ''' super(LinodeTest, self).setUp() # check if appropriate cloud provider and profile files are present profile_str = 'linode-config:' provider = 'linode' providers = self.run_cloud('--list-providers') if profile_str not in providers: self.skipTest( 'Configuration file for {0} was not found. Check {0}.conf files ' 'in tests/integration/files/conf/cloud.*.d/ to run these tests.' .format(provider) ) # check if apikey and password are present path = os.path.join(integration.FILES, 'conf', 'cloud.providers.d', provider + '.conf') config = cloud_providers_config(path) api = config['linode-config']['linode']['apikey'] password = config['linode-config']['linode']['password'] if api == '' or password == '': self.skipTest( 'An api key and password must be provided to run these tests. Check ' 'tests/integration/files/conf/cloud.providers.d/{0}.conf'.format( provider ) )
Repeatedly creating and destroying instances on cloud providers can be costly. Therefore, cloud provider tests are off by default and do not run automatically. To run the cloud provider tests, the --cloud-provider-tests flag must be provided:
./tests/ --cloud-provider-tests
Since cloud provider tests do not run automatically, all provider tests must be preceded with the @expensiveTest decorator. The expensive test decorator is necessary because it signals to the test suite that the --cloud-provider-tests flag is required to run the cloud provider tests.
To write a cloud provider test, import, and use the expensiveTest decorator for the test function:
from salttesting.helpers import expensiveTest @expensiveTest def test_instance(self): ''' Test creating an instance on Linode ''' name = 'linode-testing' # create the instance instance = self.run_cloud('-p linode-test {0}'.format(name)) str = ' {0}'.format(name) # check if instance with salt installed returned as expected try: self.assertIn(str, instance) except AssertionError: self.run_cloud('-d {0} --assume-yes'.format(name)) raise # delete the instance delete = self.run_cloud('-d {0} --assume-yes'.format(name)) str = ' True' try: self.assertIn(str, delete) except AssertionError: raise
Writing Unit Tests
Like many software projects, Salt has two broad-based testing approaches --
integration testing and unit testing. While integration testing focuses on the
interaction between components in a sandboxed environment, unit testing focuses
on the singular implementation of individual functions.
Preparing to Write a Unit Test
This guide assumes you've followed the directions for setting up salt testing.
Unit tests should be written to the following specifications:
- •
- All the tests for a specific module at salt/.../<module>.py need to be contained in a file called tests/unit/.../<module>, e.g. the tests for salt/modules/ need to be contained in a file called tests/unit/modules/
- •
- The tests within tests/unit/modules/ file must be member functions of a class which subclasses salttesting.Testcase
- •
- Each external resource used in the code to be tested, such as function calls, external data either globally available or passed in through the function arguments, file data, etc. needs to be mocked.
- •
- Each raise and return statement of the code to be tested needs to be separately and independently tested.
- •
- Test functions should contain only one test and contain all necessary mock data and mock code for that test.
- •
Test functions should be named test_<fcn>_<test-name> where <fcn> is the name
of the function being tested and <test-name> describes which raise or return
within the function is being tested and whether that raise or return
statement is considered a success or a failure condition.
Most commonly, the following imports are necessary to create a unit test:
# Import Salt Testing libs from salttesting import skipIf, TestCase from salttesting.helpers import ensure_in_syspath
If you need mock support to your tests, please also import:
from salttesting.mock import NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON, MagicMock, patch, call
A Simple Example
Let's assume that we're testing a very basic function in an imaginary Salt execution module. Given a module called that has a function called calculate(num_of_results), which given a num_of_results, produces a list of sequential Fibonacci numbers of that length.
A unit test to test this function might be commonly placed in a file called tests/unit/modules/ The convention is to place unit tests for Salt execution modules in test/unit/modules/ and to name the tests module suffixed with
Tests are grouped around test cases, which are logically grouped sets of tests against a piece of functionality in the tested software. Test cases are created as Python classes in the unit test module. To return to our example, here's how we might write the skeleton for testing
# Import Salt Testing libs from salttesting import TestCase # Import Salt execution module to test from salt.modules import fib # Create test case class and inherit from Salt's customized TestCase class FibTestCase(TestCase): ''' This class contains a set of functions that test salt.modules.fib. ''' def test_fib(self): ''' To create a unit test, we should prefix the name with `test_' so that it's recognized by the test runner. ''' fib_five = (0, 1, 1, 2, 3) self.assertEqual(fib.calculate(5), fib_five)
At this point, the test can now be run, either individually or as a part of a full run of the test runner. To ease development, a single test can be executed:
tests/ -n unit.modules.fib_test
This will produce output indicating the success or failure of the tests in given test case. For more detailed results, one can also include a flag to increase verbosity:
tests/ -n unit.modules.fib_test -v
To review the results of a particular run, take a note of the log location given in the output for each test:
Logging tests on /var/folders/nl/d809xbq577l3qrbj3ymtpbq80000gn/T/salt-runtests.log
Evaluating Truth
A longer discussion on the types of assertions one can make can be found by
reading Python's documentation on unit testing.
Tests Using Mock Objects
In many cases, the very purpose of a Salt module is to interact with some external system, whether it be to control a database, manipulate files on a filesystem or many other examples. In these varied cases, it's necessary to design a unit test which can test the function whilst replacing functions which might actually call out to external systems. One might think of this as "blocking the exits" for code under tests and redirecting the calls to external systems with our own code which produces known results during the duration of the test.
To achieve this behavior, Salt makes heavy use of the MagicMock package.
To understand how one might integrate Mock into writing a unit test for Salt, let's imagine a scenario in which we're testing an execution module that's designed to operate on a database. Furthermore, let's imagine two separate methods, here presented in pseduo-code in an imaginary execution module called '
def create_user(username): qry = 'CREATE USER {0}'.format(username) execute_query(qry) def execute_query(qry): # Connect to a database and actually do the query...
Here, let's imagine that we want to create a unit test for the create_user function. In doing so, we want to avoid any calls out to an external system and so while we are running our unit tests, we want to replace the actual interaction with a database with a function that can capture the parameters sent to it and return pre-defined values. Therefore, our task is clear -- to write a unit test which tests the functionality of create_user while also replacing 'execute_query' with a mocked function.
To begin, we set up the skeleton of our class much like we did before, but with additional imports for MagicMock:
# Import Salt Testing libs from salttesting import TestCase # Import Salt execution module to test from salt.modules import db # NEW! -- Import Mock libraries from salttesting.mock import NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON, MagicMock, patch, call # Create test case class and inherit from Salt's customized TestCase # Skip this test case if we don't have access to mock! @skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) class DbTestCase(TestCase): def test_create_user(self): # First, we replace 'execute_query' with our own mock function db.execute_query = MagicMock() # Now that the exits are blocked, we can run the function under test. db.create_user('testuser') # We could now query our mock object to see which calls were made # to it. ## print db.execute_query.mock_calls ''' We want to test to ensure that the correct query was formed. This is a contrived example, just designed to illustrate the concepts at hand. We're going to first construct a call() object that represents the way we expect our mocked execute_query() function to have been called. Then, we'll examine the list of calls that were actually made to to execute_function(). By comparing our expected call to execute_query() with create_user()'s call to execute_query(), we can determine the success or failure of our unit test. ''' expected_call = call('CREATE USER testuser') # Do the comparison! Will assert False if execute_query() was not # called with the given call db.execute_query.assert_has_calls(expected_call)
Modifying __salt__ In Place
At times, it becomes necessary to make modifications to a module's view of functions in its own __salt__ dictionary. Luckily, this process is quite easy.
Below is an example that uses MagicMock's patch functionality to insert a function into __salt__ that's actually a MagicMock instance.
def show_patch(self): with patch.dict(my_module.__salt__, {'function.to_replace': MagicMock()}: # From this scope, carry on with testing, with a modified __salt__!
A More Complete Example
Consider the following function from salt/modules/
def get(name): ''' Return a single sysctl parameter for this minion CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' sysctl.get net.ipv4.ip_forward ''' cmd = 'sysctl -n {0}'.format(name) out = __salt__[''](cmd) return out
This function is very simple, comprising only four source lines of code and having only one return statement, so we know only one test is needed. There are also two inputs to the function, the name function argument and the call to __salt__[''](), both of which need to be appropriately mocked. Mocking a function parameter is straightforward, whereas mocking a function call will require, in this case, the use of MagicMock. For added isolation, we will also redefine the __salt__ dictionary such that it only contains ''.
# Import Salt Libs from salt.modules import linux_sysctl # Import Salt Testing Libs from salttesting import skipIf, TestCase from salttesting.helpers import ensure_in_syspath from salttesting.mock import ( MagicMock, patch, NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON ) ensure_in_syspath('../../') # Globals linux_sysctl.__salt__ = {} @skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) class LinuxSysctlTestCase(TestCase): ''' TestCase for salt.modules.linux_sysctl module ''' def test_get(self): ''' Tests the return of get function ''' mock_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=1) with patch.dict(linux_sysctl.__salt__, {'': mock_cmd}): self.assertEqual(linux_sysctl.get('net.ipv4.ip_forward'), 1) if __name__ == '__main__': from integration import run_tests run_tests(LinuxSysctlTestCase, needs_daemon=False)
Since get() has only one raise or return statement and that statement is a
success condition, the test function is simply named test_get(). As
described, the single function call parameter, name is mocked with
net.ipv4.ip_forward and __salt__[''] is replaced by a MagicMock
function object. We are only interested in the return value of
__salt__[''], which MagicMock allows to be specified via
return_value=1. Finally, the test itself tests for equality between the
return value of get() and the expected return of 1. This assertion is
expected to succeed because get() will determine its return value from
__salt__[''], which we have mocked to return 1.
A Complex Example
Now consider the assign() function from the same salt/modules/ source file.
def assign(name, value): ''' Assign a single sysctl parameter for this minion CLI Example: .. code-block:: bash salt '*' sysctl.assign net.ipv4.ip_forward 1 ''' value = str(value) sysctl_file = '/proc/sys/{0}'.format(name.replace('.', '/')) if not os.path.exists(sysctl_file): raise CommandExecutionError('sysctl {0} does not exist'.format(name)) ret = {} cmd = 'sysctl -w {0}="{1}"'.format(name, value) data = __salt__['cmd.run_all'](cmd) out = data['stdout'] err = data['stderr'] # Example: # # sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem="4096 87380 16777216" # net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 16777216 regex = re.compile(r'^{0}\s+=\s+{1}$'.format(re.escape(name), re.escape(value))) if not regex.match(out) or 'Invalid argument' in str(err): if data['retcode'] != 0 and err: error = err else: error = out raise CommandExecutionError('sysctl -w failed: {0}'.format(error)) new_name, new_value = out.split(' = ', 1) ret[new_name] = new_value return ret
This function contains two raise statements and one return statement, so we know that we will need (at least) three tests. It has two function arguments and many references to non-builtin functions. In the tests below you will see that MagicMock's patch() method may be used as a context manager or as a decorator.
There are three test functions, one for each raise and return statement in the source function. Each function is self-contained and contains all and only the mocks and data needed to test the raise or return statement it is concerned with.
# Import Salt Libs from salt.modules import linux_sysctl from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError # Import Salt Testing Libs from salttesting import skipIf, TestCase from salttesting.helpers import ensure_in_syspath from salttesting.mock import ( MagicMock, patch, NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON ) ensure_in_syspath('../../') # Globals linux_sysctl.__salt__ = {} @skipIf(NO_MOCK, NO_MOCK_REASON) class LinuxSysctlTestCase(TestCase): ''' TestCase for salt.modules.linux_sysctl module ''' @patch('os.path.exists', MagicMock(return_value=False)) def test_assign_proc_sys_failed(self): ''' Tests if /proc/sys/<kernel-subsystem> exists or not ''' cmd = {'pid': 1337, 'retcode': 0, 'stderr': '', 'stdout': 'net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1'} mock_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=cmd) with patch.dict(linux_sysctl.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': mock_cmd}): self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError, linux_sysctl.assign, 'net.ipv4.ip_forward', 1) @patch('os.path.exists', MagicMock(return_value=True)) def test_assign_cmd_failed(self): ''' Tests if the assignment was successful or not ''' cmd = {'pid': 1337, 'retcode': 0, 'stderr': 'sysctl: setting key "net.ipv4.ip_forward": Invalid argument', 'stdout': 'net.ipv4.ip_forward = backward'} mock_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=cmd) with patch.dict(linux_sysctl.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': mock_cmd}): self.assertRaises(CommandExecutionError, linux_sysctl.assign, 'net.ipv4.ip_forward', 'backward') @patch('os.path.exists', MagicMock(return_value=True)) def test_assign_success(self): ''' Tests the return of successful assign function ''' cmd = {'pid': 1337, 'retcode': 0, 'stderr': '', 'stdout': 'net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1'} ret = {'net.ipv4.ip_forward': '1'} mock_cmd = MagicMock(return_value=cmd) with patch.dict(linux_sysctl.__salt__, {'cmd.run_all': mock_cmd}): self.assertEqual(linux_sysctl.assign( 'net.ipv4.ip_forward', 1), ret) if __name__ == '__main__': from integration import run_tests run_tests(LinuxSysctlTestCase, needs_daemon=False)
# RAET # Reliable Asynchronous Event Transport Protocol
OSI Layers
7: Application: Format: Data (Stack to Application interface buffering etc) 6: Presentation: Format: Data (Encrypt-Decrypt convert to machine independent format) 5: Session: Format: Data (Interhost communications. Authentication. Groups) 4: Transport: Format: Segments (Reliable delivery of Message, Transactions, Segmentation, Error checking) 3: Network: Format: Packets/Datagrams (Addressing Routing) 2: Link: Format: Frames ( Reliable per frame communications connection, Media access controller ) 1: Physical: Bits (Transceiver communication connection not reliable)
Link is hidden from Raet Network is IP host address and Udp Port Transport is Raet transactions, service kind, tail error checking, Could include header signing as part of transport reliable delivery serialization of header Session is session id key exchange for signing. Grouping is Road (like 852 channel) Presentation is Encrypt Decrypt body Serialize Deserialize Body Application is body data dictionary
Header signing spans both the Transport and Session layers.
JSON Header (Tradeoff some processing speed for extensibility, ease of use, readability)
Body initially JSON but support for "packed" binary body
Header ASCII Safe JSON Header termination: Empty line given by double pair of carriage return linefeed /r/n/r/n 10 13 10 13 ADAD 1010 1101 1010 1101
In json carriage return and newline characters cannot appear in a json encoded string unless they are escaped with backslash, so the 4 byte combination is illegal in valid json that does not have multi-byte unicode characters.
These means the header must be ascii safe so no multibyte utf-8 strings allowed in header.
Following Header Terminator is variable length signature block. This is binary and the length is provided in the header.
Following the signature block is the packet body or data. This may either be JSON or packed binary. The format is given in the json header
Finally is an optional tail block for error checking or encryption details
Header Fields
In UDP header
sh = source host sp = source port dh = destination host dp = destination port
In RAET Header
hk = header kind hl = header length
vn = version number
sd = Source Device ID dd = Destination Device ID cf = Corresponder Flag mf = Multicast Flag
si = Session ID ti = Transaction ID
sk = Service Kind pk = Packet Kind bf = Burst Flag (Send all Segments or Ordered packets without interleaved acks)
oi = Order Index dt = DateTime Stamp
sn = Segment Number sc = Segment Count
pf = Pending Segment Flag af = All Flag (Resent all Segments not just one)
nk = Auth header kind nl = Auth header length
bk = body kind bl = body length
tk = tail kind tl = tail length
- fg = flags packed (Flags) Default '00' hex string
- 2 byte Hex string with bits (0, 0, af, pf, 0, bf, mf, cf) Zeros are TBD flags
Session Bootstrap
Minion sends packet with SID of Zero with public key of minions Public Private Key pair Master acks packet with SID of Zero to let minion know it received the request
Some time later Master sends packet with SID of zero that accepts the Minion
Session is important for security. Want one session opened and then multiple transactions within session.
Session ID SID sid
GUID hash to guarantee uniqueness since no guarantee of nonvolatile storage
or require file storage to keep last session ID used.
Service Types or Modular Services
Four Service Types
- A.
- One or more maybe (unacknowledged repeat) maybe means no guarantee
- B.
- Exactly one at most (ack with retries) (duplicate detection idempotent)
- at most means fixed number of retries has finite probability of failing B1) finite retries B2) infinite retries with exponential back-off up to a maximum delay
- C.
- Exactly one of sequence at most (sequence numbered)
- Receiver requests retry of missing packet with same B1 or B2 retry type
- D.
- End to End (Application layer Request Response)
This is two B sub transactions
Initially unicast messaging Eventually support for Multicast
The use case for C) is to fragment large packets as once a UDP packet exceeds the frame size its reliability goes way down So its more reliable to fragment large packets.
Better approach might be to have more modularity. Services Levels
- 1.
- Maybe one or more
- A.
- Fire and forget
- no transaction either side
- B.
- Repeat, no ack, no dupdet
- repeat counter send side, no transaction on receive side
- C.
- Repeat, no Ack, dupdet
- repeat counter send side, dup detection transaction receive side
- 2.
- More or Less Once
- A.
- retry finite, ack no dupdet
- retry timer send side, finite number of retires ack receive side no dupdet
- 3.
- At most Once
- A.
- retry finite, ack, dupdet
- retry timer send side, finite number of retires ack receive side dupdet
- 4.
- Exactly once
- A.
- ack retry
- retry timer send side, ack and duplicate detection receive side Infinite retries with exponential backoff
- 5.
- Sequential sequence number
- A.
- reorder escrow
- B.
- Segmented packets
- 6.
request response to application layer
Service Features
- 1.
- repeats
- 2.
- ack retry transaction id
- 3.
- sequence number duplicate detection out of order detection sequencing
- 4.
Always include transaction id since multiple transactions on same port So get duplicate detection for free if keep transaction alive but if use
A) Maybe one or more B1) At Least One B2) Exactly One C) One of sequence D) End to End
A) Sender creates transaction id for number of repeats but receiver does not keep transaction alive
B1) Sender creates transaction id keeps it for retries. Receiver keeps it to send ack then kills so retry could be duplicate not detected
B2) Sender creates transaction id keeps for retries Receiver keeps tid for acks on any retires so no duplicates.
C) Sender creates TID and Sequence Number. Receiver checks for out of order sequence and can request retry.
D) Application layer sends response. So question is do we keep transaction open or have response be new transaction. No because then we need a rep-req ID so might as well use the same transaction id. Just keep alive until get response.
Little advantage to B1 vs B2 not having duplicates.
So 4 service types
- A.
- Maybe one or more (unacknowledged repeat)
- B.
- Exactly One (At most one) (ack with retry) (duplicate detection idempotent)
- C.
- One of Sequence (sequence numbered)
- D.
End to End
Also multicast or unicast
Modular Transaction Table
- Sender Side:
- Transaction ID plus transaction source sender or receiver generated transaction id Repeat Counter Retry Timer Retry Counter (finite retries) Redo Timer (infinite redos with exponential backoff) Sequence number without acks (look for resend requests) Sequence with ack (wait for ack before sending next in sequence) Segmentation
- Receiver Side:
- Nothing just accept packet Acknowledge (can delete transaction after acknowledge) No duplicate detection Transaction timeout (keep transaction until timeout) Duplicate detection save transaction id duplicate detection timeout Request resend of missing packet in sequence Sequence reordering with escrow timeout wait escrow before requesting resend Unsegmentation (request resends of missing segment)
SaltStack Git Policy
The SaltStack team follows a git policy to maintain stability and consistency with the repository.
The git policy has been developed to encourage contributions and make contributing to Salt as easy as possible. Code contributors to SaltStack projects DO NOT NEED TO READ THIS DOCUMENT, because all contributions come into SaltStack via a single gateway to make it as easy as possible for contributors to give us code.
The primary rule of git management in SaltStack is to make life easy on
contributors and developers to send in code. Simplicity is always a goal!
New Code Entry
All new SaltStack code is posted to the develop branch, which is the single
point of entry. The only exception is when a bugfix to develop cannot be
cleanly merged into a release branch and the bugfix needs to be rewritten for
the release branch.
Release Branching
SaltStack maintains two types of releases, Feature Releases and
Point Releases. A feature release is managed by incrementing the first or
second release point number, so 0.10.5 -> 0.11.0 signifies a feature release
and 0.11.0 -> 0.11.1 signifies a point release, also a hypothetical
0.42.7 -> 1.0.0 would also signify a feature release.
Feature Release Branching
Each feature release is maintained in a dedicated git branch derived from the last applicable release commit on develop. All file changes relevant to the feature release will be completed in the develop branch prior to the creation of the feature release branch. The feature release branch will be named after the relevant numbers to the feature release, which constitute the first two numbers. This means that the release branch for the 0.11.0 series is named 0.11.
A feature release branch is created with the following command:
# git checkout -b 0.11 # From the develop branch # git push origin 0.11
Point Releases
Each point release is derived from its parent release branch. Constructing point releases is a critical aspect of Salt development and is managed by members of the core development team. Point releases comprise bug and security fixes which are cherry picked from develop onto the aforementioned release branch. At the time when a core developer accepts a pull request a determination needs to be made if the commits in the pull request need to be backported to the release branch. Some simple criteria are used to make this determination:
- •
- Is this commit fixing a bug? Backport
- •
- Does this commit change or add new features in any way? Don't backport
- •
- Is this a PEP8 or code cleanup commit? Don't backport
- •
Does this commit fix a security issue?
Determining when a point release is going to be made is up to the project leader (Thomas Hatch). Generally point releases are made every 1-2 weeks or if there is a security fix they can be made sooner.
The point release is only designated by tagging the commit on the release branch with release number using the existing convention (version 0.11.1 is tagged with v0.11.1). From the tag point a new source tarball is generated and published to PyPI, and a release announcement is made.
Salt Conventions
Writing Salt Documentation
Salt's documentation is built using the Sphinx documentation system. It can be built in a large variety of output formats including HTML, PDF, ePub, and manpage.
All the documentation is contained in the main Salt repository. Speaking
broadly, most of the narrative documentation is contained within the subdirectory and most of the reference and API documentation is
written inline with Salt's Python code and extracted using a Sphinx extension.
The Salt project recommends the IEEE style guide as a general reference for
writing guidelines. Those guidelines are not strictly enforced but rather serve
as an excellent resource for technical writing questions. The NCBI style
guide is another very approachable resource.
Use third-person perspective and avoid "I", "we", "you" forms of address.
Identify the addressee specifically e.g., "users should", "the compiler does",
Active voice
Use active voice and present-tense. Avoid filler words.
Title capitalization
Document titles and section titles within a page should follow normal sentence capitalization rules. Words that are capitalized as part of a regular sentence should be capitalized in a title and otherwise left as lowercase. Punctuation can be omitted unless it aids the intent of the title (e.g., exclamation points or question marks).
For example:
This is a main heading ====================== Paragraph. This is an exciting sub-heading! -------------------------------- Paragraph.
Serial Commas
According to Wikipedia: In English punctuation, a serial comma or series comma (also called Oxford comma and Harvard comma) is a comma placed immediately before the coordinating conjunction (usually "and", "or", or "nor") in a series of three or more terms. For example, a list of three countries might be punctuated either as "France, Italy, and Spain" (with the serial comma), or as "France, Italy and Spain" (without the serial comma)."
When writing a list that includes three or more items, the serial comma should
always be used.
Documenting modules
Documentation for Salt's various module types is inline in the code. During the
documentation build process it is extracted and formatted into the final HTML,
PDF, etc format.
Inline documentation
Python has special multi-line strings called docstrings as the first element in a function or class. These strings allow documentation to live alongside the code and can contain special formatting. For example:
def my_function(value): ''' Upper-case the given value Usage: .. code-block:: python val = 'a string' new_val = myfunction(val) print(new_val) # 'A STRING' :param value: a string :return: a copy of ``value`` that has been upper-cased ''' return value.upper()
Specify a release for additions or changes
New functions or changes to existing functions should include a marker that denotes what Salt release will be affected. For example:
def my_function(value): ''' Upper-case the given value .. versionadded:: 2014.7.0 <...snip...> ''' return value.upper()
For changes to a function:
def my_function(value, strip=False): ''' Upper-case the given value .. versionchanged:: Boron Added a flag to also strip whitespace from the string. <...snip...> ''' if strip: return value.upper().strip() return value.upper()
Adding module documentation to the index
Each module type has an index listing all modules of that type. For example: all-salt.modules, all-salt.states, all-salt.renderers. New modules must be added to the index manually.
- 1.
- Edit the file for the module type: execution modules, state modules, renderer modules, etc.
- 2.
- Add the new module to the alphebetized list.
- 3.
- Build the documentation which will generate an .rst file for the new module in the same directory as the index.rst.
- 4.
- Commit the changes to index.rst and the new .rst file and send a pull request.
The Sphinx documentation system contains a wide variety of cross-referencing
Glossary entries
Link to glossary entries using the term role. A cross-reference should be added the first time a Salt-specific term is used in a document.
A common way to encapsulate master-side functionality is by writing a custom :term:`Runner Function`. Custom Runner Functions are easy to write.
Index entries
Sphinx automatically generates many kinds of index entries, but it is occasionally useful to manually add items to the index.
One method is to use the index directive above the document or section that should appear in the index.
.. index:: ! Event, event bus, event system see: Reactor; Event
Another method is to use the index role inline with the text that should appear in the index. The index entry is created and the target text is left otherwise intact.
Information about the :index:`Salt Reactor` ------------------------------------------- Paragraph.
Documents and sections
Each document should contain a unique top-level label of the form:
.. _my-page: My page ======= Paragraph.
Unique labels can be linked using the ref role. This allows cross-references to survive document renames or movement.
For more information see :ref:`my-page`.
Note, the :doc: role should not be used to link documents together.
Cross-references to Salt modules can be added using Sphinx's Python domain roles. For example, to create a link to the function:
A useful execution module to test active communication with a minion is the :py:func:` <>` function.
Salt modules can be referenced as well:
The :py:mod:`test module <salt.modules.test>` contains many useful functions for inspecting an active Salt connection.
The same syntax works for all modules types:
One of the workhorse state module functions in Salt is the :py:func:`file.managed <salt.states.file.managed>` function.
Individual settings in the Salt Master or Salt Minion configuration files are cross-referenced using two custom roles, conf_master, and conf_minion.
The :conf_minion:`minion ID <id>` setting is a unique identifier for a single minion.
Documentation Changes and Fixes
Documentation changes and fixes should be made against the earliest supported release branch that the update applies to. The practice of updating a release branch instead of making all documentation changes against Salt's main, default branch, develop, is necessary in order for the docs to be as up-to-date as possible when the docs are built.
The workflow mentioned above is also in line with the recommendations outlined in Salt's contributing page. You can read more about how to choose where to submit documentation fixes by reading the which-salt-branch section.
For an explanation of how to submit changes against various branches, see the
github-pull-request section. Specifically, see the section describing
how to Create a new branch and the steps that follow.
Building the documentation
- 1.
- Install Sphinx using a system package manager or pip. The package name is often of the form python-sphinx. There are no other dependencies.
- 2.
Build the documentation using the provided Makefile or .bat file on
cd /path/to/salt/doc make html
- 3.
- The generated documentation will be written to the doc/_build/<format> directory.
- 4.
A useful method of viewing the HTML documentation locally is to start
Python's built-in HTTP server:
cd /path/to/salt/doc/_build/html python -m SimpleHTTPServer
Then pull up the documentation in a web browser at http://localhost:8000/.
Salt Formulas
Formulas are pre-written Salt States. They are as open-ended as Salt States themselves and can be used for tasks such as installing a package, configuring, and starting a service, setting up users or permissions, and many other common tasks.
All official Salt Formulas are found as separate Git repositories in the "saltstack-formulas" organization on GitHub:
As a simple example, to install the popular Apache web server (using the normal defaults for the underlying distro) simply include the apache-formula from a top file:
base: 'web*': - apache
Each Salt Formula is an individual Git repository designed as a drop-in
addition to an existing Salt State tree. Formulas can be installed in the
following ways.
Adding a Formula as a GitFS remote
One design goal of Salt's GitFS fileserver backend was to facilitate reusable States. GitFS is a quick and natural way to use Formulas.
- 1.
- Install and configure GitFS.
- 2.
Add one or more Formula repository URLs as remotes in the
gitfs_remotes list in the Salt Master configuration file:
gitfs_remotes: - -
We strongly recommend forking a formula repository into your own GitHub account to avoid unexpected changes to your infrastructure.
Many Salt Formulas are highly active repositories so pull new changes with care. Plus any additions you make to your fork can be easily sent back upstream with a quick pull request!
- 3.
- Restart the Salt master.
Adding a Formula directory manually
Formulas are simply directories that can be copied onto the local file system by using Git to clone the repository or by downloading and expanding a tarball or zip file of the repository. The directory structure is designed to work with file_roots in the Salt master configuration.
- 1.
Clone or download the repository into a directory:
mkdir -p /srv/formulas cd /srv/formulas git clone # or mkdir -p /srv/formulas cd /srv/formulas wget tar xf apache-formula-master.tar.gz
- 2.
Add the new directory to file_roots:
file_roots: base: - /srv/salt - /srv/formulas/apache-formula
- 3.
- Restart the Salt Master.
Each Formula is intended to be immediately usable with sane defaults without
any additional configuration. Many formulas are also configurable by including
data in Pillar; see the pillar.example file in each Formula repository
for available options.
Including a Formula in an existing State tree
Formula may be included in an existing sls file. This is often useful when a state you are writing needs to require or extend a state defined in the formula.
Here is an example of a state that uses the epel-formula in a require declaration which directs Salt to not install the python26 package until after the EPEL repository has also been installed:
include: - epel python26: pkg.installed: - require: - pkg: epel
Including a Formula from a Top File
Some Formula perform completely standalone installations that are not referenced from other state files. It is usually cleanest to include these Formula directly from a Top File.
For example the easiest way to set up an OpenStack deployment on a single machine is to include the openstack-standalone-formula directly from a top.sls file:
base: 'myopenstackmaster': - openstack
Quickly deploying OpenStack across several dedicated machines could also be done directly from a Top File and may look something like this:
base: 'controller': - openstack.horizon - openstack.keystone 'hyper-*': - openstack.nova - openstack.glance 'storage-*': - openstack.swift
Configuring Formula using Pillar
Salt Formulas are designed to work out of the box with no additional
configuration. However, many Formula support additional configuration and
customization through Pillar. Examples of available options can
be found in a file named pillar.example in the root directory of each
Formula repository.
Using Formula with your own states
Remember that Formula are regular Salt States and can be used with all Salt's normal state mechanisms. Formula can be required from other States with requisites-require declarations, they can be modified using extend, they can made to watch other states with requisites-watch-in.
The following example uses the stock apache-formula alongside a custom state to create a vhost on a Debian/Ubuntu system and to reload the Apache service whenever the vhost is changed.
# Include the stock, upstream apache formula. include: - apache # Use the watch_in requisite to cause the apache service state to reload # apache whenever the my-example-com-vhost state changes. my-example-com-vhost: file: - managed - name: /etc/apache2/sites-available/my-example-com - watch_in: - service: apache
Don't be shy to read through the source for each Formula!
Reporting problems & making additions
Each Formula is a separate repository on GitHub. If you encounter a bug with a
Formula please file an issue in the respective repository! Send fixes and
additions as a pull request. Add tips and tricks to the repository wiki.
Writing Formulas
Each Formula is a separate repository in the saltstack-formulas organization on GitHub.
NOTE: Get involved creating new Formulas
The best way to create new Formula repositories for now is to create a repository in your own account on GitHub and notify a SaltStack employee when it is ready. We will add you to the contributors team on the saltstack-formulas organization and help you transfer the repository over. Ping a SaltStack employee on IRC (#salt on Freenode) or send an email to the salt-users mailing list.
There are a lot of repositories in that organization! Team members can
manage which repositories they are subscribed to on GitHub's watching page:
Maintainability, readability, and reusability are all marks of a good Salt sls file. This section contains several suggestions and examples.
# Deploy the stable master branch unless version overridden by passing # Pillar at the CLI or via the Reactor. deploy_myapp: git.latest: - name: git [at] - version: {{ salt.pillar.get('myapp:version', 'master') }}
Use a descriptive State ID
The ID of a state is used as a unique identifier that may be referenced via other states in requisites. It must be unique across the whole state tree (it is a key in a dictionary, after all).
In addition a state ID should be descriptive and serve as a high-level hint of
what it will do, or manage, or change. For example, deploy_webapp, or
apache, or reload_firewall.
Use module.function notation
So-called "short-declaration" notation is preferred for referencing state modules and state functions. It provides a consistent pattern of module.function shared between Salt States, the Reactor, Overstate, Salt Mine, the Scheduler, as well as with the CLI.
# Do apache: pkg.installed: - name: httpd # Don't apache: pkg: - installed - name: httpd
Salt's state compiler will transform "short-decs" into the longer format
when compiling the human-friendly highstate structure into the
machine-friendly lowstate structure.
Specify the name parameter
Use a unique and permanent identifier for the state ID and reserve name for data with variability.
The name declaration is a required parameter for all state functions. The state ID will implicitly be used as name if it is not explicitly set in the state.
In many state functions the name parameter is used for data that varies
such as OS-specific package names, OS-specific file system paths, repository
addresses, etc. Any time the ID of a state changes all references to that ID
must also be changed. Use a permanent ID when writing a state the first time to
future-proof that state and allow for easier refactors down the road.
Comment state files
YAML allows comments at varying indentation levels. It is a good practice to comment state files. Use vertical whitespace to visually separate different concepts or actions.
# Start with a high-level description of the current sls file. # Explain the scope of what it will do or manage. # Comment individual states as necessary. update_a_config_file: # Provide details on why an unusual choice was made. For example: # # This template is fetched from a third-party and does not fit our # company norm of using Jinja. This must be processed using Mako. file.managed: - name: /path/to/file.cfg - source: salt://path/to/file.cfg.template - template: mako # Provide a description or explanation that did not fit within the state # ID. For example: # # Update the application's last-deployed timestamp. # This is a workaround until Bob configures Jenkins to automate RPM # builds of the app. # FIXME: Joe needs this to run on Windows by next quarter. Switch these # from shell commands to Salt's file.managed and file.replace state # modules. - name: | touch /path/to/file_last_updated sed -e 's/foo/bar/g' /path/to/file_environment - onchanges: - file: a_config_file
Be careful to use Jinja comments for commenting Jinja code and YAML comments for commenting YAML code.
# BAD EXAMPLE # The Jinja in this YAML comment is still executed! # {% set apache_is_installed = 'apache' in salt.pkg.list_pkgs() %} # GOOD EXAMPLE # The Jinja in this Jinja comment will not be executed. {# {% set apache_is_installed = 'apache' in salt.pkg.list_pkgs() %} #}
Easy on the Jinja!
Jinja templating provides vast flexibility and power when building Salt sls files. It can also create an unmaintainable tangle of logic and data. Speaking broadly, Jinja is best used when kept apart from the states (as much as is possible).
Below are guidelines and examples of how Jinja can be used effectively.
Know the evaluation and execution order
High-level knowledge of how Salt states are compiled and run is useful when writing states.
The default renderer setting in Salt is Jinja piped to YAML. Each is a separate step. Each step is not aware of the previous or following step. Jinja is not YAML aware, YAML is not Jinja aware; they cannot share variables or interact.
- •
- Whatever the Jinja step produces must be valid YAML.
- •
- Whatever the YAML step produces must be a valid highstate data structure. (This is also true of the final step for any of the alternate renderers in Salt.)
- •
- Highstate can be thought of as a human-friendly data structure; easy to write and easy to read.
- •
- Salt's state compiler validates the highstate and compiles it to low state.
- •
- Low state can be thought of as a machine-friendly data structure. It is a list of dictionaries that each map directly to a function call.
- •
- Salt's state system finally starts and executes on each "chunk" in the low state. Remember that requisites are evaluated at runtime.
- •
The return for each function call is added to the "running" dictionary which
is the final output at the end of the state run.
The full evaluation and execution order:
Jinja -> YAML -> Highstate -> low state -> execution
Avoid changing the underlying system with Jinja
Avoid calling commands from Jinja that change the underlying system. Commands
run via Jinja do not respect Salt's dry-run mode (test=True)! This is
usually in conflict with the idempotent nature of Salt states unless the
command being run is also idempotent.
Inspect the local system
A common use for Jinja in Salt states is to gather information about the underlying system. The grains dictionary available in the Jinja context is a great example of common data points that Salt itself has already gathered. Less common values are often found by running commands. For example:
{% set is_selinux_enabled ='sestatus') == '1' %}
This is usually best done with a variable assignment in order to separate the
data from the state that will make use of the data.
Gather external data
One of the most common uses for Jinja is to pull external data into the state file. External data can come from anywhere like API calls or database queries, but it most commonly comes from flat files on the file system or Pillar data from the Salt Master. For example:
{% set some_data = salt.pillar.get('some_data', {'sane default': True}) %} {# or #} {% import_yaml 'path/to/file.yaml' as some_data %} {# or #} {% import_json 'path/to/file.json' as some_data %} {# or #} {% import_text 'path/to/' as ssh_pub_key %} {# or #} {% from 'path/to/other_file.jinja' import some_data with context %}
This is usually best done with a variable assignment in order to separate the
data from the state that will make use of the data.
Light conditionals and looping
Jinja is extremely powerful for programatically generating Salt states. It is also easy to overuse. As a rule of thumb, if it is hard to read it will be hard to maintain!
Separate Jinja control-flow statements from the states as much as is possible to create readable states. Limit Jinja within states to simple variable lookups.
Below is a simple example of a readable loop:
{% for user in salt.pillar.get('list_of_users', []) %} {# Ensure unique state IDs when looping. #} {{ }}-{{ loop.index }}: user.present: - name: {{ }} - shell: {{ }} {% endfor %}
Avoid putting a Jinja conditionals within Salt states where possible. Readability suffers and the correct YAML indentation is difficult to see in the surrounding visual noise. Parameterization (discussed below) and variables are both useful techniques to avoid this. For example:
{# ---- Bad example ---- #} apache: pkg.installed: {% if grains.os_family == 'RedHat' %} - name: httpd {% elif grains.os_family == 'Debian' %} - name: apache2 {% endif %} {# ---- Better example ---- #} {% if grains.os_family == 'RedHat' %} {% set name = 'httpd' %} {% elif grains.os_family == 'Debian' %} {% set name = 'apache2' %} {% endif %} apache: pkg.installed: - name: {{ name }} {# ---- Good example ---- #} {% set name = { 'RedHat': 'httpd', 'Debian': 'apache2', }.get(grains.os_family) %} apache: pkg.installed: - name: {{ name }}
Dictionaries are useful to effectively "namespace" a collection of variables. This is useful with parameterization (discussed below). Dictionaries are also easily combined and merged. And they can be directly serialized into YAML which is often easier than trying to create valid YAML through templating. For example:
{# ---- Bad example ---- #} haproxy_conf: file.managed: - name: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg - template: jinja {% if 'external_loadbalancer' in grains.roles %} - source: salt://haproxy/external_haproxy.cfg {% elif 'internal_loadbalancer' in grains.roles %} - source: salt://haproxy/internal_haproxy.cfg {% endif %} - context: {% if 'external_loadbalancer' in grains.roles %} ssl_termination: True {% elif 'internal_loadbalancer' in grains.roles %} ssl_termination: False {% endif %} {# ---- Better example ---- #} {% load_yaml as haproxy_defaults %} common_settings: bind_port: 80 internal_loadbalancer: source: salt://haproxy/internal_haproxy.cfg settings: bind_port: 8080 ssl_termination: False external_loadbalancer: source: salt://haproxy/external_haproxy.cfg settings: ssl_termination: True {% endload %} {% if 'external_loadbalancer' in grains.roles %} {% set haproxy = haproxy_defaults['external_loadbalancer'] %} {% elif 'internal_loadbalancer' in grains.roles %} {% set haproxy = haproxy_defaults['internal_loadbalancer'] %} {% endif %} {% do haproxy.settings.update(haproxy_defaults.common_settings) %} haproxy_conf: file.managed: - name: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg - template: jinja - source: {{ haproxy.source }} - context: {{ haproxy.settings | yaml() }}
There is still room for improvement in the above example. For example,
extracting into an external file or replacing the if-elif conditional with a
function call to filter the correct data more succinctly. However, the state
itself is simple and legible, the data is separate and also simple and legible.
And those suggested improvements can be made at some future date without
altering the state at all!
Avoid heavy logic and programming
Jinja is not Python. It was made by Python programmers and shares many semantics and some syntax but it does not allow for abitrary Python function calls or Python imports. Jinja is a fast and efficient templating language but the syntax can be verbose and visually noisy.
Once Jinja use within an sls file becomes slightly complicated -- long chains of if-elif-elif-else statements, nested conditionals, complicated dictionary merges, wanting to use sets -- instead consider using a different Salt renderer, such as the Python renderer. As a rule of thumb, if it is hard to read it will be hard to maintain -- switch to a format that is easier to read.
Using alternate renderers is very simple to do using Salt's "she-bang" syntax at the top of the file. The Python renderer must simply return the correct highstate data structure. The following example is a state tree of two sls files, one simple and one complicated.
base: '*': - common_configuration - roles_configuration
common_users: user.present: - names: [larry, curly, moe]
#!py def run(): list_of_roles = set() # This example has the minion id in the form 'web-03-dev'. # Easily access the grains dictionary: try: app, instance_number, environment = __grains__['id'].split('-') instance_number = int(instance_number) except ValueError: app, instance_number, environment = ['Unknown', 0, 'dev'] list_of_roles.add(app) if app == 'web' and environment == 'dev': list_of_roles.add('primary') list_of_roles.add('secondary') elif app == 'web' and environment == 'staging': if instance_number == 0: list_of_roles.add('primary') else: list_of_roles.add('secondary') # Easily cross-call Salt execution modules: if __salt__['myutils.query_valid_ec2_instance'](): list_of_roles.add('is_ec2_instance') return { 'set_roles_grains': { 'grains.present': [ {'name': 'roles'}, {'value': list(list_of_roles)}, ], }, }
Jinja Macros
In Salt sls files Jinja macros are useful for one thing and one thing only: creating mini templates that can be reused and rendered on demand. Do not fall into the trap of thinking of macros as functions; Jinja is not Python (see above).
Macros are useful for creating reusable, parameterized states. For example:
{% macro user_state(state_id, user_name, shell='/bin/bash', groups=[]) %} {{ state_id }}: user.present: - name: {{ user_name }} - shell: {{ shell }} - groups: {{ groups | json() }} {% endmacro %} {% for user_info in salt.pillar.get('my_users', []) %} {{ user_state('user_number_' ~ loop.index, **user_info) }} {% endfor %}
Macros are also useful for creating one-off "serializers" that can accept a data structure and write that out as a domain-specific configuration file. For example, the following macro could be used to write a php.ini config file:
php_ini: file.managed: - name: /etc/php.ini - source: salt://php.ini.tmpl - template: jinja - context: php_ini_settings: {{ salt.pillar.get('php_ini', {}) | json() }}
php_ini: PHP: engine: 'On' short_open_tag: 'Off' error_reporting: 'E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT'
{% macro php_ini_serializer(data) %} {% for section_name, name_val_pairs in data.items() %} [{{ section_name }}] {% for name, val in name_val_pairs.items() -%} {{ name }} = "{{ val }}" {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endmacro %} ; File managed by Salt at <{{ source }}>. ; Your changes will be overwritten. {{ php_ini_serializer(php_ini_settings) }}
Abstracting static defaults into a lookup table
Separate data that a state uses from the state itself to increases the flexibility and reusability of a state.
An obvious and common example of this is platform-specific package names and file system paths. Another example is sane defaults for an application, or common settings within a company or organization. Organizing such data as a dictionary (aka hash map, lookup table, associative array) often provides a lightweight namespacing and allows for quick and easy lookups. In addition, using a dictionary allows for easily merging and overriding static values within a lookup table with dynamic values fetched from Pillar.
A strong convention in Salt Formulas is to place platform-specific data, such as package names and file system paths, into a file named map.jinja that is placed alongside the state files.
The following is an example from the MySQL Formula. The grains.filter_by function performs a lookup on that table using the os_family grain (by default).
The result is that the mysql variable is assigned to a subset of the lookup table for the current platform. This allows states to reference, for example, the name of a package without worrying about the underlying OS. The syntax for referencing a value is a normal dictionary lookup in Jinja, such as {{ mysql['service'] }} or the shorthand {{ mysql.service }}.
{% set mysql = salt['grains.filter_by']({ 'Debian': { 'server': 'mysql-server', 'client': 'mysql-client', 'service': 'mysql', 'config': '/etc/mysql/my.cnf', 'python': 'python-mysqldb', }, 'RedHat': { 'server': 'mysql-server', 'client': 'mysql', 'service': 'mysqld', 'config': '/etc/my.cnf', 'python': 'MySQL-python', }, 'Gentoo': { 'server': 'dev-db/mysql', 'client': 'dev-db/mysql', 'service': 'mysql', 'config': '/etc/mysql/my.cnf', 'python': 'dev-python/mysql-python', }, }, merge=salt['pillar.get']('mysql:lookup')) %}
Values defined in the map file can be fetched for the current platform in any state file using the following syntax:
{% from "mysql/map.jinja" import mysql with context %} mysql-server: pkg.installed: - name: {{ mysql.server }} service.running: - name: {{ mysql.service }}
Collecting common values
Common values can be collected into a base dictionary. This minimizes repetition of identical values in each of the lookup_dict sub-dictionaries. Now only the values that are different from the base must be specified of the alternates:
{% set mysql = salt['grains.filter_by']({ 'default': { 'server': 'mysql-server', 'client': 'mysql-client', 'service': 'mysql', 'config': '/etc/mysql/my.cnf', 'python': 'python-mysqldb', }, 'Debian': { }, 'RedHat': { 'client': 'mysql', 'service': 'mysqld', 'config': '/etc/my.cnf', 'python': 'MySQL-python', }, 'Gentoo': { 'server': 'dev-db/mysql', 'client': 'dev-db/mysql', 'python': 'dev-python/mysql-python', }, }, merge=salt['pillar.get']('mysql:lookup'), base='default') %}
Overriding values in the lookup table
Allow static values within lookup tables to be overridden. This is a simple pattern which once again increases flexibility and reusability for state files.
The merge argument in filter_by specifies the location of a dictionary in Pillar that can be used to override values returned from the lookup table. If the value exists in Pillar it will take precedence.
This is useful when software or configuration files is installed to non-standard locations or on unsupported platforms. For example, the following Pillar would replace the config value from the call above.
mysql: lookup: config: /usr/local/etc/mysql/my.cnf
NOTE: Protecting Expansion of Content with Special Characters
When templating keep in mind that YAML does have special characters for quoting, flows, and other special structure and content. When a Jinja substitution may have special characters that will be incorrectly parsed by YAML care must be taken. It is a good policy to use the yaml_encode or the yaml_dquote Jinja filters:
{%- set foo = 7.7 %} {%- set bar = none %} {%- set baz = true %} {%- set zap = 'The word of the day is "salty".' %} {%- set zip = '"The quick brown fox . . ."' %} foo: {{ foo|yaml_encode }} bar: {{ bar|yaml_encode }} baz: {{ baz|yaml_encode }} zap: {{ zap|yaml_encode }} zip: {{ zip|yaml_dquote }}
The above will be rendered as below:
foo: 7.7 bar: null baz: true zap: "The word of the day is \"salty\"." zip: "\"The quick brown fox . . .\""
The filter_by function performs a simple dictionary lookup but also allows for fetching data from Pillar and overriding data stored in the lookup table. That same workflow can be easily performed without using filter_by; other dictionaries besides data from Pillar can also be used.
{% set lookup_table = {...} %} {% do lookup_table.update(salt.pillar.get('my:custom:data')) %}
When to use lookup tables
The map.jinja file is only a convention within Salt Formulas. This greater pattern is useful for a wide variety of data in a wide variety of workflows. This pattern is not limited to pulling data from a single file or data source. This pattern is useful in States, Pillar, the Reactor, and Overstate as well.
Working with a data structure instead of, say, a config file allows the data to be cobbled together from multiple sources (local files, remote Pillar, database queries, etc), combined, overridden, and searched.
Below are a few examples of what lookup tables may be useful for and how they
may be used and represented.
Platform-specific information
An obvious pattern and one used heavily in Salt Formulas is extracting
platform-specific information such as package names and file system paths in
a file named map.jinja. The pattern is explained in detail above.
Sane defaults
Application settings can be a good fit for this pattern. Store default settings along with the states themselves and keep overrides and sensitive settings in Pillar. Combine both into a single dictionary and then write the application config or settings file.
The example below stores most of the Apache Tomcat server.xml file alongside the Tomcat states and then allows values to be updated or augmented via Pillar. (This example uses the BadgerFish format for transforming JSON to XML.)
Server: '@port': '8005' '@shutdown': SHUTDOWN GlobalNamingResources: Resource: '@auth': Container '@description': User database that can be updated and saved '@factory': org.apache.catalina.users.MemoryUserDatabaseFactory '@name': UserDatabase '@pathname': conf/tomcat-users.xml '@type': org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase # <...snip...>
appX: server_xml_overrides: Server: Service: '@name': Catalina Connector: '@port': '8009' '@protocol': AJP/1.3 '@redirectPort': '8443' # <...snip...>
{% import_yaml 'tomcat/defaults.yaml' as server_xml_defaults %} {% set server_xml_final_values = salt.pillar.get( 'appX:server_xml_overrides', default=server_xml_defaults, merge=True) %} appX_server_xml: file.serialize: - name: /etc/tomcat/server.xml - dataset: {{ server_xml_final_values | json() }} - formatter: xml_badgerfish
The file.serialize state can provide a shorthand for creating some files from data structures. There are also many examples within Salt Formulas of creating one-off "serializers" (often as Jinja macros) that reformat a data structure to a specific config file format. For example,
`Nginx vhosts`__
Environment specific information
A single state can be reused when it is parameterized as described in the section below, by separating the data the state will use from the state that performs the work. This can be the difference between deploying Application X and Application Y, or the difference between production and development. For example:
{# Load the map file. #} {% import_yaml 'app/defaults.yaml' as app_defaults %} {# Extract the relevant subset for the app configured on the current machine (configured via a grain in this example). #} {% app = app_defaults.get(salt.grains.get('role') %} {# Allow values from Pillar to (optionally) update values from the lookup table. #} {% do app_defaults.update(salt.pillar.get('myapp', {}) %} deploy_application: git.latest: - name: {{ app.repo_url }} - version: {{ app.version }} - target: {{ app.deploy_dir }} myco/myapp/deployed: event.send: - data: version: {{ app.version }} - onchanges: - git: deploy_application
appX: repo_url: git [at] target: /var/www/appX version: master appY: repo_url: git [at] target: /var/www/appY version: v1.2.3.4
Single-purpose SLS files
Each sls file in a Formula should strive to do a single thing. This increases the reusability of this file by keeping unrelated tasks from getting coupled together.
As an example, the base Apache formula should only install the Apache httpd server and start the httpd service. This is the basic, expected behavior when installing Apache. It should not perform additional changes such as set the Apache configuration file or create vhosts.
If a formula is single-purpose as in the example above, other formulas, and also other states can include and use that formula with requisites without also including undesirable or unintended side-effects.
The following is a best-practice example for a reusable Apache formula. (This skips platform-specific options for brevity. See the full apache-formula for more.)
# apache/init.sls apache: pkg.installed: [...] service.running: [...] # apache/mod_wsgi.sls include: - apache mod_wsgi: pkg.installed: [...] - require: - pkg: apache # apache/conf.sls include: - apache apache_conf: file.managed: [...] - watch_in: - service: apache
To illustrate a bad example, say the above Apache formula installed Apache and also created a default vhost. The mod_wsgi state would not be able to include the Apache formula to create that dependency tree without also installing the unneeded default vhost.
Formulas should be reusable. Avoid coupling
unrelated actions together.
Parameterization is a key feature of Salt Formulas and also for Salt States. Parameterization allows a single Formula to be reused across many operating systems; to be reused across production, development, or staging environments; and to be reused by many people all with varying goals.
Writing states, specifying ordering and dependencies is the part that takes the longest to write and to test. Filling those states out with data such as users or package names or file locations is the easy part. How many users, what those users are named, or where the files live are all implementation details that should be parameterized. This separation between a state and the data that populates a state creates a reusable formula.
In the example below the data that populates the state can come from anywhere -- it can be hard-coded at the top of the state, it can come from an external file, it can come from Pillar, it can come from an execution function call, or it can come from a database query. The state itself doesn't change regardless of where the data comes from. Production data will vary from development data will vary from data from one company to another, however the state itself stays the same.
{% set user_list = [ {'name': 'larry', 'shell': 'bash'}, {'name': 'curly', 'shell': 'bash'}, {'name': 'moe', 'shell': 'zsh'}, ] %} {# or #} {% set user_list = salt['pillar.get']('user_list') %} {# or #} {% load_json "default_users.json" as user_list %} {# or #} {% set user_list = salt['acme_utils.get_user_list']() %} {% for user in list_list %} {{ }}: user.present: - name: {{ }} - shell: {{ }} {% endfor %}
Formulas should strive to use the defaults of the underlying platform, followed by defaults from the upstream project, followed by sane defaults for the formula itself.
As an example, a formula to install Apache should not change the default
Apache configuration file installed by the OS package. However, the Apache
formula should include a state to change or override the default
configuration file.
Pillar overrides
Pillar lookups must use the safe get() and must provide a default value. Create local variables using the Jinja set construct to increase redability and to avoid potentially hundreds or thousands of function calls across a large state tree.
{% from "apache/map.jinja" import apache with context %} {% set settings = salt['pillar.get']('apache', {}) %} mod_status: file.managed: - name: {{ apache.conf_dir }} - source: {{ settings.get('mod_status_conf', 'salt://apache/mod_status.conf') }} - template: {{ settings.get('template_engine', 'jinja') }}
Any default values used in the Formula must also be documented in the
pillar.example file in the root of the repository. Comments should be
used liberally to explain the intent of each configuration value. In addition,
users should be able copy-and-paste the contents of this file into their own
Pillar to make any desired changes.
Remember that both State files and Pillar files can easily call out to Salt execution modules and have access to all the system grains as well.
{% if '/storage' in salt['']() %} /usr/local/etc/myfile.conf: file: - symlink - target: /storage/myfile.conf {% endif %}
Jinja macros to encapsulate logic or conditionals are discouraged in favor of
writing custom execution modules in Python.
Repository structure
A basic Formula repository should have the following layout:
foo-formula |-- foo/ | |-- map.jinja | |-- init.sls | `-- bar.sls |-- CHANGELOG.rst |-- LICENSE |-- pillar.example |-- README.rst `-- VERSION
SEE ALSO: template-formula
The template-formula repository has a pre-built layout that
serves as the basic structure for a new formula repository. Just copy the
files from there and edit them.
The README should detail each available .sls file by explaining what it does, whether it has any dependencies on other formulas, whether it has a target platform, and any other installation or usage instructions or tips.
A sample skeleton for the README.rst file:
=== foo === Install and configure the FOO service. .. note:: See the full `Salt Formulas installation and usage instructions <>`_. Available states ================ .. contents:: :local: ``foo`` ------- Install the ``foo`` package and enable the service. ```` ----------- Install the ``bar`` package.
The CHANGELOG.rst file should detail the individual versions, their release date and a set of bullet points for each version highlighting the overall changes in a given version of the formula.
A sample skeleton for the CHANGELOG.rst file:
foo formula =========== 0.0.2 (2013-01-01) - Re-organized formula file layout - Fixed filename used for upstart logger template - Allow for pillar message to have default if none specified
Formula are versioned according to Semantic Versioning,
NOTE: Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
- 1.
- MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
- 2.
- MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
- 3.
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
Formula versions are tracked using Git tags as well as the VERSION file in the formula repository. The VERSION file should contain the currently released version of the particular formula.
Testing Formulas
A smoke-test for invalid Jinja, invalid YAML, or an invalid Salt state structure can be performed by with the state.show_sls function:
salt '*' state.show_sls apache
Salt Formulas can then be tested by running each .sls file via
state.sls and checking the output for the
success or failure of each state in the Formula. This should be done for each
supported platform.
SaltStack Packaging Guide
Since Salt provides a powerful toolkit for system management and automation,
the package can be spit into a number of sub-tools. While packaging Salt as
a single package containing all components is perfectly acceptable, the split
packages should follow this convention.
Patching Salt For Distributions
The occasion may arise where Salt source and default configurations may need to be patched. It is preferable if Salt is only patched to include platform specific additions or to fix release time bugs. It is preferable that configuration settings and operations remain in the default state, as changes here lowers the user experience for users moving across distributions.
In the event where a packager finds a need to change the default configuration
it is advised to add the files to the master.d or minion.d directories.
Source Files
Release packages should always be built from the source tarball distributed via
pypi. Release packages should NEVER use a git checkout as the source for
Single Package
Shipping Salt as a single package, where the minion, master, and all tools are
together is perfectly acceptable and practiced by distributions such as
Split Package
Salt Should always be split in a standard way, with standard dependencies, this lowers
cross distribution confusion about what components are going to be shipped with
specific packages. These packages can be defined from the Salt Source as of
Salt 2014.1.0:
Salt Common
The salt-common or salt package should contain the files provided by the
salt python package, or all files distributed from the salt/ directory in
the source distribution packages. The documentation contained under the
doc/ directory can be a part of this package but splitting out a doc
package is preferred.
Since salt-call is the entry point to utilize the libs and is useful for all
salt packages it is included in the salt-common package.
- •
- salt OR salt-common
- •
- salt/*
- •
- man/salt.7
- •
- scripts/salt-call
- •
- tests/*
- •
- man/salt-call.1
- •
- Python 2.6-2.7
- •
- •
- Jinja2
Salt Master
The salt-master package contains the applicable scripts, related man
pages and init information for the given platform.
- •
- salt-master
- •
- scripts/salt-master
- •
- scripts/salt
- •
- scripts/salt-run
- •
- scripts/salt-key
- •
- scripts/salt-cp
- •
- pkg/<master init data>
- •
- man/salt.1
- •
- man/salt-master.1
- •
- man/salt-run.1
- •
- man/salt-key.1
- •
- man/salt-cp.1
- •
- conf/master
- •
- Salt Common
- •
- ZeroMQ >= 3.2
- •
- PyZMQ >= 2.10
- •
- PyCrypto
- •
- M2Crypto
- •
- Python MessagePack (Messagepack C lib, or msgpack-pure)
Salt Syndic
The Salt Syndic package can be rolled completely into the Salt Master package. Platforms which start services as part of the package deployment need to maintain a separate salt-syndic package (primarily Debian based platforms).
The Syndic may optionally not depend on the anything more than the Salt Master since
the master will bring in all needed dependencies, but fall back to the platform
specific packaging guidelines.
- •
- salt-syndic
- •
- scripts/salt-syndic
- •
- pkg/<syndic init data>
- •
- man/salt-syndic.1
- •
- Salt Common
- •
- Salt Master
- •
- ZeroMQ >= 3.2
- •
- PyZMQ >= 2.10
- •
- PyCrypto
- •
- M2Crypto
- •
- Python MessagePack (Messagepack C lib, or msgpack-pure)
Salt Minion
The Minion is a standalone package and should not be split beyond the
salt-minion and salt-common packages.
- •
- salt-minion
- •
- scripts/salt-minion
- •
- pkg/<minion init data>
- •
- man/salt-minion.1
- •
- conf/minion
- •
- Salt Common
- •
- ZeroMQ >= 3.2
- •
- PyZMQ >= 2.10
- •
- PyCrypto
- •
- M2Crypto
- •
- Python MessagePack (Messagepack C lib, or msgpack-pure)
Salt SSH
Since Salt SSH does not require the same dependencies as the minion and master, it
should be split out.
- •
- salt-ssh
- •
- scripts/salt-ssh
- •
- man/salt-ssh.1
- •
- conf/cloud*
- •
- Salt Common
- •
- Python MessagePack (Messagepack C lib, or msgpack-pure)
Salt Cloud
As of Salt 2014.1.0 Salt Cloud is included in the same repo as Salt. This
can be split out into a separate package or it can be included in the
salt-master package.
- •
- salt-cloud
- •
- scripts/salt-cloud
- •
- man/salt-cloud.1
- •
- Salt Common
- •
- apache libcloud >= 0.14.0
Salt Doc
The documentation package is very distribution optional. A completely split
package will split out the documentation, but some platform conventions do not
prefer this.
If the documentation is not split out, it should be included with the
Salt Common package.
- •
- salt-doc
- •
- doc/*
Optional Depends
- •
- Salt Common
- •
- Python Sphinx
- •
- Make
Salt Release Process
The goal for Salt projects is to cut a new feature release every four to six
weeks. This document outlines the process for these releases, and the
subsequent bug fix releases which follow.
Feature Release Process
When a new release is ready to be cut, the person responsible for cutting the release will follow the following steps (written using the 0.16 release as an example):
- 1.
- All open issues on the release milestone should be moved to the next release milestone. (e.g. from the 0.16 milestone to the 0.17 milestone)
- 2.
- Release notes should be created documenting the major new features and bugfixes in the release.
- 3.
- Create an annotated tag with only the major and minor version numbers, preceded by the letter v. (e.g. v0.16) This tag will reside on the develop branch.
- 4.
- Create a branch for the new release, using only the major and minor version numbers. (e.g. 0.16)
- 5.
- On this new branch, create an annotated tag for the first revision release, which is generally a release candidate. It should be preceded by the letter v. (e.g. v0.16.0RC)
- 6.
- The release should be packaged from this annotated tag and uploaded to PyPI as well as the GitHub releases page for this tag.
- 7.
- The packagers should be notified on the salt-packagers mailing list so they can create packages for all the major operating systems. (note that release candidates should go in the testing repositories)
- 8.
- After the packagers have been given a few days to compile the packages, the release is announced on the salt-users mailing list.
- 9.
- Log into RTD and add the new release there. (Have to do it manually)
Maintenance and Bugfix Releases
Once a release has been cut, regular cherry-picking sessions should begin to cherry-pick any bugfixes from the develop branch to the release branch (e.g. 0.16). Once major bugs have been fixes and cherry-picked, a bugfix release can be cut:
- 1.
- On the release branch (i.e. 0.16), create an annotated tag for the revision release. It should be preceded by the letter v. (e.g. v0.16.2) Release candidates are unnecessary for bugfix releases.
- 2.
- The release should be packaged from this annotated tag and uploaded to PyPI.
- 3.
- The packagers should be notified on the salt-packagers mailing list so they can create packages for all the major operating systems.
- 4.
- After the packagers have been given a few days to compile the packages, the release is announced on the salt-users mailing list.
Cherry-Picking Process for Bugfixes
Bugfixes should be made on the develop branch. If the bug also applies to the current release branch, then on the pull request against develop, the user should mention @basepi and ask for the pull request to be cherry-picked. If it is verified that the fix is a bugfix, then the Bugfix -- Cherry-Pick label will be applied to the pull request. When those commits are cherry-picked, the label will be switched to the Bugfix -- [Done] Cherry-Pick label. This allows easy recognition of which pull requests have been cherry-picked, and which are still pending to be cherry-picked. All cherry-picked commits will be present in the next release.
Features will not be cherry-picked, and will be present in the next feature
Salt Coding Style
Salt is developed with a certain coding style, while the style is dominantly PEP 8 it is not completely PEP 8. It is also noteworthy that a few development techniques are also employed which should be adhered to. In the end, the code is made to be "Salty".
Most importantly though, we will accept code that violates the coding style and
KINDLY ask the contributor to fix it, or go ahead and fix the code on behalf of
the contributor. Coding style is NEVER grounds to reject code contributions,
and is never grounds to talk down to another member of the community (There are
no grounds to treat others without respect, especially people working to
improve Salt)!!
Most Salt style conventions are codified in Salt's .pylintrc file. This file is found in the root of the Salt project and can be passed as an argument to the pylint program as follows:
pylint --rcfile=/path/to/salt/.pylintrc salt/dir/to/lint
Variables should be a minimum of three characters and should provide an easy-to-understand name of the object being represented.
When keys and values are iterated over, descriptive names should be used to represent the temporary variables.
Multi-word variables should be separated by an underscore.
Variables which are two-letter words should have an underscore appended
to them to pad them to three characters.
Salt follows a few rules when formatting strings:
Single Quotes
In Salt, all strings use single quotes unless there is a good reason not to. This means that docstrings use single quotes, standard strings use single quotes etc.:
def foo(): ''' A function that does things ''' name = 'A name' return name
Formatting Strings
All strings which require formatting should use the .format string method:
data = 'some text' more = '{0} and then some'.format(data)
Make sure to use indices or identifiers in the format brackets, since empty brackets are not supported by python 2.6.
Please do NOT use printf formatting.
Docstring Conventions
Docstrings should always add a newline, docutils takes care of the new line and it makes the code cleaner and more vertical:
def bar(): ''' Here lies a docstring with a newline after the quotes and is the salty way to handle it! Vertical code is the way to go! ''' return
def baz(): '''This is not ok!''' return
When adding a new function or state, where possible try to use a versionadded directive to denote when the function or state was added.
def new_func(msg=''): ''' .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 Prints what was passed to the function. msg : None The string to be printed. ''' print msg
If you are uncertain what version should be used, either consult a core developer in IRC or bring this up when opening your pull request and a core developer will add the proper version once your pull request has been merged. Bugfixes will be available in a bugfix release (i.e. 0.17.1, the first bugfix release for 0.17.0), while new features are held for feature releases, and this will affect what version number should be used in the versionadded directive.
Similar to the above, when an existing function or state is modified (for example, when an argument is added), then under the explanation of that new argument a versionadded directive should be used to note the version in which the new argument was added. If an argument's function changes significantly, the versionchanged directive can be used to clarify this:
def new_func(msg='', signature=''): ''' .. versionadded:: 0.16.0 Prints what was passed to the function. msg : None The string to be printed. Will be prepended with 'Greetings! '. .. versionchanged:: 0.17.1 signature : None An optional signature. .. versionadded 0.17.0 ''' print 'Greetings! {0}\n\n{1}'.format(msg, signature)
Dictionaries should be initialized using {} instead of dict().
See here for an in-depth discussion of this topic.
Salt code prefers importing modules and not explicit functions. This is both a style and functional preference. The functional preference originates around the fact that the module import system used by pluggable modules will include callable objects (functions) that exist in the direct module namespace. This is not only messy, but may unintentionally expose code python libs to the Salt interface and pose a security problem.
To say this more directly with an example, this is GOOD:
import os def minion_path(): path = os.path.join(self.opts['cachedir'], 'minions') return path
This on the other hand is DISCOURAGED:
from os.path import join def minion_path(): path = join(self.opts['cachedir'], 'minions') return path
The time when this is changed is for importing exceptions, generally directly importing exceptions is preferred:
This is a good way to import exceptions:
from salt.exceptions import CommandExecutionError
Absolute Imports
Although absolute imports seems like an awesome idea, please do not use it.
Extra care would be necessary all over salt's code in order for absolute
imports to work as supposed. Believe it, it has been tried before and, as a
tried example, by renaming salt.modules.sysmod to salt.modules.sys, all
other salt modules which needed to import sys would have to
also import absolute_import, which should be
Vertical is Better
When writing Salt code, vertical code is generally preferred. This is not a hard rule but more of a guideline. As PEP 8 specifies, Salt code should not exceed 79 characters on a line, but it is preferred to separate code out into more newlines in some cases for better readability:
import os os.chmod( os.path.join(self.opts['sock_dir'], 'minion_event_pub.ipc'), 448 )
Where there are more line breaks, this is also apparent when constructing a function with many arguments, something very common in state functions for instance:
def managed(name, source=None, source_hash='', user=None, group=None, mode=None, template=None, makedirs=False, context=None, replace=True, defaults=None, env=None, backup='', **kwargs):
Making function and class definitions vertical is only required if the
arguments are longer then 80 characters. Otherwise, the formatting is
optional and both are acceptable.
Line Length
For function definitions and function calls, Salt adheres to the PEP-8 specification of at most 80 characters per line.
Non function definitions or function calls, please adopt a soft limit of 120
characters per line. If breaking the line reduces the code readability, don't
break it. Still, try to avoid passing that 120 characters limit and remember,
vertical is better... unless it isn't
Some confusion exists in the python world about indenting things like function calls, the above examples use 8 spaces when indenting comma-delimited constructs.
The confusion arises because the pep8 program INCORRECTLY flags this as wrong, where PEP 8, the document, cites only using 4 spaces here as wrong, as it doesn't differentiate from a new indent level.
def managed(name, source=None, source_hash='', user=None)
def managed(name, source=None, source_hash='', user=None)
Lining up the indent is also correct:
def managed(name, source=None, source_hash='', user=None)
This also applies to function calls and other hanging indents.
pep8 and Flake8 (and, by extension, the vim plugin Syntastic) will complain about the double indent for hanging indents. This is a known conflict between pep8 (the script) and the actual PEP 8 standard. It is recommended that this particular warning be ignored with the following lines in ~/.config/flake8:
[flake8] ignore = E226,E241,E242,E126
Make sure your Flake8/pep8 are up to date. The first three errors are ignored
by default and are present here to keep the behavior the same. This will also
work for pep8 without the Flake8 wrapper -- just replace all instances of
'flake8' with 'pep8', including the filename.
Code Churn
Many pull requests have been submitted that only churn code in the name of
PEP 8. Code churn is a leading source of bugs and is strongly discouraged.
While style fixes are encouraged they should be isolated to a single file per
commit, and the changes should be legitimate, if there are any questions about
whether a style change is legitimate please reference this document and the
official PEP 8 ( document before
changing code. Many claims that a change is PEP 8 have been invalid, please
double check before committing fixes.
See the version numbers page for more
information about the version numbering scheme.
Latest Branch Release
Previous Releases
Salt 2015.5.0 Release Notes - Codename Lithium
The 2015.5.0 feature release of Salt is focused on hardening Salt and mostly on improving existing systems. A few major additions are present, primarily the new Beacon system. Most enhancements have been focused around improving existing features and interfaces.
As usual the release notes are not exhaustive and primarily include the most notable additions and improvements. Hundreds of bugs have been fixed and many modules have been substantially updated and added.
WARNING: In order to fix potential shell injection vulnerabilities in salt modules, a change has been made to the various cmd module functions. These functions now default to python_shell=False, which means that the commands will not be sent to an actual shell.
The largest side effect of this change is that "shellisms", such as pipes, will not work by default. The modules shipped with salt have been audited to fix any issues that might have arisen from this change. Additionally, the cmd state module has been unaffected, and use of in jinja is also unaffected. calls on the CLI will also allow shellisms.
However, custom execution modules which use shellisms in cmd calls will break, unless you pass python_shell=True to these calls.
As a temporary workaround, you can set cmd_safe: False in your minion and master configs. This will revert the default, but is also less secure, as it will allow shell injection vulnerabilities to be written in custom code. We recommend you only set this setting for as long as it takes to resolve these issues in your custom code, then remove the override.
NOTE: Starting in this version of salt, pillar_opts defaults to False instead of True. This means that master opts will not be present in minion pillar, and as a result, config.get calls will not include master opts.
We recommend pillar is used for configuration options which need to make it
to the minion.
The beacon system allows the minion to hook into system processes and continually translate external events into the salt event bus. The primary example of this is the inotify beacon. This beacon uses inotify to watch configured files or directories on the minion for changes, creation, deletion etc.
This allows for the changes to be sent up to the master where the reactor can
respond to changes.
Sudo Minion Settings
It is now possible to run the minion as a non-root user and for the minion to
execute commands via sudo. Simply add sudo_user: root to the minion config,
run the minion as a non-root user and grant that user sudo rights to execute
Lazy Loader
The Lazy Loader is a significant overhaul of Salt's module loader system. The
Lazy Loader will lazily load modules on access instead of all on start. In
addition to a major performance improvement, this "sandboxes" modules so a
bad/broken import of a single module will only affect jobs that require
accessing the broken module. (:issue: 20274)
Enhanced Active Directory Support
The eauth system for LDAP has been extended to support Microsoft Active
Directory out of the box. This includes Active Directory and LDAP group support
for eauth.
Salt LXC Enhancements
The LXC systems have been overhauled to be more consistent and to fix many bugs.
This overhaul makes using LXC with Salt much easier and substantially improves
the underlying capabilities of Salt's LXC integration.
Salt SSH
- •
- Additional configuration options and command line flags have been added to configure the scan roster on the fly
- •
- Added support for state.single in salt-ssh
- •
- Added support for publish.publish, publish.full_data, and publish.runner in salt-ssh
- •
- Added support for mine.get in salt-ssh
New Windows Installer
The new Windows installer changes how Salt is installed on Windows. The old installer used bbfreeze to create an isolated python environment to execute in. This made adding modules and python libraries difficult. The new installer sets up a more flexible python environment making it easy to manage the python install and add python modules.
Instead of frozen packages, a full python implementation resides in the bin directory (C:\salt\bin). By executing pip or easy_install from within the Scripts directory (C:\salt\bin\Scripts) you can install any additional python modules you may need for your custom environment.
The .exe's that once resided at the root of the salt directory (C:\salt) have been replaced by .bat files and should function the same way as the .exe's in previous versions.
The new Windows Installer will not replace the minion config file and key if
they already exist on the target system. Only the salt program files will be
replaced. C:\salt\conf and C:\salt\var will remain unchanged.
Removed Requests Dependency
The hard dependency on the requests library has been removed. Requests is still required by a number of cloud modules but is no longer required for normal Salt operations.
This removal fixes issues that were introduced with requests and salt-ssh, as
well as issues users experienced from the many different packaging methods used
by requests package maintainers.
Python 3 Updates
While Salt does not YET run on Python 3 it has been updated to INSTALL on
Python 3, taking us one step closer. What remains is getting the test suite to
the point where it can run on Python 3 so that we can verify compatibility.
RAET Additions
The RAET support continues to improve. RAET now supports multi-master and many
bugs and performance issues have been fixed. RAET is much closer to being a
first class citizen.
Modified File Detection
A number of functions have been added to the RPM-based package managers to
detect and diff files that are modified from the original package installs.
This can be found in the new pkg.modified functions.
Reactor Update
Fix an infinite recursion problem for runner/wheel reactor jobs by passing a
"user" (Reactor) to all jobs that the reactor starts. The reactor skips all
events created by that username -- thereby only reacting to events not caused
by itself. Because of this, runner and wheel executions from the runner will
have user "Reactor" in the job cache.
Misc Fixes/Additions
- •
- SDB driver for etcd. (:issue: 22043)
- •
- Add only_upgrade argument to apt-based pkg.install to only install a package version if the package is already installed. (Great for security updates!)
- •
- Joyent now requires a keyname to be specified in the provider configuration. This change was necessitated upstream by the 7.0+ API.
- •
- Add args argument to cmd.script_retcode to match cmd.script in the cmd module. (:issue: 21122)
- •
- Fixed bug where TCP keepalive was not being sent on the defined interval on the return port (4506) from minion to master. (:issue: 21465)
- •
- LocalClient may now optionally raise SaltClientError exceptions. If using this class directly, checking for and handling this exception is recommended. (:issue: 21501)
- •
- The SAuth object is now a singleton, meaning authentication state is global (per master) on each minion. This reduces sign-ins of minions from 3->1 per startup.
- •
- Nested outputter has been optimized, it is now much faster.
- •
- Extensive fileserver backend updates.
- •
- Removed parameter keyword argument from eselect.exec_action execution module.
- •
- Removed runas parameter from the following pip` execution module functions: install, uninstall, freeze, list_, list_upgrades, upgrade_available, upgrade. Please migrate to user.
- •
- Removed runas parameter from the following pip state module functions: installed, removed, uptodate . Please migrate to user.
- •
- Removed quiet option from all functions in cmdmod execution module. Please use output_loglevel=quiet instead.
- •
- Removed parameter argument from eselect.set_ state. Please migrate to module_parameter or action_parameter.
- •
- The salt_events table schema has changed to include an additional field called master_id to distinguish between events flowing into a database from multiple masters. If event_return is enabled in the master config, the database schema must first be updated to add the master_id field. This alteration can be accomplished as follows: ALTER TABLE salt_events ADD master_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL;
Known Issues
- •
- In multi-master mode, a minion may become temporarily unresponsive if modules or pillars are refreshed at the same time that one or more masters are down. This can be worked around by setting 'auth_timeout' and 'auth_tries' down to shorter periods.
Salt 2015.5.1 Release Notes
- release
Version 2015.5.1 is a bugfix release for 2015.5.0.
- •
- has changed the fun keyword argument to func.
Please update any calls to this function in the cloud runner.
Extended Changelog Courtesy of Todd Stansell (
- PR #23989: (rallytime) Backport #23980 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-20T19:33:41Z
- •
- PR #23980: (iggy) template: jinja2 -> jinja | refs: #23989
- •
- 117ecb1 Merge pull request #23989 from rallytime/bp-23980
- •
- 8f8557c template: jinja2 -> jinja
- PR #23988: (rallytime) Backport #23977 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-20T19:13:36Z
- •
- PR #23977: (ionutbalutoiu) Fixed glance image_create | refs: #23988
- •
- d4f1ba0 Merge pull request #23988 from rallytime/bp-23977
- •
- 46fc7c6 Fixed glance image_create
- PR #23986: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-20T18:41:33Z
- •
- PR #23965: (hvnsweeting) handle all exceptions gitpython can raise
- •
- 9566e7d Merge pull request #23986 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 0b78156 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 314e4db Merge pull request #23965 from hvnsweeting/20147-fix-gitfs-gitpython-exception
- •
- 2576301 handle all exception gitpython can raise
- PR #23985: (UtahDave) Add 2014.7.5-2 and 2015.5.0-2 Windows installer download links
- @ 2015-05-20T18:32:44Z
- •
- 9d1130e Merge pull request #23985 from UtahDave/2015.5local
- •
- 10338d0 Add links to Windows 2015.5.0-2 install downloads
- •
- b84f975 updated Windows 2014.7.5-2 installer download link
- PR #23983: (rallytime) Versionadded tags for https_user and https_pass args new in 2015.5.0
- @ 2015-05-20T18:05:27Z
- •
- ca7729d Merge pull request #23983 from rallytime/versionadded_git_options
- •
- 14eae22 Versionadded tags for https_user and https_pass args new in 2015.5.0
- PR #23970: (jayeshka) adding system unit test case
- @ 2015-05-20T17:12:57Z
- •
- b06df57 Merge pull request #23970 from jayeshka/system-unit-test
- •
- 89eb008 adding system unit test case
- PR #23967: (jayeshka) adding states/memcached unit test case
- @ 2015-05-20T17:12:26Z
- •
- 38d5f75 Merge pull request #23967 from jayeshka/memcached-states-unit-test
- •
- 8ef9240 adding states/memcached unit test case
- PR #23966: (jayeshka) adding states/modjk unit test case
- @ 2015-05-20T17:11:48Z
- •
- 868e807 Merge pull request #23966 from jayeshka/modjk-states-unit-test
- •
- 422a964 adding states/modjk unit test case
- PR #23942: (jacobhammons) Updates to sphinx saltstack2 doc theme
- @ 2015-05-20T15:43:54Z
- •
- 6316490 Merge pull request #23942 from jacobhammons/2015.5
- •
- 31023c8 Updates to sphinx saltstack2 doc theme
- PR #23874: (joejulian) Validate keyword arguments to be valid
- @ 2015-05-20T04:53:40Z
- •
- ISSUE #23872: (joejulian) create_ca_signed_cert can error if dereferenced dict is used for args | refs: #23874
- •
- 587957b Merge pull request #23874 from joejulian/2015.5_tls_validate_kwargs
- •
- 30102ac Fix py3 and ordering inconsistency problems.
