mongoc_collection_get_write_concern (3) - Linux Manuals
mongoc_collection_get_write_concern: Fetches the default write concern to be used on write operations originating from collection and not specifying a write concern.
Command to display mongoc_collection_get_write_concern
manual in Linux: $ man 3 mongoc_collection_get_write_concern
mongoc_collection_get_write_concern() - Fetches the default write concern to be used on write operations originating from collection and not specifying a write concern.
const mongoc_write_concern_t *
mongoc_collection_get_write_concern (const mongoc_collection_t *collection);
- collection
Fetches the default write concern to be used on write operations originating from
and not specifying a write concern.
that should not be modified or freed.
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Pages related to mongoc_collection_get_write_concern
- mongoc_collection_get_last_error (3) - The mongoc_collection_get_last_error() function shall return getLastError document, according to write_concern on last executed command for current collection instance.
- mongoc_collection_get_name (3) - Fetches the name of collection.
- mongoc_collection_get_read_concern (3) - Fetches the default read concern to be used on read operations originating from collection.
- mongoc_collection_get_read_prefs (3) - Fetches the default read preferences to use for collection. Operations without specified read-preferences will default to this.
- mongoc_collection_aggregate (3) - This function shall execute an aggregation query on the underlying 'collection'. The bson 'pipeline' is not validated, simply passed along as appropriate to the server. As such, compatibility and errors should be validated in the appropriate server documentation.
- mongoc_collection_command (3) - This function shall execute a command on a collection. This is performed lazily and therefore requires calling mongoc_cursor_next() on the resulting cursor structure. The cursor should be freed with mongoc_cursor_destroy() when no longer in use.
- mongoc_collection_command_simple (3) - This is a simplified version of mongoc_collection_command() that returns the first result document in reply. The parameter reply is initialized even upon failure to simplify memory management.
- mongoc_collection_copy (3) - Performs a deep copy of the collection struct and its configuration. Useful if you intend to call mongoc_collection_set_write_concern, mongoc_collection_set_read_prefs, or mongoc_collection_set_read_concern, and want to preserve an unaltered copy of the struct.
- mongoc_collection_count (3) - This function shall execute a count query on the underlying 'collection'. The bson 'query' is not validated, simply passed along as appropriate to the server. As such, compatibility and errors should be validated in the appropriate server documentation.
- mongoc_collection_count_with_opts (3) - This function shall execute a count query on the underlying 'collection'. The bson 'query' is not validated, simply passed along as appropriate to the server. As such, compatibility and errors should be validated in the appropriate server documentation.
- mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation (3) - This function shall begin a new bulk operation. After creating this you may call various functions such as mongoc_bulk_operation_update(), mongoc_bulk_operation_insert() and others.
- mongoc_collection_create_index (3) - This function will request the creation of a new index.
- mongoc_collection_delete (3) - This function shall delete documents in the given collection that match selector. The bson selector is not validated, simply passed along as appropriate to the server. As such, compatibility and errors should be validated in the appropriate server documentation.
- mongoc_collection_destroy (3) - This function shall destroy a mongoc_collection_t and its associated resources.
- mongoc_collection_drop (3) - This function requests that a collection be dropped, including all indexes associated with the collection.
- mongoc_collection_drop_index (3) - This function requests than an index on collection be dropped. In the event of an error it returns false and error is set.
- mongoc_collection_ensure_index (3) - None
- mongoc_collection_find (3) - This function shall execute a query on the underlying collection.
- mongoc_collection_find_and_modify (3) - Update and return an object.
- mongoc_collection_find_and_modify_with_opts (3) - Update and return an object.
- mongoc_collection_find_indexes (3) - None
- mongoc_collection_insert (3) - This function shall insert document into collection.