glmatrix (6x) - Linux Manuals

glmatrix: simulates the title sequence effect of the movie


glmatrix - simulates the title sequence effect of the movie


glmatrix [-display host:display.screen] [-window] [-root] [-install] [-visual visual] [-delay usecs] [-speed ratio] [-density pct] [-no-fog] [-no-waves] [-no-rotate] [-binary] [-hexadecimal] [-dna] [-clock] [-timefmt fmt] [-wireframe] [-fps]


The glmatrix program draws the 3D "digital rain" effect, as seen in the title sequence of the Wachowski brothers' film, "The Matrix".

Also see xmatrix(6x) for a 2D rendering of the similar effect that appeared on the computer monitors actually in the movie.


glmatrix accepts the following options:
Draw on a newly-created window. This is the default.
Draw on the root window.
Install a private colormap for the window.
-visual visual
Specify which visual to use. Legal values are the name of a visual class, or the id number (decimal or hex) of a specific visual.
-delay usecs
The delay between frames of the animation, in microseconds: default 30000.
-speed ratio
How fast the glyphs should move; default 1.0. 2.0 means twice as fast, 0.5 means half as fast.
-density percentage
The approximate percentage of the screen that should be filled with characters at any given time. Default 20%.
By default, glyphs are dimmer the farther away they are. This argument disables that.
By default, waves of color roll down the columns of glyphs. This argument disables that.
By default, the scene slowly tilts and rotates. This argument disables that.
Instead of displaying Matrix glyphs, only display ones and zeros.
Instead of displaying Matrix glyphs, display hexadecimal digits.
Instead of displaying Matrix glyphs, display genetic code (guanine, adenine, thymine, and cytosine.)
Hide a clock displaying the current time somewhere in the glyphs.
-timefmt strftime-string
How to format the clock when -clock is specified. Default " %l%M%p ".
-speed ratio
Less than 1 for slower, greater than 1 for faster. Default 1.
Just draw boxes instead of textured characters.
Display the current frame rate, CPU load, and polygon count.


to get the default host and display number.
to get the name of a resource file that overrides the global resources stored in the RESOURCE_MANAGER property.


Copyright © 1999-2003 by Jamie Zawinski. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.


Jamie Zawinski <jwz [at]>, 8-Jun-2003.


xmatrix(6x), X(1), xscreensaver(1)