std::atomic_flag::atomic_flag (3) - Linux Manuals

std::atomic_flag::atomic_flag: std::atomic_flag::atomic_flag


std::atomic_flag::atomic_flag - std::atomic_flag::atomic_flag


Defined in header <atomic>
atomic_flag() noexcept; (1) (since C++11)
atomic_flag( const atomic_flag& ) = delete; (2) (since C++11)

Constructs a new std::atomic_flag.
1) Trivial default constructor, initializes std::atomic_flag to unspecified state.
2) The copy constructor is deleted; std::atomic_flag is not copyable.
In addition, std::atomic_flag can be value-initialized to clear state with the expression ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT. For an atomic_flag with static storage_duration, this guarantees static_initialization: the flag can be used in constructors of static objects.

See also

ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT initializes an std::atomic_flag to false
                 (macro constant)