std::experimental::ranges::projected (3) - Linux Manuals

std::experimental::ranges::projected: std::experimental::ranges::projected


std::experimental::ranges::projected - std::experimental::ranges::projected


Defined in header <experimental/ranges/iterator>
template <Readable I, IndirectRegularUnaryInvocable<I> Proj>
struct projected {
using value_type =
ranges::indirect_result_of_t<Proj&(I)> operator*() const;
}; (ranges TS)

template <WeaklyIncrementable I, class Proj>
struct difference_type<projected<I, Proj>> {
using type = ranges::difference_type_t<I>;

The class template projected bundles a Readable type I and a function Proj into a new Readable type whose reference type is the result of applying Proj to the reference type of I. It exists solely to ease constraint specification, and so its operator*() may not be actually defined.