std::atomic_flag::clear (3) - Linux Manuals

std::atomic_flag::clear: std::atomic_flag::clear


std::atomic_flag::clear - std::atomic_flag::clear


Defined in header <atomic>
void clear( std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst ) volatile noexcept; (1) (since C++11)
void clear( std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst ) noexcept; (2) (since C++11)

Atomically changes the state of a std::atomic_flag to clear (false).


order - the memory synchronization ordering for this operation (cannot be std::memory_order_consume, std::memory_order_acquire, or std::memory_order_acq_rel)

See also

                           atomically sets the flag to true and obtains its previous value
test_and_set (public member function)

atomic_flag_clear_explicit atomically sets the value of the flag to false

memory_order defines memory ordering constraints for the given atomic operation