pom_remove_dep (7) - Linux Manuals

pom_remove_dep: remove dependency on Maven artifact from POM file


pom_remove_dep - remove dependency on Maven artifact from POM file


%pom_remove_dep [groupId]:[artifactId] [POM-location]


This macro patches specified POM file not to contain dependencies on given Maven artifact.

groupId and artifactId are identifiers of Maven group and artifact of the module on which dependency is to be removed. If they are ommited then all identifiers are matched.

POM location can be either a full path to the POM file, or a path to the directory containing pom.xml. If POM location is not given then pom.xml from current working directory is used.


%pom_remove_dep com.example: - this call removes dependency on all artifacts with groupId com.example from POM in current working directory.

%pom_remove_dep boo:bar target/location - this call removes dependency on artifacts with groupId foo and artifactId bar from target/location/pom.xml.


Written by Mikolaj Izdebski.


Bugs should be reported through Red Hat Bugzilla at m[blue]http://bugzilla.redhat.com/m[].