- •
- 493f7ad Validate keyword arguments to be valid
- PR #23960: (rallytime) Backport #22114 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-20T04:37:09Z
- •
- PR #22114: (dmyerscough) Fixing KeyError when there are no additional pages | refs: #23960
- •
- 00c5c22 Merge pull request #23960 from rallytime/bp-22114
- •
- f3e1d63 Catch KeyError
- •
- 306b1ea Fixing KeyError
- •
- 6b2cda2 Fix PEP8 complaint
- •
- 239e50f Fixing KeyError when there are no additional pages
- PR #23961: (rallytime) Backport #23944 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-20T04:35:41Z
- •
- PR #23944: (ryan-lane) Add missing loginclass argument to _changes call | refs: #23961
- •
- 4648b46 Merge pull request #23961 from rallytime/bp-23944
- •
- 970d19a Add missing loginclass argument to _changes call
- PR #23948: (jfindlay) augeas.change state now returns changes as a dict
- @ 2015-05-20T04:00:10Z
- •
- 0cb5cd3 Merge pull request #23948 from jfindlay/augeas_changes
- •
- f09b80a augeas.change state now returns changes as a dict
- PR #23957: (rallytime) Backport #23951 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-20T03:04:24Z
- •
- PR #23951: (ryan-lane) Do not check perms in file.copy if preserve | refs: #23957
- •
- 2d185f7 Merge pull request #23957 from rallytime/bp-23951
- •
- 996b431 Update
- •
- 85d461f Do not check perms in file.copy if preserve
- •
- PR #23956: (rallytime) Backport #23906 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-20T03:04:14Z
- •
- ISSUE #23839: (gladiatr72) wonky loader syndrome | refs: #23906
- •
- ISSUE #23373: (tnypex) reactor/orchestrate race condition on salt['pillar.get'] | refs: #23906
- •
- PR #23906: (gladiatr72) Added exception handler to trap the RuntimeError raised when | refs: #23956
- •
- ebff1ff Merge pull request #23956 from rallytime/bp-23906
- •
- 9d87fd3 add proper marker for format argument
- •
- 197688e Added exception handler to trap the RuntimeError raised when Depends.enforce_dependency() class method fires unsuccessfully. There appears to be no synchronization within the Depends decorator class wrt the class global dependency_dict which results in incomplete population of any loader instantiation occuring at the time of one of these exceptions.
- •
- PR #23955: (rallytime) Backport #19305 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-20T03:03:55Z
- •
- ISSUE #19852: (TaiSHiNet) DigitalOcean APIv2 can't delete machines when there is only 1 page | refs: #23955
- •
- ISSUE #19304: (TaiSHiNet) DigitalOcean API v2 cannot delete VMs on 2nd page | refs: #19305
- •
- PR #19305: (TaiSHiNet) Fixes droplet listing past page 1 | refs: #23955
- •
- da3f919 Merge pull request #23955 from rallytime/bp-19305
- •
- bbf2429 Fixes droplet listing past page 1
- •
- PR #23940: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-19T22:37:58Z
- •
- ISSUE #23820: (UtahDave) 2014.7.5 schedule error | refs: #23881
- •
- ISSUE #22131: (quixoten) "unexpected keyword argument 'merge'" on 2014.7.2 (salt-ssh) | refs: #23887
- •
- PR #23939: (basepi) Add extended changelog to 2014.7.6 release notes
- •
- PR #23887: (basepi) [2014.7] Bring salt-ssh pillar.get in line with mainline pillar.get
- •
- PR #23881: (garethgreenaway) Fixes to schedule module in 2014.7
- •
- 02a78fc Merge pull request #23940 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 36f0065 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 9133912 Merge pull request #23939 from basepi/v2014.7.6release
- •
- 32b65dc Add extended changelog to 2014.7.6 release notes
- •
- 0031ca2 Merge pull request #23881 from garethgreenaway/23820_2014_7_schedule_list_issue
- •
- b207f2a Missing continue in the list function when deleting unused attributes.
- •
- 63bd21e Merge pull request #23887 from basepi/salt-ssh.pillar.get.22131
- •
- bc84502 Bring salt-ssh pillar.get in line with mainline pillar.get
- •
- PR #23932: (rallytime) Backport #23908 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-19T21:41:28Z
- •
- PR #23908: (nleib) fix connection function to mongo | refs: #23932
- •
- ee4c01b Merge pull request #23932 from rallytime/bp-23908
- •
- 5d520c9 fix connection function to mongo
- •
- PR #23931: (rallytime) Backport #23880 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-19T21:41:18Z
- •
- PR #23880: (bastiaanb) if setting client_config_dir to '~', expand path | refs: #23931
- •
- 70bd407 Merge pull request #23931 from rallytime/bp-23880
- •
- 8ce59a2 if setting client_config_dir to '~', expand path
- •
- PR #23898: (kiorky) Lxc profiles | refs: #23897 @ 2015-05-19T21:08:28Z
- •
- ISSUE #23847: (kiorky) lxc: systemd containers cant be seeded | refs: #23806 #23898 #23897 #23808
- •
- ISSUE #23833: (kiorky) lxc.set_dns fails intermittently | refs: #23898 #23807 #23897 #23808
- •
- ISSUE #23772: (cheuschober) lxc.init fails to bootstrap container | refs: #23806 #23898 #23807 #23897 #23808
- •
- ISSUE #23658: (arthurlogilab) [salt-cloud lxc] too verbose, shows host: True multiple times when starting | refs: #23898 #23897
- •
- ISSUE #23657: (arthurlogilab) [salt-cloud lxc] NameError: global name '__salt__' is not defined | refs: #23727 #23898 #23897
- •
- PR #23897: (kiorky) Lxc seed and prof ports | refs: #23898
- •
- PR #23808: (kiorky) Lxc seed and prof ports | refs: #23807 #23897
- •
- PR #23807: (kiorky) Lxc profiles | refs: #23898
- •
- PR #23806: (kiorky) Lxc seeding | refs: #23807
- •
- 5bdbf0a Merge pull request #23898 from makinacorpus/lxc_profiles
- •
- d9051a0 lxc: systemd support
- •
- e8d674f lxc: chroot fallback toggle
- •
- e2887a0 lxc: sync func name with develop
- •
- e96e345 lxc more fixes (lxc.set_dns)
- •
- fdb6424 lxc: Fix salt config (no more a kwarg)
- •
- 63e63fa repair salt cloud lxc api on develop
- •
- 80eabe2 lxc salt cloud doc
- •
- 73f229d lxc: unificate saltconfig/master/master_port
- •
- 0bc1f08 lxc: refactor a bit saltcloud/lxc interface
- •
- 7a80370 lxc: get networkprofile from saltcloud
- •
- 47acb2e lxc: default net profile has now correct options
- •
- 7eadf48 lxc: select the appropriate default bridge
- •
- PR #23922: (garethgreenaway) Fixes to @ 2015-05-19T18:50:53Z
- •
- ISSUE #23900: (hashi825) salt ubuntu network building issue 2015.5.0 | refs: #23922
- •
- b818f72 Merge pull request #23922 from garethgreenaway/23900_2015_5_bonding_interface_fixes
- •
0bba536 Fixing issue reported when using bonded interfaces on Ubuntu. Attributes should be bond-, but the code was attempting to split just on
. Fix accounts for both, but the module will write out bond attributes with bond- - •
- PR #23925: (jpic) Fixed wrong path in LXC cloud documentation @ 2015-05-19T18:23:56Z
- •
- PR #23924: (jpic) Fixed wrong path in LXC cloud documentation | refs: #23925
- •
- b1c98a3 Merge pull request #23925 from jpic/fix/wrong_lxc_path
- •
- a4bcd75 Fixed wrong path in LXC cloud documentation
- •
- PR #23894: (whiteinge) Add __all__ attribute to Mock class for docs @ 2015-05-19T17:17:35Z
- •
- 7f6a716 Merge pull request #23894 from whiteinge/doc-mock__all__
- •
- 6eeca46 Add __all__ attribute to Mock class for docs
- •
- PR #23884: (jfindlay) Fix locale.set_locale on debian @ 2015-05-19T15:51:22Z
- •
- ISSUE #23767: (chrimi) Salt system.locale fails on non existent default locale | refs: #23884
- •
- 8108a9b Merge pull request #23884 from jfindlay/fix_locale
- •
- 91c2d51 use append_if_not_found in locale.set_locale
- •
- e632603 (re)generate /etc/default/locale
- •
- PR #23866: (jfindlay) backport #23834, change portage.dep.strip_empty to list comprehension @ 2015-05-19T15:50:43Z
- •
- PR #23834: (Arabus) Avoid deprecation warning from portage.dep.strip_empty() | refs: #23866
- •
- 6bae12f Merge pull request #23866 from jfindlay/flag_strip
- •
- aa032cc replace portage.dep.strip_empty() with list comprehension
- •
- 7576872 Proper replacement for portage.dep.strip_empty() with list comprehension, pep8fix
- •
- 2851a5c Switch portage.dep.strip_empty(...) to filter(None,...) to avoid deprecation warning and do essentially the same
- •
- PR #23917: (corywright) Split debian bonding options on dash instead of underscore @ 2015-05-19T15:44:35Z
- •
- ISSUE #23904: (mbrgm) Network config bonding section cannot be parsed when attribute names use dashes | refs: #23917
- •
- a67a008 Merge pull request #23917 from corywright/issue23904
- •
- c06f8cf Split debian bonding options on dash instead of underscore
- •
- PR #23909: (jayeshka) 'str' object has no attribute 'capitalized' @ 2015-05-19T15:41:53Z
- •
- e8fcd09 Merge pull request #23909 from jayeshka/file-exe-module
- •
- e422d9d 'str' object has no attribute 'capitalized'
- •
- PR #23903: (garethgreenaway) Adding docs for missing schedule state module parameters. @ 2015-05-19T06:29:34Z
- •
- c73bf38 Merge pull request #23903 from garethgreenaway/missing_docs_schedule_state
- •
- acd8ab9 Adding docs for missing schedule state module parameters.
- •
- f7eb70c changed previous release to 2014.7.6
- •
- 608059f Merge branch '2015.5' of into 2015.5
- •
- a56697b Merge branch '2015.5' of into 2015.5
- •
- 1c2af5c Merge branch '2015.5' of into 2015.5
- •
- ef58128 Merge branch '2015.5' of into 2015.5
- •
- 8664e8b Merge branch '2015.5' of into 2015.5-2
- •
- 46eb265 saltstack2 sphinx theme updates
- •
- e7442d3 Merge branch '2015.5' of into 2015.5
- •
- ee3c1bd missed one
- •
- 3872921 More updates to sphinx2 theme
- •
- fcd4865 Merge branch '2015.5' of into 2015.5
- •
- 8c32152 removed TOC numbering, additional tweaks to layout.html
- •
- 73dfaef Merge branch '2015.5' of into 2015.5
- •
- 16d8a75 saltstack2 sphinx theme and build settings
- •
- PR #23806: (kiorky) Lxc seeding | refs: #23807 @ 2015-05-18T23:18:33Z
- •
- ISSUE #23847: (kiorky) lxc: systemd containers cant be seeded | refs: #23806 #23898 #23897 #23808
- •
- ISSUE #23772: (cheuschober) lxc.init fails to bootstrap container | refs: #23806 #23898 #23807 #23897 #23808
- •
- ff3cc7d Merge pull request #23806 from makinacorpus/lxc_seeding
- •
- 61b7aad runners/lxc: optim
- •
- PR #23892: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-18T23:07:57Z
- •
- PR #23891: (basepi) Update the release notes index page
- •
- PR #23888: (basepi) Update the 2014.7.6 release notes with CVE details
- •
- PR #23871: (rallytime) Backport #23848 to 2014.7
- •
- PR #23848: (dumol) Updated installation docs for SLES 12. | refs: #23871
- •
- 5f1a93d Merge pull request #23892 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- c2eed77 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 17c5810 Merge pull request #23891 from basepi/releasenotes
- •
- dec153b Update the release notes index page
- •
- a93e58f Merge pull request #23888 from basepi/v2014.7.6release
- •
- 49921b6 Update the 2014.7.6 release notes with CVE details
- •
- 5073028 Merge pull request #23871 from rallytime/bp-23848
- •
- 379c09c Updated for SLES 12.
- •
- PR #23875: (rallytime) Backport #23838 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-18T22:28:55Z
- •
- PR #23838: (gtmanfred) add refresh_beacons and sync_beacons | refs: #23875
- •
- 66d1335 Merge pull request #23875 from rallytime/bp-23838
- •
- 3174227 Add versionadded directives to new beacon saltutil functions
- •
- 4a94b2c add refresh_beacons and sync_beacons
- •
- PR #23876: (rallytime) Switch digital ocean tests to v2 driver @ 2015-05-18T22:17:13Z
- •
- d294cf2 Merge pull request #23876 from rallytime/switch_digital_ocean_tests_v2
- •
- dce9b54 Remove extra line
- •
- 4acf58e Switch digital ocean tests to v2 driver
- •
- PR #23882: (garethgreenaway) Fixes to scheduler in 2015.5 @ 2015-05-18T22:09:24Z
- •
- ISSUE #23792: (neogenix) Salt Scheduler Incorrect Response (True, should be False) | refs: #23882
- •
- b97a48c Merge pull request #23882 from garethgreenaway/23792_2015_5_wrong_return_code
- •
- 37dbde6 Job already exists in schedule, should return False.
- •
- PR #23868: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-18T18:35:54Z
- •
- ISSUE #20198: (jcftang) virt.get_graphics, virt.get_nics are broken, in turn breaking other things | refs: #23809
- •
- PR #23823: (gtmanfred) add link local for ipv6
- •
- PR #23810: (rallytime) Backport #23757 to 2014.7
- •
- PR #23809: (rallytime) Fix virtualport section of virt.get_nics loop
- •
- PR #23802: (gtmanfred) if it is ipv6 ip_to_int will fail
- •
- PR #23757: (clan) use abspath, do not eliminating symlinks | refs: #23810
- •
- PR #23573: (techhat) Scan all available networks for public and private IPs | refs: #23802
- •
- PR #21487: (rallytime) Backport #21469 to 2014.7 | refs: #23809
- •
- PR #21469: (vdesjardins) fixes #20198: virt.get_graphics and virt.get_nics calls in module virt | refs: #21487
- •
- 61c922e Merge pull request #23868 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- c9ed233 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- aee00c8 Merge pull request #23810 from rallytime/bp-23757
- •
- fb32c32 use abspath, do not eliminating symlinks
- •
- 6b3352b Merge pull request #23809 from rallytime/virt_get_nics_fix
- •
- 0616fb7 Fix virtualport section of virt.get_nics loop
- •
- 188f03f Merge pull request #23823 from gtmanfred/2014.7
- •
- 5ef006d add link local for ipv6
- •
- f3ca682 Merge pull request #23802 from gtmanfred/2014.7
- •
- 2da98b5 if it is ipv6 ip_to_int will fail
- •
- PR #23863: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit test @ 2015-05-18T17:02:19Z
- •
- 433f873 Merge pull request #23863 from rahulhan/states_timezone_unit_test
- •
- 72fcabc Adding states/ unit test
- •
- PR #23862: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests @ 2015-05-18T17:02:10Z
- •
- 37b3ee5 Merge pull request #23862 from rahulhan/states_tomcat_unit_test
- •
- 65d7752 Adding states/ unit tests
- •
- PR #23860: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests @ 2015-05-18T17:01:49Z
- •
- dde7207 Merge pull request #23860 from rahulhan/states_test_unit_test
- •
- 1f4cf86 Adding states/ unit tests
- •
- PR #23859: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests @ 2015-05-18T17:01:46Z
- •
- 3c9b813 Merge pull request #23859 from rahulhan/states_sysrc_unit_test
- •
- 6a903b0 Adding states/ unit tests
- •
- PR #23812: (rallytime) Backport #23790 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-18T15:30:34Z
- •
- PR #23790: (aboe76) updated suse spec file to version 2015.5.0 | refs: #23812
- •
- 4cf30a7 Merge pull request #23812 from rallytime/bp-23790
- •
- 3f65631 updated suse spec file to version 2015.5.0
- •
- PR #23811: (rallytime) Backport #23786 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-18T15:30:27Z
- •
- PR #23786: (kaithar) Log the error generated that causes returns.mysql.returner to except. | refs: #23811
- •
- c6f939a Merge pull request #23811 from rallytime/bp-23786
- •
- 346f30b Log the error generated that causes returns.mysql.returner to except.
- •
- PR #23850: (jayeshka) adding sysbench unit test case @ 2015-05-18T15:28:04Z
- •
- ce60582 Merge pull request #23850 from jayeshka/sysbench-unit-test
- •
- 280abde adding sysbench unit test case
- •
- PR #23843: (The-Loeki) Fix erroneous virtual:physical core grain detection @ 2015-05-18T15:24:22Z
- •
- 060902f Merge pull request #23843 from The-Loeki/patch-1
- •
- 9e2cf60 Fix erroneous virtual:physical core grain detection
- •
- PR #23816: (Snergster) Doc for #23685 Added prereq, caution, and additional mask information @ 2015-05-18T15:18:03Z
- •
- ISSUE #23815: (Snergster) [beacons] inotify errors on subdir creation | refs: #23816
- •
- 3257a9b Merge pull request #23816 from Snergster/23685-doc-fix
- •
- 0fca49d Added prereq, caution, and additional mask information
- •
- PR #23832: (ahus1) make saltify provider use standard boostrap procedure @ 2015-05-18T02:18:29Z
- •
- PR #23829: (ahus1) make saltify provider use standard boostrap procedure | refs: #23832
- •
- 3df3b85 Merge pull request #23832 from ahus1/ahus1_saltify_bootstrap_2015.5
- •
- f5b1734 fixing problem in unit test
- •
- cba47f6 make saltify to use standard boostrap procedure, therefore providing all options like master_sign_pub_file
- •
- PR #23791: (optix2000) Psutil compat @ 2015-05-16T04:05:54Z
- •
- 8ec4fb2 Merge pull request #23791 from optix2000/psutil_compat
- •
- 5470cf5 Fix pylint errors and sloppy inline comments
- •
- 64634b6 Update psutil.pid_list to use psutil.pids
- •
- 5dd6d69 Fix imports that aren't in __all__
- •
- 8a1da33 Fix test cases by mocking psutil_compat
- •
- 558798d Fix net_io_counters deprecation issue
- •
- 8140f92 Override unecessary pylint errors
- •
- 7d02ad4 Fix some of the mock names for the new API
- •
- 9b3023e Fix overloaded getters/setters. Fix line lengths
- •
- 180eb87 Fix whitespace
- •
- f8edf72 Use new psutil API in ps module
- •
- e48982f Fix version checking in psutil_compat
- •
- 93ee411 Create compatability psutil. psutil 3.0 drops 1.0 API, but we still support old psutil versions.
- •
- PR #23782: (terminalmage) Replace "command -v" with "which" and get rid of spurious log messages @ 2015-05-16T04:03:10Z
- •
- 405517b Merge pull request #23782 from terminalmage/issue23772
- •
- 0f6f239 More ignore_retcode to suppress spurious log msgs
- •
- b4c48e6 Ignore return code in lxc.attachable
- •
- 08658c0 Replace "command -v" with "which"
- •
- PR #23783: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-15T21:38:51Z
- •
- ISSUE #22959: (highlyunavailable) Windows Salt hangs if is trying to write to a drive that doesn't exist
- •
- ISSUE #22332: (rallytime) [salt-ssh] Add a check for host in /etc/salt/roster | refs: #23748
- •
- ISSUE #16424: (stanvit) salt-run cloud.create fails with saltify
- •
- PR #23748: (basepi) [2014.7] Log salt-ssh roster render errors more assertively and verbosely
- •
- PR #23731: (twangboy) Fixes #22959: Trying to add a directory to an unmapped drive in windows
- •
- PR #23730: (rallytime) Backport #23729 to 2014.7
- •
- PR #23729: (rallytime) Partially merge #23437 (grains fix) | refs: #23730
- •
- PR #23688: (twangboy) Added inet_pton to utils/validate/ for ip.set_static_ip in windows
- •
- PR #23488: (cellscape) LXC cloud fixes
- •
- PR #23437: (cedwards) Grains item patch | refs: #23729
- •
- cb2eb40 Merge pull request #23783 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 9df51ca __opts__.get
- •
- 51d23ed Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- d9af0c3 Merge pull request #23488 from cellscape/lxc-cloud-fixes
- •
- 64250a6 Remove profile from opts after creating LXC container
- •
- c4047d2 Set destroy=True in opts when destroying cloud instance
- •
- 9e1311a Store instance names in opts when performing cloud action
- •
- 934bc57 Correctly pass custom env to lxc-attach
- •
- 7fb85f7 Preserve test=True option in cloud states
- •
- 9771b5a Fix detection of absent LXC container in cloud state
- •
- fb24f0c Report failure when failed to create/clone LXC container
- •
- 2d9aa2b Avoid shadowing variables in lxc module
- •
- 792e102 Allow to override profile options in lxc.cloud_init_interface
- •
- 42bd64b Return changes on successful lxc.create from salt-cloud
- •
- 4409eab Return correct result when creating cloud LXC container
- •
- 377015c Issue #16424: List all providers when creating salt-cloud instance without profile
- •
- 808bbe1 Merge pull request #23748 from basepi/
- •
- bc53e04 Log entire exception for render errors in roster
- •
- 753de6a Log render errors in roster to error level
- •
- e01a7a9 Always let the real YAML error through
- •
- 72cf360 Merge pull request #23731 from twangboy/fix_22959
- •
- 88e5495 Fixes #22959: Trying to add a directory to an unmapped drive in windows
- •
- 2610195 Merge pull request #23730 from rallytime/bp-23729
- •
- 1877cae adding support for nested grains to grains.item
- •
- 3e9df88 Merge pull request #23688 from twangboy/fix_23415
- •
- 6a91169 Fixed unused-import pylint error
- •
- 5e25b3f fixed pylint errors
- •
- 1a96766 Added inet_pton to utils/validate/ for ip.set_static_ip in windows
- •
- PR #23781: (jfindlay) fix unit test mock errors on arch @ 2015-05-15T19:40:07Z
- •
- 982f873 Merge pull request #23781 from jfindlay/fix_locale_tests
- •
- 14c711e fix unit test mock errors on arch
- •
- PR #23740: (jfindlay) Binary write @ 2015-05-15T18:10:44Z
- •
- ISSUE #23566: (rks2286) Salt-cp corrupting the file after transfer to minion | refs: #23740
- •
- 916b1c4 Merge pull request #23740 from jfindlay/binary_write
- •
- 626930a update incorrect comment wording
- •
- a978f5c always use binary file write mode on windows
- •
- PR #23736: (jfindlay) always load pip execution module @ 2015-05-15T18:10:16Z
- •
- ISSUE #23682: (chrish42) Pip module requires system pip, even when not used (with env_bin) | refs: #23736
- •
- 348645e Merge pull request #23736 from jfindlay/fix_pip
- •
- b8867a8 update pip tests
- •
- 040bbc4 only check pip version in one place
- •
- 6c453a5 check for executable status of bin_env
- •
- 3337257 always load the pip module as pip could be anywhere
- •
- PR #23770: (cellscape) Fix cloud LXC container destruction @ 2015-05-15T17:38:59Z
- •
- 10cedfb Merge pull request #23770 from cellscape/fix-cloud-lxc-destruction
- •
- 4f6021c Fix cloud LXC container destruction
- •
- PR #23759: (lisa2lisa) fixed the problem for not beable to revoke ., for more detail https… @ 2015-05-15T17:38:38Z
- •
- ddea822 Merge pull request #23759 from lisa2lisa/iss23664
- •
- a29f161 fixed the problem for not beable to revoke ., for more detail, fixed mysql cannot create user with pure digit password, for more info
- •
- PR #23769: (cellscape) Fix file_roots CA lookup in salt.utils.http.get_ca_bundle @ 2015-05-15T16:21:49Z
- •
- 10615ff Merge pull request #23769 from cellscape/utils-http-ca-file-roots
- •
- 8e90f32 Fix file_roots CA lookup in salt.utils.http.get_ca_bundle
- •
- PR #23765: (jayeshka) adding states/makeconf unit test case @ 2015-05-15T14:29:43Z
- •
- fd8a1b7 Merge pull request #23765 from jayeshka/makeconf_states-unit-test
- •
- 26e31af adding states/makeconf unit test case
- •
- PR #23760: (ticosax) [doc] document refresh argument @ 2015-05-15T14:23:47Z
- •
- ee13b08 Merge pull request #23760 from ticosax/2015.5
- •
- e3ca859 document refresh argument
- •
- PR #23766: (jayeshka) adding svn unit test case @ 2015-05-15T14:23:18Z
- •
- a017f72 Merge pull request #23766 from jayeshka/svn-unit-test
- •
- 19939cf adding svn unit test case
- •
- PR #23751: (rallytime) Backport #23737 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-15T03:58:37Z
- •
- ISSUE #23734: (bradthurber) 2015.5.0 modules/ ZipFile instance has no attribute '__exit__' - only python 2.6? | refs: #23737
- •
- PR #23737: (bradthurber) fix for 2015.5.0 modules/ ZipFile instance has no attribute… | refs: #23751
- •
- 0ed9d45 Merge pull request #23751 from rallytime/bp-23737
- •
- 8d1eb32 fix for 2015.5.0 modules/ ZipFile instance has no attribute '__exit__' - only python 2.6? #23734
- •
- PR #23710: (kiorky) Get more useful output from stateful commands @ 2015-05-14T21:58:10Z
- •
- ISSUE #23709: (kiorky) cmdmod: enhancement is really needed for stateful commands | refs: #23710
- •
- d73984e Merge pull request #23710 from makinacorpus/i23709
- •
- c706909 Get more useful output from stateful commands
- •
- PR #23724: (rallytime) Backport #23609 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-14T19:34:22Z
- •
- PR #23609: (kaidokert) file_map: chown created directories if not root #23608 | refs: #23724
- •
- cdf421b Merge pull request #23724 from rallytime/bp-23609
- •
- fe3a762 file_map: chmod created directories if not root
- •
- PR #23723: (rallytime) Backport #23568 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-14T19:34:11Z
- •
- PR #23568: (techhat) Allow Salt Cloud to use either SCP or SFTP, as configured | refs: #23723
- •
- 94f9099 Merge pull request #23723 from rallytime/bp-23568
- •
- bbec34a Allow Salt Cloud to use either SCP or SFTP, as configured
- •
- PR #23725: (rallytime) Backport #23691 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-14T19:32:30Z
- •
- PR #23691: (dennisjac) add initial configuration documentation for varstack pillar | refs: #23725
- •
- 137e5ee Merge pull request #23725 from rallytime/bp-23691
- •
- 28a846e add initial configuration documentation for varstack pillar
- •
- PR #23722: (rallytime) Backport #23472 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-14T19:31:52Z
- •
- PR #23472: (techhat) Allow neutron network list to be used as pillar data | refs: #23722
- •
- 0c00995 Merge pull request #23722 from rallytime/bp-23472
- •
- c3d0f39 Change versionadded tag for backport
- •
- 023e88f Allow neutron network list to be used as pillar data
- •
- PR #23727: (jfindlay) fix npm execution module stacktrace @ 2015-05-14T18:14:12Z
- •
- ISSUE #23657: (arthurlogilab) [salt-cloud lxc] NameError: global name '__salt__' is not defined | refs: #23727 #23898 #23897
- •
- cbf4ca8 Merge pull request #23727 from jfindlay/npm_salt
- •
- 05392f2 fix npm execution module stacktrace
- •
- PR #23718: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests @ 2015-05-14T17:15:38Z
- •
- ef536d5 Merge pull request #23718 from rahulhan/states_user_unit_tests
- •
- aad27db Adding states/ unit tests
- •
- PR #23720: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-14T17:13:02Z
- •
- ISSUE #23604: (Azidburn) service.dead on systemd Minion create an Error Message | refs: #23607
- •
- ISSUE #23548: (kkaig) grains.list_present produces incorrect (?) output | refs: #23674
- •
- ISSUE #23403: (iamfil) fun parameter is replaced | refs: #23680
- •
- PR #23680: (cachedout) Rename kwarg in cloud runner
- •
- PR #23674: (cachedout) Handle lists correctly in grains.list_prsesent
- •
- PR #23672: (twangboy) Fix user present
- •
- PR #23670: (rallytime) Backport #23607 to 2014.7
- •
- PR #23607: (Azidburn) Fix for #23604. No error reporting. Exitcode !=0 are ok | refs: #23670
- •
- a529d74 Merge pull request #23720 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 06a3ebd Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 1b86460 Merge pull request #23680 from cachedout/issue_23403
- •
- d5986c2 Rename kwarg in cloud runner
- •
- cd64af0 Merge pull request #23674 from cachedout/issue_23548
- •
- da8a2f5 Handle lists correctly in grains.list_prsesent
- •
- d322a19 Merge pull request #23672 from twangboy/fix_user_present
- •
- 731e7af Merge branch '2014.7' of into fix_user_present
- •
- d6f70a4 Fixed user.present to create password in windows
- •
- 43f7025 Merge pull request #23670 from rallytime/bp-23607
- •
- ed30dc4 Fix for #23604. No error reporting. Exitcode !=0 are ok
- •
- PR #23704: (jayeshka) adding states/lvs_server unit test case @ 2015-05-14T14:22:10Z
- •
- 13facbf Merge pull request #23704 from jayeshka/lvs_server_states-unit-test
- •
- da323da adding states/lvs_server unit test case
- •
- PR #23703: (jayeshka) adding states/lvs_service unit test case @ 2015-05-14T14:21:23Z
- •
- f95ca31 Merge pull request #23703 from jayeshka/lvs_service_states-unit-test
- •
- 66717c8 adding states/lvs_service unit test case
- •
- PR #23702: (jayeshka) Remove superfluous return statement. @ 2015-05-14T14:20:42Z
- •
- 07e987e Merge pull request #23702 from jayeshka/fix_lvs_service
- •
- ecff218 fix lvs_service
- •
- PR #23686: (jfindlay) remove superflous return statement @ 2015-05-14T14:20:18Z
- •
- 39973d4 Merge pull request #23686 from jfindlay/fix_lvs_server
- •
- 5aaeb73 remove superflous return statement
- •
- PR #23690: (rallytime) Backport #23424 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-13T23:04:36Z
- •
- PR #23424: (jtand) Added python_shell=True for refresh_db in | refs: #23690
- •
- be7c7ef Merge pull request #23690 from rallytime/bp-23424
- •
- 94574b7 Added python_shell=True for refresh_db in
- •
- PR #23681: (cachedout) Start on 2015.5.1 release notes @ 2015-05-13T19:44:22Z
- •
- 1a0db43 Merge pull request #23681 from cachedout/2015_5_1_release_notes
- •
- bdbbfa6 Start on 2015.5.1 release notes
- •
- PR #23679: (jfindlay) Merge #23616 @ 2015-05-13T19:03:53Z
- •
- PR #23616: (Snergster) virtual returning none warning fixed in dev but missed in 2015.5 | refs: #23679
- •
- b54075a Merge pull request #23679 from jfindlay/merge_23616
- •
- 6e15e19 appease pylint's blank line strictures
- •
- 8750680 virtual returning none warning fixed in dev but missed in 2015.5
- •
- PR #23675: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-13T18:35:54Z
- •
- ISSUE #23611: (hubez) master_type set to 'failover' but 'master' is not of type list but of type <type 'str'> | refs: #23637
- •
- ISSUE #23479: (danielmorlock) Typo in pkg.removed for Gentoo? | refs: #23558
- •
- ISSUE #23452: (michaelforge) minion crashed with empty grain | refs: #23639
- •
- ISSUE #23411: (dr4Ke) grains.append should work at any level of a grain | refs: #23440
- •
- ISSUE #23355: (dr4Ke) salt-ssh: 'sources: salt://' files from 'pkg' state are not included in salt_state.tgz | refs: #23530
- •
- ISSUE #23110: (martinhoefling) Copying files from gitfs in file.recurse state fails
- •
- ISSUE #23004: (b18) 2014.7.5 - Windows - pkg.list_pkgs - "nxlog" never shows up in output. | refs: #23433
- •
- ISSUE #22908: (karanjad) Add failhard option to salt orchestration | refs: #23389
- •
- ISSUE #22141: (Deshke) grains.get_or_set_hash render error if hash begins with "%" | refs: #23640
- •
- PR #23661: (rallytime) Merge #23640 with whitespace fix
- •
- PR #23640: (cachedout) Add warning to get_or_set_hash about reserved chars | refs: #23661
- •
- PR #23639: (cachedout) Handle exceptions raised by __virtual__
- •
- PR #23637: (cachedout) Convert str master to list
- •
- PR #23606: (twangboy) Fixed checkbox for starting service and actually starting it
- •
- PR #23595: (rallytime) Backport #23549 to 2014.7
- •
- PR #23594: (rallytime) Backport #23496 to 2014.7
- •
- PR #23593: (rallytime) Backport #23442 to 2014.7
- •
- PR #23592: (rallytime) Backport #23389 to 2014.7
- •
- PR #23573: (techhat) Scan all available networks for public and private IPs | refs: #23802
- •
- PR #23558: (jfindlay) reorder emerge command line
- •
- PR #23554: (jleroy) Debian: Hostname always updated
- •
- PR #23551: (dr4Ke) grains.append unit tests, related to #23474
- •
- PR #23549: (vr-jack) Update | refs: #23595
- •
- PR #23537: (t0rrant) Update changelog
- •
- PR #23530: (dr4Ke) salt-ssh state: fix including all salt:// references
- •
- PR #23496: (martinhoefling) Fix for issue #23110 | refs: #23594
- •
- PR #23474: (dr4Ke) Fix grains.append in nested dictionnary grains #23411
- •
- PR #23442: (clan) add directory itself to keep list | refs: #23593
- •
- PR #23440: (dr4Ke) fix grains.append in nested dictionnary grains #23411 | refs: #23474
- •
- PR #23433: (twangboy) Obtain all software from the registry
- •
- PR #23389: (cachedout) Correct fail_hard typo | refs: #23592
- •
- e480f13 Merge pull request #23675 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- bd63548 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 0f006ac Merge pull request #23661 from rallytime/merge-23640
- •
- 4427f42 Whitespace fix
- •
- dd91154 Add warning to get_or_set_hash about reserved chars
- •
- 84e2ef8 Merge pull request #23639 from cachedout/issue_23452
- •
- d418b49 Syntax error!
- •
- 45b4015 Handle exceptions raised by __virtual__
- •
- bd9b94b Merge pull request #23637 from cachedout/issue_23611
- •
- 56cb1f5 Fix typo
- •
- f6fcf19 Convert str master to list
- •
- f20c0e4 Merge pull request #23595 from rallytime/bp-23549
- •
- 6efcac0 Update
- •
- 1acaf86 Merge pull request #23594 from rallytime/bp-23496
- •
- d5ae1d2 Fix for issue #23110 This resolves issues when the freshly created directory is removed by fileserver.update.
- •
- 2c221c7 Merge pull request #23593 from rallytime/bp-23442
- •
- 39869a1 check w/ low['name'] only
- •
- 304cc49 another fix for file defined w/ id, but require name
- •
- 8814d41 add directory itself to keep list
- •
- fadd1ef Merge pull request #23606 from twangboy/fix_installer
- •
- 038331e Fixed checkbox for starting service and actually starting it
- •
- acdd3fc Fix lint
- •
- 680e88f Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 10b3f0f Merge pull request #23592 from rallytime/bp-23389
- •
- 734cc43 Correct fail_hard typo
- •
- cd34b9b Merge pull request #23573 from techhat/novaquery
- •
- f92db5e Linting
- •
- 26e00d3 Scan all available networks for public and private IPs
- •
- 2a72cd7 Merge pull request #23558 from jfindlay/fix_ebuild
- •
- 45404fb reorder emerge command line
- •
- a664a3c Merge pull request #23530 from dr4Ke/fix_salt-ssh_to_include_pkg_sources
- •
- 5df6a80 fix pylint warning
- •
- d0549e5 salt-ssh state: fix including all salt:// references
- •
- 55c3869 Merge pull request #23433 from twangboy/list_pkgs_fix
- •
- 8ab5b1b Fix pylint error
- •
- 2d11d65 Obtain all software from the registry
- •
- 755bed0 Merge pull request #23554 from jleroy/debian-hostname-fix
- •
- 5ff749e Debian: Hostname always updated
- •
- 6ec87ce Merge pull request #23551 from dr4Ke/grains.append_unit_tests
- •
- ebff9df fix pylint errors
- •
- c495404 unit tests for grains.append module function
- •
- 0c9a323 use MagickMock
- •
- c838a22 unit tests for grains.append module function
- •
- e96c5c5 Merge pull request #23474 from dr4Ke/fix_grains.append_nested
- •
- a01a5bb grains.get, parameter delimititer, versionadded: 2014.7.6
- •
- b39f504 remove debugging output
- •
- b6e15e2 fix grains.append in nested dictionnary grains #23411
- •
- ab7e1ae Merge pull request #23537 from t0rrant/patch-1
- •
- 8e03cc9 Update changelog
- •
- PR #23669: (rallytime) Backport #23586 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-13T18:27:11Z
- •
- PR #23586: (Lothiraldan) Fix salt.state.file._unify_sources_and_hashes when sources is used without sources_hashes | refs: #23669
- •
- 0dad6be Merge pull request #23669 from rallytime/bp-23586
- •
- ef4c6ad Remove another unused import
- •
- 73cfda7 Remove unused import
- •
- 52b68d6 Use the zip_longest from six module for python 3 compatiblity
- •
- 18d5ff9 Fix salt.state.file._unify_sources_and_hashes when sources is used without sources_hashes
- •
- PR #23662: (rallytime) Merge #23642 with pylint fix @ 2015-05-13T15:46:51Z
- •
- PR #23642: (cachedout) Let saltmod handle lower-level exceptions gracefully | refs: #23662
- •
- fabef75 Merge pull request #23662 from rallytime/merge-23642
- •
- aa7bbd8 Remove unused import
- •
- 9e66d4c Let saltmod handle lower-level exceptions gracefully
- •
- PR #23622: (jfindlay) merge #23508 @ 2015-05-13T15:36:49Z
- •
- PR #23508: (cro) Port mysql returner to postgres using jsonb datatype | refs: #23622
- •
- 072b927 Merge pull request #23622 from jfindlay/pgjsonb
- •
- 454322c appease pylint's proscription on blank line excess
- •
- 57c6171 Get time with timezone correct also in job return.
- •
- e109d0f Get time with timezone correct.
- •
- 21e06b9 Fix SQL, remove unneeded imports.
- •
- 653f360 Stop making changes in 2 places.
- •
- d6daaa0 Typo.
- •
- 7d748bf SSL is handled differently by Pg, so don't set it here.
- •
- cc7c377 Fill alter_time field in salt_events with current time with timezone.
- •
- 43defe9 Port mysql module to Postgres using jsonb datatypes
- •
- PR #23651: (jayeshka) adding solr unit test case @ 2015-05-13T15:26:15Z
- •
- c1bdd4d Merge pull request #23651 from jayeshka/solr-unit-test
- •
- 6e05148 adding solr unit test case
- •
- PR #23649: (jayeshka) adding states/libvirt unit test case @ 2015-05-13T15:24:48Z
- •
- ee43411 Merge pull request #23649 from jayeshka/libvirt_states-unit-test
- •
- 0fb923a adding states/libvirt unit test case
- •
- PR #23648: (jayeshka) adding states/linux_acl unit test case @ 2015-05-13T15:24:11Z
- •
- c7fc466 Merge pull request #23648 from jayeshka/linux_acl_states-unit-test
- •
- 3f0ab29 removed error.
- •
- 11081c1 adding states/linux_acl unit test case
- •
- PR #23650: (jayeshka) adding states/kmod unit test case @ 2015-05-13T15:09:18Z
- •
- 4cba7ba Merge pull request #23650 from jayeshka/kmod_states-unit-test
- •
- 1987015 adding states/kmod unit test case
- •
- PR #23633: (jayeshka) made changes to test_interfaces function. @ 2015-05-13T06:51:07Z
- •
- bc8faf1 Merge pull request #23633 from jayeshka/win_network-2015.5-unit-test
- •
- 0936e1d made changes to test_interfaces function.
- •
- PR #23619: (jfindlay) fix kmod.present processing of module loading @ 2015-05-13T01:16:56Z
- •
- 7df3579 Merge pull request #23619 from jfindlay/fix_kmod_state
- •
- 73facbf fix kmod.present processing of module loading
- •
- PR #23598: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests @ 2015-05-12T21:47:36Z
- •
- d4f3095 Merge pull request #23598 from rahulhan/states_win_dns_client_unit_test
- •
- d08d885 Adding states/ unit tests
- •
- PR #23597: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests @ 2015-05-12T21:46:30Z
- •
- 811c6a1 Merge pull request #23597 from rahulhan/states_vbox_guest_unit_test
- •
- 6a2909e Removed errors
- •
- 4cde78a Adding states/ unit tests
- •
- PR #23615: (rallytime) Backport #23577 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-12T21:19:11Z
- •
- PR #23577: (msciciel) Fix find and remove functions to pass database param | refs: #23615
- •
- 029ff11 Merge pull request #23615 from rallytime/bp-23577
- •
- 6f74477 Fix find and remove functions to pass database param
- •
- PR #23603: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests @ 2015-05-12T18:40:12Z
- •
- b858953 Merge pull request #23603 from rahulhan/states_winrepo_unit_test
- •
- a66e7e7 Adding states/ unit tests
- •
- PR #23602: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests @ 2015-05-12T18:39:37Z
- •
- 3cbbd6d Merge pull request #23602 from rahulhan/states_win_path_unit_test
- •
- 122c29f Adding states/ unit tests
- •
- PR #23600: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests @ 2015-05-12T18:39:01Z
- •
- 3c904e8 Merge pull request #23600 from rahulhan/states_win_network_unit_test
- •
- b418404 removed lint error
- •
- 1be8023 Adding states/ unit tests
- •
- PR #23599: (rahulhan) Adding unit tests @ 2015-05-12T18:37:49Z
- •
- 10243a7 Merge pull request #23599 from rahulhan/states_win_firewall_unit_test
- •
- 6cda890 Adding unit tests
- •
- PR #23601: (basepi) Add versionadded for jboss module/state @ 2015-05-12T17:22:59Z
- •
- e73071d Merge pull request #23601 from basepi/jboss.version.added
- •
- 0174c8f Add versionadded for jboss module/state
- •
- PR #23469: (s0undt3ch) Call the windows specific function not the general one @ 2015-05-12T16:47:22Z
- •
- 9beb7bc Merge pull request #23469 from s0undt3ch/hotfix/call-the-win-func
- •
- 83e88a3 Call the windows specific function not the general one
- •
- PR #23583: (jayeshka) adding states/ipset unit test case @ 2015-05-12T16:31:55Z
- •
- d2f0975 Merge pull request #23583 from jayeshka/ipset_states-unit-test
- •
- 4330cf4 adding states/ipset unit test case
- •
- PR #23582: (jayeshka) adding states/keyboard unit test case @ 2015-05-12T16:31:17Z
- •
- 82a47e8 Merge pull request #23582 from jayeshka/keyboard_states-unit-test
- •
- fa94d7a adding states/keyboard unit test case
- •
- PR #23581: (jayeshka) adding states/layman unit test case @ 2015-05-12T16:30:36Z
- •
- 77e5b28 Merge pull request #23581 from jayeshka/layman_states-unit-test
- •
- 297b055 adding states/layman unit test case
- •
- PR #23580: (jayeshka) adding smf unit test case @ 2015-05-12T16:29:58Z
- •
- cbe3282 Merge pull request #23580 from jayeshka/smf-unit-test
- •
- 4f97191 adding smf unit test case
- •
- PR #23572: (The-Loeki) Fix regression of #21355 introduced by #21603 @ 2015-05-12T16:28:05Z
- •
- ISSUE #21603: (ipmb) ssh_auth.present fails on key without comment | refs: #23572 #23572
- •
- PR #21355: (The-Loeki) Fix for comments containing whitespaces
- •
- 16a3338 Merge pull request #23572 from The-Loeki/ssh_auth_fix
- •
- d8248dd Fix regression of #21355 introduced by #21603
- •
- PR #23565: (garethgreenaway) fix to aptpkg module @ 2015-05-12T16:25:46Z
- •
- ISSUE #23490: (lichtamberg) salt.modules.aptpkg.upgrade should have default "dist_upgrade=False" | refs: #23565
- •
- f843f89 Merge pull request #23565 from garethgreenaway/2015_2_aptpkg_upgrade_default_to_upgrade
- •
- 97ae514 aptpkg.upgrade should default to upgrade instead of dist_upgrade.
- •
- PR #23550: (jfindlay) additional mock for rh_ip_test test_build_bond @ 2015-05-12T15:17:16Z
- •
- ISSUE #23473: (terminalmage) unit.modules.rh_ip_test.RhipTestCase.test_build_bond is not properly mocked | refs: #23550
- •
- c1157cd Merge pull request #23550 from jfindlay/fix_rh_ip_test
- •
- e9b94d3 additional mock for rh_ip_test test_build_bond
- •
- PR #23552: (garethgreenaway) Fix for an issue caused by a previous pull request @ 2015-05-11T21:54:59Z
- •
- b593328 Merge pull request #23552 from garethgreenaway/2015_5_returner_fix_broken_previous_pr
- •
- 7d70e2b Passed argumentes in the call _fetch_profile_opts to were in the wrong order
- •
- PR #23547: (slinu3d) Added AWS v4 signature support for 2015.5 @ 2015-05-11T21:52:24Z
- •
- d0f9682 Merge pull request #23547 from slinu3d/2015.5
- •
- f3bfdb5 Fixed urlparse and urlencode calls
- •
- 802dbdb Added AWS v4 signature support for 2015.5
- •
- PR #23544: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-11T18:02:06Z
- •
- ISSUE #23159: (aneeshusa) Unused validator
- •
- ISSUE #20518: (ekle) module s3.get does not support eu-central-1 | refs: #23467
- •
- ISSUE #563: (chutz) pidfile support for minion and master daemons | refs: #23460 #23461
- •
- PR #23538: (cro) Update date in LICENSE file
- •
- PR #23505: (aneeshusa) Remove unused ssh config validator. Fixes #23159.
- •
- PR #23467: (slinu3d) Added AWS v4 signature support
- •
- PR #23460: (s0undt3ch) [2014.7] Update to latest stable bootstrap script v2015.05.07
- •
- PR #23444: (techhat) Add create_attach_volume to nova driver
- •
- PR #23439: (techhat) Add wait_for_passwd_maxtries variable
- •
- 06c6a1f Merge pull request #23544 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- f8a36bc Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- b79fed3 Merge pull request #23538 from cro/licupdate
- •
- 345efe2 Update date in LICENSE file
- •
- a123a36 Merge pull request #23505 from aneeshusa/remove-unused-ssh-config-validator
- •
- 90af167 Remove unused ssh config validator. Fixes #23159.
- •
- ca2c21a Merge pull request #23467 from slinu3d/2014.7
- •
- 0b4081d Fixed pylint error at line 363
- •
- 5be5eb5 Fixed pylink errors
- •
- e64f374 Fixed lint errors
- •
- b9d1ac4 Added AWS v4 signature support
- •
- e6f9eec Merge pull request #23444 from techhat/novacreateattach
- •
- ebdb7ea Add create_attach_volume to nova driver
- •
- e331463 Merge pull request #23460 from s0undt3ch/hotfix/bootstrap-script-2014.7
- •
- edcd0c4 Update to latest stable bootstrap script v2015.05.07
- •
- 7a8ce1a Merge pull request #23439 from techhat/maxtries
- •
- 0ad3ff2 Add wait_for_passwd_maxtries variable
- •
- PR #23470: (twangboy) Fixed service.restart for salt-minion @ 2015-05-11T17:54:47Z
- •
- ISSUE #23426: (twangboy) Can't restart salt-minion on 64 bit windows (2015.5.0) | refs: #23470
- •
- aa5b896 Merge pull request #23470 from twangboy/fix_svc_restart
- •
- b3f284c Fixed tests
- •
- ad44d79 Fixed service.restart for salt-minion
- •
- PR #23539: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests @ 2015-05-11T17:02:31Z
- •
- 67988b2 Merge pull request #23539 from rahulhan/states_virtualenv_mod_unit_test
- •
- 750bb07 Adding states/ unit tests
- •
- 6f0cf2e Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2015.2' into 2015.5
- •
- ISSUE #23244: (freimer) Caller not available in reactors | refs: #23245
- •
- PR #23509: (keesbos) Catch the unset (empty/None) environment case
- •
- PR #23423: (cachedout) Remove jid_event from state.orch
- •
- PR #23245: (freimer) Add Caller functionality to reactors.
- •
- c966196 Merge pull request #23423 from cachedout/remove_jid_event_from_orch
- •
- f81aab7 Remove jid_event from state.orch
- •
- 2bb09b7 Merge pull request #23509 from keesbos/Catch_empty_environment
- •
- 6dedeac Catch the unset (empty/None) environment case
- •
- 6d42f30 Merge pull request #23245 from freimer/issue_23244
- •
- 24cf6eb Add Caller functionality to reactors.
- •
- PR #23513: (gladiatr72) short-circuit auto-failure of iptables.delete state @ 2015-05-11T15:18:33Z
- •
- c3f03d8 Merge pull request #23513 from gladiatr72/RFC_stop_iptables.check_from_short-circuiting_position-only_delete_rule
- •
- c71714c short-circuit auto-failure of iptables.delete state if position argument is set without the other accoutrements that check_rule requires.
- •
- PR #23534: (jayeshka) adding states/ini_manage unit test case @ 2015-05-11T14:32:06Z
- •
- 4e77f6f Merge pull request #23534 from jayeshka/ini_manage_states-unit-test
- •
- 831223c adding states/ini_manage unit test case
- •
- PR #23533: (jayeshka) adding states/hipchat unit test case @ 2015-05-11T14:30:22Z
- •
- 11ba9ed Merge pull request #23533 from jayeshka/hipchat-states-unit-test
- •
- 41d14b3 adding states/hipchat unit test case
- •
- PR #23532: (jayeshka) adding states/ipmi unit test case @ 2015-05-11T14:28:15Z
- •
- e542113 Merge pull request #23532 from jayeshka/ipmi-states-unit-test
- •
- fc3e64a adding states/ipmi unit test case
- •
- PR #23531: (jayeshka) adding service unit test case @ 2015-05-11T14:27:12Z
- •
- 9ba85fd Merge pull request #23531 from jayeshka/service-unit-test
- •
- 3ad5314 adding service unit test case
- •
- PR #23517: (garethgreenaway) fix to returners @ 2015-05-11T14:20:51Z
- •
- ISSUE #23512: (Code-Vortex) hipchat_returner / slack_returner not work correctly | refs: #23517
- •
- 32838cd Merge pull request #23517 from garethgreenaway/23512_2015_5_returners_with_profiles
- •
- 81e31e2 fix for returners that utilize profile attributes. code in the if else statement was backwards. #23512
- •
- PR #23502: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests @ 2015-05-08T19:47:18Z
- •
- 6be7d8d Merge pull request #23502 from rahulhan/states_win_servermanager_unit_test
- •
- 2490074 Adding states/ unit tests
- •
- PR #23495: (jayeshka) adding seed unit test case @ 2015-05-08T17:30:38Z
- •
- 6048578 Merge pull request #23495 from jayeshka/seed-unit-test
- •
- 3f134bc adding seed unit test case
- •
- PR #23494: (jayeshka) adding sensors unit test case @ 2015-05-08T17:30:18Z
- •
- 70bc3c1 Merge pull request #23494 from jayeshka/sensors-unit-test
- •
- 1fb48a3 adding sensors unit test case
- •
- PR #23493: (jayeshka) adding states/incron unit test case @ 2015-05-08T17:29:59Z
- •
- b981b20 Merge pull request #23493 from jayeshka/incron-states-unit-test
- •
- cc7bc17 adding states/incron unit test case
- •
- PR #23492: (jayeshka) adding states/influxdb_database unit test case @ 2015-05-08T17:29:51Z
- •
- 4019c49 Merge pull request #23492 from jayeshka/influxdb_database-states-unit-test
- •
- e1fcac8 adding states/influxdb_database unit test case
- •
- PR #23491: (jayeshka) adding states/influxdb_user unit test case @ 2015-05-08T16:24:07Z
- •
- d317a77 Merge pull request #23491 from jayeshka/influxdb_user-states-unit-test
- •
- 9d4043f adding states/influxdb_user unit test case
- •
- PR #23477: (galet) LDAP auth: Escape filter value for group membership search @ 2015-05-07T22:04:48Z
- •
- e0b2a73 Merge pull request #23477 from galet/ldap-filter-escaping
- •
- 33038b9 LDAP auth: Escape filter value for group membership search
- •
- PR #23476: (cachedout) Lint becaon @ 2015-05-07T19:55:36Z
- •
- PR #23431: (UtahDave) Beacon fixes | refs: #23476
- •
- e1719fe Merge pull request #23476 from cachedout/lint_23431
- •
- 8d1ff20 Lint becaon
- •
- PR #23431: (UtahDave) Beacon fixes | refs: #23476 @ 2015-05-07T19:53:47Z
- •
- 1e299ed Merge pull request #23431 from UtahDave/beacon_fixes
- •
- 152f223 remove unused import
- •
- 81198f9 fix interval logic and example
- •
- 5504778 update to proper examples
- •
- 6890439 fix list for mask
- •
- ee7b579 remove custom interval code.
- •
- PR #23468: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests @ 2015-05-07T19:20:50Z
- •
- ea55c44 Merge pull request #23468 from rahulhan/states_win_system_unit_test
- •
- 33f8c12 Adding states/ unit tests
- •
- PR #23466: (UtahDave) minor spelling fix @ 2015-05-07T19:19:06Z
- •
- e6e1114 Merge pull request #23466 from UtahDave/2015.5local
- •
- b2c399a minor spelling fix
- •
- PR #23461: (s0undt3ch) [2015.5] Update to latest stable bootstrap script v2015.05.07 @ 2015-05-07T19:16:18Z
- •
- ISSUE #563: (chutz) pidfile support for minion and master daemons | refs: #23460 #23461
- •
- 4eeb1e6 Merge pull request #23461 from s0undt3ch/hotfix/bootstrap-script
- •
- 638c63d Update to latest stable bootstrap script v2015.05.07
- •
- PR #23450: (jayeshka) adding scsi unit test case @ 2015-05-07T19:00:28Z
- •
- 8651278 Merge pull request #23450 from jayeshka/scsi-unit-test
- •
- e7269ff adding scsi unit test case
- •
- PR #23449: (jayeshka) adding s3 unit test case @ 2015-05-07T18:59:45Z
- •
- 8b374ae Merge pull request #23449 from jayeshka/s3-unit-test
- •
- 85786bf adding s3 unit test case
- •
- PR #23448: (jayeshka) adding states/keystone unit test case @ 2015-05-07T18:58:59Z
- •
- 49b431c Merge pull request #23448 from jayeshka/keystone-states-unit-test
- •
- a3050eb adding states/keystone unit test case
- •
- PR #23447: (jayeshka) adding states/grafana unit test case @ 2015-05-07T18:58:20Z
- •
- 23d7e7e Merge pull request #23447 from jayeshka/grafana-states-unit-test
- •
- 7e90a4a adding states/grafana unit test case
- •
- PR #23438: (techhat) Gate requests import @ 2015-05-07T07:22:58Z
- •
- 1fd0bc2 Merge pull request #23438 from techhat/gaterequests
- •
- d5b15fc Gate requests import
- •
- PR #23429: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-05-07T05:35:13Z
- •
- ISSUE #17245: (tomashavlas) localemod does not generate locale for Arch | refs: #23307 #23397
- •
- PR #23425: (basepi) [2014.7] Fix typo in FunctionWrapper
- •
- PR #23422: (cro) $HOME should not be used, some shells don't set it.
- •
- PR #23414: (jfindlay) 2015.2 -> 2015.5
- •
- PR #23409: (terminalmage) Update Lithium docstrings in 2014.7 branch | refs: #23410
- •
- PR #23404: (hvnsweeting) saltapi cherrypy: initialize var when POST body is empty
- •
- PR #23397: (jfindlay) add more flexible whitespace to locale_gen search
- •
- PR #23385: (rallytime) Backport #23346 to 2014.7
- •
- PR #23346: (ericfode) Allow file_map in salt-cloud to handle folders. | refs: #23385
- •
- 3c4f734 Merge pull request #23429 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 7729834 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 644eb75 Merge pull request #23422 from cro/gce_sh_home
- •
- 4ef9e6b Don't use $HOME to find user's directory, some shells don't set it
- •
- ef17ab4 Merge pull request #23425 from basepi/functionwrapper_typo
- •
- c390737 Fix typo in FunctionWrapper
- •
- 1b13ec0 Merge pull request #23385 from rallytime/bp-23346
- •
- 9efc13c more linting fixes
- •
- cf131c9 cleaned up some pylint errors
- •
- f981699 added logic to sftp_file and file_map to allow folder uploads using file_map
- •
- f8c7a62 Merge pull request #23414 from jfindlay/update_branch
- •
- 8074d16 2015.2 -> 2015.5
- •
- 54b3bd4 Merge pull request #23404 from hvnsweeting/cherrypy-post-emptybody-fix
- •
- f85f8f9 initialize var when POST body is empty
- •
- 160f703 Merge pull request #23409 from terminalmage/update-lithium-docstrings-2014.7
- •
- bc97d01 Fix sphinx typo
- •
- 20006b0 Update Lithium docstrings in 2014.7 branch
- •
- aa5fb0a Merge pull request #23397 from jfindlay/fix_locale_gen
- •
- 0941fef add more flexible whitespace to locale_gen search
- •
- PR #23396: (basepi) [2015.2] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.2 @ 2015-05-06T21:42:35Z
- •
- ISSUE #23294: (variia) file.replace fails to append if repl string partially available | refs: #23350
- •
- ISSUE #23026: (adelcast) Incorrect salt-syndic logfile and pidfile locations | refs: #23341
- •
- ISSUE #22742: (hvnsweeting) salt-master says: "This master address: 'salt' was previously resolvable but now fails to resolve!" | refs: #23344
- •
- ISSUE #19114: (pykler) salt-ssh and gpg pillar renderer | refs: #23272 #23347 #23188
- •
- ISSUE #17245: (tomashavlas) localemod does not generate locale for Arch | refs: #23307 #23397
- •
- ISSUE #580: (thatch45) recursive watch not being caught | refs: #23324
- •
- ISSUE #552: (jhutchins) Support require and watch under the same state dec | refs: #23324
- •
- PR #23368: (kaithar) Backport #23367 to 2014.7
- •
- PR #23367: (kaithar) Put the sed insert statement back in to the output. | refs: #23368
- •
- PR #23350: (lorengordon) Append/prepend: search for full line
- •
- PR #23347: (basepi) [2014.7] Salt-SSH Backport FunctionWrapper.__contains__
- •
- PR #23344: (cachedout) Explicitely set file_client on master
- •
- PR #23341: (cachedout) Fix syndic pid and logfile path
- •
- PR #23324: (s0undt3ch) [2014.7] Update to the latest stable release of the bootstrap script v2015.05.04
- •
- PR #23318: (cellscape) Honor seed argument in LXC container initializaton
- •
- PR #23311: (cellscape) Fix new container initialization in LXC runner | refs: #23318
- •
- PR #23307: (jfindlay) check for /etc/locale.gen
- •
- PR #23272: (basepi) [2014.7] Allow salt-ssh minion config overrides via master config and roster | refs: #23347
- •
- PR #23188: (basepi) [2014.7] Work around bug in salt-ssh in config.get for gpg renderer | refs: #23272
- •
- PR #18368: (basepi) Merge forward from 2014.7 to develop | refs: #23367 #23368
- •
- PR #589: (epoelke) add --quiet and --outfile options to saltkey | refs: #23324
- •
- PR #567: (bastichelaar) Added upstart module | refs: #23324
- •
- PR #560: (UtahDave) The runas feature that was added in 93423aa2e5e4b7de6452090b0039560d2b13... | refs: #23324
- •
- PR #504: (SEJeff) File state goodies | refs: #23324
- •
- 1fb8445 Merge pull request #23396 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.2
- •
- 2766c8c Fix typo in FunctionWrapper
- •
- fd09cda Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.2
- •
- 0c76dd4 Merge pull request #23368 from kaithar/bp-23367
- •
- 577f419 Pylint fix
- •
- 8d9acd1 Put the sed insert statement back in to the output.
- •
- 3493cc1 Merge pull request #23350 from lorengordon/file.replace_assume_line
- •
- b60e224 Append/prepend: search for full line
- •
- 7be5c48 Merge pull request #23341 from cachedout/issue_23026
- •
- e98e65e Fix tests
- •
- 6011b43 Fix syndic pid and logfile path
- •
- ea61abf Merge pull request #23272 from basepi/salt-ssh.minion.config.19114
- •
- c223309 Add versionadded
- •
- be7407f Lint
- •
- c2c3375 Missing comma
- •
- 8e3e8e0 Pass the minion_opts through the FunctionWrapper
- •
- cb69cd0 Match the master config template in the master config reference
- •
- 87fc316 Add Salt-SSH section to master config template
- •
- 91dd9dc Add ssh_minion_opts to master config ref
- •
- c273ea1 Add minion config to salt-ssh doc
- •
- a0b6b76 Add minion_opts to roster docs
- •
- 5212c35 Accept minion_opts from the target information
- •
- e2099b6 Process ssh_minion_opts from master config
- •
- 3b64214 Revert "Work around bug in salt-ssh in config.get for gpg renderer"
- •
- 494953a Remove the strip (embracing multi-line YAML dump)
- •
- fe87f0f Dump multi-line yaml into the SHIM
- •
- b751a72 Inject local minion config into shim if available
- •
- 4f760dd Merge pull request #23347 from basepi/salt-ssh.functionwrapper.contains.19114
- •
- 30595e3 Backport FunctionWrapper.__contains__
- •
- 02658b1 Merge pull request #23344 from cachedout/issue_22742
- •
- 5adc96c Explicitely set file_client on master
- •
- ba7605d Merge pull request #23318 from cellscape/honor-seed-argument
- •
- 228b1be Honor seed argument in LXC container initializaton
- •
- 4ac4509 Merge pull request #23307 from jfindlay/fix_locale_gen
- •
- 101199a check for /etc/locale.gen
- •
- f790f42 Merge pull request #23324 from s0undt3ch/hotfix/bootstrap-script-2014.7
- •
- 6643e47 Update to the latest stable release of the bootstrap script v2015.05.04
- •
- 23d4feb Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2015.2' into 2015.5
- •
- PR #23412: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests @ 2015-05-06T18:31:09Z
- •
- b3c1672 Merge pull request #23412 from rahulhan/states_win_update_unit_test
- •
- 9bc1519 Removed unwanted imports
- •
- f12bfcf Adding states/ unit tests
- •
- PR #23413: (terminalmage) Update manpages for 2015.2 -> 2015.5 @ 2015-05-06T17:12:57Z
- •
- f2d7646 Merge pull request #23413 from terminalmage/update-manpages
- •
- 23fa440 Update manpages to reflect 2015.2 rename to 2015.5
- •
- 0fdaa73 Fix missed docstring updates from 2015.2 -> 2015.5
- •
- 4fea5ba Add missing RST file
- •
- PR #23410: (terminalmage) Update Lithium docstrings in 2015.2 branch @ 2015-05-06T15:53:52Z
- •
- PR #23409: (terminalmage) Update Lithium docstrings in 2014.7 branch | refs: #23410
- •
- bafbea7 Merge pull request #23410 from terminalmage/update-lithium-docstrings-2015.2
- •
- d395565 Update Lithium docstrings in 2015.2 branch
- •
- PR #23407: (jayeshka) adding rsync unit test case @ 2015-05-06T15:52:23Z
- •
- 02ef41a Merge pull request #23407 from jayeshka/rsync-unit-test
- •
- a4dd836 adding rsync unit test case
- •
- PR #23406: (jayeshka) adding states/lxc unit test case @ 2015-05-06T15:51:50Z
- •
- 58ec2a2 Merge pull request #23406 from jayeshka/lxc-states-unit-test
- •
- 32a0d03 adding states/lxc unit test case
- •
- PR #23395: (basepi) [2015.2] Add note to 2015.2.0 release notes about master opts in pillar @ 2015-05-05T22:15:20Z
- •
- 8837d00 Merge pull request #23395 from basepi/2015.2.0masteropts
- •
- b261c95 Add note to 2015.2.0 release notes about master opts in pillar
- •
- PR #23393: (basepi) [2015.2] Add warning about python_shell changes to 2015.2.0 release notes @ 2015-05-05T22:12:46Z
- •
- f79aed5 Merge pull request #23393 from basepi/2015.2.0python_shell
- •
- b2f033f Add CLI note
- •
- 48e7b3e Add warning about python_shell changes to 2015.2.0 release notes
- •
- PR #23380: (gladiatr72) Fix for double output with static salt cli/v2015.2 @ 2015-05-05T21:44:28Z
- •
- a977776 Merge pull request #23380 from gladiatr72/fix_for_double_output_with_static__salt_CLI/v2015.2
- •
- c47fdd7 Actually removed the static bits from below the else: fold this time.
- •
- 4ee3679 Fix for incorrect output with salt CLI --static option
- •
- PR #23379: (rahulhan) Adding states/ @ 2015-05-05T21:44:06Z
- •
- 5c9543c Merge pull request #23379 from rahulhan/states_rabbitmq_cluster_test
- •
- 04c22d1 Adding states/
- •
- PR #23377: (rahulhan) Adding states/ unit tests @ 2015-05-05T21:43:35Z
- •
- 430f080 Merge pull request #23377 from rahulhan/states_xmpp_test
- •
- 32923b5 Adding states/ unit tests
- •
- PR #23335: (steverweber) 2015.2: include doc in master config for module_dirs @ 2015-05-05T21:28:58Z
- •
- 8c057e6 Merge pull request #23335 from steverweber/2015.2
- •
- 5e3bae9 help installing python pysphere lib
- •
- 97513b0 include module_dirs
- •
- 36b1c87 include module_dirs
- •
- PR #23362: (jayeshka) adding states/zk_concurrency unit test case @ 2015-05-05T15:50:06Z
- •
- 1648253 Merge pull request #23362 from jayeshka/zk_concurrency-states-unit-test
- •
- f60dda4 adding states/zk_concurrency unit test case
- •
- PR #23363: (jayeshka) adding riak unit test case @ 2015-05-05T14:23:05Z
- •
- 1cdaeed Merge pull request #23363 from jayeshka/riak-unit-test
- •
- f9da6db adding riak unit test case
Salt 2015.5.2 Release Notes
- release
Version 2015.5.2 is a bugfix release for 2015.5.0.
Extended Changelog Courtesy of Todd Stansell (
- PR #24346: (rallytime) Backport #24271 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-06-03T18:44:31Z
- PR #24271: (randybias) Fixed the setup instructions
refs: #24346
- •
- 76927c9 Merge pull request #24346 from rallytime/bp-24271
- •
- 04067b6 Fixed the setup instructions
- PR #24345: (rallytime) Backport #24013 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-06-03T18:39:41Z
- ISSUE #24012: (jbq) Enabling a service does not create the appropriate rc.d symlinks on Ubuntu
refs: #24013
- PR #24013: (jbq) Fix enabling a service on Ubuntu #24012
refs: #24345
- •
- 4afa03d Merge pull request #24345 from rallytime/bp-24013
- •
- 16e0732 Fix enabling a service on Ubuntu #24012
- PR #24365: (jacobhammons) Fixes for PDF build errors
- @ 2015-06-03T17:50:02Z
- •
- c3392c2 Merge pull request #24365 from jacobhammons/DocFixes
- •
- 0fc1902 Fixes for PDF build errors
- PR #24313: (nicholascapo) Fix #22991 Correctly set result when test=True
@ 2015-06-03T14:49:18Z
ISSUE #22991: (nicholascapo) npm.installed ignores test=True * ae681a4 Merge pull request #24313 from nicholascapo/fix-22991-npm.installed-test-true * ac9644c Fix #22991 npm.installed correctly set result on test=True
- PR #24312: (nicholascapo) Fix #18966: file.serialize supports test=True
@ 2015-06-03T14:49:06Z
ISSUE #18966: (bechtoldt) file.serialize ignores test=True * d57a9a2 Merge pull request #24312 from nicholascapo/fix-18966-file.serialize-test-true * e7328e7 Fix #18966 file.serialize correctly set result on test=True
- PR #24302: (jfindlay) fix pkg hold/unhold integration test
- @ 2015-06-03T03:27:43Z
- •
- 6b694e3 Merge pull request #24302 from jfindlay/pkg_tests
- •
- c2db0b1 fix pkg hold/unhold integration test
- PR #24349: (rallytime) Remove references to mount_points in ec2 docs
- @ 2015-06-03T01:54:09Z
- ISSUE #14021: (mathrawka) EC2 doc mentions mount_point, but unable to use properly
refs: #24349
- •
- aca8447 Merge pull request #24349 from rallytime/fix-14021
- •
- a235b11 Remove references to mount_points in ec2 docs
- PR #24328: (dr4Ke) Fix state grains silently fails 2015.5
@ 2015-06-02T15:18:46Z
ISSUE #24319: (dr4Ke) grains state shouldn't fail silently * 88a997e Merge pull request #24328 from dr4Ke/fix_state_grains_silently_fails_2015.5 * 8a63d1e fix state grains silently fails #24319
- •
- ca1af20 grains state: add some tests
- PR #24310: (techhat) Add warning about destroying maps
- @ 2015-06-02T03:01:28Z
- ISSUE #24036: (arthurlogilab) [salt-cloud] Protect against passing command line arguments as names for the --destroy command in map files
refs: #24310
- ISSUE #9772: (s0undt3ch) Delete VM's in a map does not delete them all
refs: #24310
- •
- 7dcd9bb Merge pull request #24310 from techhat/mapwarning
- •
- ca535a6 Add warning about destroying maps
- PR #24281: (steverweber) Ipmi docfix
- @ 2015-06-01T17:45:36Z
- •
- 02bfb25 Merge pull request #24281 from steverweber/ipmi_docfix
- •
- dd36f2c yaml formating
- •
- f6deef3 include api_kg kwarg in ipmi state
- •
- a7d4e97 doc cleanup
- •
- 0ded2fd save more cleanup to doc
- •
- 08872f2 fix name api_key to api_kg
- •
- 165a387 doc fix add api_kg kwargs
- •
- 1ec7888 cleanup docs
- PR #24287: (jfindlay) fix pkg test on ubuntu 12.04 for realz
- @ 2015-06-01T14:16:37Z
- •
- 73cd2cb Merge pull request #24287 from jfindlay/pkg_test
- •
- 98944d8 fix pkg test on ubuntu 12.04 for realz
- PR #24279: (rallytime) Backport #24263 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-06-01T04:29:34Z
- PR #24263: (cdarwin) Correct usage of import_yaml in formula documentation
refs: #24279
- •
- 02017a0 Merge pull request #24279 from rallytime/bp-24263
- •
- beff7c7 Correct usage of import_yaml in formula documentation
- PR #24277: (rallytime) Put a space between after_jump commands
- @ 2015-06-01T04:28:26Z
- ISSUE #24226: (c4urself) iptables state needs to keep ordering of flags
refs: #24277
- •
- 2ba696d Merge pull request #24277 from rallytime/fix_iptables_jump
- •
- e2d1606 Move after_jump split out of loop
- •
- d14f130 Remove extra loop
- •
- 42ed532 Put a space between after_jump commands
- PR #24262: (basepi) More dictupdate after #24142
- @ 2015-05-31T04:09:37Z
- PR #24142: (basepi) Optimize dictupdate.update and add #24097 functionality
refs: #24262
- PR #24097: (kiorky) Optimize dictupdate
refs: #24142 #24142
- •
- 113eba3 Merge pull request #24262 from basepi/dictupdatefix
- •
- 0c4832c Raise a typeerror if non-dict types
- •
- be21aaa Pylint
- •
- bb8a6c6 More optimization
- •
- c933249 py3 compat
- •
- ff6b2a7 Further optimize dictupdate.update()
- •
- c73f5ba Remove unused valtype
- PR #24269: (kiorky) zfs: Fix spurious retcode hijacking in virtual
- @ 2015-05-30T17:47:49Z
- •
- 785d5a1 Merge pull request #24269 from makinacorpus/zfs
- •
- 0bf23ce zfs: Fix spurious retcode hijacking in virtual
- PR #24257: (jfindlay) fix pkg mod integration test on ubuntu 12.04
- @ 2015-05-29T23:09:00Z
- •
- 3d885c0 Merge pull request #24257 from jfindlay/pkg_tests
- •
- 9508924 fix pkg mod integration test on ubuntu 12.04
- PR #24260: (basepi) Fix some typos from #24080
- @ 2015-05-29T22:54:58Z
- ISSUE #23657: (arthurlogilab) [salt-cloud lxc] NameError: global name '__salt__' is not defined
refs: #24080 #23982
- PR #24080: (kiorky) Lxc consistency2
refs: #24260 #23982 #24066
- PR #24066: (kiorky) Merge forward 2015.5 -> develop
refs: #23982
- PR #24065: (kiorky) continue to fix #23883
refs: #24080 #24066
- PR #23982: (kiorky) lxc: path support
refs: #24080
- •
- 08a1075 Merge pull request #24260 from basepi/lxctypos24080
- •
- 0fa1ad3 Fix another lxc typo
- •
- 669938f s/you ll/you'll/
- PR #24080: (kiorky) Lxc consistency2
refs: #24260 #23982 #24066
@ 2015-05-29T22:51:54Z
- ISSUE #23657: (arthurlogilab) [salt-cloud lxc] NameError: global name '__salt__' is not defined
refs: #24080 #23982
- PR #24066: (kiorky) Merge forward 2015.5 -> develop
refs: #23982
- PR #24065: (kiorky) continue to fix #23883
refs: #24080 #24066
- PR #23982: (kiorky) lxc: path support
refs: #24080
- •
- 75590cf Merge pull request #24080 from makinacorpus/lxc_consistency2
- •
- 81f8067 lxc: fix old lxc test
- •
- 458f506 seed: lint
- •
- 96b8d55 Fix seed.mkconfig yamldump
- •
- 76ddb68 lxc/applynet: conservative
- •
- ce7096f variable collision
- •
- 8a8b28d lxc: lint
- •
- 458b18b more lxc docs
- •
- ef1f952 lxc docs: typos
- •
- d67a43d more lxc docs
- •
- 608da5e modules/lxc: merge resolution
- •
- 27c4689 modules/lxc: more consistent comparsion
- •
- 07c365a lxc: merge conflict spotted
- •
- 9993915 modules/lxc: rework settings for consistency
- •
- ce11d83 lxc: Global doc refresh
- •
- 61ed2f5 clouds/lxc: profile key is conflicting
- PR #24247: (rallytime) Backport #24220 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-29T21:40:01Z
- ISSUE #24210: (damonnk) salt-cloud should allow key_filename param
refs: #24220
- PR #24220: (djcrabhat) adding key_filename param to vsphere provider
refs: #24247
- •
- da14f3b Merge pull request #24247 from rallytime/bp-24220
- •
- 0b1041d adding key_filename param to vsphere provider
- PR #24254: (rallytime) Add deprecation warning to Digital Ocean v1 Driver
- @ 2015-05-29T21:39:25Z
- PR #22731: (dmyerscough) Decommission DigitalOcean APIv1 and have users use the new DigitalOcean APIv2
refs: #24254
- •
- 21d6126 Merge pull request #24254 from rallytime/add_deprecation_warning_digitalocean
- •
- cafe37b Add note to docs about deprecation
- •
- ea0f1e0 Add deprecation warning to digital ocean driver to move to digital_ocean_v2
- PR #24252: (aboe76) Updated suse spec to 2015.5.1
- @ 2015-05-29T21:38:45Z
- •
- dac055d Merge pull request #24252 from aboe76/opensuse_package
- •
- 0ad617d Updated suse spec to 2015.5.1
- PR #24251: (garethgreenaway) Returners broken in 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-29T21:37:52Z
- •
- 49e7fe8 Merge pull request #24251 from garethgreenaway/2015_5_returner_brokenness
- •
- 5df6b52 The code calling cfg as a function vs treating it as a dictionary and using get is currently backwards causing returners to fail when used from the CLI and in scheduled jobs.
- PR #24255: (rallytime) Clarify digital ocean documentation and mention v1 driver deprecation
- @ 2015-05-29T21:37:07Z
- ISSUE #21498: (rallytime) Clarify Digital Ocean Documentation
refs: #24255
- •
- bfb9461 Merge pull request #24255 from rallytime/clarify_digital_ocean_driver_docs
- •
- 8d51f75 Clarify digital ocean documentation and mention v1 driver deprecation
- PR #24232: (rallytime) Backport #23308 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-29T21:36:46Z
- PR #23308: (thusoy) Don't merge: Add missing jump arguments to iptables module
refs: #24232
- •
- 41f5756 Merge pull request #24232 from rallytime/bp-23308
- •
- 2733f66 Import string
- •
- 9097cca Add missing jump arguments to iptables module
- PR #24245: (Sacro) Unset PYTHONHOME when starting the service
- @ 2015-05-29T20:00:31Z
- •
- a95982c Merge pull request #24245 from Sacro/patch-2
- •
- 6632d06 Unset PYTHONHOME when starting the service
- PR #24121: (hvnsweeting) deprecate setting user permission in rabbitmq_vhost.present
- @ 2015-05-29T15:55:40Z
- •
- 1504c76 Merge pull request #24121 from hvnsweeting/rabbitmq-host-deprecate-set-permission
- •
- 2223158 deprecate setting user permission in rabbitmq_host.present
- PR #24179: (merll) Changing user and group only possible for existing ids.
- @ 2015-05-29T15:52:43Z
- PR #24169: (merll) Changing user and group only possible for existing ids.
refs: #24179
- •
- ba02f65 Merge pull request #24179 from Precis/fix-file-uid-gid-2015.0
- •
- ee4c9d5 Use ids if user or group is not present.
- PR #24229: (msteed) Fix auth failure on syndic with external_auth
- @ 2015-05-29T15:04:06Z
- ISSUE #24147: (paclat) Syndication issues when using authentication on master of masters.
refs: #24229
- •
- 9bfb066 Merge pull request #24229 from msteed/issue-24147
- •
- 482d1cf Fix auth failure on syndic with external_auth
- PR #24234: (jayeshka) adding states/quota unit test case.
- @ 2015-05-29T14:14:27Z
- •
- 19fa43c Merge pull request #24234 from jayeshka/quota-states-unit-test
- •
- c233565 adding states/quota unit test case.
