std::experimental::ranges::tag::in,in1,in2,out,out1,out2,fun,min,max,begin,end (3) - Linux Manuals

std::experimental::ranges::tag::in,in1,in2,out,out1,out2,fun,min,max,begin,end: std::experimental::ranges::tag::in,in1,in2,out,out1,out2,fun,min,max,begin,end


std::experimental::ranges::tag::in,in1,in2,out,out1,out2,fun,min,max,begin,end - std::experimental::ranges::tag::in,in1,in2,out,out1,out2,fun,min,max,begin,end


Defined in header <experimental/ranges/algorithm>
struct in { /* implementation-defined */ };
struct in1 { /* implementation-defined */ };
struct in2 { /* implementation-defined */ };
struct out { /* implementation-defined */ };
struct out1 { /* implementation-defined */ };
struct out2 { /* implementation-defined */ }; (ranges TS)
struct fun { /* implementation-defined */ };
struct min { /* implementation-defined */ };
struct max { /* implementation-defined */ };
struct begin { /* implementation-defined */ };
struct end { /* implementation-defined */ };

These classes are TagSpecifiers for use with ranges::tagged.
The name of a specifier is also the element name it corresponds to. For instance, ranges::tagged<std::pair<int, int>, tag::min, tag::max> provides a set of named accessors named min and a set of named accessors named max.