mongoc_gridfs_file_list_t (3) - Linux Manuals
mongoc_gridfs_file_list_t: mongoc_gridfs_file_list_t provides a gridfs file list abstraction. It provides iteration and basic marshalling on top of a regular mongoc_collection_find() style query. In interface, it's styled after mongoc_cursor_t.
mongoc_gridfs_file_list_t - mongoc_gridfs_file_list_t provides a gridfs file list abstraction. It provides iteration and basic marshalling on top of a regular mongoc_collection_find() style query. In interface, it's styled after mongoc_cursor_t.SYNOPSIS
#include <mongoc.h> typedef struct _mongoc_gridfs_file_list_t mongoc_gridfs_file_list_t;
mongoc_gridfs_file_list_t provides a gridfs file list abstraction. It provides iteration and basic marshalling on top of a regular mongoc_collection_find(3) style query. In interface, it's styled after mongoc_cursor_t \&.
mongoc_gridfs_file_list_t *list; mongoc_gridfs_file_t *file; list = mongoc_gridfs_find (gridfs, query); while ((file = mongoc_gridfs_file_list_next (list))) { do_something(file); mongoc_gridfs_file_destroy (file); } mongoc_gridfs_file_list_destroy (list);
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