- PR #24217: (jfindlay) disable intermittently failing tests
- @ 2015-05-29T03:08:39Z
- ISSUE #40: (thatch45) Clean up timeouts
refs: #22857
- PR #23623: (jfindlay) Fix /jobs endpoint's return
refs: #24217
- PR #22857: (jacksontj) Fix /jobs endpoint's return
refs: #23623
- •
- e15142c Merge pull request #24217 from jfindlay/disable_bad_tests
- •
- 6b62804 disable intermittently failing tests
- PR #24199: (ryan-lane) Various fixes for boto_route53 and boto_elb
- @ 2015-05-29T03:02:41Z
- •
- ce8e43b Merge pull request #24199 from lyft/route53-fix-elb
- •
- d8dc9a7 Better unit tests for boto_elb state
- •
- 62f214b Remove cnames_present test
- •
- 7b9ae82 Lint fix
- •
- b74b0d1 Various fixes for boto_route53 and boto_elb
- PR #24142: (basepi) Optimize dictupdate.update and add #24097 functionality
refs: #24262
@ 2015-05-29T03:00:56Z
- PR #24097: (kiorky) Optimize dictupdate
refs: #24142 #24142
PR #21968: (ryanwohara) Verifying the key has a value before using it. * a43465d Merge pull request #24142 from basepi/dictupdate24097 * 5c6e210 Deepcopy on merge_recurse
- •
- a13c84a Fix None check from #21968
- •
- 9ef2c64 Add docstring
- •
- 8579429 Add in recursive_update from #24097
- •
- 8599143 if key not in dest, don't recurse
- •
- d8a84b3 Rename klass to valtype
- PR #24208: (jayeshka) adding states/ports unit test case.
- @ 2015-05-28T23:06:33Z
- •
- 526698b Merge pull request #24208 from jayeshka/ports-states-unit-test
- •
- 657b709 adding states/ports unit test case.
- PR #24219: (jfindlay) find zfs without modinfo
- @ 2015-05-28T21:07:26Z
- ISSUE #20635: (dennisjac) 2015.2.0rc1: zfs errors in log after update
refs: #24219
- •
- d00945f Merge pull request #24219 from jfindlay/zfs_check
- •
- 15d4019 use the salt loader in the zfs mod
- •
- 5599b67 try to search for zfs if modinfo is unavailable
- PR #24190: (msteed) Fix issue 23815
@ 2015-05-28T20:10:34Z
ISSUE #23815: (Snergster) [beacons] inotify errors on subdir creation * 3dc4b85 Merge pull request #24190 from msteed/issue-23815 * 086a1a9 lint
- •
- 65de62f fix #23815
- •
- d04e916 spelling
- •
- db9f682 add inotify beacon unit tests
- PR #24211: (rallytime) Backport #24205 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-28T18:28:15Z
- PR #24205: (hazelesque) Docstring fix in salt.modules.yumpkg.hold
refs: #24211
- •
- 436634b Merge pull request #24211 from rallytime/bp-24205
- •
- 23284b5 Docstring fix in salt.modules.yumpkg.hold
- PR #24212: (terminalmage) Clarify error in rendering template for top file
- @ 2015-05-28T18:26:20Z
- •
- cc58624 Merge pull request #24212 from terminalmage/clarify-error-msg
- •
- ca807fb Clarify error in rendering template for top file
- PR #24213: (The-Loeki) ShouldFix _- troubles in debian_ip
- @ 2015-05-28T18:24:39Z
- ISSUE #23904: (mbrgm) Network config bonding section cannot be parsed when attribute names use dashes
refs: #23917
- ISSUE #23900: (hashi825) salt ubuntu network building issue 2015.5.0
refs: #23922
- PR #23922: (garethgreenaway) Fixes to
refs: #24213
- PR #23917: (corywright) Split debian bonding options on dash instead of underscore
refs: #24213
- •
- 9825160 Merge pull request #24213 from The-Loeki/patch-3
- •
- a68d515 ShouldFix _- troubles in debian_ip
- PR #24214: (basepi) 2015.5.1release
- @ 2015-05-28T16:23:57Z
- •
- 071751d Merge pull request #24214 from basepi/2015.5.1release
- •
- e5ba31b 2015.5.1 release date
- •
- 768494c Update latest release in docs
- PR #24202: (rallytime) Backport #24186 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-28T05:16:48Z
- PR #24186: (thcipriani) Update salt vagrant provisioner info
refs: #24202
- •
- c2f1fdb Merge pull request #24202 from rallytime/bp-24186
- •
- db793dd Update salt vagrant provisioner info
- PR #24192: (rallytime) Backport #20474 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-28T05:16:18Z
- PR #20474: (djcrabhat) add sudo, sudo_password params to vsphere deploy to allow for non-root deploys
refs: #24192
- •
- 8a085a2 Merge pull request #24192 from rallytime/bp-20474
- •
- fd3c783 add sudo, sudo_password params to deploy to allow for non-root deploys
- PR #24184: (rallytime) Backport #24129 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-28T05:15:08Z
- PR #24129: (pengyao) Wheel client doc
refs: #24184
- •
- 7cc535b Merge pull request #24184 from rallytime/bp-24129
- •
- 722a662 fixed a typo
- •
- 565eb46 Add cmd doc for WheelClient
- PR #24183: (rallytime) Backport #19320 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-28T05:14:36Z
- PR #19320: (clan) add 'state_output_profile' option for profile output
refs: #24183
- •
- eb0af70 Merge pull request #24183 from rallytime/bp-19320
- •
- 55db1bf sate_output_profile default to True
- •
- 9919227 fix type: statei -> state
- •
- 0549ca6 add 'state_output_profile' option for profile output
- PR #24201: (whiteinge) Add list of client libraries for the rest_cherrypy module to the top-level documentation
- @ 2015-05-28T02:12:09Z
- •
- 1b5bf23 Merge pull request #24201 from whiteinge/rest_cherrypy-client-libs
- •
- 5f71802 Add list of client libraries for the rest_cherrypy module
- •
- 28fc77f Fix rest_cherrypy config example indentation
- PR #24195: (rallytime) Merge #24185 with a couple of fixes
- @ 2015-05-27T22:18:37Z
- PR #24185: (jacobhammons) Fixes for doc build errors
refs: #24195
- •
- 3307ec2 Merge pull request #24195 from rallytime/merge-24185
- •
- d8daa9d Merge #24185 with a couple of fixes
- •
- 634d56b Fixed pylon error
- •
- 0689815 Fixes for doc build errors
- PR #24166: (jayeshka) adding states/pkgng unit test case.
- @ 2015-05-27T20:27:49Z
- •
- 7e400bc Merge pull request #24166 from jayeshka/pkgng-states-unit-test
- •
- 2234bb0 adding states/pkgng unit test case.
- PR #24189: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-27T20:26:31Z
PR #24178: (rallytime) Backport #24118 to 2014.7, too. PR #24159: (rallytime) Fill out modules/ CLI Examples PR #24158: (rallytime) Fix test_valid_docs test for tls module PR #24118: (trevor-h) removed deprecated pymongo usage
refs: #24139 #24178
- •
- 9fcda79 Merge pull request #24189 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 8839e9c Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 9d7331c Merge pull request #24178 from rallytime/bp-24118
- •
- e2217a0 removed deprecated pymongo usage as no longer functional with pymongo > 3.x
- •
- 4e8c503 Merge pull request #24159 from rallytime/keystone_doc_examples
- •
- dadac8d Fill out modules/ CLI Examples
- •
- fc10ee8 Merge pull request #24158 from rallytime/fix_doc_error
- •
- 49a517e Fix test_valid_docs test for tls module
- PR #24181: (jtand) Fixed error where file was evaluated as a symlink in test_absent
- @ 2015-05-27T18:26:28Z
- •
- 2303dec Merge pull request #24181 from jtand/file_test
- •
- 5f0e601 Fixed error where file was evaluated as a symlink in test_absent
- PR #24180: (terminalmage) Skip libvirt tests if not running as root
- @ 2015-05-27T18:18:47Z
- •
- a162768 Merge pull request #24180 from terminalmage/fix-libvirt-test
- •
- 72e7416 Skip libvirt tests if not running as root
- PR #24165: (jayeshka) adding states/portage_config unit test case.
- @ 2015-05-27T17:15:08Z
- •
- 1fbc5b2 Merge pull request #24165 from jayeshka/portage_config-states-unit-test
- •
- 8cf1505 adding states/portage_config unit test case.
- PR #24164: (jayeshka) adding states/pecl unit test case.
- @ 2015-05-27T17:14:26Z
- •
- 4747856 Merge pull request #24164 from jayeshka/pecl-states-unit-test
- •
- 563a5b3 adding states/pecl unit test case.
- PR #24160: (The-Loeki) small enhancement to data module; pop()
- @ 2015-05-27T17:03:10Z
- •
- cdaaa19 Merge pull request #24160 from The-Loeki/patch-1
- •
- 2175ff3 doc & merge fix
- •
- eba382c small enhancement to data module; pop()
- PR #24153: (techhat) Batch mode sometimes improperly builds lists of minions to process
- @ 2015-05-27T16:21:53Z
- •
- 4a8dbc7 Merge pull request #24153 from techhat/batchlist
- •
- 467ba64 Make sure that minion IDs are strings
- PR #24167: (jayeshka) adding states/pagerduty unit test case.
- @ 2015-05-27T16:14:01Z
- •
- ed8ccf5 Merge pull request #24167 from jayeshka/pagerduty-states-unit-test
- •
- 1af8c83 adding states/pagerduty unit test case.
- PR #24156: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-27T15:05:01Z
- ISSUE #23464: (tibold) cmd_iter_no_block() blocks
refs: #24093
PR #24125: (hvnsweeting) Fix rabbitmq test mode PR #24093: (msteed) Make LocalClient.cmd_iter_no_block() not block PR #24008: (davidjb) Correct reST formatting for states.cmd documentation PR #23933: (jacobhammons) sphinx saltstack2 doc theme * b9507d1 Merge pull request #24156 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5 * e52b5ab Remove stray >>>>>
- •
- 7dfbd92 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- c0d32e0 Merge pull request #24125 from hvnsweeting/fix-rabbitmq-test-mode
- •
- 71862c6 enhance log
- •
- 28e2594 change according to new output of rabbitmq module functions
- •
- cd0212e processes and returns better output for rabbitmq module
- •
- 39a8f30 Merge pull request #24093 from msteed/issue-23464
- •
- fd35903 Fix failing test
- •
- 41b344c Make LocalClient.cmd_iter_no_block() not block
- •
- 5bffd30 Merge pull request #24008 from davidjb/2014.7
- •
- 8b8d029 Correct reST formatting for documentation
- •
- 1aa0420 Merge pull request #23933 from jacobhammons/2014.7
- •
- a3613e6 removed numbering from doc TOC
- •
- 78b737c removed 2015.* release from release notes, updated index page to remove PDF/epub links
- •
- e867f7d Changed build settings to use saltstack2 theme and update release versions.
- •
- 81ed9c9 sphinx saltstack2 doc theme
- PR #24145: (jfindlay) attempt to decode win update package
- @ 2015-05-26T23:20:20Z
- ISSUE #24102: (bormotov) win_update encondig problems
refs: #24145
- •
- 05745fa Merge pull request #24145 from jfindlay/win_update_encoding
- •
- cc5e17e attempt to decode win update package
- PR #24123: (kiorky) fix service enable/disable change
- @ 2015-05-26T21:24:19Z
- ISSUE #24122: (kiorky) service.dead is no more stateful: services does not handle correctly enable/disable change state
refs: #24123
- •
- 7024789 Merge pull request #24123 from makinacorpus/ss
- •
- 2e2e1d2 fix service enable/disable change
- PR #24146: (rallytime) Fixes the boto_vpc_test failure on CentOS 5 tests
- @ 2015-05-26T20:15:19Z
- •
- 51c3cec Merge pull request #24146 from rallytime/fix_centos_boto_failure
- •
- ac0f97d Fixes the boto_vpc_test failure on CentOS 5 tests
- PR #24144: (twangboy) Compare Keys ignores all newlines and carriage returns
- @ 2015-05-26T19:25:48Z
- ISSUE #24052: (twangboy) v2015.5.1 Changes the way it interprets the file
refs: #24089 #24144
- ISSUE #23566: (rks2286) Salt-cp corrupting the file after transfer to minion
refs: #24144 #23740
- PR #23740: (jfindlay) Binary write
refs: #24144
- •
- 1c91a21 Merge pull request #24144 from twangboy/fix_24052
- •
- c197b41 Compare Keys removing all newlines and carriage returns
- PR #24139: (rallytime) Backport #24118 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-26T18:24:27Z
- PR #24118: (trevor-h) removed deprecated pymongo usage
refs: #24139 #24178
- •
- 0841667 Merge pull request #24139 from rallytime/bp-24118
- •
- 4bb519b removed deprecated pymongo usage as no longer functional with pymongo > 3.x
- PR #24138: (rallytime) Backport #24116 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-26T18:23:51Z
- PR #24116: (awdrius) Fixed typo in chown username (ending dot) that fails the command.
refs: #24138
- •
- 742eca2 Merge pull request #24138 from rallytime/bp-24116
- •
- 7f08641 Fixed typo in chown username (ending dot) that fails the command.
- PR #24137: (rallytime) Backport #24105 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-26T18:23:40Z
- PR #24105: (cedwards) Updated some beacon-specific documentation formatting
refs: #24137
- •
- e01536d Merge pull request #24137 from rallytime/bp-24105
- •
- f0778a0 Updated some beacon-specific documentation formatting
- PR #24136: (rallytime) Backport #24104 to 2015.5
@ 2015-05-26T15:58:47Z
ISSUE #23364: (pruiz) Unable to destroy host using proxmox cloud: There was an error destroying machines: 501 Server Error: Method 'DELETE /nodes/pmx1/openvz/openvz/100' not implemented PR #24104: (pruiz) Only try to stop a VM if it's not already stopped. (fixes #23364)
refs: #24136
- •
- 89cdf97 Merge pull request #24136 from rallytime/bp-24104
- •
- c538884 Only try to stop a VM if it's not already stopped. (fixes #23364)
- PR #24135: (rallytime) Backport #24083 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-26T15:58:27Z
- PR #24083: (swdream) fix code block syntax
refs: #24135
- •
- 67c4373 Merge pull request #24135 from rallytime/bp-24083
- •
- e1d06f9 fix code block syntax
- PR #24131: (jayeshka) adding states/mysql_user unit test case
- @ 2015-05-26T15:58:10Z
- •
- a83371e Merge pull request #24131 from jayeshka/mysql_user-states-unit-test
- •
- ed1ef69 adding states/mysql_user unit test case
- PR #24130: (jayeshka) adding states/ntp unit test case
- @ 2015-05-26T15:57:29Z
- •
- 1dc1d2a Merge pull request #24130 from jayeshka/ntp-states-unit-test
- •
- ede4a9f adding states/ntp unit test case
- PR #24128: (jayeshka) adding states/openstack_config unit test case
- @ 2015-05-26T15:56:08Z
- •
- 3943417 Merge pull request #24128 from jayeshka/openstack_config-states-unit-test
- •
- ca09e0f adding states/openstack_config unit test case
- PR #24127: (jayeshka) adding states/npm unit test case
- @ 2015-05-26T15:55:18Z
- •
- 23f25c4 Merge pull request #24127 from jayeshka/npm-states-unit-test
- •
- c3ecabb adding states/npm unit test case
- PR #24077: (anlutro) Change how state_verbose output is filtered
- @ 2015-05-26T15:41:11Z
- ISSUE #24009: (hvnsweeting) state_verbose False summary is wrong
refs: #24077
- •
- 07488a4 Merge pull request #24077 from alprs/fix-outputter_highstate_nonverbose_count
- •
- 7790408 Change how state_verbose output is filtered
- PR #24119: (jfindlay) Update contrib docs
- @ 2015-05-26T15:37:01Z
- •
- 224820f Merge pull request #24119 from jfindlay/update_contrib_docs
- •
- fa2d411 update example release branch in contrib docs
- •
- a0b76b5 clarify git rebase instructions
- •
- 3517e00 fix contribution docs link typos
- •
- 651629c backport dev contrib doc updates to 2015.5
- PR #23928: (joejulian) Add the ability to replace existing certificates
- @ 2015-05-25T19:47:26Z
- •
- 5488c4a Merge pull request #23928 from joejulian/2015.5_tls_module_replace_existing
- •
- 4a4cbdd Add the ability to replace existing certificates
- PR #24078: (jfindlay) if a charmap is not supplied, set it to the codeset
- @ 2015-05-25T19:39:19Z
- ISSUE #23221: (Reiner030) Debian Jessie: locale.present not working again
refs: #24078
- •
- dd90ef0 Merge pull request #24078 from jfindlay/locale_charmap
- •
- 5eb97f0 if a charmap is not supplied, set it to the codeset
- PR #24088: (jfindlay) pkg module integration tests
- @ 2015-05-25T19:39:02Z
- •
- 9cec5d3 Merge pull request #24088 from jfindlay/pkg_tests
- •
- f1bd5ec adding pkg module integration tests
- •
- 739b2ef rework yumpkg refresh_db so args are not mandatory
- PR #24089: (jfindlay) allow override of binary file mode on windows
- @ 2015-05-25T19:38:44Z
- ISSUE #24052: (twangboy) v2015.5.1 Changes the way it interprets the file
refs: #24089 #24144
- •
- 517552c Merge pull request #24089 from jfindlay/binary_write
- •
- b2259a6 allow override of binary file mode on windows
- PR #24092: (jfindlay) collect scattered contents edits, ensure it's a str
- @ 2015-05-25T19:38:10Z
- ISSUE #23973: (mschiff) state file.managed: setting contents_pillar to a pillar which is a list throws exception instead giving descriptive error message
refs: #24092
- •
- 121ab9f Merge pull request #24092 from jfindlay/file_state
- •
- cfa0f13 collect scattered contents edits, ensure it's a str
- PR #24112: (The-Loeki) thin_gen breaks when thinver doesn't exist
- @ 2015-05-25T19:37:47Z
- •
- 84e65de Merge pull request #24112 from The-Loeki/patch-1
- •
- 34646ea thin_gen breaks when thinver doesn't exist
- PR #24108: (jayeshka) adding states/mysql_query unit test case
- @ 2015-05-25T12:30:48Z
- •
- ec509ed Merge pull request #24108 from jayeshka/mysql_query-states-unit-test
- •
- ec50450 adding states/mysql_query unit test case
- PR #24110: (jayeshka) adding varnish unit test case
- @ 2015-05-25T12:30:21Z
- •
- f2e5d6c Merge pull request #24110 from jayeshka/varnish-unit-test
- •
- e119889 adding varnish unit test case
- PR #24109: (jayeshka) adding states/mysql_grants unit test case
- @ 2015-05-25T12:29:53Z
- •
- 4fca2b4 Merge pull request #24109 from jayeshka/mysql_grants-states-unit-test
- •
- 11a93cb adding states/mysql_grants unit test case
- PR #24028: (nleib) send a disable message to disable puppet
- @ 2015-05-25T04:02:11Z
- •
- 6b43c9a Merge pull request #24028 from nleib/2015.5
- •
- 15f24b4 update format of string in disabled msg
- •
- 7690e5b remove trailing whitespaces
- •
- 56a9720 Update
- •
- 9686391 Update
- •
- 33f3d68 send a disable message to disable puppet
- PR #24100: (jfindlay) adding states/file unit test case
- @ 2015-05-24T05:17:54Z
- PR #23963: (jayeshka) adding states/file unit test case
refs: #24100
- •
- 52c9aca Merge pull request #24100 from jfindlay/merge_23963
- •
- 7d59deb adding states/file unit test case
- PR #24098: (galet) Systemd not recognized properly on Oracle Linux 7
- @ 2015-05-24T04:07:31Z
- ISSUE #21446: (dpheasant) check for systemd on Oracle Linux
refs: #24098
- •
- 0eb9f15 Merge pull request #24098 from galet/2015.5
- •
- 4d6ab21 Systemd not recognized properly on Oracle Linux 7
- PR #24090: (jfindlay) adding states/mount unit test case
- @ 2015-05-22T23:02:57Z
- PR #24062: (jayeshka) adding states/mount unit test case
refs: #24090
- •
- 8e04db7 Merge pull request #24090 from jfindlay/merge_24062
- •
- a81a922 adding states/mount unit test case
- PR #24086: (rallytime) Backport #22806 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-22T21:18:20Z
- ISSUE #22574: (unicolet) error when which is not available
refs: #22806
- PR #22806: (jfindlay) use cmd.run_all instead of cmd.run_stdout
refs: #24086
- •
- c0079f5 Merge pull request #24086 from rallytime/bp-22806
- •
- f728f55 use cmd.run_all instead of cmd.run_stdout
- PR #24024: (jayeshka) adding states/mongodb_user unit test case
- @ 2015-05-22T20:53:19Z
- •
- 09de253 Merge pull request #24024 from jayeshka/mongodb_user-states-unit-test
- •
- f31dc92 resolved errors
- •
- d038b1f adding states/mongodb_user unit test case
- PR #24065: (kiorky) continue to fix #23883
refs: #24080 #24066
@ 2015-05-22T18:59:21Z
ISSUE #23883: (kaithar) max_event_size seems broken * bfd812c Merge pull request #24065 from makinacorpus/real23883 * 028282e continue to fix #23883
- PR #24029: (kiorky) Fix providers handling
- @ 2015-05-22T16:56:06Z
- ISSUE #24017: (arthurlogilab) [salt-cloud openstack] TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict' on map creation
refs: #24029
- •
- 429adfe Merge pull request #24029 from makinacorpus/fixproviders
- •
- 412b39b Fix providers handling
- PR #23936: (jfindlay) remove unreachable returns in file state
- @ 2015-05-22T16:26:49Z
- •
- a42cccc Merge pull request #23936 from jfindlay/file_state
- •
- ac29c0c also validate file.recurse source parameter
- •
- 57f7388 remove unreachable returns in file state
- PR #24063: (jayeshka) removed tuple index error
- @ 2015-05-22T14:58:20Z
- •
- 8b69b41 Merge pull request #24063 from jayeshka/mount-states-module
- •
- b9745d5 removed tuple index error
- PR #24057: (rallytime) Backport #22572 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-22T05:36:25Z
- PR #22572: (The-Loeki) Small docfix for GitPillar
refs: #24057
- •
- 02ac4aa Merge pull request #24057 from rallytime/bp-22572
- •
- 49aad84 Small docfix for GitPillar
- PR #24040: (rallytime) Backport #24027 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-21T23:43:54Z
- ISSUE #23088: (wfhg) Segfault when adding a Zypper repo on SLES 11.3
refs: #24027
- PR #24027: (wfhg) Add baseurl to salt.modules.zypper.mod_repo
refs: #24040
- •
- 82de059 Merge pull request #24040 from rallytime/bp-24027
- •
- 37d25d8 Added baseurl as alias for url and mirrorlist in salt.modules.zypper.mod_repo.
- PR #24039: (rallytime) Backport #24015 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-21T23:43:25Z
- PR #24015: (YanChii) minor improvement of solarisips docs & fix typos
refs: #24039
- •
- d909781 Merge pull request #24039 from rallytime/bp-24015
- •
- 6bfaa94 minor improovement of solarisips docs & fix typos
- PR #24038: (rallytime) Backport #19599 to 2015.5
- @ 2015-05-21T23:43:10Z
- ISSUE #19598: (fayetted) ssh_auth.present test=true incorectly reports changes will be made
refs: #19599
- PR #19599: (fayetted) Fix ssh_auth test mode, compare lines not just key
refs: #24038
- •
- 4a0f254 Merge pull request #24038 from rallytime/bp-19599
- •
- ea00d3e Fix ssh_auth test mode, compare lines not just key
- PR #24046: (rallytime) Remove key management test from digital ocean cloud tests
- @ 2015-05-21T22:32:04Z
- •
- 42b87f1 Merge pull request #24046 from rallytime/remove_key_test
- •
- 1d031ca Remove key management test from digital ocean cloud tests
- PR #24044: (cro) Remove spurious log message, fix typo in doc
- @ 2015-05-21T22:31:49Z
- •
- eff54b1 Merge pull request #24044 from cro/pgjsonb
- •
- de06633 Remove spurious log message, fix typo in doc
- PR #24001: (msteed) issue #23883
@ 2015-05-21T20:32:30Z
ISSUE #23883: (kaithar) max_event_size seems broken * ac32000 Merge pull request #24001 from msteed/issue-23883 * bea97a8 issue #23883
- PR #23995: (kiorky) Lxc path pre
- @ 2015-05-21T17:26:03Z
- •
- f7fae26 Merge pull request #23995 from makinacorpus/lxc_path_pre
- •
- 319282a lint
- •
- 1dc67e5 lxc: versionadded
- •
- fcad7cb lxc: states improvments
- •
- 644bd72 lxc: more consistence for profiles
- •
- 139372c lxc: remove merge cruft
- •
- 725b046 lxc: Repair merge
- PR #24032: (kartiksubbarao) Update
- @ 2015-05-21T17:03:42Z
- ISSUE #16383: (interjection) salt.states.augeas.change example from docs fails with exception
refs: #24032
- •
- 26d6851 Merge pull request #24032 from kartiksubbarao/augeas_insert_16383
- •
- 3686dcd Update
- PR #24025: (jayeshka) adding timezone unit test case
- @ 2015-05-21T16:50:53Z
- •
- 55c9245 Merge pull request #24025 from jayeshka/timezone-unit-test
- •
- 1ec33e2 removed assertion error
- •
- 16ecb28 adding timezone unit test case
- PR #24023: (jayeshka) adding states/mongodb_database unit test case
- @ 2015-05-21T16:49:17Z
- •
- e243617 Merge pull request #24023 from jayeshka/mongodb_database-states-unit-test
- •
- 5a9ac7e adding states/mongodb_database unit test case
- PR #24022: (jayeshka) adding states/modjk_worker unit test case
- @ 2015-05-21T16:48:29Z
- •
- b377bd9 Merge pull request #24022 from jayeshka/modjk_worker-states-unit-test
- •
- 05c0a98 adding states/modjk_worker unit test case
- PR #24005: (msteed) issue #23776
@ 2015-05-21T01:55:34Z
ISSUE #23776: (enblde) Presence change events constantly reporting all minions as new in 2015.5 * 701c51b Merge pull request #24005 from msteed/issue-23776 * 62e67d8 issue #23776
- PR #23996: (neogenix) iptables state generates a 0 position which is invalid in iptables cli #23950
- @ 2015-05-20T22:44:27Z
- ISSUE #23950: (neogenix) iptables state generates a 0 position which is invalid in iptables cli
refs: #23996
- •
- 17b7c0b Merge pull request #23996 from neogenix/2015.5-23950
- •
- ad417a5 fix for #23950
- PR #23994: (rallytime) Skip the gpodder pkgrepo test for Ubuntu 15 - they don't have vivid ppa up yet
- @ 2015-05-20T21:18:21Z
- •
- 4cb8773 Merge pull request #23994 from rallytime/skip_test_ubuntu_15
- •
- 9e0ec07 Skip the gpodder pkgrepo test - they don't have vivid ppa up yet
Changes for v2015.5.2..v2015.5.3
Extended Changelog Courtesy of Todd Stansell (
Generated at: 2015-07-01T19:40:52Z
- •
- Total Merges: 177
- •
- Total Issue references: 81
- •
Total PR references: 231
- •
- PR #25096: (jfindlay) Postgres group test @ 2015-07-01T18:48:26Z
- •
- PR #24330: (jayeshka) adding states/postgres_group unit test case. | refs: #25096
- •
- 21709aa Merge pull request #25096 from jfindlay/postgres_group_test
- •
- 3c379dc declobber postgres state unit test mocking
- •
- a162ffa adding states/postgres_group unit test case.
- •
- PR #25085: (jfindlay) accept all sources in the file state @ 2015-07-01T18:23:45Z
- •
- ISSUE #25041: (wt) REGRESSION: pillar.get of integer fails to render in sls | refs: #25085
- •
- 0a84640 Merge pull request #25085 from jfindlay/fix_file
- •
- 937a252 remove unnecessary file state tests
- •
- 6f238e9 integration test file.managed sources
- •
- a5978d3 iterate an iterable source othwerise list+str it
- •
- PR #25095: (jfindlay) Win groupadd unit tests @ 2015-07-01T18:18:53Z
- •
- PR #24207: (jayeshka) adding win_groupadd unit test case. | refs: #25095
- •
- a983942 Merge pull request #25095 from jfindlay/win_groupadd_test
- •
- 564dffd depend on win libs rather than mocking them
- •
- 9b9aeb8 resolved all erors.
- •
- aaf8935 adding win_groupadd unit test case.
- •
- PR #25089: (jfindlay) fix minion sudo @ 2015-07-01T15:53:16Z
- •
- ISSUE #21520: (jfindlay) sudo.salt_call is broken | refs: #25089
- •
- PR #20226: (thatch45) Allow sudo priv escalation | refs: #25089
- •
- 7c8d2a8 Merge pull request #25089 from jfindlay/fix_sudo
- •
- d8f91d4 add some apprehension to the sudo exec module
- •
- a9269c0 adding sudo exec module docs
- •
- e4a40b7 comment whitespace in minion config
- •
- 44cb167 adding sudo_user minion config docs
- •
- d461060 adding sudo_user minion config to default
- •
- PR #25099: (driskell) Fix broken batch results @ 2015-07-01T15:51:29Z
- •
- ISSUE #24875: (ahammond) ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list in File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/salt/cli/", line 179, in run active.remove(minion) | refs: #25099
- •
- 4d6078e Merge pull request #25099 from driskell/patch-1
- •
- 59b23e5 Fix broken batch results
- •
- PR #25083: (steverweber) ipmi: get_sensor_data would always fail @ 2015-06-30T20:57:21Z
- •
- 4635079 Merge pull request #25083 from steverweber/fix_ipmi_stat
- •
- 836f48c include _ in IpmiCommand
- •
- 817e434 get_sensor_data would always fail
- •
- PR #25067: (The-Loeki) Fix for maxdepth=0 in find @ 2015-06-30T20:54:06Z
- •
- 15f2a40 Merge pull request #25067 from The-Loeki/patch-1
- •
- 61edad3 Fix for maxdepth=0 in find
- •
- PR #25078: (terminalmage) Use smaller number for upper limit of mac_user's _first_avail_uid helper function @ 2015-06-30T20:53:24Z
- •
- 58d933c Merge pull request #25078 from terminalmage/fix-mac-uid
- •
- df2ab7e Use smaller number for upper limit of mac_user's _first_avail_uid helper function
- •
- PR #25045: (garethgreenaway) Fixes to in 2015.5 @ 2015-06-30T17:36:43Z
- •
- ISSUE #24521: (multani) State network.managed fails on Debian (Jessie) | refs: #25045
- •
- ebd6cdc Merge pull request #25045 from garethgreenaway/24521_debian_networking
- •
- 6f2a6c9 having proto default to static since it's needed to build the template.
- •
- PR #25065: (lorengordon) Add download links for 2015.5.1-3 and 2015.5.2 Windows installers @ 2015-06-30T15:29:31Z
- •
- ISSUE #25057: (TheBigBear) why is there still no newer salt-minion for windows than ver. 2015.5.0-2? no 2015.5.1 or 2015.5.2?
- •
- ae31b27 Merge pull request #25065 from lorengordon/update-windows-installer-links
- •
- 40a0c13 Add download links for 2015.5.1-3 and 2015.5.2, Fixes #25057
- •
- PR #25052: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-30T01:05:00Z
- •
- ISSUE #15209: (hubez) file.manage: source_hash not working with s3:// (2014.7.0rc1) | refs: #25011
- •
- PR #25011: (notpeter) Add s3 to protocols for remote source_hash (2014.7 backport)
- •
- ddaeb0f Merge pull request #25052 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 2c5e664 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- a7154e7 Merge pull request #25011 from notpeter/s3_2014.7_backport
- •
- 8b8af64 Add s3 to protocols for remote source_hash
- •
- PR #25038: (jfindlay) versionadded @ 2015-06-29T19:49:27Z
- •
- PR #24747: (msciciel) add get_route function to network module | refs: #25038
- •
- c7003d4 Merge pull request #25038 from jfindlay/versionadded
- •
- d6dc6f9 versionadded
- •
- PR #24747: (msciciel) add get_route function to network module | refs: #25038 @ 2015-06-29T16:51:43Z
- •
- 28c87ca Merge pull request #24747 from msciciel/2015.5
- •
- 79b4ec2 network module lint fix
- •
- 0b6ef78 network module: fix for ipv6
- •
- f3d184c add get_route function to network module
- •
- PR #24975: (ryan-lane) Fix update of undefined env var in npm module @ 2015-06-29T16:45:05Z
- •
- 46a9677 Merge pull request #24975 from lyft/npm-module-fix
- •
- 6fde581 Try byte literals rather than unicode strings in the env
- •
- c8514de Fix update of undefined env var in npm module
- •
- PR #24986: (heewa) Don't modify empty change @ 2015-06-29T16:44:17Z
- •
- 9cf8550 Merge pull request #24986 from heewa/fix-pkg-hold-when-errored
- •
- d47a448 Don't modify empty change
- •
- PR #24999: (rallytime) Provide a less confusing error when cloud provider is misconfigured @ 2015-06-29T16:43:31Z
- •
- ISSUE #24969: (bradthurber) salt-cloud 2015.5.0: missing azure dependency results in misleading error | refs: #24999
- •
- ece897d Merge pull request #24999 from rallytime/cloud_error_help
- •
- 1e81a88 Clean up
- •
- be19a67 Provide a less confusing error when cloud provider is misconfigured
- •
- PR #24987: (heewa) Don't try to cache a template when it's not a file @ 2015-06-29T14:02:59Z
- •
- 4af15cf Merge pull request #24987 from heewa/fix-trying-to-cache-no-file
- •
- 9ae0c78 Don't try to cache a template when it's not a file
- •
- PR #25022: (jfindlay) revise label and milestone documentation @ 2015-06-29T13:51:24Z
- •
- 8eeaddb Merge pull request #25022 from jfindlay/label_docs
- •
- 8575192 revise label and milestone documentation
- •
- PR #25029: (jayeshka) adding redismod unit test case. @ 2015-06-29T13:50:33Z
- •
- 89c2e01 Merge pull request #25029 from jayeshka/redismod-unit-test
- •
- e3045be adding redismod unit test case.
- •
- PR #24995: (rallytime) Fix deprecated pymongo usage causing errors in latest pymongo @ 2015-06-27T22:28:56Z
- •
- PR #24175: (trevor-h) fix deprecated pymongo usage causing errors in latest pymongo | refs: #24995
- •
- 6425252 Merge pull request #24995 from rallytime/tops_mongo
- •
- a3c1063 fix deprecated pymongo usage causing errors in latest pymongo
- •
- PR #24994: (garethgreenaway) Another Fix to in 2015.5 @ 2015-06-27T22:28:15Z
- •
- ISSUE #24862: (dkatsanikakis) gpg.import_key returns error after succesfully completed | refs: #24966 #24994
- •
- e9aaa11 Merge pull request #24994 from garethgreenaway/2015_5_24862_gpg_import_key
- •
- d2f0d8f variable was referenced before assignment. Just removing the variable and checking the return from distutils.version.LooseVersion directly.
- •
- PR #24988: (jayeshka) adding states/supervisord unit test case. @ 2015-06-27T22:24:42Z
- •
- ebd666e Merge pull request #24988 from jayeshka/supervisord-states-unit-test
- •
- bb0a6d5 adding states/supervisord unit test case.
- •
- PR #25007: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-26T21:28:57Z
- •
- ISSUE #24915: (jtand) Salt-cloud not working in 2014.7.6 | refs: #24944
- •
- PR #24944: (techhat) Double-check main_cloud_config
- •
- PR #24936: (jtand) Fixed ps module to not use depreciated psutil commands
- •
- 0487c3c Merge pull request #25007 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 4980fd5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- a11e4c6 Merge pull request #24944 from techhat/issue24915
- •
- 59c3081 Double-check main_cloud_config
- •
- d26a544 Merge pull request #24936 from jtand/psutil
- •
- bdb7a19 Fixed ps module to not use depreciated psutil commands
- •
- PR #25003: (jacobhammons) Updated man pages @ 2015-06-26T19:13:41Z
- •
- 91a60e1 Merge pull request #25003 from jacobhammons/man-pages
- •
- cf97a4a Updated man pages
- •
- PR #25002: (jacobhammons) sphinx html theme updates @ 2015-06-26T18:39:14Z
- •
- a60a2c4 Merge pull request #25002 from jacobhammons/doc-announcements
- •
- f88f344 sphinx html theme updates
- •
- PR #24977: (rallytime) Only warn about digital ocean deprecation if digital ocean is configured @ 2015-06-25T23:54:46Z
- •
- a791b23 Merge pull request #24977 from rallytime/do_move_warning
- •
- 6b54422 Only warn about digital ocean deprecation if digital ocean is configured
- •
- PR #24966: (garethgreenaway) Fixes to in 2015.5 @ 2015-06-25T19:58:49Z
- •
- ISSUE #24862: (dkatsanikakis) gpg.import_key returns error after succesfully completed | refs: #24966 #24994
- •
- a71c1b7 Merge pull request #24966 from garethgreenaway/2015_5_24862_gpg_import_key
- •
- 55eb73b fixing unit tests.
- •
- 80c24be Fixing an issue with the import_key method. Different results depending on which gnupg python module is installed.
- •
- PR #24965: (jacksontj) Fix memory leak in saltnado @ 2015-06-25T18:48:03Z
- •
- ISSUE #24846: (mavenAtHouzz) Memory leak issue in rest_tornado EventListener | refs: #24965
- •
- 8622184 Merge pull request #24965 from jacksontj/2015.5
- •
- 48b5e16 pylint
- •
- 87adca4 Fix memory leak in saltnado
- •
- PR #24948: (jfindlay) fix some malformed doc links and anchors @ 2015-06-25T15:51:38Z
- •
- 773c4cf Merge pull request #24948 from jfindlay/doc_links
- •
- 152a9b2 fix some malformed doc links and anchors
- •
- PR #24886: (anlutro) Be more careful about stripping away root_dir from directory options @ 2015-06-25T15:50:11Z
- •
- ISSUE #24885: (anlutro) Master config - Directories starting with a dot have the dot stripped when root_dir is . | refs: #24886
- •
- 4ebc01e Merge pull request #24886 from alprs/fix-root_dir_bug
- •
- 52ccafd os.sep is the correct directory separator constant
- •
- 0ecbf26 Be more careful about stripping away root_dir from directory options
- •
- PR #24930: (jacksontj) Don't refetch file templates 100% of the time-- Performance optimization for templated files @ 2015-06-24T21:22:47Z
- •
- f52f7e1 Merge pull request #24930 from jacksontj/2015.5
- •
- 5fb7534 Only parse the source if we have one
- •
- c03a6fa Add support for sources of managed files to be local
- •
- 4cf78a0 pylint
- •
- d70914e Don't refetch the template 100% of the time-- Performance optimization for templated files
- •
- PR #24935: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-24T18:17:54Z
- •
- PR #24918: (BretFisher) SmartOS SMF minion startup fix
- •
- PR #473: (whiteinge) Added a couple functions to work with the minion file cache | refs: #24918
- •
- 925a4d9 Merge pull request #24935 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 8d8bf34 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- eeb05a1 Merge pull request #24918 from BretFisher/minion-start-smartos-smf-fix
- •
- d7bfb0c Smartos smf minion fix
- •
- PR #24873: (jfindlay) convert osrelease grain to str before str op @ 2015-06-24T16:43:08Z
- •
- ISSUE #24826: (rakai93) 'int' object has no attribute 'startswith' | refs: #24873
- •
- 4e8ed0d Merge pull request #24873 from jfindlay/rh_service
- •
- febe6ef convert osrelease grain to str before str op
- •
- PR #24923: (jayeshka) adding states/status unit test case. @ 2015-06-24T15:50:07Z
- •
- 90819f9 Merge pull request #24923 from jayeshka/status-states-unit-test
- •
- baec650 adding states/status unit test case.
- •
- PR #24902: (cro) Fix minion failover, document same @ 2015-06-24T15:20:43Z
- •
- 2dd24ec Merge pull request #24902 from cro/fixfo2
- •
- 90c73ff References to documentation.
- •
- f0c9204 Add references to failover parameters in conf
- •
- 9da96a8 Docs
- •
- e2314f0 Move comment.
- •
- b9a756f Fix master failover and add documentation for same. Factor in syndics. Syndics will not failover (yet).
- •
- PR #24926: (rallytime) Back-port #22263 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-24T15:09:40Z
- •
- PR #22263: (cachedout) Prevent a load from being written if one already exists | refs: #24926
- •
- 087ee09 Merge pull request #24926 from rallytime/bp-22263
- •
- 8c92d9c Prevent a load from being written if one already exists
- •
- PR #24900: (rallytime) Back-port #24848 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-24T15:09:18Z
- •
- PR #24848: (nmadhok) Correcting bash code blocks | refs: #24900
- •
- b34a74f Merge pull request #24900 from rallytime/bp-24848
- •
- d2b5456 Correcting bash code blocks
- •
- PR #24899: (rallytime) Back-port #24847 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-24T15:09:01Z
- •
- PR #24847: (borutmrak) unset size parameter for lxc.create when backing=zfs | refs: #24899
- •
- a546e8e Merge pull request #24899 from rallytime/bp-24847
- •
- 1e4ec7a unset size parameter for lxc.create when backing=zfs
- •
- PR #24898: (rallytime) Back-port #24845 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-24T15:06:09Z
- •
- PR #24845: (porterjamesj) fix bug in docker.loaded | refs: #24898
- •
- d4dd8d2 Merge pull request #24898 from rallytime/bp-24845
- •
- 071049a fix bug in docker.loaded
- •
- PR #24897: (rallytime) Back-port #24839 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-24T15:05:35Z
- •
- ISSUE #24799: (infestdead) Forced remount because options changed when no options changed (glusterfs)
- •
- PR #24839: (infestdead) fix for issue #24799 | refs: #24897
- •
- 6930855 Merge pull request #24897 from rallytime/bp-24839
- •
- f3b20d5 fix for issue #24799
- •
- PR #24891: (jayeshka) adding states/ssh_known_hosts unit test case. @ 2015-06-23T16:46:58Z
- •
- 1650233 Merge pull request #24891 from jayeshka/ssh_known_hosts-states-unit-test
- •
- ef1347f adding states/ssh_known_hosts unit test case.
- •
- PR #24874: (dkiser) Fix for salt-cloud when ssh key used to auth and using sudo. @ 2015-06-22T23:46:08Z
- •
- ISSUE #24870: (dkiser) salt-cloud fails on sudo password prompt when using ssh key to auth | refs: #24874
- •
- c32aae9 Merge pull request #24874 from dkiser/salt-cloud-24870
- •
- 6c31143 Fix key error for the PR to fix #24870.
- •
- bdcf7d8 Fix pylint for #24874.
- •
- 8f66d19 Fix for salt-cloud when ssh key used to auth and using sudo.
- •
- PR #24880: (dkiser) Fix to allow password for salt-cloud to be set outside of a vm specif… @ 2015-06-22T23:44:59Z
- •
- ISSUE #24871: (dkiser) salt-cloud fails to honor 'password' in cloud options before raising an exception | refs: #24880
- •
- ddaa21c Merge pull request #24880 from dkiser/salt-cloud-24871
- •
- 4f6c035 Fix to allow password for salt-cloud to be set outside of a vm specific context.
- •
- PR #24852: (pruiz) Fix issue 24851: regular expression so it now matches packages with '.' or '-' at pkg name @ 2015-06-22T20:37:13Z
- •
- 3902b16 Merge pull request #24852 from pruiz/issue-24851
- •
- 73adb1d Fix regular expression so it now matches packages with '.' or '-' at pkg name.
- •
- PR #24861: (jayeshka) adding states/ssh_auth unit test case. @ 2015-06-22T16:20:01Z
- •
- 6c5b788 Merge pull request #24861 from jayeshka/ssh_auth-states-unit-test
- •
- e5d7b0d adding states/ssh_auth unit test case.
- •
- PR #24824: (kev009) Detect bhyve virtual type for FreeBSD guests @ 2015-06-22T15:24:35Z
- •
- ISSUE #23478: (calvinhp) grains.get virtual reports "physical" on bhyve FreeBSD VM | refs: #24824
- •
- 9e3321c Merge pull request #24824 from kev009/grains-bhyve-bsd
- •
- a226209 Detect bhyve virtual type for freebsd guests
- •
- PR #24795: (anlutro) Fix state.apply for salt-ssh @ 2015-06-22T15:23:57Z
- •
- ISSUE #24746: (anlutro) state.apply doesn't seem to work | refs: #24795
- •
- 7b07ef9 Merge pull request #24795 from alprs/fix-salt_ssh_state_apply
- •
- 905840b Fix state.apply for salt-ssh
- •
- PR #24832: (jacksontj) Don't incur a "_load_all" of the lazy_loader while looking for mod_init. @ 2015-06-22T15:17:10Z
- •
- PR #20540: (jacksontj) Loader nomerge: Don't allow modules to "merge" | refs: #24832
- •
- PR #20481: (jacksontj) Add submodule support to LazyLoader | refs: #20540
- •
- PR #20473: (jacksontj) Add "disabled" support | refs: #20481
- •
- PR #20274: (jacksontj) Loader overhaul to LazyLoader | refs: #20473
- •
- PR #12327: (jacksontj) Add a LazyLoader class which will lazily load modules (with the given lo... | refs: #20274
- •
- 31d4c13 Merge pull request #24832 from jacksontj/2015.5
- •
- cfa7c0a pylint
- •
- be18439 Don't incur a "_load_all" of the lazy_loader while looking for mod_init.
- •
- PR #24834: (rallytime) Back-port #24811 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-19T18:43:49Z
- •
- ISSUE #14666: (luciddr34m3r) salt-cloud GoGrid exception when using map file | refs: #24811
- •
- PR #24811: (rallytime) Add notes to map and gogrid docs -- don't use -P with map files | refs: #24834
- •
- 2d8148f Merge pull request #24834 from rallytime/bp-24811
- •
- e2684ec Add notes to map and gogrid docs -- don't use -P with map files
- •
- PR #24790: (rallytime) Back-port #24741 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-19T17:25:58Z
- •
- PR #24741: (CameronNemo) Improve Upstart enable/disable handling | refs: #24790
- •
- d2edb63 Merge pull request #24790 from rallytime/bp-24741
- •
- a54245f Add missing import
- •
- 4ce6370 salt.modules.upstart: fix lint errors
- •
- aec53ec Improve Upstart enable/disable handling
- •
- PR #24789: (rallytime) Back-port #24717 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-19T17:17:00Z
- •
- PR #24717: (gthb) virtualenv.managed: document user and no_chown | refs: #24789
- •
- 645e62a Merge pull request #24789 from rallytime/bp-24717
- •
- 95ac4eb virtualenv.managed: document user and no_chown
- •
- PR #24823: (jayeshka) adding states/splunk_search unit test case. @ 2015-06-19T17:14:12Z
- •
- 0a6c70f Merge pull request #24823 from jayeshka/splunk_search-states-unit-test
- •
- 98831a8 adding states/splunk_search unit test case.
- •
- PR #24809: (jodv) Correctly create single item list for failover master type with string value for master opt @ 2015-06-19T15:22:20Z
- •
- 4c5a708 Merge pull request #24809 from jodv/single_item_master_list
- •
- 18ceebc single item list vs. list of characters
- •
- PR #24802: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-18T20:11:58Z
- •
- ISSUE #24776: (nmadhok) --static option in salt raises ValueError and has been broken for a very long time | refs: #24777
- •
- ISSUE #21318: (thanatos) get_full_returns raises KeyError | refs: #24769
- •
- ISSUE #18994: (njhartwell) salt.client.get_cli_returns errors when called immediately after run_job | refs: #24769
- •
- ISSUE #17041: (xenophonf) Confusing Salt error messages due to limited/incomplete PowerShell command error handling | refs: #24690
- •
- ISSUE #19: (thatch45) Sending a faulty command kills all the minions!
- •
- PR #24780: (nmadhok) Backporting PR #24777 to 2014.7 branch
- •
- PR #24779: (nmadhok) Backporting Changes to 2014.7 branch | refs: #24777
- •
- PR #24778: (nmadhok) Backporting PR #24777 to 2015.2 branch | refs: #24777
- •
- PR #24777: (nmadhok) Fixing issue where --static option fails with ValueError Fixes #24776 | refs: #24778 #24780
- •
- PR #24769: (msteed) Fix stacktrace in get_cli_returns()
- •
- PR #24690: (twangboy) Report powershell output instead of error
- •
- ae05e70 Merge pull request #24802 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 5b7a65d Merge pull request #19 from twangboy/merge-forward-fixes
- •
- 98e7e90 Fixed test failures for Colton
- •
- b949856 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 4281dff Merge pull request #24780 from nmadhok/backport-2014.7-24777
- •
- c53b0d9 Backporting PR #24777 to 2014.7 branch
- •
- f3c5cb2 Merge pull request #24769 from msteed/issue-21318
- •
- f40a9d5 Fix stacktrace in get_cli_returns()
- •
- 59db246 Merge pull request #24690 from twangboy/fix_17041
- •
- 7a01538 Added additional reporting
- •
- d84ad5d Fixed capitalization... Failed and Already
- •
- e955245 Merge branch '2014.7' of into fix_17041
- •
- 144bff2 Report powershell output instead of error
- •
- PR #24798: (jtand) Revert "adding states/postgres_database unit test case." @ 2015-06-18T17:56:17Z
- •
- PR #24329: (jayeshka) adding states/postgres_database unit test case. | refs: #24798
- •
- daa76c3 Merge pull request #24798 from saltstack/revert-24329-postgres_database-states-unit-test
- •
- 179ce03 Revert "adding states/postgres_database unit test case."
- •
- PR #24791: (rallytime) Back-port #24749 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-18T17:43:15Z
- •
- PR #24749: (obestwalter) add windows specfic default for multiprocessing | refs: #24791
- •
- 7073a9f Merge pull request #24791 from rallytime/bp-24749
- •
- be43b2b add windows specfic default for multiprocessing
- •
- PR #24792: (rallytime) Back-port #24757 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-18T15:58:35Z
- •
- PR #24757: (cachedout) Fix loader call in pyobjects | refs: #24792
- •
- PR #24668: (grischa) enable virtual package names in pyobjects renderer | refs: #24721 #24757
- •
- 1a158e8 Merge pull request #24792 from rallytime/bp-24757
- •
- 6c804f0 Fix loader call in pyobjects
- •
- PR #24768: (jfindlay) fix yum versionlock on RHEL/CentOS 5, disable corresponding test @ 2015-06-18T15:13:12Z
- •
- 0f92982 Merge pull request #24768 from jfindlay/pkg_mod
- •
- 7a26c2b disable pkg.hold test for RHEL/CentOS 5
- •
- 4cacd93 use correct yum versionlock pkg name on centos 5
- •
- PR #24778: (nmadhok) Backporting PR #24777 to 2015.2 branch | refs: #24777 @ 2015-06-18T14:53:04Z
- •
- ISSUE #24776: (nmadhok) --static option in salt raises ValueError and has been broken for a very long time | refs: #24777
- •
- PR #24779: (nmadhok) Backporting Changes to 2014.7 branch | refs: #24777
- •
- PR #24777: (nmadhok) Fixing issue where --static option fails with ValueError Fixes #24776 | refs: #24778 #24780
- •
- 39f088a Merge pull request #24778 from nmadhok/backport-2015.2-24777
- •
- ae3701f Backporting PR #24777 to 2015.2 branch
- •
- PR #24774: (zefrog) Fix lxc lvname parameter command @ 2015-06-18T14:49:06Z
- •
- 2a4f65f Merge pull request #24774 from zefrog/fix-lxc-lvname-param
- •
- 21e0cd4 Fixed typo in lxc module: lvname parameter typo
- •
- 283d86e Fixed bug in lxc module: lvname using wrong parameter in cmd
- •
- PR #24782: (jayeshka) adding states/slack unit test case. @ 2015-06-18T14:33:55Z
- •
- fd73390 Merge pull request #24782 from jayeshka/slack-states-unit-test
- •
- e2b6214 adding states/slack unit test case.
- •
- PR #24771: (jacksontj) Always extend requisites, instead of replacing them @ 2015-06-18T14:29:09Z
- •
- ISSUE #24770: (jacksontj) Requisite and Requisite_in don't play nice together | refs: #24771
- •
- c9c90af Merge pull request #24771 from jacksontj/2015.5
- •
- b1211c5 Re-enable tests for complex prereq and prereq_in
- •
- 378f6bf Only merge when the merge is of requisites
- •
- PR #24766: (msteed) Remove doc references to obsolete minion opt @ 2015-06-17T21:36:55Z
- •
- 5fe4de8 Merge pull request #24766 from msteed/undoc-dns_check
- •
- f92a769 Remove doc references to obsolete minion opt
- •
- PR #24329: (jayeshka) adding states/postgres_database unit test case. | refs: #24798 @ 2015-06-17T19:11:02Z
- •
- a407ab7 Merge pull request #24329 from jayeshka/postgres_database-states-unit-test
- •
- ee06f1a adding states/postgres_database unit test case.
- •
- PR #24632: (jacobhammons) Doc bug fixes @ 2015-06-17T18:40:02Z
- •
- ISSUE #24560: (hydrosine) Documentation missing on parameter | refs: #24632
- •
- ISSUE #24547: (dragonpaw) Artifactory docs say module is 'jboss7'. | refs: #24632
- •
- ISSUE #24375: (companykitchen-dev) Custom grain won't sync under any circumstances | refs: #24632
- •
- ISSUE #24275: (kartiksubbarao) augeas issue with apache and recognizing changes that have been already made | refs: #24632
- •
- ISSUE #24163: (tbaker57) enable_gpu_grains default value confusion | refs: #24632
- •
- 3ff6eff Merge pull request #24632 from jacobhammons/bug-fixes
- •
- 7c52012 Fixed typos
- •
- c7cdd41 Doc bug fixes Refs #24547 Refs #24275 Refs #24375 Refs #24560 Refs #24163
- •
- PR #24607: (garethgreenaway) fixes to @ 2015-06-17T18:16:42Z
- •
- ISSUE #24198: (ahammond) salt-call event.send doesn't send events from minion | refs: #24607
- •
- 9995f64 Merge pull request #24607 from garethgreenaway/2015_5_sending_events_multi_master
- •
- 8abd3f0 A fix if you have multiple masters configured and try to fire events to the minion. Currently they fail silently. Might be the cause of #24198.
- •
- PR #24755: (rallytime) Remove SALT_CLOUD_REQS from @ 2015-06-17T17:42:25Z
- •
- bf2dd94 Merge pull request #24755 from rallytime/fix_setup_15
- •
- 48769a5 Remove SALT_CLOUD_REQS from
- •
- PR #24740: (rallytime) Backport #24720 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-17T16:43:37Z
- •
- PR #24720: (TheScriptSage) Issue 24621 - AD/LDAP Group Auth Issue | refs: #24740
- •
- 3d53d79 Merge pull request #24740 from rallytime/bp-24720
- •
- a9bcdb5 Updating to properly check against groups when user is only authed against group. Tested against unit.auth_test.
- •
- PR #24723: (rallytime) Back-port #20124 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-17T16:43:20Z
- •
- PR #20124: (cgtx) add init system to default grains | refs: #24723
- •
- ac2851b Merge pull request #24723 from rallytime/bp-20124
- •
- 4d0061b fix infinite loop introduced by #20124 when the init system is not in the supported_inits list
- •
- 0c7fa0f Optimizations for #20124
- •
- f353454 add init system to default grains (resolve #20124)
- •
- PR #24754: (anlutro) salt-cloud documentation - Add information about linode location @ 2015-06-17T16:04:48Z
- •
- 78cd09b Merge pull request #24754 from alprs/docs-add_linode_location_option
- •
- d88e071 add information about linode location
- •
- PR #24748: (jayeshka) adding states/serverdensity_device unit test case. @ 2015-06-17T15:39:07Z
- •
- d5554f7 Merge pull request #24748 from jayeshka/serverdensity_device-states-unit-test
- •
- 1a4c241 adding states/serverdensity_device unit test case.
- •
- PR #24739: (rallytime) Back-port #24735 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-17T15:16:47Z
- •
- PR #24735: (notpeter) Add 2015.5 codename to version numbers docs | refs: #24739
- •
- 0b7e7ef Merge pull request #24739 from rallytime/bp-24735
- •
- 64c565d Add .0 to version number
- •
- 5ed801b Add codenames for 2015.5 and future versions. Trailing newline.
- •
- PR #24732: (msteed) Fix stacktrace when --summary is used @ 2015-06-17T03:27:57Z
- •
- ISSUE #24111: (yermulnik) cli option '--summary' got broken after upgrade to 2015.5.1 | refs: #24732
- •
- c8713f2 Merge pull request #24732 from msteed/issue-24111
- •
- 54b33dd Fix stacktrace when --summary is used
- •
- PR #24721: (rallytime) Back-port #24668 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-17T03:23:47Z
- •
- PR #24668: (grischa) enable virtual package names in pyobjects renderer | refs: #24721 #24757
- •
- 70d3781 Merge pull request #24721 from rallytime/bp-24668
- •
- 68fb5af fixing other test
- •
- ba4f262 fixing text for virtual support in pyobjects
- •
- b349d91 enable virtual package names in pyobjects renderer
- •
- PR #24718: (rallytime) Added some missing config documentation to the vsphere driver @ 2015-06-17T03:19:35Z
- •
- ISSUE #21923: (Fluro) Salt cloud not running provisioning script as root | refs: #24718
- •
- ISSUE #17241: (hasues) Salt-Cloud for vSphere needs additional documentation | refs: #24718
- •
- 1b9d689 Merge pull request #24718 from rallytime/update_vsphere_docs
- •
- bfdebb6 Added some missing config documentation to the vsphere driver
- •
- PR #24714: (rallytime) Remove cloud-requirements.txt @ 2015-06-17T03:17:04Z
- •
- 64857c7 Merge pull request #24714 from rallytime/remove_cloud_reqs_15
- •
- 67b796d Remove cloud-requirements.txt
- •
- PR #24733: (msteed) Include Tornado in versions report @ 2015-06-17T03:13:53Z
- •
- ISSUE #24439: (bechtoldt) Add tornado version to versions report | refs: #24733
- •
- f96b1d6 Merge pull request #24733 from msteed/issue-24439
- •
- 76cfef0 Include Tornado in versions report
- •
- PR #24737: (jacksontj) Move AES command logging to trace @ 2015-06-17T01:48:11Z
- •
- a861fe0 Merge pull request #24737 from jacksontj/2015.5
- •
- a4ed41a Move AES command logging to trace
- •
- PR #24724: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-16T22:46:27Z
- •
- ISSUE #24196: (johnccfm) Exception when using user.present with Windows | refs: #24646
- •
- PR #24646: (twangboy) Fixed user.present on existing user
- •
- 0d2dc46 Merge pull request #24724 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 4641028 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- a18dada Merge pull request #24646 from twangboy/fix_24196
- •
- a208e1d Fixed user.present on existing user
- •
- PR #24701: (jayeshka) adding states/selinux unit test case. @ 2015-06-16T15:27:29Z
- •
- 3d33fe7 Merge pull request #24701 from jayeshka/selinux-states-unit-test
- •
- 0c136fd adding states/selinux unit test case.
- •
- PR #24687: (cachedout) Note about minimum worker_threads @ 2015-06-15T20:46:23Z
- •
- 2e287a9 Merge pull request #24687 from cachedout/min_worker_threads
- •
- b7bb7ea Note about minimum worker_threads
- •
- PR #24688: (cachedout) Update AUTHORS @ 2015-06-15T20:46:03Z
- •
- 432478c Merge pull request #24688 from cachedout/update_authors
- •
- 3f6880e Better email
- •
- 6c7b773 Update AUTHORS
- •
- PR #24649: (cachedout) Improved error reporting for failed states @ 2015-06-15T16:04:20Z
- •
- ISSUE #22385: (cachedout) States which require unavailable modules should display the reason | refs: #24649
- •
- 9a2b50d Merge pull request #24649 from cachedout/issue_22385
- •
- b9fe792 States will now return the reason behind failure if a module could not be loaded
- •
- PR #24673: (jayeshka) adding states/schedule unit test case. @ 2015-06-15T15:24:52Z
- •
- 66e9e16 Merge pull request #24673 from jayeshka/schedule-states-unit-test
- •
- 54aaaa5 adding states/schedule unit test case.
- •
- PR #24663: (kartiksubbarao) Update @ 2015-06-15T15:18:48Z
- •
- ISSUE #24661: (kartiksubbarao) augeas.change doesn't support setting empty values | refs: #24663
- •
- 5eb19c4 Merge pull request #24663 from kartiksubbarao/patch-2
- •
- e18db50 Update
- •
- PR #24667: (dkiser) fix for #24583 clouds/ kerying first time succeeds @ 2015-06-14T21:58:58Z
- •
- ISSUE #24583: (dkiser) salt-cloud keyring password referenced before assignment | refs: #24667
- •
- 4450432 Merge pull request #24667 from dkiser/fix-cloud-keyring
- •
- c92c05f fix for #24583 clouds/ kerying first time succeeds
- •
- PR #24659: (kartiksubbarao) Update @ 2015-06-13T17:31:42Z
- •
- ISSUE #24537: (kartiksubbarao) alias.present doesn't update alias values that are substrings of the existing value | refs: #24659
- •
- 4c64ee9 Merge pull request #24659 from kartiksubbarao/patch-1
- •
- d683474 Update
- •
- PR #24644: (cro) Merge forward 2014.7->2015.5 @ 2015-06-12T21:31:41Z
- •
- PR #24643: (cro) Add reference to salt-announce mailing list
- •
- PR #24620: (twangboy) Fixed comment and uncomment functions in
- •
- 89eb616 Merge pull request #24644 from cro/2014.7-2015.5-20150612
- •
- 4136dc3 Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
- •
- b99484f Merge pull request #24643 from cro/saltannounce
- •
- ecb0623 Add salt-announce mailing list.
- •
- 635121e Merge pull request #24620 from twangboy/fix_24215
- •
- d7a9999 Fixed comment and uncomment functions in
- •
- PR #24642: (basepi) Revert "fix target rule, remove unneeded quotation mark" @ 2015-06-12T20:14:26Z
- •
- PR #24595: (tankywoo) fix target rule, remove unneeded quotation mark | refs: #24642
- •
- b896a0d Merge pull request #24642 from saltstack/revert-24595-fix-iptables-target
- •
- 5ff3224 Revert "fix target rule, remove unneeded quotation mark"
- •
- PR #24628: (jayeshka) adding states/reg unit test case. @ 2015-06-12T17:29:11Z
- •
- 01092c2 Merge pull request #24628 from jayeshka/reg_states-unit-test
- •
- af1bd8f adding states/reg unit test case.
- •
- PR #24631: (rallytime) Back-port #24591 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-12T16:54:32Z
- •
- ISSUE #24494: (arnoutpierre) Computed comments in jinja states | refs: #24591
- •
- ISSUE #24073: (primechuck) State.highstate uses stale grain data. | refs: #24492
- •
- ISSUE #23359: (BalintSzigeti) init.sls parsing issue | refs: #24591
- •
- ISSUE #21217: (Colstuwjx) Maybe a bug for jinja render? | refs: #24591
- •
- PR #24591: (tbaker57) Add some documentation surrounding Jinja vs yaml comments - | refs: #24631
- •
- PR #24492: (DmitryKuzmenko) Don't remove grains from opts
- •
- 5f491f9 Merge pull request #24631 from rallytime/bp-24591
- •
- f13cd41 Add extra clarification why jinja comments are needed.
- •
- 2374971 Fix typo
- •
- 6a91747 Add some documentation surrounding Jinja comments - refs #24492, #21217, #23359
- •
- PR #24616: (garethgreenaway) additional logging in module @ 2015-06-12T16:25:39Z
- •
- f23f99e Merge pull request #24616 from garethgreenaway/2015_5_logging_disabled_states
- •
- 4dbf0ef Adding some logging statement to give feedback when states, including highstate, are disabled. Useful when running from scheduler.
- •
- PR #24595: (tankywoo) fix target rule, remove unneeded quotation mark | refs: #24642 @ 2015-06-12T16:23:22Z
- •
- 6dccbb0 Merge pull request #24595 from tankywoo/fix-iptables-target
- •
- 10a5160 fix target rule, remove unneeded quotation mark
- •
- PR #24604: (jfindlay) fix pkg module integration tests @ 2015-06-12T16:04:26Z
- •
- 8ac3d94 Merge pull request #24604 from jfindlay/pkg_tests
- •
- d88fb22 fix pkg module integration tests on CentOS 5
- •
- fb91b40 fix pkg module integration tests on ubuntu 12
- •
- PR #24600: (basepi) [2015.5] Remove __kwarg__ from salt-ssh keyword args @ 2015-06-12T04:21:29Z
- •
- 0ff545c Merge pull request #24600 from basepi/salt-ssh.orchestrate.20615
- •
- 9b55683 Remove __kwarg__ from salt-ssh keyword args
- •
- PR #24608: (basepi) [2015.5] Normalize salt-ssh flat roster minion IDs to strings @ 2015-06-11T21:35:07Z
- •
- ISSUE #22843: (Xiol) salt-ssh roster doesn't support integers as host keys | refs: #24608
- •
- 832916f Merge pull request #24608 from basepi/salt-ssh.flat.roster.integers.22843
- •
- 381820f Normalize salt-ssh flat roster minion IDs to strings
- •
- PR #24605: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-11T19:15:21Z
- •
- PR #24589: (BretFisher) Fixed Mine example for jinja code block
- •
- 4eb5bb2 Merge pull request #24605 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- f96c502 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- d83928a Merge pull request #24589 from BretFisher/patch-1
- •
- 65a1133 Fixed Mine example for jinja code block
- •
- PR #24598: (jacobhammons) 2015.5.2 release changes @ 2015-06-11T17:24:11Z
- •
- ISSUE #24457: (ryan-lane) When selecting the version of docs on the docs site, it brings you to the homepage | refs: #24598
- •
- ISSUE #24250: (jfindlay) have version links on docs page link to that version of the current page | refs: #24598
- •
- e0bb177 Merge pull request #24598 from jacobhammons/doc-fixes
- •
- f3f34dd 2015.5.2 release changes Refs #24250 Refs #24457
- •
- PR #24588: (basepi) Fixes for saltmod.function for salt-ssh @ 2015-06-11T16:15:21Z
- •
- ISSUE #20615: (aurynn) 2014.7.1: salt/states/saltmod using incorrect return dict for orchestrate | refs: #24588
- •
- 26930b4 Merge pull request #24588 from basepi/salt-ssh.orchestrate.20615
- •
- 826936c Move documentation into docstring instead of comments
- •
- de052e7 Assign 'return' to 'ret' if necessary in saltmod.function
- •
- 34ff989 Convert keyword args to key=value strings in salt-ssh
- •
- PR #24593: (jayeshka) adding states/redismod unit test case. @ 2015-06-11T15:55:27Z
- •
- 5a21ad1 Merge pull request #24593 from jayeshka/redismod_states-unit-test
- •
- 3b95744 adding states/redismod unit test case.
- •
- PR #24581: (rallytime) Disabled some flaky tests until we can figure out how to make them more reliable @ 2015-06-11T15:51:41Z
- •
- ISSUE #40: (thatch45) Clean up timeouts | refs: #22857
- •
- PR #24217: (jfindlay) disable intermittently failing tests | refs: #24581
- •
- PR #23623: (jfindlay) Fix /jobs endpoint's return | refs: #24217
- •
- PR #22857: (jacksontj) Fix /jobs endpoint's return | refs: #23623
- •
- 8ffb86e Merge pull request #24581 from rallytime/disable_some_flaky_tests
- •
- c82f135 Disabled some flaky tests until we can figure out how to make them more reliable
- •
- PR #24566: (jayeshka) adding states/rdp unit test case. @ 2015-06-11T02:14:39Z
- •
- a570d7f Merge pull request #24566 from jayeshka/rdp_states-unit-test
- •
- 273b994 adding states/rdp unit test case.
- •
- PR #24551: (joejulian) 2015.5 dont pollute environment @ 2015-06-11T02:13:06Z
- •
- ISSUE #24480: (kiorky) [CRITICAL] [2015.5] tls breaks tzinfo | refs: #24551
- •
- 20ada1f Merge pull request #24551 from joejulian/2015.5_dont_pollute_environment
- •
- cfc3b43 Don't pollute the TZ environment variable
- •
- cba8d3f pep8
- •
- 9cb7015 Mark keyword version adds
- •
- 76e2583 Merge tls changes from develop
- •
- PR #24574: (jacobhammons) Refs #19901 @ 2015-06-10T20:09:23Z
- •
- ISSUE #19901: (clinta) State cache is not documented | refs: #24468
- •
- bb2fd6a Merge pull request #24574 from jacobhammons/19901
- •
- e2a2946 Refs #19901
- •
- PR #24577: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-10T19:46:22Z
- •
- ISSUE #24427: (fayetted) 2015.5.1-3 Windows 64Bit Minion fails to start after install | refs: #24530
- •
- PR #24530: (twangboy) Start Minion Service on Silent Install
- •
- b03166c Merge pull request #24577 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- e1d45cc Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- d376390 Merge pull request #24530 from twangboy/fix_24427
- •
- 673e1d8 Added missing panel.bmp for installer
- •
- cc50218 Start Minion Service on Silent Install
- •
- PR #24571: (jacobhammons) Refs #24235 @ 2015-06-10T17:02:18Z
- •
- ISSUE #24235: (tomasfejfar) Difference between running from minion and from master | refs: #24468
- •
- 3ec457b Merge pull request #24571 from jacobhammons/24235
- •
- 8df5d53 Refs #24235
- •
- PR #24565: (pille) fix backtrace, when listing plugins @ 2015-06-10T16:33:11Z
- •
- fe07eb5 Merge pull request #24565 from pille/munin-ignore-broken-symlinks
- •
- 8511a6c fix backtrace, when listing plugins
- •
- PR #24554: (ryan-lane) Fix yes usage for pecl defaults @ 2015-06-09T23:59:49Z
- •
- 251c8f9 Merge pull request #24554 from lyft/pecl-module-fix
- •
- 56a9cfc Fix yes usage for pecl defaults
- •
- PR #24535: (rallytime) Back-port #24518 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-09T20:06:18Z
- •
- PR #24518: (rallytime) Merge #24448 with Pylint Fixes | refs: #24535
- •
- PR #24448: (codertux) Update modules path for operating systems using systemd | refs: #24518
- •
- dbd49b4 Merge pull request #24535 from rallytime/bp-24518
- •
- fc75197 Pylint fix
- •
- 3e08840 Update modules path for operating systems using systemd
- •
- PR #24538: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-09T17:27:20Z
- •
- PR #24513: (jquast) bugfix use of 'iteritem' in 2014.7 branch
- •
- PR #24511: (jquast) bugfix: trailing "...done" in rabbitmq output | refs: #24513
- •
- 485ed3c Merge pull request #24538 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 6a8039d Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 6ebc476 Merge pull request #24513 from jquast/2014.7-bugfix-iteritem
- •
- 2be0180 bugfix use of 'iteritem' in 2014.7 branch
- •
- PR #24495: (jayeshka) adding states/rabbitmq_vhost unit test case. @ 2015-06-09T15:33:23Z
- •
- 73e6388 Merge pull request #24495 from jayeshka/rabbitmq_vhost_states-unit-test
- •
- 31889e3 cosmetic change.
- •
- cf501cf resolved error.
- •
- 4bb6087 Merge branch '2015.5' of into rabbitmq_vhost_states-unit-test
- •
- 3ad7714 adding states/rabbitmq_vhost unit test case.
- •
- PR #24445: (jayeshka) adding states/pyrax_queues unit test case. @ 2015-06-09T15:28:45Z
- •
- bf1abcc Merge pull request #24445 from jayeshka/pyrax_queues_states-unit-test
- •
- ea27cef adding states/pyrax_queues unit test case.
- •
- PR #24490: (aneeshusa) Fix pacman.list_upgrades for new python_shell default. @ 2015-06-09T15:13:16Z
- •
- 0247e8d Merge pull request #24490 from aneeshusa/fix-pacman-list-upgrades
- •
- 980e1cb Lint fix.
- •
- dca33f1 Fix pacman.list_upgrades for new python_shell default.
- •
- PR #24517: (steverweber) small fixes to the ipmi docs @ 2015-06-09T15:10:14Z
- •
- 6268ddb Merge pull request #24517 from steverweber/ipmi_doc
- •
- 6413712 lint
- •
- e78aea9 more small fixes to the ipmi docs
- •
- PR #24524: (jayeshka) any() takes list oy tuple. @ 2015-06-09T13:49:42Z
- •
- 3728b3f Merge pull request #24524 from jayeshka/rabbitmq_vhost_states-module
- •
- 01c99ad any() takes list oy tuple.
- •
- PR #24482: (eliasp) 'docker.running' needs now the 'image' param. @ 2015-06-09T04:43:04Z
- •
- dd23de8 Merge pull request #24482 from eliasp/2015.5-states.dockerio-docker.running-doc
- •
- 5de741d 'docker.running' needs now the 'image' param.
- •
- PR #24515: (basepi) [2015.5] Add xml library to the salt-thin @ 2015-06-09T04:10:06Z
- •
- ISSUE #23503: (jfindlay) salt-ssh fails on CentOS 7 when python-zmq is not installed | refs: #24515
- •
- 2a727c3 Merge pull request #24515 from basepi/susexml23503
- •
- 078b33e Add xml library to the thin
- •
- PR #24497: (jayeshka) adding states/rbenv unit test case. @ 2015-06-09T03:56:10Z
- •
- fce998a Merge pull request #24497 from jayeshka/rbenv_states-unit-test
- •
- 79d343a adding states/rbenv unit test case.
- •
- PR #24496: (jayeshka) adding states/rabbitmq_user unit test case. @ 2015-06-09T03:55:23Z
- •
- 2bcb4b1 Merge pull request #24496 from jayeshka/rabbitmq_user_states-unit-test
- •
- 7d96f27 adding states/rabbitmq_user unit test case.
- •
- PR #24481: (eliasp) Fix typo (licnese → license). @ 2015-06-09T03:30:25Z
- •
- 02a597b Merge pull request #24481 from eliasp/2015.5-salt.states.powerpath-license_typo
- •
- 1280054 Fix typo (licnese â license).
- •
- PR #24467: (thenewwazoo) Fix dockerio bound volumes @ 2015-06-09T01:40:23Z
- •
- 5ad3db5 Merge pull request #24467 from thenewwazoo/fix-dockerio-bound-volumes
- •
- db4e3dc Let's raise an exception if create fails
- •
- d1d85dd Add logging
- •
- ddc63f0 Fix volume handling when creating containers
- •
- PR #24504: (rallytime) Move vsphere deprecation to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-08T22:43:05Z
- •
- PR #24487: (nmadhok) Deprecating vsphere cloud driver in favor of vmware cloud driver | refs: #24504
- •
- d236fbd Merge pull request #24504 from rallytime/move_vsphere_deprecation_2015.5
- •
- d876535 Add Getting Started with VSphere doc to 2015.5
- •
- b685ebc Add vSphere deprecation warnings to 2015.5
- •
- PR #24506: (rallytime) Backport #24450 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-08T22:42:14Z
- •
- PR #24450: (ruzarowski) Fix salt cli runs with batch-size set | refs: #24506
- •
- cb55460 Merge pull request #24506 from rallytime/bp-24450
- •
- 1c0fca2 Backport #24450 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #24498: (rallytime) Added "CLI Example" to make failing test happy on 2015.5 @ 2015-06-08T15:48:40Z
- •
- 3173fd1 Merge pull request #24498 from rallytime/fix_doc_failure_fifteen
- •
- d992ef4 Added "CLI Example" to make failing test happy on 2015.5
- •
- PR #24471: (anlutro) Set up salt-ssh file logging @ 2015-06-08T15:26:49Z
- •
- 3639e41 Merge pull request #24471 from alprs/fix-salt_ssh_logging
- •
- 6a11ec8 set up salt-ssh file logging
- •
- PR #24469: (jfindlay) correctly handle user environment info for npm @ 2015-06-08T15:26:02Z
- •
- ISSUE #24231: (tarwich) npm.bootstrap | refs: #24469
- •
- 551e70f Merge pull request #24469 from jfindlay/npm_env
- •
- 8140c96 update npm's user info envs
- •
- cb572f8 add env parameter to npm.uninstall
- •
- PR #24468: (jacobhammons) Bug fixes and build errors @ 2015-06-08T15:25:40Z
- •
- ISSUE #24268: (tkent-xetus) Ability to specify revision for win_gitrepos undocumented | refs: #24468
- •
- ISSUE #24235: (tomasfejfar) Difference between running from minion and from master | refs: #24468
- •
- ISSUE #24193: (abng88) Update ext_pillar docs to mention that this feature is supported masterless as well | refs: #24468
- •
- ISSUE #24172: (zhujinhe) Can lists be passed in the pillar on the command line on version 2015.5.0? | refs: #24468
- •
- ISSUE #23211: (lloesche) Document that salt://| escapes special characters in filenames | refs: #24468
- •
- ISSUE #19901: (clinta) State cache is not documented | refs: #24468
- •
- ISSUE #19801: (ksalman) How are grains static? | refs: #24468
- •
- 0d9e0c2 Merge pull request #24468 from jacobhammons/doc-fixes
- •
- 1035959 Appended .0 to version added
- •
- d45c4ed Bug fixes and build errors Refs #23211 Refs #24268 Refs #24235 Refs #24193 Refs #24172 Refs #19901 Refs #19801
- •
- PR #24465: (jfindlay) catch exception from softwarerepositories @ 2015-06-08T15:25:19Z
- •
- ISSUE #24318: (favadi) uncaught exception for pkgrepo.absent for invalid PPA | refs: #24465
- •
- be6905a Merge pull request #24465 from jfindlay/unknown_ppa
- •
- 19c9128 catch exception from softwarerepositories
- •
- PR #24464: (jfindlay) fix typo in modules/ @ 2015-06-08T15:25:07Z
- •
- ISSUE #24296: (objectx) mount.mount calls file.mkdir with incorrect named argument | refs: #24464
- •
- 58d1ea8 Merge pull request #24464 from jfindlay/file_mkdir
- •
- 6e8cd44 fix typo in modules/
- •
- PR #24461: (dkiser) fix for #24434 @ 2015-06-08T15:24:53Z
- •
- ISSUE #24434: (dkiser) multimaster failover fails due to logic from issue #23611
- •
- 4f332a7 Merge pull request #24461 from dkiser/multimaster_minion_fix
- •
- 1944a74 fix for #24434
- •
- PR #24479: (ahus1) change "path" to "name" for "file" operations @ 2015-06-07T17:56:11Z
- •
- 8917416 Merge pull request #24479 from ahus1/patch-1
- •
- 7d6b60c change "path" to "name" for "file" operations
- •
- PR #24475: (rallytime) Back-port #24454 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-07T01:29:32Z
- •
- PR #24454: (rhertzog) Strip extraneous newline character added in last environment variable | refs: #24475
- •
- 8618d5b Merge pull request #24475 from rallytime/bp-24454
- •
- a793c19 Avoid extraneous newline character added in last environment variable
- •
- PR #24474: (rallytime) Back-port #24420 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-07T01:29:11Z
- •
- ISSUE #24407: (aboe76) Please expand salt module random | refs: #24420
- •
- PR #24420: (aboe76) added random integer module to | refs: #24474
- •
- 61658ff Merge pull request #24474 from rallytime/bp-24420
- •
- 4219b40 Fix lint error and update versionadded to 2015.5.3
- •
- 3613cc9 added random integer module to
- •
- PR #24472: (variia) ensure {} output is not treated as change in state, fixes #… @ 2015-06-06T14:45:44Z
- •
- ISSUE #24233: (variia) yumpkg.group_install keeps returning state change
- •
- 508d7dd Merge pull request #24472 from variia/Fix-yumpkg_group_install-return-change-#24233
- •
- 37e8827 ensure {} output is not treated as change in state, fixes #24233
- •
- PR #24466: (basepi) [2015.5] Fix for # in inner strings in yaml arguments @ 2015-06-06T14:35:56Z
- •
- ISSUE #18045: (dstokes) Pillar kwargs parse error with # | refs: #24466
- •
- ISSUE #8585: (UtahDave) '#' in single quoted option on cli not making it into the execution module | refs: #24466
- •
- 0292e67 Merge pull request #24466 from basepi/fixhashinargs18045
- •
- 2e0609f Fix for # in inner strings in yaml arguments
- •
- PR #24456: (rallytime) Back-port #24441 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-05T22:32:25Z
- •
- PR #24441: (arthurlogilab) [doc] Alignement fix on external_auth documentation | refs: #24456
- •
- ced558a Merge pull request #24456 from rallytime/bp-24441
- •
- 7002855 yaml indentations should be 2 spaces
- •
- 21b51ab [doc] Alignement fix on external_auth documentation
- •
- PR #24398: (kiorky) VirtualName for states.apt | refs: #24399 @ 2015-06-05T17:40:04Z
- •
- ISSUE #24397: (kiorky) on debian: states.apt should use virtualname as it shadows system apt module | refs: #24398 #24398 #24399 #24399 #24400
- •
- PR #24399: (kiorky) Versionvirtual | refs: #24398
- •
- c0ff411 Merge pull request #24398 from makinacorpus/aptv
- •
- 785d277 VirtualName for states.apt
- •
- PR #24447: (jayeshka) adding states/rabbitmq_policy unit test case. @ 2015-06-05T15:26:11Z
- •
- 3626340 Merge pull request #24447 from jayeshka/rabbitmq_policy_states-unit-test
- •
- 9b038ab adding states/rabbitmq_policy unit test case.
