std::_Exit (3) - Linux Manuals

std::_Exit: std::_Exit


std::_Exit - std::_Exit


Defined in header <cstdlib>
[[noreturn]] void _Exit( int exit_code ) noexcept; (since C++11)

Causes normal program termination to occur without completely cleaning the resources.
Destructors of variables with automatic, thread local and static storage durations are not called. Functions passed to std::at_quick_exit() or std::atexit() are not called. Whether open resources such as files are closed is implementation defined.
If exit_code is 0 or EXIT_SUCCESS, an implementation-defined status indicating successful termination is returned to the host environment. If exit_code is EXIT_FAILURE, an implementation-defined status, indicating unsuccessful termination, is returned. In other cases implementation-defined status value is returned.


exit_code - exit status of the program

Return value



// Run this code

  #include <iostream>

  class Static {
          std::cout << "Static dtor\n";

  class Local {
          std::cout << "Local dtor\n";

  Static static_variable; // dtor of this object will *not* be called

  void atexit_handler()
      std::cout << "atexit handler\n";

  int main()
      Local local_variable; // dtor of this object will *not* be called

      // handler will *not* be called
      const int result = std::atexit(atexit_handler);

      if (result != 0) {
          std::cerr << "atexit registration failed\n";
          return EXIT_FAILURE;

      std::cout << "test" << std::endl; // flush from std::endl
          // needs to be here, otherwise nothing will be printed



See also

      causes abnormal program termination (without cleaning up)
abort (function)
      causes normal program termination with cleaning up
exit (function)