std::chrono::floor(std::chrono::time_point) (3) - Linux Manuals
std::chrono::floor(std::chrono::time_point): std::chrono::floor(std::chrono::time_point)
std::chrono::floor(std::chrono::time_point) - std::chrono::floor(std::chrono::time_point)
Defined in header <chrono>
template <class ToDuration, class Clock, class Duration> (since C++17)
constexpr time_point<Clock, ToDuration> floor(const time_point<Clock, Duration>& tp);
Returns the largest time point t representable in ToDuration that is smaller or equal to tp.
The function does not participate in the overload resolution unless ToDuration is an specialization of std::chrono::duration.
tp - time point to round down
Return value
d rounded down to a the next time point using duration of type ToDuration.
Possible implementation
This section is incomplete
Reason: no example
See also
time_point_cast (function template)
ceil(std::chrono::time_point) converts a time_point to another, rounding up
round(std::chrono::time_point) converts a time_point to another, rounding to nearest, ties to even
floor(std::chrono::duration) converts a duration to another, rounding down
floorl nearest integer not greater than the given value