- •
- PR #24446: (jayeshka) adding states/rabbitmq_plugin unit test case. @ 2015-06-05T15:25:33Z
- •
- 8445a3f Merge pull request #24446 from jayeshka/rabbitmq_plugin_states-unit-test
- •
- cb0c99a adding states/rabbitmq_plugin unit test case.
- •
- PR #24426: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-05T03:59:11Z
- •
- ISSUE #24276: (markuskramerIgitt) Live salt-master Profiling with SIGUSR2 fails
- •
- PR #24405: (jacksontj) Fix for #24276
- •
- PR #24395: (hvnsweeting) handle exceptions when received data is not in good shape
- •
- PR #24305: (twangboy) Added documentation, fixed formatting
- •
- 9cc3808 Merge pull request #24426 from basepi/merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- eafa20c Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/2014.7' into merge-forward-2015.5
- •
- 83f853b Merge pull request #24405 from jacksontj/2014.7
- •
- 2c7afae Fix for #24276
- •
- cef919c Merge pull request #24395 from hvnsweeting/handle-exception-get-file
- •
- bb798a0 handle exceptions when received data is not in good shape
- •
- efba1a9 Merge pull request #24305 from twangboy/win_path_docs
- •
- 36804253 Fixed pylint error caused by \P... added r
- •
- bc42a4b triple double quotes to triple single quotes
- •
- 77cd930 Added documentation, fixed formatting
- •
- PR #24429: (jacobhammons) Salt cloud doc updates, build errors and bug fixes @ 2015-06-05T00:27:38Z
- •
- ISSUE #24309: (steverweber) missing docs | refs: #24429
- •
- 5d738b8 Merge pull request #24429 from jacobhammons/cloud-doc-updates
- •
- 1f7a13d Salt cloud doc updates, build errors and bug fixes Refs #24309
- •
- PR #24408: (rallytime) Backport #24392 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-04T20:22:09Z
- •
- PR #24392: (quixoten) Fix "No such file or directory" in grains/ | refs: #24408
- •
- cdffc02 Merge pull request #24408 from rallytime/bp-24392
- •
- ff7461b Use path found by salt.utils.which
- •
- PR #24380: (rallytime) Backport #24357 to 2015.5 @ 2015-06-04T20:13:51Z
- •
- PR #24357: (zhujinhe) fix invoke issues of Jinja Macros example | refs: #24380
- •
- a6a1f87 Merge pull request #24380 from rallytime/bp-24357
- •
- f08c875 fix invoke issues of Jinja Macros example
- •
- PR #24388: (pengyao) fixes #24358 @ 2015-06-04T20:07:40Z
- •
- ISSUE #24358: (pengyao) Netapi SSH client don't support ssh_user and ssh_passwd arguments | refs: #24388
- •
- 86ce9db Merge pull request #24388 from pengyao/sshclient-kwargs
- •
- 5c08ca4 fixes #24358
- •
- PR #24367: (terminalmage) Improve error message when module does not exist @ 2015-06-04T20:07:12Z
- •
- ISSUE #22958: (highlyunavailable) Weird error when typoing a command | refs: #24367
- •
- 72d2eae Merge pull request #24367 from terminalmage/issue22958
- •
- d0d7a54 Improve error message when module does not exist
- •
- PR #24412: (jfindlay) backport #23387 @ 2015-06-04T20:06:03Z
- •
- ISSUE #23101: (gravyboat) Create a docs page for labels | refs: #23387
- •
- PR #23387: (rallytime) Add some "What are all these labels for?" documentation | refs: #24412
- •
- a628778 Merge pull request #24412 from jfindlay/bp-23387
- •
- bf85772 Make sure the parameters are in the correct order
- •
- 9f53809 Add "* Change" label parameters
- •
- b27a15e Remove "workaround" wording
- •
- 9fff35a Some small fixes
- •
- 54a7089 Link the new labels doc in contributing and hacking docs
- •
- 375695e Add pull request label definitions
- •
- de94563 Add Feature Request label definition
- •
- 684f291 Add issue definition and augment functional areas section
- •
- 2da13dd Start a "what are all of these labels for?" doc
- •
- PR #24336: (twangboy) Added line to give more descriptive error @ 2015-06-04T19:56:00Z
- •
- ISSUE #24154: (ssgward) Exception when running cp.get_url | refs: #24336
- •
- 485116c Merge pull request #24336 from twangboy/fix_cp_get_url
- •
- 37b11f9 Added line to give more descriptive error
- •
- PR #24413: (techhat) Add more namespaced functions to GoGrid driver @ 2015-06-04T19:51:22Z
- •
- b3d39cc Merge pull request #24413 from techhat/gogridnamespace
- •
- 1b397cb Adding blank line
- •
- da08cc9 Add more namespaced functions to GoGrid driver
- •
- PR #24399: (kiorky) Versionvirtual | refs: #24398 @ 2015-06-04T18:02:22Z
- •
- ISSUE #24397: (kiorky) on debian: states.apt should use virtualname as it shadows system apt module | refs: #24398 #24398 #24399 #24399 #24400
- •
- PR #24398: (kiorky) VirtualName for states.apt | refs: #24399
- •
- 27f109b Merge pull request #24399 from makinacorpus/versionvirtual
- •
- 235c78d Use apt_pkg.version_compare if available
- •
- 1c0cd45 reindent block to isolate conflict on merge forward
- •
- 699ecea use var to isolate conflict on merge forward
- •
- PR #24371: (joejulian) 2015.5 tls module tests @ 2015-06-04T15:20:16Z
- •
- deaee68 Merge pull request #24371 from joejulian/2015.5_tls_module_tests
- •
- 4c5dee1 Add @destructiveTest decorator to destructive tests
- •
- 274bbd4 Accept results from older pyOpenSSL
- •
- 161f913 All cert info should be in UTC always
- •
- 9affcca See the whole diff if dict compare fails
- •
- 94f6208 Ignore extensions for now. Resolve this as part of fixing issue 24338.
- •
- 84904d3 Mask lint warning for unused imported module
- •
- 5675b78 Do not test if PyOpenSSL is not installed
- •
- 563cc66 Add tls tests
- •
- PR #24403: (jayeshka) adding states/process unit test case. @ 2015-06-04T15:19:01Z
- •
- 84686ee Merge pull request #24403 from jayeshka/process_states-unit-test
- •
- fcb71fb adding states/process unit test case.
- •
- PR #24402: (jayeshka) adding states/pyenv unit test case. @ 2015-06-04T15:18:11Z
- •
- 35de8d7 Merge pull request #24402 from jayeshka/pyenv_states-unit-test
- •
- 5f263ab adding states/pyenc unit test case.
- •
- PR #24401: (jayeshka) adding states/powerpath unit test case. @ 2015-06-04T15:17:46Z
- •
- 632f838 Merge pull request #24401 from jayeshka/powerpath-states-unit-test
- •
- 49ff927 adding states/powerpath unit test case.
- •
- PR #24400: (kiorky) Aptversion @ 2015-06-04T15:17:19Z
- •
- ISSUE #24397: (kiorky) on debian: states.apt should use virtualname as it shadows system apt module | refs: #24398 #24398 #24399 #24399 #24400
- •
- 0a6e5e0 Merge pull request #24400 from makinacorpus/aptversion
- •
- e15cb93 Use apt_pkg.version_compare if available
- •
- 953725a Fix too much quoting in apt.version_cmp
- •
- PR #24385: (jeanpralo) Fix salt.modules.dockerio.start method @ 2015-06-04T15:00:22Z
- •
- a904055 Merge pull request #24385 from jeanpralo/Fix-binds-dockerio.start
- •
- a0fed31 binds dict if not specified should remain to none otherwise docker-py will try to create a new host config and all volume and ports binds are lost. config should be done at the creation of the container not when we start it
- •
- PR #24381: (jtand) Disabled flaky test to review later @ 2015-06-04T14:57:43Z
- •
- 9890bc4 Merge pull request #24381 from jtand/seed_test
- •
- 7570ae9 Disabled flaky test to review later
- •
- PR #24382: (basepi) [2015.5] Handle CommandExecutionError in grains commands, Fixes #23342 @ 2015-06-04T12:44:04Z
- •
- ISSUE #23342: (philipsd6) salt-ssh 2015.2.0rc2 fails when target doesn't have lspci available | refs: #24382
- •
- b3fa8fe Merge pull request #24382 from basepi/grainscommandnotfound23342
- •
- 85b91d6 Handle CommandExecutionError in grains commands
- •
- PR #24379: (Starblade42) Fixes an issue where Pagerduty states/modules couldn't find their profile in the Pillar @ 2015-06-04T12:41:13Z
- •
- 52587a4 Merge pull request #24379 from Starblade42/2015.5
- •
- b93dc5e Linting!
- •
- 2dd5904 Fixes an issue where Pagerduty states/modules couldn't find it's profile in the Pillar
- •
- PR #24366: (terminalmage) Use yes $'\n' instead of printf '\n' for pecl commands @ 2015-06-03T21:28:58Z
- •
- 3ca35d1 Merge pull request #24366 from terminalmage/pecl-yes
- •
- dcd9ad8 Use yes $'\n' instead of printf '\n' for pecl commands
- •
- PR #24348: (kiorky) Try to close input pipes before calling lxc-start @ 2015-06-03T19:38:07Z
- •
- ISSUE #24284: (kiorky) systemd lxc containers need use_vt=True at lxc-start stage | refs: #24348
- •
- PR #548: (Lanzaa) Salt is now platform dependent. Use get_python_lib(1) | refs: #24348
- •
- 86a3b31 Merge pull request #24348 from makinacorpus/lxcpre
- •
- 0cb11a2 lxc: typo
- •
- d71efa6 Try to close input pipes before calling lxc-start
Salt 2015.5.4 Release Notes
Version 2015.5.4 is a bugfix release for 2015.5.0.
- •
- The cron.present state now correctly defaults to state ID as identifier.
- •
- When querying for VMs in, the number of VMs to include in a page was changed from 20 (default) to 200 to reduce the number of API calls to Digital Ocean.
- •
- The vmware Salt-Cloud driver was back-ported from the develop branch in order for installations of Salt that are older than 2015.8.0 to be able to use the vmware driver without stack-tracing on various deprecation paths that were implemented in the 2015.8.0 release.
Changes for v2015.5.3..v2015.5.4
Extended changelog courtesy of Todd Stansell (
Generated at: 2015-08-13T20:23:30Z
- •
- Total Merges: 247
- •
- Total Issue references: 140
- •
Total PR references: 330
- •
- PR #26292: (jquast) Rabbitmq 3.2.4 on Ubuntu has "...done.", not "...done" @ 2015-08-13T19:53:29Z
- •
PR #26296: (jquast) bugfix missing
runas=None' for rabbitmqctl cmds (backport to 2015.5) @ 2015-08-13T19:52:40Z - •
- PR #26293: (jfindlay) Fix #26268 @ 2015-08-13T19:48:06Z
- •
- ISSUE #25618: (twangboy) Fix to work with the registry properly | refs: #26268
- •
- PR #26268: (twangboy) Multiple improvements to reg executionmod and state mod | refs: #26293
- •
- PR #26290: (rallytime) Only call convert_to_arn when action name is provided @ 2015-08-13T18:48:58Z
- •
- ISSUE #25192: (deuscapturus) 2015.5.2 boto_cloudwatch_alarm.present not working. | refs: #26290
- •
- PR #26288: (bbinet) allow to delete grains which value is False @ 2015-08-13T18:24:36Z
- •
- PR #26263: (rallytime) Don't make changes when test=True for openstack present/absent funcs @ 2015-08-13T16:30:31Z
- •
- ISSUE #24882: (nmadhok) salt.states.openstack_config.present and salt.states.openstack_config.absent make changes when test=True | refs: #26263
- •
- PR #26265: (rallytime) Don't stacktrace on query return in ec2.create_snapshot @ 2015-08-13T16:28:48Z
- •
- ISSUE #24484: (codehotter) clouds/ create_snapshot throws exception | refs: #26265
- •
- PR #26285: (stanislavb) Remove explicit version from instance identity URL @ 2015-08-13T16:25:32Z
- •
- PR #26275: (cachedout) Re-init modules on multi-master reconnect @ 2015-08-13T15:52:50Z
- •
- PR #26273: (garethgreenaway) Fixes to schedule module in 2015.5 @ 2015-08-13T15:34:43Z
- •
- PR #26271: (rallytime) Fix del_root_vol_on_destroy and del_all_vols_on_destroy functionality on ec2 @ 2015-08-12T23:22:47Z
- •
- ISSUE #24483: (codehotter) clouds/ del_root_vol_on_destroy and del_all_vols_on_destroy not working | refs: #26271
- •
- PR #26219: (anlutro) cron: make identifier default to state ID @ 2015-08-12T18:42:33Z
- •
- ISSUE #25958: (anlutro) Cron identifier does not default to state ID as documented | refs: #26219
- •
- PR #26257: (rallytime) Back-port #26237 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-12T18:40:35Z
- •
- ISSUE #26207: (fullermd) group members setting fails with obscure error message on FreeBSD | refs: #26237
- •
- PR #26237: (silenius) fix issue #26207 | refs: #26257
- •
- PR #26258: (nmadhok) Fix permission on tests/ on 2015.5 branch @ 2015-08-12T18:40:04Z
- •
- PR #26261: (nmadhok) Correct spelling of integration in docs @ 2015-08-12T18:14:48Z
- •
- PR #2015: (thekuffs) Esky / bbfreeze support
- •
- PR #26247: (nmadhok) Initial commit of unit tests for vmware cloud driver @ 2015-08-12T16:58:24Z
- •
- PR #26246: (nmadhok) Backport additions to VMware cloud driver from develop to 2015.5 branch @ 2015-08-12T15:11:26Z
- •
- PR #26239: (opdude) Fixed documentation to match function name @ 2015-08-12T14:48:52Z
- •
- PR #26232: (garethgreenaway) Fix to trust_key in gpg module for 2015.5. @ 2015-08-12T04:48:27Z
- •
- PR #26084: (twangboy) Added python_shell=True, quoted user input @ 2015-08-10T21:29:35Z
- •
- ISSUE #25802: (jefftucker) Running module "npm.list" fails on Windows for masterless minion | refs: #26084
- •
- PR #26183: (cro) Fix LDAP configuration issue. @ 2015-08-10T19:09:41Z
- •
- PR #26186: (jacobhammons) regenerated man pages @ 2015-08-10T19:07:44Z
- •
- PR #26182: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-10T19:00:10Z
- •
ISSUE #25961: (getabc) [2015.5.3-2] salt-winrepo.git/salt-minion.sls fails certificate '
*' or '' | refs: #26047 - •
- ISSUE #25751: (basepi) Document master_finger more prominently | refs: #26088
- •
- PR #26116: (corux) file.replace fails if repl string is an invalid regex and append/prepend is used
- •
- PR #26088: (jacobhammons) Master finger
- •
- PR #26047: (jacobhammons) Updated windows download links in the docs to
- •
- PR #26000: (driskell) Implement full event caching for subscribed tags @ 2015-08-10T18:57:17Z
- •
- ISSUE #25998: (driskell) Event subsystem discarding required events during --batch breaking it for slow running commands | refs: #26000
- •
- PR #26175: (rallytime) Back-port #26153 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-10T18:22:32Z
- •
- PR #26153: (loa) Fix dockerio state documentation typo | refs: #26175
- •
- PR #26177: (rallytime) Back-port #26147 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-10T18:22:01Z
- •
- ISSUE #26024: (jpic) lxc_conf_unset in cloud.profile is ignored
- •
- PR #26147: (martinhoefling) Fixes #26024 | refs: #26177
- •
- PR #26179: (rallytime) Back-port #25404 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-10T18:21:50Z
- •
- ISSUE #21082: (clinta) master_type failover does not failover on DNS errors | refs: #25404
- •
- PR #25404: (DmitryKuzmenko) Fixed minion failover to next master on DNS errors. | refs: #26179
- •
- PR #26180: (jfindlay) fix processing of state.template @ 2015-08-10T18:21:38Z
- •
- ISSUE #26112: (wt) state.template fails with unclear error with template with only an include | refs: #26180
- •
- PR #26172: (nmadhok) [Backport] Make sure variable is a dictionary before popping something from it. @ 2015-08-10T16:42:50Z
- •
- ISSUE #26162: (nmadhok) VMware cloud driver create function failing with traceback on latest develop | refs: #26163 #26172
- •
- PR #26163: (nmadhok) Make sure variable is a dictionary before popping something from it.
- •
- PR #26168: (cachedout) Fix slack docs @ 2015-08-10T14:57:18Z
- •
- ISSUE #26098: (rdinoff) SALT.STATES.SLACK Doc update | refs: #26168
- •
- PR #26127: (garethgreenaway) Fixes to salt.utils.http related to cp.get_file_str bug. @ 2015-08-10T14:38:25Z
- •
- ISSUE #24106: (nvx) ignores HTTP Auth again (2015.5 regression) | refs: #26127
- •
- PR #26140: (nmadhok) VMware cloud driver fixes @ 2015-08-10T13:15:58Z
- •
- ISSUE #26141: (nmadhok) salt-cloud VMware driver fails with error in parsing configuration file | refs: #26140
- •
- ISSUE #25809: (o-sleep) vmware cloud module error message | refs: #26140
- •
- ISSUE #25625: (steverweber) cloud vmware driver does not provide mac_address unless vmware tools is running | refs: #26137 #26140
- •
- PR #26137: (steverweber) use device mac address if vmtools not active @ 2015-08-09T03:05:36Z
- •
- ISSUE #25625: (steverweber) cloud vmware driver does not provide mac_address unless vmware tools is running | refs: #26137 #26140
- •
- PR #26119: (jodv) Backport eauth bugfix to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-09T02:19:52Z
- •
- PR #26135: (cro) Fix proxy minions in 2015.5 and significantly update documentation. @ 2015-08-09T02:19:21Z
- •
- PR #26132: (TheBigBear) minor edit @ 2015-08-08T21:05:34Z
- •
- PR #26133: (amontalban) Fixed #25915 in salt/modules/ and salt/states/ @ 2015-08-08T21:05:05Z
- •
- ISSUE #25915: (ari) FreeBSD pkg install fails
- •
- PR #26111: (anlutro) Better error messages when virtualenv creation fails @ 2015-08-07T21:42:09Z
- •
- PR #26110: (jfindlay) check for sources before adding them to cmd str @ 2015-08-07T21:33:23Z
- •
- ISSUE #26093: (freedba) archive.tar bug | refs: #26110
- •
- PR #26106: (vr-jack) Update @ 2015-08-07T21:15:55Z
- •
- PR #26101: (rallytime) Back-port #25984 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-07T18:56:26Z
- •
- ISSUE #25983: (jmdcal) Trying to get md5 of local zip | refs: #25984
- •
- PR #25984: (jmdcal) Support local files without md5sum | refs: #26101
- •
- PR #26080: (techhat) Fix string checking in s3fs @ 2015-08-06T23:36:09Z
- •
- PR #26079: (cachedout) Update docs to remove state.over @ 2015-08-06T23:35:26Z
- •
- ISSUE #26039: (basepi) Update scheduler docs to use orchestrate instead of overstate | refs: #26079
- •
- PR #26058: (opdude) Fix choco version on chocolatey versions below 0.9.9 @ 2015-08-06T18:50:10Z
- •
- PR #26068: (jfindlay) fix autoruns.list looking in wrong directory @ 2015-08-06T18:49:48Z
- •
- PR #26065: (s0undt3ch) [2015.5] Update to latest bootstrap stable release v2015.06.08 @ 2015-08-06T17:09:35Z
- •
- ISSUE #634: (loupgaroublond) /srv/salt/_grains/ not documented | refs: #26065
- •
- ISSUE #631: (fatbox) Can't extend the same item multiple times | refs: #26065
- •
- ISSUE #625: (whiteinge) state user flag is not working | refs: #25506 #632
- •
- PR #640: (terminalmage) fix syntax errors introduced in 0f776c13 | refs: #26065
- •
- PR #638: (blast-hardcheese) Tightened up configuration documentation | refs: #26065
- •
- PR #633: (epoelke) Bug fix to salt-key | refs: #26065
- •
- PR #632: (whiteinge) Change the state to use the new runas arg | refs: #26065
- •
- PR #26061: (gmcwhistler) Patch for issue #25994 @ 2015-08-06T17:07:34Z
- •
- ISSUE #25994: (gmcwhistler) module.ilo tempfile creation in __execute_cmd results in TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
- •
- PR #26064: (s0undt3ch) Don't stacktrace when trying to get the default locale. @ 2015-08-06T16:11:05Z
- •
- ISSUE #26063: (saltstack-bot) not working with salt-cloud shows unknown locale error | refs: #26064
- •
- PR #26048: (jacobhammons) Updated windows download links in the docs to @ 2015-08-05T22:59:50Z
- •
- PR #26044: (rallytime) Make sure the key we're comparing is also lowercase @ 2015-08-05T19:23:54Z
- •
- ISSUE #25616: (rallytime) [2015.5] Provisioning Linodes Stacktraces | refs: #26044
- •
- PR #26042: (jfindlay) fix test mode logic in state docs @ 2015-08-05T19:23:07Z
- •
- PR #26036: (nicholascapo) survey.hash: Remove manually printed text @ 2015-08-05T19:21:59Z
- •
- ISSUE #24460: (nicholascapo) Survey runner does not follow --out flag | refs: #26036
- •
- PR #26030: (opdude) Fix a bug in choco version that returned odd data @ 2015-08-05T16:30:25Z
- •
- PR #26032: (jfindlay) add test logic to state reult doc @ 2015-08-05T16:28:32Z
- •
- PR #26031: (alekti) Revert "Add file as supported protocol for file source_hash. Fixes #23764" @ 2015-08-05T15:32:01Z
- •
- ISSUE #23764: (es1o) source_hash from local file is not supported. | refs: #25750
- •
- PR #26021: (anlutro) Documentation: Specify versionadded for git.present shared argument @ 2015-08-05T14:17:38Z
- •
- PR #26020: (alekti) Correctly resolve conflict merging pull 25750 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-05T14:16:58Z
- •
- ISSUE #23764: (es1o) source_hash from local file is not supported. | refs: #25750
- •
- PR #25750: (alekti) Add file as supported protocol for file source_hash. Fixes #25701. | refs: #26020
- •
- PR #26016: (basepi) Revert "Deep merge of pillar lists" @ 2015-08-05T04:59:52Z
- •
- ISSUE #22241: (masterkorp) Salt master not properly generating the map | refs: #25358
- •
- PR #25358: (dkiser) Deep merge of pillar lists | refs: #26016
- •
- PR #25992: (twangboy) Refactor @ 2015-08-05T04:54:18Z
- •
- ISSUE #12255: (eliasp) 'system.set_computer_desc' fails with non-ASCII chars | refs: #25992
- •
- ISSUE #3: (thatch45) libvirt module
- •
- PR #26002: (twangboy) Fixed regex to account for comment character followed by whitespace @ 2015-08-04T22:28:11Z
- •
- ISSUE #25948: (twangboy) Fix uncomment function to handle spaces | refs: #26002
- •
- PR #25970: (jfindlay) accept addition of layman overlay @ 2015-08-04T15:42:28Z
- •
- ISSUE #25949: (godlike64) layman.add does not work with unofficial overlays | refs: #25970
- •
- PR #25971: (basepi) [2015.5] salt.modules.reg Add spaces for strings split across multiple lines @ 2015-08-04T15:39:48Z
- •
- PR #25990: (rallytime) Back-port #25976 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-04T14:36:53Z
- •
- PR #25976: (fleaflicker) Typo in help output | refs: #25990
- •
- PR #25996: (attiasr) fix msiexec package remove @ 2015-08-04T14:36:31Z
- •
- PR #25966: (rallytime) Back-port #25864 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-03T18:48:26Z
- •
- ISSUE #25863: (peterdemin) pkg.installed fails on already installed package if it is in versionlock.list | refs: #25864
- •
- PR #25864: (peterdemin) #25863 state.pkg.installed fix | refs: #25966
- •
- PR #25967: (rallytime) Back-port #25917 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-03T18:48:02Z
- •
- PR #25917: (jmdcal) adding missing format string | refs: #25967
- •
- PR #25895: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-03T17:12:37Z
- •
- ISSUE #23764: (es1o) source_hash from local file is not supported. | refs: #25750
- •
- PR #25750: (alekti) Add file as supported protocol for file source_hash. Fixes #25701. | refs: #26020
- •
- PR #25704: (cachedout) Ensure prior alignment with master_type in 2014.7
- •
- PR #25657: (MrCitron) Add the ability to specify a base pattern for carbon returner
- •
- PR #25633: (AkhterAli) Update
- •
- PR #25941: (jfindlay) add timelib to dependency versions @ 2015-08-03T12:23:42Z
- •
- ISSUE #25850: (ssgward) Need to add packages to --versions-report | refs: #25941
- •
- PR #25951: (garethgreenaway) Log when and event.fire_master fail. @ 2015-08-03T00:19:45Z
- •
- PR #25942: (jfindlay) typo in minion doc @ 2015-07-31T23:34:55Z
- •
- ISSUE #25838: (grep4linux) docs disable_modules documentation typo | refs: #25942
- •
- PR #25938: (jacobhammons) Doc on using syndic with multimaster @ 2015-07-31T23:05:05Z
- •
- PR #14690: (jacksontj) Multi syndic | refs: #25938
- •
- PR #25848: (twangboy) Added allusers="1" when installing msi @ 2015-07-31T20:33:17Z
- •
- ISSUE #25839: (twangboy) ALLUSERS="1" should be a default when installing MSI's | refs: #25848
- •
- PR #25898: (jfindlay) clarify and expand syndic docs @ 2015-07-31T20:01:23Z
- •
- PR #25927: (jacksontj) Pass actual renderers to the Reactor's Compiler @ 2015-07-31T20:00:17Z
- •
- ISSUE #25852: (UtahDave) Salt loader is not loading Salt vars in reactor python renderer | refs: #25927
- •
- PR #25921: (cachedout) Handle non-ascii in state log @ 2015-07-31T17:41:30Z
- •
- ISSUE #25810: (nvx) winpkg highstate fails when a new package name contains a unicide character | refs: #25921
- •
- PR #25919: (TheBigBear) Minor update to msi un-installer info @ 2015-07-31T17:39:48Z
- •
- PR #25905: (rallytime) Back-port #25982 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-30T23:24:19Z
- •
- PR #25892: (TheBigBear) Update 7-zip msi un-installer instructions | refs: #25905
- •
- PR #25890: (rallytime) Back-port #25698 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-30T23:12:09Z
- •
- ISSUE #25577: (yellow1912) Wrong indentation in document | refs: #25696
- •
- PR #25698: (rallytime) Back-port #25659 to 2015.8 | refs: #25890
- •
- PR #25696: (AkhterAli) Update
- •
- PR #25659: (isbm) Bugfix: crash at getting non-existing repo | refs: #25698
- •
- PR #25894: (jacobhammons) Minor doc bug fixes @ 2015-07-30T23:02:34Z
- •
- ISSUE #25650: (jacksontj) state.running documentation is incorrect | refs: #25894
- •
- ISSUE #24042: (whiteinge) The state_events setting is not documented | refs: #25894
- •
- ISSUE #23788: (k5jj) functions in module do not match documentation | refs: #25894
- •
- ISSUE #21296: (Lothiraldan) Possible minion enumeration using saltutil.find_job and eauth | refs: #25894
- •
- PR #25877: (rallytime) Protect against passing a map file in addition to VM names with --destroy @ 2015-07-30T21:55:45Z
- •
- ISSUE #24036: (arthurlogilab) [salt-cloud] Protect against passing command line arguments as names for the --destroy command in map files | refs: #25877
- •
- PR #25870: (rallytime) Back-port #25824 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-30T21:54:35Z
- •
- PR #25824: (klyr) Fix get_managed() in module for local files | refs: #25870
- •
- PR #25885: (t0rrant) Update Debian changelog @ 2015-07-30T20:05:59Z
- •
- PR #25875: (rallytime) Back-port #25862 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-30T17:34:02Z
- •
- ISSUE #25478: (zyio) salt-ssh - Unable to locate current thin version | refs: #25862
- •
- ISSUE #25026: (sylvia-wang) salt-ssh "Failure deploying thin" when using salt module functions | refs: #25862
- •
- PR #25862: (zyio) Adding SCP_NOT_FOUND exit code | refs: #25875
- •
- PR #25873: (rallytime) Back-port #25855 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-30T17:33:55Z
- •
- PR #25855: (puneetk) Patch 3 | refs: #25873
- •
- PR #25871: (rallytime) Back-port #25829 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-30T17:33:43Z
- •
- PR #25829: (peterdemin) Fixed typo in salt.states.saltmod.function doc string | refs: #25871
- •
- PR #25869: (rallytime) Back-port #25788 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-30T17:33:33Z
- •
- ISSUE #24002: (csakoda) File lock contention on windows minions causing highstate crash | refs: #25788
- •
- PR #25788: (opdude) Catch a hard crash when running highstate on windows | refs: #25869
- •
- PR #25853: (davidjb) Make ssh-id-wrapper accessible to non-root users @ 2015-07-30T16:49:47Z
- •
- ISSUE #19532: (stolendog) salt-ssh running git clone with not root user | refs: #25853
- •
- PR #25856: (jfindlay) expand minion reauth scalability documentation @ 2015-07-30T15:33:17Z
- •
- ISSUE #25447: (spo0nman) SaltMaster is crippled with Minion Re-Authentication | refs: #25856
- •
- PR #25840: (jfindlay) add note to winrepo state docs about required grain @ 2015-07-30T14:38:27Z
- •
- ISSUE #25801: (themalkolm) Update docs that salt.states.winrepo requires roles:salt-master in grains. | refs: #25840
- •
- PR #25846: (jfindlay) rework deprecation documentation for release names @ 2015-07-30T13:26:21Z
- •
- ISSUE #25827: (0xf10e) "Deprecating Code" doesn't mention Usage of warn_until() w/ Release Names | refs: #25846
- •
- PR #25833: (jahamn) Allows cp.push to recreate empty files @ 2015-07-29T16:14:48Z
- •
- ISSUE #23288: (UtahDave) cp.push fails to recreate empty files. | refs: #25833
- •
- PR #25831: (rallytime) Add salt:// to key_url options to docs for pkgrepo.managed @ 2015-07-29T15:38:43Z
- •
- ISSUE #11474: (JensRantil) pkgrepo.managed key_url: salt:// always use base env | refs: #25831
- •
- PR #25807: (rallytime) Provide helpful error when using actions with a mapfile @ 2015-07-29T15:30:15Z
- •
- ISSUE #22699: (arthurlogilab) salt-cloud fails on KeyError when given a nonexistant action | refs: #25807
- •
- PR #25818: (jfindlay) fix autoruns list @ 2015-07-29T15:29:20Z
- •
- PR #25826: (anlutro) Check that "onchanges" is a list @ 2015-07-29T15:00:28Z
- •
- PR #25798: (twangboy) Fixed stacktrace on package name not found @ 2015-07-28T22:40:14Z
- •
- ISSUE #25258: (nickw8) windows minion repo not updating | refs: #25798
- •
- PR #25797: (twangboy) Changed repocache back to cached_repo @ 2015-07-28T22:39:32Z
- •
- ISSUE #25437: (lorengordon) Stacktrace on Windows when running pkg.list_pkgs | refs: #25598 #25763
- •
- PR #25763: (twangboy) Fix 25437 | refs: #25797
- •
- PR #25793: (rallytime) Back-port #25730 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-28T19:37:34Z
- •
- PR #25730: (sjorge) patchelf lives in pkgsrc | refs: #25793
- •
- PR #25792: (rallytime) Back-port #25688 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-28T19:37:17Z
- •
- PR #25688: (bclermont) Don't acquire lock if there is no formatter | refs: #25792
- •
- PR #25796: (cachedout) Remove debug from docs @ 2015-07-28T17:35:59Z
- •
- PR #25749: (jahamn) Allow zpool.create on character devices @ 2015-07-28T16:01:40Z
- •
- ISSUE #24920: (voileux) module.zpool.create on character device is not possible by salt | refs: #25749
- •
- PR #25685: (twangboy) Fixed regex issues with comment and uncomment @ 2015-07-28T15:29:49Z
- •
- PR #25763: (twangboy) Fix 25437 | refs: #25797 @ 2015-07-28T15:29:27Z
- •
- ISSUE #25437: (lorengordon) Stacktrace on Windows when running pkg.list_pkgs | refs: #25598 #25763
- •
- PR #25752: (thatch45) State top saltenv @ 2015-07-28T01:02:10Z
- •
- PR #25755: (twangboy) Fixed problem with dunder functions not being passed @ 2015-07-27T19:31:22Z
- •
- ISSUE #25717: (twangboy) Problem with chocolatey module not loading | refs: #25755
- •
- PR #25648: (twangboy) Clarified functionality of reg module, fixed state to work with new module @ 2015-07-27T19:30:33Z
- •
- ISSUE #25352: (m03) reg.absent reporting incorrect results | refs: #25648
- •
- ISSUE #1: (thatch45) Enable regex on the salt cli
- •
- PR #25740: (rallytime) Back-port #25722 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-27T16:08:40Z
- •
- ISSUE #25154: (uvsmtid) All data mixed on STDOUT together should generate valid JSON output | refs: #25722
- •
- ISSUE #25153: (uvsmtid) Multiple results should generate valid JSON output | refs: #25722
- •
- PR #25722: (uvsmtid) Minor docs changes to emphasize JSON output problems without --static option | refs: #25740
- •
- PR #25739: (rallytime) Back-port #25709 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-27T16:08:27Z
- •
- PR #25709: (colekowalski) add direct-io-mode to mount_invisible_options | refs: #25739
- •
- PR #25699: (rallytime) Back-port #25660 to 2015.5 | refs: #25709
- •
- PR #25660: (colekowalski) add glusterfs' direct-io-mode to mount_invisible_keys | refs: #25699 #25709
- •
- PR #25738: (rallytime) Back-port #25671 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-27T16:08:23Z
- •
- PR #25671: (niq000) added a parameter so verifying SSL is now optional instead of hard-coded | refs: #25738
- •
- PR #25737: (rallytime) Back-port #25608 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-27T16:08:18Z
- •
- ISSUE #25229: (rall0r) Module git.latest kills target directory when test=True | refs: #25608
- •
- PR #25608: (rall0r) Fix: prevent git.latest from removing target | refs: #25737
- •
- PR #25733: (davidjb) Avoid IndexError when listing mounts if mount output ends in newline @ 2015-07-27T16:08:05Z
- •
- PR #25705: (blackduckx) Support for setm augeas command. @ 2015-07-27T16:07:10Z
- •
- ISSUE #22460: (onmeac) Command setm is not supported (yet) | refs: #25705
- •
- PR #25703: (cachedout) Return to str for master_type for 2015.5 @ 2015-07-27T16:06:22Z
- •
- PR #25702: (twangboy) Fixed win_user module for groups with spaces in the name @ 2015-07-27T15:06:33Z
- •
- ISSUE #25144: (johnccfm) user.present on Windows fails to add user to groups if group name contains a space | refs: #25702
- •
- PR #25711: (twangboy) Fixed problem with win_servermanager.list_installed @ 2015-07-27T15:05:48Z
- •
- ISSUE #25351: (m03) win_servermanager.list_installed failing with "IndexError: list index out of range" | refs: #25711
- •
- PR #25714: (cachedout) Display warning when progressbar can't be loaded @ 2015-07-25T00:10:13Z
- •
- ISSUE #25435: (yee379) progressbar dependency missing | refs: #25714
- •
- PR #25699: (rallytime) Back-port #25660 to 2015.5 | refs: #25709 @ 2015-07-24T22:11:40Z
- •
- PR #25660: (colekowalski) add glusterfs' direct-io-mode to mount_invisible_keys | refs: #25699 #25709
- •
- PR #25694: (s0undt3ch) Salt-SSH fix for #25689 @ 2015-07-24T21:41:57Z
- •
- ISSUE #25689: (anlutro) Minion log in salt-ssh | refs: #25694
- •
- PR #25710: (jahamn) Integration Testcase for Issue 25250 @ 2015-07-24T20:57:33Z
- •
- ISSUE #25250: (wipfs) 'force' option in copy state deletes target file | refs: #25461 #25710
- •
- PR #25680: (basepi) [2015.5] Move jinja aliasing to a wrapper class to prevent side effects @ 2015-07-24T19:52:10Z
- •
- PR #25049: (terminalmage) Fix when cross-called in a state/execution module | refs: #25680
- •
- PR #25682: (basepi) [2015.5] Fix parsing args with just a hash (#) @ 2015-07-24T19:52:01Z
- •
- PR #25695: (stanislavb) Configurable AWS region & region from IAM metadata @ 2015-07-24T19:36:40Z
- •
- PR #25645: (kev009) Fix pkgng provider to work with a sources list and the underlying pkg… @ 2015-07-24T16:33:18Z
- •
- PR #25677: (aneeshusa) Fix pacman.list_upgrades when refresh=True. @ 2015-07-24T16:30:06Z
- •
- PR #25675: (UtahDave) Use OS line endings with contents on file.managed @ 2015-07-24T16:29:50Z
- •
- ISSUE #25674: (UtahDave) file.managed with contents parameter uses wrong line endings on Windows | refs: #25675
- •
- PR #25676: (basepi) Update release candidate docs to 2015.8.0rc2 @ 2015-07-23T20:29:37Z
- •
- PR #25666: (nmadhok) Check if the properties exist before looping over them causing KeyError @ 2015-07-23T17:55:40Z
- •
- ISSUE #25665: (nmadhok) salt-cloud VMware driver fails with KeyErrors if there's any existing machine in the VMware infrastructure in (invalid state) | refs: #25666
- •
- PR #25656: (anlutro) Fix locale detection in debian/gentoo @ 2015-07-23T16:46:40Z
- •
- PR #25661: (rallytime) Back-port #25624 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-23T16:26:48Z
- •
- PR #25624: (bobrik) Fix typo in get_routes example for debian_ip | refs: #25661
- •
- PR #25662: (rallytime) Back-port #25638 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-23T16:26:40Z
- •
- ISSUE #15209: (hubez) file.manage: source_hash not working with s3:// (2014.7.0rc1) | refs: #25638
- •
- PR #25638: (TronPaul) fix bad merge in 99fc7ec | refs: #25662
- •
- PR #25644: (cachedout) pillar doc fix @ 2015-07-22T22:57:23Z
- •
- ISSUE #25413: (zizkebab) pillar_opts default behavior is not reflected in the docs | refs: #25644
- •
- PR #25642: (cachedout) Warn on pillar schedule delete @ 2015-07-22T22:04:12Z
- •
- ISSUE #25540: (dennisjac) salt highstate schedule cannot be removed | refs: #25642
- •
- PR #25598: (twangboy) Fixed problem trying to load file with name of boolean type @ 2015-07-22T17:07:49Z
- •
- ISSUE #25437: (lorengordon) Stacktrace on Windows when running pkg.list_pkgs | refs: #25598 #25763
- •
- 7b79e433 Merge pull request #25598 from twangboy/fix_25437
- •
- PR #25604: (terminalmage) Move patching of mock_open to within test @ 2015-07-22T16:53:55Z
- •
- ISSUE #25323: (terminalmage) unit.modules.tls_test fails with older mock | refs: #25604
- •
- PR #25609: (s0undt3ch) [2015.5] Update the bootstrap script to latest release v2015.07.22 @ 2015-07-22T16:28:52Z
- •
- ISSUE #630: (syphernl) Allow for an include statement in config files | refs: #25609
- •
- PR #627: (chjohnst) add saltversion grain | refs: #25609
- •
- PR #25603: (terminalmage) Add version_cmp function to @ 2015-07-22T15:42:29Z
- •
- ISSUE #21912: (rvora) pkg.latest not updating the package on CentOS though yum reports an update available | refs: #25603
- •
- PR #25590: (garethgreenaway) 2015.5 scheduled jobs return data @ 2015-07-21T21:57:42Z
- •
- ISSUE #25560: (dennisjac) scheduled highstate runs don't return results to the job cache | refs: #25590
- •
- PR #25584: (rallytime) Back-port #24054 and #25576 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-21T21:16:38Z
- •
- PR #25576: (pcn) s3fs breaks when fetching files from s3 | refs: #25584
- •
- PR #24054: (mgwilliams) s3.head: return useful data | refs: #25584
- •
- PR #25589: (jahamn) Fixes ssh_known_host not taking port into account @ 2015-07-21T21:15:06Z
- •
- ISSUE #23626: (mirko) salt state 'ssh_known_hosts' doesn't take 'port' into account | refs: #25589
- •
- PR #25573: (EvaSDK) Do not execute bootstrap script twice @ 2015-07-21T18:20:04Z
- •
- PR #25465: (EvaSDK) 2015.5.3 LXC module fixes | refs: #25573
- •
- PR #25580: (attiasr) use explicit utf-8 decoding (#25532) @ 2015-07-21T15:40:49Z
- •
- ISSUE #25532: (attiasr) salt/modules/ list_pkgs is broken (encoding issues) | refs: #25556 #25580
- •
- PR #25568: (twangboy) Fixed win_useradd module to add fullname @ 2015-07-21T14:30:25Z
- •
- ISSUE #25206: (jfindlay) fullname issues with user.add state on windows | refs: #25568
- •
- PR #25561: (twangboy) Fixed the gem module to work on windows... without injection @ 2015-07-20T21:12:15Z
- •
- ISSUE #21041: (deuscapturus) state module gem.installed not working on Windows. | refs: #25430 #25561 #25428
- •
- PR #25428: (twangboy) Fixed the gem module to work on windows | refs: #25561
- •
- PR #25521: (cachedout) Fix outputter for state.orch @ 2015-07-20T19:30:14Z
- •
- PR #25563: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-20T19:27:36Z
- •
- PR #25416: (cachedout) Fix broken keyword
- •
- PR #25559: (cachedout) Lint win_pkg @ 2015-07-20T17:46:29Z
- •
- PR #25556: (attiasr) fix for #25532 @ 2015-07-20T17:45:11Z
- •
- ISSUE #25532: (attiasr) salt/modules/ list_pkgs is broken (encoding issues) | refs: #25556 #25580
- •
- PR #25554: (jfindlay) verify_ssl=True for s3 ext pillar @ 2015-07-20T17:43:38Z
- •
- ISSUE #25538: (stanislavb) S3 ext_pillar configuration requires verify_ssl | refs: #25554
- •
- PR #25551: (rallytime) Backport #25530 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-20T17:43:00Z
- •
- PR #25530: (andre-luiz-dos-santos) The variable name must be last | refs: #25551
- •
- PR #25533: (attiasr) port 445 for windows bootstraping @ 2015-07-20T15:13:06Z
- •
- PR #25525: (gtmanfred) add make _prepare an alias for postinitio @ 2015-07-20T15:12:38Z
- •
- ISSUE #25432: (gtmanfred) [2015.5.3][raet] raet error with SaltRaetRoadStackJoiner | refs: #25525
- •
- PR #25519: (rallytime) Backport vmware driver to 2015.5 branch @ 2015-07-20T15:11:26Z
- •
- ISSUE #25511: (rallytime) Make provider --> driver change backward compatible | refs: #25519 #25519
- •
- ISSUE #23574: (CedNantes) Failed to Deploy Salt-Minion on a Win 2012 R2 using wmware Cloud Driver from Develop branch | refs: #25519
- •
- PR #25542: (Oro) Fix hipchat.send_message when using API v2 @ 2015-07-20T15:09:13Z
- •
- PR #25531: (rallytime) Back-port #25529 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-18T19:16:10Z
- •
- PR #25529: (davidjb) Fix minor typo in best practice example | refs: #25531
- •
- PR #25528: (davidjb) Fix typo in extend declaration doco @ 2015-07-18T14:22:06Z
- •
- PR #25517: (rallytime) Back-port #25486 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-17T21:49:26Z
- •
- ISSUE #25486: (whiteinge) Highstate outputter not used for state.apply | refs: #25517
- •
- PR #25485: (attiasr) fix file downloads on windows
- •
- PR #25516: (rallytime) Back-port #25483 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-17T21:49:05Z
- •
- ISSUE #25479: (alexandrsushko) multiple mount.mounted of one device | refs: #25483
- •
- PR #25483: (alexandrsushko) Added 'none' to the set of specialFSes | refs: #25516
- •
- PR #25513: (garethgreenaway) fixes to schedule.add documentation in 2015.5 @ 2015-07-17T17:03:24Z
- •
- ISSUE #25493: (blackduckx) Issue with job_args on schedule.add command | refs: #25513
- •
- PR #25465: (EvaSDK) 2015.5.3 LXC module fixes | refs: #25573 @ 2015-07-17T15:57:54Z
- •
- PR #25506: (s0undt3ch) [2015.5] Update bootstrap script to latest stable release, v2015.07.17 @ 2015-07-17T15:40:38Z
- •
- ISSUE #25456: (julienlavergne) [2015.8.0rc1] salt-bootstrap fails to install salt master | refs: #25506
- •
- ISSUE #25270: (iggy) [2015.8.0rc1] salt-bootstrap fails to properly install a minion | refs: #25506
- •
- ISSUE #625: (whiteinge) state user flag is not working | refs: #25506 #632
- •
- ISSUE #611: (fatbox) Peer interface fails to return data occasionally | refs: #25506
- •
- ISSUE #607: (thatch45) next level -X support | refs: #25506
- •
- ISSUE #598: (syphernl) Explanation on how to execute interactive installs | refs: #25506
- •
- ISSUE #455: (whiteinge) Document common troubleshooting tips | refs: #25506
- •
- PR #624: (chjohnst) Docs are not correct with as args are not supported | refs: #25506
- •
- PR #621: (akoumjian) Adding ec2 cloud-init bootstrap docs | refs: #25506
- •
- PR #606: (terminalmage) need empty line before code blocks. added ones that were missing. | refs: #25506
- •
- PR #602: (terminalmage) State-related documentation changes | refs: #25506
- •
- PR #25498: (jfindlay) only read /proc/1/cmdline if it exists @ 2015-07-17T15:35:33Z
- •
- ISSUE #25454: (mschiff) Regression: salt 2015.5 not working in secure chroot anymore. | refs: #25498
- •
- PR #25487: (rallytime) Back-port #25464 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-16T16:58:36Z
- •
- PR #25464: (jquast) docfix: "cache_jobs: False" => grains_cache: False" | refs: #25487
- •
- PR #25482: (oeuftete) Fix docker.running detection of running container @ 2015-07-16T16:58:29Z
- •
- PR #2015: (thekuffs) Esky / bbfreeze support
- •
- PR #25468: (joejulian) Add support for pyOpenSSL > 0.10 @ 2015-07-16T15:10:30Z
- •
- ISSUE #25384: (rickh563) pyopenssl 0.14 requirement in 2015.5.3 does not work in RHEL6 : ZD-364 | refs: #25468
- •
- PR #25467: (rallytime) Add lxml dependency to opennebula docs @ 2015-07-16T15:09:57Z
- •
- PR #25461: (jahamn) Update file, if force option and content not same @ 2015-07-15T20:15:07Z
- •
- ISSUE #25250: (wipfs) 'force' option in copy state deletes target file | refs: #25461 #25710
- •
- ISSUE #24647: (nmadhok) salt.states.file.copy does not copy the file if it already exists with force=True | refs: #25461
- •
- PR #25438: (rallytime) Reduce digital_ocean_v2 API call frequency @ 2015-07-15T19:40:18Z
- •
- ISSUE #25431: (namcois) Digital Ocean v2 reducing API calls by adding per_page | refs: #25438
- •
- PR #25457: (jacksontj) Saltnado @ 2015-07-15T17:50:12Z
- •
- PR #25427: (tony-cocco) Saltnado runner client results in blocking call despite being set-up as Runner.async | refs: #25457
- •
- PR #25459: (jahamn) Fixed 'defulats' typo in @ 2015-07-15T16:53:06Z
- •
- PR #25426: (jquast) bugfix: trailing "...done" in rabbitmq output (backport from 'develop' to 2015.5) @ 2015-07-15T14:48:05Z
- •
- PR #25433: (jleroy) Support for IPv6 addresses scopes in network.interfaces (ifconfig) @ 2015-07-15T14:44:09Z
- •
- PR #25151: (jleroy) Support for IPv6 addresses scopes in network.interfaces | refs: #25274 #25433
- •
- PR #25430: (twangboy) Disabled rbenv execution module for Windows @ 2015-07-15T14:41:18Z
- •
- ISSUE #21041: (deuscapturus) state module gem.installed not working on Windows. | refs: #25430 #25561 #25428
- •
- c4b1584 Additional test case for question raised in #1846
- •
- ISSUE #1846: (seanchannel) development dependencies
- •
- PR #25420: (techhat) Move S3 to use AWS Signature Version 4 @ 2015-07-14T22:03:09Z
- •
- PR #25418: (twangboy) Fixed problem with file.managed test=True @ 2015-07-14T21:26:59Z
- •
- ISSUE #20441: (deuscapturus) State module file.managed returns an error on Windows and test=Test | refs: #25418
- •
- PR #25417: (ahus1) extended documentation about dependencies for dig module @ 2015-07-14T20:49:51Z
- •
- PR #25411: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-14T17:55:26Z
- •
- PR #25375: (cachedout) Fix error in for master_type
- •
- PR #25324: (jacobhammons) Latest help theme updates
- •
- PR #25406: (anlutro) Force arguments to aptpkg.version_cmp into strings @ 2015-07-14T16:15:41Z
- •
- PR #25408: (rallytime) Back-port #25399 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-14T16:09:06Z
- •
- PR #25399: (jarpy) Demonstrate per-minion client_acl. | refs: #25408
- •
- PR #25240: (tankywoo) file make os.walk only be called one @ 2015-07-14T16:04:49Z
- •
- PR #25395: (rallytime) Back-port #25389 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-14T03:26:34Z
- •
- PR #25389: (l2ol33rt) Adding entropy note for gpg renderer | refs: #25395
- •
- PR #25392: (rallytime) Back-port #25256 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-14T03:25:13Z
- •
- PR #25256: (yanatan16) Dont assume source_hash exists | refs: #25392
- •
- PR #25398: (twangboy) Fix date @ 2015-07-14T03:21:17Z
- •
- PR #25397: (GideonRed) Introduce standard error output when cli exits with non-zero status @ 2015-07-14T03:20:24Z
- •
- PR #25386: (cachedout) Lint #25383 @ 2015-07-13T21:01:10Z
- •
- ISSUE #24444: (michaelkrupp) file.managed does not handle dead symlinks | refs: #25383
- •
- PR #25383: (jahamn) Fix manage_file function in salt/modules/ to handle broken sym…
- •
- PR #25383: (jahamn) Fix manage_file function in salt/modules/ to handle broken sym… @ 2015-07-13T20:58:23Z
- •
- ISSUE #24444: (michaelkrupp) file.managed does not handle dead symlinks | refs: #25383
- •
- PR #25369: (anlutro) Fix aptpkg.version_cmp @ 2015-07-13T20:18:45Z
- •
- PR #25379: (jfindlay) check for cwd before getting it @ 2015-07-13T19:50:27Z
- •
- ISSUE #25337: (eliasp) salt-call from non-existend cwd backtraces | refs: #25379
- •
- PR #25334: (jfindlay) return all cmd info back to zypper fcn @ 2015-07-13T17:03:29Z
- •
- ISSUE #25320: (podloucky-init) zypper module list_upgrades broken (2015.5.2) | refs: #25334
- •
- PR #25339: (jfindlay) update orchestration docs @ 2015-07-13T16:04:26Z
- •
- PR #25358: (dkiser) Deep merge of pillar lists | refs: #26016 @ 2015-07-13T15:51:01Z
- •
- ISSUE #22241: (masterkorp) Salt master not properly generating the map | refs: #25358
- •
- PR #25346: (bechtoldt) set correct indention in states/requisites.rst (docs), fixes #25281 @ 2015-07-13T15:34:45Z
- •
- ISSUE #25281: (shinshenjs) Unless usage in Official Doc syntax error?
- •
- PR #25336: (terminalmage) Don't try to read init binary if it wasn't found @ 2015-07-13T09:45:30Z
- •
- PR #25350: (davidjb) Fix documentation for file.blockreplace @ 2015-07-13T03:41:20Z
- •
- PR #25326: (rallytime) Back-port #20972 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-10T18:49:44Z
- •
- ISSUE #19288: (oba11) AssociatePublicIpAddress doesnt work with salt-cloud 2014.7.0 | refs: #20972 #25326
- •
- PR #20972: (JohannesEbke) Fix interface cleanup when using AssociatePublicIpAddress in #19288 | refs: #25326
- •
- PR #25327: (rallytime) Back-port #25290 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-10T18:49:37Z
- •
- ISSUE #24433: (chrimi) Salt locale state fails, if locale has not been generated | refs: #25290
- •
- PR #25290: (pcdummy) Simple fix for locale.present on Ubuntu. | refs: #25327
- •
- PR #25328: (rallytime) Back-port #25309 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-10T17:22:59Z
- •
- ISSUE #24827: (yermulnik) locale.present doesn't generate locales | refs: #25309
- •
- PR #25309: (davidjb) Format /etc/locale.gen correctly in salt.modules.localemod.gen_locale | refs: #25328
- •
- PR #25322: (jacobhammons) version change to 2015.5.3 @ 2015-07-10T16:11:24Z
- •
- PR #25308: (jacksontj) Make clear commands trace level logging @ 2015-07-10T14:20:06Z
- •
- PR #24737: (jacksontj) Move AES command logging to trace | refs: #25308
- •
- PR #25269: (jfindlay) Extract tomcat war version @ 2015-07-10T01:28:21Z
- •
- ISSUE #24520: (nvx) Tomcat module fails to extract version number from snapshot builds (2015.5 regression) | refs: #24927
- •
- PR #24927: (egarbi) Tomcat module fails to extract version number from snapshot builds #2… | refs: #25269
- •
- PR #25238: (DmitryKuzmenko) Pillarenv backport 2015.5 @ 2015-07-10T01:25:07Z
- •
- ISSUE #18808: (amendlik) Add command line argument to select pillar environment | refs: #25238
- •
- PR #23719: (DmitryKuzmenko) Support pillarenv cmdline in state.sls
- •
- PR #25299: (twangboy) Added -NonInteractive so powershell doesn't hang waiting for input @ 2015-07-09T21:00:16Z
- •
- ISSUE #13943: (Supermathie) Powershell commands that expect input hang forever | refs: #25299
- •
- PR #25301: (jacobhammons) bug fix for module function display in help @ 2015-07-09T20:46:34Z
- •
- PR #25279: (jacobhammons) Additional docs on external and master job cache, assorted doc fixes @ 2015-07-09T16:46:26Z
- •
- ISSUE #25277: (jacobhammons) CherryPy recommended versions | refs: #25279
- •
- PR #25274: (jleroy) Fix for issue #25268 @ 2015-07-09T13:36:26Z
- •
- ISSUE #25268: (lichtamberg) Salt not working anymore in 2015.8/develop: ValueError: 'scope' is not in list | refs: #25274
- •
- PR #25151: (jleroy) Support for IPv6 addresses scopes in network.interfaces | refs: #25274 #25433
- •
- PR #25272: (twangboy) Fixed problem with service not starting @ 2015-07-08T23:29:48Z
- •
- PR #25225: (nmadhok) Backporting fix for issue #25223 on 2015.5 branch @ 2015-07-08T15:16:18Z
- •
- ISSUE #25223: (nmadhok) Runner occasionally fails with a RuntimeError when fired by a reactor | refs: #25225
- •
- PR #25214: (rallytime) A couple of doc fixes for the http tutorial @ 2015-07-07T22:23:07Z
- •
- PR #25194: (rallytime) Update moto version check in boto_vpc_test and update min version @ 2015-07-07T18:27:32Z
- •
- ISSUE #24272: (rallytime) Fix boto_vpc_test moto version check | refs: #25194
- •
- PR #25205: (basepi) Update releasecandidate docs @ 2015-07-07T15:25:24Z
- •
- PR #25187: (UtahDave) Doc fixes: Fix misspelling and remove extraneous double spaces @ 2015-07-07T01:07:04Z
- •
- PR #25182: (cachedout) Try to re-pack long floats as strs @ 2015-07-07T01:06:43Z
- •
- PR #25185: (rallytime) Back-port #25128 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-07T00:58:00Z
- •
- ISSUE #23822: (sidcarter) Zip file extracted permissions are incorrect | refs: #25128
- •
- PR #25128: (stanislavb) Use cmd_unzip to preserve permissions | refs: #25185
- •
- PR #25181: (rallytime) Back-port #25102 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-07T00:57:13Z
- •
- PR #25102: (derBroBro) Update | refs: #25181
- •
- PR #25179: (rallytime) Back-port #25059 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-07T00:56:44Z
- •
- ISSUE #24301: (iggy) influxdb_user and influxdb_database states need virtual functions | refs: #25059
- •
- PR #25059: (babilen) Add virtual functions to influxdb state modules | refs: #25179
- •
- PR #25196: (twangboy) Fixed #18919 false-positive on pkg.refresh @ 2015-07-07T00:24:13Z
- •
- ISSUE #18919: (giner) Windows: pkg.refresh_db returns false-positive success | refs: #25196
- •
- PR #25180: (rallytime) Back-port #25088 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-06T20:33:45Z
- •
- PR #25088: (supertom) Update | refs: #25180
- •
- PR #25191: (basepi) Add extrndest back to fileclient.is_cached in 2015.5 @ 2015-07-06T19:35:24Z
- •
- PR #25117: (basepi) Fix fileclient.is_cached | refs: #25191
- •
- PR #25175: (rallytime) Back-port #25020 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-06T18:53:19Z
- •
- ISSUE #25016: (martinhoefling) salt-run doc.execution fails with AttributeError
- •
- PR #25020: (martinhoefling) Fix for issue #25016 | refs: #25175
- •
- PR #25173: (rallytime) Partial back-port of #25019 @ 2015-07-06T18:52:59Z
- •
- ISSUE #21879: (bechtoldt) Reference pages in documentation are outdated again | refs: #25019
- •
- ISSUE #19262: (bechtoldt) salt.pillar.file_tree doesn't appear in the documentation | refs: #25019
- •
- PR #25019: (bechtoldt) add missing module documentation to references | refs: #25173
- •
- PR #24421: (bechtoldt) add missing module documentation | refs: #25019
- •
- PR #21880: (bechtoldt) update references, fixes #21879 | refs: #25019
- •
- PR #20039: (bechtoldt) completing some doc references | refs: #25019
- •
- PR #25171: (rallytime) Back-port #25001 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-06T18:51:53Z
- •
- PR #25001: (jasonkeene) Add docs for key arg in ssh_known_hosts.present | refs: #25171
- •
- PR #25170: (rallytime) Back-port #24982 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-06T16:34:43Z
- •
- PR #24982: (asyncsrc) ec2 network_interfaces fix | refs: #25170
- •
- PR #25161: (aneeshusa) Allow checking for non-normalized systemd units. @ 2015-07-06T15:15:31Z
- •
- PR #25151: (jleroy) Support for IPv6 addresses scopes in network.interfaces | refs: #25274 #25433 @ 2015-07-06T14:43:03Z
- •
- PR #25166: (cachedout) Lint #25149 @ 2015-07-06T14:40:29Z
- •
- ISSUE #24979: (mavenAtHouzz) [Discussion] Support for more than 1 netapi.rest_tornado server process | refs: #25149
- •
- PR #25149: (jacksontj) Saltnado multiprocess support | refs: #25166
- •
- PR #25149: (jacksontj) Saltnado multiprocess support | refs: #25166 @ 2015-07-06T14:38:43Z
- •
- ISSUE #24979: (mavenAtHouzz) [Discussion] Support for more than 1 netapi.rest_tornado server process | refs: #25149
- •
- PR #25120: (d--j) add missing continue for exeption case @ 2015-07-02T19:38:45Z
- •
- PR #25117: (basepi) Fix fileclient.is_cached | refs: #25191 @ 2015-07-02T19:38:26Z
- •
- PR #25087: (0xf10e) Fix execution module for glance - now based on 2015.5! @ 2015-07-02T19:36:27Z
- •
- PR #25129: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-02T17:37:40Z
- •
- ISSUE #18447: (ryan-lane) Can't install salt with raet using pip -e git
- •
- PR #25093: (jaybocc2) quick fix for issue #18447
- •
- PR #25069: (puneetk) Add a helper module function called list_enabled
- •
- PR #25114: (jfindlay) Revert "Revert "adding states/postgres_database unit test case."" @ 2015-07-02T01:01:29Z
- •
- PR #24798: (jtand) Revert "adding states/postgres_database unit test case." | refs: #25114
- •
- PR #24329: (jayeshka) adding states/postgres_database unit test case. | refs: #24798
- •
- PR #24362: (jayeshka) adding states/postgres_user unit test case. @ 2015-07-01T21:45:31Z
- •
- PR #24361: (jayeshka) adding states/postgres_schema unit test case. @ 2015-07-01T21:44:56Z
- •
- PR #24331: (jayeshka) adding states/postgres_extension unit test case. @ 2015-07-01T21:43:58Z
Salt 2015.5.5 Release Notes
Version 2015.5.5 is a bugfix release for 2015.5.0.
- •
- The cron.present state now correctly defaults to state ID as identifier.
- •
- When querying for VMs in, the number of VMs to include in a page was changed from 20 (default) to 200 to reduce the number of API calls to Digital Ocean.
- •
- The vmware Salt-Cloud driver was back-ported from the develop branch in order for installations of Salt that are older than 2015.8.0 to be able to use the vmware driver without stack-tracing on various deprecation paths that were implemented in the 2015.8.0 release.
Changes for v2015.5.3..v2015.5.5
Extended changelog courtesy of Todd Stansell (
Generated at: 2015-08-20T17:02:37Z
- •
- Total Merges: 280
- •
- Total Issue references: 168
- •
Total PR references: 371
- •
- PR #26292: (jquast) Rabbitmq 3.2.4 on Ubuntu has "...done.", not "...done" @ 2015-08-13T19:53:29Z
- •
PR #26296: (jquast) bugfix missing
runas=None' for rabbitmqctl cmds (backport to 2015.5) @ 2015-08-13T19:52:40Z - •
- PR #26293: (jfindlay) Fix #26268 @ 2015-08-13T19:48:06Z
- •
- ISSUE #25618: (twangboy) Fix to work with the registry properly | refs: #26268
- •
- PR #26268: (twangboy) Multiple improvements to reg executionmod and state mod | refs: #26293
- •
- PR #26290: (rallytime) Only call convert_to_arn when action name is provided @ 2015-08-13T18:48:58Z
- •
- ISSUE #25192: (deuscapturus) 2015.5.2 boto_cloudwatch_alarm.present not working. | refs: #26290
- •
- PR #26288: (bbinet) allow to delete grains which value is False @ 2015-08-13T18:24:36Z
- •
- PR #26263: (rallytime) Don't make changes when test=True for openstack present/absent funcs @ 2015-08-13T16:30:31Z
- •
- ISSUE #24882: (nmadhok) salt.states.openstack_config.present and salt.states.openstack_config.absent make changes when test=True | refs: #26263
- •
- PR #26265: (rallytime) Don't stacktrace on query return in ec2.create_snapshot @ 2015-08-13T16:28:48Z
- •
- ISSUE #24484: (codehotter) clouds/ create_snapshot throws exception | refs: #26265
- •
- PR #26285: (stanislavb) Remove explicit version from instance identity URL @ 2015-08-13T16:25:32Z
- •
- PR #26275: (cachedout) Re-init modules on multi-master reconnect @ 2015-08-13T15:52:50Z
- •
- PR #26273: (garethgreenaway) Fixes to schedule module in 2015.5 @ 2015-08-13T15:34:43Z
- •
- PR #26271: (rallytime) Fix del_root_vol_on_destroy and del_all_vols_on_destroy functionality on ec2 @ 2015-08-12T23:22:47Z
- •
- ISSUE #24483: (codehotter) clouds/ del_root_vol_on_destroy and del_all_vols_on_destroy not working | refs: #26271
- •
- PR #26219: (anlutro) cron: make identifier default to state ID @ 2015-08-12T18:42:33Z
- •
- ISSUE #25958: (anlutro) Cron identifier does not default to state ID as documented | refs: #26219
- •
- PR #26257: (rallytime) Back-port #26237 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-12T18:40:35Z
- •
- ISSUE #26207: (fullermd) group members setting fails with obscure error message on FreeBSD | refs: #26237
- •
- PR #26237: (silenius) fix issue #26207 | refs: #26257
- •
- PR #26258: (nmadhok) Fix permission on tests/ on 2015.5 branch @ 2015-08-12T18:40:04Z
- •
- PR #26261: (nmadhok) Correct spelling of integration in docs @ 2015-08-12T18:14:48Z
- •
- PR #2015: (thekuffs) Esky / bbfreeze support
- •
- PR #26247: (nmadhok) Initial commit of unit tests for vmware cloud driver @ 2015-08-12T16:58:24Z
- •
- PR #26246: (nmadhok) Backport additions to VMware cloud driver from develop to 2015.5 branch @ 2015-08-12T15:11:26Z
- •
- PR #26239: (opdude) Fixed documentation to match function name @ 2015-08-12T14:48:52Z
- •
- PR #26232: (garethgreenaway) Fix to trust_key in gpg module for 2015.5. @ 2015-08-12T04:48:27Z
- •
- PR #26084: (twangboy) Added python_shell=True, quoted user input @ 2015-08-10T21:29:35Z
- •
- ISSUE #25802: (jefftucker) Running module "npm.list" fails on Windows for masterless minion | refs: #26084
- •
- PR #26183: (cro) Fix LDAP configuration issue. @ 2015-08-10T19:09:41Z
- •
- PR #26186: (jacobhammons) regenerated man pages @ 2015-08-10T19:07:44Z
- •
- PR #26182: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-10T19:00:10Z
- •
ISSUE #25961: (getabc) [2015.5.3-2] salt-winrepo.git/salt-minion.sls fails certificate '
*' or '' | refs: #26047 - •
- ISSUE #25751: (basepi) Document master_finger more prominently | refs: #26088
- •
- PR #26116: (corux) file.replace fails if repl string is an invalid regex and append/prepend is used
- •
- PR #26088: (jacobhammons) Master finger
- •
- PR #26047: (jacobhammons) Updated windows download links in the docs to
- •
- PR #26000: (driskell) Implement full event caching for subscribed tags @ 2015-08-10T18:57:17Z
- •
- ISSUE #25998: (driskell) Event subsystem discarding required events during --batch breaking it for slow running commands | refs: #26000
- •
- PR #26175: (rallytime) Back-port #26153 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-10T18:22:32Z
- •
- PR #26153: (loa) Fix dockerio state documentation typo | refs: #26175
- •
- PR #26177: (rallytime) Back-port #26147 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-10T18:22:01Z
- •
- ISSUE #26024: (jpic) lxc_conf_unset in cloud.profile is ignored
- •
- PR #26147: (martinhoefling) Fixes #26024 | refs: #26177
- •
- PR #26179: (rallytime) Back-port #25404 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-10T18:21:50Z
- •
- ISSUE #21082: (clinta) master_type failover does not failover on DNS errors | refs: #25404
- •
- PR #25404: (DmitryKuzmenko) Fixed minion failover to next master on DNS errors. | refs: #26179
- •
- PR #26180: (jfindlay) fix processing of state.template @ 2015-08-10T18:21:38Z
- •
- ISSUE #26112: (wt) state.template fails with unclear error with template with only an include | refs: #26180
- •
- PR #26172: (nmadhok) [Backport] Make sure variable is a dictionary before popping something from it. @ 2015-08-10T16:42:50Z
- •
- ISSUE #26162: (nmadhok) VMware cloud driver create function failing with traceback on latest develop | refs: #26163 #26172
- •
- PR #26163: (nmadhok) Make sure variable is a dictionary before popping something from it.
