virt-who-config (5) - Linux Manuals
virt-who-config: configuration for virt-who
virt-who-config - configuration for virt-whoSYNOPISIS
/etc/virt-who.conf /etc/virt-who.d/*DESCRIPTION
Configuration format is ini-like. The configuration files located at /etc/virt-who.d/ are called virtualization backend configurations. The configuration located at /etc/virt-who.conf is the main configuration for virt-who. Below are descriptions of both the required and optional options for both kinds of configs and how they are used.GENERAL CONFIGURATION
The general configuration file (located at /etc/virt-who.conf), has two special sections global and defaults. The settings that can be specified in defaults are any setting listed in the VIRTUALIZATION BACKEND CONFIGURATION section of this manual. These settings are applied as defaults to the configurations found in /etc/virt-who.d/*.The settings in the global affect the overall operation of the application. The following are options that can be specified in the global section:
- interval
- how often to check connected hypervisors for changes (seconds). Also affects how often a mapping is reported.
- reporter_id
- The id of this virt-who instance, reported with all mappings. Defaults to HOSTNAME-MACHINEID
- debug
- Enable debugging output
- oneshot
- Send the list of guest IDs and exit immediately
- log_per_config
- Write a seperate log file per configuration in the config directory
- log_dir
- The absolute path of the directory to write logs to.
- log_file
- The file name to write logs to (used only if log_per_config=False)
- configs
A list of files containing configurations for virt-who
Used to specify locations other than default
Each section (or group), denoted by an arbitrary name for the configuration (in square brackets), is read inOnly required key is type that has to have one of the allowed virtualization backend names, see virt-who(8).
Please note that special characters must not be escaped (opposed to /etc/sysconfig/virt-who).
Other options that can be supplied are:
- server
- Hostname, IP address or URL of the server that provides virtualization information (not applicable for vdsm mode).
- username
- Username for authentication to the server (not applicable for vdsm mode). May include domain. Do not escape the backslash between domain and username.
- password
- Password for authentication to the server (not applicable for vdsm mode).
- encrypted_password
- Alternative to the password option, encrypted password that is generated by virt-who-password(8) utility.
- owner
- Owner for use with Subscription Asset Manager, the Red Hat Customer Portal, or Satellite 6 (not applicable for Satellite 5)
- env
- Environment for use with Subscription Asset Manager or Satellite 6 (not applicable for Satellite 5)
- rhsm_username
- Optional username to use to communicate with Subscription Asset Manager or Satellite 6 instead of the registered system's identity certificate. (not applicable for Satellite 5)
- rhsm_password
- Optional password to use to communicate with Subscription Asset Manager or Satellite 6 instead of the registered system's identity certificate. (not applicable for Satellite 5)
- rhsm_encrypted_password
- Alternative to the rhsm_password option, encrypted password that is generated by virt-who-password(8) utility.
- rhsm_hostname
- Optional hostname of the Subscription Asset Manager or Satellite 6 server to use in place of the host defined in the system's rhsm.conf.
- rhsm_port
- Optional port for the Subscription Asset Manager or Satellite 6 server to use in place of the port defined in the system's rhsm.conf.
- rhsm_prefix
- Optional prefix for the Subscription Asset Manager or Satellite 6 server to use in place of the prefix defined in the system's rhsm.conf.
- rhsm_proxy_hostname
- Optional proxy host name for the Subscription Asset Manager or Satellite 6 server to use in place of the proxy host name defined in the system's rhsm.conf.
- rhsm_proxy_port
- Optional proxy port for the Subscription Asset Manager or Satellite 6 server to use in place of the proxy port defined in the system's rhsm.conf.
- rhsm_proxy_user
- Optional proxy username for the Subscription Asset Manager or Satellite 6 server to use in place of the proxy username defined in the system's rhsm.conf.
- rhsm_proxy_password
- Optional proxy password for the Subscription Asset Manager or Satellite 6 server to use in place of the proxy password defined in the system's rhsm.conf.
- rhsm_encrypted_proxy_password
- Alternative to the rhsm_proxy_password option; encrypted password generated by the virt-who-password(8) utility.
- sat_server
- Hostname, IP address or URL of the Satellite 5 server.
- sat_username
- Username for authentication to the Satellite 5 server.
- sat_password
- Password for authentication to the Satellite 5 server.
- sat_encrypted_password
- Alternative to sat_password option, encrypted password that is generated by virt-who-password(8) utility.
- filter_hosts
- Only hosts which uuid (or hostname or hwuuid, based on hypervisor_id) is specified in comma-separated list in this option will be reported. Put the value into the double-quotes if it contains special characters (like comma). filter_host_uuids is deprecated alias for this option.
- exclude_hosts
- Hosts which uuid (or hostname or hwuuid, based on hypervisor_id) is specified in comma-separated list in this option will NOT be reported. Put the value into the double-quotes if it contains special characters (like comma). exclude_host_uuids is deprecated alias for this option.
- hypervisor_id
Property that should be used as identification of the hypervisor. Can be one of following: uuid, hostname, hwuuid. Note that some virtualization backends don't have all of them implemented. Default is uuid. hwuuid is applicable to esx and rhevm only. This property is meant to be set up before initial run of virt-who. Changing it later will result in duplicated entries in the subscription manager.
- filter_host_parents
- Only hosts which parent (usually ComputeResource) name is specified in comma-separated list in this option will be reported. Put the name into the double-quotes if it contains special characters (like comma).
- exclude_host_parents
- Hosts which parent (usually ComputeResource) name is specified in comma-separated list in this option will NOT be reported. Put the name into the double-quotes if it contains special characters (like comma).
- simplified_vim
virt-who by default uses stripped-down version of vimService.wsdl file that contains vSphere SOAP API definition. Set this option to false to use server provided wsdl file that will be retrieved automatically.
- server
The default port number is 8443 (that was used the default in RHEV-M <= 3.0). Newer RHEV-M installations uses port 443 by default. Use correct value for your server in format:
Fake backend reads host/guests associations from the file on disk, for example:
- type
Must be always fake.
- is_hypervisor
If true (default), the option determines that the fake data are fetched from multihost environment.
- file
Absolute path to the JSON file that has the same structure as file returned from virt-who --print command, for example:
"hypervisors": [
"uuid": "7e98b6ea-0af1-4afa-b846-919549bb0fe2",
"guests": [
"guestId": "8ae19f08-2605-b476-d42e-4bd5a39f466c"