#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
#include <ncarg/gks.h>
void c_ngsrat(int wkid, int conid, int itype, char *fname,
int iopt, int *iat, float *rat, int ncolrs,
int nstart, Gcolr_rep *ctab)
(an input variable of type INTEGER) specifying the workstation identifier
that the reopened metafile will subsequently be known by. This does not
have to be the same as the worksttion identifier used to create the
original metafile.
(an input variable of type INTEGER) specifying the connection identifier.
(an input variable of type INTEGER) specifying the workstation type.
Currently the only valid value is "1". This subroutine may be augmented
to accommodate PostScript files in the future.
(an input variable of type CHARACTER) specifying the filename of the
metafile being opened for appending.
(an input variable of type INTEGER) specifying the desired action:
- = 0
reestablish the color table only (using the color table in argument CTAB
described below). The attributes of the reopened workstation will be set
to default values and may well be out of sync with the current GKS attributes.
- = 1
reestablish the color table and GKS state (the GKS state as supplied
in arguments IAT and RAT described below). The state values will not be
flushed to the metafile.
- = 2
reestablish the color table and GKS state and flush the GKS state
values to the metafile.
- = 3
reestablish the color table and flush the current GKS state values to the
metafile (not the values in IAT and RAT). values to the metafile.
If IOPT equals 1 or 2, then IAT and RAT must be supplied, otherwise not.
(an input array of type INTEGER dimensioned for 14) that contains
GKS integer state variables as follows:
IAT( 1) = Clip indicator
IAT( 2) = Line type
IAT( 3) = Polyline color index
IAT( 4) = Marker type
IAT( 5) = Polymarker color index
IAT( 6) = Text font
IAT( 7) = Text precision
IAT( 8) = Text color index
IAT( 9) = Text path
IAT(10) = Text horizontal alignment
IAT(11) = Text vertical alignment
IAT(12) = Fill area interior style
IAT(13) = Fill are style index
IAT(14) = Fill area color index
(an input array of type REAL dimensioned for 7) that contains REAL GKS
attribute settings as follows:
RAT( 1) = Linewidth scale factor
RAT( 2) = Marker scale factor
RAT( 3) = Character expansion factor
RAT( 4) = Character spacing
RAT( 5) = Character height in world coordinates
RAT( 6) = Character up vector, X component in world coordinates
RAT( 7) = Character up vector, Y component in world coordinates
(an input variable of type INTEGER) that specifies the number of colors
in the color table supplied in argument CTAB, described below.
NCOLRS can be 0 .
(an input variable of type INTEGER) that specifies the color index
associated with the first color in the color table CTAB
(all other color indices are filled in in sequence). For example, if
NCOLRS = 3 and NSTART = 4, then the color values defined in CTAB would
be used to define color indices 4, 5, and 6.
(in the FORTRAN version of this routine, a two-dimensional input array of type REAL dimensioned CTAB(3,NCOLRS); in the C version of this routine, a one-dimensional input array of type Gcolr_rep dimensioned ctab[ncolrs])
that specifies a color table used to initialize the reopened metafile.
This color table does not
necessarily have to agree with the color table in effect when the
original metafile was created.
The most common usage of NGREOP would be in conjunction with usage
of NGSRAT and NGMFTC. NGMFTC would be used to temporarily close
a metafile and NGSRAT used to save the state of the GKS primitive
attributes at the time of the close. To reopen the temporarily
closed metafile you would call NGREOP with the attribute settings
previously saved and a setting of IOPT of 2. NGMFTC can be used
to temporarily close a metafile any time after it has been opened,
even in the middle of a picture.
NGREOP only reopens the metafile and does not activate it. It will
be necessary to call GACWK before sending graphics primitives to the
reopened metafile.
NGREOP can also be used to reopen a previously created metafile -
either created in an independent job step, or in the same job step.
The following sequence:
... do stuff
CALL NGREOP(CALL NGREOP(1, 2, 1, 'gmeta1', 2, IAT, RAT,
would temporarily close the metafile with workstation ID of 1 (in this
case a metafile with name "gmeta1") and save the GKS state variables
at the time of the close. Then the call to NGREOP would reopen the
metafile for appending.
Use the ncargex command to see the following relevant example:
To use NGREOP or c_ngreop, load the NCAR Graphics libraries ncarg, ncarg_gks,
and ncarg_c, preferably in that order.
NGREOP issues the same messages as those issued by GOPWK.
Copyright (C) 1987-2009
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.
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