- •
- PR #26168: (cachedout) Fix slack docs @ 2015-08-10T14:57:18Z
- •
- ISSUE #26098: (rdinoff) SALT.STATES.SLACK Doc update | refs: #26168
- •
- PR #26127: (garethgreenaway) Fixes to salt.utils.http related to cp.get_file_str bug. @ 2015-08-10T14:38:25Z
- •
- ISSUE #24106: (nvx) ignores HTTP Auth again (2015.5 regression) | refs: #26127
- •
- PR #26140: (nmadhok) VMware cloud driver fixes @ 2015-08-10T13:15:58Z
- •
- ISSUE #26141: (nmadhok) salt-cloud VMware driver fails with error in parsing configuration file | refs: #26140
- •
- ISSUE #25809: (o-sleep) vmware cloud module error message | refs: #26140
- •
- ISSUE #25625: (steverweber) cloud vmware driver does not provide mac_address unless vmware tools is running | refs: #26137 #26140
- •
- PR #26137: (steverweber) use device mac address if vmtools not active @ 2015-08-09T03:05:36Z
- •
- ISSUE #25625: (steverweber) cloud vmware driver does not provide mac_address unless vmware tools is running | refs: #26137 #26140
- •
- PR #26119: (jodv) Backport eauth bugfix to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-09T02:19:52Z
- •
- PR #26135: (cro) Fix proxy minions in 2015.5 and significantly update documentation. @ 2015-08-09T02:19:21Z
- •
- PR #26132: (TheBigBear) minor edit @ 2015-08-08T21:05:34Z
- •
- PR #26133: (amontalban) Fixed #25915 in salt/modules/ and salt/states/ @ 2015-08-08T21:05:05Z
- •
- ISSUE #25915: (ari) FreeBSD pkg install fails
- •
- PR #26111: (anlutro) Better error messages when virtualenv creation fails @ 2015-08-07T21:42:09Z
- •
- PR #26110: (jfindlay) check for sources before adding them to cmd str @ 2015-08-07T21:33:23Z
- •
- ISSUE #26093: (freedba) archive.tar bug | refs: #26110
- •
- PR #26106: (vr-jack) Update @ 2015-08-07T21:15:55Z
- •
- PR #26101: (rallytime) Back-port #25984 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-07T18:56:26Z
- •
- ISSUE #25983: (jmdcal) Trying to get md5 of local zip | refs: #25984
- •
- PR #25984: (jmdcal) Support local files without md5sum | refs: #26101
- •
- PR #26080: (techhat) Fix string checking in s3fs @ 2015-08-06T23:36:09Z
- •
- PR #26079: (cachedout) Update docs to remove state.over @ 2015-08-06T23:35:26Z
- •
- ISSUE #26039: (basepi) Update scheduler docs to use orchestrate instead of overstate | refs: #26079
- •
- PR #26058: (opdude) Fix choco version on chocolatey versions below 0.9.9 @ 2015-08-06T18:50:10Z
- •
- PR #26068: (jfindlay) fix autoruns.list looking in wrong directory @ 2015-08-06T18:49:48Z
- •
- PR #26065: (s0undt3ch) [2015.5] Update to latest bootstrap stable release v2015.06.08 @ 2015-08-06T17:09:35Z
- •
- ISSUE #634: (loupgaroublond) /srv/salt/_grains/ not documented | refs: #26065
- •
- ISSUE #631: (fatbox) Can't extend the same item multiple times | refs: #26065
- •
- ISSUE #625: (whiteinge) state user flag is not working | refs: #25506 #632
- •
- PR #640: (terminalmage) fix syntax errors introduced in 0f776c13 | refs: #26065
- •
- PR #638: (blast-hardcheese) Tightened up configuration documentation | refs: #26065
- •
- PR #633: (epoelke) Bug fix to salt-key | refs: #26065
- •
- PR #632: (whiteinge) Change the state to use the new runas arg | refs: #26065
- •
- PR #26061: (gmcwhistler) Patch for issue #25994 @ 2015-08-06T17:07:34Z
- •
- ISSUE #25994: (gmcwhistler) module.ilo tempfile creation in __execute_cmd results in TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
- •
- PR #26064: (s0undt3ch) Don't stacktrace when trying to get the default locale. @ 2015-08-06T16:11:05Z
- •
- ISSUE #26063: (saltstack-bot) not working with salt-cloud shows unknown locale error | refs: #26064
- •
- PR #26048: (jacobhammons) Updated windows download links in the docs to @ 2015-08-05T22:59:50Z
- •
- PR #26044: (rallytime) Make sure the key we're comparing is also lowercase @ 2015-08-05T19:23:54Z
- •
- ISSUE #25616: (rallytime) [2015.5] Provisioning Linodes Stacktraces | refs: #26044
- •
- PR #26042: (jfindlay) fix test mode logic in state docs @ 2015-08-05T19:23:07Z
- •
- PR #26036: (nicholascapo) survey.hash: Remove manually printed text @ 2015-08-05T19:21:59Z
- •
- ISSUE #24460: (nicholascapo) Survey runner does not follow --out flag | refs: #26036
- •
- PR #26030: (opdude) Fix a bug in choco version that returned odd data @ 2015-08-05T16:30:25Z
- •
- PR #26032: (jfindlay) add test logic to state reult doc @ 2015-08-05T16:28:32Z
- •
- PR #26031: (alekti) Revert "Add file as supported protocol for file source_hash. Fixes #23764" @ 2015-08-05T15:32:01Z
- •
- ISSUE #23764: (es1o) source_hash from local file is not supported. | refs: #25750
- •
- PR #26021: (anlutro) Documentation: Specify versionadded for git.present shared argument @ 2015-08-05T14:17:38Z
- •
- PR #26020: (alekti) Correctly resolve conflict merging pull 25750 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-05T14:16:58Z
- •
- ISSUE #23764: (es1o) source_hash from local file is not supported. | refs: #25750
- •
- PR #25750: (alekti) Add file as supported protocol for file source_hash. Fixes #25701. | refs: #26020
- •
- PR #26016: (basepi) Revert "Deep merge of pillar lists" @ 2015-08-05T04:59:52Z
- •
- ISSUE #22241: (masterkorp) Salt master not properly generating the map | refs: #25358
- •
- PR #25358: (dkiser) Deep merge of pillar lists | refs: #26016
- •
- PR #25992: (twangboy) Refactor @ 2015-08-05T04:54:18Z
- •
- ISSUE #12255: (eliasp) 'system.set_computer_desc' fails with non-ASCII chars | refs: #25992
- •
- ISSUE #3: (thatch45) libvirt module
- •
- PR #26002: (twangboy) Fixed regex to account for comment character followed by whitespace @ 2015-08-04T22:28:11Z
- •
- ISSUE #25948: (twangboy) Fix uncomment function to handle spaces | refs: #26002
- •
- PR #25970: (jfindlay) accept addition of layman overlay @ 2015-08-04T15:42:28Z
- •
- ISSUE #25949: (godlike64) layman.add does not work with unofficial overlays | refs: #25970
- •
- PR #25971: (basepi) [2015.5] salt.modules.reg Add spaces for strings split across multiple lines @ 2015-08-04T15:39:48Z
- •
- PR #25990: (rallytime) Back-port #25976 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-04T14:36:53Z
- •
- PR #25976: (fleaflicker) Typo in help output | refs: #25990
- •
- PR #25996: (attiasr) fix msiexec package remove @ 2015-08-04T14:36:31Z
- •
- PR #25966: (rallytime) Back-port #25864 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-03T18:48:26Z
- •
- ISSUE #25863: (peterdemin) pkg.installed fails on already installed package if it is in versionlock.list | refs: #25864
- •
- PR #25864: (peterdemin) #25863 state.pkg.installed fix | refs: #25966
- •
- PR #25967: (rallytime) Back-port #25917 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-03T18:48:02Z
- •
- PR #25917: (jmdcal) adding missing format string | refs: #25967
- •
- PR #25895: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-03T17:12:37Z
- •
- ISSUE #23764: (es1o) source_hash from local file is not supported. | refs: #25750
- •
- PR #25750: (alekti) Add file as supported protocol for file source_hash. Fixes #25701. | refs: #26020
- •
- PR #25704: (cachedout) Ensure prior alignment with master_type in 2014.7
- •
- PR #25657: (MrCitron) Add the ability to specify a base pattern for carbon returner
- •
- PR #25633: (AkhterAli) Update
- •
- PR #25941: (jfindlay) add timelib to dependency versions @ 2015-08-03T12:23:42Z
- •
- ISSUE #25850: (ssgward) Need to add packages to --versions-report | refs: #25941
- •
- PR #25951: (garethgreenaway) Log when and event.fire_master fail. @ 2015-08-03T00:19:45Z
- •
- PR #25942: (jfindlay) typo in minion doc @ 2015-07-31T23:34:55Z
- •
- ISSUE #25838: (grep4linux) docs disable_modules documentation typo | refs: #25942
- •
- PR #25938: (jacobhammons) Doc on using syndic with multimaster @ 2015-07-31T23:05:05Z
- •
- PR #14690: (jacksontj) Multi syndic | refs: #25938
- •
- PR #25848: (twangboy) Added allusers="1" when installing msi @ 2015-07-31T20:33:17Z
- •
- ISSUE #25839: (twangboy) ALLUSERS="1" should be a default when installing MSI's | refs: #25848
- •
- PR #25898: (jfindlay) clarify and expand syndic docs @ 2015-07-31T20:01:23Z
- •
- PR #25927: (jacksontj) Pass actual renderers to the Reactor's Compiler @ 2015-07-31T20:00:17Z
- •
- ISSUE #25852: (UtahDave) Salt loader is not loading Salt vars in reactor python renderer | refs: #25927
- •
- PR #25921: (cachedout) Handle non-ascii in state log @ 2015-07-31T17:41:30Z
- •
- ISSUE #25810: (nvx) winpkg highstate fails when a new package name contains a unicide character | refs: #25921
- •
- PR #25919: (TheBigBear) Minor update to msi un-installer info @ 2015-07-31T17:39:48Z
- •
- PR #25905: (rallytime) Back-port #25982 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-30T23:24:19Z
- •
- PR #25892: (TheBigBear) Update 7-zip msi un-installer instructions | refs: #25905
- •
- PR #25890: (rallytime) Back-port #25698 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-30T23:12:09Z
- •
- ISSUE #25577: (yellow1912) Wrong indentation in document | refs: #25696
- •
- PR #25698: (rallytime) Back-port #25659 to 2015.8 | refs: #25890
- •
- PR #25696: (AkhterAli) Update
- •
- PR #25659: (isbm) Bugfix: crash at getting non-existing repo | refs: #25698
- •
- PR #25894: (jacobhammons) Minor doc bug fixes @ 2015-07-30T23:02:34Z
- •
- ISSUE #25650: (jacksontj) state.running documentation is incorrect | refs: #25894
- •
- ISSUE #24042: (whiteinge) The state_events setting is not documented | refs: #25894
- •
- ISSUE #23788: (k5jj) functions in module do not match documentation | refs: #25894
- •
- ISSUE #21296: (Lothiraldan) Possible minion enumeration using saltutil.find_job and eauth | refs: #25894
- •
- PR #25877: (rallytime) Protect against passing a map file in addition to VM names with --destroy @ 2015-07-30T21:55:45Z
- •
- ISSUE #24036: (arthurlogilab) [salt-cloud] Protect against passing command line arguments as names for the --destroy command in map files | refs: #25877
- •
- PR #25870: (rallytime) Back-port #25824 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-30T21:54:35Z
- •
- PR #25824: (klyr) Fix get_managed() in module for local files | refs: #25870
- •
- PR #25885: (t0rrant) Update Debian changelog @ 2015-07-30T20:05:59Z
- •
- PR #25875: (rallytime) Back-port #25862 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-30T17:34:02Z
- •
- ISSUE #25478: (zyio) salt-ssh - Unable to locate current thin version | refs: #25862
- •
- ISSUE #25026: (sylvia-wang) salt-ssh "Failure deploying thin" when using salt module functions | refs: #25862
- •
- PR #25862: (zyio) Adding SCP_NOT_FOUND exit code | refs: #25875
- •
- PR #25873: (rallytime) Back-port #25855 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-30T17:33:55Z
- •
- PR #25855: (puneetk) Patch 3 | refs: #25873
- •
- PR #25871: (rallytime) Back-port #25829 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-30T17:33:43Z
- •
- PR #25829: (peterdemin) Fixed typo in salt.states.saltmod.function doc string | refs: #25871
- •
- PR #25869: (rallytime) Back-port #25788 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-30T17:33:33Z
- •
- ISSUE #24002: (csakoda) File lock contention on windows minions causing highstate crash | refs: #25788
- •
- PR #25788: (opdude) Catch a hard crash when running highstate on windows | refs: #25869
- •
- PR #25853: (davidjb) Make ssh-id-wrapper accessible to non-root users @ 2015-07-30T16:49:47Z
- •
- ISSUE #19532: (stolendog) salt-ssh running git clone with not root user | refs: #25853
- •
- PR #25856: (jfindlay) expand minion reauth scalability documentation @ 2015-07-30T15:33:17Z
- •
- ISSUE #25447: (spo0nman) SaltMaster is crippled with Minion Re-Authentication | refs: #25856
- •
- PR #25840: (jfindlay) add note to winrepo state docs about required grain @ 2015-07-30T14:38:27Z
- •
- ISSUE #25801: (themalkolm) Update docs that salt.states.winrepo requires roles:salt-master in grains. | refs: #25840
- •
- PR #25846: (jfindlay) rework deprecation documentation for release names @ 2015-07-30T13:26:21Z
- •
- ISSUE #25827: (0xf10e) "Deprecating Code" doesn't mention Usage of warn_until() w/ Release Names | refs: #25846
- •
- PR #25833: (jahamn) Allows cp.push to recreate empty files @ 2015-07-29T16:14:48Z
- •
- ISSUE #23288: (UtahDave) cp.push fails to recreate empty files. | refs: #25833
- •
- PR #25831: (rallytime) Add salt:// to key_url options to docs for pkgrepo.managed @ 2015-07-29T15:38:43Z
- •
- ISSUE #11474: (JensRantil) pkgrepo.managed key_url: salt:// always use base env | refs: #25831
- •
- PR #25807: (rallytime) Provide helpful error when using actions with a mapfile @ 2015-07-29T15:30:15Z
- •
- ISSUE #22699: (arthurlogilab) salt-cloud fails on KeyError when given a nonexistant action | refs: #25807
- •
- PR #25818: (jfindlay) fix autoruns list @ 2015-07-29T15:29:20Z
- •
- PR #25826: (anlutro) Check that "onchanges" is a list @ 2015-07-29T15:00:28Z
- •
- PR #25798: (twangboy) Fixed stacktrace on package name not found @ 2015-07-28T22:40:14Z
- •
- ISSUE #25258: (nickw8) windows minion repo not updating | refs: #25798
- •
- PR #25797: (twangboy) Changed repocache back to cached_repo @ 2015-07-28T22:39:32Z
- •
- ISSUE #25437: (lorengordon) Stacktrace on Windows when running pkg.list_pkgs | refs: #25598 #25763
- •
- PR #25763: (twangboy) Fix 25437 | refs: #25797
- •
- PR #25793: (rallytime) Back-port #25730 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-28T19:37:34Z
- •
- PR #25730: (sjorge) patchelf lives in pkgsrc | refs: #25793
- •
- PR #25792: (rallytime) Back-port #25688 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-28T19:37:17Z
- •
- PR #25688: (bclermont) Don't acquire lock if there is no formatter | refs: #25792
- •
- PR #25796: (cachedout) Remove debug from docs @ 2015-07-28T17:35:59Z
- •
- PR #25749: (jahamn) Allow zpool.create on character devices @ 2015-07-28T16:01:40Z
- •
- ISSUE #24920: (voileux) module.zpool.create on character device is not possible by salt | refs: #25749
- •
- PR #25685: (twangboy) Fixed regex issues with comment and uncomment @ 2015-07-28T15:29:49Z
- •
- PR #25763: (twangboy) Fix 25437 | refs: #25797 @ 2015-07-28T15:29:27Z
- •
- ISSUE #25437: (lorengordon) Stacktrace on Windows when running pkg.list_pkgs | refs: #25598 #25763
- •
- PR #25752: (thatch45) State top saltenv @ 2015-07-28T01:02:10Z
- •
- PR #25755: (twangboy) Fixed problem with dunder functions not being passed @ 2015-07-27T19:31:22Z
- •
- ISSUE #25717: (twangboy) Problem with chocolatey module not loading | refs: #25755
- •
- PR #25648: (twangboy) Clarified functionality of reg module, fixed state to work with new module @ 2015-07-27T19:30:33Z
- •
- ISSUE #25352: (m03) reg.absent reporting incorrect results | refs: #25648
- •
- ISSUE #1: (thatch45) Enable regex on the salt cli
- •
- PR #25740: (rallytime) Back-port #25722 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-27T16:08:40Z
- •
- ISSUE #25154: (uvsmtid) All data mixed on STDOUT together should generate valid JSON output | refs: #25722
- •
- ISSUE #25153: (uvsmtid) Multiple results should generate valid JSON output | refs: #25722
- •
- PR #25722: (uvsmtid) Minor docs changes to emphasize JSON output problems without --static option | refs: #25740
- •
- PR #25739: (rallytime) Back-port #25709 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-27T16:08:27Z
- •
- PR #25709: (colekowalski) add direct-io-mode to mount_invisible_options | refs: #25739
- •
- PR #25699: (rallytime) Back-port #25660 to 2015.5 | refs: #25709
- •
- PR #25660: (colekowalski) add glusterfs' direct-io-mode to mount_invisible_keys | refs: #25699 #25709
- •
- PR #25738: (rallytime) Back-port #25671 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-27T16:08:23Z
- •
- PR #25671: (niq000) added a parameter so verifying SSL is now optional instead of hard-coded | refs: #25738
- •
- PR #25737: (rallytime) Back-port #25608 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-27T16:08:18Z
- •
- ISSUE #25229: (rall0r) Module git.latest kills target directory when test=True | refs: #25608
- •
- PR #25608: (rall0r) Fix: prevent git.latest from removing target | refs: #25737
- •
- PR #25733: (davidjb) Avoid IndexError when listing mounts if mount output ends in newline @ 2015-07-27T16:08:05Z
- •
- PR #25705: (blackduckx) Support for setm augeas command. @ 2015-07-27T16:07:10Z
- •
- ISSUE #22460: (onmeac) Command setm is not supported (yet) | refs: #25705
- •
- PR #25703: (cachedout) Return to str for master_type for 2015.5 @ 2015-07-27T16:06:22Z
- •
- PR #25702: (twangboy) Fixed win_user module for groups with spaces in the name @ 2015-07-27T15:06:33Z
- •
- ISSUE #25144: (johnccfm) user.present on Windows fails to add user to groups if group name contains a space | refs: #25702
- •
- PR #25711: (twangboy) Fixed problem with win_servermanager.list_installed @ 2015-07-27T15:05:48Z
- •
- ISSUE #25351: (m03) win_servermanager.list_installed failing with "IndexError: list index out of range" | refs: #25711
- •
- PR #25714: (cachedout) Display warning when progressbar can't be loaded @ 2015-07-25T00:10:13Z
- •
- ISSUE #25435: (yee379) progressbar dependency missing | refs: #25714
- •
- PR #25699: (rallytime) Back-port #25660 to 2015.5 | refs: #25709 @ 2015-07-24T22:11:40Z
- •
- PR #25660: (colekowalski) add glusterfs' direct-io-mode to mount_invisible_keys | refs: #25699 #25709
- •
- PR #25694: (s0undt3ch) Salt-SSH fix for #25689 @ 2015-07-24T21:41:57Z
- •
- ISSUE #25689: (anlutro) Minion log in salt-ssh | refs: #25694
- •
- PR #25710: (jahamn) Integration Testcase for Issue 25250 @ 2015-07-24T20:57:33Z
- •
- ISSUE #25250: (wipfs) 'force' option in copy state deletes target file | refs: #25461 #25710
- •
- PR #25680: (basepi) [2015.5] Move jinja aliasing to a wrapper class to prevent side effects @ 2015-07-24T19:52:10Z
- •
- PR #25049: (terminalmage) Fix when cross-called in a state/execution module | refs: #25680
- •
- PR #25682: (basepi) [2015.5] Fix parsing args with just a hash (#) @ 2015-07-24T19:52:01Z
- •
- PR #25695: (stanislavb) Configurable AWS region & region from IAM metadata @ 2015-07-24T19:36:40Z
- •
- PR #25645: (kev009) Fix pkgng provider to work with a sources list and the underlying pkg… @ 2015-07-24T16:33:18Z
- •
- PR #25677: (aneeshusa) Fix pacman.list_upgrades when refresh=True. @ 2015-07-24T16:30:06Z
- •
- PR #25675: (UtahDave) Use OS line endings with contents on file.managed @ 2015-07-24T16:29:50Z
- •
- ISSUE #25674: (UtahDave) file.managed with contents parameter uses wrong line endings on Windows | refs: #25675
- •
- PR #25676: (basepi) Update release candidate docs to 2015.8.0rc2 @ 2015-07-23T20:29:37Z
- •
- PR #25666: (nmadhok) Check if the properties exist before looping over them causing KeyError @ 2015-07-23T17:55:40Z
- •
- ISSUE #25665: (nmadhok) salt-cloud VMware driver fails with KeyErrors if there's any existing machine in the VMware infrastructure in (invalid state) | refs: #25666
- •
- PR #25656: (anlutro) Fix locale detection in debian/gentoo @ 2015-07-23T16:46:40Z
- •
- PR #25661: (rallytime) Back-port #25624 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-23T16:26:48Z
- •
- PR #25624: (bobrik) Fix typo in get_routes example for debian_ip | refs: #25661
- •
- PR #25662: (rallytime) Back-port #25638 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-23T16:26:40Z
- •
- ISSUE #15209: (hubez) file.manage: source_hash not working with s3:// (2014.7.0rc1) | refs: #25638
- •
- PR #25638: (TronPaul) fix bad merge in 99fc7ec | refs: #25662
- •
- PR #25644: (cachedout) pillar doc fix @ 2015-07-22T22:57:23Z
- •
- ISSUE #25413: (zizkebab) pillar_opts default behavior is not reflected in the docs | refs: #25644
- •
- PR #25642: (cachedout) Warn on pillar schedule delete @ 2015-07-22T22:04:12Z
- •
- ISSUE #25540: (dennisjac) salt highstate schedule cannot be removed | refs: #25642
- •
- PR #25598: (twangboy) Fixed problem trying to load file with name of boolean type @ 2015-07-22T17:07:49Z
- •
- ISSUE #25437: (lorengordon) Stacktrace on Windows when running pkg.list_pkgs | refs: #25598 #25763
- •
- 7b79e433 Merge pull request #25598 from twangboy/fix_25437
- •
- PR #25604: (terminalmage) Move patching of mock_open to within test @ 2015-07-22T16:53:55Z
- •
- ISSUE #25323: (terminalmage) unit.modules.tls_test fails with older mock | refs: #25604
- •
- PR #25609: (s0undt3ch) [2015.5] Update the bootstrap script to latest release v2015.07.22 @ 2015-07-22T16:28:52Z
- •
- ISSUE #630: (syphernl) Allow for an include statement in config files | refs: #25609
- •
- PR #627: (chjohnst) add saltversion grain | refs: #25609
- •
- PR #25603: (terminalmage) Add version_cmp function to @ 2015-07-22T15:42:29Z
- •
- ISSUE #21912: (rvora) pkg.latest not updating the package on CentOS though yum reports an update available | refs: #25603
- •
- PR #25590: (garethgreenaway) 2015.5 scheduled jobs return data @ 2015-07-21T21:57:42Z
- •
- ISSUE #25560: (dennisjac) scheduled highstate runs don't return results to the job cache | refs: #25590
- •
- PR #25584: (rallytime) Back-port #24054 and #25576 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-21T21:16:38Z
- •
- PR #25576: (pcn) s3fs breaks when fetching files from s3 | refs: #25584
- •
- PR #24054: (mgwilliams) s3.head: return useful data | refs: #25584
- •
- PR #25589: (jahamn) Fixes ssh_known_host not taking port into account @ 2015-07-21T21:15:06Z
- •
- ISSUE #23626: (mirko) salt state 'ssh_known_hosts' doesn't take 'port' into account | refs: #25589
- •
- PR #25573: (EvaSDK) Do not execute bootstrap script twice @ 2015-07-21T18:20:04Z
- •
- PR #25465: (EvaSDK) 2015.5.3 LXC module fixes | refs: #25573
- •
- PR #25580: (attiasr) use explicit utf-8 decoding (#25532) @ 2015-07-21T15:40:49Z
- •
- ISSUE #25532: (attiasr) salt/modules/ list_pkgs is broken (encoding issues) | refs: #25556 #25580
- •
- PR #25568: (twangboy) Fixed win_useradd module to add fullname @ 2015-07-21T14:30:25Z
- •
- ISSUE #25206: (jfindlay) fullname issues with user.add state on windows | refs: #25568
- •
- PR #25561: (twangboy) Fixed the gem module to work on windows... without injection @ 2015-07-20T21:12:15Z
- •
- ISSUE #21041: (deuscapturus) state module gem.installed not working on Windows. | refs: #25430 #25561 #25428
- •
- PR #25428: (twangboy) Fixed the gem module to work on windows | refs: #25561
- •
- PR #25521: (cachedout) Fix outputter for state.orch @ 2015-07-20T19:30:14Z
- •
- PR #25563: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-20T19:27:36Z
- •
- PR #25416: (cachedout) Fix broken keyword
- •
- PR #25559: (cachedout) Lint win_pkg @ 2015-07-20T17:46:29Z
- •
- PR #25556: (attiasr) fix for #25532 @ 2015-07-20T17:45:11Z
- •
- ISSUE #25532: (attiasr) salt/modules/ list_pkgs is broken (encoding issues) | refs: #25556 #25580
- •
- PR #25554: (jfindlay) verify_ssl=True for s3 ext pillar @ 2015-07-20T17:43:38Z
- •
- ISSUE #25538: (stanislavb) S3 ext_pillar configuration requires verify_ssl | refs: #25554
- •
- PR #25551: (rallytime) Backport #25530 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-20T17:43:00Z
- •
- PR #25530: (andre-luiz-dos-santos) The variable name must be last | refs: #25551
- •
- PR #25533: (attiasr) port 445 for windows bootstraping @ 2015-07-20T15:13:06Z
- •
- PR #25525: (gtmanfred) add make _prepare an alias for postinitio @ 2015-07-20T15:12:38Z
- •
- ISSUE #25432: (gtmanfred) [2015.5.3][raet] raet error with SaltRaetRoadStackJoiner | refs: #25525
- •
- PR #25519: (rallytime) Backport vmware driver to 2015.5 branch @ 2015-07-20T15:11:26Z
- •
- ISSUE #25511: (rallytime) Make provider --> driver change backward compatible | refs: #25519 #25519
- •
- ISSUE #23574: (CedNantes) Failed to Deploy Salt-Minion on a Win 2012 R2 using wmware Cloud Driver from Develop branch | refs: #25519
- •
- PR #25542: (Oro) Fix hipchat.send_message when using API v2 @ 2015-07-20T15:09:13Z
- •
- PR #25531: (rallytime) Back-port #25529 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-18T19:16:10Z
- •
- PR #25529: (davidjb) Fix minor typo in best practice example | refs: #25531
- •
- PR #25528: (davidjb) Fix typo in extend declaration doco @ 2015-07-18T14:22:06Z
- •
- PR #25517: (rallytime) Back-port #25486 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-17T21:49:26Z
- •
- ISSUE #25486: (whiteinge) Highstate outputter not used for state.apply | refs: #25517
- •
- PR #25485: (attiasr) fix file downloads on windows
- •
- PR #25516: (rallytime) Back-port #25483 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-17T21:49:05Z
- •
- ISSUE #25479: (alexandrsushko) multiple mount.mounted of one device | refs: #25483
- •
- PR #25483: (alexandrsushko) Added 'none' to the set of specialFSes | refs: #25516
- •
- PR #25513: (garethgreenaway) fixes to schedule.add documentation in 2015.5 @ 2015-07-17T17:03:24Z
- •
- ISSUE #25493: (blackduckx) Issue with job_args on schedule.add command | refs: #25513
- •
- PR #25465: (EvaSDK) 2015.5.3 LXC module fixes | refs: #25573 @ 2015-07-17T15:57:54Z
- •
- PR #25506: (s0undt3ch) [2015.5] Update bootstrap script to latest stable release, v2015.07.17 @ 2015-07-17T15:40:38Z
- •
- ISSUE #25456: (julienlavergne) [2015.8.0rc1] salt-bootstrap fails to install salt master | refs: #25506
- •
- ISSUE #25270: (iggy) [2015.8.0rc1] salt-bootstrap fails to properly install a minion | refs: #25506
- •
- ISSUE #625: (whiteinge) state user flag is not working | refs: #25506 #632
- •
- ISSUE #611: (fatbox) Peer interface fails to return data occasionally | refs: #25506
- •
- ISSUE #607: (thatch45) next level -X support | refs: #25506
- •
- ISSUE #598: (syphernl) Explanation on how to execute interactive installs | refs: #25506
- •
- ISSUE #455: (whiteinge) Document common troubleshooting tips | refs: #25506
- •
- PR #624: (chjohnst) Docs are not correct with as args are not supported | refs: #25506
- •
- PR #621: (akoumjian) Adding ec2 cloud-init bootstrap docs | refs: #25506
- •
- PR #606: (terminalmage) need empty line before code blocks. added ones that were missing. | refs: #25506
- •
- PR #602: (terminalmage) State-related documentation changes | refs: #25506
- •
- PR #25498: (jfindlay) only read /proc/1/cmdline if it exists @ 2015-07-17T15:35:33Z
- •
- ISSUE #25454: (mschiff) Regression: salt 2015.5 not working in secure chroot anymore. | refs: #25498
- •
- PR #25487: (rallytime) Back-port #25464 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-16T16:58:36Z
- •
- PR #25464: (jquast) docfix: "cache_jobs: False" => grains_cache: False" | refs: #25487
- •
- PR #25482: (oeuftete) Fix docker.running detection of running container @ 2015-07-16T16:58:29Z
- •
- PR #2015: (thekuffs) Esky / bbfreeze support
- •
- PR #25468: (joejulian) Add support for pyOpenSSL > 0.10 @ 2015-07-16T15:10:30Z
- •
- ISSUE #25384: (rickh563) pyopenssl 0.14 requirement in 2015.5.3 does not work in RHEL6 : ZD-364 | refs: #25468
- •
- PR #25467: (rallytime) Add lxml dependency to opennebula docs @ 2015-07-16T15:09:57Z
- •
- PR #25461: (jahamn) Update file, if force option and content not same @ 2015-07-15T20:15:07Z
- •
- ISSUE #25250: (wipfs) 'force' option in copy state deletes target file | refs: #25461 #25710
- •
- ISSUE #24647: (nmadhok) salt.states.file.copy does not copy the file if it already exists with force=True | refs: #25461
- •
- PR #25438: (rallytime) Reduce digital_ocean_v2 API call frequency @ 2015-07-15T19:40:18Z
- •
- ISSUE #25431: (namcois) Digital Ocean v2 reducing API calls by adding per_page | refs: #25438
- •
- PR #25457: (jacksontj) Saltnado @ 2015-07-15T17:50:12Z
- •
- PR #25427: (tony-cocco) Saltnado runner client results in blocking call despite being set-up as Runner.async | refs: #25457
- •
- PR #25459: (jahamn) Fixed 'defulats' typo in @ 2015-07-15T16:53:06Z
- •
- PR #25426: (jquast) bugfix: trailing "...done" in rabbitmq output (backport from 'develop' to 2015.5) @ 2015-07-15T14:48:05Z
- •
- PR #25433: (jleroy) Support for IPv6 addresses scopes in network.interfaces (ifconfig) @ 2015-07-15T14:44:09Z
- •
- PR #25151: (jleroy) Support for IPv6 addresses scopes in network.interfaces | refs: #25274 #25433
- •
- PR #25430: (twangboy) Disabled rbenv execution module for Windows @ 2015-07-15T14:41:18Z
- •
- ISSUE #21041: (deuscapturus) state module gem.installed not working on Windows. | refs: #25430 #25561 #25428
- •
- ISSUE #1846: (seanchannel) development dependencies
- •
- PR #25420: (techhat) Move S3 to use AWS Signature Version 4 @ 2015-07-14T22:03:09Z
- •
- PR #25418: (twangboy) Fixed problem with file.managed test=True @ 2015-07-14T21:26:59Z
- •
- ISSUE #20441: (deuscapturus) State module file.managed returns an error on Windows and test=Test | refs: #25418
- •
- PR #25417: (ahus1) extended documentation about dependencies for dig module @ 2015-07-14T20:49:51Z
- •
- PR #25411: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-14T17:55:26Z
- •
- PR #25375: (cachedout) Fix error in for master_type
- •
- PR #25324: (jacobhammons) Latest help theme updates
- •
- PR #25406: (anlutro) Force arguments to aptpkg.version_cmp into strings @ 2015-07-14T16:15:41Z
- •
- PR #25408: (rallytime) Back-port #25399 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-14T16:09:06Z
- •
- PR #25399: (jarpy) Demonstrate per-minion client_acl. | refs: #25408
- •
- PR #25240: (tankywoo) file make os.walk only be called one @ 2015-07-14T16:04:49Z
- •
- PR #25395: (rallytime) Back-port #25389 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-14T03:26:34Z
- •
- PR #25389: (l2ol33rt) Adding entropy note for gpg renderer | refs: #25395
- •
- PR #25392: (rallytime) Back-port #25256 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-14T03:25:13Z
- •
- PR #25256: (yanatan16) Dont assume source_hash exists | refs: #25392
- •
- PR #25398: (twangboy) Fix date @ 2015-07-14T03:21:17Z
- •
- PR #25397: (GideonRed) Introduce standard error output when cli exits with non-zero status @ 2015-07-14T03:20:24Z
- •
- PR #25386: (cachedout) Lint #25383 @ 2015-07-13T21:01:10Z
- •
- ISSUE #24444: (michaelkrupp) file.managed does not handle dead symlinks | refs: #25383
- •
- PR #25383: (jahamn) Fix manage_file function in salt/modules/ to handle broken sym…
- •
- PR #25383: (jahamn) Fix manage_file function in salt/modules/ to handle broken sym… @ 2015-07-13T20:58:23Z
- •
- ISSUE #24444: (michaelkrupp) file.managed does not handle dead symlinks | refs: #25383
- •
- PR #25369: (anlutro) Fix aptpkg.version_cmp @ 2015-07-13T20:18:45Z
- •
- PR #25379: (jfindlay) check for cwd before getting it @ 2015-07-13T19:50:27Z
- •
- ISSUE #25337: (eliasp) salt-call from non-existend cwd backtraces | refs: #25379
- •
- PR #25334: (jfindlay) return all cmd info back to zypper fcn @ 2015-07-13T17:03:29Z
- •
- ISSUE #25320: (podloucky-init) zypper module list_upgrades broken (2015.5.2) | refs: #25334
- •
- PR #25339: (jfindlay) update orchestration docs @ 2015-07-13T16:04:26Z
- •
- PR #25358: (dkiser) Deep merge of pillar lists | refs: #26016 @ 2015-07-13T15:51:01Z
- •
- ISSUE #22241: (masterkorp) Salt master not properly generating the map | refs: #25358
- •
- PR #25346: (bechtoldt) set correct indention in states/requisites.rst (docs), fixes #25281 @ 2015-07-13T15:34:45Z
- •
- ISSUE #25281: (shinshenjs) Unless usage in Official Doc syntax error?
- •
- PR #25336: (terminalmage) Don't try to read init binary if it wasn't found @ 2015-07-13T09:45:30Z
- •
- PR #25350: (davidjb) Fix documentation for file.blockreplace @ 2015-07-13T03:41:20Z
- •
- PR #25326: (rallytime) Back-port #20972 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-10T18:49:44Z
- •
- ISSUE #19288: (oba11) AssociatePublicIpAddress doesnt work with salt-cloud 2014.7.0 | refs: #20972 #25326
- •
- PR #20972: (JohannesEbke) Fix interface cleanup when using AssociatePublicIpAddress in #19288 | refs: #25326
- •
- PR #25327: (rallytime) Back-port #25290 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-10T18:49:37Z
- •
- ISSUE #24433: (chrimi) Salt locale state fails, if locale has not been generated | refs: #25290
- •
- PR #25290: (pcdummy) Simple fix for locale.present on Ubuntu. | refs: #25327
- •
- PR #25328: (rallytime) Back-port #25309 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-10T17:22:59Z
- •
- ISSUE #24827: (yermulnik) locale.present doesn't generate locales | refs: #25309
- •
- PR #25309: (davidjb) Format /etc/locale.gen correctly in salt.modules.localemod.gen_locale | refs: #25328
- •
- PR #25322: (jacobhammons) version change to 2015.5.3 @ 2015-07-10T16:11:24Z
- •
- PR #25308: (jacksontj) Make clear commands trace level logging @ 2015-07-10T14:20:06Z
- •
- PR #24737: (jacksontj) Move AES command logging to trace | refs: #25308
- •
- PR #25269: (jfindlay) Extract tomcat war version @ 2015-07-10T01:28:21Z
- •
- ISSUE #24520: (nvx) Tomcat module fails to extract version number from snapshot builds (2015.5 regression) | refs: #24927
- •
- PR #24927: (egarbi) Tomcat module fails to extract version number from snapshot builds #2… | refs: #25269
- •
- PR #25238: (DmitryKuzmenko) Pillarenv backport 2015.5 @ 2015-07-10T01:25:07Z
- •
- ISSUE #18808: (amendlik) Add command line argument to select pillar environment | refs: #25238
- •
- PR #23719: (DmitryKuzmenko) Support pillarenv cmdline in state.sls
- •
- PR #25299: (twangboy) Added -NonInteractive so powershell doesn't hang waiting for input @ 2015-07-09T21:00:16Z
- •
- ISSUE #13943: (Supermathie) Powershell commands that expect input hang forever | refs: #25299
- •
- PR #25301: (jacobhammons) bug fix for module function display in help @ 2015-07-09T20:46:34Z
- •
- PR #25279: (jacobhammons) Additional docs on external and master job cache, assorted doc fixes @ 2015-07-09T16:46:26Z
- •
- ISSUE #25277: (jacobhammons) CherryPy recommended versions | refs: #25279
- •
- PR #25274: (jleroy) Fix for issue #25268 @ 2015-07-09T13:36:26Z
- •
- ISSUE #25268: (lichtamberg) Salt not working anymore in 2015.8/develop: ValueError: 'scope' is not in list | refs: #25274
- •
- PR #25151: (jleroy) Support for IPv6 addresses scopes in network.interfaces | refs: #25274 #25433
- •
- PR #25272: (twangboy) Fixed problem with service not starting @ 2015-07-08T23:29:48Z
- •
- PR #25225: (nmadhok) Backporting fix for issue #25223 on 2015.5 branch @ 2015-07-08T15:16:18Z
- •
- ISSUE #25223: (nmadhok) Runner occasionally fails with a RuntimeError when fired by a reactor | refs: #25225
- •
- PR #25214: (rallytime) A couple of doc fixes for the http tutorial @ 2015-07-07T22:23:07Z
- •
- PR #25194: (rallytime) Update moto version check in boto_vpc_test and update min version @ 2015-07-07T18:27:32Z
- •
- ISSUE #24272: (rallytime) Fix boto_vpc_test moto version check | refs: #25194
- •
- PR #25205: (basepi) Update releasecandidate docs @ 2015-07-07T15:25:24Z
- •
- PR #25187: (UtahDave) Doc fixes: Fix misspelling and remove extraneous double spaces @ 2015-07-07T01:07:04Z
- •
- PR #25182: (cachedout) Try to re-pack long floats as strs @ 2015-07-07T01:06:43Z
- •
- PR #25185: (rallytime) Back-port #25128 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-07T00:58:00Z
- •
- ISSUE #23822: (sidcarter) Zip file extracted permissions are incorrect | refs: #25128
- •
- PR #25128: (stanislavb) Use cmd_unzip to preserve permissions | refs: #25185
- •
- PR #25181: (rallytime) Back-port #25102 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-07T00:57:13Z
- •
- PR #25102: (derBroBro) Update | refs: #25181
- •
- PR #25179: (rallytime) Back-port #25059 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-07T00:56:44Z
- •
- ISSUE #24301: (iggy) influxdb_user and influxdb_database states need virtual functions | refs: #25059
- •
- PR #25059: (babilen) Add virtual functions to influxdb state modules | refs: #25179
- •
- PR #25196: (twangboy) Fixed #18919 false-positive on pkg.refresh @ 2015-07-07T00:24:13Z
- •
- ISSUE #18919: (giner) Windows: pkg.refresh_db returns false-positive success | refs: #25196
- •
- PR #25180: (rallytime) Back-port #25088 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-06T20:33:45Z
- •
- PR #25088: (supertom) Update | refs: #25180
- •
- PR #25191: (basepi) Add extrndest back to fileclient.is_cached in 2015.5 @ 2015-07-06T19:35:24Z
- •
- PR #25117: (basepi) Fix fileclient.is_cached | refs: #25191
- •
- PR #25175: (rallytime) Back-port #25020 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-06T18:53:19Z
- •
- ISSUE #25016: (martinhoefling) salt-run doc.execution fails with AttributeError
- •
- PR #25020: (martinhoefling) Fix for issue #25016 | refs: #25175
- •
- PR #25173: (rallytime) Partial back-port of #25019 @ 2015-07-06T18:52:59Z
- •
- ISSUE #21879: (bechtoldt) Reference pages in documentation are outdated again | refs: #25019
- •
- ISSUE #19262: (bechtoldt) salt.pillar.file_tree doesn't appear in the documentation | refs: #25019
- •
- PR #25019: (bechtoldt) add missing module documentation to references | refs: #25173
- •
- PR #24421: (bechtoldt) add missing module documentation | refs: #25019
- •
- PR #21880: (bechtoldt) update references, fixes #21879 | refs: #25019
- •
- PR #20039: (bechtoldt) completing some doc references | refs: #25019
- •
- PR #25171: (rallytime) Back-port #25001 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-06T18:51:53Z
- •
- PR #25001: (jasonkeene) Add docs for key arg in ssh_known_hosts.present | refs: #25171
- •
- PR #25170: (rallytime) Back-port #24982 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-06T16:34:43Z
- •
- PR #24982: (asyncsrc) ec2 network_interfaces fix | refs: #25170
- •
- PR #25161: (aneeshusa) Allow checking for non-normalized systemd units. @ 2015-07-06T15:15:31Z
- •
- PR #25151: (jleroy) Support for IPv6 addresses scopes in network.interfaces | refs: #25274 #25433 @ 2015-07-06T14:43:03Z
- •
- PR #25166: (cachedout) Lint #25149 @ 2015-07-06T14:40:29Z
- •
- ISSUE #24979: (mavenAtHouzz) [Discussion] Support for more than 1 netapi.rest_tornado server process | refs: #25149
- •
- PR #25149: (jacksontj) Saltnado multiprocess support | refs: #25166
- •
- PR #25149: (jacksontj) Saltnado multiprocess support | refs: #25166 @ 2015-07-06T14:38:43Z
- •
- ISSUE #24979: (mavenAtHouzz) [Discussion] Support for more than 1 netapi.rest_tornado server process | refs: #25149
- •
- PR #25120: (d--j) add missing continue for exeption case @ 2015-07-02T19:38:45Z
- •
- PR #25117: (basepi) Fix fileclient.is_cached | refs: #25191 @ 2015-07-02T19:38:26Z
- •
- PR #25087: (0xf10e) Fix execution module for glance - now based on 2015.5! @ 2015-07-02T19:36:27Z
- •
- PR #25129: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-07-02T17:37:40Z
- •
- ISSUE #18447: (ryan-lane) Can't install salt with raet using pip -e git
- •
- PR #25093: (jaybocc2) quick fix for issue #18447
- •
- PR #25069: (puneetk) Add a helper module function called list_enabled
- •
- PR #25114: (jfindlay) Revert "Revert "adding states/postgres_database unit test case."" @ 2015-07-02T01:01:29Z
- •
- PR #24798: (jtand) Revert "adding states/postgres_database unit test case." | refs: #25114
- •
- PR #24329: (jayeshka) adding states/postgres_database unit test case. | refs: #24798
- •
- PR #24362: (jayeshka) adding states/postgres_user unit test case. @ 2015-07-01T21:45:31Z
- •
- PR #24361: (jayeshka) adding states/postgres_schema unit test case. @ 2015-07-01T21:44:56Z
- •
- PR #24331: (jayeshka) adding states/postgres_extension unit test case. @ 2015-07-01T21:43:58Z
- •
- PR #26486: (thusoy) Git: Don't leak https user/pw to log @ 2015-08-20T16:04:52Z
- •
- ISSUE #26484: (thusoy) Git state leaks HTTPS user/pw to log | refs: #26486
- •
- ISSUE #26482: (thusoy) Git states doesn't allow user-only auth | refs: #26483
- •
- PR #26483: (thusoy) Handle user-only http auth in git module | refs: #26486
- •
- PR #26476: (jacobhammons) Minor doc bug fixes @ 2015-08-19T22:52:35Z
- •
- ISSUE #26432: (centromere) Documentation incorrectly references salt-key on the minion | refs: #26476
- •
- ISSUE #26403: (adelcast) Grains documentation incorrectly states they are static | refs: #26476
- •
- ISSUE #26329: (cro) Add note to eauth docs indicating default PAM service. | refs: #26476
- •
- ISSUE #26264: (grep4linux) state trees cannot have 'dots' in the name | refs: #26476
- •
- ISSUE #26233: (dove-young) pip install salt, then start master failed on Fedora 22 | refs: #26476
- •
- PR #26443: (cachedout) Fix connect issue in event init @ 2015-08-19T22:50:22Z
- •
- ISSUE #26366: (GreatSnoopy) The development tree produces hanging, 100%cpu salt-master processes | refs: #26443
- •
- ISSUE #26301: (waynew) CPU pegged out running salt-master (after running command) | refs: #26443
- •
- ISSUE #25998: (driskell) Event subsystem discarding required events during --batch breaking it for slow running commands | refs: #26000
- •
- PR #26000: (driskell) Implement full event caching for subscribed tags | refs: #26443
- •
- PR #26445: (cachedout) Raise clean error when no minions targeted in batch mode @ 2015-08-19T22:50:07Z
- •
- ISSUE #26343: (jfindlay) batch error when no minions match target | refs: #26445
- •
- PR #26483: (thusoy) Handle user-only http auth in git module | refs: #26486 @ 2015-08-19T22:47:41Z
- •
- ISSUE #26482: (thusoy) Git states doesn't allow user-only auth | refs: #26483
- •
- PR #26496: (jfindlay) add dateutil dependency reporting @ 2015-08-19T22:46:31Z
- •
- PR #26494: (cachedout) Remove unecessary debug statements @ 2015-08-19T20:46:00Z
- •
- PR #26465: (rallytime) Back-port #26457 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-19T16:08:16Z
- •
- PR #26457: (arthurlogilab) docstring improvement for module execution | refs: #26465
- •
- PR #26434: (s0undt3ch) Fix missed typo @ 2015-08-18T18:14:29Z
- •
- PR #26430: (rallytime) List public and private ips under the correct label @ 2015-08-18T16:20:32Z
- •
- ISSUE #26426: (alxbse) Private/public IPs are interchanged when listing nova driver cloud nodes | refs: #26430
- •
- PR #26431: (rallytime) Back-port #26417 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-18T15:41:58Z
- •
- PR #26417: (scottjpack) Changed t1 -> t2 micro | refs: #26431
- •
- PR #26378: (stanislavb) Fix EC2 credentials from IAM roles for s3fs and s3 ext_pillar in 2015.5 @ 2015-08-18T14:01:53Z
- •
- PR #26420: (terminalmage) Only use pygit2.errors if it exists (2015.5 branch) @ 2015-08-18T14:00:01Z
- •
- ISSUE #26245: (bradthurber) salt v2015.5.3 using newer pygit2 feature than required minimum | refs: #26420
- •
- PR #26409: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-17T23:19:56Z
- •
- PR #26242: (cro) Remove dead code
- •
- PR #26216: (cro) Fix LDAP configuration issue.
- •
- PR #26406: (jfindlay) fix syntax error in lvm exec module @ 2015-08-17T21:18:25Z
- •
- ISSUE #26404: (ssgward) Syntax error in lvm.vg_absent state causing failure | refs: #26406
- •
- PR #26405: (TheBigBear) dependency zip files moved to new site @ 2015-08-17T21:17:24Z
- •
- PR #26298: (vr-jack) Keep $HOME from being interpretted by Master shell @ 2015-08-17T21:15:11Z
- •
- PR #26324: (s0undt3ch) Salt is now pip install'able in windows @ 2015-08-17T20:41:34Z
- •
- PR #26371: (bastiaanb) fix issue #26161: on RedHat family systems touch /var/lock/subsys/$SE… @ 2015-08-17T20:39:28Z
- •
- ISSUE #26161: (bastiaanb) salt initscripts do not set lock file in /var/lock/subsys as required on RedHat family OSes
- •
- PR #26402: (twangboy) Removed documentation no longer required @ 2015-08-17T20:35:37Z
- •
- ISSUE #25801: (themalkolm) Update docs that salt.states.winrepo requires roles:salt-master in grains. | refs: #26328
- •
- ISSUE #25562: (jefftucker) winrepo state does not run on masterless minion | refs: #26328
- •
- PR #26328: (twangboy) Removed salt-master role requirement | refs: #26402
- •
- PR #26392: (rallytime) Back-port #26376 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-17T19:39:51Z
- •
- PR #26376: (TheBigBear) minor edit spelling | refs: #26392
- •
- PR #26342: (rallytime) Don't call boto_elb._attributes_present if no attributes were provided @ 2015-08-17T19:19:08Z
- •
- ISSUE #16049: (ryan-lane) boto_elb.present state requires attributes argument | refs: #26342
- •
- PR #26389: (rallytime) Back-port #26160 to 2015.5 @ 2015-08-17T19:09:16Z
- •
- ISSUE #26155: (silenius) pip availability in states/pip_state | refs: #26160
- •
- PR #26160: (silenius) proposed fix for #26155 | refs: #26389
- •
- PR #26300: (jfindlay) mock pwd function calls in pw_user exec module @ 2015-08-17T18:56:41Z
- •
- ISSUE #26266: (o-sleep) limit pw_user.getent() from returning entire corporate list | refs: #26300
- •
- PR #26386: (jahamn) Fixes autosign_timeout usage in check_autosign_dir @ 2015-08-17T18:34:40Z
- •
- ISSUE #24334: (afletch) autosign_timeout not honoured | refs: #26386
- •
- PR #26328: (twangboy) Removed salt-master role requirement | refs: #26402 @ 2015-08-17T18:30:17Z
- •
- ISSUE #25801: (themalkolm) Update docs that salt.states.winrepo requires roles:salt-master in grains. | refs: #26328
- •
- ISSUE #25562: (jefftucker) winrepo state does not run on masterless minion | refs: #26328
- •
- PR #26362: (garethgreenaway) Fixes to mount state. @ 2015-08-17T17:44:55Z
- •
- ISSUE #26327: (bradthurber) mount.mounted opts incorrect "forced unmount and mount because options (tcp) changed" | refs: #26362
- •
- PR #26379: (s0undt3ch) [2015.5] Backport #26353 @ 2015-08-17T17:19:29Z
- •
- PR #26353: (sixninetynine) fixed a typo in | refs: #26379
- •
- PR #26277: (rallytime) Handle exception when user is not found in keystone.user_get @ 2015-08-14T19:41:59Z
- •
- ISSUE #26240: (0xf10e) keystone.user_get raises exception when user is not found | refs: #26277
- •
- PR #26326: (rallytime) Make ec2.create_snapshot return less unweildly and more relevant @ 2015-08-14T19:40:47Z
- •
- ISSUE #24484: (codehotter) clouds/ create_snapshot throws exception | refs: #26326
- •
- PR #26306: (rallytime) Move VM creation details dict to log.trace @ 2015-08-14T17:39:52Z
- •
- ISSUE #16179: (UtahDave) Salt Cloud -l debug includes the entire bootstrap script twice in its output | refs: #26306
Salt 2015.5.6 Release Notes
Version 2015.5.6 is a bugfix release for 2015.5.0.
Security Fixes
CVE-2015-6941 - win_useradd module and salt-cloud display passwords in debug log
Updated the win_useradd module return data to no longer include the password of the newly created user. The password is now replaced with the string XXX-REDACTED-XXX. Updated the Salt Cloud debug output to no longer display win_password and sudo_password authentication credentials.
CVE-2015-6918 - Git modules leaking HTTPS auth credentials to debug log
Updated the Git state and execution modules to no longer display HTTPS basic authentication credentials in loglevel debug output on the Salt master. These credentials are now replaced with REDACTED in the debug output. Thanks to Andreas Stieger <asteiger [at]> for bringing this to our attention.
Changes for v2015.5.5..v2015.5.6
Extended changelog courtesy of Todd Stansell (
Generated at: 2015-09-30T22:22:43Z
Total Merges: 144
- •
- PR #27557: (jfindlay) add doc motivating mine vs grains
- •
- PR #27515: (jfindlay) save iptables rules on SuSE
- •
- PR #27509: (jfindlay) tell the user why the gluster module does not work
- •
- PR #27379: (jfindlay) document and check dict type for pip env_vars
- •
- PR #27516: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27472: (cachedout) Change recommeded schema for data field in mysql event table
- •
- PR #27468: (cachedout) Fix 27351
- •
PR #27479: (aboe76) fix locale on opensuse and suse
- •
- PR #27483: (rallytime) Outputters should sync to output, not outputters, on the minion.
- •
- PR #27484: (rallytime) Back-port #27434 and #27470 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27469: (twangboy) Added quotes to version numbers example
- •
- PR #27467: (cachedout) file.managed: check contents_{pillar|grain} result
- •
- PR #27419: (rallytime) Amend error log to include multiple tips for troubleshooting.
- •
- PR #27426: (rallytime) Don't stacktrace if there are conflicting id errors in highstate
- •
- PR #27408: (rallytime) Fix avail_locations function for the softlayer_hw driver in 2015.5
- •
PR #27410: (jacobhammons) Fix css layout Refs
- •
- PR #27336: (rallytime) [2015.5] Fixup salt-cloud logging
- •
PR #27358: (lorengordon) Escape search replacement text, fixes
- •
- PR #27345: (rallytime) Allow use of rst header links by separating options out from yaml example
- •
- PR #26903: (bersace) Review defaults.get
- •
- PR #27317: (efficks) State unzip should use unzip command instead of unzip_cmd.
- •
- PR #27309: (rallytime) Change a value list to a comma-separated string in boto_route53.present
- •
- PR #27311: (jfindlay) discuss replacement occurrences in file doc
- •
- PR #27310: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27308: (terminalmage) Fix refresh_db regression in
- •
- PR #27286: (terminalmage) Add a configurable timer for minion return retries
- •
- PR #27278: (rallytime) Back-port #27256 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27277: (rallytime) Back-port #27230 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27253: (jfindlay) 2015.5 -> 2015.5.0
- •
- PR #27244: (garethgreenaway) Exception in cloud.ec2.create_snapshot
- •
- PR #27231: (jfindlay) only write cron file if it is changed
- •
- PR #27233: (basepi) [2015.5] Add stub release notes for 2015.5.6
- •
- PR #27208: (basepi) [2015.5] Add test.nop state
- •
- PR #27201: (jfindlay) rename hash_hostname to hash_known_hosts
- •
- PR #27214: (jacksontj) Correctly support https, port 443 is not a requirement
- •
- PR #27172: (rallytime) Back-port #27150 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27194: (rallytime) Back-port #27180 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27176: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27170: (rallytime) Update Getting Started with GCE docs to use cloud.profiles or cloud.profiles.d examples
- •
- PR #27167: (rallytime) Back-port #27148 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27168: (techhat) Add further gating of impacket library
- •
- PR #27166: (rallytime) Allow a full-query for EC2, even if there are no profiles defined
- •
- PR #27162: (rallytime) Be explicit in using "SoftLayer" for service queries in SoftLayer drivers
- •
- PR #27149: (twangboy) Fixed problem with add/remove path
- •
- PR #27147: (rallytime) Enforce bounds in the GCE Regex
- •
- PR #27128: (eguven) don't show diff for test run if show_diff=False
- •
- PR #27116: (jacobhammons) Update latest to 2015.8, 2015.5 is now previous
- •
- PR #27033: (jfindlay) Merge #27019
- •
- PR #26942: (Arabus) Fix
- •
- PR #26977: (abh) Add support for PEERNTP network interface configuration
- •
- PR #27023: (jfindlay) add test support for htpasswd state mod
- •
- PR #27074: (twangboy) Replaced password with redacted when displayed
- •
- PR #27073: (rallytime) Remove "use develop branch" warning from LXC tutorial
- •
- PR #27054: (rallytime) Back-port #27029 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27053: (rallytime) Back-port #26992 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27052: (rallytime) Back-port #26930 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27049: (johanek) Run repoquery less
- •
- PR #27070: (stanislavb) Deprecate salt.utils.iam in Carbon
- •
- PR #27030: (jfindlay) Backport #26938
- •
- PR #27025: (cachedout) Better try and error handling for prep_jid
- •
- PR #27035: (terminalmage) Use contextmanager to prevent leaked filehandles
- •
- PR #27034: (rallytime) Update softlayer docs for where to find apikey
- •
- PR #27024: (rallytime) Back-port #27004 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27027: (rallytime) Back-port #27013 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27026: (rallytime) Back-port #27011 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #26972: (twangboy) Catch the 404 error from fileclient
- •
- PR #26951: (terminalmage) Fix timezone module for CentOS
- •
- PR #26875: (marccardinal) LXC gateway provisioned only when IP is provided
- •
- PR #26997: (twangboy) Fixed symlinks for windows (don't use user root)
- •
- PR #27001: (twangboy) Added CLI Example for reg.delete_key_recursive
- •
- PR #26996: (jacobhammons) Beacon doc updates
- •
- PR #26868: (joejulian) Use the actual device name when checking vgdisplay
- •
- PR #26955: (dsumsky) S3 ext_pillar module has broken caching mechanism (backport to 2015.5)
- •
- PR #26987: (rallytime) Back-port #26966 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #26915: (rallytime) Update Joyent Cloud Tests
- •
- PR #26971: (rallytime) Fix a couple of typos in reactor docs
- •
- PR #26976: (thatch45) Revert "file.symlink gets windows account instead of root"
- •
- PR #26975: (whiteinge) Remove mocks from rest_cherrypy integration tests; fix groups check bug
- •
- PR #26899: (twangboy) file.symlink gets windows account instead of root
- •
- PR #26960: (rallytime) Fix bash code block formatting in CherryPy netapi docs
- •
- PR #26940: (rallytime) Fix minor doc typo in client api
- •
- PR #26871: (rallytime) Back-port #26852 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #26851: (jacobhammons) states/pkgrepo examples, suse installation updates
- •
- PR #26817: (jfindlay) modify groupadd for rhel 5
- •
- PR #26824: (pravka) [salt-cloud] Fix creating droplet from snapshot in digital_ocean provider
- •
- PR #26823: (joejulian) use dbus instead of localectl
- •
- PR #26820: (jfindlay) add default param in _parse_localectl in locale mod
- •
- PR #26821: (twangboy) Fixed user.rename function in windows
- •
- PR #26803: (twangboy) Added check for PyMySQL if MySQLdb import fails
- •
- PR #26815: (jfindlay) stringify linode id before performing str actions
- •
- PR #26800: (jacobhammons) Doc bug fixes
- •
- PR #26793: (rallytime) Don't stacktrace if "name" is specified as a minion id in a map file
- •
- PR #26790: (rallytime) Update Saltify docs to be more accurate and helpful
- •
- PR #26787: (jfindlay) merge #26775
- •
- PR #26759: (terminalmage) Backport PR #26726 to 2015.5 branch
- •
PR #26768: (garethgreenaway) Fixes to ipset in 2015.5 for
- •
- PR #26753: (jfindlay) import elementree from _compat in ilo exec mod
- •
- PR #26736: (twangboy) Changed import from smbconnection to smb3
- •
- PR #26714: (jfindlay) add exception placeholder for older msgpacks
- •
- PR #26710: (rallytime) Update GCE driver to return True, False or a new name in __virtual__()
- •
- PR #26709: (rallytime) Ensure VM name is valid before trying to create Linode VM
- •
- PR #26617: (terminalmage) Fix Windows failures in pip module due to raw string formatting
- •
- PR #26700: (kev009) Ignore the first element of kern.disks split, which is the sysctl name
- •
- PR #26695: (terminalmage) Better HTTPS basic auth redaction for 2015.5 branch
- •
- PR #26694: (terminalmage) Backport #26693 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #26681: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #26676: (rallytime) Back-port #26648 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #26677: (rallytime) Back-port #26653 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #26675: (rallytime) Back-port #26631 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #26655: (cheng0919) Update
- •
- PR #26662: (jacobhammons) update version to 2015.5
- •
- PR #26651: (jfindlay) add 2015.5.4 notes to 2015.5.5 notes
- •
- PR #26525: (jfindlay) document check_file_meta args, remove unused arg
- •
- PR #26561: (stanislavb) Leave salt.utils.s3 location fallback to
- •
- PR #26573: (rallytime) Don't stacktrace if using private_ips and delete_sshkeys together
- •
- PR #26563: (rallytime) Fix error detection when salt-cloud config is missing a master's address
- •
- PR #26641: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #26620: (rallytime) Also add -Z to script args for cloud tests
- •
- PR #26618: (rallytime) Add script_args: '-P' to Ubuntu 14 profiles for nightly cloud tests
- •
- PR #26612: (rallytime) Use an available image to test against
- •
- PR #26576: (rallytime) Ensure GCE and EC2 configuration checks are correct
- •
- PR #26580: (rallytime) Avoid race condition when assigning floating IPs to new VMs
- •
- PR #26581: (terminalmage) Skip tests that don't work with older mock
- •
- PR #26591: (rallytime) Back-port #26554 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #26565: (cachedout) Fix many errors with __virtual__ in tests
- •
- PR #26553: (rallytime) Back-port #26548 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #26552: (rallytime) Back-port #26542 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #26551: (rallytime) Back-port #26539 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #26549: (rallytime) Back-port #26524 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #26527: (jfindlay) check exists and values in boto_elb listeners
- •
- PR #26446: (stanislavb) Fetch AWS region from EC2 instance metadata
- •
- PR #26546: (nmadhok) Do not raise KeyError when calling avail_images if VM/template is in disconnected state
- •
- PR #26537: (jfindlay) Merge #26481
- •
- PR #26528: (zmalone) Fixing encrypt to instructions in the 2015.5 branch
Salt 2015.5.7 Release Notes
NOTE: A significant orchestrate issue #29110 was discovered during the release process of 2015.5.7, so it has not been officially released. Please use 2015.5.8 instead.
Extended changelog courtesy of Todd Stansell (
Generated at: 2015-11-13T17:11:14Z
Total Merges: 102
- •
- PR #28731: (garethgreenaway) Fixes to salt scheduler in 2015.5, ensuring that return_job is only used on minion scheduler
- •
- PR #28857: (rallytime) Back-port #28851 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28856: (rallytime) Back-port #28853 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28832: (basepi) [2015.5] Backport #28826
- •
- PR #28833: (basepi) [2015.5] Increase the default gather_job_timeout
- •
- PR #28829: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
- •
PR #28756: (MrCitron) Fix
- •
PR #28786: (chrigl) closes
- •
- PR #28776: (rallytime) Back-port #28740 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28760: (dmyerscough) Fixing CherryPy key bug
- •
- PR #28746: (rallytime) Back-port #28718 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28705: (cachedout) Account for new headers class in tornado 4.3
- •
- PR #28699: (rallytime) Back-port #28670 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28703: (rallytime) Back-port #28690 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28694: (s0undt3ch) [2015.5] Update to latest bootstrap script v2015.11.09
- •
- PR #28669: (rallytime) Use the -q argument to strip extraneous messages from rabbitmq
- •
- PR #28645: (jacksontj) Rework minion return_retry_timer
- •
- PR #28668: (twangboy) Fixed join_domain and unjoin_domain for Windows
- •
- PR #28666: (jfindlay) define r_data before using it in file module
- •
- PR #28662: (cachedout) Add note about disabling master_alive_interval
- •
- PR #28627: (twangboy) Backport win_useradd
- •
- PR #28617: (cachedout) Set restrictive umask on module sync
- •
- PR #28622: (gravyboat) Update puppet module wording
- •
- PR #28563: (s0undt3ch) [2015.5] Update to latest bootstrap script v2015.11.04
- •
- PR #28541: (twangboy) Fixed problem with system.set_computer_name
- •
- PR #28537: (jfindlay) decode filename to utf-8 in file.recurse state
- •
- PR #28529: (rallytime) Update contributing and documentation pages to recommend submitting against branches
- •
- PR #28548: (nmadhok) [Backport] [2015.5] Tasks can be in queued state instead of running
- •
- PR #28531: (rallytime) Add versionadded directives to virtualenv_mod state/module
- •
- PR #28508: (twangboy) Fixed windows tests
- •
- PR #28525: (rallytime) Fix spacing in doc examples for boto_route53 state and module
- •
- PR #28517: (rallytime) Add state_auto_order defaults to True note to ordering docs
- •
- PR #28512: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28448: (gwaters) added a note to the tutorial for redhat derivatives
- •
- PR #28406: (rallytime) Back-port #28381 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28413: (rallytime) Back-port #28400 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28366: (erchn) mark repo not enabled when pkgrepo state passes in disable: True
- •
PR #28373: (beverlcl) Fixing bug
for use_carrier option on bonding network interfaces. - •
- PR #28359: (rallytime) Back-port #28358 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28346: (twangboy) Fix installer
- •
- PR #28315: (gwaters) Adding a working example of setting pillar data on the cli
- •
- PR #28211: (terminalmage) Fix for ext_pillar being compiled twice in legacy git_pillar code (2015.5 branch)
- •
- PR #28263: (cachedout) New channel for event.send
- •
- PR #28293: (cachedout) Minor grammar changes
- •
- PR #28271: (gwaters) Update tutorial documentation
- •
- PR #28280: (0xf10e) Correct Jinja function load_* to import_*
- •
- PR #28255: (cachedout) Add __cli opt
- •
- PR #28213: (rallytime) If record returned None, don't continue with the state. Something went wrong
- •
- PR #28238: (basepi) [2015.5] Fix schedule.present always diffing
- •
- PR #28174: (lorengordon) Add support for multiline regex in file.replace
- •
- PR #28175: (twangboy) Fixes
- •
- PR #28140: (rallytime) Add OpenBSD installation documentation to 2015.5 branch
- •
- PR #28138: (rallytime) Back-port #28130 EC2 Sizes Only portion to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28097: (jacksontj) For all multi-part messages, check the headers. If the header is not …
- •
- PR #28117: (rallytime) Clean up stacktrace when master can't be reached in lxc cloud driver
- •
- PR #28110: (terminalmage) Add explanation of file_client: local setting masterless mode
- •
- PR #28109: (rallytime) Add created reactor event to lxc cloud driver
- •
- PR #27996: (rallytime) Don't fail if pip package is already present and pip1 is installed
- •
- PR #28056: (rallytime) Back-port #28033 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28059: (rallytime) Back-port #28040 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28047: (cachedout) Restore FTP functionality to file client
- •
- PR #28032: (twangboy) Fixed
- •
- PR #28037: (rallytime) Back-port #28003 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28031: (jacobhammons) Updated release notes with additional CVE information
- •
- PR #28008: (jfindlay) platform independent line endings in hosts mod
- •
- PR #28012: (rallytime) Clean up stack trace when something goes wrong with minion output
- •
- PR #27995: (jacobhammons) added link to grains security FAQ to targeting and pillar topics.
- •
- PR #27986: (jacobhammons) Changed current release to 5.6 and added CVE to release notes
- •
- PR #27913: (pass-by-value) Set default
- •
- PR #27876: (terminalmage) 2015.5 branch: Fix traceback when 2015.8 git ext_pillar config schema used
- •
- PR #27726: (jfindlay) deprecate hash_hostname in favor of hash_known_hosts
- •
- PR #27776: (jfindlay) return message when local jobs_cache not found
- •
- PR #27766: (jfindlay) better check for debian userdel error
- •
- PR #27758: (iggy) Remove redundant text from syslog returner
- •
- PR #27841: (terminalmage) Detect Manjaro Linux as Arch derivative
- •
- PR #27852: (rallytime) Back-port #27806 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27838: (basepi) [2015.5] Fix highstate outputter for jobs.lookup_jid
- •
- PR #27791: (eguven) 2015.5 postgres_user groups backport
- •
- PR #27759: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27732: (jacobhammons) update docs for __virtual__ and __virtualname__
- •
- PR #27747: (Sacro) Chocolatey doesn't have a help command.
- •
- PR #27733: (jacobhammons) hardening topic - updates to theme
- •
- PR #27706: (jacobhammons) Assorted doc bugs
- •
- PR #27695: (rallytime) Back-port #27671 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27524: (jfindlay) parse pkgng output in quiet mode for >= 1.6.1
- •
- PR #27686: (rallytime) Back-port #27476 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27684: (rallytime) Back-port #27656 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27683: (rallytime) Back-port #27659 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27682: (rallytime) Back-port #27566 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27681: (rallytime) Back-port #25928 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27680: (rallytime) Back-port #27535 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27442: (JaseFace) Ensure we pass on the enable setting if present, or use the default of True if not in build_schedule_item()
- •
- PR #27641: (rallytime) Gate the psutil import and add depends doc for diskusage beacon
- •
- PR #27644: (rallytime) Back-port #27640 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27612: (rallytime) Fix GCE external_ip stacktraces in 2015.5
- •
- PR #27568: (jacobhammons) regenerated man pages
Salt 2015.5.8 Release Notes
Security Fix
CVE-2015-8034: Saving state.sls cache data to disk with insecure permissions
This affects users of the state.sls function. The state run cache on the minion was being created with incorrect permissions. This file could potentially contain sensitive data that was inserted via jinja into the state SLS files. The permissions for this file are now being set correctly. Thanks to @zmalone for bringing this issue to our attention.
Extended changelog courtesy of Todd Stansell (
Generated at: 2015-11-23T23:16:23Z
Total Merges: 118
- •
- PR #29128: (cachedout) Set a safer default value for ret in saltmod
- •
- PR #29122: (cachedout) Fix broken state orchestration
- •
- PR #29096: (rallytime) Back-port #29093 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #29084: (rallytime) Back-port #29055 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #29083: (rallytime) Back-port #29053 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28932: (twangboy) Fixed user.present / user.absent in windows
- •
- PR #29011: (rallytime) Back-port #28630 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28982: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28949: (whiteinge) Add sync_sdb execution function
- •
- PR #28930: (twangboy) Added missing import mmap required by
- •
- PR #28908: (rallytime) A couple of spelling fixes for doc conventions page.
- •
- PR #28902: (whiteinge) Fix missing JSON support for /keys endpoint
- •
- PR #28897: (rallytime) Back-port #28873 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28871: (basepi) [2015.5] Fix command generation for mdadm.assemble
- •
- PR #28864: (jfindlay) add 2015.5.7 release notes
- •
- PR #28731: (garethgreenaway) Fixes to salt scheduler in 2015.5, ensuring that return_job is only used on minion scheduler
- •
- PR #28857: (rallytime) Back-port #28851 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28856: (rallytime) Back-port #28853 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28832: (basepi) [2015.5] Backport #28826
- •
- PR #28833: (basepi) [2015.5] Increase the default gather_job_timeout
- •
- PR #28829: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
- •
PR #28756: (MrCitron) Fix
- •
PR #28786: (chrigl) closes
- •
- PR #28776: (rallytime) Back-port #28740 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28760: (dmyerscough) Fixing CherryPy key bug
- •
- PR #28746: (rallytime) Back-port #28718 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28705: (cachedout) Account for new headers class in tornado 4.3
- •
- PR #28699: (rallytime) Back-port #28670 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28703: (rallytime) Back-port #28690 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28694: (s0undt3ch) [2015.5] Update to latest bootstrap script v2015.11.09
- •
- PR #28669: (rallytime) Use the -q argument to strip extraneous messages from rabbitmq
- •
- PR #28645: (jacksontj) Rework minion return_retry_timer
- •
- PR #28668: (twangboy) Fixed join_domain and unjoin_domain for Windows
- •
- PR #28666: (jfindlay) define r_data before using it in file module
- •
- PR #28662: (cachedout) Add note about disabling master_alive_interval
- •
- PR #28627: (twangboy) Backport win_useradd
- •
- PR #28617: (cachedout) Set restrictive umask on module sync
- •
- PR #28622: (gravyboat) Update puppet module wording
- •
- PR #28563: (s0undt3ch) [2015.5] Update to latest bootstrap script v2015.11.04
- •
- PR #28541: (twangboy) Fixed problem with system.set_computer_name
- •
- PR #28537: (jfindlay) decode filename to utf-8 in file.recurse state
- •
- PR #28529: (rallytime) Update contributing and documentation pages to recommend submitting against branches
- •
- PR #28548: (nmadhok) [Backport] [2015.5] Tasks can be in queued state instead of running
- •
- PR #28531: (rallytime) Add versionadded directives to virtualenv_mod state/module
- •
- PR #28508: (twangboy) Fixed windows tests
- •
- PR #28525: (rallytime) Fix spacing in doc examples for boto_route53 state and module
- •
- PR #28517: (rallytime) Add state_auto_order defaults to True note to ordering docs
- •
- PR #28512: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28448: (gwaters) added a note to the tutorial for redhat derivatives
- •
- PR #28406: (rallytime) Back-port #28381 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28413: (rallytime) Back-port #28400 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28366: (erchn) mark repo not enabled when pkgrepo state passes in disable: True
- •
PR #28373: (beverlcl) Fixing bug
for use_carrier option on bonding network interfaces. - •
- PR #28359: (rallytime) Back-port #28358 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28346: (twangboy) Fix installer
- •
- PR #28315: (gwaters) Adding a working example of setting pillar data on the cli
- •
- PR #28211: (terminalmage) Fix for ext_pillar being compiled twice in legacy git_pillar code (2015.5 branch)
- •
- PR #28263: (cachedout) New channel for event.send
- •
- PR #28293: (cachedout) Minor grammar changes
- •
- PR #28271: (gwaters) Update tutorial documentation
- •
- PR #28280: (0xf10e) Correct Jinja function load_* to import_*
- •
- PR #28255: (cachedout) Add __cli opt
- •
- PR #28213: (rallytime) If record returned None, don't continue with the state. Something went wrong
- •
- PR #28238: (basepi) [2015.5] Fix schedule.present always diffing
- •
- PR #28174: (lorengordon) Add support for multiline regex in file.replace
- •
- PR #28175: (twangboy) Fixes
- •
- PR #28140: (rallytime) Add OpenBSD installation documentation to 2015.5 branch
- •
- PR #28138: (rallytime) Back-port #28130 EC2 Sizes Only portion to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28097: (jacksontj) For all multi-part messages, check the headers. If the header is not …
- •
- PR #28117: (rallytime) Clean up stacktrace when master can't be reached in lxc cloud driver
- •
- PR #28110: (terminalmage) Add explanation of file_client: local setting masterless mode
- •
- PR #28109: (rallytime) Add created reactor event to lxc cloud driver
- •
- PR #27996: (rallytime) Don't fail if pip package is already present and pip1 is installed
- •
- PR #28056: (rallytime) Back-port #28033 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28059: (rallytime) Back-port #28040 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28047: (cachedout) Restore FTP functionality to file client
- •
- PR #28032: (twangboy) Fixed
- •
- PR #28037: (rallytime) Back-port #28003 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #28031: (jacobhammons) Updated release notes with additional CVE information
- •
- PR #28008: (jfindlay) platform independent line endings in hosts mod
- •
- PR #28012: (rallytime) Clean up stack trace when something goes wrong with minion output
- •
- PR #27995: (jacobhammons) added link to grains security FAQ to targeting and pillar topics.
- •
- PR #27986: (jacobhammons) Changed current release to 5.6 and added CVE to release notes
- •
- PR #27913: (pass-by-value) Set default
- •
- PR #27876: (terminalmage) 2015.5 branch: Fix traceback when 2015.8 git ext_pillar config schema used
- •
- PR #27726: (jfindlay) deprecate hash_hostname in favor of hash_known_hosts
- •
- PR #27776: (jfindlay) return message when local jobs_cache not found
- •
- PR #27766: (jfindlay) better check for debian userdel error
- •
- PR #27758: (iggy) Remove redundant text from syslog returner
- •
- PR #27841: (terminalmage) Detect Manjaro Linux as Arch derivative
- •
- PR #27852: (rallytime) Back-port #27806 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27838: (basepi) [2015.5] Fix highstate outputter for jobs.lookup_jid
- •
- PR #27791: (eguven) 2015.5 postgres_user groups backport
- •
- PR #27759: (basepi) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27732: (jacobhammons) update docs for __virtual__ and __virtualname__
- •
- PR #27747: (Sacro) Chocolatey doesn't have a help command.
- •
- PR #27733: (jacobhammons) hardening topic - updates to theme
- •
- PR #27706: (jacobhammons) Assorted doc bugs
- •
- PR #27695: (rallytime) Back-port #27671 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27524: (jfindlay) parse pkgng output in quiet mode for >= 1.6.1
- •
- PR #27686: (rallytime) Back-port #27476 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27684: (rallytime) Back-port #27656 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27683: (rallytime) Back-port #27659 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27682: (rallytime) Back-port #27566 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27681: (rallytime) Back-port #25928 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27680: (rallytime) Back-port #27535 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27442: (JaseFace) Ensure we pass on the enable setting if present, or use the default of True if not in build_schedule_item()
- •
- PR #27641: (rallytime) Gate the psutil import and add depends doc for diskusage beacon
- •
- PR #27644: (rallytime) Back-port #27640 to 2015.5
- •
- PR #27612: (rallytime) Fix GCE external_ip stacktraces in 2015.5
- •
- PR #27568: (jacobhammons) regenerated man pages
Salt 2014.7.0 Release Notes - Codename Helium
This release is the largest Salt release ever, with more features and commits then any previous release of Salt. Everything from the new RAET transport to major updates in Salt Cloud and the merging of Salt API into the main project.
IMPORTANT: The Fedora/RHEL/CentOS salt-master package has been modified for this release. The following components of Salt have been broken out and placed into their own packages:
- •
- salt-syndic
- •
- salt-cloud
- •
When the salt-master package is upgraded, these components will be removed, and they will need to be manually installed.
IMPORTANT: Compound/pillar matching have been temporarily disabled for the mine and publish modules for this release due to the possibility of inferring pillar data using pillar glob matching. A proper fix is now in the 2014.7 branch and scheduled for the 2014.7.1 release, and compound matching and non-globbing pillar matching will be re-enabled at that point.
Compound and pillar matching for normal salt commands are unaffected.
New Transport!
RAET Transport Option
This has been a HUGE amount of work, but the beta release of Salt with RAET is ready to go. RAET is a reliable queuing transport system that has been developed in partnership with a number of large enterprises to give Salt an alternative to ZeroMQ and a way to get Salt to scale well beyond tens of thousands of servers. Unlike ZeroMQ, RAET is completely asynchronous in every aspect of its operation and has been developed using the flow programming paradigm. This allows for many new capabilities to be added to Salt in the upcoming releases.
Please keep in mind that this is a beta release of RAET and we hope for bugs to be worked out, performance to be better realized and more in the 2015.5.0 release.
Simply stated, users running Salt with RAET should expect some hiccups as we hammer out the update. This is a BETA release of Salt RAET.
For information about how to use Salt with RAET please see the
Salt SSH Enhancements
Salt SSH has just entered a new league, with substantial updates and
improvements to make salt-ssh more reliable and easier then ever! From new
features like the ansible roster and fileserver backends to the new pypi
salt-ssh installer to lowered deps and a swath of bugfixes, salt-ssh is
basically reborn!
Install salt-ssh Using pip
Salt-ssh is now pip-installable!
Pip will bring in all of the required deps, and while some deps are compiled, they all include pure python implementations, meaning that any compile errors which may be seen can be safely ignored.
pip install salt-ssh
Fileserver Backends
Salt-ssh can now use the salt fileserver backend system. This allows for
the gitfs, hgfs, s3, and many more ways to centrally store states to be easily
used with salt-ssh. This also allows for a distributed team to easily use
a centralized source.
Saltfile Support
The new saltfile system makes it easy to have a user specific custom extended
Ext Pillar
Salt-ssh can now use the external pillar system. Making it easier then ever
to use salt-ssh with teams.
No More sshpass
Thanks to the enhancements in the salt vt system, salt-ssh no longer requires
sshpass to send passwords to ssh. This also makes the manipulation of ssh
calls substantially more flexible, allowing for intercepting ssh calls in
a much more fluid way.
Pure Python Shim
The salt-ssh call originally used a shell script to discover what version of
python to execute with and determine the state of the ssh code deployment.
This shell script has been replaced with a pure python version making it easy
to increase the capability of the code deployment without causing platform
inconsistency issues with different shell interpreters.
Custom Module Delivery
Custom modules are now seamlessly delivered. This makes the deployment of
custom grains, states, execution modules and returners a seamless process.
CP Module Support
Salt-ssh now makes simple file transfers easier then ever! The cp
module allows for files to be conveniently sent from the salt fileserver
system down to systems.
More Thin Directory Options
Salt ssh functions by copying a subset of the salt code, or salt thin down to the target system. In the past this was always transferred to /tmp/.salt and cached there for subsequent commands.
Now, salt thin can be sent to a random directory and removed when the call is complete with the -W option. The new -W option still uses a static location but will clean up that location when finished.
The default salt thin location is now user defined, allowing multiple users
to cleanly access the same systems.
State System Enhancements
New Imperative State Keyword Listen
The new listen and listen_in keywords allow for completely imperative
states by calling the mod_watch() routine after all states have run instead
of re-ordering the states.
Mod Aggregate Runtime Manipulator
The new mod_aggregate system allows for the state system to rewrite the state data during execution. This allows for state definitions to be aggregated dynamically at runtime.
The best example is found in the pkg state. If mod_aggregate is turned on, then when the first pkg state is reached, the state system will scan all of the other running states for pkg states and take all other packages set for install and install them all at once in the first pkg state.
These runtime modifications make it easy to run groups of states together. In future versions, we hope to fill out the mod_aggregate system to build in more and more optimizations.
For more documentation on mod_aggregate, see the documentation.
New Requisites: onchanges and onfail
The new onchanges and onchanges_in requisites make a state apply only if there are changes in the required state. This is useful to execute post hooks after changes occur on a system.
The other new requisites, onfail, and onfail_in, allow for a state to run in reaction to the failure of another state.
For more information about these new requisites, see the
requisites documentation.
Global onlyif and unless
The onlyif and unless options can now be used for any state declaration.
Use names to expand and override values
The names declaration in Salt's state system can now override or add values to the expanded data structure. For example:
my_users: user.present: - names: - larry - curly - moe: - shell: /bin/zsh - groups: - wheel - shell: /bin/bash
Major Features
Scheduler Additions
The Salt scheduler system has received MAJOR enhancements, allowing for
cron-like scheduling and much more granular timing routines. See here for more info.
Red Hat 7 Family Support
All the needed additions have been made to run Salt on RHEL 7 and derived OSes
like CentOS and Scientific.
Fileserver Backends in salt-call
Fileserver backends like gitfs can now be used without a salt master! Just add
the fileserver backend configuration to the minion config and execute
salt-call. This has been a much-requested feature and we are happy to finally
bring it to our users.
Amazon Execution Modules
An entire family of execution modules further enhancing Salt's Amazon Cloud support. They include the following:
- •
- Autoscale Groups (includes state support) -- related: Launch Control states
- •
- Cloud Watch (includes state support)
- •
- Elastic Cache (includes state support)
- •
- Elastic Load Balancer (includes state support)
- •
- IAM Identity and Access Management (includes state support)
- •
- Route53 DNS (includes state support)
- •
- Security Groups (includes state support)
- •
- Simple Queue Service (includes state support)
LXC Runner Enhancements
The Salt LXC management system has received a number of enhancements which make
running an LXC cloud entirely from Salt an easy proposition.
Next Gen Docker Management
The Docker support in Salt has been increased at least ten fold. The Docker API
is now completely exposed and Salt ships with Docker data tracking systems
which make automating Docker deployments very easy.
Peer System Performance Improvements
The peer system communication routines have been refined to make the peer
system substantially faster.
Encryption at rest for configs
GPG Renderer
OpenStack Expansion
Queues System
Ran change external queue systems into Salt events
Multi Master Failover Additions
Connecting to multiple masters is more dynamic then ever
Chef Execution Module
Managing Chef with Salt just got even easier!
salt-api Project Merge
The salt-api project has been merged into Salt core and is now available as part of the regular salt-master package install. No API changes were made, the salt-api script and init scripts remain intact.
salt-api has always provided Yet Another Pluggable Interface to Salt (TM) in the form of "netapi" modules. These are modules that bind to a port and start a service. Like many of Salt's other module types, netapi modules often have library and configuration dependencies. See the documentation for each module for instructions.
The full list of netapi modules.
Synchronous and Asynchronous Execution of Runner and Wheel Modules
salt.runner.RunnerClient and salt.wheel.WheelClient
have both gained complimentary cmd_sync and cmd_async methods allowing
for synchronous and asynchronous execution of any Runner or Wheel module
function, all protected using Salt's external authentication
system. salt-api benefits from this addition as well.
rest_cherrypy Additions
The rest_cherrypy netapi module
provides the main REST API for Salt.
Web Hooks
This release of course includes the Web Hook additions from the most recent salt-api release, which allows external services to signal actions within a Salt infrastructure. External services such as Amazon SNS, Travis-CI, or GitHub, as well as internal services that cannot or should not run a Salt minion daemon can be used as first-class components in Salt's rich orchestration capabilities.
The raw HTTP request body is now available in the event data. This is sometimes
required information for checking an HMAC signature in order to verify a HTTP
request. As an example, Amazon or GitHub requests are signed this way.
Generating and Accepting Minion Keys
The /key convenience URL generates a public and private key for a minion, automatically pre-accepts the public key on the Salt Master, and returns both keys as a tarball for download.
This allows for easily bootstrapping the key on a new minion with a single HTTP call, such as with a Kickstart script, all using regular shell tools.
curl -sS \ -d mid=jerry \ -d username=kickstart \ -d password=kickstart \ -d eauth=pam \ -o jerry-salt-keys.tar
Fileserver Backend Enhancements
All of the fileserver backends have been overhauled to be faster, lighter, and more reliable. The VCS backends (gitfs, hgfs, and svnfs) have also received a lot of new features.
Additionally, most config parameters for the VCS backends can now be configured
on a per-remote basis, allowing for global config parameters to be overridden
for a specific gitfs/hgfs/svnfs remote.
New gitfs Features
Pygit2 and Dulwich
In addition to supporting GitPython, support for pygit2 (0.20.3 and newer) and
dulwich have been added. Provided a compatible version of pygit2 is
installed, it will now be the default provider. The config parameter
gitfs_provider has been added to allow one to choose a specific
provider for gitfs.
Prior to this release, to serve a file from gitfs at a salt fileserver URL of
salt://foo/bar/baz.txt, it was necessary to ensure that the parent
directories existed in the repository. A new config parameter
gitfs_mountpoint allows gitfs remotes to be exposed starting at
a user-defined salt:// URL.
Environment Whitelisting/Blacklisting
By default, gitfs will expose all branches and tags as Salt fileserver
environments. Two new config parameters, gitfs_env_whitelist, and
gitfs_env_blacklist, allow more control over which branches and
tags are exposed. More detailed information on how these two options work can
be found in the Gitfs Walkthrough.
