std::filesystem::path::concat,std::filesystem::path::operator+= (3) - Linux Manuals
std::filesystem::path::concat,std::filesystem::path::operator+=: std::filesystem::path::concat,std::filesystem::path::operator+=
Command to display std::filesystem::path::concat,std::filesystem::path::operator+=
manual in Linux: $ man 3 std::filesystem::path::concat,std::filesystem::path::operator+=
std::filesystem::path::concat,std::filesystem::path::operator+= - std::filesystem::path::concat,std::filesystem::path::operator+=
path& operator+=( const path& p ); (1) (since C++17)
path& operator+=( const string_type& str ); (2) (since C++17)
path& operator+=( std::basic_string_view<value_type> str );
path& operator+=( const value_type* ptr ); (3) (since C++17)
path& operator+=( value_type x ); (4) (since C++17)
template< class Source > (5) (since C++17)
path& operator+=( const Source& source );
template< class CharT > (6) (since C++17)
path& operator+=( CharT x );
template< class Source > (7) (since C++17)
path& concat( const Source& source );
template< class InputIt > (8) (since C++17)
path& concat( InputIterator first, InputIterator last );
Concatenates the current path and the argument
1-7) Appends path(other).native() to the pathname stored in *this in the native format. This directly manipulates the value of native() and may not be portable between operating systems.
8) Same as return *this += path(first, last)
p - path to append
str - string or string view to append
ptr - pointer to the beginning of a null-terminated string to append
x - single character to append
source - std::basic_string, std::basic_string_view, null-terminated multicharacter string, or an input iterator pointing to a null-terminated multicharacter sequence, which represents a path name (either in portable or in native format)
first, last - pair of LegacyInputIterators that specify a multicharacter sequence that represents a path name
Type requirements
InputIt must meet the requirements of LegacyInputIterator.
The value type of InputIt must be one of the encoded character types (char, wchar_t, char16_t and char32_t)
CharT must be one of the encoded character types (char, wchar_t, char16_t and char32_t)
Return value
May throw std::bad_alloc if memory allocation fails.
Unlike with append() or operator/=, additional directory separators are never introduced.
// Run this code
#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
int main() {
fs::path p1; // empty path
p1 += "var"; // does not insert a separator
std::cout << "\"\" + \"var\" == " << p1 << '\n';
p1 += "lib"; // does not insert a separator
std::cout << "\"\" + \"var\" + \"lib\" == " << p1 << '\n';
"" + "var" == "var"
"" + "var" + "lib" == "varlib"
See also
appends elements to the path with a directory separator
append (public member function)
concatenates two paths with a directory separator
operator/ (function)
Pages related to std::filesystem::path::concat,std::filesystem::path::operator+=
- std::filesystem::path::compare (3) - std::filesystem::path::compare
- std::filesystem::path::c_str,std::filesystem::path::native, (3) - std::filesystem::path::c_str,std::filesystem::path::native,
- std::filesystem::path::c_str,std::filesystem::path::native,std::filesystem::path::operatorstring_type() (3) - std::filesystem::path::c_str,std::filesystem::path::native,std::filesystem::path::operatorstring_type()
- std::filesystem::path::clear (3) - std::filesystem::path::clear
- std::filesystem::path::assign (3) - std::filesystem::path::assign
- std::filesystem::path::begin,std::filesystem::path::end (3) - std::filesystem::path::begin,std::filesystem::path::end
- std::filesystem::path::empty (3) - std::filesystem::path::empty
- std::filesystem::path::extension (3) - std::filesystem::path::extension
- std::filesystem::path::filename (3) - std::filesystem::path::filename
- std::filesystem::path::format (3) - std::filesystem::path::format
- std::filesystem::path::generic_string,std::filesystem::path::generic_wstring, (3) - std::filesystem::path::generic_string,std::filesystem::path::generic_wstring,
- std::filesystem::path::has_root_path,std::filesystem::path::has_root_name, (3) - std::filesystem::path::has_root_path,std::filesystem::path::has_root_name,
- std::filesystem::path::is_absolute,is_relative (3) - std::filesystem::path::is_absolute,is_relative
- std::filesystem::path::lexically_normal,std::filesystem::path::lexically_relative, (3) - std::filesystem::path::lexically_normal,std::filesystem::path::lexically_relative,
- std::filesystem::path::lexically_normal,std::filesystem::path::lexically_relative,std::filesystem::path::lexically_proximate (3) - std::filesystem::path::lexically_normal,std::filesystem::path::lexically_relative,std::filesystem::path::lexically_proximate
- std::filesystem::path::make_preferred (3) - std::filesystem::path::make_preferred
- std::filesystem::path::operator= (3) - std::filesystem::path::operator=
- std::filesystem::path::parent_path (3) - std::filesystem::path::parent_path
- std::filesystem::path::path (3) - std::filesystem::path::path
- std::filesystem::path::relative_path (3) - std::filesystem::path::relative_path
- std::filesystem::path::remove_filename (3) - std::filesystem::path::remove_filename
- std::filesystem::path::replace_extension (3) - std::filesystem::path::replace_extension
- std::filesystem::path::replace_filename (3) - std::filesystem::path::replace_filename
- std::filesystem::path::root_directory (3) - std::filesystem::path::root_directory
- std::filesystem::path::root_name (3) - std::filesystem::path::root_name
- std::filesystem::path::root_path (3) - std::filesystem::path::root_path
- std::filesystem::path::stem (3) - std::filesystem::path::stem