exstream (3) - Linux Manuals
exstream: Playing audio streams. Allegro game programming library.
exstream - Playing audio streams. Allegro game programming library.SYNOPSIS
#include <allegro.h>
This program shows how to use the audio stream functions to transfer large blocks of sample data to the sound card. In this case, the sample data is generated during runtime, and the resulting sound reminds of a car engine when you are accelerating.SEE ALSO
AUDIOSTREAM(3), END_OF_MAIN(3), SCREEN_H(3), SCREEN_W(3), allegro_error(3), allegro_init(3), allegro_message(3), clear_to_color(3), desktop_palette(3), font(3), free_audio_stream_buffer(3), get_audio_stream_buffer(3), install_keyboard(3), install_sound(3), install_timer(3), keypressed(3), makecol(3), play_audio_stream(3), readkey(3), screen(3), set_gfx_mode(3), set_palette(3), stop_audio_stream(3), textprintf_centre_ex(3), voice_start(3), voice_stop(3)