Expanded Authentication Support
As of pygit2 0.20.3, both http(s) and SSH key authentication are supported, and Salt now also supports both authentication methods when using pygit2. Keep in mind that pygit2 0.20.3 is not yet available on many platforms, so those who had been using authenticated git repositories with a passphraseless key should stick to GitPython if a new enough pygit2 is not yet available for the platform on which the master is running.
A full explanation of how to use authentication can be found in the Gitfs
New hgfs Features
This feature works exactly like its gitfs counterpart. The new config parameter is called
Environment Whitelisting/Blacklisting
This feature works exactly like its gitfs counterpart. The new config parameters are called
hgfs_env_whitelist and hgfs_env_blacklist.
New svnfs Features
This feature works exactly like its gitfs counterpart. The new config parameter is called
Environment Whitelisting/Blacklisting
This feature works exactly like its gitfs counterpart. The new config parameters are called
svnfs_env_whitelist and svnfs_env_blacklist.
Configurable Trunk/Branches/Tags Paths
Prior to this release, the paths where trunk, branches, and tags were located
could only be in directores named "trunk", "branches", and "tags" directly
under the root of the repository. Three new config parameters
(svnfs_trunk, svnfs_branches, and
svnfs_tags) allow SVN repositories which are laid out
differently to be used with svnfs.
New minionfs Features
This feature works exactly like its gitfs counterpart. The new config parameter is called
minionfs_mountpoint. The one major difference is that, as
minionfs doesn't use multiple remotes (it just serves up files pushed to the
master using cp.push) there is no such thing as a
per-remote configuration for minionfs_mountpoint.
Changing the Saltenv from Which Files are Served
A new config parameter (minionfs_env) allows minionfs files to
be served from a Salt fileserver environment other than base.
Minion Whitelisting/Blacklisting
By default, minionfs will expose the pushed files from all minions. Two new
config parameters, minionfs_whitelist, and
minionfs_blacklist, allow minionfs to be restricted to serve
files from only the desired minions.
Pyobjects Renderer
Salt now ships with with the Pyobjects Renderer that allows for construction of States using pure
Python with an idiomatic object interface.
New Modules
In addition to the Amazon modules mentioned above, there are also several other new execution modules:
- •
- Oracle
- •
- Random
- •
- Redis
- •
- Amazon Simple Queue Service
- •
- Block Device Management
- •
- CoreOS etcd
- •
- Genesis
- •
- InfluxDB
- •
- Server Density
- •
- Twilio Notifications
- •
- Varnish
- •
- ZNC IRC Bouncer
- •
New Runners
- •
- Map/Reduce Style
- •
- Queue
New External Pillars
- •
- CoreOS etcd
New Salt-Cloud Providers
- •
- Aliyun ECS Cloud
- •
- LXC Containers
- •
- Proxmox (OpenVZ containers & KVM)
Salt Call Change
When used with a returner, salt-call now contacts a master if --local
is not specicified.
- •
- Removed deprecated memoize function from salt/utils/ (deprecated)
- •
- Removed deprecated no_site_packages argument from create function (deprecated)
- •
- Removed deprecated check_dns argument from minion_config and apply_minion_config functions (deprecated)
- •
- Removed deprecated OutputOptionsWithTextMixIn class from salt/utils/ (deprecated)
- •
- Removed the following deprecated functions from salt/modules/ - physical_memory_usage (deprecated) - virtual_memory_usage (deprecated) - cached_physical_memory (deprecated) - physical_memory_buffers (deprecated)
- •
- Removed deprecated cloud arguments from cloud_config function in salt/ - vm_config (deprecated) - vm_config_path (deprecated)
- •
- Removed deprecated libcloud_version function from salt/cloud/ (deprecated)
- •
- Removed deprecated CloudConfigMixIn class from salt/utils/ (deprecated)
Salt 2014.7.1 Release Notes
- release
Version 2014.7.1 is a bugfix release for 2014.7.0. The changes include:
- •
- Fixed gitfs serving symlinks in file.recurse states (issue 17700)
- •
- Fixed holding of multiple packages (YUM) when combined with version pinning (issue 18468)
- •
- Fixed use of Jinja templates in masterless mode with non-roots fileserver backend (issue 17963)
- •
- Re-enabled pillar and compound matching for mine and publish calls. Note that pillar globbing is still disabled for those modes, for security reasons. (issue 17194)
- •
- Fix for tty: True in salt-ssh (issue 16847)
- •
- Fix for supervisord states when supervisor not installed to system python (issue 18044)
- •
- Fix for logging when log_level='quiet' for (issue 19479)
Salt 2014.7.2 Release Notes
- release
Version 2014.7.2 is a bugfix release for 2014.7.0. The changes include:
- •
- Fix erroneous warnings for systemd service enabled check (issue 19606)
- •
- Fix FreeBSD kernel module loading, listing, and persistence kmod (issue 197151, issue 19682)
- •
- Allow case-sensitive npm package names in the npm state. This may break behavior for people expecting the state to lowercase their npm package names for them. The npm module was never affected by mandatory lowercasing. (issue 20329)
- •
- Deprecate the activate parameter for pip.install for both the module and the state. If bin_env is given and points to a virtualenv, there is no need to activate that virtualenv in a shell for pip to install to the virtualenv.
- •
- Fix a file-locking bug in gitfs (issue 18839)
Salt 2014.7.3 Release Notes
- release
Version 2014.7.3 is a bugfix release for 2014.7.0.
- •
- Multi-master minions mode no longer route fileclient operations asymetrically. This fixes the source of many multi-master bugs where the minion would become unrepsonsive from one or more masters.
- •
- Fix bug wherein network.iface could produce stack traces.
- •
- net.arp will no longer be made available unless arp is installed on the system.
- •
- Major performance improvements to Saltnado
- •
- Allow KVM module to operate under KVM itself or VMWare Fusion
- •
- Various fixes to the Windows installation scripts
- •
- Fix issue where the syndic would not correctly propogate loads to the master job cache.
- •
- Improve error handling on invalid /etc/network/interfaces file in salt networking modules
- •
- Fix bug where a reponse status was not checked for in fileclient.get_url
- •
- Enable eauth when running salt in batch mode
- •
- Increase timeout in Boto Route53 module
- •
- Fix bugs with Salt's 'tar' module option parsing
- •
- Fix parsing of NTP servers on Windows
- •
- Fix issue with blockdev tuning not reporting changes correctly
- •
- Update to the latest Salt bootstrap script
- •
- Update Linode salt-cloud driver to use either linode-python or apache-libcloud
- •
- Fix for s3.query function to return correct headers
- •
- Fix for s3.head returning None for files that exist
- •
- Fix the disable function in win_service module so that the service is disabled correctly
- •
- Fix race condition between master and minion when making a directory when both daemons are on the same host
- •
- Fix an issue where file.recurse would fail at the root of an svn repo when the repo has a mountpoint
- •
- Fix an issue where file.recurse would fail at the root of an hgfs repo when the repo has a mountpoint
- •
- Fix an issue where file.recurse would fail at the root of an gitfs repo when the repo has a mountpoint
- •
- Add status.master capability for Windows.
- •
- Various fixes to ssh_known_hosts
- •
- Various fixes to bonding for Debian
- •
- The debian_ip.get_interfaces module no longer removes nameservers.
- •
- Better integration between grains.virtual and systemd-detect-virt and virt-what
- •
- Fix traceback in sysctl.present state output
- •
- Fix for issue where mount.mounted would fail when superopts were not a part of (extended=True). Also mount.mounted various fixes for Solaris and FreeBSD.
- •
- Fix error where datetimes were not correctly safeguarded before being passed into msgpack.
- •
- Fix file.replace regressions. If the pattern is not found, and if dry run is False, and if backup is False, and if a pre-existing file exists with extension .bak, then that backup file will be overwritten. This backup behavior is a result of how fileinput works. Fixing it requires either passing through the file twice (the first time only to search for content and set a flag), or rewriting file.replace so it doesn't use fileinput
- •
- VCS filreserver fixes/optimizations
- •
- Catch fileserver configuration errors on master start
- •
- Raise errors on invalid gitfs configurations
- •
- set_locale when locale file does not exist (Redhat family)
- •
- Fix to correctly count active devices when created mdadm array with spares
- •
- Fix to correctly target minions in batch mode
- •
- Support ssh:// urls using the gitfs dulwhich backend
- •
- New fileserver runner
- •
- Fix various bugs with argument parsing to the publish module.
- •
- Fix disk.usage for Synology OS
- •
- Fix issue with tags occurring twice with docker.pulled
- •
- Fix incorrect key error in SMTP returner
- •
- Fix condition which would remount loopback filesystems on every state run
- •
- Remove requsites from listens after they are called in the state system
- •
- Make system implementation of service.running aware of legacy service calls
- •
- Fix issue where publish.publish would not handle duplicate responses gracefully.
- •
- Accept Kali Linux for aptpkg salt execution module
- •
- Fix bug where cmd.which could not handle a dirname as an argument
- •
Fix issue in ps.pgrep where exceptions were thrown on Windows.
Known issues:
- •
- In multimaster mode, a minion may become temporarily unresponsive if modules or pillars are refreshed at the same time that one or more masters are down. This can be worked around by setting 'auth_timeout' and 'auth_tries' down to shorter periods.
Salt 2014.7.4 Release Notes
- release
Version 2014.7.4 is a bugfix release for 2014.7.0.
- •
- Multi-master minions mode no longer route fileclient operations asymetrically. This fixes the source of many multi-master bugs where the minion would become unrepsonsive from one or more masters.
- •
- Fix bug wherein network.iface could produce stack traces.
- •
- net.arp will no longer be made available unless arp is installed on the system.
- •
- Major performance improvements to Saltnado
- •
- Allow KVM module to operate under KVM itself or VMWare Fusion
- •
- Various fixes to the Windows installation scripts
- •
- Fix issue where the syndic would not correctly propogate loads to the master job cache.
- •
- Improve error handling on invalid /etc/network/interfaces file in salt networking modules
- •
- Fix bug where a reponse status was not checked for in fileclient.get_url
- •
- Enable eauth when running salt in batch mode
- •
- Increase timeout in Boto Route53 module
- •
- Fix bugs with Salt's 'tar' module option parsing
- •
- Fix parsing of NTP servers on Windows
- •
- Fix issue with blockdev tuning not reporting changes correctly
- •
- Update to the latest Salt bootstrap script
- •
- Update Linode salt-cloud driver to use either linode-python or apache-libcloud
- •
- Fix for s3.query function to return correct headers
- •
- Fix for s3.head returning None for files that exist
- •
- Fix the disable function in win_service module so that the service is disabled correctly
- •
- Fix race condition between master and minion when making a directory when both daemons are on the same host
- •
- Fix an issue where file.recurse would fail at the root of an svn repo when the repo has a mountpoint
- •
- Fix an issue where file.recurse would fail at the root of an hgfs repo when the repo has a mountpoint
- •
- Fix an issue where file.recurse would fail at the root of an gitfs repo when the repo has a mountpoint
- •
- Add status.master capability for Windows.
- •
- Various fixes to ssh_known_hosts
- •
- Various fixes to bonding for Debian
- •
- The debian_ip.get_interfaces module no longer removes nameservers.
- •
- Better integration between grains.virtual and systemd-detect-virt and virt-what
- •
- Fix traceback in sysctl.present state output
- •
- Fix for issue where mount.mounted would fail when superopts were not a part of (extended=True). Also mount.mounted various fixes for Solaris and FreeBSD.
- •
- Fix error where datetimes were not correctly safeguarded before being passed into msgpack.
- •
- Fix file.replace regressions. If the pattern is not found, and if dry run is False, and if backup is False, and if a pre-existing file exists with extension .bak, then that backup file will be overwritten. This backup behavior is a result of how fileinput works. Fixing it requires either passing through the file twice (the first time only to search for content and set a flag), or rewriting file.replace so it doesn't use fileinput
- •
- VCS filreserver fixes/optimizations
- •
- Catch fileserver configuration errors on master start
- •
- Raise errors on invalid gitfs configurations
- •
- set_locale when locale file does not exist (Redhat family)
- •
- Fix to correctly count active devices when created mdadm array with spares
- •
- Fix to correctly target minions in batch mode
- •
- Support ssh:// urls using the gitfs dulwhich backend
- •
- New fileserver runner
- •
- Fix various bugs with argument parsing to the publish module.
- •
- Fix disk.usage for Synology OS
- •
- Fix issue with tags occurring twice with docker.pulled
- •
- Fix incorrect key error in SMTP returner
- •
- Fix condition which would remount loopback filesystems on every state run
- •
- Remove requsites from listens after they are called in the state system
- •
- Make system implementation of service.running aware of legacy service calls
- •
- Fix issue where publish.publish would not handle duplicate responses gracefully.
- •
- Accept Kali Linux for aptpkg salt execution module
- •
- Fix bug where cmd.which could not handle a dirname as an argument
- •
Fix issue in ps.pgrep where exceptions were thrown on Windows.
Known issues:
- •
- In multimaster mode, a minion may become temporarily unresponsive if modules or pillars are refreshed at the same time that one or more masters are down. This can be worked around by setting 'auth_timeout' and 'auth_tries' down to shorter periods.
- •
- There are known issues with batch mode operating on the incorrect number of minions. This bug can be patched with the change in Pull Request #22464.
- •
- The fun, state, and unless keywords are missing from the state internals, which can cause problems running some states. This bug can be patched with the change in Pull Request #22365.
Salt 2014.7.5 Release Notes
- release
Version 2014.7.5 is a bugfix release for 2014.7.0.
- •
- Fixed a key error bug in salt-cloud
- •
- Updated man pages to better match documentation
- •
- Fixed bug concerning high CPU usage with salt-ssh
- •
- Fixed bugs with remounting cvfs and fuse filesystems
- •
- Fixed bug with alowing requisite tracking of entire sls files
- •
- Fixed bug with aptpkg.mod_repo returning OK even if apt-add-repository fails
- •
- Increased frequency of ssh terminal output checking
- •
- Fixed malformed locale string in localmod module
- •
- Fixed checking of available version of package when accept_keywords were changed
- •
- Fixed bug to make git.latest work with empty repositories
- •
- Added **kwargs to service.mod_watch which removes warnings about enable and __reqs__ not being supported by the function
- •
- Improved state comments to not grow so quickly on failed requisites
- •
- Added force argument to service to trigger force_reload
- •
- Fixed bug to andle pkgrepo keyids that have been converted to int
- •
- Fixed module.portage_config bug with appending accept_keywords
- •
- Fixed bug to correctly report disk usage on windows minion
- •
- Added the ability to specify key prefix for S3 ext_pillar
- •
- Fixed issues with batch mode operating on the incorrect number of minions
- •
- Fixed a bug with the proxmox cloud provider stacktracing on disk definition
- •
- Fixed a bug with the changes dictionary in the file state
- •
- Fixed the TCP keep alive settings to work better with SREQ caching
- •
- Fixed many bugs within the iptables state and module
- •
- Fixed bug with states by adding fun, state, and unless to the state runtime internal keywords listing
- •
- Added ability to eAuth against Active Directory
- •
- Fixed some salt-ssh issues when running on Fedora 21
- •
- Fixed grains.get_or_set_hash to work with multiple entries under same key
- •
- Added better explanations and more examples of how the Reactor calls functions to docs
- •
- Fixed bug to not pass ex_config_drive to libcloud unless it's explicitly enabled
- •
- Fixed bug with pip.install on windows
- •
- Fixed bug where always returns a 0 retcode
- •
- Fixed race condition bug with minion scheduling via pillar
- •
- Made efficiency improvements and bug fixes to the windows installer
- •
- Updated environment variables to fix bug with pygit2 when running salt as non-root user
- •
- Fixed cas behavior on data module -- data.cas was not saving changes
- •
- Fixed GPG rendering error
- •
- Fixed strace error in virt.query
- •
- Fixed stacktrace when running chef-solo command
- •
- Fixed possible bug wherein uncaught exceptions seem to make zmq3 tip over when threading is involved
- •
- Fixed argument passing to the reactor
- •
Fixed glibc caching to prevent bug where salt-minion getaddrinfo in dns_check() never got updated nameservers
Known issues:
- •
- In multimaster mode, a minion may become temporarily unresponsive if modules or pillars are refreshed at the same time that one or more masters are down. This can be worked around by setting 'auth_timeout' and 'auth_tries' down to shorter periods.
Salt 2014.7.6 Release Notes
- release
Version 2014.7.6 is a bugfix release for 2014.7.0.
This release is a security release. A minor issue was found, as cited below:
- •
CVE-2015-4017 -- Certificates are not verified when connecting to server in
the Aliyun and Proxmox modules
Only users of the Aliyun or Proxmox cloud modules are at risk. The vulnerability does not exist in the latest 2015.5.0 release of Salt.
- •
- has changed the fun keyword argument to func.
Please update any calls to this function in the cloud runner.
Extended Changelog Courtesy of Todd Stansell (
- •
- PR #23810: (rallytime) Backport #23757 to 2014.7 @ 2015-05-18T15:30:21Z
- •
- PR #23757: (clan) use abspath, do not eliminating symlinks | refs: #23810
- •
- aee00c8 Merge pull request #23810 from rallytime/bp-23757
- •
- fb32c32 use abspath, do not eliminating symlinks
- •
- PR #23809: (rallytime) Fix virtualport section of virt.get_nics loop @ 2015-05-18T15:30:09Z
- •
- ISSUE #20198: (jcftang) virt.get_graphics, virt.get_nics are broken, in turn breaking other things | refs: #23809
- •
- PR #21487: (rallytime) Backport #21469 to 2014.7 | refs: #23809
- •
- PR #21469: (vdesjardins) fixes #20198: virt.get_graphics and virt.get_nics calls in module virt | refs: #21487
- •
- 6b3352b Merge pull request #23809 from rallytime/virt_get_nics_fix
- •
- 0616fb7 Fix virtualport section of virt.get_nics loop
- •
- PR #23823: (gtmanfred) add link local for ipv6 @ 2015-05-17T12:48:25Z
- •
- 188f03f Merge pull request #23823 from gtmanfred/2014.7
- •
- 5ef006d add link local for ipv6
- •
- PR #23802: (gtmanfred) if it is ipv6 ip_to_int will fail @ 2015-05-16T04:06:59Z
- •
- PR #23573: (techhat) Scan all available networks for public and private IPs | refs: #23802
- •
- f3ca682 Merge pull request #23802 from gtmanfred/2014.7
- •
- 2da98b5 if it is ipv6 ip_to_int will fail
- •
- PR #23488: (cellscape) LXC cloud fixes @ 2015-05-15T18:09:35Z
- •
- ISSUE #16424: (stanvit) salt-run cloud.create fails with saltify
- •
- d9af0c3 Merge pull request #23488 from cellscape/lxc-cloud-fixes
- •
- 64250a6 Remove profile from opts after creating LXC container
- •
- c4047d2 Set destroy=True in opts when destroying cloud instance
- •
- 9e1311a Store instance names in opts when performing cloud action
- •
- 934bc57 Correctly pass custom env to lxc-attach
- •
- 7fb85f7 Preserve test=True option in cloud states
- •
- 9771b5a Fix detection of absent LXC container in cloud state
- •
- fb24f0c Report failure when failed to create/clone LXC container
- •
- 2d9aa2b Avoid shadowing variables in lxc module
- •
- 792e102 Allow to override profile options in lxc.cloud_init_interface
- •
- 42bd64b Return changes on successful lxc.create from salt-cloud
- •
- 4409eab Return correct result when creating cloud LXC container
- •
- 377015c Issue #16424: List all providers when creating salt-cloud instance without profile
- •
- PR #23748: (basepi) [2014.7] Log salt-ssh roster render errors more assertively and verbosely @ 2015-05-14T22:38:10Z
- •
- ISSUE #22332: (rallytime) [salt-ssh] Add a check for host in /etc/salt/roster | refs: #23748
- •
- 808bbe1 Merge pull request #23748 from basepi/
- •
- bc53e04 Log entire exception for render errors in roster
- •
- 753de6a Log render errors in roster to error level
- •
- e01a7a9 Always let the real YAML error through
- •
- PR #23731: (twangboy) Fixes #22959: Trying to add a directory to an unmapped drive in windows @ 2015-05-14T21:59:14Z
- •
- ISSUE #22959: (highlyunavailable) Windows Salt hangs if is trying to write to a drive that doesn't exist
- •
- 72cf360 Merge pull request #23731 from twangboy/fix_22959
- •
- 88e5495 Fixes #22959: Trying to add a directory to an unmapped drive in windows
- •
- PR #23730: (rallytime) Backport #23729 to 2014.7 @ 2015-05-14T21:58:34Z
- •
- PR #23729: (rallytime) Partially merge #23437 (grains fix) | refs: #23730
- •
- PR #23437: (cedwards) Grains item patch | refs: #23729
- •
- 2610195 Merge pull request #23730 from rallytime/bp-23729
- •
- 1877cae adding support for nested grains to grains.item
- •
- PR #23688: (twangboy) Added inet_pton to utils/validate/ for ip.set_static_ip in windows @ 2015-05-14T16:15:56Z
- •
- 3e9df88 Merge pull request #23688 from twangboy/fix_23415
- •
- 6a91169 Fixed unused-import pylint error
- •
- 5e25b3f fixed pylint errors
- •
- 1a96766 Added inet_pton to utils/validate/ for ip.set_static_ip in windows
- •
- PR #23680: (cachedout) Rename kwarg in cloud runner @ 2015-05-13T19:44:02Z
- •
- ISSUE #23403: (iamfil) fun parameter is replaced | refs: #23680
- •
- 1b86460 Merge pull request #23680 from cachedout/issue_23403
- •
- d5986c2 Rename kwarg in cloud runner
- •
- PR #23674: (cachedout) Handle lists correctly in grains.list_prsesent @ 2015-05-13T18:34:58Z
- •
- ISSUE #23548: (kkaig) grains.list_present produces incorrect (?) output | refs: #23674
- •
- cd64af0 Merge pull request #23674 from cachedout/issue_23548
- •
- da8a2f5 Handle lists correctly in grains.list_prsesent
- •
- PR #23672: (twangboy) Fix user present @ 2015-05-13T18:30:09Z
- •
- d322a19 Merge pull request #23672 from twangboy/fix_user_present
- •
- 731e7af Merge branch '2014.7' of into fix_user_present
- •
- d6f70a4 Fixed user.present to create password in windows
- •
- PR #23670: (rallytime) Backport #23607 to 2014.7 @ 2015-05-13T18:27:17Z
- •
- ISSUE #23604: (Azidburn) service.dead on systemd Minion create an Error Message | refs: #23607
- •
- PR #23607: (Azidburn) Fix for #23604. No error reporting. Exitcode !=0 are ok | refs: #23670
- •
- 43f7025 Merge pull request #23670 from rallytime/bp-23607
- •
- ed30dc4 Fix for #23604. No error reporting. Exitcode !=0 are ok
- •
- PR #23661: (rallytime) Merge #23640 with whitespace fix @ 2015-05-13T15:47:30Z
- •
- ISSUE #22141: (Deshke) grains.get_or_set_hash render error if hash begins with "%" | refs: #23640
- •
- PR #23640: (cachedout) Add warning to get_or_set_hash about reserved chars | refs: #23661
- •
- 0f006ac Merge pull request #23661 from rallytime/merge-23640
- •
- 4427f42 Whitespace fix
- •
- dd91154 Add warning to get_or_set_hash about reserved chars
- •
- PR #23639: (cachedout) Handle exceptions raised by __virtual__ @ 2015-05-13T15:11:12Z
- •
- ISSUE #23452: (michaelforge) minion crashed with empty grain | refs: #23639
- •
- 84e2ef8 Merge pull request #23639 from cachedout/issue_23452
- •
- d418b49 Syntax error!
- •
- 45b4015 Handle exceptions raised by __virtual__
- •
- PR #23637: (cachedout) Convert str master to list @ 2015-05-13T15:08:19Z
- •
- ISSUE #23611: (hubez) master_type set to 'failover' but 'master' is not of type list but of type <type 'str'> | refs: #23637
- •
- bd9b94b Merge pull request #23637 from cachedout/issue_23611
- •
- 56cb1f5 Fix typo
- •
- f6fcf19 Convert str master to list
- •
- PR #23595: (rallytime) Backport #23549 to 2014.7 @ 2015-05-12T21:19:40Z
- •
- PR #23549: (vr-jack) Update | refs: #23595
- •
- f20c0e4 Merge pull request #23595 from rallytime/bp-23549
- •
- 6efcac0 Update
- •
- PR #23594: (rallytime) Backport #23496 to 2014.7 @ 2015-05-12T21:19:34Z
- •
- ISSUE #23110: (martinhoefling) Copying files from gitfs in file.recurse state fails
- •
- PR #23496: (martinhoefling) Fix for issue #23110 | refs: #23594
- •
- 1acaf86 Merge pull request #23594 from rallytime/bp-23496
- •
- d5ae1d2 Fix for issue #23110 This resolves issues when the freshly created directory is removed by fileserver.update.
- •
- PR #23593: (rallytime) Backport #23442 to 2014.7 @ 2015-05-12T21:19:26Z
- •
- PR #23442: (clan) add directory itself to keep list | refs: #23593
- •
- 2c221c7 Merge pull request #23593 from rallytime/bp-23442
- •
- 39869a1 check w/ low['name'] only
- •
- 304cc49 another fix for file defined w/ id, but require name
- •
- 8814d41 add directory itself to keep list
- •
- PR #23606: (twangboy) Fixed checkbox for starting service and actually starting it @ 2015-05-12T21:18:50Z
- •
- fadd1ef Merge pull request #23606 from twangboy/fix_installer
- •
- 038331e Fixed checkbox for starting service and actually starting it
- •
- PR #23592: (rallytime) Backport #23389 to 2014.7 @ 2015-05-12T16:44:42Z
- •
- ISSUE #22908: (karanjad) Add failhard option to salt orchestration | refs: #23389
- •
- PR #23389: (cachedout) Correct fail_hard typo | refs: #23592
- •
- 10b3f0f Merge pull request #23592 from rallytime/bp-23389
- •
- 734cc43 Correct fail_hard typo
- •
- PR #23573: (techhat) Scan all available networks for public and private IPs | refs: #23802 @ 2015-05-12T15:22:22Z
- •
- cd34b9b Merge pull request #23573 from techhat/novaquery
- •
- f92db5e Linting
- •
- 26e00d3 Scan all available networks for public and private IPs
- •
- PR #23558: (jfindlay) reorder emerge command line @ 2015-05-12T15:17:46Z
- •
- ISSUE #23479: (danielmorlock) Typo in pkg.removed for Gentoo? | refs: #23558
- •
- 2a72cd7 Merge pull request #23558 from jfindlay/fix_ebuild
- •
- 45404fb reorder emerge command line
- •
- PR #23530: (dr4Ke) salt-ssh state: fix including all salt:// references @ 2015-05-12T15:13:43Z
- •
- ISSUE #23355: (dr4Ke) salt-ssh: 'sources: salt://' files from 'pkg' state are not included in salt_state.tgz | refs: #23530
- •
- a664a3c Merge pull request #23530 from dr4Ke/fix_salt-ssh_to_include_pkg_sources
- •
- 5df6a80 fix pylint warning
- •
- d0549e5 salt-ssh state: fix including all salt:// references
- •
- PR #23433: (twangboy) Obtain all software from the registry @ 2015-05-11T22:47:52Z
- •
- ISSUE #23004: (b18) 2014.7.5 - Windows - pkg.list_pkgs - "nxlog" never shows up in output. | refs: #23433
- •
- 55c3869 Merge pull request #23433 from twangboy/list_pkgs_fix
- •
- 8ab5b1b Fix pylint error
- •
- 2d11d65 Obtain all software from the registry
- •
- PR #23554: (jleroy) Debian: Hostname always updated @ 2015-05-11T21:57:00Z
- •
- 755bed0 Merge pull request #23554 from jleroy/debian-hostname-fix
- •
- 5ff749e Debian: Hostname always updated
- •
- PR #23551: (dr4Ke) grains.append unit tests, related to #23474 @ 2015-05-11T21:54:25Z
- •
- 6ec87ce Merge pull request #23551 from dr4Ke/grains.append_unit_tests
- •
- ebff9df fix pylint errors
- •
- c495404 unit tests for grains.append module function
- •
- 0c9a323 use MagickMock
- •
- c838a22 unit tests for grains.append module function
- •
- PR #23474: (dr4Ke) Fix grains.append in nested dictionnary grains #23411 @ 2015-05-11T18:00:21Z
- •
- ISSUE #23411: (dr4Ke) grains.append should work at any level of a grain | refs: #23440
- •
- PR #23440: (dr4Ke) fix grains.append in nested dictionnary grains #23411 | refs: #23474
- •
- e96c5c5 Merge pull request #23474 from dr4Ke/fix_grains.append_nested
- •
- a01a5bb grains.get, parameter delimititer, versionadded: 2014.7.6
- •
- b39f504 remove debugging output
- •
- b6e15e2 fix grains.append in nested dictionnary grains #23411
- •
- PR #23537: (t0rrant) Update changelog @ 2015-05-11T17:02:16Z
- •
- ab7e1ae Merge pull request #23537 from t0rrant/patch-1
- •
- 8e03cc9 Update changelog
- •
- PR #23538: (cro) Update date in LICENSE file @ 2015-05-11T15:19:25Z
- •
- b79fed3 Merge pull request #23538 from cro/licupdate
- •
- 345efe2 Update date in LICENSE file
- •
- PR #23505: (aneeshusa) Remove unused ssh config validator. Fixes #23159. @ 2015-05-09T13:24:15Z
- •
- ISSUE #23159: (aneeshusa) Unused validator
- •
- a123a36 Merge pull request #23505 from aneeshusa/remove-unused-ssh-config-validator
- •
- 90af167 Remove unused ssh config validator. Fixes #23159.
- •
- PR #23467: (slinu3d) Added AWS v4 signature support @ 2015-05-08T14:36:19Z
- •
- ISSUE #20518: (ekle) module s3.get does not support eu-central-1 | refs: #23467
- •
- ca2c21a Merge pull request #23467 from slinu3d/2014.7
- •
- 0b4081d Fixed pylint error at line 363
- •
- 5be5eb5 Fixed pylink errors
- •
- e64f374 Fixed lint errors
- •
- b9d1ac4 Added AWS v4 signature support
- •
- PR #23444: (techhat) Add create_attach_volume to nova driver @ 2015-05-07T19:51:32Z
- •
- e6f9eec Merge pull request #23444 from techhat/novacreateattach
- •
- ebdb7ea Add create_attach_volume to nova driver
- •
- PR #23460: (s0undt3ch) [2014.7] Update to latest stable bootstrap script v2015.05.07 @ 2015-05-07T19:10:54Z
- •
- ISSUE #563: (chutz) pidfile support for minion and master daemons | refs: #23460
- •
- e331463 Merge pull request #23460 from s0undt3ch/hotfix/bootstrap-script-2014.7
- •
- edcd0c4 Update to latest stable bootstrap script v2015.05.07
- •
- PR #23439: (techhat) Add wait_for_passwd_maxtries variable @ 2015-05-07T07:28:56Z
- •
- 7a8ce1a Merge pull request #23439 from techhat/maxtries
- •
- 0ad3ff2 Add wait_for_passwd_maxtries variable
- •
- PR #23422: (cro) $HOME should not be used, some shells don't set it. @ 2015-05-06T21:02:36Z
- •
- 644eb75 Merge pull request #23422 from cro/gce_sh_home
- •
- 4ef9e6b Don't use $HOME to find user's directory, some shells don't set it
- •
- PR #23425: (basepi) [2014.7] Fix typo in FunctionWrapper @ 2015-05-06T20:38:03Z
- •
- ef17ab4 Merge pull request #23425 from basepi/functionwrapper_typo
- •
- c390737 Fix typo in FunctionWrapper
- •
- PR #23385: (rallytime) Backport #23346 to 2014.7 @ 2015-05-06T20:12:29Z
- •
- PR #23346: (ericfode) Allow file_map in salt-cloud to handle folders. | refs: #23385
- •
- 1b13ec0 Merge pull request #23385 from rallytime/bp-23346
- •
- 9efc13c more linting fixes
- •
- cf131c9 cleaned up some pylint errors
- •
- f981699 added logic to sftp_file and file_map to allow folder uploads using file_map
- •
- PR #23414: (jfindlay) 2015.2 -> 2015.5 @ 2015-05-06T20:04:02Z
- •
- f8c7a62 Merge pull request #23414 from jfindlay/update_branch
- •
- 8074d16 2015.2 -> 2015.5
- •
- PR #23404: (hvnsweeting) saltapi cherrypy: initialize var when POST body is empty @ 2015-05-06T17:35:56Z
- •
- 54b3bd4 Merge pull request #23404 from hvnsweeting/cherrypy-post-emptybody-fix
- •
- f85f8f9 initialize var when POST body is empty
- •
- PR #23409: (terminalmage) Update Lithium docstrings in 2014.7 branch @ 2015-05-06T16:20:46Z
- •
- 160f703 Merge pull request #23409 from terminalmage/update-lithium-docstrings-2014.7
- •
- bc97d01 Fix sphinx typo
- •
- 20006b0 Update Lithium docstrings in 2014.7 branch
- •
- PR #23397: (jfindlay) add more flexible whitespace to locale_gen search @ 2015-05-06T03:44:11Z
- •
- ISSUE #17245: (tomashavlas) localemod does not generate locale for Arch | refs: #23307 #23397
- •
- aa5fb0a Merge pull request #23397 from jfindlay/fix_locale_gen
- •
- 0941fef add more flexible whitespace to locale_gen search
- •
- PR #23368: (kaithar) Backport #23367 to 2014.7 @ 2015-05-05T21:42:26Z
- •
- PR #23367: (kaithar) Put the sed insert statement back in to the output. | refs: #23368
- •
- PR #18368: (basepi) Merge forward from 2014.7 to develop | refs: #23367 #23368
- •
- 0c76dd4 Merge pull request #23368 from kaithar/bp-23367
- •
- 577f419 Pylint fix
- •
- 8d9acd1 Put the sed insert statement back in to the output.
- •
- PR #23350: (lorengordon) Append/prepend: search for full line @ 2015-05-05T21:42:11Z
- •
- ISSUE #23294: (variia) file.replace fails to append if repl string partially available | refs: #23350
- •
- 3493cc1 Merge pull request #23350 from lorengordon/file.replace_assume_line
- •
- b60e224 Append/prepend: search for full line
- •
- PR #23341: (cachedout) Fix syndic pid and logfile path @ 2015-05-05T21:29:10Z
- •
- ISSUE #23026: (adelcast) Incorrect salt-syndic logfile and pidfile locations | refs: #23341
- •
- 7be5c48 Merge pull request #23341 from cachedout/issue_23026
- •
- e98e65e Fix tests
- •
- 6011b43 Fix syndic pid and logfile path
- •
- PR #23272: (basepi) [2014.7] Allow salt-ssh minion config overrides via master config and roster | refs: #23347 @ **
- •
- ISSUE #19114: (pykler) salt-ssh and gpg pillar renderer | refs: #23188 #23272 #23347
- •
- PR #23188: (basepi) [2014.7] Work around bug in salt-ssh in config.get for gpg renderer | refs: #23272
- •
- ea61abf Merge pull request #23272 from basepi/salt-ssh.minion.config.19114
- •
- c223309 Add versionadded
- •
- be7407f Lint
- •
- c2c3375 Missing comma
- •
- 8e3e8e0 Pass the minion_opts through the FunctionWrapper
- •
- cb69cd0 Match the master config template in the master config reference
- •
- 87fc316 Add Salt-SSH section to master config template
- •
- 91dd9dc Add ssh_minion_opts to master config ref
- •
- c273ea1 Add minion config to salt-ssh doc
- •
- a0b6b76 Add minion_opts to roster docs
- •
- 5212c35 Accept minion_opts from the target information
- •
- e2099b6 Process ssh_minion_opts from master config
- •
- 3b64214 Revert "Work around bug in salt-ssh in config.get for gpg renderer"
- •
- 494953a Remove the strip (embracing multi-line YAML dump)
- •
- fe87f0f Dump multi-line yaml into the SHIM
- •
- b751a72 Inject local minion config into shim if available
- •
- PR #23347: (basepi) [2014.7] Salt-SSH Backport FunctionWrapper.__contains__ @ 2015-05-05T14:13:21Z
- •
- ISSUE #19114: (pykler) salt-ssh and gpg pillar renderer | refs: #23188 #23272 #23347
- •
- PR #23272: (basepi) [2014.7] Allow salt-ssh minion config overrides via master config and roster | refs: #23347
- •
- PR #23188: (basepi) [2014.7] Work around bug in salt-ssh in config.get for gpg renderer | refs: #23272
- •
- 4f760dd Merge pull request #23347 from basepi/salt-ssh.functionwrapper.contains.19114
- •
- 30595e3 Backport FunctionWrapper.__contains__
- •
- PR #23344: (cachedout) Explicitely set file_client on master @ 2015-05-04T23:21:48Z
- •
- ISSUE #22742: (hvnsweeting) salt-master says: "This master address: 'salt' was previously resolvable but now fails to resolve!" | refs: #23344
- •
- 02658b1 Merge pull request #23344 from cachedout/issue_22742
- •
- 5adc96c Explicitely set file_client on master
- •
- PR #23318: (cellscape) Honor seed argument in LXC container initializaton @ 2015-05-04T20:58:12Z
- •
- PR #23311: (cellscape) Fix new container initialization in LXC runner | refs: #23318
- •
- ba7605d Merge pull request #23318 from cellscape/honor-seed-argument
- •
- 228b1be Honor seed argument in LXC container initializaton
- •
- PR #23307: (jfindlay) check for /etc/locale.gen @ 2015-05-04T20:56:32Z
- •
- ISSUE #17245: (tomashavlas) localemod does not generate locale for Arch | refs: #23307 #23397
- •
- 4ac4509 Merge pull request #23307 from jfindlay/fix_locale_gen
- •
- 101199a check for /etc/locale.gen
- •
- PR #23324: (s0undt3ch) [2014.7] Update to the latest stable release of the bootstrap script v2015.05.04 @ 2015-05-04T16:28:30Z
- •
- ISSUE #580: (thatch45) recursive watch not being caught | refs: #23324
- •
- ISSUE #552: (jhutchins) Support require and watch under the same state dec | refs: #23324
- •
- PR #589: (epoelke) add --quiet and --outfile options to saltkey | refs: #23324
- •
- PR #567: (bastichelaar) Added upstart module | refs: #23324
- •
- PR #560: (UtahDave) The runas feature that was added in 93423aa2e5e4b7de6452090b0039560d2b13... | refs: #23324
- •
- PR #504: (SEJeff) File state goodies | refs: #23324
- •
- f790f42 Merge pull request #23324 from s0undt3ch/hotfix/bootstrap-script-2014.7
- •
- 6643e47 Update to the latest stable release of the bootstrap script v2015.05.04
- •
- PR #23329: (cro) Require requests to verify cert when talking to aliyun and proxmox cloud providers @ 2015-05-04T16:18:17Z
- •
- 5487367 Merge pull request #23329 from cro/cloud_verify_cert
- •
- 860d4b7 Turn on ssl verify for requests.
- •
- PR #23311: (cellscape) Fix new container initialization in LXC runner | refs: #23318 @ 2015-05-04T09:55:29Z
- •
- ea20176 Merge pull request #23311 from cellscape/fix-salt-cloud-lxc-init
- •
- 76fbb34 Fix new container initialization in LXC runner
- •
- PR #23298: (chris-prince) Fixed issue #18880 in 2014.7 branch @ 2015-05-03T15:49:41Z
- •
- ISSUE #18880: (johtso) npm installed breaks when a module is missing
- •
- c399b8f Merge pull request #23298 from chris-prince/2014.7
- •
- 0fa25db Fixed issue #18880 in 2014.7 branch
- •
- PR #23292: (rallytime) Merge #23151 with pylint fixes @ 2015-05-02T03:54:12Z
- •
- ISSUE #23148: (cr1st1p) virt - error handling bogus if machine image location is wrong
- •
- PR #23151: (cr1st1p) Fixes #23148 | refs: #23292
- •
- 16ecefd Merge pull request #23292 from rallytime/merge-23151
- •
- 8ff852a Merge #23151 with pylint fixes
- •
- 8ffa12e Fixes #23148
- •
- PR #23274: (basepi) [2014.7] Reduce salt-ssh debug log verbosity @ 2015-05-01T20:19:23Z
- •
- ce24315 Merge pull request #23274 from basepi/salt-ssh.debug.verbosity
- •
- ecee6c6 Log stdout and stderr to trace
- •
- 08f54d7 Log stdout and stderr to trace as well
- •
- 9b9c30f Reduce salt-ssh debug log verbosity
- •
- PR #23261: (rallytime) Fix tornado websocket event handler registration @ 2015-05-01T18:20:31Z
- •
- ISSUE #22605: (mavenAtHouzz) Tornado websockets event Handlers registration are incorrect | refs: #23261
- •
- 7b55e43 Merge pull request #23261 from rallytime/fix-22605
- •
- 4950fbf Fix tornado websocket event handler registration
- •
- PR #23258: (teizz) TCP keepalives on the ret side, Revisited. @ 2015-05-01T16:13:49Z
- •
- 83ef7cb Merge pull request #23258 from teizz/ret_keepalive_2014_7_5
- •
- 0b9fb6f The fixes by cachedout which were backported into 2015_2 were missing a single parameter thus not setting up the TCP keepalive for the ZeroMQ Channel by default.
- •
- PR #23241: (techhat) Move iptables log options after the jump @ 2015-05-01T01:31:59Z
- •
- ISSUE #23224: (twellspring) iptables.append --log parameters must be after --jump LOG | refs: #23241
- •
- 8de3c83 Merge pull request #23241 from techhat/issue23224
- •
- 87f7948 Move iptables log options after the jump
- •
- PR #23228: (rallytime) Backport #23171 to 2014.7 @ 2015-04-30T21:09:45Z
- •
- PR #23171: (skizunov) Bugfix: 'clean_proc_dir' is broken | refs: #23228
- •
- f20210e Merge pull request #23228 from rallytime/bp-23171
- •
- e670e99 Bugfix: 'clean_proc_dir' is broken
- •
- PR #23227: (rallytime) Backport #22808 to 2014.7 @ 2015-04-30T21:09:14Z
- •
- ISSUE #22703: (Xiol) salt-ssh does not work with list matcher | refs: #22808
- •
- PR #22808: (basepi) [2015.2] Add list targeting to salt-ssh flat roster | refs: #23227
- •
- 721cc28 Merge pull request #23227 from rallytime/bp-22808
- •
- d208a00 Dict, not list
- •
- a3f529e It's already been converted to a list
- •
- dd57f2d Add list targeting to salt-ssh flat roster
- •
- PR #22823: (hvnsweeting) 22822 file directory clean @ 2015-04-30T15:25:51Z
- •
- 82c22af Merge pull request #22823 from hvnsweeting/22822-file-directory-clean
- •
- c749c27 fix lint - remove unnecessary parenthesis
- •
- cb3dfee refactor
- •
- 8924b5a refactor: use relpath instead of do it manually
- •
- d3060a5 refactor
- •
- 5759a0e bugfix: fix clean=True when it require parent dir
- •
- PR #22977: (bersace) Fix fileserver backends __opts__ overwritten by _pillar @ 2015-04-30T15:24:56Z
- •
- ISSUE #22941: (bersace) _pillar func breaks fileserver globals | refs: #22977 #22942
- •
- PR #22942: (bersace) Fix fileserver backends global overwritten by _pillar | refs: #22977
- •
- f6c0728 Merge pull request #22977 from bersace/fix-fileserver-backends-pillar-side-effect
- •
- 5f451f6 Fix fileserver backends __opts__ overwritten by _pillar
- •
- PR #23180: (jfindlay) fix typos from 36841bdd in @ 2015-04-30T15:22:41Z
- •
- ISSUE #23166: (claudiupopescu) "Error in function _minion_event" resulting in modules not loaded | refs: #23180
- •
- 34206f7 Merge pull request #23180 from jfindlay/remote_event
- •
- 72066e1 fix typos from 36841bdd in
- •
- PR #23176: (jfindlay) copy standard* kwargs into cmd.run_chroot @ 2015-04-30T15:22:12Z
- •
- ISSUE #23153: (cr1st1p) cmdmod : run_chroot - broken in 2014.7.5 - missing kwargs | refs: #23176
- •
- b6b8216 Merge pull request #23176 from jfindlay/run_chroot
- •
- 7dc3417 copy standard* kwargs into cmd.run_chroot
- •
- PR #23193: (joejulian) supervisord.mod_watch should accept sfun @ 2015-04-30T04:34:21Z
- •
- ISSUE #23192: (joejulian) supervisord mod_watch does not accept sfun | refs: #23193
- •
- effacbe Merge pull request #23193 from joejulian/2014.7_supervisord_accept_sfun
- •
- efb59f9 supervisord.mod_watch should accept sfun
- •
- PR #23188: (basepi) [2014.7] Work around bug in salt-ssh in config.get for gpg renderer | refs: #23272 @ 2015-04-30T04:34:10Z
- •
- ISSUE #19114: (pykler) salt-ssh and gpg pillar renderer | refs: #23188 #23272 #23347
- •
- 72fe88e Merge pull request #23188 from basepi/salt-ssh.function.wrapper.gpg.19114
- •
- d73979e Work around bug in salt-ssh in config.get for gpg renderer
- •
- PR #23154: (cachedout) Re-establish channel on interruption in fileclient @ 2015-04-29T16:18:59Z
- •
- ISSUE #21480: (msciciel) TypeError: string indices must be integers, not str | refs: #23154
- •
- 168508e Merge pull request #23154 from cachedout/refresh_channel
- •
- 9f8dd80 Re-establish channel on interruption in fileclient
- •
- PR #23146: (rallytime) Backport #20779 to 2014.7 @ 2015-04-28T20:45:06Z
- •
- ISSUE #20647: (ryan-lane) file.serialize fails to serialize due to ordered dicts | refs: #20779
- •
- PR #20779: (cachedout) Use declared yaml options | refs: #23146
- •
- 3b53e04 Merge pull request #23146 from rallytime/bp-20779
- •
- ffd1849 compare OrderedDicts in serializer unit test
- •
- a221706 Just change serialize
- •
- a111798 Use declared yaml options
- •
- PR #23145: (rallytime) Backport #23089 to 2014.7 @ 2015-04-28T20:44:56Z
- •
- PR #23089: (cachedout) Stringify version number before lstrip | refs: #23145
- •
- 8bb4664 Merge pull request #23145 from rallytime/bp-23089
- •
- 93c41af Stringify version number before lstrip
- •
- PR #23144: (rallytime) Backport #23124 to 2014.7 @ 2015-04-28T20:44:46Z
- •
- ISSUE #16188: (drawks) salt.modules.parted has various functions with bogus input validation. | refs: #23124
- •
- PR #23124: (ether42) fix parsing the output of parted in parted.list_() | refs: #23144
- •
- c85d36f Merge pull request #23144 from rallytime/bp-23124-2014-7
- •
- 6b64da7 fix parsing the output of parted
- •
- PR #23120: (terminalmage) Don't run os.path.relpath() if repo doesn't have a "root" param set @ 2015-04-28T15:46:54Z
- •
- a27b158 Merge pull request #23120 from terminalmage/fix-gitfs-relpath
- •
- 1860fff Don't run os.path.relpath() if repo doesn't have a "root" param set
- •
- PR #23132: (clinta) Backport b27c176 @ 2015-04-28T15:00:30Z
- •
- fcba607 Merge pull request #23132 from clinta/patch-2
- •
- a824d72 Backport b27c176
- •
- PR #23114: (rallytime) Adjust ZeroMQ 4 docs to reflect changes to Ubuntu 12 packages @ 2015-04-28T03:59:24Z
- •
- ISSUE #18476: (Auha) Upgrading salt on my master caused dependency issues | refs: #23114 #18610
- •
- PR #18610: (rallytime) Make ZMQ 4 installation docs for ubuntu more clear | refs: #23114
- •
- b0f4b28 Merge pull request #23114 from rallytime/remove_ubuntu_zmq4_docs
- •
- f6cc7c8 Adjust ZeroMQ 4 docs to reflect changes to Ubuntu 12 packages
- •
- PR #23108: (rallytime) Backport #23097 to 2014.7 @ 2015-04-28T03:58:05Z
- •
- ISSUE #23085: (xenophonf) Use "s3fs" (not "s3") in fileserver_roots | refs: #23097
- •
- PR #23097: (rallytime) Change s3 to s3fs in fileserver_roots docs example | refs: #23108
- •
- 399857f Merge pull request #23108 from rallytime/bp-23097
- •
- fa88984 Change s3 to s3fs in fileserver_roots docs example
- •
- PR #23112: (basepi) [2014.7] Backport #22199 to fix mysql returner save_load errors @ 2015-04-28T03:55:44Z
- •
- ISSUE #22171: (basepi) We should only call returner.save_load once per jid | refs: #22199
- •
- PR #22199: (basepi) [2015.2] Put a bandaid on the save_load duplicate issue (mysql returner) | refs: #23112
- •
- 5541537 Merge pull request #23112 from basepi/mysql_returner_save_load
- •
- 0127012 Put a bandaid on the save_load duplicate issue
- •
- PR #23113: (rallytime) Revert "Backport #22895 to 2014.7" @ 2015-04-28T03:27:29Z
- •
- PR #22925: (rallytime) Backport #22895 to 2014.7 | refs: #23113
- •
- PR #22895: (aletourneau) pam_tally counter was not reset to 0 after a succesfull login | refs: #22925
- •
- dfe2066 Merge pull request #23113 from saltstack/revert-22925-bp-22895
- •
- b957ea8 Revert "Backport #22895 to 2014.7"
- •
- PR #23094: (terminalmage) pygit2: disable cleaning of stale refs for authenticated remotes @ 2015-04-27T20:51:28Z
- •
- ISSUE #23013: (markusr815) gitfs regression with authenticated repos | refs: #23094
- •
- 21515f3 Merge pull request #23094 from terminalmage/issue23013
- •
- aaf7b04 pygit2: disable cleaning of stale refs for authenticated remotes
- •
- PR #23048: (jfindlay) py-2.6 compat for utils/ ElementTree exception @ 2015-04-25T16:56:45Z
- •
- d45aa21 Merge pull request #23048 from jfindlay/ET_error
- •
- 64c42cc py-2.6 compat for utils/ ElementTree exception
- •
- PR #23025: (jfindlay) catch exceptions on bad system locales/encodings @ 2015-04-25T16:56:30Z
- •
- ISSUE #22981: (syphernl) Locale state throwing traceback when generating not (yet) existing locale | refs: #23025
- •
- d25a5c1 Merge pull request #23025 from jfindlay/fix_sys_locale
- •
- 9c4d62b catch exceptions on bad system locales/encodings
- •
- PR #22932: (hvnsweeting) bugfix: also manipulate dir_mode when source not defined @ 2015-04-25T16:54:58Z
- •
- 5e44b59 Merge pull request #22932 from hvnsweeting/file-append-bugfix
- •
- 3f368de do not use assert in execution module
- •
- 9d4fd4a bugfix: also manipulate dir_mode when source not defined
- •
- PR #23055: (jfindlay) prevent ps module errors on accessing dead procs @ 2015-04-24T22:39:49Z
- •
- ISSUE #23021: (ether42) ps.pgrep raises NoSuchProcess | refs: #23055
- •
- c2416a4 Merge pull request #23055 from jfindlay/fix_ps
- •
- c2dc7ad prevent ps module errors on accessing dead procs
- •
- PR #23031: (jfindlay) convert exception e.message to just e @ 2015-04-24T18:38:13Z
- •
- bfd9158 Merge pull request #23031 from jfindlay/exception
- •
- 856bad1 convert exception e.message to just e
- •
- PR #23015: (hvnsweeting) if status of service is stop, there is not an error with it @ 2015-04-24T14:35:10Z
- •
- 7747f33 Merge pull request #23015 from hvnsweeting/set-non-error-lvl-for-service-status-log
- •
- 92ea163 if status of service is stop, there is not an error with it
- •
- PR #23000: (jfindlay) set systemd service killMode to process for minion @ 2015-04-24T03:42:39Z
- •
- ISSUE #22993: (jetpak) salt-minion restart causes all spawned daemons to die on centos7 (systemd) | refs: #23000
- •
- 2e09789 Merge pull request #23000 from jfindlay/systemd_kill
- •
- 3d575e2 set systemd service killMode to process for minion
- •
- PR #22999: (jtand) Added retry_dns to minion doc. @ 2015-04-24T03:30:24Z
- •
- ISSUE #22707: (arthurlogilab) retry_dns of master configuration is missing from the documentation | refs: #22999
- •
- b5c059a Merge pull request #22999 from jtand/fix_22707
- •
- 8486e17 Added retry_dns to minion doc.
- •
- PR #22990: (techhat) Use the proper cloud conf variable @ 2015-04-23T17:48:07Z
- •
- 27dc877 Merge pull request #22990 from techhat/2014.7
- •
- d33bcbc Use the proper cloud conf variable
- •
- PR #22976: (multani) Improve state_output documentation @ 2015-04-23T12:24:22Z
- •
- 13dff65 Merge pull request #22976 from multani/fix/state-output-doc
- •
- 19efd41 Improve state_output documentation
- •
- PR #22955: (terminalmage) Fix regression introduced yesterday in dockerio module @ 2015-04-22T18:56:39Z
- •
- 89fa185 Merge pull request #22955 from terminalmage/dockerio-run-fix
- •
- b4472ad Fix regression introduced yesterday in dockerio module
- •
- PR #22954: (rallytime) Backport #22909 to 2014.7 @ 2015-04-22T18:56:20Z
- •
- PR #22909: (mguegan) Fix compatibility with pkgin > 0.7 | refs: #22954
- •
- 46ef227 Merge pull request #22954 from rallytime/bp-22909
- •
- 70c1cd3 Fix compatibility with pkgin > 0.7
- •
- PR #22856: (jfindlay) increase timeout and decrease tries for route53 records @ 2015-04-22T16:47:01Z
- •
- ISSUE #18720: (Reiner030) timeouts when setting Route53 records | refs: #22856
- •
- c9ae593 Merge pull request #22856 from jfindlay/route53_timeout
- •
- ba4a786 add route53 record sync wait, default=False
- •
- ea2fd50 increase timeout and tries for route53 records
- •
- PR #22946: (s0undt3ch) Test with a more recent pip version to avoid a traceback @ 2015-04-22T16:25:17Z
- •
- a178d44 Merge pull request #22946 from s0undt3ch/2014.7
- •
- bc87749 Test with a more recent pip version to avoid a traceback
- •
- PR #22945: (garethgreenaway) Fixes to scheduler @ 2015-04-22T16:25:00Z
- •
- ISSUE #22571: (BoomerB) same error message as on issue #18504 | refs: #22945
- •
- de339be Merge pull request #22945 from garethgreenaway/22571_2014_7_schedule_pillar_refresh_seconds_exceptions
- •
- bfa6d25 Fixing a reported issue when using a scheduled job from pillar with splay. _seconds element that acted as a backup of the actual seconds was being removed when pillar was refreshed and causing exceptions. This fix moves some splay related code out of the if else condition so it's checked whether the job is in the job queue or not.
- •
- PR #22887: (hvnsweeting) fix #18843 @ 2015-04-22T15:47:05Z
- •
- ISSUE #18843: (calvinhp) State user.present will fail to create home if user exists and homedir doesn't
- •
- 12d2b91 Merge pull request #22887 from hvnsweeting/18843-fix-user-present-home
- •
- 7fe7b08 run user.chhome once to avoid any side-effect when run it twice
- •
- 19de995 clarify the usage of home arg
- •
- d6dc09a enhance doc, as usermod on ubuntu 12.04 will not CREATE home
- •
- 0ce4d7f refactor: force to use boolean
- •
- 849d19e log debug the creating dir process
- •
- c4e95b9 fix #18843: usermod won't create a dir if old home does not exist
- •
- PR #22930: (jfindlay) localemod.gen_locale now always returns a boolean @ 2015-04-22T15:37:39Z
- •
- ISSUE #21140: (holms) locale.present state executed successfully, although originally fails | refs: #22930 #22829
- •
- ISSUE #2417: (ffa) Module standards | refs: #22829
- •
- PR #22829: (F30) Always return a boolean in gen_locale() | refs: #22930
- •
- b7de7bd Merge pull request #22930 from jfindlay/localegen_bool
- •
- 399399f localemod.gen_locale now always returns a boolean
- •
- PR #22933: (hvnsweeting) add test for #18843 @ 2015-04-22T15:27:18Z
- •
- ISSUE #18843: (calvinhp) State user.present will fail to create home if user exists and homedir doesn't
- •
- 11bcf14 Merge pull request #22933 from hvnsweeting/18843-test
- •
- b13db32 add test for #18843
- •
- PR #22925: (rallytime) Backport #22895 to 2014.7 | refs: #23113 @ 2015-04-22T02:30:26Z
- •
- PR #22895: (aletourneau) pam_tally counter was not reset to 0 after a succesfull login | refs: #22925
- •
- 6890752 Merge pull request #22925 from rallytime/bp-22895
- •
- 3852d96 Pylint fix
- •
- 90f7829 Fixed pylint issues
- •
- 5ebf159 Cleaned up pull request
- •
- a08ac47 pam_tally counter was not reset to 0 after a succesfull login
- •
- PR #22914: (cachedout) Call proper returner function in jobs.list_jobs @ 2015-04-22T00:49:01Z
- •
- ISSUE #22790: (whiteinge) jobs.list_jobs runner tracebacks on 'missing' argument | refs: #22914
- •
- eca37eb Merge pull request #22914 from cachedout/issue_22790
- •
- d828d6f Call proper returner function in jobs.list_jobs
- •
- PR #22918: (JaseFace) Add a note to the git_pillar docs stating that GitPython is the only currently supported provider @ 2015-04-22T00:48:26Z
- •
- 44f3409 Merge pull request #22918 from JaseFace/git-pillar-provider-doc-note
- •
- 0aee5c2 Add a note to the git_pillar docs stating that GitPython is the only currently supported provider
- •
- PR #22907: (techhat) Properly merge cloud configs to create profiles @ 2015-04-21T22:02:44Z
- •
- 31c461f Merge pull request #22907 from techhat/cloudconfig
- •
- 3bf4e66 Properly merge cloud configs to create profiles
- •
- PR #22894: (0xf10e) Fix issue #22782 @ 2015-04-21T18:55:18Z
- •
- f093975 Merge pull request #22894 from 0xf10e/2014.7
- •
- 58fa24c Clarify doc on kwarg 'roles' for user_present().
- •
- f0ae2eb Improve readability by renaming tenant_role
- •
- PR #22902: (rallytime) Change state example to use proper kwarg @ 2015-04-21T18:50:47Z
- •
- ISSUE #12003: (MarkusMuellerAU) [state.dockerio] TypeError: run() argument after ** must be a mapping, not str | refs: #22902
- •
- c802ba7 Merge pull request #22902 from rallytime/docker_doc_fix
- •
- 8f70346 Change state example to use proper kwarg
- •
- PR #22898: (terminalmage) dockerio: better error message for native exec driver @ 2015-04-21T18:02:58Z
- •
- 81771a7 Merge pull request #22898 from terminalmage/issue12003
- •
- c375309 dockerio: better error message for native exec driver
- •
- PR #22897: (rallytime) Add param documentation for file.replace state @ 2015-04-21T17:31:04Z
- •
- ISSUE #22825: (paolodina) Issue using file.replace in state file | refs: #22897
- •
- e2ec4ec Merge pull request #22897 from rallytime/fix-22825
- •
- 9c51630 Add param documentation for file.replace state
- •
- PR #22850: (bersace) Fix pillar and salt fileserver mixed @ 2015-04-21T17:04:33Z
- •
- ISSUE #22844: (bersace) LocalClient file cache confuse pillar and state files | refs: #22850
- •
- fd53889 Merge pull request #22850 from bersace/fix-pillar-salt-mixed
- •
- 31b98e7 Initialize state file client after pillar loading
- •
- f6bebb7 Use saltenv
- •
- PR #22818: (twangboy) Added documentation regarding pip in windows @ 2015-04-21T03:58:59Z
- •
- 1380fec Merge pull request #22818 from twangboy/upd_pip_docs
- •
- cb999c7 Update
- •
- 3cc5c97 Added documentation regarding pip in windows
- •
- PR #22872: (rallytime) Prevent stacktrace on os.path.exists in hosts module @ 2015-04-21T02:54:40Z
- •
- b2bf17f Merge pull request #22872 from rallytime/fix_hosts_stacktrace
- •
- c88a1ea Prevent stacktrace on os.path.exists in hosts module
- •
- PR #22853: (s0undt3ch) Don't assume package installation order. @ 2015-04-21T02:42:41Z
- •
- 03af523 Merge pull request #22853 from s0undt3ch/2014.7
- •
- b62df62 Don't assume package installation order.
- •
- PR #22877: (s0undt3ch) Don't fail on make clean just because the directory does not exist @ 2015-04-21T02:40:47Z
- •
- 9211e36 Merge pull request #22877 from s0undt3ch/hotfix/clean-docs-fix
- •
- 95d6887 Don't fail on make clean just because the directory does not exist
- •
- PR #22873: (thatch45) Type check the version since it will often be numeric @ 2015-04-21T02:38:11Z
- •
- 5bdbd08 Merge pull request #22873 from thatch45/type_check
- •
- 53b8376 Type check the version since it will often be numeric
- •
- PR #22870: (twangboy) Added ability to send a version with a space in it @ 2015-04-20T23:18:28Z
- •
- c965b0a Merge pull request #22870 from twangboy/fix_installer_again
- •
- 3f180cf Added ability to send a version with a space in it
- •
- PR #22863: (rallytime) Backport #20974 to 2014.7 @ 2015-04-20T19:29:37Z
- •
- PR #20974: (JohannesEbke) Fix expr_match usage in salt.utils.check_whitelist_blacklist | refs: #22863
- •
- 2973eb1 Merge pull request #22863 from rallytime/bp-20974
- •
- 14913a4 Fix expr_match usage in salt.utils.check_whitelist_blacklist
- •
- PR #22578: (hvnsweeting) gracefully handle when salt-minion cannot decrypt key @ 2015-04-20T15:24:45Z
- •
- c45b92b Merge pull request #22578 from hvnsweeting/2014-7-fix-compile-pillar
- •
- f75b24a gracefully handle when salt-minion cannot decrypt key
- •
- PR #22800: (terminalmage) Improve error logging for pygit2 SSH-based remotes @ 2015-04-18T17:18:55Z
- •
- ISSUE #21979: (yrdevops) gitfs: error message not descriptive enough when libgit2 was compiled without libssh2 | refs: #22800
- •
- 900c7a5 Merge pull request #22800 from terminalmage/issue21979
- •
- 8f1c008 Clarify that for pygit2, receiving 0 objects means repo is up-to-date
- •
- 98885f7 Add information about libssh2 requirement for pygit2 ssh auth
- •
- 09468d2 Fix incorrect log message
- •
- 2093bf8 Adjust loglevels for gitfs errors
- •
- 9d394df Improve error logging for pygit2 SSH-based remotes
- •
- PR #22813: (twangboy) Updated instructions for building salt @ 2015-04-18T04:10:07Z
- •
- e99f2fd Merge pull request #22813 from twangboy/win_doc_fix
- •
- adc421a Fixed some formatting issues
- •
- 8901b3b Updated instructions for building salt
- •
- PR #22810: (basepi) [2014.7] More msgpack gating for salt-ssh @ 2015-04-17T22:28:24Z
- •
- ISSUE #22708: (Bilge) salt-ssh file.accumulated error: NameError: global name 'msgpack' is not defined | refs: #22810
- •
- fe1de89 Merge pull request #22810 from basepi/salt-ssh.more.msgpack.gating
- •
- d4da8e6 Gate msgpack in salt/modules/
- •
- 02303b2 Gate msgpack in salt/modules/
- •
- d7e8741 Gate msgpack
- •
- PR #22803: (rallytime) Allow map file to work with softlayer @ 2015-04-17T20:34:42Z
- •
- ISSUE #17144: (xpender) salt-cloud -m fails with softlayer | refs: #22803
- •
- 11df71e Merge pull request #22803 from rallytime/fix-17144
- •
- ce88b6a Allow map file to work with softlayer
- •
- PR #22807: (rallytime) Add 2014.7.5 links to windows installation docs @ 2015-04-17T20:32:13Z
- •
- cd43a95 Merge pull request #22807 from rallytime/windows_docs_update
- •
- 5931a58 Replace all 4s with 5s
- •
- eadaead Add 2014.7.5 links to windows installation docs
- •
- PR #22795: (rallytime) Added release note for 2014.7.5 release @ 2015-04-17T18:05:36Z
- •
- 0b295e2 Merge pull request #22795 from rallytime/release_notes
- •
- fde1fee Remove extra line
- •
- b19b95d Added release note for 2014.7.5 release
- •
- PR #22759: (twangboy) Final edits to the batch files for running salt @ 2015-04-17T04:31:15Z
- •
- ISSUE #22740: (lorengordon) New Windows installer assumes salt is installed to the current directory | refs: #22759
- •
- PR #22754: (twangboy) Removed redundant \ and " | refs: #22759
- •
- 3c91459 Merge pull request #22759 from twangboy/fix_bat_one_last_time
- •
- 075f82e Final edits to the batch files for running salt
- •
- PR #22760: (thatch45) Fix issues with the syndic @ 2015-04-17T04:30:48Z
- •
- 20d3f2b Merge pull request #22760 from thatch45/syndic_fix
- •
- e2db624 Fix issues with the syndic not resolving the master when the interface is set
- •
- PR #22762: (twangboy) Fixed version not showing in Add/Remove Programs @ 2015-04-17T04:29:46Z
- •
- 54c4584 Merge pull request #22762 from twangboy/fix_installer
- •
- 4d25af8 Fixed version not showing in Add/Remove Programs
Salt 2014.1.0 Release Notes - Codename Hydrogen
NOTE: Due to a change in master to minion communication, 2014.1.0 minions are not compatible with older-version masters. Please upgrade masters first. More info on backwards-compatibility policy here, under the "Upgrading Salt" subheading.
NOTE: A change in the grammar in the state compiler makes in requisites illegal syntax. Its use is replaced simply with the word module. In other words you will need to change requisites like this:
require: some_module_name
require: module: some_module_name
This is a breaking change. We apologize for the inconvenience, we needed to do this to remove some ambiguity in parsing requisites.
- release
The 2014.1.0 release of Salt is a major release which not only increases stability but also brings new capabilities in virtualization, cloud integration, and more. This release brings a great focus on the expansion of testing making roughly double the coverage in the Salt tests, and comes with many new features.
2014.1.0 is the first release to follow the new date-based release naming system. See the version numbers page for more details.
Major Features
Salt Cloud Merged into Salt
Salt Cloud is a tool for provisioning salted minions across various cloud
providers. Prior to this release, Salt Cloud was a separate project but this
marks its full integration with the Salt distribution. A Getting Started guide
and additional documentation for Salt Cloud can be found here:
Google Compute Engine
Alongside Salt Cloud comes new support for the Google Compute Engine. Salt Stack can now deploy and control GCE virtual machines and the application stacks that they run.
For more information on Salt Stack and GCE, please see this blog post.
Documentation for Salt and GCE can be found here.
Salt Virt
Salt Virt is a cloud controller that supports virtual machine deployment, inspection, migration, and integration with many aspects of Salt.
Salt Virt has undergone a major overhaul with this release and now supports
many more features and includes a number of critical improvements.
Docker Integration
Salt now ships with states and an execution
module to manage Docker containers.
Substantial Testing Expansion
Salt continues to increase its unit/regression test coverage. This release
includes over 300 new tests.
BSD Package Management
BSD package management has been entirely rewritten. FreeBSD 9 and older now default to using pkg_add, while FreeBSD 10 and newer will use pkgng. FreeBSD 9 can be forced to use pkgng, however, by specifying the following option in the minion config file:
providers: pkg: pkgng
In addition, support for installing software from the ports tree has been
added. See the documentation for the ports state and
execution module for more information.
Network Management for Debian/Ubuntu
Initial support for management of network interfaces on Debian-based distros
has been added. See the documentation for the network state and the debian_ip for
more information.
IPv6 Support for iptables State/Module
The iptables state and module now have IPv6 support. A new parameter family has
been added to the states and execution functions, to distinguish between IPv4
and IPv6. The default value for this parameter is ipv4, specifying ipv6
will use ip6tables to manage firewall rules.
GitFS Improvements
Several performance improvements have been made to the Git fileserver backend. Additionally, file states can now use any any SHA1 commit hash as a fileserver environment:
/etc/httpd/httpd.conf: file.managed: - source: salt://webserver/files/httpd.conf - saltenv: 45af879
This applies to the functions in the cp module as well:
salt '*' cp.get_file salt://readme.txt /tmp/readme.txt saltenv=45af879
This new fileserver backend allows files which have been pushed from the minion to the master (using cp.push) to be served up from the salt fileserver. The path for these files takes the following format:
minion-id is the id of the "source" minion, the one from which the files were pushed to the master. /path/to/file is the full path of the file.
The MinionFS Walkthrough contains a more
thorough example of how to use this backend.
To distinguish between fileserver environments and execution functions which
deal with environment variables, fileserver environments are now specified
using the saltenv parameter. env will continue to work, but is
deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Grains Caching
A caching layer has been added to the Grains system, which can help speed up minion startup. Disabled by default, it can be enabled by setting the minion config option grains_cache:
grains_cache: True # Seconds before grains cache is considered to be stale. grains_cache_expiration: 300
If set to True, the grains loader will read from/write to a msgpack-serialized file containing the grains data.
Additional command-line parameters have been added to salt-call, mainly for testing purposes:
- •
- --skip-grains will completely bypass the grains loader when salt-call is invoked.
- •
- --refresh-grains-cache will force the grains loader to bypass the grains cache and refresh the grains, writing a new grains cache file.
Improved Command Logging Control
When using the cmd module, either on the CLI or when developing Salt execution modules, a new keyword argument output_loglevel allows for greater control over how (or even if) the command and its output are logged. For example:
salt '*' 'tail /var/log/messages' output_loglevel=debug
The package management modules (apt, yumpkg, etc.) have been updated to log the copious output generated from these commands at loglevel debug.
NOTE: To keep a command from being logged, output_loglevel=quiet can be used.
Prior to this release, this could be done using quiet=True. This
argument is still supported, but will be removed in a future Salt release.
PagerDuty Support
Initial support for firing events via PagerDuty has been added. See the
documentation for the pagerduty module.
Virtual Terminal
Sometimes the subprocess module is not good enough, and, in fact, not even
askpass is. This virtual terminal is still in it's infant childhood, needs
quite some love, and was originally created to replace askpass, but, while
developing it, it immediately proved that it could do so much more. It's
currently used by salt-cloud when bootstrapping salt on clouds which require
the use of a password.
Proxy Minions
Initial basic support for Proxy Minions is in this release. Documentation can be found here.
Proxy minions are a developing feature in Salt that enables control of devices that cannot run a minion. Examples include network gear like switches and routers that run a proprietary OS but offer an API, or "dumb" devices that just don't have the horsepower or ability to handle a Python VM.
Proxy minions can be difficult to write, so a simple REST-based example proxy is included. A Python bottle-based webserver can be found at as an endpoint for this proxy.
This is an ALPHA-quality feature. There are a number of issues with it
currently, mostly centering around process control, logging, and inability to
work in a masterless configuration.
Additional Bugfixes (Release Candidate Period)
Below are many of the fixes that were implemented in salt during the release candidate phase.
- •
- Fix mount.mounted leaving conflicting entries in fstab (issue 7079)
- •
- Fix mysql returner serialization to use json (issue 9590)
- •
- Fix ZMQError: Operation cannot be accomplished in current state errors (issue 6306)
- •
- Rbenv and ruby improvements
- •
- Fix quoting issues with mysql port (issue 9568)
- •
- Update mount module/state to support multiple swap partitions (issue 9520)
- •
- Fix archive state to work with bsdtar
- •
- Clarify logs for minion ID caching
- •
- Add numeric revision support to git state (issue 9718)
- •
- Update master_uri with master_ip (issue 9694)
- •
- Add comment to Debian mod_repo (issue 9923)
- •
- Fix potential undefined loop variable in rabbitmq state (issue 8703)
- •
- Fix for salt-virt runner to delete key on VM deletion
- •
- Fix for salt-run -d to limit results to specific runner or function (issue 9975)
- •
- Add tracebacks to jinja renderer when applicable (issue 10010)
- •
- Fix parsing in monit module (issue 10041)
- •
- Fix highstate output from syndic minions (issue 9732)
- •
- Quiet logging when dealing with passwords/hashes (issue 10000)
- •
- Fix for multiple remotes in git_pillar (issue 9932)
- •
- Fix npm installed command (issue 10109)
- •
- Add safeguards for utf8 errors in zcbuildout module
- •
- Fix compound commands (issue 9746)
- •
- Add systemd notification when master is started
- •
- Many doc improvements
Salt 2014.1.1 Release Notes
- release
Version 2014.1.1 is a bugfix release for 2014.1.0. The changes include:
- •
- Various doc fixes, including up-to-date Salt Cloud installation documentation.
- •
- Renamed state.sls runner to state.orchestrate, to reduce confusion with the state.sls execution function
- •
- Fix various bugs in the dig module (issue 10367)
- •
- Add retry for query on certain EC2 status codes (issue 10154)
- •
- Fix various bugs in mongodb_user state module (issue 10430)
- •
- Fix permissions on ~/.salt_token (issue 10422)
- •
- Add PyObjects support
- •
- Fix launchctl module crash with missing files
- •
- Fix saltutil.find_job for Windows (issue 10581)
- •
- Fix OS detection for OpenSolaris (issue 10601)
- •
- Fix broken salt-ssh key_deploy
- •
- Add support for multiline cron comments (issue 10721)
- •
- Fix timezone module for Arch (issue 10789)
- •
- Fix symlink support for file.recurse (issue 10809)
- •
- Fix multi-master bugs (issue 10732 and issue 10969)
- •
- Fix file.patch to error when source file is unavailable (issue 10380)
- •
- Fix pkg to handle packages set as purge in pkg.installed (issue 10719)
- •
- Add zmqversion grain
- •
- Fix highstate summary for masterless minions (issue 10945)
- •
- Fix saltutil.find_job for 2014.1 masters talking to 0.17 minions (issue 11020)
- •
- Fix file.recurse states with trailing slashes in source (issue 11002)
- •
- Fix pkg states to allow pkgname.x86_64 (issue 7306)
- •
- Make iptables states set a default table for flush (issue 11037)
- •
- Added iptables --reject-with after final iptables call in iptables states (issue:10757)
- •
- Fix improper passing of “family” in iptables states (issue 10774)
- •
- Fix traceback in iptables.insert states (issue 10988)
- •
- Fix zombie processes (issue 10867 and others)
- •
- Fix batch mode to obey --return settings (issue 9146)
- •
- Fix localclient issue that was causing batch mode breakage (issue 11094, issue 10470, and others)
- •
- Multiple salt-ssh fixes
- •
- FreeBSD: look in /usr/local/etc/salt for configuration by default, if installed using pip --editable.
- •
- Add a skip_suggestions parameter to pkg.installed states which allows pre-flight check to be skipped (issue 11106)
- •
- Fixed tag-based gitfs fileserver environments regression (issue 10956)
- •
- Yum: fix cache of available pkgs not cleared when repos are changed (issue 11001)
- •
- Yum: fix for plugin-provided repositories (i.e. RHN/Spacewalk) (issue 11145)
- •
- Fix regression in chocolatey.bootstrap (issue 10541)
- •
- Fix fail on unknown target in jobs runner (issue 11151)
- •
- Don’t log errors for commands which are expected to sometimes exit with non-zero exit status (issue 11154, issue 11090)
- •
- Fix test=True CLI override of config option (issue 10877)
- •
- Log sysctl key listing at loglevel TRACE (issue 10931)
Salt 2014.1.10 Release Notes
- release
NOTE: Version 2014.1.9 contained a regression which caused inaccurate Salt version detection, and thus was never packaged for general release. This version contains the version detection fix, but is otherwise identical to 2014.1.9.
Version 2014.1.10 is another bugfix release for 2014.1.0. Changes include:
- •
- Ensure salt-ssh will not continue if permissions on a temporary directory are not correct.
- •
- Use the bootstrap script distributed with Salt instead of relying on an external resource
- •
- Remove unused testing code
- •
- Ensure salt states are placed into the .salt directory in salt-ssh
- •
- Use a randomized path for temporary files in a salt-cloud deployment
- •
Clean any stale directories to ensure a fresh copy of salt-ssh during a
Salt 2014.1.10 fixes security issues documented by CVE-2014-3563: "Insecure tmp-file creation in, salt-ssh, and salt-cloud." Upgrading is recommended.
Salt 2014.1.11 Release Notes
- release
Version 2014.1.11 is another bugfix release for 2014.1.0. Changes include:
- •
- Fix for minion_id with byte-order mark (BOM) (issue 12296)
- •
- Fix runas deprecation in at module
- •
- Fix trailing slash befhavior for file.makedirs_ (issue 14019)
- •
- Fix chocolatey path (issue 13870)
- •
- Fix git_pillar infinite loop issues (issue 14671)
- •
- Fix json outputter null case
- •
- Fix for minion error if one of multiple masters are down (issue 14099)
Salt 2014.1.12 Release Notes
- release
Version 2014.1.12 is another bugfix release for 2014.1.0. Changes include:
- •
- Fix scp_file always failing (which broke salt-cloud) (issue 16437)
- •
- Fix regression in pillar in masterless (issue 16210, issue 16416, issue 16428)
Salt 2014.1.13 Release Notes
- release
Version 2014.1.13 is another bugfix release for 2014.1.0. Changes include:
- •
- Fix sftp_file by checking the exit status code of scp (which broke salt-cloud) (issue 16599)
Salt 2014.1.2 Release Notes
- release
Version 2014.1.2 is another bugfix release for 2014.1.0. The changes include:
- •
- Fix username detection when su'ed to root on FreeBSD (issue 11628)
- •
- Fix minionfs backend for file.recurse states
- •
- Fix 32-bit packages of different arches than the CPU arch, on 32-bit RHEL/CentOS (issue 11822)
- •
- Fix bug with specifying alternate home dir on user creation (FreeBSD) (issue 11790)
- •
- Don’t reload site module on module refresh for MacOS
- •
- Fix regression with running execution functions in Pillar SLS (issue 11453)
- •
- Fix some modules missing from Windows installer
- •
- Don’t log an error for yum commands that return nonzero exit status on non-failure (issue 11645)
- •
- Fix bug in rabbitmq state (issue 8703)
- •
- Fix missing ssh config options (issue 10604)
- •
- Fix top.sls ordering (issue 10810 and issue 11691)
- •
- Fix salt-key --list all (issue 10982)
- •
- Fix win_servermanager install/remove function (issue 11038)
- •
- Fix interaction with tokens when running commands as root (issue 11223)
- •
- Fix overstate bug with find_job and **kwargs (issue 10503)
- •
- Fix saltenv for aptpkg.mod_repo from pkgrepo state
- •
- Fix environment issue causing file caching problems (issue 11189)
- •
- Fix bug in __parse_key in registry state (issue 11408)
- •
- Add minion auth retry on rejection (issue 10763)
- •
- Fix publish_session updating the encryption key (issue 11493)
- •
- Fix for bad AssertionError raised by GitPython (issue 11473)
- •
- Fix debian_ip to allow disabling and enabling networking on Ubuntu (issue 11164)
- •
- Fix potential memory leak caused by saved (and unused) events (issue 11582)
- •
- Fix exception handling in the MySQL module (issue 11616)
- •
- Fix environment-related error (issue 11534)
- •
- Include psutil on Windows
- •
- Add file.replace and to Windows (issue 11471)
- •
- Add additional file module helpers to Windows (issue 11235)
- •
- Add pid to netstat output on Windows (issue 10782)
- •
- Fix Windows not caching new versions of installers in winrepo (issue 10597)
- •
- Fix hardcoded md5 hashing
- •
- Fix kwargs in salt-ssh (issue 11609)
- •
- Fix file backup timestamps (issue 11745)
- •
- Fix stacktrace on sys.doc with invalid eauth (issue 11293)
- •
- Fix git.latest with test=True (issue 11595)
- •
- Fix file.check_perms hardcoded follow_symlinks (issue 11387)
- •
- Fix certain pkg states for RHEL5/Cent5 machines (issue 11719)
Salt 2014.1.3 Release Notes
- release
Version 2014.1.3 is another bugfix release for 2014.1.0. It was created as a hotfix for a regression found in 2014.1.2, which was not distributed. The only change made was as follows:
- •
Fix regression that caused saltutil.find_job to fail, causing premature
terminations of salt CLI commands.
