glutPositionWindow (3) - Linux Manuals

glutPositionWindow: Request to change the position of the current window


glutPositionWindow - Request to change the position of the current window


OpenGLUT - window


In openglut.h Ft void Fn glutPositionWindow int x int y


Bf Em
 x Ef
       Requested horizontal position of the current window

Bf Em
 y Ef
       Requested vertical position of the current window


The glutPositionWindow() function requests that the window system position a top-level or subwindow relative to the top-left corner. Subwindows are typically resized and repositioned in response to window resize events.


The position of top-level windows is ultimately determined by the windowing system. Therefore, a position request by an OpenGLUT application may not necessarily succeed.

May not take immediate effect; wait for the callback.

Not applicable to offscreen windows.