std::messages (3) - Linux Manuals

std::messages: std::messages


std::messages - std::messages


Defined in header <locale>
template< class CharT >
class messages;

Class template std::messages is a standard locale facet that encapsulates retrieval of strings from message catalogs, such as the ones provided by GNU gettext or by POSIX catgets.
The source of the messages is implementation-defined.
Inheritance diagram
Two standalone (locale-independent) specializations are provided by the standard library:

Defined in header <locale>
std::messages<char> accesses narrow string message catalog
std::messages<wchar_t> accesses wide string message catalog

In addition, every locale object constructed in a C++ program implements its own (locale-specific) versions of these specializations.

Member types

Member type Definition
char_type CharT
string_type std::basic_string<CharT>

Member functions

              constructs a new messages facet
constructor (public member function)
              destructs a messages facet
destructor (protected member function)
              invokes do_open
open (public member function)
              invokes do_get
get (public member function)
              invokes do_close
close (public member function)

Member objects

                          id of the locale
static std::locale::id id (public member object)

Protected member functions

do_open opens a named message catalog
          (virtual protected member function)

do_get retrieves a message from an open message catalog
          (virtual protected member function)

do_close closes a message catalog
          (virtual protected member function)

Inherited from std::messages_base

Type Definition
catalog /*unspecified signed integer type*/

See also

                defines messages catalog type
messages_base (class template)
                creates a messages facet for the named locale
messages_byname (class template)