Changes in the not-distributed 2014.1.2, also included in 2014.1.3:
- •
- Fix username detection when su'ed to root on FreeBSD (issue 11628)
- •
- Fix minionfs backend for file.recurse states
- •
- Fix 32-bit packages of different arches than the CPU arch, on 32-bit RHEL/CentOS (issue 11822)
- •
- Fix bug with specifying alternate home dir on user creation (FreeBSD) (issue 11790)
- •
- Don’t reload site module on module refresh for MacOS
- •
- Fix regression with running execution functions in Pillar SLS (issue 11453)
- •
- Fix some modules missing from Windows installer
- •
- Don’t log an error for yum commands that return nonzero exit status on non-failure (issue 11645)
- •
- Fix bug in rabbitmq state (issue 8703)
- •
- Fix missing ssh config options (issue 10604)
- •
- Fix top.sls ordering (issue 10810 and issue 11691)
- •
- Fix salt-key --list all (issue 10982)
- •
- Fix win_servermanager install/remove function (issue 11038)
- •
- Fix interaction with tokens when running commands as root (issue 11223)
- •
- Fix overstate bug with find_job and **kwargs (issue 10503)
- •
- Fix saltenv for aptpkg.mod_repo from pkgrepo state
- •
- Fix environment issue causing file caching problems (issue 11189)
- •
- Fix bug in __parse_key in registry state (issue 11408)
- •
- Add minion auth retry on rejection (issue 10763)
- •
- Fix publish_session updating the encryption key (issue 11493)
- •
- Fix for bad AssertionError raised by GitPython (issue 11473)
- •
- Fix debian_ip to allow disabling and enabling networking on Ubuntu (issue 11164)
- •
- Fix potential memory leak caused by saved (and unused) events (issue 11582)
- •
- Fix exception handling in the MySQL module (issue 11616)
- •
- Fix environment-related error (issue 11534)
- •
- Include psutil on Windows
- •
- Add file.replace and to Windows (issue 11471)
- •
- Add additional file module helpers to Windows (issue 11235)
- •
- Add pid to netstat output on Windows (issue 10782)
- •
- Fix Windows not caching new versions of installers in winrepo (issue 10597)
- •
- Fix hardcoded md5 hashing
- •
- Fix kwargs in salt-ssh (issue 11609)
- •
- Fix file backup timestamps (issue 11745)
- •
- Fix stacktrace on sys.doc with invalid eauth (issue 11293)
- •
- Fix git.latest with test=True (issue 11595)
- •
- Fix file.check_perms hardcoded follow_symlinks (issue 11387)
- •
- Fix certain pkg states for RHEL5/Cent5 machines (issue 11719)
Salt 2014.1.4 Release Notes
- release
Version 2014.1.4 is another bugfix release for 2014.1.0. Changes include:
- •
- Fix dependency issue (issue 12031)
- •
- Fix handling for IOErrors under certain circumstances (issue 11783 and issue 11853)
- •
- Fix fatal exception when /proc/1/cgroup is not readable (issue 11619)
- •
- Fix os grains for OpenSolaris (issue 11907)
- •
- Fix module argument pass-through (issue 9001)
- •
- Fix bug in debian_ip interaction with network.system state (issue 11164)
- •
- Remove bad binary package verification code (issue 12177)
- •
- Fix traceback in solaris package installation (issue 12237)
- •
- Fix state symlink handling (issue 12209)
- •
- Remove external_ip grain
- •
- Fix file.managed makedirs issues (issue 10446)
- •
- Fix hang on non-existent Windows drive letter for file module (issue 9880)
- •
- Fix salt minion caching all users on the server (issue 9743)
- •
- Add strftime formatting for ps.boot_time (issue 12428)
Salt 2014.1.5 Release Notes
- release
Version 2014.1.5 is another bugfix release for 2014.1.0. Changes include:
- •
- Add function for finding cached job on the minion
- •
- Fix iptables save file location for Debian (issue 11730)
- •
- Fix for minion caching jobs when master is down
- •
- Bump default syndic_wait to 5 to fix syndic-related problems (issue 12262)
- •
- Add OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and NetBSD support for network.netstat (issue 12121)
- •
- Fix false positive error in logs for makeconf state (issue 9762)
- •
- Fix for yum fromrepo package installs when repo is disabled by default (issue 12466)
- •
- Fix for extra blank lines in file.blockreplace (issue 12422)
- •
- Fix grain detection for OpenVZ guests (issue 11877)
- •
- Fix get_dns_servers function for Windows win_dns_client
- •
- Use system locale for ports package installations
- •
- Use correct stop/restart procedure for Debian networking in debian_ip (issue 12614)
- •
- Fix for cmd_iter/cmd_iter_no_block blocking issues (issue 12617)
- •
- Fix traceback when syncing custom types (issue 12883)
- •
- Fix cleaning directory symlinks in
- •
- Add performance optimizations for saltutil.sync_all and state.highstate
- •
- Fix possible error in saltutil.running
- •
- Fix for kmod modules with dashes (issue 13239)
- •
- Fix possible race condition for Windows minions in state module reloading (issue 12370)
- •
- Fix bug with roster for passwd option that is loaded as a non-string object (issue 13249)
- •
- Keep duplicate version numbers from showing up in pkg.list_pkgs output
- •
- Fixes for Jinja renderer, timezone module/state (issue 12724)
- •
- Fix timedatectl parsing for systemd>=210 (issue 12728)
- •
- Fix saltenv being written to YUM repo config files (issue 12887)
- •
- Removed the deprecated external nodes classifier (originally accessible by setting a value for external_nodes in the master configuration file). Note that this functionality has been marked deprecated for some time and was replaced by the more general master tops system.
- •
- More robust escaping of ldap filter strings.
- •
- Fix trailing slash in gitfs_root causing files not to be available (issue 13185)
Salt 2014.1.6 Release Notes
- release
Version 2014.1.6 is another bugfix release for 2014.1.0. Changes include:
- •
- Fix extra iptables --help output (Sorry!) (issue 13648, issue 13507, issue 13527, issue 13607)
- •
- Fix for Solaris
- •
- Fix support for allow-hotplug statement in debian_ip network module
- •
- Add sqlite3 to esky builds
- •
- Fix output (issue 9526)
- •
- Fix the virtual grain for Xen (issue 13534)
- •
- Fix eauth for batch mode (issue 9605)
- •
- Fix force-related issues with tomcat support (issue 12889)
- •
- Fix KeyError when cloud mapping
- •
- Fix salt-minion restart loop in Windows (issue 12086)
- •
- Fix detection of service virtual module on Fedora minions
- •
- Fix traceback with missing ipv4 grain (issue 13838)
- •
- Fix issue in roots backend with invalid data in mtime_map (issue 13836)
- •
- Fix traceback in (issue 11151)
- •
- Fix master_tops and _ext_nodes issue (issue 13535, issue 13673)
Salt 2014.1.7 Release Notes
- release
Version 2014.1.7 is another bugfix release for 2014.1.0. Changes include:
- •
Fix batch mode regression (issue 14046)
This release was a hotfix release for the regression listed above which was present in the 2014.1.6 release. The changes included in 2014.1.6 are listed below:
- •
- Fix extra iptables --help output (Sorry!) (issue 13648, issue 13507, issue 13527, issue 13607)
- •
- Fix for Solaris
- •
- Fix support for allow-hotplug statement in debian_ip network module
- •
- Add sqlite3 to esky builds
- •
- Fix output (issue 9526)
- •
- Fix the virtual grain for Xen (issue 13534)
- •
- Fix eauth for batch mode (issue 9605)
- •
- Fix force-related issues with tomcat support (issue 12889)
- •
- Fix KeyError when cloud mapping
- •
- Fix salt-minion restart loop in Windows (issue 12086)
- •
- Fix detection of service virtual module on Fedora minions
- •
- Fix traceback with missing ipv4 grain (issue 13838)
- •
- Fix issue in roots backend with invalid data in mtime_map (issue 13836)
- •
- Fix traceback in (issue 11151)
- •
- Fix master_tops and _ext_nodes issue (issue 13535, issue 13673)
Salt 2014.1.8 Release Notes
- release
NOTE: This release contained a regression which caused inaccurate Salt version detection, and thus was never packaged for general release. Please use version 2014.1.10 instead.
Version 2014.1.8 is another bugfix release for 2014.1.0. Changes include:
- •
- Ensure salt-ssh will not continue if permissions on a temporary directory are not correct.
- •
- Use the bootstrap script distributed with Salt instead of relying on an external resource
- •
- Remove unused testing code
- •
- Ensure salt states are placed into the .salt directory in salt-ssh
- •
- Use a randomized path for temporary files in a salt-cloud deployment
- •
- Clean any stale directories to ensure a fresh copy of salt-ssh during a deployment
Salt 2014.1.9 Release Notes
- release
NOTE: This release contained a regression which caused inaccurate Salt version detection, and thus was never packaged for general release. Please use version 2014.1.10 instead.
NOTE: Version 2014.1.8 contained a regression which caused inaccurate Salt version detection, and thus was never packaged for general release. This version contains the version detection fix, but is otherwise identical to 2014.1.8.
Version 2014.1.9 is another bugfix release for 2014.1.0. Changes include:
- •
- Ensure salt-ssh will not continue if permissions on a temporary directory are not correct.
- •
- Use the bootstrap script distributed with Salt instead of relying on an external resource
- •
- Remove unused testing code
- •
- Ensure salt states are placed into the .salt directory in salt-ssh
- •
- Use a randomized path for temporary files in a salt-cloud deployment
- •
- Clean any stale directories to ensure a fresh copy of salt-ssh during a deployment
Salt 0.10.0 Release Notes
- release
0.10.0 has arrived! This release comes with MANY bug fixes, and new capabilities which greatly enhance performance and reliability. This release is primarily a bug fix release with many new tests and many repaired bugs. This release also introduces a few new key features which were brought in primarily to repair bugs and some limitations found in some of the components of the original architecture.
Major Features
Event System
The Salt Master now comes equipped with a new event system. This event system
has replaced some of the back end of the Salt client and offers the beginning of
a system which will make plugging external applications into Salt. The event
system relies on a local ZeroMQ publish socket and other processes can connect
to this socket and listen for events. The new events can be easily managed via
Salt's event library.
Unprivileged User Updates
Some enhancements have been added to Salt for running as a user other than
root. These new additions should make switching the user that the Salt Master
is running as very painless, simply change the user option in the master
configuration and restart the master, Salt will take care of all of the
particulars for you.
Peer Runner Execution
Salt has long had the peer communication system used to allow minions to send
commands via the salt master. 0.10.0 adds a new capability here, now the
master can be configured to allow for minions to execute Salt runners via
the peer_run option in the salt master configuration.
YAML Parsing Updates
In the past the YAML parser for sls files would return the incorrect numbers
when the file mode was set with a preceding 0. The YAML parser used in Salt
has been modified to no longer convert these number into octal but to keep
them as the correct value so that sls files can be a little cleaner to write.
State Call Data Files
It was requested that the minion keep a local cache of the most recent executed
state run. This has been added and now with state runs the data is stored in a
msgpack file in the minion's cachedir.
Turning Off the Job Cache
A new option has been added to the master configuration file. In previous releases the Salt client would look over the Salt job cache to read in the minion return data. With the addition of the event system the Salt client can now watch for events directly from the master worker processes.
This means that the job cache is no longer a hard requirement. Keep in mind
though, that turning off the job cache means that historic job execution data
cannot be retrieved.
Test Updates
Minion Swarms Are Faster
To continue our efforts with testing Salt's ability to scale the minionswarm script has been updated. The minionswarm can now start up minions much faster than it could before and comes with a new feature allowing modules to be disabled, thus lowering the minion's footprint when making a swarm. These new updates have allows us to test
# python -m 20 --master salt-master
Many Fixes
To get a good idea for the number of bugfixes this release offers take a look at the closed tickets for 0.10.0, this is a very substantial update:
Master and Minion Stability Fixes
As Salt deployments grow new ways to break Salt are discovered. 0.10.0 comes
with a number of fixes for the minions and master greatly improving Salt
Salt 0.10.1 Release Notes
- release
- 2012-06-19
Salt 0.10.2 Release Notes
- release
0.10.2 is out! This release comes with enhancements to the pillar interface, cleaner ways to access the salt-call capabilities in the API, minion data caching and the event system has been added to salt minions.
There have also been updates to the ZeroMQ functions, many more tests (thanks to sponsors, the code sprint and many contributors) and a swath of bug fixes.
Major Features
Ext Pillar Modules
The ranks of available Salt modules directories sees a new member in 0.10.2.
With the popularity of pillar a higher demand has arisen for ext_pillar
interfaces to be more like regular Salt module additions. Now ext_pillar
interfaces can be added in the same way as other modules, just drop it into
the pillar directory in the salt source.
Minion Events
In 0.10.0 an event system was added to the Salt master. 0.10.2 adds the event system to the minions as well. Now event can be published on a local minion as well.
The minions can also send events back up to the master. This means that Salt is
able to communicate individual events from the minions back up to the Master
which are not associated with command.
Minion Data Caching
When pillar was introduced the landscape for available data was greatly enhanced. The minion's began sending grain data back to the master on a regular basis.
The new config option on the master called minion_data_cache instructs the
Salt master to maintain a cache of the minion's grains and pillar data in the
cachedir. This option is turned off by default to avoid hitting the disk more,
but when enabled the cache is used to make grain matching from the salt command
more powerful, since the minions that will match can be predetermined.
Backup Files
By default all files replaced by the file.managed and file.recurse states we simply deleted. 0.10.2 adds a new option. By setting the backup option to minion the files are backed up before they are replaced.
The backed up files are located in the cachedir under the file_backup
directory. On a default system this will be at:
Configuration files
salt-master and salt-minion automatically load additional configuration
files from master.d/*.conf respective minion.d/*.conf where
master.d/minion.d is a directory in the same directory as the main
configuration file.
Salt Key Verification
A number of users complained that they had inadvertently deleted the wrong salt
authentication keys. 0.10.2 now displays what keys are going to be deleted
and verifies that they are the keys that are intended for deletion.
Key auto-signing
If autosign_file is specified in the configuration file incoming keys will be compared to the list of keynames in autosign_file. Regular expressions as well as globbing is supported.
The file must only be writable by the user otherwise the file will be
ignored. To relax the permission and allow group write access set the
permissive_pki_access option.
Module changes
Improved OpenBSD support
New modules for managing services and packages were provided by Joshua Elsasser to further improve the support for OpenBSD.
Existing modules like the disk module were also improved to support
SQL Modules
The MySQL and PostgreSQL modules have both received a number of additions thanks
to the work of Avi Marcus and Roman Imankulov.
ZFS Support on FreeBSD
A new ZFS module has been added by Kurtis Velarde for FreeBSD supporting
various ZFS operations like creating, extending or removing zpools.
A new Augeas module by Ulrich Dangel for editing and verifying config files.
Native Debian Service module
The support for the Debian was further improved with an new service module
for Debian by Ahmad Khayyat supporting disable and enable.
Cassandra support has been added by Adam Garside. Currently only
status and diagnostic information are supported.
The networking support for RHEL has been improved and supports bonding
support as well as zeroconf configuration.
Basic monit support by Kurtis Velarde to control services via monit.
Basic support for controlling nzbget by Joseph Hall
Baisc bluez support for managing and controlling Bluetooth devices.
Supports scanning as well as pairing/unpairing by Joseph Hall.
Test Updates
Consistency Testing
Another testing script has been added. A bug was found in pillar when many
minions generated pillar data at the same time. The new script
is the tests directory was created to reproduce bugs where data should always
be consistent.
Many Fixes
To get a good idea for the number of bugfixes this release offers take a look at the closed tickets for 0.10.2, this is a very substantial update:
Master and Minion Stability Fixes
As Salt deployments grow new ways to break Salt are discovered. 0.10.2 comes
with a number of fixes for the minions and master greatly improving Salt
Salt 0.10.3 Release Notes
- release
The latest taste of Salt has come, this release has many fixes and feature additions. Modifications have been made to make ZeroMQ connections more reliable, the beginning of the ACL system is in place, a new command line parsing system has been added, dynamic module distribution has become more environment aware, the new master_finger option and many more!
Major Features
ACL System
The new ACL system has been introduced. The ACL system allows for system users other than root to execute salt commands. Users can be allowed to execute specific commands in the same way that minions are opened up to the peer system.
The configuration value to open up the ACL system is called client_acl and is configured like so:
client_acl: fred: - test..* - pkg.list_pkgs
Where fred is allowed access to functions in the test module and to the
pkg.list_pkgs function.
Master Finger Option
The master_finger option has been added to improve the security of minion
provisioning. The master_finger option allows for the fingerprint of the
master public key to be set in the configuration file to double verify that the
master is valid. This option was added in response to a motivation to
pre-authenticate the master when provisioning new minions to help prevent
man in the middle attacks in some situations.
Salt Key Fingerprint Generation
The ability to generate fingerprints of keys used by Salt has been added to salt-key. The new option finger accepts the name of the key to generate and display a fingerprint for.
salt-key -F master
Will display the fingerprints for the master public and private keys.
Parsing System
Pedro Algavio, aka s0undt3ch, has added a substantial update to the command
line parsing system that makes the help message output much cleaner and easier
to search through. Salt parsers now have --versions-report besides usual
--version info which you can provide when reporting any issues found.
Key Generation
We have reduced the requirements needed for salt-key to generate minion keys.
You're no longer required to have salt configured and it's common directories
created just to generate keys. This might prove useful if you're batch creating
keys to pre-load on minions.
Startup States
A few configuration options have been added which allow for states to be run
when the minion daemon starts. This can be a great advantage when deploying
with Salt because the minion can apply states right when it first runs. To
use startup states set the startup_states configuration option on the
minion to highstate.
New Exclude Declaration
Some users have asked about adding the ability to ensure that other sls files or ids are excluded from a state run. The exclude statement will delete all of the data loaded from the specified sls file or will delete the specified id:
exclude: - sls: http - id: /etc/vimrc
Max Open Files
While we're currently unable to properly handle ZeroMQ's abort signals when the
max open files is reached, due to the way that's handled on ZeroMQ's, we have
minimized the chances of this happening without at least warning the user.
More State Output Options
Some major changes have been made to the state output system. In the past state return data was printed in a very verbose fashion and only states that failed or made changes were printed by default. Now two options can be passed to the master and minion configuration files to change the behavior of the state output. State output can be set to verbose (default) or non-verbose with the state_verbose option:
state_verbose: False
It is noteworthy that the state_verbose option used to be set to False by default but has been changed to True by default in 0.10.3 due to many requests for the change.
Te next option to be aware of new and called state_output. This option allows for the state output to be set to full (default) or terse.
The full output is the standard state output, but the new terse output will print only one line per state making the output much easier to follow when executing a large state system.
state_output: terse
state.file.append Improvements
The salt state file.append() tries not to append existing text. Previously the matching check was being made line by line. While this kind of check might be enough for most cases, if the text being appended was multi-line, the check would not work properly. This issue is now properly handled, the match is done as a whole ignoring any white space addition or removal except inside commas. For those thinking that, in order to properly match over multiple lines, salt will load the whole file into memory, that's not true. For most cases this is not important but an erroneous order to read a 4GB file, if not properly handled, like salt does, could make salt chew that amount of memory. Salt has a buffered file reader which will keep in memory a maximum of 256KB and iterates over the file in chunks of 32KB to test for the match, more than enough, if not, explain your usage on a ticket. With this change, also salt.modules.file.contains(), salt.modules.file.contains_regex(), salt.modules.file.contains_glob() and salt.utils.find now do the searching and/or matching using the buffered chunks approach explained above.
Two new keyword arguments were also added, makedirs, and source. The first, makedirs will create the necessary directories in order to append to the specified file, of course, it only applies if we're trying to append to a non-existing file on a non-existing directory:
/tmp/salttest/file-append-makedirs: file.append: text: foo makedirs: True
The second, source, allows one to append the contents of a file instead of specifying the text.
/tmp/salttest/file-append-source: file.append: - source: salt://testfile
Security Fix
A timing vulnerability was uncovered in the code which decrypts the AES
messages sent over the network. This has been fixed and upgrading is
strongly recommended.
Salt 0.10.4 Release Notes
- release
Salt 0.10.4 is a monumental release for the Salt team, with two new module systems, many additions to allow granular access to Salt, improved platform support and much more.
This release is also exciting because we have been able to shorten the release cycle back to under a month. We are working hard to keep up the aggressive pace and look forward to having releases happen more frequently!
This release also includes a serious security fix and all users are very strongly recommended to upgrade. As usual, upgrade the master first, and then the minion to ensure that the process is smooth.
Major Features
External Authentication System
The new external authentication system allows for Salt to pass through authentication to any authentication system to determine if a user has permission to execute a Salt command. The Unix PAM system is the first supported system with more to come!
The external authentication system allows for specific users to be granted access to execute specific functions on specific minions. Access is configured in the master configuration file, and uses the new access control system:
external_auth: pam: thatch: - 'web*': - test.* - network.*
The configuration above allows the user thatch to execute functions in the
test and network modules on minions that match the web* target.
Access Control System
All Salt systems can now be configured to grant access to non-administrative users in a granular way. The old configuration continues to work. Specific functions can be opened up to specific minions from specific users in the case of external auth and client ACLs, and for specific minions in the case of the peer system.
Access controls are configured like this:
client_acl: fred: - web\*: - pkg.list_pkgs - test.* - apache.*
Target by Network
A new matcher has been added to the system which allows for minions to be targeted by network. This new matcher can be called with the -S flag on the command line and is available in all places that the matcher system is available. Using it is simple:
$ salt -S '' $ salt -S ''
Nodegroup Nesting
Previously a nodegroup was limited by not being able to include another
nodegroup, this restraint has been lifted and now nodegroups will be expanded
within other nodegroups with the N@ classifier.
Salt Key Delete by Glob
The ability to delete minion keys by glob has been added to salt-key. To delete all minion keys whose minion name starts with 'web':
$ salt-key -d 'web*'
Master Tops System
The external_nodes system has been upgraded to allow for modular subsystems to be used to generate the top file data for a highstate run.
The external_nodes option still works but will be deprecated in the future in favor of the new master_tops option.
Example of using master_tops:
master_tops: ext_nodes: cobbler-external-nodes
Next Level Solaris Support
A lot of work has been put into improved Solaris support by Romeo Theriault.
Packaging modules (pkgadd/pkgrm and pkgutil) and states, cron support and user
and group management have all been added and improved upon. These additions
along with SMF (Service Management Facility) service support and improved
Solaris grain detection in 0.10.3 add up to Salt becoming a great tool
to manage Solaris servers with.
A vulnerability in the security handshake was found and has been repaired, old
minions should be able to connect to a new master, so as usual, the master
should be updated first and then the minions.
Pillar Updates
The pillar communication has been updated to add some extra levels of
verification so that the intended minion is the only one allowed to gather the
data. Once all minions and the master are updated to salt 0.10.4 please
activate pillar 2 by changing the pillar_version in the master config to
2. This will be set to 2 by default in a future release.
Salt 0.10.5 Release Notes
- release
Salt 0.10.5 is ready, and comes with some great new features. A few more interfaces have been modularized, like the outputter system. The job cache system has been made more powerful and can now store and retrieve jobs archived in external databases. The returner system has been extended to allow minions to easily retrieve data from a returner interface.
As usual, this is an exciting release, with many noteworthy additions!
Major Features
External Job Cache
The external job cache is a system which allows for a returner interface to also act as a job cache. This system is intended to allow users to store job information in a central location for longer periods of time and to make the act of looking up information from jobs executed on other minions easier.
Currently the external job cache is supported via the mongo and redis returners:
ext_job_cache: redis salt
Once the external job cache is turned on the new ret module can be used on
the minions to retrieve return information from the job cache. This can be a
great way for minions to respond and react to other minions.
OpenStack Additions
OpenStack integration with Salt has been moving forward at a blistering pace. The new nova, glance, and keystone modules represent the beginning of ongoing OpenStack integration.
The Salt team has had many conversations with core OpenStack developers and
is working on linking to OpenStack in powerful new ways.
Wheel System
A new API was added to the Salt Master which allows the master to be managed via an external API. This new system allows Salt API to easily hook into the Salt Master and manage configs, modify the state tree, manage the pillar and more. The main motivation for the wheel system is to enable features needed in the upcoming web UI so users can manage the master just as easily as they manage minions.
The wheel system has also been hooked into the external auth system. This
allows specific users to have granular access to manage components of the
Salt Master.
Render Pipes
Jack Kuan has added a substantial new feature. The render pipes system allows Salt to treat the render system like unix pipes. This new system enables sls files to be passed through specific render engines. While the default renderer is still recommended, different engines can now be more easily merged. So to pipe the output of Mako used in YAML use this shebang line:
Salt Key Overhaul
The Salt Key system was originally developed as only a CLI interface, but as
time went on it was pressed into becoming a clumsy API. This release marks a
complete overhaul of Salt Key. Salt Key has been rewritten to function purely
from an API and to use the outputter system. The benefit here is that the
outputter system works much more cleanly with Salt Key now, and the internals
of Salt Key can be used much more cleanly.
Modular Outputters
The outputter system is now loaded in a modular way. This means that output
systems can be more easily added by dropping a python file down on the master
that contains the function output.
Gzip from Fileserver
Gzip compression has been added as an option to the cp.get_file and cp.get_dir
commands. This will make file transfers more efficient and faster, especially
over slower network links.
Unified Module Configuration
In past releases of Salt, the minions needed to be configured for certain modules to function. This was difficult because it required pre-configuring the minions. 0.10.5 changes this by making all module configs on minions search the master config file for values.
Now if a single database server is needed, then it can be defined in the master
config and all minions will become aware of the configuration value.
Salt Call Enhancements
The salt-call command has been updated in a few ways. Now, salt-call
can take the --return option to send the data to a returner. Also,
salt-call now reports executions in the minion proc system, this allows the
master to be aware of the operation salt-call is running.
Death to pub_refresh and sub_timeout
The old configuration values pub_refresh and sub_timeout have been removed.
These options were in place to alleviate problems found in earlier versions of
ZeroMQ which have since been fixed. The continued use of these options has
proven to cause problems with message passing and have been completely removed.
Git Revision Versions
When running Salt directly from git (for testing or development, of course) it has been difficult to know exactly what code is being executed. The new versioning system will detect the git revision when building and how many commits have been made since the last release. A release from git will look like this:
Svn Module Addition
Anthony Cornehl (twinshadow) contributed a module that adds Subversion support
to Salt. This great addition helps round out Salt's VCS support.
Noteworthy Changes
Arch Linux Defaults to Systemd
Arch Linux recently changed to use systemd by default and discontinued support
for init scripts. Salt has followed suit and defaults to systemd now for
managing services in Arch.
Salt, Salt Cloud and Openstack
With the releases of Salt 0.10.5 and Salt Cloud 0.8.2, OpenStack becomes the
first (non-OS) piece of software to include support both on the user level
(with Salt Cloud) and the admin level (with Salt). We are excited to continue
to extend support of other platforms at this level.
Salt 0.11.0 Release Notes
- release
Salt 0.11.0 is here, with some highly sought after and exciting features. These features include the new overstate system, the reactor system, a new state run scope component called __context__, the beginning of the search system (still needs a great deal of work), multiple package states, the MySQL returner and a better system to arbitrarily reference outputters.
It is also noteworthy that we are changing how we mark release numbers. For the life of the project we have been pushing every release with features and fixes as point releases. We will now be releasing point releases for only bug fixes on a more regular basis and major feature releases on a slightly less regular basis. This means that the next release will be a bugfix only release with a version number of 0.11.1. The next feature release will be named 0.12.0 and will mark the end of life for the 0.11 series.
Major Features
The overstate system is a simple way to manage rolling state executions across
many minions. The overstate allows for a state to depend on the successful
completion of another state.
Reactor System
The new reactor system allows for a reactive logic engine to be created which can respond to events within a salted environment. The reactor system uses sls files to match events fired on the master with actions, enabling Salt to react to problems in an infrastructure.
Your load-balanced group of webservers is under extra load? Spin up a new VM
and add it to the group. Your fileserver is filling up? Send a notification to
your sysadmin on call. The possibilities are endless!
Module Context
A new component has been added to the module loader system. The module context is a data structure that can hold objects for a given scope within the module.
This allows for components that are initialized to be stored in a persistent
context which can greatly speed up ongoing connections. Right now the best
example can be found in the cp execution module.
Multiple Package Management
A long desired feature has been added to package management. By definition Salt States have always installed packages one at a time. On most platforms this is not the fastest way to install packages. Erik Johnson, aka terminalmage, has modified the package modules for many providers and added new capabilities to install groups of packages. These package groups can be defined as a list of packages available in repository servers:
python_pkgs: pkg.installed: - pkgs: - python-mako - whoosh - python-git
or specify based on the location of specific packages:
python_pkgs: pkg.installed: - sources: - python-mako: - whoosh: salt://whoosh/whoosh.rpm - python-git:
Search System
The bones to the search system have been added. This is a very basic interface that allows for search backends to be added as search modules. The first supported search module is the whoosh search backend. Right now only the basic paths for the search system are in place, making this very experimental. Further development will involve improving the search routines and index routines for whoosh and other search backends.
The search system has been made to allow for searching through all of the state
and pillar files, configuration files and all return data from minion
Notable Changes
All previous versions of Salt have shared many directories between the master and minion. The default locations for keys, cached data and sockets has been shared by master and minion. This has created serious problems with running a master and a minion on the same systems. 0.11.0 changes the defaults to be separate directories. Salt will also attempt to migrate all of the old key data into the correct new directories, but if it is not successful it may need to be done manually. If your keys exhibit issues after updating make sure that they have been moved from /etc/salt/pki to /etc/salt/pki/{master,minion}.
The old setup will look like this:
/etc/salt/pki |-- master.pem |-- |-- minions | `-- |-- minions_pre |-- minion.pem |-- |-- |-- minions_pre `-- minions_rejected
With the accepted minion keys in /etc/salt/pki/minions, the new setup places the accepted minion keys in /etc/salt/pki/master/minions.
/etc/salt/pki |-- master | |-- master.pem | |-- | |-- minions | | `-- | |-- minions_pre | `-- minions_rejected |-- minion | |-- minion.pem | |-- | `--
Salt 0.11.1 Release Notes
- release
- 2012-12-19
Salt 0.12.0 Release Notes
- release
Another feature release of Salt is here! Some exciting additions are included with more ways to make salt modular and even easier management of the salt file server.
Major Features
Modular Fileserver Backend
The new modular fileserver backend allows for any external system to be used as
a salt file server. The main benefit here is that it is now possible to tell
the master to directly use a git remote location, or many git remote locations,
automatically mapping git branches and tags to salt environments.
Windows is First Class!
A new Salt Windows installer is now available! Much work has been put in to improve Windows support. With this much easier method of getting Salt on your Windows machines, we hope even more development and progress will occur. Please file bug reports on the Salt GitHub repo issue tracker so we can continue improving.
One thing that is missing on Windows that Salt uses extensively is a software package manager and a software package repository. The Salt pkg state allows sys admins to install software across their infrastructure and across operating systems. Software on Windows can now be managed in the same way. The SaltStack team built a package manager that interfaces with the standard Salt pkg module to allow for installing and removing software on Windows. In addition, a software package repository has been built on top of the Salt fileserver. A small YAML file provides the information necessary for the package manager to install and remove software.
An interesting feature of the new Salt Windows software package repository is
that one or more remote git repositories can supplement the master's local
repository. The repository can point to software on the master's fileserver or
on an HTTP, HTTPS, or ftp server.
New Default Outputter
Salt displays data to the terminal via the outputter system. For a long time the default outputter for Salt has been the python pretty print library. While this has been a generally reasonable outputter, it did have many failings. The new default outputter is called "nested", it recursively scans return data structures and prints them out cleanly.
If the result of the new nested outputter is not desired any other outputter
can be used via the --out option, or the output option can be set in the master
and minion configs to change the default outputter.
Internal Scheduler
The internal Salt scheduler is a new capability which allows for functions to be executed at given intervals on the minion, and for runners to be executed at given intervals on the master. The scheduler allows for sequences such as executing state runs (locally on the minion or remotely via an overstate) or continually gathering system data to be run at given intervals.
The configuration is simple, add the schedule option to the master or minion config and specify jobs to run, this in the master config will execute the state.over runner every 60 minutes:
schedule: overstate: function: state.over minutes: 60
This example for the minion configuration will execute a highstate every 30 minutes:
schedule: highstate: function: state.highstate minutes: 30
Optional DSL for SLS Formulas
Jack Kuan, our renderer expert, has created something that is astonishing.
Salt, now comes with an optional Python based DSL, this is a very powerful
interface that makes writing SLS files in pure python easier than it was
with the raw py renderer. As usual this can be used with the renderer shebang
line, so a single sls can be written with the DSL if pure python power is
needed while keeping other sls files simple with YAML.
Set Grains Remotely
A new execution function and state module have been added that allows for
grains to be set on the minion. Now grains can be set via a remote execution or
via states. Use the grains.present state or the grains.setval execution
Gentoo Additions
Major additions to Gentoo specific components have been made. The encompasses
executions modules and states ranging from supporting the make.conf file to
tools like layman.
Salt 0.12.1 Release Notes
- release
- 2013-01-21
Salt 0.13.0 Release Notes
- release
The lucky number 13 has turned the corner! From CLI notifications when quitting a salt command, to substantial improvements on Windows, Salt 0.13.0 has arrived!
Major Features
Improved file.recurse Performance
The file.recurse system has been deployed and used in a vast array of
situations. Fixes to the file state and module have led towards opening up
new ways of running file.recurse to make it faster. Now the file.recurse
state will download fewer files and will run substantially faster.
Windows Improvements
Minion stability on Windows has improved. Many file operations, including
file.recurse, have been fixed and improved. The network module works better, to
include network.interfaces. Both 32bit and 64bit installers are now available.
Nodegroup Targeting in Peer System
In the past, nodegroups were not available for targeting via the peer system.
This has been fixed, allowing the new nodegroup expr_form argument for the
publish.publish function:
salt-call publish.publish group1 expr_form=nodegroup
Blacklist Additions
Additions allowing more granular blacklisting are available in 0.13.0. The
ability to blacklist users and functions in client_acl have been added, as
well as the ability to exclude state formulas from the command line.
Command Line Pillar Embedding
Pillar data can now be embedded on the command line when calling state.sls and state.highstate. This allows for on the fly changes or settings to pillar and makes parameterizing state formulas even easier. This is done via the keyword argument:
salt '*' state.highstate pillar='{"cheese": "spam"}'
The above example will extend the existing pillar to hold the cheese key
with a value of spam. If the cheese key is already specified in the
minion's pillar then it will be overwritten.
CLI Notifications
In the past hitting ctrl-C and quitting from the salt command would just
drop to a shell prompt, this caused confusion with users who expected the
remote executions to also quit. Now a message is displayed showing what
command can be used to track the execution and what the job id is for the
Version Specification in Multiple-Package States
Versions can now be specified within multiple-package pkg.installed states. An example can be found below:
mypkgs: pkg.installed: - pkgs: - foo - bar: 1.2.3-4 - baz
Noteworthy Changes
The configuration subsystem in Salt has been overhauled to make the opts dict used by Salt applications more portable, the problem is that this is an incompatible change with salt-cloud, and salt-cloud will need to be updated to the latest git to work with Salt 0.13.0. Salt Cloud 0.8.5 will also require Salt 0.13.0 or later to function.
The SaltStack team is sorry for the inconvenience here, we work hard to make
sure these sorts of things do not happen, but sometimes hard changes get in.
Salt 0.13.1 Release Notes
- release
- 2013-02-15
Salt 0.13.2 Release Notes
- release
- 2013-03-13
Salt 0.13.3 Release Notes
- release
- 2013-03-18
Salt 0.14.0 Release Notes
- release
Salt 0.14.0 is here! This release was held up primarily by PyCon, Scale, and illness, but has arrived! 0.14.0 comes with many new features and is breaking ground for Salt in the area of cloud management with the introduction of Salt providing basic cloud controller functionality.
Major Features
Salt - As a Cloud Controller
This is the first primitive inroad to using Salt as a cloud controller is available in 0.14.0. Be advised that this is alpha, only tested in a few very small environments.
The cloud controller is built using kvm and libvirt for the hypervisors. Hypervisors are autodetected as minions and only need to have libvirt running and kvm installed to function. The features of the Salt cloud controller are as follows:
- •
- Basic vm discovery and reporting
- •
- Creation of new virtual machines
- •
- Seeding virtual machines with Salt via qemu-nbd or libguestfs
- •
- Live migration (shared and non shared storage)
- •
Delete existing VMs
It is noteworthy that this feature is still Alpha, meaning that all rights are reserved to change the interface if needs be in future releases!
Libvirt State
One of the problems with libvirt is management of certificates needed for live migration and cross communication between hypervisors. The new libvirt state makes the Salt Master hold a CA and manage the signing and distribution of keys onto hypervisors, just add a call to the libvirt state in the sls formulas used to set up a hypervisor:
libvirt_keys: libvirt.keys
New get Functions
An easier way to manage data has been introduced. The pillar, grains, and config execution modules have been extended with the new get function. This function works much in the same way as the get method in a python dict, but with an enhancement, nested dict components can be extracted using a : delimiter.
If a structure like this is in pillar:
foo: bar: baz: quo
Extracting it from the raw pillar in an sls formula or file template is done this way:
{{ pillar['foo']['bar']['baz'] }}
Now with the new get function the data can be safely gathered and a default can be set allowing the template to fall back if the value is not available:
{{ salt['pillar.get']('foo:bar:baz', 'qux') }}
This makes handling nested structures much easier, and defaults can be cleanly
set. This new function is being used extensively in the new formulae repository
of salt sls formulas.
Salt 0.14.1 Release Notes
- release
- 2013-04-13
Salt 0.15.0 Release Notes
- release
The many new features of Salt 0.15.0 have arrived! Salt 0.15.0 comes with many smaller features and a few larger ones.
These features range from better debugging tools to the new Salt Mine system.
Major Features
The Salt Mine
First there was the peer system, allowing for commands to be executed from a minion to other minions to gather data live. Then there was the external job cache for storing and accessing long term data. Now the middle ground is being filled in with the Salt Mine. The Salt Mine is a system used to execute functions on a regular basis on minions and then store only the most recent data from the functions on the master, then the data is looked up via targets.
The mine caches data that is public to all minions, so when a minion posts
data to the mine all other minions can see it.
IPV6 Support
0.13.0 saw the addition of initial IPV6 support but errors were encountered and
it needed to be stripped out. This time the code covers more cases and must be
explicitly enabled. But the support is much more extensive than before.
Copy Files From Minions to the Master
Minions have long been able to copy files down from the master file server, but until now files could not be easily copied from the minion up to the master.
A new function called cp.push can push files from the minions up to the
master server. The uploaded files are then cached on the master in the master
cachedir for each minion.
Better Template Debugging
Template errors have long been a burden when writing states and pillar. 0.15.0
will now send the compiled template data to the debug log, this makes tracking
down the intermittent stage templates much easier. So running state.sls or
state.highstate with -l debug will now print out the rendered templates in
the debug information.
State Event Firing
The state system is now more closely tied to the master's event bus. Now when
a state fails the failure will be fired on the master event bus so that the
reactor can respond to it.
Major Syndic Updates
The Syndic system has been basically re-written. Now it runs in a completely asynchronous way and functions primarily as an event broker. This means that the events fired on the syndic are now pushed up to the higher level master instead of the old method used which waited for the client libraries to return.
This makes the syndic much more accurate and powerful, it also means that
all events fired on the syndic master make it up the pipe as well making a
reactor on the higher level master able to react to minions further
Peer System Updates
The Peer System has been updated to run using the client libraries instead
of firing directly over the publish bus. This makes the peer system much more
consistent and reliable.
Minion Key Revocation
In the past when a minion was decommissioned the key needed to be manually deleted on the master, but now a function on the minion can be used to revoke the calling minion's key:
$ salt-call saltutil.revoke_auth
Function Return Codes
Functions can now be assigned numeric return codes to determine if the function
executed successfully. While not all functions have been given return codes,
many have and it is an ongoing effort to fill out all functions that might
return a non-zero return code.
Functions in Overstate
The overstate system was originally created to just manage the execution of
states, but with the addition of return codes to functions, requisite logic can
now be used with respect to the overstate. This means that an overstate stage
can now run single functions instead of just state executions.
Pillar Error Reporting
Previously if errors surfaced in pillar, then the pillar would consist of only
an empty dict. Now all data that was successfully rendered stays in pillar and
the render error is also made available. If errors are found in the pillar,
states will refuse to run.
Using Cached State Data
Sometimes states are executed purely to maintain a specific state rather than
to update states with new configs. This is grounds for the new cached state
system. By adding cache=True to a state call the state will not be generated
fresh from the master but the last state data to be generated will be used.
If no previous state data is available then fresh data will be generated.
Monitoring States
The new monitoring states system has been started. This is very young but
allows for states to be used to configure monitoring routines. So far only one
monitoring state is available, the disk.status state. As more capabilities
are added to Salt UI the monitoring capabilities of Salt will continue to be
Salt 0.15.1 Release Notes
- release
The 0.15.1 release has been posted, this release includes fixes to a number of bugs in 0.15.1 and a three security patches.
Security Updates
A number of security issues have been resolved via the 0.15.1 release.
Path Injection in Minion IDs
Salt masters did not properly validate the id of a connecting minion. This can lead to an attacker uploading files to the master in arbitrary locations. In particular this can be used to bypass the manual validation of new unknown minions. Exploiting this vulnerability does not require authentication.
This issue affects all known versions of Salt.
This issue was reported by Ronald Volgers.
The issue is fixed in Salt 0.15.1. Updated packages are available in the usual locations.
Specific commits:
RSA Key Generation Fault
RSA key generation was done incorrectly, leading to very insecure keys. It is recommended to regenerate all RSA keys.
This issue can be used to impersonate Salt masters or minions, or decrypt any transferred data.
This issue can only be exploited by attackers who are able to observe or modify traffic between Salt minions and the legitimate Salt master.
A tool was included in 0.15.1 to assist in mass key regeneration, the manage.regen_keys runner.
This issue affects all known versions of Salt.
This issue was reported by Ronald Volgers.
The issue is fixed in Salt 0.15.1. Updated packages are available in the usual locations.
Specific commits:
Command Injection Via ext_pillar
Arbitrary shell commands could be executed on the master by an authenticated minion through options passed when requesting a pillar.
Ext pillar options have been restricted to only allow safe external pillars to be called when prompted by the minion.
This issue affects Salt versions from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0.
This issue was reported by Ronald Volgers.
The issue is fixed in Salt 0.15.1. Updated packages are available in the usual locations.
Specific commits:
Salt 0.15.2 Release Notes
- release
- 2013-05-29
Salt 0.15.3 Release Notes
- release
- 2013-06-01
Salt 0.16.0 Release Notes
- release
The 0.16.0 release is an exciting one, with new features in master redundancy, and a new, powerful requisite.
Major Features
This new capability allows for a minion to be actively connected to multiple salt masters at the same time. This allows for multiple masters to send out commands to minions and for minions to automatically reconnect to masters that have gone down. A tutorial is available to help get started here:
Prereq, the New Requisite
The new prereq requisite is very powerful! It allows for states to execute
based on a state that is expected to make changes in the future. This allows
for a change on the system to be preempted by another execution. A good example
is needing to shut down a service before modifying files associated with it,
allowing, for instance, a webserver to be shut down allowing a load balancer to
stop sending requests while server side code is updated. In this case, the
prereq will only run if changes are expected to happen in the prerequired
state, and the prerequired state will always run after the prereq state and
only if the prereq state succeeds.
Peer System Improvements
The peer system has been revamped to make it more reliable, faster, and like
the rest of Salt, async. The peer calls when an updated minion and master are
used together will be much faster!
Relative Includes
The ability to include an sls relative to the defined sls has been added, the new syntax id documented here:
More State Output Options
The state_output option in the past only supported full and terse,
0.16.0 add the mixed and changes modes further refining how states are sent
to users' eyes.
Improved Windows Support
Support for Salt on Windows continues to improve. Software management on Windows has become more seamless with Linux/UNIX/BSD software management. Installed software is now recognized by the short names defined in the repository SLS. This makes it possible to run salt '*' pkg.version firefox and get back results from Windows and non-Windows minions alike.
When templating files on Windows, Salt will now correctly use Windows appropriate line endings. This makes it much easier to edit and consume files on Windows.
When using the cmd state the shell option now allows for specifying Windows Powershell as an alternate shell to execute and cmd.script. This opens up Salt to all the power of Windows Powershell and its advanced Windows management capabilities.
Several fixes and optimizations were added for the Windows networking modules, especially when working with IPv6.
A system module was added that makes it easy to restart and shutdown Windows minions.
The Salt Minion will now look for its config file in c:\salt\conf by
default. This means that it's no longer necessary to specify the -c option
to specify the location of the config file when starting the Salt Minion on
Windows in a terminal.
Muliple Targets for pkg.removed, pkg.purged States
Both pkg.removed and pkg.purged now support the pkgs argument, which allow for
multiple packages to be targeted in a single state. This, as in
pkg.installed, helps speed up these
states by reducing the number of times that the package management tools (apt,
yum, etc.) need to be run.
Random Times in Cron States
The temporal parameters in cron.present states (minute, hour, etc.) can now be randomized by using random instead of a specific value. For example, by using the random keyword in the minute parameter of a cron state, the same cron job can be pushed to hundreds or thousands of hosts, and they would each use a randomly-generated minute. This can be helpful when the cron job accesses a network resource, and it is not desirable for all hosts to run the job concurrently.
/path/to/cron/script: cron.present: - user: root - minute: random - hour: 2
Since Salt assumes a value of * for unspecified temporal parameters, adding
a parameter to the state and setting it to random will change that value
from * to a randomized numeric value. However, if that field in the cron
entry on the minion already contains a numeric value, then using the random
keyword will not modify it.
Confirmation Prompt on Key Acceptance
When accepting new keys with salt-key -a minion-id or salt-key -A,
there is now a prompt that will show the affected keys and ask for confirmation
before proceeding. This prompt can be bypassed using the -y or --yes
command line argument, as with other salt-key commands.
Support for Setting Password Hashes on BSD Minions
FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD all now support setting passwords in
user.present states.
Salt 0.16.1 Release Notes
- release
- 2013-07-29
Salt 0.16.2 Release Notes
- release
Version 0.16.2 is a bugfix release for 0.16.0, and contains a number of fixes.
- •
- Only allow Administrator's group and SYSTEM user access to C:\salt. This eliminates a race condition where a non-admin user could modify a template or managed file before it is executed by the minion (which is running as an elevated user), thus avoiding a potential escalation of privileges. (issue 6361)
- •
- Fixed detection of virtual grain on OpenVZ hardware nodes
- •
- Gracefully handle lsb_release data when it is enclosed in quotes
- •
- LSB grains are now prefixed with lsb_distrib_ instead of simply lsb_. The old naming is not preserved, so SLS may be affected.
- •
- Improved grains detection on MacOS
- •
- Don't try to load git_pillar if not enabled in master config (issue 6052)
- •
- Functions pillar.item and pillar.items added for parity with grains.item/grains.items. The old function is preserved for backwards compatibility.
- •
- Fixed minion traceback when Pillar SLS is malformed (issue 5910)
Peer Publishing
- •
- More gracefully handle improperly quoted publish commands (issue 5958)
- •
- Fixed traceback when timeout specified via the CLI fo publish.publish, publish.full_data (issue 5959)
- •
- Fixed unintended change in output of publish.publish (issue 5928)
- •
- Fixed salt-key usage in minionswarm script
- •
- Quieted warning about SALT_MINION_CONFIG environment variable on minion startup and for CLI commands run via salt-call (issue 5956)
- •
- Added minion config parameter random_reauth_delay to stagger re-auth attempts when the minion is waiting for the master to approve its public key. This helps prevent SYN flooding in larger environments.
User/Group Management
- •
- Implement previously-ignored unique option for user.present states in FreeBSD
- •
- Report in state output when a group.present state attempts to use a gid in use by another group
- •
- Fixed regression that prevents a user.present state to set the password hash to the system default (i.e. an unset password)
- •
- Fixed multiple group.present states with the same group (issue 6439)
File Management
- •
- Fixed file.mkdir setting incorrect permissions (issue 6033)
- •
- Fixed cleanup of source files for templates when /tmp is in file_roots (issue 6118)
- •
- Fixed caching of zero-byte files when a non-empty file was previously cached at the same path
- •
- Added HTTP authentication support to the cp module (issue 5641)
- •
- Diffs are now suppressed when binary files are changed
Package/Repository Management
- •
- Fixed traceback when there is only one target for pkg.latest states
- •
- Fixed regression in detection of virtual packages (apt)
- •
- Limit number of pkg database refreshes to once per state.sls/state.highstate
- •
- YUM: Allow 32-bit packages with arches other than i686 to be managed on 64-bit systems (issue 6299)
- •
- Fixed incorrect reporting in pkgrepo.managed states (issue 5517)
- •
- Fixed 32-bit binary package installs on 64-bit RHEL-based distros, and added proper support for 32-bit packages on 64-bit Debian-based distros (issue 6303)
- •
- Fixed issue where requisites were inadvertently being put into YUM repo files (issue 6471)
Service Management
- •
- Fixed inaccurate reporting of results in service.running states when the service fails to start (issue 5894)
- •
- Fixed handling of custom initscripts in RHEL-based distros so that they are immediately available, negating the need for a second state run to manage the service that the initscript controls
- •
- Function network.hwaddr renamed to network.hw_addr to match network.ip_addrs and network.ip_addrs6. All three functions also now work without the underscore in the name, as well.
- •
- Fixed traceback in when interface is not present (issue 6326)
- •
- Fixed incorrect result reporting for some ssh_known_hosts.present states
- •
- Fixed inaccurate reporting when ssh_auth.present states are run with test=True, when rsa/dss is used for the enc param instead of ssh-rsa/ssh-dss (issue 5374)
- •
- Properly handle -f lines in pip freeze output
- •
- Fixed regression in pip.installed states with specifying a requirements file (issue 6003)
- •
- Fixed use of editable argument in pip.installed states (issue 6025)
- •
- Deprecated runas parameter in execution function calls, in favor of user
- •
- Allow specification of MySQL connection arguments via the CLI, overriding/bypassing minion config params
- •
- Allow mysql_user.present states to set a passwordless login (issue 5550)
- •
- Fixed endless loop when mysql.processlist is run (issue 6297)
- •
- Fixed traceback in postgres.user_list (issue 6352)
- •
- Don't allow npm states to be used if npm module is not available
- •
- Fixed alternatives.install states for which the target is a symlink (issue 6162)
- •
- Fixed traceback in sysbench module (issue 6175)
- •
- Fixed traceback in job cache
- •
- Fixed tempfile cleanup for windows
- •
- Fixed issue where SLS files using the pydsl renderer were not being run
- •
- Fixed issue where returners were being passed incorrect information (issue 5518)
- •
- Fixed traceback when numeric args are passed to cmd.script states
- •
- Fixed bug causing cp.get_dir to return more directories than expected (issue 6048)
- •
- Fixed traceback when supervisord.running states are run with test=True (issue 6053)
- •
- Fixed tracebacks when Salt encounters problems running rbenv (issue 5888)
- •
- Only make the monit module available if monit binary is present (issue 5871)
- •
- Fixed incorrect behavior of img.mount_image
- •
- Fixed traceback in tomcat.deploy_war in Windows
- •
- Don't re-write /etc/fstab if mount fails
- •
- Fixed tracebacks when Salt encounters problems running gem (issue 5886)
- •
- Fixed incorrect behavior of selinux.boolean states (issue 5912)
- •
- RabbitMQ: Quote passwords to avoid symbols being interpolated by the shell (issue 6338)
- •
- Fixed tracebacks in extfs.mkfs and extfs.tune (issue 6462)
- •
- Fixed a regression with the state where the m_name and m_fun arguments were being ignored (issue 6464)
Salt 0.16.3 Release Notes
- release
Version 0.16.3 is another bugfix release for 0.16.0. The changes include:
- •
- Various documentation fixes
- •
- Fix proc directory regression (issue 6502)
- •
- Properly detect Linaro Linux (issue 6496)
- •
- Fix regressions in mount.mounted (issue 6522, issue 6545)
- •
- Skip malformed state requisites (issue 6521)
- •
- Fix regression in gitfs from bad import
- •
- Fix for watching prereq states (including recursive requisite error) (issue 6057)
- •
- Fix mod_watch not overriding prereq (issue 6520)
- •
- Don't allow functions which compile states to be called within states (issue 5623)
- •
- Return error for malformed top.sls (issue 6544)
- •
- Fix traceback in mysql.query
- •
- Fix regression in binary package installation for 64-bit packages on Debian-based Linux distros (issue 6563)
- •
- Fix traceback caused by running cp.push without having set file_recv in the master config file
- •
- Fix scheduler configuration in pillar (issue 6201)
Salt 0.16.4 Release Notes
- release
Version 0.16.4 is another bugfix release for 0.16.0, likely to be the last before 0.17.0 is released. The changes include:
- •
- Multiple documentation improvements/additions
- •
- Added the osfinger and osarch grains
- •
- Properly handle 32-bit packages for debian32 on x86_64 (issue 6607)
- •
- Fix regression in yum package installation in CentOS 5 (issue 6677)
- •
- Fix bug in hg.latest state that would erroneously delete directories (issue 6661)
- •
- Fix bug related to pid not existing for (issue 6679)
- •
- Fix regression in MySQL returner (issue 6695)
- •
- Fix IP addresses grains (ipv4 and ipv6) to include all addresses (issue 6656)
- •
- Fix regression preventing authenticated FTP (issue 6733)
- •
- Fix setting password for windows users (issue 6824)
- •
- Fix file.contains on values YAML parses as non-string (issue 6817)
- •
- Fix file.get_gid, file.get_uid, and file.chown for broken symlinks (issue 6826)
- •
- Fix comment for service reloads in service state (issue 6851)
Salt 0.17.0 Release Notes
- release
The 0.17.0 release is a very exciting release of Salt, this brings to Salt some very powerful new features and advances. The advances range from the state system to the test suite, covering new transport capabilities and making states easier and more powerful, to extending Salt Virt and much more!
The 0.17.0 release will also be the last release of Salt to follow the old 0.XX.X numbering system, the next release of Salt will change the numbering to be date based following this format:
So if the release happens in November of 2013 the number will be 13.11.0, the first bugfix release will be 13.11.1 and so forth.
Major Features
The new Halite web GUI is now available on PyPI. A great deal of work has been put into Halite to make it fully event driven and amazingly fast. The Halite UI can be started from within the Salt Master (after being installed from PyPI), or standalone, and does not require an external database to run. It is very lightweight!
This initial release of Halite is primarily the framework for the UI and the communication systems, making it easy to extend and build the UI up. It presently supports watching the event bus and firing commands over Salt.
At this time, Halite is not available as a package, but installation documentation is available at:
Halite is, like the rest of Salt, Open Source!
Much more will be coming in the future of Halite!
Salt SSH
The new salt-ssh command has been added to Salt. This system allows for remote execution and states to be run over ssh. The benefit here being, that salt can run relying only on the ssh agent, rather than requiring a minion to be deployed.
The salt-ssh system runs states in a compatible way as Salt and states created and run with salt-ssh can be moved over to a standard salt deployment without modification.
Since this is the initial release of salt-ssh, there is plenty of room for
improvement, but it is fully operational, not just a bootstrap tool.
Salt is designed to have the minions be aware of the master and the master does not need to be aware of the location of the minions. The new salt roster system was created and designed to facilitate listing the targets for salt-ssh.
The roster system, like most of Salt, is a plugin system, allowing for the list
of systems to target to be derived from any pluggable backend. The rosters
shipping with 0.17.0 are flat and scan. Flat is a file which is read in via the
salt render system and the scan roster does simple network scanning to discover
ssh servers.
State Auto Order
This is a major change in how states are evaluated in Salt. State Auto Order is a new feature that makes states get evaluated and executed in the order in which they are defined in the sls file. This feature makes it very easy to see the finite order in which things will be executed, making Salt now, fully imperative AND fully declarative.
The requisite system still takes precedence over the order in which states are
defined, so no existing states should break with this change. But this new
feature can be turned off by setting state_auto_order: False in the master
config, thus reverting to the old lexicographical order.
state.sls Runner
The state.sls runner has been created to allow for a more powerful system for orchestrating state runs and function calls across the salt minions. This new system uses the state system for organizing executions.
This allows for states to be defined that are executed on the master to call
states on minions via salt-run state.sls.
Salt Thin
Salt Thin is an exciting new component of Salt, this is the ability to execute Salt routines without any transport mechanisms installed, it is a pure python subset of Salt.
Salt Thin does not have any networking capability, but can be dropped into any
system with Python installed and then salt-call can be called directly. The
Salt Thin system, is used by the salt-ssh command, but can still be used to
just drop salt somewhere for easy use.
Event Namespacing
Events have been updated to be much more flexible. The tags in events have all
been namespaced allowing easier tracking of event names.
Mercurial Fileserver Backend
The popular git fileserver backend has been joined by the mercurial fileserver
backend, allowing the state tree to be managed entirely via mercurial.
External Logging Handlers
The external logging handler system allows for Salt to directly hook into any
external logging system. Currently supported are sentry and logstash.
Jenkins Testing
The testing systems in Salt have been greatly enhanced, tests for salt are now executed, via, across many supported platforms. Jenkins calls out to salt-cloud to create virtual machines on Rackspace, then the minion on the virtual machine checks into the master running on Jenkins where a state run is executed that sets up the minion to run tests and executes the test suite.
This now automates the sequence of running platform tests and allows for
continuous destructive tests to be run.
Salt Testing Project
The testing libraries for salt have been moved out of the main salt code base
and into a standalone codebase. This has been done to ease the use of the
testing systems being used in salt based projects other than Salt itself.
StormPath External Authentication
The external auth system now supports the fantastic Stormpath cloud based
authentication system.
LXC Support
Extensive additions have been added to Salt for LXC support. This included
the backend libs for managing LXC containers. Addition into the salt-virt
system is still in the works.
Mac OS X User/Group Support
Salt is now able to manage users and groups on Minions running Mac OS X.
However, at this time user passwords cannot be managed.
Django ORM External Pillar
Pillar data can now be derived from Django managed databases.
Fixes from RC to release
- •
- Multiple documentation fixes
- •
- Add multiple source files + templating for file.append (issue 6905)
- •
- Support sysctl configuration files in systemd>=207 (issue 7351)
- •
- Add and file.replace
- •
- Fix cross-calling execution functions in provider overrides
- •
- Fix locale override for postgres (issue 4543)
- •
- Fix Raspbian identification for service/pkg support (issue 7371)
- •
- Fix cp.push file corruption (issue 6495)
- •
- Fix ALT Linux password hash specification (issue 3474)
- •
- Multiple salt-ssh-related fixes and improvements
Salt 0.17.1 Release Notes
- release
NOTE: THIS RELEASE IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH PREVIOUS VERSIONS. If you update your master to 0.17.1, you must update your minions as well. Sorry for the inconvenience -- this is a result of one of the security fixes listed below.
The 0.17.1 release comes with a number of improvements to salt-ssh, many bugfixes, and a number of security updates.
Salt SSH has been improved to be faster, more featureful and more secure. Since the original release of Salt SSH was primarily a proof of concept, it has been very exciting to see its rapid adoption. We appreciate the willingness of security experts to review Salt SSH and help discover oversights and ensure that security issues only exist for such a tiny window of time.
SSH Enhancements
Shell Improvements
Improvements to Salt SSH's communication have been added that improve routine
execution regardless of the target system's login shell.
Deployment of routines is now faster and takes fewer commands to execute.
Security Updates
Be advised that these security issues all apply to a small subset of Salt
users and mostly apply to Salt SSH.
Insufficient Argument Validation
This issue allowed for a user with limited privileges to embed executions inside of routines to execute routines that should be restricted. This applies to users using external auth or client ACL and opening up specific routines.
Be advised that these patches address the direct issue. Additional commits have
been applied to help mitigate this issue from resurfacing.
Affected Versions
Found By
MITM SSH attack in salt-ssh
SSH host keys were being accepted by default and not enforced on future SSH
connections. These patches set SSH host key checking by default and can be
overridden by passing the -i flag to salt-ssh.
Affected Versions
Found By
Insecure Usage of /tmp in salt-ssh
The initial release of salt-ssh used the /tmp directory in an insecure way.
These patches not only secure usage of files under /tmp in salt-ssh, but
also add checksum validation for all packages sent into the now secure
locations on target systems.
Affected Versions
Found By
YAML Calling Unsafe Loading Routine
It has been argued that this is not a valid security issue, as the YAML loading
that was happening was only being called after an initial gateway filter in
Salt has already safely loaded the YAML and would fail if non-safe routines
were embedded. Nonetheless, the CVE was filed and patches applied.
Found By
Failure to Drop Supplementary Group on Salt Master
If a salt master was started as a non-root user by the root user, root's
groups would still be applied to the running process. This fix changes the
process to have only the groups of the running user.
CVE not considered necessary by submitter.
Affected Versions
Found By
Failure to Validate Minions Posting Data
This issue allowed a minion to pose as another authorized minion when posting
data such as the mine data. All minions now pass through the id challenge
before posting such data.
Affected Versions
Found By
Fix Reference
Version 0.17.1 is the first bugfix release for 0.17.0. The changes include:
- •
- Fix symbolic links in thin.tgz (issue 7482)
- •
- Pass env through to file.patch state (issue 7452)
- •
- Service provider fixes and reporting improvements (issue 7361)
- •
- Add --priv option for specifying salt-ssh private key
- •
- Fix salt-thin's salt-call on setuptools installations (issue 7516)
- •
- Fix salt-ssh to support passwords with spaces (issue 7480)
- •
- Fix regression in wildcard includes (issue 7455)
- •
- Fix salt-call outputter regression (issue 7456)
- •
- Fix custom returner support for startup states (issue 7540)
- •
- Fix value handling in augeas (issue 7605)
- •
- Fix regression in apt (issue 7624)
- •
- Fix minion ID guessing to use socket.getfqdn() first (issue 7558)
- •
- Add minion ID caching (issue 7558)
- •
- Fix salt-key race condition (issue 7304)
- •
- Add --include-all flag to salt-key (issue 7399)
- •
- Fix custom grains in pillar (part of issue 5716, issue 6083)
- •
- Fix race condition in salt-key (issue 7304)
- •
- Fix regression in minion ID guessing, prioritize socket.getfqdn() (issue 7558)
- •
- Cache minion ID on first guess (issue 7558)
- •
- Allow trailing slash in state
- •
- Fix reporting of file_roots in pillar return (issue 5449 and issue 5951)
- •
- Remove pillar matching for mine.get (issue 7197)
- •
- Sanitize args for multiple execution modules
- •
- Fix yumpkg mod_repo functions to filter hidden args (issue 7656)
- •
- Fix conflicting IDs in state includes (issue 7526)
- •
- Fix mysql_grants.absent string formatting issue (issue 7827)
- •
- Fix postgres.version so it won't return None (issue 7695)
- •
- Fix for trailing slashes in mount.mounted state
- •
- Fix rogue AttributErrors in the outputter system (issue 7845)
- •
- Fix for incorrect ssh key encodings resulting in incorrect key added (issue 7718)
- •
- Fix for pillar/grains naming regression in python renderer (issue 7693)
- •
- Fix args/kwargs handling in the scheduler (issue 7422)
- •
- Fix logfile handling for file://, tcp://, and udp:// (issue 7754)
- •
- Fix error handling in config file parsing (issue 6714)
- •
- Fix RVM using sudo when running as non-root user (issue 2193)
- •
- Fix client ACL and underlying logging bugs (issue 7706)
- •
- Fix scheduler bug with returner (issue 7367)
- •
- Fix user management bug related to default groups (issue 7690)
- •
- Fix various salt-ssh bugs (issue 7528)
- •
- Many various documentation fixes
Salt 0.17.2 Release Notes
- release
Version 0.17.2 is another bugfix release for 0.17.0. The changes include:
- •
- Add ability to delete key with grains.delval (issue 7872)
- •
- Fix possible state compiler stack trace (issue 5767)
- •
- Fix architecture regression in yumpkg (issue 7813)
- •
- Use correct ps on Debian to prevent truncating (issue 5646)
- •
- Fix grains targeting for new grains (issue 5737)
- •
- Fix bug with merging in git_pillar (issue 6992)
- •
- Fix print_jobs duplicate results
- •
- Fix apt version specification for pkg.install
- •
- Fix possible KeyError from ext_job_cache missing option
- •
- Fix auto_order for - names states (issue 7649)
- •
- Fix regression in new gitfs installs (directory not found error)
- •
- Fix escape pipe issue on Windows for file.recurse (issue 7967)
- •
- Fix fileclient in case of master restart (issue 7987)
- •
- Try to output warning if CLI command malformed (issue 6538)
- •
- Fix --out=quiet to actually be quiet (issue 8000)
- •
- Fix for state.sls in salt-ssh (issue 7991)
- •
- Fix for MySQL grants ordering issue (issue 5817)
- •
- Fix traceback for certain missing CLI args (issue 8016)
- •
- Add ability to disable lspci queries on master (issue 4906)
- •
- Fail if sls defined in topfile does not exist (issue 5998)
- •
- Add ability to downgrade MySQL grants (issue 6606)
- •
- Fix ssh_auth.absent traceback (issue 8043)
- •
- Add upstart detection for Debian/Raspbian (issue 8039)
- •
- Fix ID-related issues (issue 8052, issue 8050, and others)
- •
- Fix for jinja rendering issues (issue 8066 and issue 8079)
- •
- Fix argument parsing in salt-ssh (issue 7928)
- •
- Fix some GPU detection instances (issue 6945)
- •
- Fix bug preventing includes from other environments in SLS files
- •
- Fix for kwargs with dashes (issue 8102)
- •
- Fix salt.utils.which for windows '.exe' (issue 7904)
- •
- Fix apache.adduser without apachectl (issue 8123)
- •
- Fix issue with evaluating test kwarg in states (issue 7788)
- •
- Fix regression in salt.client.Caller() (issue 8078)
- •
- Fix apt-key silent failure
- •
- Fix bug where cmd.script would try to run even if caching failed (issue 7601)
- •
- Fix apt pkg.latest regression (issue 8067)
- •
- Fix for mine data not being updated (issue 8144)
- •
- Fix for noarch packages in yum
- •
- Fix a Xen detection edge case (issue 7839)
- •
- Fix windows __opts__ dictionary persistence (issue 7714)
- •
- Fix version generation for when it's part of another git repo (issue 8090)
- •
- Fix _handle_iorder stacktrace so that the real syntax error is shown (issue 8114 and issue 7905)
- •
- Fix git.latest state when a commit SHA is used (issue 8163)
- •
- Fix various small bugs in (issue 8201)
- •
- Fix for specifying identify file in git.latest (issue 8094)
- •
- Fix for --output-file CLI arg (issue 8205)
- •
- Add ability to specify shutdown time for system.shutdown (issue 7833)
- •
- Fix for salt version using non-salt git repo info (issue 8266)
- •
- Add additional hints at impact of pkgrepo states when test=True (issue 8247)
- •
- Fix for salt-ssh files not being owned by root (issue 8216)
- •
- Fix retry logic and error handling in fileserver (related to issue 7755)
- •
- Fix file.replace with test=True (issue 8279)
- •
- Add flag for limiting file traversal in fileserver (issue 6928)
- •
- Fix for extra mine processes (issue 5729)
- •
- Fix for unloading custom modules (issue 7691)
- •
- Fix for salt-ssh opts (issue 8005 and issue 8271)
- •
- Fix compound matcher for grains (issue 7944)
- •
- Improve error reporting in ebuild module (related to issue 5393)
- •
- Add dir_mode to file.managed (issue 7860)
- •
- Improve traceroute support for FreeBSD and OS X (issue 4927)
- •
- Fix for matching minions under syndics (issue 7671)
- •
- Improve exception handling for missing ID (issue 8259)
- •
- Fix grain mismatch for ScientificLinux (issue 8338)
- •
- Add configuration option for minion_id_caching
- •
- Fix open mode auth errors (issue 8402)
Salt 0.17.3 Release Notes
- release
NOTE: 0.17.3 had some regressions which were promptly fixed in the 0.17.4 release. Please use 0.17.4 instead.
Version 0.17.3 is another bugfix release for 0.17.0. The changes include:
- •
- Fix some jinja render errors (issue 8418)
- •
- Fix file.replace state changing file ownership (issue 8399)
- •
- Fix state ordering with the PyDSL renderer (issue 8446)
- •
- Fix for new npm version (issue 8517)
- •
- Fix for pip state requiring name even with requirements file (issue 8519)
- •
- Fix yum logging to open terminals (issue 3855)
- •
- Add sane maxrunning defaults for scheduler (issue 8563)
- •
- Fix states duplicate key detection (issue 8053)
- •
- Fix SUSE patch level reporting (issue 8428)
- •
- Fix managed file creation umask (issue 8590)
- •
- Fix logstash exception (issue 8635)
- •
- Improve argument exception handling for salt command (issue 8016)
- •
- Fix pecl success reporting (issue 8750)
- •
- Fix launchctl module exceptions (issue 8759)
- •
- Fix argument order in pw_user module
- •
- Add warnings for failing grains (issue 8690)
- •
- Fix hgfs problems caused by connections left open (issue 8811 and issue 8810)
- •
- Add Debian iptables default for iptables-persistent package (issue 8889)
- •
- Fix installation of packages with dots in pkg name (issue 8614)
- •
- Fix noarch package installation on CentOS 6 (issue 8945)
- •
- Fix portage_config.enforce_nice_config (issue 8252)
- •
- Fix salt.util.copyfile umask usage (issue 8590)
- •
- Fix rescheduling of failed jobs (issue 8941)
- •
- Fix pkg on Amazon Linux (uses yumpkg5 now) (issue 8226)
- •
- Fix conflicting options in postgres module (issue 8717)
- •
- Fix ps modules for psutil >= 0.3.0 (issue 7432)
- •
- Fix postgres module to return False on failure (issue 8778)
- •
- Fix argument passing for args with pound signs (issue 8585)
- •
- Fix pid of salt CLi command showing in output (issue 8720)
- •
- Fix rvm to run gem as the correct user (issue 8951)
- •
- Fix namespace issue in win_file module (issue 9060)
- •
- Fix masterless state paths on windows (issue 9021)
- •
- Fix timeout option in master config (issue 9040)
Salt 0.17.4 Release Notes
- release
Version 0.17.4 is another bugfix release for 0.17.0. The changes include:
- •
- Fix file.replace bug when replacement str is numeric (issue 9101)
- •
- Fix regression in file.managed (issue 9131)
- •
- Prevent traceback when job is None. (issue 9145)
Salt 0.17.5 Release Notes
- release
Version 0.17.5 is another bugfix release for 0.17.0. The changes include:
- •
- Fix user.present states with non-string fullname (issue 9085)
- •
- Fix virt.init return value on failure (issue 6870)
- •
- Fix reporting of file.blockreplace state when test=True
- •
- Fix network.interfaces when used in cron (issue 7990)
- •
- Fix bug in pkgrepo when switching to/from mirrorlist-based repo def (issue 9121)
- •
- Fix infinite recursion when cache file is corrupted
- •
- Add checking for rev and mirror/bare args in git.latest (issue 9107)
- •
- Add alias (points to cmd.wait) (issue 8612)
- •
- Fix stacktrace when prereq is not formed as a list (issue 8235)
- •
- Fix stdin issue with lvdisplay command (issue 9128)
- •
- Add pre-check function for range matcher (issue 9236)
- •
- Add exception handling for psutil for processes that go missing (issue 9274)
- •
- Allow _in requisites to match both on ID and name (issue 9061)
- •
- Fix multiple client timeout issues (issue 7157 and issue 9302, probably others)
- •
- Fix ZMQError: Operation cannot be accomplished in current state errors (issue 6306)
- •
- Multiple optimization in minion auth routines
- •
- Clarify logs for minion ID caching
Salt 0.6.0 release notes
The Salt remote execution manager has reached initial functionality! Salt is a management application which can be used to execute commands on remote sets of servers.
The whole idea behind Salt is to create a system where a group of servers can be remotely controlled from a single master, not only can commands be executed on remote systems, but salt can also be used to gather information about your server environment.
Unlike similar systems, like Func and MCollective, Salt is extremely simple to setup and use, the entire application is contained in a single package, and the master and minion daemons require no running dependencies in the way that Func requires Certmaster and MCollective requires activeMQ.
Salt also manages authentication and encryption. Rather than using SSL for encryption, salt manages encryption on a payload level, so the data sent across the network is encrypted with fast AES encryption, and authentication uses RSA keys. This means that Salt is fast, secure, and very efficient.
Messaging in Salt is executed with ZeroMQ, so the message passing interface is built into salt and does not require an external ZeroMQ server. This also adds speed to Salt since there is no additional bloat on the networking layer, and ZeroMQ has already proven itself as a very fast networking system.
The remote execution in Salt is "Lazy Execution", in that once the command is sent the requesting network connection is closed. This makes it easier to detach the execution from the calling process on the master, it also means that replies are cached, so that information gathered from historic commands can be queried in the future.
Salt also allows users to make execution modules in Python. Writers of these modules should also be pleased to know that they have access to the impressive information gathered from PuppetLabs' Facter application, making Salt module more flexible. In the future I hope to also allow Salt to group servers based on Facter information as well.
All in all Salt is fast, efficient, and clean, can be used from a simple command line client or through an API, uses message queue technology to make network execution extremely fast, and encryption is handled in a very fast and efficient manner. Salt is also VERY easy to use and VERY easy to extend.
You can find the source code for Salt on my GitHub page, I have also set up a few wiki pages explaining how to use and set up Salt. If you are using Arch Linux there is a package available in the Arch Linux AUR.
Salt 0.6.0 Source:
GitHub page:
Arch Linux Package:
I am very open to contributions, for instance I need packages for more Linux distributions as well as BSD packages and testers.
Give Salt a try, this is the initial release and is not a 1.0 quality release,
but it has been working well for me! I am eager to get your feedback!
Salt 0.7.0 release notes
I am pleased to announce the release of Salt 0.7.0!
This release marks what is the first stable release of salt, 0.7.0 should be suitable for general use.
0.7.0 Brings the following new features to Salt:
- •
- Integration with Facter data from puppet labs
- •
- Allow for matching minions from the salt client via Facter information
- •
- Minion job threading, many jobs can be executed from the master at once
- •
- Preview of master clustering support - Still experimental
- •
- Introduce new minion modules for stats, virtualization, service management and more
- •
- Add extensive logging to the master and minion daemons
- •
- Add sys.reload_functions for dynamic function reloading
- •
- Greatly improve authentication
- •
- Introduce the saltkey command for managing public keys
- •
- Begin backend development preparatory to introducing butter
- •
- Addition of man pages for the core commands
- •
Extended and cleaned configuration
0.7.0 Fixes the following major bugs:
- •
- Fix crash in minions when matching failed
- •
- Fix configuration file lookups for the local client
- •
- Repair communication bugs in encryption
- •
Numerous fixes in the minion modules
The next release of Salt should see the following features:
- •
- Stabilize the cluster support
- •
- Introduce a remote client for salt command tiers
- •
- salt-ftp system for distributed file copies
- •
Initial support for "butter"
Coming up next is a higher level management framework for salt called Butter. I want salt to stay as a simple and effective communication framework, and allow for more complicated executions to be managed via Butter.
Right now Butter is being developed to act as a cloud controller using salt as the communication layer, but features like system monitoring and advanced configuration control (a puppet manager) are also in the pipe.
Special thanks to Joseph Hall for the status and network modules, and thanks to Matthias Teege for tracking down some configuration bugs!
Salt can be downloaded from the following locations;
Source Tarball:
Arch Linux Package:
Please enjoy the latest Salt release!
Salt 0.8.0 release notes
Salt 0.8.0 is ready for general consumption! The source tarball is available on GitHub for download:
A lot of work has gone into salt since the last release just 2 weeks ago, and salt has improved a great deal. A swath of new features are here along with performance and threading improvements!
The main new features of salt 0.8.0 are:
Cython minion modules
Dynamic returners
Faster return handling
Lowered required Python version to 2.6
Advanced minion threading
The salt-cp command introduces the ability to copy simple files via salt to targeted servers. Using salt-cp is very simple, just call salt-cp with a target specification, the source file(s) and where to copy the files on the minions. For instance:
# salt-cp ‘*’ /etc/hosts /etc/hosts
Will copy the local /etc/hosts file to all of the minions.
Salt-cp is very young, in the future more advanced features will be added, and
the functionality will much more closely resemble the cp command.
Cython minion modules
Cython is an amazing tool used to compile Python modules down to c. This is arguably the fastest way to run Python code, and since pyzmq requires cython, adding support to salt for cython adds no new dependencies.
Cython minion modules allow minion modules to be written in cython and therefore executed in compiled c. Simply write the salt module in cython and use the file extension “.pyx” and the minion module will be compiled when the minion is started. An example cython module is included in the main distribution called cytest.pyx:
Dynamic Returners
By default salt returns command data back to the salt master, but now salt can return command data to any system. This is enabled via the new returners modules feature for salt. The returners modules take the return data and sends it to a specific module. The returner modules work like minion modules, so any returner can be added to the minions.
This means that a custom data returner can be added to communicate the return data so anything from MySQL, Redis, MongoDB, and more!
There are 2 simple stock returners in the returners directory:
The documentation on writing returners will be added to the wiki shortly, and
returners can be written in pure Python, or in cython.
Configurable Minion Modules
Minion modules may need to be configured, now the options passed to the minion configuration file can be accessed inside of the minion modules via the __opt__ dict.
Information on how to use this simple addition has been added to the wiki: Writing modules
The test module has an example of using the __opts__ dict, and how to set default options:
Advanced Minion Threading
In 0.7.0 the minion would block after receiving a command from the master, now the minion will spawn a thread or multiprocess. By default Python threads are used because for general use they have proved to be faster, but the minion can now be configured to use the Python multiprocessing module instead. Using multiprocessing will cause executions that are CPU bound or would otherwise exploit the negative aspects of the Python GIL to run faster and more reliably, but simple calls will still be faster with Python threading. The configuration option can be found in the minion configuration file:
Lowered Supported Python to 2.6
The requirement for Python 2.7 has been removed to support Python 2.6. I have received requests to take the minimum Python version back to 2.4, but unfortunately this will not be possible, since the ZeroMQ Python bindings do not support Python 2.4.
Salt 0.8.0 is a very major update, it also changes the network protocol slightly which makes communication with older salt daemons impossible, your master and minions need to be upgraded together!
I could use some help bringing salt to the people! Right now I only have packages for Arch Linux, Fedora 14 and Gentoo. We need packages for Debian and people willing to help test on more platforms. We also need help writing more minion modules and returner modules. If you want to contribute to salt please hop on the mailing list and send in patches, make a fork on GitHub and send in pull requests! If you want to help but are not sure where you can, please email me directly or post tot he mailing list!
I hope you enjoy salt, while it is not yet 1.0 salt is completely viable and usable!
Salt 0.8.7 release notes
It has been a month since salt 0.8.0, and it has been a long month! But Salt is still coming along strong. 0.8.7 has a lot of changes and a lot of updates. This update makes Salt’s ZeroMQ back end better, strips Facter from the dependencies, and introduces interfaces to handle more capabilities.
Many of the major updates are in the background, but the changes should shine through to the surface. A number of the new features are still a little thin, but the back end to support expansion is in place.
I also recently gave a presentation to the Utah Python users group in Salt Lake City, the slides from this presentation are available here:
The video from this presentation will be available shortly.
The major new features and changes in Salt 0.8.7 are:
- •
- Revamp ZeroMQ topology on the master for better scalability
- •
- State enforcement
- •
- Dynamic state enforcement managers
- •
- Extract the module loader into salt.loader
- •
- Make Job ids more granular
- •
- Replace Facter functionality with the new salt grains interface
- •
- Support for “virtual” salt modules
- •
- Introduce the salt-call command
- •
Better debugging for minion modules
The new ZeroMQ topology allows for better scalability, this will be required by the need to execute massive file transfers to multiple machines in parallel and state management. The new ZeroMQ topology is available in the aforementioned presentation.
0.8.7 introduces the capability to declare states, this is similar to the capabilities of Puppet. States in salt are declared via state data structures. This system is very young, but the core feature set is available. Salt states work around rendering files which represent Salt high data. More on the Salt state system will be documented in the near future.
The system for loading salt modules has been pulled out of the minion class to be a standalone module, this has enabled more dynamic loading of Salt modules and enables many of the updates in 0.8.7 –
Salt Job ids are now microsecond precise, this was needed to repair a race condition unveiled by the speed improvements in the new ZeroMQ topology.
The new grains interface replaces the functionality of Facter, the idea behind grains differs from Facter in that the grains are only used for static system data, dynamic data needs to be derived from a call to a salt module. This makes grains much faster to use, since the grains data is generated when the minion starts.
Virtual salt modules allows for a salt module to be presented as something other than its module name. The idea here is that based on information from the minion decisions about which module should be presented can be made. The best example is the pacman module. The pacman module will only load on Arch Linux minions, and will be called pkg. Similarly the yum module will be presented as pkg when the minion starts on a Fedora/RedHat system.
The new salt-call command allows for minion modules to be executed from the minion. This means that on the minion a salt module can be executed, this is a great tool for testing Salt modules. The salt-call command can also be used to view the grains data.
In previous releases when a minion module threw an exception very little data was returned to the master. Now the stack trace from the failure is returned making debugging of minion modules MUCH easier.
Salt is nearing the goal of 1.0, where the core feature set and capability is complete!
Salt 0.8.7 can be downloaded from GitHub here:
-Thomas S Hatch
Salt 0.8.8 release notes
Salt 0.8.8 is here! This release adds a great deal of code and some serious new features. The latest release can be downloaded here:
Improved Documentation has been set up for salt using sphinx thanks to the efforts of Seth House. This new documentation system will act as the back end to the salt website which is still under heavy development. The new sphinx documentation system has also been used to greatly clean up the salt manpages. The salt 7 manpage in particular now contains extensive information which was previously only in the wiki. The new documentation can be found at: We still have a lot to add, and when the domain is set up I will post another announcement.
More additions have been made to the ZeroMQ setup, particularly in the realm of file transfers. Salt 0.8.8 introduces a built in, stateless, encrypted file server which allows salt minions to download files from the salt master using the same encryption system used for all other salt communications. The main motivation for the salt file server has been to facilitate the new salt state system.
Much of the salt code has been cleaned up and a new cleaner logging system has been introduced thanks to the efforts of Pedro Algarvio. These additions will allow for much more flexible logging to be executed by salt, and fixed a great deal of my poor spelling in the salt docstrings! Pedro Algarvio has also cleaned up the API, making it easier to embed salt into another application.
The biggest addition to salt found in 0.8.8 is the new state system. The salt module system has received a new front end which allows salt to be used as a configuration management system. The configuration management system allows for system configuration to be defined in data structures. The configuration management system, or as it is called in salt, the “salt state system” supports many of the features found in other configuration managers, but allows for system states to be written in a far simpler format, executes at blazing speeds, and operates via the salt minion matching system. The state system also operates within the normal scope of salt, and requires no additional configuration to use.
The salt state system can enforce the following states with many more to come: Packages Files Services Executing commands Hosts
The system used to define the salt states is based on a data structure, the data structure used to define the salt states has been made to be as easy to use as possible. The data structure is defined by default using a YAML file rendered via a Jinja template. This means that the state definition language supports all of the data structures that YAML supports, and all of the programming constructs and logic that Jinja supports. If the user does not like YAML or Jinja the states can be defined in yaml-mako, json-jinja, or json-mako. The system used to render the states is completely dynamic, and any rendering system can be added to the capabilities of Salt, this means that a rendering system that renders XML data in a cheetah template, or whatever you can imagine, can be easily added to the capabilities of salt.
The salt state system also supports isolated environments, as well as matching code from several environments to a single salt minion.
The feature base for Salt has grown quite a bit since my last serious documentation push. As we approach 0.9.0 the goals are becoming very clear, and the documentation needs a lot of work. The main goals for 0.9.0 are to further refine the state system, fix any bugs we find, get Salt running on as many platforms as we can, and get the documentation filled out. There is a lot more to come as Salt moves forward to encapsulate a much larger scope, while maintaining supreme usability and simplicity.
If you would like a more complete overview of Salt please watch the Salt presentation: Slides:
Salt 0.8.9 Release Notes
Salt 0.8.9 has finally arrived! Unfortunately this is much later than I had hoped to release 0.8.9, life has been very crazy over the last month. But despite challenges, Salt has moved forward!
This release, as expected, adds few new features and many refinements. One of the most exciting aspect of this release is that the development community for salt has grown a great deal and much of the code is from contributors.
Also, I have filled out the documentation a great deal. So information on
States is properly documented, and much of the documentation that was out of
date has been filled in.
The Salt source can be downloaded from the salt GitHub site:
Or from PyPI:
Here s the md5sum:
For instructions on how to set up Salt please see the installation
New Features
Salt Run
A big feature is the addition of Salt run, the salt-run command allows for master side execution modules to be made that gather specific information or execute custom routines from the master.
Documentation for salt-run can be found here
Refined Outputters
One problem often complained about in salt was the fact that the output was
so messy. Thanks to help from Jeff Schroeder a cleaner interface for the
command output for the Salt CLI has been made. This new interface makes
adding new printout formats easy and additions to the capabilities of minion
modules makes it possible to set the printout mode or outputter for
functions in minion modules.
Cross Calling Salt Modules
Salt modules can now call each other, the __salt__ dict has been added to
the predefined references in minion modules. This new feature is documented in
the modules documentation.
Watch Option Added to Salt State System
Now in Salt states you can set the watch option, this will allow watch enabled
states to change based on a change in the other defined states. This is similar
to subscribe and notify statements in puppet.
Root Dir Option
Travis Cline has added the ability to define the option root_dir which
allows the salt minion to operate in a subdir. This is a strong move in
supporting the minion running as an unprivileged user
Config Files Defined in Variables
Thanks again to Travis Cline, the master and minion configuration file locations
can be defined in environment variables now.
New Modules
Quite a few new modules, states, returners, and runners have been made.
New Minion Modules
Support for apt-get has been added, this adds greatly improved Debian and
Ubuntu support to Salt!
useradd and groupadd
Support for manipulating users and groups on Unix-like systems.
Initial support for reporting on aspects of the distributed file system, MooseFS. For more information on MooseFS please see:
Thanks to Joseph Hall for his work on MooseFS support.
Execute puppet on remote systems.
Manipulate and manage the user password file.
New States
user and group
Support for managing users and groups in Salt States.
New Returners
Send the return information to a MongoDB server.
New Runners
Display minions that are up or down.
Salt 0.9.0 Release Notes
- release
Salt 0.9.0 is here. This is an exciting release, 0.9.0 includes the new network topology features allowing peer salt commands and masters of masters via the syndic interface.
0.9.0 also introduces many more modules, improvements to the API and improvements to the ZeroMQ systems.
The Salt source can be downloaded from the salt GitHub site:
Or from PyPI:
Here is the md5sum:
For instructions on how to set up Salt please see the installation
New Features
Salt Syndic
The new Syndic interface allows a master to be
commanded via another higher level salt master. This is a powerful solution
allowing a master control structure to exist, allowing salt to scale to much
larger levels then before.
Peer Communication
0.9.0 introduces the capability for a minion to call a publication on the master and receive the return from another set of minions. This allows salt to act as a communication channel between minions and as a general infrastructure message bus.
Peer communication is turned off by default but can be enabled via the peer
option in the master configuration file. Documentation on the new Peer
Easily Extensible API
The minion and master classes have been redesigned to allow for specialized minion and master servers to be easily created. An example on how this is done for the master can be found in the salt module:
The Master class extends the SMaster class and set up the main master server.
The minion functions can now also be easily added to another application via the SMinion class, this class can be found in the module:
Cleaner Key Management
This release changes some of the key naming to allow for multiple master keys to be held based on the type of minion gathering the master key.
The -d option has also been added to the salt-key command allowing for easy removal of accepted public keys.
The --gen-keys option is now available as well for salt-key, this allows
for a salt specific RSA key pair to be easily generated from the command line.
Improved 0MQ Master Workers
The 0MQ worker system has been further refined to be faster and more robust.
This new system has been able to handle a much larger load than the previous
setup. The new system uses the IPC protocol in 0MQ instead of TCP.
New Modules
Quite a few new modules have been made.
New Minion Modules
Work directly with apache servers, great for managing balanced web servers
Read out the contents of a systems crontabs
Module to manage raid devices in Linux, appears as the raid module
Gather simple data from MySQL databases
Extensive utilities for managing processes
Used by the peer interface to allow minions to make publications
Salt 0.9.1 Release Notes
- release
- 2011-08-29
Salt 0.9.2 Release Notes
- release
Salt 0.9.2 has arrived! 0.9.2 is primarily a bugfix release, the exciting component in 0.9.2 is greatly improved support for salt states. All of the salt states interfaces have been more thoroughly tested and the new salt-states git repo is growing with example of how to use states.
This release introduces salt states for early developers and testers to start helping us clean up the states interface and make it ready for the world!
0.9.2 also fixes a number of bugs found on Python 2.6.
The Salt source can be downloaded from the salt GitHub site:
Or from PyPI:
For instructions on how to set up Salt please see the installation
New Features
Salt-Call Additions
The salt-call command has received an overhaul, it now hooks into the outputter system so command output looks clean, and the logging system has been hooked into salt-call, so the -l option allows the logging output from salt minion functions to be displayed.
The end result is that the salt-call command can execute the state system and return clean output:
# salt-call state.highstate
State System Fixes
The state system has been tested and better refined. As of this release the state system is ready for early testers to start playing with. If you are interested in working with the state system please check out the (still very small) salt-states GitHub repo:
This git repo is the active development branch for determining how a clean
salt-state database should look and act. Since the salt state system is still
very young a lot of help is still needed here. Please fork the salt-states
repo and help us develop a truly large and scalable system for configuration
Notable Bug Fixes
Python 2.6 String Formatting
Python 2.6 does not support format strings without an index identifier, all of
them have been repaired.
Cython Loading Disabled by Default
Cython loading requires a development tool chain to be installed on the minion,
requiring this by default can cause problems for most Salt deployments. If
Cython auto loading is desired it will need to be turned on in the minion
Salt 0.9.3 Release Notes
- release
Salt 0.9.3 is finally arrived. This is another big step forward for Salt, new features range from proper FreeBSD support to fixing issues seen when attaching a minion to a master over the Internet.
The biggest improvements in 0.9.3 though can be found in the state system, it has progressed from something ready for early testers to a system ready to compete with platforms such as Puppet and Chef. The backbone of the state system has been greatly refined and many new features are available.
The Salt source can be downloaded from the salt GitHub site:
Or from PyPI:
For instructions on how to set up Salt please see the installation
New Features
WAN Support
Recently more people have been testing Salt minions connecting to Salt Masters
over the Internet. It was found that Minions would commonly loose their
connection to the master when working over the internet. The minions can now
detect if the connection has been lost and reconnect to the master, making
WAN connections much more reliable.
State System Fixes
Substantial testing has gone into the state system and it is ready for real world usage. A great deal has been added to the documentation for states and the modules and functions available to states have been cleanly documented.
A number of State System bugs have also been founds and repaired, the output from the state system has also been refined to be extremely clear and concise.
Error reporting has also been introduced, issues found in sls files will now
be clearly reported when executing Salt States.
Extend Declaration
The Salt States have also gained the extend declaration. This declaration allows for states to be cleanly modified in a post environment. Simply said, if there is an apache.sls file that declares the apache service, then another sls can include apache and then extend it:
include: - apache extend: apache: service: - require: - pkg: mod_python mod_python: pkg: - installed
The notable behavior with the extend functionality is that it literally extends
or overwrites a declaration set up in another sls module. This means that Salt
will behave as though the modifications were made directly to the apache sls.
This ensures that the apache service in this example is directly tied to all
Highstate Structure Specification
This release comes with a clear specification of the Highstate data structure that is used to declare Salt States. This specification explains everything that can be declared in the Salt SLS modules.
The specification is extremely simple, and illustrates how Salt has been able
to fulfill the requirements of a central configuration manager within a simple
and easy to understand format and specification.
SheBang Renderer Switch
It came to our attention that having many renderers means that there may be a situation where more than one State Renderer should be available within a single State Tree.
The method chosen to accomplish this was something already familiar to
developers and systems administrators, a SheBang. The Python State Renderer
displays this new capability.
Python State Renderer
Until now Salt States could only be declared in yaml or json using Jinja or Mako. A new, very powerful, renderer has been added, making it possible to write Salt States in pure Python:
#!py def run(): ''' Install the python-mako package ''' return {'include': ['python'], 'python-mako': {'pkg': ['installed']}}
This renderer is used by making a run function that returns the Highstate data structure. Any capabilities of Python can be used in pure Python sls modules.
This example of a pure Python sls module is the same as this example in yaml:
include: - python python-mako: pkg: - installed
FreeBSD Support
Additional support has been added for FreeBSD, this is Salt's first branch out of the Linux world and proves the viability of Salt on non-Linux platforms.
Salt remote execution already worked on FreeBSD, and should work without issue on any Unix-like platform. But this support comes in the form of package management and user support, so Salt States also work on FreeBSD now.
The new freebsdpkg module provides package management support for FreeBSD
and the new pw_user and pw_group provide user and group management.
Module and State Additions
Cron Support
Support for managing the system crontab has been added, declaring a cron state can be done easily:
date > /tmp/datestamp: cron: - present - user: fred - minute: 5 - hour: 3
File State Additions
The file state has been given a number of new features, primarily the directory, recurse, symlink, and absent functions.
Make sure that a directory exists and has the right permissions.
/srv/foo: file: - directory - user: root - group: root - mode: 1755
- file.symlink
Make a symlink.
/var/lib/www: file: - symlink - target: /srv/www - force: True
- file.recurse
The recurse state function will recursively download a directory on the
master file server and place it on the minion. Any change in the files on
the master will be pushed to the minion. The recurse function is very
powerful and has been tested by pushing out the full Linux kernel source.
/opt/code: file: - recurse - source: salt://linux
- file.absent
Make sure that the file is not on the system, recursively deletes
directories, files, and symlinks.
/etc/httpd/conf.d/somebogusfile.conf: file: - absent
Sysctl Module and State
The sysctl module and state allows for sysctl components in the kernel to be managed easily. the sysctl module contains the following functions:
- Return a list of sysctl parameters for this minion
- sysctl.get
- Return a single sysctl parameter for this minion
- sysctl.assign
- Assign a single sysctl parameter for this minion
- sysctl.persist
Assign and persist a simple sysctl parameter for this minion
The sysctl state allows for sysctl parameters to be assigned:
vm.swappiness: sysctl: - present - value: 20
Kernel Module Management
A module for managing Linux kernel modules has been added. The new functions are as follows:
- kmod.available
- Return a list of all available kernel modules
- kmod.check_available
- Check to see if the specified kernel module is available
- kmod.lsmod
- Return a dict containing information about currently loaded modules
- kmod.load
- Load the specified kernel module
- kmod.remove
Unload the specified kernel module
The kmod state can enforce modules be either present or absent:
kvm_intel: kmod: - present
Ssh Authorized Keys
The ssh_auth state can distribute ssh authorized keys out to minions. Ssh authorized keys can be present or absent.
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: ssh_auth: - present - user: frank - enc: dsa - comment: 'Frank's key'
Salt 0.9.4 Release Notes
- release
Salt 0.9.4 has arrived. This is a critical update that repairs a number of key bugs found in 0.9.3. But this update is not without feature additions as well! 0.9.4 adds support for Gentoo portage to the pkg module and state system. Also there are 2 major new state additions, the failhard option and the ability to set up finite state ordering with the order option.
This release also sees our largest increase in community contributions. These contributors have and continue to be the life blood of the Salt project, and the team continues to grow. I want to put out a big thanks to our new and existing contributors.
The Salt source can be downloaded from the salt GitHub site:
Or from PyPI:
For instructions on how to set up Salt please see the installation
New Features
Failhard State Option
Normally, when a state fails Salt continues to execute the remainder of the defined states and will only refuse to execute states that require the failed state.
But the situation may exist, where you would want all state execution to stop
if a single state execution fails. The capability to do this is called
failing hard.
State Level Failhard
A single state can have a failhard set, this means that if this individual state fails that all state execution will immediately stop. This is a great thing to do if there is a state that sets up a critical config file and setting a require for each state that reads the config would be cumbersome. A good example of this would be setting up a package manager early on:
/etc/yum.repos.d/company.repo: file: - managed - source: salt://company/yumrepo.conf - user: root - group: root - mode: 644 - order: 1 - failhard: True
In this situation, the yum repo is going to be configured before other states,
and if it fails to lay down the config file, than no other states will be
Global Failhard
It may be desired to have failhard be applied to every state that is executed, if this is the case, then failhard can be set in the master configuration file. Setting failhard in the master configuration file will result in failing hard when any minion gathering states from the master have a state fail.
This is NOT the default behavior, normally Salt will only fail states that require a failed state.
Using the global failhard is generally not recommended, since it can result in states not being executed or even checked. It can also be confusing to see states failhard if an admin is not actively aware that the failhard has been set.
To use the global failhard set failhard: True in the master configuration
Finite Ordering of State Execution
When creating salt sls files, it is often important to ensure that they run in a specific order. While states will always execute in the same order, that order is not necessarily defined the way you want it.
A few tools exist in Salt to set up the correct state ordering, these tools
consist of requisite declarations and order options.
The Order Option
Before using the order option, remember that the majority of state ordering should be done with requisite statements, and that a requisite statement will override an order option.
The order option is used by adding an order number to a state declaration with the option order:
vim: pkg: - installed - order: 1
By adding the order option to 1 this ensures that the vim package will be installed in tandem with any other state declaration set to the order 1.
Any state declared without an order option will be executed after all states with order options are executed.
But this construct can only handle ordering states from the beginning. Sometimes you may want to send a state to the end of the line, to do this set the order to last:
vim: pkg: - installed - order: last
Substantial testing has gone into the state system and it is ready for real world usage. A great deal has been added to the documentation for states and the modules and functions available to states have been cleanly documented.
A number of State System bugs have also been founds and repaired, the output from the state system has also been refined to be extremely clear and concise.
Error reporting has also been introduced, issues found in sls files will now
be clearly reported when executing Salt States.
Gentoo Support
Additional experimental support has been added for Gentoo. This is found in
the contribution from Doug Renn, aka nestegg.
Salt 0.9.5 Release Notes
- release
Salt 0.9.5 is one of the largest steps forward in the development of Salt.
0.9.5 comes with many milestones, this release has seen the community of developers grow out to an international team of 46 code contributors and has many feature additions, feature enhancements, bug fixes and speed improvements.
WARNING: Be sure to read the upgrade instructions about the switch to msgpack before upgrading!
Nothing has proven to have more value to the development of Salt that the outstanding community that has been growing at such a great pace around Salt. This has proven not only that Salt has great value, but also the expandability of Salt is as exponential as I originally intended.
0.9.5 has received over 600 additional commits since 0.9.4 with a swath of new committers. The following individuals have contributed to the development of 0.9.5:
- •
- Aaron Bull Schaefer
- •
- Antti Kaihola
- •
- Bas Tichelaar
- •
- Brad Barden
- •
- Brian Wagner
- •
- Byron Clark
- •
- Chris Scheller
- •
- Christer Edwards
- •
- Clint Savage
- •
- Corey Quinn
- •
- David Boucha
- •
- Eivind Uggedal
- •
- Eric Poelke
- •
- Evan Borgstrom
- •
- Jed Glazner
- •
- Jeff Schroeder
- •
- Jeffrey C. Ollie
- •
- Jonas Buckner
- •
- Kent Tenney
- •
- Martin Schnabel
- •
- Maxim Burgerhout
- •
- Mitch Anderson
- •
- Nathaniel Whiteinge
- •
- Seth House
- •
- Thomas S Hatch
- •
- Thomas Schreiber
- •
- Tor Hveem
- •
- lzyeval
- •
This makes 21 new developers since 0.9.4 was released!
To keep up with the growing community follow Salt on Ohloh (, to join the Salt development community, fork Salt on Github, and get coding (!
Major Features
SPEED! Pickle to msgpack
For a few months now we have been talking about moving away from Python pickles for network serialization, but a preferred serialization format had not yet been found. After an extensive performance testing period involving everything from JSON to protocol buffers, a clear winner emerged. Message Pack ( proved to not only be the fastest and most compact, but also the most "salt like". Message Pack is simple, and the code involved is very small. The msgpack library for Python has been added directly to Salt.
This move introduces a few changes to Salt. First off, Salt is no longer a "noarch" package, since the msgpack lib is written in C. Salt 0.9.5 will also have compatibility issues with 0.9.4 with the default configuration.
We have gone through great lengths to avoid backwards compatibility issues with Salt, but changing the serialization medium was going to create issues regardless. Salt 0.9.5 is somewhat backwards compatible with earlier minions. A 0.9.5 master can command older minions, but only if the serial config value in the master is set to pickle. This will tell the master to publish messages in pickle format and will allow the master to receive messages in both msgpack and pickle formats.
Therefore the suggested methods for upgrading are either to just upgrade everything at once, or:
- 1.
- Upgrade the master to 0.9.5
- 2.
- Set serial to pickle in the master config
- 3.
- Upgrade the minions
- 4.
Remove the serial option from the master config
Since pickles can be used as a security exploit the ability for a master to accept pickles from minions at all will be removed in a future release.
C Bindings for YAML
All of the YAML rendering is now done with the YAML C bindings. This speeds up
all of the sls files when running states.
Experimental Windows Support
David Boucha has worked tirelessly to bring initial support to Salt for Microsoft Windows operating systems. Right now the Salt Minion can run as a native Windows service and accept commands.
In the weeks and months to come Windows will receive the full treatment and
will have support for Salt States and more robust support for managing Windows
systems. This is a big step forward for Salt to move entirely outside of the
Unix world, and proves Salt is a viable cross platform solution. Big Thanks
to Dave for his contribution here!
Dynamic Module Distribution
Many Salt users have expressed the desire to have Salt distribute in-house
modules, states, renderers, returners, and grains. This support has been added
in a number of ways:
Modules via States
Now when salt modules are deployed to a minion via the state system as a file,
then the modules will be automatically loaded into the active running minion
- no restart required - and into the active running state. So custom state
modules can be deployed and used in the same state run.
Modules via Module Environment Directories
Under the file_roots each environment can now have directories that are used to deploy large groups of modules. These directories sync modules at the beginning of a state run on the minion, or can be manually synced via the Salt module salt.modules.saltutil.sync_all.
The directories are named:
- •
- _modules
- •
- _states
- •
- _grains
- •
- _renderers
- •
The modules are pushed to their respective scopes on the minions.
Module Reloading
Modules can now be reloaded without restarting the minion, this is done by calling the salt.modules.sys.reload_modules function.
But wait, there's more! Now when a salt module of any type is added via states the modules will be automatically reloaded, allowing for modules to be laid down with states and then immediately used.
Finally, all modules are reloaded when modules are dynamically distributed
from the salt master.
Enable / Disable Added to Service
A great deal of demand has existed for adding the capability to set services to be started at boot in the service module. This feature also comes with an overhaul of the service modules and initial systemd support.
This means that the service state can now
accept - enable: True to make sure a service is enabled at boot, and -
enable: False to make sure it is disabled.
Compound Target
A new target type has been added to the lineup, the compound target. In previous versions the desired minions could only be targeted via a single specific target type, but now many target specifications can be declared.
These targets can also be separated by and/or operators, so certain properties can be used to omit a node:
salt -C 'webserv* and G@os:Debian or E@db.*'
will match all minions with ids starting with webserv via a glob and minions
matching the os:Debian grain. Or minions that match the db.* regular
Node Groups
Often the convenience of having a predefined group of minions to execute targets on is desired. This can be accomplished with the new nodegroups feature. Nodegroups allow for predefined compound targets to be declared in the master configuration file:
nodegroups: group1: ',, and bl*' group2: 'G@os:Debian and'
And then used via the -N option:
salt -N group1
Minion Side Data Store
The data module introduces the initial approach into storing persistent data on the minions, specific to the minions. This allows for data to be stored on minions that can be accessed from the master or from the minion.
The Minion datastore is young, and will eventually provide an interface similar
to a more mature key/value pair server.
Major Grains Improvement
The Salt grains have been overhauled to include a massive amount of extra data.
this includes hardware data, os data and salt specific data.
Salt -Q is Useful Now
In the past the salt query system, which would display the data from recent executions would be displayed in pure Python, and it was unreadable.
0.9.5 has added the outputter system to the -Q option, thus enabling the
salt query system to return readable output.
Packaging Updates
Huge strides have been made in packaging Salt for distributions. These
additions are thanks to our wonderful community where the work to set up
packages has proceeded tirelessly.
Salt on FreeBSD? There a port for that:
This port was developed and added by Christer Edwards. This also marks the
first time Salt has been included in an upstream packaging system!
Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise
Salt packages have been prepared for inclusion in the Fedora Project and in
EPEL for Red Hat Enterprise 5 and 6. These packages are the result of the
efforts made by Clint Savage (herlo).
A team of many contributors have assisted in developing packages for Debian and Ubuntu. Salt is still actively seeking inclusion in upstream Debian and Ubuntu and the package data that has been prepared is being pushed through the needed channels for inclusion.
These packages have been prepared with the help of:
- •
- Corey
- •
- Aaron Toponce
- •
- and`
More to Come
We are actively seeking inclusion in more distributions. Primarily getting
Salt into Gentoo, SUSE, OpenBSD, and preparing Solaris support are all turning
into higher priorities.
Salt continues to be refined into a faster, more stable and more usable
application. 0.9.5 comes with more debug logging, more bug fixes and more
complete support.
More Testing, More BugFixes
0.9.5 comes with more bugfixes due to more testing than any previous release.
The growing community and the introduction a a dedicated QA environment have
unearthed many issues that were hiding under the covers. This has further
refined and cleaned the state interface, taking care of things from minor
visual issues to repairing misleading data.
Custom Exceptions
A custom exception module has been added to throw salt specific exceptions.
This allows Salt to give much more granular error information.
New Modules
The new data module manages a persistent datastore on the minion.
Big thanks to bastichelaar for his help refining this module
FreeBSD kernel modules can now be managed in the same way Salt handles Linux kernel modules.
This module was contributed thanks to the efforts of Christer Edwards
Support has been added for managing services in Gentoo. Now Gentoo services
can be started, stopped, restarted, enabled, disabled, and viewed.
The pip module introduces management for pip installed applications.
Thanks goes to whitinge for the addition of the pip module
The rh_service module enables Red Hat and Fedora specific service management.
Now Red Hat like systems come with extensive management of the classic init
system used by Red Hat
The saltutil module has been added as a place to hold functions used in the
maintenance and management of salt itself. Saltutil is used to salt the salt
minion. The saltutil module is presently used only to sync extension modules
from the master server.
Systemd support has been added to Salt, now systems using this next generation
init system are supported on systems running systemd.
The virtualenv module has been added to allow salt to create virtual Python
Thanks goes to whitinge for the addition of the virtualenv module
Support for gathering disk information on Microsoft Windows minions
The windows modules come courtesy of Utah_Dave
The win_service module adds service support to Salt for Microsoft Windows
Salt can now manage local users on Microsoft Windows Systems
The yumpkg module introduces in 0.9.4 uses the yum API to interact with the yum package manager. Unfortunately, on Red Hat 5 systems salt does not have access to the yum API because the yum API is running under Python 2.4 and Salt needs to run under Python 2.6.
The yumpkg5 module bypasses this issue by shelling out to yum on systems where
the yum API is not available.
New States
The new mysql_database state adds the ability to systems running a mysql server to manage the existence of mysql databases.
The mysql states are thanks to syphernl
The mysql_user state enables mysql user management.
The virtualenv state can manage the state of Python virtual environments.
Thanks to Whitinge for the virtualenv state
New Returners
A returner allowing Salt to send data to a cassandra server.
Thanks to Byron Clark for contributing this returner
Salt 0.9.6 Release Notes
- release
Salt 0.9.6 is a release targeting a few bugs and changes. This is primarily targeting an issue found in the names declaration in the state system. But a few other bugs were also repaired, like missing support for grains in extmods.
Due to a conflict in distribution packaging msgpack will no longer be bundled with Salt, and is required as a dependency.
New Features
HTTP and ftp support in files.managed
Now under the source option in the file.managed state a HTTP or ftp address
can be used instead of a file located on the salt master.
Allow Multiple Returners
Now the returner interface can define multiple returners, and will also return
data back to the master, making the process less ambiguous.
Minion Memory Improvements
A number of modules have been taken out of the minion if the underlying
systems required by said modules are not present on the minion system.
A number of other modules need to be stripped out in this same way which
should continue to make the minion more efficient.
Minions Can Locally Cache Return Data
A new option, cache_jobs, has been added to the minion to allow for all of the
historically run jobs to cache on the minion, allowing for looking up historic
returns. By default cache_jobs is set to False.
Pure Python Template Support For file.managed
Templates in the file.managed state can now be defined in a Python script.
This script needs to have a run function that returns the string that needs to
be in the named file.
Salt 0.9.7 Release Notes
- release
Salt 0.9.7 is here! The latest iteration of Salt brings more features and many fixes. This release is a great refinement over 0.9.6, adding many conveniences under the hood, as well as some features that make working with Salt much better.
A few highlights include the new Job system, refinements to the requisite system in states, the mod_init interface for states, external node classification, search path to managed files in the file state, and refinements and additions to dynamic module loading.
0.9.7 also introduces the long developed (and oft changed) unit test framework and the initial unit tests.
Major Features
Salt Jobs Interface
The new jobs interface makes the management of running executions much cleaner and more transparent. Building on the existing execution framework the jobs system allows clear introspection into the active running state of the running Salt interface.
The Jobs interface is centered in the new minion side proc system. The
minions now store msgpack serialized files under /var/cache/salt/proc.
These files keep track of the active state of processes on the minion.
Functions in the saltutil Module
A number of functions have been added to the saltutil module to manage and view the jobs:
running - Returns the data of all running jobs that are found in the proc directory.
find_job - Returns specific data about a certain job based on job id.
signal_job - Allows for a given jid to be sent a signal.
term_job - Sends a termination signal (SIGTERM, 15) to the process controlling the specified job.
kill_job Sends a kill signal (SIGKILL, 9) to the process controlling the
specified job.
The jobs Runner
A convenience runner front end and reporting system has been added as well. The jobs runner contains functions to make viewing data easier and cleaner.
The jobs runner contains a number of functions...
The active function runs saltutil.running on all minions and formats the
return data about all running jobs in a much more usable and compact format.
The active function will also compare jobs that have returned and jobs that
are still running, making it easier to see what systems have completed a job
and what systems are still being waited on.
When jobs are executed the return data is sent back to the master and cached. By default is is cached for 24 hours, but this can be configured via the keep_jobs option in the master configuration.
Using the lookup_jid runner will display the same return data that the
initial job invocation with the salt command would display.
Before finding a historic job, it may be required to find the job id.
list_jobs will parse the cached execution data and display all of the job
data for jobs that have already, or partially returned.
External Node Classification
Salt can now use external node classifiers like Cobbler's cobbler-ext-nodes.
Salt uses specific data from the external node classifier. In particular the classes value denotes which sls modules to run, and the environment value sets to another environment.
An external node classification can be set in the master configuration file via the external_nodes option:
External nodes are loaded in addition to the top files. If it is intended to
only use external nodes, do not deploy any top files.
State Mod Init System
An issue arose with the pkg state. Every time a package was run Salt would need to refresh the package database. This made systems with slower package metadata refresh speeds much slower to work with. To alleviate this issue the mod_init interface has been added to salt states.
The mod_init interface is a function that can be added to a state file. This function is called with the first state called. In the case of the pkg state, the mod_init function sets up a tag which makes the package database only refresh on the first attempt to install a package.
In a nutshell, the mod_init interface allows a state to run any command that
only needs to be run once, or can be used to set up an environment for working
with the state.
Source File Search Path
The file state continues to be refined, adding speed and capabilities. This release adds the ability to pass a list to the source option. This list is then iterated over until the source file is found, and the first found file is used.
The new syntax looks like this:
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: file: - managed - source: - salt://httpd/httpd.conf - http://myserver/httpd.conf: md5=8c1fe119e6f1fd96bc06614473509bf1
The source option can take sources in the list from the salt file server
as well as an arbitrary web source. If using an arbitrary web source the
checksum needs to be passed as well for file verification.
Refinements to the Requisite System
A few discrepancies were still lingering in the requisite system, in particular, it was not possible to have a require and a watch requisite declared in the same state declaration.
This issue has been alleviated, as well as making the requisite system run
more quickly.
Initial Unit Testing Framework
Because of the module system, and the need to test real scenarios, the development of a viable unit testing system has been difficult, but unit testing has finally arrived. Only a small amount of unit testing coverage has been developed, much more coverage will be in place soon.
A huge thanks goes out to those who have helped with unit testing, and the
contributions that have been made to get us where we are. Without these
contributions unit tests would still be in the dark.
Compound Targets Expanded
Originally only support for and and or were available in the compound
target. 0.9.7 adds the capability to negate compound targets with not.
Nodegroups in the Top File
Previously the nodegroups defined in the master configuration file could not
be used to match nodes for states. The nodegroups support has been expanded
and the nodegroups defined in the master configuration can now be used to
match minions in the top file.
Salt 0.9.8 Release Notes
- release
Salt 0.9.8 is a big step forward, with many additions and enhancements, as well as a number of precursors to advanced future developments.
This version of Salt adds much more power to the command line, making the old hard timeout issues a thing of the past and adds keyword argument support. These additions are also available in the salt client API, making the available API tools much more powerful.
The new pillar system allows for data to be stored on the master and assigned to minions in a granular way similar to the state system. It also allows flexibility for users who want to keep data out of their state tree similar to 'external lookup' functionality in other tools.
A new way to extend requisites was added, the "requisite in" statement. This makes adding requires or watch statements to external state decs much easier.
Additions to requisites making them much more powerful have been added as well as improved error checking for sls files in the state system. A new provider system has been added to allow for redirecting what modules run in the background for individual states.
Support for OpenSUSE has been added and support for Solaris has begun serious development. Windows support has been significantly enhanced as well.
The matcher and target systems have received a great deal of attention. The default behavior of grain matching has changed slightly to reflect the rest of salt and the compound matcher system has been refined.
A number of impressive features with keyword arguments have been added to both the CLI and to the state system. This makes states much more powerful and flexible while maintaining the simple configuration everyone loves.
The new batch size capability allows for executions to be rolled through a group of targeted minions a percentage or specific number at a time. This was added to prevent the "thundering herd" problem when targeting large numbers of minions for things like service restarts or file downloads.
Upgrade Considerations
Upgrade Issues
There was a previously missed oversight which could cause a newer minion to
crash an older master. That oversight has been resolved so the version
incompatibility issue will no longer occur. When upgrading to 0.9.8 make
sure to upgrade the master first, followed by the minions.
Debian/Ubuntu Packages
The original Debian/Ubuntu packages were called salt and included all salt applications. New packages in the ppa are split by function. If an old salt package is installed then it should be manually removed and the new split packages need to be freshly installed.
On the master:
# apt-get purge salt # apt-get install salt-{master,minion}
On the minions:
# apt-get purge salt # apt-get install salt-minion
And on any Syndics:
# apt-get install salt-syndic
The official Salt PPA for Ubuntu is located at:
Major Features
Pillar offers an interface to declare variable data on the master that is then
assigned to the minions. The pillar data is made available to all modules,
states, sls files etc. It is compiled on the master and is declared using the
existing renderer system. This means that learning pillar should be fairly
trivial to those already familiar with salt states.
CLI Additions
The salt command has received a serious overhaul and is more powerful than ever. Data is returned to the terminal as it is received, and the salt command will now wait for all running minions to return data before stopping. This makes adding very large --timeout arguments completely unnecessary and gets rid of long running operations returning empty {} when the timeout is exceeded.
When calling salt via sudo, the user originally running salt is saved to the log for auditing purposes. This makes it easy to see who ran what by just looking through the minion logs.
The salt-key command gained the -D and --delete-all arguments for
removing all keys. Be careful with this one!
Running States Without a Master
The addition of running states without a salt-master has been added to 0.9.8. This feature allows for the unmodified salt state tree to be read locally from a minion. The result is that the UNMODIFIED state tree has just become portable, allowing minions to have a local copy of states or to manage states without a master entirely.
This is accomplished via the new file client interface in Salt that allows for the salt:// URI to be redirected to custom interfaces. This means that there are now two interfaces for the salt file server, calling the master or looking in a local, minion defined file_roots.
This new feature can be used by modifying the minion config to point to a
local file_roots and setting the file_client option to local.
Keyword Arguments and States
State modules now accept the **kwargs argument. This results in all data in a sls file assigned to a state being made available to the state function.
This passes data in a transparent way back to the modules executing the logic. In particular, this allows adding arguments to the pkg.install module that enable more advanced and granular controls with respect to what the state is capable of.
An example of this along with the new debconf module for installing ldap client packages on Debian:
ldap-client-packages: pkg: - debconf: salt://debconf/ldap-client.ans - installed - names: - nslcd - libpam-ldapd - libnss-ldapd
Keyword Arguments and the CLI
In the past it was required that all arguments be passed in the proper order to the salt and salt-call commands. As of 0.9.8, keyword arguments can be passed in the form of kwarg=argument.
# salt -G 'type:dev' git.clone \ repository= cwd=/tmp/salt user=jeff
Matcher Refinements and Changes
A number of fixes and changes have been applied to the Matcher system. The most noteworthy is the change in the grain matcher. The grain matcher used to use a regular expression to match the passed data to a grain, but now defaults to a shell glob like the majority of match interfaces in Salt. A new option is available that still uses the old style regex matching to grain data called grain-pcre. To use regex matching in compound matches use the letter P.
For example, this would match any ArchLinux or Fedora minions:
# salt --grain-pcre 'os:(Arch:Fed).*'
And the associated compound matcher suitable for top.sls is P:
NOTE: Changing the grains matcher from pcre to glob is backwards incompatible.
Support has been added for matching minions with Yahoo's range library. This is handled by passing range syntax with -R or --range arguments to salt.
More information at:
Requisite in
A new means to updating requisite statements has been added to make adding watchers and requires to external states easier. Before 0.9.8 the only way to extend the states that were watched by a state outside of the sls was to use an extend statement:
include: - http extend: apache: service: - watch: - pkg: tomcat tomcat: pkg: - installed
But the new Requisite in statement allows for easier extends for requisites:
include: - http tomcat: pkg: - installed - watch_in: - service: apache
Requisite in is part of the extend system, so still remember to always include
the sls that is being extended!
Salt predetermines what modules should be mapped to what uses based on the properties of a system. These determinations are generally made for modules that provide things like package and service management. The apt module maps to pkg on Debian and the yum module maps to pkg on Fedora for instance.
Sometimes in states, it may be necessary for a non-default module to be used for the desired functionality. For instance, an Arch Linux system may have been set up with systemd support. Instead of using the default service module detected for Arch Linux, the systemd module can be used:
http: service: - running - enable: True - provider: systemd
Default providers can also be defined in the minion config file:
providers: service: systemd
When default providers are passed in the minion config, then those providers
will be applied to all functionality in Salt, this means that the functions
called by the minion will use these modules, as well as states.
Requisite Glob Matching
Requisites can now be defined with glob expansion. This means that if there are many requisites, they can be defined on a single line.
To watch all files in a directory:
http: service: - running - enable: True - watch: - file: /etc/http/conf.d/*
This example will watch all defined files that match the glob
Batch Size
The new batch size option allows commands to be executed while maintaining that only so many hosts are executing the command at one time. This option can take a percentage or a finite number:
salt '*' -b 10 salt -G 'os:RedHat' --batch-size 25% apache.signal restart
This will only run on 10 of the targeted minions at a time and then
restart apache on 25% of the minions matching os:RedHat at a time and work
through them all until the task is complete. This makes jobs like rolling web
server restarts behind a load balancer or doing maintenance on BSD firewalls
using carp much easier with salt.
Module Updates
This is a list of notable, but non-exhaustive updates with new and existing modules.
Windows support has seen a flurry of support this release cycle. We've gained all new file, network, and shadow modules. Please note that these are still a work in progress.
For our ruby users, new rvm and gem modules have been added along with the associated states
The virt module gained basic Xen support.
The yum module gained Scientific Linux support.
The pkg module on Debian, Ubuntu, and derivatives force apt to run in a non-interactive mode. This prevents issues when package installation waits for confirmation.
A pkg module for OpenSUSE's zypper was added.
The service module on Ubuntu natively supports upstart.
A new debconf module was contributed by our community for more advanced control over deb package deployments on Debian based distributions.
The mysql.user state and mysql module gained a password_hash argument.
The cmd module and state gained a shell keyword argument for specifying a shell other than /bin/sh on Linux / Unix systems.
New git and
mercurial modules have been added
for fans of distributed version control.
In Progress Development
Master Side State Compiling
While we feel strongly that the advantages gained with minion side state compiling are very critical, it does prevent certain features that may be desired. 0.9.8 has support for initial master side state compiling, but many more components still need to be developed, it is hoped that these can be finished for 0.9.9.
The goal is that states can be compiled on both the master and the minion
allowing for compilation to be split between master and minion. Why will
this be great? It will allow storing sensitive data on the master and sending
it to some minions without all minions having access to it. This will be
good for handling ssl certificates on front-end web servers for instance.
Solaris Support
Salt 0.9.8 sees the introduction of basic Solaris support. The daemon runs
well, but grains and more of the modules need updating and testing.
Windows Support
Salt states on windows are now much more viable thanks to contributions from
our community! States for file, service, local user, and local group management are more fully
fleshed out along with network and disk modules. Windows users can also now manage
registry entries using the new "reg" module.
Salt 0.9.9 Release Notes
- release
0.9.9 is out and comes with some serious bug fixes and even more serious features. This release is the last major feature release before 1.0.0 and could be considered the 1.0.0 release candidate.
A few updates include more advanced kwargs support, the ability for salt states to more safely configure a running salt minion, better job directory management and the new state test interface.
Many new tests have been added as well, including the new minion swarm test that allows for easier testing of Salt working with large groups of minions. This means that if you have experienced stability issues with Salt before, particularly in larger deployments, that these bugs have been tested for, found, and killed.
Major Features
State Test Interface
Until 0.9.9 the only option when running states to see what was going to be changed was to print out the highstate with state.show_highstate and manually look it over. But now states can be run to discover what is going to be changed.
Passing the option test=True to many of the state functions will now cause the salt state system to only check for what is going to be changed and report on those changes.
salt '*' state.highstate test=True
Now states that would have made changes report them back in yellow.
State Syntax Update
A shorthand syntax has been added to sls files, and it will be the default syntax in documentation going forward. The old syntax is still fully supported and will not be deprecated, but it is recommended to move to the new syntax in the future. This change moves the state function up into the state name using a dot notation. This is in-line with how state functions are generally referred to as well:
The new way:
/etc/sudoers: file.present: - source: salt://sudo/sudoers - user: root - mode: 400
Use and Use_in Requisites
Two new requisite statements are available in 0.9.9. The use and use_in requisite and requisite-in allow for the transparent duplication of data between states. When a state "uses" another state it copies the other state's arguments as defaults. This was created in direct response to the new network state, and allows for many network interfaces to be configured in the same way easily. A simple example:
root_file: file.absent: - name: /tmp/nothing - user: root - mode: 644 - group: root - use_in: - file: /etc/vimrc fred_file: file.absent: - name: /tmp/nothing - user: fred - group: marketing - mode: 660 /files/marketing/district7.rst: file.present: - source: salt://marketing/district7.rst - template: jinja - use: - file: fred_file /etc/vimrc: file.present: - source: salt://edit/vimrc
This makes the 2 lower state decs inherit the options from their respectively
"used" state decs.
Network State
The new network state allows for the configuration of network devices via salt states and the ip salt module. This addition has been given to the project by Jeff Hutchins and Bret Palsson from Jive Communications.
Currently the only network configuration backend available is for Red Hat
based systems, like Red Hat Enterprise, CentOS, and Fedora.
Exponential Jobs
Originally the jobs executed were stored on the master in the format:
<cachedir>/jobs/jid/{minion ids}
But this format restricted the number of jobs in the cache to the number of
subdirectories allowed on the filesystem. Ext3 for instance limits
subdirectories to 32000. To combat this the new format for 0.9.9 is:
<cachedir>/jobs/jid_hash[:2]/jid_hash[2:]/{minion ids}
So that now the number of maximum jobs that can be run before the cleanup
cycle hits the job directory is substantially higher.
ssh_auth Additions
The original ssh_auth state was limited to accepting only arguments to apply to a public key, and the key itself. This was restrictive due to the way the we learned that many people were using the state, so the key section has been expanded to accept options and arguments to the key that over ride arguments passed in the state. This gives substantial power to using ssh_auth with names:
sshkeys: ssh_auth: - present - user: backup - enc: ssh-dss - options: - option1="value1" - option2="value2 flag2" - comment: backup - names: - AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAlyE26SMFFVY5YJvnL7AF5CRTPtAigSW1U887ASfBt6FDa7Qr1YdO5ochiLoz8aSiMKd5h4dhB6ymHbmntMPjQena29jQjXAK4AK0500rMShG1Y1HYEjTXjQxIy/SMjq2aycHI+abiVDn3sciQjsLsNW59t48Udivl2RjWG7Eo+LYiB17MKD5M40r5CP2K4B8nuL+r4oAZEHKOJUF3rzA20MZXHRQuki7vVeWcW7ie8JHNBcq8iObVSoruylXav4aKG02d/I4bz/l0UdGh18SpMB8zVnT3YF5nukQQ/ATspmhpU66s4ntMehULC+ljLvZL40ByNmF0TZc2sdSkA0111== - AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAlyE26SMFFVY5YJvnL7AF5CRTPtAigSW1U887ASfBt6FDa7Qr1YdO5ochiLoz8aSiMKd5h4dhB6ymHbmntMPjQena29jQjXAK4AK0500rMShG1Y1HYEjTXjQxIy/SMjq2aycHI+abiVDn3sciQjsLsNW59t48Udivl2RjWG7Eo+LYiB17MKD5M40r5CP2K4B8nuL+r4oAZEHKOJUF3rzA20MZXHRQuki7vVeWcW7ie8JHNBcq8iObVSoruylXav4aKG02d/I4bz/l0UdGh18SpMB8zVnT3YF5nukQQ/ATspmhpU66s4ntMehULC+ljLvZL40ByNmF0TZc2sdSkA0222== override - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAlyE26SMFFVY5YJvnL7AF5CRTPtAigSW1U887ASfBt6FDa7Qr1YdO5ochiLoz8aSiMKd5h4dhB6ymHbmntMPjQena29jQjXAK4AK0500rMShG1Y1HYEjTXjQxIy/SMjq2aycHI+abiVDn3sciQjsLsNW59t48Udivl2RjWG7Eo+LYiB17MKD5M40r5CP2K4B8nuL+r4oAZEHKOJUF3rzA20MZXHRQuki7vVeWcW7ie8JHNBcq8iObVSoruylXav4aKG02d/I4bz/l0UdGh18SpMB8zVnT3YF5nukQQ/ATspmhpU66s4ntMehULC+ljLvZL40ByNmF0TZc2sdSkA0333== override - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAlyE26SMFFVY5YJvnL7AF5CRTPtAigSW1U887ASfBt6FDa7Qr1YdO5ochiLoz8aSiMKd5h4dhB6ymHbmntMPjQena29jQjXAK4AK0500rMShG1Y1HYEjTXjQxIy/SMjq2aycHI+abiVDn3sciQjsLsNW59t48Udivl2RjWG7Eo+LYiB17MKD5M40r5CP2K4B8nuL+r4oAZEHKOJUF3rzA20MZXHRQuki7vVeWcW7ie8JHNBcq8iObVSoruylXav4aKG02d/I4bz/l0UdGh18SpMB8zVnT3YF5nukQQ/ATspmhpU66s4ntMehULC+ljLvZL40ByNmF0TZc2sdSkA0444== - option3="value3",option4="value4 flag4" ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAlyE26SMFFVY5YJvnL7AF5CRTPtAigSW1U887ASfBt6FDa7Qr1YdO5ochiLoz8aSiMKd5h4dhB6ymHbmntMPjQena29jQjXAK4AK0500rMShG1Y1HYEjTXjQxIy/SMjq2aycHI+abiVDn3sciQjsLsNW59t48Udivl2RjWG7Eo+LYiB17MKD5M40r5CP2K4B8nuL+r4oAZEHKOJUF3rzA20MZXHRQuki7vVeWcW7ie8JHNBcq8iObVSoruylXav4aKG02d/I4bz/l0UdGh18SpMB8zVnT3YF5nukQQ/ATspmhpU66s4ntMehULC+ljLvZL40ByNmF0TZc2sdSkA0555== override - option3="value3" ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAlyE26SMFFVY5YJvnL7AF5CRTPtAigSW1U887ASfBt6FDa7Qr1YdO5ochiLoz8aSiMKd5h4dhB6ymHbmntMPjQena29jQjXAK4AK0500rMShG1Y1HYEjTXjQxIy/SMjq2aycHI+abiVDn3sciQjsLsNW59t48Udivl2RjWG7Eo+LYiB17MKD5M40r5CP2K4B8nuL+r4oAZEHKOJUF3rzA20MZXHRQuki7vVeWcW7ie8JHNBcq8iObVSoruylXav4aKG02d/I4bz/l0UdGh18SpMB8zVnT3YF5nukQQ/ATspmhpU66s4ntMehULC+ljLvZL40ByNmF0TZc2sdSkA0666==
LocalClient Additions
To follow up the recent additions in 0.9.8 of additional kwargs support, 0.9.9 also adds the capability to send kwargs into commands via a dict. This addition to the LocalClient api can be used like so:
import salt.client client = salt.client.LocalClient('/etc/salt/master') ret = client.cmd('*', '', ['ls -l'], kwarg={'cwd': '/etc'})
This update has been added to all cmd methods in the LocalClient class.
Better Self Salting
One problem faced with running Salt states, is that it has been difficult to manage the Salt minion via states, this is due to the fact that if the minion is called to restart while a state run is happening then the state run would be killed. 0.9.9 slightly changes the process scope of the state runs, so now when salt is executing states it can safely restart the salt-minion daemon.
In addition to daemonizing the state run, the apt module also daemonizes.
This update makes it possible to cleanly update the salt-minion package on
Debian/Ubuntu systems without leaving apt in an inconsistent state or killing
the active minion process mid-execution.
Wildcards for SLS Modules
Now, when including sls modules in include statements or in the top file, shell globs can be used. This can greatly simplify listing matched sls modules in the top file and include statements:
base: '*': - files* - core*
include: -* - apache.ser*
External Pillar
Since the pillar data is just, data, it does not need to come expressly from the pillar interface. The external pillar system allows for hooks to be added making it possible to extract pillar data from any arbitrary external interface. The external pillar interface is configured via the ext_pillar option. Currently interfaces exist to gather external pillar data via hiera or via a shell command that sends yaml data to the terminal:
ext_pillar: - cmd_yaml: cat /etc/salt/ext.yaml - hiera: /etc/hirea.yaml
The initial external pillar interfaces and extra interfaces can be added to
the file salt/, it is planned to add more external pillar interfaces.
If the need arises a new module loader interface will be created in the future
to manage external pillar interfaces.
Single State Executions
The new state.single function allows for single states to be cleanly executed. This is a great tool for setting up a small group of states on a system or for testing out the behavior of single states:
salt '*' state.single user.present name=wade uid=2000
The test interface functions here as well, so changes can also be tested against as:
salt '*' state.single user.present name=wade uid=2000 test=True
New Tests
A few exciting new test interfaces have been added, the minion swarm allows
not only testing of larger loads, but also allows users to see how Salt behaves
with large groups of minions without having to create a large deployment.
Minion Swarm
The minion swarm test system allows for large groups of minions to be tested against easily without requiring large numbers of servers or virtual machines. The minion swarm creates as many minions as a system can handle and roots them in the /tmp directory and connects them to a master.
The benefit here is that we were able to replicate issues that happen only when there are large numbers of minions. A number of elusive bugs which were causing stability issues in masters and minions have since been hunted down. Bugs that used to take careful watch by users over several days can now be reliably replicated in minutes, and fixed in minutes.
Using the swarm is easy, make sure a master is up for the swarm to connect to, and then use the script in the tests directory to spin up as many minions as you want. Remember, this is a fork bomb, don't spin up more than your hardware can handle!
python -m 20 --master salt-master
Shell Tests
The new Shell testing system allows us to test the behavior of commands
executed from a high level. This allows for the high level testing of salt
runners and commands like salt-key.
Client Tests
Tests have been added to test the aspects of the client APIs and ensure that the client calls work, and that they manage passed data, in a desirable way.
SEE ALSO: Legacy salt-cloud release docs
Legacy salt-api release docs
A number of unofficial open source projects, based on Salt, or written to
enhance Salt have been created.
Salt Sandbox
Created by Aaron Bull Schaefer, aka "elasticdog".
Salt Sandbox is a multi-VM Vagrant-based Salt development environment used for creating and testing new Salt state modules outside of your production environment. It's also a great way to learn firsthand about Salt and its remote execution capabilities.
Salt Sandbox will set up three separate virtual machines:
- •
- - the Salt master server
- •
- - the first Salt minion machine
- •
- - the second Salt minion machine
These VMs can be used in conjunction to segregate and test your modules based on node groups, top file environments, grain values, etc. You can even test modules on different Linux distributions or release versions to better match your production infrastructure.
- security [at]
- gpg key ID
- 4EA0793D
- gpg key fingerprint
8ABE 4EFC F0F4 B24B FF2A AF90 D570 F2D3 4EA0 793D
gpg public key:
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.22 (Darwin) mQINBFO15mMBEADa3CfQwk5ED9wAQ8fFDku277CegG3U1hVGdcxqKNvucblwoKCb hRK6u9ihgaO9V9duV2glwgjytiBI/z6lyWqdaD37YXG/gTL+9Md+qdSDeaOa/9eg 7y+g4P+FvU9HWUlujRVlofUn5Dj/IZgUywbxwEybutuzvvFVTzsn+DFVwTH34Qoh QIuNzQCSEz3Lhh8zq9LqkNy91ZZQO1ZIUrypafspH6GBHHcE8msBFgYiNBnVcUFH u0r4j1Rav+621EtD5GZsOt05+NJI8pkaC/dDKjURcuiV6bhmeSpNzLaXUhwx6f29 Vhag5JhVGGNQxlRTxNEM86HEFp+4zJQ8m/wRDrGX5IAHsdESdhP+ljDVlAAX/ttP /Ucl2fgpTnDKVHOA00E515Q87ZHv6awJ3GL1veqi8zfsLaag7rw1TuuHyGLOPkDt t5PAjsS9R3KI7pGnhqI6bTOi591odUdgzUhZChWUUX1VStiIDi2jCvyoOOLMOGS5 AEYXuWYP7KgujZCDRaTNqRDdgPd93Mh9JI8UmkzXDUgijdzVpzPjYgFaWtyK8lsc Fizqe3/Yzf9RCVX/lmRbiEH+ql/zSxcWlBQd17PKaL+TisQFXcmQzccYgAxFbj2r QHp5ABEu9YjFme2Jzun7Mv9V4qo3JF5dmnUk31yupZeAOGZkirIsaWC3hwARAQAB tDBTYWx0U3RhY2sgU2VjdXJpdHkgVGVhbSA8c2VjdXJpdHlAc2FsdHN0YWNrLmNv bT6JAj4EEwECACgFAlO15mMCGwMFCQeGH4AGCwkIBwMCBhUIAgkKCwQWAgMBAh4B AheAAAoJENVw8tNOoHk9z/MP/2vzY27fmVxU5X8joiiturjlgEqQw41IYEmWv1Bw 4WVXYCHP1yu/1MC1uuvOmOd5BlI8YO2C2oyW7d1B0NorguPtz55b7jabCElekVCh h/H4ZVThiwqgPpthRv/2npXjIm7SLSs/kuaXo6Qy2JpszwDVFw+xCRVL0tH9KJxz HuNBeVq7abWD5fzIWkmGM9hicG/R2D0RIlco1Q0VNKy8klG+pOFOW886KnwkSPc7 JUYp1oUlHsSlhTmkLEG54cyVzrTP/XuZuyMTdtyTc3mfgW0adneAL6MARtC5UB/h q+v9dqMf4iD3wY6ctu8KWE8Vo5MUEsNNO9EA2dUR88LwFZ3ZnnXdQkizgR/Aa515 dm17vlNkSoomYCo84eN7GOTfxWcq+iXYSWcKWT4X+h/ra+LmNndQWQBRebVUtbKE ZDwKmiQz/5LY5EhlWcuU4lVmMSFpWXt5FR/PtzgTdZAo9QKkBjcv97LYbXvsPI69 El1BLAg+m+1UpE1L7zJT1il6PqVyEFAWBxW46wXCCkGssFsvz2yRp0PDX8A6u4yq rTkt09uYht1is61joLDJ/kq3+6k8gJWkDOW+2NMrmf+/qcdYCMYXmrtOpg/wF27W GMNAkbdyzgeX/MbUBCGCMdzhevRuivOI5bu4vT5s3KdshG+yhzV45bapKRd5VN+1 mZRquQINBFO15mMBEAC5UuLii9ZLz6qHfIJp35IOW9U8SOf7QFhzXR7NZ3DmJsd3 f6Nb/habQFIHjm3K9wbpj+FvaW2oWRlFVvYdzjUq6c82GUUjW1dnqgUvFwdmM835 1n0YQ2TonmyaF882RvsRZrbJ65uvy7SQxlouXaAYOdqwLsPxBEOyOnMPSktW5V2U IWyxsNP3sADchWIGq9p5D3Y/loyIMsS1dj+TjoQZOKSj7CuRT98+8yhGAY8YBEXu 9r3I9o6mDkuPpAljuMc8r09Im6az2egtK/szKt4Hy1bpSSBZU4W/XR7XwQNywmb3 wxjmYT6Od3Mwj0jtzc3gQiH8hcEy3+BO+NNmyzFVyIwOLziwjmEcw62S57wYKUVn HD2nglMsQa8Ve0e6ABBMEY7zGEGStva59rfgeh0jUMJiccGiUDTMs0tdkC6knYKb u/fdRqNYFoNuDcSeLEw4DdCuP01l2W4yY+fiK6hAcL25amjzc+yYo9eaaqTn6RAT bzdhHQZdpAMxY+vNT0+NhP1Zo5gYBMR65Zp/VhFsf67ijb03FUtdw9N8dHwiR2m8 vVA8kO/gCD6wS2p9RdXqrJ9JhnHYWjiVuXR+f755ZAndyQfRtowMdQIoiXuJEXYw 6XN+/BX81gJaynJYc0uw0MnxWQX+A5m8HqEsbIFUXBYXPgbwXTm7c4IHGgXXdwAR AQABiQIlBBgBAgAPBQJTteZjAhsMBQkHhh+AAAoJENVw8tNOoHk91rcQAIhxLv4g duF/J1Cyf6Wixz4rqslBQ7DgNztdIUMjCThg3eB6pvIzY5d3DNROmwU5JvGP1rEw hNiJhgBDFaB0J/y28uSci+orhKDTHb/cn30IxfuAuqrv9dujvmlgM7JUswOtLZhs 5FYGa6v1RORRWhUx2PQsF6ORg22QAaagc7OlaO3BXBoiE/FWsnEQCUsc7GnnPqi7 um45OJl/pJntsBUKvivEU20fj7j1UpjmeWz56NcjXoKtEvGh99gM5W2nSMLE3aPw vcKhS4yRyLjOe19NfYbtID8m8oshUDji0XjQ1z5NdGcf2V1YNGHU5xyK6zwyGxgV xZqaWnbhDTu1UnYBna8BiUobkuqclb4T9k2WjbrUSmTwKixokCOirFDZvqISkgmN r6/g3w2TRi11/LtbUciF0FN2pd7rj5mWrOBPEFYJmrB6SQeswWNhr5RIsXrQd/Ho zvNm0HnUNEe6w5YBfA6sXQy8B0Zs6pcgLogkFB15TuHIIIpxIsVRv5z8SlEnB7HQ Io9hZT58yjhekJuzVQB9loU0C/W0lzci/pXTt6fd9puYQe1DG37pSifRG6kfHxrR if6nRyrfdTlawqbqdkoqFDmEybAM9/hv3BqriGahGGH/hgplNQbYoXfNwYMYaHuB aSkJvrOQW8bpuAzgVyd7TyNFv+t1kLlfaRYJ =wBTJ -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
The SaltStack Security Team is available at security [at] for security-related bug reports or questions.
We request the disclosure of any security-related bugs or issues be reported non-publicly until such time as the issue can be resolved and a security-fix release can be prepared. At that time we will release the fix and make a public announcement with upgrade instructions and download locations.
Security response procedure
SaltStack takes security and the trust of our customers and users very seriously. Our disclosure policy is intended to resolve security issues as quickly and safely as is possible.
- 1.
- A security report sent to security [at] is assigned to a team member. This person is the primary contact for questions and will coordinate the fix, release, and announcement.
- 2.
- The reported issue is reproduced and confirmed. A list of affected projects and releases is made.
- 3.
- Fixes are implemented for all affected projects and releases that are actively supported. Back-ports of the fix are made to any old releases that are actively supported.
- 4.
- Packagers are notified via the salt-packagers mailing list that an issue was reported and resolved, and that an announcement is incoming.
- 5.
- A new release is created and pushed to all affected repositories. The release documentation provides a full description of the issue, plus any upgrade instructions or other relevant details.
- 6.
- An announcement is made to the salt-users and salt-announce mailing lists. The announcement contains a description of the issue and a link to the full release documentation and download locations.
Receiving security announcemnts
The fastest place to receive security announcements is via the salt-announce
mailing list. This list is low-traffic.
- •
- Frequently Asked Questions
- •
- Is Salt open-core?
- •
- What ports should I open on my firewall?
- •
- I'm seeing weird behavior (including but not limited to packages not installing their users properly)
- •
- My script runs every time I run a state.highstate. Why?
- •
- When I run, why don't the Minions that aren't responding return anything? Returning False would be helpful.
- •
- How does Salt determine the Minion's id?
- •
- I'm trying to manage packages/services but I get an error saying that the state is not available. Why?
- •
- I'm using gitfs and my custom modules/states/etc are not syncing. Why?
- •
- Why aren't my custom modules/states/etc. available on my Minions?
- •
- Module X isn't available, even though the shell command it uses is installed. Why?
- •
- Can I run different versions of Salt on my Master and Minion?
- •
- Does Salt support backing up managed files?
- •
- What is the best way to restart a Salt daemon using Salt?
- •
- Linux/Unix
- •
- Windows
- •
- Salting the Salt Master
- •
- Is Targeting using Grain Data Secure?
Is Salt open-core?
No. Salt is 100% committed to being open-source, including all of our APIs and
the 'Halite' web interface which was introduced in version 0.17.0. It is
developed under the Apache 2.0 license, allowing it to be used in both open
and proprietary projects.
What ports should I open on my firewall?
Minions need to be able to connect to the Master on TCP ports 4505 and 4506.
Minions do not need any inbound ports open. More detailed information on
firewall settings can be found here.
I'm seeing weird behavior (including but not limited to packages not installing their users properly)
This is often caused by SELinux. Try disabling SELinux or putting it in
permissive mode and see if the weird behavior goes away.
My script runs every time I run a state.highstate. Why?
You are probably using rather than cmd.wait. A cmd.wait state will only run when there has been a change in a state that it is watching.
A state will run the corresponding command every time (unless it is prevented from running by the unless or onlyif arguments).
More details can be found in the documentation for the cmd states.
When I run, why don't the Minions that aren't responding return anything? Returning False would be helpful.
When you run the Master tells Minions to run commands/functions, and listens for the return data, printing it to the screen when it is received. If it doesn't receive anything back, it doesn't have anything to display for that Minion.
There are a couple options for getting information on Minions that are not responding. One is to use the verbose (-v) option when you run salt commands, as it will display "Minion did not return" for any Minions which time out.
salt -v '*' pkg.install zsh
Another option is to use the manage.down runner:
salt-run manage.down
Also, if the Master is under heavy load, it is possible that the CLI will exit without displaying return data for all targeted Minions. However, this doesn't mean that the Minions did not return; this only means that the Salt CLI timed out waiting for a response. Minions will still send their return data back to the Master once the job completes. If any expected Minions are missing from the CLI output, the jobs.list_jobs runner can be used to show the job IDs of the jobs that have been run, and the jobs.lookup_jid runner can be used to get the return data for that job.
salt-run jobs.list_jobs salt-run jobs.lookup_jid 20130916125524463507
If you find that you are often missing Minion return data on the CLI, only to find it with the jobs runners, then this may be a sign that the worker_threads value may need to be increased in the master config file. Additionally, running your Salt CLI commands with the -t option will make Salt wait longer for the return data before the CLI command exits. For instance, the below command will wait up to 60 seconds for the Minions to return:
salt -t 60 '*'
How does Salt determine the Minion's id?
If the Minion id is not configured explicitly (using the id
parameter), Salt will determine the id based on the hostname. Exactly how this
is determined varies a little between operating systems and is described in
detail here.
I'm trying to manage packages/services but I get an error saying that the state is not available. Why?
Salt detects the Minion's operating system and assigns the correct package or service management module based on what is detected. However, for certain custom spins and OS derivatives this detection fails. In cases like this, an issue should be opened on our tracker, with the following information:
- 1.
The output of the following command:
salt <minion_id> grains.items | grep os
- 2.
- The contents of /etc/lsb-release, if present on the Minion.
I'm using gitfs and my custom modules/states/etc are not syncing. Why?
In versions of Salt 0.16.3 or older, there is a bug in gitfs which can affect the syncing of custom types.
Upgrading to 0.16.4 or newer will fix this.
Why aren't my custom modules/states/etc. available on my Minions?
Custom modules are only synced to Minions when state.highstate, saltutil.sync_modules, or saltutil.sync_all is run. Similarly, custom states are only synced to Minions when state.highstate, saltutil.sync_states, or saltutil.sync_all is run.
Other custom types (renderers, outputters, etc.) have similar behavior, see the
documentation for the saltutil module for more
Module X isn't available, even though the shell command it uses is installed. Why?
This is most likely a PATH issue. Did you custom-compile the software which the module requires? RHEL/CentOS/etc. in particular override the root user's path in /etc/init.d/functions, setting it to /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin, making software installed into /usr/local/bin unavailable to Salt when the Minion is started using the initscript. In version 2014.1.0, Salt will have a better solution for these sort of PATH-related issues, but recompiling the software to install it into a location within the PATH should resolve the issue in the meantime. Alternatively, you can create a symbolic link within the PATH using a file.symlink state.
/usr/bin/foo: file.symlink: - target: /usr/local/bin/foo
Can I run different versions of Salt on my Master and Minion?
This depends on the versions. In general, it is recommended that Master and Minion versions match.
When upgrading Salt, the master(s) should always be upgraded first. Backwards compatibility for minions running newer versions of salt than their masters is not guaranteed.
Whenever possible, backwards compatibility between new masters and old minions will be preserved. Generally, the only exception to this policy is in case of a security vulnerability.
Recent examples of backwards compatibility breakage include the 0.17.1 release
(where all backwards compatibility was broken due to a security fix), and the
2014.1.0 release (which retained compatibility between 2014.1.0 masters and
0.17 minions, but broke compatibility for 2014.1.0 minions and older masters).
Does Salt support backing up managed files?
Yes. Salt provides an easy to use addition to your file.managed states that
allow you to back up files via backup_mode,
backup_mode can be configured on a per state basis, or in the minion config
(note that if set in the minion config this would simply be the default
method to use, you still need to specify that the file should be backed up!).
What is the best way to restart a Salt daemon using Salt?
Updating the salt-minion package requires a restart of the salt-minion service.
But restarting the service while in the middle of a state run interrupts the
process of the minion running states and sending results back to the master.
It's a tricky problem to solve, and we're working on it, but in the meantime
one way of handling this (on Linux and UNIX-based operating systems) is to use
at (a job scheduler which predates cron) to schedule a restart of the
service. at is not installed by default on most distros, and requires a
service to be running (usually called atd) in order to schedule jobs.
Here's an example of how to upgrade the salt-minion package at the end of a
Salt run, and schedule a service restart for one minute after the package
update completes.
salt-minion: pkg.installed: - name: salt-minion - version: 2014.1.7-3.el6 - order: last service.running: - name: salt-minion - require: - pkg: salt-minion cmd.wait: - name: echo service salt-minion restart | at now + 1 minute - watch: - pkg: salt-minion
To ensure that at is installed and atd is running, the following states can be used (be sure to double-check the package name and service name for the distro the minion is running, in case they differ from the example below.
at: pkg.installed: - name: at service.running: - name: atd - enable: True
An alternatvie to using the atd daemon is to fork and disown the process.
restart_minion: - name: | nohup /bin/sh -c 'sleep 10 && salt-call --local service.restart salt-minion' - python_shell: True - order: last
For Windows machines, restarting the minion at can be accomplished by adding the following state:
schedule-start: - name: 'start powershell "Restart-Service -Name salt-minion"' - order: last
or running immediately from the command line:
salt -G kernel:Windows 'start powershell "Restart-Service -Name salt-minion"'
Salting the Salt Master
In order to configure a master server via states, the Salt master can also be "salted" in order to enforce state on the Salt master as well as the Salt minions. Salting the Salt master requires a Salt minion to be installed on the same machine as the Salt master. Once the Salt minion is installed, the minion configuration file must be pointed to the local Salt master:
Once the Salt master has been "salted" with a Salt minion, it can be targeted just like any other minion. If the minion on the salted master is running, the minion can be targeted via any usual salt command. Additionally, the salt-call command can execute operations to enforce state on the salted master without requiring the minion to be running.
More information about salting the Salt master can be found in the salt-formula for salt itself:
Is Targeting using Grain Data Secure?
Because grains can be set by users that have access to the minion configuration files on the local system, grains are considered less secure than other identifiers in Salt. Use caution when targeting sensitive operations or setting pillar values based on grain data.
When possible, you should target sensitive operations and data using the Minion
ID. If the Minion ID of a system changes, the Salt Minion's public key must be
re-accepted by an administrator on the Salt Master, making it less vulnerable
to impersonation attacks.
- Auto-Order
- The evaluation of states in the order that they are defined in a SLS file. See also: ordering.
- Bootstrap
- A stand-alone Salt project which can download and install a Salt master and/or a Salt minion onto a host. See also: salt-bootstrap.
- Compound Matcher
- A combination of many target definitions that can be combined with boolean operators. See also: targeting.
- EAuth
- Shorthand for 'external authentication'. A system for calling to a system outside of Salt in order to authenticate users and determine if they are allowed to issue particular commands to Salt. See also: external auth.
- Environment
- A directory tree containing state files which can be applied to minions. See also: top file.
- Execution Module
- A Python module that contains execution functions which directly perform various system-management tasks on a server. Salt ships with a number of execution modules but users can also write their own execution modules to perform specialized tasks. See also: the list of execution modules.
- Execution Function
- A Python function inside an Execution Module that may take arguments and performs specific system-management tasks. See also: the list of execution modules.
- External Job Cache
- An external data-store that can archive information about jobs that have been run. A default returner. See also: ext_job_cache, the list of returners.
- External Pillar
- A module that accepts arbitrary arguments and returns a dictionary. The dictionary is automatically added to a pillar for a minion.
- Event
- A notice emitted onto an event bus. Events are often driven by requests for actions to occur on a minion or master and the results of those actions. See also: Salt Reactor.
- File Server
- A local or remote location for storing both Salt-specific files such as top files or SLS files as well as files that can be distributed to minions, such as system configuration files. See also: Salt's file server.
- Grain
- A key-value pair which contains a fact about a system, such as its hostname, network addresses. See also: targeting with grains.
- Halite
- The Salt GUI. See also: Halite.
- Jinja
- A templating language which allows variables and simple logic to be dynamically inserted into static text files when they are rendered. See also: Salt's Jinja documentation.
- Job
- The complete set of tasks to be performed by the execution of a Salt command are a single job. See also: jobs runner.
- Job ID
- A unique identifier to represent a given job.
- Highdata
- The data structure in a SLS file the represents a set of state declarations. See also: state layers.
- Highstate
- The collection of states to be applied to a system. See also: state layers.
- Low State
- The collection of processed states after requisites and order are evaluated. See also: state layers.
- Master
- A central Salt daemon which from which commands can be issued to listening minions.
- Masterless
- A minion which does not require a Salt master to operate. All configuration is local. See also: file_client.
- Master Tops
- A system for the master that allows hooks into external systems to generate top file data.
- Mine
- A facility to collect arbitrary data from minions and store that data on the master. This data is then available to all other minions. [Sometimes referred to as Salt Mine.] See also: Salt Mine.
- Minion
- A server running a Salt minion daemon which can listen to commands from a master and perform the requested tasks. Generally, minions are servers which are to be controlled using Salt.
- Minion ID
- A globally unique identifier for a minion. See also: id.
- Multi-Master
- The ability for a minion to be actively connected to multiple Salt masters at the same time in high-availability environments.
- Node Group
- A pre-defined group of minions declared in the master configuration file. See also: targeting.
- Outputter
- A formatter for defining the characteristics of output data from a Salt command. See also: list of outputters.
- Overstate
- A system by which a Master can issue function calls to minions in a deterministic order. See also: overstate.
- Peer Communication
- The ability for minions to communicate directly with other minions instead of brokering commands through the Salt master. See also: peer communication.
- Pillar
- A simple key-value store for user-defined data to be made available to a minion. Often used to store and distribute sensitive data to minions. See also: Pillar, list of Pillar modules.
- Proxy Minion
- A minion which can control devices that are unable to run a Salt minion locally, such as routers and switches.
- A Pythonic domain-specific-language used as a Salt renderer. PyDSL can be used in cases where adding pure Python into SLS files is beneficial. See also: PyDSL.
- Reactor
- An interface for listening to events and defining actions that Salt should taken upon receipt of given events. See also: Reactor.
- Render Pipe
- Allows SLS files to be rendered by multiple renderers, with each renderer receiving the output of the previous. See also: composing renderers.
- Renderer
- Responsible for translating a given data serialization format such as YAML or JSON into a Python data structure that can be consumed by Salt. See also: list of renderers.
- Returner
- Allows for the results of a Salt command to be sent to a given data-store such as a database or log file for archival. See also: list of returners.
- Roster
- A flat-file list of target hosts. (Currently only used by salt-ssh.)
- Runner Module
- A module containing a set of runner functions. See also: list of runner modules.
- Runner Function
- A function which is is called by the salt-run command and executes on the master instead of on a minion. See also: Runner Module.
- Salt Cloud
- A suite of tools used to create and deploy systems on many hosted cloud providers. See also: salt-cloud.
- Salt SSH
- A configuration management and remote orchestration system that does not require that any software besides SSH be installed on systems to be controlled.
- Salt Thin
- A subset of the normal Salt distribution that does not include any transport routines. A Salt Thin bundle can be dropped onto a host and used directly without any requirement that the host be connected to a network. Used by Salt SSH. See also: thin runner.
- Salt Virt
- Used to manage the creation and deployment of virtual machines onto a set of host machines. Often used to create and deploy private clouds. See also: virt runner.
- SLS Module
- Contains a set of state declarations.
- State Declaration
- A data structure which contains a unique ID and describes one or more states of a system such as ensuring that a package is installed or a user is defined. See also: highstate structure.
- State Module
- A module which contains a set of state functions. See also: list of state modules.
- State Function
- A function contained inside a state module which can manages the application of a particular state to a system. State functions frequently call out to one or more execution modules to perform a given task.
- State Run
- The application of a set of states on a set of systems.
- State Compiler
- Translates highdata into lowdata.
- Syndic
- A forwarder which can relay messages between tiered masters. See also: Syndic.
- Target
- Minion(s) to which a given salt command will apply. See also: targeting.
- Top File
- Determines which SLS files should be applied to various systems and organizes those groups of systems into environments. See also: top file, list of master top modules.
- Worker
- A master process which can send notices and receive replies from minions. See also: worker_threads.
- __virtual__
- A function in a module that is called on module load to determine whether or not the module should be available to a minion. This function commonly contains logic to determine if all requirements for a module are available, such as external libraries.
Thomas S. Hatch <thatch45 [at]> and many others, please see the Authors fileCOPYRIGHT
2016 SaltStack, Inc.